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Thursday, July 31, 2014

July Link Collection Part3

Russia gives UN, OSCE data from objective monitoring over MH17 crash site - Churkin
Russia “makes any contribution to investigating the tragedy”, Churkin said
Brzezinski Mapped Out the Battle for Ukraine in 1997

It's all about maintaining the US position as the world's sole superpower
We Need all Kinds of Sanctions Against US for Its Global Policies - Christoph R. Hörstel
The US handling of the Malaysian passenger plane story fits well with its bad habit of using false pretexts to justify its attacks against other countries. In an exclusive interview with the Voice of Russia’s Burning Point Christoph R. Hörstel, German political analyst and government consultant, is…
Russia fears Kiev trying to destroy implicating MH17 evidence
Kiev authorities may be seeking to “destroy evidence” which implicates their role in the crash of the Malaysian jet, Russia's UN envoy Vitaly Churkin said, expressing concerns over the ongoing military operation in E. Ukraine in breach of UN resolution.

5) Hamas use the civilians of Gaza as 'human shields'
Jeremy Bowen, BBC Middle East editor: "I saw no evidence during my week in Gaza of Israel's accusation that Hamas uses Palestinians as human shields." The Guardian: "In the past week, the Guardian has seen large numbers of people fleeing different neighbourhoods.. and no evidence that Hamas had compelled them to stay." The Independent: "Some Gazans have admitted that they were afraid of criticizing Hamas, but none have said they had been forced by the organisation to stay in places of danger and become unwilling human-shields." Reuters, 2013: "A United Nations human rights body accused Israeli forces on Thursday of mistreating Palestinian children, including by torturing those in custody and using others as human shields."
Janet McMahon - The Israel lobby network and coordinated PACs that finance U.S. elections
Bowing to AIPAC, Senate unanimously passes resolution supporting Israel
The Senate yesterday unanimously passed a resolution backed by the Israel lobby group AIPAC expressing support for Israel's attack on Gaza and saying not a word about Palestinian deaths. The Hill s...
 Jeremy Bowen's Gaza notebook: I saw no evidence of Hamas using Palestinians as human shields

The BBC's Middle East editor reports from Gaza.

 I saw no evidence during my week in Gaza of Israel’s accusation that Hamas uses Palestinians as human shields
US resupplying Israel with ammunition even after condemning shelling of Gaza school
 Am 29.7.2014 nachmittags ukrainischer Zeit wurden vier SS-21 Tochka taktische ballistische Raketen von der ukrainischen Armee abgefeuert. Zwei davon waren offenbar auf Saur Mogila gerichtet, mit der Idee, dass den Ukies im Südkessel so plötzlich eine Fluchtroute geöffnet wäre. Kurz vor dem Start begannen Einheiten der russischen Föderation sich in Richtung Grenze des Kesselgebietes und Richtung Nordseite des Kessels zu bewegen.

Keine der vier Tochka Raketen erreichte ihr Ziel.
The cockpit shows traces of shelling! You can see the entry and exit holes...If we now consider the armament of a typical SU 25 we learn this: It is equipped with a double-barreled 30-mm gun, type GSh-302 / AO-17A, equipped with: a 250 round magazine of anti-tank incendiary shells and splinter-explosive shells (dum-dum), arranged in alternating order. The cockpit of the MH 017 has evidently been fired at from both sides: the entry and exit holes are found on the same fragment of it’s cockpit segment!
Bolivia declares Israel a terrorist state
More than two weeks of fighting in Gaza have left 1,300 dead and 6,000 wounded amid an intense Israeli air and ground campaign.
Der Banker: Master of the Universe
Dokumentarfilm im Ersten: Der Banker - Master of the Universe
Maximus of Tyre wrote that Sappho was "small and dark" and that her relationships to her female friends were similar to those of Socrates:
Crime (Israel) and Punishment (Russia)
OP-EDGE: Not even Hollywood could come up with such a plot: Israel gets away with unlawful premeditated mass murder of civilians, while Russia gets framed for an airborne mass murder of civilians that has all the makings of being set up by the Kiev vassals of Russia’s Western"partners"
ISIS The Start Of World War 3 David Icke
<not bad

The Lies Grow More Audacious
The Cultivation of Hate
By Paul Craig Roberts
The howlers issuing from these occasions are enough to split your sides.  Obama and his lap dog Cameron described the Normandy landing on June 6, 1944, as “the greatest liberation force that the world has ever known” and took all the credit for the US and Britain for the defeat of Hitler.  No mention was made of the Soviet Union and the Red Army, which for three years prior to the Normandy landing had been fighting and defeating the Wehrmacht.
The Germans lost World War II at the Battle of Stalingrad, which was fought from August 23, 1942 until February 2, 1943, when most of the remnants of the powerful German Sixth Army surrendered, including 22 generals.
Nineteen months previously the largest invasion force ever assembled on planet earth invaded Russia across a one thousand mile front. Three million crack German troops; 7,500 artillery units, 19 panzer divisions with 3,000 tanks, and 2,500 aircraft rolled across Russia for 14 months.
25 year old cameraman killed in Gaza while wearing a vest clearly marked "Press."'
Two others reporters attacked. Internaitonal journalists' org demands that Israel stopped killing and targeting journalists.
Israelis support Netanyahu and Gaza war, despite rising deaths on both sides

Despite rising deaths among Palestinians and Israeli soldiers, public support for offensive is high.
Media Hype and Gaza's 'Terror' Tunnels
Coincidentally or not, there's been a noticeable increase in media attention to the tunnels in Gaza, many of which lead to Israel and are (allegedly) used by Hamas militants for attacks. The Israel...
Velkavaroitus Kiinasta: Yhdysvallat ei selviä
Yhdysvallat väisti täpärästi liittovaltion luottohäiriöt, mutta velkasopu ei ratkaissut rahoitusongelmia kuin muutamaksi kuukaudeksi – ja lisäksi tavalla, joka kasvattaa eikä kevennä valtion velkataakkaa. Kiinan suurin luottoluokittaja sättii Yhdysvaltoja velkavedätyksestä ja epäilee, että tämä ei s…
Digital front line: How Israel is shutting down Gaza’s Twitter voices
The voice of Gaza teen blogger Farah Baker, which went viral over the weekend, has been silenced after Israeli bombing took out Gaza’s only power plant.
Obama Should Release Ukraine Evidence

Obama Should Release Ukraine Evidence July 29, 2014With the shoot-down of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 over Ukraine turning a local civil war into a U.S. confrontation with Russia, U.S. intelligence veterans urge President Obama to release what evidence he has about the tragedy and silence the hyperb…
Blaming Russia as ‘Flat Fact’
Yet the U.S. government has been unable (or unwilling) to supply a single piece of imagery showing the Russians supplying a Buk anti-aircraft missile battery to the rebels; the rebels transporting the missiles around eastern Ukraine; the rebels firing the fateful missile that allegedly brought down the Malaysian airliner; or the rebels then returning the missiles to Russia.
Since the start of the crisis last year, U.S. officials and American-funded non-governmental organizations have not only pushed a one-sided story but have been pushing a dangerous agenda, seeking to create a collision between the United States and Russia and, more personally, between President Barack Obama and President Putin.
1. Providing historical and supporting documentation that Zionism is totally contrary to the teachings of traditional Judaism through the words of our Rabbis, Sages, and Holy Scriptures which oppose the creation of a state called Israel.
'God Gave Israel to the Jews', Naomi Wolf's Mind Blowing Bible Experience

Author Naomi Wolf was challenged to read the Bible. What she found blew her mind (her words), possibly not in the direction the challenger(s) had hoped. She posted the results on Facebook on Monday morning: Okay, so I was challenged below: “Read...
AIPAC: The Most Powerful Lobby in America - The Bilzerian Report
The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), a private Jewish American group that claims to be “America’s pro-Israel lobby,” is considered by The New York Times to be, “the most important organization affecting America’s relationship with Israel.” In 1997, Fortune magazine called AIPAC the…
Chris Hedges: Imploding the Myth of Israel --
Israel has been poisoned by the psychosis of permanent war. It has been morally bankrupted by the sanctification of victimhood, which it uses to justify an occupation that rivals the brutality and racism of apartheid South Africa. Its democracy - which was always exclusively for Jews - has been hijacked by extremists who are pushing the country toward fascism.
Im Ukrainekrieg und gegen Rußland sind Juden momentan die größten Kriegstreiber. Jazenjuk, Groiszman, Kolomoisky, Neuland, Kerry, Chodorkowski, Beresowski, Kasparow... Oder der jüdische Herausgeber der Zeit, Joffe. Alles Kriegstreiber. Und nach 80a StGB wäre hier auch eine Strafanzeige fällig.
Ukraina Naton laajenemisen uhri
Pääministeri Alexander Stubbin tuoreeltaan esittämä kehotus avoimen NATO-keskustelun käynnistämiseen ei ole saanut suomalaisia innostumaan sotilasliittoon liittymisestä. Enemmistö kansalaisista on ...
 Ethnic cleansing in a Zionist fairyland

Official Israeli archaeology is legitimating the ethnic cleansing of East Jerusalem in defiance of basic precepts of international law, writes Vacy Vlazna
The Bible Unearthed: Archaeology's New Vision of Ancient Israel and the Origin of Its Sacred Texts[1] is a 2001 book about the archaeology of Israel and its relationship to the origins of the HebrewBible. The authors are Israel Finkelstein, Professor of Archaeology at Tel Aviv University, and Neil A…
Senior Israeli archaeologist casts doubt on Jewish heritage of Jerusalem --
A senior archaeologist at Tel Aviv University has cast doubt on the alleged Jewish heritage of Jerusalem. Israel Finkelstein's claims have been made in the face of official Israeli and biblical claims to the occupied city. Professor Finkelstein,...

Professor Finkelstein, who is known as "the father of biblical archaeology", told the Jerusalem Post that Jewish archaeologists have found no historical or archaeological evidence to back the biblical narrative on the Exodus, the Jews' wandering in Sinai or Joshua's conquest of Canaan. On the alleged Temple of Solomon, Finkelstein said that there is no archaeological evidence to prove it really existed.
New U.S. help arrives for Syrian rebels as government, extremists gain
US approved arms arrive in Syria as the government and Islamic extremists continue to advance
"It's OK for the US to openly arm and supply Syrian rebels but Russia's alleged arming of East Ukrainian rebels demands harsh economic sanctions. I must be stupid or something. Can anybody tell me why Russia deserves to have economic sanctions imposed on it but the US doesn't?"
US-NATO “Fast-Track War Plans”. After Failed MH17 False Flag, Washington Attempts Bold New Moves to Frame Russia
After their total failure to blame eastern Ukrainian Rebels and Moscow for what appears to be Kiev forces shooting down Fight MH17 on July 17th, Washington and its NATO allies have shifted their propaganda strategy in a new attempt to implicate Russia for international war crimes…

Over the weekend, Washington used its US ambassador to the Ukraine, Geoffrey Pyatt, to launch another fabricated social media post designed to blame Russia for “firing artillery over its border into the Ukraine”.
Twitter Bombed: Pyatt’s tweeting turned out to be a bad joke. It’s a wonder he still has a job.

Israel’s rank and rotten fruit is being called fascism By  Mike Carlton — SMH July 26, 2014   The images from Gaza are searing, a gallery of death and horror. A dishevelled Palestinian man cr
UK Queen in depleted uranium trade.
Britain's Queen Elizabeth is one of the richest women on earth and much of her profits are from arms trade including the notorious depleted uranium trade. Th...
"The British monarch has managed to increase her wealth from £300 million early in her 60-year reign to £17 billion at present thanks to investments in arms firms that produce uranium used in depleted uranium (DU) shells, including Rio Tinto Zinc. "
Cameron is cutting nuclear deals with the US behind Parliament's back. We only found out because Obama mentioned it.
Israelis in Tel Aviv 26.7.2014: "There's no school tomorrow,there's no children left in Gaza! Oleh!"
Moldawien: Vorsitzender d. Sozialdemokraten ll Krieg gegen Russland geplant

Es spricht der Vorsitzende der Sozialdemokratischen Partei Moldawiens, Viktor Schelin. Original Vorsitzender d. S...
Ja, mit dem Finger auf andere zeigen, um von sich selbst abzulenken. Das beliebte Spiel der Amis!
MH17/Rußland: ARD bis SPIEGEL im TIME Tunnel
Apparently, the OSCE representative meant automatic gun. Ukrainian Su-25, which, according to the Russian Defense Ministry was seen next to the “Boeing”, just equipped with not only missiles, but also built-in double-barreled 30-milimitrovoy gun. Ammunition – 250 rounds.
A refreshingly open call for ethnic cleansing of Palestinians from an Israeli deputy speaker

I’ve always said that I like my ethnic cleansers like my men: honest, direct, and with a plan. Sadly, like good men, honest and open ethnic cleansers are few and far between. As the Israeli government, and those who blindly defend it, claim that the attacks in Gaza are for self-defense, and self-def…
A decisive conclusion is necessary
We need to flatten entire neighborhoods in Gaza. Flatten all of Gaza. The Americans didn’t stop with Hiroshima – the Japanese weren’t surrendering fast enough, so they hit Nagasaki, too.
20 killed in Israeli shelling of UN school
Shock and terror: Islamic State boasts mass executions in Iraq (GRAPHIC)

Irresponsibility on steroids is all we have seen from 95% of the Western statements coming out on the Malaysian plane crash in Ukraine.

The Kiev government, who can’t tell the truth about anything, is still comfortably in first place, soon to eclipse “Baghdad Bob” for the gold medal of bogus claims. Bob was Saddam’s press spokesman telling us that Iraqi forces were destroying the American invaders.
US satellites saw everything that happened, so the idea that an investigation is needed to determine the cause is a bad joke. You have not seen any overhead photos of the crash site, because the wide area of the wreckage is inconsistent with a missile shoot down, but something else they want to keep out of view.
"Fake News" on Palestine, Ukraine, Syria, Iraq: Support Global Research's Battle against The...
Dear Global Research Readers, Over the years the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG) and its webpage Global Researh have worked to bring you leading edge analysis and news that the mainstrea...
7/28/14 - Zio 'News Media' Exposed - Turn Off Your Talmud TV. The mainstream media are serial liars. They not only distort the facts, they turn realities upside down.
Kiev 'good guys' fire ballistic missiles into E. Ukraine
In the past two days Kiev’s forces have launched several short-range ballistic missiles into areas in east Ukraine controlled by self-defense forces, CNN reports, citing US government sources.
Who is blocking MH17 probe? Why?
Dutch and Australian police teams have this week for the second time had to cancel plans to investigate the crash site of the downed Malaysia airliner in Uk
Donezk will Kontakte zur OSZE abbrechen
USA prüfen Bitte Kiews um militärische Hilfe - Pentagon-Chef
US-Verteidigungsminister Chuck Hagel hat seinem ukrainischen Amtskollegen Valeri Geletej versichert, dass die USA das Ersuchen der Ukraine um militärische Hilfe erörtern werden, wie der Pentagon-Sprecher Konteradmiral John Kirby am Montag in Washington sagte.
Putin-Vertrauter: „Es wird Krieg in Europa geben“
Netanyahu Mocking US Video Airs On Israeli TV
Netanyahu: "I know what America is. America is a thing you can move
very easily, move it in the right direction. They won't get in the way."

"Every time we do something you tell me Americans will do this and will do that. I want to tell you something very clear, don't worry about American pressure on Israel, we, the Jewish people control America, and the Americans know it."
Libya is now officially a failed state
It is failed in the sense that it does not have a cohesive central government whose writ runs to every part of the country.
Palestine before 1948
M of A - Ukraine: Pentagon Sees Ballistic Missile Launches - Why Then No MH17 Data?
Pentagon officials tell CNN (video) that the Ukrainian government fired three ballistic missiles towards the federalists during the last 48 hours. Such missiles have ranges from 50 miles up to some 600 miles and carry warheads with some 1,000 pounds or more of explosives.
Ukrainischer Pilot der Su-25 behauptet, die Boeing abgeschossen zu haben
Ein ukrainischer Flieger, Pilot eines Schlachtflugzeuges Su-25, hat in einem Interview mit der deutschen Ausgabe Wahrheit für Deutschland die Verantwortung für die Vernichtung des Passagier
Schockierende Analyse zum Abschuss der Malaysian MH 017

Juli 26, 2014
Israel Creates ‘No Man’s Land’ in Gaza, Shrinking Strip by 40 Percent
Mr. President, Your Own CIA Says What Russians Say. What Are We Gonna Do? - Paul Roberts
Well that implies that he was told of the CIA’s assessment of the American satellite photos. That ‘the photos do not support the lies, you’re telling Mr. President! Stop telling these lies! Your own CIA has come to a conclusion that the Russians and the separatists have nothing to do with it’
The US Envisages a First Strike Nuclear Attack against Russia

The World is at a dangerous crossroads. In the following video, a senior adviser to the Russian president confirms that the US envisages a first strike nuclear attack against the Russian Federatio...
The Emperor’s Rage: Let Chaos Envelop the World!

Chaos reigns and spreads as enraged leaders in the US, Europe and their clients and allies pursue genocidal wars. Mercenary wars in Syria; Israel’s terror bombing on Gaza; proxy wars in the Ukraine...
The US’ H17 End Game: Shadow NATO in Ukraine and Russia as a ‘State Sponsor of Terrorism’

RELATED POSTSWho has shot down the Malaysian jet over Ukraine? (UPDATING)BRICS: New Geopolitical Model and Russia’s Foreign Policy PriorityNational NihilismNorthwoods and MH-17: False Flags Fly alongside «Old Glory»Ukraine: Is There a Chance for De-escalation?Is BRICS Challenging the West? Comments…
U.S. Holds the World Record of Killings of Innocent Civilians
Putins Beliebtheit auf Höchststand seit fünf Jahren

Die Beliebtheit von Russlands Präsident Wladimir Putin bei den russischen Bürgern ist deutlich gestiegen und hat den Höchstwert seit fünf Jahren erreicht: 75,7 Prozent der Russen sind mit seiner Arbeit zufrieden, ergibt eine Studie des Meinungsforschungszentrums WZIOM.
Israeli Military Destroyed El-Wafa Hospital Even Though it Knew There Were no Weapons Inside

Patients in el-Wafa Rehabilitation Hospital in Gaza City. (Photo: Rina Andolini) The Israeli army targeted and destroyed the Gaza strip’s only rehabilitation hospital even though Israeli authoritie...
The Invasion of America
Between 1776 and 1887, the United States seized over 1.5 billion acres from America's indigenous people by treaty and executive order. The Invasion of America shows how by mapping every treaty and executive order during that period. It concludes with a map of present-day federal Indian reservations.
Debunking Israel's 11 Main Myths About Gaza, Hamas and War Crimes
COMPACT 8/2014 - Ami go home! Deutschland muss souverän werden
Deutschland ist immer noch eine US-Kolonie - die Deutschen werden aus den USA regiert (2014)
Mehrere deutsche Politiker, Journalisten, Denker und selbst das deutsche Fernsehen sehen Deutschland seit 1945
Sergei Glazjev - Wirtschaftsberater des russischen Präsidenten - über die Okkupation der Ukraine durch die USA und die Absichten der USA einen Vierten Weltkrieg zu entfachen, um dadurch eigene US-Wirtschaft aufblühen zu lassen (deutsche Untertitel)
Gaza’s only power plant shut down by Israeli shelling
Malaysia says Ukraine must bear responsibility for MH17|Politics|News|

Malaysia has stated for the first time that it believes the Ukrainian government ought to bear responsibility for the fatal crash of Malaysian Airlines flight MH17, according to a report from Singaporean newspaper Lianhe Zaobao.
To understand Ukraine by Rolandas Paulauskas
Poroshenko has proposed the Ukrainian Parliament to allow 250 Australian troops into Ukraine
President Poroshenko proposed the Ukrainian Parliament to ratify an agreement between Ukraine and Australia whereby Australia will send to Ukraine police, military and civilian personnel whi
GRAPHIC: Five killed after home for elderly shelled in Lugansk, E.Ukraine

A home for the elderly in Lugansk was targeted in a shelling attack on Monday, leaving at least five people dead. The facility is located in the Artemovksy D...
Nine children killed while playing on swings in Gaza refugee camp
It is amazing how, when it comes to really caring about finding the truth about MH17, the "international community" and the corporate media don't even bother to ask Poroshenko and the regime in Kiev to give full and immediate access to the Ukrainian air traffic controllers, Buk missiles, radar data, recordings, etc.
Psychiatrist of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Commits ‘Suicide ‘
Moshe Yatom, a prominent Israeli psychiatrist who successfully cured the most extreme forms of mental illness throughout a distinguished career, was found dead at his home in Tel Aviv yesterday from an apparent self-inflicted gunshot wound. A suicide note at his side explained that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who has been his patient for the last nine years, had “sucked the life right out of me.”
“I can’t take it anymore,” wrote Yatom. “Robbery is redemption, apartheid is freedom, peace activists are terrorists, murder is self-defense, piracy is legality, Palestinians are Jordanians, annexation is liberation, there’s no end to his contradictions. Freud promised rationality would reign in the instinctual passions, but he never met Bibi Netanyahu. This guy would say Gandhi invented brass knuckles.”
“This resolution says that the elected representatives of the American people are standing with the slaughter of children and not saying a word about it.
 When you are doing that while you are paying Israel’s bills and providing it protection in the United Nations, you are complicit.”
Ukraine-Konflikt: Transatlantische Propaganda dreht durch
US wants WWIII because its big banks are insolvent: Henderson
Fake Satellite Images: The Latest US Government Hoax against Russia
The horror - Ukraine junta kills dozens in bombing of Gorlovka.
There were no militia in the city. Clearly genocide.
Calls for genocide enter Israeli mainstream
Ukraine: The International War-Criminal Is Obama, Not Putin
In February this year, the Obama Administration violently overthrew the freely-elected and Russia-friendly President of Ukraine, Viktor Yanukovych. We hired gunmen dressed to appear to be from the Yanukovych government firing into the “Maidan” crowd who were demonstrating against Yanukovych. This made it seem to be violence from him, not from Obama’s team. Obama further justified the overthrow by saying that Yanukovych was corrupt. But virtually all recent Presidents and Prime Ministers of that country have been corrupt. The Prime Minister who had preceded Yanukovych, Yulia Tymoshenko, was even in prison for it.
Where Are The Guns The U.S. Gave To Afghanistan?
Special Inspector General's report says the Pentagon gave hundreds of thousands of rifles, machine guns and other small arms to the Afghan police and army. But now the military can't track ...
Noam Chomsky: Obama is ‘dedicated to increasing terrorism’
Author Noam Chomsky blasted the Obama administration in an interview on Tuesday, charging that President Obama
Noam Chomsky "Every Post-War American President Should Be Hanged"
America Is Running the World’s Largest Terrorist Operation
Eye-Opening Graphic: Map of Muslim Countries that the U.S. and Israel Have Bombed
With seven active wars in seven different Muslim countries, it is quite an amazing thing that Americans can have the audacity to ask: “why are Muslims so violent and warlike?”
he total number of Muslim countries that America and Israel have bombed comes to fourteen: Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Yemen, Somalia, Libya, Iran, Sudan, Palestine, Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Egypt, and Tunisia.
SURPRISE, SURPRISE--Jewish deputy PM to serve as Ukraine’s acting PM

Volodymyr Groysman joined the government in February and is a former mayor of Vinnytsia Times of Israel lodymyr Groysman, a deputy prime minister who is Jewish, was appointed acting prime minister ...
Flight MH17 - What You're Not Being Told
USA verlegen B-52-Bomber nach Europa
Zum ersten Mal seit dem US-Angriff auf den Irak im Jahr 2003 hat die US Air Force wieder atomwaffenfähige B-52-Bomber nach Europa verlegt. Die drei Maschinen sind auf dem britischen Militärstützpunkt Fairford stationiert.
CNN Helen Thomas 'Jews don't have the right to take other people's land'
Cui Bono? – Who Benefits From the #MH17 Catastrophe?
This video documentary by TV ZVEZDA provides analysis and witness reports from the the very location in the Donesk oblast, where the plane was downed Video: TV ZVEZDA Documentary – Who Benefits fro...
25 Recent Events in Ukraine the U.S. Wants You To Forget
Remember when our rulers told us that regimes like Saddam, Gaddafi, and Assad were the epitome of evil and must be liberated because they allegedly killed their own citizens? Probably not. Americans have short memories.

Multiple Reports: Ukrainian Fighter Jets Were with Malaysian Flight 17 When It Was Shot Down
Is THIS Why the Plane Was Shot Down?

Vladimir Suchan points out: "After sanctioning officials who are seen as opposing the EU-favored fascist dictatorship in Kiev, the EU has also resorted to imposing personal sanctions on heroes fighting al Qaeda in Syria such as the hero of the Central Prison year-long siege near Aleppo, Lieutenant Colonel Suheil al-Hassan.
The EU is turning into an openly criminal organization, which is supporting fascism and fundamentalist terrorism and their wars in Syria and Ukraine." "Europe is being prepared for a new war
An excellent telephone interview (in German) with Willy Wimmer, former German Deputy Defence Secretary. He says and confirms basically everything that is our line of opinion, but from a position of being a political insider instead of an amateur observer like me.
US, NATO and EU are using everything possible in order to prepare the population for a new war against Russia. The population, however, does not want that. This is why the intensity of the propaganda is so much increased that even simple minds recognize the purpose and the falsehood. While this worked against Milosevic, Hussein, and Gaddafi - first time against Kaiser Wilhelm before and during WWI by the way - this time the population is massively disagreeing."
 Diktatur, Luftfahrt, Propaganda, Putin, Russland, Ukraine, USA, Verschwörungen
Ukrainischer Pilot gibt Abschuss von MH17 zu
German OSCE Guy Interviewing Ukraine Soldiers in Captivity
<The Soldier on the left at the end of the video (fighting for the civil defense) comes from germany too and says jokingly to the OSCE guy: "be careful,they could think that the germans are coming here again to occupy this country like in 1941".
Read more at>
Deleted BBC Report. “Ukrainian Fighter Jet Shot Down MHI7″, Donetsk Eyewitnesses
Flight MH17 - What You're Not Being Told
Lavrov Says MH17 Crash Investigation Raises Suspicion
The investigation into the Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 crash in eastern Ukraine casts doubt upon US claims, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said Monday.
Obfuscation (or beclouding) is the hiding of intended meaning in communication, making communication confusing, willfully ambiguous, and harder to interpret. . The word comes from Latin obfuscatio, from obfuscāre (“to darken”), from ob (“over”) and fuscāre (“to make dark”), from fuscus (“dark”).
'Fake': Russian Defence Min rebuffs US sat image claims
Sanktionen wirken! Kriegshetzer verlieren eine Billion Dollar an den Börsen
Ukraine: Verteidigungsminister bestätigt massenhafte Fahnenflucht
Der ukrainische Verteidigungsminister Valeri Geletej hat zugegeben, dass mehr als 40 ukrainische Soldaten letzte Woche auf das Territorium Russlands geflüchtet sind, teilt die „Ukrainskaja Prawda“ mit.
'US 'proof' so unprofessional - social media propaganda' - Frmr WSJ Editor
The Malaysian Airline MH17 Crash: Sixteen Central Issues Which Cannot be Ignored
In establishing who was behind the shooting down of MH17, there are a number of central issues as well as factual evidence which cannot be overlooked: . . 1. Malaysian Airlines confirmed that the ...
Stranglehold on America
SPIEGEL schließt Russland-Forum nach drei Stunden
Mega-arbitration’: Court orders Russia to pay $50bn in Yukos case
<We don't have enough money in the West and we cant keep on raiding our little 3rd world and middle east piggy bank countries. Hopefully there are plenty of criminals in Russia that have gone to prison that we can sue in the West and then demand $0.1 trillion. Phew that should pay for a few more Reading railway upgrades and keep the pensions going a bit longer. Of course if Russia doesn't pay we will have to freeze Russian assets. Ours, ours, ours.>
<The ICC stands for International Chamber of Commerce. In its own words, "The ICC World Council is the equivalent of the general assembly of a major intergovernmental organization. In this case however, the delegates are business executives and not government officials." The World Council's primary responsibility is to enforce its Constitution, which is to support corporate interests. It is difficulty to understand where any of this has the force of law ... anymore than a US Supreme Court decision can impose financial liability on Argentina. >
Unless the US government pays compensation to all countries she bombed based on lies she should just shut up.
US allegations of Russia firing at Ukraine are ‘baseless’ – Russian MP
“During the last several weeks the combat area has been regularly monitored. At the time, a foreign military radar group, including individuals from the US, were working in Russia and nothing was found.”
Zero-Waste Supermarket Set to Open in Germany

Opening this summer, "Original Unverpackt" will be Germany's first packaging-free supermarket. The store will not stock any item that comes in a disposable container.
Busted! MH-17 Was in Fact the ‘Lost’ Flight MH-370
Chemtrails Admitted by Weather People Everything's Ok though - Governement Program

How much longer before the facts become public....I think it will not be too long now... a growing number of people are realising that the theorists are corr...
Malaysia Airlines MH17: Zio-Nazi CIA MI6 Mossad MIVD Terrorist Act in Ukraine
Malaysian Airlines did not load food onto the plane. The retrieved refrigerators did not contain any food containers.
Malaysian plane could have been downed ONLY by air-to-air missiles and explosives on board, say experts, since it lacks multiple holes on its bottom, characteristic of the surface-to-air missiles by the BUK missile launcher.
Breaking: Russian Satellite Imagery on MH17
We have made note of several findings thus far.  We have noted that were a missile used, an exhaust trail would have been visible for many miles and would have been photographed.  It was not and, thus, never existed.  Locals were questioned, none saw a launch nor exhausts.

The Russians have finally allowed someone to send us their video of MH17.  Judge for yourself.  We stick to “bomb” but are taking this under advisement:
Satellite Shows Kolomoisky Forces Fire on MH17
Russian military satellite shows Kiev missile fired at MH17
Boris, the issue was whether anyone could prove a missile is fired. We have evidence of planted wreckage made to look like a missile attack and real wreckage that looks like a large bomb was placed on the plane.
Thus, we give Washington 24 hours to present their own evidence or we accept Russia's.
This is only fair...even if it is "he who lies best wins."
Flight MH17 - What You're Not Being Told
US releases satellite images 'proving' Russia is firing into Ukraine
The ministry listed the international makeup of those inspections, which include representatives from the US, as well as NATO and Ukraine.

“No instances of violations by Russia along the Ukrainian border had been registered by the inspectors,” the ministry said. “Frequent action by the Ukrainian military taking place on the Russian border has hindered our own ability to perform similar inspections and flybys along our border,” it continued.
The Borrower 1991 (Full Movie)

Soros Admits Responsibility for Coup and Mass Murder in Ukraine
Color revolution collaboration began soon after engineered fall of Soviet Union
Asiantuntija: Suomesta voi hävitä kymmeniätuhansia työpaikkoja Venäjä-pakotteiden johdosta | Yle Uutiset |
Elinkeinoelämän keskusliiton Venäjästä vastaava johtaja Kai Mykkänen varoittaa, että Suomen vienti Venäjälle voi pudota kymmeniä prosenttiyksikköjä, jos Länsimaat sulkevat Venäjän rahoitusmaailmasta. "Silloin puhutaan kyllä kymmenistätuhansista työpaikoista."
WTO-Klage: Sanktionen gegen Russland völkerrechtswidrig?
Intl. teams find ‘no violations’ by Russia along Ukrainian border
Währungskrieg: Russland-Sanktionen sollen den Dollar retten
Als „neues Instrument der US-Außenpolitik“ bezeichnet Victoria Nuland den Finanzkrieg gegen Russland. Zudem
Reporter widerlegt US-Aussage: Keine Leichen-Schändung durch Rebellen
Eines der neuen Argumente zur Begründung von Sanktionen gegen Russland lautet: Die Rebellen haben die Leichen der Opfer des abgeschossenen Flugzeugs würdelos behandelt. Bundesaußenminister Steinmeier hat sich diese US-Version zu eigen gemacht. Doch der  Doch der Augenzeugenbericht eines ORF-Reporters zeigt: Die Rebellen haben im Umgang mit den Leichen völlig korrekt gehandelt.
Die OSZE besteht aus Diplomaten. Die Masse der OSZE-Beobachter hier hat genauso wenig Ahnung von Flugzeugabstürzen oder genauso viel, wie die Journalisten, die hier herumarbeiten.
Lessons from Libya: How Not to Intervene - Harvard - Belfer Center for Science and International...
"The biggest misconception about NATO's intervention is that it saved lives and benefited Libya and its neighbors. In reality, when NATO intervened in mid-March 2011, Qaddafi already had regained control of most of Libya, while the rebels were retreating rapidly toward Egypt. Thus, the conflict was…
Ukraine 2015
George Soros admits to funding the Ukraine crisis
George Soros told CNN’s Fareed Zakaria over the weekend he is responsible for establishing a foundation in Ukraine that ultimately contributed to the overthrow of the country’s elected leader and the installation of a junta handpicked by the State Department.
Senator McCain Pimps for CIA-spawned Color Revolution in Ukraine
"Yesterday defendants Pope Francis Bergoglio, Catholic Jesuit Superior General Adolfo Pachon and Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby were found guilty of rape, torture, murder and trafficking of children. Five judges of the International Common Law Court of Justice in Brussels determined that the crimes occurred as recently as 2010. Since last March over 48 eyewitnesses have come forward to testify before this ICLCJ Court about the defendants’ activities as members of the Ninth Circle Satanic Child Sacrifice Cult."
Israel Drops White Phosphorus Bombs on Gazans
Latest reports say Israeli aerial and ground forces are using white phosphorus bombs to pound several residential areas across the besieged Gaza Strip. The lethal bombs violate all international co...
ZDF reveals the truth about the death of 3 Israelis on June 2014
"warum macht unser Minister Gaza nicht den Erdboden gleich"
ZDF: Unangenehme Frage trifft auf unvorbereitete Journalisten
Top! Max Uthoff über "Qualitätspresse" im Drogenrausch....
Nato-Manöver in der Ukraine im Jahr 2014
Thema:Nato verstärkt Aktivitäten an Russlands Grenzen
U.S. Embassy Staff Evacuated from Libya. The Country Remains A Base for U.S. Covert Warfare
The U.S. evacuated its embassy staff and marines from Libya. State Department spokeswoman Marie Harf cited the deteriorating situation in the North Africa
Israeli mass murder in Gaza - Dr Duke on Press TV
An interview of Dr.David Duke by Press TV that fully exposes the massive Zionist terror in Gaza and how the media bosses and politicians deceive us about thi...
'Not terrorists': Hysteria over MH17 fails to take account of both law and facts
It’s not every day you see a blog published on Oxford University Press (OUP) that is so riddled with legal flaws, you would pull your hair out in frustration if a student had composed it.
Iraq for Sale: The War Profiteers 2006
 Empire's Double Edged Sword: Global Military + NGOs
Tearing down sovereign nations & replacing them with global system administrators.
by Tony Cartalucci
Pentagon looking at possible military options for Russia: US general
‘Refusing to kill their own’: Over 40 Ukrainian soldiers flee to Russia
Pilot Calls Malaysia Flight MH17 A False Flag Like 9/11
On July 25, Poroshenko asked the Ukrainian Parliament to approve an agreement with Australia, which would allow Australia to send 250 armed troops to Ukraine in the guise of securing "the criminal investigation of LH17." The Australian troops would be expressly allowed to use force. A similar agreement is evidently also pushed through for a contingent of the Dutch army.

This looks very much like a planned beginning of the insertion of a NATO invasion force (NATO and its willing allies) into the conflict on the side of the Kiev fascist regime.

I can also add that the demand for NATO troops was actually Poroshenko's first demand in response to the downing of MH17. When I pointed out, some dismissed that as a mere rhetoric or bluff that does not deserve serious attention.

The situation is very serious.
Flight MH-17 Likely Shot Down By Kolomoisky NATO Coordination: Russia Issues Arrest Warrant For Ukrainian Oligarch Kolomoisky.
WTF?? Israel Bombardiert eine UN Schule in Gaza aber Russland wird sanktioniert???
WTF?? Israel Bombardiert eine UN Schule in Gaza aber Russland wird sanktioniert??? DA MUSS DOCH DAS LETZE SCHLAFSCHAF MERKEN DAS DA WAS FALSCH LÄUFT!!!!! IN ...
What the Media Won’t Report About Malaysian Airlines Flight MH17
Nazism: History is Repeating itself in Ukraine
Kiew setzt Phosphorbomben gegen Zivilbevölkerung ein - Russlands Verteidigungsministerium
Arendt: Born in conflict, Israel will degenerate into Sparta, and American Jews will need to...
Hannah Arendt For the new year, here are some prophetic excerpts from two essays of Hannah Arendt's, collected in The Jewish Writings (2007). Please note her predictions of the Nakba, of unending c...
Five Israeli Talking Points on Gaza—Debunked
Preparing for War with Russia. Removing Russia with a Preemptive Nuclear Attack? What is the Future of Humanity?
Notice how quickly Washington escalated the orchestrated Ukrainian “crisis” without any evidence into “Russian aggression.”  Overnight we have the NATO commander and US senators taking actions against “Russian aggression” of which no one has seen any evidence.
European countries are captive nations.  They are incapable of thinking and acting for themselves.  They bend to Washington’s will. Essentially, Europe is a nonentity that follows Washington’s orders.
Srebrenica: 19-Year-Blueprint for US Intervention - President of Srebrenica Historical Project
8. Articles on Srebrenica
Why should one read articles refuting the charge that Serbs committed mass murder in Srebrenica?

The Real Srebrenica Genocide
the New Cold War
MH17 – Sacrificed Airliner
The Ukrainian rebels handed over the black boxes to international authorities. The investigation can begin. It hopefully will begin, unobstructed by political maneuvering.
The formula is simple: Dutch tourists do count. Ukrainian villagers don’t. It was quite similar during Nazi control of Europe.
<best translation>
Moskau wirft Washington offenkundige Lüge vor
Dabei wird angemerkt, dass Washington und möglicherweise Kiew das Internet mir derartigem Informationsmüll bestücken.

In diesem Zusammenhang schlägt Moskau den USA vor, zehn Fragen des russischen Verteidigungsministeriums und 22 Fragen von Rosaviazia zu beantworten.

Der Grund dürfte darin liegen, dass das Foto nicht von der CIA stammt, sondern wie am Copyright-Vermerk am linken unteren Bildrand unschwer zu erkennen ist, von der privaten Bildagentur DigitalGlobe aus Nevada, die laut Eigenbeschreibung als privater Dienstleister für Geheimdienste arbeitet. Auffällig: Das Foto stammt aus dem Jahr 2010.

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USA blasen zum Rückzug: Putin ist nicht schuld am Abschuss von MH17
Die amerikanischen Geheimdienste blasen zum Rückzug: Sie erklärten am Dienstag vor Medienvertretern in Washington, dass es keine direkte Verbindung der russischen Regierung zum Abschuss von MH17 gebe. Die CIA kann nicht ausschließen, dass die Schützen aus der Ukraine gekommen sind.
Daher schickten die Geheimdienste am Dienstag CNN vor: Sie drehten dem Sender ein Foto aus dem Jahr 2010 mit einer Power-Point-Skizze an – als Beleg für die Täterschaft der Rebellen (mehr zu dieser skurrilen Aktion – hier).
Washington gibt zu: Beschuldigungen gegen Russlands fußen auf Internet

Die US-Behörden geben zu, dass die Schlussfolgerungen über Artilleriebeschuss der Ukraine vonseiten Russland auf Informationen aus den sozialen Netzwerken basieren. Dies teilte Josh Ernest,

Das Land mit der besten Satelliten- und elektronischen Aufklärung auf der Welt kann keine Beweise für den Abschuss der malaysischern Maschine liefern und bezieht sich stattdessen auf gefakte und dilletant zusammengeschnipselte Videos und Interviews im Internet!
Over 20 killed, 80 injured in ‘worst’ shelling of Lugansk by Ukrainian forces
BREAKING! Poroshenko say, that Ukraine shot down B-777 and Obama know about!
IF This is TRUE you all better copy and save this post because it will be a historical document!
Moscow Source: In a telephone conversation with Obama Poroshenko admitted that Boeing shot down by Ukrainian air defense , "and finished off by Su-25" ...transcript attached
Evidence of Kiev Using Phosphorus Bombs Should Influence World Community – Diplomat
Russia’s evidence that Kiev has used phosphorus bombs against civilians should force the international community to put pressure on the Ukrainian authorities and make them stop the punitive operation in the country’s east, Russian diplomat Konstantin Dolgov said Friday.

Kiev Source: Ukraine Accidentally Shot Down MH17 During Exercises
Buk missile system confused Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 with Ukrainian fighter jets
A source within the Ukrainian defense department claims that Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 was accidentally shot down by Ukrainian troops during a military exercise in near Donetsk which took place on July 17.

“On July 17 the commanding officer of 156th Anti-Aircraft Regiment was instructed to conduct a training exercise of ground troops stationed near Donetsk, which involved deploying the troops, and carrying out a routine tracking and destroying of targets with the Buk-M1 missile,” the source told RIA Novosti.
As the Israeli government bombs hospitals in Gaza, the US Senate votes to send Israel an additional $621 million this week alone -- with virtually no debate!

Senate Approves Transfer Of Additional $351 Million To Israel To Fund Its Iron Dome Missile Defense System
Ukrainian rebel Khodakovsky's interview about BUK. Интервью Ходаковского о Буке.
Free Syrian Army and Qaeda-Linked Rebels Attack Ancient Town
 Video Suggests Cooperation Between Western- and Qaeda-Backed Rebels
Video posted to YouTube by accounts associated with both Islamist rebels and the Free Syrian Army showed the two groups working together to attack government positions in Malula, a town where Aramaic, the language spoken by Jesus Christ, is still used. The video was posted by the Islamist group Ahrar al-Sham, which the cameraman said coordinated the attack with the Qaeda-linked Nusra Front. The video suggests cooperation between the Western-backed Free Syrian Army and groups linked to Al Qaeda.
'Moderate' Syrian Rebels Post Videos of Attack on Christian Town
The attacks on the Christian village came one day after Sec. of State Kerry told the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on Tuesday, “There is a real moderate opposition that exists.
The New York Times posted one video on Thursday under the headline "Free Syrian Army and Qaeda-Linked Rebels Attack Ancient Town" but failed to point out the connection to Kerry's statements at the Senate hearing. The Times also posted text with the video under the subtitle "What We Know":
Qualitätsjournalismus - Die Anstalt 29.04.2014 - die Bananenrepublik
NATO partriot missiles launched from Turkey to protect ISIS from Syrian Arab Army in Syria.
Any questions?

ABSCHUSS MH 17: Durch Fehler bei Kiewer Flugabwehr-Übung?
Das wäre ja ein wunderbarer Weg, um über "gesichtswahrende Erklärungen" die furchtbare Debatte aus der Welt zu schaffen.
Doch das riecht ja nach Konfliktlösung oder zumindest -beruhigung - und das hat Washington nicht um Sinn!
Jihadist reveals Australian, Caner Temel, shot dead in Syria in rebel in-fighting
Message For Shia's From Abu HAfs Khateeb of Jabhat al Nusra - Syria War
"The ones who don't know the truth are just stupid but those who know the truth but spread willingly lies are criminals": Bertold Brecht, German brothel owner.
Die EU und ihre Demokratie

Ist es vorstellbar, dass deutsche SS-Veteranen in Deutschland in aller Öffentlichkeit und in ihrer Uniform sich treffen und über die alte Zeit und den verlorenen Krieg reden?

In Estland, Litauen und Lettland ist das möglich! Heute findet das jährliche Treffen der estischen 20. SS-Division statt. Ein russisches Journalistenteam des Senders Zvezda (Stern) wurde in Tallinn am Flughafen festgehalten und bis jetzt noch nicht freigelassen. Ein Grund für die Festnahme wurde noch nicht genannt.
If one
Wer die Wahrheit nicht weiß, der ist bloß ein Dummkopf. Aber wer sie weiß und sie eine Lüge nennt, der ist ein Verbrecher.

Bertolt Brecht
War and Natural Gas: The Israeli Invasion and Gaza's Offshore Gas Fields
The issue of sovereignty over Gaza's gas fields is crucial
IDF's Gaza assault is to control Palestinian gas, avert Israeli energy crisis | Nafeez Ahmed
Nafeez Ahmed: Israel's defence minister has confirmed that military plans to 'uproot Hamas' are about dominating Gaza's gas reserves
AL-RAQQA: High ranking Ba’ath Party sources have confirmed the successful repelling of over 6 full-frontal attacks on a regiment of the SAA Division 17 in Al-Raqqa Province. This division is huge and extends over a vast area of the province with over 18,000 enlisted men and officers backed by the…
Over 40 mortar shells ‘fired to kill’ into Russia from Ukraine
At least 45 mortar shells fired at targets located inside the Rostov-on-Don region have been unleashed by Ukraine’s army, Russia’s border officials said. The barrage destroyed multiple houses and forced an evacuation of civilians.

koulu ,riga, latvia professor in economics.
revalence of female genital mutilation by country

    Female genital mutilation is prevalent in Saudi Arabia.[24][39] FGM is most prevalent in Saudi regions following Shafi'i school within the Sunni sect of Islam, such as Hejaz, Tihamah and Asir.[116][117][118] In a clinical study, Alsibiani and Rouzi provide evidence of the practice in Saudi Arabia.[119] Another 2010 report claims post-FGM medical complications are an indicator of widespread prevalence of the practice in Saudi women.[120] A 2012 study finds, that of the Saudi women who had FGM, Type III was more common than Type I or II.[121]
Type III: removal of all or part of the labia minora (IIIa) and labia majora (IIIb), and the stitching of a seal across the vagina, leaving a small opening for the passage of urine and menstrual blood (infibulation)
West under threat: Terrorists from Syria are heading to Norway - officials
A terrorist group has left Syria and is heading to Norway, said Norwegian intelligence officials. The statement comes the day after the country’s authorities were informed of a possible “terrorist attack” and took security measures.
Both Iraq and Syria are attacked by the same crazed wahhabi pseudo islamic terror squads trained and equipped from the US to serve the zionist's agenda of creating weak and failed but sectarian statelets which won't challenge israels might ever.
Dutch pilot says MH17 could have veered off flight path in bad weather
 MAS operations director Captain Izham Ismail has also refuted claims that heavy weather led to MH17 changing its flight plan.

"There were no reports from the pilot to suggest that this was the case," Izham said.
MH17 Verdict: Real Evidence Points to US-Kiev Cover-up of Failed False Flag

but it would have been near impossible for the alleged rebel gunman occupying this relatively small rebel-held patch of land to make a visual sighting of MH17 and acquire the target during the 1-2 minute window they would have had (assuming they were even in possession of the BUK missile system).
After that, the autopsy of the bodies would reveal additional evidence about what really took place on July 17th. A present, the majority of the remains are being handled by the Netherlands government, and given their NATO involvement to date in the Ukrainian conflict, it’s debatable whether or not they would present any findings which do not square with Washington and Kiev’s narrow, yet ever-evolving narrative of the incident.
Kyiv denies holding Russia responsible for downing two Su-25 warplanes

Ukraine has not accused Russia of shooting down Ukrainian military planes in the military operation area in the eastern part of the country but only suggested it as one of the theories of the July 23 incident, Ukrainian National Security and Defense Council spokesman Andriy Lysenko said.
The Polish police trained 86 neo-nazis of “Prevy Sektor” in september 2013 to topple Yanukovich.
The Polish newspaper ”Nie” reports that 86 members of the paramilitar extremist organization “Pravy Sektor” got training in Legionowo (Poland) The militants got an intensive course of 4 weeks (delivered by special Polish police) in combat tactics, protection against gas, leadership and use of weapon…
Before you view this very short video, please take a look at the still photo.
Perhaps you have seen it on MSM news in the West where it's used to demonise the Eastern Ukrainian fighters who are accused of looting the belongings of the unfortunate victims of the downed Malaysian plane.
This still picture is widely used by US and European politicians to fire public sentiment against the separatists and Russia.
However, the truth is so often different to what "they" would like us to believe, as the video reveals!
Interpol antoi etsintäkuulutuksen Ukrainan nationalistien johtajasta
Interpol on antanut etsintäkuulutuksen ukrainalaisen Oikea sektori –äärioikeistopuoluen johtaja Dmitri Jaroshista, kerrotaan kansainvälisen rikospoliisijärjestön s
The Cuomo-Lavelle “Debate” About Ukraine
Is Kiev lying? Or is Kiev lying?
Malaysian Aircraft Incident: Every US War Starts With A Lie | New Eastern Outlook
24.07.2014 Author: Caleb MaupinMalaysian Aircraft Incident: Every US War Starts With A Lie Column: Politics Region: USA in the WorldThe US news media is buzzing about the Malayasian airline which was downed from the sky in Ukraine. Some questions are being raised. Some are asking “Why did Ukrainian…
Washington Is Escalating the Orchestrated Ukrainian “Crisis” to War -- Paul Craig Roberts -...
Washington Is Escalating the Orchestrated Ukrainian “Crisis” to War Paul Craig Roberts Despite the conclusion by US intelligence that there is no evidence

The Catastrophe of #MH17: #BBC in the Search of the “#BUK” – The Video Report Deleted by @BBC
Eyewitness #2: … And there was another aircraft, a military one, beside it. Everybody saw it.

Eyewitness #1: Yes, yes. It was flying under it, because it could be seen. It was proceeding underneath, below the civilian one.

Eyewitness #3: There were sounds of an explosion. But they were in the sky. They came from the sky. Then this plane made a sharp turn-around like this. It changed its trajectory and headed in that direction [indicating the direction with her hands].
Hiding War Crimes Behind a Question | Consortiumnews
Hiding War Crimes Behind a Question July 24, 2014Israel claims its latest slaughter of Gazans is justified as self-defense because some militants are firing poorly aimed rockets into Israel. But that leaves out the moral context of Israel’s seizure of Palestinian land and its harsh blockade of the 1…
Ukraine used phosphorous incendiaries, cluster bombs against cities – Russian military
Ukrainian troops have on many occasions used incendiary weapons and cluster bombs against militia-held cities, acts that are banned under the international law regulating warfare, the Russian military said.
Washington Is Escalating the Orchestrated Ukrainian “Crisis” to War
Despite the conclusion by US intelligence that there is no evidence of Russian involvement in the destruction of the Malaysian airliner and all lives onboard, Washington is escalating the crisis a...
<Note that prior to any evidence of any Russian aggression, there are already 22 senators lined up in behalf of preventing further Russian aggression.>
Censorship or error? Internet criticism for BBC removal of MH17 report
Катастрофа рейса MH17 Би би си в поисках Бука 23 07 2014, LQ
These questions and others remain to be answered by the US authorities. 1. Communications with the tower seized by Ukranian authorities—where are they?
2. Ukranian radar data—where are they?
3. US satellite images of alleged rebels' BUK—where are they?
4. Ukranian military's SU near the passenger jet—where are the explanations?
5. Ukranian military's relocation of the missile systems—where are the explanations?

Answering these reasonable questions is what burden of proof implies,

Dnipropetrovsk controller give the Malaysian aircraft a direct routing: "The Ukrainian airspace is divided into five flight information regions: Kiev, Lviv, Dnipropetrovsk, Odessa and Simferopol. MH17 was in the Dnipropetrovsk airspace flying an east-bound track on 33,000feet and the AI Delhi-Birmingham flight was on a west-bound route and had entered Ukraine after crossing Russia when the AI pilots heard the Dnipropetrovsk controller give the Malaysian aircraft a direct routing."
Human Rights Watch: Mass grave at MH17
CNN's Ivan Watson obtained exclusive video from Human Rights Watch of a mass grave at the MH17 crash site.
<Mass grave...8 bodies? And they don't know who the people were and the area was getting constantly bombarded and naturally the bad "separatists" are responsible. Damn assholes.>
Armed Australian police to deploy to MH17 crash site
HRW blames Kiev army for indiscriminately killing civilians with missiles
The Ukrainian army is using indiscriminate Grad missiles to attack densely populated areas in Donetsk, which violates international humanitarian law, Human Rights Watch confirmed. It also blamed militia for taking cover in those areas.

The rights organization confirmed four rocket attacks by the Ukrainian military, or Kiev-allied paramilitary, on residential areas in or near Donetsk, which resulted in at least 16 civilian deaths and many more wounded. The attacks were carried out with Grad multiple rocket weapon systems, highly indiscriminate weapons that cannot be used against populated areas
Amerikaner werden nervös: Hat die Ukraine den Abschuss von MH17 ausgelöst?

Die Amerikaner haben erstmals eingeräumt, dass sich ein Kampf-Jet der Ukraine in der Nähe von Flug MH17 befunden haben könnte. Dieser Jet könnte die Rebellen provoziert haben, in Richtung der malaysischen Maschine zu schießen. In diesem Fall hätte die Ukraine und damit die Amerikaner als militärisch…
<Das MH17 von einem Ukrainischen Militärflurzeug abgeschossen wurde ist für mich mit 99% Sicherheit gewährleistet. Wurde MH17 von einer BUCK Rakete beschossen? Das könnte auch der Fall sein. Was wir wissen ist das die Separatisten kein Flugzeug haben und Kiew die Flugdaten nicht freigeben will und die Amerikaner die Satelliten Bilder.>
Эксперты: Boeing был сбит украинским Су-25 и должен был упасть на территории России
Russian top mil official: "Boeing was hit by Ukrainian CY-25 and suppose to crash down on Russian Territory"
Ukrainian government bans communist party and murders member
US and allies ‘in no position to lecture anyone on the sanctity of human life’ (Op-Edge)
The destruction of a Malaysia Airlines passenger aircraft over eastern Ukraine nobody disputes is a terrible tragedy. The alacrity with which Washington and its allies have sought to exploit this tragedy to attack Russia has been as unedifying as it has been despicable.
John Wight: The stridency when it comes to the tragic deaths of the 298 people on the Malaysian airliner has been significantly absent when it comes to the comparable number of civilians slaughtered in Gaza as a result of Israel’s ongoing brutal military assault. The hypocrisy here is striking, if not surprising. For many years Washington and its European allies have provided political cover for Israel’s war crimes vis-à-vis the Palestinians and its Arab neighbors. They are in no position to lecture anyone on the sanctity of human life.
Der Sekretär der kommunistischen Zelle im Dorf Glinki (Donezk), Stellvertreter des Rates Dorf Vyacheslav, Kovshun wurde gefoltert und ermordet.
Breaking: New Massacre Right Now, 'Almost Half Gaza City Covered With White Phophorus Gas' | Israel
Multiple reports and witnesses in Gaza have confirmed that almost half of Gaza city is now covered with white
If I lived in #Gaza would I fire a rocket' UK politician roasted for anti-Israel tweet
​ A British politician has been reported to the police under the terrorism act, after making ‘vile’ comments on Twitter about Israel’s offensive in Gaza.
Women, children, UN staff killed in shelling of school in Gaza
Women, children and UN staff were among those killed during the shelling of a UN-run school in northern Gaza, in which hundreds of people had taken refuge. United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon expressed outrage and horror at the tragedy.
Greenpeace is in turmoil after more than 40 staff signed a letter calling two of the group’s most senior officials to resign.
The group faced ridicule last month after it emerged that Husting chose to regularly fly between his home in Luxembourg and work in Amsterdam, leaving a massive carbon footprint.
ISIS Terroristen ermordeten 17 Schulmädchen auf einer Party in Mosul. Unsere Medien verschweigen...
Vor wenigen Stunden ermordeten ISIS Terroristen 17 Schulmädchen auf einer Party in Mosul. Unsere Medien verschweigen auch dies und berichten stattdessen ununterbrochen aus Gaza (wo sie nahezu aussc...
Journalist captured in E. Ukraine released, RT stringer remains in detention
A journalist released from the ANNA news agency, who was captured along with RT contributor Graham Phillips, told RT that they were abducted by the Ukrainian army and tortured and beaten. Phillips’ fate remains unknown.
Graham hat man nicht frei gelassen. Ob er noch lebt, weiß man nicht.. Er wurde gefoltert..
The Tragedy of MH17

A Chessboard Drenched in Blood
The damaged MH17 starboard jet engine suggests a shape charge from an air-to-air missile - and not a Buk; that's consistent with the Russian Ministry of Defense presentation graphically highlighting an Ukrainian SU-25 shadowing MH17. Increasingly, the Buk scenario - hysterically peddled by the Empire of Chaos - is being discarded. Not to mention, again, that not a single eyewitness saw the very graphic, thick missile trace that would have been clearly visible had a Buk been used.
The Intentional Downing of Malaysian Airlines MH17: “Fake Evidence” and “Political Criminality” at the Highest Levels of the US Government
Criminological Remarks. The U.S. almost immediately adverted to the ragtag rebel, missile scenario.
In essence, the previous effort concluded that the MH 370 and MH 17 events are probably not independent of one another. The argument was based on evidence common to the two events (such as loss of communicative contact and apparent course diversion) together with associated probabilistic reasoning.
Notice that advancing an “accident” explanation serves several U.S. interests.  To date on MH 17, the U.S. can produce no real evidence in support even of its ragtag rebel, missile launcher account:
Чем больше информации , тем чудовищней картина трагедии.
Aleksandr Zhilin, a Russian Air Force Colonel from Moscow, offers now a short write-up with a map of the very last moment of the MH17 flight with the indication of a sharp 180 degree U-turn following the loss of its right engine after being hit by a R-60 air-to-air missile from a Ukrainian fighter jet.
Netanyahu sourly irate over UN plan to investigate crimes
Israeli premier condemns UNHRC's plan to investigate Israel's crimes.
OSCE mission has free access to Malaysian airliner crash site
Currently, twelve OSCE representatives and also Malaysian experts are working at the plane’s crash site
Kiew zu Boeing-Absturz: Keine Vorwürfe an Russland

Die ukrainische Regierung, die nach dem Absturz der malaysischen Boeing von einer Mitschuld Russlands gesprochen hat, distanziert sich nun von den Anschuldigungen. Es habe sich nicht um Vorwürfe, sondern um Mutmaßungen gehandelt, so der Kiewer Sicherheits- und Verteidigungsrat am Donnerstag.
Ukrainische Regierung zurückgetreten

Nach dem Zerfall der Regierungskoalition „Europäische Wahl“ in der Werchowna Rada der Ukraine hat Regierungschef Arseni Jazenjuk am Donnerstag seinen Rücktritt bekannt gegeben.
Human Rights Watch(HRW) Whitewashes Israel, The Law Supports Hamas: Reflections on Israel’s...
[The analysis and data in this article refer to the period prior to the Israeli ground invasion.] On 7 July 2014, Israel unleashed Operation Protective Edge against Gaza. When it launched a ground...

Human Rights Watch (HRW) never explicitly accused Israel of committing war crimes, whereas its first press release already accused Hamas of committing war crimes.
ITV News witnesses aftermath of UN school attack in Gaza
ITV News has witnessed the aftermath of an attack on a UN school in Gaza, which has left at least 16 people dead and dozens more injured.
"Hallo Russland" Flucht aus Slawjansk - «Здравствуй, Россия!» История девушки из Славянска
Reina de los Duendes
Pilots Heard Ukrainian Air Traffic Control Order MH17 to Change Route
Russia accuses Kiev of tampering with ATC recordings

Pilots on board an Air India Dreamliner which was flying just 90 seconds behind Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 say they heard Ukrainian air traffic control give the order for the doomed plane to change route minutes before MH17 was shot down by a missile.

According to a report in the Times of India, “Minutes before the crash caused by a missile strike, the AI pilots…. heard the controller give the Malaysian aircraft MH17 what is called “a direct routing”. This permits an aircraft to fly straight, instead of tracking the regular route which is generally a zig-zag track that goes from one ground-based navigation aid or way point to another.”

The AI Dreamliner was less than 25km away from MH17 when it was shot down, a flying distance of just 90 seconds.
MH17: Killing Innocent Civilians in Order to Save Fascism for Ukraine and NATO Expansionism
According to the colonel, at 16:19:45, a Ukrainian jet fighter targeted the Boeing with an air-to-air missile R-60. The missile damaged the right engine of the Boeing. The Boeing was hit, but still managed to stay in the air. However, in doing so, the Boeing turned 180 degrees to the left. It was at this moment that the false flag attack started falling apart.
Ukraine Coalition Government Collapses as 2 Parties Quit
Der ukrainische Regierungschef Arseni Jazenjuk ist zurückgetreten. Das wurde am Donnerstag in der ukrainischen Hauptstadt Kiew offiziell mitgeteilt.
On Malaysian Crash, Obama's Case Against Russia Disintegrates
This dramatic turn of events started with State Department Spokeswoman Marie Harf claiming Monday that the State Department's certainty of Russian involvement in the apparent downing of the plane was primarily based on "social media" evidence.

That means with a likely budget of more than $100 billion, the US Intelligence Community is making decisions that may involve global nuclear war based on people's Tweets and YouTubes!
Who needs evidence — it's "common sense"! Right?
NATO Poland base may be prepared for blitz against Russia
Military draft in Ukraine signaling agony of Kiev regime - Russian experts
Decree on a partial military draft, which Ukraine’s President Petro Poroshenko signed on Wednesday, signals an agony of the Kiev regime and its inability to resolve the problems
Mass protests held by families of men drafted into Ukrainian army – ENG SUBS
Наблюдатели ОБСЕ на месте крушения малайзийского «Боинга» - репортаж
< the famous "Russian are stealing children toys "BS exposed>
U.S. Officials: The Missile May Have Been Launched By a “Defector from The Ukrainian Military Who Was Trained To Use Similar Missile Systems”
INSANE: 1 in 10 Americans Wants War With Russia Over Downed Airliner
85 percent believe Russia is responsible for missile attack.
adopts resolution on Gaza and the Occupied Palestinian Territory, with 29 votes in favour, 1 against, and 17 abstentions.

The resolution establishes a Commission of Inquiry into human rights violations in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, demands that Israel ceases its military assaults and lifts the blockade of Gaza:
ARD: Widerlich, auf Kosten der MH17-Opfer - Fakten
Merkel folgt USA in den Wirtschaftskrieg (Sahra Wagenknecht)
Die ukrainische Regierung muss ihre sogenannte Anti-Terror-Offensive einstellen. Durch den Einsatz von Panzern, Flugzeugen und Artillerie gibt es offensichtlich zunehmend Opfer unter der Zivilbevölkerung. Es ist ungeheuerlich, dass Merkel diesen blutigen Einsatz des ukrainischen Militärs und der Nationalgarde als legitim bezeichnet.
Merkel und Außenminister Steinmeier sollten sich von einem ukrainischen Präsidenten distanzieren, der zur Tötung hunderter Menschen für einen getöteten Soldaten aufgerufen hat. Es muss untersucht werden, ob und von welcher Seite es in der Ostukraine zu Verbrechen gegen die Menschlichkeit kam und kommt."
Berlin ots Aus Sicht eines Experten sei der Abschuss der malaysischen Boeing am 17 Juli über der Ostukraine durch eine bodenständige Flugabwehr Rakete mit hoher Wahrscheinlichkeit auszuschlieen Zu dieser...
Zu dieser Einschätzung kommt Oberst a. D. Bernd Biedermann in einem Beitrag für die in Berlin erscheinende Tageszeitung "neues deutschland" (Donnerstagausgabe). Hätten Splitter einer Boden-Luft-Raketen das Flugzeug getroffen, wäre es sofort in Brand geraten, argumentiert der NVA-Fla-Raketenspezialist. Ursache sei die "großen Reibungshitze, die Splitter beim Durchschlagen des Flugkörpers erzeugen. Ein einziger enthält die gleiche kinetische Energie wie ein 40 Tonnen schwerer Güterwagen, der mit 60 Kilometern pro Stunde auf einen Prellbock läuft." Im Falle der malaysischen Boeing seien erst nach dem Aufschlag auf dem Boden vereinzelte Brände ausgebrochen, weil heiße Flugzeugteile mit brennbaren Materialien in Berührung gekommen waren. Biedermann ist mit sowjetischer und russischer Flugabwehrtechnik vertraut, er führte Einheiten im Diensthabenden System der DDR und lehrte an der Militärakademie in der Fachrichtung Fla-Raketentruppen.
'Historic ruling': European rights court condemns Poland for hosting secret CIA prisons
Russia Hands Data on MH17 Crash to EU, Awaits Reaction - Russia's EU Envoy
Russia strongly denies involvement in Boeing disaster, aks USA ironic questions
Addressing representatives of the United States, the official asked: "If the territory of the United States were fired from a neighboring territory, and, God forbid, an American citizen were killed, what would the United States do? The answer to this this question is clear, - he continued. - We show responsibility and restraint instead."
Colin Powell’s Infamous U.N. Speech, 10 Years Later: Deceiving Public, Ignoring Whistleblowers Led to War
Steven Seagal: Obama regime very good at controlling media, propaganda

Lawman and vigilante, fighter and peacemaker. He has played many roles in his career, but few seem as likely as an ambassador between the US and Russia. From...
NATO Exercise in Ukraine Coincided with MH-17 Shoot-down
Rapid Trident included a full range of military exercises.

 ARD/Reuters: Jetzt erfinden wir BUK-Raketen!
Keine BUK-Raketen? Macht nichts. Was nicht paßt wird passend gemacht. Die ARD tischt auffallend häufiger – wenn sich die Propagandaabteilung des Herrn Gniffke nicht selbst die Finger schmutzig machen will – Lügen aus anderen Quellen als Tatsachen auf; ohne eigene Recherche oder Verifizierung.
Lying is "Good For Business": The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and the Mainstream Media...

The powerful voices of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) exert a decisive influence on the formulation of US foreign policy. The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) describes itself  as "indepe...
"Hallo Russland" Flucht aus Slawjansk - «Здравствуй, Россия!» История девушки из Славянска
Is NOT ONLY the Most Destructive, Disastrous, Disgusted BUT ALSO the Most Hypocritical Empire Finally Collapsing?
“People Are Mobilizing to Finally Put an End to the Disastrous U.S. Empire”
Ukraine: OSCE inspector describes inspection of crash MH17 site
Reuters LÜGT Chodakowski hätte gesagt sie hätten BUK gehabt. Er kann die Lüge beweisen. Interview ist aufgezichnet. ARD - wenn sie auch sonst nichts bringen - auf die Lüge springen sie sofort auf.
Ukrainian Su-25 Fighter detected in Close Approach to MH17 before Crash: Photographic Evidence
Remember, MY religion is REAL, but everyone ELSE'S religion is just a ridiculous cult.
U.S. Admits It's MH17 'Evidence' is Based on YouTube Clips & Social Media Posts
The Obama Administration continues to reiterate its narrative on what happened to Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 with more certainty (and often different deta...
<infowars plus Wattson>
 Swiss study: Polonium found in Arafat’s bones
Scientists find at least 18 times the normal levels of radioactive element in late Palestinian leader’s remains.

“The level of polonium in Yasser Arafat’s rib…is about 900 milibecquerels,” Barclay said. “That is either 18 or 36 times the average, depending on the literature.”
 it was Russia, oops no it wasn't, it was rebels, oops no it wasn't it was a Ukrainian defector still wearing his Ukie uniform with other people wearing Ukie uniforms...honestly, someone needs to give these people one brain cell to share between them. Translation: we gave those stupid fucks a pile of money and they couldn't even come up with a credible false flag
Can Cuba save Russia from US missiles?
UN human rights council approves inquiry into ‘war crimes’ in Gaza
Only the United States voted against the resolution championed by Arab nations. Another 17 of the Human Rights Council’s 47 member-nations abstained.
Ukrainische Regierung verbietet Kommunistische Partei und ermordet Parteimitglied
"I Will Never Apologize". Iran Flight 665 Shot Down, 290 Dead.
These are the words of the (at time) Vice President of the United States after a civilian aircraft carrying 290 passengers, 66 of which were children, was shot down by the reckless USS Vincennes on July 3, 1988. The coverup and lack of apology, continues to this day.
Islamisches Emirat greift Christen an
Das islamische Emirat hat die Häuser von Christen mit einem Buchstaben
Leaked Documents - U S Framed Syria in Chemical Weapons Attack
U.S. Admits It's MH17 'Evidence' is Based on YouTube Clips & Social Media Posts
<Where are the Kiev air trafick control tapes, transcripts>
Robert Parry: USA haben Belege für Boeing-Abschuss durch ukrainisches Militär
Moskau/Russland, Washington/USA (WELTEXPRESS). Die USA verfügen laut dem amerikanischen Investigatio...
Neue Sanktionen gegen Russland wegen... einfach so!
Main Scream Media: Western press pin blame for MH17 crash on Russia
<Rod Steward talking shit too>
Israel Student Union Set Up “War Room” to Sell Gaza Massacre on Facebook
This article was published on July 14, 2014. The death toll in Gaza as of today, July 23, 2014, reaches 678 according to Al-Akhbar. Students at the IDC Herzliya “war room,” seen here in a screensho...
Assigning Blame to East Ukraine Rebels: US Appeals to "Law of the Jungle" in MH17 Case
After the Russian Federation disclosed to the world satellite imagery, radar information, and abnormalities in Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777 flight MH17's flight path, it asked Ukraine and the Weste...
Israel drops white phosphorus bombs on Gazans
Latest reports say Israeli aerial and ground forces are using white phosphorus bombs to pound several residential areas across the besieged Gaza Strip.

The lethal bombs violate all international conventions and are considered as banned weapons in civilian areas.

This comes as a Norwegian doctor in the besieged coastal enclave has recently criticized Israel for using cancer-inducing bombs against Palestinian civilians
One Palestinian child has been killed by Israel every 3 days for the past 13 years
Israeli forces in Gaza "willfully kill" journalist
Palestinian Center for Human Rights
17 April 2008
Three journalists killed in airstrikes in Gaza
Israeli Bombardment Intensify; 48 Killed, 451 Injured, Missiles Target Journalists, 6 Injured Das ukra-faschistische Parlament in Kiew "Rada" bespricht gerade ernsthaft, dass die Ukraine eine Atommacht werden soll - und dabei Atomwaffen besitzen soll+++ Was haltet ihr davon? Wo sind die Stimmen des Aufschreis in den USA oder EU, die den Iran allein für den Gedanken an friedliche Atomkraftwerke international sanktionieren und isolieren - wo sind sie? Wie kann man einer faschistischen Junta erlauben Atomwaffen zu besitzen? +++
ISIS ‘making millions’ out of stolen oil revenues in Iraq
ISIS militants are using the revenue from seized oil fields to finance their newly-formed Islamic state in northern Iraq. Sources within the regional
List of secularist organizations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Secularist organizations promote the view that moral standards should be based solely on concern for the good of humanity in the present life, without reference to supernatural concepts, such as God or an afterlife. The term secularism, as coined and promulgated by George Jacob Holyoake, originally…
Atheist Charities & Philanthropists
Do atheists have anything to offer the world? Read this article on atheist charities and see for yourself.
UN resolutions against Israel - Dark Politicks
UN resolutions against Israel By Dark Politricks We often hear from politicians and in the news talk about reasons why we should go to war against Iran and from DarkPolitricks

ISIS Domestic Terror Threat Created by CIA and U.S. Military
CIA facilitated 9/11 terrorist visa mill in Saudi Arabia
International Scientists and Doctors Denounce Israeli "Crimes Against Humanity" in Gaza
More than 20 leading doctors and scientists from the UK and Italy denounce ongoing Israeli military aggression in Gaza in a letter to The Lancet, published on Tuesday 22 July. “On the basis of our...
Violence and Atrocities: Amnesty International and the War in Ukraine
Amnesty International recently released a report on “stomach-turning” violence in Eastern Ukraine (“Abduction and Tortures in Eastern Ukraine,” – see for example BBC coverage here). According to t...
UN report documents Israeli regime’s abuse and torture of Palestinian children
The report highlighted the large number of Palestinian children who have been held in Israeli jails—an estimated 7,000 aged from 12 to 17 years, but sometimes as young as 9, have been arrested, interrogated and detained since 2002—an average of two per day. Most of them were detained after being accused of throwing stones at Israeli security forces and settlers, an offence that can carry a 20-year penalty.
Facts All US Citizens Need to Know About Israel and Palestine

    Israel also kidnaps and tortures children, including by keeping them in outdoor cages, over night, in winter.
BBC News - Dutch forensic team 'impressed' by work at MH17 crash site
 Was die Gerichtsmediziner vor Ort sagen

Die niederländischen Gerichtsmediziner haben sich sehr positiv über die Arbeit der lokalen Sicherheitskräfte an der Absturzstelle geäussert.
The Mystery of a Ukrainian Army ‘Defector’
Bogus photos of ‘Russian’ air-defense systems in Ukraine debunked by bloggers

Ukraine continues to concoct evidence of Russia’s air defense system’s involvement in the Boeing tragedy. This time Ukraine’s secret service has published as
Who Attacked Ghouta?: Analysis of the Second UN Report

    The opposition attacked Syrian government soldiers and government-supporting civilians with sarin on three separate occasions.
    The opposition has access to at least tens of kg of sarin. This significantly increases the plausibility of them being able to obtain the hundreds of kg needed for the Ghouta attack – closing one of the main gaps in our current scenario.
    Elements within the UN team have likely manipulated evidence in attempt to incriminate the Syrian government.
UN Inspector Claims that Islamist in Syria Had a Sarin Nerve Gas Lab in Ghouta
Who Attacked Ghouta?: Analysis of the Second UN Report
'We will react to NATO build-up!': Key Putin quotes from defense policy address
Moscow will respond to NATO’s expansion towards Russia’s borders, President Vladimir Putin said at the emergency Security Council meeting in Moscow. Here are his key quotes on Russia’s defense, Western sanctions, and violence in eastern Ukraine.
America's Hypocrisy on Ukraine
Possible Implications of Faulty
US Technical Intelligence in the Damascus
Nerve Agent Attack of August 21, 2013
MIT study of Ghouta chemical attack challenges US intelligence
In the report titled “Possible Implications of Faulty US Technical Intelligence,” Richard Lloyd, a former UN weapons inspector, and Theodore Postol, a professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), examined the delivery rocket’s design and calculated possible trajectories based on the payload of the cargo.

The authors concluded that sarin gas “could not possibly have been fired at East Ghouta from the ‘heart’, or from the Eastern edge, of the Syrian government controlled area shown in the intelligence map published by the White House on August 30, 2013.”
U.S. Govt: MH17 Stance Based On Obvious Social Media Hoaxes
<no traffic controll tapes released by Kiev>
OSZE-Experten mit Warnschüssen zurückgedrängt
<Die Scheißkerle lügen wie gedruckt wen es eigentlich umgekehrt war. Die Kiew Nazis haben versucht die Untersuchungen so weit wie möglich zu behindern. Habe einige Videos gesehen die das bestätigen.>
‘ISIL tool of Israel, US spy agencies’
A political analyst says ISIL Takfiri militants are serving the interests of Israel and the US.
Ban expresses condolences to Israel

The UN chief has expressed condolences to the Israeli regime for its losses.
Remember when we were all "Assad propagandists" for questioning the 2013 chemical weapons attack, until the MIT study proved we were right? Now the U.S. State Department says just 'trust us' on MH17 because they've failed to provide any actual hard fucking evidence.
Faster Than the Speed of Light?
Obama administration added 1.5 million names to US terrorist watch list - World Socialist Web Site
The numbers were divulged by administration lawyers in a suit filed by a northern Virginia man challenging the constitutionality of the government’s no-fly list.
Israel Aided Hamas to Dilute Support for a Strong, Secular Palestinian Liberation Organization
As the death toll from the Israel government’s air strikes (and ground invasion) increases, consider former Rep. Ron Paul’s January 9, 2009 speech on the US House of Representatives floor explainin...
Mark Sleboda vs BBC
Israel Begins Construction Of Concentration Camps Outside Gaza
Israel begins construction of concentration camps for the forceable deportation of Palestinians from Gaza.
Доказательства: Убийца с Майдана в Доме Профсоюзов
Er war auf dem Maidan. Er war im Gewerkschaftshaus in Odessa. Er hat Menschen ermordet.
Er war auch bei der "ATO". Nun ist er aus dem Südkessel an der Grenze zu Russland geflohen und hat sich, wie viele andere, den russischen Grenzsoldaten ergeben. Man weiß über ihn Bescheid.
Key Piece of Video “Evidence” for Russian Responsibility for Malaysian Plane Shootdown Debunked
France to deliver Mistral warship to Russia despite US, UK criticism
Whistleblower: U.S. Satellite Images Show Ukrainian Troops Shooting Down MH17
Award winning former Associated Press reporter Robert Parry has been told by an intelligence source that the United States is in possession of satellite imagery which shows that Ukrainian troops we...
Malaysian Airlines MH17: Another "False Flag Operation" by the US-NATO-Israel War Cabal?
One would have thought that the Zionist Anglo-American war cabal would learn from their failures in propaganda warfare, especially now when their credibility is at rock bottom. Post 9-11 and the Ir...
Genocide Ukrainian Army shelling of Luhansk
Genocide Ukrainian Army shelling of Luhansk
Rogue State

A Guide to the World’s Only Superpower
US Empire Reaches Breaking Point; Time to End It
The historian who chronicles US Empire, William Blum, issued his 130th Anti-Empire Report this week.  In it he notes that the US, by far, is seen by the people of the world as
he notes that the US, by far, is seen by the people of the world as “the greatest threat to peace in the world today” with 24% taking that view. Only 2% see Russia as such a threat, and 6% see China.
Blum follows these interventions closely and has reported that since the end of World War II, the United States has:

* Attempted to overthrow more than 50 foreign governments, most of which were democratically-elected.

* Dropped bombs on the people of more than 30 countries.

* Attempted to assassinate more than 50 foreign leaders.

* Attempted to suppress a populist or nationalist movement in 20 countries.

* Grossly interfered in democratic elections in at least 30 countries, according to Chapter 18 of his book Rogue State: A Guide to the World’s Only Superpower.
Umzingelte ukrainische Soldaten müssen Frösche und Gras fressen (mit deutschen Untertiteln)
Es wäre zu schön um wahr zu seien. Würde aber zu der Verzweiflungstat mit der Malaysia Maschine passen. Es wäre schön wenn die Faschisten militärisch unterliegen das trifft die harten Kerle nähmlich am meisten. Ist mal was neues wenn die Ziele zurückfeuern und nicht schwanger und unbewaffnet in Gewerkschaftshäusern warten. Danke fürs Video.
Israel shells hit hospital in Gaza

Several Palestinians are killed as Israel targets Gaza’s central hospital.
Perverted truth: How rebel mourning MH17 victims was turned into looter with trophy
Twitter is quick, but too quick sometimes – recently it burst with photos of an evil Ukrainian militiaman who took a teddy bear from the victim of Malaysia plane crash as a trophy. But the full video shows he was just paying the tribute to the dead.
How American Propaganda Works: "Guilt By Insinuation"
President Putin has repeatedly stressed that the investigation of MH-17 requires “a fully representative group of experts to be working at the site under the guidance of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO).” Putin’s call for an independent expert examination by ICAO does not sound like a person with anything to hide.
They Aren't Hiding It Anymore: Calls for Genocide, Rape of Palestinian Women enters Israeli...
As we watch the horrifying slaughter unfold in Gaza, bear in mind the Israeli psychosis that fuels and justifies it. Here are comments from three rightwing Israelis – two leading politicians and a ...
Expert access to MH17 crash site 'fairly good' - OSCE mission
It took four days for international experts to gain access to the crash site. The reason is that even after Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko announced a 40-kilometer ceasefire zone around the crash site, Malaysian experts came under heavy shelling from the Ukrainian army while making their way within the ceasefire zone.
What is being murdered day after day after day in Gaza and Novorussia is not just children or civilians.
 It's decency, honor, freedom, dignity, truth, memory, kindness, compassion and beauty. They could not murder the Creator, so they take out their revenge on His creatures.
 What is being murdered today in Gaza and Novorussia is, I sincerely believe, simply humanity.
NEO – Leaked documents show US Embassy in Ukraine is Staging False Flag
- Evidence has led to the discovery of plans to stage a series of terror attacks in the Ukraine to be blamed on Russian Special Forces.
Journalist: USA haben Belege für Boeing-Abschuss durch ukrainisches Militär

Die USA verfügen laut dem amerikanischen Investigationsjournalisten Robert Parry über Satellitenbilder, die belegen, dass die malaysische Boeing MH17 vom ukrainischen Militär abgeschossen worden ist.
Ukraine rebels hand over plane black boxes
The move comes after a UN Security Council resolution demanded full and unrestricted access to the crash site.
Ukraine is a dysfunctional country, not because of Russia’
Ukrainian government does not seem to make any concessions that could bring this civil war to an end, Ken Livingstone, former London Mayor and British Labour Party politician, told RT.
Ewald Stadler: EU (=USA) soll aufhören, Länder gegen Russland auszuspielen
Russland: Ukrainischer Kampf-Jet war vor Abschuss in der Nähe von MH17

Der russische Generalstab hat am am Montag Radar-Bilder und Schaubilder vorgelegt. Diesen Bildern zufolge soll ein ukrainischer Kampf-Jet vom Typ SU (Suchoi)-25 in unmittelbarer Nähe von Flug MH17 gewesen sein, bevor die Maschine abgeschossen wurde. Außerdem soll es Belege geben, die zeigen, die die…
Monsanto Must Pay $93 Million After Poisoning Town | Off The Grid News

Monsanto Must Pay $93 Million After Poisoning TownWritten by: Daniel Jennings Natural HealthJuly 16, 20140 Print This ArticleImage source: US NewsWest Virginia’s state Supreme Court delivered a landmark victory to opponents of Monsanto, and citizens who were impacted by the company’s pollution are n…
Die Schande von Europa: Deutschland beutet seine Arbeiter aus
Deutschland schafft seine Arbeiter ab. Der Niedriglohnsektor boomt in kaum einem europäischen Land so wie in Deutschland. Von einer sozialen Marktwirtschaft kann nicht mehr die Rede sein. Die deutschen Arbeiter bezahlen den Preis für die hemmungslose Globalisierung.
Israel using flechette shells in Gaza
Palestinian human rights group accuses Israel military of using shells that spray out thousands of tiny and potentially
Israel accused of using flechette weapons on Palestinian civilians
The Israeli military has been accused of using flechette shells during its offensive in Gaza, which can cause widespread harm and death to civilians. The weapons, though legal in Israel and internationally, have been slammed as inhumane by rights groups.
Die 9/11-Kommission wird wohl zum Schluss kommen, dass nur malaysische Flugzeuge Trümmer hinterlassen.
Malaysian Airlines MH17 Was Ordered to Fly over the East Ukraine Warzone
On the matter of MH17’s flight path, Malaysian Airlines confirms that the pilot was instructed to fly at a lower altitude by the Kiev air traffic control tower upon its entry into Ukraine airspace....
In response to the satellite images and data from Russia, the U.S. State Department has outlined its own "evidence" that Russia-backed separatists are responsible for downing Malaysia Airlines flight MH-17.

What is the evidence? It is "a statement posted on the website of the U.S. embassy to Ukraine that says the flight was "likely downed by a SA-11 surface-to-air missile from separatist-controlled territory in eastern Ukraine.”

In other words, the US "evidence" is a statement, which is an argument of an obstinate five-year old: "It is so because I say so."

The only fact in this U.S. Department "evidence" is that we have established that the US Embassy to Ukraine has a website on which it is able to to make statements, which the corporate media then present as "evidence."
‘Kiev will have to answer many questions’ as UN urges intl MH17 crash probe – Moscow envoy
10 more questions Russian military pose to Ukraine, US over MH17 crash
Сводка новостей Новороссии (ДНР,ЛНР) 21 июля 2014
"Anna News is also reporting that a column of 20 tanks flying US and NATO flags was seen in Donbass, while Strelkov reports at "In the area of Kuteynykove (between Amvrosievkoj and Ilovajskom) is the unit of PMCS, staffed by Poles." I suppose we can safely conclude NATO has now openly joined the war with boots on the ground in Eastern Ukraine.
Russia ready to hand over Malaysian plane flight data to ICAO
Earlier in the day, the Russian Defense Ministry released a video that showed the movement of civil aircraft over Ukraine on the approaches to Russia’s airspace
Whistleblower: Ukrainian Troops Shot Down MH17
<Paul Watson>
The Russian military finally speaks!
Ukraine: Bodies of MH17 victims sealed in train by OSCE
Israeli Operation: Over 500 Palestinians killed in shelling of Gaza
Anonymous: 700 plus Israeli websites down by Anonymous. More to come!!
Libya: Tripoli airport destroyed by clashing militias
Europe has little reason to fear Russian gas cut-off

More than one third of Europe's gas needs are covered by Russian gas. The crisis in Ukraine has kindled fears that Russia could stop the flow.
FSA Al Nusra terrorists executing Syrian - Non Televised Truth
21+ graphic Another FSA summary execution,F$A WAR CRIMES, crimes against humanity
The Nazis Even Hitler Was Afraid of
<Ukraine Bandera>
The Banderas, or Banderites, are activists in the Ukrainian Ultra Nationalist movement that is now in control of the government in Ukraine. Under the militant leadership of Stepan Bandera in World War II, the ultra-nationalists organized the Ukrainian Waffen SS Galician, Nichtengall, and Roland Divisions that collaborated with the Nazis and were responsible for the genocide of over 500,000 people. Following the war, however, Ukrainian Nazis were the only group to escape trial at Nuremburg for crimes against humanity. Moreover, neither the Banderas, the Ukrainian Waffen SS, nor any other Ukrainian collaborators have ever apologized for their participation in genocide.
Israeli sniper killing wounded civilian
Israeli War Crime: Video Shows Sniper Killing of Wounded Gaza Civilian
A video has emerged of the targeting and killing by a sniper of a Palestinian civilian in Gaza City’s Shujaiya neighborhood where Israeli shelling killed dozens of civilians and caused massive dest...
Israel drops white phosphorus bombs on Gazans

Reports say Israel uses white phosphorus bombs to hit residential areas in Gaza.
Thousands take to the streets of Vienna in Gaza protest (PHOTOS, VIDEO)
Almost 11,000 demonstrators have attended a pro-Palestinian protest in the Austrian capital Sunday between the Hofburg Palace and the Rathaus town hall, in anger at Israel’s military campaign which has killed more than 400 people already.
MH17 black boxes to be handed over to Malaysian authorities - Malaysian PM
Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak says the Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17 black boxes will be handed over to the Malaysians in Donetsk at 9pm Ukrainian time. The bodies of 282 victims of the crash are to be flown to Amsterdam.
"Die Ukraine trägt die Verantwortung für die Führung ihres Luftraums"

International Air Transport Association IATA - Statement
( Internationale Luftverkehrs-Vereinigung)

"Airlines depend on governments and air traffic control authorities to advise which air space is available for flight, and they plan within those limits.

It is very similar to driving a car. If the road is open, you assume that it is safe. If it’s closed you find an alternate route. "
Video mit Raketentransporter ist eine Fälschung
Flug MH17:Weitere Falschmeldung die verbreitet wird (entlarvte Medienlüge)
Boeing-Crash: Ukraine betrieb am Absturztag mehr Radare als sonst
Am Tag des tödlichen Absturzes der malaysischen Boeing über der Ost-Ukraine hat das russische Militär nach eigenen Angaben eine angestiegene Intensität ukrainischer Radare registriert. Zusätzliche Radaranlagen sollen wenige Tage vor der Katastrophe eingeschaltet und danach wieder abgeschaltet worden…

Gigantische mediale Hetzjagd gegen Russland (wo sind die Beweise?!)
Kiev Attacks Donetsk, Headquarters for MH17 Response
Reuters reported that the NATO-backed regime in Kiev has launched an offensive on the eastern city of Donetsk, Donetsk province. In its article, "Fighting e
MH17 Show & Tell: It's the West's Turn - Russian Satellites and Radars Contradict West's...
Russia has now shown its satellite pictures and radar information from the Donetsk, Ukraine region during the July 17, 2014 Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 crash. The Wall Street Journal reported in ...

Kiev Attacks Donetsk, Headquarters for MH17 Response
Reuters reported that the NATO-backed regime in Kiev has launched an offensive on the eastern city of Donetsk, Donetsk province. In its article, "Fighting erupts in Ukraine as crash investigators a...
Whistleblower: U.S. Satellite Images Show Ukrainian Troops Shooting Down MH17
Source tells award winning reporter Washington lying about responsibility for tragedy
Пресс-конференция представителей минобороны России по крушению Boeing-777
"A Ukraine Air Force military jet was detected gaining height, it’s distance from the Malaysian Boeing was 3 to 5km,” said the head of the Main Operations Directorate of the HQ of Russia’s military forces, Lieutenant-General Andrey Kartopolov speaking at a media conference in Moscow on Monday."

with english interpreter who follows the speaker's words, not synchronised
Massacre in Shujaiya: Dozens Killed as Israel Shells Eastern Gaza City - Photos

A Palestinian boy wounded by Israeli shelling, receives treatment at al-Shifa hospital in Gaza City, 20 July.(Ali Jadallah / APA images) Dozens of men, women and children were killed in the early h...
Wrong Aircraft Identified As Malaysia Flt MH-17 Fuels Doubts
Here is the full, possibly game-changing briefing by the Russian Ministry of Defense-both in Russian and English
According to the Russian Defense Ministry, at the time of the crash of Boing 777 in the skies over Ukraine on July 17 near the borderline was a Ukrainian Air Force plane, presumably Su-25.
Distance of the Ukrainian Su-25 from Boing 777 amounted to five kilometers, which fits into the range parameters of "air-to-air" missiles, which such aircraft are equipped with. Original article:
Ukrainian Su-25 fighter detected in close approach to MH17 before crash - Russian military
The Russian military detected a Ukrainian SU-25 fighter jet gaining height towards the MH17 Boeing on the day of the catastrophe. Kiev must explain why the military jet was tracking the passenger airplane, the Russian Defense Ministry said.
Kiev Attacks Donetsk, Headquarters for MH17 Response

"The provincial capital is being used as a headquarters to coordinate the cleanup, recovery, and investigation of Malaysia Airlines flight MH17. The attack on Donetsk by Kiev's forces will further complicate efforts to recovery bodies, bring impartial, international investigators to the crash site, and arrive at the truth of what happened to the doomed flight...
Security Council Calls for Immediate, Credible Investigation into Downing of Civilian Aircraft...
Security Council 7219 th Meeting (AM) � Delegate Says Incident Killing Nearly 300 ?Flagrant Violation of International Law?, ?Outrage against Human Decency?
<Here by way of example is a press release of the UN Security Council debate yesterday which shows that not a single one of the non US/EU delegations either assigned blame for the tragedy or blamed Russia. This includes even some normally pro western states such as South Korea, Jordan and Chile.">
Israeli tank strikes on Gaza hospital kill 4, scores injured - medics
Minute 8:49 - 11.02
Putin: Die Tragödie mit Boeing 777 darf nicht für politische Ziele ausgenutzt werden
MH17 crashide open to journalists
>Eugene A. Risunkov<
(English) Michael Bociurkiw. UCMC, 20th of July 2014
Mitschnitt der internationalen PK mit einem OSCE Mitarbeiter vor Ort von heute Abend (20.7.) - auch hier keine Klagen.>

While virtually no one was looking, that cesspool also known as the US Congress passed a Russian Aggression Prevention Act (RAPA).

That grants Ukraine - together with Moldova and Georgia - major non-NATO ally status. RAPA authorizes weaponizing Ukraine with anti-tank and anti-aircraft weapons. And “encourages” Washington to share intel with Kiev.

RAPA also “encourages” USAID, the World Bank and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) to “assist” Ukraine to exploit its natural gas and oil reserves.
Putin: Taskforce at Malaysia MH17 crash site not enough, full-scale team of intl experts needed
The tragic Malaysian MH17 flight crash must not be politicised and the international experts on the scene should be able to carry out their work in complete safety, Russian President Vladimir Putin said.
The Malaysia Airlines Disaster Is Vladimir Putin's Lockerbie Bombing
<western propaada and lies. Just BS!>
<The Lockerbie bombings by the way were done by the CIA>
Donbass, Krieg gegen das eigene Volk
Donbass, Krieg gegen das eigene Volk
Poroschenkos Plan B. Eine Dokumentation wie ein Vertreibungs-
und Vernichtungskrieg gegen die Zivilbevölkerung in der
Ostukraine geführt wird.
MH-17: Beware of the «Chameleon»
The 10-day NATO exercise code named «BREEZE 2014» has ended in Black Sea. The exercise, which included the use of electronic warfare and electronic intelligence aircraft such as the Boeing EA-18G Growler and the Boeing E3 Sentry Airborne Warning and Control System (AWACS), coincided with the shootdown of Malaysian Airlines Flight 17 in eastern Ukraine, some 40 miles from the Russian border. NATO ships and aircraft had the Donetsk and Luhansk regions under total radar and electronic surveillance.
S.2277 - 113th Congress (2013-2014): Russian Aggression Prevention Act of 2014 | |...

Russian Aggression Prevention Act of 2014 - Directs the Secretary of Defense (DOD) to submit to Congress a strategic framework for U.S. security assistance and cooperation in Europe and Eurasia.
US explanation trashed! Air Traffic Controller: Two fighter planes followed MH17 over Ukraine
What actually happened to MH17 when it crashed in Ukraine? A Spanish air traffic controller working in Kiev reveals that the plane was being followed by two
777 Shoot Down Shows CHAFF Deployment; Fighter Jet Involved (c)2014 The video of a shot down 777 in the Ukraine...
Strange Coincidence? - Malaysian Airlines Plane Replica Stored At Ben Gurion Airport
The missing plane had a tail number of 9M-MRO. The one at Tel Aviv has tail number 9M-MRI ...
Putin: Taskforce at Malaysia MH17 crash site not enough, full-scale intl team needed
Discourse of War and Doublethink, the Example of Syria
Ukraine: MH17 black boxes and bodies will be turned over to international observers, says Borodai
George Carlin on Religion and God
Who Controls our Government? The Psychopathic Corporate Elites of America
 Is it only me or is there something fundamentally flawed with the people who are running our government, including the autocrats, technocrats and bureaucrats who number in the hundreds of thousand...
Israelis rejoice as military bombs Gaza
Pennsylvania Man Shot in the Back Over Unpaid Parking Tickets
Kiev’s evidence of militia’s responsibility for airliner crash faked - expert
A group of experts studied the tape and came to the conclusion that it was made up of numerous unrelated recordings
Donbass: Geknackte Geschützbatterie mit US-Ausrüstung [Video aus YouTube]
What Happened to the Malaysian Airliner?
Flug MH17:Verschwundene Tweets/Ignorierte Augenzeugen und wichtige Aussage!
What could be MH17 data recorders found in E. Ukraine, taken to Donetsk – militia
Items, presumably the data recorders from the crashed Malaysian plane, have been found and delivered to Donetsk in Eastern Ukraine, according to the leader of the self-proclaimed People’s Republic of Donetsk.
State of Palestine: *VERY GRAPHIC* Scores of civilians killed in fresh...
Video ID: 20140720-011 SCRIPT Scores Palestinian civilians, including several children, were killed in fresh attacks on Gaza in the early hours of...
ECM Battle Over Poland Saved Putin's Life and Downed MH17
< I think is wide stretched but no coincidence that Putin's plane was flying nearby if this was the case.>
Two NATO aircrafts on combat duty in Romania, Poland during MH17 crash
1997 Asian financial crisis

The foreign ministers of the 10 ASEAN countries believed that the well co-ordinated manipulation of their currencies was a deliberate attempt to destabilize the ASEAN economies. Former Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad accused George Soros of ruining Malaysia's economy with "massive currency speculation." (Soros claims to have been a buyer of the ringgit during its fall, having sold it short in 1997.)
<Soros failed at making a few billion $ by short selling ringgit when Mahathir pegged the ringgit for about 5 years. IMF took over Thailand and Indonesia in that year and nearly bankrupted the two countries.
I suspect Soros and IMF were pretty pissed off. >
Nach Boeing-Absturz: Moskau fordert von Kiew Offenlegung der Flugabwehrdaten
Nach dem Absturz des malaysischen Passagierjets im Raum von Donezk in der Ostukraine hat Moskau von der Führung in Kiew gefordert, alle Daten zur ukrainischen Luftabwehr im Konfliktgebiet offenzulegen.
Militias do not have Ukrainian Buk missile system — Ukraine general prosecutor
Ukrainian Interior Minister Anton Gerashchenko said on July 17 that the Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777 airliner had been downed by the Buk missile system
MH17: Cui Bono? The Answer is in.... via Reuters:
MH17: Ukraine, rebels argue over wreck, Dutch give Putin 'last chance' - See more at:
"After US President Barack Obama said the loss of the Kuala Lumpur-bound flight showed it was time to end the conflict, Germany called it Moscow's last chance to cooperate. European powers seemed to swing behind Washington's belief Russia's separatist allies were to blame. That might speed new trade sanctions on Moscow, without waiting for definitive proof."

So there you have it - they laid their last card out on the table before the crash, and it was a joker, so now they rigged the deck and dealt again...
Doctors Spooked by Israel’s Mystery Weapon - Israel firing experimental weapons at Gaza’s civilians

Doctors Spooked by Israel’s Mystery Weapon - Israel firing experimental weapons at Gaza’s civilians, say doctors DIME munitions were developed by the US Air Force in 2006 and have since been tested...
We declare that we will guarantee the safety of international experts on the scene at the conclusion of a ceasefire agreement with Kiev,”
 Purgin said as cited by RIA Novosti. “We invite Kiev to immediately conclude such an agreement with the DPR, at least for the duration of the specialists' visit to the crash site.” "
9M317M and 9M317A missile development projects

Currently, several modernized versions are in development, including the 9M317M / 9M317ME, and active radar homing (ARH) missile 9M317A / 9M317MAE.

The lead developer, NIIP, reported the testing of the 9M317A missile within Buk-M1-2A "OKR Vskhod" (Sprout in English) in 2005.[29] Range is reported as being up to 50 km (31 mi), maximum altitude around 25 km (82,000 ft) and maximum target speed around Mach 4. The weight of the missile has increased slightly to 720 kg (1587 lb).