ISIS barbarians at the gates, while NATO busy hyping ‘Russia threat’
As ISIS and ISIS-style terror erupts across the globe, Western governments are busy making plans to establish a rapid reaction force in Eastern Europe to ‘contain...
Unbelehrbare Merkel: Der Euro soll um jeden Preis gerettet werden
Selbst wenn ganz Europa fallieren sollten, was in Anbetracht der steigenden Verschuldung und der ...
Revealed: NSA Conducted Massive Economic Espionage Against France
BREAKING: New documents released by Wikileaks reveal that the #NSA's spying program delved even deeper into the French economy and politics, eavesdropping on government ministers.
Truth is a Crime Against The State
The entire Western edifice rests on lies. There is no other foundation. Just lies. This makes truth an enemy. Enemies have to be suppressed, and thus truth has to be suppressed. Truth comes from fo...
US Training for 'Moderate' Syrian Rebels Fails, CIA Can't Find 'Moderates'
Wenn die Rettung darin zu finden sein soll, dass man den Ärmsten weiter in die Tasche greift, während man die Millionäre ohne mit der Wimper zu zucken verschont, ist der Untergang der EU ja wohl durchaus gerechtfertigt, oder?
Die EU in der Hand der Konzerne
<p style="text-align: justify;">Die Europäische Union ist seit ihrer Gründung eine Organisation, der es vor allem...
The Six Too Big to Fail Banks in the U.S. Have 278 Trillion Dollars of Exposure to Derivatives
When you add up all of their exposure to derivatives, it comes to a grand total of more than 278 trillion dollars. But when you add up all of the assets of all six banks combined, it only comes to a grand total of about 9.8 trillion dollars. In other words, these “too big to fail” banks have exposure to derivatives that is more than 28 times greater than their total assets. This is complete and utter insanity, and yet nobody seems too alarmed about it. For the moment, those banks are still making lots of money and funding the campaigns of our most prominent politicians. Right now there is no incentive for them to stop their incredibly reckless gambling so they are just going to keep on doing it.
Incompetent ECB Policies Brought Greece to its Knees – French Media
"Volksbefragung": EU entsetzt über neuartige Entscheidungsmethode aus Griechenland
"Wo kämen wir denn hin, wenn jetzt auf einmal die Menschen über ihr eigenes Schicksal entscheiden dürften? Wir steuern direkt in eine Volksherrschaft, wenn dieses Beispiel Schule macht."
Keep Your Money at Home: Invest in your community, your neighbors and your local market.
Smart People Smart Money... A group of Smart People using history to teach basic money principles. An expose on the banking cartel, it's supporters and historical perpetrators. Sound investment advice and solutions for debt and investments.
Humanitäre Krise in Griechenland aufgrund von wirtschaftlichen Interessen und Erdgas?!
USA main export product is terrorism and fear of terrorism
Australia's Double Game on Terrorism
The Australian Government is wrestling with a double game it has created by backing sectarian terrorists in Syria, encouraging the export of young Australians to these groups, then entering into a ...
The Australian Government is wrestling with a double game it has created by backing sectarian terrorists in Syria, encouraging the export of young Australians to these groups, then entering into a fake war against terrorism and ringing alarm bells over the threat of them returning home.
In the name of anti-terrorism Canberra has cancelled dozens of passports and, more recently, passed a law to strip citizenship from dual citizens believed to be involved with some of the armed groups plaguing Syria and Iraq. Since 2012 about 200 Australian citizens are thought to have joined these groups and several dozen have been killed.
Cops Assault Man While He Holds Crying Baby, All Over $2.25 Bus Fare
Philadelphia transit officers are being investigated after a cell phone video surfaced that clearly shows them beating a father, holding a crying
Italy: EU request for powdered milk in mozzarella is 'attack' on cultural heritage
It is one of the country's most famous exports made using fresh buffalo milk but now agricultural producers fear it would lower the quality of the cheese
Gripping Drama: France, Italy to Split Eurozone Not Greece - Spanish Media|By Sputnik
Sanction Party Winding Down: Europeans Rising Against Obama's Anti-Russian Campaign– Senior Official|By Sputnik
Holy Land: Archbishop arrested during peaceful protest over seizure of church property
Israeli forces arrested Greek Orthodox Archbishop Atallah Hanna, on Saturday, as he took part in a...
#Israel-i forces arrested #Greek_Orthodox #Archbishop #Atallah_Hanna, on Saturday, as he took part in a march protesting over the illegal seizure of a Christian hospital which is part of al-Baraka Presbyterian church complex, north of Hebron.
Guns for Sale: Ukrainian Generals Write Off Good Arms to Get Rich|By Sputnik
Russian Dominance in Space Continues After SpaceX Explosion – US Media
The Russian-made #Soyuz remains the main servicer of the #ISS after #US #SpaceX CRS-7 #Falcon9 rocket crash. #Russia
Nuclear Warfare in the 21st Century
Der Grexit wird die Eurozone sprengen
- Ulrike Herrmann Presseclub 28.06.2015 - Bananenrepublik
Are the American Youth Ready for Conscription?
Mikä on TTIP? Ja kuusi syytä, miksi sen pitäisi pelottaa
Vapaakauppaneuvottelut ovat hyökkäys demokratiaa vastaan. Haluaisin äänestää TTIP:ta vastaan, paitsi
Ay-liike: Suomen on oltava USA:n puolella
Työntekijäjärjestöjen mielestä TTIP-sopimus on tärkeä saada, jotta EU ja USA voivat puolustaa geopoliittisessa kamppailussa yhteisiä arvojaan esimerkiksi Kiinan ja Venäjän poikkeavia arvoja vastaan.
Detroit Police Run Over and Kill Two Children, But They Keep Going and Hit Three More
“The police were right on their rear, bumped their tail a little bit, and the car flew up into the air,” an eyewitness to the horrifying police chase
US Intelligence Responds: ''No Comment'' To Questions of the US...
Inuit Knowledge and Climate Change
"Their Sky Has Changed!" Inuit elders sharing information with NASA regarding Earth's "WOBBLE"
Tsipras: Bank of Greece to Suspend Bank Service, Introduce Capital Controls
#Tsipras: "The decisions of the #Eurogroup prompted the European Central Bank not to extend emergency liquidity assistance to Greek banks and forced the Greek Bank to… suspend work of banks and introduce restrictions on bank transactions." #GreekDebt #GreekCrisis
Confessions of an Economic Hitman - John Perkins | Short Documentary
Confessions of an Economic Hitman - John Perkins | Short Documentary
US, NATO Powers Intensify Preparations for Nuclear War in Response to "Russian Aggression"
The NATO military alliance is preparing to implement a more aggressive nuclear weapons strategy in response to alleged “Russian aggression,” according to... Rede: Christoph Hörstel, Demo USA GO HOME am 27.06.2015 in Kaiserslautern
Libya : Lawless, Alarming, Unpredictable, Dangerous
The situation in Libya is continuing to develop alarmingly. The current situation in the country is characterised by a complete lack of any signs of a state system. Libya is being devoured by civil...
Media Coverage of Europe's Migrant Crisis Ignores Root Cause: NATO
Media seems determined not to point out the major cause of migrant crisis facing the EU is the chaos and misery United States helped introduce to Libya, Syria,...
Secret Russian Hypersonic Nuke Glider Can Pierce Any Missile Defense
Extremely maneuverable, ultra-fast and elusive, the hypersonic Yu-71 can carry #nuclear warheads and break through any missile defense system.
Betty Bowers Explains Traditional Marriage to...
Mistrals' Non-Delivery to Russia Demonstrated 'Hypocrisy of France'
"Ridiculous pretext concerning #Ukraine's conflict and the alleged #Russia's interference was used by a country, which intervenes in the crisis in #Syria." #France #Mistral
Tutkimus todistaa: Suomalaisten varallisuus on Euroopan maiden pienimpiä
Suomalaisten kotitalouksien varallisuus jää reilusti jälkeen useimmista Euroopan maista.
Suomalaisen varallisuus on 113 000 euroa – ja laskussa
„Reiche Griechen zahlen keine Steuern“ / Stammtisch-Argumente & Antworten
Guantanamo bay prisoner No. 650
Dr Aafia Siddiqui, A Pakistani PhD. Having 144 Honorary Degrees & Certificates, In Neurology, From Different Institutes Of The World, The Only Neurologist In The World Have The Honorary Ph.d From Harvard University,
Charleston Massacre was actually the assassination of a State Senator - How Africa
WAS THE CHARLESTON MASSACRE ACTUALLY AN ASSASSINATION OF A STATE SENATOR? How come mass media failed to put emphasis on the fact that...
How come mass media failed to put emphasis on the fact that State Senator Clementa Pinckney was one of the victims of a domestic terrorist, Dylann Storm Roof. What many don’t know is Clementa Pinckney was a Democrat state senator who campaigned for police to wear body cameras as well as raise the minimum wage in the state of SC.
US, NATO Playing War Games on Russia’s Doorstep, Threatening Russia with a First Strike Nuclear...
Press TV has conducted an interview with Michel Chossudovsky, of the Centre for Research on...
Kiev Fails to Provide Soldiers With Military Training, Sends Them to Death
US Military Incapable of Overcoming Defenses of Russia, China and Iran
<They are actively considering preemptive nukes - why should anyone doubt that the only government that used nukes in the past cannot use it again? The required criminal insanity is there in the leadership, both military and civilian.>
Bericht der Schulden-Wahrheitskommission
Griechenland sei Opfer eines Angriffsplans des Internationalen Währungsfonds (IWF), der EU und der Europäischen Zentralbank (EZB) geworden. Ziel sei es gewesen, die Schulden Griechenlands vom privaten auf den staatlichen Bereich zu übertragen, sagte die Parlamentspräsidentin.
Der Mainstream ist schon lange nicht mehr dazu da euch zu Informieren... Der Mainstream (TV) ist dazu da eine Haltung, eine Meinung in der Bevölkerung zu erzeugen... Wer nichts recherchiert muss alles gauben
The CIA, the Contras and Crack Cocaine
Beginning in late 1984, the Contras, a group of Nicaraguan anti-government fighters trained by the CIA and supervised by Oliver North, were desperate for cash. Congress had cut funding to the ragtag group of former Somoza national guardsmen and desperate peasants because of numerous reported human rights violations. So, to keep the Contras alive, the CIA and North were forced to seek out alternative funding. Those money-raising schemes included cutting an arms deal with the Iranians, soliciting money from friendly third party countries and arranging a marriage of convenience with Colombian drug traffickers.
Key Figures In CIA-Crack Cocaine Scandal Begin To Come Forward
Oliver North at the Iran-Contra Hearings
Ukraine Masses Troops on Border With Transnistria
Mikä on TTIP? Ja kuusi syytä, miksi sen pitäisi pelottaa
Vapaakauppaneuvottelut ovat hyökkäys demokratiaa vastaan. Haluaisin äänestää TTIP:ta vastaan, paitsi että...hetkinen, en voi. Transatlanttinen kauppa- ja investointikumppanuus on sarja...
Could These 3 Simple Changes to Banking Fix the Economy?
Beiträge über EUROGENDFOR auf Der Honigmann sagt...
Beiträge über EUROGENDFOR geschrieben von beim...
Deutschland bereitet sich militärisch auf einen Krieg mit Russland vor -
Die USA sowie Deutschland bereiten sich „schleichend“ Step by Step auf einen Krieg mit Russland vor. Die Bundesregierung lässt daran keinen Zweifel mehr...
Putin-Versteher – Sie sind überall
Eingeschläfert, betäubt und desinteressiert? Deutschlands Bürger im...
Medien-Schwachsinn in Skandinavien: "Russland ist der Feind und will uns erobern" --
Die finnischen und schwedischen Medien sind einmal wieder in großer Aufregung. Kommentar: Großangriff der Lügenpresse auf - Betroffene Hunde bellen...
5 black church arsons in 6 days:
Knoxville 6/21
Macon GA 6/23
Charlotte, NC 6/24
Warrenville SC 6/26
Tallahassee 6/26
IWF-Milliarden und EZB-Notkredite: Banges Warten auf die Insolvenz in Athen
Niemand hatte mit dem totalen Bruch gerechnet. Die nächsten Tage sind nun entscheidend für Griechenland, vieles ist im Ungewissen
Die beiden Hilfspakete für Griechenland seit 2010 haben ein Volumen von rund 240 Milliarden Euro, von denen etwa drei Viertel der Bankenrettung diente.
Nokia 107 Dual SIM 1.18 (red)
Bernie Sanders: Anti-Russian Propaganda and “Vermont Socialism”
Revealed; The Men Who Own and Run the U S Government
<Watch the BBC documentary about Chechnia. BBC blames both sides>
Cops Refuse to Stop Chase Plowing Over Multiple Children, Killing Them During Neighborhood Pursuit
Detroit Police tore through a neighborhood during a car chase, continued even after killing two children and injuring more.
Bester Auftritt von Volker Pispers - Kurze Geschichte der Außenpolitik des Terrorstaates USA
Der Auftritt von Deutschlands beliebtesten Kabarettisten Volker Pispers im Jahre 2004 über...
Armenia protesters demand more time to consider next move after govt concessions
Protesters in the streets of Yerevan want “more time” to decide on further actions after the government agreed to shoulder the costs and compensate for electricity...
Baltimore Police Called Out For Making Up ‘Gang Violence’ Stories To Scare Public
Remember when the Baltimore Police Department was telling all of these stories about "Bloods" and "Crips" uniting to "destroy" the city and its "heroic"
Islamic State uses US-made anti-tank missiles in Hasakah offensive
The Islamic State again shows the use of the US anti-tank missile system, after previously doing so near Palmyra and Damascus. Other jihadist groups, including...
Vladimir Putin on France and Europe: "NATO Member States have Renounced their Sovereignty"
by Sayed Hasan "As you know, the modern world, especially the Western world, is highly monopolised and many Western countries – whether they want to hear this or not – have voluntarily given up a c..
A CNN Executive Says G.I.s in Iraq Target Journalists
Mr. Jordan, speaking in a panel discussion titled "Will Democracy Survive the Media?" said "he knew of about 12 journalists who had not only been killed by American troops, but had been targeted as a matter of policy," said Rep. Barney Frank, a Democrat of Massachusetts who was on the panel with Mr. Jordan.
Syria's "Moderate Terrorists": Neocons Urge Embrace of Al Qaeda
Image: The second plane about to crash into the World Trade Center towers in New York City on Sept. 11, 2001. The latest neocon gambit is to build support for...
Losses in Syria Prompt Islamic State to Step up Terror Campaign Worldwide
88-yo Woman Defends Home from Cops Who Went to Wrong House, So She Was Assaulted & Arrested
Mistaken cops responded to the wrong address and instead of leaving, they threw the 88-year-old homeowner to the ground and arrested her.
Russia to Develop System to Block Satellite Signals, Shut Down Missiles
Judge Lets Ultra Rich Child Rapist Walk With No Prison Time Because He ‘Will Not Fare Well’
All too often child molesters and rapists are not brought to justice. At times it is because of a lack of evidence, while other times the criminals are
Leaving US Currency Behind: Russia and China Challenge Dollar's Hegemony
Deutschland und Europa müssen die US-Befehle befolgen
So deutlich war die USA noch nie geworden: aber nun ist es heraus. Merkel ist nicht die Kanzlerin...
Body Of Doctor Who Linked Vaccines To Autism, Found Floating In River
Dr. Jeff Bradstreet, who helped families whose children were believed to have been damaged by immunizations, was found dead last week under what many are calling...
The Pentagon Goes Nuclear on Russia
We all remember how, in early June, President Putin announced that Russia would deploy more than 40 new ICBMs “able to overcome even the most technically advanced anti-missile defense systems.”Oh dear; the Pentagon and their...
Kiev Using Various Neo-Nazi Groups to Wage War in Donbass – Swiss Media
Hundreds of Saudi Soldiers and Artillery Commander Join Yemeni Forces
300 Saudi soldiers and an artillery commander have joined the Yemeni forces, a senior Yemeni politician announced on Friday. "The latest blow at the Al Saud...
Should someone be killed over $355?
Sheriff Tells Family He’s “Sorry” After Officers Starved Their Mentally Ill Son to Death
1954 Transfer of Crimea to Ukraine Illegal – Russian Prosecutor General|By Sputnik
Report: Hundreds More of African Americans Lynched Than Previously Thought
According to EJI’s report, from the years of 1877 to 1950, 3,959 men, women, and children were lynched throughout 12 southern states.
Unannehmbar: Troika-Vorschlag wäre der Todesstoß für Griechenland
Die Troika hat ihren Vorschlag für Griechenland vorgelegt: Das Angebot an Griechenland würde die ökonomische Zerstörung des Tourismus Griechenlands...
Die Tourismus-Industrie ist neben der Handelsschifffahrt die zweite wichtige Export-Branche des Landes. Sie hat eine große gesamtwirtschaftliche Bedeutung, weil sie direkt und indirekt viele Personen beschäftigt. Vor allem für die Inseln ist sie absolut dominant. Die Troika hat die Erfahrung mit Mehrwertsteuer-Erhöhungen, aber auch mit reduzierten Sätzen für diese Branche.
Recent Saudi Delegation to Moscow Betrays a Hint of Desperation
The Kingdom is in a far weaker position on the world stage than it was only a year ago
Federal Documents Debunk Baltimore 'Gang Threat' Narrative
Image: Vice illustrated its story exposing fake protest threats with a photo of real protesters. (photo: John Taggart/EPA) Jason Leopold of Vice (6/24/15) has...
Baltimore County Police Shoot Unarmed Man For Standing In ‘Defensive Position’
Police in Baltimore County have just shot and killed an unarmed man. They say the fatal shooting was "justifiable" since that man stood in what they are
Police suppressed child sex abuse report ahead of 2010 UK election
Britain’s second largest police force suppressed the release of a report detailing how criminal gangs were sexually grooming vulnerable young girls, over fears its...
Bulgarian Activists Protest Deployment of US Weapons on Their Soil
Ukraine - Was NICHT in den Massenmedien berichtet wurde..
Urteil BVerfG: BRD erloschen, Wahlen & Gesetze seit 1956 ungültig! | VK
Bitter weiterverbreiten! Bundesverfassungsgericht bestätigt Lug und Betrug am deutschen Volk seit über einem halben Jahrhundert! Laut Urteil ist die BRD als angeblicher Rechtsstaat schon seit 1956 erloschen, sowohl das neue Wahlgesetz als auch das alte Wahlgesetz sind nichtig. Demzufolge hat von 195…
WikiLeaks discloses Ban Ki-moon cooperation with Zionist regime
Only 9 Percent of Americans See Russia as a Threat - Poll
Farewell to Arms: Over 10,000 Soldiers Desert Ukrainian Army / Sputnik International
Desertion galore: Ukrainian men understand the absurdity of the war their government is waging.
Iraq Residents: ‘We Know America is Providing ISIS with Weapons & Food’
“We now think ISIS is being used as a tool by America to divide and weaken Iraq.”
<Iraq Residents: 'We Know America is Providing ISIS with Weapons & Food'>
‘Careful with the blame game following terrorist attacks’
In the aftermath of the terrorist attacks in France, Tunisia and Kuwait it is important not to immediately blame Islam or Muslims, but carefully scrutinize the situation, is the message from various political analysts who spoke to RT.
Russia's Advanced S-400 Systems Could 'Neutralize NATO Airpower'
British Empire
Open Letter to Baghdadi
Muslim Scholars Release Open Letter To Islamic State Meticulously Blasting Its Ideology
ISIS new attack on Kurdish city Kobani,42dead 108 injured
video shows Turkish Government Arming ISIS & sending them to kobane
Memory card of the dead ISIS’ cell phone in Kobane shows , they came from Turkey to attack Kurdish city Kobani in Syria .All of them are Turkish and they are talking Turkish in The video Regarding three attacks on Kobani .Video clearly shows Turkish Government Arming ISIS and sending them to Kobani to kill Kurdish civilians .
video shows Turkish Government Arming ISIS & sending them to kobane
*Memory card of the dead ISIS’ cell phone in Kobane shows , they came from Turkey to attack Kurdish city Kobani in Syria .All of them are Turkish and they are...
The Vileness of the Clintons
‘Shall we only threaten and be angry for an hour? When the storm is ended shall we find How softly but swiftly they have sidled back to power By the favor and contrivance of their kind?’ – Rudyard ...
As for any notion of lesser evil one can gather how little Bill Clinton’s presidency lived up to that shabby billing just by looking at what he has actually issued half-hearted apologies for: support for the final stages Indonesia military’s slaughter in East Timor, undermining Aristide in Haiti with imposed subsidized rice, and unregulated derivatives.
Austrians launch petition to quit EU
Austrians have launched a petition to quit the EU, arguing that the nation will be better off economically if it leaves the union. To force the national parliament to consider the initiative activists need to have gathered 100,000 signatures by July 1.
“We want to go back to a neutral and peace-loving Austria,” Rauscher said at the start of the campaign this week. Austrians have until July 1 to sign the petition which they can do in municipal or district offices.
21 Million Yemeni Now in Urgent Need of Food, Humanitarian Aid
Articles • Breaking News 21 Million Yemeni Now in Urgent Need of Food, Humanitarian Aid 1 min agoAdd Comment1 Views A Saudi-led blockade on...
Deutsche Wirtschaft fordert sofortigen Stopp der Russland-Sanktionen
Für den Ost-Ausschuss der deutschen Wirtschaft „übertreffen die aktuellen Entwicklungen selbst unsere schlimmsten Befürchtungen“. Die Exporte dürften...
US To Begin Invasion of Syria | New Eastern Outlook
26.06.2015 Author: Tony Cartalucci US To Begin Invasion of Syria Column: Society Region: Middle East Country: Syria Unbeknownst to the general public, their elected politicians do not create the policy that binds their national destiny domestically or...
Deutschland und Europa müssen die US-Befehle befolgen
So deutlich war die USA noch nie geworden: aber nun ist es heraus. Merkel ist nicht die...
Paul Craig Roberts Warns Greek Government May Be Assassinated In This Crisis If They Pivot East To Stop World War III
If You Leave The EU, You Are Dead
Raus aus der NATO – US-Soldaten ab nach Hause!
Militärbündnisse wie die NATO tragen zu einer Konfrontationspolitik bei, die sc...
Questionable 'Report' Fuels Northern Europe's Russia Fears
Greece’s Debt Due: What Greece Owes When
military spending per gdp
United States 4.7 4.6 4.2 3.8
Russian Federation 3.9 3.7 4.0 4.2
By Wayne Madsen – ISIL: Made in Langley and propped up by Tel Aviv and Riyadh - Strategic...
By Wayne Madsen – ISIL: Made in Langley and propped up by Tel Aviv and Riyadh - Strategic...
Crime statistics are used shamelessly by certain groups in Finland to label immigrants
crime statistics
Rape statistics
Raiskaus, rikollisuus, maahanmuuttajuus ja suomenruotsalainen mysteeri
Smash NATO Before it's too Late : Information Clearing House - ICH
In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes....
‘Sanctions show no positive results, they harm Russia, EU economies’ - Germany Left Party VP
A Half Hour Video Interview With Sahra Wagenknecht
The outspoken leftist German MP wants Berlin to show more independence from the US and pay more regard to interests of Germans -
such as deescalation of Ukraine crisis
New Snowden docs show how US cooperates with allies in drone killings
New Edward Snowden leaks shed light on the details of US drone strikes in places like Yemen and Pakistan and the tracking technologies that helped them. They...
NATO Troops Train to Take On Pro-Russian Rebels
In the fictional country of Botnia, “Birdman”, the rebel leader, lives in a ramshackle shed in the woods while his separatist troops fight to destabilize a NATO-friendly country from the also fictional town of Alpha, a make-believe rebel stronghold.
Cops killing African-Americans 'practically a norm in US' – Chinese report
Julian Assange on the Trans-Pacific Partnership: Secretive Deal Isn’t About Trade, But Corporate...
As negotiations continue, WikiLeaks has published leaked chapters of the secret Trans-Pacific Partnership — a global trade deal between the United States and 11...
Former DPR Leader Warns of 'Big War'
Alexander Borodai, the former leader of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic, says that he expects the ceasefire in East Ukraine to collapse, resulting in a “big war” between Ukraine and Russia. According to Borodai:
Data Points to “Multiple Agents” Manipulating Elections. "Consistent and Widespread Vote...
Originally published by Who.What.Why.. by Jimmy Chin How trustworthy are our elections? It’s a question that is not being discussed nearly enough. However, it...
Media Fabrications: The “Srebrenica Massacre” is a Western Myth
Alexander Dorin: “Srebrenica Massacre” is a Western Myth -
“In the West, the popular mythology about 7,000-8,000 Muslim men being executed in Srebrenica in 1995 is still alive and well, but independent research shows some 2,000 Bosnian Muslim fighters were killed in battle for Srebrenica and that is the number of bodies Hague investigators were able to find”, said Swiss researcher Alexander Dorin, who has been investigating Srebrenica events for the past 14 years.
Farrakhan: American Flag Stands for US History of Racial Violence
"I don’t know what the hell the fight is about over the #Confederateflag. We need to put the American flag down. Because we've caught as much hell under that as the Confederate flag."
ISIS is ‘not strong,’ could be defeated ‘within two days’ – ex-Israeli PM Ehud Barak
The Islamic State militant group that has been terrorizing the Middle East with its yet greatest offense for over a year, is "not strong," former Israli PM Ehud Barak told...
<With the complaints also coming from USA pilots about not getting permission to fire on Isis targets they have a lock on, it is obvious that the USA and Britain have no intention of destroying them?>
Boston Bombings' Death Sentence: Dzhokhar Tsarnaev's "Scripted" Confession. Who Wrote It?
U.S District Court Judge George O'Toole has officially sentenced Dzhokhar Tsarnaev to death. Tsarnaev is to be executed at the Federal Prison in Terre...
This confession is a forced confession which is being used for propaganda purposes. Tsarneev did not write it.
Seven Days in May? US Global Hegemony, "Asymmetric Warfare" Directed against China
“Since its founding, the United States has consistently pursued a grand strategy focused on acquiring and maintaining preeminent power over various rivals, first...
NSA Chief Refuses to Confirm China Hacked Federal Personnel Database
ISIS strikes back on strategic town of Kobani under guise of moderate Syrian rebels
“No one can go out of their home, the streets are not safe … Isis fighters are getting inside houses and killing everyone [they find],” said a witness of the attack told The Guardian.
According to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights monitoring group, at least 35 people were killed as a result of Islamic State attacks and bomb explosions, as reported by Reuters. At the same time, Welat Omer, a doctor at Kobani hospital, said that about 70 people were wounded during this assault adding that women and children constitute the majority of those affected by the attacks.
Poroshenko inks permission for foreign troops in Ukraine
Part of the law also establishes provisions for the potential deployment of nuclear weapons and other types of weapons of mass destruction on the condition that Ukraine will
A top Israeli official threatens Arab lawmakers of revoking their citizenship.
Turkey Accused of 'Supporting ISIL' as Jihadists Launch Kobane 'Massacre'
McCain Blows His Top Over US Inability to Abandon Russian Rocket Engines|By Sputnik
Yerevan police identified a Ukrainian provocateur at the rally in the capital of Armenia
Yerevan police detained a provocateur in Bagramyan avenue – a woman of Ukrainian citizenship, reported the executive head of Armenian police Unan...
World Wide Web: Russia to Launch 672 Satellites for Global Internet Service
Russian MP says 'foreign instructors' behind Yerevan protests
The protests were aimed at "the change of the ruling regime that has in particular supported Russia and joined the Eurasian project," the lawmaker said
5 Things to Know About Armenia's 'Electricity' Protests
The Vorotan hydroelectric cascade, which generates half of Armenia's hydroelectric power sold to the US ContourGlobal on June 6, which then agreed with Armenia's energy regulator to considerably raise prices for the electricity it generates. Protests began when the energy distributor, Electric Networks of Armenia agreed with the regulator to raise energy prices for consumers.
Scandal with tapping of French leadership by US special services to be hushed up — Putin
The Russian president agreed with foreign minister Lavrov that the German example gives the answer: both sides will try to hush it up as soon as possible...
Putin Vows Further Army Modernization Needed to Maintain Peace, Stability
Scandal Breaks in Kyrgyzstan After Protest Organizer Meets With US Official / Sputnik International
A media scandal has broken out in the Central Asian republic of Kyrgyzstan following the posting of a YouTube video showing a protest organizer meeting with...
Exklusiv: Skandal bei OSZE Konferenz in Wien
Schärfste anti-russische Hetze bei der OSZE Veranstaltung "Sicherheit für Journalisten, Medienfreiheit und Pluralismus in Konfliktzeiten" in Wien.
The International Criminal Court (ICC) Does Not Prosecute War Criminals
The International Criminal Court (ICC) was established to prosecute culpable individuals for...
Varoufakis: Switzerland hides Greek tax evaders with black money
Switzerland is providing only limited information about rich tax evaders who have stashed about €80 billion from cash-strapped Greece, Varoufakis said.
Saudi Arabia next if Syria falls to ISIL: Russia
Turkey let ISIL militants into Kobani: Syria
Syria says Turkey has facilitated ISIL's recent attack on the border town of Kobani by allowing terrorists into Syria.
Russia to Deploy S-400 Air Defense Systems Near Western Borders by End 2015
American exceptionalism. Do as I say and not as I do.
The hypocrisy is astounding.
Poll: 58% of Americans Admit They Openly Support Terrorism to Achieve Goals
Imagine the rage if a poll conducted in the Middle East suggested that 58% of Arabs supported the World Trade Center attacks.
"Президент". Фильм Владимира Соловьева
Secret Death Squads Backed by Thatcher Gov’t Killed Hundreds in N. Ireland / Sputnik International
Following the broadcast of an Irish documentary, a number of human rights groups are calling on London to take responsibility for its role in colluding with paramilitary...
Declassified documents expose US support for ISIS and nobody cares! |
The Western narrative used to justify the destruction of Syria looks increasingly brittle and...
Excellent New Must-See Putin Documentary. Two Thumbs Way Up!!
We found this completely fascinating. It is done by Russia state TV so it gives a positive take on Putin, but it is devastatingly convincing.
PRESIDENT - Episode 1 - War in Chechnya. Way from Prime Minister to Acting President
PRESIDENT - Episode 2/8 - Elections. President of a country in decay. Tragedy of Kursk submarine
PRESIDENT - Episode 3/8 - Relations between Russia and US. Restoring Russian Economy - Beginning
Episode 4 :
Episode 5:
Episode 6:
Episode 7:
Episode 8:
"Президент". Фильм Владимира Соловьева
Spratly Islands dispute
<scroll down to Timeline>
How to build and fly your own home-made drone
'Israel razes 1,000 Negev homes per year'
Goldman Sachs Predicts Solvency Crisis, Default in Ukraine as Soon as July|By Sputnik
Putin's Gas Pincers
Victimless Crime Constitutes 86% of The Federal Prison Population
When we talk about the war on drugs, which is increasingly turning into a real war, we often overlook
Private Prisons Threaten To Sue States Unless They Get More Inmates For Free Labor
Freedom is apparently bad for business. That's the message from the private prison industry which is threatening to sue states if they don't start locking
Colombian generals facilitated civilian killings to fake guerrilla losses – HRW
New evidence suggests many Colombian officers were involved in hundreds or even thousands of civilian killings between 2002 and 2008, reporting them as combat fatalities to boost body counts in war with armed groups, according to Human Rights Watch.
Putin’s approval rating hits historic high at 89 percent
Russian independent pollster, the Levada Center, says the share of Russians who are happy with Vladimir Putin’s work as president has reached 89 percent, which is his highest-ever approval rating.
Police Arrest Charleston Shooter Without Even Aiming a Single Gun At Him
Does anyone else remember Tamir Rice? John Crawford? Police have made it a habit of approaching unarmed citizens with guns drawn, aimed and even blazing
Winter is Coming: Sun Cooling Means Temps in Europe, US to Fall
Russische Satire über "Conchita Wurst"
White Americans are the biggest terror threat in the United States
Since Sept. 11, 2001, it is white supremacists and other right-wing groups that account for the majority of terrorist attacks on US soil, a new report finds.
The Pentagon goes nuclear on Russia
We all remember how, in early June, President Putin announced that Russia would deploy more than 40 new ICBMs “able to overcome even the most technically advanced anti-missile defense systems.”
Greece rejects ‘exceptionally generous’ counterproposals by creditors
Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras and international creditors have failed to reach a common ground on tax and reform proposals, which adds more doubts over the...
<While the Greek government proposes higher taxes for the rich, multinational companies and higher vat on luxury goods, the IMF have rejected this for more cuts to pensions, services and jobs cuts in public services.
The Greeks pointed out these conditions were not put on Ireland in bailing them out. While the IMF are pouring money into Ukraine with no conditions.
All this while 11 other countries are about to default on IMF loans, along with the couple dozen that have defaulted, to then receive more loans.
I hope the Greek government are preparing and minting the former currency for a smooth transition when they default, as is the only sensible option.>
US-Verteidigungsminister: Russlands Eifer sich über die Welt auszubreiten, können USA nicht dulden
<Ein verlogenes Schwein sozusagen>
Wake-Up Call: Most Deadly US Terrorists Since 9/11 Are Homegrown Radicals
Putin responds to threats, to illegal sanctions, and to incessant propaganda with statements that governments need to respect each other’s national interests and to work together for common benefit. No politician in the West speaks in this way. Western politicians, including non-entities such as Washington’s lapdog UK PM Cameron, issue threats to Russia in violent language that make Adolf Hitler’s threats seem mild by comparison. Russia could destroy the UK in a few minutes, and we have the spectacle of the moronic British PM issuing threats to Russia despite the fact that the UK is not capable of bringing any meaningful force whatsoever with which to confront Russia. The lapdog Cameron relies on Washington, just as the moronic Polish government relied on the “British guarantee.”
Propaganda Reigns In The West
The lies about Russia and Russia’s president have grown so thick, threatening the world with devastating war, that distinguished Americans have formed the American Committee for East-West Accord. ...
'Electric Yerevan' Is Sliding Out Of Control / Sputnik International
The events in Yerevan are turning into a Color Revolution, believes Sputnik columnist Andrew Korybko.
Step closer to surveillance state? France passes new spying law
The French parliament has adopted new legislation, giving the intelligence services more leeway to spy on the public. The bill comes the same day as French politicians voiced anger over revelations of US spying on three French presidents.
<They news story about the U.S.A.'s spying is used to try to distract the public from this law>
Greece rejects ‘exceptionally generous’ counterproposals by creditors
“The non-acceptance of equivalent measures is unprecedented. Neither in Ireland nor in Portugal were they rejected. Nowhere! This strange stance may be due to two reasons. Either they do not want an agreement or they serve specific interests in Greece,” Tsipras said, according to a government source cited by the Greek Reporter.
And The Country Posing The Greatest Threat to Peace as 2013 Ends is …the United States.
Not only did the U.S. top the list with an aggregate of 24 percent, but the runner-up threat country, Pakistan, was way behind at eight percent. China was third at six percent, followed by North Korea, Iran and Israel at five percent each.
The survey of opinions across 65 countries by pollster Win/Gallup International
In Gallup Poll, The Biggest Threat To World Peace Is ... America?
In their annual End of Year poll, researchers for WIN and Gallup International surveyed more than 66,000 people across 65 nations and found that 24 percent of all respondents answered that the United States “is the greatest threat to peace in the world today.” Pakistan and China fell significantly behind the United States on the poll, with 8 and 6 percent, respectively. Afghanistan, Iran, Israel and North Korea all tied for fourth place with 4 percent.
Jihadists face detour at Turkey border, but 'highway' still in business (+video)
Since the Islamic State lost the Syrian border town of Tel Abyad, smugglers on the Turkish side ferrying foreign fighters to the 'caliphate' have lost market share to other routes.
Most of the foreign fighters going in the last two years, however, were Turks, he says.
Depleted Uranium - NATO's Dark Secret
The US and NATO militaries began using bullets made of DU in the 1991 Gulf War and have been using it in every major armed conflict since that time. It is us...
Man Jailed For 29 Years For ‘Resembling’ Serial Rapist
He was locked up for almost three decades for crimes he did not commit. But now a Virginia man is finally free after DNA tests exonerated him completely. Virginia
The biggest threat to world peace: US wars in 150 countries
Putin's Performance Hits Record 89% Approval Rating – Independent Poll
Cop Says He Shot Cyclist in the Back Because He was Mourning his Fellow Officer
Officer Alex Franco claims he fatally shot a cyclist in the back because he was "in mourning," and had a heightened sense of "officer safety."
Still Funny? Paris Diplomats Joke About NSA Spying Before WikiLeaks Release
Charleston Shooting Exploited to End 2nd Amendment
Big Pharma, not gun owners, should take heat for mass shootings.
President Obama was quick to blame guns for the Charleston, S.C., church shooting, but 92% of mass shootings occurred in Gun Free Zones since 2009.
Ukrainischer Präsident Poroschenko räumt ein, der Sturz von Wiktor Janukowytsch sei ein Putsch...
Der gegenwärtige Präsident der Ukraine, Petro Poroschenko, hat den Obersten Gerichtshof der Ukraine aufgefordert, zu erklären, dass sein Vorgänger, Wiktor...
Putin Strikes Back: Cuts Ukraine Gas Discount | Zero Hedge
We had wondered at the relative lack of response by Russia to extended sanctions and asset freezes in Europe and now we see the first major move. Having...
EU Confirms It Wants Donbass Special Status to Be Permanent
Israel abducts 9 after Syrians ‘lynch’ Takfiri
Judge Napolitano On Government Faking Terror Plots
Average American doesn't care if kids are blown to pieces in Donbass
Who destroys churches? Satan and his followers.
"Obama says he's a Christian. Poroshenko says he's a Christian. They do Satan's work here."
Madeleine Albright - The deaths of 500,000 Iraqi children was worth it for Iraq's non existent WMD's
Russia pictured as monster with claws on cartoon map for schoolkids causes stir in Netherlands
A picture in a Dutch social studies textbook for 16-year-olds portrays Russia as a monster with claws and fangs trying to devour Ukraine, while Europe extends a...
Putin: Unser Hauptproblem mit den USA - sie wissen immer besser als wir, was für Russland gut ist
France Says 'No' to Spying - NSA Does It Anyway
Watch the German Foreign Ministry Condemn Russian Nukes, Then Praise US Nukes on German Soil (VIDEO)
Russia’s plan to upgrade its nuclear arsenal is clearly political motivated and sinister. But American nuclear upgrades — even on German soil — are purely for...
Lord Janner 'violated, raped and tortured' children in PARLIAMENT
The campaigning backbencher said police wanted to bring 22 historical charges against the former MP, dating back to 1969, but were blocked by the Crown...
Janner ‘violated, raped & tortured’ children on Westminster Palace estate, MP alleges
Russia Completing Contract on Arms Deliveries to Syria
Higher Wages Will End Recession
Dr. Heiner Flassbeck: Targeting low inflation will deepen crisis; government must pass laws and intervene to facilitate a general rise in wages
New US Spy Revelations: France Promises Action Over Presidential Wiretap
UKRAINE No Sign Of Missile But Lots Of Machine Gun Holes: OSCE Monitor On MH17 29Jul2014
BBC Russia accidentally aired a truthful report about HM17
<video deleted but I have a backup>
Europe: Victim of Its Own Sanctions
Despite the EU’s refusal to acknowledge the detrimental effect of sanctions against Russia on its own economy, the true cost is finally hitting home
Finland Unemployment Rate
Employed Persons 2429.000
Arbeitsplatz Verluste
Auswirkung der Export-Sanktionen in Vergleich zum Vorkrisenjahr 2013
GDP in English
Russland-Krise kostet Europa bis zu 100 Milliarden Euro
Wladimir Putin hat stets gewarnt, dass die Sanktionen gegen Russland Europa selbst schaden. Die EU bestreitet das. Ökonomen haben jetzt errechnet, wie teuer die Krise wird – vor allem für Deutschland.
Der geheime UBoot-Krieg der Supermächte - Streng geheim! - Doku über den U-Boot Krieg
Wikileaks Sony Hack Reveals Hollywood’s Hand In Repairing Israel’s Broken Image
The WikiLeaks archive reveals how some of Hollywood’s top players want to combat the negative publicity of last summer’s brutal war on Gaza and link the...
Russians Pay Less Tax Than You - And Other Surprising (?) Facts
Russia gets a bad press. Literally. In fact Western media coverage of Russia is almost always extremely negative. That would be excusable if it was mostly...
US Announces Aggressive Plans to Build Up Forces on Russia's Borders
Dylann Roof at Burger King?
Was Charleston church shooter Dylann Roof "taken to Burger King" after he was arrested for murdering 9...
<Oh like the humane treatment Trayvon Martin received? Or the Humane Treatment that Eric Garner received for selling cigarettes? or the Human Treatment Freddie Gray received? This is the issue I see in how the police treat people of color and how they treat "White" people....>
“Balance” in UN Gaza Report Can’t Hide Massive Israeli War Crimes
Palestinians pray over the bodies of eight members of the al-Haj family, killed when Israel bombed their Khan Younis house on 10 July 2014. This was one of the...
There can be no moral equivalence between the legitimate self-defense and resistance of a people under occupation and the aggression of an occupier whose aim is to subject millions of people to its unopposed military tyranny.
Volksbegehren: „Austritt bringt jedem Haushalt Geld“
Am Mittwoch beginnt die Eintragungsfrist für das EU-Austrittsbegehren. Die Initiatoren behaupten, dass auch wirtschaftliche Gründe gegen die EU sprechen.
Germany, Italy, Japan and the UN Charter's "Enemy State Clause": Obstacle to an Asian and...
The UN Charter still designates Italy, Germany and Japan as enemy states to the United Nations. In...
European Union Responsible for Crisis in Ukraine - French Lawmaker
Were Active Police Shooter Drills Taking Place In Charleston During Church Shooting?
It is now commonly known within the researching community that the presence of a military, law enforcement, or other related “drill” occurring at the same time as a...
Kansas GOPer: Let's Shoot Illegal Immigrants Like Pigs
Kansas State Rep. Virgil Peck (R) suggested Monday that the best way to deal with the illegal immigration problem may be the same way the state might deal with the problem of "feral hogs" -- by shooting them from a helicopter.
COP KICKS SUSPECT: The Delaware Attorney General's Office has indicted a Dover police office on assault charges after he was caught on camera kicking a suspect in the face, knocking him out and breaking his jaw..
Second family says Petersburg Police went too far
Second family says Petersburg Police went too far
Teen Found Guilty For Recording Police Abusing Him During Arrest
A teen who was recorded in a viral video of police brutality has just been found guilty. A judge ruled that the Petersburg teen, Devin Thomas, was in
Netanyahu to 'punish' Syrians who attacked ISIL terrorists
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has pledged to punish a group of Syrian Druze individuals in the occupied Golan Heights who attacked injured ISIL Takfiri militants en route to a hospital in Israel.
Where Have All the "Crisis Actors" Gone?, the website established to represent the collaboration between the Visionbox professional actors studio and FEMA's Emergency Management Institute has been dormant since August 201...
BBC interviews Yanukovich, leaves key Donbass & Crimea quotes out of English version
In his first interview with Western media, Ukraine's former President Viktor Yanukovich told the BBC that Crimea splitting from Ukraine was a tragedy, but the...
NATO Exercises Ongoing Near Russia Since 2014 / Sputnik International
NATO has repeatedly blamed Russia for its agressive behavior, but it looks like the alliance forgot about its
US Announces Aggressive Plans to Build Up Forces on Russia's Borders / Sputnik...
US Will Provide Weapons For NATO Commandos to Attack Ukrainian Separatists
Pentagon boss Ashton Carter has announced the United States “will contribute weapons, aircraft and forces, including commandos, for NATO’s rapid reaction...
The Pentagon has yet to reveal the number of troops that will participate in the battle against “extremists.”
The announcement coincides with the defection of a onetime aide to the Ukrainian defense minister to the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic. Alexander Kolomiyets took a wealth of classified intelligence information along with his family, according to the Sputnik News.
The Merging of Government and Wall Street Into One Criminal Entity: The Rising Tide of State...
Originally published by GR in May 2014 In the dozen plus years since 9/11, the US government has...
WikiLeaks Release: NSA Spied on Three French Presidents
The Pentagon goes nuclear on Russia
We all remember how, in early June, President Putin announced that Russia would deploy more than 40 new ICBMs “able to overcome even the most technically advanced anti-missile defense systems.”
Russia will accept no more lectures from US – senior diplomat
The dialogue between Russia and the United States can only be equal and must not amount to lectures on democracy-building, says the Foreign Ministry’s envoy for...
'F**k US imperialism': Germany's ex-finance minister slams defense secretary's Europe visit
In a Facebook post which cannot be quoted fully quote due to strong language, Lafontaine, whose latest political post was co-chairman of the democratic socialist...
Minsk accords must be implemented in full, including political parts – FM Lavrov
Not OK, Google! Covert installations of ‘eavesdropping tool’ raise alarm
Druze Block Transfer of Israeli Supported Terrorists Wounded in Syrian Battles for Treatment in...
The Druze youth in Syria's Golan Heights stood up to the Israeli forces and blocked the road to the Israeli army ambulances carrying the terrorists injured in battles in...
Indiana Marijuana Church Releases Its Own Ten Commandments; 'The New Deity Dozen'
Cannabis Church Gains Legal Recognition as a Religion, Using Marijuana as Their Sacrament
WikiLeaks Honduras: US Linked to Brutal Businessman
WikiLeaks reveals: Miguel Facussé, a biofuels magnate in Honduras entangled with the drug trade, is waging a bloody war against campesinos—with American support.
Die USA und die AggressionLafontaine: "Fuck the US-Imperialism"
Schäuble: "Die Not wird die Menschen zwingen, sich zu beugen"
Freddie Gray was Killed on his Way to Jail, Mass Murderer Dylann Roof gets Burger King
On the way to jail, Freddie Gray was killed by cops and he didn't commit a crime. Dylann Roof, who murdered 9 people, was given Burger King on his ride.
There she lusted after her lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose emission was like that of horses.
Evidence Is Now Conclusive: Two Ukrainian Government Fighter-Jets Shot Down Malaysian Airlines...
False flag? Charleston shooting happened during federal active shooter drill
Diagnosis 'Death': NHS Will Not Survive TTIP, Say UK Doctors
Amazing Moringa: Medicinal, Edible & Easy to Grow
Moringa, native to parts of Africa and Asia, is the sole genus in the flowering plant family Moringaceae. The name is derived from murungai/muringa, the Tamil/Malayalam word for drumstick. It contains 13 species from tropical and subtropical climates that range in size from tiny herbs to massive trees.
Moringa: One Of The World's Most Abundant Sources of Vitamins And Minerals -
A serving of fresh leaves contains 7 times the amount of vitamin C in the equivalent amount of oranges, 4 times the vitamin A of carrots, 4 times the calcium of milk, 3...
Business Owner’s Surveillance Cameras Catches Undercover Police Agent Planting Crack
"Who knows how many potential customers I lost" all because of a police information planting "evidence" - all because "the Schenectady County Sheriff's
SMOKING GUN: Active Shooter Drills Charleston S.C. Day of Shooting. Resistance Journals Special Report!
Smoking Gun: Active Shooter Drills Charleston, South Carolina, Day of Shooting
😊 Western sanctions have positive effects on Russian economy — Public Chamber secretary
The longer the sanctions stay in place, the better it will be for businesses, especially those operating in the sphere of import substitution, secretary of the Russian...
Lost in Translation, or What the BBC Cut From Their Yanukovych Interview / Sputnik International
The ВВС were the first Western media to interview ex-Ukrainian president Yanukovych since his overthrow in February 2014, however they inexplicably left...
Paul Craig Roberts: Understanding Washington and its agenda of evil --
Paul Craig Roberts' address to the Conference on the European/Russian Crisis, Delphi, Greece, June 20-21, 2015 The United States has pursued empire since...
Cop Who Shot and Killed Sleeping 7-Year-Old Girl No Longer Facing Any Charges
Aiyana Stanley-Jones was only 7-years-old when a Detroit police officer shot and killed her, with a single bullet to the head. Officer Joseph Weekley is now free and...
Death by Dehydration Prompts Changes at Island County Jail
Update: A report issued June 18 by the Island County Sheriff's Office was highly critical of the jail's handling of Keaton Farris. The report found that jail staff failed...
Havaintoja Uudesta Maailmanjärjestyksestä: Sauli Niinistö diilasi Ukrainan armeijalle 200 tankkia
Rights of Russian-speaking population continuously violated in Baltic states — ombudsman
Walmart: The High Cost of Low Price • FULL DOCUMENTARY FILM • BRAVE NEW FILMS
The Shocking TRUTH of the Pending European Union Collapse!
Waffen im Direktvergleich: Russland braucht Nato nicht zu fürchten / Sputnik Deutschland -...
Die russische Armee steht der Nato in Sachen Waffen in nichts nach, berichtet „Business Insider“. Die...
US Hastening Dollar's Demise by Bullying Russia, China
"Sie töten nur die Zivilbevölkerung" - Ukrainischer Generalmajor bricht mit Kiew und wechselt zu...
Am heutigen Montag hat der Generalmajor der ukrainischen Armee und einstiger Berater des Verteidigungsministeriums, Alexander Kolomiets, seinen Wechsel zu...
Total Collapse - The Build up to World War III
Syracuse Freddie Gray Protesters Charged With Not Having Protest Permit
The Syracuse reports that two men who police say helped organize a protest against the death of a Baltimore man in police custody have been charged with...
In America you get charged by police for protesting police brutality without a police permit.
World-Famous Pianist Lisitsa Gives Concert in Donetsk Despite Pressure
If You'll Believe Russia Is the Aggressor in Ukraine You'll Believe Anything
This is an abridged version of an article that originally appeared at The Automatic Earth
Farewell to Arms: Over 10,000 Soldiers Desert Ukrainian Army / Sputnik...
Some 1.3 Million Ukrainian Draftees Reside in Russia - Russian Official / Sputnik International
One million and 270 thousand Ukrainian citizens of the draft age reside in Russia, according to Secretary of Russia's Security Council Nikolai Patrushev.
Prescriptions Drugs Now the Leading Cause Of Death By Overdose
As drug overdose deaths rise across America.
Total Emergency Alert: Elite Now Evacuating
ARD > Russland & Krim böse = weil sie das Gegenteil von TTIP machen = Schutz der kleinen Bürger
Sergej Aksionov steht auf der Sanktionsliste der EU. Er ist Ministerpräsident der Krim und u.a. für entschädigungslose Enteignungen verantwortlich, die er mit...
Trans Pacific Partnership | The Scariest Trade Deal Nobody's Talking About Just Suffered a Big Leak
Wikileaks just exposed TiSA.
The leak exposes the INHERENT FASCISM of Late, Global Capitalism, where social values are turned up side down through Orwellian class functions, to promote global class slavery, global militarism, ALL THE ELEMENTS OF FASCISM, NOT DEMOCRACY. This part of the article clearly exposes the WESTERN TOTALITARIANISM , ORWELLIANISM, where Fascism is called Democracy: " but the impact on workers and citizens in America and across the globe is far less clear. Social, cultural, and even public health goals would be sidelined in favor of a regime that puts corporate profits first. It effectively nullifies the role of democratic governments to operate in the best interest of their constituents..."
Ukrainischer General wechselt „mit Hunderten Kameraden“ zu Donezker Milizen / Sputnik...
NATO plans 40,000-strong rapid response force in E. Europe
NATO’s rapid response Spearhead Force in Europe might reach 40,000 troops, a tenfold growth from the initial 4,000-strong force deployed last year, the military...
Ukraine: Ex-Kiev Major General blasts Poroshenko for murderous war in E. Ukraine
Alexander Kolominets, who recently defected to the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic (DNR/DPR), said he could no longer tolerate the unnecessary death of civilians in the conflict. He went on to say he has "devoted his whole life to the issues of defence from foreign enemies," branding Kiev's use of force against civilians a "crime."
‘US would like Russia to cease to exist as a country’ – Russia’s top security official
Russia’s extreme wealth doesn’t allow the US to rest, prompting Washington to invent a putative “Russian threat” and scheming against Moscow through the...
Austrian Campaigners Against 'Dictatorial EU' View Crimea as Russian
Member of Kiev's top brass ‘defects’ to anti-govt forces, predicts more like him
Lithuania Regrets Europe Failed to Isolate Russia
500 Lithuanian fascists march near WWII-era execution site of 10,000 Jews
About 500 Lithuanians, some sporting Nazi swastikas,...
BREAKING: Ukrainian Defense Ministry official joins DPR | Русская весна
BREAKING: Ukrainian Defense Ministry official joins DPR 22.06.2015 - 13:17 Ukraine’s Defense Minister official, Aleksandr Kolomiyets, has defected to...
"He declared his intention to work for the benefit of DPR and shared his opinion of the Ukrainian army’s condition. "The potential of the Ukrainian army is very low. Mostly, from the standpoint of morale. All generals and officers who are aware the authorities’ actions are criminal have no wish to fight the war". "
The Freezing of Russian Assets, Moscow's Counter-Sanctions Directed against the EU
French and Belgian Russian asset freezes along with extending EU sanctions through January came (not coincidentally) on day one of the 19th St. Petersburg...
In 1995, he bought Yukos assets for $300 million – a tiny fraction of their worth. In 2003, their market value was $30 billion – a 100-fold ill-gotten gain.
In July 2014, the Hague-based Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA) ordered $50 billion paid to former Yukos shareholders. It called the company “the object of a series of politically motivated attacks.”
Why Is NATO In Yugoslavia?
NATO in Yugoslavia
The North Atlantic Treaty Organization was founded in 1949 with the stated purpose of protecting Western Europe from possible military aggression by the Soviet Union and its allies.
With the dissolution of the Communist regimes in the former Socialist bloc in 1990 and 1991, there was no longer any possibility of such aggression, if there ever really had been. The changes in the former Communist countries made NATO redundant. Its raison d’etre had vanished. Yet certain groups within the NATO countries began almost immediately to press for a “renovation” of NATO and even for its extension into Central and Eastern Europe. They began to elaborate new rationales which would permit the continuation of business as usual.
The most important of these was the idea that, with the changes brought about by the end of the Cold War, the Western countries nonetheless faced new “security challenges” outside the traditional NATO area which justified the perpetuation of the organization. The spokesmen for this point of view argued that NATO had to find new missions to justify its existence.
Israel: "Wiped off The Map". The Rumor of the Century, Fabricated by the US Media to Justify An...
Global Research Editor's NoteThe following text by Arash Norouzi first published by the Mossadegh...
So what did Ahmadinejad actually say? To quote his exact words in farsi:
”Imam ghoft een rezhim-e ishghalgar-e qods bayad az safheh-ye ruzgar mahv shavad.”
That passage will mean nothing to most people, but one word might ring a bell: rezhim-e. It is the word “Regime“, pronounced just like the English word with an extra “eh” sound at the end. Ahmadinejad did not refer to Israel the country or Israel the land mass, but the Israeli regime. This is a vastly significant distinction, as one cannot wipe a regime off the map. Ahmadinejad does not even refer to Israel by name, he instead uses the specific phrase ”rezhim-e ishghalgar-e qods” (regime occupying Jerusalem).
So this raises the question.. what exactly did he want “wiped from the map”? The answer is: nothing. That’s because the word “map” was never used. The Persian word for map, “nagsheh“, is not contained anywhere in his original farsi quote, or, for that matter, anywhere in his entire speech. Nor was the western phrase “wipe out” ever said. Yet we are led to believe that Iran’s President threatened to “wipe Israel off the map”, despite never having uttered the words “map”, “wipe out” or even “Israel”.
Goodbye S-300, Hello Antey-2500: Russia and Iran in Talks for New Arms Deal?
Donbass – eine Reise in den Krieg: Frieden und Freundschaft stehen obenan!
Autor: Christoph Hörstel EU- und Nato-Regierungen tun ja zuallermeist so, als sei der Donbass gar nicht da: Menschen, die hungern? Selbst schuld. Kiew streicht...
US, Britain Want to 'Weaken EU, Impoverish Russia'
Cabinet Minister Shalom’s Wife: Destroy Gaza
Outspoken Judy Nir Mozes Shalom, wife of Minister...
Outspoken Judy Nir Mozes Shalom, wife of Minister and Vice Prime Minister Silvan Shalom, Tweets, “Have a good week…Destroy Gaza.”
Middle East Archive - Ralph Schoenman: The Hidden History of Zionism (6. Zionism and the Jews)
Ralph Schoenman: The Hidden History of Zionism - Chapter 6: Zionism and the Jews
The modern US army: unfit for service?
Gone are the days of the all-American army hero, says Matt Kennard. These days, the US military is more like a sanctuary for racists, gang members and the chronically unfit
NATO General Uses False Claims to Justify Buildup Near Russia's Border
NATO is using false claims of Russia's "invasion" of Crimea in order to justify American aggressive military responses to Russia, Eric Zuesse underscores.
“ISIL completely fabricated enemy by USA”, former CIA...
ISIS fighters plant mines and bombs in Palmyra - monitor
Islamic State militants have planted mines and bombs in the ancient part of the central Syrian city of Palmyra, a UNESCO landmark, the Syrian Observatory for...
Pilot Who Flew The Airplanes That Crashed on 9/11 Speaks Out!
Pilot Who Flew The Airplanes That Crashed On 9/11 Comes Forward With SHOCKING Information!
The euro was doomed from the start
The Greek crisis epitomises the complete mess that Europe has made of the single currency
After the creation of the euro, however, economic growth slowed markedly. Poorer countries fared worse than the more prosperous countries, like Germany, which benefited from the new, weaker currency.
Because of the absence of realistic debt write-off, Greece has had to undergo, to use the official euphemism, the most savage “internal devaluation”. As a result real GDP in Greece fell by 27 per cent; unemployment reached 28 per cent; wages fell 37 per cent; pensions were reduced by up to 48 per cent; and government employment fell 30 per cent.
Thousands march in Berlin to support migrants, Greece
Thousands have taken to the streets of Berlin to express their solidarity with asylum seekers coming to Europe. The activists also expressed their support for the people of Greece, who are suffering from a long-running debt crisis.
Again? US Destroyer to Enter Black Sea Sunday to Support Atlantic Resolve
Focus on Finance_Sale of Hydro One - V2 N2.pdf
The facts about the
sale of Hydro One
Poroshenko 'Prepares for Future' Calling Yanukovych’s Ousting Illegitimate
List of European countries by average wage
Greek Pensions Range from 1300 to 430 Euro per Month
Decline in Oil Prices Has No Serious Impact on Russian Economy – BP Chief
Only 40% of French Military Aircraft Deemed Operational
Israel bombs W. Lebanon to destroy own downed drone - reports
A blast has been reported near the town of Saghbein in a remote area of Lebanon's western Bekaa, sources told agencies. Hezbollah-run Al Manar TV said, an Israeli...
Nice Day for a Genocide: Shocking Quotes on Indians By U.S. Leaders, Pt 1
These quotes about Indians from famous American leaders, including Benjamin Franklin and George Washington, span from the 1750s to 1817.
Finnish Companies Seeking to Restore Trade Relations With Russia / Sputnik International
Finland hopes to restore its trade relations with Russia amid anti-Russian sanctions imposed by the European Union, Esko Aho, Executive Chairman of the Board of...
Srebrenica historical project
The long term goal of our project is to create a historical archive which would include testimony, documents, and the results of all sorts of relevant research which might shed some useful light on Srebrenica, viewed not as an event but as a phenomenon.
Cop Punches Pregnant Woman In Stomach For Laughing At Him, Calls Her ‘Black B****’
A pregnant woman in Chicago says she was verbally and physically assaulted by a racist police officer... and it was all caught on surveillance footage. The
Heritage of hate: Dylann Roof, white supremacy and the truth about the Confederacy
In the wake of the terrorist killings in Charleston by admitted white nationalist and neo-Confederate Dylann Roof, many a voice have called for the removal of the...
Spanish Lecturer in Lithuania Banned From Social Media Over Ukraine / Sputnik International
Academic and lecturer Miquel Puertas has told Sputnik radio that he has been forced to shut down his Facebook account or risk losing his job at Kaunas...
Bloomberg's Coverage of St. Petersburg Econ Forum Was Embarrassing. Here Are the Highlights
When one of the commentators described Tsipras’ speech to the forum as akin to “diplomatic terrorism” it was pretty clear what viewers were in for
"Wag the Dog" Mass Killing, Race Wars and Gun Confiscation Obscure Sleight of Hand TPP Passage
The accelerated rate of New World Order events unfolding every single day is becoming mind boggling. The latest tragedy in South Carolina where a wacked...
Turkey main route for Iraq, Syria-bound terrorists: US
Ukraine Is In Crisis. Here's Why the West Can't Save It.
A video roundtable explains why the IMF, Europe, and Western corporations don’t have the country’s best interests at heart.
CIA Agent Exposes How Al-Qaeda Dosen't Exist
Farewell to Arms: Over 10,000 Soldiers Desert Ukrainian Army
One Civilian Killed, Another Injured in Donetsk Shelling by Kiev Forces
Belgium unblocks part of Russian diplomatic missions’ frozen accounts - foreign ministry
The others will be unblocked on Monday
Acting Commander of Ukraine's Disbanded Tornado Battalion Unit Resigns
Public Didn’t See Last Two World Wars Coming Either