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Wednesday, August 13, 2014

August Link Collection Part I

Man who filmed NYPD choke hold video arrested on weapons charges
(Reuters) - A man who filmed a New York City police officer use a choke hold on a suspect who later died has been arrested on weapons charges, law enforcement officials said on Sunday.
Over 140 international legal experts and human rights ...
Statement: Legal experts and human rights defenders demand international community end Israel’s collective punishment of Gaza
Syria Analysis: Which Insurgents Captured Menagh Airbase — & Who Led Them?
Empfehlen Ihnen, die Propaganda einzustellen«
Dokumentation. Ein offener Brief an US-Präsident Barack Obama. Exgeheimdienstler bezweifeln die Stichhaltigkeit angeblicher Beweise, die für eine Schuld Rußlands am Absturz der Maschine des Malaysia-Airlines-Flugs 17 sprechen sollen
Ehemalige hochrangige US-Geheimdienstmitarbeiter haben am 29. Juli 2014 einen offenen Brief an US-Präsident Barack Obama veröffentlicht. Er ist eine Reaktion auf die bisher durch nichts belegten Behauptungen und Beschuldigungen durch die US-Regierung im Zusammenhang mit dem Absturz von Malaysia-Airlines-Flug 17 über der Ostukraine und der sich zuspitzenden Konfrontation der USA mit Rußland. Im Brief üben sie nicht nur scharfe Kritik an der Art der »Beweisführung«, die jeden Beleg schuldig bleibt. Die Verfasser des Briefes sind in der US-Organisation »Ehemalige Geheimdienstler für Vernunft« (Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity, VIPS) zusammengeschlossen. Unter den Unterzeichnern befindet sich auch der ehemalige Technische Direktor der NSA, der lange vor Snowden zum »Wistleblower« geläuterte William Binney, der jüngst vor dem NSA-Untersuchungsausschuß des Bundestags in Berlin ausgesagt hat.
كلمة العقيد عبدالجبار عكيدي وابطال الجيش الحر والاخوة المجاهدين من داخل مطار منغ العسكري
Col Abdul Jabbar al Oqaidi signing off on a payment to support operations in other areas
Climate engineering and the risk of rapid climate change
Hamburg- Spiegelgebäude 07.08.14 - stoppt die Kriegspropaganda jetzt
Ukraine kills children
In February 2014 there was a forcible seizure of power in Ukraine. The power was seized by nationalists. They forbade the half of the population speaking nat...
Augenzeuge in der Ukraine: „Eine Kulturschande für Europa, was sich hier abspielt“
Einer der letzten westlichen Reporter in der Ostukraine hat mit scharfen Worten auf die Aufforderung der ukrainischen
Donezk:Aufforderung zum Massenexodus! EU schweigt!!!!
The General Secretary of United Nations (UN) Ban Ki-Moon collaborated in secret with Israel and the United States to weaken the effects of a Board of Inquiry's report accusing Israel of human rights violations in Gaza in Dec. 2008 – Jan. 2009.
Russian Regions Declare State of Emergency as 480,000 Fled Kiev's Ethnic Cleansing
The Ukrainian military offensive and ethnic cleansing in southeastern Ukraine caused a humanitarian catastrophe. Some 480,000, most of them Russian-spea
Prague's streets
Ihr wollt Onkel Sams Nutten sein? Dann zahlt dafür! | The Vineyard Saker – Deutsche Version
Russland, USA, Wirtschaftskrieg Ihr wollt Onkel Sams Nutten sein? Dann zahlt dafür!
August 7, 2014Ilja SchmelzerHinterlasse einen KommentarLiebe Freunde,Ich habe gerade eine kurze Pause von meinem Leben in der Realwelt gemacht um die große Neuigkeit des Tages zu kommentieren: Russland führt ein volles…
£30,000 cheese order stranded as Russia import ban bites
The Russian government signed a decree on Thursday which bans the import of beef, pork, poultry, meat, fish, fruits and vegetables, cheese, milk, and dairy products from the EU, US, Australia, Canada, and Norway.
Putins Wirtschaftsberater US Sanktionen gegen Russland fügen Deutschland 200 Mrd Euro Schaden zu
Ebola turning out to be joint bio and psych warfare assault from George Soros and Bill & Melinda...
US-Söldnertruppe Academi kämpft für Kiew
Die ukrainischen Truppen erhalten Unterstützung von 400 Söldnern des US-Militärdienstleisters Academi – früher Blackwater. Darüber hat der BND die Bundesregierung bereits Ende April informiert. In den USA stehen ehemalige Blackwater-Angestellte wegen der Tötung irakischer Zivilisten vor Gericht.
Simon Elliot, aka Al-Baghdadi, son of Jewish parents, Mossad agent
Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, so-called  ”Caliph,”  the head of ISIL (Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant is, according to sources reputed to originate from Edward Snowden, an actor named Elliot Shimon, a Mossad trained operative.
Under Jewish Rule
NATO is Desperate for War
NATO is Desperate for War By Pepe Escobar In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C.

Exposing Obama Regime's Support to Al Qaeda
ISIS: The Bombshell Interview to Impeach Obama
Eine der umfangreichsten Sammlung von "Mythen der sowjetischen Geschichte"
Vorhabendokumentation: Bundesregierung will geplante Gesetze geheim halten, wir veröffentlichen sie trotzdem

NATO’s Terror Hordes in Iraq a Pretext for Syria Invasion | New Eastern Outlook
Washington's Diabolical Agenda in Iraq: US Pledges "Humanitarian Airstrikes" against US...
The US has pledged assistance for victims of and even possible "airstrikes" against terrorists who have surrounded and threaten to eradicate thousands of religious minorities in Iraq. However, the ...
Who is hit hardest by Russia's trade ban?
Germany and Poland will lose the most trade with Russia, and neighboring Finland and Baltic states Lithuania and Latvia will lose a bigger proportion of their GDP. Norway will see fish sales to Russia disappear, and US damages would be very limited.
Russia Defense Ministry to open social network accounts to bring unbiased info to Pentagon
Russian Ministry is mulling creation of accounts in social networks to bring unbiased information about actions taken by Russian Armed Forces to representatives of the US intelligence community
Ukraine Soldiers recounting the Losses – ENG SUBS
Over 10,000 killed in Kiev’s punitive op - Ukrainian MP
ISIS Domestic Terror Threat Created by CIA and U.S. Military
According to the 2013 Poll, 59% of Americans had a negative view of Russia, 23% had a favorable opinion, and 18% were uncertain
According to polls in 2004, 62% of Finnish citizens had a negative view of Russia
US allies cultivated Islamic State. Now it sends message: 'We'll raise flag of Allah in White House'
As the Islamic State tears through minority communities in northern Iraq, the extremist terror group, that owes its ascendance to funding from US
Outrage as Glasgow City Council plans to fly Palestinian flag
GLASGOW has become the latest local authority to announce it will fly the Palestinian flag in a move that has been denounced as extremely "divisive".
Analyse < ★Wie-kommt-Barium-in-das-Regenwasser★ Findet man Barium im Regenwasser oder Schnee, gibt es zwei Möglichkeiten der Herkunft, denn in der Luft kommt Barium nicht vor: 1) radioaktiver Zerfall aus Cäsium 137 – dann muss aber Cäsium 137 aktuell in der Luft sein. 2) Ist Barium 138 zu messen (oder alle Isotope), dann ist die Quelle nicht im radioaktiven Fallout zu suchen. PDF-Datei > "
Irak: ISIS-Dschihadisten wüten in Christengebieten
Im Irak ziehen die ISIS-Dschihadisten ihre Spur der Zerstörung immer weiter durchs Land. Seit Donnerstag stehen die Städte Karakosh, Tall Kayf, Bar...
The Mathematics of Marriage: Predicting Divorce (John Gottman)
Zionists in NYC ready to lynch Americans protesting Genocide
Nato will ukrainische Armee mit europäischen Steuergeldern finanzieren
Europäische Steuergelder könnten demnächst für die militärischen Operationen der ukrainischen Armee angezapft werden. Nato-Generalsekretär Asmussen hat darüber am Donnerstag mit dem ukrainischen Premier Jazeniuk verhandelt.
Russian Defense Ministry concerned over Jen Psaki's poor geography knowledge
The ministry's spokesperson specified that the range, where the drills were taking place, was in more than 620 miles away from the Ukrainian border, and not "in areas bordering Ukraine"
Mars Attacks! - Destruction Scene (2)
Mars Attacks! General and President dies ( English )
Mars Attacks: We Come In Peace
IDF Hamas Human Shield Manual a Sloppy Forgery - The Evidence
The Israeli Defense Force just got caught red handed manufacturing fake evidence to prop up their Gaza narrative
The HELL Metta with the Constitution
Kiev ends ceasefire at MH17 crash site
“The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it's profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.”
― Frank Zappa
Moscow’s food ban could cost EU $16bn, spark crisis in Europe

Russia’s ban on agricultural food imports could cost the European Union about $16 billion (12 billion euro) and drag the continent into the crisis, officials warn.
Nato-Chef droht Russland neue Wirtschaftssanktionen an
Vor dem Hintergrund der andauernden Ukraine-Krise hat Nato-Generalsekretär Anders Fogh Rasmussen Russland neue Wirtschaftssanktionen in Aussicht gestellt.
"Warum werden die Sprachaufzeichnungen der ukrainischen Fluglotsen nicht veröffentlicht? Warum bleiben die AWACS-Daten unter Verschluss?
Und wo bleiben die Aufnahmen des Voice-Recorders aus der malaysischen Maschine?

Würden diese Informationen vorliegen, könnte man mit hoher Wahrscheinlichkeit den Vorgängen am 17. Juli deutlich näher kommen. "
Scientists at the U.S. Department of Energy's Idaho National Laboratory in Idaho Falls have fused nanotechnology to solar cells in order to harvest infrared radiation - day or night.
SolarReserve has developed a system that uses solar energy to heat molten salts during the daytime, which in turn generate heat that spin turbines at night.
Ukraine-Krise: Zusammenstöße zwischen Aktivisten und Bataillonen der Rechtsordnung in Kiew
Zu Zusammenstößen zwischen Kundgebungsteilnehmern auf dem Maidan in Kiew und Polizei-Bataillionen „Kiew-1“ und „Kiew-2“ ist es am Donnerstag gekommen, berichtet RIA
OSCE: No Russian violations on Ukrainian border
The OSCE monitoring mission on the Russian-Ukrainian border has registered no violations of international law by the Russian side during its week-long stay at the Gukovo and Donetsk checkpoints, mission head Paul Picard said.
US analysts conclude MH17 downed by aircraft
“Nobody before Haisenko had noticed that the projectiles had ripped through that panel from both its left side and its right side. This is what rules out any ground-fired missile,” Parry had said."
Sanctions and Counteractions or Challenge and Response!topic/geoengineering/hukjoea3Lp8
New ideas (3) on how to cool the Planet: Earth Radiation Management (ERM) versus SRM
<Global warming problem is not due to sunlight radiation, but to IR>
Abductions, lawlessness: Amnesty International slams pro-Kiev ‘vigilantes’
The Mathematics of Marriage: Predicting Divorce (John Gottman)
If you don’t want to support Israel in their genocide of Palestinians, don’t buy any products with the bar code 729. But be aware that just because a product does not have 729 as its bar code, does not mean it is not from Israel.
Ohne Konflikt braucht Washington die Ukraine nicht

Wie ein Vertreter des US-Verteidigungsministeriums mitteilte, sei am 5. August eine Sondergruppe des Pentagons „zur Unterstützung bei der Untersuchung“ der Absturzumstände der
Nachgerichtet: Spiegel bald K.O. - Das Maß ist voll: Massenhafte Kündigungen von SPIEGEL-Abos...
Seven NATO countries end Black Sea war games

BUCHAREST (Reuters) - Seven NATO countries completed naval exercises in the Black Sea on Thursday, officials said, in a signal of the alliance's resolve to support east European members who have been unnerved
Russia Plans to Increase Food Imports from Latin America
Russia’s agricultural watchdog, Rosselkhoznadzor, said it will hold consultations on Thursday with several Latin American countries on expansion of their food supplies to Russia.
Ron Paul reagiert auf den ukrainischen Angriff auf

Nächtliche Eskalation im Asylzentrum Traiskirchen in Niederösterreich: Syrische Flüchtlinge wollten einen ebenfalls um Asyl ansuchenden Landsmann als Al- Kaida- Kämpfer entlarvt haben. Zahlreiche Flüchtlinge versuchten daraufhin, den Syrer zu lynchen.
"Support MH17 Truth": OSCE Monitors Identify "Shrapnel and Machine Gun-Like Holes" indicating...
The OSCE confirms the existence of "machine gun like holes", without acknowledging that these cannot be caused by a missile. Were these small holes caused by a GSh-302 firing gun (rpm 3000) operat...
ISIL militants are said to have infiltrated into Lebanon after suffering defeats in Syria’s Qalamoun region.
US and NATO up for new anti-Russia provocation, this time in the Baltic - Expert

A US Air Force spy plane while on a mission along Russian borders violated the Swedish airspace. Stockholm didn’t seem to mind, though the Swedish government requested explanations from the US Embassy in Sweden.

“I don’t believe that the air space of Sweden was violated. I think that there was an agreement between the US and Sweden about kind of a legal violation of the air space. I think that Sweden is giving plenty of aid to the US intelligence against Russia”, Johan Backmann, Doctor of Social Sciences at the University of Helsinki, told Radio VR.
“It is very well known that Sweden was providing the US with the intelligence information about Russia. And it is very likely that Sweden is now cooperating with the US against Russia in this very tense situation, where it is very probable that the US is preparing another provocation in the Baltic Sea against Russia. It is not excluded that the US is planning to shoot down another airplane in the Baltic Sea and then blame Russia and Kaliningrad for that”, he added.

Follow the link to read more and listen to the whole interview on the Radio VR's Burning Point program:
SHOCKING! Life Amongst The Rubble In Gaza As Entire Streets Are Destroyed
American media refuse to meet with Ukrainian servicemen who asked for asylum in Russia

Russia’s Foreign Ministry stated that out of all American journalists, only representatives of Bloomberg came to the meeting
US-Medien verzichten auf Treffen mit ukrainischen Soldaten
Journalisten der größten US-Medien haben laut Maria Sacharowa, Vizedirektorin des Informations- und Presseamtes des russischen Außenministeriums, auf die vom russischen Verteidigungs
Putin says U.S. is parasite on global economy

LAKE SELIGER, Russia (Reuters) - Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin accused the United States Monday of living beyond its means like a parasite on the global economy and said dollar dominance was a
Seven members of Syria family executed by jihadists
ISIS jihadists execute seven members of a single family from the Ismaili minority in the central Syrian province of Hama overnight, state media and an activist group say.
About "prisoners"
Noam Chomsky: The Time America Almost Blew Up the World -- Over and Over Again
Ever since the first nuclear weapon was deployed, we have been playing with fire.
Krieg in Gaza: Über 2000 Tote, 84 Prozent Zivilisten (neues deutschland)
Der Krieg in Gaza kostete offenbar deutlich mehr Menschen idas Leben als bisher angenommen. Nach Angaben palästinensischen Menschenrechtler starben insgesamt 1938 Palästinenser. Auch die materiellen Schäden sind enorm.
Islamic State expands militant campaign into Lebanon
In the Name of Humanity, Stop the Israeli Slaughter in Gaza: More than 1,800 Killed and almost...
The Ministry of Health Gaza condemns in the strongest possible terms the Israeli breaking of the humanitarian ceasefire in a murderous attack on the Al-Bakri family home in Al-Shaati refugee camp i...
Strelkov: I have ordered that officers of the 25th airmobile brigade should never be taken prisoner/POW. Never!
Ebola Outbreak Connected To Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and George Soros | Alternative
George Soros’s foundation funds the Kenema bioweapons lab at the focus of the Ebola outbreak, and which is about to
US bioweapons lab with links to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation at core of Ebola epidemic

Update: July 31, 2014 Second US doctor now infected with Ebola in Liberia. US bioweapons lab in Sierra Leone at t...
Secret serum likely saved Ebola patient<I wonder if this "top secret serum" has anything to do with the US government patent on ebola?>
Three top secret, experimental vials were flown into Liberia last week in a last-ditch effort to save Americans infected with Ebola, a source says.
Hinter der Fichte: MH17: ARD-Presseclub grätscht rein.
NATO-Mann der Süddeutschen. „Es gibt eine Fülle von Indizien. Die westlichen Regierungen sind mittlerweile wirklich überzeugt davon, dass es ungebrochen einen Fluss von schwerem Kriegsgerät aus Russland in die Ukraine gibt.“ Jedes Kleinkind würde hier fragen: Woher willst´n das wissen? Nicht so die ARD.
Over 400 Ukrainian troops cross into Russia for refuge
According to the Rostov Region’s border guard spokesman Vasily Malaev, a total of 438 soldiers, including 164 Ukrainian border guards, have been allowed into Russia.
OSCE monitors and journos come under shelling from Ukraine at Russian border

Russian border checkpoint at the Gukovo crossing was shelled from the Ukrainian side twice on Sunday. OSCE observers and journalists were working at the checkpoint when it was attacked.
gebt mal ---> US 20120251502 A1 <--- bei Google ein!
Since Israel's "Operation Protective Edge" began, 1,511 Palestinians and 66 Israelis have been killed.

The death ratio is currently 1:22, with 22 Palestinians killed for each Israeli killed. If only including civilians, the ratio rises drastically to 1:425 (425 Palestinian civilians killed for each Israeli civilian killed).

The violence was not initiated by Hamas, who didn't fire any rockets until after Israel bombed government officials' homes in Gaza and killed two people, including a child.

Additionally, Israeli forces killed 186 Palestinians from July 8th - 14th before the first Israeli was killed on July 15th.

Israel is not defending itself... It is committing a massacre.
Surprise! Ebola Outbreak Connected To Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and George Soros
U.S. Weaponized Ebola rages out of control; SIERRA LEONE The Ministry of Health and Sanitation announced yesterday it had ordered Tulane University to stop ebola testing and the US bioweapons laboratory at Kenema to be relocated in response to growing anger from locals. Tulane University conducts bioweapons research on behalf of the U.S. ARMY Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases
Mystery Bombing Runs Over Ukraine
- "Fighter bombers attacking EastUkraine, flying with Ukrainian Air Force markings, have been traced to air bases in Romania, Moldova and Azerbaijan"...
Israel explains to the media the killing of civilians in Gaza
1.We haven’t heard reports of deaths, will check into it.
2.The people were killed, but by a faulty Palestinian rocket/bomb.
3.Ok we killed them, but they were terrorists.
4.Ok they were civilians, but they were being used as human shields.
5.Ok there were no fighters in the area, so it was our mistake. But we kill civilians by accident, they do it on purpose.
6.Ok we kill far more civilians than they do, but look at how terrible other countries are.
7.Why are you still talking about Israel? Are you some kind of anti-Semite?
CNN Helen Thomas 'Jews don't have the right to take other people's land'
12 Ukraine soldiers lay down arms
Twelve Ukrainian soldiers lay down their arms and cross into Russia.
70 bodies found in Rafah as death toll hits 1,830
Zwangsmobilmachung in der Ukraine. Jeder darf mal.
Der Sohn des ukrainischen Verteidigungsminister Valerij Geletej hat einen Einberufungsbescheid bekommen. Das hat der Minister den Medien selbst erzählt. "Heute kam der Einberufungsbescheid. Er (der Sohn) ist nicht in Kiew, aber er lässt alles liegen und begibt sich sofort zum…
USA, who really controls the United States
A video from . It perfectly shows what a puppet government the USA has, and who is really in charge.
AIPAC: The Israeli Lobby
The United States supports Israel in a variety of ways. We give them all sorts of military and economic support, roughly 3 billion dollars a year....
Ukrainian Journalist Openly Calls for Genocide on Hromadske TV, Financed by the US and the...
Ukrainian Journalist Openly Calls for Genocide on Hromadske TV, Financed by the US and the Netherlands
Islamic State seizes 3 Iraqi towns & oil field in offensive against Kurds

In the latest battles with Kurdish militia, the extremist Islamic State has captured three towns and an oil field in a major land grab in northern Iraq.
Netanyahu tells US ‘not to ever second guess me again’
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu tells the White House "not to ever second guess me again."
ZDF Auslandsjournal beweist: Israel manipulierte Berichterstattung über den Tod der 3 Siedler
 Armee und Geheimdienst verhängten eine Nachrichtensperre als bekannt wurde, dass die 3 entführten Schüler schon am Tag ihrer Entführung tot waren.
Man lies die Bevölkerung bewusst in dem Glauben es handele sich um eine Entführung um Stimmung gegen die Palästinenser zu machen.
Es entstand die seitens der Regierung unterstütze Kampagne
Bring back our Boys.
siehe auch: Armee und Geheimdienst verhängten eine Nachrichtensperre als bekannt wurde, dass die 3 entführten Schüler ...
Lidar droplet size monitor for in-flight measurement of aircraft engine exhaust contrails, droplets and aerosols
Injecting alcohol nucleating agent and freezing point depressant into hot exhaust gases
US 5005355 A
Method of suppressing formation of contrails and solution therefor
US 4766725 A
11 U.S. Patent 4766725 Method of Contrail Formation Supression August 30 1988.pdf
11 U.S. Patent 5005355 Contrail Solution and Supression April 9 1991.pdf
11 U.S. Patent 5546183 Monitor for in flight Measurement of Engine Exhaust Contrails etc. 1996.pdf
SOTT EXCLUSIVE: Ukraine's Nazi regime has begun forced mobilization and rounds up all men like...
It came to our attention that Ukraine's Junta started to forcefully mobilize all men aged 18-60. Everyday more and more families receive draft notices. Young man are being caught on the street or on the trains and are being taken away by force....
The Model State Emergency Health Powers Act: planning for and response to bioterrorism and naturally occurring infectious diseases.
UN Report Says Small-Scale Organic Farming Only Way To Feed The World
Into the fray: Why Gaza must go

The only durable solution requires dismantling Gaza, humanitarian relocation of the non-belligerent Arab population, and extension of Israeli sovereignty over the region.

Dr Jasper Kirby explains Prior and Ongoing Atmospheric Geo-Engineering by Jet Planes
Cosmic rays and climate.
Jasper Kirkby (speaker) (CERN)
CERN. Geneva
General overview: European Integrated project on Aerosol Cloud
Climate and Air Quality interactions (EUCAARI) – integrating
aerosol research from nano to global scales
Jasper Kirkby: The CLOUD experiment at CERN
many links
Berlin zweifelt erstmals an Kiew: Ukrainische Armee beschießt Absturzstelle
Erstmals äußert die Bundesregierung leise Kritik an der von ihr bisher bedingungslos unterstützten Regierung in Kiew:
Moskau überzeugt: EU wird als Sondergerät getarnte Waffen an Kiew liefern
Experten der russischen Staatsduma gehen davon aus, dass EU-Länder nach ihrer jüngsten Exportlockerung für Kiew als Sondergerät getarnte Waffen an die Ukraine liefern werden. „Aber niemand wird von Waffenlieferungen offen sprechen“, sagte der Vizechef des Verteidigungsausschusses der Duma, Franz Kli…
California and Ukraine National Guard gear up for military collaboration in 2015
It may come as a surprise to many American taxpayers that the US National Guard has nearly two dozen state partnerships with foreign countries, most of which were once part of the Soviet Union.
Dissecting IDF propaganda: The numbers behind the rocket attacks
In this brief study, I examine the many numbers cited by the Israeli military relating to Gaza rocket attacks into Israel. To begin, Israeli spokespeople frequently remind the world that a million ...
Proportionality (law) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Proportionality is a general principle in law which covers several special (although related) concepts. The concept of proportionality is used as a criterion of fairness and justice in statutory interpretation processes, especially in constitutional law, as a logical method intended to assist in dis…
Poroshenko blasts MPs as ‘fifth column’ after E. Ukraine 'terrorist' bill fails
Ukraine’s president, Petro Poroshenko, has blasted the country’s parliament as a “fifth column which cannot recognize the Lugansk and Donetsk People’s Republics as terrorist groups.” The country is in need of snap parliamentary elections, he added.
'US lawmakers forced to support Israel' - Cynthia McKinney on PressTV

Former US lawmaker Cynthia McKinney says every candidate for Congress has to sign a pledge to vote for supporting the military superiority of Israel. "Every ...
UN building in Gaza shelled five times within one hour - official
Understand our challenges, Modi tells US on India’s WTO veto
India Slams US Global Hegemony By Scuttling Global Trade Deal, Puts Future Of WTO In Doubt
Empathic people are natural targets for sociopaths - protect yourself --
The empathy trap: therapists and counselors almost by definition are empathic, to facilitate clients' recovery - but this quality can mean those carers are targets for sociopaths, aided by what Dr Jane & Tim McGregor call "apaths". The first...
Wo haben die aufständischen Bürger in der Ost-Ukraine eigentlich ihre Waffen her? Nicht etwa von Putin, sondern aus dem Weltkriegsmuseum:
Dusk of the Empire: 10 facts about Russia in World War I
Over 100 Gaza civilians killed overnight as Israel searches for missing IDF soldier
The Israel military offensive on Gaza took more than 100 lives overnight, as the IDF is searching for a missing soldier. Hamas, blamed by Israel for kidnapping the soldier, denies the allegation. Some reports say he may have been killed by friendly fire.
'If anybody is more guilty of Gaza conflict than the Israelis, it is the Americans'
Israel gets signals from the US that it can do whatever it wants, so Tel-Aviv keeps refurbishing its weapons so that it could kill more Gazans, independent researcher and writer Soraya Sepahpour-Ulrich told RT.
"Und nochmal:

(Ganz nebenbei: so viel zu Thema WIKIPEDIA ALS VERLÄSSLICHE QUELLE, *hust* )

Was uns die Mainstream verschweigen sieht man im CBS Canada TV ll!
M. Bociurkiw, einer der ersten OSZE-Ermittler am Wrack, bestätigt Einschüsse an der Aussenwand von FlugMH17: Er spricht von Maschinengewehrkugeln. Dafür spricht auch die Aufnahme.

dazu auch folgende Aussage eines erfahrenen Piloten:

immer wieder wird argumentiert, die SU 25 habe eine Dienstgipfelhöhe von 7.000 Metern und kann so die MH 017 nicht abgeschossen haben. Wer sich auf Wikipedia kundig machen will, wird das bestätigt bekommen. Wer sich aber die Mühe macht sein Wissen auf Fachseiten zu erweitern, der erhält eine ganz andere, die richtige Dienstgipfelhöhe: 14.600 Meter. Zum Beispiel hier:

Dazu ist sagen: Bis 15.07.2014 wurde in Wikipedia, sowohl in deutsch als auch in englisch, die Dienstgipfelhöhe der SU 25 mit „ca. 10.000 Meter“ angegeben. Am 16.07.2014 standen an denselben Stellen nur noch 7.000 Meter. Die MH 017 ist am 17.07.2014 abgeschossen worden. Vergleichen Sie den Zeitablauf. Im Wikipedia-Diskussionsforum ist ein riesiger „shitstorm“ über die falsche Dienstgipfelhöhe entbrannt. Wikipedia zeigt sich unbeeindruckt. (Wer sich gut im Netz auskennt, kann die obigen Angaben auf überprüfen.)

Das Handbuch “Flugzuge der Welt” von W.Green aus 1984 S.208f., einem Standardwerk, das i.w. die Daten der militärischen “Janes”-Handbücher wiedergibt und auch “NATO”-Referenz gewesen ist, bestimmt für die 1984 erstmals aufgeführte SU-25 eine Dienstgipfelhöhe schon in der ersten Exportversion der SU-25 (SU-25 MK, auf die sich die westliche Referenz bezieht) von 10.670 Metern.

Atef ASamili and ambulance worker killed when his ambulance was bombed; according to Ma'an this is sixteen dead health workers. Are not health workers supposed to be exempted from hostilities under the rules of war?
‘Lies, hypocrisy, propaganda’: Russia slams US over claims of nuclear treaty violations
“The US report is a catalogue of cooked-up quibbles about others, without a single attempt to look at their own reflection in the mirror.”
Ganz gewöhnlicher Faschismus im ukrainischen Fernsehen, und sie wollen in die EU!
US State Dept offers ‘no comment’ on ballistic missiles fired by Kiev forces
In the past two days, Kiev’s forces have launched several short-range ballistic missiles into areas in eastern Ukraine
Kiev 'good guys' fire ballistic missiles into E. Ukraine – CNN
In the past two days Kiev’s forces have launched several short-range ballistic missiles into areas in east Ukraine
Kiev did use ballistic missiles in E. Ukraine, NATO source confirms to DW
NATO has confirmed that Ukrainian forces have started using powerful ballistic missiles against militants in the east of the country. Kiev previously denied the fact, revealed to DW television by NATO sources in Brussels.

Veteran US Intelligence Analysts to Obama: Provide Evidence or Stop Lying About Malaysia Plane Crash
U.S.–Russian intensions are building in a precarious way over Ukraine.
Vastine median ja päättäjien negatiiviseen Venäjä julkilausumiin
Steven Cohen writes in "The Nation"  "The Silence of American Hawks About Kiev's Atrocities". It is a wise and objective analysis. I am writing about the silence of the Finnish media and most part of the political elite in Finland. The anti-Putin propaganda is at its height when the Institute of Foreign Policy of Finland representative is giving his statement about the downing of the Malesian passanger plane, without any evidence what so ever.

The Institute of Foreign Policy's task is to give scientific support to the Finnish Parliament on questions on foreign policy. Now it seems to have degraded to the status of a propaganda machine.
American general was wounded, three officers killed by militia
The American Aggression Enablement Act and the US’ Eurasian Thrust (II)
The American Aggression Enablement Act and the US’ Eurasian Thrust (I)
«Nur mithilfe der Rebellen kommen wir zur Absturzstelle»
Seit Tagen versuchen die OSZE-Beobachter in der Ukrainer zur Absturzstelle von Flug MH17 zu gelangen. Der Vize-Chef der Mission, der Schweizer Alexander Hug, beschreibt, welch ein Spiessrutenlauf das ist.
WWI tragedy reminds us what excessive ambitions lead to – Putin
The tragedy of WWI reminds us what excessive ambitions, an unwillingness to listen to each other and violations of liberties lead to, Russian President Vladimir Putin said.
И. Стрелков, В. Антюфеев, срочное заявление! 31.07
31.07.2014, Донецк, Дом правительства. Срочное обращение Игоря Стрелкова и Владимира Антюфеева. Киев готовит удары ракетами "Точка-У" по промышленным объекта...
und das Video der Erklärung mit engl. Untertiteln.
Vorbereitung zum Terrorakt | Novorossia news
Jetzt eine äußerst wichtige Information, die Igor Iwanowitsch Strelkow gebeten hat, bekannt zu machen. Wir erhielten sie praktisch gerade eben.
Ukraine and Crimea’s Vanishing Gold
Ukraine's Refugees — RTD Films
Thousands of civilians are fleeing Ukraines towns and villages that are subject to Government airstrikes.
It may not be entirely surprising that HRW and others interpret international law in a way that serves rich and powerful western states, however many civilians they kill, and criminalises developing states, however few civilians they kill. The current fighting in Gaza illustrates this point in dramatic fashion. Some 95% of the 64 Israelis who have been killed during the current fighting are soldiers; some 75% of the nearly 1,500 Palestinians who have been killed are civilian.
Everyone I know is brokenhearted.
Falls es jemanden interessiert, was der Europarat alles so beschließt.. hier findet ihr sämtliche Beschlüsse (in deutscher Sprache)
Russland plant eigenes Internet: Der Weg aus der digitalen Abhängigkeit der USA
Russland plant die Unabhängigkeit von den USA. Deshalb sollen bis 2015 erste Satelliten für ein eigenes Web ins All geschossen werden.
"There is a war coming in Europe"
Yes, an Israeli newspaper did publish a blog about 'when Genocide is permissible'
---Yes, an Israeli newspaper did publish a blog about 'when Genocide is permissible'Posted in 10 minutes by Dina Rickman in newsUpvoteUpvotedThe Times of Israel withdrew a blog post by Yochanan Gordon, the founder of American Paper the Five Towns Jewish Times, on Friday afternoon.The post, about the…
Facts All US Citizens Need to Know About Israel and Palestine
Gaza (along with the West Bank and East Jerusalem) is occupied Palestinian territory under international law, determined by the vast majority of the world, as well as the highest court in the world...
MH17 Investigators Fell Very Comforatble and Very Safe Working With Speratists on Investiagtion
Australia Airforce Chief Marshall Angus Houston Speaks
Contrary to Western media: "We found the separatists there to be professional, co-operative & essentially helpful to our purposes of removing remains & perhaps later on removing wreckage." - Commander of the Royal Australian air force Air Marshal Angus Houston
wo-Faced Deception – The Façade of Genocide.
The United States confirmed it had restocked Israel’s supplies of ammunition, hours after issuing a strong condemnation of an attack on a United Nations school in Gaza.
Fighting resumes in Gaza after start of 72-hour ceasefire
At least four Palestinians have been killed since a 72-hour UN brokered truce came into force between Israel and Hamas. The truce is the latest attempt to deescalate the three-week hostilities in Gaza, which has claimed over 1,400 lives.
After 24 days of IDF's mission, according to the Palestinian Ministry of Health, the new death toll stands at no less than 1,437 people, Maan reports. On Thursday, 79 Palestinians were killed and 350 injured, health ministry spokesman al-Qidra said in a statement. The toll of those injured now stands at 8,265 people.
Afghanistan Has Cost the U.S. More Than the Marshall Plan
A new report shows that Afghanistan is nowhere near ready for a U.S. pullout
List of MH17 airframe parts;wap2
THE TRUTH about Kosovo, the KLA, the CIA, al Qaeda and the 9-11 Connection
CIA use kosovo terror camps to train terrorists destined for Syria
Литовский политик разложил по полочкам всю ситуацию по Украине, России, ЕС и США о
Inquiry into death of ex-Russian agent Litvinenko opens in London
It comes eight years after he was poisoned with radioactive polonium.
The Vineyard of the Saker: Urgent statement of Strelkov and Antiufeev
Inquiry into death of ex-Russian agent Litvinenko opens in London
Britain opened an inquiry Thursday into the death of former Russian intelligence officer Aleksandr Litvinenko. It comes eight years after he was poisoned with radioactive polonium.
Moskau zu neuen Sanktionen: EU redet USA nach dem Mund
Thema: Sanktionen gegen Russland
Moskau werde die Unselbständigkeit der EU in den bilateralen Beziehungen berücksichtigen.
Sommerferien: Stau-Gefahr wegen Panzer-Kolonnen
MH17 wurde nicht von einer Flugabwehrrakete getroffen
"Aus Sicht eines Experten ist ein Abschuss der Boeing 777 Flug MH 17 durch eine bodenständige Flugabwehrrakete mit hoher Wahrscheinlichkeit als Absturzursache auszuschließen. Diese Einschätzung ist trotz des unglaublichen Medienrummels möglich, wenn man sich an fachlich fundierte Erkenntnisse und Erfahrungen hält." - The Mother of an Ukrainian Soldier speaks out - English Subtitles
To understand Ukraine by Rolandas Paulauskas
to understand Ukraine... Rolandas Paulauskas - from YouTube

"We need all kinds of sanctions against the US for their multicriminal global policies, a kind of hegemony by the mafia.
This is not the way we can continue. If we do not want the third world war, we should start the stopping procedure right now," Christoph R. Hörstel, German political analyst, told in an exclusive interview with Radio VR, analyzing the Boeing tragedy in the context of US broader global policies.

How does the US response to ‪#‎MH17‬ tragedy measure up against America’s bad habit of using false pretexts to justify attacks against other countries? Do you agree with Mr. Hörstel?
Wenn wir unsere Freunde in Washington nicht rechtzeitig stoppen, droht ihre Kurzsicht-Politik den europäischen Kontinent anzuzünden.
Erster Schritt: schonungslose Benennung der Tatsachen.
Dann: eiligste Vorbereitung & Durchführung politischer Schritte.
<Investigating MH17 (Low)>
Susan Ormiston sits down with Michael Bociurkiw, the Canadian who was part of the first international monitors at the MH17 crash site.
Ausserdem besitzt die Su-25 1 × doppelläufige 30-mm-Maschinenkanone KBP Grjasew-Schipunow GSch-30-2 mit 250 Schuss Munition
Achtung, hier ist der vom Mainstream versteckte Beweis: M. Bociurkiw, einer der ersten OSZE-Ermittler am Wrack, bestätigt Einschüsse an der Aussenhaut von ‪#‎MH17‬ inkl. Bildern. (Ab min. 6:00, englisch) Empfehle download bevor es verschwindet. Es handelt sich um Einschüsse von Projektilen. Er spricht von Maschinengewehrkugeln. Dafür spricht auch die Aufnahme. Das kann nur ein Kampfjet. 30mm-Geschosse vom Boden erreichen keine 10 km.
CNN 2014 07 29 Ballistic missiles Ukraine
MH17 and the Economic Backlash of US Sanctions against Russia: The Rush to War?
Citing the downing of Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 as impetus, US President Barack Obama announced stronger sanctions against Russia leveled by both the US and EU. This comes after previous sancti...
Russische Börse legt trotz Sanktionen zu
Die Moskauer Börse bleibt unbeeindruckt von den verschärften Sanktionen gegen Russland und befindet sich weiter im Aufwind: Die Leitindizes stiegen, auch der Rubel stabilisierte sich. Nach gaben nur einzelne Kurse.
Snowden: 'Der Kopf von ISIS, Al Baghdadi, wurde vom Mossad ausgebildet' ist das erste und das einzige deutschsprachige Onlinemagazin über das wunderschöne Land Algerien.
Expert access to MH17 crash site 'fairly good' - OSCE mission
It took four days for international experts to gain access to the crash site. The reason is that even after Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko announced a 40-kilometer ceasefire zone around the crash site, Malaysian experts came under heavy shelling from the Ukrainian army while making their way within the ceasefire zone.
OSCE says full access to MH17 crash site given on July 20

The Special Monitoring Mission (SMM) of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OCSE) said they were given full access to the crash site of Malaysia Airlines (MAS) Flight MH17 on July 20 after initially being given only partial access.

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