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Sunday, November 30, 2014

A few pictures

November Link Collection C

Top 10 Sci-Fi Comedy Movies
spaceballs 1987 eng dvdrip
Tucker and Dale vs. Evil   - 2010
US responsible for two-thirds of all military conflicts – Russia’s top brass
Hagel’s Problems Were Hidden In Plain Sight
Sahra Wagenknecht: Frau Merkel als Vasall des Plans von "Brzezinski" - USA die einzige Weltmacht!
Volga Finns
xxx big map
Y-DNA haplogroups by ethnic group
Maps of Neolithic & Bronze Age migrations around Europe
Distribution maps of mitochondrial haplogroups in Europe, the Middle East and North Africa
Distribution of European mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) haplogroups by region in percentage
Distribution of haplogroup N1c1 in Europe
<It is not simple to put parts together, because Russians of northern, mid-Russia and Ural areas are more or less descendants of Finnish tribes, while other various origins. On the other hand, genetical distance between eastern and western population in Finland is still larger than, for instance, between Germans and English.>
Haplogroup I1 (Y-DNA)
Veliky Novgorod
<Rurik was of Y-chromosome haplotype N1c1, that i he was a Finn, as long as I'm aware of. >
<What comes to language, Baltic languages are the part of European languages, let say, based on Sanskrit - like Slavic, Greek, Albanian, Armenian and, naturally, Iranian and Northern Indian languages.>
UNREPENTANT: Kevin Annett and Canada's Genocide (Documentary)
This award winning documentary reveals Canada's...
Hidden No Longer
:Genocide in Canada, Past and Present
Who Killed Michael Hastings?
Early in the morning on June 18, 2013 a brand new Mercedes C250 coupe was driving through the Melrose intersection on Highland Avenue in Hollywood when suddenly, out of nowhere, it sped up. According to an eye-witness, the car accelerated rapidly, bounced several times then fishtailed out of control before it slammed into a palm tree and burst into flames, ejecting its engine some 200 feet away.
Cops Continue Choking Restrained Man Until He Goes Limp, Dies — Grand Jury to Decide on Charges

Soros Admits Responsibility for Coup and Mass Murder in Ukraine
Color revolution collaboration began soon after engineered fall of Soviet Union
Cop Questions Man for “Having Hands in Pockets” During Freezing Sub-Zero Weather
How Russia and Germany may save Europe from war
 Essentially, it’s very simple. It’s up to Germany. And it’s all about undoing Stalin.

Stalin, at the outset of WWII, took East Prussia from Germany and moved the eastern part of Poland into Ukraine. Eastern Ukraine was originally from Russia; it is part of Russia and was given by Lenin to Ukraine.

So let’s have East Prussia returned to Germany; the eastern part of Poland returned to Poland; and eastern Ukraine as well as Crimea – which Khrushchev gave to Ukraine - returned to Russia.

Everyone get its share. No more Stalin. No more arbitrary borders. That’s what the Chinese would define as a “triple win” situation. Of course the Empire of Chaos would fight it to death; there would be no more chaos manipulated to justify a crusade against bogus Russian “aggression”.

The ball is in Germany’s court. Now it’s up to East Prussians to present the facts to Angela Merkel. Let’s see if she’s able to get the message.
New Russian Stealth Jet Fighter Called ‘Super Weapon’ Giving Russia Edge Over U.S. In Skies
 Hong Kong: "Pro-Democracy" Protesters Reject Will of the People
Occupy Central deliberately ignores overwhelming public demands to end protests, resorts to clashes with police, violence.

UN panel slams US for police brutality, torture
A UN report has condemned the United States for violating the terms of an international anti-torture treaty. The panel took Washington to task for police brutality, military interrogations, and capital punishment protocols.

Released by the UN Committee Against Torture, the report took issue with the excessive use of force by law enforcement and accused the US police force of racial profiling. The report was released on Friday, just days after the contentious decision of a Missouri grand jury not to indict a white officer accused of shooting Michael Brown, an unarmed black teen. The decision triggered a wave of protests nationwide.
 Krishnamurti's Teachings » Video » Desire and fear Part 4 of 6
We don't have democracy aka rule of the people. We have a parasitic elite ruling over the people.
Half-blind UK widow commits suicide after incapacity benefit cut
Russian battleships in the English Channel, say they’re training
Cheap oil won't ‘collapse’ Russian economy – minister
Wie die Ukraine zusammengeschustert wurde und von wem (mit deutschen Untertiteln)
Flüchtlinge: «Wie Hitler haben sie um 4 Uhr morgens ohne Vorwarnung zu bombardieren angefangen»
nazi, nato, ukraine flag
< good but in Russian only>

Erdogan with Mahdi al-Harati
Mindfulness is "the intentional, accepting and non-judgmental focus of one's attention on the emotions, thoughts and sensations occurring in the present moment", which can be trained by meditational practices derived from Buddhist anapanasati.
ashtanga yoga with ajay tokas (full sequence)
Ashtanga Yoga one hour intro class - Yoga with Lesley Fightmaster
Police In US Killed Over A Dozen People In Week Leading Up To Ferguson Verdict
Kierkegaard on the Individual vs. the Crowd, Why We Conform, and the Power of the Minority
Russia Conducts Naval Drills in English Channel: Navy
Russische Kriegsschiffe führen Manöver in Ärmelkanal durch
Die russische Flotte führt im Ärmelkanal ein Marine-Manöver durch. An der Übung nehmen Kriegs- und Versorgungsschiffe teil. Die Schiffe operieren in internationalen Gewässern. Von der Nato liegt noch keine Stellungnahme vor.
Poroshenko proposes changes to law to allow foreigners to hold senior positions in Ukraine
Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko has called for the introduction of amendments to Ukrainian legislation to allow foreigners to hold senior positions in Ukraine.
US-Drohnen töten 1.147 Zivilisten bei der Jagd auf 41 Terroristen
Die Amerikaner haben in den vergangenen Jahren 41 Extremisten unter Einsatz von Kampfdrohnen getötet. Doch die Zahl der damit in Verbindung stehenden zivilen Opfer, die als Kollateralschäden abgetan werden, ist weitaus höher. Sie liegt bei 1.147 Personen.
In den USA herrscht der Eindruck vor, dass Drohnen-Angriffe weit weniger Zivilisten in Mitleidenschaft ziehen als konventionelle Luftschläge. Doch genau das Gegenteil ist der Fall. Die Wahrscheinlichkeit, dass bei Drohnen-Angriffen Zivilisten getötet werden ist zehn Mal höher als bei konventionellen Luftschlägen.
< 1147:41= 27.9 >
BREAKING: Germany's DW Reports ISIS Supply Lines Originate in NATO's Turkey
Venäjän ihmisoikeustilanne moninverroin Suomea parempi
Turkey: IS Supply Channels | Focus on Europe
The radical Islamist group Islamic State (IS) is growing steadily. It now pays salaries to thousands of troops and has state-of-the-art weapons at its disposal. It has declared a caliphate stretching across parts of Syria and Iraq. Against a backdrop of cross-border trade with Turkish goods, it is now seeking to control border crossing points to Turkey.
Focus on Europe
'IS' supply channels through Turkey

Every day, trucks laden with food, clothing, and other supplies cross the border from Turkey to Syria. It is unclear who is picking up the goods. The haulers believe most of the cargo is going to the "Islamic State" militia. Oil, weapons, and soldiers are also being smuggled over the border, and Kurdish volunteers are now patrolling the area in a bid to stem the supplies.
 Wall Street Vs. Russia
Wall Street's poorly hidden, poorly coordinated agenda in Russia. Who is behind it?

by Tony Cartalucci
The background of jailed Russian oligarch Mikhail Khodorkovsky and his "Open Russian Foundation" fashioned after George Soros' Open Society Institute and chaired by both Jacob Rothschild and Henry Kissinger, can be found in William Engdahl's, "The Real Crime of M. Khodorkovsky," as well as in the London Telegraph's humorously titled, "This man is now the people's billionaire," reflecting the paid-for rhetoric of Khodorkovsky's Wall Street-London-appointed lawyer Robert Amsterdam.
MH17: Malaysia’s Barring from Investigation Reeks of Cover-up
The Malaysian Insider cited Malaysian scholar Dr. Chandra Muzaffar who believes the decision to exclude his country from the investigation is politically motivated, aiming at excluding members that may urge caution and objectivity instead of draw conclusions first and bend the investigation’s results around those conclusions. In particular, Dr. Muzaffar believes that the investigations is intentionally being skewed to target Russia.
USA, Kanada ja Ukraina antoivat YK:ssa tukensa natsismille - Suomi komppasi
Ukrainalaiskenraali paljasti Yhdysvaltojen CIA:n olleen Kiovan vallankaappauksen takana
Banks create new money when people go into debt
“The Players in the Gold Market Are Fearful”: Upholding the Dollar through Market Manipulation of Gold and Silver Prices
Holter says, “Gold is kryptonite to the dollar. The reason why gold and silver prices are manipulated down is to hold up the value of the dollar.  And thus, the value to the Treasury market which keeps interest rates down.  It allows us to keep interest rates lower than we normally could.”

What would happen if Russia or China spent $2 billion to clean out COMEX? Holter says,

“Russia could do that and China could do that.  We would see the entire system implode.  The question is do they want to do that.  This whole scenario is about bleeding gold from the west.  It’s about taking gold from the west and transporting it to the east.
Take the “Good Cop” Challenge, Win $10,000 Cash
The Golden Trap of Chess Master Vladimir Putin ~ [must read]
“Police are an Oppressive Organization” — Police Captain Quits Job, Joins Ferguson Protesters
<It proves you cannot be a police officer who tells the truth about the police and still remain an officer. To speak up is to simultaneously end your career in law enforcement.>
10 Signs That Russia Is Preparing To Fight (And Win) A Nuclear War With The United States
If the United States and Russia fought a nuclear war, who would win? You might be surprised by the answer
Traditional Native American Values and Behaviors
Traditional Native American Cultures and Co
ntemporary U.S. Society: A Comparison
<Traditional Native American Cultures and Contemporary US Society - A Comparison.pdf>
What the Fake Syria Sniper Boy Video Tell Us About Media Experts
 The western press very quickly accepted the video as real and used it to support the US administration’s narrative on Syria. Many top US news sources began to spread the story. Even though the producer said he explicitly added big hints that the video was fake, like the children surviving multiple gun shots.

Propagating false stories on Syria, is nothing new for the western press. In the lead up to the conflict many stories were exposed as frauds, such as the Anti-government activist “Gay Girl in Damascus” which turned out to be a middle-aged American man in Scotland. Syrian Danny Abdul Dayem which was frequently interviewed by CNN was using fake gun fire and flames in his interviews.
Another (Much Higher) Count Of Homicides By Police
Killed by Police had listed more than 1,450 deaths caused by law-enforcement officers since its launch, on May 1, 2013, through Sunday. That works out to about three per day, or 1,100 a year.
FBI says 76 law enforcement officers died in the line of duty in 2013
FBI reports 27 cops were killed last year. But how many civilians were killed by officers?
FBI Releases 2013 Statistics on Law Enforcement Officers Killed and Assaulted
According to statistics collected by the FBI, 76 law enforcement officers were killed in line-of-duty incidents in 2013. Of these, 27 law enforcement officers died as a result of felonious acts, and 49 officers died in accidents. In addition, 49,851 officers were victims of line-of-duty assaults. Comprehensive data tables about these incidents and brief narratives describing the fatal attacks and selected assaults resulting in injury are included in the 2013 edition of Law Enforcement Officers Killed and Assaulted, released today.
Study: Thousands died in police custody
The review found 55% of the 2,002 arrest-related deaths from 2003 through 2005 were due to homicide by state and local law enforcement officers. Alcohol and drug intoxication caused 13% of the deaths, followed by suicides at 12%, accidental injury at 7% and illness or natural causes, 6%. The causes for the deaths of the remaining 7% were unknown.
Exactly How Often Do Police Shoot Unarmed Black Men?
In Oakland, California, the NAACP reported that out of 45 officer-involved shootings in the city between 2004 and 2008, 37 of those shot were black. None were white. One-third of the shootings resulted in fatalities. Although weapons were not found in 40 percent of cases, the NAACP found, no officers were charged. (These numbers don't include 22-year-old Oscar Grant, who was shot and killed by a transit authority officer at the Fruitvale BART station on New Year's Day of 2009.)
<So we have an estimated 1550 people killed by police ( those not included in the police report and murdered by police we can not count )
Versus 27 police killed by people
This makes 57 killed by police for every police killed by civilians in 2013>
Video: Police lied. Mike Brown was killed 148 feet away from Darren Wilson's SUV
The REAL Story of Thanksgiving
Introduction for Teachers
The Plymouth Thanksgiving Story
Thanksgiving Food For Thought
 It is a story of givers and takers- a tale of a people who see themselves a part of nature and a people who see themselves separate from nature.  While the latter group outwardly appears arrogant and superior- inside they are haunted by the guilt, shame and fear that result from this alienation from nature.
Evidence Is Now Conclusive: Two Ukrainian Government Fighter-Jets Shot Down Malaysian Airlines MH17. It was Not a ‘Buk’ Surface to Air Missile

Vladimir Lenin december 30 1922 to 21 Jauary 1924
Joseph Stalin 21 January 1924 to March 5th 1953
born 18 December 1878
Gori, Tiflis Governorate, Russian Empire and todays Georgia. Stalin was not a Russian by ethnicity
Georgy Malenkov March 5 1953 to February 8 1955
Nikita Khruschev February 8 1955 to October 14 1964
Leonid Brezhnev October 14 1964 to November 10 1982
Soviet leader Leonid Brezhnev was born and raised in Dniprodzerzhynsk.
Dniprodzerzhynsk (Ukrainian: Дніпродзержи́нськ; Russian: Днепродзержи́нск, Dneprodzerzhinsk) is an industrial city in the Dnipropetrovsk Oblast of Ukraine,
Yuri Andropov November 12 1982 to March 10 1985
Konstantine Chernenko February 13 to 1984 to March 10 1985
Michael Gorbachev March 11 1985 to December 1991
Political party     Independent Democratic Party
Gennady Yanayev August 19 1991 to August 21 1991
Vladimir Lenin Was Part Jewish, Say Declassified KGB Files
Historians have a very simple explanation to Nikita Khrushchev’s generosity. He came to power after the death of Joseph Stalin, unmasked his cult and condemned repressions. However, Khrushchev was involved in a number of repression-related affairs before. He was conducting a struggle against “people’s enemies” when he served as the First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Ukrainian Communist Party from 1938 to 1947 to win the support of the Ukrainian leadership. That is why he gave the resort peninsula on the Black Sea coast to the republic
Nikita Khrushchev, the grandson of a serf and the son of a coal miner, was born in Kalinovka, Ukraine on 5th April, 1894. After a brief formal education Khrushchev found work as a pipe fitter in Yuzovka.

<All in all the Soviet Union lasted for 69 years and was ruled by non-Russians for 40 years. Stalin was a Georgian.
Some Soviet leaders were Ukrainians and others wee partially Jews.>
ARD: Chefredakteur Gniffke gesteht Lügengeschichte ein – die wir vor über 4 Monaten gemeldet haben
EU Millions Paid for Ukrainian Groups Behind Yanukovych Overthrow
The European Union pumped €436m (£348m/$586m) into Ukraine's anti-Russian "civil society" groups in the seven years leading up to overthrow of the democratically-elected President Yanukovych in February this year.
Merkel, Clueless From the Start, Is Now Getting Desperate
In her present angry mood she is blaming it all on “Putin’s charm offensive” and on “Russian propaganda”.

This is total rubbish.  Are we seriously to believe that a former leader of the SPD like Matthias Platzek or the hard headed German businessmen meeting Russian Economics Minister Ulyukaev in Stuttgart are dupes of the Kremlin?
Study: Cops kill more people than gangbangers or drug dealers; more details emerge
US - Saudi Arabia Oil Prices Collusion: Calculations and Errors
Second, the majority of experts agree that the «safety cushion» in the form of Russian gold reserves, something the USSR did not have, is enough to let Russia endure and stand up to the price pressure for at least 2-3 years. According to the rules of Grand Chessboard, it means that Russia is able to be one step ahead.
The Islamic State – America’s Double-Edged Sword
Serious experts are now in little doubt that the US administration was the ‘midwife’ of the Islamic State (IS).
American Thanksgiving: A Pure Glorification of Racist Barbarity
The real economy is people exchanging products and services and giving a helping hand but I don't know if most people get it how simple it actually is.
Well they've given the peasants debt rather than equity so now there is another paradigm in play. Most are now the equivalent of indentured labour but are unaware of it.
Vladimir Putin: The US Administration is Lying Shamelessly about Syria
Cleveland cops shot boy holding air gun 2 seconds after arriving at scene (VIDEO)
Cleveland Cop Shot 12-Year-Old Boy Video Footage 1080p Available
<12 years old black boy waving toy gun around on empty playground shot by police 2 seconds after arival - "A 911 caller, who was sitting in a nearby gazebo, told police several times that the weapon was probably a fake, but the dispatcher did not relay that information to the responding officers, referring to it only as 'a gun.'" It'd be really cool if police knew how to do their jobs. If the dispatcher would have listened to the caller and given the officers all the correct information, that boy could still be alive right now. >
Celebrating the Genocide of Native Americans
Video Released Proving Cops Didn’t Wait One Second Before Shooting 12-Year-Old Holding Toy Gun
Ferguson and the False Promise of "Revolution"
When faced on the battlefield with a numerically superior enemy, one must attempt to divide his enemy into smaller, more easily dispatched opponents, or even more ideally, divide them against one another, and have them defeat each other without ever drawing your sword. For Wall Street's 0.1%, divide and conquer is a way of life.
CrossTalk: Whitewashing fascism
Australische documenten over 'geheimhoudingsovereenkomst' MH17
pdf to jpg converter
Hacker decken auf: US-Waffenlieferung und Überweisung hoher Summen auf Privatkonten Kiewer-Militärs
Auf ihrer offiziellen Internetseite veröffentlichten die Aktivisten die gehackten Dokumente , aus denen hervorgeht, dass die amerikanische Regierung plant 400 Scharfschützengewehre, 2.000 Sturmgewehre, 720 Panzerfäuste, 200 Granatwerfer, 70.000 Granaten sowie 150 Stinger-Raketen und 420 Panzerabwehrraketen an Kiew zu liefern.
While the entire Muslim world is busy supporting Gazan Palestinians, the Zionist stooges of ISIS have set the Palestinian flag on fire.
For those who believe Isis will one day liberate Palestine. Right now they are burning the Palestinian flag and by doing so they are also telling us who their masters are.
US admits Israel is arming and training terrorist groups to create terrorism
US Admits Israel is Arming and Training Terrorist Groups to Commit Terror
Qatar runs covert desert training camp for Syrian rebels
Using terrorists for regime change is unacceptable - Lavrov
Russia won't get involved in geopolitical intrigues and conflicts - Putin
Russia threatens no one and will stay aloof from geopolitical intrigues, however strongly anyone may wish to pull the country into them, said Russia’s President Vladimir Putin, addressing a meeting on the development of the armed forces.

“We are not threatening anyone and are not planning to get involved in any geopolitical games, intrigues and especially conflicts, no matter who would want to pull us into them,” Putin said at a meeting with military chiefs in the Black Sea resort of Sochi on Wednesday.

The president stressed the importance of ensuring the sovereignty and integrity of Russia and its allies. He also said that an “integrated approach and the unification of all public authorities is needed in solving issues concerning national defense.”
Washington Plays Russian Roulette
According to Kiev’s own figures, no less than 65% of residential buildings and 10% of schools and kindergartens in Donbass have been destroyed. Over 40,000 medium-sized companies are paralyzed. Unemployment – Ukraine-wide, is over 40%. External debt may reach US$80 billion – and don’t expect the International Monetary Fund, which now owns Ukraine, to go philanthropic. Most of all, Kiev can’t pay its billionaire gas bills to Gazprom because it spends a fortune terrorizing eastern Ukraine citizens. This Poroshenko rant sums it all up – with the US and EU fully complicit.
Noam Chomsky, US a top terrorist state
Amazing isn't it? Western media and politicians present a clean picture for the west and a dirty picture elsewhere... yet the truth is exactly the opposite.
Amid protests, Russia, China urge US to stop lecturing about human rights
New violent protests triggered by a grand jury decision not to indict a police officer who killed a black teenager in Ferguson have prompted Russia and China to criticize the US for human rights issues and racial discrimination in the country.
Take Ferguson for example: Black boy killed by racist cop because of stolen cigars worth 47.50 Dollars. Count only the physical damages after the boys murder. How much higher was it than the 47.50 Dollar? 40 years ago I stole a T-shirt. Nobody gunned me down because of this and the town wasn't burning. Some see the problem in the fires and some in the stolen cigars. It isn't there.
ZDF, dpa und Deutsche Welle: Wenn Propagandaorgane nur noch Blödsinn verbreiten
More Americans killed in Chicago than Iraq war
Before I Go to Sleep (2014)
Florida Woman Who Fired Warning Shot At Abusive Husband Gets 3 Years In Prison
–52C in Siberia: Over 70 passengers push frozen plane to runway (VIDEO)
The temperatures in Igarka, in the Krasnoyarsk region, hit a low of about 52C. Locals, living some 163 km north of the Arctic Circle, are quite used to cold weather, but machines turn out to be more delicate.
Eric Frey wurde 1963 als Sohn jüdischer Eltern, die dem Nationalsozialismus durch Flucht entkommen waren, in Wien geboren
Lachanfall von Dirk Müller - Amerikanische Propaganda vs. russische Propaganda
< Propaganda bei Eric Frey >
BRD stimmt UN-Resolution gegen Verherrlicheung des Faschismus nicht zu. Putsch-Ukraine und USA stimmen sogar dagegen!
Michael Brown spent his last day with his friend Dorian Johnson. Here's what Johnson saw
It goes on like this. Johnson, Wilson, and the ballistics report all agree that the first shot was fired from inside the car.
Johnson's whole memory of the fight is Wilson trying to pull Brown towards the vehicle and Brown trying to get away.
The testimony where Johnson recounts Brown being shot dead is devastating. He says Brown had already been shot and was running away. He says Brown stopped running after the second shot. He says Brown turned and yelled, "I don't have a gun," and took a kind of half step towards Wilson
Officer Darren Wilson's story is unbelievable. Literally.
On conspiracy theories and credibility
Translation to come soon!!!!!
“How MH17 crashed” – documentary by Andrey Karaulov
Cop Slams 22-Yr-Old Girl’s Head Into Concrete, Shattering Her Teeth, After She Crossed the Street
Crooks and Liars: Brown appears to have paid for those cigars.
Even if Brown did commit the petty theft of a $5 pack of cigars, a pack he appears to have paid for, gunning him down in the aftermath is murder. Petty theft is not a capital crime.
The Mike Brown Shooting What You're Not Being Told
In the 1980s, local police SWAT raids numbered 3,000 each year, but today it's over 50,000 a year. Welcome to the United Police State of America.
I’m very disappointed the Michael Brown case didn’t go to trial, over the simple fact that we’ll never know the truth now.... If I were the police officer, and I were innocent, I would want it to go to trial. If he wants to clear his name, it would be cleared in trial. Had this case gone to trial, there would be no rioting. And we’d know the truth.
- JV
Grand juries rarely indict police officers who shoot citizens
There have been close to 1,000 people killed by police since January 1, 2014, and over 1,750 since May 2013, according to the website FiveThirtyEight.
7/7 Ripple Effect 2
The Mike Brown Shooting What You're Not Being Told
New Photos Taken On Day of Murder Show Darren Wilson Didn’t Have A Scratch On Him
Ferguson, Missouri – Monday, along with the grand jury decision not to indict Darren Wilson, new evidence was released, which has never been seen by the public before now. Among this new evidence are photos of Darren Wilson taken on the night of the killing, which show that the police clearly lied about that portion of their story.

When the story initially broke, it was reported by the police that Darren Wilson was in a physical altercation with Michael Brown, and that he had visible marks indicating that he had been attacked. Since there was no proof to support this claim, many people remained skeptical, although many others who wish to defend the police have been stating this claim as if it was fact.
7/7 What Did They Know? (77 London Bombings Documentary)
Who Are The 1%?
11 Facts About Racial Discrimination
African-Americans comprise 13% of the U.S. population and 14% of the monthly drug users, but 37% of the people arrested for drug-related offenses in America.
More mass graves unearthed in search for missing Mexican students
40 Cops Convicted or Charged With Sex Crimes and Child Rape JUST Within This Month
Ukrainian army’s Uragan rocket systems move in security zone in eastern Ukraine — OSCE
Only days after Joe Biden's visit to Kiev, the OSCE reports Kiev is moving its rocket systems into the area of the cease fire. They are very predictable.
Only question: how are they going to blame Putin for this? More "Russian invasions"?
Wow. The cop wasn't responding to any emergency. He was using his government privilege to go on a RECKLESS joy ride and this 5-yr-old child had to die because of it. Video here:
Europe Unprepared If Russia Cuts Off Natural Gas Exports To EU This Summer, Analysts Say
A gas cutoff would hit certain countries particularly hard. Twelve members of the 28-nation European Union rely on Russia for more than half of their gas supplies, while six countries -- including Bulgaria and Lithuania -- are almost entirely dependent on imports from Gazprom, according to the European Commission, the EU’s executive arm.
Researchers: Police likely provoke protestors — not the other way around
Todesschüsse von Ferguson: Polizeigewalt oder Notwehr?

Zwölf Mal feuerte der Polizist Darren Wilson auf den unbewaffneten Michael Brown und dennoch muss er nicht vor Gericht. Die Aussagen darüber, wie es dazu kam, gehen weit auseinander.
France postpones Mistral delivery to Russia over Ukraine 'until further notice'
Hackers Leak US Document Scans With Plans to Supply Weapons to Kiev
Despite earlier claims that US had no intention of supplying Ukraine with weapons, a recent leak of government documents has revealed plans to supply weapons to Kiev. The leak was published online by Ukrainian hackers group CyberBerkut.
The Ukrainian hacker site that provided the information.
Detroit Demonstration to Honor Michael Brown: Condemns Failure of Grand Jury to File Charges Against Ferguson Cop
EXCLUSIVE: St. Louis Police Officer Blows the Whistle on Rampant Corruption Within the Department
“I wouldn’t have come down here (to Ferguson) and stood on those front lines, I would have taken my uniform off and have resigned.”

US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Barred From Getting Advice From Independent Scientists
Over $500,000 In Crowdfunding Raised For Ferguson Officer Darren Wilson
It takes 28 civilian lives to kill a single terrorist leader – UK human rights group
The statistics are the most striking in 10 years: attempts to kill 41 terrorist leaders resulted in the deaths of an estimated 1,147 people, the vast majority – civilians and families.
A form of intimidation or psychological abuse, sometimes called Ambient Abuse where false information is presented to the victim, making them doubt their own memory, perception and quite often, their sanity. The classic example of gaslighting is to switch something around on someone that you know they're sure to notice, but then deny knowing anything about it, and to explain that they "must be imagining things" when they challenge these changes.

A more psychological definition of gaslighting is "an increasing frequency of systematically withholding factual information from, and/or providing false information to, the victim - having the gradual effect of making them anxious, confused, and less able to trust their own memory and perception.
Innocence Project launches “200 Exonerated, Too Many Wrongfully Convicted,” month-long national campaign to address and prevent wrongful convictions
Vox Populi: Readers Comments Show anti-Putin Propaganda Not Working
Finland joining NATO would alienate Russia – President Niinisto
Finland’s leader Sauli Niinisto says his country, which has traditionally steered a course between Russia and the West, should not join NATO, despite the Ukraine crisis and calls from other Finnish politicians.
Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) to Lay Claim Over Entire Donetsk Region
The Netherlands Has Repatriated 122.5t Gold From US
Global Consequences

The impact of the Dutch gold repatriation can be huge. First of all, because it underlines more and more countries are getting nervous about their gold reserves stored in the US. Venezuela repatriated most of its reserves from abroad in 2012, the year Germany also announced a repatriation schedule from the US and France. While Germany settled with the US to ship 300 tonnes spread over 8 years, the Dutch set a new trend to insist on immediate delivery. If more counties will follow this trend there can be a global run on gold.
Trey Radel, Busted On Cocaine Charge, Voted For Drug Testing Food Stamp Recipients
Gladio Revisited
Operation Gladio
Keiser Report: Cemented UK Generation (E683)
The Religious Crisis
American Revolutionaries and Enlightenment thinkers Tom Paine and Thomas Jefferson advocated a radical reappraisal of the doctrines of organized religion. Paine wrote The Age of Reason, which pointed out the absurdities and contradictions within both the Old and New Testaments. Thomas Jefferson scissored out all supernatural events in the four Gospels and gave us The Jefferson Bible. But did they go far enough?
Der Zeit-Herausgeber Josef Joffe mit Gerhard Schröder zur Krim-Sezession 09.03.14 - Bananenrepublik
Abductions, killings of activists in Libya on rise amid spiraling unrest
Panzer-Bestellung: Bereitet sich Deutschland auf einen Krieg mit Russland vor?
Ganze 620 Millionen Euro sollen in 131 neue Radpanzer für die Bundeswehr investiert werden. Als Begründung wird die "veränderte Sicherheitslage" bezüglich Russland angegeben. Begehrlichkeiten der Rüstungsindustrie könnten natürlich auch eine Rolle spielen.
haben sie verständnis für putins kurs
Die Anstalt: TTIP, Steueroasen, Starbucks, Amazon, Apple und NSA/BND
,,unabhängige" Medien-Berichterstattung - Neues aus der Anstalt ZDF
More NATO in Eastern Europe? 75% no
Medien enthüllen: Putins bezahlte Troll-Armee hat die deutsche Presse gekapert – und kaschieren dabei ihre eigene Unfähigkeit
haben sie verständnis für putins kurs
Poll: Nigel Farage's favourite world leader is Putin. Who's yours?
German media censors poll result showing 89% of Germans support Russian leader's stance regarding Ukraine
German N-TV phone poll shows 89% back Putin’s Ukraine policy
"Wir wurden gleich mit der Propaganda-Keule begrüßt"
Der Chefredakteur von RT Deutsch, Iwan Rodionow, über deutsche Kollegen, Demagogie und den "fehlenden Part"
Iwan Rodionow: Ja, RT Deutsch ist eben ein deutsches Medium, von deutschen Journalisten produziert, für deutsche Mediennutzer.
Anonymous Revealing Ku Klux Klan’s Identities – Operation #OpKKK
Anonymous has revealed a list of KKK members in light of the Ferguson protests as part of #OpKKK and a cyberwar against the organization. The ‘de-hooding’ of Ku Klux Klan members has spurred threats and attacks against Anonymous over social media, with @KuKluxKlanUSA stating “You messed with us, now it’s our turn to mess with you.”
Justin T. King (Police Member), Dawn Goddard (Education Co-Ordinator), David Borst (Former Deputy Police Chief)
George Hunnewell (Former Deputy Police Chief) and many more...
Malaysian Airlines MH17 Downed by Ukrainian Military Aircraft. Kiev Regime False Flag
The Western media and governments have gone to arms length to suppress and distort the evidence which points to the downing of MH17 not by a Buk missile but by a Ukrainian military aircraft.
NATO Determined to Weaken Russia at Its Western Borders, Expert Says

White man jaywalks with assault rifle, curses cops -- no shooting, no arrest
[Full video:Eng subs] Debaltsevo resident speaks to Euromaidan, reveals that people are afraid of
Published on Nov 23, 2014
Debaltsevo resident reveals to Euromaidan that her town was shelled by UA troops in live broadcast on the Ukrainian TV channel. Reaction of the Maidan: 'Glory to the Nation ! Death to the enemy!'
America’s Dangerous Double Standard on Air and Sea «Provocations»
Westminster "scandal"
Westminster Paedophile Scandal: Murder Link to Downing Street
Scotland Yard detectives investigating claims of a historic Westminster paedophile ring with links all the way to Number 10 have uncovered new evidence of a possible murder.
Westminster child abuse scandal: Scotland Yard accused of 'cover-up' over death of boy in 1980s
Historic Westminster child abuse and murder claims 'only tip of the iceberg' in scandal, Theresa May warns
Revelations that politicians allegedly murdered and raped young boys is "only the tip of the iceberg" in the Westminster historic child abuse scandal, Theresa May has warned.
Man Who Leaked DHS Pictures Branded a Terrorist: “You Will Be Incarcerated”
Navy Veteran Mark Paffrath, who recently took pictures of DHS vehicles parked in full public view at the Drury Plaza Hotel in Missouri has been terminated from his job, threatened with imprisonment and branded a terrorist.
Media ‘gagged over bid to report MP child sex cases’
Security services accused of aiding Westminster paedophilia cover-up

 The US-UK is literally run by murderous child rapists, and when you think about it that way, so much makes sense. I have heard of people for YEARS trying to convince the public that this was going on in the US and UK and I always thought it sounded a little over-the-top.

But the Westminster "scandal" they are calling it - even when it involves MPs who raped AND murdered boys amid "orgies," is now a matter of public record and as bad and as deep as it seems to go, implementing the police, security agencies, and the mainstream media - it is JUST SCRATCHING THE SURFACE OF WHAT CONSTITUTES THE WESTERN ELITE.
Russia responds to extremist statements from Lithuanian president
Swedish intelligence chief: Dozens of our neo-Nazis are fighting Novorossiya
Strategic forces to be equipped with Yars nuclear missile system
The combat effectiveness of Russia’s Strategic Missile Forces is being enhanced by the addition of new nuclear weapon systems for stationary and mobile deployment. A number of divisions have already introduced the Yars missile units, which will gradually phase out the older Topol systems.
Buffalo, New York has set a new record; 76 inches of snow! The most snowfall EVER in a 24-hour period in the US!!
Deutschland: Verfassungsschutz überwacht “prorussische Positionen”
Putin demonized for thwarting neocon plan for global domination
Geheimaktion: Niederlande holen Gold aus USA heim
In völliger Geheimhaltung haben die Niederlande in den vergangenen Monaten 120 Tonnen Gold aus New York abgezogen. Die Ukraine hat derweil ein Drittel ihrer Reserven verkauft.
German foreign minister speaks out against Ukraine joining NATO
He also added that he does not believe it is realistic for Ukraine to join the European Union in the foreseeable future, as the economic and political modernization of Ukraine is a “project for a few generations.”
The Kiev fascists let down like dirty socks.
"“I think that the partnership between Ukraine and NATO is possible, but not the membership,” Steinmeier said.

The German minister also stated that it is unrealistic to think that Ukraine might join the European Union in the short term, since the improvement of the economic and political situation in the country is “the project of the next few generations”.

“This is why today there is no point in discussing Ukraine’s membership of the EU,” Steinmeier added.
Кондолиза Райс: Нужно остановить Путина, а нефть и газ Европе будут поставлять США
How one can just "accidentally" take his weapon out of his holster, aim it at an unarmed man, and fire a bullet directly into the man's chest remains a mystery. Akai is deeply missed by his family. Video here:
Michael Moore- The Awful Truth
Michael Moore sheds light on the fact that some cops have a hard time distinguishing a wallet from a gun.
The citizen warned them that the 12-yr-old boy's toy bb gun was fake but they killed him anyway
 Argus News and citizen investigators conclude that the police lied and that Ferguson Police Officer and murderer Darren Wilson was actually 148 feet away from Mike Brown. Review their work yourself and watch the video of the measurement.
Ruotsi valovuosien päässä: ”Suomen rikkain 1 % on köyhä”
Difference Between a ‘Black Guy’ Breaking into a Car vs. a ‘White Guy’ ~ Video >>
Global population of polar bears has increased by 2,650-5,700 since 2001
Syrian Christians: 'Help us to stay - stop arming terrorists'
Christianity is being extinguished in the land of its birth and the West is to blame, say Syria's faithful
Israel: 240 Palestinian Children 'Sexually Abused' in Jerusalem Detention Centres, Group Claims
Palestine Prisoners Club says 240 children arrested in Jerusalem abused by Israeli authorities
Ruth Sherlock."The rise of extremist groups in rebel ranks, has turned Syrian uprising into a sectarian war".

Really? If you took the sectarian, extremist and terrorist groups out of the "uprising" when the foreign backed protests were turned into an foreign backed armed struggle for power, there would be NO "uprising"!!! The first terrorist attacks took place in Syria on 23rd December 2011 and were later claimed by alNusra; the backbone of the "Syrian revolution"!!!
Atlantikbrücke. Warum so geheim?
RT Deutsch
‘Obamastein’ is no Machiavelli
Americans as Vulgar War Mongers
The Albert Einstein Institution: Non-Violence According to the CIA
Tony Abbott: America’s Useful Idiot Down Under
Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Tony Abbott
Wieder Kämpfe im DonbassUSA liefern Militärausrüstung an Ukraine
Average UK family just ‘2 weeks away from breadline’ - report
Israeli troops kill Palestinian along Gaza border – Health Ministry
The NERVE of this guy. Cop says he had "emotional pain" after a citizen complains about him shooting a pet dog to death. He wants the citizen to give him $10,000. Story here (flashback)
A Couple Returning Home Startled Cops in Stairwell, So a Cop Shot the Man in the Chest, Killing Him
 As we managed to build such destroyers and submarines, we also possess the ability to manufacture aircraft carriers and heavy submarines: Iranian Navy Commande
an attitude to other countries, cultures, etc based on the idea of being quite distinct from, and often superior to, them in vital ways
Miten tuhotaan itsenäinen valtio alle 30 vuodessa?
Paul US has been arming ISIS in Syria TheHill
‘Biden get out!’ Turks protests US VP visit to Istanbul (PHOTOS, VIDEO)
Turkish protesters have rallied against the visit of US Vice President Joe Biden under banners saying ‘Yankee Go Home’. In Istanbul Biden has been encouraging Europe to reduce energy dependence on Russia and announced aid to Syrian refugees.

Around 300 people chanting “Biden get out. The country is ours,” took to the streets in Istanbul on Saturday. The event had been organized by the Youth Association of Turkey which also “greeted” three US Navy sailors last week stating a similar “Yankee, go home!”.
The G20 are playing dangerous games. Fortunately, Mr. Putin is a great diplomat. He doesn’t fall into the trap.magine – Mr. Putin Takes Center Stage at G20 Summit
The Kremlin is again blamed for having shot down Malaysian flight MH17 over Ukraine – by world leaders who know very well that they are lying. They cannot have ignored the appalling conclusion of the analysis by the German pilot and airline expert, Peter Haisenko, that MH17 could not have been brought down by a surface-to-air missile, but rather by gunfire of an Ukraine military aircraft, type SU-25, as indicated by shrapnel holes in the cockpit (Global Research July 30, 2014). A plane fitting the description of an SU-25 was spotted near the MH17 by Russian and Kiev airport controllers. Several eyewitnesses on the ground in the conflict zone saw at least one fighter plane approaching the Malaysian airliner, as reported by BBC (though the report was later withdrawn – in an act of BBC self-censuring).
The Jew Behind Ukraine’s Mass Graves
Triple Ukrainian-Israeli-Cypriot citizen, owner of Privat Bank, and junta governor of the city of Dnepropetrovsk, the Jew Kolomoisky is charged by Russia’s criminal court with masterminding the murders of civilians and employing banned methods of warfare.

Kolomoisky, who lives in Geneva, Switzerland, is the second richest man in Ukraine, worth $6 billion.

The charges were strengthened by the confession of Sergei Litvinov, a conscript of Kolomoisky’s Dnipro battalion, who admitted this past Wednesday that Kolomoisky paid him for murdering peaceful citizens.
 Is this man the most powerful Jew in the world?
Igor Kolomoisky became one of the most prominent figures during this year's Ukraine unrest, unafraid to poke the Russian bear – and especially President Vladimir Putin – with a big stick.
Obama secretly extends US combat operation in Afghanistan
An Inuit hunter asked the local missionary priest: ‘If I did not know about God and sin, would I go to hell?’ ‘No,’ said the priest, ‘not if you did not know.’ ‘Then why,’ asked the Inuit earnestly, ‘did you tell me?’
Soviet Union, Stalin's regime (1924-53): 20,000,000
<Seeing how so many Ukrainian fascists survived the Soviet Union up till today one has to wonder>
How many people did Stalin kill?
The number of deaths in the Soviet Union that were explicitly ordered by someone – in other words, the number of executions – is actually relatively low at around 1.5 million. The majority of the deaths were caused by neglect or repressive policies – for example, around five million people are thought to have died in the Soviet gulags, almost two million people are believed to have died while being deported, and approximately one million German civilians and Prisoners of War are believed to have perished while under Soviet guard.
SPECIAL REPORT: FBI Attacks Black Panther for NOT Being Racist!
Former member of the original Black Panther Party Larry Pinkney recently spoke to Infowars about a Freedom Of Information Act request that reveals the FBI’s intent to “neutralize him.”
Fort Lauderdale Slapped With Lawsuit For Repeatedly Arresting Man Who Feeds Homeless People
Miko Peled was born in Jerusalem in 1961. His grandfather, Avraham Katsnelson, signed Israel’s Declaration of Independence. His father, Mattityahu Peled, fought in the 1948 war, and served as a general in the war of 1967.
How Irresponsible Is Putin? Let's Ask This Russian Guy Who Embezzled a Billion Dollars
Is Putin a television-obsessed maniac? Of course, according to the guy who stole 40 billion rubles from Russia's Central Bank and then fled to London
Dümmliche Lügen in den Tagesthemen: “Putin hat Annexion der Krim zugegeben”
Libya Then and Now: An Overview of NATO’s Handiwork
Hungary’s Viktor Orban: Washington’s New Enemy Image
F. William Engdahl (NEO) : Hungary and its populist nationalist Prime Minister Viktor Orban have come into the cross-hairs of Washington’s political elites. His sin? Not buckling under to the often destructive diktats of the Brussels EU Commission; attempting to define a Hungarian national identity. But his cardinal sin is his deepening relationship with Russia and his defiance of Washington in signing an agreement with Gazprom for bringing the Russian South Stream gas pipeline into the EU via Hungary.
"Kiev will join Novorossiya in 2017"
BBC Caught Fabricating Videos to Push Libya and Syria War Agendas
The BBC Exposed... Pedophiles, Propaganda and the Patriotic Pushback
Episode 253 – The BBC Exposed
New York Times Propaganda Photos on Ukraine Exposed
CNN spreads lies against Iran, Syria: Ex-correspondent
Syria’s SANA news agency quoted Amber Lyon as saying that when she was working for the CNN, she received orders to send false news or exclude certain information which the US administration did not approve of with the aim of inciting public opinion in favor of launching an offensive on Iran and Syria.

Lyon added that the mainstream US media outlets intentionally work to create propaganda against Iran to garner public support for a military invasion against it.
Obama-backed rebels dismember live Christian girl
CNN Caught Staging News Segments on Syria With Actors
Exclusive: CNN Exposed! Caught Producing "State Sponsored News" in Bahrain
The Amber Lyon story is just the latest in a series of articles that expose the total Joseph Goebbels like censorship rampant in mainstream media today. The first one I posted several weeks ago exposed how the NY Times basically just regurgitates whatever government officials tell them, while the other showcased how an NPR reporter covering D.C. had to leave and do her own thing out of frustration. This is precisely why alternative media sites are taking off. They provide the only outlets left for genuine journalism.
Sergey Lavrov: Western Sanctions Aimed at Toppling Russian Regime
The West does not even conceal its "anti-Russian" sanctions are aimed at toppling down the ones in power, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov warned Saturday.

Lavrov explicitly said Russia was "not going to shoot itself in the leg" by renouncing cooperation with Europe, "but everybody understands that "business as usual" [the latter phrase said in English] is already impossible."
Poroshenko Gets Booed During Wreath-Laying at ‘Heavenly Hundred’ Memorial
From 21 November 2014
from November 2013
November 26 2012
Joe Biden retreats from angry crowd in Ukraine
Vice President Joseph R. Biden retreated from an angry crowd in Kiev Friday when his Secret Service agents decided the situation was not safe.
Mr. Biden was to meet with Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko at a site in central Kiev where demonstrators were killed earlier this year during the country’s revolution. But his motorcade encountered a large and “unruly” crowd, many of whom were shouting “shame” at Mr. Poroshenko for failing to prosecute those responsible for the killings.
International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination

Adopted and opened for signature and ratification by General Assembly resolution 2106 (XX) of 21 December 1965
entry into force 4 January 1969, in accordance with Article 19
US, Canada & Ukraine vote against Russia’s anti-Nazism resolution at UN
UN General Assembly’s Third Committee passed a Russia-proposed resolution condemning attempts to glorify Nazism ideology and denial of German Nazi war crimes. The US, Canada and Ukraine were the only countries to vote against it.
January 23rd, 2012
America and Britain vote against UN racism and Nazi Resolution!944044~!1&ri=2&aspect=power&menu=search&source=~!horizon
Global efforts for the total elimination of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance and the comprehensive implementation of and follow-up to the Durban Declaration and Programme of Action : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly
Voting Summary:    
Yes: 104, No: 22, Abstentions: 33, Non-Voting: 33, Total voting membership: 192

Starving, seething and scared: Eastern Ukraine's residents struggle to survive
All-Out War in Ukraine: NATO’s ‘Final Offensive’
There are clear signs that a major war is about to break out in Ukraine:  A war actively promoted by the NATO regimes and supported by their allies and clients in Asia (Japan) and the Middle East (Saudi Arabia).
The Kiev junta and its newly ‘elected’ client rulers, and its NATO sponsors are intent on a major purge to consolidate the puppet Poroshenko’s dictatorial rule.  The recent NATO-sponsored elections excluded several major political parties that had traditionally supported the country’s large ethnic minority populations, and was boycotted in the Donbas region.  This sham election in Kiev set the tone for NATO’s next move toward converting Ukraine into one gigantic US multi-purpose military base aimed at the Russian heartland and into a neo-colony for German capital, supplying Berlin with grain and raw materials while serving as a captive market for German manufactured goods.
Third Committee
Sixty-Ninth Session
Guess which 3 countries just voted against preventing, glorifying and promoting Nazism?
Resolution adopted by the General Assembly
[on the report of the Third Committee (A/63/428)]
63/162. Inadmissibility of certain practices that contribute to fuelling contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance
Discrimination based on race, nationality, ethnicity
Combating the Glorification of Nazism
The above was the New Order of Nazism.  Oligarchs of Wall Street, “the city” of London, Germany and elsewhere funded the rise of the Nazi party, and financed the holocaust.
Glorification of Nazism: Inadmissibility of certain practices that contributeto fuelling contemporary
forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance
Third Committee
Sixty-Ninth Session  
1.      Elimination of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance
[item 66]

(a)      Elimination of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance

  Introduction of draft resolutions A/C.3/69/L.56 and A/C.3/69/L.57

2.     Right of peoples to self-determination [item 67]

  Introduction of draft resolutions A/C.3/69/L.53 and A/C.3/69/L.55

3.     Promotion and protection of human rights [item 68]

(b)      Human rights questions, including alternative approaches for improving the effective enjoyment of human rights and fundamental freedoms
Combating glorification of Nazism, neo-nazism and other practices that contribute to fueling contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance

I tend to agree with you Ch Ry. In my own country I have never, not once had a black person acting towards me in a racist manner, while I am confronted on a daily basis by the most vile anti black racism from my fellow white South Africans.
Ukraine’s Cabinet prepares a $500 per month tax for those who work in Russia
Читать далее:
Human Rights and Double Standards: UN Resolution on Iran Mockery of Justice
Yes, Canada is unequivocally and cravenly behind Israel. These are strange times. Those who are harbingers of terror and atrocity become the emblems of innocence and the downtrodden people of Gaza become terrorists. These remarks by Mr. Harper only relegate him to a very lowly level of humanity and leave no room for his exoneration from complicity in the crimes perpetrated at the hands of the Israeli regime against the Gazans.
Over the past three decades, the MKO has initiated a series of deadly attacks on Iran and the Iranian population and has so far assassinated 12000 Iranians including the nuclear scientists. It is interesting to note that the assassinations of prominent Iranian characters including the politicians and scientists are basically conducted in cahoots with Israeli Kidon, the assassination unit within Mossad.
Washington man spent 19 yrs in jail on fake child molestation charges
‘US waging war against Syria with ISIL’
Police lied. Mike Brown was killed 148 feet away from Darren Wilson's SUV
"For 104 days, the police have lied and said Mike Brown was killed 35 feet away from Darren Wilson's SUV. It was actually 148 feet.
This distance is essential to the defense and how Darren Wilson must demonstrate that he "reasonably feared for his safety." At the point in which Mike Brown ran half a football field away, how reasonable is it for an armed officer to fear anyone?" -
NATO Admits No Proof of Russian Military Incursion Into Ukraine: Envoy
NATO officials admit they have no confirmation that Russian weaponry and military vehicles cross the border and that Russian troops are being amassed along the border with Ukraine, Russia’s envoy to the alliance Alexander Grushko said
Why Does the West Allow the Ukrainian Government to Write the Official Report on the Shoot-Down of MH-17?
One of these two suspects, the Ukrainian Government, was granted by the other three member-states of the official MH-17 ‘investigating’ commission, a veto-power over anything that’s written into that ‘investigating’ report.
Hongkong wird unterstützt – Occupy Wall Street kriminalisiert
Der US-Kongress will ein Gesetz verabschieden, dass die Demonstranten in Hongkong unterstützt. Als allerdings vor drei Jahren die Protestbewegung Occupy Wall Street in den Straßen von New York und anderswo demonstrierte, stimmte derselbe Kongress für ein Gesetz, das „Störungen vor Regierungsgebäuden“ in den USA unter Strafe stellte.
EU is in serious trouble and it’s not Russia’s fault
it’s Orban’s job to look after Hungary, not to bow down before Germany.
Meanwhile, Germany’s trade surplus continued to expand and they were happy to leave the rest of Europe to rot
The Bases of War in the Middle East
With the launch of a new U.S.-led war in Iraq and Syria against the Islamic State (IS), the United States has engaged in aggressive military action in at least 13 countries in the Greater Middle East since 1980. In that time, every American president has invaded, occupied, bombed, or gone to war in at least one country in the region. The total number of invasions, occupations, bombing operations, drone assassination campaigns, and cruise missile attacks easily runs into the dozens.
Super-rich control $30tn of global wealth, or 40 percent of world GDP - study
US Never Intended to Defeat ISIS
"ISIS is considered not a threat - not because the US can manage what they claim is an inherently "anti-Western" terrorist organization - but rather because the US itself created and controls it. Syria and Iran, while not actual threats to the West, are considered instead "threats" to US interests - more specifically - the interests of the corporate-financier elite on Wall Street and their lobbyists in Washington D.C."
AFGHANISTAN: Mein Interview bei RT Deutsch (19.11. - ab 18':15'')
Nato-Truppeneinsatz eine Voll-Pleite! Und voll verlogen: Nato-Einsatz war nie ein "Krieg gegen Terror" - denn dieser Terror ist Washingtons Lieblings-Ziehkind! Es ging immer nur um Öl, Gas und eine geostrategische Truppenpräsenz: Einkreisung China, Iran + Russland etc.
MH17 – A Scandal In The Making
According to Elsevier sources, this (secret) agreement has one condition that ensures all parties within the JIT group (including Ukraine) have the right to secrecy. In other words: if any of the parties finds that certain evidence might be damaging, it is entitled to demand complete secrecy by all JIT members.
Besides the fact that the MH17 plane was Malaysian territory and Malaysia was not even allowed to join the JIT this is an absolute scandal of epic proportions. It shows the JIT investigation for what it is: a corrupt and useless exercise.
‘We ain’t taking no n*ggers here’: Kentucky fire chief refuses to help black family in traffic accident
In Syria, US sides with local jihadists to defeat global ones
Meet Ukraine’s Master Mass-Murderer: Dmitriy Yarosh
He organized and ran Ukraine’s February 22nd coup in Kiev, and the May 2nd Massacre in Odessa
SHOCKING VIDEO: Why do Little Girls Now Want Boyfriends Who Abuse Them?
Where has all Ukraine's gold gone?
Ukraine’s Central Bank chief has divulged some shocking intel: its gold stockpile has reached a new nadir - almost zero. Since the beginning of the year, gold reserves have dropped nearly 16-fold, which begs the question, where did all of it go?
Deputy Energy Minister: Ukraine Will Have No Coal in 30 Days or Less
US Prepares to Sell Warships to Saudi Arabia to Help “Take Down Iran”
Masters was then tased, yanked out of the car and thrown onto the pavement hitting his head on the ground. Another witness captured the end of the encounter on cell phone video, which showed Masters handcuffed and limp body being dragged to the other side of car by the officer and dropped on the ground. The officer then stands with one foot on Masters back as if he just bagged a trophy animal and was posing for a picture.
Ex-Opposition Leader Admits Mistake about Syrian Gov't, Says Assad Fighting Terrorists
 He wrote that the so-called Friends of Syria are actually the enemies of Syria and terrorists are cooperating with them to destroy Syria.

"I have come to the conclusion that the Syrian government is fighting against the terrorists; it is paying salary to its employees in different parts, supplies electricity and do things that show it is thinking of the people," Khatib said.
As the foreign-backed insurgency in Syria continues without an end in sight, the US government has boosted its political and military support to Takfiri extremists.
Ex-Opposition Leader Admits Mistake about Syrian Gov’t, Says Assad Fighting Terrorists