How Israel Was Busted Nuking Yemen
Target arm – Livermore Nuclear Labs …by Jeff Smith, with Gordon Duff and Ian
Greenhalgh By now, every VT reader will be aware that Israel dropped a neutron
bomb on Yemen on behalf of their Saudi allies. As well as the readers of VT,
Gefährliche Proteste (neues deutschland)
Die Entscheidung, auf die Straße zu gehen und zu demonstrieren, darf nicht davon
abhängen, dass man bereit ist, sich tausenden martialisch ausgerüsteten
Polizisten und schon im Vorfeld absehbarer Repression auszusetzen.
Israel verweigert Frank-Walter Steinmeier den Überflug
Frank-Walter Steinmeier bereist Mitte Mai den Nahen Osten - lässt aber Israel
aus. Das hat den Staat offenbar so verärgert, dass er dem deutschen
CrossTalk: Neo-McCarthyism
Nach Kreuzverhör: USA gestehen Verletzung des Waffenstillstands durch
ukrainische Armee ein
Nach langem Lavieren hat der Sprecher des US-Außenministeriums auf die Fragen
der RT-Reporterin Gayane Chichakyan schließlich doch einräumen müssen, dass die
ukrainische Armee mit Artillerieangriffen mehrmals das Waffenstillstandsabkommen
zwischen Kiew und den ostukrainischen Selbstverteidigungskräften gebrochen habe.
Excellent Discussion of the Russia Debate in the US on RT's Leading Talk Show
US Cries FIFA Foul to Penalise Russia: Information Clearing House - ICH
In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is distributed
without profit to those who...
<But the real goal of the full-frontal assault on FIFA, which involved dawn
raids at a five-star hotel in Swiss city Zurich, seems more to do with American
political purpose to damage Russia’s World Cup plans. That objective has to be
seen in the context of Washington’s aim to isolate and destabilise Moscow in an
ongoing geopolitical battle that is currently centred on Ukraine.<
SPD ebnet den Weg für Investorenschutz in TTIP
Der Handelsausschuss des Europäischen Parlaments hat sich für den umstrittenen
Investorenschutz (ISDS) in TTIP ausgespochen. Dafür gestimmt haben auch die
Abgeordneten der SPD, die ISDS offiziell ablehnt.
Schiedsgericht-Wahnsinn: El Salvador soll Goldkonzern auszahlen
Weil El Salvador keine Vergiftung von Trinkwasser durch einen australischen
Goldkonzern erlauben ...
Weil El Salvador keine Vergiftung von Trinkwasser durch einen australischen
Goldkonzern erlauben will, hat dieser das mittelamerikanische Land verklagt.
Nicht nur auf den Ersatz bereits geleisteter Investitionen, sondern auch auf
"entgangene Gewinne". Ein Vorgeschmack auf TTIP für Europa.
‘Game of politics’: FIFA scandal has nothing to do with corruption or sports
The FIFA scandal has nothing to do with sports or corruption, and has turned
into a game of politics full of propaganda and demagogy in geopolitical and
US gets permanent stronghold at Spanish military base, can triple contingent
Spain has signed an agreement with the US allowing to make its presence at a
military base in southwest of the country permanent. Morón Air Base will be
Blatter ‘shocked’ by US action against FIFA
The newly re-elected leader of FIFA Sepp Blatter has said he’s shocked at the
way the US targeted football’s world governing body, adding the arrest of its
officials and calls for his resignation is “no coincidence.”
"There are signs that do not lie: Americans were candidates for the World Cup
2022 and they lost [it]. If Americans have to deal with money or criminal
offences which involve northern or South American citizens, they stop them
there, but not in Zurich while there's a congress," lamented the freshly re-
elected president.
VIDEO: Turkey sends arms to Syria militants: Video
VIDEO Newly released footage shows trucks belonging to Turkey’s intelligence
agency carrying weapons to the Takfiri terror groups operating in Syria.
Pipeline-Poker: EU nimmt Mazedonien an die Kandare / Turkish-Stream-Projekt
Der Weiterbau der geplanten Gaspipeline Turkish Stream nach Europa scheint mehr
als fraglich, schreibt die Zeitung „Kommersant“ am Donnerstag.
<EU zeigt wieder mal das wahre Gesicht, die hässliche Fratze
Die sind gar nicht in der EU! "Mazedonien könne erst in das
Turkish-Stream-Projekt einstiegen, wenn Russland und die
EU eine entsprechende Einigung erzielen würden"
Sche*ss EU..<
Aldous Huxley - Speech at UC Berkeley, The Ultimate Revolution 1962
Cop Fired After Video Proves He Choked A Woman With His Knee On Her Neck, Until
She Passed Out
A Denver police officer who was caught on CCTV video choking a woman until she
passed out, has just been fired. The video clearly documents him pushing
<If there was no video, do you think he would have been fired? How many other
times do you think people are abused by cops but don't have the video to prove
FIFA President Hits Back at US Accusations of Corruption
#JosephBlatter: "There are signs that do not lie: the Americans were candidates
for the World Cup 2022 and they lost." #FIFA #US
Finland: A Terrorist Haven
Al Jazeera Attempts to Whitewash Al-Qaeda’s Syrian Branch
#AlJazeera has now gone to new extremes, interviewing and promoting the leader
of the al-Nusra Front, al-Qaeda's arm in the region, and a recognized terrorist
122mm artillery banned under Minsk peace deal fired in E.Ukraine – OSCE
The Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe has confirmed that
shrapnel persistent with 122mm artillery banned under the Minsk packages was...
UNREPENTANT: Kevin Annett and Canada's Genocide (Documentary)
Chief Justice says Canada attempted ‘cultural genocide’ on aboriginals
Beverley McLachlin delivers ‘unparalleled’ remarks over Canada's treatment of
First Nations people
<"In her speech, she said Canada had learned from its mistakes, and she cited
Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s 2008 apology to aboriginal peoples for the
abuses of the residential schools."<
Pivot Insanity: Why is Obama Goading China?
US Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter is willing to risk a war with China in
order to defend “freedom of navigation” in the South China Sea. Speaking in
Honolulu, Hawaii on Wednesday, Carter issue...
In order to show Chinese leaders “who’s the boss”, Carter has threatened to
deploy US warships and surveillance aircraft to within twelve miles of the
islands that China claims are within their territorial waters. Not surprisingly,
the US is challenging China under the provisions of the UN Convention on the Law
of the Sea, a document the US has stubbornly refused to ratify. But that’s
neither here nor there for the bellicose Carter whose insatiable appetite for
confrontation makes him the most reckless Sec-Def since Donald Rumsfeld.
IPCC Exposed by Donna Laframboise Part 1
Global warming stopped 16 years ago, reveals Met Office report quietly
released... and here is the chart to prove it
The figures reveal that from the beginning of 1997 until August 2012 there
was no discernible rise in aggregate global temperatures
This means that the ‘pause’ in global warming has now lasted for about the
same time as the previous period when temperatures rose, 1980 to 1996
The New York Times' Global Warming Hysteria Ignores 17 Years Of Flat Global
While global warming has been trumpeted as an epic climate change crisis with
human-produced CO2, a trace atmospheric “greenhouse gas” branded as a primary
culprit and endangering “pollutant,” remember that throughout earlier periods of
Earth’s history CO2 levels have been between four and eighteen times higher than
now, with temperature changes preceding, not following atmospheric CO2 changes.
Has there been “recent” warming? Yes, the global climate has definitely warmed
since the Little Ice Age (about 1400-1700 AD), and it will likely continue to
warm for another 200-300 years, in fits and starts, towards a max temp roughly
matching that of the Medieval Warm Period. That time followed a colder period
before the founding of Rome between about 750 BC to 200 BC. By 150 BC the
climate had warmed enough for the first grapes and olives to be cultivated in
northern Italy. As recently as 1,000 years ago, Icelandic Vikings were raising
cattle, sheep and goats in grasslands on Greenland’s southwestern coast.
Then, around 1200, temperatures began to drop, and Norse settlements were
abandoned by about 1350. Atlantic pack ice began to grow around 1250, and
shortened growing seasons and unreliable weather patterns, including torrential
rains in Northern Europe, led to the “Great Famine” of 1315-1317.
US-Trained Special Forces Chief Joins ISIS, Vows To Bring Jihad To Russia &
Police Commander From Tajikistan Appears in ISIS Video
Col. Gulmurod Khalimov, who led an elite police...
Wearing a black turban and holding a sniper rifle, Colonel Khalimov says in the
video that he traveled to the United States three times and received training
there from Blackwater, the security company that was once a major contractor for
the American government in Iraq and elsewhere. (The company is now known as
DA Failed to Prosecute Cops in Death of Eric Garner But Not Failing to Prosecute
Man Who Filmed It
The trial begins today for Ramsey Orta, who has faced an uphill challenge by the
justice system since he filmed Eric Garner's death.
Did you know the man who filmed the murder of #EricGarner has spent more time in
courts and prison than the cop who killed him?
BS Justice System in America! Full Story:
US Failed at Planting Stuxnet-Style Computer Bug in N. Korea Nuke Program
Winston Churchill later confessed to his private secretary Robert Boothby:
“Germany’s unforgivable crime before the Second World War was her attempt to
extricate her economic power from the world’s trading system and to create her
own exchange mechanism which would deny world finance its opportunity to
profit.” — Winston Churchill to Baron Robert Boothby, quoted in the foreword,
2nd Ed. Sydney Rogerson, Propaganda in the Next War, 2001 ~ Mike Walsh THE ALL
The End of Monsanto
An increasing number of countries are banning Monsanto's cancer-linked Roundup
herbicide, a.k.a. glyphosate. Others are banning Monsanto's GMOs. Meanwhile,
Monsanto-funded U.S. presidential candida...
US Disappointed With Sepp Blatter’s Re-Election as FIFA President|By Sputnik
You Can’t Always Get What NATO Wants
"Whatever #NATO’s maneuvers, #Russia responds in kind, usually via surprise
military #drills. If NATO launches its biggest ever war game right on Russia’s
borders – talk about a provocation – Moscow counterpunches with war games in the
#Mediterranean." Pepe Escobar
US Opposes Extension of Russia’s Turkish Stream Pipeline – Greek Minister /
Sputnik International
Washington's view toward extending Russia’s Turkish Stream gas pipeline to
Greece is negative, but the stance of Athens on the matter remains unchanged,...|By Sputnik
Putin: US Foreign Policy Boosted Expansion of Terrorism
It’s time for the BRICS countries to prepare for an efiicient defense against
the masters of war The article originally appeared at Deutsche Wirtschafts...
Woman Calls Non-Emergency Hotline for Suicidal Boyfriend, Cops Show Up with AR-
15s, Kill Him
Within minutes of a non-emergency call for help with a suicidal man, cops with
assault rifles show up and fill him with holes
Palestinian soccer set back by death of coach, 2 players in Gaza war
Two young aspiring Palestinian soccer players killed and the Coach's house
targeted by an IDF missile. The coach of the Palestinian soccer team dead at 49,
leaving a wife and family. He has no known connection to Hamas. Via Elaine
McCain Urges Military Strikes Against FIFA - The New Yorker
The Arizona senator on Thursday proposed military action to “dismantle and
destroy” the soccer organization “once and for all.”
Dutch disease
BKA fälschte gezielt Statistiken um Anzahl "linker Gewalttäter" um ein
Vielfaches zu erhöhen
Finnish politician suggests sterilizing African immigrants 'to avoid total
collapse' in Helsinki
A City of Helsinki deputy councilor has come under fire after he publicly stated
in a Facebook post that African men who come to Finland as refugees should not
'Three children maximum'
Top US Sports Lawyer: FIFA Arrests on Eve of Elections No Coincidence
80% of Ukrainians Now Live Below the Poverty Line
This is just sad:According to the United Nations, more than 80 percent of
Ukrainians live below the poverty line.
Moscow: NATO to Practice Interception of Russian Missiles in Atlantic
The Greanville Post • Vol. IX | The Outrageous Equating of Communism with Nazism
The Outrageous Equating of Communism with Nazism [annotated] Author TGP STAFF
Date May 27, 2015 Comments: 1 Comment Setting the Record Straight...
Former CIA Contractor: ‘ISIS is a Completely Fabricated Enemy and Funded By the
United States
Former CIA contractor Steven Kelley says that the ISIS terrorist group is a
fabricated enemy and funded by the United States.
'Crimea Never Was Ukrainian' – French Ex-President Giscard d’Estaing
"#Crimea was conquered by #Russia many centuries ago and, essentially, it has
never been Ukrainian."
Western Long Knives Out for FIFA’s Sepp Blatter? US Wants Russia’s Status as
World Cup 2018 Host Rescinded
FIFA officials charged aren’t US citizens. They don’t live in America. Blatter
is a Swiss national. In June 1998, he was elected FIFA president.
population below poverty line
Russia 11% (2013 est.)
United States 15.1% (2010 est.)
Germany 15.5% (2010 est.)
Netherlands 9.1% (2013 est.)
20% of US school children living below poverty line, report says
Israel’s president calls BDS a ‘strategic threat’ | +972 Magazine
The resources and attention Israel’s government is investing in fighting BDS
indicates that the Palestinian-led boycott movement is making serious
Israel increases spending on efforts to thwart the Boycott, Divestment and
Sanctions (BDS) Movement, "a strategic threat of the highest degree"
Unter der Aufsicht des US-Justizvollzugssystem befinden sich sieben Millionen
Menschen weltweit - mehr als in den Gulag unter Stalin.
Allein 25% der Gefangenen der ganzen Welt sitzen in amerikanischen Gefängnissen
bzw. in Haftanstalten unter der Aufsicht der US-Justiz.
In den US-Gefängnissen sitzen derzeit 2,2 Millionen Menschen - eine halbe
Million mehr als in China, obwohl die US-Bevölkerung viermal kleiner ist.
Die Bundesregierung und Faschismus in der Ukraine (16+)
400 US mercenaries 'deployed on ground' in Ukraine military op
About 400 elite mercenaries from the notorious US private security firm Academi
(formerly Blackwater) are taking part in the Ukrainian military operation
FIFA Should Give Israel the Red Card
Soccer is my life, but players like me are punished for being Palestinian.
Shooting Palestinian players in the feet is just one more reason for FIFA to
expel Israel from world football
SteveLendmanBlog: Bernie Sanders: Populist or Opportunist?
Listen Live Sunday, Noon - 1:00 PM CT on PRN for cutting-edge discussions with
noted guests on major world and national issues. Archived Shows
Nuclear War has Begun in Yemen
By Gordon Duff with Jeff Smith, Nuclear Physicist and former IAEA inspector Even
the cheap video camera picked up the proton bombardment from a neutron bomb, as
seen in the scintillation after the initial fireball. We expect Mossad and
Ukrainian president signs law allowing foreign debt moratorium
The Ukrainian government has said it needs this possibility to protect state
assets and people from "dishonest creditors"
The Ukrainian solution to debt problems: You just sign a law saying you won't
repay to defend your interests. The EU seems okay with this. I think Poro$h may
have found the solution to Greece's debt problem.
Or is this only allowed for prospective members?
No Charges For NYPD Cop Who ‘Stopped and Frisked’ 14-Year-Old, Then Smashed His
Head Through Window
Javier Payne, a 14-year-old boy who was sitting in front of the Hookah Shop in
the Bronx, just moments before a New York City police officer smashed him
War Crime: Israeli Army Commander Recorded Ordering Attack on Gaza Clinic
The destruction caused by Israel in the Shujaiya neighborhood of Gaza during
July 2014. (Anne Paq /ActiveStills) An Israeli military commander has been
Nerya Yeshurun, a lieutenant colonel, instructed that a clinic in the Shujaiya
neighborhood be fired upon on 23 July last year to “honor” an Israeli soldier
who had been killed a day earlier. His statement amounts to a clear, though
perhaps unintended, admission of war crimes.
Inside the Latest Attacks on Gaza
Image: Israeli F-16Ls taxis toward the end of the runway at Nellis Air Force
Base, Nevada. The US funds them, builds their aircraft, and trains their pilots.
Source: DOD After weeks of provocation,...
After weeks of provocation, one of the Palestinian resistance groups launched a
solitary rocket into Israeli territory. The attack injured no one. Israel
responded by launching a series of attacks from American-made F-16 fighters on
military and civilian targets in Gaza. The Israeli Defense Force has stated that
it will hold Hamas responsible for the attacks, even though their intelligence,
Israeli news, and our reports say that the Palestinian Islamic Jihad was behind
the attack. The collective punishment is a clear violation of international law.
PressTV-Zionists have chokehold over Congress
Listen Live Sunday, Noon - 1:00 PM CT on PRN for cutting-edge discussions with
noted guests on major world and national issues. Archived Shows
Stephen Lendman on Bernie Sanders' Congressional Record: "His voting record too
often supports America's killing machine. He usually votes for annual defense
authorizations providing funding for America's empire of bases, waging war on
humanity and threatening its survival. He supports funding America's Gestapo -
the Department of Homeland Security, a rogue agency by any standard."
Hold Bankers Accountable for Their Crimes
Last week, Attorney General Loretta E. Lynch announced that five major banks
were pleading guilty to criminal charges for what she described as a “brazen
display of collusion” to manipulate the currency markets.
<This scum wants to claim she is protecting Soccer supporters by trying to
extradite people from Switzerland claiming they took $150 in 25 years of kick
backs. Yet the last 5 billion dollars of multi billion dollar fines for the
banks in NYC has seen the amount they have stolen from the public, government
and people around the world kept private, with no prosecution for the criminals.
It's common knowledge the USA don't want the next world cup in Russia to go
ahead and with FIFA contemplating banning Israel from world football due to what
they have done in Palestine, the USA seems to have a ulterior motive for this
NYPD Cops Shamelessly Talk About How a Murdered 14-Year-Old ‘Deserved To Die’
A 14-year-old Bronx resident was on his way to school on Friday when he was
fatally shot by a gunman presumed to be a gang member. Eye-witnesses say
Serbia to join US-backed gas project, seeks diversification from Russia - PM
"Regarding energy safety, energy security, we are ready to diversify the sources
of gas for Serbia, which is very important for our American friends as well,"
Vucic said in an interview to AP in Tirana published on Thursday.
Israeli doctors harvesting organs for international trafficking ring, Costa...
"Costa Rican authorities announced on Wednesday that they had broken up an
international organ trafficking ring that worked with Israeli doctors and
specialized in selling kidneys to patients in Israel and East Europe"
Ukraine academic: Israel imported 25,000 kids for their organs
Jews and Israel have become a major motif of the presidential election campaign
in the Ukraine.|By Lily Galili
Ukraine is New Proxy War Organized by US – French Politician
If #EU leaders fail to put up with Washington's pressure, Europe will stay as
the #US' vassal for a long time, French politician believes.
"Uusi hallitus vetoaa hyväosaisiin ja leikkaa pienituloisilta, työttömiltä,
opiskelijoilta ja lapsiperheiltä. Tätäkö tilattiin, kun näkyvästi mainostettiin
että sitä saa mitä tilaa?"
PressTV-‘Turkey to give air cover to Syria militants’
The Turkish foreign minister says Ankara and Washington have agreed in
"principle" to offer air
<You are either with the terrorists or with Assad.<
Cavusoglu: US Agrees to Air War on Assad
By Gordon Duff, Senior Editor In statements made publicly, reported by Reuters,
and in private communications with foreign ministers across what had once been
the Ottoman Empire, Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu tell of a US...
Julian Assange on the TPP: Secretive Deal Isn’t About Trade, But Corporate
Fifa-Festnahmen: Putin warnt vor Ausdehnung der US-Rechtshoheit auf andere
Selbst wenn diese Fifa-Beamten das Gesetz verletzt hätten, „haben die USA damit
ganz sicher nichts zu tun“, kommentierte Putin am Donnerstag. Die festgenommenen
Fifa-Funktionäre seien keine US-Bürger und die vermutlich begangenen Taten seien
nicht auf dem US-Territorium begangen worden. „Das ist ein weiterer Versuch der
USA, ihre Jurisdiktion auf andere Staaten auszudehnen.“
No Bottom in Sight as Ukraine's Economy Continues Free Fall
Ukraine is currently renegotiating debt with creditors, and just last week
received a $2.0 billion lifeline from the EU.But it has suspended foreign debt
payments and is...
EU Braces up to Win Information War With Russia – Lithuanian FM
ISIL Capture of Strategic Cities in Iraq, Syria Result of US-ISIL Alliance
Canada’s Fascist Shift
The “fascist shift”, as described by author Naomi Wolf in The End Of America/
Letter Of Warning To A Young Patriot, is accelerating in Canada with the tabling
of (“State Terror”) Bill C-51. Though...
Is Putin Creating a 'Fascist State'? Spoiler Alert: NO.
The description of Putin’s Russia as a fascist state by Rob Garver, writing in
The Fiscal Times, is not only deeply ironic — considering the concern expressed
on many levels in Russian society on the growth of fascism in Ukraine and the
NATO Breaks Treaty to Establish Permanent Forces in Baltic
FIFA vote to kick Israel out of world football conveniently blocked by US
intervention - Stop...
FIFA vote to kick Israel out of world football conveniently blocked by US
intervention Geoff Lee 27 May 2015. Posted in News The FIFA corruption crisis
came just as...
Washington Wages War on International Soccer
Is there more to what's going on than meets the eye? In January 2011, FIFA
president Sepp Blatter and Russian Sports minister Vitaly Mulko signed a
declaration on Russia's official status as 2018 W...
Is there more to what’s going on than meets the eye? In January 2011, FIFA
president Sepp Blatter and Russian Sports minister Vitaly Mulko signed a
declaration on Russia’s official status as 2018 World Cup host nation. At the
time, Vladimir Putin said Russia would “use the experience…already gained in
preparing for the Sochi Olympics in 2014.”
Blatter expressed “certain(ty) that the World Cup (would) be held at the highest
level and…turn into a truly magnificent event.” Russia won out over Britain, the
Netherlands, Spain and Portugal. It plans to host the event in 13 cities. It
intends making it first-class world event.
To Beat ISIS, Kick Out US-led Coalition
Image: A car is engulfed by flames during clashes in the city of Ramadi (Reuters
/ Stringer) It’s been a bad time for foes of ISIS. Islamic State scored a neat
hat-trick by invading strategic Ramad...
Let's see if I understand "The deployment of Iskander-M missile complexes in
Kaliningrad will “fundamentally change the balance of security in Europe,” but
deployment of US missiles in Romania, Spain, Poland, the Baltics and elsewhere
in Europe doesn't?
Could it be that Russia is simply responding to US destabilizing actions in
The Politics of Football: US Accused of Hidden Agenda Over FIFA Arrests
"It's got nothing to do with the US": if none of the arrested #FIFA officials
are #US citizens, why is America leading the investigation?
Poroschenko für den Friedensnobelpreis nominiert | DERUWA
US-Botschafterin in Norwegen, Julie Furuta-Toy, sich große Mühe gegeben und den
ukrainischen, faschistischen Präsident Poroschenko für diesen Preis
Cops Beat & Kidnap 12-yo Girl in Front of her Home, Claiming She was a
"German satirist Uwe Steimle made fun of the common propaganda statements,
according to which Russia is an aggressor attempting to acquire more and more
territories under its control. The difference between Russia and the West is
that "Russians left" Germany a long time ago, while "American friends" modernize
nuclear weapons on German soil, he said.
EU negotiations: RT asks whether Cameron will get his way
US Sen. Graham Visits Israel Ahead of Presidential Run - Latest News Briefs -
Arutz Sheva
United States Senator Lindsey Graham was visiting Israel on Wednesday, AP
reported, ahead of an expected announcement about running for the 2016
Republican presidential nomination.
Arrests by US as FIFA mulls giving Israel boot
UN seeking to blacklist Israeli military
Fabricating an Enemy. "The Threat of Al Qaeda" as a Justification to Wage War
This article was first published in January 2003, two months prior to the
launching of the war on Iraq. It...
In Iraq, the Obama administration is supporting ISIS while at the same time
waging a fake “war on terrorism” against ISIS. Without the support of media
propaganda, the legitimacy of the “war on terrorism” would collapse like a deck
of cards.
The ISIS brigades are integrated by US-NATO sponsored special forces, often
recruited by private mercenary companies on contract to the Pentagon. These
special forces which integrate the terror brigades are in permanent liaison with
their US-NATO counterparts.
Why Would Bloomberg News Completely Disappear the February, 2014 Ukraine Coup?
Bloomberg says in a post today that the “confrontation between Russia and the
US” over Ukraine was “provok[ed]” by Putin’s annexation of Crimea: “…Putin
Putin: FIFA-linked arrests an attempt to thwart Blatter's re-election
The FIFA-linked arrests on the eve of the re-election of the organization’s
chief are an obvious attempt to thwart Sepp Blatter’s re-appointment, Russian
Russia Ramps Up Border Security As Ukraine Conflict Rages On
Ashton Carter: Chinese Aggression Provokes US Engagement in Asia Pacific
The #US will use its right to operate in the Asia-Pacific regardless of #China's
demands: "The United States will fly, sail, and operate wherever international
law allows, as we do all around the world." #military #SouthChinaSea
Netanyahu demands ‘up to $45 billion’ in US military aid for Israel to deter
Iran, Gulf States
Israel is hoping to receive $4.2-$4.5 billion a year in military aid from the
United States for ten years, to counter the threat from Iran and oil-rich Middle
East states...
EXCLUSIVE: Trail Of Blood - Foreign Banks & CIA Financing Of ISIS, Al Qaeda ·
The Liberty Beacon
(Listen to the recorded interview at bottom of this article) EXCLUSIVE ARTICLE…
NATO Believes Russia Can Take Over Kiev, Baltic Countries Within Two Days|By Sputnik
United States to nominate Ukrainian President Poroshenko for a Nobel Peace Prize
2015-05-27T15:27:51.866ZUnited States to nominate Ukrainian President Poroshenko
for a Nobel Peace Prize There have been several attempts to discredit the Nobel
Peace Prize since its establishment. Founder of Italian fascism, bloody dictator
Benito Mussolini was nominated for the Prize in 1935. In19…
Macedonia ready to join Turkish stream project once Moscow reaches agreement
with EU
EU strikes against Libyan refugee smugglers will set ‘dangerous precedent’ –
The documents outline plans to destroy vessels along the Libyan coast as well as
to target transportation networks and infrastructure within Libya’s borders.
And the use of force in such situation is something “very new,” Assange told
Democracy Now. “This will be the first time that the EU, as a military force –
not NATO, but the EU – is engaged in hostilities.”
By using force against “refugee smugglers,” as the plan puts it, the EU will in
effect be acting to “assist ISIS,” the Australian native argues. “These are
people that are being driven out of Libya by jihadists of various factions,
including ISIS. So, I find it quite, you know, quite a dangerous precedent.”
Swedish Politician: US is the True Cause of the Masses of Refugees from the
Middle East; Al...
Photo: Official White House press photo by Pete Souza | Läs denna artikel på
svenska By Jens Jerndal, spokesman for the political party Unity (Enhet) The...
Incidentally, it is now well known that both Al Qaeda and ISIS were created,
funded, trained and armed by the CIA and other US security and military agencies
themselves, in order to stir up violence that could then be used as excuses to
intervene with military force towards covert political and financial ends.
Prof. Dr. H. Flassbeck
Heiner Flassbeck Die Eurokrise - oder: Warum die Ökonomen die Krise nicht
verstehen können (wollen)
Wege aus der Euro-Krise - Prof. Dr. H. Flassbeck
Texas SWAT Attacks 81-Year-Old Man, Breaks His Hip, Denies Him Medical
An 82-year-old man was shocked to find a Texas SWAT team storming his home.
Before Herman Crisp could even ask any questions, the uniformed officers, clad
A Fake Caliphate: Perfect US Strategic Asset / Sputnik International
The “civilized” West dispenses with massive crocodile tears as Ancient Silk Road
pearl of the desert Palmyra falls to ISIS/ISIL/Daesh.
"A case can still be made that the “civilized” West would rather deal with a
medieval, intolerant Wahhabi-drenched Caliphate than with a secular Arab
“dictator that refuses to prostrate himself in the altar of Western
Putin: Sanktionen nutzen, solange sie bestehen
Russlands Präsident Wladimir Putin hat auf einem Business-Forum in Moskau
Unternehmen ermutigt, im Inland zu expandieren, bevor westlichen Länder ihre
Wirtschaftssanktionen aufheben und eine neue Importwelle in Russland beginnt....
Israeli F16’s Falling from the Skies over Yemen
… by Gordon Duff, Jeff Smith, Ian Greenhalgh and Nahed al Husaini (“green-
halsh”) This week two F16s were shot down over Yemen. When the wreckage was
examined, both were found to be of types never supplied to an Arab nation,
Wrongfully treating academic debate as anti-Semitism
The principle of academic freedom at our universities is under attack by those
seeking to shield Israel from criticism by silencing dissent, shutting down
discussion and imposing a stifling atmosphere of intimidation at the University
of California, in...
"Having lost the actual arguments, Israel's defenders have now declared war on
argument itself."
Switzerland publishes names of foreign tax evaders – reports
Switzerland has reportedly published the names of foreigners wanted for tax
frauds after requests from Russia, France, Germany, India and other countries.
This may...
Cop Gets Job Back After Killing Unarmed Marine Veteran
Cop Gets Job Back After Killing Unarmed Marine Veteran ‘Derek Hale’s Murderer Is
Back On The Streets’ William Grigg | Pro Libertate Lt. William Browne of the...
The officer "did not violate police department policy or procedures” when he
gunned down Derek Hale, a marine veteran who leaves behind his wife and
Towards a Militarized Police State in America? Explosive New Revelations over
"Jade Helm 15...
A growing segment of the American population is waking up to the implications of
the Jade Helm 15 military operation to be conducted by Special Forces in...
With Local Democracy Squashed, Fracking to Resume in Texas Town
Less than two weeks after Texas Gov. Greg Abbott signed legislation to prevent
local municipalities from regulating a wide variety of drilling practices,
fracking is...
Jährlich sterben in Deutschland 7000 Menschen durch Unfälle im Haushalt.. mehr
als bei allen Terroranschlägen der letzten 50 Jahren.. vielleicht sollten wir
eine Sondereinheit gegen Haushaltsterror einrichten.
FIFA Not to Change Venues of World Cups 2018, 2022 in Russia, Qatar|By Sputnik
Saudi bases under Yemeni rocket attacks
<See the difference between the two. Yemeni army targets military bases whereas
the crappy al salul targets civilians, schools, hospitals and residential
buildings. Shame on you al salul and its supporters and puppets. May Allah's
curse land on you forever and ever<
ALERT -- Media Ignores Report Showing Pentagon Created ISIS
The seven page Defense Intelligence Agency document revealing the roots of ISIS
has been systematically ignored by the corporate media. The DIA report...
Donbass: 11-jähriges Mädchen und ihr Vater sterben bei Artillerieangriff der
ukrainischen Armee
Donbass: 11-jähriges Mädchen und ihr Vater sterben bei..
ISIS offers fighters free honeymoon, housing bonus, cash to start family
Top 10 Most Hated Countries In The World
Gipfeltreffen soll 360 Millionen Euro kosten
Deutschland ist Gastgeber des G-7-Gipfels, der am 7....
Failure of the US coup d’État in Macedonia: Information Clearing House - ICH
French intellectual, founder and chairman of Voltaire Network and the Axis for
Peace Conference. His columns specializing in international relations feature
Macedonia has just neutralised an armed group whose sponsors had been under
surveillance for at least eight months. By doing so, it has prevented a new
attempt at a coup d’État, planned by Washington for the 17th of May. The aim was
to spread the chaos already infecting Ukraine into Macedonia in order to stall
the passage of a Russian gas pipeline to the European Union.
WikiLeaks Reveals EU Plans to Attack Refugee Boats
Wikileaks published 2 classified documents on #EU plans to destroy vessels used
to transport #migrants and #refugees from #Libya.
Russia digs 100 km ditch along border with south-eastern Ukraine
Russia has erected 40km of fortified walls, and more than 100km of defensive
trenches on its border with the rebel Ukrainian regions of Lugansk and Donetsk.
The government agency said that it intercepted over 60 illegal weapons shipments
across the border since the beginning of the year. In doing so, it confiscated
40 firearms, 200 grenades, 100 shells and 40 landmines.
Politik der Instabilität: Geheimes Pentagon-Papier: Hat die US-Regierung die
Terrormiliz IS...
Ein geheimes Pentagon-Dokument aus dem Jahr 2012 soll beweisen, dass die US-
Regierung die Entstehung und den Aufstieg der Terrormiliz IS in Kauf...
Blum to Sputnik: World Should Deliver Strong Military Blow to US|By Sputnik
Cops Turn into Bullies After they’re Filmed Breaking the Very Laws they are
Supposed to Enforce
After a massive police initiative to enforce traffic laws, one man with a camera
exposes the equally massive double standard.
This brave Cop Watcher was able to catch multiple officers without their
seatbelts on, on video. When he confronts them all hell breaks loose. 2 things
cops don't like; cameras and accountability. Watch the EPIC footage:
Geoengineering's Preferred compound is Aluminum Vapour says David Keith.
Scientist David Keith Discusses Spraying Aluminum To Fight Global Warming
CENSORED! Geoengineer keeps forgetting he discussed poisoning our skies [MULTI
NATO Urges Russia to Hold ‘More Transparent’ Military Drills|By Sputnik
G7 Gipfel 2015 in Deutschland, Sturm auf den schamlosesten Gipfel Europas
Der nächste Gipfel in Deutschland ist schon ziemlich der Gipfel. Essen und
Übernachtung für 7 Personen fast 100 Mio. Euro, natürlich auf Michels Kosten...
Drug War Fail: Doctors Now Creating More Heroin Addicts than Drug Dealers
A new report issued by the DEA sheds some light on the current heroin addiction
epidemic plaguing the US.
Police Handcuff Veteran and Drag His Body Through the Dirt, Other Officers Try
to Cover it Up
This is INSANE. They turned their body cams away once they found out that it was
getting captured on video.
This air force veteran was literally dragged through the dirt while he was
restrained, an ultimate sign of disrespect. The "good cops" stood by and
watched, then tried to turn the cameras away to obscure the recording.
PressTV-‘16 million without clean water in Yemen’
An aid agency says the Saudi war against Yemen leaves almost two thirds of
Yemenis without clean water.
Amazon pays $16 million tax in Germany, while making $11.9 billion sales
LONDON (Reuters) - Internet retailer Inc.'s <AMZN.O> main German
operating unit paid just 11.9 million euros ($16 million) in tax in 2014,
despite the...
0.134453781513% on taxes
The Globalization of War, America's "Long War" against Humanity by Michel
Professor Michel Chossudovsky shows how the various conflicts we are witnessing
today in Ukraine, Syria, Iraq and Palestine are inter-locked through a...
In his latest masterpiece, Professor Michel Chossudovsky shows how the various
conflicts we are witnessing today in Ukraine, Syria, Iraq and Palestine are in
fact inter-linked and inter-locked through a single-minded agenda in pursuit of
global hegemony helmed by the United States and buttressed by its allies in the
West and in other regions of the world.
80-Yr-Old Army Veteran Who Survived Cancer Beaten to a Pulp by Police, Ribs
How in the hell could an 80-yr-old man who is hard of hearing and could barely
walk pose a "threat" to these officers. They are sociopathic thugs.
<Remembering Bill Swan, beaten and bludgeoned after he "refused orders" from
police that he couldn't hear. He's partially deaf.<
Huomisen Suomessa köyhä tietää paikkansa
Suomesta on tulossa jälleen maa, jossa ihmiset pysyvät siinä tuloluokassa, mihin
ovat syntyneet. Syy löytyy kasvaneista tuloeroista. Kun rikkaat pysyvät rikkaina
ja köyhät köyhinä, Suomi on asiantuntijoiden mukaan pian luokkayhteiskunta....
Militarization is More Than Tanks and Rifles: It’s a Cultural Disease
Militarization is More Than Tanks and Rifles: It’s a Cultural Disease,
Acclimating the Citizenry to Life in a Police State John W. Whitehead |
Rutherford Institute “If...
Police Fire Over 600 Rounds Into Vehicle, Killing Innocent Woman
Police officers in the City of Stockton, California says its officers are not to
blame for firing over 600 rounds into a disabled SUV, hitting an innocent
You heard about the Cleveland police shooting, where they unloaded 137 rounds
into two UNARMED people in their car. So why is the media silent on the
Stockton, California shooting where officers fired OVER 600 ROUNDS into a
No one cares about the the 'nominal' GDP. Only PPP matters.
1. China: 17,630 (2014 est.)
2. European Union: 17,610 (2014 est.)
3. United States: 17,460 (2014 est.)
3 civilians, including 11yo killed by Ukrainian army shell in Donbass - reports
Iran claims thwarting of US cyber attack on oil ministry
After the Tribulation (Full Movie) - Alex Jones
Israeli F16s Bombing Yemen?
Two #F16 jets of unknown origin were shot down over #Yemen this month: they did
carry #Saudi paint jobs, but the only 'buyer' in the region for that type of
plane is #Israel.
Das russische “Anti-Homosexuellen-Gesetz” « FemokratieBlog
Vor gar nicht allzulanger Zeit wurde gegen das angebliche Anti-Homosexuellen-
Gesetz in Russland gehetzt, das es einem nur noch übel werden konnte. Nach dem
ganzen Palaver wollte ich endlich wissen, was denn nun genau in dem Gesetz steht
und worüber eigentlich so heftig diskutiert wird. Also habe ich gefragt, ob mir
jemand eine Übersetzung liefern kann. Nachfolgend stelle ich den übersetzten
Text mit entsprechenden Verlinkungen zu den Originalgesetzen in Russland ein.
Bombshell: Barack Obama conclusively outed as CIA creation
Wayne Madsen | Investigative journalist...
Turkey and US 'agree in principle' to provide air support for Syrian rebels
Two countries agreed $500m programme to train Syrians in February and foreign
minister Mevlut Cavusoglu says ‘They have to be supported via air’
<If true, this would be a declaration of a regional WAR by Turkey & the US!!!..
Starting wars is easy... ending them is the real challenge especially with Syria
having very little to lose!!...
And by "Syrian rebels", we all know they mean alNusra_alQaida LED Syrian
terrorists who are supported by tens of thousands of foreign terrorists from all
over the world!!.. <
German Ministers Call for EU-Wide Ban on Monsanto’s Deadly Glyphosate Herbicide
The industry has managed to hoodwink the American public through lobbying and
propaganda to the point where, as of now, glyphosate pesticides are sprayed on
84 percent of the major U.S. crops, including corn, soybean, cotton, sugar beets
and canola/rapeseed.
However, the fight against the GMO industry continues to make headway, both in
the U.S. and abroad. There is fierce opposition to the use of these
technologies, and even in the face of massive pressure on the part of the
industry, some progress has been made towards halting its spread.
Currently, there are 64 countries which require GMO labeling on foods. Many
European nations, including France, Italy, Germany, Switzerland and others have
banned GMO crops. Australia, Russia and India have also banned GMOs.
In the United States, food labeling bills are currently being introduced in
several states. Vermont has already passed a law requiring GMO labeling.
Big Banks Busted Massively Manipulating Foreign Exchange, Precious Metals and
Every Other Market
Are Plunging Petrodollar Revenues Behind the Fed’s Projected Rate Hikes?
Why is the Fed threatening to raise interest rates when the economy is still in
the doldrums? Is it because they want to avoid further asset-price inflation,
BNP Paribas Draws Record Fine for 'Tour de Fraud'
BNP Paribas SA agreed to pay nearly $9 billion Monday and plead guilty to crimes
for violating U.S. sanctions, an unprecedented settlement that includes a year-
long ban on the French bank's ability to conduct certain U.S. dollar
France's Decision on Mistrals Shows Authorities' Obedience to US - Le Pen
MH17 Crash Pretext to Impose Sanctions Against Russia – German MP
< two days for the German Wings Black Box and air traffic control results.
Britain has the Black box from this since August and the Ukrainians refuse to
release air traffic results. While all the Western media and politicians claim
to be experts on what happened.<
Kabarettist Uwe Steimle: Russland, Merkel, Kriege, USA, Flüchtlinge
The US Is Now Involved In 134 Wars
Or none, depending on your definition of 'war'.
Japanese nationalism: Decoy for American imperialism?
As the government of Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe seeks to amend the
country’s US-drafted constitution, granting the Tokyo’s military the power to
OP-EDGE: Japan is ready to change its post-war pacifist constitution; it is
rapidly arming itself to the teeth, building battleships and purchasing fighter
jets. Meanwhile, it is standing - obediently and loyally - by its occupier and
closest ally, the US
Yes, Bernie Sanders has many good things to say about domestic economic policy.
But on foreign policy he is a war criminal. Don't forget that he is a Rothschild
Khazarian Mafia (RKM) "Stand with Israel" advocate and supporter of the racist,
apartheid, murderous, war criminal, human rights abusing, and ethnic cleansing
The Fukushima Endgame: The Radioactive Contamination of the Pacific Ocean
Nuclear radiation resulting from the March 2011 Fukushima disaster –which
threatens life on planet earth– is not front page news in comparison to the
The Srebrenica Massacre as Paradigmatic Media Spin
Transcript of presentation by the author at the Conference of Independent
Journalists' Association for Peace, Vienna, Austria, May 2015. This year the
twentieth anniversary of the massacre in Sreb...
Terrorist ISIS Biggest Mass Massacre in Palmyra
ISIS terrorist have executed at least 400 mostly women and children in Syria’s
ancient city of Palmyra. Eye-witnesses have reported the streets are strewn with
Journalisten, - der Atlantikbrücke in Treue verbunden
Hier wurde versucht, anhand der Jahresberichte 2066/2007 bis 2011/2012, der
Atlantikbrücke, eine Liste der Journalisten zu erstellen, die bei dieser
einflussreichen konservativen Vereinigung von Managern, Militärs, hohen Beamten
und Wissenschaftlern ein und aus gehen, und es wird der Frage nachgegangen, wie
unabhängig diese Journalisten noch in ihrer Arbeit sein können.
Russland beendet Gespräche mit EU über Aufhebung des Importverbots
Die russische landwirtschaftliche Aufsichtsbehörde informiert, dass die
Gespräche mit der...
Romano Prodi: Isolation of Russia Does Nothing But Harm to EU
"You can be tough if it suits you, you can be soft if it suits you. But you
cannot be tough if it brings you nothing but harm. Isolating #Russia is
West pulled out $3.5trn from BRICS to thwart group – Russian Security Council
'US not engaged in major war': Obama Memorial Day remark slammed
Countries once invaded or interfered with by the US and its allies -
Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Yemen, Pakistan, Somalia or Syria - have become
hotbeds for militants from Al-Qaeda, the Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL)
and similar terrorist groups.
Schleichendes Bargeldverbot - Wer künftig in Österreich mit Bargeld zahlt, wird
vom Staat mit Bürokratie überhäuft
Kommentar: Eine wirklich kluge Maßnahme, um das Bezahlen mit Bargeld immer
schwieriger zu machen. Wenn jeder jeden Beleg aufbewahren muss und immer damit
rechnen muss, alles nachweisen zu müssen, ist es dann nicht verführerisch,
einfach mit Karte zu zahlen? Dann muss man keine Belege sammeln, denn alle
Transaktionen sind ja bereits elektronisch erfasst und der gute Bürger hat
nichts zu befürchten. Clever!
Forged Drug Test Results May Free Tens of Thousands From Prison
A recent Supreme Judicial Court ruling is expected to free tens of thousands
from prison. Those who are expected to be impacted by Monday's decision are
<This is HUGE! But for some reason the mainstream media doesn't want to talk
about the fact that TENS OF THOUSANDS of convictions were won by the state based
on FORGED drug tests. These are just the ones we know about now. How many more
cases JUST LIKE THESE are there all across the United States?<
Angehörige von Drohnenopfern verklagen Deutschland
Angehörige von US-Drohnenopfern aus dem Jemen verklagen die Bundesrepublik. Der
Vorwurf: Deutschland leite sensible Daten für die Drohnensteuerung über den US-
Stützpunkt Ramstein weiter.
Polen: Neuer Präsident Duda will weniger EU, mehr Nato
Der konservative Andrzej Duda hat überraschend die Präsidentschaftswahl in Polen
gewonnen. Duda will das Verhältnis zu Deutschland auf den Prüfstand stellen,
Rape more frequent in Sweden than India – Women's minister Gandhi
“We have four rapes per 100,000 women, while Sweden has more than 130,” Maneka
Gandhi said in an interview with Swedish television channel SVT on Sunday, as
cited by The Local. She claimed that the incidence of rape in India was among
the lowest in the world.
‘Iran ready to counter proxy wars’
A senior Iranian Army commander says Iran’s Armed Forces are fully prepared to
confront enemies in proxy wars.
Naton hävittäjät Suomen taivaalle - Venäjä määräsi ilmapuolustuksensa
Venäjä määräsi maanantaina ilmavoimien ja ilmatorjunnan taisteluvalmiuden
keskisellä, läntisellä...
Karl-Georg Wellmann
Am 28. August 2013 forderte Wellmann im ARD-Morgenmagazin aufgrund der
Giftgasangriffe von Ghuta einen Militärschlag gegen Syrien auch ohne Mandat der
Vereinten Nationen.[5][6]
Zum Krieg in der Ukraine erklärte Wellmann am 19. Februar 2015 gegenüber dem
Fernsehsender ZDF: "es ist ein russischer Krieg, der dort geführt wird. Die
Separatisten sind Werkzeuge der Russen." Es gebe "permanenten Zufluss von
Munition, von Waffen, von Kämpfern, von Logistik aus Russland".[
New Documents Show Bush Administration Planned War In Iraq Well Before 9/11/2001
All of us knew it but couldn't prove it. Now we can prove it. Newly declassified
documents published at the National Security Archive prove beyond all...
Netherlands Bans Monsanto's Roundup to Protect Citizens from Carcinogenic
In the Netherlands, people who have been spraying their lawns and gardens with
Roundup will have to find another way to protect their land from pests. Late
Suuri sotaharjoitus alkoi Suomessa – mukana Yhdysvallat, Euroopan maita ja NATO
Suomen, Ruotsin ja Norjan järjestämä suuri kansainvälinen ilmasotaharjoitus
Arctic Challenge Exercise 15 on alkanut. Kesäkuun 5. päivään saakka kestävän...
Saudi aggression leaves 135 Yemeni kids dead: UN
US saw ISIL as asset against Assad: Docs
EU plant offenbar Massenzugriff auf private Bankkonten – über’s Wochenende
Die EU arbeitet angeblich an einem Masterplan, um Kontoinhaber stärker mit in
die Bankensanierung einzubeziehen. Um einen Banken-Run zu verhindern, sollen...
Washington Confesses to Backing “Questionable Actors” in Syria | New Eastern
25.05.2015 Author: Tony Cartalucci Washington Confesses to Backing “Questionable
Actors” in Syria Column: Politics Region: Middle East Country:...
US DoD Admits West and Gulf Nations Sought to Create "Salafist Principality" in
Syria and Iraq...
Salafist Principality = ISLAMIC STATE
Cleveland Cop Who Fired 49 Times At UNARMED Suspects Found ‘Not Guilty’
A "not guilty" verdict has just been handed down in Cleveland against one of the
police officers who shot a total of 137 rounds at two unarmed suspects. Two
Raw Video: Brave Man Stops Criminal, While Cops Cower and Hide With Guns Drawn
Wow and the cops arrested the brave man, it's almost like they were jealous and
mad that he made them look useless (maybe they are?). great vid
Kiew-treue Einheit bekennt sich zu Mord an Milizenchef im Donbass
Die ukrainische Kampfgruppe Teni hat sich zum Mordanschlag auf den prominenten
Volkswehr-Kommandeur der abtrünnigen Region Lugansk, Alexej Mosgowoi, bekannt.
Russian Railways Chief: Only Washington Benefits From Moscow-Berlin Divide
The Fast-Track Trap of Trans-Atlantic Trade
This ‘standards balancing' is really nothing more than a backdoor for the US to
thrust its GMOs upon the European population and begin the takeover of the
continent's entire agricultural sector.
EU expresses concern over Russia’s new law on "undesirable organizations"
Ministry of Justice is to be in charge of making up lists of ‘undesirable
organizations’ and of publishing them<The EU has no concern at all over what the fascist Kiev regime is doing
to human rights, freedom of speech and freedom of association but it has
expressed concern that Russia wants to show the door to Western NGO most of
which are CIA controlled.>
2012 Defense Intelligence Agency document: West will facilitate rise of Islamic
State "in order to isolate the Syrian regime"
On Monday, May 18, the conservative government watchdog group Judicial Watch
published a selection
Secret Pentagon Report Reveals US "Created" ISIS As A "Tool" To Overthrow
Syria's President Assad
The revelation from an internal US intelligence document that the very US-led
coalition supposedly...
Bombshell: Head of Russian Military Intelligence Accuses West of Creating
Islamist Terror Network
Colonel-General Igor Sergun, Head of Russia’s ultra-secretive GRU, breaks his
silence and delivers a devastating indictment of Western support of
international terrorism
It is thus interesting that on one of the very few occasions where General
Sergun agreed to speak in public, he chose to focus on the risks of the so-
called ‘Islamic’ extremism and that in a relatively short presentation, he made
four references to the fact that these ‘Islamic’ terrorists are basically
creatures of the West. One might be tempted to say ‘nothing new here; we all
know that’ – but that would be missing the point. The point is that the head of
Russian military intelligence is openly declaring that the so-called ‘Islamic
terrorism’ is not an original or indigenous phenomenon, but an instrument in the
toolset of western imperialism which is used to subvert countries that dare
oppose the worldwide hegemony of the Trans-Atlantic Empire.
US military rape victims face revenge, regret reporting crimes – lawyer
The victims are “spat on, deprived of food, assailed with obscenities – whore,
cum-dumpster, slut, faggot – threatened with ‘friendly fire’ during deployment…
demoted, disciplined [or] discharged for misconduct,” the paper entitled
“Embattled: Retaliation against sexual assault survivors in the US military”
According to HRW, only 5 percent of sexual assault cases in the US military lead
to convictions of the perpetrators.
“Virtually no-one is held accountable” for retaliating against those reporting
rape and other abuses, the report added.
Thailand fordert sofortigen Abzug des US-Militärs von Phuket / innerhalb von
fünf Tagen !!
Thailand hat vom Pentagon gefordert, die amerikanischen Kampfjets und Soldaten,
die auf der Insel Phuket stationiert sind, innerhalb von fünf Tagen abzuziehen.
Britain sends biggest warship for NATO drills on Russian border
Obama to Push for Creation of Persian Gulf Missile Defense System / Sputnik
The White House is preparing to make its pitch to Gulf allies next week for the
creation of a region-wide defense system against Iranian missiles, which...|By Sputnik
PressTV-Israel thanks US for saving its nukes
Netanyahu has thanked the United States for blocking a UN measure that could
have forced Israel to disclose its arsenal of nuclear weapons.
ISIS kills 400, mostly women & children, in Palmyra – Syrian state TV
Another Fake Bin Laden Story -- Paul Craig Roberts -
Another Fake Bin Laden Story Paul Craig Roberts RT, one of my favorite news
sources, has fallen for a...
“The future destruction of Palmyra will be a day of rejoicing for Israel” (Yev.
Ed-note (Sabba) - While Palmyra has absolutely no value whatsoever to ISIS, it
holds a TREMENDOUS significance for the jews. The key to understanding why...
‘Greece won’t pay IMF - we’re broke’ - Interior Minister
Das Versprühen von 16 Millionen Tonnen Alu-Staub zur Klima-Abkühlung wird
innerhalb 50 Jahren...
Wenn das richtig ist, was man im Internet über das Geo-Engineering-Projekt durch
Chemtrailing erfahren kann, sollen innerhalb von 50 Jahren ungefähr 16
Ukraina ilmoitti lopettavansa merkittävien ihmisoikeussopimusten noudattamisen
Ukraina lakkaa osittain noudattamasta Euroopan ihmisoikeussopimusta ja YK:n
kansalaisoikeuksia ja poliittisia oikeuksia koskevaa yleissopimusta.
Raw Video: Cop Tases and Pepper Sprays Unresponsive Victim in Car Who Needed
Medical Assistance
Now this is just sick. To see them treat this man like a worthless piece of meat
and throw his body on the street like that after he needed help. Ugh I can't
watch this...
Christians Are Being Slaughtered By Islamic Terrorists ... But Sadly, the U.S.
Is Supporting the Terrorists
Christians Are Being Persecuted By Islamic Terrorists Christians are being
persecuted by Islamic terrorists in Iraq and Syria. The "ISIS" Islamic
Kinderschänder-Skandal in England: 1400 Verdächtige davon 261 Prominente
Der Kindesmissbrauchs-Skandal in Großbritannien weitet sich aus. Mittlerweile
ermittelt die britische Polizei gegen 1400 Verdächtige. Diese Menschen stehen
Prominent Lugansk Militia Leader Mozgovoi Assassinated / Sputnik...
Prominent militia leader Mozgovoi was assassinated on Saturday evening after the
vehicle he was traveling in ran into an ambush.
Paul Stamets: 6 ways mushrooms can save the world
Paul Stamets: 6 ways mushrooms can save the world
The fiddling with temperature data is the biggest science scandal ever
Tiny $9 computer CHIP rocks Kickstarter, promising tons of free apps
A $9 computer created in California, does everything any average family PC is
supposed to do including surfing, programming and entertainment.
Norway outstrips Russia as western Europe’s largest gas supplier
Keiser Report: How much do they steal? (E761)
RT launches YouTube channel in Chinese, rocks Asian online platforms
Ranking The States From Most To Least Corrupt
The 10 most corrupt states in the U.S.
Study: Arizona most corrupt state in US
Arizona is the most corruption-ridden state in the nation, a Harvard study said.
Paul Craig Roberts: A Color Revolution for Macedonia > -
Strategic Culture...
. NATO. Balkans. Kosovo. Macedonia. US. Strategic...
"During the Cold War Washington was concerned about communists fomenting street
protests that they could turn into revolutions, with groomed politicians waiting
in the wings to take over the new government, thus expanding the Soviet empire.
Today this is precisely what Washington does."
China: Rise, Fall and Re-Emergence as a Global Power
First published on GR in March 2012 The study of world power has been blighted
by Eurocentric historians who have distorted and ignored the dominant role China
played in the world economy between 1...
War Propaganda. "Planting Stories" in the News Chain
Author's Note This article was first published in January 2003, two months
before the invasion of Iraq. It was subsequently integrated into my book
entitled America's "War on Terrorism", Global Res...
Is Finland really getting ready for war with Russia?
Finland has informed its 900,000 military reservists of their roles in the event
of a military crisis against a backdrop of rising tensions.
Editor In Chief Of World’s Best Known Medical Journal: Half Of All The
Literature Is False
In the past few years more professionals have come forward to share a truth
that, for many people, proves difficult to swallow. One such authority is Dr.
“The case against science is straightforward: much of the scientific literature,
perhaps half, may simply be untrue. Afflicted by studies with small sample
sizes, tiny effects, invalid exploratory analyses, and flagrant conflicts of
interest, together with an obsession for pursuing fashionable trends of dubious
importance, science has taken a turn towards darkness.”
West's death squad strategy: How and why ISIS & Al-Qaeda became ‘shock troops’
of global powers
Friday’s ISIS suicide bombings in Yemen and Saudi Arabia – killing a total of at
least 43 people – is yet more bitter fruit of the policy pursued by Britain, the
2012 Defense Intelligence Agency document: West will facilitate rise of Islamic
State "in order to isolate the Syrian regime"
On Monday, May 18, the conservative government watchdog group Judicial Watch
published a selection
Secret Pentagon report reveals West saw ISIS as strategic asset
Anti-ISIS coalition knowingly sponsored violent extremists to ‘isolate’ Assad,
rollback ‘Shia expansion’
<who knows what a no-fly-zone really is?!
no fly zone as safe havens for terrorists?!'
'The document also recommends the creation of “safe havens under international
sheltering, similar to what transpired in Libya when Benghazi was chosen as the
command centre for the temporary government.”
In Libya, anti-Gaddafi rebels, most of whom were al-Qaeda affiliated militias,
were protected by NATO ‘safe havens’ (aka ‘no fly zones’).'>
US blocks nuclear disarmament document over Israel, Moscow fumes
Washington's position was backed by the UK and Canada, ultimately sinking the
proposal which had to be approved by all countries.
You’re Joking, Right? Saudi Arabia Wants to Head UN Human Rights Council|By Sputnik
Puolustusvoimat valmistautuu 10 miljardin suurkauppoihin
Meneillään olevien hallitusneuvottelujen ensimmäisiä päätöksiä oli, että
puolustusvoimat saa haluamansa: ensin tasokorotus toimintamenoihin, sitten...
Off the menu? Dutch restaurant wipes Israel off culinary map, outraging
‘March Against Monsanto’: Protest against GMO giant to roll in 38 countries this
The World Health Organization's International Agency for Research on Cancer
announced in May that Roundup, the most used herbicide in the world, is a
"probable carcinogen."
Press Release: Third Annual March Against Monsanto Gains Massive International
Neither in Finland nor Greece.
‘US hunt for Russians’: Moscow warns citizens traveling abroad
“The American authorities continue the unacceptable practice of ‘hunting’ for
Russians all over the world, ignoring the norms of international laws and
twisting the arms of other states.”
Starwars one step closer: DARPA’s ‘death ray’ to begin field tests
<Useless toys.... a missile coated with heat resistant materials and the outer
skin is constantly rotated as it flies through the air will make the laser
really useless.<
EU drops controls on dangerous chemicals after TTIP pressure from US – report
Holy sun! Solar halo in Mexico causes social media frenzy (PHOTOS, VIDEOS)
<Due to peculiar atmospheric conditions the sun over mexico is displaying a halo
usually only common in boreal regions >
< Geoengineering>
The Battle for Palmyra: What Really Happened According to Military Sources ~ [a
Ziad Fadel Report]
A Report by Ziad Fadel for Syrianperspective Tadmur (Palmyra): Even nominally
friendly sites like NSNBC are misreporting events in this historically
CIA Destroyed Torture Tapes Over Fear of Worldwide Backlash
The Balkans Want to Do Business with Russia; Here Come the Regime Changers!
This article originally appeared at
- RIAC :: The Creation of Enemy Image in Russian-American Relations
An information campaign aimed at creating a negative image of one’s opponent is
probably the only modus operandi in the ongoing standoff in Russia-US
FBI admits Patriot Act snooping powers didn’t crack any major terrorism cases
FBI agents can’t point to any major terrorism cases they’ve cracked thanks to
the key snooping powers in the Patriot Act, the Justice Department’s
<The dragnet with no results: FBI admits Patriot Act snooping cracked not a
single major terrorism case. We all know the purpose is not to crack cases, but
instead, to crack us!>
Saudi Arabia Seeking to Head the U.N. Human Rights Council (Yes, Really)
This surprising news comes just days after the kingdom posted a job
advertisement for eight new executioners amid a soaring execution rate. -
[18+] Казнь ополченца и беременной женщины, предположительно батальоном
[18+] Казнь ополченца и беременной женщины,..
"Information agency NewsFront posted a video discovered on the cell phone of
one of the fighters of the Ukrainian battalion, liquidated by people's militia
of Lugansk Republic.
His name and the date of liquidation were not disclosed.
On the video men in masks and camouflage with Ukrainian markings performed a
cold-blooded execution of two people by hanging on a specially constructed
gallows in the woods. A vehicle "Niva" was used as a scaffold. The event was
recorded by the executioners on a cell phone camera.
One of the victims - a pregnant woman. The executioners put bags on the heads of
the victims. The video had no sound.
Climate Blockbuster: New NASA Data Shows Polar Ice Has Not Receded Since 1979
Global warming alarmists claimed Arctic ice cap would be gone by now, but sea
ice is 5% above 35 year average.
KenFM über: Als Schlepper noch Fluchthelfer hießen.
KenFM über: Als Schlepper noch Fluchthelfer hießen.
Als Schlepper noch Fluchthelfer hießen. Oscar Lafontaine hat völlig recht, wenn
er Jean Jaures zitierte der mal feststellte: „Der Kapitalismus ist wie Krebs. Er
kann nur überleben, indem er sein Umfeld angreift und vollständig zerstört. Am
Ende stirbt der gesamte Organismus, in unserem Fall der Planet. Auch der Krebs
geht dann unter. "
Ex-Senate Candidate: Iran must be ready for US-Israeli attack
Pentagon Admits They Are Preparing For Mass Civil Breakdown
A new US Department of Defense (DoD) research program admits that the Pentagon
has long been concerned about widespread social break down. Even...
Mazedonien: Tausende nehmen an Kundgebung für Ministerpräsident Gruevski teil
Die Ratten kommen aus ihren Löchern: Putsch: EU Botschafter und Graf Lambsdorf
forderten den...
Die EU hat alle Hemmungen fallen lassen! Lupen reiner Putsch. Lambsdorf war ja
auch bei anderen Schweinereien schon dabei mit der Russen und Albaner Mafia...
Ukraine Debt Default. Kiev Reneges On Its Debt Obligations. Ukraine Parliament's
Kiev's parliamentary debt moratorium authorization suggests impending default.
MP Viktor Dondar calls it "technical default." Henceforth, foreign creditors
will be...
Ukraine Inherited Some of the Best Parts of the USSR - and Completely Blew It
This is an excerpt from a longer essay from Rostislav Ishchenko, a prominent and
excellent Russian publicist. Here, he points out that the newly independent
Leaked Memo Shows George Soros NGOs Paid Macedonian Students $1,500 to Think of
Regime Change Ideas
This article originally appeared at Red Pill TimesWhile shocking to have these
types of memos out in the open, it also should come as no surprise to anyone to
see George Soros NGOs up to no good, and doing the bidding of their CIA backers.
US Navy Destroyer to Enter Black Sea for ‘Peace and Stability’
Neues aus Mazedonien: Steinmeier und albanischer Kollege feuern aus Berlin
Richtung Makedonien
ISIS Leader Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi Trained by Israeli Mossad, NSA Documents Reveal
The former employee at US National Security Agency (NSA), Edward Snowden, has
revealed that the British
UN report reveals how Israel is coordinating with ISIS militants inside...
First confession: Pentagon admits 2 Syrian children killed in US airstrikes
The Defense Department confirmed that airstrikes in a November raid near the
town of Harim, Syria caused the deaths of two girls. The confirmation comes from
<First confession: Pentagon admits 2 Syrian children killed in US airstrikes
--- ffing hypocrites!! They kill innocent children - and other civilians - all
the time with their bombs and drones, they don't give a f*ck. >
Jeb Bush: 'Not A Shred Of Evidence' That Patriot Act Violated Anyone's Civil
WASHINGTON -- Jeb Bush on Thursday offered a full-throated defense of the
Patriot Act, the post-9/11 surveillance law signed by his brother, while on
<What a Scumbag!!! I was the second non-Arab American ever indicted on the
Patriot Act, so the Feds could hide the truth about our advance warnings about
9/11 and hard truths about Iraqi Pre-war intelligence. THIS SATURDAY on COAST 2
COAST Radio, I will talk about the Patriot Act and the Cover Ups of Iraqi Pre-
War Intelligence. Hope you check it out!>
Playing With Fire: US Unleashes Hybrid 'Proto-War' Against China
Washington has unleashed a "proto-war" against China, using military, economic,
and informational measures, in accordance with the "Brzezinski doctrine" and the
"Wolfowitz doctrine," Eric Sommer underscored.
Ilmavoimat kertoo: Tällainen on Lapin jättimäinen ilmaharjoitus - mukana yli 100
Norja, Suomi ja Ruotsi järjestävät touko-kesäkuun vaihteessa Lapin yllä valtavan
lentotoimintaharjoituksen, johon osallistuu yli sata lentokonetta.
<Tässä tämä taivaalla tapahtuva sotaharjoitus, mikä osuu samaan aikaan, kun
rauhanmarssimme. Rauhaa tämä ei edistä missään muodossa. Nyt Suomi hoitaa
velvollisuuksiaan jälleen NATO:n suuntaan, koska isäntämaasopimus. Vaarallista
Rauhanmarssi Euroopan, Suomen ja Maailmanrauhan puolesta Turussa 30.5.2015
Rauhanmarssi Euroopan, Suomen ja Maailmanrauhan puolesta Turussa 30.5.2015
Wealth gap hits 30-yr high – OECD
"We Reached The Tipping Point": Income Inequality Is Highest Since Records Began
12yo boy killed by Cleveland cops had been charged with ‘inducing panic’ and
‘aggravated menacing’ – report
Turkish intelligence ‘aided shipment of arms’ to Syrian rebel areas
Turkey helped deliver weapons to rebel-controlled Syrian territories, according
to testimony from prosecutors and gendarmerie officers, Reuters says. It
contradicts Ankara's denials that it sent arms to rebels and thereby contributed
to the rise of ISIS.
Westliche Medien mit falschen Informationen über die Inspektion der “Iran
Chinese Military: Internet the New Battlefield for War With 'Hostile West'
According to the Chinese military, the #Internet will be the latest frontline in
that battle, and Beijing is prepared to spend billions against "Western anti-
China forces."
Plotting Against Beijing? US Holds Asian Military Summit, Excludes China
ISIL Controls More Than 50% of Syria After Palmyra Seizure – Monitor
The Trans-Pacific Partnership: A Deeply Flawed Partnership
The American people have become used to government trickery in foreign affairs—
wars and interventions based on lies and falsified evidence, “national...
Once passed, the TPP will do for US corporations operating in Asia what the
North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) did for them in Canada and Mexico—
provide new incentives to send jobs abroad, increase corporate earnings, and
downgrade protections of the environment and workers at home as well as abroad.
Who Benefits? The TPP is partnership alright, but not the sort that serves the
human interest. Instead of enhancing partnership with working people who need
higher wages and job training, and with grassroots organizations that are
fighting to protect our natural environments, the TPP will promote the interests
of trading and investment firms in the cutthroat competition that has come to
define globalization.
Washington asks Athens to back anti-Russia sanctions - Greek minister
Greece has revealed it’s been asked by the US to prolong anti-Russia sanctions.
However, Athens stressed Russia is a strategic ally and the ‘sanction war’ is
causing it an estimated loss of €4 billion a year.
Americans Fear Beijing, Moscow May Introduce New Gold Standard
The Fall of Ramadi and the Criminality of US Imperialism
Nearly a year after the debacle suffered by US imperialism and the regime it
imposed during more than eight bloody years of war and occupation of Iraq—the
fall of the country’s second largest city,...
Nearly a year after the debacle suffered by US imperialism and the regime it
imposed during more than eight bloody years of war and occupation of Iraq—the
fall of the country’s second largest city, Mosul to the Islamic State of Iraq
and Syria (ISIS)—a similar collapse has unfolded in Ramadi, the capital of
Anbar, Iraq’s largest province.
Switzerland Sends First Western Humanitarian Convoy to Donetsk
The article originally appeared at Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation
Nächtliche Zusammenfassung von Kriegskorrespondenten, lokalen Bevölkerung,
Soldaten der...