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Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Link Collection October Part Three

Do a keyword search Ctrl+f to speed up your search.
Science of profit: Companies sell donated bodies for major bones
Some US companies are making a fortune selling human bodies donated to science. RT America’s Trinity Chavez explains how “body brokers” profit off donated bodies, often without the victims’ families permission.
NAVY RELEASES McCAIN’s RECORDS – McCain was personally responsible for the deadliest fire in the history of the US Navy
Tillerson, Mattis call for unlimited war authority if 2001 AUMF replaced
<It seems as though the US. wants to be able to declare war on the whole world at the drop of a hat>
The Death of Dr. Kelly: An Open Case
BMJ Deceived Lancet Parent Into Attacking Dr. Andrew Wakefield
The British Medical Journal (BMJ)’s commissioned writer Brian Deer duped the father of the 11th child described in The Lancet paper into believing his son’s case was misrepresented. That father, Richard Demirjian, was led to believe the paper said his son’s autistic symptoms began weeks after vaccination when the report said no such thing. The Lancet paper was perfectly consistent with what Demirjian said happened to his son.
BMJ Editor Humiliated After Calling Autism-Vaccine Link a Fraud
<See comment by Ima Skeptic: >
Robert Mueller’s indictment charging Paul Manafort contains this HUGE factual error
As RT correctly notes, if Manafort is placed under arrest for his “Ukraine connections” and as Mueller puts it, “influence activities”, then why not arrest Victoria Nuland and of course John McCain…two individuals who were on the Maidan actively partaking in “influence activities.”
Trump Calls for Faster Release of Clinton Emails, Uranium Deal Investigation
Neocons Hijack Trump's Syria Policy - Ron Paul Asks "Haven't We Done Enough Damage?"
Russian Content May Have Reached 126 Million Facebook Users, There Is Just One Catch
... having spent $100,000 on Facebook ads, and unleashed a troll army to wrote Facebook posts - which had a 0.004% change of being read - Putin then went for the kill, and assured himself a Trump presidency by splurging another $4,700 for Google ads and creating an additional 43 hours of video content. The rest is history.
'Russia-linked election posts' few and underperforming – Facebook, Twitter testimonies
Facebook's written testimony, seen by Reuters and Bloomberg, claims some 80,000 posts related to the US election were published by "Russia-based operatives" over two years.
In the massive flow of Facebook's content, that amounts to one in 23,000 posts, or some 0.004 percent. Regardless, Facebook General Counsel Colin Stretch called such posts a "new threat" to the social network's "mission of building community and everything we stand for." He said the posts were created by "fake accounts" and are thus "unacceptable."
<Only a pea-brained American would believe that it actually does matter who wins their elections. Why would RT even bother to influence their outcome, when in the end whomever sits in the oval office will have to adjust to the dictates of the deep state? The country is ruled by the elites with very deep pockets, and their famous 'elections' are simply a circus act to pretend they're a democracy.>
The Americans Stand on Our Side and Give us Weapons - Jabhat al-Nusra (Al Qaeda) Commander in Syria
CNN hires pro-Syrian Al-Qaeda propagandist, erases him from credits
US admits not targeting Nusra, blames Moscow for own failure to separate ‘moderates’ from terrorists
Turkey ‘protects & supplies’ Al-Nusra camps at its border – Syria’s YPG (EXCLUSIVE report)
US-trained Syria rebels gave weapons to al-Nusra Islamists, Pentagon confirms
'First official recognition': US admits Al-Nusra uses chemical weapons in Syria
Turkey's aid to ISIL (Daesh) captured in Syria
Al-Nusra commander says US supports jihadists indirectly, provides tanks & artillery via allies
Al-Nusra terrorists may have received Syria ‘aid’ sent to rebels by Qatar, US, Saudis – Qatari ex-FM
According to the former minister, all aid destined for the Syrian rebels passed via Turkey and was coordinated with the US forces. “All aid distributed on Syrian territory was also coordinated by the US forces,” said Hamad bin Jassim who also served as Qatari prime minister between 2007 and 2013.
He did not specify who exactly was to receive the aid, but the US – together with Qatar, Saudi Arabia and Turkey – have repeatedly voiced their support for Syrian opposition and issued both humanitarian and military aid to anti-government militants.
Why Did Robert Mueller Obstruct Congress’s 9/11 Probe?
Chernobyl today, something isn't right
WSJ Calls For Mueller’s Resignation After He ‘Colluded With Clinton’
The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) are calling for special counsel Robert Mueller to resign as evidence has emerged that the Clinton’s colluded with the FBI to drum up support for a phoney Trump-Russia investigation.
jimmy dore show russan hacking
Perception of Reality Documentary 2017 HD
The US military is now hopelessly outclassed by Russia
From aircraft, to missile systems, to tanks, the capabilities of Russian weapons now far exceed those of the US
If the US ends up in a catastrophic war with a militarily superior power, it will be the fault of Hillary Clinton, the DNC, former CIA director John Brennan and the military/security complex, the presstitute media, and the American liberal/progressive/left, which, made completely stupid by Identity Politics, has allied with neoconservative warmongers against President Trump and prevented Trump from normalizing relations with Russia.
China forbids its construction workers from building Israeli settlements – report
Caitlin Johnstone
Autopsy Reveals Seattle Police Shot Pregnant Woman 7 Times, Twice In The Back, Hitting Unborn Baby
The autopsy report has been released of a pregnant woman who was shot and killed by cops after she called to report a robbery in June.
Charleena Lyles, 30 year old mother of 4, was about 4 months pregnant on June 18 when she called police to report an Xbox stolen at her Seattle apartment.
Lawsuit Filed Against Hillary Clinton for Failure to Disclose Funding of Dossier Used to Smear Trump
Hillary Clinton and the Brutal Murder of Gaddafi
The Democratic Money Behind Russia-gate
The two sources that originated the allegations claiming that Russia meddled in the 2016 election — without providing convincing evidence — were both paid for by the Democratic National Committee, and in one instance also by the Clinton campaign: the Steele dossier and the CrowdStrike analysis of the DNC servers. Think about that for a minute.
We have long known that the DNC did not allow the FBI to examine its computer server for clues about who may have hacked it – or even if it was hacked – and instead turned to CrowdStrike, a private company co-founded by a virulently anti-Putin Russian. Within a day, CrowdStrike blamed Russia on dubious evidence.
Most People Don't Even Realize What's Coming
'Twitter said I was bot': US blogger banned for being 'Russian troll'
NATO Warns Turkey of ‘Consequences’ for Buying Russian S-400 Missiles
Body of UK expert on Iraq weapons moved from grave after exhumation threat from suicide skeptics
<With Susan Lindauer - 2 hours audio>
The Secret Team [The CIA And Its Allies In Control Of The United States And The World].pdf (PDFy mirror)
Unpatriotic to offer irrefutable video evidence that a General lied says press secretary
Mainstream media now claiming that it is 'a crime' to investigate Hillary Clinton's ties to Russia
That's right, in the sick world of the establishment media, Trump is committing a criminal act by even considering an investigation into shady Clinton dealings with the Russians. After all, she is above the law right?
Even more disgusting, the so-called reporters spewing this nonsense are using the fact that Mueller is conducting a deep state operation (now discredited) against the president that accuses him of working with Russia to win the election when in reality it is the exact opposite. In other words, Trump is being accused of something he didn't do but because of this, he can't investigate real crimes committed by Clinton.
Why the Nanny State and paranoid parenting are creating a Fragile Generation
US coalition occupied, not liberated Raqqa from ISIS – Syrian FM
The US-led coalition has cruelly destroyed civilian infrastructure and has occupied the city of Raqqa it captured from ISIS, Syria’s Foreign Ministry has said, accusing the “illegitimate alliance” of misleading the international community about its true intentions.
The TRUTH About D-WAVE QUANTUM COMPUTERS and the FUTURE A.I. Artificial Intelligence Mandela Effect
The Narcissistic Personality: How They Think
Knowing how the narcissist thinks can help you understand toxic individuals.
Warning: iPhone Apps Can Secretly Turn On Your Camera And Take Pictures At Any Time
Smoking Marijuana Causes ‘Complete Remission’ of Crohn’s Disease, No Side Effects, New Study Shows
Europe Will Reap What Spain Has Sown
‘Kill all Palestinians and Arabs’: US Rabbi Calls For Genocide Of Non-Jews In Israel
The rabbi of a major modern Orthodox synagogue in New Jersey has used a blog post entitled “Dealing with Savages” to call for genocide against Palestinians living within Israel and the Occupied territories, until they realize “they have no future in the land of Israel.”
The CIA’s Cloddish ISIS Attack on Duterte | F. William Engdahl
The only word I find for it is cloddish. I refer to the latest CIA-instigated attempt to initiate regime change against outspoken Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte. The so-called ISIS terror attack in the minerals-rich southern Philippines island of Mindanao, a predominately Muslim part of the mostly Christian nation of 100 million people, took place literally in the midst of President Duterte’s talks in Moscow with Russian President Vladimir Putin.
Syrian Kurds Refuse to Reveal Number of US Bases, Volume of Supplied US Arms
The Kurdish official called their relationship with Washington a "strategic alliance" and confirmed that the US is setting up military bases on territories which the Kurds take under control.
7 Things About EARTH Science CAN'T Figure Out
<Number 1, global warming is BS>
Ex-Qatari premier: US coordinated foreign support for terrorists in Syria
Qatar's former prime minister has revealed how the United States coordinated support by Doha, Riyadh and Ankara for terrorists operating against the Syrian government over the past years of conflict in the Arab country.
4 What Happened Before The Begining
What We Still Don't Know: "Are We Real?"
UN report on sarin use in Syria drawn up based on US dictates: Analyst
<Truth! The fact is Syria has often asked the UN to force the coalition out of Syria but it turns a deaf ear. The UN is every bit owned by the US and is worthless.>
Raqqa Destroyed to Liberate It
The so-called Islamic State organization was primarily a bogeyman encouraged by the western powers. I’ve been saying this for the last four years.
2 Year Study Supports World Trade Centre 7 Brought Down Via Controlled Demolition
Pundits And Politicians Are Tacitly Admitting That They Lied About Russia
It has been nearly three weeks since The Nation pushed an explosive memo from the Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity into mainstream consciousness with an article detailing the evidence that the DNC leaks last year could not have been the result of a Russian hack. By continuing to ignore it, the US intelligence community and all the pundits and politicians who have advanced the Russian hacking narrative are tacitly admitting that they lied.
The vulture capitalist who devoured Peru – and now threatens Argentina
Could Paul Singer destroy another economy?
Imagining the Eighth Dimension
In Shocking, Viral Interview, Qatar Confesses Secrets Behind Syrian War
A television interview of a top Qatari official confessing the truth behind the origins of the war in Syria is going viral across Arabic social media during the same week a leaked top secret NSA document was published which confirms that the armed opposition in Syria was under the direct command of foreign governments from the early years of the conflict.
In an interview with Qatari TV Wednesday, bin Jaber al-Thani revealed that his country, alongside Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and the United States, began shipping weapons to jihadists from the very moment events "first started" (in 2011).
How Facebook Censored Me...
The Illusion of Time - Full Documentary
 Full Documentary Universe 2015 | Atom 1 ׃The Clash Of The Titans
BBC Documentary Atom 3 The Illusion of Reality
10 Evil Crimes Of The British Empire
Most white Americans polled say they face discrimination
Under Pressure: Senator demands Twitter disclose WikiLeaks data
JFK files detail CIA plans to kill Castro using the mob, poisoned swimsuits, exploding seashells
That document alludes to the existence of a 1967 memo from then-FBI director J. Edgar Hoover titled "Central Intelligence Agency's Intentions to Send Hoodlums to Cuba to Assassinate Castro." Hoover’s memo said that one CIA-offered payout for the Mafia killing Castro wasn’t 2 cents, but $150,000, and noted skeptically that one Mafia member was "using his prior connections with CIA to his best advantage."
Gluten Intolerance is really GLYPHOSATE POISONING
Gluten has been in wheat since it was first grown. Sure, there have always been folks who have problems digesting wheat or grains with gluten. Today, about 50% of the world have problems with gluten. (1) Something has changed.
That "something" is glyphosate.
US Attempt to Fuel Iraq-Iran Rift Backfires
Baghdad reacts violently to US demand that "Iranian militias" should evacuate the country
Last week’s events underscore three things. One, the US does not intend to end its military presence in Iraq (and Syria), although the pretext of the war against the ISIS is no longer there. Two, US is planning to turn Iraq into a major theatre of confrontation with Iran.
List of multilingual countries and regions
Budapest vetoes Ukraine-NATO summit, says Kiev’s new law a ‘stab in the back’
Budapest has vetoed the upcoming NATO-Ukraine summit, the Hungarian foreign minister said, adding it is impossible to support the country’s bid to join the alliance after Kiev adopted a controversial education law “brutally mutilating” minority rights.
Top 10 Reasons To Believe There Was A Conspiracy To Assassinate JFK
Cynthia McKinney: Deconstructing The Deep State
EU TURMOIL: Finland preparing to go against Spain and RECOGNISE Catalonia’s independence
FINLAND could be the first country to officially recognise Catalonia as a republic state, in a move that would put the Scandinavian country in direct opposition to the European Union (EU).
American Blackout (Full Length)
APNewsBreak: Georgia election server wiped after suit filed
A computer server crucial to a lawsuit against Georgia election officials was quietly wiped clean by its custodians just after the suit was filed, The Associated Press has learned.
Britain Drops 3,400 Bombs in Syria and Iraq – and Says No Civilians Killed
MEE analysis reveals extent of RAF attacks on IS, while British government maintains there is 'no evidence' a single civilian has died
Scientific Clues That We Are Living In the Matrix: A Talk by Klee Irwin
‘Main creator of terrorism is US war on terror, not terrorists’
Twitter’s multi-million dollar US election pitch to RT revealed in FULL
Cuba - U.S. Diplomats Retreat In Horror ... Because ... 'Crickets'
This incident earlier this month will probably go down in the annals as the most stupid diplomatic f***-up ever:
The Men Who Killed Kennedy: Part 1 The Coup d'Etat
Photographic Evidence of Bullet Hole in JFK Limousine Windshield ‘Hiding in Plain Sight’
The One Paragraph You Need To Read From The JFK Assassination Files That May Change Everything
    ...the "Surgeon General's Report" on the assassination stated that the first bullet entered the President's throat below the adams apple, clearly showing that two persons were involved with the first shot being fired from the bridge across the park way in front of the car.
    To further substantiate this, POTITO said there was a bullet hole in the wind shield of the President's car...
Hillary Clinton’s losing campaign cost a record $1.2B
Hillary Clinton and her supporters spent a record $1.2 billion for her losing presidential campaign — twice as much as the winner, Donald Trump, according to the latest records.
Twitter ‘forgot’ to tell US Senate it pushed RT to spend big bucks on election ad campaign
RT, however, turned down the pitch. Instead of a potential investment of millions of dollars, the news channel spent only $274,100 on all US Twitter ads in 2016, and had further curtailed the ad budget on the platform this year. On Thursday, Twitter banned ads from RT and Sputnik over alleged meddling in the 2016 US election.
Senate demands Twitter disclose WikiLeaks direct messages
 Government’s Own Data Shows US Interfered In 81 Foreign Elections Ask an average American who makes a habit of following government-mouthpiece corporate media about interference in national elections and you’ll likely elicit a nebulous response concerning Russian hackers and a plan to install Donald Trump in the White House — but you probably won’t hear a single syllable pertaining to United States government’s actual attempts to do the same.
Jimmy Dore/Greg Palast Miss the Mark on the Real Story of Election Fraud in 2016
Sane Progressive
F A C E B O O K Further Prioritizes Corporaté Media
Stunning Photos Of Ocean Pollution & New Cleanup Solution
The Jimmy Dore Show
NDR: Regenwasser+ Luft voller Nanopartikel
Big Brother in Little China - #NewWorldNextWeek
The problem of Greece is not only a tragedy. It is a lie.
13 July 2015
The EU just went to war with one of the world’s most notorious companies. Theresa May won’t be happy.
Glyphosate has been:
    Described as “probably carcinogenic to humans” by a branch of the World Health Organisation (WHO); that is, it’s probably capable of causing cancer.
    Found in 45% of Europe’s topsoil.
    Discovered in 75% of Germans’ urine at levels five times higher than the legal limit.
    Found in over 60% of UK bread.
VIDEO: Leaked Las Vegas SWAT Audio Indicates Police Gunned Down Stephen Paddock in Hotel
<HAHAHAHAHA!!! Now we just need to know who placed the bullet casings on top of the fake pool of blood by his head and who placed a machine gun on his leg. And who forgot to pay off the hospitals that when people called up asking for information were told that they did not take in any of the 527 wounded.>
Game over: How the Kurds lost the high risk gamble
***30-story building built in 15 days*** Construction time lapse *View Fullscreen*
How can Western capitalism beat THIS? That’s the rub, it can’t. China Rising Radio Sinoland 171022
The US Military Is Occupying 53 of 54 African Nations
Historical and Modern-day Kurdish Atrocities against Assyrians, Armenians, and Arameans
Much of what the Kurds claim as their own unique culture is actually borrowed from older cultures, such as the Assyrians, Armenians, and Aramean. In fact, much if not all of the land in Eastern Turkey that the Kurds claim as their own once belonged to the Armenians. It is hardly surprising, then, that the Kurds assisted in the Turkish genocide of Assyrians and the 1915 genocide of Armenians.
MEPs demand glyphosate phase-out, with full ban by end 2022
Parliament backed a full ban on glyphosate-based herbicides by December 2022 and immediate restrictions on the use of the substance, on Tuesday.
Leaked NSA doc reveals Saudi prince ordered Free Syrian Army to attack Damascus airport with US knowledge
List of minerals (complete)
The IMA/CNMNC administrates c. 6,500 names,[2] and as of May 2017, the Handbook of Mineralogy lists 4,375 species.[3] As of February 2017, the IMA Database of Mineral Properties/ Rruff Project lists 5,208 valid species (IMA/CNMNC) of a total of 5,421 minerals. There are 1,289 Pre-IMA minerals.[4]
How many minerals are there in the earth?
There are roughly 3,800 named minerals in the world and approximately 30 to 50 new minerals described each year, according to the Mineralogical Society of America. Several books and manuals list, describe and expound upon each named mineral and its properties. The most common mineral in the earth's crust is silicon.
The Crooks, the Clowns and the Nazis
A Dynamic Analysis of Ukraine Politics
Amnesty International Lambasted by Finkelstein
Fake News: Amnesty International Claims 13,000 Hanged by Syrian Government.
Hearsay Extrapolated – Amnesty Claims Mass Hangings In Saydnaya, Syria, Provides Zero Proof
<page gone but in google web cache>
NATO Keeps Silent About Helicopters Supplying Arms to Terrorists in Afghanistan
Amnesty Claims Mass Executions In Syria, Provides Zero Proof
Hearsay extrapolated
500K Wikileaks Release: CIA Effectively Created ISIS Through Joint Venture with Saudi Arabia
A new WikiLeaks release now claims that ISIS and al-Qaeda were essentially created by the American government long before Barack Obama took office.
Thatcher cabinet tried to ‘cover up’ role in 2,400 deaths from AIDS, Hepatitis C – documents
More than 4,000 British hemophiliacs were given blood contaminated with Hepatitis C and HIV by the National Health Service (NHS) during the 1970s and 1980s. The UK attained the substance ‘Factor VIII’ from the US due to a shortage in blood products. The ‘Factor VIII’ blood was manufactured from multiple donors including sex workers, prisoners and habitual drug users, some of whom were paid for their contribution.
Help Dr Norman Finkelstein in His Police Brutality Ordeal.
On October 9, the Long Island Police came to Dr Norman Finkelstein's house, beat him up mercilessly and then shoved him inside a jail cell. All because he dared challenge the mafiosi duo Michael Chetkof and Allyson Burger. All because he brooks no injustice, and is loath to see the life of a dear friend destroyed before his very eyes. Dr Finkelstein is scheduled to appear in court on November 3, 2017 for his yet unspecified crimes.
What DMT Feels Like | "An Interactive Experience"
Latvia Proposes to Force Latvian-Only Schools on Its Russian Minority
Latvia is eyeing forcing Russian pupils to be taught in Latvian only presumably as a way to thoroughly alienate both its large Russian minority and its giant Russian neighbor to the east at the same time
Syrian troops seize militant arms depot containing latest weapons made in NATO countries
In particular, a UK-made 155 mm howitzer, manufactured in 2011, has been discovered in an arms depot in Mayadin, the Syrian general said
John McCain: I gave Russia blackmail dossier on Trump to FBI
Sen. John McCain admitted Wednesday that he gave the FBI a dossier detailing claims of a Russian blackmail plot against President-elect Donald Trump
Clouded Judgment: Do Jet Contrails Increase Cloud Cover?
History of project cirrus
<on hard-dic>
1980 - NBC - Contrails can change the weather
U.S. troops are now conducting 3,500 exercises, programs, and engagements per year, an average of nearly 10 missions per day, on the African continent, according to the U.S. military’s top commander for Africa, General Thomas Waldhauser.
MATHEMATICS BEHIND REALITY | Best Universe Documentary | Simulation Hypothesis
What Is Reality?
The Holographic Universe (Part One)
Ancient crops began to be managed by man almost 30,000 years ago - 10 millennia earlier than thought
Two-thirds of US baby foods test positive for arsenic, many contain lead & cadmium – study
China's launch of 'petro-yuan' in two months sounds death knell for dollar's dominance
‘Miscarriage of justice’: Brothers jailed for murder despite CCTV proving they weren’t even there
Two brothers jailed for murder despite CCTV footage showing they weren’t actually at the scene at the time of the killing are victims of a grave miscarriage of justice, their mother says. She has vowed to continue fighting for their release.
“You don’t realize how unfair the justice system is until you’re involved in it,” their mother Gillian Hyatt told RT.
What exactly is the cosmological constant theory and how does fine tuning and “1–120 Decimals” fit into it?
Cosmological constant
What We Still Don't Know: "Are We Real?"
Origin of Life - How Life Started on Earth
How Many Stars In The Universe?
Senators ‘Stunned’ to Learn US Has 1,000 Troops in Niger
Revelation Sparks New Questions About War Authorization
Hillary Clinton Lied, Paid For "Trump Dossier"
Which in light of the latest news suggests that Clinton was lying, which is not surprising, especially when considering the recent "revelations" that the Clintons may themselves have been involved in collusion with Russia over the infamous uranium deal.
The Eurozone has likely entered its final calendar year, contraction coming
SE2. 1st episode: "What if it was a BUK"?
MH17 Inquiry – Series 2, Episode 1. “What if it was a BUK?”
Finland, we are told, chose the BUK M system in preference to others, not only because of its power but because of it’s target identification technology that includes an optical viewing system and complex Non-Cooperative Target Recognition (NCTR) technology that is so sophisticated that it can deduce, from analysis of the radar signals bouncing back from an aircraft, if that plane is a jet fighter or a passenger jet, a turbo-prop transport or a 777 with turbofans. Apart from that passenger jets fly at much higher altitudes than fighter jets normally do, so the BUK altitude detector system will clearly show the height of any potential target further aiding identification.

The BUK it seems is equipped with all the technology required to confidently identify any plane, so it is not possible for a mistake to be made even by a fully trained operating crew, a civilian aircraft could not be targeted, as was possible before such sophisticated systems were in use.

Neither is it possible, Esa explains, for untrained personnel or “beginners” to operate the sophisticated BUK system, it takes one year to train the required team of 3 operators to a basic operational level, then ongoing in-service training is required to learn the intricacies of all the systems.
MH17 Inquiry – Series 2, Episode 1. “What if it was a BUK?”
‘ISIS girls beat me and left me here to die’: Woman unable to walk found after 8 days in Raqqa
John Brennan’s Police State USA
TAVISTOCK INSTITUTE - Dictatorship Without Tears (English Subtitles)
Tavistock Institute for Global Manipulation
US Mercenaries, Iraqi Highways and the Mystery of the Never-Ending ISIS Hordes
They would be terrorist ratlines difficult for Iraq’s central government or its allies to attack without providing a much welcomed pretext for Washington to directly retaliate against the faction of its choosing.
In A Dramatic Pivot, Shia Militia Leader Tells US: "Get Ready To Leave Iraq"
And of course, Iraqi PM Abadi understands all of this very well - he further knows that American officials believe in the principle of "sovereignty" until they simply don't, that is, up until the point that US allied sovereign governments refuse to remain pliant puppets of American interests. In this case, the some 80,000 to 100,000 Iraqi PMU militias perceived by the US as being under Iranian influence and serving Iranian interests are considered by American and Saudi officials as intolerable, even while they fight ISIS.
US doesn't allow Russia to remove archive from Consulate General in San Francisco
Against International law, the US authorities did not give Russia access to the building of the Russian Consulate General in San Francisco, that was closed by US decision on September along with other diplomatic missions,, in order to take away the consular archive. Instead they independently packed and removed the archive to Washington.
'Some are confused, others are trapped in the wrong body': Astonishing 50 kids a week referred to sex change clinics
The growing ­acceptance of gender issues may have fuelled the rise in the number of children being referred, experts believe
 Israeli Intel Chief: We Don’t Want ISIS Defeated In Syria
Israeli officials have regularly expressed comfort with the idea of ISIS conquering the whole of Syria, saying they find it preferable to the Iran-allied government surviving the war.
Israel Says It Will Intensify Attacks Against Syrian Military Targets
"There will be, in the next generation or so, a pharmacological method of making people love their servitude, and producing dictatorship without tears, so to speak, producing a kind of painless concentration camp for entire societies, so that people will in fact have their liberties taken away from them, but will rather enjoy it, because they will be distracted from any desire to rebel by propaganda or brainwashing, or brainwashing enhanced by pharmacological methods. And this seems to be the final revolution." -- Aldous Huxley, Tavistock Group, California Medical School, 1961
Abby Martin Blasts Rachel Maddow for 9/11 Comments | Weapons of Mass Distraction
Washington Forbids Serbia From De-Mining Syria
Belgrade had the idea to help Russian demining activities in Syria but DC sent different marching orders
On Returning From Syria: More Convinced Than Ever Western Media Narrative Is Bullshit
Brandon Turbeville
On average, every person in the UK uses 150 litres of water each day.
How Much Water Do You Use? Here's Some Quick Numbers
Although we appear to have plenty of rain in the United States, our water resources are under pressure. We use 127% more water today than we did in 1950.
1 Gallon [Fluid, US] = 3.7854118 Liters.
Flow Rate
Current national energy policy act (EPAct) standards mandate that all showerheads manufactured in the U.S. have a maximum flow rate of 2.5 gpm (9.5 lpm).  Showerheads are also available at flow rates of 0.75 gpm (2.8 lpm), 1 gpm (3.8 lpm), 1.5 gpm (5.7 lpm), 1.75 gpm (6.6 lpm), and 2 gpm (7.6 lpm), although they may be harder to find at flow rates below 2.5 gpm (9.5 lpm). Before 1980, many showerheads exceeded 5 gpm (18.9 lpm).
<Showering to Savings. In an average home, showers are typically the third largest water use after toilets and clothes washers. The average American shower uses 17.2 gallons (65.1 liters) and lasts for 8.2 minutes at average flow rate of 2.1 gallons per minute (gpm) (7.9 lpm).>
EXCLUSIVE: US-backed forces liberate Syria’s largest oilfield from ISIS
<Theft ain't liberation. Those oil fields belong to the Syrian people, represented by the Syrian government.>
UN Agenda 21/Sustainable Development is the action plan implemented worldwide to inventory and control all land, all water, all minerals, all plants, all animals, all construction, all means of production, all energy, all education, all information, and all human beings in the world.  INVENTORY AND CONTROL.----Rosa Koire
Warum #Hanf aka #Cannabis verboten wurde?
Russia SLAMS US destruction of Raqqa and the western coalition’s disregard for civilian live
Raqqa has been destroyed by the US while Deir ez-Zor has been genuinely liberated by Syria and Russia.
Non-Muslims Carried Out More than 90% of All Terrorist Attacks in America
Why Does the FBI Have to Manufacture its Own Plots if Terrorism and ISIS Are Such Grave Threats?
Hagen Rether in den Mitternachtsspitzen - 21.10.2017
‘Go home:’ Tillerson urges Iran-backed militias to leave Iraq
<Think Iran is ready to leave Irak......straight after US military do it. Yankee go home.>
Current per capita water consumption in Hamburg is 110
litres per day. In the past 30 years, there has been a
clear trend to a heightened awareness concerning the
use of drinking water. The decrease in specific water
consumption (see table below) is mainly due to the
following factors:
Page 1
A new study has shown that agricultural products make the largest contribution
to the water footprint of the EU and recommends reducing food waste, changes in
diet and increased agricultural efficiencies. On average, each EU citizen consumes
4,815 litres of water per day, when the water used to produce all goods and
services, including those imported into the EU, is accounted for.
Normal water consumption in Finnish households is about 128 l/resident/day. One third of water consumed by households is related to personal hygiene. Flushing the toilet takes about 40 l/day and the rest is caused by laundry, dish washing, cooking and cleaning.
Natural resource consumption caused by Finnish households
Proceedings of the Nordic Consumer Policy Research Conference 2007
155 liter per person per day
Black Is White, White Is Black, in the Washington Post
Rosa Koire: Behind the Green Mask - U.N. Agenda 21
What Is Sustainable Development?
1:12:58  -- at min 24
Ghost Town: Aerial footage of ruined Raqqa
October 21, 2017
Sane Progressive
Finland: Antifa and Nordic Resistance Movement face off in Tampere
Nordic Resistance Movement
is a Nordic Neo-Nazi movement that exists in Sweden, Finland, and Norway. It had a branch in Denmark before it was disbanded for inactivity in 2016.
In the mid-1990s, a number of former members of the former White Aryan Resistance (Swedish: Vitt Ariskt Motstånd, also known as VAM,), having been released from prison, formed the Svenska motståndsrörelsen (SMR) or the Swedish Resistance Movement.
‘No Nazis anywhere!’: Far-right protesters in Finland met by anti-fascists
Las Vegas Massacre Analysis
<see comments -   MileHighLife October 21, 2017 at 6:38 pm >
Israel Hiding Its F-35 Warplane Hit By Syrian S-200 Missile?
Assange Is Back Almost all "terror" plots are created by the FBI as part of its business model.
What is the business of the FBI? Extracting tax. What does it need to do that? A stable threat. Prob? Real terrorists are sporadic & make FBI look weak. Solution? Make them.– Drops A Truth Bomb For Las Vegas Massacre Media Silent!
The FBI is 'manufacturing terrorism cases' on a greater scale than ever before
 The FBI has ramped up its use of sting operations in terrorism cases, dispatching undercover agents to pose as jihadists and ensnare Americans suspected of backing ISIS, aka the Islamic State, Daesh, or ISIL.
On Thursday, roughly 67% of prosecutions involving suspected ISIS supporters include evidence from undercover operations, according to The New York Times.
September 11 US Army General Whistle Blower
Major General Albert N. Stubblebine
9/11 MUST SEE: “I can prove that it was NOT an airplane” that Hit the Pentagon – Major General Albert N. Stubblebine
Empire Uses Kurds as Pawns in its Imperial Pursuits in Syria
The minority Kurd population in Qamishly treats the majority non-Kurd population poorly. They are trying to impose their will on everyone by force.
 Poll: 67% Of US Citizens Don’t Want To Pull Out Of Iran Deal
Only three out of 10 polled said they felt Iran posed a “very serious” threat to the United States, the lowest rate since 2000.
by teleSUR
Emma Sky - British 'Mother of Daesh' Wants To Reoccupy Iraq
The author is not an neutral observer or academic specialist. Emma Sky is the person most responsible for messing up Kirkuk. She is also a 'Mother of ISIS'.
"Above All" - The Junta Expands Its Claim To Power
The military took full control of White House processes and policies:
NGO publishes names of 2,300+ RT guests, labels them ‘useful idiots who undermine Western democracy’
How US is Playing 'Kurdish Card' in Syria
Chinese Scientists Just Figured Out a Way to Feed More Than 200 Million People
Israel bombs southwestern Syria for a second time in 48 horus
The attack came as a projectile from Syria landed on Israeli occupied Syrian territory.
West eyes recolonization of Africa by endless war; removing Gaddafi was just first step
Exactly six years ago, on October 20th, 2011, Muammar Gaddafi was murdered, joining a long list of African revolutionaries martyred by the West for daring to dream of continental independence.
"The Police Just F**ked My Life" - Alabamians Outraged As Civil Asset Forfeitures Soar
The morning of June 29, 2010, began much like any other day for Frank Ranelli, the owner of FAR Computers in Ensley, Alabama. Ranelli, who had owned his computer repair business just outside of Birmingham for more than two decades, was doing some paperwork in his windowless office when he heard loud banging on the front door.  Within a matter of moments Ranelli was placed under arrest and all of the computer equipment in his store, much of which belonged to customers, had been confiscated by Alabama police never to be returned
Rick Hightower had a similar experience with Alabama police when he was a student at the University of Alabama at Birmingham.  After being arrested for "lewd behavior" at a college party in 2008, Hightower says police raided his apartment and confiscated as much as $200,000 worth of musical instruments and other property.  Despite never being charged with stealing the property, Hightower says police have refused to return any of the confiscated items.
Boycott Israel & you won’t get aid donations, Hurricane Harvey victims told
“By executing this Agreement below, the Applicant verifies that the Applicant: (1) does not boycott Israel; and (2) will not boycott Israel during the term of this Agreement,” read the application form.
“As Israel’s No. 1 trading partner in the United States".
< Is it legal to coerce citizens to give up their First Amendment rights (FOR THE BENEFIT OF A FOREIGN GOVERNMENT) in order to receive assistance due to natural disaster? I believe the town of Dickinson is a) breaking law b) is not putting AMERICA FIRST but placing the interests of a foreign government before those of the US and its citizens, and c) is consequently committing an act of treason>
List of the largest trading partners of the United States
<Israel 22>
Sane Progressive Shows How Las Vegas Shooting Was Staged Right Before Our Eyes
<plenty of links>

'First official recognition': US admits Al-Nusra uses chemical weapons in Syria
100 times stronger than heroin: Fentanyl deaths surge in NYC
RussiaGate Comes for Hillary Clinton: 2010 Uranium Deal Again Under Scrutiny
Judge Nap: New Emails Will Lead To Hillary Clinton Indictment
Judge Napolitano claims Hillary Clinton is going to be indicted following the discovery of 2,800 new documents on Anthony Weiner’s personal laptop.
Scrapping Iran Nuclear Deal Will Be First Step to Future Wars - French Def. Min.
< I'm all for tolerance but at the end of the day you're born with a dick or a pussy... Use the appropriate room for the equipment you have and stop being a fucking emo about it!>



Mark Blackford

This debate should never had reason to come about.

Surely the British Government has one of the world best Security agencies, along with participation from the USA, Israel, etc it would be ridiculous to believe they had no knowledge of how these people got there.

No one can forget the support of the USA, Britain, France, Saudi Arabia and other undemocratic Gulf monarchs along with NATO partner Turkey, (whose borders they were coming and going from, became the richest terrorist group by selling oil and artifacts through, getting weapons and materials needed to start building a caliphate), when they and western MSM outlets were praising them as MODERATE REBELS.
All we previously got from Western leaders and MSM outlets was how the Syrian government, then the Russians were out of order for targetting the wrong rebels. We can go and find public declarations of support backed with 100s of millions of dollars from the USA to train rebels in Saudi Arabia to send into Syria. We have under Obama weapons being dropped to support them, the USA State Department have confessed in front of a Congressional committee 500 million budget to train rebels left them with 5 or 4 in Syria on the ground they still control, know that most of the weapons given to moderate rebels ended up in the hands of the head chopping terrorist groups. The British also responsible for giving the various moderate terrorist groups, (mainly through the western designed propaganda outfit called the White Helmets in bedded with the terrorist groups, leaving you to wonder how they managed to get physical money into Sovereign Syrian territory passed the Syrian Army. Then what the fuck have they spent over 200 million pounds on). Yet this is only a small fraction of the money given to MODERATE REBELS, ( these same terrorists) by western governments, allies, NATO allies, who were also willing to break international law by bombing the Syrian Army when battling and defeating the terrorists, as their air force they could call in when in trouble.....WHILE CAN SOMEONE PLEASE EXPLAIN TO ME WHERE THE REBELS THE USA GOVERNMENT ASSIGNED 500 MILLION DOLLARS TO TRAIN TO SEND INTO SYRIA, WERE COMING FROM, SELECTED TO BE TRAINED IN SAUDI ARABIA BEFORE BEING SENT THROUGH NATO PARTNER TURKEY'S BORDERS INTO SYRIA AND IRAQ?

If that Putin and the democratic parliament of The Russian federation didn't accept Assad and the Syrian governments request to help defeat terrorist, none of this would be happening.
The western backed MODERATE REBELS, (even the USA, Britain admit were so entwined with the official terrorist groups, they were condemning, berating and demanding the Russians stop bombing terrorists, because they are also hitting their guys), would now be running a perverted Wahhabi state that pisses all over Saudi Arabia in sickness, if Russia hadn't stepped in to stop them.
So rather than Britain and other European and Arab nations being concerned what to do with them when they return home permanently, ( the truth of many of them actually being able to return home through Turkey and go back constantly before, as revealed by the terrorist attacks in France), they would only coming home for holiday and to recruit more people to help them run the new sick terrorist state, Formerly Syria, Assyria with 1000s of years of civilization.
When the Russians kept pleading with the USA, Britain and other western nations to collaborate with them, share information and help defeat terrorists, they all refused. Instead Russia was met with condemnation, accusations of atrocities, a western organized propaganda campaign to portray they as humanities most evil regime and danger.
The Russians were willing to share intelligence, only asking the west do so in return were rebuked. The more successful they were, the more vilified they became to the point where we have a massive chasm in international relationships, harmful to the whole world.

Russia has the largest Muslim population of any European country with over 20 million and a few Muslim Republics as part of the Federation. Along with China with many times more Muslims, they had many more citizens who went to join the Islamic State in Syria.
Yet the Russian policy backed by the Chinese from the start who supported her actions in the UN Security Council towards their citizens who joined ISIS, was simple, sensible, direct and unmistakable to any former citizen, THEY HAVE NO INTENTION OF LEAVING ANY OF THEM ALIVE TO RETURN HOME...........SIMPLE, PROBLEM SOLVED.
Not many people realize you can drive from Syria to Russia in under 2 days. Just as in WW2 when the Soviet army was made up of Christians, Jews, Muslims and every other religion, the Russian Army on the ground were linked in preserving the ability of Syria remaining a multi secular faith nation. While the idea of a sick inhumane state at the heart of the world, able to spread terrorism from such a strong base was unacceptable to the whole of humanity.
I could go on and write a book about Russian, Iranian involvement on the side of the Sovereign Syrian government, whose defeat of TERRORISTS, (FORMERLY MODERATE REBELS), return home was hindered, lambasted and attempted to be defeated by western powers, but due to the main point, they succeeded, I can leave that for another rant.