Human Rights Watch: International Armed Conflict Promoter for Soros? - Russia Insider
This morning Human Rights Watch published its World Report 2015 on Ukraine in which it repeats claims from the US and Ukrainian authorities that the Ukrainian...
16-17.12.2014 Ukraine Nachrichten. Der Krieg in der Ukraine
German spy agency collects 220 million phone records a day - report
The BND, Germany’s foreign intelligence agency, gathers 220 million pieces of metadata from foreign phone calls and text messages each day. This data is...
Часть 1 СРОЧНО! Интервью солдата с "БУК" #Анатолий Шарий
Shooting Down MH 17 – BUK 312 Story False Says Ukraine Crew Member
16-17.12.2014 Ukraine Nachrichten. Der Krieg in der Ukraine
Ukraine: MH17 und die Lüge über das BUK-System #312
Ukrainischer Soldat von der BUK Nr. 312 sagt aus - Anatolij Sharij
Zeugenaussage: BUK 312 gehört der Ukraine
"175 people are getting killed in Syria on average every day since 3 years. That's 10 Charlie events every day for the past 3 years. Add Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, Yemen and many, many more countries around the world who die because of the Anglo-Zionists and the Wahhabi."
Was ARD und Spiegel über BUK 312 verschweigen
Eklat in Athen: Griechenland wirft die Troika aus dem Land - Staatsverschuldung
Eklat in Athen: Griechenland arbeitet ab sofort nicht mehr mit der Troika zusammen. Das teilte der neue Finanzminister Yanis Varoufakis heute mit. Dies habe man...
The 4th Media » The Washington Times: Secret Audio Recordings Exposes How Hilary Clinton...
Secret tapes undermine Hillary Clinton on Libyan war: Joint Chiefs, key lawmaker held own talks with Moammar Gadhafi regime
[Gadhafi] came back and said he was willing to step down and permit a transition government, but he had two conditions,” Mr. Kubic said. “First was to insure there was a military force left over after he left Libya capable to go after al Qaeda. Secondly, he wanted to have the sanctions against him and his family and those loyal to him lifted and free passage. At that point in time, everybody thought that was reasonable.”
But not [Hillary Clinton's] State Department.
Θα πάμε την Μέρκελ στο Διεθνές Δικαστήριο της Χάγης
Ο Αλέξης Τσίπρας στην διάρκεια της συνάντησής του με τον Μάρτιν Σουλτς έστειλε στην ουσία μηνύματα στην Γερμανίδα Καγκελάριο Ανγκελα Μέρκελ.
Land Destroyer: Nigeria: Inside Boko Haram (Part 2)
There are many excuses as to why French troops, NATO, US AFRICOM and other European interests are meddling, invading, and occupying Africa, but there is only one real reason...
400 US mercenaries 'deployed on ground' in Ukraine military op
About 400 elite mercenaries from the notorious US private security firm Academi (formerly Blackwater)
Has Blackwater been deployed to Ukraine?
Has Blackwater been deployed to Ukraine? Notorious U.S. mercenaries 'seen on the streets of flashpoint city' as Russia claims 300 hired guns have arrived in country By DAMIEN GAYLE Da...
Paul Craig Roberts – European Empire Now In Danger Of Crumbling
The new Greek government has protested the latest EU denunciation of Russia, saying that the attack on Russia was reported in the media as if the decision was unanimous, whereas in fact, Greece, Slovakia, Hungary and Austria objected. No new sanctions on Russia have been imposed.
The New Greek Foreign Minister Nikos Kotzias said that a provision that would have imposed further sanctions on Russia was removed at Greece’s insistence from the proposals at the meeting. Greece also required that the communique does not directly blame Russia for the conflict in Ukraine.
Teen Walks Into Police Station, Police Say They Were ‘Forced’ To Shoot and Kill Her Minutes Later
A 17-year-old girl walked into the Longview, Texas police station. Then, only minutes later, police say they
BREAKING NEWS! The video was JUST RELEASED of the police shooting of 17-year-old Kristiana Coignard!
The video shows that officers did NOT need to fire on Kristiana, and they in fact antagonized her and escalated the conflict every step of the way!
WATCH the video and SPREAD THE WORD!
Surveillance Video Raises Questions About Police Shooting of 17-Year-Old Girl
A 17-year-old girl walked into the Longview, Texas police station. Then, only minutes later, police say they were "forced" to shoot and kill her, Thursday
January 29th- Ukrainian Commanding General admits there is no Russian invasion of Ukraine.
"There is no Russian regular army in the Donbass" said Ukrainian Colonel-General Viktor Muzhenko.
This statement was reported on Poroshenkos very own Chanel 5 believe it or not. This statement puts a serious dent in the US's narrative that Russia invaded Ukraine. Discerning posters should be fully aware of this fact by now as the Kiev spokesperson (Baghdad Bob) has made the claim over thirty separate occasions in the past year.
Lies lies lies lie lies lies lies lies lies lies
Russia has 9,000 troops in Ukraine, Poroshenko tells Davos forum
DAVOS, Switzerland (Reuters) - Ukrainian President...|By By Dmitry Zhdannikov and Noah Barkin
(The lies from Reuters: "In Brussels, NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg told a news briefing that the Western alliance had monitored Russian troops in Ukraine for several months and seen an increase lately in numbers of tanks, artillery pieces and other heavy equipment." And were is the fucking evidence you retard?Pictures from satellites or drones or any dead "Russian" soldiers or pictures made with mobile phones? And no confirmation from the OSCE?)
<And the Western lies but without ever presenting evidence<
Weekly update from the OSCE Observer Mission at Russian Checkpoints Gukovo and Donetsk based on information as of 10:00 (Moscow time), 21 January 2015
Military movement
At the two BCPs the OM did not observe military movement, apart from vehicles of the Russian Federation border guard service.
OSCE Observers report zero movement of military equipment over the Russian-Ukrainian border. Poroshenko counts 9,000 Russian troops
Ukraine chief of staff ‘thwarts Western allegations’ by admitting no combat with Russian troops
The Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) said it has not registered any movement of military vehicles at the Russia-Ukraine border checkpoints it observes, according to a statement made on January 22.
Police Label Hippy Group Whose Message Is “Peace & Love” ‘Domestic Extremists’
Cops seek DHS grant to deal with 'threat' posed by The Rainbow Family.
Exclusive: Secret tapes undermine Hillary Clinton on Libyan war
Joint Chiefs, key lawmaker held own talks with Moammar Gadhafi regime
<Sooooooo juicy... And so tragic, of course. THIS is the essence of Empire of Chaos: the Pentagon talking directly to Gaddafi behind the back of the Three Harpies - The Hillarator, Rice and Batshit Crazy Samantha. Hillarator should have been sent to The Hague for destroying a country; instead she may be President. Plenty on the Hillarator's Libya adventure in Empire of Chaos. <
Thursday Humor: US Condemned For Pre-Emptive Use Of Hillary Clinton | Zero Hedge
Fact or Fiction... "...under no circumstance is there ever a justification of the pre-emptive deployment if Hillary Clinton anywhere by any country..." "Intelligence reports have indicated that Pakistan is developing its own Hillary Clinton... Anita Alvi - a stiff humorless representative could be…
Saudi Oil and U.S. Hypocrisy
Few events expose the utter hypocrisy of U.S. politicians’ grand words about democracy so starkly as their praise for the recently deceased King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia. For decades U.S. imperiali...
Land Destroyer: ISIS Mercenary Admits Getting Funds from US
Oops, America's trillion dollar NSA surveillance network misses ISIS funds routed through US banks. Another "coincidence" keeping NATO's mercenaries well fed, well armed, and turning the planet upside down.
911 Hijackers Passports were issued by the CIA - US Consulate Whistleblower
Mike Springman- The former head of the American visa...
NATO Constitutes a Threat to Russia's Security. Countering NATO Propaganda on Russia
This article is a follow-up of Professor Vladimir Kozin’s comments on NATO’s Fact Sheet about relations...
Bully Cop Arrests Public Defender for Trying to Protect Her Client’s Constitutional Rights
“If police are able to do this to a deputy public defender in front of her client, I can only imagine what is happening out on the streets.”
noun: tyranny; plural noun: tyrannies
cruel and oppressive government or rule.
"refugees fleeing tyranny and oppression"
synonyms: despotism, absolutism, absolute power, autocracy, dictatorship, undemocratic rule, reign of terror, totalitarianism, Fascism; More
oppression, suppression, repression, subjugation, enslavement;
authoritarianism, high-handedness, imperiousness, bullying, harshness, strictness, severity, cruelty, brutality, ruthlessness, injustice, unjustness
antonyms: democracy, liberality
a state under cruel and oppressive government.
cruel, unreasonable, or arbitrary use of power or control.
"the tyranny of her stepmother"
US Army Lt Colonel Confirms US Troops in Ukraine Since September 2014
"There is no Russian regular army in the Donbass" said Ukrainian Colonel-General Viktor Muzhenko.
This statement was reported on Poroshenkos very own Chanel 5 believe it or not. This statement puts a serious dent in the US's narrative that Russia invaded Ukraine. Discerning posters should be fully aware of this fact by now as the Kiev spokesperson (Baghdad Bob) has made the claim over thirty separate occasions in the past year.
'Get out of here, you low-life scum': McCain boots activists from Senate hearing
<200264 2 muzhenko (Low)>saved<
Ukrainischer Generalstabschef Viktor Muschenko: Keine regulären russischen Truppen in der Ukraine
“Der Generalstab der ukrainischen Streitkräfte in Kiew hat am Donnerstag eingestanden, dass keine regulären Truppen Russlands am militärischen Konflikt im Osten der Ukraine beteiligt sind. Zuvor hatten ukrainische und westliche Politiker Russland mehrmals beschuldigt, mit Truppen in der Ost-Ukraine einmarschiert zu sein.
NATO Expansion
There is an aggressor. A constant threat to peace and stability throughout the globe. It invades and occupies nations around the world. Sows political subversion and division amongst peoples.
It is NATO. And it must be stopped... Investigation Details Israel’s Deliberate Killing of Civilians in Gaza
A new independent medical fact-finding mission in Gaza has detailed Israel’s deliberate killing of Palestinian civilians in its summer 2014 attack, codenamed...
Paul Craig Roberts – Putin’s Ultimate Move To Crush The EU And NATO
Kiev Regime Confirms that Russian Invasion of Ukraine is a Hoax!
Throughout this conflict every once in a while Ukrainian government officials have come clean about the Russian invasion of Ukraine. To the chagrin of the Obama...
Can Gold and the US Dollar Continue to Rise in Tandem? For How Long?
Can the dollar and gold continue to rise in tandem for long? The last three months have seen a very peculiar dollar/gold anomaly. Since mid November, gold (and...
The Functioning of the Russian Central Bank. The Ruble and the US Dollar
The Central Bank of the Russian Federation does not have to support the Russian economy. There is no paragraph in the Constitution of the Russian Federation...
Russia increases gold purchases by 123%
The Central Bank of Russia bought a record amount of gold in the first 11 months of 2014 spending an estimated $6.1 billion. Increasing gold reserves attempts to reduce dependence on the dollar amid geopolitical tension, Mark O’Byrne of...
Supreme Court Rules that Cops DO NOT Need a Warrant to Search Your Home
In another devastating blow to freedom, the Supreme Court ruled Tuesday that police don't need a warrant to search your property. As long as two occupants...
Poison DUst: Health Consequences of Depleted Uranium Home and Abroad [Full Film]
Beyond Treason (Depleted Uranium US-WMD Iraq War Veterans Dying 2005).divx2
Cooperation With Russia Will Help Greece Escape Western Domination
Russia warns Bosnia and Herzegovina against ammunition supplies to Kiev
Such a step will not contribute to the peaceful settlement in the region, Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman Alexander Lukashevich said
EU-Versuch der Verschärfung antirussischer Sanktionen scheitert an Griechenland und Österreich
Multiple deaths after shelling of humanitarian aid center, bus stop in Donetsk, E.Ukraine
At least 12 civilians have been killed in a rocket attack on the Ukrainian city of Donetsk, a local news agency reported, citing Donetsk People's Republic's (DPR)...
U.S. Admits It Spent 5 Billion to Overthrow Ukraine
Nuland said the United States will continue to “promote Ukraine to the future it deserves.”
Big, Buff and Bad: Police on Steroids
Matthew, who asked that his name be changed for this article, had experimented with steroids in college. But it wasn't until an enraged criminal swung a crowbar at his fellow officer that he knew he had to buff up on the job. A six-year veteran of a Pennsylvania police force patrolling an area...
Police corruption linked to steroids
Dozens of police officers are being investigated over their use of anabolic steroids supplied by criminals in gyms,...
Israel Threatens War Following Clashes with Hezbollah
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu threatened war in Lebanon and Syria on Wednesday, saying that Israel is prepared to act “on all fronts” following an attack that killed two Israeli Defense...
In my considered opinion, the most dangerous people in life are those who abdicate ANY moral interest or feelings of responsibility for anything outside of their own little family. Those who do and say nothing, who have no views and opinions, who have no interest in exploring or questioning the MSM. An unengaged citizenry are pawns of the New World Order.
<I call them zombies>
Greece Changed Climate of Cold War With Russia at EU Foreign Council
According to a source in the Greek government, Greece and the other countries prevented climate of the Cold War in favor of the introduction of new sanctions...
EU wins Greek backing to extend Russia sanctions, delays decision on new steps
BRUSSELS/KIEV (Reuters) - European Union foreign...
Kiev Announces Russian Invasion of Ukraine a Hoax!
Earlier in the day Ukrainian Military spokesman Lusenko said he was worried if a provocation happened Russia would justify bringing in the Russian army.
This was perfectly in line with General Muzenko's statements which fully destroy western propaganda and agree the Russian invasion of Ukraine was a hoax.
Russia might bailout Greece – finance minister
Leftists propose free land for poor and distinguished Russians
Hacker decken auf: US-Waffenlieferung und hohe Summen auf Privatkonten Kiewer-Militärs
Der ukrainischen Organisation CyberBerkut ist es nach eigenen Angaben gelungen, vertrauliche US-Unterlagen zu hacken. Aus denen geht hervor, dass die USA,...
New video shows white Seattle cop arresting 70yo black veteran for carrying golf club
The Seattle Police Department is reviewing the conduct of an officer after he arrested an elderly black man who was using a golf club as a cane. Posting...
Mariupol Attack is a War Crime: The Evidence points to Kiev
'We won't give GITMO back': White House reacts to Castro's requests
The United States will not relinquish its military base at Guantanamo Bay, or lift other embargoes aimed at Havana at this time, the White House said, despite...
During a scheduled briefing on Thursday, the White House press secretary said that US President Barack Obama will not be heeding the requests recently made by his Cuban counterpart in the wake of a resetting of relations between the two nations.
Borg Documentary 1 of 3
Being Borg is fun!
<Генштаб Украины: не ведется боевых действий с российской армией>saved>
"There is no Russian regular army in the Donbass" said Ukrainian Colonel-General Viktor Muzhenko.
google translate:General Staff of Ukraine not been fighting with the Russian army
January 29th- Ukrainian Commanding General admits there is no Russian invasion of Ukraine.
"There is no Russian regular army in the Donbass" said Ukrainian Colonel-General Viktor Muzhenko.
This statement was reported on Poroshenkos very own Chanel 5 believe it or not. This statement puts a serious dent in the US's narrative that Russia invaded Ukraine. Discerning posters should be fully aware of this fact by now as the Kiev spokesperson (Baghdad Bob) has made the claim over thirty separate occasions in the past year.
2 links to Poroshenkos Chanel 5 :
The Spartans, whose red cloaks and military prowess struck fear into the hearts of both foreign invaders and Greek opponents in the city-states, are no more. Athens itself is a ruin of its historical self. The Greeks, who were once to be contended with, who were able with 300 Spartans, supplemented with a few thousand Corinthians, Thebans, and other warriors, to stop a one hundred thousand man Persian army at Thermopylae, with the final outcome being the defeat of the Persian fleet in the Battle of Salamis and the defeat of the Persian army in the Battle of Plataea, are no more
Greece, stripped of its independence by its EU membership and acceptance of the euro as its currency, has lost is sovereignty. Without control over its own money, Greece cannot finance itself. Greece must rely on private banks from other countries. In the 21st century European private banks are not allowed to lose money simply because they are incompetent and over-lent to EU member countries. This is not considered to be the fault of the banks, but of the borrower governments and populations
Paul Craig Roberts – EU And Banksters Threaten: “Defy Us And We Will Destroy You”
As the West stares into the great abyss and the world prepares for even greater economic turmoil, today Dr. Paul Craig Roberts warned King World News that the EU and banksters are now threatening: "Defy us and we will destroy you." This is an ominous warning from the former U.S. Treasury official as the world prepares to descend into total chaos.
Children given lifelong ban on talking about fracking
Two Pennsylvanian children will live their lives under a gag order imposed under a $750,000 settlement
Taliban not a terrorist group? White House official says it’s ‘armed insurgency’
You Could Soon Go To Jail for Protecting Yourself from Bullets: Congress Proposes Body Armor Ban
Do your part to maintain America's "freedom." Let bullets penetrate your body or go directly to jail!
This is why Ukraine's government is losing the war --
On January 27th, Ukraine's Ministry of Defense headlined "Militants Continue to Suffer Losses," and reported that four helicopters, and other weapons of the "militants," were destroyed in battle, but no evidence was given to support the...
Haters |S2E75|
Cold War 2.0: Countering NATO Propaganda against Russia
In December 2014 NATO released a factsheet on NATO-Russia relations covering more than 30 issues.
UK fighter jets scrambled to intercept Russian bombers
Two Russian Bear long-range bombers flying close to UK airspace were intercepted by RAF Typhoon fighter jets, according to Britain's Ministry of Defence (MoD).
<Cameron should know that if Nato gets too close to the Russian borders, then Russian long range bombers will get very close to UK borders.<Apparently the TU-95 strategic bombers disrupted civil aviation flight in their mission but Nato organizing military exercises at Russia's borders are not disrupting.<
White House Claims The Taliban Isn’t a Terrorist Group
The White House has a habit of underestimating radical Islamic groups. In Wednesday’s White House
Taliban not a terrorist group: White House
White House deputy press secretary Eric Schultz argued during Wednesday’s briefing that the United
‘You Don’t Think the Taliban Is a Terrorist Group?’ Listen Closely to White House Spokesman’s Answer
A White House spokesman had a difficult time answering whether the Taliban was a terrorist
How the US Funds the Taliban
On October 29, 2001, while the Taliban's rule over Afghanistan was under assault, the regime's...
Is the Taliban a Terrorist Group? Yes, One Created by the U.S.
Taliban originally part of “energy security” policy in Afghanistan
Greece Says EU Should Change Policy Towards Russia
Greece claims EU policy towards Russia based only on a historical "distrust" of particular countries towards Moscow.
EU to tighten noose on Russia, expected to extend sanctions
Russia launched a 'SWIFT alternative' in December.
The Foreign ministers are likely to leave the final decision on widening the sanctions to national leaders who will meet at a follow-up summit on February 12.
Russia has vowed to respond economically to any further sanctions, and on Monday Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev warned the response could be “unlimited.”
Foreign Minister Says Finland Ready to Impose New Sanctions on Russia
OSZE-Mission bestätigt - Ukrainer wollen nicht mehr kämpfen
Die vierte Welle der Mobilisierung in der Ukraine erweist sich als äusserst schwer. Dies hat der Polizeichef der Stadt Kriwoj Rog in der Region Dnipropetrovsk zugeben müssen. Einige relevante Daten sind in einem neuen Bericht der OSZE-Beobachtermission in der Ukraine enthalten.
Donbass: Journalist Graham Phillips.."DAS IST NICHT...
Suspend EU-Israel treaty, urge dozens of MEPs
A group of 63, cross-party MEPs have urged EU foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini to suspend the EU-Israel Association Agreement.The Agreement is the main treaty between the EU and Israel that has facilitated trade since 2000, and...
IMF to Ukraine: End War or Face Aid Cut-Off - Russia Insider
Christine Lagarde, the head of the IMF, gave an interview to the French newspaper Le Monde on 24th January 2015 that has attracted little attention but which...
Christine Lagarde, the head of the IMF, gave an interview to the French newspaper Le Monde on 24th January 2015 that has attracted little attention but which threatens to knock the final nail into Ukraine’s debt coffin.
Ukraine’s leaders now face a choice. Either they press on with the war, in which case default looks inevitable, or they negotiate.
The recent comments from Putin and Lagarde show that both the Russians and the IMF are losing patience with this game Ukraine’s leaders have been playing. If the Ukrainians persist with it, unless there is a complete change of heart on the part of the IMF, default looks inevitable.
Covert CIA Mission to Arm Syrian Rebels Goes Awry
Plagued by red tape, skimpy supplies and the defection...
“CIA officers refused support to rebels who wanted 2 fight al Nusra rather than Assad regime.”
Footage Shows Syrian Army Ambushing, Killing Dozens of Nusra Terrorists in Daraa
Exclusive: Obama Cuts Funds for the Syrian Rebels He Claims to Support
Even the favored secular militias groomed to fight ISIS...
European anti-terror plan wants 42 pieces of data from air travelers
Air Cocaine: Al-Qaeda Ally with Colombia's Drug Cartels to Smuggle Drugs into Europe
New drug route from Colombia to Africa's Sahel means jihadists are profiting from cocaine consumption in Europe
In Syria US allies are Al-Qaeda's allies
CDU droht griechischem Regierungschef Tsipras mit EU-Rausschmiss bei pro-russischer Haltung
Karl-Georg Wellmann, CDU-Bundestagsabgeordneter und Vorsitzender der deutsch-ukrainischen Parlamentarier-Gruppe, hat den neuen griechischen...
"If you choose to do nothing, you are part of the problem."
When I tell Americans that, they shrug their shoulders and walk away.
“The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing.”~ Albert Einstein
Jesse Ventura: American Sniper’s Chris Kyle Is a ‘Liar,’ Not a ‘Hero’
Former Minnesota Governor Jesse Ventura, who successfully sued Navy SEAL Chris Kyle's estate and was awarded $1.8 million for defamation last year, is...
I laugh at those that say those people were selected from many with a different opinion to make all Americans look like a bunch of really scared idiots, out of touch with reality. Based on my personal experiences over 60+ years as a American citizen living in the U.S., I can count on one hand those that really knew what was going on and rejected the destruction of their rights.
How to Change Your Life for Good - The Eyeopener
The Deen Show Jewish Rabbi speaking the truth
Islamic State operative confesses to receiving funding through US - report
Cuba urges US to end economic blockade, return Guantanamo
Cuban leader Raul Castro has called on the US to end the economic embargo against the country and demanded that Guantanamo Bay be returned to Cuba as...
Online army: Ukraine seeks to recruit bloggers for ‘truth-telling’ crusade
Fake church set up in Australia to evade vaccination for children
New “no jab, no play” childcare laws introduced in two Australian states have prompted a controversial anti-vaccination group to create a “church” of its own...
Western Reports out of Ukraine Are Outright Lies - Russia Insider
This article originally appeared at Gray FalconAlexander Mercouris has an interesting article on Russia Insider today, pointing out that the Western media...
Foreign intervention ‘100 times more likely’ in oil-rich states – study
Cutting-edge research from British universities has confirmed a belief long held by conspiracy theorists, realists and hawkish neoconservatives alike: oil drives foreign intervention and war.
Foreign governments are 100 times more likely to intervene in civil wars if the troubled state is home to hydrocarbon reserves, according to a new report by academics from the universities of Warwick, Portsmouth and Essex.
Chris Hedges: 'American Sniper' Caters to a Deep Sickness Rippling Through...
Charlie Hebdo ~ Mutter von Fredou wird Autopsiebericht verweigert - 27. Jan
Fredou = der erste Ermittler vor Ort, der "Verselbstmordete"
Reading the US reviews of American Sniper is a good way to remind ourselves not only of the critical role Hollywood plays in popularising lies about the West’s recent history and in sanitising our crimes, but also of the vital role the mainstream media play in giving these simplistic and duplicitous fables an aura of ethical complexity and intellectual respectability.
I'm in awe as the EU pretends to care about Nazi victims of days past, all while fully behind the creation of new Nazi victims in neighboring Ukraine in its bid to push Western Europe's hegemony onto the doorstep of Moscow - you know - like Adolf Hitler's Third Reich did.
The hypocrisy and injustice is beyond description.
Anti-tank missile strikes IDF vehicle on Lebanon-Israel border
The statement says the attack was carried out by a group calling itself the “heroic martyrs of Quneitra.” Quneitra is a district in the Golan Heights. The name of the group suggests the attack was in retaliation for the January 18 airstrike by Israel on the Golan Heights, which killed six Lebanese Hezbollah fighters along with a senior Iranian general.
Anti-tank missile strikes IDF vehicle on Lebanon-Israel border
An anti-tank missile has struck an Israeli Defense Forces vehicle in the Har Dov area near the Lebanese border, Israeli media report.
Charlie Hebdo bombshell! Suicided officer’s family denied access to autopsy
by Hicham Hamza, translated by Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor 1/25/2015 8:48 pm Paris time The mother of Helric Fredou, “suicided” Charlie Hebdo investigator Exclusive! Panamza has contacted the mother of Helric Fredou – the Police Commissioner charged with preparing a report on the family bac…
English speaking soldiers in Ukraine and 20 other things you should know – Video
New Greek govt furious over EU 'unequivocal' anti-Russia statement
The new Greek government has spoken out against the EU partners over the statement that lays the blame for Saturday’s fatal attack on the Ukrainian city of...
<EU statement says that all 28 EU leaders had agreed that Russia bears “responsibility” for a rocket attack on the city of Mariupol that left 30 people dead on Saturday.>
Time to grab guns and kill damn Russians: Tymoshenko tape leak
Syrian Air Force Strikes Joint Meeting of US Sponsored Terrorist Leaders in Damascus Countryside
The army airstrike targeted a gathering of Al-Nusra Front and Ahrar Al-Sham commanders in Mazaya district in the town of Zabadani in Damascus countryside....
Assad: Al-Qaeda Has an Air Force - the Israeli Air Force
Syrian President accuses the IDF of conspiring with the Al-Qaeda terrorist group.
“Israel is directly supporting the terrorist groups in two ways,” he claimed. “Firstly it gives them logistical support, and it also tells them what sites to attack and how to attack them."
Turkish military says MIT shipped weapons to al-Qaeda - Al-Monitor: the Pulse of the Middle East
New documents have been leaked online, prompting the government to immediatey ban reporting on the
US cultivated, financed ISIS - FBI whistleblower, Sibel Edmonds
Sibel explains the marketing strategy behind ISIS for perpetual war and much more. U.S. wants to revive
Are Israel, Jabhat al-Nusra coordinating on attacks in Syria? - Al-Monitor: the...
Israel Launches Artillery Strikes Into Syria, Downs Syrian Jet
The “exchange” comes only a week after an illegal Israeli military air assault inside Syria that resulted in the deaths of top Iranian and Hezbollah commanders who were in the country for the purposes of advising anti-ISIS forces as well as investigating the coordination taking place between ISIS, al-Qaeda, and Israel.
Handcuffs, Leg Shackles and Tasers: The New Face of Punishment in the Public Schools
Roughly 1500 kids are tied up or locked down every day by school officials in the United States.
Breaking: Israeli Air Force launches air raids over the Golan
The tumultuous sound of rocket sirens roar throughout the Israeli-controlled Golan Heights, as the Israeli Air Force (IAF) launches an attack on the Syrian
Rewriting history? Polish FM says Ukrainians liberated Auschwitz, Russia puzzled
The fact of the matter is that it was the Soviet Red Army which liberated that appalling camp Auschwitz...” he said. “Yet now in 2015 we are rewriting history to write out the role of the Red army liberating Auschwitz for political purposes.”
Putin: Ukraine Army is NATO Legion aimed at Restraining Russia
The Ukrainian army is essentially a ‘NATO legion’ which doesn’t pursue the national interests of Ukraine, but persists to restrict Russia, President Vladimir Putin says. “We often say: Ukrainian Ar...
Russia hasn't harmed one Ukranian soldier so far in this conflict, they are not at war with Ukraine, despite the western media complain, the last batch of Ukranians that went over, were given medical treatment, Fed and clothed and then given the choice wether they wanted to be repatriated. None of this can be reported in the western press because it would break the lie they are feeding the western sheeple.
Russland: Ramsch-Rating kam "auf direkten Befehl aus Washington"
Die russische Regierung hat mit Empörung auf die Herabstufung der Kreditwürdigkeit des Landes
Experte: Ukrainisches Parlament steuert auf großen Krieg zu / Sputnik Deutschland - Nachrichten,...
Der jüngste Appell des ukrainischen Parlaments, Russland als einen „Aggressorstaat“ einzustufen, resultiert aus dem Wunsch der Kiewer Behörden,...
<Es geht bald los, die FREAK-JUNTA will den GROSSEN KRIEG!
„Beschluss der Rada wurde unter Einfluss von US-Strategen
gefasst ..Es handelt sich um die Entfesselung eines offenen
Krieges gegen Russland. Dabei ist die Ukraine bereit, die
Verpflichtungen einer kriegführenden Seite zu übernehmen."<
UAF storm Donetsk Airport and get their asses handed to them by NAF. FULL VERSION [Warning: Graphic]
Silence is consent
The legal word for it is--acquiescence. It means that you have given the government your concent by being silent. At least the government insidiously construes it as such. When dealing with government, it is prudent to firmly state--Objection! And say--no--I do not agree. Furthermore, it is essential to place it in writing, or they will steal your concent via deception. They call it--acquiescence. How convenient.
Die korrupte Klientelpolitik der Oligarchen in Griechenland 28.01.2015 - Bananenrepublik
When It Comes To Marijuana, North Korea Appears To Have Liberal Policy Of Tolerance
Blitzkrieg turned mayhem: Hacktivists claim they reveal Ukrainian troops’ annihilation
Ukraine's subversive hacker group CyberBerkut has published documents allegedly exposing dreadful situation with the Kiev's troops attacking separatist forces in the East: war crimes, tremendous loss of lives and wholesale desertion of entrapped troops.
War Is Going Badly for Kiev. Which Makes It All the More Dangerous - Russia Insider
The Saker is our regular contributor. A version of this article also appeared at The Vineyard of the SakerI have been trying to wait as long as possible to get some...
MUST WATCH: This was the year before MAIDAN – ENG SUBS
<basically he says, that the information he obtained from reliable sources indicates that on the territory of Ukraine and with support of US embassy is ongoing preparation for civil war. Training camps for information war and protests which are targeting regime change are already in place. Similar project were realized in Tunisia, Egypt, Syria and Libya.>
Kiev used barrier squads to prevent troops from retreating – E. Ukraine militia
The Ukraine conflict began last April when Kiev launched a military operation in the southeastern Donetsk and Lugansk regions, after they refused to recognize the country’s new, coup-imposed authorities.
Grandma's Skull Fractured by Cop, Cop Claims She Caused Herself to Fracture Her Skull by 'Defiance'
Yeah, like this poor grandmother is going to just fracture her skull all by herself, you damned liar.
Putin Says Russian People Made Biggest Sacrifice in Fight Against Nazism
Dirk Müller und Heiner Flassbeck zur Wirtschaft und Politik 25.01.2015 - Bananenrepublik
Syria: The Battle for Aleppo
With Aleppo encircled, West seeks wildcard to save their terror hordes
NATO's "Foreign Legions" Operating in East Ukraine. Vladimir Putin
Excerpts from transcript of meeting with students at the Mining University Highlights Regrettably, the government in Kiev has refused to take the road of a peaceful...
"We often speak of the ‘Ukrainian army’, but who is doing the fighting there in reality? Yes, in part it is official armed forces units, but a substantial part of those doing the fighting come from the so-called volunteer nationalist battalions. Essentially, this is not an army but is a foreign legion, in this particular case, a NATO foreign legion, which is not pursuing Ukraine’s national interests of course. They have completely different goals, related to achieving their geopolitical aim of containing Russia, and this is absolutely not in the Ukrainian people’s national interests.""
'No coincidence in Kiev offensive and visit of US officials'
Kiev authorities and Ukrainian army are indeed representing the interests of the NATO powers, while the military operations are being orchestrated and...
Christianity and Islam : Papers by Sam Shamoun
Many more articles by Sam Shamoun are found in the section of Rebuttals to Muslim Polemics answering various Muslim writers and speakers whose material is found on the internet.
Israel obviously supporting terrorists in Syria: Assad
March of the Hypocrites – and they’ll soon be marching off to war
“Which group are you linked to and do you have an Emir?
Coulibaly: ‘I am pledging my allegiance to the Caliph of the Muslims, Abu Bakr al Baghdadi. I have made a declaration of allegiance to the Caliph and the declaration of a Caliphate.’”
There’s something more than a little counterintuitive about McCain’s call for a no-fly zone: after all, ISIS doesn’t have an air force, while the most effective counterweight to them – the Syrian government – does indeed. If McCain’s concern is ISIS, then why go after Bashar al-Assad? And as for arming the Syrian Free Army: those arms are more than likely to show up in the hands of ISIS. As Debka File reports:
“The Syrian rebel militia Al Yarmouk Shuhada Brigades, backed and trained for two years by US officers, mostly CIA experts, in Jordan, and supported by the Israeli army, has abruptly dumped these sponsors and joined up with the Islamic State in Iraq.”
Putin calls the Kievan army "a foreign legion of NATO"
Breaking: DPR and LPR forces join and shut the Debaltsevo cauldron, surrounding 7,500 Ukrainian troops
Hillary Clinton Mocks Putin, Gladly Accepts $500K in Jewels from Head-Chopping Saudi Dictator -...
Hillary Clinton is a comedic genius. Just listen to her "impersonate" Vladimir Putin. Do you hear that husky, not-at-all-Russian voice? It's like she NSA wire-tapped...
Is Barack Obama Actually Trying To Help ISIS Take Over Syria? | TheSleuthJournal
That headline sounds crazy, right? It must be untrue, right? Well, read on, because you might be absolutely shocked by what you learn. As you will read about below,...
Noam Chomsky Destroys ‘American Sniper’ As State Propaganda, Calls Out Obama As Terrorist
The dire consequences of meddling in Libya
The dire consequences of meddling in Libya by: Con Coughlin Libya has come a long way – and not at all for the good – since David Cameron proclaimed that the successful campaign to overthrow Colone...
Yury Rubtsov - Liberation of Auschwitz – Heroic Deed of Red Army - Strategic Culture Foundation...
Yury Rubtsov - Liberation of Auschwitz – Heroic Deed of Red Army - Strategic Culture Foundation - on-line journal. Eastern Europe. Germany. Poland. Russia....
Interview mit der politischen Publizistin Evelin Piètza
Seit 20 Jahren beschäftigt sich Evelin mit dem Thema Politik. Sie ist der Meinung, dass in er Ukraine ein stellvertretender Krieg durchgeführt wird. Welche F...
Noam Chomsky: ‘American Sniper’ teaches you to hate the ‘damn savages’ the US murders every day
Famed linguist and political commentator Noam Chomsky took some time during a Cambridge, Massachusetts event hosted by The Baffler to discuss the film...
It Is Time For Iran To Tell The West ‘Goodbye’ - Paul Craig Roberts > -...
. Iran. US. Strategic Culture Foundation
The human trafficking mafia is back in business in Benghazi, Libya.
Mariupol spotter ‘confession’ another fake by Kiev – Russian Defense Ministry
Israeli Fighter Jets Perform Mock Air Raids In Gaza Sky
Israeli occupation jets on Sunday morning fired mock raids over Gaza City. According to press sources, Israeli F-16 warplanes flew in the atmosphere of the sector in the early morning, and at low l...
Mayor Calls 911 To Report A Robbery, Police Show Up, Beat and Arrest Her
"They threw me down, punched me in my head, then punched me in my face," describes the mayor. The entire incident was caught on film.
WATCH: Chomsky Blasts 'American Sniper' and the Media that Glorifies It
The famed professor draw a disturbing parallel between "Sniper" and our "global assassination program."
Is Kissing a "State Sponsor of Terrorism" a "Terrorist Act"?
There are now "'good guy terrorists" and "bad guy terrorists". John Kerry concurs: financial aid to Syria's Al Nusra, an affiliate of Al Qaeda is part of NATO's "Responsibility to Protect" manda...
3 Reasons Intelligent, Rational Americans Don’t Trust Police
Despite near-daily summary executions of unarmed people, assaults and malicious arrests by U.S. police, Americans still love their cops The OP-NAT EYEArticle...
Ein US-Soldat in Mariupol zufällig entdeckt durch ukrainische Journalistin
Western corporate media was mum about the Ukrainian army daily shelling Donetsk and other Donbass residential areas during all the seven months of the so called cease-fire.
Yesterday all of a sudden all the media reported the shelling of Mariupol. The blame game against Russia started immediately.
Now it turns out, that also this atrocity was committed by the Ukrainian army. Of course 'our' media won't correct their disinformation.
Did they correct their 'reports' about #MH17? Nope, not a word.
As inequality soars, the nervous super rich are already planning their escapes
Hedge fund managers are preparing getaways by buying airstrips and farms in remote areas, former hedge fund partner tells Davos during session on inequality,...
Russische Panzer und Kaugummi-Eklat bei Flegel Obamas Indien-Besuch / 26.1.2015
Barack Obama hat am Montag die Militärparade in Neu-Delhi besucht. Er sah dort Panzer und Kampfjets aus russischer Produktion. Die USA und Russland ringen...
WikiLeaks ‘astonished and disturbed’: Google gave its major staff data to US govt
The whistleblowing website has learned that Google handed over to US authorities the digital correspondence and other data from three of its employees on...
Russia develops heavy drone, promises S500 missile system by 2017
The Russian military is putting the finishing touches to its very own heavy military UAV. The drone is part of a wider modernization effort, with the cutting-edge...
Putin: Ukrainian army a NATO legion meant to restrain Russia
The Ukrainian army is essentially a ‘NATO legion’ which doesn’t pursue the national interests of Ukraine, but persists to restrict Russia, President Vladimir Putin says.
17th year reporting on civil liberties in the European Union
7 shocking facts about Saudi Arabia under ‘modernizing’ reign of King Abdullah
Results for: Sovereign debt
Sovereign debt and the crisis in the Eurozone - Part 4 of 4
How to reduce the Greek debt burden?
- There are options to reduce the net present value of Greek public debt servicing costs by more than 15 percent of GDP without incurring losses on creditors
Harmonised long-term interest rates for convergence assessment purposes
Yllättävä arvio USA:sta: Ukrainan kriisi on lännen syytä
Chicagon yliopiston politiikan professori John J. Mearsheimer sanoo, että Ukrainan kriisin syypäitä ovat länsimaat eikä Venäjä.
Facebook Will Remove “Unverified” Fake News From Newsfeeds
If cops and government officials are above the law and we are not, what does that make us? Slaves?
Signs That Russia Has Tired of Waiting for West to Restrain Kiev - Russia Insider
There have been many important days in the Ukrainian conflict but it is possible 23rd January 2015 may turn out to be a key day. Consider what happened:The...
Me, Myself and Medien #4 - Sharia Hebdo und die Ukraine im deutschen TV
Charlie Hebdo False Flag - Terrormanagement? Hat der noch alle Tassen im Schrank?!
Anschlag in Paris - Terrormanegement der Regierung(en)? Für jemanden, der sich mit den Themen nur flüchtig auseinandersetzt, klingt das völlig absurd. Deshalb...
Update: ‘Conning the Public’: Scientists Accuse NASA/NOAA of ‘Misleading’, ‘Deception’ & ‘Lying’ About ‘Hottest Year’ Claim – Concede 2014 probably not ‘hottest year’
Interview 992 – Tim Ball on Geography, Politics and Cognition
ARD: Verständnis für den Extremisten Jazenjuk
Der Faschismus ist die Macht des Finanzkapitals selbst.
Haß gegen die anderen Völker kultiviert.
Maßnahmen, die die demokratischen Freiheiten der Werktätigen unterdrücken, die Rechte des Parlaments fälschen und beschneiden, …
88 Russian journalists expelled from Ukraine - adviser to Ukraine’s Security Council chief
“Eighty-eight such (propagandists) have been expelled from Ukraine as of today,” Markiyan Lubkovsky, an adviser to the Ukrainian Security Council’s chief told the...
<In Paris Poro$h walked in the march to defend the rights of Charlie, in Ukraine he prefers censorship. Makes you wonder what he has to hide ...<
Obama Has Sentenced Whistleblowers to 25 Times the Jail Time of All Prior U.S. Presidents...
Related(?): Western Politicians and Media Rush To Issue Tributes To King That Led The World In Beheadings, Whipped Bloggers For Criticism & Banned Women...
3,000 "Moderate Rebels" Defect to the Islamic State (ISIS). US Preparing 5,000 More
Reported along the peripheries of the Western media, it was reported recently that some 3,000 so-called
"Al Qaeda R Us": John McCain’s "Moderate Rebels" in Syria are ISIS
Poor John McCain and Lindsey Graham, Washington’s original first couple. They only want to arm the ‘moderate opposition’ in Syria. Three years on, how come...
'Not acceptable': Nabeel Rajab slams US media head for listing RT with terror groups
Whether you agree with RT or not, it is “not acceptable” to equate the channel with terror groups, prominent Bahraini activist Nabeel Rajab said, referring to a...
<The American government is terrified of the truth and is scared like hell when it's lies and war crimes are exposed by RT. From the point of view of war criminals and terrorists, the truth is terrorism ( to the terrorists ).>
Putin: People who give orders bear resposibility for victims of Ukraine conflict
Russian President Vladimir Putin said orders to kill people are given amid propaganda slogans about desire for peace
A Key Day In The Ukrainian Conflict? : Information Clearing House - ICH
In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is distributed without profit to those who...
Volker Pispers: Der Kampf gegen den Terrorismus IRAK | IRAN | Taliban | ISIS | IS - Bananenrepublik
Max Uthoff - Poroschenko schlachtet das eigene Volk ab und deutsche Medien sind auf Drogen
''If American Sniper wins one Oscar, never mind the six it’s been nominated for, when this annual extravaganza of movie pomp and ceremony unfolds in Hollywood on February 22, it will not only represent an endorsement of US exceptionalism, but worse it will be an insult to the Iraqi people. In the movie they are depicted as a dehumanized mass of savages – occupying the same role as the Indians in John Wayne Western movies of old – responsible for their own suffering and the devastation of their country, which the white man is in the process of civilizing.''
The worst warmongering, people hating hypocrites attend church.
Everything in the U.S. is about portraying a positive impression.
Scratch the surface and you'll find nothing but fake and plastic people going through the motions to project a image they are not.
Outdoing Dr. Goebbels: The propaganda war against RT
Propaganda. At its best – a wonderful German pop group of the 1980s who had their biggest hit with a track named ‘Duel’. At its worst – the comments of the new BBG chief Andrew Lack, which put RT in the same category of ‘challenges’ as ISIS.
<It's not working for them and that's why they are throwing a tantrum. More and more people are reading RT. If they continue to provide good alternative news, they have nothing to worry about.<
The Globalization of War and the Global Economic Crisis. Is there a Relationship?
Global Research is launching a new book entitled: The Globalization of War America's "Long War"...
[eng subs] Assault on the New Terminal combat footage 16-18 January "Donbas under fire" documentary
The Vineyard of the Saker
Radicals stage disorder at May Odessa massacre trial in southern Ukraine
The attackers were crying out “Glory to Ukraine” and “Glory to Heroes”
Spot The Difference? The Islamic State (ISIS) versus Saudi Arabia
One is a terrorist organization supported covertly by Western intelligence, the other is America's most revered, oil-exporting ally... Both are instruments of...
US-Cuba thaw opens door to 'American Trojan horse' (Op-Edge)
Last month, Washington surprised the world when it lifted sanctions against Cuba. Political analyst Daniel Shaw believes the US strategy is unchanged and this is...
Dozens of children homeless after Israel illegally demolished Palestinian houses - UN
The United Nations has condemned Israel for illegally demolishing houses of Palestinians in East Jerusalem, leaving 77 people, over half of whom are children,...
In 2014 the Israeli authorities destroyed 590 Palestinian-owned structures in Area C and east Jerusalem, displacing 1,177 people.
Senior CIA Operations Officer 1982 - 2004
9/11: Blueprint for Truth–Richard Gage, AIA–2014 Canada tour–Victoria, BC - 3/15/14
Keiser Report: Markets Mind Carnage (E710)
<after 21:50>
Американский наёмник в Мариуполе после обстрела 24/01/15
Heute, Russische Sendung per reine Zufall hat erwischt in Mariupol amerikanische Söldner !!!!
Shell Shock: Mariupol residential area devastated
ENG SUBS Mariupol resident: Ukrainians shell us/Мариуполь после обстрела 24 01 2015
Poroshenkos Held ist Stepan Bandera
Brainstorming Washington Style: Everything is Russia’s Fault
For Brzezinski, Pifer, and Talbott, American and NATO troops are free to move anywhere in Europe without repercussions, but it is Russia which is exerting...
RT cleared over coverage of MH17 crash reporting after complaints to Ofcom
The UK’s media regulator has assessed whether RT’s coverage of the MH17 plane crash was biased following several viewer complaints, and hasn’t found any...
Reflections on MH17
The tragedy of MH17 in which 298 people lost their lives, made the conflict in Ukraine real for many.
Doomed flights: Malaysia made to pay?
“Once is coincidence. Twice is happenstance. And thrice is ‒ enemy action.” That’s what the...
Poroshenko to IMF: Did I Say $17 Billion? We Actually Need $50 Billion - Russia Insider
This article originally appeared at John Helmer (Dances with Bears)
(for those of you who are unaware of this, the west has been trying to get Russia to pay the Ukrainian bill, while at the same time imposing sanctions to "punish" her)
Telephone conversation with IMF Head Christine Lagarde
Vladimir Putin had a telephone conversation with Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund Christine Lagarde.
Mr Putin and Ms Lagarde discussed international cooperation issues in overcoming the severe financial and economic crisis in Ukraine and possible steps by the IMF with regard to the Kiev leadership’s request for a new long-term assistance loans programme.
January 22, 2015, 23:00
Turkey: Military Says Turkish National Intelligence Service (MIT) Shipped Weapons to Al-Qaeda - Government Bans Reporting
According to information published on and then banned from the Internet in Turkey, on Jan. 19, 2014, the prosecutor of an Adana court instructed the Adana Provincial Gendarmerie Command to stop and...
Global Research (Centre for Research on Globalization) · 469 Shares · Jan 21, 2015
Dutch opposition says has documents proving Turkey sent arms to Syrian jihadists
Non-Muslims Carried Out More than 90% of All Terrorist Attacks in America
Terrorism Is a Real Threat … But the Threat to the U.S. from Muslim Terrorists Has Been Exaggerated...
What do you think are the reasons for the growing violence?
Attacks against Muslims and their places of worship is on the rise in Germany, Britain and France.
ChristoJudaic Crusades of the Corporate Fundamentalist fanatics and their Almighty Dollar want race and religious riots and violence .... to justify more homeland security, to justify more perppetual war ............ and there is currently a persecution of Moslems akin to that against Jews a century ago.
Donetsk Militia Deny Kiev Accusations of Shelling Mariupol
The militia of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic (DPR) denied the shelling of Mariupol, port in southeastern Ukraine. The city was shelled from the...
Pentagon dispatches first batch of US forces to train Syrian rebels
Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel is sending the first wave of about 100 US forces to the Middle East in the coming days to train and equip Syrian opposition fighters...
<So then I take it it will be fine for Syria-Iran-Russia to send troops to Mexico to take alot of unemployed malcontents and train them to be terrorists back home in America ?
WHEN IS RULE OF INTERNATIONAL LAW GOING TO BE APPLIED - and if the criminals of Washington cannot be taken to ICC for aiding and abetting terrorism, invasion of sovereign nations using proxy and trained insurrectioinsts, interfering in business of sovereign nations - THEN WILL THE G77 NATIONS PLEASE COLLECTIVELY SUE THE HELL OUT OF US CRIMINALS IN AN INTERNATIONAL COURT!!!!<
State Department disagrees with head of US state media over equation of RT with ISIS
Документальный проект NewsFront: «Донбасс. На линии огня». Фильм 7-й: «На Войне, как на Войне». 18+
Researchers: Police likely provoke protestors — not the other way around
New research from Berkeley shows that police are often the agitators of violence
Humanitäre Hilfe vom Allrussischen Elternwiderstand, TV SV-DVR, Nr. 311
Hier ist eine Retrospektive der kurzen Videoreportagen aus Donezk und Umgebung, die...
Dead bodies in NATO uniforms, US weapons recovered from under debris of Donetsk airport
“While examining the building of the Donetsk airport, we found a great number of American firearms,” spokesman for the defense ministry of the self-proclaimed...
We know that the US has delivered weapons to Ukraine, because the US regime has said so itself. Rumours of NATO soldiers on the ground have been around for many months. Would be nice though, if the OSCE would take the trouble to verify this and announce its findings to main stream media. After all, if NATO is already involved, that affects all of us ! (reminder: Ukraine still isn't an official NATO country ...)
Pentagon dispatches first batch of US forces to train Syrian rebels
Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel is sending the first wave of about 100 US forces to the Middle East in the coming days to train and equip Syrian opposition fighters battling Islamic State militants.
>BS! They join ISIS to fight against the overnment forces and againt Syrian minorities like Christians>
UN Says Over 900000 Ukrainians Internally Displaced Due to Ongoing Conflict
US-gesteuerte Ukraine tötet Zivilisten in Noworossia:
Cop Records Himself Shooting Man For Running Away
The Muskogee, Oklahoma Police Department just released the video from a fatal on-duty police shooting Friday. The whole thing was captured by an officer's
<Does running away from the police ALSO make them "fear for their lives" too?<
US-Made Weapons, High-Power Explosives Found in Donetsk Airport / Sputnik International
A senior commander of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic's military reported Monday that
Dead bodies in NATO uniforms, US weapons recovered from under debris of Donetsk airport
A spokesman for the defense ministry of the DPR has said that American firearms had been found while examining the building of the Donetsk airport Tass News...
Hollywood uses ‘American Sniper’ to destroy history & create myth
The moral depravity into which the US is sinking is shown by the movie American Sniper glorifying the exploits of a racist killer receiving six Oscar nominations,...
OP-EDGE: 'Chris Kyle was not the warrior or hero portrayed in American Sniper. He was in fact a racist killer for whom the only good Iraqi was a dead Iraqi. He killed men, women, and children, just as his comrades did during the course of a brutal and barbaric war of aggression waged by the richest country in the world against one of the poorest.'
RT equated to ISIS for ‘daring to advocate a point of view’
Following comments from the US overseas broadcasting chief listing RT as a challenge alongside the Islamic State and Boko Haram, critics said the outlet was singled out for “daring to advocate a point of view,” as well as for “competing for viewership.”
On Wednesday, the new chief of the US Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG), Andrew Lack, told the New York Times that RT posed a significant challenge – putting the broadcaster in a list alongside the Islamic State and Boko Haram terror groups.
Polnischer Außenminister: KZ Auschwitz durch ukrainische Soldaten befreit / Sputnik Deutschland...
Eine Woche vor dem 70. Jahrestag der Befreiung von Auschwitz-Birkenau durch die Rote Armee hat der polnische Außenminister Grzegorz Schetyna mitgeteilt, dass...
<Das Konzentrationslager wurde von der Einheit Iwan Stepanowitsch Konew am 27.1.1945 befreit, der danach mit Marschal Schukow die Schlacht um Berlin schlug.Es war die militärische Formation der Roten Armee,welche im Okt.1943 nach der Befreiung der östlichen Ukraine zur 1. ukrainischen Front benannt wurde.
Obama's Baseless Accusations against Moscow: "Russian Troops in Ukraine"
Big Lies repeated enough get most people to believe them. The power of repetition works. Throughout months of Kiev instigated aggression on Donbass, Western...
No Russian combat troops operate in Ukraine. Nor is Moscow supplying Donbas freedom fighters with weapons.
Saudi Arabia under a new king wants to get back to its bloody business, which it never got out in the first place. After all, ISIS is the joint kid on which the US, Saudi Arabia, Israel and Turkey worked so hard for so long.
NATO Commander Lied Claiming "Russian Invasion of Ukraine"
How many previous times did Big Lies proliferate about hoards of Russians coming? Claimed by US officials. Other Western ones. Former NATO...
'American Sniper' Has Incited Death Threats and Racism -- It's Far from 'Apolitical'
The film has promoted a host of lies about the origins of the Iraq war.
Pentagon Confirms US Troops Will Deploy to Ukraine in Spring - Russia Insider
This article originally appeared at Antiwar.comUS Army commander in Europe Lt. Gen. Ben Hodges visited Ukraine today, as Pentagon officials confirmed plans to...
Embarrassment as US and ISIS tributes to King Abdullah almost identical
January 23, 2015
There were red faces in both the corridors of the White House and across the Islamic State last night after it emerged that the US and ISIS tributes sent to the late King Abdullah were noticeably alike.
In both statements, Abdullah was praised for his “vision and leadership”, as someone who “had the courage of his convictions” and “constantly strived for unity across borders in the Middle East.” The US and ISIS also hailed the late monarch as a man who, “in a turbulent region, demonstrated his commitment to law, order and the principle of the pretty barbaric public execution.”
According to sources, to diminish further embarrassment ISIS have requested that its representative at the official state funeral be not placed next to Joe Biden.
<Just a coincidence I guess<
3 signs the Japanese-hostage video could have been doctored
Bilder die ARD und ZDF nicht aus der Ukraine zeigen – Die Ausfälle des Rechten Sektors
"In Charkiw, der zweitgrößten Stadt der Ukraine, haben Militante des Rechten Sektors und der rechtsradikalen Swoboda-Partei am 21. Januar Vertreter der Stadtverwaltung angegriffen. Danach zogen sie unter Zeigen des Hitlergrußes und Rufen wie „Hoch lebe die Ukraine“ und „Ehre den Helden“ durch die Stadt."
America Is Running the World’s Largest Terrorist Operation
Experts on the Left and the Right Agree
Chomsky: “Obama Is Running The Biggest Terrorist Operation That Exists”
Ukraine: 'No need for peace talks, we're on the offensive' - Zakharchenko
There is no need for peace talks at present since DNR forces are on the offensive, said Prime Minister...
Cameron leads UK tributes to Saudi King Abdullah after death
The prime minister expresses his sadness at the death of Saudi Arabia's King Abdullah, and paid tribute to his work for peace in the region.
IMF chief Christine Lagarde hails Saudi King Abdullah a "strong advocate of women."
1. Is Christine Lagarde a Wahhabi?
2. Does the IMF then intend to delegate its policies on feminism and women's rights to the king, I mean, tyrant of Saudi Arabia?
Agenten-Team nach Bombardement mit 13 Toten in der Ostukraine festgenommen
What game is the House of Saud playing?
The House of Saud now finds itself in times of extreme trouble. Their risky oil price war may eventually backfire. The succession of King Abdullah may turn into a bloodbath. And the American protector may be musing a change of heart.
Truth Revealed: McCain's 'Moderate Rebels' in Syria ARE ISIS
Patrick Henningsen | Washington's nation-builders are...
ARMS TO AL-QAEDA: U.S. Generals Admit Washington Has Backed Islamic Militants in Syria
21WIRE + Dr Jerome Corsi |
Another European Holocaust looms as Kiev mulls concentration camps to 'filter sub-humans out of...
"Long live the White Races, and down with the Semite-led subhumans and interracial contacts". Look at that slogan. Should this be regarded as a great and...
Israeli PM’s unscheduled Congress speech causes diplomatic uproar in Washington
Israeli occupation keeps little girl in custody for 3rd week
Around 7,000 Palestinians are currently being held in Israeli prisons Over the past decade, Israeli occupation has arrested, interrogated, and prosecuted around 7,000 children between 12 and 17, mostly boys, at a rate of “an average of two children...
Federal Government Reaffirms Its Commitment To Killer Cops
The U.S. Justice Department is just about to wrap up their investigation into the shooting of Mike Brown, the unarmed African American teenager who was
The ISIL terrorists execute a group of 13 Iraqi teenage boys in the troubled northern city of Mosul for watching a soccer game on TV.
Yhdysvallat ostaa Venäjältä miljardilla dollarilla avaruusrakettien moottoreita |...
Zum 70. Gedenktag 2015: Treffen der Nazi-Komplizen in Auschwitz - Gauck dabei!
Zum 70. Gedenktag der Befreiung des Konzentrationslagers Auschwitz durch sowjetische Truppen geschehen drei unglaublich erscheinende Dinge gleichzeitig:...
With Aleppo Encircled, West Seeks Wildcard to Save its Terror Hordes
As exposed in 2007 by two-time Pulitzer Prize winner and veteran journalist Seymour Hersh in his New Yorker report titled, “The Redirection,” the West conspired to intentionally build up and unleash terrorist mercenaries affiliated with Al Qaeda across the Arab World to fight a proxy war against Iran and its growing arc of influence. US support was to be laundered through Saudi Arabia as to maintain a veneer of plausible deniability and operational compartmentalization. Clearly, what is unfolding in Syria today, is the verbatim manifestation of Hersh’s meticulous, 9-page report."
Report details IDF ‘double tap’ bombings that hit first responders in Gaza | +972 Magazine
Using human shields, attacking medical teams and hospitals, shooting at civilians waving white flags. A new report by Physicians for Human Rights authored by a...
Beyond shocking. This serious report by a physicians' group may explain why the ICC decision is so alarming to some -- unbelievable evidence from multiple witnesses of 'double tap' bombings in which the IDF bomb a target -- such a a building or hospital - then bomb it again when emergency crews arrive and wounded civilians are running into the street…
DPR Leader Says Abandoning Attempts to Speak to Kiev About Ceasefire
DPR leader Alexander Zakharchenko stated that eastern Ukrainian self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic will no longer make attempts to speak with Kiev on the...
"There will no longer be any attempts to speak about a ceasefire from our side," said Zakharchenko.
The real American Sniper was a hate-filled killer. Why are simplistic patriots...
7 Big Lies 'American Sniper' Is Telling America
There is a backlash against the film's misleading take on sniper Chris Kyle's character.
OSZE-Bericht: Die Volkswehr hat den Bus bei Wolnowacha nicht gesprengt | Русская весна
20.01.2015 - 6:19 Nach
OSZE-Bericht überführt Obama als Lügner: Keine russischen Soldaten und Panzer in Ukraine
Bericht widerspricht Behauptungen des Regimes in Kiew, bestätigt dass die Beschuldigungen der NATO
OSZE-Mission: Keine russische Truppenbewegung an von OSZE überwachten Grenzübergängen
Die Monitoring-Mission der Organisation für Sicherheit und Zusammenarbeit in Europa (#OSZE) in der #Ukraine hat monatelang die Grenzübergänge an der ukrainische-russischen Grenze beobachtet. In ihrem gestern veröffentlichten Bericht kommt die OSZE zu dem Schluss, dass “keinerlei Bewegung von russischen Militärs an den Grenzpunkten” beobachtet wurde. Zuvor hatte Kiew, ohne Beweise vorzulegen, behauptet, dass erst Anfang der Woche zwei russische Bataillone die Grenze überquert hätten.
House Sparrows: information about House Sparrows and caring for rescued sparrows
Care of baby house sparrows including info on how to keep a nestling warm, what type of formula to feed...
they have a life expectancy of 12 to 14 years in captivity
(the record for a wild sparrow is 23 years )
US drone operator says sorry for killing 1600
<Sorry for killing 1600 but when France and the USA kill 15 people in a false flag attack in Paris, 1,5 billion Muslims are expected to apologize.<
‘We didn’t even really know who we were firing at’ – former US drone operator
Former US drone sensor operator Brandon Bryant admits he “couldn’t stand” himself for his participation in the country’s drone program for six years – firing on...
Talousdemokratialla tarkoitetaan ajatussuuntausta, jossa myös talous- ja rahavalta on kansan käsissä, jonka...
50 from Finland joined ISIL ranks: Police
Gray State The Rise Rough Cut Directed by David Crowley
Gray state movie producer David Crowley and family found dead
Four Horsemen - Feature Documentary - Official Version
OSCE Chair says Crimean referendum in its current form is illegal and calls for alternative ways to address the Crimean issue
This Man Will go to Jail for 6 Months if He Doesn’t Remove a Windmill from his Own Property
Orono, Minnesota - Over the past year, we have been following the story of a Minnesota man named Jay Nygard, who is routinely risking jail time because he...
im Rickards on The Currency War and Economic Crisis 2015
ECB QE Assures Economic Collapse 2015
In today's video, Christopher Greene of AMTV reports on the economic collapse 2015. AMTV Website:
Boom Goes The Dynamite: The Crashing Price Of Oil Is Going To Rip The Global Economy To Shreds
Американська нагорода для поранених бійців
American generals in Ukraine
[Anmerkung: Dieses Video mit der Beteiligung des ranghöchsten US-Generals in Europa unterstreicht die direkte Beteiligung der USA in dem Krieg gegen die zivile Donbass-Bevölkerung! Die USA haben die Ukraine okkupiert und drängen das Kiewer Regime zum Töten der ostukrainischen russischsprachigen Zivilbevölkerung, wie wir von Tag zu Tag sehen!]
NAF opened a second offensive: Donetsk army moving to unite with Lugansk army
Poroshenko Says 9,000 Russian Troops in Ukraine, High-Tech Invisibility Cloaks Prevent Detection...
Ukrainian chocolate sultan Petro Poroshenko told...
18+ A special film for Europe, see what they do Ukrainian fascists and Poroshenko 19.01.2015
A Car That Runs 258 Miles To The Gallon - For No More Than $600USD, page 1
A Car That Runs 258 Miles To The Gallon - For No...
110.000 actually
Will Obama and Congress ever ‘declare war’ on ISIS?
The Necessity for Higher Wages - Heiner Flassbeck on RAI (4/5)
Freedom of Speech? Facebook Will Filter Out “Fake News”, Boston Mayor Bans Bad Mouthing of Olympics
In case you need a refresher, here’s the text of the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion,...
Gold jumps above $1,300 for the first time in 5 months
Gold prices have risen above $1,300 an ounce for the first time since August 2014. It’s because the global economic slowdown, expectation of ECB ‘easy money’, and currency volatility make investors turn to a safe haven, gold trader Mark O'Byrne...
TOLERATING INTOLERANCE? (ft. ex President of Cyprus George Vassiliou)
<intransigent = characterized by refusal to compromise or to abandon an extreme position or attitude : uncompromising<
EU pushes for quick decision on new anti-terror law > -...
Charlie Hebdo: The Hidden Agenda Exposed > - Strategic Culture Foundation
. France. Strategic Culture Foundation
Noam Chomsky - The Crimes of U.S. Presidents
“If the Nuremberg laws were applied, then every post-war American president would have been hanged.” ― Noam Chomsky
Massaker in Odessa Ein Überlebender berichtet
1,700 Private Jets Will Fly to Davos to Discuss Global Warming
Don't worry. I'm sure these will be non-polluting private jets powered by carbon offsets and unicorn magic.
ECB announces milestone €1.1tn ‘easy money’ program
The European Central Bank announced it will embark on a full-fledged quantitative easing program, which will break down to €60 billion per month. The move is made to counter a triple-dip recession in the eurozone.
Covert team caught after shelling kills at least 9 in eastern Ukraine
A covert group has been arrested. They may have been behind the shelling during rush hour on Thursday morning in Donetsk. At least nine people were killed and...
Israeli Soldier Gives Water to Blind Elderly Palestinian Woman for Propaganda, Then Kills Her
74-year-old Palestinian woman Ghalya Abu-Rida being given water by Israeli troops, minutes before she was executed. During the Israeli bombardment and...
Donetsk Militia Reports 9 dead, 9 Injured in Morning Mortar Shelling
Neighboring buildings were also damaged by mortar shelling. Resquers continue to work on site.
Thoughts on Netanyahu marching in France? - George Galloway - Press TV - 15th January 2015
Dozen former French soldiers, including elite troops, join ISIS - reports
A dozen former French soldiers, mostly from special forces and the Foreign Legion, have joined jihadists fighting in Syria and Iraq, a defense ministry source confirms,...
What Chemtrails Are Doing To Your Brain - Neurosurgeon Dr. Russell Blaylock Reveals Shocking Facts.
Well Known Scientist Sounds The Alarm On Geoengineering
Over the past year the skies above San Diego have changed drastically in plain sight. We’ve been robbed of the beautiful blue skies we associate with our city. Almost every day jet airliners are spraying innumerable so-called “chemtrails” and they persist after release behind the jets to gradually form clouds. Chemical clouds. Toxic clouds. They eventually diffuse and form a white haze in the sky. Sometimes, the artificial clouds are laid so thickly as to make the otherwise blue San Diego sky fully overcast with toxic chemical aerosols. Sometimes, depending on chemical mix, the transition from spray to white haze is rapid. Please see a few examples, attached, that I photographed from my front yard.
No military equipment crossed Russia-Ukraine border at checkpoints - OSCE
The OSCE mission in Ukraine has not registered any movement of military vehicles on the border between Russia and Ukraine, the group’s newly released statement...
Cannibal Christian Crusaders Challenge Muslim and Jewish Maniacs in Most Evil Contest
Yesterday, 20 inflamed and angry Christians lynched a few Muslims with one of the Christians eating the dead flesh of the carcasses in an religious orgy. Apparently, some of these Christians believe that human flesh makes them invincible. They also put chunks of flesh inside amulets that they wear.
Now check this….after the attacks in Paris, some wanted all 1.8 billion Muslims to condemn and apologize for the acts of 2 criminals in Paris.
As of now, there are no Tweets by King Murdoch calling for all Christians to apologize for the actions of the cannibals nor is he demanding that all Christians accept responsibility.
The East Ukraine Bus Disaster. The Propaganda War Goes Ballistic. Testimony of Bus Driver points to Kiev Regime
According to his testimony which is in line with other survivors, the Grad attack came from Ukrainian controlled territory.
In the small town of Slavanosbersk over 140 homes have been destroyed and the town has no military targets.
The Globalization of War. America’s “Long War” against Humanity
“Je suis Ali Abbas”: The Forgotten Victims of State Terrorism
“Je Suis CIA”
he Charlie Hebdo incident is being sold as “the French 9/11”. It certainly is, in all of the most tragic ways: France, like the United States on 9/11, has been used. The masses of the world have been deceived, and march in lockstep to NATO’s drumbeat again.
All signs lead from French intelligence back to Washington—and Langley, Virginia—directly and indirectly. Red herrings and deceptions comprise the official narrative.
Signs of an inside job and a still unfolding cover-up are significant, from pristine, undamaged passports found on scene to the convenient suicide of Helric Fredou, the Paris police commissioner in charge of the Hebdo investigation.
Eni CEO Says Oil Prices Could Jump to $200 a Barrel
Claudio Descalzi, CEO of Italian oil group Eni, has warned that oil prices could skyrocket to $200 a barrel in a few years, if OPEC members fail to restore stability in oil prices today.
Charlie Hebdo's typical circulation is about 60,000 copies
Turkey: Military Says Turkish National Intelligence Service (MIT) Shipped Weapons to Al-Qaeda -...
According to information published on and then banned from the Internet in Turkey, on Jan. 19, 2014, the prosecutor of an Adana court instructed the Adana...
USA bringen EU auf Linie und blockieren Annäherung an Russland
Die Amerikaner haben die EU-Bemühungen gestoppt, die Sanktionen gegen Russland aufzuheben. Ein entsprechendes Papier wurde von den...
NJ cops shoot 9 times, kill black man who had his hands up
Special Conditions: Boeing Model 777-200, -300, and -300ER Series Airplanes; Aircraft Electronic System Security Protection From Unauthorized Internal Access
Boeing Uninterruptible Autopilot Buap, BUAP was installed on 777s and is being ignored-Why?
There are FAA documents that prove that this is real:
"The integrated network configurations in the Boeing Model 777-200 (the model of MH370,) -300, and -300ER series airplanes may enable increased connectivity with external network sources and will have more interconnected networks and systems, such as passenger entertainment and information services than previous airplane models. This may enable the exploitation of network security vulnerabilities and increased risks potentially resulting in unsafe conditions for the airplanes and occupants. This potential exploitation of security vulnerabilities may result in intentional or unintentional destruction, disruption, degradation, or exploitation of data and systems critical to the safety and maintenance of the airplane. The existing regulations and guidance material did not anticipate these types of system architectures."
FLIGHT CONTROL: Boeing’s ‘Uninterruptible Autopilot System’, Drones & Remote Hijacking
On December 4th of 2006, it was announced that Boeing had won a patent on an uninterruptible autopilot system for use in commercial aircraft. This was the first public acknowledgment by Boeing about the existence of such an autopilot system.
“The “uninterruptible” autopilot would be activated – either by pilots, by onboard sensors, or even remotely via radio or satellite links by government agencies like the Central Intelligence Agency, if terrorists attempt to gain control of a flight deck.”
West seeks to isolate, overthrow Putin while demanding he resolves Ukraine crisis – presidential spox
According to Merkel “supposedly Putin does not fit into this system of values with his world view,” he remarked.“Is this the system, which, for example, allows the recognition of the results of a coup d’etat the next day [after it happened]? If so, Putin surely does not fit into such a system with his understanding that such a revolution can hardly be legal,” he said.
Field McConnell - Boeing Uninterruptible Auto Pilot Used On 9/11 Planes, Impossible To Hijack!
In five days Ukrainian forces lost 2,000 wounded, 25% of equipment, 700 killed and missing
January 16, 2014RusvesnaTranslated from Russian by J. Hawk In 5 days the Ukrainian army lost 25% of...
Václav Klaus Says Crimea Did Not Belong to Ukraine
Václav Klaus: "Die Krim gehörte nicht zur Ukraine"
Tschechiens Ex-Präsident legt im "Presse"-Interview eine Teilung der Ukraine nahe. Russland sei in Sachen Krim unter Zugzwang gewesen, meint er.
Man Invokes 5th Amendment, Cops Tell Him to “Throw all the Legal Mumbo Jumbo Out the Window”
Four Horsemen - Feature Documentary - Official Version
Chris Hedges "The American Public Is Utterly Misinformed On What's Happening In Ukraine"
Noam Chomsky: Obama's Drone Program 'The Most Extreme Terrorist Campaign of Modern Times'
World-renowned linguist and scholar Noam Chomsky has criticized what he sees as Western hypocrisy following the recent terror attacks in Paris and the idea that...
To set the record straight: "The camp was liberated on 27 January 1945 by Soviet soldiers. In the battles for the liberation of the Auschwitz camp and the city more than 200 Soviet soldiers and officers were killed.
A year ago, Russia donated $ 1 million to fund a museum on the site of the former concentration camp.
30% of Ukrainians Didn't Have Money to Pay Their Utility Bills Last Month / Sputnik International
Stagnant incomes and skyrocketing prices have meant that nearly thirty percent of Ukraine's population was unable to pay their utilities bills last month, Ukrainian...
British intelligence (GCHQ) Put Investigative Journalists Among Terrorists and Hackers on Threat...
The Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ) building in Cheltenham, Gloucestireshire. (Photo: UK Ministry of Defence/flickr/cc) British intelligence...
One internal document intended for army intelligence stated that “journalists and reporters representing all types of news media represent a potential threat to security.”
Ex-UK spy chief says accord needed with tech firms to stop terrorism
<Update 1-20: If it wasn't enough that the NSA and the GCHQ spy on us without warrants, now they are trying to use the Paris attacks to force tech companies to provide them access to every single method of communication. They essentially want to make privacy illegal. <
Charlie Hebdo - The Hidden Agenda Exposed
We don't have to speculate as to how this event is going to be used. It has already started.
18 trillion in bond debt, 200 trillion in unfunded liabilities, 3700 trillion or 3.7 quadrillion in derivatives, that the top 10 US banks have to offset all their toxic assets trying to control the commodities and stock markets. 50 million people on EBT, 25 million unemployed and 6 million homeless. Whilst the FED reserve a private corporation prints 85 billion a month to hold up the stock market based on money that has no intrinsic value other than to create inflation and debt !! Trillions spent on infinite wars and infinite murder, always based on false pretenses into infinity with impunity since 1776
Putin Excluded from Holocaust Commemorations
Glancing at the headlines one might believe Russian President Vladimir Putin had inappropriately decided not to attend Holocaust commemorations in Poland. In one breathtaking display of misinformat...
In one breathtaking display of misinformation, Reuters would report in its article Putin will not attend Holocaust commemorations in Poland that, “Sources told Reuters on Monday that Putin was unlikely to join world leaders gathering at the site of the Auschwitz death camp because distrust caused by the conflict in Ukraine has cast a pall on arrangements.” In reality, The Russian leader was never invited by Poland, the nation hosting the commemorations.
China and Switzerland to launch yuan trading in Zurich
The central banks of China and Switzerland are planning to establish a yuan trading center in Zurich. The deal is expected to increase the number of European transactions in yuan.
ENHANCED VERSION: News Reports WTC7 Fell Before It Happens!
Israel government 'tortures' children by keeping them in cages, human rights group says
An Israeli human rights organisation has accused the government of torturing children after it emerged some were kept in outdoor cages during winter.
"The Public Committee Against Torture in Israel (PCATI) published a report which claimed children suspected of minor crimes were subjected to “public caging”, threats and acts of sexual violence and military trials without representation."
Wieso stören sich so viele nicht an diesen Streifen? | Ich frag mich
Hier findest du meine Beobachtungen des Himmels über Deutschland wenn es um Kondensstreifen und Flugzeugabgase geht von Morgens bis Mittags
Ukrainian offensive in Donbass makes sanctions against Russia ‘immoral’ – Duma chief
The Ukrainian military’s new offensive against the breakaway republics in Donbass renders any anti-Russian sanctions immoral, and demonstrates the West’s true...
"Combat actions are taking place right near our borders. They target residential buildings, schools, and hospitals. Civilian casualties are reported in the Donetsk and Lugansk republics. By blocking these regions’ opportunities to return to normal life, the Kiev authorities are aggravating the humanitarian disaster, and in this they enjoy the support of many Western governments that have enough objective information on the situation,” Naryshkin told MPs. “They know everything, yet they allow everything that is going on in Ukraine to continue,”
Israelkritischer Tweet und weg bist du - Selbst als langjähriger CNN-Korrespondent
600 Stämme aerosolierter bewusstseinsverändernder Impfstoffe bereits an Menschen getestet
Der Einsatz aerosolierter versteckter Impfstoffe als Werkzeug zur Verhaltenskontrolle und Bewusstseinsveränderung
Where Loyalties Lie: Foreigners Seep Into Ranks Of Top Afghan Posts / Sputnik US - News,...
Ghulam Popal, the nominee for Afghanistan’s Finance Minister, has reportedly withdrawn his candidacy amid heated scandal over his dual citizenship with the...
US Army Command delegation ‘to arrive in Kiev this week’
Representatives of the US Army Command will arrive in Ukraine in the coming days, Ukrainian military announced. The visit comes as the Kiev forces have...
Paris mayor to sue Fox News over Muslim ‘no-go zones’ reports
Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo has said she plans to sue Fox News after it broadcasted incorrect reports of Paris “no go zones” governed by Sharia law, which...
The New York Times "Reporting on Ukraine". Paying Lip Service to Neo-Nazism, Bashing Russia
On 8 January 2015, Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk demonstrated once again that he is either a liar or an ignoramus (inspired by Russophobia)...
France: 2500+ new anti-terror officers to monitor 3000 suspects at large
France will create 2,680 extra anti-terror staff, as over 3,000 radical Islamists require surveillance, Prime Minister Manuel Valls said at a Wednesday meeting,...
Russian spy ship in Havana ahead of US delegation’s historic visit
The Russian Navy’s intelligence collection ship, the Viktor Leonov, has docked in Havana just a day before the arrival of an American delegation. The Russian...
Names of Palestinians Killed in the War on Gaza since 8 July
The following 1614 names have been confirmed - the actual death toll, according to the Ministry of Health, is at least at 2137.
The Palestinian death toll in Gaza stands at more than 1,800, with nearly 10,000 wounded, Gaza's Health Ministry said Sunday. More than 300 children have died, <versus> On the Israeli side, 64 Israeli soldiers and three civilians have died since fighting began more than three weeks ago.
American Sniper: Harmless Or Racist?
Russia Sells More US Bonds, Buys More Gold. De-Dollarization Marches On - Russia Insider
This is an excerpt from an article that originally appeared at Zero Hedge
Palestinians preparing lawsuits against Israeli leaders who ordered destruction of Gaza homes
"Israeli leaders will only be able to travel between Tel Aviv and Washington, because US is only country that does not apply decisions of the ICC," Palestinian official tells...
Israel Joins Forces With ISIS? Tel Aviv Bombs Syria for Sixth Time in 18 months
The Syrian conflict continues to develop into a proxy war, pitting various foreign ‘national interests’...
Valentin Katasonov - War and the Dollar
Fmr. IDF Soldier Calls on Americans to Stand Up to Israel War Crimes | Interview with Eran Efrati
Former Israeli Defense Warns: Americans Are Next
Parents of capitol bombing suspect accuse FBI of illegal setup
Economic War, BRICS, and the Power of Self-Sufficiency | New Eastern Outlook
20.01.2015 Author: Ulson Gunnar Economic War, BRICS, and the Power of Self-Sufficiency Column: Economics Region: Russia in the World The toughest,...
Hollywood’s American Sniper is slammed as pro-war propaganda and rewriting history
A Hollywood movie about the so-called deadliest U.S. sniper in history broke box-office debut records...
Why Should Charlie Hebdo Deaths Mean More Than Those in E.Ukraine?
Why Should Charlie Hebdo Deaths Mean More Than Those in E.Ukraine? The Western public justly condemns the murders at Charlie Hebdo, but continues to...
The Anti-Empire Report #136 – January 20th, 2015 – William Blum
Where has all this Islamic fundamentalism come from in this modern age? Most of it comes—trained, armed, financed, indoctrinated—from Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, and Syria. During various periods from...
It’s Official: US Funding Al Qaeda and Taliban
At Least 43 Reconstruction Contracts Going to Terrorist...
SFPD Cop Caught on Camera Trying to Throw Man from His Wheelchair, While Fellow Cops Watch
A video submitted to the Free Thought Project shows a disturbing scene of a San Francisco Police Officer attempting to throw a quadriplegic man over a curb.
Mutiny in the Ranks: EU Split on Maintaining Russian Sanctions - Russia Insider
This article originally appeared at Business New EuropeAt least eight EU countries are reported to be against renewing EU economic and financial sanctions when...
New military draft starts in Ukraine amid intensified assault on militia-held territories
The Ukrainian military draft for 2015 has come into effect. It’s expected to see 100,000 people joining the army in three stages throughout the year. The...
<typical NATO tactics: call ceasefire ceasefire ceasfire, assume the enemy buys it, then move up more troops and attack. And shout We Are NOT attacking, as they attack. 1st lesson. assume every word from nato is LIES<
A drink a day helps reduce chance of heart failure - study
Consuming up to seven alcoholic drinks a week gives men a 20 percent lower risk of developing heart failure, when compared to men who abstain, and a 16 percent reduced risk for women, a major new study shows.
‘Poroshenko: Olive branch in one hand and gun firing bullets in Donetsk in the other’
Kiev is playing a duplicitous role in Donbass; it is negotiating peace and at the same time launching a brutal offensive against the civilians of Donetsk and Lugansk,...
Op-Edge: 'Petro Poroshenko has made it very clear that he is going to reclaim Donbass by force even if the vast majority of people in Donbass voted overwhelmingly in favor to run their own affairs. However, the real power lies in Washington and Brussels because Poroshenko is just a puppet. If Washington and Brussels want a solution, if they want peace in Donbass, there will be peace.' - Marcus Papadopoulos
Yhdysvallat ostaa Venäjältä miljardilla dollarilla avaruusrakettien moottoreita | PressTV
USA rajaa Venäjän vastaiset pakotteet intressiensä...
Palestine could lose millions in US aid if they sue Israel in ICC for alleged atrocities
Palestine could have millions of dollars of crucial American aid withdrawn if they attempt to use their newly-acquired membership in the International Criminal...
Deputy PM: Ukraine's Plan Endangers Hungarians Living In Transcarpathia - Hungary Today
Hungary will not be party to anything that endangers the interests of Hungarians living in Transcarpathia, Hungary's deputy prime minister said.
Polen lädt Poroschenko zu 70-Jahr-Feier der Befreiung von Auschwitz ein / Sputnik Deutschland -...
Polens Regierungschefin Ewa Kopacz hat den...
Totaler Irrsinn
Nazi-Freund und Massenmörder Poroschenko wird zur 70-Jahr-Feier der Befreiung von Ausschwitz eingeladen, Putin als Vertreter der russischen Befreier darf nicht kommen.
Human Rights Watch: International Armed Conflict Promoter for Soros? - Russia Insider
This morning Human Rights Watch published its World Report 2015 on Ukraine in which it repeats claims from the US and Ukrainian authorities that the Ukrainian...
16-17.12.2014 Ukraine Nachrichten. Der Krieg in der Ukraine
German spy agency collects 220 million phone records a day - report
The BND, Germany’s foreign intelligence agency, gathers 220 million pieces of metadata from foreign phone calls and text messages each day. This data is...
Часть 1 СРОЧНО! Интервью солдата с "БУК" #Анатолий Шарий
Shooting Down MH 17 – BUK 312 Story False Says Ukraine Crew Member
16-17.12.2014 Ukraine Nachrichten. Der Krieg in der Ukraine
Ukraine: MH17 und die Lüge über das BUK-System #312
Ukrainischer Soldat von der BUK Nr. 312 sagt aus - Anatolij Sharij
Zeugenaussage: BUK 312 gehört der Ukraine
"175 people are getting killed in Syria on average every day since 3 years. That's 10 Charlie events every day for the past 3 years. Add Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, Yemen and many, many more countries around the world who die because of the Anglo-Zionists and the Wahhabi."
Was ARD und Spiegel über BUK 312 verschweigen
Eklat in Athen: Griechenland wirft die Troika aus dem Land - Staatsverschuldung
Eklat in Athen: Griechenland arbeitet ab sofort nicht mehr mit der Troika zusammen. Das teilte der neue Finanzminister Yanis Varoufakis heute mit. Dies habe man...
The 4th Media » The Washington Times: Secret Audio Recordings Exposes How Hilary Clinton...
Secret tapes undermine Hillary Clinton on Libyan war: Joint Chiefs, key lawmaker held own talks with Moammar Gadhafi regime
[Gadhafi] came back and said he was willing to step down and permit a transition government, but he had two conditions,” Mr. Kubic said. “First was to insure there was a military force left over after he left Libya capable to go after al Qaeda. Secondly, he wanted to have the sanctions against him and his family and those loyal to him lifted and free passage. At that point in time, everybody thought that was reasonable.”
But not [Hillary Clinton's] State Department.
Θα πάμε την Μέρκελ στο Διεθνές Δικαστήριο της Χάγης
Ο Αλέξης Τσίπρας στην διάρκεια της συνάντησής του με τον Μάρτιν Σουλτς έστειλε στην ουσία μηνύματα στην Γερμανίδα Καγκελάριο Ανγκελα Μέρκελ.
Land Destroyer: Nigeria: Inside Boko Haram (Part 2)
There are many excuses as to why French troops, NATO, US AFRICOM and other European interests are meddling, invading, and occupying Africa, but there is only one real reason...
400 US mercenaries 'deployed on ground' in Ukraine military op
About 400 elite mercenaries from the notorious US private security firm Academi (formerly Blackwater)
Has Blackwater been deployed to Ukraine?
Has Blackwater been deployed to Ukraine? Notorious U.S. mercenaries 'seen on the streets of flashpoint city' as Russia claims 300 hired guns have arrived in country By DAMIEN GAYLE Da...
Paul Craig Roberts – European Empire Now In Danger Of Crumbling
The new Greek government has protested the latest EU denunciation of Russia, saying that the attack on Russia was reported in the media as if the decision was unanimous, whereas in fact, Greece, Slovakia, Hungary and Austria objected. No new sanctions on Russia have been imposed.
The New Greek Foreign Minister Nikos Kotzias said that a provision that would have imposed further sanctions on Russia was removed at Greece’s insistence from the proposals at the meeting. Greece also required that the communique does not directly blame Russia for the conflict in Ukraine.
Teen Walks Into Police Station, Police Say They Were ‘Forced’ To Shoot and Kill Her Minutes Later
A 17-year-old girl walked into the Longview, Texas police station. Then, only minutes later, police say they
BREAKING NEWS! The video was JUST RELEASED of the police shooting of 17-year-old Kristiana Coignard!
The video shows that officers did NOT need to fire on Kristiana, and they in fact antagonized her and escalated the conflict every step of the way!
WATCH the video and SPREAD THE WORD!
Surveillance Video Raises Questions About Police Shooting of 17-Year-Old Girl
A 17-year-old girl walked into the Longview, Texas police station. Then, only minutes later, police say they were "forced" to shoot and kill her, Thursday
January 29th- Ukrainian Commanding General admits there is no Russian invasion of Ukraine.
"There is no Russian regular army in the Donbass" said Ukrainian Colonel-General Viktor Muzhenko.
This statement was reported on Poroshenkos very own Chanel 5 believe it or not. This statement puts a serious dent in the US's narrative that Russia invaded Ukraine. Discerning posters should be fully aware of this fact by now as the Kiev spokesperson (Baghdad Bob) has made the claim over thirty separate occasions in the past year.
Lies lies lies lie lies lies lies lies lies lies
Russia has 9,000 troops in Ukraine, Poroshenko tells Davos forum
DAVOS, Switzerland (Reuters) - Ukrainian President...|By By Dmitry Zhdannikov and Noah Barkin
(The lies from Reuters: "In Brussels, NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg told a news briefing that the Western alliance had monitored Russian troops in Ukraine for several months and seen an increase lately in numbers of tanks, artillery pieces and other heavy equipment." And were is the fucking evidence you retard?Pictures from satellites or drones or any dead "Russian" soldiers or pictures made with mobile phones? And no confirmation from the OSCE?)
<And the Western lies but without ever presenting evidence<
Weekly update from the OSCE Observer Mission at Russian Checkpoints Gukovo and Donetsk based on information as of 10:00 (Moscow time), 21 January 2015
Military movement
At the two BCPs the OM did not observe military movement, apart from vehicles of the Russian Federation border guard service.
OSCE Observers report zero movement of military equipment over the Russian-Ukrainian border. Poroshenko counts 9,000 Russian troops
Ukraine chief of staff ‘thwarts Western allegations’ by admitting no combat with Russian troops
The Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) said it has not registered any movement of military vehicles at the Russia-Ukraine border checkpoints it observes, according to a statement made on January 22.
Police Label Hippy Group Whose Message Is “Peace & Love” ‘Domestic Extremists’
Cops seek DHS grant to deal with 'threat' posed by The Rainbow Family.
Exclusive: Secret tapes undermine Hillary Clinton on Libyan war
Joint Chiefs, key lawmaker held own talks with Moammar Gadhafi regime
<Sooooooo juicy... And so tragic, of course. THIS is the essence of Empire of Chaos: the Pentagon talking directly to Gaddafi behind the back of the Three Harpies - The Hillarator, Rice and Batshit Crazy Samantha. Hillarator should have been sent to The Hague for destroying a country; instead she may be President. Plenty on the Hillarator's Libya adventure in Empire of Chaos. <
Thursday Humor: US Condemned For Pre-Emptive Use Of Hillary Clinton | Zero Hedge
Fact or Fiction... "...under no circumstance is there ever a justification of the pre-emptive deployment if Hillary Clinton anywhere by any country..." "Intelligence reports have indicated that Pakistan is developing its own Hillary Clinton... Anita Alvi - a stiff humorless representative could be…
Saudi Oil and U.S. Hypocrisy
Few events expose the utter hypocrisy of U.S. politicians’ grand words about democracy so starkly as their praise for the recently deceased King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia. For decades U.S. imperiali...
Land Destroyer: ISIS Mercenary Admits Getting Funds from US
Oops, America's trillion dollar NSA surveillance network misses ISIS funds routed through US banks. Another "coincidence" keeping NATO's mercenaries well fed, well armed, and turning the planet upside down.
911 Hijackers Passports were issued by the CIA - US Consulate Whistleblower
Mike Springman- The former head of the American visa...
NATO Constitutes a Threat to Russia's Security. Countering NATO Propaganda on Russia
This article is a follow-up of Professor Vladimir Kozin’s comments on NATO’s Fact Sheet about relations...
Bully Cop Arrests Public Defender for Trying to Protect Her Client’s Constitutional Rights
“If police are able to do this to a deputy public defender in front of her client, I can only imagine what is happening out on the streets.”
noun: tyranny; plural noun: tyrannies
cruel and oppressive government or rule.
"refugees fleeing tyranny and oppression"
synonyms: despotism, absolutism, absolute power, autocracy, dictatorship, undemocratic rule, reign of terror, totalitarianism, Fascism; More
oppression, suppression, repression, subjugation, enslavement;
authoritarianism, high-handedness, imperiousness, bullying, harshness, strictness, severity, cruelty, brutality, ruthlessness, injustice, unjustness
antonyms: democracy, liberality
a state under cruel and oppressive government.
cruel, unreasonable, or arbitrary use of power or control.
"the tyranny of her stepmother"
US Army Lt Colonel Confirms US Troops in Ukraine Since September 2014
"There is no Russian regular army in the Donbass" said Ukrainian Colonel-General Viktor Muzhenko.
This statement was reported on Poroshenkos very own Chanel 5 believe it or not. This statement puts a serious dent in the US's narrative that Russia invaded Ukraine. Discerning posters should be fully aware of this fact by now as the Kiev spokesperson (Baghdad Bob) has made the claim over thirty separate occasions in the past year.
'Get out of here, you low-life scum': McCain boots activists from Senate hearing
<200264 2 muzhenko (Low)>saved<
Ukrainischer Generalstabschef Viktor Muschenko: Keine regulären russischen Truppen in der Ukraine
“Der Generalstab der ukrainischen Streitkräfte in Kiew hat am Donnerstag eingestanden, dass keine regulären Truppen Russlands am militärischen Konflikt im Osten der Ukraine beteiligt sind. Zuvor hatten ukrainische und westliche Politiker Russland mehrmals beschuldigt, mit Truppen in der Ost-Ukraine einmarschiert zu sein.
NATO Expansion
There is an aggressor. A constant threat to peace and stability throughout the globe. It invades and occupies nations around the world. Sows political subversion and division amongst peoples.
It is NATO. And it must be stopped... Investigation Details Israel’s Deliberate Killing of Civilians in Gaza
A new independent medical fact-finding mission in Gaza has detailed Israel’s deliberate killing of Palestinian civilians in its summer 2014 attack, codenamed...
Paul Craig Roberts – Putin’s Ultimate Move To Crush The EU And NATO
Kiev Regime Confirms that Russian Invasion of Ukraine is a Hoax!
Throughout this conflict every once in a while Ukrainian government officials have come clean about the Russian invasion of Ukraine. To the chagrin of the Obama...
Can Gold and the US Dollar Continue to Rise in Tandem? For How Long?
Can the dollar and gold continue to rise in tandem for long? The last three months have seen a very peculiar dollar/gold anomaly. Since mid November, gold (and...
The Functioning of the Russian Central Bank. The Ruble and the US Dollar
The Central Bank of the Russian Federation does not have to support the Russian economy. There is no paragraph in the Constitution of the Russian Federation...
Russia increases gold purchases by 123%
The Central Bank of Russia bought a record amount of gold in the first 11 months of 2014 spending an estimated $6.1 billion. Increasing gold reserves attempts to reduce dependence on the dollar amid geopolitical tension, Mark O’Byrne of...
Supreme Court Rules that Cops DO NOT Need a Warrant to Search Your Home
In another devastating blow to freedom, the Supreme Court ruled Tuesday that police don't need a warrant to search your property. As long as two occupants...
Poison DUst: Health Consequences of Depleted Uranium Home and Abroad [Full Film]
Beyond Treason (Depleted Uranium US-WMD Iraq War Veterans Dying 2005).divx2
Cooperation With Russia Will Help Greece Escape Western Domination
Russia warns Bosnia and Herzegovina against ammunition supplies to Kiev
Such a step will not contribute to the peaceful settlement in the region, Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman Alexander Lukashevich said
EU-Versuch der Verschärfung antirussischer Sanktionen scheitert an Griechenland und Österreich
Multiple deaths after shelling of humanitarian aid center, bus stop in Donetsk, E.Ukraine
At least 12 civilians have been killed in a rocket attack on the Ukrainian city of Donetsk, a local news agency reported, citing Donetsk People's Republic's (DPR)...
U.S. Admits It Spent 5 Billion to Overthrow Ukraine
Nuland said the United States will continue to “promote Ukraine to the future it deserves.”
Big, Buff and Bad: Police on Steroids
Matthew, who asked that his name be changed for this article, had experimented with steroids in college. But it wasn't until an enraged criminal swung a crowbar at his fellow officer that he knew he had to buff up on the job. A six-year veteran of a Pennsylvania police force patrolling an area...
Police corruption linked to steroids
Dozens of police officers are being investigated over their use of anabolic steroids supplied by criminals in gyms,...
Israel Threatens War Following Clashes with Hezbollah
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu threatened war in Lebanon and Syria on Wednesday, saying that Israel is prepared to act “on all fronts” following an attack that killed two Israeli Defense...
In my considered opinion, the most dangerous people in life are those who abdicate ANY moral interest or feelings of responsibility for anything outside of their own little family. Those who do and say nothing, who have no views and opinions, who have no interest in exploring or questioning the MSM. An unengaged citizenry are pawns of the New World Order.
<I call them zombies>
Greece Changed Climate of Cold War With Russia at EU Foreign Council
According to a source in the Greek government, Greece and the other countries prevented climate of the Cold War in favor of the introduction of new sanctions...
EU wins Greek backing to extend Russia sanctions, delays decision on new steps
BRUSSELS/KIEV (Reuters) - European Union foreign...
Kiev Announces Russian Invasion of Ukraine a Hoax!
Earlier in the day Ukrainian Military spokesman Lusenko said he was worried if a provocation happened Russia would justify bringing in the Russian army.
This was perfectly in line with General Muzenko's statements which fully destroy western propaganda and agree the Russian invasion of Ukraine was a hoax.
Russia might bailout Greece – finance minister
Leftists propose free land for poor and distinguished Russians
Hacker decken auf: US-Waffenlieferung und hohe Summen auf Privatkonten Kiewer-Militärs
Der ukrainischen Organisation CyberBerkut ist es nach eigenen Angaben gelungen, vertrauliche US-Unterlagen zu hacken. Aus denen geht hervor, dass die USA,...
New video shows white Seattle cop arresting 70yo black veteran for carrying golf club
The Seattle Police Department is reviewing the conduct of an officer after he arrested an elderly black man who was using a golf club as a cane. Posting...
Mariupol Attack is a War Crime: The Evidence points to Kiev
'We won't give GITMO back': White House reacts to Castro's requests
The United States will not relinquish its military base at Guantanamo Bay, or lift other embargoes aimed at Havana at this time, the White House said, despite...
During a scheduled briefing on Thursday, the White House press secretary said that US President Barack Obama will not be heeding the requests recently made by his Cuban counterpart in the wake of a resetting of relations between the two nations.
Borg Documentary 1 of 3
Being Borg is fun!
<Генштаб Украины: не ведется боевых действий с российской армией>saved>
"There is no Russian regular army in the Donbass" said Ukrainian Colonel-General Viktor Muzhenko.
google translate:General Staff of Ukraine not been fighting with the Russian army
January 29th- Ukrainian Commanding General admits there is no Russian invasion of Ukraine.
"There is no Russian regular army in the Donbass" said Ukrainian Colonel-General Viktor Muzhenko.
This statement was reported on Poroshenkos very own Chanel 5 believe it or not. This statement puts a serious dent in the US's narrative that Russia invaded Ukraine. Discerning posters should be fully aware of this fact by now as the Kiev spokesperson (Baghdad Bob) has made the claim over thirty separate occasions in the past year.
2 links to Poroshenkos Chanel 5 :
The Spartans, whose red cloaks and military prowess struck fear into the hearts of both foreign invaders and Greek opponents in the city-states, are no more. Athens itself is a ruin of its historical self. The Greeks, who were once to be contended with, who were able with 300 Spartans, supplemented with a few thousand Corinthians, Thebans, and other warriors, to stop a one hundred thousand man Persian army at Thermopylae, with the final outcome being the defeat of the Persian fleet in the Battle of Salamis and the defeat of the Persian army in the Battle of Plataea, are no more
Greece, stripped of its independence by its EU membership and acceptance of the euro as its currency, has lost is sovereignty. Without control over its own money, Greece cannot finance itself. Greece must rely on private banks from other countries. In the 21st century European private banks are not allowed to lose money simply because they are incompetent and over-lent to EU member countries. This is not considered to be the fault of the banks, but of the borrower governments and populations
Paul Craig Roberts – EU And Banksters Threaten: “Defy Us And We Will Destroy You”
As the West stares into the great abyss and the world prepares for even greater economic turmoil, today Dr. Paul Craig Roberts warned King World News that the EU and banksters are now threatening: "Defy us and we will destroy you." This is an ominous warning from the former U.S. Treasury official as the world prepares to descend into total chaos.
Children given lifelong ban on talking about fracking
Two Pennsylvanian children will live their lives under a gag order imposed under a $750,000 settlement
Taliban not a terrorist group? White House official says it’s ‘armed insurgency’
You Could Soon Go To Jail for Protecting Yourself from Bullets: Congress Proposes Body Armor Ban
Do your part to maintain America's "freedom." Let bullets penetrate your body or go directly to jail!
This is why Ukraine's government is losing the war --
On January 27th, Ukraine's Ministry of Defense headlined "Militants Continue to Suffer Losses," and reported that four helicopters, and other weapons of the "militants," were destroyed in battle, but no evidence was given to support the...
Haters |S2E75|
Cold War 2.0: Countering NATO Propaganda against Russia
In December 2014 NATO released a factsheet on NATO-Russia relations covering more than 30 issues.
UK fighter jets scrambled to intercept Russian bombers
Two Russian Bear long-range bombers flying close to UK airspace were intercepted by RAF Typhoon fighter jets, according to Britain's Ministry of Defence (MoD).
<Cameron should know that if Nato gets too close to the Russian borders, then Russian long range bombers will get very close to UK borders.<Apparently the TU-95 strategic bombers disrupted civil aviation flight in their mission but Nato organizing military exercises at Russia's borders are not disrupting.<
White House Claims The Taliban Isn’t a Terrorist Group
The White House has a habit of underestimating radical Islamic groups. In Wednesday’s White House
Taliban not a terrorist group: White House
White House deputy press secretary Eric Schultz argued during Wednesday’s briefing that the United
‘You Don’t Think the Taliban Is a Terrorist Group?’ Listen Closely to White House Spokesman’s Answer
A White House spokesman had a difficult time answering whether the Taliban was a terrorist
How the US Funds the Taliban
On October 29, 2001, while the Taliban's rule over Afghanistan was under assault, the regime's...
Is the Taliban a Terrorist Group? Yes, One Created by the U.S.
Taliban originally part of “energy security” policy in Afghanistan
Greece Says EU Should Change Policy Towards Russia
Greece claims EU policy towards Russia based only on a historical "distrust" of particular countries towards Moscow.
EU to tighten noose on Russia, expected to extend sanctions
Russia launched a 'SWIFT alternative' in December.
The Foreign ministers are likely to leave the final decision on widening the sanctions to national leaders who will meet at a follow-up summit on February 12.
Russia has vowed to respond economically to any further sanctions, and on Monday Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev warned the response could be “unlimited.”
Foreign Minister Says Finland Ready to Impose New Sanctions on Russia
OSZE-Mission bestätigt - Ukrainer wollen nicht mehr kämpfen
Die vierte Welle der Mobilisierung in der Ukraine erweist sich als äusserst schwer. Dies hat der Polizeichef der Stadt Kriwoj Rog in der Region Dnipropetrovsk zugeben müssen. Einige relevante Daten sind in einem neuen Bericht der OSZE-Beobachtermission in der Ukraine enthalten.
Donbass: Journalist Graham Phillips.."DAS IST NICHT...
Suspend EU-Israel treaty, urge dozens of MEPs
A group of 63, cross-party MEPs have urged EU foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini to suspend the EU-Israel Association Agreement.The Agreement is the main treaty between the EU and Israel that has facilitated trade since 2000, and...
IMF to Ukraine: End War or Face Aid Cut-Off - Russia Insider
Christine Lagarde, the head of the IMF, gave an interview to the French newspaper Le Monde on 24th January 2015 that has attracted little attention but which...
Christine Lagarde, the head of the IMF, gave an interview to the French newspaper Le Monde on 24th January 2015 that has attracted little attention but which threatens to knock the final nail into Ukraine’s debt coffin.
Ukraine’s leaders now face a choice. Either they press on with the war, in which case default looks inevitable, or they negotiate.
The recent comments from Putin and Lagarde show that both the Russians and the IMF are losing patience with this game Ukraine’s leaders have been playing. If the Ukrainians persist with it, unless there is a complete change of heart on the part of the IMF, default looks inevitable.
Covert CIA Mission to Arm Syrian Rebels Goes Awry
Plagued by red tape, skimpy supplies and the defection...
“CIA officers refused support to rebels who wanted 2 fight al Nusra rather than Assad regime.”
Footage Shows Syrian Army Ambushing, Killing Dozens of Nusra Terrorists in Daraa
Exclusive: Obama Cuts Funds for the Syrian Rebels He Claims to Support
Even the favored secular militias groomed to fight ISIS...
European anti-terror plan wants 42 pieces of data from air travelers
Air Cocaine: Al-Qaeda Ally with Colombia's Drug Cartels to Smuggle Drugs into Europe
New drug route from Colombia to Africa's Sahel means jihadists are profiting from cocaine consumption in Europe
In Syria US allies are Al-Qaeda's allies
CDU droht griechischem Regierungschef Tsipras mit EU-Rausschmiss bei pro-russischer Haltung
Karl-Georg Wellmann, CDU-Bundestagsabgeordneter und Vorsitzender der deutsch-ukrainischen Parlamentarier-Gruppe, hat den neuen griechischen...
"If you choose to do nothing, you are part of the problem."
When I tell Americans that, they shrug their shoulders and walk away.
“The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing.”~ Albert Einstein
Jesse Ventura: American Sniper’s Chris Kyle Is a ‘Liar,’ Not a ‘Hero’
Former Minnesota Governor Jesse Ventura, who successfully sued Navy SEAL Chris Kyle's estate and was awarded $1.8 million for defamation last year, is...
I laugh at those that say those people were selected from many with a different opinion to make all Americans look like a bunch of really scared idiots, out of touch with reality. Based on my personal experiences over 60+ years as a American citizen living in the U.S., I can count on one hand those that really knew what was going on and rejected the destruction of their rights.
How to Change Your Life for Good - The Eyeopener
The Deen Show Jewish Rabbi speaking the truth
Islamic State operative confesses to receiving funding through US - report
Cuba urges US to end economic blockade, return Guantanamo
Cuban leader Raul Castro has called on the US to end the economic embargo against the country and demanded that Guantanamo Bay be returned to Cuba as...
Online army: Ukraine seeks to recruit bloggers for ‘truth-telling’ crusade
Fake church set up in Australia to evade vaccination for children
New “no jab, no play” childcare laws introduced in two Australian states have prompted a controversial anti-vaccination group to create a “church” of its own...
Western Reports out of Ukraine Are Outright Lies - Russia Insider
This article originally appeared at Gray FalconAlexander Mercouris has an interesting article on Russia Insider today, pointing out that the Western media...
Foreign intervention ‘100 times more likely’ in oil-rich states – study
Cutting-edge research from British universities has confirmed a belief long held by conspiracy theorists, realists and hawkish neoconservatives alike: oil drives foreign intervention and war.
Foreign governments are 100 times more likely to intervene in civil wars if the troubled state is home to hydrocarbon reserves, according to a new report by academics from the universities of Warwick, Portsmouth and Essex.
Chris Hedges: 'American Sniper' Caters to a Deep Sickness Rippling Through...
Charlie Hebdo ~ Mutter von Fredou wird Autopsiebericht verweigert - 27. Jan
Fredou = der erste Ermittler vor Ort, der "Verselbstmordete"
Reading the US reviews of American Sniper is a good way to remind ourselves not only of the critical role Hollywood plays in popularising lies about the West’s recent history and in sanitising our crimes, but also of the vital role the mainstream media play in giving these simplistic and duplicitous fables an aura of ethical complexity and intellectual respectability.
I'm in awe as the EU pretends to care about Nazi victims of days past, all while fully behind the creation of new Nazi victims in neighboring Ukraine in its bid to push Western Europe's hegemony onto the doorstep of Moscow - you know - like Adolf Hitler's Third Reich did.
The hypocrisy and injustice is beyond description.
Anti-tank missile strikes IDF vehicle on Lebanon-Israel border
The statement says the attack was carried out by a group calling itself the “heroic martyrs of Quneitra.” Quneitra is a district in the Golan Heights. The name of the group suggests the attack was in retaliation for the January 18 airstrike by Israel on the Golan Heights, which killed six Lebanese Hezbollah fighters along with a senior Iranian general.
Anti-tank missile strikes IDF vehicle on Lebanon-Israel border
An anti-tank missile has struck an Israeli Defense Forces vehicle in the Har Dov area near the Lebanese border, Israeli media report.
Charlie Hebdo bombshell! Suicided officer’s family denied access to autopsy
by Hicham Hamza, translated by Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor 1/25/2015 8:48 pm Paris time The mother of Helric Fredou, “suicided” Charlie Hebdo investigator Exclusive! Panamza has contacted the mother of Helric Fredou – the Police Commissioner charged with preparing a report on the family bac…
English speaking soldiers in Ukraine and 20 other things you should know – Video
New Greek govt furious over EU 'unequivocal' anti-Russia statement
The new Greek government has spoken out against the EU partners over the statement that lays the blame for Saturday’s fatal attack on the Ukrainian city of...
<EU statement says that all 28 EU leaders had agreed that Russia bears “responsibility” for a rocket attack on the city of Mariupol that left 30 people dead on Saturday.>
Time to grab guns and kill damn Russians: Tymoshenko tape leak
Syrian Air Force Strikes Joint Meeting of US Sponsored Terrorist Leaders in Damascus Countryside
The army airstrike targeted a gathering of Al-Nusra Front and Ahrar Al-Sham commanders in Mazaya district in the town of Zabadani in Damascus countryside....
Assad: Al-Qaeda Has an Air Force - the Israeli Air Force
Syrian President accuses the IDF of conspiring with the Al-Qaeda terrorist group.
“Israel is directly supporting the terrorist groups in two ways,” he claimed. “Firstly it gives them logistical support, and it also tells them what sites to attack and how to attack them."
Turkish military says MIT shipped weapons to al-Qaeda - Al-Monitor: the Pulse of the Middle East
New documents have been leaked online, prompting the government to immediatey ban reporting on the
US cultivated, financed ISIS - FBI whistleblower, Sibel Edmonds
Sibel explains the marketing strategy behind ISIS for perpetual war and much more. U.S. wants to revive
Are Israel, Jabhat al-Nusra coordinating on attacks in Syria? - Al-Monitor: the...
Israel Launches Artillery Strikes Into Syria, Downs Syrian Jet
The “exchange” comes only a week after an illegal Israeli military air assault inside Syria that resulted in the deaths of top Iranian and Hezbollah commanders who were in the country for the purposes of advising anti-ISIS forces as well as investigating the coordination taking place between ISIS, al-Qaeda, and Israel.
Handcuffs, Leg Shackles and Tasers: The New Face of Punishment in the Public Schools
Roughly 1500 kids are tied up or locked down every day by school officials in the United States.
Breaking: Israeli Air Force launches air raids over the Golan
The tumultuous sound of rocket sirens roar throughout the Israeli-controlled Golan Heights, as the Israeli Air Force (IAF) launches an attack on the Syrian
Rewriting history? Polish FM says Ukrainians liberated Auschwitz, Russia puzzled
The fact of the matter is that it was the Soviet Red Army which liberated that appalling camp Auschwitz...” he said. “Yet now in 2015 we are rewriting history to write out the role of the Red army liberating Auschwitz for political purposes.”
Putin: Ukraine Army is NATO Legion aimed at Restraining Russia
The Ukrainian army is essentially a ‘NATO legion’ which doesn’t pursue the national interests of Ukraine, but persists to restrict Russia, President Vladimir Putin says. “We often say: Ukrainian Ar...
Russia hasn't harmed one Ukranian soldier so far in this conflict, they are not at war with Ukraine, despite the western media complain, the last batch of Ukranians that went over, were given medical treatment, Fed and clothed and then given the choice wether they wanted to be repatriated. None of this can be reported in the western press because it would break the lie they are feeding the western sheeple.
Russland: Ramsch-Rating kam "auf direkten Befehl aus Washington"
Die russische Regierung hat mit Empörung auf die Herabstufung der Kreditwürdigkeit des Landes
Experte: Ukrainisches Parlament steuert auf großen Krieg zu / Sputnik Deutschland - Nachrichten,...
Der jüngste Appell des ukrainischen Parlaments, Russland als einen „Aggressorstaat“ einzustufen, resultiert aus dem Wunsch der Kiewer Behörden,...
<Es geht bald los, die FREAK-JUNTA will den GROSSEN KRIEG!
„Beschluss der Rada wurde unter Einfluss von US-Strategen
gefasst ..Es handelt sich um die Entfesselung eines offenen
Krieges gegen Russland. Dabei ist die Ukraine bereit, die
Verpflichtungen einer kriegführenden Seite zu übernehmen."<
UAF storm Donetsk Airport and get their asses handed to them by NAF. FULL VERSION [Warning: Graphic]
Silence is consent
The legal word for it is--acquiescence. It means that you have given the government your concent by being silent. At least the government insidiously construes it as such. When dealing with government, it is prudent to firmly state--Objection! And say--no--I do not agree. Furthermore, it is essential to place it in writing, or they will steal your concent via deception. They call it--acquiescence. How convenient.
Die korrupte Klientelpolitik der Oligarchen in Griechenland 28.01.2015 - Bananenrepublik
When It Comes To Marijuana, North Korea Appears To Have Liberal Policy Of Tolerance
Blitzkrieg turned mayhem: Hacktivists claim they reveal Ukrainian troops’ annihilation
Ukraine's subversive hacker group CyberBerkut has published documents allegedly exposing dreadful situation with the Kiev's troops attacking separatist forces in the East: war crimes, tremendous loss of lives and wholesale desertion of entrapped troops.
War Is Going Badly for Kiev. Which Makes It All the More Dangerous - Russia Insider
The Saker is our regular contributor. A version of this article also appeared at The Vineyard of the SakerI have been trying to wait as long as possible to get some...
MUST WATCH: This was the year before MAIDAN – ENG SUBS
<basically he says, that the information he obtained from reliable sources indicates that on the territory of Ukraine and with support of US embassy is ongoing preparation for civil war. Training camps for information war and protests which are targeting regime change are already in place. Similar project were realized in Tunisia, Egypt, Syria and Libya.>
Kiev used barrier squads to prevent troops from retreating – E. Ukraine militia
The Ukraine conflict began last April when Kiev launched a military operation in the southeastern Donetsk and Lugansk regions, after they refused to recognize the country’s new, coup-imposed authorities.
Grandma's Skull Fractured by Cop, Cop Claims She Caused Herself to Fracture Her Skull by 'Defiance'
Yeah, like this poor grandmother is going to just fracture her skull all by herself, you damned liar.
Putin Says Russian People Made Biggest Sacrifice in Fight Against Nazism
Dirk Müller und Heiner Flassbeck zur Wirtschaft und Politik 25.01.2015 - Bananenrepublik
Syria: The Battle for Aleppo
With Aleppo encircled, West seeks wildcard to save their terror hordes
NATO's "Foreign Legions" Operating in East Ukraine. Vladimir Putin
Excerpts from transcript of meeting with students at the Mining University Highlights Regrettably, the government in Kiev has refused to take the road of a peaceful...
"We often speak of the ‘Ukrainian army’, but who is doing the fighting there in reality? Yes, in part it is official armed forces units, but a substantial part of those doing the fighting come from the so-called volunteer nationalist battalions. Essentially, this is not an army but is a foreign legion, in this particular case, a NATO foreign legion, which is not pursuing Ukraine’s national interests of course. They have completely different goals, related to achieving their geopolitical aim of containing Russia, and this is absolutely not in the Ukrainian people’s national interests.""
'No coincidence in Kiev offensive and visit of US officials'
Kiev authorities and Ukrainian army are indeed representing the interests of the NATO powers, while the military operations are being orchestrated and...
Christianity and Islam : Papers by Sam Shamoun
Many more articles by Sam Shamoun are found in the section of Rebuttals to Muslim Polemics answering various Muslim writers and speakers whose material is found on the internet.
Israel obviously supporting terrorists in Syria: Assad
March of the Hypocrites – and they’ll soon be marching off to war
“Which group are you linked to and do you have an Emir?
Coulibaly: ‘I am pledging my allegiance to the Caliph of the Muslims, Abu Bakr al Baghdadi. I have made a declaration of allegiance to the Caliph and the declaration of a Caliphate.’”
There’s something more than a little counterintuitive about McCain’s call for a no-fly zone: after all, ISIS doesn’t have an air force, while the most effective counterweight to them – the Syrian government – does indeed. If McCain’s concern is ISIS, then why go after Bashar al-Assad? And as for arming the Syrian Free Army: those arms are more than likely to show up in the hands of ISIS. As Debka File reports:
“The Syrian rebel militia Al Yarmouk Shuhada Brigades, backed and trained for two years by US officers, mostly CIA experts, in Jordan, and supported by the Israeli army, has abruptly dumped these sponsors and joined up with the Islamic State in Iraq.”
Putin calls the Kievan army "a foreign legion of NATO"
Breaking: DPR and LPR forces join and shut the Debaltsevo cauldron, surrounding 7,500 Ukrainian troops
Hillary Clinton Mocks Putin, Gladly Accepts $500K in Jewels from Head-Chopping Saudi Dictator -...
Hillary Clinton is a comedic genius. Just listen to her "impersonate" Vladimir Putin. Do you hear that husky, not-at-all-Russian voice? It's like she NSA wire-tapped...
Is Barack Obama Actually Trying To Help ISIS Take Over Syria? | TheSleuthJournal
That headline sounds crazy, right? It must be untrue, right? Well, read on, because you might be absolutely shocked by what you learn. As you will read about below,...
Noam Chomsky Destroys ‘American Sniper’ As State Propaganda, Calls Out Obama As Terrorist
The dire consequences of meddling in Libya
The dire consequences of meddling in Libya by: Con Coughlin Libya has come a long way – and not at all for the good – since David Cameron proclaimed that the successful campaign to overthrow Colone...
Yury Rubtsov - Liberation of Auschwitz – Heroic Deed of Red Army - Strategic Culture Foundation...
Yury Rubtsov - Liberation of Auschwitz – Heroic Deed of Red Army - Strategic Culture Foundation - on-line journal. Eastern Europe. Germany. Poland. Russia....
Interview mit der politischen Publizistin Evelin Piètza
Seit 20 Jahren beschäftigt sich Evelin mit dem Thema Politik. Sie ist der Meinung, dass in er Ukraine ein stellvertretender Krieg durchgeführt wird. Welche F...
Noam Chomsky: ‘American Sniper’ teaches you to hate the ‘damn savages’ the US murders every day
Famed linguist and political commentator Noam Chomsky took some time during a Cambridge, Massachusetts event hosted by The Baffler to discuss the film...
It Is Time For Iran To Tell The West ‘Goodbye’ - Paul Craig Roberts > -...
. Iran. US. Strategic Culture Foundation
The human trafficking mafia is back in business in Benghazi, Libya.
Mariupol spotter ‘confession’ another fake by Kiev – Russian Defense Ministry
Israeli Fighter Jets Perform Mock Air Raids In Gaza Sky
Israeli occupation jets on Sunday morning fired mock raids over Gaza City. According to press sources, Israeli F-16 warplanes flew in the atmosphere of the sector in the early morning, and at low l...
Mayor Calls 911 To Report A Robbery, Police Show Up, Beat and Arrest Her
"They threw me down, punched me in my head, then punched me in my face," describes the mayor. The entire incident was caught on film.
WATCH: Chomsky Blasts 'American Sniper' and the Media that Glorifies It
The famed professor draw a disturbing parallel between "Sniper" and our "global assassination program."
Is Kissing a "State Sponsor of Terrorism" a "Terrorist Act"?
There are now "'good guy terrorists" and "bad guy terrorists". John Kerry concurs: financial aid to Syria's Al Nusra, an affiliate of Al Qaeda is part of NATO's "Responsibility to Protect" manda...
3 Reasons Intelligent, Rational Americans Don’t Trust Police
Despite near-daily summary executions of unarmed people, assaults and malicious arrests by U.S. police, Americans still love their cops The OP-NAT EYEArticle...
Ein US-Soldat in Mariupol zufällig entdeckt durch ukrainische Journalistin
Western corporate media was mum about the Ukrainian army daily shelling Donetsk and other Donbass residential areas during all the seven months of the so called cease-fire.
Yesterday all of a sudden all the media reported the shelling of Mariupol. The blame game against Russia started immediately.
Now it turns out, that also this atrocity was committed by the Ukrainian army. Of course 'our' media won't correct their disinformation.
Did they correct their 'reports' about #MH17? Nope, not a word.
As inequality soars, the nervous super rich are already planning their escapes
Hedge fund managers are preparing getaways by buying airstrips and farms in remote areas, former hedge fund partner tells Davos during session on inequality,...
Russische Panzer und Kaugummi-Eklat bei Flegel Obamas Indien-Besuch / 26.1.2015
Barack Obama hat am Montag die Militärparade in Neu-Delhi besucht. Er sah dort Panzer und Kampfjets aus russischer Produktion. Die USA und Russland ringen...
WikiLeaks ‘astonished and disturbed’: Google gave its major staff data to US govt
The whistleblowing website has learned that Google handed over to US authorities the digital correspondence and other data from three of its employees on...
Russia develops heavy drone, promises S500 missile system by 2017
The Russian military is putting the finishing touches to its very own heavy military UAV. The drone is part of a wider modernization effort, with the cutting-edge...
Putin: Ukrainian army a NATO legion meant to restrain Russia
The Ukrainian army is essentially a ‘NATO legion’ which doesn’t pursue the national interests of Ukraine, but persists to restrict Russia, President Vladimir Putin says.
17th year reporting on civil liberties in the European Union
7 shocking facts about Saudi Arabia under ‘modernizing’ reign of King Abdullah
Results for: Sovereign debt
Sovereign debt and the crisis in the Eurozone - Part 4 of 4
How to reduce the Greek debt burden?
- There are options to reduce the net present value of Greek public debt servicing costs by more than 15 percent of GDP without incurring losses on creditors
Harmonised long-term interest rates for convergence assessment purposes
Yllättävä arvio USA:sta: Ukrainan kriisi on lännen syytä
Chicagon yliopiston politiikan professori John J. Mearsheimer sanoo, että Ukrainan kriisin syypäitä ovat länsimaat eikä Venäjä.
Facebook Will Remove “Unverified” Fake News From Newsfeeds
If cops and government officials are above the law and we are not, what does that make us? Slaves?
Signs That Russia Has Tired of Waiting for West to Restrain Kiev - Russia Insider
There have been many important days in the Ukrainian conflict but it is possible 23rd January 2015 may turn out to be a key day. Consider what happened:The...
Me, Myself and Medien #4 - Sharia Hebdo und die Ukraine im deutschen TV
Charlie Hebdo False Flag - Terrormanagement? Hat der noch alle Tassen im Schrank?!
Anschlag in Paris - Terrormanegement der Regierung(en)? Für jemanden, der sich mit den Themen nur flüchtig auseinandersetzt, klingt das völlig absurd. Deshalb...
Update: ‘Conning the Public’: Scientists Accuse NASA/NOAA of ‘Misleading’, ‘Deception’ & ‘Lying’ About ‘Hottest Year’ Claim – Concede 2014 probably not ‘hottest year’
Interview 992 – Tim Ball on Geography, Politics and Cognition
ARD: Verständnis für den Extremisten Jazenjuk
Der Faschismus ist die Macht des Finanzkapitals selbst.
Haß gegen die anderen Völker kultiviert.
Maßnahmen, die die demokratischen Freiheiten der Werktätigen unterdrücken, die Rechte des Parlaments fälschen und beschneiden, …
88 Russian journalists expelled from Ukraine - adviser to Ukraine’s Security Council chief
“Eighty-eight such (propagandists) have been expelled from Ukraine as of today,” Markiyan Lubkovsky, an adviser to the Ukrainian Security Council’s chief told the...
<In Paris Poro$h walked in the march to defend the rights of Charlie, in Ukraine he prefers censorship. Makes you wonder what he has to hide ...<
Obama Has Sentenced Whistleblowers to 25 Times the Jail Time of All Prior U.S. Presidents...
Related(?): Western Politicians and Media Rush To Issue Tributes To King That Led The World In Beheadings, Whipped Bloggers For Criticism & Banned Women...
3,000 "Moderate Rebels" Defect to the Islamic State (ISIS). US Preparing 5,000 More
Reported along the peripheries of the Western media, it was reported recently that some 3,000 so-called
"Al Qaeda R Us": John McCain’s "Moderate Rebels" in Syria are ISIS
Poor John McCain and Lindsey Graham, Washington’s original first couple. They only want to arm the ‘moderate opposition’ in Syria. Three years on, how come...
'Not acceptable': Nabeel Rajab slams US media head for listing RT with terror groups
Whether you agree with RT or not, it is “not acceptable” to equate the channel with terror groups, prominent Bahraini activist Nabeel Rajab said, referring to a...
<The American government is terrified of the truth and is scared like hell when it's lies and war crimes are exposed by RT. From the point of view of war criminals and terrorists, the truth is terrorism ( to the terrorists ).>
Putin: People who give orders bear resposibility for victims of Ukraine conflict
Russian President Vladimir Putin said orders to kill people are given amid propaganda slogans about desire for peace
A Key Day In The Ukrainian Conflict? : Information Clearing House - ICH
In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is distributed without profit to those who...
Volker Pispers: Der Kampf gegen den Terrorismus IRAK | IRAN | Taliban | ISIS | IS - Bananenrepublik
Max Uthoff - Poroschenko schlachtet das eigene Volk ab und deutsche Medien sind auf Drogen
''If American Sniper wins one Oscar, never mind the six it’s been nominated for, when this annual extravaganza of movie pomp and ceremony unfolds in Hollywood on February 22, it will not only represent an endorsement of US exceptionalism, but worse it will be an insult to the Iraqi people. In the movie they are depicted as a dehumanized mass of savages – occupying the same role as the Indians in John Wayne Western movies of old – responsible for their own suffering and the devastation of their country, which the white man is in the process of civilizing.''
The worst warmongering, people hating hypocrites attend church.
Everything in the U.S. is about portraying a positive impression.
Scratch the surface and you'll find nothing but fake and plastic people going through the motions to project a image they are not.
Outdoing Dr. Goebbels: The propaganda war against RT
Propaganda. At its best – a wonderful German pop group of the 1980s who had their biggest hit with a track named ‘Duel’. At its worst – the comments of the new BBG chief Andrew Lack, which put RT in the same category of ‘challenges’ as ISIS.
<It's not working for them and that's why they are throwing a tantrum. More and more people are reading RT. If they continue to provide good alternative news, they have nothing to worry about.<
The Globalization of War and the Global Economic Crisis. Is there a Relationship?
Global Research is launching a new book entitled: The Globalization of War America's "Long War"...
[eng subs] Assault on the New Terminal combat footage 16-18 January "Donbas under fire" documentary
The Vineyard of the Saker
Radicals stage disorder at May Odessa massacre trial in southern Ukraine
The attackers were crying out “Glory to Ukraine” and “Glory to Heroes”
Spot The Difference? The Islamic State (ISIS) versus Saudi Arabia
One is a terrorist organization supported covertly by Western intelligence, the other is America's most revered, oil-exporting ally... Both are instruments of...
US-Cuba thaw opens door to 'American Trojan horse' (Op-Edge)
Last month, Washington surprised the world when it lifted sanctions against Cuba. Political analyst Daniel Shaw believes the US strategy is unchanged and this is...
Dozens of children homeless after Israel illegally demolished Palestinian houses - UN
The United Nations has condemned Israel for illegally demolishing houses of Palestinians in East Jerusalem, leaving 77 people, over half of whom are children,...
In 2014 the Israeli authorities destroyed 590 Palestinian-owned structures in Area C and east Jerusalem, displacing 1,177 people.
Senior CIA Operations Officer 1982 - 2004
9/11: Blueprint for Truth–Richard Gage, AIA–2014 Canada tour–Victoria, BC - 3/15/14
Keiser Report: Markets Mind Carnage (E710)
<after 21:50>
Американский наёмник в Мариуполе после обстрела 24/01/15
Heute, Russische Sendung per reine Zufall hat erwischt in Mariupol amerikanische Söldner !!!!
Shell Shock: Mariupol residential area devastated
ENG SUBS Mariupol resident: Ukrainians shell us/Мариуполь после обстрела 24 01 2015
Poroshenkos Held ist Stepan Bandera
Brainstorming Washington Style: Everything is Russia’s Fault
For Brzezinski, Pifer, and Talbott, American and NATO troops are free to move anywhere in Europe without repercussions, but it is Russia which is exerting...
RT cleared over coverage of MH17 crash reporting after complaints to Ofcom
The UK’s media regulator has assessed whether RT’s coverage of the MH17 plane crash was biased following several viewer complaints, and hasn’t found any...
Reflections on MH17
The tragedy of MH17 in which 298 people lost their lives, made the conflict in Ukraine real for many.
Doomed flights: Malaysia made to pay?
“Once is coincidence. Twice is happenstance. And thrice is ‒ enemy action.” That’s what the...
Poroshenko to IMF: Did I Say $17 Billion? We Actually Need $50 Billion - Russia Insider
This article originally appeared at John Helmer (Dances with Bears)
(for those of you who are unaware of this, the west has been trying to get Russia to pay the Ukrainian bill, while at the same time imposing sanctions to "punish" her)
Telephone conversation with IMF Head Christine Lagarde
Vladimir Putin had a telephone conversation with Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund Christine Lagarde.
Mr Putin and Ms Lagarde discussed international cooperation issues in overcoming the severe financial and economic crisis in Ukraine and possible steps by the IMF with regard to the Kiev leadership’s request for a new long-term assistance loans programme.
January 22, 2015, 23:00
Turkey: Military Says Turkish National Intelligence Service (MIT) Shipped Weapons to Al-Qaeda - Government Bans Reporting
According to information published on and then banned from the Internet in Turkey, on Jan. 19, 2014, the prosecutor of an Adana court instructed the Adana Provincial Gendarmerie Command to stop and...
Global Research (Centre for Research on Globalization) · 469 Shares · Jan 21, 2015
Dutch opposition says has documents proving Turkey sent arms to Syrian jihadists
Non-Muslims Carried Out More than 90% of All Terrorist Attacks in America
Terrorism Is a Real Threat … But the Threat to the U.S. from Muslim Terrorists Has Been Exaggerated...
What do you think are the reasons for the growing violence?
Attacks against Muslims and their places of worship is on the rise in Germany, Britain and France.
ChristoJudaic Crusades of the Corporate Fundamentalist fanatics and their Almighty Dollar want race and religious riots and violence .... to justify more homeland security, to justify more perppetual war ............ and there is currently a persecution of Moslems akin to that against Jews a century ago.
Donetsk Militia Deny Kiev Accusations of Shelling Mariupol
The militia of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic (DPR) denied the shelling of Mariupol, port in southeastern Ukraine. The city was shelled from the...
Pentagon dispatches first batch of US forces to train Syrian rebels
Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel is sending the first wave of about 100 US forces to the Middle East in the coming days to train and equip Syrian opposition fighters...
<So then I take it it will be fine for Syria-Iran-Russia to send troops to Mexico to take alot of unemployed malcontents and train them to be terrorists back home in America ?
WHEN IS RULE OF INTERNATIONAL LAW GOING TO BE APPLIED - and if the criminals of Washington cannot be taken to ICC for aiding and abetting terrorism, invasion of sovereign nations using proxy and trained insurrectioinsts, interfering in business of sovereign nations - THEN WILL THE G77 NATIONS PLEASE COLLECTIVELY SUE THE HELL OUT OF US CRIMINALS IN AN INTERNATIONAL COURT!!!!<
State Department disagrees with head of US state media over equation of RT with ISIS
Документальный проект NewsFront: «Донбасс. На линии огня». Фильм 7-й: «На Войне, как на Войне». 18+
Researchers: Police likely provoke protestors — not the other way around
New research from Berkeley shows that police are often the agitators of violence
Humanitäre Hilfe vom Allrussischen Elternwiderstand, TV SV-DVR, Nr. 311
Hier ist eine Retrospektive der kurzen Videoreportagen aus Donezk und Umgebung, die...
Dead bodies in NATO uniforms, US weapons recovered from under debris of Donetsk airport
“While examining the building of the Donetsk airport, we found a great number of American firearms,” spokesman for the defense ministry of the self-proclaimed...
We know that the US has delivered weapons to Ukraine, because the US regime has said so itself. Rumours of NATO soldiers on the ground have been around for many months. Would be nice though, if the OSCE would take the trouble to verify this and announce its findings to main stream media. After all, if NATO is already involved, that affects all of us ! (reminder: Ukraine still isn't an official NATO country ...)
Pentagon dispatches first batch of US forces to train Syrian rebels
Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel is sending the first wave of about 100 US forces to the Middle East in the coming days to train and equip Syrian opposition fighters battling Islamic State militants.
>BS! They join ISIS to fight against the overnment forces and againt Syrian minorities like Christians>
UN Says Over 900000 Ukrainians Internally Displaced Due to Ongoing Conflict
US-gesteuerte Ukraine tötet Zivilisten in Noworossia:
Cop Records Himself Shooting Man For Running Away
The Muskogee, Oklahoma Police Department just released the video from a fatal on-duty police shooting Friday. The whole thing was captured by an officer's
<Does running away from the police ALSO make them "fear for their lives" too?<
US-Made Weapons, High-Power Explosives Found in Donetsk Airport / Sputnik International
A senior commander of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic's military reported Monday that
Dead bodies in NATO uniforms, US weapons recovered from under debris of Donetsk airport
A spokesman for the defense ministry of the DPR has said that American firearms had been found while examining the building of the Donetsk airport Tass News...
Hollywood uses ‘American Sniper’ to destroy history & create myth
The moral depravity into which the US is sinking is shown by the movie American Sniper glorifying the exploits of a racist killer receiving six Oscar nominations,...
OP-EDGE: 'Chris Kyle was not the warrior or hero portrayed in American Sniper. He was in fact a racist killer for whom the only good Iraqi was a dead Iraqi. He killed men, women, and children, just as his comrades did during the course of a brutal and barbaric war of aggression waged by the richest country in the world against one of the poorest.'
RT equated to ISIS for ‘daring to advocate a point of view’
Following comments from the US overseas broadcasting chief listing RT as a challenge alongside the Islamic State and Boko Haram, critics said the outlet was singled out for “daring to advocate a point of view,” as well as for “competing for viewership.”
On Wednesday, the new chief of the US Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG), Andrew Lack, told the New York Times that RT posed a significant challenge – putting the broadcaster in a list alongside the Islamic State and Boko Haram terror groups.
Polnischer Außenminister: KZ Auschwitz durch ukrainische Soldaten befreit / Sputnik Deutschland...
Eine Woche vor dem 70. Jahrestag der Befreiung von Auschwitz-Birkenau durch die Rote Armee hat der polnische Außenminister Grzegorz Schetyna mitgeteilt, dass...
<Das Konzentrationslager wurde von der Einheit Iwan Stepanowitsch Konew am 27.1.1945 befreit, der danach mit Marschal Schukow die Schlacht um Berlin schlug.Es war die militärische Formation der Roten Armee,welche im Okt.1943 nach der Befreiung der östlichen Ukraine zur 1. ukrainischen Front benannt wurde.
Obama's Baseless Accusations against Moscow: "Russian Troops in Ukraine"
Big Lies repeated enough get most people to believe them. The power of repetition works. Throughout months of Kiev instigated aggression on Donbass, Western...
No Russian combat troops operate in Ukraine. Nor is Moscow supplying Donbas freedom fighters with weapons.
Saudi Arabia under a new king wants to get back to its bloody business, which it never got out in the first place. After all, ISIS is the joint kid on which the US, Saudi Arabia, Israel and Turkey worked so hard for so long.
NATO Commander Lied Claiming "Russian Invasion of Ukraine"
How many previous times did Big Lies proliferate about hoards of Russians coming? Claimed by US officials. Other Western ones. Former NATO...
'American Sniper' Has Incited Death Threats and Racism -- It's Far from 'Apolitical'
The film has promoted a host of lies about the origins of the Iraq war.
Pentagon Confirms US Troops Will Deploy to Ukraine in Spring - Russia Insider
This article originally appeared at Antiwar.comUS Army commander in Europe Lt. Gen. Ben Hodges visited Ukraine today, as Pentagon officials confirmed plans to...
Embarrassment as US and ISIS tributes to King Abdullah almost identical
January 23, 2015
There were red faces in both the corridors of the White House and across the Islamic State last night after it emerged that the US and ISIS tributes sent to the late King Abdullah were noticeably alike.
In both statements, Abdullah was praised for his “vision and leadership”, as someone who “had the courage of his convictions” and “constantly strived for unity across borders in the Middle East.” The US and ISIS also hailed the late monarch as a man who, “in a turbulent region, demonstrated his commitment to law, order and the principle of the pretty barbaric public execution.”
According to sources, to diminish further embarrassment ISIS have requested that its representative at the official state funeral be not placed next to Joe Biden.
<Just a coincidence I guess<
3 signs the Japanese-hostage video could have been doctored
Bilder die ARD und ZDF nicht aus der Ukraine zeigen – Die Ausfälle des Rechten Sektors
"In Charkiw, der zweitgrößten Stadt der Ukraine, haben Militante des Rechten Sektors und der rechtsradikalen Swoboda-Partei am 21. Januar Vertreter der Stadtverwaltung angegriffen. Danach zogen sie unter Zeigen des Hitlergrußes und Rufen wie „Hoch lebe die Ukraine“ und „Ehre den Helden“ durch die Stadt."
America Is Running the World’s Largest Terrorist Operation
Experts on the Left and the Right Agree
Chomsky: “Obama Is Running The Biggest Terrorist Operation That Exists”
Ukraine: 'No need for peace talks, we're on the offensive' - Zakharchenko
There is no need for peace talks at present since DNR forces are on the offensive, said Prime Minister...
Cameron leads UK tributes to Saudi King Abdullah after death
The prime minister expresses his sadness at the death of Saudi Arabia's King Abdullah, and paid tribute to his work for peace in the region.
IMF chief Christine Lagarde hails Saudi King Abdullah a "strong advocate of women."
1. Is Christine Lagarde a Wahhabi?
2. Does the IMF then intend to delegate its policies on feminism and women's rights to the king, I mean, tyrant of Saudi Arabia?
Agenten-Team nach Bombardement mit 13 Toten in der Ostukraine festgenommen
What game is the House of Saud playing?
The House of Saud now finds itself in times of extreme trouble. Their risky oil price war may eventually backfire. The succession of King Abdullah may turn into a bloodbath. And the American protector may be musing a change of heart.
Truth Revealed: McCain's 'Moderate Rebels' in Syria ARE ISIS
Patrick Henningsen | Washington's nation-builders are...
ARMS TO AL-QAEDA: U.S. Generals Admit Washington Has Backed Islamic Militants in Syria
21WIRE + Dr Jerome Corsi |
Another European Holocaust looms as Kiev mulls concentration camps to 'filter sub-humans out of...
"Long live the White Races, and down with the Semite-led subhumans and interracial contacts". Look at that slogan. Should this be regarded as a great and...
Israeli PM’s unscheduled Congress speech causes diplomatic uproar in Washington
Israeli occupation keeps little girl in custody for 3rd week
Around 7,000 Palestinians are currently being held in Israeli prisons Over the past decade, Israeli occupation has arrested, interrogated, and prosecuted around 7,000 children between 12 and 17, mostly boys, at a rate of “an average of two children...
Federal Government Reaffirms Its Commitment To Killer Cops
The U.S. Justice Department is just about to wrap up their investigation into the shooting of Mike Brown, the unarmed African American teenager who was
The ISIL terrorists execute a group of 13 Iraqi teenage boys in the troubled northern city of Mosul for watching a soccer game on TV.
Yhdysvallat ostaa Venäjältä miljardilla dollarilla avaruusrakettien moottoreita |...
Zum 70. Gedenktag 2015: Treffen der Nazi-Komplizen in Auschwitz - Gauck dabei!
Zum 70. Gedenktag der Befreiung des Konzentrationslagers Auschwitz durch sowjetische Truppen geschehen drei unglaublich erscheinende Dinge gleichzeitig:...
With Aleppo Encircled, West Seeks Wildcard to Save its Terror Hordes
As exposed in 2007 by two-time Pulitzer Prize winner and veteran journalist Seymour Hersh in his New Yorker report titled, “The Redirection,” the West conspired to intentionally build up and unleash terrorist mercenaries affiliated with Al Qaeda across the Arab World to fight a proxy war against Iran and its growing arc of influence. US support was to be laundered through Saudi Arabia as to maintain a veneer of plausible deniability and operational compartmentalization. Clearly, what is unfolding in Syria today, is the verbatim manifestation of Hersh’s meticulous, 9-page report."
Report details IDF ‘double tap’ bombings that hit first responders in Gaza | +972 Magazine
Using human shields, attacking medical teams and hospitals, shooting at civilians waving white flags. A new report by Physicians for Human Rights authored by a...
Beyond shocking. This serious report by a physicians' group may explain why the ICC decision is so alarming to some -- unbelievable evidence from multiple witnesses of 'double tap' bombings in which the IDF bomb a target -- such a a building or hospital - then bomb it again when emergency crews arrive and wounded civilians are running into the street…
DPR Leader Says Abandoning Attempts to Speak to Kiev About Ceasefire
DPR leader Alexander Zakharchenko stated that eastern Ukrainian self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic will no longer make attempts to speak with Kiev on the...
"There will no longer be any attempts to speak about a ceasefire from our side," said Zakharchenko.
The real American Sniper was a hate-filled killer. Why are simplistic patriots...
7 Big Lies 'American Sniper' Is Telling America
There is a backlash against the film's misleading take on sniper Chris Kyle's character.
OSZE-Bericht: Die Volkswehr hat den Bus bei Wolnowacha nicht gesprengt | Русская весна
20.01.2015 - 6:19 Nach
OSZE-Bericht überführt Obama als Lügner: Keine russischen Soldaten und Panzer in Ukraine
Bericht widerspricht Behauptungen des Regimes in Kiew, bestätigt dass die Beschuldigungen der NATO
OSZE-Mission: Keine russische Truppenbewegung an von OSZE überwachten Grenzübergängen
Die Monitoring-Mission der Organisation für Sicherheit und Zusammenarbeit in Europa (#OSZE) in der #Ukraine hat monatelang die Grenzübergänge an der ukrainische-russischen Grenze beobachtet. In ihrem gestern veröffentlichten Bericht kommt die OSZE zu dem Schluss, dass “keinerlei Bewegung von russischen Militärs an den Grenzpunkten” beobachtet wurde. Zuvor hatte Kiew, ohne Beweise vorzulegen, behauptet, dass erst Anfang der Woche zwei russische Bataillone die Grenze überquert hätten.
House Sparrows: information about House Sparrows and caring for rescued sparrows
Care of baby house sparrows including info on how to keep a nestling warm, what type of formula to feed...
they have a life expectancy of 12 to 14 years in captivity
(the record for a wild sparrow is 23 years )
US drone operator says sorry for killing 1600
<Sorry for killing 1600 but when France and the USA kill 15 people in a false flag attack in Paris, 1,5 billion Muslims are expected to apologize.<
‘We didn’t even really know who we were firing at’ – former US drone operator
Former US drone sensor operator Brandon Bryant admits he “couldn’t stand” himself for his participation in the country’s drone program for six years – firing on...
Talousdemokratialla tarkoitetaan ajatussuuntausta, jossa myös talous- ja rahavalta on kansan käsissä, jonka...
50 from Finland joined ISIL ranks: Police
Gray State The Rise Rough Cut Directed by David Crowley
Gray state movie producer David Crowley and family found dead
Four Horsemen - Feature Documentary - Official Version
OSCE Chair says Crimean referendum in its current form is illegal and calls for alternative ways to address the Crimean issue
This Man Will go to Jail for 6 Months if He Doesn’t Remove a Windmill from his Own Property
Orono, Minnesota - Over the past year, we have been following the story of a Minnesota man named Jay Nygard, who is routinely risking jail time because he...
im Rickards on The Currency War and Economic Crisis 2015
ECB QE Assures Economic Collapse 2015
In today's video, Christopher Greene of AMTV reports on the economic collapse 2015. AMTV Website:
Boom Goes The Dynamite: The Crashing Price Of Oil Is Going To Rip The Global Economy To Shreds
Американська нагорода для поранених бійців
American generals in Ukraine
[Anmerkung: Dieses Video mit der Beteiligung des ranghöchsten US-Generals in Europa unterstreicht die direkte Beteiligung der USA in dem Krieg gegen die zivile Donbass-Bevölkerung! Die USA haben die Ukraine okkupiert und drängen das Kiewer Regime zum Töten der ostukrainischen russischsprachigen Zivilbevölkerung, wie wir von Tag zu Tag sehen!]
NAF opened a second offensive: Donetsk army moving to unite with Lugansk army
Poroshenko Says 9,000 Russian Troops in Ukraine, High-Tech Invisibility Cloaks Prevent Detection...
Ukrainian chocolate sultan Petro Poroshenko told...
18+ A special film for Europe, see what they do Ukrainian fascists and Poroshenko 19.01.2015
A Car That Runs 258 Miles To The Gallon - For No More Than $600USD, page 1
A Car That Runs 258 Miles To The Gallon - For No...
110.000 actually
Will Obama and Congress ever ‘declare war’ on ISIS?
The Necessity for Higher Wages - Heiner Flassbeck on RAI (4/5)
Freedom of Speech? Facebook Will Filter Out “Fake News”, Boston Mayor Bans Bad Mouthing of Olympics
In case you need a refresher, here’s the text of the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion,...
Gold jumps above $1,300 for the first time in 5 months
Gold prices have risen above $1,300 an ounce for the first time since August 2014. It’s because the global economic slowdown, expectation of ECB ‘easy money’, and currency volatility make investors turn to a safe haven, gold trader Mark O'Byrne...
TOLERATING INTOLERANCE? (ft. ex President of Cyprus George Vassiliou)
<intransigent = characterized by refusal to compromise or to abandon an extreme position or attitude : uncompromising<
EU pushes for quick decision on new anti-terror law > -...
Charlie Hebdo: The Hidden Agenda Exposed > - Strategic Culture Foundation
. France. Strategic Culture Foundation
Noam Chomsky - The Crimes of U.S. Presidents
“If the Nuremberg laws were applied, then every post-war American president would have been hanged.” ― Noam Chomsky
Massaker in Odessa Ein Überlebender berichtet
1,700 Private Jets Will Fly to Davos to Discuss Global Warming
Don't worry. I'm sure these will be non-polluting private jets powered by carbon offsets and unicorn magic.
ECB announces milestone €1.1tn ‘easy money’ program
The European Central Bank announced it will embark on a full-fledged quantitative easing program, which will break down to €60 billion per month. The move is made to counter a triple-dip recession in the eurozone.
Covert team caught after shelling kills at least 9 in eastern Ukraine
A covert group has been arrested. They may have been behind the shelling during rush hour on Thursday morning in Donetsk. At least nine people were killed and...
Israeli Soldier Gives Water to Blind Elderly Palestinian Woman for Propaganda, Then Kills Her
74-year-old Palestinian woman Ghalya Abu-Rida being given water by Israeli troops, minutes before she was executed. During the Israeli bombardment and...
Donetsk Militia Reports 9 dead, 9 Injured in Morning Mortar Shelling
Neighboring buildings were also damaged by mortar shelling. Resquers continue to work on site.
Thoughts on Netanyahu marching in France? - George Galloway - Press TV - 15th January 2015
Dozen former French soldiers, including elite troops, join ISIS - reports
A dozen former French soldiers, mostly from special forces and the Foreign Legion, have joined jihadists fighting in Syria and Iraq, a defense ministry source confirms,...
What Chemtrails Are Doing To Your Brain - Neurosurgeon Dr. Russell Blaylock Reveals Shocking Facts.
Well Known Scientist Sounds The Alarm On Geoengineering
Over the past year the skies above San Diego have changed drastically in plain sight. We’ve been robbed of the beautiful blue skies we associate with our city. Almost every day jet airliners are spraying innumerable so-called “chemtrails” and they persist after release behind the jets to gradually form clouds. Chemical clouds. Toxic clouds. They eventually diffuse and form a white haze in the sky. Sometimes, the artificial clouds are laid so thickly as to make the otherwise blue San Diego sky fully overcast with toxic chemical aerosols. Sometimes, depending on chemical mix, the transition from spray to white haze is rapid. Please see a few examples, attached, that I photographed from my front yard.
No military equipment crossed Russia-Ukraine border at checkpoints - OSCE
The OSCE mission in Ukraine has not registered any movement of military vehicles on the border between Russia and Ukraine, the group’s newly released statement...
Cannibal Christian Crusaders Challenge Muslim and Jewish Maniacs in Most Evil Contest
Yesterday, 20 inflamed and angry Christians lynched a few Muslims with one of the Christians eating the dead flesh of the carcasses in an religious orgy. Apparently, some of these Christians believe that human flesh makes them invincible. They also put chunks of flesh inside amulets that they wear.
Now check this….after the attacks in Paris, some wanted all 1.8 billion Muslims to condemn and apologize for the acts of 2 criminals in Paris.
As of now, there are no Tweets by King Murdoch calling for all Christians to apologize for the actions of the cannibals nor is he demanding that all Christians accept responsibility.
The East Ukraine Bus Disaster. The Propaganda War Goes Ballistic. Testimony of Bus Driver points to Kiev Regime
According to his testimony which is in line with other survivors, the Grad attack came from Ukrainian controlled territory.
In the small town of Slavanosbersk over 140 homes have been destroyed and the town has no military targets.
The Globalization of War. America’s “Long War” against Humanity
“Je suis Ali Abbas”: The Forgotten Victims of State Terrorism
“Je Suis CIA”
he Charlie Hebdo incident is being sold as “the French 9/11”. It certainly is, in all of the most tragic ways: France, like the United States on 9/11, has been used. The masses of the world have been deceived, and march in lockstep to NATO’s drumbeat again.
All signs lead from French intelligence back to Washington—and Langley, Virginia—directly and indirectly. Red herrings and deceptions comprise the official narrative.
Signs of an inside job and a still unfolding cover-up are significant, from pristine, undamaged passports found on scene to the convenient suicide of Helric Fredou, the Paris police commissioner in charge of the Hebdo investigation.
Eni CEO Says Oil Prices Could Jump to $200 a Barrel
Claudio Descalzi, CEO of Italian oil group Eni, has warned that oil prices could skyrocket to $200 a barrel in a few years, if OPEC members fail to restore stability in oil prices today.
Charlie Hebdo's typical circulation is about 60,000 copies
Turkey: Military Says Turkish National Intelligence Service (MIT) Shipped Weapons to Al-Qaeda -...
According to information published on and then banned from the Internet in Turkey, on Jan. 19, 2014, the prosecutor of an Adana court instructed the Adana...
USA bringen EU auf Linie und blockieren Annäherung an Russland
Die Amerikaner haben die EU-Bemühungen gestoppt, die Sanktionen gegen Russland aufzuheben. Ein entsprechendes Papier wurde von den...
NJ cops shoot 9 times, kill black man who had his hands up
Special Conditions: Boeing Model 777-200, -300, and -300ER Series Airplanes; Aircraft Electronic System Security Protection From Unauthorized Internal Access
Boeing Uninterruptible Autopilot Buap, BUAP was installed on 777s and is being ignored-Why?
There are FAA documents that prove that this is real:
"The integrated network configurations in the Boeing Model 777-200 (the model of MH370,) -300, and -300ER series airplanes may enable increased connectivity with external network sources and will have more interconnected networks and systems, such as passenger entertainment and information services than previous airplane models. This may enable the exploitation of network security vulnerabilities and increased risks potentially resulting in unsafe conditions for the airplanes and occupants. This potential exploitation of security vulnerabilities may result in intentional or unintentional destruction, disruption, degradation, or exploitation of data and systems critical to the safety and maintenance of the airplane. The existing regulations and guidance material did not anticipate these types of system architectures."
FLIGHT CONTROL: Boeing’s ‘Uninterruptible Autopilot System’, Drones & Remote Hijacking
On December 4th of 2006, it was announced that Boeing had won a patent on an uninterruptible autopilot system for use in commercial aircraft. This was the first public acknowledgment by Boeing about the existence of such an autopilot system.
“The “uninterruptible” autopilot would be activated – either by pilots, by onboard sensors, or even remotely via radio or satellite links by government agencies like the Central Intelligence Agency, if terrorists attempt to gain control of a flight deck.”
West seeks to isolate, overthrow Putin while demanding he resolves Ukraine crisis – presidential spox
According to Merkel “supposedly Putin does not fit into this system of values with his world view,” he remarked.“Is this the system, which, for example, allows the recognition of the results of a coup d’etat the next day [after it happened]? If so, Putin surely does not fit into such a system with his understanding that such a revolution can hardly be legal,” he said.
Field McConnell - Boeing Uninterruptible Auto Pilot Used On 9/11 Planes, Impossible To Hijack!
In five days Ukrainian forces lost 2,000 wounded, 25% of equipment, 700 killed and missing
January 16, 2014RusvesnaTranslated from Russian by J. Hawk In 5 days the Ukrainian army lost 25% of...
Václav Klaus Says Crimea Did Not Belong to Ukraine
Václav Klaus: "Die Krim gehörte nicht zur Ukraine"
Tschechiens Ex-Präsident legt im "Presse"-Interview eine Teilung der Ukraine nahe. Russland sei in Sachen Krim unter Zugzwang gewesen, meint er.
Man Invokes 5th Amendment, Cops Tell Him to “Throw all the Legal Mumbo Jumbo Out the Window”
Four Horsemen - Feature Documentary - Official Version
Chris Hedges "The American Public Is Utterly Misinformed On What's Happening In Ukraine"
Noam Chomsky: Obama's Drone Program 'The Most Extreme Terrorist Campaign of Modern Times'
World-renowned linguist and scholar Noam Chomsky has criticized what he sees as Western hypocrisy following the recent terror attacks in Paris and the idea that...
To set the record straight: "The camp was liberated on 27 January 1945 by Soviet soldiers. In the battles for the liberation of the Auschwitz camp and the city more than 200 Soviet soldiers and officers were killed.
A year ago, Russia donated $ 1 million to fund a museum on the site of the former concentration camp.
30% of Ukrainians Didn't Have Money to Pay Their Utility Bills Last Month / Sputnik International
Stagnant incomes and skyrocketing prices have meant that nearly thirty percent of Ukraine's population was unable to pay their utilities bills last month, Ukrainian...
British intelligence (GCHQ) Put Investigative Journalists Among Terrorists and Hackers on Threat...
The Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ) building in Cheltenham, Gloucestireshire. (Photo: UK Ministry of Defence/flickr/cc) British intelligence...
One internal document intended for army intelligence stated that “journalists and reporters representing all types of news media represent a potential threat to security.”
Ex-UK spy chief says accord needed with tech firms to stop terrorism
<Update 1-20: If it wasn't enough that the NSA and the GCHQ spy on us without warrants, now they are trying to use the Paris attacks to force tech companies to provide them access to every single method of communication. They essentially want to make privacy illegal. <
Charlie Hebdo - The Hidden Agenda Exposed
We don't have to speculate as to how this event is going to be used. It has already started.
18 trillion in bond debt, 200 trillion in unfunded liabilities, 3700 trillion or 3.7 quadrillion in derivatives, that the top 10 US banks have to offset all their toxic assets trying to control the commodities and stock markets. 50 million people on EBT, 25 million unemployed and 6 million homeless. Whilst the FED reserve a private corporation prints 85 billion a month to hold up the stock market based on money that has no intrinsic value other than to create inflation and debt !! Trillions spent on infinite wars and infinite murder, always based on false pretenses into infinity with impunity since 1776
Putin Excluded from Holocaust Commemorations
Glancing at the headlines one might believe Russian President Vladimir Putin had inappropriately decided not to attend Holocaust commemorations in Poland. In one breathtaking display of misinformat...
In one breathtaking display of misinformation, Reuters would report in its article Putin will not attend Holocaust commemorations in Poland that, “Sources told Reuters on Monday that Putin was unlikely to join world leaders gathering at the site of the Auschwitz death camp because distrust caused by the conflict in Ukraine has cast a pall on arrangements.” In reality, The Russian leader was never invited by Poland, the nation hosting the commemorations.
China and Switzerland to launch yuan trading in Zurich
The central banks of China and Switzerland are planning to establish a yuan trading center in Zurich. The deal is expected to increase the number of European transactions in yuan.
ENHANCED VERSION: News Reports WTC7 Fell Before It Happens!
Israel government 'tortures' children by keeping them in cages, human rights group says
An Israeli human rights organisation has accused the government of torturing children after it emerged some were kept in outdoor cages during winter.
"The Public Committee Against Torture in Israel (PCATI) published a report which claimed children suspected of minor crimes were subjected to “public caging”, threats and acts of sexual violence and military trials without representation."
Wieso stören sich so viele nicht an diesen Streifen? | Ich frag mich
Hier findest du meine Beobachtungen des Himmels über Deutschland wenn es um Kondensstreifen und Flugzeugabgase geht von Morgens bis Mittags
Ukrainian offensive in Donbass makes sanctions against Russia ‘immoral’ – Duma chief
The Ukrainian military’s new offensive against the breakaway republics in Donbass renders any anti-Russian sanctions immoral, and demonstrates the West’s true...
"Combat actions are taking place right near our borders. They target residential buildings, schools, and hospitals. Civilian casualties are reported in the Donetsk and Lugansk republics. By blocking these regions’ opportunities to return to normal life, the Kiev authorities are aggravating the humanitarian disaster, and in this they enjoy the support of many Western governments that have enough objective information on the situation,” Naryshkin told MPs. “They know everything, yet they allow everything that is going on in Ukraine to continue,”
Israelkritischer Tweet und weg bist du - Selbst als langjähriger CNN-Korrespondent
600 Stämme aerosolierter bewusstseinsverändernder Impfstoffe bereits an Menschen getestet
Der Einsatz aerosolierter versteckter Impfstoffe als Werkzeug zur Verhaltenskontrolle und Bewusstseinsveränderung
Where Loyalties Lie: Foreigners Seep Into Ranks Of Top Afghan Posts / Sputnik US - News,...
Ghulam Popal, the nominee for Afghanistan’s Finance Minister, has reportedly withdrawn his candidacy amid heated scandal over his dual citizenship with the...
US Army Command delegation ‘to arrive in Kiev this week’
Representatives of the US Army Command will arrive in Ukraine in the coming days, Ukrainian military announced. The visit comes as the Kiev forces have...
Paris mayor to sue Fox News over Muslim ‘no-go zones’ reports
Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo has said she plans to sue Fox News after it broadcasted incorrect reports of Paris “no go zones” governed by Sharia law, which...
The New York Times "Reporting on Ukraine". Paying Lip Service to Neo-Nazism, Bashing Russia
On 8 January 2015, Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk demonstrated once again that he is either a liar or an ignoramus (inspired by Russophobia)...
France: 2500+ new anti-terror officers to monitor 3000 suspects at large
France will create 2,680 extra anti-terror staff, as over 3,000 radical Islamists require surveillance, Prime Minister Manuel Valls said at a Wednesday meeting,...
Russian spy ship in Havana ahead of US delegation’s historic visit
The Russian Navy’s intelligence collection ship, the Viktor Leonov, has docked in Havana just a day before the arrival of an American delegation. The Russian...
Names of Palestinians Killed in the War on Gaza since 8 July
The following 1614 names have been confirmed - the actual death toll, according to the Ministry of Health, is at least at 2137.
The Palestinian death toll in Gaza stands at more than 1,800, with nearly 10,000 wounded, Gaza's Health Ministry said Sunday. More than 300 children have died, <versus> On the Israeli side, 64 Israeli soldiers and three civilians have died since fighting began more than three weeks ago.
American Sniper: Harmless Or Racist?
Russia Sells More US Bonds, Buys More Gold. De-Dollarization Marches On - Russia Insider
This is an excerpt from an article that originally appeared at Zero Hedge
Palestinians preparing lawsuits against Israeli leaders who ordered destruction of Gaza homes
"Israeli leaders will only be able to travel between Tel Aviv and Washington, because US is only country that does not apply decisions of the ICC," Palestinian official tells...
Israel Joins Forces With ISIS? Tel Aviv Bombs Syria for Sixth Time in 18 months
The Syrian conflict continues to develop into a proxy war, pitting various foreign ‘national interests’...
Valentin Katasonov - War and the Dollar
Fmr. IDF Soldier Calls on Americans to Stand Up to Israel War Crimes | Interview with Eran Efrati
Former Israeli Defense Warns: Americans Are Next
Parents of capitol bombing suspect accuse FBI of illegal setup
Economic War, BRICS, and the Power of Self-Sufficiency | New Eastern Outlook
20.01.2015 Author: Ulson Gunnar Economic War, BRICS, and the Power of Self-Sufficiency Column: Economics Region: Russia in the World The toughest,...
Hollywood’s American Sniper is slammed as pro-war propaganda and rewriting history
A Hollywood movie about the so-called deadliest U.S. sniper in history broke box-office debut records...
Why Should Charlie Hebdo Deaths Mean More Than Those in E.Ukraine?
Why Should Charlie Hebdo Deaths Mean More Than Those in E.Ukraine? The Western public justly condemns the murders at Charlie Hebdo, but continues to...
The Anti-Empire Report #136 – January 20th, 2015 – William Blum
Where has all this Islamic fundamentalism come from in this modern age? Most of it comes—trained, armed, financed, indoctrinated—from Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, and Syria. During various periods from...
It’s Official: US Funding Al Qaeda and Taliban
At Least 43 Reconstruction Contracts Going to Terrorist...
SFPD Cop Caught on Camera Trying to Throw Man from His Wheelchair, While Fellow Cops Watch
A video submitted to the Free Thought Project shows a disturbing scene of a San Francisco Police Officer attempting to throw a quadriplegic man over a curb.
Mutiny in the Ranks: EU Split on Maintaining Russian Sanctions - Russia Insider
This article originally appeared at Business New EuropeAt least eight EU countries are reported to be against renewing EU economic and financial sanctions when...
New military draft starts in Ukraine amid intensified assault on militia-held territories
The Ukrainian military draft for 2015 has come into effect. It’s expected to see 100,000 people joining the army in three stages throughout the year. The...
<typical NATO tactics: call ceasefire ceasefire ceasfire, assume the enemy buys it, then move up more troops and attack. And shout We Are NOT attacking, as they attack. 1st lesson. assume every word from nato is LIES<
A drink a day helps reduce chance of heart failure - study
Consuming up to seven alcoholic drinks a week gives men a 20 percent lower risk of developing heart failure, when compared to men who abstain, and a 16 percent reduced risk for women, a major new study shows.
‘Poroshenko: Olive branch in one hand and gun firing bullets in Donetsk in the other’
Kiev is playing a duplicitous role in Donbass; it is negotiating peace and at the same time launching a brutal offensive against the civilians of Donetsk and Lugansk,...
Op-Edge: 'Petro Poroshenko has made it very clear that he is going to reclaim Donbass by force even if the vast majority of people in Donbass voted overwhelmingly in favor to run their own affairs. However, the real power lies in Washington and Brussels because Poroshenko is just a puppet. If Washington and Brussels want a solution, if they want peace in Donbass, there will be peace.' - Marcus Papadopoulos
Yhdysvallat ostaa Venäjältä miljardilla dollarilla avaruusrakettien moottoreita | PressTV
USA rajaa Venäjän vastaiset pakotteet intressiensä...
Palestine could lose millions in US aid if they sue Israel in ICC for alleged atrocities
Palestine could have millions of dollars of crucial American aid withdrawn if they attempt to use their newly-acquired membership in the International Criminal...
Deputy PM: Ukraine's Plan Endangers Hungarians Living In Transcarpathia - Hungary Today
Hungary will not be party to anything that endangers the interests of Hungarians living in Transcarpathia, Hungary's deputy prime minister said.
Polen lädt Poroschenko zu 70-Jahr-Feier der Befreiung von Auschwitz ein / Sputnik Deutschland -...
Polens Regierungschefin Ewa Kopacz hat den...
Totaler Irrsinn
Nazi-Freund und Massenmörder Poroschenko wird zur 70-Jahr-Feier der Befreiung von Ausschwitz eingeladen, Putin als Vertreter der russischen Befreier darf nicht kommen.