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Sunday, December 15, 2013

December Link Collection Part 2
+38 -12 Internment camps for political dissidents in the U.S. aren’t a conspiracy theory. The Department of Defense document entitled
Video: Geheimoperation transatlantisches Freihandelsabkommen: Ein Angriff auf Demokratie und...
Meistens sind die Türen geschlossen, wenn die EU-Kommission mit der US-Regierung über gentechnisch veränderte Lebensmittel oder bisher in der
'Pitchfork' protesters clash with police as Italy hit by week of anti-austerity rallies
Demonstrators hit Rome, Venice, and Turin on Saturday. Students threw paint bombs at police in Turin, which has been the epicenter of the protests. The city has seen the largest number of clashes with law enforcement, with officers using tear gas to disperse demonstrators who hurled stones.
Epic Ice Storm Hits 16 States
Former Pink Floyd frontman sparks fury by comparing Israelis to Nazis
Religious leaders react angrily to Roger Waters' latest outspoken attack on treatment of Palestinians
Benjamin Freedman's 1961 Speech at the Willard Hotel (Complete)
How the Controllers Use Religion, Money, Politics, and Education to Enslave Our Souls

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BitTorrent Sync Lands 2 Million Users
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"Lie of the Year" Award: And the Winner is Barack Obama
It’s probably not the kind of recognition he wanted to receive, but President Barack Obama has been awarded PolitiFact’s “Lie of the Year” for 2013. The infamous prize, handed out annually by the f...
If You Use Facebook You Need to Read & Share This! They Are Killing Free Information
Recent changes made to Facebook’s algorithm now limits the amount of reach a single page has to 1%, if you are really lucky, 2%. What
Africa's Moonshine Epidemic
Ugandans are the hardest drinking Africans in the motherland, both in terms of per capita consumption and the hooch they choose to chug.
A Crow Repeatedly Sleds Down a Roof on a Plastic Lid
Ginger Root Kills Ovarian & Prostate Cancer Cells Better than Chemo
Ginger Root Kills Ovarian & Prostate Cancer Cells Better than ChemoHealth, Healthy eating, Home, News, prevention of cancer, world truthOctober 31, 20137 CommentsShare This Article TweetThanks to research from the
Hypocritical Britain hates student protests in its backyard
On Wednesday, thousands of students from across the country took part in the ‘Cops off Campus’ demonstration in London, to protest against heavy police presence on campuses, and the brutal way in which police broke up a peaceful protest at the University of London last week.
Biblical snowstorm: Rare flakes in Cairo, Jerusalem paralyzed by over a foot
A powerful, slow-moving storm is producing historic snows in the Middle East.
New study: Magic Mushrooms Repair Brain Damage From Extreme Trauma -
A new study by The University of South Florida has found that low doses of the active ingredient in magic mushrooms repairs brain damage caused by
911 - Explosive Evidence - Psychologists Speak Out - NWO
Uploaded by ICTer4life
"I don't need to look at the evidence." "I wouldn't believe it even if it WERE true." "I refuse to
The Horror Every Day: Why Police Brutality Goes Unpunished
An investigation into the Houston police department reveals why officers rarely face the consequences of beatings or shootings.
BEIJING (AP) -- China on Saturday successfully carried out the world's first soft landing of a space probe on the moon in nearly four decades, the next stage in an ambitious space program that aims to eventually put a Chinese
Mega-Defizite der Euro-Länder: Warum die Zwangsenteignung für alle kommen wird
Die westlichen Demokratien sind überschuldet wie nie – und können diese Mega-Defizite nicht aus eigener Kraft abbauen. Deshalb werden die USA, Japan und Europa kleine und große Sparer bald zwangsenteignen. Es
Americans Killed by Cops Now Outnumber Americans Killed in Iraq War
The increase in police brutality in this country is a frightening reality. In the last decade alone the number of people murdered by police has reached
Cornstalks Everywhere But Nothing Else, Not Even A Bee
In almost any cubic foot on Earth, animals and plants are making a living. Except a cornfield.
Brazilian Firm Goes To Market With Free Energy Generator Capable of Powering Two Average Size Houses
There goes the neighborhood. Two Brazilian inventors, Nilson Barbosa and Cleriston Leal, claim to have invented a free energy device and are now
Cognitive Dissonance (Video) – The Arcane Front
“Sometimes people hold a core belief that is very strong. When they are presented with evidence that works against that belief, the new evidence cannot be accepted. It would create a feeling that is extremely
Fukushima fallout damaged thyroid glands of California babies
What Common Foods May Kill Multi-Drug Resistant Cancers?
The GreenMedInfo database has assembled more than 60 articles and studies regarding what food substances can help kill cancers, including those that are resistant to treatment with drugs.
Obama Crimes Exposed: “WARNING: The Pictures That You Are About To See Are ILLEGAL"
These are the Pictures Your Government does not want you to see. Remember when the progressives/Liberals when all over George Bush for torture pictures that were released from GITMO? Well you haven’t seen anything yet. Anything George Bush can do,...
CIA/Torture Whistleblower sent to prison
(Washington, DC) – Today, Feb. 28, CIA/torture whistleblower John Kiriakou will report to the Federal Correctional Institute in Loretto, Pennsylvania, to begin a 30-month prison term. Kiriakou's at...
Obama Administration Sends CIA/Torture Whistleblower to Prison. The Obama Justice Department has indicted six whistleblowers under the Act – more than all past administrations combined.
Caught on video: The horrifying proof that Libya's freedom fighters have turned into brutal...
Caught on video: The horrifying proof that Libya's freedom fighters have turned into brutal torturers Film shows three men tying up blood-spattered
For 40+ years, Gadhaffi's Libya was stable and prosperous with full educational opportunities for women and an 89% literacy rate. Two years after NATO's bombing campaign to overthrow Gadhaffi, Libya has become a failed state.
The FBI Fosters, Funds and Equips American Terrorists
Assad’s win best option in Syria: Former CIA chief
A former CIA chief says the Syrian government’s win is the best outcome in the violence-wracked country.
The Israeli regime is carrying out large-scale Nazi-style ethnic cleansing in the occupied West Bank by destroying the Palestinian properties, an analyst tells Press TV.
‘Lie of the Year’ prize goes to Obama
It’s probably not the kind of recognition he wanted to receive, but President Barack Obama has been awarded PolitiFact’s “Lie of the Year” for 2013.
Scientists discover secret code hidden within human DNA
Scientists have discovered a secret second code hiding within DNA which instructs cells on how genes are controlled. The amazing discovery is expected to open new doors to the diagnosis and treatment of diseases,
US drone downed in Afghanistan: Taliban
The Taliban militants claim they have shot down a US drone in southeastern Afghanistan.
US, Chinese warships nearly collided in South China Sea
A Chinese warship nearly collided with a US Navy guided missile cruiser, according to US Pacific Fleet.
51 Sailors from USS Ronald Reagan Suffering Thyroid Cancer, Leukemia, Brain Tumors After Participating in Fukushima Nuclear Rescue Efforts
Cop Slams 70 Year Old, Handcuffed Woman, Face First to the Cement. Harass the Man Filming It
Ma´an News: Israel ‘Opens Dams’ Flooding Gaza Strip Near Deir Al Balah
Ma´an News: Israel ‘Opens Dams’ Flooding Gaza Strip Near Deir Al BalahPosted by: Ma´an News AgencyPosted date: Dezember 14, 2013In: News(MaanImages) BETHLEHEM (Ma'an) — The Gaza Government's Disaster Response Committee announced late Friday that Israeli authorities had opened up dams just east of th...
Watch: 70-year-old woman suffers broken nose during run-in with Georgia cops | The Raw Story
An unidentified police officer has been suspended after footage surfaced online of a 70-year-old woman being thrown to the ground face-first after
FBI foils another plot they instigated.
Angeschlagene Raketenabwehr-Kooperation: Nato geht auf russische Anliegen nicht ein
Trotz der vereinbarten Kooperation im Bereich der Raketenabwehr hat die Nato laut dem russischen Botschafter Alexander Gruschko keine der russischen Bedingungen erfüllt.
George Soros und der Regimewechsel in der Ukraine
Soros und der Regimewechsel in der Ukraine: Demokratie im Namen des EU-Empire? Der folgende Hintergrundsbericht entstammt dem strategischen Artikel von…
Putin stationiert Raketen für Atomsprengköpfe nahe polnischer Grenze
Russlands Staatschef Putin hat seine Drohung wahr gemacht und Kurzstreckenraketen nahe der polnischen Grenze stationiert.
UK, US govts hand in hand with bankers committing financial crimes
Four former bank bosses in Iceland have been jailed for financial fraud. They were accused of hiding the fact that a Qatari investor bought into the firm
Capitalism vs Socialism-A Balanced Approach
How 'superweeds' have swamped 60 MILLION acres of US farmland
White House Front Group Vows to Target Alternative Media - Media Matters set to intensify attacks against Drudge, Infowars in concert with Obama advisors.
NSA considers amnesty for Snowden if he stops leaks
Both the director of the NSA and the government official in charge of the agency’s Snowden task force tell CBS News that they’ve considered the possibility of cutting a deal with the 30-year-old former contractor, who fled
Lies, Damned Lies, and Government Statistics
Lies, Damned Lies, and Government Statistics
Same Old Game? 'US govt wants regime change in Ukraine'
Are Chemtrails about to Follow the same pattern as the NSA revelations
1) Ridicule as total fantasy
2) Well it's technically feasible but we're not doing it
3) Yeah, we've been doing it all along, it's for your "safety" — and you can't stop us.
Are They Preparing to Admit Chemtrails?
The power of makeup |
A severe winter storm pounds the Middle East for several days bringing heavy snow and floods. Some countries see first snow in decades. WATCH VIDEO
Sweet Wormwood & Iron Kill 98% of Breast Cancer Cells in 16 Hours
Research shows how artemesinin - a derivative of the wormwood plant used in Chinese Medicine - can kill 98% of breast cancer cells in less than 16
Government Spies Are Forcing Privacy Email Services To Shut Down Because They Can’t Spy On Emails
The ugly truth about vegetable oils (and why they should be avoided)

Will Saudis Send U.S. Anti-tank Weapons to Salafist Mercenaries in Syria?
Die Oligarchen der Ukraine und die EU - World Socialist Web Site
Die EU-Außenbeauftragte Catherine Ashton reiste am Dienstag nach Kiew, um festzustellen, ob einige führende Oligarchen die ukrainische Regierung zum Einlenken bewegen können.
Spain ‘won’t have enough tanks’: Catalonia to vote on independence, defy Madrid
The Catalan regional parliament has set November next year for a referendum on the Spanish province’s independence. The government in
Insiders Reveal Obama Framed Assad for Chemical Weapons Attack
When Obama, ten days after the chemical weapons attack, demanded that America attack Syria, promising only a two or three day “surgical strike,” he had been in fact planning a full scale invasion of Syria, lasting months if not years, that would involve a
Cops tell man on camera that they want to break his neck and are going to give him a "welcome party" when they get to jail. 20 minutes later he is hanging dead in his cell. The cops say they they have no suspects in the homicide.
Cop Shoots, Kills College Student for Speaking Disrespectfully
As long as there are police officers like corporal Christopher Carter of the University of the Incarnate Word campus police, there will be cause for alarm at our eroding freedoms in the United Stat...
Colbert: Government Likely Covering Up Chemtrail Conspiracy
US and UK reportedly carving out rebel-controlled security zone in southern Syria
Israel’s Debkafile reported on Wednesday that the US Department of Defense is far from fully abandoning its involvement in the bloody Syrian civil war. Now with non-lethal aid from the US being diminished, American and British
Obama Nominates Israeli Bankster as Federal Reserve Vice Chair
A new study out of China has remarkable findings in regards to lung cancer prevention. Lung cancer was responsible for the deaths of 158,081 people in the U.S. in 2009, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Prevention, above treatment, is crucial as more people die from this type of cancer in the U.S. than any other type
Airbus– Sprühdüsen– Nahaufnahmen geglückt?
Wir konn­ten bei unse­ren ers­ten Recher­chen auf den Flug­hä­fen Düs­sel­dorf und Frank­furt bei ver­schie­de­nen Flug­li­nien ent­spre­chende Spezial-Umbauten an den Flug­zeu­gen fotografieren.Augenscheinlich han­delt es sich hier­bei um Sprüh­dü­sen.
Pamphlets in Ukraine handed out during protests and pamphlets that were handed out in Egypt
Drone strike kills 15 wedding party-goers instead of Al-Qaeda convoy in Yemen
Fifteen people who had been heading to a wedding in Yemen have been killed in an air strike. Local media reported that a drone attack had been responsible, and the party-goers had been hit instead of an Al-Qaeda convoy.
Uruguay faces UN backlash for legalizing pot
Uruguay is facing criticism, as the UN’s drug body, supporting the International Narcotics Control Board (INCB), lashed out at the country for allegedly breaking international law, after it legalized the consumption and
The Crazies [Full Movie]
Hawaii DOH Director Who "Certified" Obama's BC As Legitimate Dies In Plane Crash
Director Behind Obama Birth Certificate Dies in Plane Crash
Pink Floyd’s Rogers Waters: Comparisons between Israel and Nazis ‘crushingly obvious’ | The Raw...
Former Pink Floyd front man Roger Waters said the comparisons between present-day Israel and Nazi Germany in the 1980s were “crushingly obvious.”
Six-year-old suspended for a kiss
Kissing in class may be frowned upon, but is it sexual harassment? That’s what one school is arguing after suspending a six-year-old boy for kissing a classmate on the hand.
First grader Hunter Yelton was not only suspended from school after kissing a girl he liked – and who apparently liked him back, according to the boy’s mother – but also accused of sexual harassment by Lincoln School of Science and Technology in Canon City, Colorado. "It was during class yeah,” Hunter said. “We were doing reading group and I leaned over and kissed her on the hand. That's what happened.”
Thousands of UK students march in ‘Cops off Campus’ protest (VIDEO, PHOTOS)
Thousands of students gathered at the University of London on Wednesday to take part in the ‘Cops off Campus’ demonstration. Participants marched
'No one will prevail over Russia militarily': Putin eyes $700bn to advance Army
Russia will not allow any nation to dominate it in military terms, the Russian president said. Some nations are developing new kinds of weapons, which
LEGAL NOTICE! South Africans Enraged After Finding Out They Are Slaves of a Corporation!
The Daily Show Is Really Worried About NSA Spying In World of Warcraft
The Daily Show tackled the hilariously unsettling news that the American and British governments are spying on games like World of Warcraft and Second Life.
The Daily Show Is Really Worried About NSA Spying In World of Warcraft
Putin: Russia not aspiring to be superpower, or teach others how to live
The Russian leader gave an assurance that Russia wants to respect the sovereignty and stability of other countries, as he was addressing the Federal
Vitamins’ Old, Old Edge
Top Western-backed rebel commander run out of Syria by Islamists
The top Western-backed commander of the opposition forces in Syria has been run out of the country by Islamist militants, US officials said Wednesday.
The Secret History of How Cuba Helped End Apartheid in South Africa
As the world focuses on Tuesday’s historic handshake between President Obama and Cuban President Raúl Castro, we look back at the pivotal role Cuba played in ending apartheid and why Castro was one of only five world leaders invited to speak at Nelson Mandela’s memorial. In the words of Mandela, the...

Teaching spiritual principles which may derived from what is written in the various "Holy Books" is O.K. But teaching scriptural precepts as "fact" or "history" isn't. It's fraud.
China has blocked a fifth cargo of US corn since mid-November after testing found a strain of genetically-modified (GMO) corn not yet approved for import. Three more cargoes may also be refused.
80: Percent of U.S. corn grown from Monsanto patented GMO seeds.
‘We cannot trust them anymore’: Engineers abandon encryption chips after Snowden leaks
The developers of the FreeBSD operating system say they no longer trust computer processor chips manufactured by two of the top tech companies —
Nelson Mandela - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This blog is about how the Bushes and Oliver North murdered CIA drug smuggler Barry Seal in 1986 in order to keep a lid on Iran-Contra and government's and Bush family participation in CIA drug smuggling to support the Nicaraguan contras (and no doubt to skim some off the top for themselves). Read two books "Barry and the Boys" by Daniel Hopsicker and "Compromised: Clinton, Bush and the CIA" by Terry Reed and you will never look at modern American politics in the same way again.
Data sharing among US law enforcement agencies is in 'chaos'
The sharing of intelligence among American law enforcement agencies in the wake of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks is being conducted in a manner that resembles “organized chaos,” according to a new study
Chickenpox (Varicella) Vaccine Creates Shingles Epidemic
Find out why the chickenpox (varicella) vaccine for children may very well be causing a shingles epidemic which is heading straight at the U.S.
Imran Hosein fans WATCH THIS: Economic Hitman reveals shocking truths
John Perkins speaks the TRUTH about the ZOG. Brothers and sisters in the state of Islam, we need
Crippled healed Dimitrios Xenos from Moldova was left crippled after he froze one cold night. He was sent to the church of the Virgin Mary where he stayed at the temple of Zoodochos Pigi where he remained as an inmate for four months. On Easter day he heard a voice calling out to him in his sleep asking him to stand up. He not only stood up but also walked much to the surprise of all the people around him. Source:
Thank you, Mr Mugabe: Zimbabwe’s forced land redistribution led to huge controversy - but it has transformed the lives of thousands of small farmers
“In the biggest land reform in Africa, 6,000 white farmers have been replaced by 245,000 Zimbabwean farmers. These are primarily ordinary poor people who have become more productive farmers.”
U.N. urged to freeze climate geo-engineering projects
* Cloud whitening, solar reflectors, ocean seeding studied * Environmentalists say such schemes are unproven, risky * Advocates say projects could help fight global warming By Chisa Fujioka NA
Cop Who Killed 13-Year-Old Boy Armed With Plastic BB Gun Back on Duty - “This is very, very, very bad news”
Russia will use nukes in case of a strike – official
Vice Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin has warned that Russia will use nuclear weapons if it comes under an attack, adding that this possibility serves as the main deterrent to potential provocateurs and aggressors.
Weather modification/chemtrails discussed on colbert report
Weather modification/chemtrails discussed on colbert report
Stephen Colbert Tells David Keith Government is Already Spraying Us
Keith told Colbert that spraying sulfuric acid in the atmosphere would save the world from experiencing the worst effects of global warming. Colbert used gallows humor to denigrate Keith’s madness.
OpEdNews Article: Article: Seymour Hersh, Sarin, and the Obama Deception on Syria WMD
Seymour Hersh provides inside evidence for what many suspected at the time. The case to attack Syria was based on a massive deception. One more reason to not trust and
TSA Confiscates ‘Realistic’ Two Inch Toy Pistol From Sock Monkey
A Washington state woman traveling from St. Louis to Seattle was shocked and embarrassed after TSA agents confiscated her sock monkey’s two inch toy pistol.
Seeds of Death: Unveiling The Lies of GMO's - Full Movie
The world's leading Scientists, Physicians, Attorneys, Politicians and Environmental Activists
Lead Developer Of HPV Vaccines Comes Clean, Warns Parents & Young Girls It’s All A Giant Deadly Scam
Dr. Diane Harper was the lead researcher in the development of the human papilloma virus (HPV) vaccines, Gardasil™ and Cervarix™.  She is now the
Appeals court halves Pirate Bay co-founder prison sentence
Pirate Bay moves to Ascension Island following domain name seizure
Under pressure once again from the entertainment industry, The Pirate Bay has upped sticks and moved to a new .AC domain, based on the isolated
Handkuss als sexuelle Belästigung: Sechsjähriger vom Unterricht suspendiert -
Er gibt seiner Mitschülerin einen Handkuss. Dafür wird in den USA jetzt ein sechs Jahre alter Junge vom Unterricht suspendiert. In seiner Schulakte ist nun ein Fall von sexueller Belästigung vermerkt.
Pirate Bay moves to Ascension Island following domain name seizure
Under pressure once again from the entertainment industry, The Pirate Bay has upped sticks and moved to a new .AC domain, based on the isolated
Google-owned Motorola Wants to Tattoo a Smartphone Microphone onto Your Neck
Ceiling microphones and inner-body microchips: Google engineer predicts company’s next steps
It’s official: Uruguay legalizes production and sale of cannabis
The law, effective from next year, will: allow registered users to buy up to 40g of marijuana a month from a chemist’s; registered growers to keep up to six plants; and cannabis clubs to have up to 45 members and cultivate as many as 99 plants.
A government-run cannabis institute will set the price – initially likely to be close to the current black market rate of $1 a gramme – and monitor the impact of the programme, which aims to bring the industry under state control and push illegal traffickers out of business.
Iran warns nuclear deal falls apart if US approves new sanctions
Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif said the recent nuclear deal struck between his nation and world powers would evaporate should the United States Congress impose new economic sanctions on Iran, even those that
How the Big Six Cover Tracks in Murder of the Honeybee
The Big 6 agrichemical companies have turned the honeybee into a factory animal, a workhorse that cannot exist without antibiotics.
Zero-Tolerance Policies in Schools are Often Destructive, Fueling a School to Prison Pipeline
States are realizing that when it comes to student behavior, positive reinforcement may deliver better results than punitive measures.
"Big Brother is Watching You" - Cover Your Webcam, the NSA Can Turn it on Without You Knowing
By Washington's Blog: Now that even the Washington Post reported that your webcam can be remotely activated and you won’t even know it’s on, awareness of this vulnerability has gone viral.
Underworld Awakening 2013 full movie
Underworld Awakening Full Movie
Kein Zusammenhang zwischen Schizophrenie und Cannabiskonsum
Die Familiengeschichte als ausschlaggebender Faktor im Fokus
Geoengineering approaches to reduce climate change unlikely to succeed
Reducing the amount of sunlight reaching the planet’s surface by geoengineering may not undo climate change after all. Researchers used a simple energy balance analysis to explain how the Earth’s water cycle responds differently to heating by sunlight than it does
Denver limits marijuana homegrows to 12 plants; no front-yard smoke ban
Denver residents will be allowed to grow only 12 marijuana plants per household for recreational use, the City Council
9/11 Truth: How to Debunk WTC Thermite at Ground Zero
New Wind Turbine Design Can Triple Energy Production
Seeds Of Death - Full Movie
1 out of 3 Bank Tellers in NY on Public Assistance
New report finds bank executives receive big bonuses, while 39% of frontline bank employees
Revealed: NSA, GCHQ 'planted agents' into World of Warcraft to spy on gamers
The NSA and the UK's GCHQ spying agencies have collected players' charts and deployed real-life
Mass Exodus: Young Israelis leave Israel for greener economic pastures
10 Climate Myths Debunked (in 60 seconds!)
10 Climate Myths Busted (in 60 seconds!)
Cop Kills Unarmed Man After Sarcastic Remark
How to Become President of the U.S. Poster | Grades K - 5 |
Constitutional Crisis LOOMS - Obama's real BIRTH Certificate Surfaces
New Bladeless Wind Turbine Claimed to be Twice as Efficient as Conventional Designs
TreeHugger Comments
A new type of wind turbine is poised to leap onto the wind power scene, this time without blades, twice as efficient and half the price
Syria: Whose Sarin?
By Seymour M. Hersh: Obama was going to war to back up a public threat, but he was doing so without knowing for sure who did what in the early morning of 21 August.
Russia may ban officials from using iPhones over spying concerns
Russian lawmakers will consider banning state officials from using foreign-made smartphones, such as iPhones, over concerns they may not be secure. To avoid potential data leaks, they may be obliged to use Russian
Israeli Myths & Propaganda. Ilan Pappe
Full Interview: Professor Ilan Pappe reveals the truth about the 1948 Arab-Israeli War and the ethnic cleansing of Palestine. Source: Global Information Serv...
“Oh You’re Gonna Shoot Me?” Last Words of Former Valedictorian Shot to Death by Police Officer.
Another tragic police shooting happened last week in San Antonio. A 23 year old college student and prior valedictorian, Cameron Redus, was killed by a
Historical facts about the dangers (and failures) of vaccines
Joseph Moshe (MOSSAD Microbiologist) Swine flu vaccine 1
Vacciness -The truth behind vaccinations
Dr Deagle Show 081709 2/6 - DR TRUE OTT PhD ND -- ALEX STUDER
Joseph Moshe arrested for predicting Baxter bioweapon outbreak mutated H1N1 flu in Ukraine!
Nano Particles used in Untested H1N1 Swine Flu Vaccines
Vaccines which have been approved by the responsible government authorities for vaccination against the alleged H1N1 Influenza A Swine Flu have been found to contain nano particles. Vaccine makers ...
Vaccines-The True Weapons Of Mass Destruction
Vaccine pioneer admits adding cancer causing virus to Vaccine
Joseph Moshe (MOSSAD Microbiologist) H1N1 Swine flu vaccine is bioweapon - YouTube-1.flv
Has Baxter Released A
BioWeapon In Ukraine?
 In February of 2009, Bloomberg reported that Baxter "accidentally" sent vaccine material containing both live Avian bird flu and seasonal influenza to multiple laboratories worldwide. A laboratory decided to test the vaccine on its ferrets and the ferrets all unexpectedly died.
Joseph Moshe (MOSSAD Microbiologist): “Swine flu vaccine is bioweapon”
Joseph Moshe Exposes Vaccination Genocide by Baxter Pharmaceuticals
Juicing can wreck your looks: Flaking skin, hair loss and rotting teeth. The latest A-list diet craze has some ugly side-effects
" The main foods you should minimize or eliminate are things like bread, cereals and other grains, potatoes, pasta, etc. The ones you eat a lot of on a daily basis."
10 Signs The Global Elite Are Losing Control
Preise in Griechenland fallen im Rekordtempo
Seymour Hersh Alleges Obama Administration Lied on Syria Gas Attack
Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Seymour Hersh has dropped yet another bombshell allegation: President Obama wasn't honest with the American
Obama Faces Backlash Over Trade Deal
WASHINGTON -- The Obama administration appears to have almost no international support for controversial new trade standards that would grant radical new political powers to corporations, increase the cost of prescription
Israel Rescues Al-Qaeda Terrorists From Syria
“Yediot Aharonot” newspaper has revealed that the current estimates refer that about 800 injured terrorists in Syria some of them were in critical condition, have been rushed to the Israeli hospitals
Israel sets up field hospital in Golan to treat Syria militants
Climate Crimes - Englische Version
Climate Crimes - Vollversion

Es ist doch gerade das Markenzeichen der Neoliberalen, dass Gewinne privatisiert werden und Verluste vergesellschaftet.
DIY 1000 Watt Wind Turbine
Quarter of Europeans face poverty – Eurostat
Over 124 million people in the European Union – or almost a quarter of its entire population - live under the threat of poverty or social exclusion, a report by EU’s statistical office has revealed.
Leafy Greens -- Ranked and Rated
Afghanistan agrees on regional security pact with Iran
Concerned about the presence of foreign forces in the region, Iran and Afghanistan have decided to sign a joint cooperation agreement to boost “regional security” amid American efforts to force the Afghan president to
The Best Drink to Lose Weight Ever Discovered
Fat Sick & Nearly Dead
This opened my eyes to juicing and the wonderful health benefits that come along with it. ENJOY!
Blending vs Juicing - Which is Best for Weight Loss

Tested: Centrifugal vs. Masticating Juicers
Will and Norm get juiced this week while testing two recommended juicers that use different juice extraction techniques. One is a centrifugal juicer that uses a fast-spinning grinding blade, and the other is a masticating juicer that crushes fruit and vegetables into submission. But which yields the most juice?
Try Dr. Oz's Healthy Drink
RT in Guantanamo: What they would not let us see
The flight to Guantanamo from Fort Lauderdale in Florida was the only one in my life that was leaving from a public airport without any indication of it on the departures board. A handful of folks gathered at the gate. A few gloomy
Is orange juice healthy and good for weight loss - Fat Free Revolution
How pure and natural is your orange juice?
How Orange Juice Is Made
Commercial Orange Juice is Not Fresh Orange Juice
When it comes to orange juice, squeezing your own at home would be about the only way to get the real thing. (You know you are buying a heavily processed juice if the "Best Before" date is 60 or more days in the future, because real fresh-squeezed orange juice will only last for a few days.)

That said, drinking orange juice, whether fresh-squeezed or not, is actually NOT as healthy as it sounds. In fact, orange juice is one of the top five "health" foods I recommend avoiding, especially if you're overweight, or have:
Why I Don't Recommend Fruit Juices

    While oranges and fresh squeezed orange juice can be a good source of vitamins and other nutrients, it's also very high in fructose. In fact, one eight-ounce glass of orange juice has about eight full teaspoons of sugar and at least 50 percent of that sugar is fructose. That's almost as much as a can of soda, which contains approximately 10 teaspoons of sugar.
The Secret Ingredient In Your Orange Juice
No charges ever pressed: Assange marks three years of UK detention
WikiLeaks founder and journalist, Julian Assange, has marked the third year spent in detention in UK under constant threat of extradition to Sweden.
Arctic summers ice-free 'by 2013'
By Jonathan Amos
Science reporter, BBC News, San Francisco
Arctic Ice Rapidly Growing
Global Warming? No, Satellites Show Carbon Dioxide Is Causing 'Global Greening'

Arctic expert predicts final collapse of sea ice within four years
As sea ice shrinks to record lows, Prof Peter Wadhams warns a 'global disaster' is now unfolding in northern latitudes
Monday 17 September 2012
Remember All Those Breathy Predictions About An Ice Free Arctic By 2015? Nevermind...
NASA Announces New Record Growth Of Antarctic Sea Ice Extent
Astronomers discover ‘accidental’ giant planet ‘that should not be’
A giant planet that has been found orbiting its star at 650 times the average Earth-Sun distance has stirred immense confusion in the minds of US astronomers, making them question planet formation theories.
'Not real James Bonds': Assange explains why 'small publisher' WikiLeaks beat the Pentagon
WikiLeaks’ major achievement is in weakening the authority of US intelligence, according to the whistleblowing website founder, Julian Assange,
Interview With a Psychopath - MAY BE DISTURBING
Britain is up to its neck in US dirty wars and death squads | Seumas Milne
Seumas Milne: The war on terror is now an endless campaign of drone and undercover killings that threatens a more dangerous world
U.S. Spy Rocket Has Octopus-Themed 'Nothing Is Beyond Our Reach' Logo. Seriously.
Sweden engaged in industrial espionage against Russia - report
Sweden's intelligence agency has not only spied on Russian leadership, sharing intelligence with the NSA, but also apparently engaged in industrial espionage against business targets such as Russia’s energy companies,
Quantum physics proves that there IS an afterlife, claims scientist
Biocentrism / Robert Lanza’s Theory of Everything
Shocking Results: Woman Replaces 40 Medications With Raw Cannabis Juice
A recent study conducted by the Institute of Molecular Psychiatry at the University of Bonn in Germany just discovered that the activation of the brain’s cannabinoid system triggers the release of antioxidants that act as a cleansing mechanism. This process is known to remove damaged cells and improve the efficiency of mitochondria. Mitochondria is the energy sources that powers cells. The study was published in the Philosophical Transactions of The Royal Society - See more at:
Although the results may not be shocking to everyone, many people on the planet are just starting to wake up to the tremendous medicinal benefits that
FBI admits it can secretly activate your webcam without you knowing -
History Not Taught is History Forgot:
Columbus' Legacy of Genocide
Columbus's programs reduced Taino numbers from as
many as eight million at the outset of his regime to about three
million in 1496. Perhaps 100,000 were left by the time of the
governor's departure. His policies, however, remained, with the
result that by 1514 the Spanish census of the island showed barely
22,000 Indians remaining alive. In 1542, only two hundred were
Columbus and The Legacy of Genocide
Europeans collectively killed between 70 million to 100 million Indigenous People (within 80 years).
Climate change warning: Killer winter storms for next THIRTY years | Latest News | Latest...
KILLER freezes, floods and heatwaves will devastate Britain during the next 30 years, climate...
Holocaust Fundamentalism -
You WILL Believe
Even the Yard Vashem Holocaust Museum in Israel, after 60 years, can only muster three million names, and many of those names are of Jews who merely died (or disappeared) during WWII, causes unknown.  Many names appear more than once.  In a similar vein, while the number of Jews murdered at Auschwitz was officially reduced by millions in recent years, the irreducible number of "six million Jews" remains.  Isn't it possible that there's some politically-motivated chicanery here?
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I just reverted to version 2.2.1 and never looked forward
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Wie Israel seine Feinde liquidiert [Doku deutsch]
Eine unglaubliche Dokumentation wie Israel seine Feinde liquidiert. Du denkst, dass du intelligent
Prosecutors ‘coerce’ drug offenders into waiving their right to trial – human rights report
A whopping 97 percent of federal drug defendants agree to a plea bargain, foregoing their constitutionally-protected right to a fair trial. Government
SYRIA: Obama-armed and funded al-Qaeda linked rebels force 24 civilian passengers off bus and...
Al-Qaeda linked terrorists in Syria have beheaded all 24 Syrian passengers traveling from Tartus to Ras al-Ain in northeast of Syria, among them a mother and a 40-day old infant. En. Alalam Gunmen ...
Unarmed Man Is Charged With Wounding Bystanders Shot by Police Near Times Square
The Manhattan district attorney’s office says the man was responsible for the wounds two women suffered when the police shot at him.
The Dark Side Of Finland
The Moro Crater Massacre
King Leopold's Soliloquy
King Leopold's Soliloquy:
A Defense of His Congo Rule
By Mark Twain
Boston: The P. R. Warren Co., 1905
Comments on the Moro Massacre
Mark Twain (March 12, 1906)

New studies conducted at Hokkaido University have found that a compound in wakame known as fucoxanthin can help burn fatty tissue.[7] Studies in mice have shown that fucoxanthin induces expression of the fat-burning protein UCP1 that accumulates in fat tissue around the internal organs. Expression of UCP1 protein was significantly increased in mice fed fucoxanthin. Wakame is also used in topical beauty treatments. See also Fucoidan.

Wakame is a rich source of eicosapentaenoic acid, an omega-3 fatty acid. At over 400 mg/100 kcal or almost 1 mg/kJ, it has one of the higher nutrient:calorie ratios for this nutrient, and among the very highest for a vegetarian source.[8] A typical 1-2 tablespoon serving of wakame contains roughly 3.75–7.5 kcal and provides 15–30 mg of omega-3 fatty acids. Wakame also has high levels of calcium, iodine, thiamine and niacin.
Godfrey Bloom: The State is an Institution of Theft
How Southern Women Talk Part 4

German Scientists Show Climate Driven By Natural Cycles – Global Temperature To Drop To 1870...
Non-periodic processes like a warming through the monotonic increase of CO2 in the atmosphere could cause at most 0.1° to 0.2° warming for a doubling of the CO2 content, as it is expected for 2100. -
The 200+ year period found  here [2], as it is found by us [1] is presently at its maximum. Through its influence the temperature will decrease until 2100 to a value like the one of the last “Little Ice Age” 1870. -
Men Thought to Be Impersonating Cops Robbing People, Turned Out to Just Be Cops Robbing People
A good Samaritan with a camera helped in catching an off-duty Detroit Police Officer and his former DPD accomplice, who were involved in a pistol-
Charity claims its been targeted for feeding the homeless
A church group in Olympia, Washington is blasting proposed City Council changes it claims are intended to stop an outreach mission that feeds hundreds of homeless residents every week.
Israel Charged with War Crimes and Genocide
Israel convicted of war crimes: "From 1948 and continuing to date the State of Israel carried out against the Palestinian people a series of acts namely killing, causing serious bodily harm and deliberately inflicting conditions of life calculated to bring about physical destruction – with the inten...
Nelson Mandela: Obama, Clinton, Cameron, Blair - Tributes of Shameful Hypocrisy
Clearly learning, justice and being “guided by love” is proving bit of an uphill struggle. Ironically, Obama was born in 1964, the year Mandela was
U.S. Glorifies Nelson Mandela In Death. But Treated Him as a Terrorist While Alive.
CIA Central In Mandela’s Arrest … Labelled Him a Terrorist Until 2008 Everyone from President Obama to the mainstream news is lionizing Nelson Mandela. But the New York Times reported in 1990: The ...
"Reason is the natural order of truth; but imagination is the organ of meaning."
~C. S. Lewis

"Beliefs have the power to create and the power to destroy. Human beings have the awesome ability to take any experience of their lives and create a meaning that disempowers them or one that can literally save their lives."
~Tony Robbins

"Life is without meaning. You bring the meaning to it. The meaning of life is whatever you ascribe it to be. Being alive is the meaning."
~Joseph Campbell

After reading Man and His Symbols, I came to the conclusion that meaning is assigned.
Movies Comedy 2013 Trial and Error 2013 (FULL MOVIE)
Dogma Full Movie Adventure Comedy Matt Damon 1999
The Arrival (1991)
Schools close in fog as China eyes artificial rain to fight pollution
The Chinese government is contemplating the practice of ‘cloud seeding’ to disperse the county’s notorious smog, as schools have been forced to close or suspend outdoor activities in two eastern Chinese cities over hostile
Nelson Mandela, the former president of South Africa from 1994 to 1999, has died at the age of 95.

Prior to his presidency, Mandela was incarcerated for 27 years at three different prisons after pleading guilty to 156 acts of public violence including the Johannesburg railway station bombing.

He was also a member of the South African Communist Party and a co-founder of Umkhonto we Sizwe, a guerrilla warfare group declared a terrorist organization by the United States in the 1960s.
THE GREATER GOOD 1/2 Vaccine Fraud Exposed; Leslie Manookian
THE GREATER GOOD 2/2 Vaccine Fraud Exposed; Leslie Manookian
The Greater Good Vaccines Documentary
Vacciness -The truth behind vaccinations-
Impfen - Das Geschäft mit der Unwissenheit - Dr med Johann Loibner
Autism - Made in the U S A - Gary Null's Remarkable Documentary
Fast-food employees are conducting a nationwide strike in the US on Thursday, December 5, demanding a $15 dollar minimum wage.
After a cuddle, Alessandra Pacchieri watched grief-stricken as the nine-month-old toddler, in a red-spotted romper suit, was carried off by Essex social workers.
USA drohen Ukraine mit Chaos und Gewalt
Jim Hightower: Billionaires Reap a Cornucopia of Farm Subsidy Cash
50 billionaires have been farming the US farm subsidy program for years, harvesting a cornucopia of taxpayer cash for themselves or their corporate empires.
Pentagon eyewitness IDs Global Hawk
Samuel Danner (electrical engineer for AmTrak), was involved in the clean-up at the Pentagon crash site and inspected the debris at the site. He said, "It was not a Boeing 757 that hit the Pentagon. The plane looked like a hump-back whale." He thinks a Global Hawk hit the Pentagon. (There were only seven made as of 9/11/01 and two were missing at the time.)
Copenhagen Wheel bike booster rolls out, available for pre-order
Gunmen kill U.S. teacher in Libya's Benghazi
TRIPOLI (Reuters) - Gunmen shot dead an American chemistry teacher working at an international school in the Libyan city of Benghazi, medical and security sources said on Thursday.He was doing his morning
US Police Have Killed Over 5,000 Civilians Since 9/11
Statistically speaking, Americans should be more fearful of the local cops than “terrorists.”
Calm Down … You Are Much More Likely to Be Killed By Boring, Mundane Things than Terrorism
Calm Down … You Are Much More Likely to Be Killed By Boring, Mundane Things than Terrorism
You are 9 times more likely to choke to death on your own vomit than die in a terrorist attack

–You are 8 times more likely to be killed by a police officer than by a terrorist
 Police kill far more people than terrorists
a mere 7 terrorist victims in the UK from 2001 to 2010.
Since 2004 there have been many deaths in police custody.
827 people have died during or following police contact since 2004.
In 2010 1,857 were killed on the roads.
AP 2004 FLASHBACK: “Kenyan-Born Obama All Set for US Senate”
Mia Marie Pope Oust Obama
Bombshell! Barack Obama High School Classmate Reveals That He Was A Well Known Homosexual (VIDEO & AUDIO)
Water is about 815 times heavier than air at sea level and around +20C
One m3 of air weights about 1.23kg

Psychiatric insanity: Over 20% of young boys labeled 'ADHD'
Why the Kuala Lumpur Tribunal’s genocide verdict against Israel sets a key precedent
Until now, Israel has been getting away with anything it likes. A series of revolutions and counter-revolutions in the Arabic world has driven it into
Swearing on the Bible - George Carlin
Israel Had Access to Raw NSA Data - i-HLS
An unprecedented MOU (Memorandum of Understanding) allowing Israel free access to raw data collected by the NSA, including all U.S. civilian communications - i-HLS
We’re Not a Christian Nation
Despite what many on the Christian right claim, America was not founded as a Christian nation.
WIKILEAKS: U.S. Fought To Lower Minimum Wage In Haiti So Hanes And Levis Would Stay Cheap
Chechnya High Rise Burns For 29 Hours With No Collapse, WTC7?
On April 3rd Chechnya’s tallest building, a luxury hotel, caught fire and burned for 29 hours before finally being put out. The building is completely destroyed, however it did not collapse. This raises many questions as to how
NSA leaks: Sweden spied on Russian leaders for US
The NSA eyes the FRA as a ‘leading partner’ among the US agencies foreign partners in the global data collection program, reported Sweden’s Sveriges Television (SVT) citing documents provided by the fugitive whistleblower,CmC=3963142.html
Abgefackelt - Wie die Ölkonzerne unser Klima killen
Durch das sogenannte „Gas Flaring“ verpufft jährlich ein Drittel des gesamten europäischen Erdgasbedarfes. Dabei entstehen 400 Millionen Tonnen Treibhausgase, das entspricht dem jährlichen CO2-Ausstoß von rund 500 Millionen Autos.
Courts Rule MMR & Thimerosal Containing Vaccines Caused Autism & Brain Damage
All information containing new and unprecedented conclusions begins by being violently opposed by those who create the prior information and those
Libyan Assembly votes in favor of sharia law
The process by which the new sharia law system would be implemented was not immediately clear, but a special committee will review all existing laws to ensure their compliance with Islamic law.
Creating a humanitarian crisis in Syria , whether real or fabricated, and holding the Syrian government responsible for it as a casus belli for foreign military intervention under the UN 2005 so-called “responsibility to protect” initiative was from the very eruption of the Syrian conflict the goal of the US-led “Friends of Syria’ coalition.
on the existence of a global system for the interception of private and commercial
communications (ECHELON interception system) (2001/2098(INI))
Genetic Fallacy: How Monsanto Silences Scientific Dissent
Eat or Heat: Britons angry at energy prices amid soaring 'winter deaths'
Latest Climate Report Admits Chemtrails Exist
How the Defeat of Trade Unionism Gave Rise to Low-Wage Jobs
Venezuelan President Says 'Right-Wing Fascist' Saboteurs Caused The Country's Massive Blackout
Islamist fighters move 12 abducted Syrian nuns from Maaloula to rebel-held town
Orwellian Police State USA: Getting your History from Hollywood
Europe "Denuclearized": Germany, Italy, Belgium, Holland and Turkey are Bona Fide Nuclear States
Luxury Hotel Creates ‘Poverty Porn’ With Artificial Shantytown For Rich Tourists (VIDEO)
If you're a rich white jerk, here's the vacation for you: A five-star fake shanty town, where you can pretend to be a poor black person in South Africa.
Hezbollah accuses Israel of assassinating commander
The killing of Hassan Laqees, a senior Hezbollah official, was done by Israel, the militant movement charged in a statement.
Iraq Surpasses Iran in Oil Exports to China « Commentary Magazine
The United States no longer gets much oil from the Middle East—the markets are fungible, but Middle Eastern oil largely supplies China, India, and Europe
Life in Gaza: ‘We wake up to terrifying sonic booms and try to sleep while Israelis are shelling’
I was thinking about how I would start to write about life in Gaza – how I would lay the words out with eloquence – when suddenly an explosion
Contra-Cocaine Was a Real Conspiracy | Consortiumnews
Contra-Cocaine Was a Real Conspiracy December 2, 2013Exclusive: The 50th anniversary of the JFK assassination saw a mainstream media blackout of nearly all evidence of conspiracy in that case. But New York Magazine went even further, mocking
UK nothing but an ‘old European country for travel and study’ – Chinese media
“China won’t fall for Cameron’s ‘sincerity’,” reads the headline of a sharply-worded editorial in the official English-language Chinese newspaper Global
Underworld Awakening 2012 720p FULL HD
Lies, Damned Lies and Anomalies: 9/11 and Statistics - On Violence
I’ll elaborate. First, I don’t mean to disrespect the victims of that horrible attack. They have my deepest sympathies. But when our country makes policy, particularly security policies that will spend trillions of dollars, we have to make those decisions based on facts, numbers, science and evidenc...
Judge OK's Detroit Bankruptcy, Puts Public Pensions Under the Axe
U.S. Bankruptcy Judge Steven Rhodes ruled Tuesday that the city of Detroit is eligible for bankruptcy after a long court battle between city appointed 'emergency manager' Kevyn Orr and union and labor activists who say the decision paves the way for workers' pensions to be cut.Detroit emergency mana...
Vaccine fraud exposed: Measles and mumps making a huge comeback because vaccines are designed to...
Vaccine fraud exposed: Measles and mumps making a huge comeback because vaccines are designed to fail, say Merck virologists
TSA Expands Searches of Parked Cars at Airports - Sign says vehicles “will be searched by uniformed security”
Americans Want Congress Members To Pee In Cups To Prove They're Not On Drugs
WASHINGTON -- While most Americans like the idea of drug testing for welfare recipients, they LOVE the idea of drug testing for members of
Ukraine govt survives 'no confidence' vote amid mass protests
Ahead of the vote, Ukraine’s Prime Minister, Nikolay Azarov, gave a speech in parliament. He has apologized for law enforcement agencies’ actions during the dispersal of the pro-EU rally last week, and said that all those responsible
A Tale of Two Protests: The Ukraine and Thailand
When is a protest good, just, progressive, and defensible? One might think there was a single answer to this question based on an objective set of metrics. But in reality, according to the West, pr...
Landesuntersuchungsamt | Erbe von Tschernobyl:Schwarzwild noch immer radioaktiv belastet
Pro-EU protesters in Kiev call for government's ouster
Kiev, Ukraine (CNN) -- At least 100,000 protesters calling for the Ukrainian government's ouster packed Independence Square in Kiev on Sunday in a continued demonstration against the president's decision to not sign a landmark trade deal with the European Union.
2010–12 Greek protests
Globally Renowned Activist Collaborated with Stratfor
By Steve Horn and Carl Gibson Serbia’s Srdja Popovic is known by many as a leading architect of regime changes in Eastern Europe and elsewhere since the late-1990s, and as one of the co-founders of...
So, This Horse Walks into a Bar: A collection of horse jokes « HORSE NATION
Why global warming science is nothing but fraud
Putin: Ukraine unrest looks like planned action, not revolution
Russia's President Vladimir Putin says current unrest in Ukraine is far from spontaneous - adding that it's no longer about the country's failed deal with th...
want milk?
So you want to be a programmer, huh? Here are 27 ways to learn online
Whether you are looking to switch careers and become a full-time programmer, want to try to build a website or app on the side, or are just
Verfahren um ein CIA-Gefängnis in Polen
Guantanamo-Insassen klagen vor dem Europäischen Gerichtshof für Menschenrechte.
Over 700,000 people on US watch list: and once you get on, there’s no way off
The names of nearly three-quarters of a million individuals have been secretly added to watch lists administered by the United States government,
Frankreich: Tausende demonstrieren gegen Regierung Hollande
Am Wochenende kam es in Frankreich erneut zu Massenprotesten. In der Bretagne brachten die „Rotmützen“ 40.000 Menschen gegen die geplante Ökosteuer auf die Straße. Zudem blockierten tausende LKW-Fahrer wichtige
Ukraine: Demonstranten mit Geldversprechen geködert
Merkels Mann in Kiew - junge Welt -
Berliner Einmischung in der Ukraine.
6 language patterns to prompt a confession
I’ve looked into many fields of study to put together the techniques we use to obtain a confession. One is sales. A salesman is trying to sell a product — the investigator is selling the subject on the idea of telling their story. In my research, I discovered Kevin Hogan,
Strafrechtsprofessoren starten Cannabis-Petition
106 Strafrechtsprofessoren setzten sich für die Legalisierung von Cannabis ein. Einer von ihnen erklärt im LTO-Interview, warum und auf welchem Weg.
'Saudis, Israelis developing new ‘super Stuxnet’ against Iran nuclear program'
Saudi Arabia and Israel’s Mossad intelligence division are co-conspiring to produce a computer worm “more destructive” than the Stuxnet malware to
Mother Agnes-Mariam in Canada: What is Really Happening in Syria?
Mother Agnes is currently touring the U.S. and Canada to inform people about the reality in Syria and the need to stop foreign support and financing of terrorism. Her message is non-sectarian, promoting the values of peace, love and reconciliation.
2011 Polio Eradication Campaign in India
The media is reporting that polio has been eradicated in India due to a massive oral polio vaccination drive encompassing nearly 170 million children.
Libya’s security at risk from allies lobbying
Libya’s security at risk from allies lobbying by CHRIS STEPHEN IN TRIPOLI Britain has been ­placing officials in Libyan government ministries to lobby for “commercial interests”, a senior Eu...
Syria army seizes Israeli-made arms
The Syrian army says it has confiscated Israeli-made weapons in its latest operations.
Federal Court Affirms Right To Give Officer The Finger
WASHINGTON -- A police officer can't pull you over and arrest you just because you gave him the finger, a federal appeals court declared Thursday. In a 14-page opinion, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 2nd Circuit ruled that the "ancient gesture of insult is not the basis for a reasonable suspicion...
Indian Farmers Growing Record Yields With No GMO Crops or Pesticides
Contrary to claims by Monsanto and government conspirators, we can indeed meet the world’s hunger without the use of genetically modified seed and manufactured chemicals. Bumper crops of rice, potatoes, and wheat are being grown in India using methods of Agroecology. Agroecology is a dynamic agricul...
Murders: God vs. Satan
These calculations by Steve Wells are a year old, but I just became aware of them and decided to post them. It's a list of people whom God killed, as recounted in the Bible. The Biblical figures go...
Iraqi ministries of health and defense have disclosed that 948 people were killed as a result of violence across November, 852 of them civilians, in addition to 53 policemen and 43 soldiers. However, the Interior Ministry put the figure at 1,121 people killed. All said that a further 1,349 were wounded in attacks - Iraq 2013: A Year of Carnage
'China plan to quit dollar infuriates US'
An analyst says China plan to quit the dollar draws anger from Washington.
Cunningham said China “move to offload some of its 3.5 trillion in US dollar reserves” poses “a mortal threat to the American petrodollar and the entire American economy.”
Think you’ve got a good grasp of grammar? Prove it! Test yourself with Grammatically speaking, the interactive grammar quiz.
<good one but have seen it>
The host (Full Movie)
Every War On Drugs Myth Thoroughly Destroyed By A Retired Police Captain
Well, that was just about the most cohesive, sensible argument I've ever heard.
Retired police Capt. Peter Christ is about to make more sense about the War on Drugs than anyone you've ever heard in the past. His basic premise is that we need to legalize drugs, but if you're skeptical, just give him a few minutes to convince you.
She claimed to be a "chemist," investigation found a degree in SOCIOLOGY! Worked at the same lab as Dookhan.
Time to bomb Israel - with truth
It is high time to “denuclearize and demilitarize Zionist Israel” with an all-out intelligence campaign, Jim Dean says.
Russian Chief Rabbi Tells Jews To Back Off on Criticizing Vladimir Putin
Chief Rabbi Berel Lazar warns American Jews to avoid confronting President Vladimir Putin. He says nothing good comes out of butting heads with the Russian strongman.
The Rise of Putin and The Fall of The Russian-Jewish Oligarchs (2/2)
The Rise of Putin and The Fall of The Russian-Jewish Oligarchs (1/2)
Keiser Report: SME for Small & Medium Economies (E528)
Puzzle solved
Poll Reveals Americans Don't Trust Each Other Anymore
Patent USRE29142 - Combustible compositions for generating aerosols, particularly suitable for...
A combustible composition for generating aerosols for the control and modification of weather conditions consisting of a readily oxidizable substance selected from the group consisting of aluminum, magnesium, alkali-metals and alkaline earth metals; an oxidizing agent selected from the groups consis...
Citing Patent Filing date Publication date Applicant Title
US3784099 * Dec 13, 1971 Jan 8, 1974 Bosco F Air pollution control method
US4653690 * Nov 5, 1984 Mar 31, 1987 The United States Of America As Represented By The Secretary Of The Navy Method of producing cumulus clouds
US5357865 * Feb 21, 1992 Oct 25, 1994 Water Research Commission Method of cloud seeding
US5360162 * Jun 4, 1992 Nov 1, 1994 Alberta Ltd. Method and composition for precipitation of atmospheric water
WO2008096221A1 * Feb 2, 2008 Aug 14, 2008 Majewski Zbigniew Method of rainmaking
Interview with “FATAH:” A Day in Obama’s “New Libya” covertreport | Nov 30, 2013
The perils of Life in post-Gadhaffi Libya” are expounded by a highly confidential Libyan woman, called “FATAH” who travels frequently in Europe. “Fatah” describes a New Libya run by 1,700 private militias and thieving politicians who steal tens of millions from the Libyan Treasury. A Libya that requires two suitcases of bribes for officials traveling outside the country, transporting Libya’s wealth. A Libya where modern women are forced to wear burqas & cannot drive a car, or walk outside the home for fear of kidnappings & beatings. A new Libya run by Qatari financed Wahabis, who demand Shariah for the people, but steal, rape women and defy all Islamic principles in their own private lives. “Fatah” reveals a Libya in chaos.
Mindhunters 2004-Full movie
Total Recall 2070 01 + 02 Machine Dreams
How Funnels Cookie Info Directly to Stratfor
WikiLeaks began publishing The Global Intelligence Files, over five million e-mails from the Texas headquartered "global intelligence" company Stratfor. The

Terrorists Behind Mall Siege Threaten Bigger Attacks
As Tony Cartalucci summarizes, “Al Qaeda, for the West, serves as the ultimate geopolitical tool. It can be used as a pretext to invade, as well as a nearly inexhaustible mercenary army to carry out ruthless terrorist campaigns and even full-scale war as seen in Syria and Libya, to achieve Western objectives. Additionally, the omnipresent, nebulous nature of Al Qaeda serves as justification to strip away the rights and liberties of people at home, across Western civilization – perpetuating a climate of fear within which the seeds of very profitable war can be sown and continuously reaped.”
Kenya’s National Intelligence Agency (NIS) warned some people not to visit the Westgate shopping mall in Nairobi before the bloody siege, a warning that was not received by the 67 victims who lost their lives during the attack.
As we highlighted earlier this week, the attack was carried out by Somalia’s Al Shabaab terror group, which is the African branch of Al-Qaeda, and is ideologically aligned with the same jihadists that the US and NATO backed in Libya and are currently supporting in Syria. The 2011 invasion of Libya expanded Al-Qaeda’s operational capacity in both Africa and the Middle East.
US currency bills are are 2.61 inches wide and 6.14 inches long; they are .0043 inches thick and weigh 1 gram
Massachusetts seeks 10-yr ban on gas fracking after series of Texas quakes
The Massachusetts fracking moratorium bill is designed to protect the state’s drinking water from possible contamination and thus "ensure that the health
38 Impressive “Hobo Nickels”

These nickels certainly don’t feature Thomas Jefferson. First carved in 1913, the heyday of hobo nickels was back in the 1930s, used as a way to pass the time during the Great Depression.
What archives? UK ordered destruction of ‘embarrassing’ colonial papers
Britain systematically destroyed documents in colonies that were about to gain independence, declassified Foreign Office files reveal. ‘Operation Legacy’
Bitter gourd (melon) nutrition facts
Momordica charantia often called bitter melon, bitter gourd or bitter squash in English, has many other local names. Goya[1] from the indigenous language of Okinawa and karavella[2] from Sanskrit are also used by English-language speakers.
Iodine The Most Misunderstood Nutrient
Simple plant kills up to 98% of cancer cells - and stops diabetes
This plant is a common vegetable from Asia called "bitter melon." It is popular among the long-lived population of Okinawa, Japan.
Iodine The Most Misunderstood Nutrient

Excellent presentation!  We now have accurate iodine testing available in New Zealand.  I have now done hundreds and the results are an astonishing 91% of those tested being iodine deficient.  A percentage show evidence of halide toxicity (flourine, chlorine and bromine).
Day of rage’: UK protests Israeli plan to remove 70,000 Bedouins
Across the UK Britons are to take to the streets to protest an Israeli plan to forcibly remove 70,000 Palestinian Bedouins from their homes. The proposal has triggered accusations of “ethnic cleansing” and “discrimination” from
What you NEED to Know About Calcium, Iodine and Thyroid
WATCH: Toronto Mayor Rob Ford Admits: Exactly, I Have Smoked Crack Cocaine