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Attack on Syria

Syria ( under imperialist attack by USA-NATO-Israel-Gulf_States )

Latest update as of of June 20 2012

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As of June 20 2012 GMT 9oo
Interview with Michel Chossudovsky of Global Research
I interview Michel Chossudovsky, Director for the Center of Research on Globalization about the history of the Center. Questions that were asked: 1.How and why was Global Research created and who was involved and in what capacity? 2.What kinds of…
America's Pacific Century: Containing China
Smedley Butler: "I spent 33 years & four months in active military service& during that period I spent most of my time as a high class muscle man for Big Business, for Wall Street & the bankers. In short, I was a racketeer, a gangster for capitalism. I helped make Mexico... safe for American oil interests in 1914. I helped make Haiti & Cuba a decent place for the National City Bank boys... I helped in the raping of half a dozen Central American republics for the benefit of Wall Street. I helped purify Nicaragua for the International Banking House.... I brought light to the Dominican Republic for the American sugar interests... I helped make Honduras right for the American fruit companies... In China... I helped see to it that Standard Oil went on its way unmolested. Looking back on it, I might have given Al Capone a few hints. The best he could do was to operate his racket in three districts. I operated on three continents."
All Over America Government Control Freaks Are Forcing Preppers Back On To The Grid
Freedom loving rebels, who want to bring a pluralistic democracy to Syria? Think again!
To believe that we're dealing with simple, armed freedom loving rebels, who want to bring a pluralistic democracy to Syria, is utter nonsense. We're dealing with Salafi fundamentalists that will dictate their values and will have everyone submit to them. Below is just one recent example:
The "freedom fighters" in Syria who have been calling for "Free and Democratic Syria" have confiscated a beer delivery truck. Now listen to their view on alcohol and recall that some of the oldest Christian communities live in Syria. No wonder the latter are fleeing; they, like all others who don't want to submit to that Salfai aberration, are also targets of the terror of the rebels.
Oops, but such facts hardly fit the political agenda of AI USA, headed by Suzanne Nossel, Hillary Clinton’s former Deputy Assistant for International Organization Affairs and Visiting Senior Fellow for Global Governance at the Council of Foreign Relations, do they?
Some crimes do not go on prescription: Mercenaries & Butchers, Rats & Renegade (+Video with intervie
‎*Interview from 14/05/2011 TRANSCRIPTION REBEL: She told us “Please this is not our ways or what our faith or our Islam condones. Please why are you doing this?” REPORTER: And you didn...
SHOCKING: interview with a man who has been tortured for months in Misurata’s jails (+3 Video)
‎*Interview with a man who has been tortured for months in Misurata’s jails * TRANSCRIPTION OF THE INTERVIEW 1.This is a Pal-Talk conversation in which a Green ex prisoner in the Barbarian ja...
"The Salvador Option For Syria" : Information Clearing House
‎"The Salvador Option For Syria" US-NATO Sponsored Death Squads Integrate "Opposition Forces"By Prof. Michel Chossudovsky
EDITORS WARNING: If you have a week stomach or don’t want to have nightmares for the next week then don’t watch the video. Do not let your children be in the room when viewing it and make sure they do not get the link to it. The video is disturbing to say the least, it is extremely graphic, but the...
Why Pass Indefinite Military Detention Law Now?
Syria Psyops, Everyone's a Militant!, Fukushima Update - New World Next Week
Just Be Evil: The unauthorized history of Google
United States is a war driven economy. Look at the list of "defense contractors". There are thousands of them Each of them includes a CEO, workers, and stock holders, all of whom want more and more money spent on "defense" with ever bigger contracts and profits for their companies. They are the "job creators". It's fucking sick and unsustainable and destructive including, ultimately, self-destructive.
When the Chinese use drone strikes on Uighurs or Tibetans, United States and Britain will no doubt scream bloody murder. It probably won't be long before Russia uses drones strikes in the restive areas along its southern border. Iran and Venezuela are also developing drones. At one time United States alone possessed nuclear bombs. That changed and so will the situation with U.S. supremacy in drone technology.
Amnesty’s Shilling for US Wars | Consortiumnews
For decades, Amnesty International has been a respected name in the cause of human rights, but its recent hiring of Suzanne Nossel, a longtime U.S. “huma...
Syria UN mission headed by spy? (Op-Ed)
Congress presses Obama for war with Iran
One month ago Congress passed HR 568. The resolution appears to be designed for the preparation of war with Iran; the US House of Representatives passed the legislation 401 to 11 and it states that President Obama should oppose any policy with Iran when it comes to the alleged Iranian nuclear threat, leaving war the only option to settle the matter between the two countries. Jamal Abdi, policy director at The National Iranian American Council, takes a closer look at the possible war with Iran.
Total Devastation: 'Germany will pay for Euro break up'
EndGame HQ full length version
Fars News Agency :: Iran, Russia, China, Syria to Stage Biggest Joint Wargames in Middle-East
TEHRAN (FNA)- The Iranian, Russian, Chinese and Syrian armies are due to stage joint amphibious exercises along the Syrian costs in coming weeks, informed sources
GGN- Declassified: Massive Israeli Manipulation of US Media Exposed
GLOBAL ELITES THROWN OUT OF ICELAND: Iceland Dismantles Corrupt Gov’t Then Arrests All Rothschild Ba
"If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered."
Thomas Jefferson
Syria: Damascus - MEGA-PRO-ASSAD rally,
Reuters officially apologizes to Syria for providing false images, fabricating news on Syria events
Source Reuters news agency reportedly apologized to French Channel Two for providing it with photos on Lebanon from its archives claiming these are from Syria. On Sunday night, the news bulletin pr...
The western narrative on Syria is a one-sided Big Lie. In this fictional account, the government of Syria has been “killing its own people” for the past year, seemingly without
M of A - Prime German Paper: Syrian Rebels Committed Houla Massacre
Syria: Another “Humanitarian War” Based on Lies & Deceit
All Christians Forced to Flee From Qusayr, Syria
Agenzia Fides, the "Information Service of the Pontifical Mission Societies Since 1927," reported June 9 that the entire remaining Christian population of the town of Qusayr, near Homs, Syria,— about 1,000 of the 10,000 who had lived there before the so-called "rebellion" began,— was fleeing "following an ultimatum from the military chief of the armed opposition" there, Abdel Salam Harba. The message was repeated from the minarets of some of the mosques: "'Christians must leave Qusayr within six days, which expires this Friday.' The ultimatum, therefore, expired yesterday, June 8, and produced fear among the Christian population who had begun to hope again after the presence of Father Paolo Dall'Oglio, the Jesuit who stayed in Qusayr for a week, with the idea of 'praying and fasting for peace in the midst of the conflict' (see Fides 30/5/2012).
Shades of Blood: One-sided Syria war media biggest barrier to peace
Managing Escalation: Negroponte and Bush's New Iraq Team
Under the "Salvador Option," Negroponte had assistance from his colleague from his days in Central America during the 1980's, Ret. Col James Steele. Steele, whose title in Baghdad was Counselor for Iraqi Security Forces supervised the selection and training of members of the Badr Organization and Mehdi Army, the two largest Shi'ite militias in Iraq, in order to target the leadership and support networks of a primarily Sunni resistance.
Planned or not, these death squads promptly spiraled out of control to become the leading cause of death in Iraq. Intentional or not, the scores of tortured, mutilated bodies which turn up on the streets of Baghdad each day are generated by the death squads whose impetus was John Negroponte. And it is this U.S.-backed sectarian violence which largely led to the hell-disaster that Iraq is today.
Dems Ignore Negroponte’s Death Squad Past, Look to Confirm Iraq Appointment
If confirmed Negroponte will head up the largest US embassy in the world, with more than 3,000 employees and over 500 CIA officers. Despite what some would call Negroponte’s infamous history in Central America as US ambassador to Honduras during the 1980s, he has come up against almost no Congressional opposition, even from Senate democrats who once criticized him for supporting widespread human rights abuses.
As ambassador to Honduras, Negroponte played a key role in coordinating US covert aid to the Contra death squads in Nicaragua and shoring up a CIA-backed death squad in Honduras. During his term as ambassador there, diplomats alleged that the embassy’s annual human rights reports made Honduras sound more like Norway than Argentina. In a 1995 series, the Baltimore Sun detailed the activities of a secret CIA-trained Honduran army unit, Battalion 3-16, that used "shock and suffocation devices in interrogations. Prisoners often were kept naked and, when no longer useful, killed and buried in unmarked graves." In 1994, Honduras’s National Commission for the Protection of Human Rights reported that it was officially admitted that 179 civilians were still missing.
His upcoming Senate confirmation seems assured, and that is a scary prospect. Why? Because Negroponte has a long and bloody criminal history, dating back to the early 1960s, of overseeing the training and arming of death squads, schooled in the techniques of torture, "forced interrogation," assassination and, as we shall see, even genocide. He has been described as an "old-fashioned imperialist," active for nearly four decades in Vietnam, Central America, the Philippines, Mexico and most recently Iraq. He got his start back in the days of the CIA's Phoenix program, which assassinated some 40,000 Vietnamese "subversives."
Chossudovsky: US-Sponsored Gangs Committed Houla Massacre
Syria is now in a full-scale civil war, UN peacekeeping chief Herve Ladsous has said. Syria
More evidence that the Houla massacre was most likely committed by Syrian rebels
This Der Spiegel report is a few months old but so timely now considering the accusations surrounding the Houla massacre. The report is all the more relevant since an alternative narrative (and even reports in mainstream media) has emerged which claims that the rebels massacred families who were Sunni converts to Shi’ism and the relatives of a Syrian Sunni MP—all of whom they would logically regard as “traitors”,“Sunni[s] spying” and “citizens who betray the revolution”, as per the words of an executioner belonging to the “burial brigade” below:
“Since last summer, we have executed slightly fewer than 150 men, which represents about 20 percent of our prisoners,” says Abu Rami. Those prisoners who are not convicted and sentenced to death are exchanged for rebel prisoners or detained protesters, he says. But the executioners of Homs have been busier with traitors within their own ranks than with prisoners of war. “If we catch a Sunni spying, or if a citizen betrays the revolution, we make it quick,” says the fighter. According to Abu Rami, Hussein’s burial brigade has put between 200 and 250 traitors to death since the beginning of the uprising.”
GOP nomination could hinge on court ruling
The lawyers for Ron Paul have announced theybare taking over the Ron Paul campaign and they will challenge every single voter fraud claim this Whole election.
Romney rigged this election, & they claim they have proof.
the delegates will all be UNBOUND!
We are NOT letting this Tyrannical takeover Happen!!
380 American Rebels Reported Killed In Michigan Battle | Consciousness TV
< Hoax or real?>
<That clip is from MEMRI, co-founded in 1998 by Yigal Carmon, a former colonel in the Israeli military intelligence, and Meyrav Wurmser, an Israeli-born, American Zionist conservative. The latter is married to David Wurmser who served as Middle East Adviser to former US Vice President Dick Cheney, as special assistant to John R. Bolton at the State Department and as a research fellow on the Middle East at the American Enterprise Institute (AEI). The Wurmsers, along the Douglas Feith and Richarde Perle, are the principal authors of the 1996 report A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm <>, a paper prepared for then incoming Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu. .
In a May 18, 2003, BBC broadcast entitled, "The War Party", Meyrav Wurmser, wife of AEI member David Wurmser and member of The Hudson Institute, candidly admitted that “many of us are Jewish” and that “all of us, in fact, are pro-Israel­, some of us more fiercely so that others.
So, in brief, you give credence to an outlet run by a bunch of Zionist neocons who brought millions of deaths upon people in MENA, and who are known to edit, falsely translate and use quotes out of utter context. Ha!>
Shameless propaganda stunt by US State Department run, Soros-funded front Amnesty International
Murderer! Mourners at mass funeral of 35 Kurds killed in botched jet bombing blast Turkey PM
Women fell to the ground wailing for the loss of loved ones
Half of the victims killed in air strike were under 20 years old
Stone-throwing protesters clash with police for second day
Attack 'unfortunate' and 'saddening' says Turkish PM Erdogan
Turkey to continue supporting Hashemi even after Interpol alert
Turkish MP: Erdogan backs terrorist attacks in Syria through CIA
ANKARA–Turkish Republican People's Party MP Rafiq Irlmaz stressed on Monday that Prime Minister Recept Tayyip Erdogan is backing secret operations perpetrated by the USA in Syria through the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).
In a statement to a Turkish newspaper, Irlmaz said that the USA has escalated terrorist attacks which caused the killing of hundreds of innocent Syrian people, pointing out that Erdogan is wagering on the perpetrators of terrorist attacks in Syria.
Sheik Muhammad Badi' Moussa:We Ruled It Is Permissible to Kill 'Alawite Women and Children
<False accusations but among them is the real accusation. The Alawite support the government. This small minority wouldn't dare to murder children of much bigger groups but the Muslim Brotherhood has to fabricate lies for their ethnic cleansing. There was no Al Qaeda in Iraq under Saddam. Now there is. Only a few members of Al Qaeda under Gaddafi. Now Al Qaeda runs Libya but..... the Sheik tell that he was asked to give permission to kill Alawite children and women which he gave. The children killed in Houla belonged to people supportive of Assad. We know now exactly who was behind the killings of children in Syria.>
Patriarch GREGORY III LAHAM describes how Christians are being treated in Syria, and blames the rebels for the
BBC: Osama bin Laden was CIA agent & Al-Qaeda Never Existed - Invented by CIA
Hillary Clinton Admits the U.S. Government Created al-Qaeda
The Mujahideen were the "database" of Al-Qaeda assets. Al-Qaeda are a controlled opposition force of the Central Intelligence Agency to promote their middle ...
IN PICTURES: Cyber Jihadi Artist Uses Photo from Iraq for Poster on Syria
Category Archives: FalseFlagAttacks
Al-Qaeda brigades founded in Syria
17, June, 2012 Injured and Martyred Civilians Due to the Ranom Bombing on the City of Doma
< fake video, fake blood >
SYRIA: Al-Qaida Terrorists seem moving from Libya to Syria
Arrest Warrant Issued for Barack Obama for supporting & arming Al-Qaeda Terrorists in Libya & Syria
Sharia guardians reviving Islamic revolution in Libya - Press TV News
< Al Qaeda and Al Qaeda flags >
Flying While Muslim: Racial Profiling Post-9/11
Racial Disparity - Stop & Frisk
In 2009 - 600,000 incidences of Stop & Frisk, 84% of which involved African-Americans.
Nun: “Syrian rebels took bodies from hospital to stage massacre”
A nun at a Syrian Christian monastery says eyewitnesses saw militants take corpses from a hospital near Houla and pile them in a mosque to convince UN observers that a massacre had occurred.
Syrian rebels took bodies from hospital to stage massacre - nun
A nun at a Syrian Christian monastery says eyewitnesses saw militants take corpses from a hospital near Houla and pile them in a mosque to convince UN observers that a massacre had occurred.
Syrien: Einige Journalisten durchbrechen das westliche Lügenkonstrukt
Hidden US-Israeli Military Agenda: "Break Syria into Pieces"
Wilkerson: New Military Powers the Road to Tyranny
Class War: Low Wages and Beggar Thy Neighbor
The War on Wages
Dr. Heiner Flassbeck: If wages don't rise and the "pathological" power of finance is not pushed back, we will face a deep depression
Anti Syria propaganda by the guardian
See also comments:
More Than 70 People Killed In Wave Of Coordinated Iraq Bombings
At least 70 killed during religious festival as bombers target Iraq pilgrims, cops
Al-Qaida's Iraqi affiliate, Islamic State of Iraq, claimed responsibility for the attack on the religious office.
BAGHDAD -- Bombs targeting Shiite pilgrims in Baghdad and police in southern Iraq killed more than 70 people on Wednesday in a wave of attacks during a major religious festival, police and hospital sources said. Violence in Iraq has eased since the height of the war, but Is
Syria 3/1/2012 Just have a look close at the Terrorists asking the Arab Monitors for help.
Girl 9 Banned From Taking Photos!
Syrian Rebels Guilty of Kidnapping, Torture, And Executions – Human Rights Watch
Human Rights Watch finds Syria Rebels have committed gross human rights abuses, including kidnappings, torture,
The Bombing of Damascus: Terror, Lies, Human Rights and Mass Media "Conspiracy Theories"
On Friday 23rd December two terrorist attacks hit the Syrian capital of Damascus. The attacks struck the State Security Directorate and another security branch in the Syrian capital. Russia, China and other countries were quick to condemn the attacks which murdered 44 people and injured 166.In spite...
More Lies From the CIA's 'Human Rights Watch'
Human Rights Watch: A History of Lies
A documentary giving an insight into the events in Libya that led up to NATO intervention
Syrian Christian reminds French FM that Syria is loyal to its ancestors
Lizzie Phelan Interview about Syria
British Journalist describes experiences on ground among other things.
Lizzie Phelan and Mustafa Afzalzadeh speak to Syrian people following the speech of President Bashar al-Asad at the
Pro Assad Rally in Rome, Italy 16-06-2012
Italians and Syrians in Italy, express their support for Syria and to President Bashar
Eyewitness Report on "Rebel" Atrocities in Syria, April, 2012
Al-Qaida, Muslim Brotherhood, Salafis, Wahabis. All are different names for the same terrorist Islamic fanatics killing people in Syria.
Michael-Parenti-January-6-2012-Democracy and the Pathology of Wealth
ECB: Long-term interest rates
Greece has to pay 26.90%
Syria NATO and the Modified Chechnyan Model
Syrian rebels are being armed by Saudi Arabia and Qatar, The Independent has learnt, in a development that threatens to inflame a regional power struggle provoked by the 15-month-old uprising against the Assad regime
Syria NATO and the Modified Chechnyan Model
Syrian protesters armed and fully supported by Zionist to get rid of president Bashar Al Asad
US, Arab puppets arming terrorist gangs in Syria: Analyst
Anti tank missiles are now thought to be moving into the hands of US, Saudi and Qatari-backed terrorists in Syria in blatant disregard to the UN peace initiative.
There are 3 components. The accusers, the accusations and the accused. Lets look at the accusers: USA-UK-Israel = war criminals and liars. Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Bahrain. Totalitarian regimes supporting Al Qaeda. It's like if a mass-murderer, torturer and heroin seller would point his blood soaked finger at you accusing you of of the crimes his mercenaries committed.The Western media? Their job is to spread government lies and propaganda. See WMD, incubator, Gaddafi's "black" mercenaries, gulf of Tonkin etc.
How to fake killings
The FSA or as the world calls them The Free Syrian Animals want Christians dead if President Assad falls
CIA / Mossad Snipers in Syria and the Arab States
Al-Jazeera involved in killing Syrians (GRAPHIC IMAGES) (english subs)
BBC Witness about Syria and lies of News media Gilles Jacquier
Syria - The REAL Story -- MUST SEE -- CIA & MOSSAD Death Squads Exposed
Homs Massacre a Fake, Syria 04-02-2012
CNN BUSTED!!! AGAIN more Fake videos from the Libya, Syria conflict
Syria: Exposing The Lies Behind The Campaign To Invade Iran
The truth be told, we have Occupy Wall Street has already shown us how the U.S. deals with peaceful protestors. Recall what happened at Ruby Ridge and Waco as you imagine the response if Occupy protestors were running around in the streets armed with missiles and assault weapons and firing upon riot police.
Am NOT the video owner, its from RT news website-
An armed gangs who are fully armed by Zionist and western countries and members of Al-Qaeda trying to act as a peaceful protesters, while starting violence and killing armed forces, BUTT when the forces try to self defense they are blamed and western media wont mention that Syrian army are fighting against armed gangs and are in self defense, but instead blame the army and call the gangs as peaceful protesters.
Exposed - Peaceful Protestors in Syria Prepare Fake Video Of Dead Bodies
Fake videos about Syria (CNN,Al Jazeera,BBC)
Syrian Activists Caught Lying in Propaganda War Against Syria
Britain "apologizes" for terrorist act in Basra
In earlier reports, we focussed on the operation of two undercover British SAS operatives, dressed in traditonal Arab clothing, who were planning to set of bombs in the main square in Basra, coinciding with a religous event. They were arrested by Iraqi police and subsequently "liberated" by Briti...
Al-Qaeda claims responsibility for recent Iraq blasts
Al-Qaeda terrorists have claimed responsibility for a spate of blasts in Iraq that killed 72 Shiite pilgrims and injured more than 250 others. Coordinated attacks were launched
Prisoners of the Lost Universe (1983)
Syria: As fighting continues foreign detainees may reach center stage
Nun: “Syrian rebels took bodies from hospital to stage massacre”
A nun at a Syrian Christian monastery says eyewitnesses saw militants take corpses from a hospital near Houla and
selected and edited clip. MEMRI is not merely another, simple hasbara <> outlet, but it is a blatant propaganda and falsification outlet!
Grand Mufti Sheikh Hassoun, the highest Islamic authority in Syria and a close confidant of embattled President Bashar Assad, talked to SPIEGEL about the threat of civil war, possible suicide bombings in Europe and his son's murder at the hands of Islamist insurgents.
Manufacturing Consent: Noam Chomsky and the Media (1993)
Video: 167 minutes
Noam Chomsky unfold the veils of state patrol.
Beyond cinicism and hypocrisy he points underlying aims and deeds of power logic.
Lies, War, and Empire: NATO’s “Humanitarian Imperialism” in Libya
A Jordanian UN monitor in Syria says some UN observers are on a spying mission in the country.
Will NATO-led Rebels Ethnically Cleanse Libya?
Empire, Energy and Al-Qaeda: The Anglo-American Terror Network The Imperial Anatomy of al-Qaeda, Part II Global Research, September 8, 2010 This is Part 2 of the series, “The Imperial Anatomy...
Libya, Syria, and the West: An Interview With Andrew Gavin Marshall
Lies, War, and Empire: NATO’s “Humanitarian Imperialism” in Libya By: Andrew Gavin Marshall In this report I seek to examine the war against Libya in a more critical and comprehensive manner ...

This is what we call “humanitarian intervention.” A situation in which we go to war against a foreign nation, based upon lies; in which we support –arm, organize, and lead – a militant rebel army; an army which has been committing atrocities, ethnic cleansing, and spreading lies and misinformation; in which we call these rebels ‘pro-democracy’protesters; in which we call a group with less than 15% of the support of the people a “popular uprising”; in which we bomb innocent civilians to allow these rebels to move forward and occupy new territory; in which our oil companies move in to plunder the wealth of the most oil-rich country in Africa. This – this! – is what we call“humanitarian intervention.”
Amnesty International on Behalf of Imperialism
Syria - Terrorists blow up the head of a Pro Assad Civilian +18
Letter: Amnesty International's Prisoner of Conscience lists and the reason for double standards
Letter: Amnesty International's Prisoner of Conscience lists and the reason for double standards
The Houla Hoaxsters by Justin Raimondo --
It was supposed to be another “Benghazi moment” – an incident so horrific that it would spark Western military intervention in Syria’s increasingly violent civil war. The massacre at Houla was reported to be just such a moment: Syria’s security forces stand accused of killing 32 children u...
Here's a fine, recent summary from another friend:
Amnesty International: Lies on Syria Campaign
June 14, 2012 | By Susana Al Halabi
Iraq, Libya, Syria: Amnesty International and the useful human rights.
As the Western propaganda machine ( proudly has announced, the British lies-organization Amnesty International (ai) will continue its campaign "Lies on Syria" under the title "Eyes on Syria".
The Pack of Lies against Syria is further maintained by the notorious war-propagandist Donatella Rovera from Amnesty International (ai). But meanwhile, Amnesty International has waived on a very noticeable corrections of the last lies that were spread by this not really independent organization.
Thus, for example, one is still able to read the following lie about the Feltman-massacre ( under the title "UN Swift action needed on Syria after Houla assault" on a promoted area of the website of Amnesty International (ai):
Title: Urgent UN actions to Syria to attack Houla required
Original from Amnesty International:
"…The Syrian military's barrage of shells, mortars and rockets and raids on the residential area of Teldo on Tuesday left at least dead 108,
including 34 women and children 50, according to sources, Amnesty International has not talked to, among them on eyewitness to the attack's aftermath…"
"…The high civilian death toll – including scores of women and children – in Houla must spur the Security Council to act in unison and immediately refer the situation in Syria to the ICC," said Philip Luther, Amnesty International's Middle East and North Africa Program Director…" (Source: Amnesty International)
Finally, even in the mass media of the NATO countries, they can no longer deny that this description by Amnesty International (ai) is a lies.
Neither, the murdered women and children of al-Houla (al-Hula) died under the bombardment with heavy weapons, nor were the perpetrators of this horrible massacre related to the Syrian government (e.g. Shabiha / Shabi7a).
The truth is, that murder gangs like the "Executioner of Homs", supported by Zionists, GCC and NATO, have attacked Syrian army posts in al-Houla (al-Hula) despite the truce in Syria and deliberately massacred some families there; for example, they have cut women's and
children's throats because these people had rejected to support the murder gangs of NATO.
Here, the perpetrators were just those people which are made up to freedom fighters by Amnesty International (ai), one could even say, they get sold by Amnesty International (ai) as heroic murder gangs, including the gang of executioners of Homs, which is already notorious for their murders by neck cutting.
It seems that Amnesty International (ai) has even supported the murderers of al-Houla (al-Hula) in the attempt, as planned, to shift the blame on the Syrian government.
Amnesty International has worded the target, which was envisaged by the perpetrators by carrying out this massacre: to force the UN Security Council (UNSC) to take action against the Syrian government. With the transfer to the mendacious kangaroo-court ( NATO is was clearly not meant, which is according to the context clear, that the ICC (International Criminal Court) should finally arrest the leaders of NATO countries, the Gulf dictators, and the Zionists, which are behind the scenes involved to fuel wars, and the lying propagandists as the group of Amnesty International (ai).
This is the known method of the British propaganda organization Amnesty International: The buddies of Donatella Rovera and Amnesty International (ai) do commit mass murders, Amnesty International transmutes / converts them into criminals of the government and calls for actions against the (in this case) Syrian government.
In this manner, Amnesty International (ai) has, for example, spread the deliberate lie (
title=Amnesty_International#Participation_in_propaganda_campaign_leading_up_to_the_1991_Gulf_War ) before the first U.S. war against Iraq, together with the advertising agency Hill & Knowlton that Iraqi soldiers had thrown Kuwaiti babies out of their incubators and thereby they have propagated the U.S. war against Iraq.
Donatella Rovera has explained in 2002 to the remonstrance of unethical behavior by Amnesty International simply the following: "AI is not an anti-war organization."
And that's that. Amnesty International is not an anti-war organization, but an organization whose purpose is to stir up with one-sided reports and gross lies in the simple folk-war sentiment against states that the rulers of the NATO countries are not like. Here, the deception works so well, that even well-meaning people support this war-organization with volunteer work and donations.
And that is why Amnesty International (ai) was also awarded, like many other criminals from NATO countries and their agents, with the War-Nobel Prize by NATO country Norway in 1977.

Source of Translation: Amnesty International: Lies on Syria
Land Destroyer: The Globalists' Worst Nightmare
Greeks Rush the Banks; Lines Form at ATMs; Nearly $1 Billion Withdrawn in Past Week
A remarkable article that guides the reader through the events of 911 with links and substantiation that proves
The new VW Passat & Golf BlueMotion 1.6 TDI gets 74 miles per gallon and you can only get it in Europe. That's about 915 miles on a single tank of gas folks. YA!!! But you can't purchase it in the US. Why? Money... That's right Money... The oil companies will lose money on fuel efficient cars like this so they are not for sale in the US.
Libya court revokes "Anti-Qaddafi Glorification Law" as violence continues
If approved, violating Law 37 would have been subject to a maximum sentence of life imprisonment
The Gaddafi Mercenaries and the Division of Africa
How Amnesty International spread rumors and fuelled media disinformation during NATO attacks
Libya: Organization Calls for Immediate Arms Embargo and Assets Freeze
Amnesty International Accuses U.N. Security Council and African Union of Failing the People of Libya with ‘Half-Hearted’ Response as Violence Flares and Colonel al-Gaddafi Vows to “Cleanse House”Organization Calls for Immediate Arms Embargo and Assets Freeze
< Read article and watch the above video >
Amnesty International Closes Online Poll, Hides Human Rights Hero Winner
Online voting for Human Rights Hero 2011 closed one month early, and result censored, after Libyan Leader Muammar Gaddafi took clear lead along with Nabeel Rajab of Bahrain and Michael Jackson. Image: Hijacked as a money-making business forgetful of western crimes and state-terrorism, true human rig...
Land Destroyer: Amnesty International's Ultimatum to Russia
US State Department-run Amnesty International demands Russia allow US& NATO to commence the ruination and plundering of Syria
Amnesty International - SourceWatch
Amnesty International (AI) is "a worldwide movement of people who campaign for internationally recognized human rights."[1] AI has an international secretariat and while
Suzanne Nossel brings a wealth of government, NGO and private sector experience to her post as executive director of Amnesty International USA, which she assumed in January 2012.
Hillary Clinton Aid Appointed New Executive Director of Amnesty International U.S.A.
admin Nov 25, 2011 Humanitarian Agencies, The War on Libya - There Was No Evidence


Syria II

As of June 17 2012
Lets look at Syria and try to solve the puzzle:
We have 3 components:

  1. The accusers
  2. The accusations
  3. The accused
  4. Evidence
USA: Known for supporting dictatorships around the world and crashing democratic movements. Knowing for lying and fabricating evidence in order to go to war and invade a country. ( Iraq: WMD, Saddam Al Qaeda links, incubator. Libya: black mercenaries, Gaddafi soldiers raping women. USA: 911 )
UK: Same as a above plus history of colonialism and murder of millions of people
NATO: Participating in the crimes of USA and UK. Bombing civilians and bombing civilian infrastructure in: Yugoslavia, Iraq, Libya and now Syria
Israel: A racist colonialist regime.
Qatar, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia. Totalitarian regimes

Assad killing peaceful demonstrators and children.
My question: How did "peaceful" demonstrators kill 2000 Syrian soldiers and what is the FSA fighting with? Yogurts?
We know the Western media is lying because they were lying about Gaddafi ( using black mercenaries and his soldiers raping women etc. ) Iraq: WMD, incubator babies, Al Qaeda links. 911

We could use statements by the Syrian government but would be blamed as "onesided" if we don't report the lies by the Western media or totalitarian gulf states.
So I concentrate on neutral or independent news sources.

Syria: Exposing The Lies Behind The Campaign To Invade Iran
Exposed - Peaceful Protestors in Syria Prepare Fake Video Of Dead Bodies
Fake videos about Syria (CNN,Al Jazeera,BBC)
Syrian Activists Caught Lying in Propaganda War Against Syria
Britain "apologizes" for terrorist act in Basra

In earlier reports, we focussed on the operation of two undercover British SAS operatives, dressed in traditonal Arab clothing, who were planning to set of bombs in the main square in Basra, coinciding with a religous event. They were arrested by Iraqi police and subsequently "liberated" by Briti...
Al-Qaeda claims responsibility for recent Iraq blasts

Al-Qaeda terrorists have claimed responsibility for a spate of blasts in Iraq that killed 72 Shiite pilgrims and injured more than 250 others. Coordinated attacks were launched
Syria: As fighting continues foreign detainees may reach center stage
Nun: “Syrian rebels took bodies from hospital to stage massacre”

A nun at a Syrian Christian monastery says eyewitnesses saw militants take corpses from a hospital near Houla and
US Military Planning ‘Completed’ for Syria Attack

selected and edited clip. MEMRI is not merely another, simple hasbara <> outlet, but it is a blatant propaganda and falsification outlet!
Grand Mufti Sheikh Hassoun, the highest Islamic authority in Syria and a close confidant of embattled President Bashar Assad, talked to SPIEGEL about the threat of civil war, possible suicide bombings in Europe and his son's murder at the hands of Islamist insurgents.
Manufacturing Consent: Noam Chomsky and the Media (1993)
Video: 167 minutes
Noam Chomsky unfold the veils of state patrol.
Beyond cinicism and hypocrisy he points underlying aims and deeds of power logic.
Lies, War, and Empire: NATO’s “Humanitarian Imperialism” in Libya
A Jordanian UN monitor in Syria says some UN observers are on a spying mission in the country.
Will NATO-led Rebels Ethnically Cleanse Libya?
Empire, Energy and Al-Qaeda: The Anglo-American Terror Network The Imperial Anatomy of al-Qaeda, Part II Global Research, September 8, 2010 This is Part 2 of the series, “The Imperial Anatomy...
Libya, Syria, and the West: An Interview With Andrew Gavin Marshall
Lies, War, and Empire: NATO’s “Humanitarian Imperialism” in Libya By: Andrew Gavin Marshall In this report I seek to examine the war against Libya in a more critical and comprehensive manner ...

This is what we call “humanitarian intervention.” A situation in which we go to war against a foreign nation, based upon lies; in which we support – arm, organize, and lead – a militant rebel army; an army which has been committing atrocities, ethnic cleansing, and spreading lies and misinformation; in which we call these rebels ‘pro-democracy’protesters; in which we call a group with less than 15% of the support of the people a “popular uprising”; in which we bomb innocent civilians to allow these rebels to move forward and occupy new territory; in which our oil companies move in to plunder the wealth of the most oil-rich country in Africa. This – this! – is what we call“humanitarian intervention.”
Amnesty International on Behalf of Imperialism
Syria - Terrorists blow up the head of a Pro Assad Civilian +18
Letter: Amnesty International's Prisoner of Conscience lists and the reason for double standards
Letter: Amnesty International's Prisoner of Conscience lists and the reason for double standards
The Houla Hoaxsters by Justin Raimondo --

It was supposed to be another “Benghazi moment” – an incident so horrific that it would spark Western military intervention in Syria’s increasingly violent civil war. The massacre at Houla was reported to be just such a moment: Syria’s security forces stand accused of killing 32 children u...
Here's a fine, recent summary from another friend:

Amnesty International: Lies on Syria Campaign

June 14, 2012 | By Susana Al Halabi

Iraq, Libya, Syria: Amnesty International and the useful human rights.
As the Western propaganda machine ( ) proudly has announced, the British lies-organization Amnesty International (ai) will continue its campaign "Lies on Syria" under the title "Eyes on Syria".

The Pack of Lies against Syria is further maintained by the notorious war-propagandist Donatella Rovera from Amnesty International (ai). But meanwhile, Amnesty International has waived on a very noticeable corrections of the last lies that were spread by this not really independent organization.

Thus, for example, one is still able to read the following lie about the Feltman-massacre (
) under the title "UN Swift action needed on Syria after Houla assault" on a promoted area of the website of Amnesty International (ai):

Title: Urgent UN actions to Syria to attack Houla required
Original from Amnesty International:

"…The Syrian military's barrage of shells, mortars and rockets and raids on the residential area of Teldo on Tuesday left at least dead 108,
including 34 women and children 50, according to sources, Amnesty International has not talked to, among them on eyewitness to the attack's aftermath…"

"…The high civilian death toll – including scores of women and children – in Houla must spur the Security Council to act in unison and immediately refer the situation in Syria to the ICC," said Philip Luther, Amnesty International's Middle East and North Africa Program Director…" (Source: Amnesty International)

Finally, even in the mass media of the NATO countries, they can no longer deny that this description by Amnesty International (ai) is a lies.

Neither, the murdered women and children of al-Houla (al-Hula) died under the bombardment with heavy weapons, nor were the perpetrators of this horrible massacre related to the Syrian government (e.g. Shabiha / Shabi7a).

The truth is, that murder gangs like the "Executioner of Homs", supported by Zionists, GCC and NATO, have attacked Syrian army posts in al-Houla (al-Hula) despite the truce in Syria and deliberately massacred some families there; for example, they have cut women's and
children's throats because these people had rejected to support the murder gangs of NATO.

Here, the perpetrators were just those people which are made up to freedom fighters by Amnesty International (ai), one could even say, they get sold by Amnesty International (ai) as heroic murder gangs, including the gang of executioners of Homs, which is already notorious for their murders by neck cutting.

It seems that Amnesty International (ai) has even supported the murderers of al-Houla (al-Hula) in the attempt, as planned, to shift the blame on the Syrian government.

Amnesty International has worded the target, which was envisaged by the perpetrators by carrying out this massacre: to force the UN Security Council (UNSC) to take action against the Syrian government. With the transfer to the mendacious kangaroo-court (
)of NATO is was clearly not meant, which is according to the context clear, that the ICC (International Criminal Court) should finally arrest the leaders of NATO countries, the Gulf dictators, and the Zionists, which are behind the scenes involved to fuel wars, and the lying propagandists as the group of Amnesty International (ai).
This is the known method of the British propaganda organization Amnesty International: The buddies of Donatella Rovera and Amnesty International (ai) do commit mass murders, Amnesty International transmutes / converts them into criminals of the government and calls for actions against the (in this case) Syrian government.

In this manner, Amnesty International (ai) has, for example, spread the deliberate lie ( before the first U.S. war against Iraq, together with the advertising agency Hill & Knowlton that Iraqi soldiers had thrown Kuwaiti babies out of their incubators and thereby they have propagated the U.S. war against Iraq.

Donatella Rovera has explained in 2002 to the remonstrance of unethical behavior by Amnesty International simply the following: "AI is not an anti-war organization."

And that's that. Amnesty International is not an anti-war organization, but an organization whose purpose is to stir up with one-sided reports and gross lies in the simple folk-war sentiment against states that the rulers of the NATO countries are not like. Here, the deception works so well, that even well-meaning people support this war-organization with volunteer work and donations.
And that is why Amnesty International (ai) was also awarded, like many other criminals from NATO countries and their agents, with the War-Nobel Prize by NATO country Norway in 1977.

Source of Translation: Amnesty International: Lies on Syria

Land Destroyer: The Globalists' Worst Nightmare
Greeks Rush the Banks; Lines Form at ATMs; Nearly $1 Billion Withdrawn in Past Week
A remarkable article that guides the reader through the events of 911 with links and substantiation that proves
The new VW Passat & Golf BlueMotion 1.6 TDI gets 74 miles per gallon and you can only get it in Europe. That's about 915 miles on a single tank of gas folks. YA!!! But you can't purchase it in the US. Why? Money... That's right Money... The oil companies will lose money on fuel efficient cars like this so they are not for sale in the US.
U.S. Government blocks sales of fuel-efficient cars
Zionist Murder of Muammar Gaddafi HD

Libya court revokes "Anti-Qaddafi Glorification Law" as violence continues
If approved, violating Law 37 would have been subject to a maximum sentence of life imprisonment
The Gaddafi Mercenaries and the Division of Africa

How Amnesty International spread rumors and fuelled media disinformation during NATO attacks

Libya: Organization Calls for Immediate Arms Embargo and Assets Freeze

Amnesty International Accuses U.N. Security Council and African Union of Failing the People of Libya with ‘Half-Hearted’ Response as Violence Flares and Colonel al-Gaddafi Vows to “Cleanse House”Organization Calls for Immediate Arms Embargo and Assets Freeze
< Read article and watch the above video >
Amnesty International Closes Online Poll, Hides Human Rights Hero Winner

Online voting for Human Rights Hero 2011 closed one month early, and result censored, after Libyan Leader Muammar Gaddafi took clear lead along with Nabeel Rajab of Bahrain and Michael Jackson. Image: Hijacked as a money-making business forgetful of western crimes and state-terrorism, true human rig...
Land Destroyer: Amnesty International's Ultimatum to Russia
US State Department-run Amnesty International demands Russia allow US& NATO to commence the ruination and plundering of Syria
Amnesty International - SourceWatch

Amnesty International (AI) is "a worldwide movement of people who campaign for internationally recognized human rights."[1] AI has an international secretariat and while
Executive Director of Amnesty International USA

Suzanne Nossel brings a wealth of government, NGO and private sector experience to her post as executive director of Amnesty International USA, which she assumed in January 2012.

Hillary Clinton Aid Appointed New Executive Director of Amnesty International U.S.A.
admin Nov 25, 2011 Humanitarian Agencies, The War on Libya - There Was No Evidence

The Houla ( Syria ) Massacre.
UN Report on Houla Massacre Conflicts With Rebel Accounts
Alegedly fewer Than 20 Killed by Regime Artillery but the government didn't use artillery on Houla
(1) the UN report revealed that the shelling killed less than 20 people, with the vast majority executed by gunfire at close range. 2) rebel reports from Friday diden't even have troops entering the town, claiming that rebel forces had chased them away after artillery fire on a protest. = less than 20 killed by artillery. Army didn't enter town. Was chased away. Vast majority killed at close range and many children killed by knifes. Since the army didn't enter the town we can attribute all the close range killings to the NATO-gulf states sponsored terrorists. )
Read also:
Houla Massacre: How Media Manipulates Public Opinion For Regime Change in Syria

Corporate Journalism: The Art of Deception

It shouldn’t take a genius to see through this relentless western effort to takeover Syria, but not having learned their lesson from Libya, so many hard working and well educated westerners are bound to fall for it all over again.

Cui bono? Who benefits…from another civilian massacre? Clearly not the Syrian government. But western-backed terrorist groups who have been working to destabilize the country for over one year now, do clearly benefit.

Who would be the chief suspect for this latest massacre? How about the western-backed terrorists in Syria – the very same terrorist groups admitted to their own bombing campaign that killed many innocent people in Syria only weeks ago.


Collection of articles over the last 10 days alone. ( 15 Feb. -25 Feb. )
The headers of the articles are clear enough about who the violators are and international war criminals.
It's the same "good old" colonial powers that devastated the planet and humanity over the past 500 years.

EU to freeze Syrian Central Bank assets Feb 27
Saudi says arming Syrian opposition excellent idea | Reuters
TUNIS (Reuters) - Giving weapons to the Syrian opposition facing a violent crackdown by government forces is an excellent idea, Saudi Arabian Foreign Minister Prince Saud al-Faisal said on Friday.Asked
Syrian rebels confirm receiving arms from Western countries
“Friends of Syria” meet in Tunisia – to destabilize Syria
RT | Globalists presently meet up in Tunisia. With friends like these, who needs enemies...
Calls for tougher economic sanctions against Syria are getting louder at the 'Friends of Syria' meeting in Tunisia, with the EU already preparing to freeze the Syrian Central Bank assets next week. It's among the new measures to cripple the Assad regime being proposed by the U.S. and its allies, as they gather to hammer out the Syrian crisis. German government consultant Christoph Horstel thinks that the West is trying to transplant its regime-change strategy from Libya to Syria.
NATO conceals preparations for military action against Syria
The United States has decided to disengage itself from certain obligations on the Conventional Forces in Europe Treaty (CFE). In particular, the USA will no longer inform Russia about the plans connected with the redeployment of...
'CIA & Western media's total fiasco in Syria'
Calls for tougher economic sanctions against Syria are getting louder at the 'Friends of Syria' meeting in Tunisia, with the EU already preparing to freeze the Syrian Central Bank assets next week.
Families of slaughtered children to sue the CIA > - Strategic Culture Foundati
NATO backs off while London and Paris still scheming [Voltaire Network]
NATO backs off while London and Paris still scheming | « SYRIA PRESS REVIEW » #54 | Anders Fogh
West's pressure pushed China, Russia together [Voltaire Network]
West's pressure pushed China, Russia together | According to Major General Luo Yuan, member of the Academy of Military Sciences of the People's Republic of China, the US ultimatum to Syria has backfired on Washington. He has urged Moscow and Beijing to join forces to ward off any further imperial ex.
Turkish Secret Agents Trained by the Mossad Captured in Syria
Turkey has been conducting intensive negotiations with Syria in order to secure their freedom [...] (Zvi Bar'el and DPA, Report: U.S. drones flying over Syria to monitor crackdown, Haaretz, 18 February, 2012)
US to pump weapons into Syrian warzone? — RT
The White House and US State Department are considering arming Syria's rebels, claiming ongoing reports of government crackdowns would legitimize their actions. But it remains unclear what form the assistance would take.
Syrian rebels surrounded near Turkish border — RT
Syrian frontier guards are defeating militants infiltrating from the territory of Turkey, as the army deploys forces to eliminate a group of militants trapped in the mountains
CNN’s Arwa Damon is at it Again – Filing Fake Reports About Syria
Asia Times Online :: The shadow war in Syria
A report on the possible role of British special forces in training Syrian rebels
The Syrian Tragedy: German journalist about the situation in Syria
One of these alleged Syrian videos on YouTube, which was also broadcasted on German television, was in reality from Iraq in 2007. The U.S. channel ABC had to apologize that they have also (falsely) sold a video from Lebanon (2008) as a reportage about the Syrian unrest.
Assad and the Sectarian Game in Syria
Elaine Hagopian: Syrians are caught between horrors of Assad and sectarian forces with external support
Syria: The war machine devours its propagandists - SyriaNews
Again, two embedded journalists were allegedly killed in Syria, another two from the West. Remi Ochlik, a photographer, and Marie Colvin.
Made in Jordan: Thousands of gunmen preparing to enter Syria? — RT
Over 10,000 Libyans are reportedly being trained in a closed-off zone in Jordan, before being snuck into Syria to fight for the opposition. These men are allegedly paid around US$1,000 a month, funded by Saudi Arabia and Qatar.
France's secret war against the Syrian people [Voltaire Network]
#France’s secret war against the #Syrian people
During the assault on the rebel stronghold in the district of Bab Amr in Homs, the Syrian army took more than 1,500 prisoners, mostly foreigners. Of these, a dozen French nationals requested the status of prisoner of war, refusing to give their identity, rank and unit of assignment. One of them is a Colonel working for the DGSE transmission service.
Made in Jordan: Thousands of Gunmen Preparing to Enter Syria?
The same people who are funding the terrorism in Syria are now funding the "Friends of Syria" in Tunisia, under the guise of actually being "friends" is a contradiction of words, as Qatar is act..
US to pump weapons into Syria warzone?
The US has hinted it could eventually give arms to rebels in Syria - despite previous strident opposition to further militarizing the conflict in the country. The Obama administration says if a political solution to the crisis proved impossible it might consider other options. This amid warnings tha...,7340,L-4192096,00.html
Report: Iranian ships disrupt Syrian opposition communications
News, Mideast News: Egypt security sources, Syrian opposition members say Iranian vessels that docked at Tartus port over the weekend have 'military communications jamming devices'
Iran Warships Dock at Syrian Port as Warning to US -- News from
"The more one reads of US attacks on civilians, Iraqi war crimes and genocide, assassinations against its own citizens, CIA missile attacks on foreign funeral parties... the supply of weapons to Mexican drug cartels... the training and arming of Arab 'rebel' groups... the backing of Middle Eastern dictatorships... the Vetoing of UN legislation to curb Israel's illegal Palestinian land grab - the picture becomes clear as to who the biggest threat to world peace really is. "
ALERT => China Orders Navy To Prepare For Direct & Immediate Military Action Against The United States: Rothschild Co-Opted United States Flooding Syria & Iran With The Same US-backed Al Qaida Mercenaries Who Toppled The Libyan Government.
NATO's "Secret War" on Syria: Replicating the Libya Model
In January, Michel Chossudovsky reported British media confirming UK/CIA/MI6 operatives in Syria training anti-Assad Western-backed insurgents. They're also supplying them with arms, ammunition, and equipment.
Fighters 'entering Syria from Lebanon'
Lebanon's government says armed groups including al-Qaeda have crossed the country's northern border.
Hundreds of thousands of Syrians have poured into the streets in the capital, Damascus, to express support for President Bashar Assad.Unfurling a 2.4 km-long Syrian flag, the demonstrators condemned foreign meddling in their country's internal affairs and called for unity under President Assad's lea...
"I live here and there were hundreds of rallies in support of the president since the beginning of the conspiracy on Syria ... The clear huge majority CLEARLY supports the President and the reforms and rejects all foreign intervention or meddling of any kind!" - Majd Al-Zaim
"For eleven months, the Western powers and the Gulf States have lead a campaign to destabilize Syria. Several thousand mercenaries infiltrated the country. Recruited by agencies in Saudi Arabia and Qatar within the Sunni extremist community, they came to overthrow the “usurper Alawite” Bashar al-Assad and impose a Wahhabi-inspired dictatorship. They have at their disposal the most sophisticated military equipment, including night vision systems, communication centers, and robots for urban warfare. Supported secretly by the NATO powers, they also have access to vital military information, including satellite images of Syrian troop movements, and telephone interceptions."