Geoengineering is Destroying the Ozone Layer
Global March Against Geoengineering 08–25–2013
The Golden Age of Islam 750 - 1257 A.D
“When the missionaries came to Africa they had the Bible and we had the land. They said, 'Let us pray.' We closed our eyes. When we opened them we had the Bible and they had the land.”
Bishop Desmond Tutu quotes
Queen and Prince Charles using power of veto over new laws, Whitehall documents reveal - Telegraph
The Queen and Prince Charles are using their little-known power of veto over new laws more than was previously thought, according to Whitehall documents.
Senator proposes National Whistleblower Day on same date as Manning verdict
30 July, the date suggested in the proposal, is not accidental. It marks the 235th anniversary of what was one of the earliest whistleblowing regulations implemented anywhere – by the Founding Fathers in the Continental Congress
Sanford Police In Hot Water AGAIN
Police in Sanford, Fla., may be in hot water again -- this time for a controversial stop where a politically active black man with a clean record was forced from his car and handcuffed at gunpoint.
Marijuana and Radiation Protection
Phytoremediation: Using Plants to Clean Soil
Marijuana - Natural Plants that Prevent Nuclear Radiation - ecogreen4us
Major General Buchanan can reduce Bradley Manning's sentence. Email him ( and/or call him (202-685-2817) now request he do so, then share this message!
2 years after nuclear disaster, Japan spawns freaky fruits and veggies
Shocking 'Extermination' Fantasies By the People Running America's Empire on Full Display at Aspen Summit
Ein US-Militärgericht hat den WikiLeaks-Informanten Bradley Manning in 19 von 21 Anklagepunkten schuldig gesprochen.
Das bedeutet 136 Jahre Haft für Manning
Bradley Manning found not guilty of aiding the enemy
Bradley Manning: Acquitted of aiding the enemy
U.S. Army Pfc Bradley Manning acquitted of aiding the enemy for giving secrets to WikiLeaks.
< We're not going to let him face 100 years in prison. The Feds are backing down. We're going to ram it home! Lynde England, who orchestrated Abu Ghraib got 3 years in prison. We'll fight for TIME SERVED.>
FBI and child sex trafficking
West war crimes in Syria exposed
The FBI Is Lying - The 911
Passenger List Mystery
7 Of 19 FBI Identified Hijackers
Located Alive After WTC Attacks
Hijack 'suspects' alive and well
The Plutonium Files - Radiation Experiments on US Citizens
Human radiation experiments - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The UV Emergency:
Geoengineering is Destroying the Ozone Layer
<made backup >
Weather Modification Inc. Fargo, ND - Pilot Caught on Video
WEATHER MODIFICATION: cloud seeding, atmospheric services - Weather Modification, Inc.
Weather Modification, Incorporated is the leader in atmospheric assessment and evaluation. Since 1961, we
Svovelpredikantene -
Klimaforskere vil pumpe ut en million tonn svoveldioksid i atmosfæren over Norge og nordområdene. Det kommer til å bli kaldt, surt og farlig. Men de tror det skal redde verden.
The Next Generation of Chemtrails 2013
European Parliamentarians Call on President Obama to Free Bradley Manning
Bradley Manning Support Network | Open Letter from Members of the European Parliament to President Barack Obama and US Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel
New study shows magic mushrooms repair brain damage caused by extreme trauma
Neue Studie zeigt: Über die Hälfte der Häftlinge konsumiert regelmässig Cannabis: Knäste sind...
Ein halbes Jahr sass Thomas K.* (58) wegen Betrugs im Knast. Und erlebte dabei Unglaubliches. «Ich habe noch nie so viele Drogen auf einem Fleck gesehen», sagt der Basler. «Es gab zu jeder Zeit Stoff, teilweise in
Highly Deplorable and Completely Unacceptable: Rail Co. Refuses to Pay to Clean Town It Obliterated
It was bad enough when a train from the U.S.-owned Montreal, Maine & Atlantic (MM&A) derailed and exploded in Quebec a few weeks ago, killing at least 47 people, leaking millions of gallons of crude oil into the
Unarmed Florida man shot by police 'firing squad'
The police department in Escambia County, Florida is under investigation after multiple officers opened fire on a 60-year-old man in his own driveway over the weekend, seemingly without explanation.
UV index
The website was taken down today by our host without warning.
Who wrote The Bible?
There were originally 252 commandments in the Old Testament, in Judaism there are 613 commands found in the Pentateuch (the first five books of Moses, a.k.a. The Torah.), and in the modern day Christian Bible a mere 10 commandments, not including Psalms and Proverbs.
So in summary man created the Bible. Many men writing earlier documents, and later copied, altered and modernized through the ages.
The Bradley Manning Verdict Will Be Revealed Tomorrow, Here's What Happened During The Trial
<When did Osama bin Laden really die? How many of those SEALs claimed to have been involved in the killing of Bin Laden are still alive today?
"Osama Bin Laden allegedly read the information Manning leaked. This detail is a key component in the prosecution's contention that Manning provided aid to the enemy. Capt. Joe Morrow, one of three prosecuting attorneys, said that Navy SEALs recovered several items of digital media from Osama Bin Laden's compound in May 2011." >
Bradley Manning, the Army private first class who stand
Possession of at least one-half ounce but less than 4 oz. of cannabis-type substance First offense: up to 1-year prison term, up to a $1,000 fine, or both
Subsequent offenses: up to 5-year prison term, up to a $3,000 fine, or both
Who Wrote The Bible and Why It Matters
Whoever wrote the book of 1 Timothy claimed to be Paul. But he was lying about that -- he was someone else living after Paul had died. In his book, the author of 1 Timothy used Paul's name and authority to address a problem that he saw in the church. Women were speaking out, exercising authority and teaching men. That had to stop. The author told women to be silent and submissive, and reminded his readers about what happened the first time a woman was allowed to exercise authority over a man, in that little incident in the garden of Eden. No, the author argued, if women wanted to be saved, they were to have babies (1 Tim. 2:11-15).
Who wrote the Bible? (Part 1)
The historical books of the Old Testament as we now know them were written in Babylon under Persian rule by parasitic Judean exiled priests (so-called "prophets") who observed the privileges of the ancient priestly cast from Babylon, Assyria, and before and wanted "in" on their gravy train. Upon the "return" they would serve as lackeys for the Persian Empire.
Prison Labor Is Killing Our Business
Imagine competing with an American company that pays its workers less than $1 an hour.
Brazilian police line naked protesters against wall, gas and shoot them with rubber bullets
Video has emerged from Brazil showing police officers committing unspeakable acts of torture on the citizens they are sworn to protect. In a scene evocative of Nazi Germany, Brazilian police forces are shown lining up naked protesters against a wall where they gas and shoot them with rubber bullets.
America: The World’s Number One Sponsor Of Terrorism
USA #1? 40 Embarrassing Things That America Is the Best in the World At
Americans Consider Individual Freedoms Nation's Top Virtue
27 Signs That The Standard Of Living For America’s Middle Class Is Dropping Like A Rock
New York Mayoral Candidate: Stop-And-Frisks Institutionalized Zimmerman-Like Profiling
America Incarcerates More Black Men than South Africa Did During the Height of Apartheid
Cop Hits Little Girl With Motorcycle Then Shoots and Kills Angry Dad
Moments after his motorcycle struck a 4-year-old girl, an off-duty Chicago Police officer shot and killed the girl's irate father after he allegedly attacked...,Hi-Res.pdf
How to Unblock Torrent Sites, Blocked Proxies, & Cameron’s Porn Filter With Immunicity
Torrent Freak | Now a new service has appeared that not only unblocks torrent sites, but also unblocks proxies. It’s called Immunicity – and it’ll crack Cameron’s porn filter too.
Retired Army officer warns: DHS preparing for war against American citizens
On Saturday, Terry M. Hestilow, a retired United States Army Captain from Fort Worth, Texas, posted a letter on Facebook that he wrote to Sen. John Cornyn, R-Te
IDF: ‘Forbidden zone’ in Gaza three times larger than previously stated | +972 Magazine
<English GazaMapGisha70x100.pdf >
The Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories has clarified that the “forbidden” buffer zone in Gaza strip stretches 300 meters from the fence (the Israeli border), and not 100 meters as it previously
It should be noted that the "buffer zone" eats up from 30 to 50% of Gaza's arable lands (number varies according to the source - the lower estimate is from the UN). We should see the zone in the context of other siege policies - for example, the ban on imports into the Strip and the attacks on farmers and fishermen. It then becomes clear what the "buffer zone's" main purpose really is: to further reduce Gazans' ability to provide for themselves.
Greater Israel
Homemade Ionic Foot Detox, nano fibers and heavy metals hate this, you can see them jumping out of your skin. Two different containers for feet ,fill with water & 1 tablespoon sea salt to just cover feet.two stainless steel spoons with speaker wire taped to end, other ends put to 9 volt. its just a slight tingle, your not gonna believe the shit that comes out instantly, its horrifying
NSA Claims Inability to Search Agency’s Own Emails
RT | Despite the ability to monitor the Internet and cell phone activities of millions, the National Security Agency says it lacks the technology necessary to sift through its own employees’ personal email accounts, according to a new report.
Der verborgende Öl Krieg – Trieb die USA Griechenland mit Absicht in die Pleite? |
(AK) Viele Indizien sprechen dafür, das die Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika dafür gesorgt haben, dass Griechenland in die Pleite geht, um an deren Ölreserven
TOR (The Onion Router) Servers - IP List
Rebels from the al-Qaeda affiliated Jabhat al-Nusra sit on a truck full of ammunition in northern Syria, January 11, 2013 (photo credit:
Official: Al Qaeda-affiliated groups gaining strength in Syria
By Elise Labott, reporting from Aspen, Colorado Editor's note: This is one in a series of stories and opinion pieces surrounding the Aspen Security Forum. which took place from July 17 to 20 in Aspen, Colorado. Security Clearance was a media sponsor of the event.
Electronic Mail Internet Country Codes
Syrian Army: Complete Liberation of Homs is Imminent
Transpolar Flights: Good for the Planet, Bad for Your Health?
Commercial flights directly over the North Pole are a fairly new phenomenon. They weren't really an option for Americans until the Soviet Union fell apart and the Russians stopped worrying so much that we were going to drop bombs on them. But since about 2000, the number of transpolar flights has increased considerably.
One of aviation's biggest contributions to climate change is the contrail, those clouds of condensed water vapor created by the jet exhaust. Because they trap outgoing radiation from the earth, the contrails are thought to contribute to global warming.
Anti-Protest Law Passes Nearly Unanimously And Is Signed By The President
So I have some great news folks! The Republicans and the Democrats in Congress and the White House finally came together and agreed on something. This is huge. These guys disagree on EVERYTHING! Getting them
Weather Weapons: the dark world of environmental warfare
<weatherweapons.pdf >
Prison Labor Is Killing Our Business
Imagine competing with an American company that pays its workers less than $1 an hour.
Spain Levies Consumption Tax on Sunlight
If you get caught collecting photons of sunlight for your own use, you can be fined as much as 30 million euros.
Home Made Solar Panel
Cyprus, lenders set Bank of Cyprus bail-in at 47.5 pct, sources say
NICOSIA, July 28 (Reuters) - Cyprus and its internationallenders have agreed to convert 47.5 percent
Iznogoud ENGLISH s01e01 (part 3),7730198,23842842.html
Hunderte von Anzeigen: Großeinsatz: 5760 Passagiere im Innenstadtbereich überprüft
Bei einem Großeinsatz der Polizei, der Bundespolizei, der Deutschen Bahn sowie der Hochbahn sind am Freitagabend und in der Nacht zu Sonnabend insgesamt 5760 Menschen im Nahverkehr überprüft worden.
Anti-Protest Law Passes Nearly Unanimously And Is Signed By The President
So I have some great news folks! The Republicans and the Democrats in Congress and the White House finally came together and agreed on something. This is huge. These guys disagree on EVERYTHING! Getting them
How Nancy Pelosi Saved the NSA Surveillance Program
American incarcerates a Higher Percentage of Black Men than South Africa did During Apartheid
Over Unity LED Light a Reality - Exposing The Truth
MIT researchers have created an "over-unity" LED that absorbs ambient heat energy.
Media source: 123 martyrs in Khan al-Assal massacre
Jul 27, 2013
Wer sich dafür bedanken möchte, dass die Seiten von nur selten zu erreichen sind, weil sie ständig unter ddos-Attacken stehen und zeitweilig auch im Frankfurter Netzknoten blockiert werden, kann sich an die Parteivorstände der deutschen Grünen und der deutschen Piratenpartei wenden, die diese Blockade unter Leitung von Angelika Baer organisieren, weil sie die syrischen Terroristen auf diese Weise unterstützen wollen. Die beiden genannten Parteien betreiben eine gemeinsame "Task Force", die im Netz Unterstützer für diese Aktion sucht und sich über Mumble verständigt, damit niemand mitlesen kann.
Prison Labor BOOMS Despite High Unemployment
The American government has been critical of China's forced-labor policies, but the United States has a burgeoning prison labor pool of its own. Russia Today filed a report on Sunday that said hundreds of companies nationwide
“The nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, the central international agreement guiding the elimination of nuclear weapons, is on the verge of collapse. The chief cause is US nuclear policy that, by openly declaring the possibility of a pre-emptive nuclear first strike and calling for resumed research into mini-nukes and other so-called ‘useable nuclear weapons,’ appears to worship nuclear weapons as God.”"
he government transparency website has published 1,350 names and email addresses of corporate titans, media figures and policy executives who are on the Council on Foreign Relations.
The CFR is the selective group of elites who infiltrate top positions wherever there is power to be had. Their members are comprised of top government officials, CEOs, media executives, university big wigs, big bankers, military brass, and so on.
There are roughly 4,000 CFR members, and together they have unimaginable influence over the direction of the country. They control the news, they control the advertisements, they control the education, they control the science, they control the government.
<guccifer-cfr-spies >
CFR members
A Chemtrail Investigation
Properties of Propaganda
From all the principles we have seen, we can distill an outline of the properties of propaganda.
It will appeal to the emotions and avoid abstractions.
It must be as simple as possible so everyone can understand it.
The message may be reduced to a slogan.
It will be constantly repeated.
It will use stereotyped phrasing.
It will give only one side of the story (you may have to dig to find out the other side).
It will point out a "villain" to attack.
It will incessantly criticize and attack its opponents.
It will use distinctive phrases or slogans to label people or events.
Whether something in the propaganda item is true or false is not important, as long as it is believed and works.
The propaganda will evoke emotional responses from the people's own backgrounds.
Cultural symbols will be used to obtain the emotional responses. Such symbols may be verbal or visual. Posters make great use of symbols
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2 Categories of geoengineering
27. Since 1977, cloud seeding and environmental techniques have been subject to international regulation. In 1977 countries agreed to the "Convention on the Prohibition of Military or Any Other Hostile Use of Environmental Modification Techniques" (ENMOD). The treaty, as well as forbidding the use of environmental modification techniques in hostile circumstances, supported the use of weather modification for peaceful purposes. A re-confirmation of the ENMOD principles occurred at the Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the 1992 Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro.[59] Dr Lee pointed out that most techniques covered by the ENMOD treaty were "quite speculative"—for example, causing earthquakes or tsunamis which was far beyond the capacity of current technology—but that cloud seeding was a technology that was often used.[60]
47 "Termination effect" refers here to the consequences of a sudden halt or failure of the geoengineering system. For SRM approaches, which aim to offset increases in greenhouse gases by reductions in absorbed solar radiation, failure could lead to a relatively rapid warming which would be more difficult to adapt to than the climate change that would have occurred in the absence of geoengineering. SRM methods that produce the largest negative changes, and which rely on advanced technology, are considered higher risks in this respect.
Science and Technology Committee - Fifth Report
The Regulation of Geoengineering
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The Gene Revolution, The Future of Agriculture: Dr. Thierry Vrain at TEDxComoxValley
EU planning to 'own and operate’ spy drones and an air force – Telegraph Blogs
The European Union is planning to “own and operate” spy drones, surveillance satellites and aircraft as part of a new intelligence and security age
The police had ‘no special duty’ to protect” man who was being slashed while trying to stop serial killer
Lozito, 42, a martial-arts enthusiast, claimed cops hid in the motorman’s cab while he disarmed Gelman as the madman slashed at his face, hands, neck and head.
New Beer Lawsuit Could Spell Trouble For Keystone XL Pipeline
Bell's Brewery, which bills itself as the oldest and largest brewery in Michigan, has just filed a lawsuit against the company Enbridge and if that name doesn't ring a bell, think back to July 26, 2010 when an Enbridge pipeline broke and spilled an estimated 843,00 gallons of Line 6B
US-led airstrikes kill 60 in Afghanistan
At least 60 people are killed in separate US-led airstrikes across Afghanistan.
'Yes We Scan': Anti-wiretap activists protest as Obama visits Germany
35. We are clear that serious consideration for the regulatory arrangements for geoengineering needs to start now, not once highly disruptive climate change is under way. (Paragraph 123)
War crimes by Syrian "Opposition"
Of course, the forced starvation of some two million people, the decree that distributing food and medicines to areas supporting the Syrian Government is punishable with a death sentence means nothing to the pro-terrorist west and...
Pentagon: Americans must give up Liberties to fight “enemies” but we won’t say who they are...
The Gene Revolution, The Future of Agriculture: Dr. Thierry Vrain at TEDxComoxValley
Rebels Execute Over 50 Syrian Troops, 150 Killed Overall -- News from
Syrian rebels have retaken the strategically important town of Khan al-Assal in Aleppo Province, killing at least 150 Syrian troops in the process, according to internal reports from within the group.
‘Surveillance society’: German writers slam Berlin’s NSA spying involvement
German writers have published an open letter to Chancellor Angela Merkel, demanding explanations over the country’s secret services’ involvement in the NSA’s spying program. The letter-cum-online petition has already gathered more than 5,000 signatures.
Venäjä tuomitsee ankarasti Naton suuren sotaharjoituksen Itä-Euroopassa
'Tässä on Kylmän sodan henki', sanoo Venäjä puolustusministeriö, joka on tuominnut jyrkästi Naton aikoman sotaharjoituksen, joka järjestetään Puolassa ja Baltian maiden alueella marraskuussa. Kyseessä on Naton suurin
Saudi Arabia signs deal with Israeli army to buy weapons for militants fighting Syria govt.
PRESS TV Saudi Arabia reportedly reaches a deal with Israeli army to buy Israeli weapons for militants fighting against the government of President Bashar al-Assad in Syria.
Idiot as a word derived from the Greek ἰδιώτης, idiōtēs ("person lacking professional skill", "a private citizen", "individual"), from ἴδιος, idios ("private", "one's own").[1] In Latin the word idiota ("ordinary person, layman") preceded the Late Latin meaning "uneducated or ignorant person".[2] Its modern meaning and form dates back to Middle English around the year 1300, from the Old French idiote ("uneducated or ignorant person"). The related word idiocy dates to 1487 and may have been analogously modeled on the words prophet[3] and prophecy.[4][5] The word has cognates in many other languages.
An idiot in Athenian democracy was someone who was characterized by self-centeredness and concerned almost exclusively with private—as opposed to public—affairs.[6] Idiocy was the natural state of ignorance into which all persons were born and its opposite, citizenship, was effected through formalized education.[6] In Athenian democracy, idiots were born and citizens were made through education (although citizenship was also largely hereditary). "Idiot" originally referred to "layman, person lacking professional skill", "person so mentally deficient as to be incapable of ordinary reasoning". Declining to take part in public life, such as democratic government of the polis (city state), was considered dishonorable. "Idiots" were seen as having bad judgment in public and political matters
Government misinformation site
Seeding the atmosphere with aluminum oxide: A good idea?
Over the Rainbow: Aerosols, Atmospheric Alteration, Aluminum and Alzheimer's
The police had 'no special duty' to protect" man who was being slashed while trying to stop...
He’s a bona-fide hero who stopped the so-called “Butcher of Brighton Beach” at the end of a 28-hour city killing spree — but a Manhattan judge yesterday said a father of two is entitled to zero from the city for … Continue
Obama Demands Users Passwords from Internet Companies
19. New York Police Plant Drugs on Innocent People to Meet Arrest Quotas - Project Censored
A host of stories document how the New York Police Department operates outside the very laws it is charged with enforcing. In October 2011, a former NYPD narcotics detective testified that he regularly saw police plant
Obama Plans Full-Scale War on Syria
The Department of Homeland Security says it is illegal to freely play music in The United...
Fact: The Department of Homeland Security (An agency enacted through the Patriot Act) is now demanding through enforcement from The State Fire Marshalls that ALL LIVE MUSIC PLAYED IN THE UNITED STATES MUST HAVE A PERMIT FROM THE DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY.
Lawsuit: SWAT Officers Dragged 10-Year-Old from Bathtub, Made Him Stand Naked Next to 4-Year-Old...
14 police officers with helmets and facemasks and assault
The title is confusing and not a statement I can support: “Aluminium is not a potent Chemtrails Particle”. A more correct headline might be: “Aluminum in chemtrails is not an effort to mitigate global warming”
Holdren - Aluminum Oxide Chemtrail Operations
Aluminium (or aluminum) is a chemical element in the boron group with symbol Al and atomic number 13. It is a silvery white, soft, ductile metal.
Aluminium oxide is a chemical compound of aluminium and oxygen with the chemical formula Al2O3. It is the most commonly occurring of several aluminium oxides, and specifically identified as aluminium(III) oxide. It is commonly called alumina, and may also be called aloxide, aloxite, or alundum depending on particular forms or applications. It commonly occurs in its crystalline polymorphic phase α-Al2O3, in which it comprises the mineral corundum, varieties of which form the precious gems ruby and sapphire. Al2O3 is significant in its use to produce aluminium metal, as an abrasive owing to its hardness, and as a refractory material owing to its high melting point.
The Element Aluminum
Although aluminum is the most abundant metal in the earth's crust, it is never found free in nature. All of the earth's aluminum has combined with other elements to form compounds. Two of the most common compounds are alum, such as potassium aluminum sulfate (KAl(SO4)2·12H2O), and aluminum oxide (Al2O3).
Aluminum Oxide and Chemtrails
Oppenheimer wrote a paper many years ago how barium oxide and aluminum oxide could be dispersed at very high altitude to reflect the sun's heat back into space, would stay suspended for some period of time. But what if he was wrong? What if chemtrail spraying is the real source of the "greenhouse effect?" Is it merely a coincidence that since this aggressive world-wide spraying program began, that the poles are melting and winters are growing warmer than ever before?
News station confirms toxic barium salts in chemtrails
contrailscience is a gov dis information website I hacked into it! what a farce!
Truth about Barium salts from chemtrails (Cause chronic wasting disease)
It is never found in nature in its pure form due to its reactivity with air
It has a +2 electronegativity (like all the Group 2 elements) and is highly reactive. As such, it cannot be found free in nature.
The Space Preservation Act or "What happened to H.R. 2977, Ban on 'Chemtrails'?
To preserve the cooperative, peaceful uses of space for the benefit of all humankind by permanently prohibiting the basing of weapons in space by the United States, and to require the President to take action to adopt and implement a world treaty banning space-based weapons.
<hr2977 - in PDF >
H. R. 2977
To preserve the cooperative, peaceful uses of space for the benefit of all
humankind by permanently prohibiting the basing of weapons in space
by the United States, and to require the President to take action to
adopt and implement a world treaty banning space-based weapons
HR 2977 Space Preservation Act of 2001, HAARP and Geoengineering
"Sunshade" to fight climate change costed at $5 bln a year
Hacker dies days before he was to reveal how to remotely kill pacemaker patients. Just a coincidence, nothing to worry about!
"Owning the Weather" for Military Use by Michel Chossudovsky
Washington's New World Order Weapons Have the Ability to Trigger Climate
Homeland Security Approves Seizure of Cell Phones and Laptops within 100 Miles of Border; Report...
Americans have no Fourth Amendment rights against unreasonable searches and seizures if they happen to be within 100 miles of the border, according to the “Executive Summary” of a still-secret report by the Department of
Murders of Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom
Of the four charged at the state level, three (Letalvis D. Cobbins, Lemaricus Davidson, and George Thomas) had multiple prior felony convictions. After a jury trial, Lemaricus Davidson was sentenced to death by lethal injection and Letalvis Cobbins and George Thomas were sentenced to life in prison, Cobbins without the possibility of parole and Thomas with the possibility. Vanessa Coleman has been convicted of facilitating the crimes and sentenced to 53 years in prison, and Eric Dewayne Boyd has been convicted of federal charges as accessory after the fact to carjacking and sentenced to 18 years in prison
Clever Critters: 8 Best Non-Human Tool Users
Pete the Monkey washing dishes
Official Declaration of the American Liberties Union for the Civil Rights of Monkeys,8599,1824206,00.html
In Spain, Human Rights for Apes
One could be forgiven for wondering how it is that Spain, of all places, is on track to become the first country in the world to extend limited "human" rights to apes
Chinese scientists create second artificial snowstorm in Beijing
November 11, 2009
Saddam was a trained lawyer and that his claim over Kuwait was based on sound legal grounds. Kuwait had always been an integral part of Iraq under British rule. It was separated from Iraq by Great Britain because huge oil reserves were discovered. …
They Know Much More Than You Think
August 15, 2013
James Bamford
"Looking back, the NSA and its predecessors have been gaining secret, illegal access to the communications of Americans for nearly a century. On July 1, 1920, a slim balding man in his early thirties moved into a four-story townhouse at 141 East 37th Street in Manhattan. This was the birth of the Black Chamber, the NSA’s earliest predecessor, and it would be hidden in the nondescript brownstone. " -
Donald Rumsfeld 2.3 Trillion Dollars Just Gone
US to Russia: We won’t seek death penalty for Snowden or torture him
US Attorney General Eric Holder has reassured his Russian counterpart that whistleblower Edward Snowden will not be
UK govt. blamed for energy price hike
UK government is to blame for rising energy bills, Scottish Power says.
Emergency Exit: Greeks flee country as govt resorts to mass layoffs
Pentagon Child Porn Scandal: Security Agencies Were Left At Risk, Investigators Say
Pentagon Officials Used Government Computers to Access Child Porn
Spähaffäre: Demoaufruf auf Facebook gelöscht
Rund 5.000 Menschen werden zur Anti-Späh-Demo am Samstag in Frankfurt erwartet. Doch die Organisatoren haben auf einmal rätselhafte Probleme mit Facebook.
RT uncovers plans for US False Flag against IRAN to start WW3 - REAL NEWS -
RT uncovers plans for US False Flag against IRAN to start WW3 - REAL NEWS -
America spends well over $1 TRILLION on the military (53 cents out of every dollar the government spends is military or related spending) for every year we wage these imperialistic wars. This has increased our national debt to the point we can never repay it.
Senate threatens to sanction countries that aid Snowden
The Senate Appropriations Committee said Thursday that they want the Department of State to consider imposing sanctions on any nation willing to assist NSA leaker Edward Snowden.
Al-Qaeda unleased against Syria and Iraq with acceptance of the West
The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant – the official denomination of al-Qaeda in Iraq – does not even pretend to be not responsible for the relentless bombing, political assassination and mostly sectarian horror unleashed across Iraq during Ramadan.
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Watch This Civil Rights Activist Destroy Fox ‘News’ Racists in Under 5 Minutes
Big banks’ dangerous monopoly on life
Big banks’ dangerous control over commodities.
European Parliament ignores concerns about GMOs and food safety in the EU-US trade negotiations
An open door for GMOs? – take action on the EU-US Free Trade Agreement
The official language talks of "mutual recognition" of standards or so-called reduction of non-tariff barriers. However, for the EU, that could mean accepting US standards in many areas, including food and agriculture, which are lower than the EU's.
CEO relies on grants and donations to carry out our research and campaign work. By making a donation or becoming a friend of CEO you help to support our efforts to expose corporate lobbying, increase transparency and urge greater democratic accountabililty in the EU.Or
European Parliament
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1937 Law Allows Government To Take 47 Percent Of Raisin Crop From Farmers
Will a gas oven be cheaper than electric?
In a new series starting this week, The Telegraph opens the floor to your questions about anything and everything related to your household bills.
Pros and Cons of Gas Versus Electric Ranges - TopTenREVIEWS
Royal Babylon: The Criminal Record of the British Monarchy
A series of 16 short films each detailing a crime of the British monarchy, based on Heathcote Williams' poem "Royal Babylon: The Criminal Record of the British Monarchy":…
Republic vs. Democracy - What Is The Real Form of the U.S. Government
This is a segment from a film called "Overview of American." It gives you a big-picture vision of why we used to enjoy so much personal freedom and
The Bible Unearthed
How to Urinate Standing Up as a Female
Scientists discover what’s killing the bees and it’s worse than you thought
Yemeni journalist who reported US missile strike is released from jail
Abdulelah Haider Shaye, imprisoned on charges of being an al-Qaida operative, reportedly had pardon revoked by US request
A Yemeni journalist who was kept in prison for years at the apparent request of the Obama administration has been released in the Yemeni capital of Sana'a, according to local reports.
Abdulelah Haider Shaye was imprisoned in 2010, after reporting that an attack on a suspected al-Qaida training camp in southern Yemen for which the Yemeni government claimed responsibility had actually been carried out by the United States. Shaye had visited the site and discovered pieces of cruise missiles and cluster bombs not found in Yemen's arsenal, according to a Jeremy Scahill dispatch in the Nation.
Killer cops caught on video - Daily Sun
This shocking video shows how police murdered taxi driver, Mido Macia whose only crime seemed to be parking on the wrong side of the road. He was tied to a p...
Police Beat a Father To Death While He Begs For Help - Then Arrest Witnesses and Confiscate Video
List of killings by law enforcement officers in the United States
List of killings by law enforcement officers in the United States 2013
Police Beat a Father To Death While He Begs For Help - Then Arrest Witnesses and Confiscate Video
Drone Strikes in Pakistan Kill One Terrorist for Every 50 Deaths
Have you ever read the People's History of the United States by Howard Zinn? A must read. Free online. I did a chapter at a time, no sugar coating here, real history.
Five Ways to Have a Chat Behind Big Brother’s Back
Elizabeth Warren Wants To Take This Goldman Sachs Aluminum Story And Run Right Over Wall Street...
The expiration of special rules allowing banks to purchase commodities has become an opportunity for anti-Wall Street politicians.
Roderick Scott Trial: What’s Wrong with New York?
Now, here’s something relevant, something you need to know about Christopher Cervini’s cousin James. James, at 15, has been on probation not once, but twice, for assisting in a burglary and for holding a knife to the throat of a ten-year-old boy (reportedly over a dispute involving marijuana). Roderick Scott’s defense attorney, a brilliant lawyer named John Parrinello (to whom Scott owes his freedom), argued during the trial that it was very likely Christopher rushed Roderick Scott in an attempt to help his cousin James escape. Both “kids” knew that James would be in trouble were he caught committing more petty theft.
Zimmerman case:
I understand self defense but he put himself in that situation he wasn't dragged into it. That means I can stalk you IA IO, because I think you "look suspicious" Get into a confrontation with you, and if I don't like how you respond to me and we get into it. I can claim I was scared for my life (why did I approach you in the first place if you are a scary person) and kill you. Claim self defense, After some heat for a while I can walk free. Makes ya feel pretty safe huh? Yea cause this just made it that EASY. By the way you were unarmed also and I was armed cocked and loaded ready to go but so scared of you..............
Profitgier, Banken und Geldsystem sind natürlich DOCH die Ursachen der heutigen Probleme, aber möglich gemacht werden sie nur durch die Gewalt der Polizei und des Militärs. Gäbe es weder Polizei noch Militär, dann gäbe es niemanden, der dieses Unrechtsystem für die Profitgeier verteidigen könnte und damit gäbe es auch kein Unrechtsystem......
You can't build a new society when 95% of the people aren't much more than zombies and those in power will do their out-most to keep the population dumb and under tranquilizers. You need to start from scratch. That's you. Free yourself from government propaganda. Do your own research, apply critical thinking and common sense. Share what you know. Would like to add more but I live in a part of the country where everybody lives his own life in his little box called "home" and nobody is interested in people. Fed a fake reality from TV and other forms of distractions. Which reminds me it's time for 1-2 hours of activity soon for me.
100 Critical Points About 9/11
"Edward Snowden's revelations have illuminated the most critical political issue facing America today: how an authoritarian U.S. Executive Branch which has focused on war abroad for the last 50 years now devotes increasing resources to surveillance, information management, and population control at home, posing a far greater threat to Americans' liberties than any conceivable foreign foe." Fred
Could hemp help nuclear clean-up in Japan?
Getting those toxic and radioactive elements out of the soil is crucial to restoring the ecosystem after a nuclear disaster. A technique called "phytoremediation" uses certain plants to leech these elements from the soil... guess which one is one of the best at that task? Good old industrial hemp, cannabis' non-drug cousin that our government bans because our police are too uneducated to tell the difference.
Hemp "Eats" Chernobyl Waste, Offers Hope For Hanford
Another win for Monsanto: US raises allowable levels of company’s pesticide in crops
Biotech giant Monsanto has been awarded yet another victory by the federal government thanks to a recent
US Marshals Lost 2,200 Encrypted Radios Worth $6 Million
RT | The US Marshals Service has lost 2,200 encrypted two-way radios and communication devices valued at $6 million or more, and officials are worried that the devices may have found their way into the hands of criminals.
ACLU Releases "Police Tape" Android App
"The New Jersey chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU-NJ) has just released "Police Tape," an Android phone app that allows people to securely ...
Justice cannot occur when a majority of society wants to focus on the background of the dead kid, while making excuses for the background of the killer. Justice cannot occur when a majority of society assumes that the killer was the one acting in self defense, and cannot conceive the possibility that the dead kid was engaged in self defense. Justice cannot occur when a majority of society wants to know what drugs were in the dead kid's system, but has no interest in what drugs were in the killer's system.
Racism in America: Extrajudicial Killing of 313 Black People in 2012, One Every 28 Hours!
Zimmerman's Acquittal and the Call for a New Civil Rights Movement
This is How the American Justice System is Plagued by Racism
Tokyo War Crimes indictment against George W. Bush
The war on Afghanistan not in conformity with the Charter of the United Nations, customary International Law and the decisions of the International Court of Justice .
Study says racists and conservatives are dumb
Majority of Americans racist – poll
Racial prejudice against blacks cut clearly across America’s left-right political divide, despite perceptions to the contrary. While 79 percent of Republicans willingly expressed racial prejudice when answering questions measuring explicit racism (as opposed to 32 percent among Democrats), the implicit racism test showed that a majority of Republicans (64 percent) and Democrats (55 percent) held implicit anti-black feelings.
Racial prejudice against blacks cut clearly across America’s left-right political divide, despite perceptions to the contrary. While 79 percent of Republicans willingly expressed racial prejudice when answering questions measuring explicit racism (as opposed to 32 percent among Democrats), the implicit racism test showed that a majority of Republicans (64 percent) and Democrats (55 percent) held implicit anti-black feelings.
AP poll: U.S. majority have prejudice against blacks
In all, 51% of Americans now express explicit anti-black attitudes, compared with 48% in a similar 2008 survey. When measured by an implicit racial attitudes test, the number of Americans with anti-black sentiments jumped to 56%, up from 49% during the last presidential election. In both tests,
Most Americans expressed anti-Hispanic sentiments, too. In an AP survey done in 2011, 52% of non-Hispanic whites expressed anti-Hispanic attitudes. That figure rose to 57% in the implicit test.
The Top 10 Most Startling Facts About People of Color and Criminal Justice in the United States
A Look at the Racial Disparities Inherent in Our Nation’s Criminal-Justice System
Racism, the U.S. Justice System, and the Trayvon Martin Verdict$1024
Racism Still Divides Black and White America
Racism and ethnic discrimination in the United States
Institutional racism is the theory that aspects of the structure, pervasive attitudes, and established institutions of society disadvantage some racial groups, although not by an overtly discriminatory mechanism.[141] There are several factors that play into institutional racism, including but not limited to: accumulated wealth/benefits from racial groups that have benefited from past discrimination, educational and occupational disadvantages faced by non-native English speakers in the United States, ingrained stereotypical images that still remain in the society (e.g. black men are likely to be criminals)
Brazil scientists developing lifesaving superfoods through traditional plant breeding methods
Why the news black-out on Syria by the western corporate disinformation agencies? Could it be that the Syrian Arab Army is winning and the FUKUS Satanic Army (FSA) is losing? According to the latest reports pouring out of Syria, this would appear to …
"Richest 300 Persons on Earth Have More Money Than Poorest 3 Billion"
Zimmerman flat-out lied about the shooting event, but no one called him on it! | Thom Hartmann -...
While the debate over the racism that was apparent in the trial and ensuing Not Guilty verdict for Zimmerman (and cousin claims he sexually molested her over 10-year period
Zimmerman's cousin claims he sexually molested her over 10-year period
The instances would occur when their families were together, she said, and began when she was 6-years-old and he was 8. The woman told police she and her sister were sent to stay with the Zimmermans while her parents moved from Louisiana to Florida.
“He would reach under the blankets and try to do things,” she said. “I don’t know how I didn’t say anything but I didn’t know any better.”
POCM Pagan Origins of the Christ Myth > POCM > Christianity is another ancient Pagan religion.
Learn how Christianity borrowed salvation, baptism, the eucharist, heaven, hell, a virgin born Jesus Christ the Son of God from ancient Pagan religions. Copycat
SPENCER, IA -- Receiving a report of a suicidal 15-year-old boy, police dispatched a paramilitary unit to breach the home where he resided. The enforcers arrived in an armored vehicle and dressed in full combat regalia, prepared to do battle with the boy. The police held a standoff outside the home, hoping the show of military force would provoke the enemy to surrender. After 3 hours with no response, the HEAT-team finally made a dynamic entry into the boy's home. The boy had already been dead for hours.
ARKANSAS -- A new state law in Arkansas will result in police collecting saliva during routine traffic stops. This is the latest tool they will be using in fighting the oppressive and unjust War on Drugs.
Did George Zimmerman Act In Self-Defense? He Still Doesn't Deserve Our Sympathy
No - it's also because Zimbo is irresponsible and immature, and can't listen to instructions - like "don't follow." He also ignored one of the first rules of Neighbourhood Watch, which is to NOT carry a weapon, and to NOT approach a suspicious person.
He's also a liar - he told the police that he didn't know about the "stand your ground" law, when he had actually taken a course where that law was discussed more than once. Apparently, he wasn't listening there either. He also lied to the judge about his finances to the judge about his finances at his bail hearing. The police only got one side of the story, since the only other eyewitness to the whole episode is dead.
There's something wrong with Zimmerman - seriously. He has psychological problems that make him brash and impulsive. He tried to interfere with a cop doing his job. He's a cop wannabe, that should never be trusted with a gun again.
Bombs Dropped Add to Long List of Great Barrier Reef Threats
Australia’s Great Barrier Reef is under siege from a host of manmade threats.
"Have we gone completely mad?" Waters told the Australian Broadcasting Corp. "Is this how we look after our World Heritage area now? Letting a foreign power drop bombs on it?"
Top US General, "US is Preparing "Kinetic Strikes" against Syria"
Karma is just cause and effect, at its core. Its non judgmental with regard to "good and evil." Its just, "do this, and that has natural consequences which you are subject to." But even those natural consequences are not cut and dried.
If you are a Cheney in a society which values cooperation, altruism, and kindness, that will have one consequence.
If you are a Cheney in a society which values wealth at any cost to others, then that will have another consequence.
San Marcos officer jailed after woman injured during arrest
A college student was walking across the street to say hello to some friends.
That’s when the officer grabbed her by her shoulders, took her four or five steps backwards, and then slammed her on the car.
Up to 500 ‘Al Qaeda militants’ escape Iraq’s Abu Ghraib in violent break-out
A manhunt is underway in Iraq for hundreds of convicts, including senior al Qaeda terrorists, who broke out of Abu Ghraib prison after a military-style raid to free them, authorities said on Monday.
Brazil: Extractive Capitalism and the Great Leap Backward
Brazil: Extractive Capitalism and the Great Leap Backward. Brazil has witnessed one of the world’s most striking socio-
The Changing Geography of Jihad
The Changing Geography of Jihad. Conflicting reports have been published in recent days about the movement of the militant forces of notorious Tehrik-i-Tal
Think Trayvon's Record Said Something About His Character? Well, Get A Load Of This.
The Greatest Lie Ever Told
The Bible Unearthed
Federal Reserve Refuses to Submit to an Audit of Germany´s Gold Held i
Federal Reserve Refuses to Submit to an Audit of Germany´s Gold Held in U.S. Vaults. The German government has been storing about half of its gold supply
‘We become the SIM card’: 750 million mobile phones could be hacked in one minute
Up to 750 million mobile phones around the world carry SIM cards that contain a programming flaw that could leave their owners vulnerable to fraud. The bug allows a hacker to remotely access personal data and authorise illegal transactions within minutes.
False Flag
False flag operations: A description and history of false flag operations and false flag terrorism with an abundance of reliable links for verification, including evidence 9/11 was a false flag event.
Hedgefonds-Manager: Das Gold der Bundesbank ist weg
Der Hedgefonds-Manager William Kaye sagt, es sei naiv zu denken, die Bundesbank würde ihre in den USA gelagerten jemals zurückbekommen. Das ehemals „deutsche“ Gold gibt es als solches nicht mehr. US-Banken haben es von der Fed erhalten, um den
The Secret Hidden from Mankind : Mind Science Kept Hidden, Documentary
An honest Israeli Jew tells the Real Truth about Israel
Miko Peled was born in Jersusalem into a well known and influential Israeli Zionist family. His father was a famous General in the Israeli Army, of which Miko also served his time. When Miko's niece was killed by Palestinian suicide bombers, you may have expected the family's emotions to be directed at the Palestinians, but surprisingly they blamed the state of Israel, and their brutal torturing and persecution for driving people to such despair that they would take their own lives.
State Of Mind Film Full Version HD
Film: State Of Mind – Full Version in High Definition
Agriculture is the farming of plants and animals.
Civilization is the farming of human beings
Miami Police Shot Protester, then laugh about it.
George Zimmerman, Son of a Retired Judge, Has 3 Closed Arrests | Rolling Out - Black News,...
That’s the question that’s being asked now that more information on Trayvon Martin’s 28-year-old killer is being revealed. Robert Zimmerman, a former Orange County magistrate judge, recently wrote a letter to The
The SFPD Execution of Gus Rugley - San Francisco Bay View v.30, n.44, 9nov2005
In recognition of Governmental Terrorism Month, we had to highlight the San Francisco police execution of 21-year-old Gustavus Rugley. Thirty-six bullets were retrieved from his body. No one on the police force has been
Germany intelligence cooperated with NSA as Merkel denied knowledge – report
Der Speigel magazine has revealed German intelligence operated one of NSA’s spying programs. Chancellor Angela Merkel had denied any previous knowledge of NSA’s tactics, adding that she first learned about them
Three year old kid explains why he doesn´t want to eat meat
SYRIA: The Al Qaeda Executive
Financed and used by the British and the Saudis, Al Qaeda has been protected by the White House as a ground army for destabilization and warfare. This
US- South Africa War Games: The Pentagon's Hidden Agenda is to Make "Africans fight Africans"
The Pentagon is involved in organizing war games in different part of the World. The stated military mandate is national security and the "Global War on Terrorism". The South African media has rep...
King David – The Boy Wonder
Manning trial sets execution precedent for future whistleblowers
The decision to pursue a charge of aiding and abetting the enemy against whistleblower Bradley Manning opens the door to future whistleblowers facing execution, Jeff Paterson, director of Courage to Resist told RT.
"This is the first time in US military history that a soldier is facing the aiding the enemy charge for giving information to the media for the public good. And we’re talking about over 200 years of history - this is the very first time"
Chris Hedges: America Is a Tinderbox
And what's happening now is that we are being rapidly reconfigured into a kind of neo-feudal society, an oligarchic society where increasingly the bottom two-thirds of Americans are hanging on by their fingertips. You have a shrinking, diminishing middle class and an elite that is just making obscene amounts of money at our expense.
And you can't sustain--first of all, you can't sustain a democracy in an oligarchy. That's not a new idea. Thucydides wrote about that about ancient Athens. But secondly, because there are no self-imposed limits--and in this sense Karl Marx was right, that unfettered, unregulated capitalism, especially on a global scale, is a revolutionary force. They will push and push and push until there is a backlash.
And I think part of what we're seeing with the security and surveillance state is a preparation for that backlash-
The left has been destroyed, especially the radical left, quite consciously in the whole name of anti-communism
"At its core, All Governance is about maximizing corporate profit at the expense of it citizenry." Chris Hedges
Iraq weapons expert Dr David Kelly was victim of 'Hillsborough-style cover up' say doctors...
The group says it would be ‘shameful’ if the truth about the death was suppressed in a similar way to that of the 1989 football stadium tragedy in which 96 Liverpool fans died.
The group of doctors, which is led by the radiologist Stephen Frost and includes Andrew Watt, David Halpin and Christopher Burns-Cox, says Dr Kelly’s death is ‘a matter of continuing public and professional concern’.
The Zionist agenda, Dr. David Kelly and The propaganda of the BBC By David Halpin
US deploying troops to 35 African countries
The United States Army will be deploying troops to nearly three-dozen African nations in the coming year.
Homeland Security Threatens to Punish Staff for Reading Washington Post NSA Articles
Government threatens legal actions against those who access the articles at work.
Michael Hudson says game over for our post-feudalistic economy; and Detroit's second chance
'Justice for Trayvon': Rallies to hit 100 US cities
Rallies throughout America are scheduled outside federal buildings on Saturday to protest a Florida jury's decision last week to find neighborhood watch leader George Zimmerman not guilty of shooting dead unarmed black teenager Trayvon Martin.
hope in a changing climate
Green Gold - Documentary by John D. Liu
"It's possible to rehabilitate large-scale damaged ecosystems." Environmental film maker John D. Liu documents large-scale ecosystem restoration projects in ...
Secret court lets NSA extend its trawl of Verizon customers' phone records
Latest revelation an indication of how Obama administration has opened up hidden world of mass communications surveillance
A List Of Children Killed By Drone Strikes In Pakistan and Yemen
Israeli soldiers have depraved “fun” making “Rachel Corrie pancakes”
Their celebration and joking about Rachel Corrie’s death reflects the culture of dehumanization inculcated into Israeli soldiers.
Former Corruption Prosecutor Found Dead Under A Bridge- Suspiciously Ruled A “Suicide”
Cassius Methyl | A former federal prosecutor of corruption was found dead under a bridge- it was almost immediately ruled a suicide, widely seen as extremely suspicious.
This week in press freedoms and privacy rights
Glenn Greenwald: The travesty calling itself "the Bradley Manning court-martial", the kangaroo tribunal calling itself "the FISA court", and the emptiness of what the Obama DOJ
Start of 2013 the coldest in 208 years
Half Way Through The North Pole Melt Season – Still The Coldest Summer On Record
Coldest spring for more than 50 years
That would make this the 5th coldest spring in national records dating back to 1910 and the coldest spring since 1962.
Fourteen states east of the Rockies had spring temperatures that ranked among their 10 lowest since record-keeping started more than 100 years ago. - S
USA Today admits; Jet aircraft exhaust may be chemically modified to reflect sunlight. – Thats right, Chemtrails!
Can geoengineering put the freeze on global warming?
FISA court renews US government surveillance
The Obama administration has renewed the authority for the National Security Agency to regularly collect the phones records of millions of Americas as allowed under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act.
It was never suicide, says Dr Kelly's cousin as family finally breaks silence
Wendy Wearmouth said she found it 'incredibly unlikely' that Dr Kelly committed suicide and suggested he was
Obama's Sweeping Trayvon Statement SUCCESSFULLY Distracted You From Today's NSA Re-Authorization!
Perhaps more than a little convenient that the day President Obama issues a sweeping "extensive statement on race in America" (as the NYT put it) is the SAME...
"After being arrested and detained, Anthony Westbrook was handcuffed, restrained and beaten by Deputy Calvin Reed until his teeth were knocked from his mouth and he suffered facial and jaw and other physical injuries and other injuries constituting excessive and unconstitutional force," says the complaint.
Feds seize gold coins worth $80 mln from Pennsylvania family
A federal judge has upheld a verdict that strips a Pennsylvania family of their grandfather’s gold coins — worth an estimated $80 million — and has ordered ownership transferred to the US government.
Multiple NYPD Cars Caught Blasting Star Wars “Imperial March” Theme Song on Patrol
JG Vibes | NYPD Vehicles have been spotted on multiple occasions cruising around the city with their windows down, blaring Darth Vader's infamous theme song.
When Canada used hunger to clear the West
That food was denied to aboriginal people is a shock but no surprise. It’s an uncomfortable truth of our history
"If they turn on the radars we're going to blow up their goddamn SAMs (surface-to-air missiles). They know we own their country. We own their airspace... We dictate the way they live and talk. And that's what's great about America right now. It's a good thing, especially when there's a lot of oil out there we need."
Notice this was DURING PEACETIME, the term WE gave to the 10 year stretch when the US was bombing Irag---BETWEEN THE TWO IRAQ WARS!!!
--U.S. Brig. General William Looney (Interview Washington Post, August 30, 1999)
As America fights, China gets contracts
Proof Chemtrails are being edited into old moves, commercials, cartoons.
CHAPTER 2 - Colonialism and Development
Programmer Testifies About Rigging Elections With Vote Counting Machines (Ohio 2004) | TruthTheory
Clinton Eugene Curtis testified under oath, before the Ohio State legislature, that he wrote a program to rig elections. This program would flip the total vote from the real winner to the candidate who had been pre-selected to win by
..der Friedensnobelpreisträger möchte Krieg!
Es wird wohl erst Ruhe eintreten, wenn die ganze Welt zum Schlachtfeld Amerikas geworden ist.
Aleppo, 15 July 2013:
Terrorists burn food aid trucks…’cause they don’t need food…they eat human organs…
Political Assassination and the Crimes of War: The "Unnatural Death" of Dr. David Kelly
Color-blind racial ideology linked to racism
March 25, 2013
In U.S., 65% Support Drone Attacks on Terrorists Abroad
Does the NRA Want African-American Men to Stand Their Ground?
The NRA needs to announce a new program immediately, complete with a website that takes donations of both money and guns to give to young African-Americans.
Israel has given the green light for the US to send arms to the FSA. Arms where being held up for fear of them "ending up in the wrong hands" which was not Al Qaeda as the mass media reported, but Hezbollah as few journalists did report. Of course there was no problem really with arms going to Al Nusra now that it's under the command of AlCIAda and easily controlled
You Are a Terrorist If You Film Animal Abuse or Unsanitary Conditions
In five states of the U.S.—Arkansas, Missouri, Iowa, Utah, and South Carolina—you are a criminal for exposing public health dangers and animal rights abuses. If a person takes undercover pictures or films at animal facilities, that person can be prosecuted under laws...
MEDIA BLACKOUT: No 'Stand Your Ground' Right For CeCe McDonald Against Neo-Nazi Attackers
The Minneapolis Star-Tribune reported that 23-year-old CeCe McDonald was sentenced June 4, 2012 to three years and five months in prison for the death of Dean Schmitz, a white Neo-Nazi. McDonald was walking past a local
Bradley Manning in final bid to have 'aiding the enemy' charge dismissed
Defence lawyers says conviction would set 'extremely bad precedent' that would 'bring hammer down on any whistleblower' Ed Pilkington in New York guar…
10 Ways That The Iron Grip Of The Big Brother Prison Grid Is Tightening On All Of Our Lives
Do you ever feel trapped in an invisible control grid that is slowly but surely closing in all around you? Do you ever feel like virtually everything that you
As the NSA Follows You, We Follow the Money
Since the 9/11 attacks, the United States has witnessed the rapid growth of an intelligence-industrial complex that fuses government and corporate power. According to the Project on Government Oversight, $300 billion a year is now spent on a “shadow government of private contractors.” At the center of this arrangement is an interlocking web of current and former high-level government officials, major corporations, D.C. think tanks and other inside-the-Beltway operators who have benefitted from the rise of the surveillance state. Here are a few of the most notable:
- See more at:
GMO - Testing
An open door for GMOs? – take action on the EU-US Free Trade Agreement
Obama attempting to railroad EU acceptance of GMOs through new 'free trade' agreements
Former President and Commander-In-Chief: America Is No Longer a Democracy
Ex-CIA station chief in Milan detained in Panama
A former station chief with the CIA has been detained in Panama after being on the run from Italian police for more than a decade.
Detroit Files For Bankruptcy
DETROIT -- Detroit on Thursday became the largest city in U.S. history to file for bankruptcy, as the state-appointed emergency manager filed for Chapter 9 protection. Kevin Orr, a bankruptcy expert, was hired by the state in March to lead Detroit out of a fiscal free-fall and made the filing Thursd...
CIA Backs $630,000 Scientific Study on Controlling Global Climate
Conspiracy theorists, rejoice!
This town in Colorado is going to issue drone hunting permits for the purpose of shooting down the federal government's drones.
Alex and Emma (2003) Comedy [Full Movie] ENG
Scientists Finally Explain How Acupuncture Works… And It’s Related To Marijuana
Truth on Pot | Acupuncture has been around for thousands of years and so has medical marijuana. But the two haven’t been connected until now, thanks to a group of outside-the-box thinkers at a university in China.
The Amazing Retrograding Low
This weather has literally been backwards. This system has migrated across more than half the continent…in the wrong direction!
“We’ve now seen the evidence presented by both sides, and it’s abundantly clear that the charge of ‘aiding the enemy’ has no basis. The government should withdraw that charge”
Judge refused to drop charge of aiding the enemy against Manning
The judge in the Private First Class Manning trial refused the motion to dismiss the charge of aiding the enemy.
Nazi Mars : NASA Curiosity Finds Nazi Helmet On Mars - UFO Sightings 2013|Unidentified Flying...
NASA Curiosity photo shows a mysterious object that looks like a Nazi helmet among the rocks of Mars. The image appears to show a Army helmet Nazi that casts shadow on the rocky surface of Mars. NA...
Top 11 Man-Made UFOs, UFO Videos, UFO Pictures |
Exclusive – Confirmed: American “UFO” Over Korea
Soviet Union witnessed invasion of US-made UFOs in 1980s
Canadian - American-made UFOs
Witness to Michael Hastings Car Crash Shares His Story (TYT Exclusive)
There are still many questions and theories circling around what caused the tragic car crash that took
More Details Emerge on the Death of Michael Hastings
Michael Hastings Cremated, Family Never Requested; Wife Hires Private Investigator
Ginger Destroys Cancer More Effectively than Death-Linked Cancer Drugs
Peru to Provide Free Solar Power to its 2 Million Poorest Citizens
The country of Peru is looking to provide free energy to over 2 million of the country's poorest citizens thanks to that
‘America has no functioning democracy’ – Jimmy Carter on NSA
Former US President Jimmy Carter lambasted US intelligence methods as undemocratic and described Edward Snowden’s NSA leak as “beneficial” for the country.
A Letter From Marissa Alexander – The Battered Woman Sentenced To 20 Years For Firing Warning Shot
Watch 2 Racists Attempt to Start a Riot at a Peaceful Trayvon Martin Protest
Full Disclosure: What the Media Isn't Telling You About War in Syria
TEEN HERO. He chased a car on his bike for 15 minutes to save this 5-year-old girl who was snatched from her front yard in Pennsylvania. 15-year-old Temar Boggs spotted little Jocelyn Rojas inside a car while biking around his neighborhood with some friends. Temar gave chase and when the driver realized he wasn't giving up, he let Jocelyn out.
‘Sorry is not enough’: Bolivia demands EU find culprits behind aerial hijack
EU apologies for the aerial blockade that forced the Bolivian president’s plane to land are “not enough,” said Bolivia’s foreign minister. The presidential plane was grounded amid suspicions that NSA leaker Edward Snowden had stowed away onboard.
Every 28 Hours 2012 Report: Extrajudicial Killings of 313 Black People by Police, Security...
Kali Akuno: Study shows that every 28 hours a Black person is killed in the USA and that only 13 percent were actually involved in an activity that threatened someone's life
Deuce Bigalow Male Gigolo [1999]
Big Daddy full movie
Assassin's Creed III (The Movie)
Texas Cop Shoots and Kills Terrified Unarmed 14-year-old Hiding in Woodshed After a Fistfight
Officer with a history of ignoring orders went in with his gun drawn.
CDC Admits 98 Million Americans Received Polio Vaccine Contaminated With Cancer Virus
The CDC has quickly removed a page from their website, which is now cached here, admitting that more than 98 million Americans received one or more doses of polio vaccine within an 8-year span when a proportion of the
Aide to man with Down syndrome who died in theater had warned police, report says
Deputies were told that man who had Down syndrome would “freak out” if they touched him, the aide said.
Obama Sent Libyan Sarin to Syrian Rebels to Destroy Aleppo
‘Sorry is not enough’: Bolivia demands EU find culprits behind aerial hijack
EU apologies for the aerial blockade that forced the Bolivian president’s plane to land are “not enough,” said Bolivia’s foreign minister. The presidential plane was grounded amid suspicions that NSA leaker Edward Snowden had stowed away onboard.
FBI withholds autopsy of Tsarnaev associate 'shot in head' during questioning
The autopsy report for Ibragim Todashev, 27, killed by an FBI agent during an interrogation which took place in his apartment on May 22 was ready for release on July 8. However, the FBI barred its publication, saying an internal
Rolling Stone journalist Michael Hastings’ body was cremated against his family’s wishes, destroying potential evidence that could have contradicted the explanation that he died as a result of an accident, according to San Diego 6 reporter Kimberly Dvorak
Make no mistake about it: if a rich, white, unarmed teenager had been gunned down in a similar manner in a predominantly African-American neighborhood, the shooter, acting in self-defense or not, would be on his/her way to prison this very moment
Beekeeping Industry Sues EPA for Approval of Bee-Killing Pesticide National beekeeping organizations along with the National Honey Bee Advisory Board have come together in an attempt to protect the bee industry by an appeal against EPA for its approval of the pesticide Sulfoxaflor, shown to be “highly toxic”
Black Cop Shot 28 Times By White Officers Now Faces Attempted Murder Charges
As much of the country follows the Trayvon Martin case, activists in Chicago are hoping to bring some of that
9/11 could be insurance fraud as “trial” of conspiring duo begins in NY today
Timeline of United States military operations
Kann man Enthüllungen bald in der Pfeife rauchen? — Carta
Es gibt immer mehr Enthüllungen, die immer weniger bewirken. Das könnte daran liegen, dass die Politik dickfelliger geworden ist. Oder daran, dass der Journalismus keine Rolle mehr spielt.
Kein Geld für Siedlungen: EU-Boykott empört Israels Regierung - SPIEGEL ONLINE
Die EU will künftig verhindern, dass Geld aus Europa in israelische Siedlungen in den besetzten palästinensischen Gebieten fließt. Für die Regierung von Benjamin Netanjahu ist das ein Unding. Sie zieht Vergleiche zu den Boykottaufrufen gegen Juden im "Dritten
‘Conspiracy theorists’ vs. govt. dupes
US-Truppen in Grafenwöhr – Üben für den Krieg der Zukunft
Die USA investieren 630 Millionen für den Ausbau des Truppenübungsplatzes in Grafenwöhr - eine der größten militärischen Investitionen der Amerikaner in Europa.
when the sun goes behind REAL clouds, the light becomes more dim and you can look directly at the sun.
when the sun goes behind 'chemtrail' clouds (nano-aluminum particulates) the light of the sun is refracted, creating a large, bright area that you cannot look directly at.
The GW Bush - Osama Bin Laden Connection
EDITORS NOTE: The following is a transcript of a link submitted to Scoop by a Scoop reader. Clearly questions are raised in this material about the nature of the relationship between the Bush family and the family of Osama Bin Laden.
EU to bar all member states from funding Israeli settlements
An EU directive will bar all 28 member states from dealings with Jewish settlements in the occupied territories, including annexed Arab east Jerusalem, sparking attacks from Israeli officials Tuesday.
Bradley Manning Defense Says U.S. Wants To Put 'A Hammer Down On Any Whistlebower'
FORT MEADE, Md. -- Pfc. Bradley Manning's lawyer argued on Monday that the most serious charge against the Army intelligence analyst -- aiding the enemy -- threatens the freedom of the press and should be dismissed.
Breaking News – U.S. Federal Court Hits President Barack Hussein Obama with three charges of...
ts Official: Obama Impeachment Starts Here… U.S. Federal Court hits President Barack Hussein Obama with three charges of abuse of office. The charges present…ed are detailed and damning. The indictments assert that President
Yahoo wins lawsuit to declassify docs of proving resistance to PRISM
Search engine Yahoo has won a court case to release NSA records and potentially prove it resisted handing over customer data to US authorities. The ruling could clear Yahoo’s name following allegations it collaborated with the NSA to spy on citizens.
2 Men Shoot, Kill And Go Free – Black Woman Gets 20 Years Firing Warning Shot (VIDEO & PETITION)
If you’re a middle aged male, and you stalk a teenager you suspect to be a criminal, and kill him, you can go free.
If you’re an older white man, and you catch your wife cheating, you get to kill her lover and go free.
If you’re a young black woman, and you fire a warning shot to scare off a physically abusive husband who’s aggressively coming at you, after saying, “If I can’t have you, no one will,” then you get to go to prison for 20 years.
Mission Kansas Police Cavity Search Mom After Toddlers Drop Pebbles in Mail Slot
Cop Block | On the evening of 3-16-2013 around 5 pm I was leaving the Mission Post Office. I had just put my two young daughters (Ages 4 & 2) in the minivan. While I was putting packages in the car, I was unexpectedly
Exploring natural spy habitat: German activist grilled over satirical NSA-agent-spotting walk
A Blockupy activist who posted plans for a light-hearted public walk around a US spy center in Germany to “observe intelligence agents in their natural habitat” received a visit from the secret service questioning him if he
Smearing Trayvon Martin: The True Lie that Black Men Commit More Crime than Whites
Patents That Prove Chemtrails Exist
The Free Syrian Army, a motley collection of fanatics, Islamists, Chechen and Afghan mercenaries, terrorists, murderers, rapists, torturers, looters, thieves, arsonists, you name it... is yet again exposed in this column practising war crimes, this time the forced starvation of millions of civilians. And the west supports these monsters?
John Perkins Exclusive First Irish Interview 2012 Economic hitman
Author john Perkins "Confessions of an economic hitman" & "Hoodwinked" first Irish interview 2012 with TNS RADIO and AWAKEN WATERFORD ... many thanks to John...
Irish Holocaust
Irish Holocaust In 1845 Over one million Irish died At the hands of English green eyes A forgotten genocide Behind the lies Young child...
Irish Holocaust
UK police authorised to seize mobile data at the border without reasonable suspicion
Police are using counter-terrorism laws to confiscate mobile devices from individuals travelling through UK air, sea and rail hubs and then download their data. Such seizures can be carried out without grounds for suspicion and
Florida man pleads not guilty to shooting teen to death over loud music
A Florida gun collector has pleaded not guilty to a murder charge alleging that he opened fire on a car full of unarmed teenagers, killing one, in an altercation that police say stemmed from loud music. Michael David Dunn, 45, acted
"His side of the story is he felt threatened and that is the reason he took action," Schoonover said.
Eliminating The Parasites That You Almost Certainly Have
U.S. Repeals Propaganda Ban, Spreads Government-Made News To Americans
For decades, a so-called anti-propaganda law prevented the U.S. government's mammoth broadcasting arm from delivering programming to American audiences. But on July 2, that came silently to an end with the implementation of a new reform passed in
Noam Chomsky: Obama Is 'Running Biggest Terrorist Operation That Exists'
After America Collapses - Part II - The Constitution in Perspective
Israel used Turkish military base to airstrike Syria arms depot - RT source
Zufallsfund: Radioaktives Cäsium am Grund des Bielersees
Geologen überzeugt: Verseuchtes Material kommt vom AKW Mühleberg. Im Fall einer Havarie existiert kein
Look Up! A Social Action Documentary