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Friday, July 31, 2015

Link Collection July Part3

Wintershall to join Russia-led Nord Stream-2 gas pipeline
Exposed: France Will Pay Russia $1.27 Billion for Mistral Non-Delivery
The Guardian's Laughable Coverage of Russia Blacklisting NED
This article originally appeared at Off Guardian
Poll: 84% of Ukrainians would entrust Putin with Ukraine
Photo AP by Systematic A new information tragedy in Ukraine. It started so

innocently: the nationally conscious patriotic website organized a...
Palestinian baby burned to death after settlers set fire to West Bank home
Press TV Breaking on Twitter
Detroit Police Run Over and Kill Two Children, But They Keep Going As Three More

Are Hit

“The police were right on their rear, bumped their tail a little bit, and the

car flew up into the air,” an eyewitness to the horrifying police chase
Over 160 Horlivka Residents Killed by Kiev Forces' Shelling in 6 Months
Audio Released of Cop Shooting and Killing College Student for Speaking


In spite of shooting Robert Cameron Redus, a 23-year-old student at the

university, Corporal Christopher Carter was not arrested, indicted, nor even

WikiLeaks - Target Tokyo
Today, Friday 31 July 2015, 9am CEST, WikiLeaks publishes "Target Tokyo", 35 Top

Secret NSA targets in Japan including the Japanese cabinet and...
RELEASE: "Target Tokyo": NSA spied on Japanese PM and major corps such as

Six African-American women found dead in jail in July
A total of six African-American women have been found dead in police custody in

just the last month. Most of the deceased women had been in jail for no more

than two days and held for minor charges. Their deaths are all under

Clear As Mud: Hate Crime for Whites, Terrorism for Muslims
Finnish Paranoia Rages On: Helsinki Hell-Bent on Defending Against Russia
The Finns got hung up on the idea that Russians are coming for them: now they

want to militarize the ‪#‎AlandIslands‬ to defend the territory against Russian

‘little green men'.
"Give me control of a nation's money and I care not who makes it's laws" — Mayer

Amschel Bauer Rothschild
Russia Shoots Down US Stealth Coup | New Eastern Outlook
31.07.2015 Author: Tony Cartalucci Russia Shoots Down US Stealth Coup Column:

Politics Region: Caucasus Country: Armenia Times are tough for America’s

Times are tough for America’s “color revolution” industry. Perfected in Eastern

Europe after the fall of the Soviet Union, and honed during the so-called “Arab

Spring,” the process of backing subversion in a targeted country and

overthrowing a sitting government under the cover of staged mass protests

appears to be finally at the end of running its course.
Palestinian baby reportedly burned to death after settlers set fire to home -

Settlers reportedly started fire after throwing firebombs into West Bank house;

Hebrew graffiti was found at the scene, reading 'revenge' and 'long live the...|By Jack Khoury and Chaim Levinson and Gili Cohen
The MH 17 Crash: The Unanswered Questions
Western media sources were quick to point the finger at "Russian-backed rebels"

operating in Eastern Ukraine, operating a "Russian missile system" to down the

Malaysian Airlines flight MH 17 in Jul...
30 Turkish warplanes bomb PKK positions
At least 30 Turkish F-16 fighter jets have reportedly pounded PKK positions,

shelters and arms depots in northern Iraq.
Cop Rams 69-Yr-Old Man's Head Into Brick Wall
WTF this poor old defenseless man wasn't even doing anything, and this fat

disgusting tyrant waddles over to him and attacks him, just makes me sick!
The officer accused the man of being a "burglar" and claimed he was

"uncooperative" -- in reality, the man was just sitting on his front porch

minding his own business.
Watch 13 Conservative MPs drone on like robots reading the same script
Irresponsibly Bashing Russia Veto Against Establishing Kangaroo MH17 Tribunal
Neither Russia nor Donbass freedom fighters had anything to do with downing

MH17. Not a shred of evidence suggests it. Plenty points to Washington and...
Family Raided by SWAT and their Dog Shot, for Being Unable to Pay Utility Bill
ARD- und ZDF-Schmierenjournaille attackiert Jürgen Todenhöfer für mutigen

'Kremlin Trolls' Exist Purely in Pentagon Troll's 'Delirious Imagination'
Hunt for Russian sub over: Imperial vessel found off Swedish coast
Russia's New Maritime Doctrine Scares the Living Daylight out of NATO?
Tit for tat: ‪#‎NATO‬ should have thought twice before it started massive buildup

of its ‪#‎military‬ presence in Eastern Europe, now Russia is doing in response the

same right at NATO's borders. ‪#‎Navy‬
Russischer Konzern entdeckt im Sudan Feld mit 46.000 Tonnen Gold / Sputnik...
Blowing Things Up: US Wars Lead to One Disaster After Another
Moscow Hopes NATO Participates in Future Army Games
"I believe, there will come a day when our [‪#‎NATO‬] colleagues from Western

European countries, the United States will venture upon an open competition.
Israel Attacks Syria: Strike Kills Hezbollah, Syrian Government Militia Fighters

Near Golan Heights

Two of the dead were members of Hezbollah and three were part of a pro-Syrian

government militia.
Der Westen in Libyen: Geld für Bomben Ja - Geld für Wiederaufbau Nein
$17 Trillion U.S. DEBT - A Visual Perspective
What does $17 trillion dollars look like? A look into how much hard cash the US

government owes and the fiscal mess the United States is in. The national deb...
US Soldiers Arrested in Vienna Airport for Attempt to Carry Weapons to Ukraine

Saudi Arabia to buy 600 Patriot missiles for $5.4 bn — RT USA
Washington is set to approve a $5.4 billion sale of 600 advanced Patriot

missiles to Saudi Arabia. More such sales are expected in the coming months,

The US apparently believes that the unelected, autocratic absolute monarchy of

Saudi Arabia, who denies women existence as free human beings (can't even drive

and surely wouldn't be allowed to vote... if elections even occurred) and chops

off the heads of its enemies in public squares, should have its existence

preserved and defended. So much so, they have decided to sell the Saudis 600

Patriot missiles worth 5.4 billion USD. This comes after the largest arms deal

in US history with the Saudis worth 60 billion.
"Support MH17 Truth": OSCE Monitors Identify "Shrapnel and Machine Gun-Like

Holes" indicating...

The OSCE confirms the existence of "machine gun like holes", without

acknowledging that these cannot be caused by a missile. Were these small

The evidence available including a BBC report which the BBC decided to suppress

refute the official story. The alleged role of Russia was used as a

justification to implement the economic sanctions regime against Moscow.
Video Shows Cop Shoot Sam Dubose in the Head
Officer's incident report contradicts video footage.

Blue Marble Navigator - Night Lights 2012
Zoomable image of Earth at night, with optional Google Maps layer.
US wants to use ISIS for projects in Iraq – Shiite militia leader
US doesn’t want to resolve the crisis and put an end to Islamic State. On the

contrary, it’s eager to exploit the jihadists “to achieve its projects in Iraq,”

84% der Ukrainer würden Putin die Ukraine anvertrauen | The Vineyard Saker

Deutsche Version
Analyse, Ukraine, Ukrainischer nationaler Suizid 84% der Ukrainer würden Putin

die Ukraine anvertrauen 29. Juli 2015 Dagmar Henn Hinterlasse einen Kommentar...
#BlackLivesMatter murals of Sandra Bland defaced with racial slurs
they defaced a mural of sandra bland & sprayed "all lives matter" so if all

lives matter why disrespect a dead woman?
When H. Rap Brown coined the term "Black Power" the whites were taken aback. As

their definition of "White Power" meant something totally different. Wherein

Blacks wanted to be empowered, whites seemingly wanted to annihilate all non-

whites. Big difference in ideologies..
Israel 'committed war crimes' in Gaza, Amnesty says
Israeli forces have been accused of carrying out war crimes during a day of

“carnage” in the Gaza Strip that has been called Black Friday.
Pentagon chief threatens Iran with war

Don't Talk about the Weather
< To many mistakes. I do better>
Owning the Weather
Nothing is more terrifying than the weather gone wild. Since the very beginning

we’ve search for ways to manipulate mother nature. Now thanks to...

Pentagon Directly Supports the "Islamic State": US Air Force Provides Air

Transport for ISIL...

Image: A US chopper landed in areas under the control of the ISIL terrorist

group in Western Iraq and flew away to an unknown destination with several

So-called "war against terrorists"/ "A US chopper landed in areas under the

control of the ISIL terrorist group in Western Iraq and flew away to an unknown

destination with several ISIL commanders on board minutes later, Iraqi

intelligence sources disclosed on Monday."
Bewaffnete US-Soldaten von Polizei am Flughafen Wien gestoppt
Truppe hatte am Weg in die Ukraine Sturmgewehre im Gepäck, aber keine

Warum die Verhandlungen scheitern dürften
Die Vorgaben für das griechische Kredit-Programm sind wie eine Gleichung, die

gar nicht gelöst werden kann.
3 more English police forces effectively decriminalize cannabis — RT UK
Derbyshire, Dorset and Surrey police forces are said to be willing to turn a

blind eye to those who grow cannabis, a Class B drug, for personal use – in

order to focus...
Russian Food Embargo Highlights Ineffectiveness of EU Agricultural Sector

NATO's Australian Balistics Expert Dr Stephan Fruehling Proved to Be a Fake >...
. Australia. Ukraine. US. Strategic Culture Foundation
When is a ballistic systems expert not a ballistic systems expert? Well, the

answer is simple, when it is proven that he does not have a single qualification

to be an expert in ballistic missiles. But if you are willing to write anti-

Russian propaganda, all is forgiven and you can become an expert in whatever

field you desire.
Turkey launches heaviest air strikes on PKK since campaign began: official
Turkish fighter jets launched their heaviest assault on Kurdish militants in

northern Iraq overnight since air strikes began last week, a government official

said, hours after President Tayyip Erdogan said a peace process had become

US National Endowment for Democracy labeled ‘undesirable’ group under new law
Prosecutors have recognized NED’s activities in Russia as undesirable and

undermining national security after the US NGO spent millions on attempts to...

Anonymous on Facebook: Germany upholds right to use fake names
The watchdog said that the reason the woman wanted to use a fake name was to

avoid business-related contacts reaching out.

The ruling concluded that forcing people to use their real names breached the

user’s online privacy rights.

Facebook was upset with the decision. “The use of authentic names on Facebook

protects people’s privacy and safety by ensuring people know who they’re sharing

and connecting with,” Reuters quoted a spokesperson for the company as saying.
Cop Caught on Video Throwing Food at Homeless Person, Treating Him Like a Zoo


A Florida cop has been suspended after video footage emerged showing him

taunting a homeless man like an animal at the zoo.
A Black Teen Died This Week In An Alabama Jail Cell, And Authorities Say It Was


An Alabama teen died in her jail cell earlier this week, just over an hour after

she was booked into
Police Ignored Native American Woman, Telling Her To ‘Quit Faking’ As She Died

In Jail Cell

Earlier this month, a 24-year-old Native American, Lakota woman named Sarah Lee

Circle Bear was found dead in a jail cell after a minor arrest. Sarah
Israeli Soldiers Shot Hundreds of Palestinian Children with Live Ammunition: The

“Before I was shot I did not bother anyone or get angry with anybody,” says

Basel Kamal Safi from Deir Ammar refugee camp, near Ramallah in the occupied

Cop Gets Drunk and Starts Shooting Random Citizens: Lawsuit
Wow this MANIAC is probably going to get away with it too since he's a cop, mark

my words they'll give him a paid leave and he'll transfer to a new department
Cop Shoots Restrained Victim 10 Times in Genitals With Taser Gun: Lawsuit |

Filming Cops
Cop Shoots Restrained Victim 10 Times in Genitals With Taser Gun: Lawsuit LOS
Shocking Video Shows LAPD Cops Shoot Man in Wheelchair With 3 Bean Bag Rounds

and a Taser

The video shows 10 officers on the scene for this one man in a wheelchair.
Man Asks Police to Stop Hurting Woman, Police Shoot Him With Taser Gun (RAW

So now we can be tased simply for begging the cops to stop hurting people, this

police state is totally out of control and we NEED TO PUT IT TO AN END!
Putin: ‘Europe should be more independent, defend own interests’
European countries should be less beholden to military blocks and the US when

considering issues concerning their own national interests, Russian President

Vladimir Putin told the Swiss RTS TV...
Cincinnati Braces for Riots After Cop Kills Black Man on Camera
A knife attack every 4 minutes; 130,000 per year - but ministers still insist

crime rates are falling

Volker Pispers - Griechenland Erklärung 2015 - Kabarett Neu in HD - Juli 2015
"Selbstmord"-Serie in der Ukraine geht weiter: Jetzt erhängen sich nicht nur

Malaysisches Gericht verurteilt Bush zum Kriegsverbrecher -
Ein malaysisches Gericht hat Ex-Präsident George W. Bush und sieben seiner

früheren Anhänger der...
Massenproteste in Brüssel - die Presse schweigt — Opposition 24
Nein, nicht alle verstecken die Meldung irgendwo in ihrem Hinterteil. Die DWN

berichteten schon vor zwei Tagen, so wie viele kleine Blogs und Augenzeugen...
BREAKING: Sweden Finds Russian Submarine!
After 99 years of searching Sweden finally finds the Russian mini submarine

lurking in its territorial waters. The submarine «Сом» (Som, “Catfish”)

disappeared on mission in the Baltic Sea in 1916. It has now been located by the

Swedish “Ocean...
The March to War: Fighting ISIL is a Smokescreen for US Mobilization against

Syria, Iran

The strength of the ISIL has deliberately been inflated to get public support

for the Pentagon and the illegal bombing of Syria. It has also been used to

justify the...
Police Brutality: Houston, TX cops brutally beat Black teen girl on side of road
Is there any doubt Black America is under attack by the police? In this video

two Houston cops beat a
(VIDEO): Crowd Becomes Angry as they Watch Swarms of Cops Jump on One Man in a

Target Store

Witnesses outraged as more than sixteen cops beat a man into the ground in the

middle of a Target store in
Texas Cops Brutally Beat Teen Girl On the Side of the Road
It seems the news of police corruption and abuse coming out of Texas has been

nonstop lately. Now, there is a new video that records Houston, Texas officers
Cop Burns the Body of a 3-yr-old Child for “Not Letting Him Sleep” | Filming

Cop Burns the Body of a 3-yr-old Child for “Not Letting Him Sleep” SPRING HILL —

Cody Marrone, a
Dashcam: Cops Kill Unarmed Mom, Brag About Shooting Her Until 'Her Face

Exploded' (VIDEO)

They told the cop that went to get her out of the car to move so they could

shoot her.
Teen Killed by Taser, Cops Laugh & High-Five Each Other (Israel Hernandez) -

Exclusive Interviews
We Are Change headed to Miami Beach -- the site where Israel Hernandez was

killed after being tased
Cops Tase Teen Boy in the Chest Until His Organs Tighten, Dies
OMG this is the most horrific thing I've ever seen, this young angel was so

happy and inocent and these predators just destroyed him, I can't hold back my

Native American civil rights activist found dead in Mississippi jail cell
The Mississippi Bureau of Investigation is probing the mysterious death of

Rexdale W. Henry, who was found dead in the Neshoba County Jail on July 14. A

27.07.2015 Die aktuelle Berichterstattung von der Noworossija Front mit Elena

Ein Bus mit den Zivilisten und OSZE-Beobachtern wurde im Donbass beschossen,

heißt es in dem neu veröffentlichten OSZE-Bericht. Am 26. Juli gerieten die...
Sweden Finally Gets Their Russian Sub (But It's 100 Years Old)
Скандал в Польше: Боевик «Азова» на камеру зиговал на месте бывшего концлагеря
Польские СМИ шокированы: боевик «Азова», уроженец Мариуполя Денис Шубин на

камеру позировал в нацистском приветствии в Майданеке, концентрационном лагере в

Люблине, где были сожжены тысячи поляков, евреев, украинцев и русских.
Auf dem Foto sieht man Shubin im Konzentrationslager vor einem historischen

Schild "Zerstörung Polens", mit einem Bild von Adolf Hitler.
.Das Profil von Shubin wurde mittlerweile auf VK gelöscht.
Sun columnist Katie Hopkins calls for ‘euthanasia vans’ as Britain has ‘far too

many old people’

Media personality Katie Hopkins claims the UK has “far too many old people” and

says she would be “super keen on euthanasia vans” to eradicate the problem.
“We just have far too many old people,” she said. “It’s ridiculous to be living

in a country where we can put dogs to sleep but not people.”
Woman Calls 911 for Help, Cop Strips Clothes Off and Demands Sexual Acts at


So basically they are raping and pillaging whenever they want and the most

punishment they get is a paid vacation?!!!! MAKES ME SICK!
This woman was sexually assaulted for a full SEVEN HOURS after she called for

help, and the officer is only getting "paid leave," according to reports.

Desperate MH17 "Intelligence" Spin. Ukraine Secret Service Contends that "Pro-

Russian Rebels had...
According to Ukraine's Secret Service, the alleged...
Western official confirms Turkey-ISIL secret oil business
The Guardian has quoted an un-named senior Western official as saying that the

undeniable evidence was gathered following a US commando raid on an ISIL

Libyan Court Sentences Gaddafi's Son to Death

 "White power" is representative of systemic white supremacy and racism which of

course oppresses Black people. Black power is anti-white supremacy.
Myth and Memoricide: Shlomo Sand’s “Invention of the Jewish People”
Socialist Bernie Sanders Admits He Wants To Ban All Self-Defense Firearms
<Then only the police will be armed...and the Border Guard, Homeland Security,

National Guard.... Do you get this?>
ISIS leader approves beheading of woman for wedding present – report
Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi approved a beheading of a woman as a

wedding gift for a female religious judge, a defector from the terrorist group

Punishments for women administrated by IS courts ranged from fines for wearing

'non-Islamic' clothes and whipping or beating for conversations with strangers

to cutting off limbs for theft, stoning to death for extra-marital affairs and

beheading for treason.
“A woman was arrested for talking to a man in a shop,” although it was actually

her husband she talked to.
Preparing for the Collapse of the Petrodollar System
US and Turkey to Provide Air Cover for 'Moderate' Syrian Rebels
Reversing a long standing decision by the two countries, the United States and

Turkey have announced plans to provide air cover for "moderate" Syrian

Lafayette Theater Shooting Hoax: FULLY EXPOSED! Randall Mann Acadian Ambulance
Another Conspiracy 'Theory' Confirmed: a car can be hacked and crashed
Russia bans import of flowers from the Netherlands
Russia has banned the import of cut flowers from the Netherlands, the country's

hygiene watchdog Rosselkhoznadzor said, claiming the presence of quarantine

organisms on the products.
Tsipras and Varoufakis Approve of Home Evictions and Expropriation of Depositors
During their election campaign, the Syriza movement promised the people of

Greece an end to the inhumane politics of austerity and the dictatorship of

Pretending to “protect “Greek taxpayers, Tsipras and Varoufakis also gave their

consent to the EU’s Bank Recovery and Resolution Directive (BRRD). This

legislation provides for the replacement of bailouts of banks with taxpayers’

money by the partial expropriation of savers, depositors and shareholders.
Oil slump leads to $200bn cut in new energy projects - study
The world’s top energy firms have put off $200 billion in spending on 46 major

oil and gas projects due to the oil price slump, according to energy

Porn websites visited 250,000 times on parliament computers
Over 247,000 attempts were made to visit X-rated websites from the UK

Parliament’s computer network last year, with the numbers spiking during...
ISIS Falling Apart in Al-Hasakah Amid Syrian Army Gains
The Syrian Arab Army's 104th Airborne Brigade - in coordination with the Shaytat

Tribesmen of Deir Ezzor, the Gozarto Protection Forces (Assyrian militia),

"Private property has made us so stupid and partial that an object is only ours

when we have it, when it exists for us as capital ... Thus all the physical and

intellectual senses have been replaced by ... the sense of having."

- Karl Marx
U.S. Holds the World Record of Killings of Innocent Civilians
West official confirms Turkey-ISIL ties
"The links are already so clear that they could end up having profound policy

implications for the relationship between us and Ankara.”
Ukrainian Border Guard Opens Fire at Russian Tourists Getting Selfie
A simple ‪#‎selfie‬ can cost you your life… in Ukraine. A Ukrainian border guard

manning a checkpoint in eastern Ukraine opened cross-border fire on three

Russian citizens as they tried to take a selfie close to the post.
We're one crucial step closer to seeing Tony Blair at The Hague | George Monbiot
George Monbiot: Desmond Tutu has helped us see the true nature of what the

former prime minister did to Iraq and increased pressure for a prosecution
Cop Slams Pregnant Woman To Ground When She Says She Doesn’t Have to Show ID
Police officials in the City of Barstow, California are standing by the officer

who used incredible force against a pregnant woman. The woman, Charlena
Video: Cop Smashes Handcuffed Man With His Elbow
It is at this point that detective Westfall comes over, raises his arm into the

air, and drops an elbow right on to Ruthorford’s temple, breaking his

Is this guy living out some fantasy of being an MMA fighter? Must feel like a

real badass dropping elbows on a handcuffed American.
Chinese company ‘builds’ 3D-printed villa in less than 3 hours
Chinese company ZhuoDa “built” a two-story villa in less than three hours in

XIan, China.

Court Rules ‘Marijuana Odor Is Not Sufficient’ For Cops To Have ‘Probable Cause’
Police have been pulling people over and stopping them on the street for years,

claiming at the stops that they "smell marijuana." In the past, this has
Turkey's War On Kurds Realigns Syrian Kurds With Their Government
Pro-Kurdish rallies hit European capitals following Turkish bombing raids
Hundreds of pro-Kurdish protesters have taken to the streets in the capitals of

Europe’s three largest economies, rallying against Turkish airstrikes

Revealed: Secret plan to put 5,000 heavily-armed troops on streets of Britain to

fight jihadis in event of a terror attack
British Arms Sales to Israel in Support of Attacks on Gaza
Until the UK government applies its own criteria to the arms trade, we need to

keep up our own public review process to hold our government to its word Last

Native American Activist Found Dead In Jail Cell After Traffic Fine Arrest
A Native American activist was recently arrested and found dead in jail under

conditions very similar to those of Sandra Bland in Texas. Rexdale W. Henry,
Falsifying History on Behalf Of Agendas. "US Civil War was about Money not


In an article on April 13, I used the so-called Civil War and the myths with

which court historians have encumbered that war to show how history is falsified

in order...
The well-known African-American, Walter Williams, points out that the war was

about money, not slavery. Just as Jews who tell the truth about Israel’s

policies are called “self-hating Jews,” will Walter Williams be called a “self-

hating black?” Invective is used as a defense against truth.
Pro-Kurdish rallies hit European capitals following Turkish bombing raids
The protesters carried banners “Turkish government funds ISIS,” “Mass action to

defeat ISIS,” “Down with fascism in Turkey,” “Erdogan [Turkish PM], blood on

your hands” “No to terror! No to imperialism,” and chanted “BBC, shame on you!”

and “We want justice!”
Kurds in Turkey
According to a Turkish opinion poll, 59% of self-identified Kurds in Turkey

think that Kurds in Turkey do not seek a separate state (while 71.3% of self-

identified Turks think they do)
Woman Drowns After Police Threaten to Arrest the Men Who Were Rescuing Her
This Monday, 64-year-old Constance Manzanares drowned after she became trapped

in her car in a drainage canal, in Northeast El Paso, Texas. When police...
The Theatre of the Absurd: Why there is no deal to be done over Greece -

Europe’s World
Marx has that famous line about the unfolding of events being “first tragedy,

then farce”. Europe’s handling of the Greek crisis surpasses farce and shades

Facts about Libya under Gaddafi that you probably did not know about !
Here are some Facts you probably do not know about Libya under Muammar Gaddafi:

• There was  no electricity bills in Libya; electricity is free … for all its...
Gaddafi wrote, “They want to do to Libya what they did to Iraq and what they are

itching to do to Iran. They want to take back the oil, which was nationalized by

these country’s revolutions. They want to re-establish military bases that were

shut down by the revolutions and to install client regimes that will subordinate

the country’s wealth and labor to imperialist corporate interests. All else is

lies and deception.”
China veröffentlicht Gegenbericht über Verletzungen von Menschenrechten in USA /

China hat am Freitag einen Bericht über die Lage der Menschenrechte in den USA

veröffentlicht. Der Bericht dient als Antwort auf den am Vortag vom...
Ärger bei den Rechten: RT Anti-deutsch?
Idiocracy 2006 complete full movie in English
The Leveraged Buyout of America | Max Keiser
Max Keiser Financial War Reports
All 31 big banks above minimums in Fed stress tests (GS, MS, ZION)
West Flirts With Fascism – Again / Sputnik International
There seems little doubt that Western so-called democracies are gravitating

toward increasingly autocratic politics. Executive power is being exercised by

In a War With Russia NATO Doesn't Stand a Chance
As long as we’re talking about a war close to Russia’s borders - conversely

defense-minded Russia military is no threat to the US or western Europe
Global Derivatives: $1.5 Quadrillion Time Bomb
When investing becomes gambling, bad endings follow. The next credit crunch

could make 2008-09 look mild by comparison. Bank of International Settlements

(BIS) data show around $700 trillion in...
When investing becomes gambling, bad endings follow. The next credit crunch

could make 2008-09 look mild by comparison. Bank of International Settlements

(BIS) data show around $700 trillion in global derivatives. Along with credit

default swaps and other exotic instruments, the total notional derivatives value

is about $1.5 quadrillion – about 20% more than in 2008, beyond what anyone can

conceive, let alone control if unexpected turmoil strikes.
Russia Developing Kuril Islands in Face of Japanese Claim – US Magazine
Russia plans to increase the number of civilians and boost the ‪#‎military‬ on the

‪#‎KurilIslands‬, in the face of the ongoing claims on these islands by Japan,

‪#‎NationalInterest‬ reports.
Court OKs Barring High IQs for Cops
A man whose bid to become a police officer was rejected after he scored too high

on an intelligence
Police Department Admits They Only Hired Applicants Who Promised They Wouldn’t

Arrest Other Cops

Recently, the Methuen Police Department admitted to favoring job applicants who

promised they would never arrest fellow officers for drunk driving. The
The Iran Deal Reality
The U.S. deal with Iran – based on assumptions about an Iranian nuclear weapons

program that American intelligence agencies have twice concluded does not exist

– allows the U.S. to concentrate on p...
The U.S. deal with Iran – based on assumptions about an Iranian nuclear weapons

program that American intelligence agencies have twice concluded does not exist

– allows the U.S. to concentrate on provoking Russia and China while continuing

to threaten Iran with destruction. Global peace is no closer than before, since

“America’s insistence on imperialism and control of other countries is the cause

of every catastrophe.”
7 Natural Herbs For Every Thyroid Condition
Natural Herbs for Killing Fungus
*Source: - *Solutions:
Marijuana legalization petition hits enough signatures for UK parliament debate
IRREVERSIBLE: George Galloway has just learned all he needs to know about ISIL
America's Killer Cops: Whitewashing Sandra Bland's Murder
Every 28 hours on average, a Black man, woman or child is murdered by killer

cops in America. Sandra Black is one of their victims - a high-profile one,

UN Resolution: Israel the World's Only Violator of Economic and Social Rights
The UN’s 54-nation Economic and Social Council adopted a resolution on Monday

that names the world's only - only - violator of economic and social rights in

Ο Κώστας Λαπαβίτσας προτείνει την έξοδο ως τη μόνη στρατηγική για τον ελληνικό

Anonymous Says ‘Sandra Bland Was Murdered’, Calls For National ‘Day of Rage’
Anonymous just weighed in on the death of Sandra Bland, and the "hacktivist"

group makes it clear: "Sandra Bland was murdered." A video was recently
Sahra Wagenknecht: Europe is a financial colony with no democracy | Eng Subs
“Nearly 80 Percent of the Food Produced In the US Contains Some Kind of

Genetically Modified...

It’s Hard to Find Non-GMO Food We knew that a lot of American crops were

genetically modified. For...
Bottom line: It’s difficult to find non-GMO American food … especially since the

feds are doing everything they can to keep us in the dark.
Aufruf an alle Menschen in Europa!!! _ Deutsch
New York Cop Who Pepper Sprayed Driver For Giving Him the Middle Finger Is

Getting Fired

A New York judge has just dismissed the charges filed against Adam Rupeka. Adam

had "given the finger" to police officers - an act protected by law as
#Justicefordillon Officer Involved
Graphic Body Cam Footage Shows Killer Cop as He Murders an Innocent Unarmed Man
Body cam footage from the murder of Dillon Taylor was released in its entirety.

It shows the disturbing moments before and after this innocent man was gunned...
<He was reaching for his phone to pause the music.<
Penis peppers: Erotically-shaped fruit, veggie ‘rude seeds’ grip Barcelona
Magic tree: Multi-blossom hybrid grows 40 different kinds of fruit
US Attempts to Scare Russia With NATO War Games a 'Laugh'
The United States has been brazenly preaching that Moscow poses a threat to its

neighbors while simultaneously amassing military hardware close to Russia's

borders. But Washington's vigorous muscle flexing and enhanced drills in Europe

only "conjure up a few laughs" in Russia, Brian Cloughley says.
Terror Engineering
From Benghazi to Turkey, the ISIS “supply lines” are directly from NATO-

controlled territory, and apparently it never occurs to the minds of western

media to ask where, in fact, the so-called Islam...
TTIP: A Corporate Lobbying Paradise - Which Businesses Are Pushing Most for EU-

US Trade Deal?

Which businesses are pushing most for the proposed EU-US trade deal TTIP? Who’s

influencing EU negotiators? Corporate Europe Observatory’s eight new...
Texas Police Smash Woman’s Face Into Concrete, Knocking Her Unconscious
A police officer in Round Rock, Texas, was recently caught on video smashing a

woman's face right into the concrete. The violence incident was recorded
Citizen’s Private Body Cam Protects him from Cops Who Lied to Get him in Trouble
The Guardian Pretends 6000 Nazis Didn't Rally
This article originally appeared at Off Guardian
How China and Russia Are Running Rings Around Washington
Brazil: This motorbike runs on WATER!
<not realy>
Miracle motorbike that goes 500km… on a liter of water! (VIDEO)
A Brazilian man, Ricardo Azevedo from Sao Paulo, has shown off his wonder bike

to the world. The magic machine can travel up to 500 kilometers on a liter of

The so-called “T Power H20” vehicle is powered by water and an external car

battery to produce electricity and split the hydrogen from the water molecules.
Obama Wants UK to Stay EU Member to Secure US Interests in Europe
"It has always been US policy to have centralization in Europe with a system of

one European government over the many member states and Britain to be a part of

it… to make sure that the European Union is friendly towards American

The Guardian tries to cover-up the neo-Nazis in Ukraine by portraying them as

VIDEO: The Guardian tries to cover-up the neo-Nazis in Ukraine by portraying

them as nationalists

by Systematic Via Russia Insider on YouTube: Successful campaign by Stacy

Herbert from the Keiser report to get the Guardian to change the description

Turkey attacks Kurdish militia & ISIS positions – PM's office
Turkish jets have carried out multiple airstrikes in northern Iraq on Kurdish

militia positions and installations held by Islamic State militants, the Turkish

Make no mistake, the Turks want to hit the Kurds, this is their oppertunity.

(this will make things worse for Turkey) Kurds are fighting ISIS, the target

should be ISIS, but Turkey has been helping ISIS from the get go. The real

targets here are the Kurds.
What The Supreme Court Ruled On the False Arrest of Sandra Bland
Since the newly released video of Texas State Trooper Brian Encinia detaining

then arresting Sandra Bland, it has become clear that the entire arrest was
<Most people agree that there is something VERY suspicious about ‪#‎SandraBland‬'s

death in police custody. But a Supreme Court ruling makes it clear that she

should have NEVER been in police custody in the first place: the arrest made was

MSNBC Cans Only Cable TV Host Who Extensively Covered TPP
Schultz covered the issue more often than the rest of the network's programs

Obama threatens Iran with military attack
Chattanooga Hoax? Victim Reported Dead Years Before Shooting
The Eurozone’s German Problem
LONDON – The eurozone has a German problem. Germany’s beggar-thy-neighbor

policies and the broader crisis response that the country has led have proved

disastrous. Seven years after the start of th...
Beyond refusing to adjust its economy, Germany has pushed the costs of the

crisis onto others. In order to rescue the country’s banks from their bad

lending decisions, Merkel breached the Maastricht Treaty’s “no-bailout” rule,

which bans member governments from financing their peers, and forced European

taxpayers to lend to an insolvent Greece. Likewise, loans by eurozone

governments to Ireland, Portugal, and Spain primarily bailed out insolvent local

banks – and thus their German creditors.
Turkey, US ‘agree on Syria no-fly zone’
The Kagans: Seeking War to the End of the World
Full Transcripts of Sandra Bland Arrest Prove Cops Broke The Law and Made False


Since the newly released video of Texas State Trooper Brian Encinia detaining

then arresting Sandra Bland, it has become clear that the entire
<Seeing it all in print seems to highlight just how illegal the trooper's

actions were...<
US and NATO Engage in Unprecedented Military Exercises in Europe
The United States and its European and NATO allies are currently engaged in or

preparing to undertake the largest military exercises ever to take place in the

The United States announced last month that it will station heavy equipment,

including artillery and tanks, on a rotating basis in a number of Eastern

European NATO countries. Additionally, NATO announced that it would triple the

size of its Response Force which is aimed at Russia.
Police Set Up Summer Camps Around the Country To Indoctrinate Kids
Law enforcement agencies around the country are setting up what are called

"police camps" to indoctrinate children into the ideology of the police state.|By Asa Jay
Israeli attack on Iran would be 'huge mistake with consequences' – Kerry
F*ck That: A Guided Meditation
China's Record Dumping Of US Treasuries Leaves Goldman Speechless
On Friday, alongside China's announcement that it had bought over 600 tons of

gold in "one month", the PBOC released another very important data point: its...
<We explained all of his on Friday in “China Dumps Record $143 Billion In US

Treasurys In Three Months Via Belgium“, and frankly we have been surprised that

this extremely important topic has not gotten broader attention.<
Cops Enter Veteran's Home Without Warrant, Beat Him While He Was Trying to

Sleep: Lawsuit

This is how they treat our veterans?
<When a cop enters a man's home without permission and beats him while he's

trying to sleep -- is that American freedom, or a police state? What did this

man truly fight for?<
ISIL Recruiters Detained Near Moscow
At least 30 suspected ‪#‎ISIL‬ recruiters were detained in a mosque in ‪#‎Balashikha‬,

about 20 km east of the Russian capital, social media reports suggested on

ISIS Suffers Devastating Defeat in East Al-Hasakah City
The Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham (ISIS) has been officially kicked out of

the eastern sector of Al-Hasakah City after the Syrian Arab Army's 104th Air
Antarctic Sea Ice Reaches New Record Maximum
Sea ice surrounding Antarctica reached a new record high extent this year,

covering more of the southern oceans than it has since scientists began a long-

term satellite record to map the extent in the late 1970s.
Children’s Leukemia charity sued for $9.7 million in fraud
A national children’s cancer foundation is being sued for fraud after the New

York attorney general’s office discovered it spent most of its $9.7 million

funds on...
Children’s Leukemia Foundation spent less than 1% of its income on direct cash

assistance to leukemia patients
In ‘Subservience’ To Washington, British Pilots Secretly Bombing Syria
Airstrikes are being conducted without parliamentary approval, Reprieve learned

through a freedom of information request. - American soldier was shot by Turkish Army while fighting ISIS -

UN verhandelt Vertrag über transnationale Konzerne und Menschenrechte
Verbindliche Menschenrechtsnormen für Unternehmen sollen festgelegt und Verstöße

sanktioniert werden. Deutschland boykottiert die Verhandlungen
UK school-children expressing support for Palestine accused of 'terrorist-like'


Teachers in UK schools now have a statutory duty to monitor and report children

who they believe may be susceptible to radicalisation.
<"To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to

criticize." Voltaire (attrib.)<
Cop Calls Handcuffed Man a "Pussy" as He Punches Him in the Face
OMG the man wasn't even doing anything but standing there, and this cop thinks

he's so tough for punching a defenseless man, who's the REAL COWARD HERE?
Then the same cop shoves his face into the stonework in front of the house,

again taunting him, saying “you think we’re f**king playing out here. I’ll knock

you the f**k out. I don’t give a f**k, you ain’t got nothing on me”.

Even though the man was in handcuffs and offered no resistance. This cop must

feel like a real tough guy to beat a defenseless citizen.
Citizen’s Private Body Cam Protects him from Cops Who Lied to Get him in Trouble
Two Washington cops face termination after they filed a complaint against a man,

whose private body camera showed they were lying.
This citizens body camera saved him from these thug cops.
Must Watch Video:
Right Sector, ISIL are Same Thing – French Expert
Crimea’s Reunification With Russia Legitimate – French MPs
PM Says Turkey Needs No Permission for Anti-Terrorist Operations in Syria
"We do not answer to anyone but ourselves... Our citizens should not worry and

should trust their government."
US Hawks Playing Their Favorite Game: 'Russia Has Enough Nuclear Capability to

Destroy US'

General Mark A. Milley has become the latest high-ranking US ‪#‎military‬ official

to embrace the anti-Russian hysteria. Now, if Russia actually planned to nuke

countries for fun, the US would be in big trouble.
Results of MH17 Crash Investigation Must Be Disclosed - Russia's EU Envoy
Hiding something? Classifying results of ‪#‎MH17‬ crash probe "sounds a bit

strange" considering that the investigation was widely discussed in media.
Ukraine, Poland, Lithuania Set Up Joint Military Brigade
Russia's Supersonic Response to US Missiles in Europe
Medvedev: One-Year Food Import Ban Extension Is 'Pragmatic Move'
UK’s Cameron: Conspiracy theories involving Jews must be challenged
ed note--you can believe in a criminal conspiracy known as the Mafia, involving

Italians...You can believe in a criminal conspiracy involving Muslims, whether

it is...
Germans: Europe's most-hated people or themselves victims of a flawed euro?
To varying degrees, Angela Merkel has now managed to alienate the USA, Russia

and the rest of Europe. Germany urgently needs to tackle negative perceptions

Op-Edge by Byran MacDonald: Germany’s current prosperity is no accident. It has

been achieved by breaking the backs of the eurozone’s periphery. The plain truth

is that the chaos that has engulfed the currency area since 2009 has benefited

UN report to condemn Britain’s human rights record
Repealing the Human Rights Act and denying prisoners the vote are just two

issues Britain may be condemned for in a forthcoming UN report headed by

outspoken Argentine judge Fabian Salvioli.

july 2015
 The land and coastal ocean portions of these images are based on surface

observations collected from June through September 2001 and combined, or

composited, every eight days to compensate for clouds that might block the

sensor’s view of the surface on any single day.
The image was taken July 6, 2015, showing North and Central America.
Warum China und Russland Griechenland nicht helfen
Referendum Saved Crimea From Donbass-Like Bloodshed - French Lawmaker
Classifying Results of MH17 Crash Probe Unacceptable for Victims – Lawyer
Solidarität für Griechenland wie für Deutschland nach 45
Russia Overtakes US in Economic Competitiveness Due to Cheaper Ruble, Oil|By Sputnik - Ukraine: OSCE cars covered in graffiti at Donetsk protest
Redefining the Media
Kremlin to Seize Foreign Assets in Response to Frozen Russian Capital
Confirmed: Russian Billionaire Heiress Buys Famed Greek Island Of Skorpios
Qatari emir buys six Greek islands for a song
Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani pays €8.5m for...
No grounds to keep Russian sanctions in place – French MPs visiting Crimea
There are no grounds to keep Russia sanctions in place, said member of the

French National Assembly Thierry Mariani, who heads the parliamentary

'As the US is lifting Cuba blockades, I see no reasons for Europe to keep

Russian sanctions in place'
Präsident Putin lacht über Reporterfrage
Kleiner Ausschnitt aus der ARD-Doku "Ich, Putin", aus 2012, von Hubert Seipel

(auch der Interviewer hier) Schlag gegen Syrien - Ziel: Russland
Chattanooga Shooter Linked To CIA, FBI Asset Anwar Al-Awlaki
Mohammad Youssef Abdulazeez, the gunman who killed four Marines and a Navy

sailor last week in Chattanooga, Tenn., was heavily influenced by Anwar...
Abdulazeez had collected CDs and downloaded audio recordings of al-Awlaki’s

teachings, placing him in the same company as the Ft. Hood shooter, the

underwear bomber, three of the alleged 9/11 hijackers and the Charlie Hebdo


Al-Awlaki, however, was a CIA asset with additional links to the FBI and was

invited to attend a luncheon at the Pentagon in 2001, despite his known

connections to the 9/11 hijackers.
NYPD Cops Beat Man Who Had His Hands Up, Because They ‘Thought He Stole A Pizza’
New York City Police officers were just caught on a grocery store surveillance

video beating a young African American man who was holding his hands up.
That's right, the ‪#‎NYPD‬ beat the living hell out of this man who had his HANDS

UP because they thought he stole a $3 slice of pizza.
He didn't. That didn't matter.
This happens every day, and no one is going to stop it from the top down. REAL

and LASTING change is going to have to come from the GRASSROOTS up. Help SPREAD

THE WORD and DEMAND #‎PoliceAccountabilityNow‬!
Apache Stronghold: Arizona tribe protests copper mine on land
Iran nuclear-free, but U.S. sends A-bombs to Italy
“Today is a historic day and it is a great honor for us to announce that we have

reached an accord on the Iranian nuclear solution, to make our world safer.”

Federica Mogherini, European Union high...
The modernization of U.S. nuclear weapons deployed in Europe is part of the

growing nuclear arms race. According to the Federation of American Scientists,

the U.S. maintains 1,920 strategic nuclear warheads ready to launch (out of a

total of 7,300 warheads), compared to 1,600 Russian ready to launch (out of

8,000). Including French and British weapons, NATO nuclear forces have some

8,000 nuclear warheads, of which 2,370 are ready to launch.
Why Is No One Talking About The REAL Reason Sandra Bland Was Arrested?
The death of Sandra Bland has been the center of social media attention for over

a week now - and rightly so! But while people debate whether racism was
14 African Countries Forced by France to Pay Colonial Tax For the Benefits of

Slavery and...

Did you know many African countries continue to pay colonial tax to France since

their independence till today! When Sékou Touré of Guinea decided in 1958 to

Victoria Nuland Threatens Russia
She's one of many neocon lunatics infesting Washington. She was Hillary

Clinton's hand-picked choice for Assistant Secretary of State for European and

Eurasian Affairs. She wrecked Ukraine. Maybe s...
Donbass people "greeted" OSCE representatives
US to place AMD components in Poland despite Iranian deal – Kerry’s deputy
US anti-missile systems will be placed in Poland despite world powers reaching

an agreement on Iran’s nuclear program, John A. Heffern, US Deputy Secretary

<All serious peuple know since the begining that is not for Iran... but

First outdoor cinema for homeless people launched in Moscow
A good laugh and a free hot meal will be provided to those living on the streets

of the Russian capital, a Moscow charity has announced.
British troops head to Saudi Arabia to train Syrian rebels
The mission will mean Britain is training Syrian moderate rebel fighters in four

countries in the region
Violence in Mukachevo ' Tarnished Image of Ukraine' - MEP
Looks like Europe is growing less and less keen on Ukraine each day. Are rogue

‪#‎NeoNazis‬ what it takes to see the full picture? ‪#‎RightSector‬ ‪#‎UkraineCrisis‬
Evidence Is Now Conclusive: 2 Ukrainian Government SU-25 Fighter-Jets Did Shoot

Down that...

Preface by Washington's Blog: The New York Times, Washington Post, Financial

Times, Bloomberg, Sydney Morning Herald, International Business Times and...
Kolomoysky: Sorry about the MH17 – but it is a trifle – ENG.
Ministers on a Mission: MEPs Go to Russia to 'Abolish Sanctions'
CNN panel explodes after ex-cop says Sandra Bland died because she was ‘arrogant

from the beginning’

CNN contributor and former NYPD detective Harry Houck argued on Tuesday that a

Texas woman would not have died in police custody if she had not been

Anti-Russian Sanctions Hurt French Agro Business, Farmers Go on Strike
Is backfiring all ‪#‎sanctions‬ are good for? "The EU has already lost €21 billion

since the beginning of [Russia's food] embargo."
Frankreich: Meuterei im Parlament wegen Russland
Eine Gruppe französischer Abgeordneter ignoriert die Außenpolitik von François

Hollande und reist auf die Krim. Die Parlamentarier halten die EU-Sanktionen für

sinnlos und wollen auf eigene Faust Abhilfe schaffen.
Eine einflussreiche Gruppe in der französischen Nationalversammlung meutert

gegen die offizielle Linie der Regierung und des Präsidenten François Hollande!

Sie hält die Sanktionen gegen Russland für sinnlos und kontraproduktiv, zumal

die USA sich an den Sanktionen wund verdienen, die sie ständig von der EU

fordern, aber selbst nicht einhalten. Diese Abgeordneten des französischen

Parlamentes reisen gegen den Willen der Regierung auf die Krim und suchen die

Aussöhnung mit Russland. Natürlich stecken auch handfeste Interessen der

französischen Industrie dahinter. Niemand mag mehr einsehen, dass die

europäische Wirtschaft unter den sinnlosen Sanktionen leidet, während die USA

mit Russland Milliarden - Geschäfte macht. Der Heuchelei und den Lügen muss ein

Ende gemacht werden!
$500M US Program Has Only Trained 60 Syrians to Fight ISIS
Only 60 Syrian rebels are currently being trained by the U.S. to fight ISIS,

Defense Secretary Ashton Carter said Tuesday.
The Cabal is laughing in your face; don't you know it? $500 million to train 60

Syrians to overthrow Assad.
French Gov't Has No Right to Forbid Lawmakers to Visit Crimea
Irate French Farmers Want to Sell Produce to Russia
#‎Sanctions‬ should go: French farmers demand ‪#‎RussiaBan‬ on food imports to be

lifted, as struggling agricultural sector sees no promised assistance from

How the west created the Islamic State
… with a little help from our friends
Moscow, Paris Discuss Return of Russian Mistral Ships' Equipment - Source
During this week consultations on ‪#‎Mistral‬ in Moscow, Russia and France

discussed "communications systems, which should be returned to Russia in the

same condition in which they had been delivered."
Russia Launched 54 Criminal Cases Against Ukrainians Over Kiev’s Special

Operation in Donbass

Under the criminal cases against Ukrainian political figures, activists and

military commanders the Russian Investigative Committee wants ‪#‎Avakov‬, ‪#‎Heletei‬

and ‪#‎Yarosh‬ on international wanted list. ‪#‎Donbass‬ ‪#‎UkraineCrisis‬
Kommentar: Die würdelose und volksverdummende Griechenland-Posse der EU
Seit dem Bekanntwerden der faktischen Zahlungsunfähigkeit resp. des

Staatsbankrotts von Griechenland veranstalten die Mächtigen der EU-Diktatur

Bernie Sanders is a Russia-Bashing, Pro-Israel, Militarist Tool
The contents of this article closely echo views in this article in Counterpunch

from 2012. And here is Chris Hedges pointing out Sander’s duplicity a few days

Map: All the Countries John McCain Has Wanted to Attack
Syria, Iraq, Russia, North Korea, and nine other nations the Arizona senator has

been eager to bomb, invade, or destabilize.

Jimmy Carter Hands John McCain His Ass
The Real McCain (Pt. 2 of 2)
The Truth About John McCain and His Connection To Israel’s Massacre On the...
Sgt. Major John Holland Requests McCain Drop Out
Three-war veteran and leading POW/MIA activist, John Holland speaks at Ron Paul

Veterans Day Rally and circulates an open letter to John McCain urging him to...
Three-war veteran and leading POW/MIA activist, John Holland speaks at Ron Paul

Veterans Day Rally and circulates an open letter to John McCain urging him to

drop out of the Presidential Race.
Vietnam Veterans Against McCain
The group Vietnam Veterans Against McCain attacks Senator John McCain's heroism

as a POW in the Vietnam conflict; this is making some waves in the news due t...
Guy Calls for John McCain to be Arrested and Tried for Treason
In today's video, AMTV covers a local Prescott man who called for John McCain to

be arrested and tried for treason. http://w...
McCain Urges Preemptive Israeli Aggression against Iran - McCain is one of many

Zionist neocon lunatics infesting Washington. He chairs the Senate Armed

Services Committee. He has considerable influence over US defense policy.
Neocons stay in contact with ISIL: Analyst Some neoconservative senators in the

United States remain in direct contact with the ISIL terrorist group, says a...
Senator John McCain Meets Leaders of Terror Brigade in Syria. The NGOs that Made

it Happen

The recent furore surrounding US senator John McCain's illegal trip inside

Syria, and the supposed 'rebels' he was seen posing with alongside Supreme

Families of Lebanese hostages to file complaint against John McCain
Photo: John McCain in Syria. Standing in the right foreground is the Director of

the Syrian Emergency Task Force; Mohamman Nour appears in the doorway. Families

of Lebanese hostages in Syria have...
John McCain meets with kidnappers in Syria
Photo: John McCain in Syria poses with the Director of the Syrian Emergency Task

(foreground on the left) and Mohammad Nour (in the doorway with hand on his

chest. Republican Senator John McCain entered Syria illegally, on May 27 [1]....
Trump right about Hanoi John McCain
by Gordon Duff, VT Senior Editor It pains me to have to back Donald Trump (who

dodged the draft during the Vietnam War for year after year) on John McCain but

here is what Trump should have said:...
Presidential pardon from Nixon saves John McCain from treason and collaboration

charges according to Rolling Thunder Founder and 3 war veteran, John Holland….

Why nothing in the news… Why no reports….. Why was the truth kept from American

during the election?
Songbird McCain: US Syria Inaction Put Hollande in ‘Unfair Position’. (VIDEO) |

Songbird John McCain – American traitor. I’m sick and tired of hearing what a

‘war hero’ John McCain was...
Songbird John McCain – American traitor. I’m sick and tired of hearing what a

‘war hero’ John McCain was during Vietnam. John McCain is really not much

different than Jane Fonda. Did you know songbird John McCain has made more than

32 videos for Communists denouncing this country? Vietnam Vets And POW’s even

made a video five years ago exposing exactly the type of so called ‘patriot’

songbird John McCain is.
John McCain Praises Father’s Whitewashing of Israel’s Attack on the USS LIBERTY!
“After years of research for this book, Judge A. Jay Cristol (an Israel firster

of Jewish descent) has reached a similar conclusion to one my father reached in

his June 18, 1967, endorsement of the findings of the court of inquiry. I

commend Judge Cristol for his thoroughness and fairness, and I com…
McCain's Non-Support for Troops and Veterans: The Master List
McCain has a very clear, long, and illustrious history of not supporting troops

and veterans one bit.
Trump is Right: John McCain Deserves No Respsect because he is a Wicked Man Who

Supports Islamic...

Trump is Right: John McCain Deserves No Respsect because he is a Wicked Man Who

Supports Islamic Jihadists Who Kill Christians

The Truth About John McCain and His Connection To Israel’s Massacre On the USS

Liberty | World...
John McCain is running for 2016 presidential election, but many people do not

know the real truth about him.Watch all the videos below to catch up on what you

Trump Opens McCains Treasonous Can of Worms
By Gordon Duff, Senior Editor Over the weekend, “the Donald” backed down on his

attacks on McCain, calling “Hanoi John” a “war hero.” However, Donald is not

going to be able to close the can of worms he opened. Today, McCain is trying to

Here are the facts as we know them: According to Colonel Ted Guy, John McCain’s

commander as a POW, McCain collaborated with the enemy. McCain is accused of

giving information that led to the downing of 60 US aircraft. McCain is accused

of training North Vietnamese air defense personnel. McCain is accused of making

over 30 propaganda broadcasts against the US, broadcasts he moved to have

classified when he was elected to the senate. These 4 accusations are the only

real and supportable accusations against McCain. The evidence for these acts

exists and is substantial.
The Truth About John McCain and His Connection To Israel’s Massacre On the USS

| World...
John McCain is running for 2016 presidential election, but many people do not

know the real truth about him.Watch all the videos below to catch up on what you

Rothschild Agent US Senator John McCain´s and Israel´s Strategy: ISIS Caliphate,

Tripartition of...

Abstract: When the Balfour Declaration was created in 1917 by Walter

Rothschild’s Round Table and the...
John McCain traveled to Israel where he shamelessly pandered to Prime Minister

, the Likudnik extremist Benjamin Netanyahu, and other Zionist Masonic

overlords and groveled at their feet. McCain also had a stopover in neighboring,

war-torn Iraq, where he was led around like a dumb beast by his Mossad and ADL

stooge handler, Jewish bigot, and closet homosexual, Senator Joe Lieberman.

McCain then flew from the Middle East to London where two Rothschild Illuminati,

the super-wealthy Lord Jacob Rothschild and Nathaniel Rothschild, held an

"invitation-only" private luncheon for him at the luxurious Spencer House, St.

James Place. No doubt, McCain kissed "Lord" Rothschild's ring, if not his big

right toe.
McCain Bought By Jews Via Rothschilds! | Real Jew News
On March 20 2008, the Jews “Lord” Jacob Rothschild and his son, the “Honorable”

Nathaniel Rothschild, invited McCain to attend a fund-raiser in the posh

John Sidney McCain III, Patriot or Traitor
A copy of this book is worth more than its weight in diamonds Editor’s note:

Much of the material on the internet and by “much” we mean 99% has been cleansed

by a national intelligence agency and NOT...
John McCain must be one of the most flawed and treasonously compromised elected

officials in our nation’s history.
songbird McCain
When the cops lock you up they have to make certain you don't have the means of

hurting yourself. Standard procedure.
Conflicting evidence emerges over the death of Sandra Bland
Sandra Bland Dashcam Police Footage from 25:01 to 25:32
Clearly doctored’: Texas police blame Sandra Bland arrest video flaws on tech

issues, not edits
Europeans No Longer Believe Western Accusations Against Russia – Diplomat
As the West is “waging war after war, killing and destroying, plunging whole

regions into chaos and destroying international law,” it becomes increasingly

harder to sell the 'Russian aggression' narrative regarding ‪#‎Crimea‬ and

Russia Will Knock Out US Missile Shield Installations If Attacked – General
Russia ready to respond with retaliatory strikes at US ‪#‎missile‬ defense

installations wherever they may be in the world in case of attack.
Victoria Nuland Threatens Russia
She's one of many neocon lunatics infesting Washington. She was Hillary

Clinton's hand-picked choice for Assistant Secretary of State for European and

Eurasian Affairs. She wrecked Ukraine. Maybe s...
She wrecked Ukraine. Maybe she has starting WW III in mind. In an interview on

Ukrainian TV, she said if war on its territory escalates, “the costs will go up”

for Russia – economically and militarily.
„Ihr da oben - Ihr da unten! Wer sind die wahren Asozialen“
Cops Shot Unarmed Georgia Woman in the Head, Admired Their Marksmanship,

Prevented First Aid After

They are both still gainfully employed—woman’s interaction with police began

over suspicion of drug
Unarmed black man shot in head by cop during Cincinnati traffic stop
Officials in Cincinnati, Ohio have launched a probe into the fatal shooting of a

black motorist by a white officer during a traffic stop. Prosecutors say the

victim was...
Kiev Secrecy on Report Boosts Suspicions Ukraine Shot Down MH17
The refusal of the Ukrainian government to release the results of ‪#‎MH17‬ crash

investigation may increase concerns it have been shot down by Ukrainian

< Ukraine junta wont give ATC data track. Thats enough. ATC data track is key.

And they wont give that. Of course. They want to hide their crime.>
Gold Hits Five-Year Low as US Dollar Soars on Policy Outlook
Precious metals are nearing their multi-decade lows as the stronger ‪#‎dollar‬,

safer financial markets and lack of inflation in the advanced nations have all

undermined demand for the non-yielding passive and low-liquid assets. ‪#‎Gold‬

Right Sector rallies against govt in Ukranian capital (LIVE FEED)
RT is the first Russian 24/7 English-language news channel which brings the

Russian view on global news.
West’s ‘Geopolitical Chess Game’ in Ukraine Will End Badly
The ‪#‎UkraineCrisis‬ requires "a sober mind to engage in dialogue. The separatists

are not shelling themselves.”
Hermann Hesse
Putin auf deutsch zur Griechenlandkrise
Russia says will join Iran fight against ISIL

"It is so Jewish to stand with the oppressed. That is the main message of the

Torah, That which is hateful to you, don't do to others."
“We’re going to take out seven countries in 5 years, starting with Iraq, and

then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and, finishing off, Iran”
If the Nuremberg Laws were Applied..., by Noam Chomsky (Talk delivered around

The Official Noam Chomsky Website.
Scared Scandinavians: Finland to Militarize Entire Border With Russia
Finland is freaking out. The Finnish Armed Forces plan to deploy rapid reaction

force units to secure the entire border with Russia, Defense News reported.
EU will alle russischen Medien überwachen
9. Juni 2015. Europaabgeordneter Georg...

Die Lügen-Mechanik - Wie wir von den Medien manipuliert werden - COMPACT Live

mit Ken Jebsen
Agents of Chaos: US Sponsors Jihadism to Gain Control of Central Asia
“As a tool to achieve their set goal, the US uses terrorism, extremism and

separatism." ‪#‎ISIL‬ ‪#‎MiddleEast‬
The NDAA Legalizes The Use Of Propaganda On The US Public
"It wasn't a revolution; it was a French plot!" Former Italian Prime Minister

Silvio Berlusconi. Yep. I told you all that in 2011 but the Congress chose to

continue funding the unauthorized "low kinetic" (according to President Obama)

action. Now, too late for Libya and too late for the U.S. wrecked image around

the world, Berlusconi confesses the role of the zionists. It was Bernard Henri-

Levy and Nicolas Sarkozy.
Eingeschläfert, betäubt und desinteressiert? Deutschlands Bürger im "Lullerland"

Was muß in diesem Land eigentlich noch alles passieren, damit Otto

Normalverbraucher endlich erkennt, daß er schon lange nicht mehr in einer...
NATO-Militärtransporte durch Deutschland – Unmut der DB-Lokführer wächst
Am 14. Juli hatte RT Deutsch in einem Artikel über den zunehmenden Transport von

US-Kriegsgerät via der Hafenstadt Kiel ins Baltikum, und wie dies die...
Langjähriger Lokführer aus Bayern: „Hatte ich in meiner
jahrzehntelangen Laufbahn als Lokführer zusammen genommen
vielleicht 5 Militärzüge befördert, so waren es seit Ukrainekrise
schon über 15 solcher NATO-Transporte mit Kriegsgerät.“
Ancient Confession Found: 'We Invented Jesus Christ'
London (PRWEB UK) 8 October 2013 -- Biblical scholars will be appearing at the

'Covert Messiah' Conference at Conway Hall in London on the 19th of October to

present this controversial discovery to the British public.

Beseitigung von Atommüll: Russische Forscher kurz vor Durchbruch
Radioaktive Abfälle brauchen Jahrzehnte, bis ihre Strahlung auf ein

unbedenkliches Maß zurückgegangen ist. Doch eine Forschergruppe in Moskau hat

nun offenbar ein Verfahren entdeckt, das radioaktive Abfälle innerhalb von

wenigen Stunden in neutrale und ungefährliche Stoffe verwandelt.
Statt Grexit ist der Dexit jetzt fällig
Guckt Euch den Schwachsinn der rotierenden Kredite als "Hilfe" von heute an.

Übers Wochenende erhielt Griechenland einen EFSM-Brückenkredit von 7,2

Milliarden Euro, der heute Montag benutzt wurde, um Zahlungen in der Höhe von

6,8 Milliarden an Kreditgeber tätigen zu können, davon 4,2 Milliarden (3,5

Milliarden plus Zinsen) an die EZB. Schuldentilgung mit neuen Schulden ist doch

keine Lösung, denn die Schuldensumme hat sich um 400 Millionen erhöht und die

Spirale dreht sich nur nach oben!
‘Cruel’ Tory welfare bill passed despite Labour revolt
The controversial Tory welfare bill that will lead to spending cuts of £12

billion was passed in parliament on Monday, despite an impassioned Labour revolt

which saw a fifth of all Labour MPs voting against it.
Although the legislation was pushed through parliament by a majority of 308

votes to 124, it was flatly rejected by 48 Labour MPs. It was also shunned by

the Scottish Nationalist Party (SNP), the Liberal Democrats, the Democratic

Unionist Party (DUP), Plaid Cymru and the Greens.
Only one of four candidates for the Labour leadership voted emphatically against

the Tories’ welfare bill on Monday night.
From Donetsk to Athens: Popular Governments Challenge Privately Owned Central

To Surrender Power Is to Surrender the Initiative to the Finance Oligarchs;

Tsipras Must Remain as Prime Minister; Critics Should Get Anti-Austerity Allies

for Greece
Shot Six Times After Reporting She Was Having Sex With

Police Official

"They Didn't Have To Shoot Me Six Times," Amy Bramuchi said about Alpharetta

police officers who broke into her home while she was sleeping. She's talking
US Could Deploy New Missiles in Europe - Russian Defense Ministry Institute
As the ‪#‎IranDeal‬ was reached last week, ‪#‎Lavrov‬ expressed hope that the US will

now adjust its European ‪#‎missile‬ defense. And they did, by increasing it,

TIME Admits ISIS Bringing Arms, Fighters in From NATO Territory
Late last year, Germany’s broadcaster Deutsche Welle (DW) investigated what

turned out to be hundreds of trucks a day carrying billions of dollars in

supplies, flowing across the Turkish border into Syria and directly into the

hands of the so-called “Islamic State” (ISIS).

The border crossing near the Turkish city of Oncupinar, approximately 100km west

of the Syrian city of Kobani, is apparently only one of many such crossings

where ISIS fighters, weapons, and materiel move directly under the watch and

apparent assistance of NATO.
Officer Shoots and Kills Teen, Says He Had ‘Mistaken’ Him For ‘Someone Else’
A Memphis teenage is dead after he was shot by a police officer late Friday

night. That officer claims the fatal shooting was because he had "mistaken"
No Charges For Cop Who Shot At Man Holding Daughter and Getting Asthma Inhaler
A Jacksonville, Florida man was shot by police for holding what an officer

believed was a weapon. The African American man, Brian Dennison, 29, was driving
Israeli-linked SITE Intelligence Involved in Chattanooga Shooting Narrative
News reports of the July 16 shootings in Chattanooga Tennessee already provide

some curious features...

John McCain POW Songbird. Insider Information From a US Navy Aviator who served

with McCain
US-Supported Kiev Aggression on Donbass Escalated
Kiev junta officials want war, not peace. They want illegitimate fascist rule

hardened - with no recognized democratic pockets. Local autonomy is strictly

forbidden despite mandated under Minsk cea...
US ‘Has No Right’ to Attack Iran Over Nuke Deal - Veteran Envoy
“Attacking Iran when the UN Security Council has approved a framework for

constraining its nuclear program would be about as egregious a violation of

international law and comity as one can imagine.” ‪#‎IranDeal‬
Russia’s Platform-M combat robot amazes crowd in Sevastopol (VIDEO)
The Russian Army has been showcasing state-of-the-art military equipment in the

city of Sevastopol on the Crimean Peninsula, boasting its Platform-M combat...

Native American Council Offers Amnesty to 240 Million Undocumented Whites
The Native American National Council will offer amnesty to the estimated 240

million illegal white immigrants living in the United States. At a meeting on

Flight 17 Shoot-Down Scenario Shifts
Despite U.S. spy satellites positioned over eastern Ukraine, U.S. intelligence

agencies have released no images of a Buk system being transferred by Russians

to rebel control, shipped into Ukraine, deployed into firing position and then

being taken back to Russia. Though the Obama administration has released other

images of Ukraine taken by U.S. spy satellites, the absence of any photos of a

rebel-controlled Buk missile battery has been the dog not barking in the

strident case that Official Washington has made in blaming the rebels and Russia

for the July 17 shoot-down that killed 298 people.
Perry: the CIA does not share data about MH17, because they are in favor of


The CIA has extensive operational information about how it crashed Boeing 777

Malaysia Airlines, crashed on July 17, 2014 in the East of Ukraine, said in an

interview to an American Journalist Robert parry, the famous loud revelations.

However, this information will never be released, because it contradicts the

official version of the USA about the fact that the airliner was shot down by

the militia.

Perry became famous investigative journalism in the case of Iran-contra, about

U.S. aid to the Nicaraguan contras, the illegal trafficking of cocaine in the

U.S., as well as about the crash of flight MH17. The journalist published the

facts proving that the ship was hit by the Ukrainian military.
Shooting Down Iran Air Flight 655 [IR655]
According to U.S. government accounts, Vincennes mistakenly identified the

Iranian airplane as an attacking military fighter. The officers identified the

flight profile being flown by the A300B2 as being similar to that of an Iranian

Air Force F-14A Tomcat during an attack run. According to the same reports

Vincennes tried more than once to contact Flight 655, but there was no

acknowledgement. The official ICAO report stated that these attempts to contact

Iran Air 655 were sent on the wrong frequency and addressed to a non-existent

"Iranian F-14".
Vice President George H. W. Bush (later President of United States of America)

declared a month later,
"I will never apologize for the United States of America, ever. I don't care

what the facts are."
British Media Uses Fake Video Footage to Accuse Syria's President of Killing his

Own People

The Telegraph has brought out a new dribble of disinformation regarding the US-

NATO led war in Syria. In an article published in May 2015, entitled Bashar...
John Mccain Exposed By Vietnam Vets And Pow's
John Mccain Exposed By Vietnam Vets...
John McCain Circa 2013 "We should arm ISIS"
Politics is a snap judgment & foreign policy is a...
ZDF: "Dass die Ukraine tief gespalten ist, berichten wir schon länger."
Verlogen und der eigenen Schuld bewusst, so muss man die Einleitung von Barbara

Hahlweg zu einem Bericht der 19.00 Uhr heute-Nachrichten des ZDF...

Deutsche Medien entdecken die Nazis in der Ukraine
<Wer die deutschen Medien in den letzten Tagen beobachtet
hat, dem muss aufgefallen sein, plötzlich haben sie die Nazis
und Faschisten in der Ukraine entdeckt>
An honest Israeli Jew tells the Real Truth about Israel
Miko Peled was born in...
HRW slams Israel for ‘abusive arrests’ of Palestinian kids
Israeli security forces have performed “abusive arrests” of Palestinian

children, chocking, beating and threatening kids as young as 11, a global

watchdog said in...
NATO-Militärtransporte durch Deutschland – Unmut der DB-Lokführer wächst
'We see movement of military hardware away from contact line' – OSCE
<And its PURELY COINCIDENCE that NATO is conducting exercises in Ukraine while

the Ukrainians are preparing for their next assault on Novorossiya.>
Väyrynen haluaa markat, frangit ja liirat käyttöön euron rinnalle
Europarlamentaarikko Paavo Väyrynen (kesk.) esittää, että kaikki jäsenmaat

ottaisivat käyttöön oman kansallisen valuuttansa euron rinnalle.|By Kimmo Hiltula
Griechenlandkrise - Dirk Müller zu den neusten Entwicklungen
Tweets from Carlos ATC in Kiev saying Ukraine Military shot down MH17
FINAL – Spanish Air Controller @ Kiev Borispol Airport: Ukraine Military Shot

Down Boeing #MH17

This person had dual nationality (Spanish and Ukrainian)
SP McCain's ISIS Ties Are Too Numerous For America
Cop Smashes Down Syndrome Victim With Metal Baton, Shoots Him in the Face With

Pepper Spray

OMG this poor little angel, he was just leaving his family's bakery and never

expected to be attacked by a rabid bully cop, this is literally making me cry...
Rapid Trident: US Troops Kick Off Military Training Camp in Ukraine|By Sputnik
Terrorism in Turkey: Bomb kills 27, injures hundreds near Syrian border
At least 27 people have been killed and over 100 injured in an explosion that

struck a cultural center...
US Key Man in Syria Worked Closely with ISIL and Jabhat al-Nusra
Read articles about this video: One

of the key US men in Syria,
Exclusive: Turkish intelligence helped ship arms to Syrian Islamist rebel areas
Turkey's state intelligence agency helped deliver arms to parts of Syria under

Islamist rebel control during
New York Times FAIL: 'McCain No Connections To ISIS?!?'
GR Associate Editor's note The author mentions a...
Washington's 'New Middle East' Stalls, the Resistance Rises
Washington's plan for a New Middle East has hit a rock called Syria. After the

invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq and the destruction of Libya, Syria was to be


Greece's Marx Brothers Loans
Pentagon Alarmed With Russia’s Military Satellite ‘Maneuvering Too Much’
Could you please ‪#‎StayStill‬ for a moment? The maneuverability of Russia’s

Cosmos-2504 military ‪#‎satellite‬ has alarmed the ‪#‎USAirForce‬, which thinks it may

potentially be an “on-orbit anti-satellite weapon.”
60 Minutes Videos: Special Investigation Spies Lords and Predators Pt 3
60 Minutes Videos Special Investigation Spies Lords and Predators Pt 2
Governments Worldwide Will Crash the First Week of October … According to Two

Financial Forecasters
Two well-known financial forecasters claim that virtually all governments

worldwide will be hit with a gigantic economic crisis in the first week of

October 2015. Martin...
60 Minutes Videos Special Investigation Spies Lords and Predators Pt 1
60 Minutes Videos Special Investigation Spies Lords and Predators Pt 1
More Dancing Israeli soldiers on 9 / 11
With Friends Like These: US 'Friendly Fire' Kills Afghan Soldiers Again
A US air strike on an army checkpoint in eastern ‪#‎Afghanistan‬ has reportedly

killed at least eight Afghan servicemen, in the latest example of

"‪#‎FriendlyFire‬" involving foreign coalition troops. ‪#‎AfghanWar‬
Trump right about Hanoi John McCain
by  Gordon Duff,  VT Senior Editor It pains me to have to back Donald Trump (who

dodged the draft during the...
John Mccain Traitor- By Vietnam Vets And Pow's
Grexit remains the likely outcome of this sorry process -
Alexis Tsipras should never have hired Yanis Varoufakis as his finance minister.

Or he should have listened to him, and kept him on. But instead the Greek

