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Thursday, January 31, 2019

January Part III

Elliott Abrams, Trump’s Pick to Bring “Democracy” to Venezuela, Has Spent His Life Crushing Democracy
On December 11, 1981 in El Salvador, a Salvadoran military unit created and trained by the U.S. Army began slaughtering everyone they could find in a remote village called El Mozote. Before murdering the women and girls, the soldiers raped them repeatedly, including some as young as 10 years old, and joked that their favorites were the 12-year-olds. One witness described a soldier tossing a 3-year-old child into the air and impaling him with his bayonet. The final death toll was over 800 people.
Illegal immigration to the United States
The illegal immigrant population of the United States peaked in 2007, when it was at 12.2 million and 4% of the total U.S. population.[18][3] Estimates in 2015 put the number of unauthorized immigrants at 11 million, representing 3.4% of the total U.S. population
Frequently Requested Statistics on Immigrants and Immigration in the United States
5 facts about illegal immigration in the U.S.
Profile of the Unauthorized Population:
United States - Unauthorized Population    11,300,000
Population Estimates
The Maunder Minimum, also known as the "prolonged sunspot minimum", is the name used for the period around 1645 to 1715 during which sunspots became exceedingly rare, as was then noted by solar observers. The term was introduced after John A. Eddy published a landmark 1976 paper in Science = 70 years
The Medieval Warm Period also known as the Medieval Climate Optimum, or Medieval Climatic Anomaly was a time of warm climate in the North Atlantic region that may have been related to other warming events in other regions during that time, including China and other areas, lasting from c. 950 to c. 1250 = 300 years
U.S. deep freeze expected to ease, but disruptions persist
Record-breaking cold shuts down schools in the Midwest
Published Tuesday, January 29, 2019 8:50AM EST
Arctic air early Tuesday dropped temperatures in the Dakotas and Minnesota to as low as minus 27 degrees (negative 33 degrees Celsius), with wind chills as cold as minus 59 (negative 51 degrees Celsius)
"You're talking about frostbite and hypothermia issues very quickly, like in a matter of minutes, maybe seconds," said Brian Hurley, a meteorologist with the Weather Prediction Center.
Coldest November 23 in Ottawa history
 The temperature dipped to -20.8C Friday morning, breaking the record for coldest November 23 in Ottawa history. The previous record was -16.1C set back in 1972.
Thursday's low of -17.9C set a record for coldest November 22 in Ottawa history. The previous record was -14.4C set back in 1972.
In Washington, money trumps votes: Is the US still a democracy?
Prof. Martin Gilens of Princeton University and Benjamin Page of Northwestern University in their recent book Democracy in America?, have found that only two percent of the legislation passed by Congress since 2006 has been in line with the wishes expressed by the vast majority of US citizens. The rest, they say, has been legislation supporting policies and actions advocated not by the people but by corporations and the richest 10 percent of the population.
<I suspect this is just a dream. As said, America never was a "democracy". It is ruled, as are all complex entities, by a system. In this case, the system is comprised of extremely wealthy and powerful psychopaths. They are International Bankers, Pentagon chiefs, Secret Service chiefs, and Corporatocracies. Together, they hold America by it's cojones in a tight squeeze. No one person can stop this. Only the collapse of the entire system can bring it to an end.>
<It's all about the narrative. The political narrative. The stories we are told and that most believe, because they hear nothing else. But they are fictions, excuses, agendas and lies. Democracy has turned into a scam, like war. Money is god.>
International court judge resigns, citing ‘shocking’ interference from ‘above the law’ US
<Milosevic was innocent>
US Intelligence Chief Claims Russia, China Will Meddle in 2020 Elections
The Making of Juan Guaidó: How the US Regime Change Laboratory Created Venezuela’s Coup Leader
Overthrow American Imperialism - Stephen Kinzer on Overthrow: Cuba, Iran, and the Phillipines
< saves as: Overthrow Kinzer>
American Imperialism - Stephen Kinzer on Overthrow: Cuba, Iran, and the Phillipines
1:00:00    -
Germany wants its gold back
When trying to move gold from New York in 2014, the Bundesbank met obstacles from US authorities when officials tried to inspect the German gold kept in US vaults.
“We are still missing … published lists of gold bar number, even though the US Federal reserve publishes this list for their own gold,” said Peter Boehringer, founder of the Repatriate our Gold Campaign.
Did The Dutch Central Bank Lie About Its Gold Bar List?
Kosovo in a NewYorkTimes 1982’s report
Before Venezuela: The long history of U.S. intervention in Latin America
Refusal to hand over Venezuelan gold means end of Britain as a financial center – Prof. Wolff
Revealed: The Australian companies manipulating our weather
Geoengineering, or weather manipulation, has now become commonly accepted as the deliberate intervention or large-scale manipulation of the climate system of Earth to counteract ‘global warming’ or to influence the environment.
Extreme weather not proof of global warming, NASA on global cooling
GAT is only one of many important phenomena to measure in the climate system, and CO2 is only one of many factors that influence both GAT and all the other phenomena.
CO2’s role in controlling GAT is at most perhaps 2 percent, yet climate alarmists think of it as the “control knob.”
Most people readily confuse weather (short-term, local-scale temperature, humidity, precipitation, wind, cloudiness, and more) with climate (long-term, large-scale of each) and think weather phenomena are driven by climate phenomena; they aren’t.
The CO2 Derangement Syndrome – a historical overview
Amidst Global Warming Hysteria, NASA Scientists Expect Global Cooling
“We see a cooling trend,” said Martin Mlynczak of NASA’s Langley Research Center. “High above Earth’s surface, near the edge of space, our atmosphere is losing heat energy. If current trends continue, it could soon set a Space Age record for cold.”
From 1940 to almost 1980, the average global temperature went down. Political concerns and the alleged scientific consensus focused on global cooling. Alarmists said it could be the end of agriculture and civilization.
“Taking carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere,” as advocated by the IPCC in its October 8 news conference, is also foolish. Historic records show that, at about 410 parts per million (ppm), the level of CO2 supposedly in the atmosphere now, we are near the lowest in the last 280 million years. As plants evolved over that time, the average level was 1200 ppm. That is why commercial greenhouses boost CO2 to that level to increase plant growth and yields by a factor of four.
Trump Warns Europeans Not To Defy US Sanctions Against Iran
    “The choice is whether to do business with Iran or the United States," Sen. Tom Cotton (Republican-Arkansas), told the AP.
    “I hope our European allies choose wisely.”
<Making America great again should not be achieved by threatening allies from taking decisions which are in their own interests. Friends do not threaten, only bullies do. The US is sealing its own fate as it alienates most of the rest of the world with its threats, bullying, endless wars, sanctions etc.  The whole rotten system is being exposed for what is -  a giant ponzi scheme designed to transfer all the wealth to the slavemasters.  People are waking up and will fight back against the machine.>
Russia's Lavrov: Sanctions On Venezuela Are Illegal
Democrats Plans To Water Down Med4All
The Jimmy Dore Show
Bolton: We're Taking Venezuela's Oil
America in 2019 | The Shocking Truth
Election Interference Is OK When Uncle Sam Does It! - #PropagandaWatch
Bolivarian Militia! Maduro Announces Formation of Resistance Movement Ahead of US Intervention
John Bolton: I don't think Maduro has the military on his side
Fox Business
US Coup in Venezuela Motivated by Oil and Corporate Interests – Militarist John Bolton Spills the Beans
Russia vows to defend its Venezuelan oil assets
Oldenburger Messstation misst Rekordwerte – ohne Autos
Rape, Genocide and a Cover-up: How Britain Tortured and Killed 300,000 Kenyans
Alternative Treatments of Cataracts
Dissolving Cataracts with a Drop
Goodbye Surgery? Scientists Just Made Eye Drops that Dissolve Cataracts
It could mean a cheap, painless way to restore vision to thousands.
Bolton: We're Taking Venezuela's Oil
President Trump's National Security Advisor John Bolton made US policy toward Venezuela very clear in an interview on FoxNews yesterday: We're going to overthrow the government and take the country's oil. He gets points for bluntness, at least.
Food in the nude – NZ ditching plastic packaging of fruit and vegetables in supermarkets
‘Food in the nude’ is a New Zealand campaign to end plastic packaging for fresh produce in supermarkets. Foodstuffs have signed the NZ Plastic Packaging Declaration which is committed to making all store and private label packaging 100 percent reusable, recyclable or compostable by 2025.
Polar Vortex Triggers Coldest Arctic Outbreak In Nearly Two Decades This Week In The Midwest
US weather forecast: Record low temperatures caused by polar vortex ‘threaten 110 million Americans’
Hands Off Venezuela: Divided UN Security Council: Fierce Opposition to Violation of Venezuela’s Sovereignty Emergency UN Security Council Meeting, January 26, 2019
 US-Led Economic War, Not Socialism, Is Tearing Venezuela Apart
Americans have been trained by decades of Cold War propaganda to look for any confirmation that ‘socialism means poverty.’ But in the case of Venezuela and other states not governed by the free market, this cliche simply doesn’t ring true.
Venezuela Gov't Elections Observers Reject New EU Sanctions
Nicolas Maduro obtained 5.8 million votes in the May 20 elections, that is four million more than main opposition candidate Henri Falcon, who decided not to heed calls for an electoral boycott.
International Observers to Venezuela’s Election Pen Letter to the EU
International observers to Venezuela’s elections have written to Federica Mogherini, High Representative of the EU for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, about the problems with the EU declaration on the elections.
Ex-US Congressman Ron Paul denounces American backing of Venezuela's failed coup
Former US Congressman and presidential candidate Ron Paul has denounced Washington’s backing for the botched coup in Venezuela, calling it ‘hypocrisy’ and urging the US government to learn lessons from the so-called war on terror.
“Where do we get the moral authority to be the decider?” Paul, a former member of the US House of Representatives and founder of the Ron Paul Institute, said Friday in an interview with RT.
“I think it’s rather ironic for our government to say they want to take care of Venezuela... by having a coup and threatening them with military violence because they’re not democratic enough,” he said.
 Students from the Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation and students from the Naval Small Craft Instruction and Technical Training School conduct a joint assault on a simulated narcotics camp during a field training exercise. (Photo: U.S. Navy)
The School Of The Americas Is Still Exporting Death Squads
South American militaries have been sending soldiers to the U.S. for “ethics” and “human rights” training for years, but history shows that many of these alumni go on to become notorious torturers and murderers, not defenders of peace.
 France’s Red Scarves: Ready-Made Counter-Protest and New Media Darlings
The pressure will now grow to disperse the Yellow Vest movement while also attempting to use the Red Scarves to manufacture support for draconian government policies and police crackdowns aimed at finally ending the establishment-threatening protests.
Maduro: Venezuela Sitting on 2nd Biggest Gold Reserve on Earth
Your Complete Guide to the N.Y. Times’ Support of U.S.-Backed Coups in Latin America
CIA Intervention in Guatemala; Eliot Abrams; Allen Nairn; Charlie Rose 1995
CIA Intervention in Guatemala ; Eliot Abrams; Allen Nairn 1995 Eliot Abrams starts laughing maniacally when discussing the war crimes he organized and covered up Guatemala with Allen Nairn Original airdate: Friday 03/31/1995
Reagan’s Hand in Guatemala’s Genocide
Russian city loses battle with snow after being hit by historic blizzards (PHOTO, VIDEO)
The Integrity Initiative scandal is getting worse — and British media keeps ignoring it
 Things just keep getting worse for the poor, embattled disinformation-busting warriors at the Integrity Initiative. New leaks have revealed more embarrassing tidbits confirming yet again the shady nature of the busted operation.
This time, the spotlight is on the II’s targeting of anti-fracking activists, its ties to HSBC bank, its obsessive (near-fetishizing) focus on nuclear war with Russia and its plans to foster “a long-term appreciation” of NATO among Muslim youth.
US threatens ‘serious consequences’ if Venezuela arrests ‘president’ Guaido
<The Supreme Court of Venezuela has approved the freezing of Guaido's assets and is not allowing him to leave the country. Let's see how our bellicose Walrus responds.>
<No need to hold elections......... Just call America............... Ask them who your President is............>
John Bolton – The Most Dangerous Man In Washington DC
US gives opposition leader Guaido control over some Venezuelan assets
Russia's Su-35 fighter jets humiliate eight warplanes of US and Japanese air forces
Scientists concerned about microplastic contamination on farmlands
Microplastic contamination detected in U.S. groudwater aquifers
George Galloway censured over Salisbury poisoning claims
If The World Understood Sovereignty, It Could End All Our Problems
My own Australia has of course joined the chorus of US lackeys who are refusing to recognize Venezuela’s only legitimate and elected government, recognizing instead the presidency of some guy named Juan who decided to name himself Venezuela’s president with the blessing of the United States government.
Sanctions Are Wars Against Peoples
Paul Craig Roberts: The Delegitimization Of The White Male
It was white male university administrators who created the anti-white male propaganda degrees called women’s studies and black studies. It is the white males in the Democratic Party who endorse Identity Politics, an ideology that puts responsibility for all the evil in the world on white males.
Just as it is not anti-American to criticize the United States, it is not anti-semetic to criticize Israel or sexist to criticize a woman or racist to criticize a black.
A Tale of Two Autisms
New report shows 1 in 36 U.S. children has an autism diagnosis: Now will people care?
The complex architecture and epigenomic impact of plant T-DNA insertions
The bacterium Agrobacterium tumefaciens has been the workhorse in plant genome engineering. Customized replacement of native tumor-inducing (Ti) plasmid elements enabled insertion of a sequence of interest called Transfer-DNA (T-DNA) into any plant genome.
<Nice talk for cancer inducing technology>
New research confirms GM causes massive off-target damage to plant genomes
GMWatch concludes scalpel and scissors metaphors used to describe GM methods must be replaced by child with chainsaw
The GMO lobby promotes GM methods, especially the new gene editing methods, using the metaphors of scissors or a scalpel to imply that these methods are precise and targeted. But based on the evidence, we suggest an alternative more accurate metaphor – that of a chainsaw in the hands of a young child. Hence our banner image for this article.
 Donald Trump’s ‘Axis of Evil’: Pompeo, Bolton & Abrams
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has appointed notorious neoconservative hawk, Elliott Abrams, as the U.S. special envoy for Venezuela.
Maduro gets ‘jiggy with it’ in diplomatic U-turn with US
Disgusting Perversion: US Media Makes a Fetish of ‘Badass’ US Women Who Torture, Kill for Empire
Thanks to a new wave of feminism and its call for equality, it isn’t just toxic men who can kill, torture and surveil in the name of US militarism and empire, women can now do it too!
You Can Test YouTube's Agenda Right Now - WHY WOULD THEY DO THIS?!
 Trump Admits His Mideast Policy Guided by Israeli, not American, Interests
Trump has now publicly admitted that – when it comes to U.S. military involvement and covert intervention in the Middle East – he is putting Israel, not America, first.
Venezuela Propaganda Debunked - People Are Against Coup
The Jimmy Dore Show
<The USA did not enter Venezuela for its oil. The USA has a major problem and it is the U.S. DOLLAR. Maduro was planning to use the EURO for the base currency for trading Venezuela’s oil. The U.S. Dollar is so fragile that if Venezuela were to use the "Petroeuro" rather than the "petrodollar" the U.S. Economy would sink at an accelerated pace. Every war that the U.S.A. has entered since 2000 has been as a response to countries that were planning to leave the Petrodollar for another Petro-currency. This is a currency war. This is an imporatant detail that is not being discussed.>
Bernie Sanders Town Hall on NATO's Air War on Serbia May 3, 1999
<900 000 Albanians were not pushed out of their homes-it was orchestrated by the Clinton administration and advertised by the same for only purpose of justifying the bombing of Serbia. The end result of this campaign is that majority of Serbs WERE forced out of their homes in Kosovo (like they were forced out of Croatia), that Serbs who live in Kosovo right now are confined in "safe zones" protected by soldiers, Serbian historical monuments from the middle ages are consistently destroyed and vandalized, Albanian killers of Serbian kids and bombers of the bus were never brought to justice, not to mention human organ trafficking ... What bothers me is that Mr. Sanders supported a wrong policy and he is still trying to tell us that he actually did good. Even more disappointing is that, with these end results, he still uses references to holocaust to support bombing..>
<Humanitarian bombing... orwell would be proud.>
Bernie Sanders: Savior or Seducer of the Anti-War Left?
How a Bernie Sanders resolution is normalising the war on terror
A recent measure proposed by US Senator Bernie Sanders to end the war in Yemen masks US raids in the country.
If Sanders' resolution had been passed on January 20, 2016, that language would mean that every raid and drone attack in Yemen that Trump has authorised since would have happened anyway. US cluster bombs will continue to fall on Yemen, so long as it is part of a war on terror.
Australia Recognizes Guaido as Venezuelan Interim President
Bernie Sanders War Votes
Bernie Sanders' Voting Records on Issue:
<Do a google search with the HR+numbers. See above video>
On Foreign Policy, Bernie Sanders is Just Another Tool of the American War Machine
Is Bernie Sanders a socialist?
Bernie Sanders: Silent partner of American militarism
The right-wing political record of Bernie Sanders
AP Exclusive: Anti-Maduro coalition grew from secret talks
< "On Jan. 4 — a day before Guaido was sworn in as national assembly president — foreign ministers from 13 nations of the Lima Group, which doesn’t include the U.S., said they wouldn’t recognize Maduro’s second term.
That set off a scramble at the White House to make sure it wasn’t being left behind, said a former U.S. official and congressional staffer who was in close contact with the national security council. Both spoke on the condition of anonymity because they weren’t authorized to discuss the administration’s planning.
Playing a key role behind the scenes was Lima Group member Canada, whose Foreign Minister Chrystia Freeland spoke to Guaido the night before Maduro’s searing-in ceremony to offer her government’s support should he confront the socialist leader, the Canadian official said.">
US sanctions are killing Venezuelans, says former UN rapporteur
The first UN rapporteur to visit Venezuela for 21 years has told The Independent the US sanctions on the country are illegal and could amount to “crimes against humanity” under international law.
The first concentration camps in Europe were those the Austrohungarians established for Serbs
The first concentration camps in Europe were established for Serbs in the Austro – Hungarian Empire during  1915. and 1916. (World War I) , but that fact remains unknown because of  Austrian policy of reducing their own responsibility for the crimes of Nazism, historian Predrag Markovic unveils.
Brzezinski Interview
"Afghanistan: The Soviet Invasion in Retrospect,"
CIA Was Aiding “Jihadists” before Soviets Invaded Afghanistan
According to recently declassified documents [1] of the White House, CIA and State Department as reported by Tim Weiner for The Washington Post, the CIA was aiding Afghan jihadists before the Soviets invaded in 1979. The then American President Jimmy Carter signed the CIA directive to arm the Afghan jihadists in July 1979, whereas the former Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan in December the same year.
“...The then American President Jimmy Carter signed the CIA directive to arm the Afghan jihadists in July 1979, whereas the former Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan in December the same year.
That the CIA was arming the Afghan jihadists six months before the Soviets invaded Afghanistan has been proven by the State Department’s declassified documents and admitted by The Washington Post, which is owned by Jeff Bezos, the owner of Amazon. The Washington Post has a history of working in close collaboration with the CIA as Bezos won a $600 million contract [2] in 2013 to host the CIA’s database on the Amazon’s web-hosting service. ...”
The foundation of morality is empathy, an ability to imagine what another person feels or experiences.
Bernie Sanders Townhall Explodes Over Israel
PHOTOS: Rep. Tulsi Gabbard Hosts Council on Foreign Relations Briefing in Honolulu
Tulsi Gabbard
Stanley Arthur Gacek
John Lewis Gaddis
<Tulsi Gabbard is a member of the Council on foreign relations – they advocate partition, the same plan that Gabbard advocated to divide Syria and iraq nto small religious statelets ie Balkanization
For four years, She promoted arming the Kurds, the Kurds stole the oil in Iraq and Syria. She meets with Barzani who controls the oil in Iraq for the global oil corporations who met the year before Iraq was invaded To divide the oil
Conservatives adore and honor her.>
 'Particularly important' for progressives to embrace Zionism, Bernie Sanders says
Sanders supported Minnesota congressman Keith Ellison, whose candidacy was controversial among Jewish groups after his early writings emerged to reveal his skepticism toward Zionism.
WASHINGTON – Bernie Sanders, an independent senator from Vermont who enjoys widespread support among liberal Democrats, told a gathering on Monday that progressives should embrace both the founding principles of Zionism as well as the inherent justice of the Palestinian cause.
US blockade prevents 18 million boxes of food reaching Venezuela but commentators still blame Bolivarianism
Mon, 04 Sep 2017 14:23 UTC
Immigration, Building a Wall, and Hispanic Crime
 But as I’ve repeatedly pointed out, even if we built such a wall 700 feet tall and fronted with self-firing machine-guns, I fail to see how it would have any impact whatsoever on legal immigration, which is probably over 95% of the total.
Banned by Facebook for Telling the Truth
There is not a single newspaper in the US that supports the views of the US President. Nobody defended him when he was accused, brazenly, in-your-face, of being a Russian agent. Nobody supported him when he called to bring the troops home from Syria. Nobody came to his aid when he mulled parting with NATO. There are tens of millions of men and women who voted for him, but he has only his Twitter account at his disposal.
The media accuses Trump of paying too little attention to Israel’s needs. Israel needs US troops in Syria and in Germany, US jets in Spain and Qatar, US ships in Italy and the Gulf. Israel needs the US to lead NATO to contain Russia. If Israel needs it, the US should provide, says Daniel Shapiro, the ex-ambassador. Not a single American newspaper, not a single US statesman cared to reply that President Trump had been elected by the American people to do what is needed for them, not for Israel.
Venezuela: The real story and the whole truth
Venezuela: The real story and the whole truth. 63363.jpeg
Venezuela, another criminal project masterminded by guess who? The United States of America, interfering yet again in the internal affairs of a sovereign nation
There is no doubt in anyone's mind that the USA considers Latin America as its back yard, feeling it has the God-given right to export its own warped vision of democracy, imposing it through repressive Fascist dictatorships, murder, abductions and criminal acts of subversion, terrorism, sabotage and disruption. This has happened time and again in numerous countries, Venezuela being the latest victim.
Full review of Nasrallah’s new interview
With Venezuela Buckling under Severe Shortages, Security Council Emergency Session Calls for Political Solution to End Crisis, as Divisions Emerge over Path Forward
Foreign Minister Rejects Pressure by Self-Proclaimed President, Decries United States Attempts to Meddle in Domestic Affairs
The Latin America WikiLeaks Files
‘I'll lose my eye’: Prominent Yellow Vest activist suffers HORRIFIC injury in Paris protests
Rodrigues had been live streaming from the site when a riot control grenade exploded right before him. After the hit, presumably, by shrapnel from the device, the man collapsed on the pavement with onlookers rushing to help him.
<You have to wonder who Macron is really working for when he supports a Washington backed coup in Venezuela, yet look at his own country.>
<Foreign countries should recognize Le Pen as the only legitimate president of France and call on French military to topple the Macron regime.>
Venezuela's Election System Holds Up As A Model For The World
‘Like a Christmas wreath on a serial killer’s house’: Lee Camp blasts US reps’ support for NATO
“Organized mass murder is not ‘better’ or ‘nicer’ when it has a NATO banner next to it. That’s just a Christmas wreath on a serial murderer’s house. It’s just there to make you think everything is fine but it’s not.”
The organization is often praised for fostering “better cooperation with the world.” Or, in Lee’s words, it’s “like saying that the only way you can befriend your neighbors is to join forces in murdering other people.”
New Integrity Initiative leak: Make Muslims love NATO, target anti-frackers, plan for nuclear war
A new batch of leaked files from the covert influence network exposes how the Integrity Initiative recruits high-flying businessmen for intel ops, shows UK Muslims “why NATO matters” and prepares for nuclear conflict with Russia.
Damascus Accuses Ankara of Breaching 1998 Agreement - Reports
"Syria confirms that it is in compliance with the Adana Interstate Agreement on Combating Terrorism in all its forms and all agreements related to it, but the Turkish regime has been violating the agreement since 2011 up to now by sponsoring and supporting terrorism, training militants and making it easier for them to go to SAR, or through the occupation of Syrian territories with terrorist groups it controls it or directly with the help of the Turkish Armed Forces," Syrian state television quoted a source in the ministry as saying.
France, Germany & Spain issue ‘identical’ threats to recognize Venezuela’s self-appointed president
Warnings from Germany, France and Spain to recognize the self-proclaimed president of Venezuela unless new elections are held came at the same time and were even similarly worded, Russia’s FM spokesperson noted.
“The statements are not simply identical but they are even made simultaneously,” Foreign Ministry spokeswoman, Maria Zakharova, wrote on Facebook.
Earlier on Saturday, Paris, Berlin and Madrid announced their readiness to recognize the self-proclaimed “interim president” of Venezuela, Juan Guaido, unless the country holds snap presidential elections within eight days.
The Vultures of Caracas
We are frequently told that people in Venezuela have no food, clothing or toilet paper, and that popular discontent with the left wing government is driven by real hunger. There are elements of truth in this story, though the causes of economic dislocation are far more complex than the media would have us believe.
Question for our western friends: How would you feel if a country you perceive as your enemy, appoints your government?
What makes you think your country has the right to do that to another people?
Handmade Free Energy Electronics Using Copper Coil & Spark Plug, New Device for 2019
How to get free internet without sim card and wifi router _ use 100% free internet 2019
Congresswoman who fixed Democratic primary for Clinton now ‘fixing’ democracy in Venezuela
Regime change and foreign interventions are things that the two US ruling parties agree on regardless of how much they exchange blows at home. Venezuela is the latest place where Republicans and Democrats have found common ground.
Venezuela’s US-Backed Coup Leader Immediately Targets State Oil Company and Requests IMF Money
'Largest scam in history': HALF of Facebook accounts fake, says Zuckerberg's Harvard classmate
The Political Myth and Cult of Stepan Bandera in Multicultural Canada
Trump’s Economic Sanctions Have Cost Venezuela About $6bn Since August 2017
 The Western media has indeed demonized Venezuela‘s government for 17 years and has therefore reduced, almost to zero, the legal and moral constraints on the US and its allies.
Sex coach and student involved with Russian billionaire Deripaska get suspended sentence in Thailand
Russia, China, India and Iran: The Magic Quadrant That is Changing the World
The bombing and destruction of Yugoslavia was the final step in the assault on the Russian Federation following the dissolution of the Warsaw Pact. Yeltsin represented the means by which Western high finance decided to suck all Russia’s wealth, privatizing companies and plundering strategic resources.
❝Voting is not an act of political freedom. It is an act of political conformity. Those who refuse to vote are not expressing silence. They are screaming in the politician's ear: 'You do not represent me. This is not a process in which my voice matters. I do not believe you.'❞ —Wendy McElroy
Top 5 Dumbest Arguments Defending Trump’s Venezuela Interventionism
Alligators freeze in North Carolina swamp with noses above ice
Video shows US deploying 250 trucks of arms in Syria despite pullout claim
A Rare Winter Storm Has Covered All The Cacti In The Arizona Desert In Snow
Permanent War: Congress Forbids NATO Withdrawal
The Origin of the Elements
Debunking A Century of War Lies
Medvedev invites US to imagine Venezuelan-style change of president in Washington
EU Supports 'Re-Establishment of Democracy' in Venezuela - Macron
The French president’s statement comes amid a crisis in Caracas, where the head of the opposition-run National Assembly, Juan Guaido, has declared himself the country's interim president, with the US and several other countries recognising him.
Antiwar Hero Medea Benjamin Disrupts Venezuela Coup Circle Jerk
Before they launch missiles, they launch narratives. Before they drop bombs, they drop talking points. Before they implement crushing starvation sanctions, they demonize and condemn. Before they invade, they propagandize. Before the killing starts, manipulation paves the way.
For this reason, the front line of any antiwar movement is a fight against the establishment narratives about disobedient nations that are aggressively promulgated by the political/media class. And right now one of the very most adept Americans at doing that is an activist named Medea Benjamin.
Non-yellow-vest protests are good? Macron hails Venezuela coup attempt as ‘restoration of democracy’
Trump's coronation of Guaido as Venezuelan president - Al Capone redux
Putin: Foreign interference in Venezuela’s internal affairs grossly violates international law
 Russia’s president pledged his support for the elected government of Venezuela during a phone call with President Nicolas Maduro. He also criticized the “destructive external meddling” to which the country has been exposed.
The Russian president has expressed his support to the legitimate authorities of Venezuela in this time of political crisis which he said was caused by a “destructive external interference that grossly violates the most basic norms of the international law.”
France and Britain joined the chorus on Thursday. London claimed that Maduro is “not a legitimate leader” of Venezuela while Paris said that Maduro’s election was “illegal” and “Europe supports the restoration of democracy.”
Just About Finished! Nord Stream 2 Pipeline Will Stave Off Energy Starvation in Europe
8 Benefits of Hibiscus Tea
<Ruusunmarja-hibiskus tee>
Unexpected impurity’: FDA recalls yet another medication
 US-Led Economic War, Not Socialism, Is Tearing Venezuela Apart
Americans have been trained by decades of Cold War propaganda to look for any confirmation that ‘socialism means poverty.’ But in the case of Venezuela and other states not governed by the free market, this cliche simply doesn’t ring true.
U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders: Hugo Chávez is Just a Dead Communist Dictator
WMD Take Two: Chemical Weapons Claims in Syria
How do we know that every single allegation of Syrian Government use of chemical weapons use (2013 to 2018) was a fabrication? By ignoring, so far as possible, the propaganda storm of the warring parties and focusing on independent evidence and admissions.
Venezuela: All About The Oil
<We've all seen what lengths the US were willing to go in Syria, Libya, Iraq, for oil... now imagine a country, just as weak, with more oil than all those countries combined, right on your doorstep. Yep. That's Venezuela.>
Israeli warplanes bombed Damascus and it barely registers as news in US/EU media. Had Syrian jets bombed Tel Aviv there would be screaming newspaper headlines, CNN specials, Wolf Blitzer & miscellaneous white talking heads speaking in serious tones. But this—nothing.
Venezuela - U.S. Again Tries Regime Change Which Is Again Likely To Fail
President Trump is now expected to recognize the opposition leader in the National Congress Juan Guaidó, who does not have a majority in the country, as the nations president.
SENOMYX: List of FOOD companies using FETAL CELLS from aborted babies to flavor.
The Coup in Venezuela Must Be Resisted
Venezuela has elections. Juan Guaido has never even been a Presidential candidate. Despite massive CIA opposition funding and interference over years as Big Oil tries to regain control of the World’s largest oil reserves, Nicolas Maduro was democratically re-elected in 2018 as President of Venezuela.
Anybody who believes that a country’s internal democracy is the determining factor in whether the West decides to move for violent regime change in that country, is a complete idiot. Any journalist or politician who makes that claim is more likely to be a complete charlatan than a complete idiot. In recent years, possession of hydrocarbon reserves is very obviously a major factor in western regime change actions.
Iranian Press TV journalist released without charge after 10 days in US custody
The United States: Crusader of Democracy and Liberty?
US refuses to withdraw diplomats from Venezuela after Maduro breaks ties
Societies are held together by a web of social bonds that give individuals a sense of being part of a collective and engaged in a project larger than the self. The shattering of these bonds plunges individuals into deep psychological distress that leads ultimately to acts of self-annihilation, according to sociologist Emile Durkheim. Few reporters have examined this anomie better than Charlie LeDuff, first in his book ‘Detroit’, and now in his latest book ‘Shitshow: The Country’s Collapsing and the Ratings Are Great’. LeDuff joins Chris Hedges in the studio.
The Government Illusion
Genetic Fallacy: How Monsanto Silences Scientific Dissent
‘I had every right to stand there’: Covington Catholic student says he has nothing to apologize for
3 Ways the Government Shutdown forecasts a totally boring federal collapse
Imagine: the federal government collapses, poof, gone.
Maybe it’s 2034, the date the government admits it can’t pay it’s $50 trillion Social Security bill.
Or maybe it’s earlier. The national debt is at almost $22 trillion, plus the massive everything-bubble created by the federal reserve money printing. Those don’t bode well for the future of the dollar.
Workers' Paradise? Employees In China Crawl Through Streets After Missing Sales Targets
"Social Death" In Denmark
Boycott Israeli Apartheid Stickers
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Syria threatens to ‘strike Tel Aviv airport’ unless UNSC acts against Israel’s impunity
"Or is it required to draw the attention of the war-makers in this Council by exercising our legitimate right to defend ourself and respond to the Israeli aggression on Damascus International Civil Airport in the same way on Tel Aviv Airport?"
Mainstream Media Is Literally Making People Sick
Tucker Carlson Calls Out Famous Liberals Who Urged Doxing, Assault, & Murder Of Covington MAGA Kids
After the truth emerged, famous liberals who were previously frothing at the mouth went on a mad scramble to delete their tweets full of hate, slander and disinformation. The internet never forgets, however, and neither does Tucker Carlson:
3 Simple Questions… Are Vaccines Effective? Are Vaccines Necessary?
Palestine: Jewish Settlers Torch 100 of World’s Oldest Olive Trees
Measles VACCINE linked to 127 deaths in last 15 years; only two deaths linked to humans who contracted measles naturally in that same period
U.S. population gets sicker every year from taking pharmaceuticals and being injected with toxic jabs, including the faulty Polio vaccine
Costco to be the First Major Retailer to Dump Monsanto’s Roundup and Glyphosate Herbicide from its Shelves
US threatens to sanction Lebanon if they participate in rebuilding Syria
Martin Luther King: The U.S. is “The Greatest Purveyor of Violence in the World Today”
Vaccine Exemptions: Vaccines are the Only Products for which Big Pharma is faced with No Liability for Injuries and Deaths
“Orders to Kill” Dr. Martin Luther King: The Government that Honors MLK with a National Holiday Killed Him
US Ambassador Richard Grenell's letter in full
The US ambassador to Berlin wrote to energy companies involved in building a new gas pipeline from Russia to Germany. Here is the text.
Syria Belongs to Syrians, Turkey to Give it Back to Its Owners ASAP - Erdogan
Let the Holy Meme War Begin! IDF Mocks Iran on Twitter
Kunstler: America's "All Is Lost" Moment Looms
Earth’s Richest 26 Control Same as World’s Poorest 50% - Report
First responder in Skripal poisoning turns out to be Britain’s most senior military nurse
She Was Just Riding Her Bike to Work...Then THIS Happened!
‘Sweetie, you put your hands down’: Toddler surrenders to armed police in viral VIDEO
The Truth about British Royals
Protest outside Syrian Embassy in London right now, people demanding caliphate
Economic boom for whom? Keiser Report examines America’s disappearing middle class (VIDEO)
Shocking Admission By FBI Veteran Shows Why The FBI Shouldn’t Exist
< They are a political tool, not law enforcement>
Ukraine: Rechtsradikale "Bürgerwehr" als Wahlbeobachter bei Präsidentschaftswahl zugelassen
Facebook Censoring Citizens Who Track Bad Cops
At Least 26 Animal Feeding Studies Show Adverse Effects From GMO's by Sheldon Krimsky
Woman Living Fully Off-Grid for 2 Years in a Tiny Yurt
Syrian Intelligence Foils Terrorist Attack In Damascus, Arrests Perpetrator
Israeli airstrikes killed 4 Syrian servicemen, left 6 wounded – Russian MoD
Israeli attacks killed four Syrian soldiers and wounded six others, and "partially damaged the infrastructure of the Damascus international airport," the Russian Defense Ministry has said.
Israel says that its attacks are targeting Iranian forces stationed in Syria, and has warned Damascus not to retaliate. Syrian state media has claimed that two waves of attacks have been repelled by Syrian air defenses over the last 48 hours.
<IDF and the Israeli government are total psycho. Are they joking or they really are crazy? Attacking a country and warn them not to retaliate, I means who's the nutter who thought of that reasoning? By the way, Iran can stay in Syria as long as the Syrian government wants them to. Who is Israel to tell Syria who can and cannot stay in Syria. Israel, people around the world are now awake and see for what you truly are. Only the US and UK believes you because it's them that propped you up in the first place.>
Italian deputy PM calls on EU to sanction France for its 'continued colonization' of Africa
An idiot’s guide to the Skripal affair
British Hostage Video Of Yulia Skripal Released
Detective Sergeant Nick Bailey back to work at Wiltshire Police
Coincidence? - Chief Nurse Of British Army Was First To Arrive At Novichoked Skripal Scene
Putin Asks And Trump Delivers - A List Of All The Good Things Trump Did For Russia
The News About Fake News Is Fake
There was never enough real news to go around to feed the monster they created. That’s how we got Russiagate... and so they had to use unproven and biased allegations and innuendo. "
More Fake News Exposed As Media Lies About Catholic Kids, Native American Debacle
Phillips enters the picture around the 1:12 mark, but if you skip to that part, you miss an hour of the Black Hebrew Israelites hurling obscenities at the students. They call them crackers, faggots, and pedophiles.
Israel launches new barrage against 'Iranian' targets in Syria, warns against retaliation
<Iranian targets in Syrian International Airport.. hey Syrians why don't you shoot down some Saudis in Tel Aviv???>
The Kalash: Direct Descendants of Alexander the Great
Alexander's Ancestors
Like all ancient kings, Alexander claimed that the gods were his ancestors. Already in the fifth century, the Macedonian kings said that they descended from Perdiccas, who descended from Temenos, a king of Argos; and he was great-grandchild of Hyllus, the son of Heracles. The oldest source for this family tree can be found in book eight of the Histories of the Greek researcher Herodotus of Halicarnassus (text).