Kiev's Renewed Assault on Donbass to Trigger US-Russian War – Stephen Cohen
Sachartschenko: OSCE spielt das Spiel auf ein Tor
Staatschef der Volksrepublik Donezk (Ostukraine) Alexander Sachartschenko: Ich finde es sehr schade, dass unsere OSZE Beobachter nichts fixieren und wenn sie es fixieren, dann die Daten über uns nicht heraus geben. Warum wird nicht...
Suomi oli nistitilastojen ykkönen vuosikausia – heroiini oli kansanlääke
Suomessa käytettiin heroiinia asukasta kohden enemmän kuin missään muualla vuodesta 1936 aina 1950-luvun alkuun saakka. Heroiinia kului moninkertaisesti enemmän kuin Ruotsissa, Norjassa, Tanskassa ja Islannissa yhteensä.
More Than 1,000 Children Killed, Injured In “Brutal” Yemen Conflict – U.N.
More than 1.3 million people have been forced to flee their homes since March, and nearly 10 million children – 80 percent of the country's under-18 population – need urgent humanitarian aid, UNICEF said in a report released on Wednesday.
ARD/ZDF: Das Märchen von dem seltsamen Mann
Die Geschichte von dem seltsamen Mann, der 2015 etwas für 2030 ankündigt, das 191 andere Länder schon seit 1997 beschlossen haben und von den gar absonderlichen Gauklern, die 7.000 km entfernt - in der Kolonie - den Kaiser ohne Kleider dafür bejubeln.
AT&T, NSA Partnership Typifies ‘21st Century Fascism’ - Former Telecom CEO
"You have, quite frankly, a 21st century version of fascism, with a strong central government that has nearly unlimited dictatorial powers, controls both the economy and public policy."
'Putin will help Iran in case of Israel war'
Scottish Independence | Taking all drugs is a human right say MPs and peers
August 19, 2015Taking all drugs is a human right say MPs and peers The European Convention on Human
Drug use is a ‘human right’ – MPs
Taking recreational drugs and growing your own cannabis is a ‘human right’ according to a group of MPs and peers, who say human rights legislation could be used by defendants to avoid prosecution.
Иностранный дипломат совершает наезд на полицейского. Киев/16.08
Anti-Global Warming Crusader George Soros Invested Millions in Coal
Video Proves Officers Executed Family Dog Who Was Clearly No Threat
“Get a shotgun and take this dog out,” one officer can be heard yelling, as another storms towards the restrained canine.
Nato pitää Välimerellä megaluokan sotaharjoitukset – Suomi mukana kuudella Hornetilla
Sotilasliitto harjoittelee syksyllä 36 000 sotilaan voimin. Suomesta paikalle lähtee 150 sotilasta –
USA:n rynnäkkökoneet Suomen ilmatilaan
Ilmavoimat harjoittelee jälleen Yhdysvaltojen ilmavoimien kanssa Suomen ilmatilassa. Yhteisharjoitus alkaa ensi...
Ruotsalaiset sotamiehet: EU ja Nato osallistuvat sotatoimiin Donbassissa / Sputnik Suomi
Ukrainan sota on jatkunut yli vuoden. Mediassa käydään kiivasta propagandasotaa. Jokaisen silminnäkijän kertomus on tässä tilanteessa yhtä arvokas. Donbassissa...
Vermeintliche "Trollfabrikantin" Ludmilla Sawtschuk vom verlängerten Arm der CIA finanziert
Wiedermal bestätigt sich eine Erfahrungen, die viele kritische Bürger in den vergangenen Jahren gemacht haben: das Studieren der Leserkommentare unter...
greek gods
70,000 And Counting! Petition to Arrest Netanyahu If He Visits UK Likely to Increase to over 100,000
70,000 and counting! Petition to arrest Netanyahu if he visits UK, likely to increase to over 100,000 The issue is: what action will the British government of David...
PKK declares autonomous region in Turkey’s Dersim province
ERBIL, Kurdistan Region — The Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) has announced a democratic autonomous region in Dersim province, and established checkpoints...
Ofcom accuse BBC of airing ‘propaganda films’
Regulators claim BBC World News has breached sponsorship rules 20 times by airing ‘propaganda films’ promoting charities, NGO’s and foreign governments.
Revealed: Russia's Ambitious New ICBM Early Warning System
Cop Runs Over Dog, Kills It In Front of Its Owner, Threatens to Arrest Owner for Trying to Save It
OMG this has me so mad my heart is pounding reading this I can't believe they are just callously killing our precious family members these TYRANT SCUMBAGS!
According to witnesses, Sgt. Culbreath sped up his car and deliberately ran Phoebe down and almost hit the person who was trying to recapture her.
Son, the owner, ran to her dog and gathered her broken, bleeding body into her arms. Culbreath stopped his cruiser and got out. “It’s just a dog!” he said scornfully, as Son screamed at him, wanting to know why he did that.
He threatened to arrest her for touching her dog! He refused to let her leave to get Phoebe to the veterinarian and called for backup. Five more cars arrived and blocked off the street so nobody could get in or out.
The creators of Debtocracy, a documentary with two million views broadcasted from Japan to Latin America,
analyze the shifting of state assets to private hands.
US spends $41mn to train 54 militants
Having trained just 54 “moderate” militants in Syria, the US’ so-called train and equip program is far behind its goal of producing 5,400 militants a year.
Seit heute Nacht ist die Schweiz Atomstrom- frei: Alle AKWs wurden...
Die Schweiz ist seit heute Nacht komplett Atomstrom-frei © HappyTimes - Atomkraftwerk Beznau im Aargau. Haben Sie es gemerkt? Seit heute Nacht ist...
Washington Is Expressing its Concerns over the State of Press Freedom | New Eastern Outlook
19.08.2015 Author: Vladimir Platov Washington Is Expressing its Concerns over the State of Press Freedom Column: Society Region: USA in the World In order to...
Größtes US-Luftwaffenmanöver in Europa seit 1989
In Europa findet derzeit das größte Luftwaffenmanöver der USA und seiner Verbündeten seit Ende des Kalten Krieges statt. Die vierwöchige Übung habe...
Kiev Gathers Huge 65,000-strong Army on Frontline Near Donetsk
Rettungs-Wahnsinn: Bundestag beschließt gigantische Geld-Vernichtung
Der Deutsche Bundestag beschließt heute einen Verlust von 41 Milliarden Euro, der für die europäischen Steuerzahler unausweichlich ist. Ein glatter Schuldenschnitt...
“The War on Drugs is Over, and We Lost,” Meet the Police Chief Who’s Starting a Revolution
A small town police chief is making big waves after making radical changes to the way his department deals with drug users.
Jimmy Carter's Legacy. Human Rights in the Abstract versus "Shameful and Indefensible Foreign...
“Carter was the least violent of American presidents...
While he didn’t initiate any aggressive invasions of foreign nations the way his predecessors and successors did in Vietnam, Grenada, Panama, Iraq, Afghanistan and many other countries, Carter proved remarkably generous at providing financial, military, diplomatic and ideological support for fascist dictatorships that tortured and killed millions of members of their domestic populations in an effort to crush popular movements for social justice. Some of the regimes he backed carried out mass slaughter that amounted to genocide.
<Good summary, but left out Carter's support for Somoza dictatorship and praising him for human rights in Nicaragua in 1978>
9/11 TRUTH "A Plane Did NOT Hit The Pentagon!" Rare Clip Only Aired Once!!
North Tower Exploding by David Chandler
Physics teacher David Chandler's brilliant exploration of the North Tower Exploding WTC 1. New
Commodities Collapsed Just Before The Last Stock Market Crash – So Guess What Is Happening Right Now?
23 Nations Around The World Where Stock Market Crashes Are Already Happening
You can stop waiting for a global financial crisis to happen. The truth is that one is happening right now. All over the world, stock markets are already crashing.
Washington allows Shell drilling for oil in Arctic
Royal Dutch Shell will be allowed to drill into the oil-and gas-bearing zones in Alaska’s Chukchi Sea
Massive SWAT Raid Seizes Organic Okra
A small organic farm in Arlington, Texas, was the target of a massive police action last week that
Police SWAT Raid On Organic Farm After Tomato Plants Mistaken For Marijuana
A SWAT team composed of between 15 to 20 officers raided an organic farm, named the
The Buried Canadian State Connection to ISIS
Gang of 14 Cops Take Down One-Legged Homeless Man ‘Armed’ With Crutches
Police in San Francisco were recently caught swarming a homeless African American man, who only had one leg. The man's only
This is one of the most disturbing things I have ever seen. A one-legged homeless man SWARMED by a BRUTAL GANG of 14 cops, who claimed he was "armed" because he had CRUTCHES!!!
FBI Evidence Proves Innocence of Accused Boston Marathon Bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev
I have been contacted by attorney John Remington Graham, a member in good standing of the Minnesota bar. He informs me that acting in behalf of Maret...
It's time to admit it. Israeli policy is what it is: apartheid
Anti-NATO, Anti-War: Why the UK Establishment Fears Jeremy Corby
Land Destroyer: Bangkok Blast: Who the Liars Say Did It, Says it All
Ukrainian Artillery Resumes Shelling of Donetsk – Media
Shelling of #Donetsk resumed: "Shells landed on Dneprodzerzhinskaya Street and several went off near the local television center, smashing windows and sending residents running for cover in buildings and basements." #UkraineCrisis
This is What an Arrest for a Bicycle Helmet “Violation” Looks Like in a Police State
A video uploaded to Facebook, shows the ridiculous nature of the American police state.
Putin: World War III Is Inevitable - Truth And Action
In a recent speech directed at the United States, Vladimir Putin stated that World War III is inevitable and will be started by the U.S. In no uncertain terms Putin let it be known that America is responsible for destroying the 'global collective security'...
Putin hält den III. Weltkrieg für nahezu unabwendbar, weil ihn die USA sicher beginnen werden, meint er. Russland wolle den Krieg nicht und werde ihn nicht beginnen. Da aber die USA das internationale Friedenssystem zerstört haben (ich denke er meint, dass sie auch ohne Beschluss des UN-Sicherheitsrates Krieg und Gewalt aus eigenem Gutdünken eingesetzt haben und einsetzen), habe Russland und kein anderes Land mehr eine Garantie, nicht von den USA angegriffen zu werden. Russland bereite sich deshalb auf den Krieg vor.
Maik Müller
Chinese texts of the 12th century record these islands being a part of Chinese territory and that they had earlier (206 BC) been used as fishing grounds during the Han dynasty.[23] Further records show the islands as inhabited at various times in history by Chinese and Vietnamese fishermen, and during the second world war by troops from French Indochina and Japan.[24][25][26] However, there were no large settlements on these islands until 1956, when Filipino adventurer Tomás Cloma, Sr., decided to "claim" a part of Spratly islands as his own, naming it the "Free Territory of Freedomland".[27]
Because, we're exceptional, and only want to do good, through death and destruction.
Police Shoot Pregnant Woman In Stomach With AR-15
The dashboard and body camera footage has now been released in the fatal shooting of Jeanetta Riley. Riley, 35, was shot and killed by Sandpoint, Idaho
Manuel Noriega
Manuel Antonio Noriega Moreno[2] (Spanish pronunciation: [maˈnwel noˈɾjega]; born February 11, 1934) is a former Panamanian politician and soldier. He was military dictator of Panama from 1983 to 1989.[3] In the 1989 invasion of Panama by the United States he was removed from power, captured, detained as a prisoner of war, and flown to the United States. Noriega was tried on eight counts of drug trafficking, racketeering, and money laundering in April 1992.
Eurokrise – Griechenlandpaket: Bundestag vor neuerlicher Untreue: Droh- und Druckkulisse aus Politik und Medien
Griechenlands Schuldenlast steigt noch einmal um ein Viertel auf dann mehr als 400 Milliarden Euro - und knapp die Hälfte des neuen Geldes, 38,5 Milliarden, gehen noch in diesem Jahr in den Schuldendienst.
"Poisoning the Sky", Chemtrails and Geoengineering. Public Hearing on "Aircraft Emissions"
August 11, a group of geoengineering activists including San Francisco’s intrepid researcher and citizen journalist Patrick Roddie testified before the Environmental...
Land Destroyer: US Savagery Visited Upon Libya, Syria, Ukraine, Now Visits Bangkok
Russian Missile Warning System Can Detect Mass Launch of Ballistic Missiles
The missile early warning system can detect any launch from any direction, said the Chief of Staff of the Main Centre for Missile Warning of the Russian Aerospace.
Who is the West’s Lead MH17 Investigator? | New Eastern Outlook
17.08.2015 Author: Ulson Gunnar Who is the West’s Lead MH17 Investigator? Column: Politics Region: USA in the World As tensions once again build in...
Russia delivers 6 MiG-31 jets to Syria
Canada's Stephen Harper Wants to Redesign a New Collective Memory of World War II
Stephen Harper has been changing our collective self-image. He has emphasized the martial, rather than the peace-making episodes, in our history, and had a war...
New UN report finds almost no industry profitable if environmental costs were included
According to a new report for the UN: almost no industry is profitable if you include environmental costs. So, maybe it's time for some serious changes?
Who is Obstructing the MH17 Investigation? | New Eastern Outlook
13.08.2015 Author: Vladimir Platov Who is Obstructing the MH17 Investigation? Column: Society Region: Ukraine in the world It’s been a year of investigation into...
MH-17 Shootdown After One Year: What Do We Know?
China's Newest Long-Range Heavy Bomber Should Unnerve US
Julkinen talous
Valtion budjettitalouden tulot ja menot
Julkisyhteisöjen alijäämä/ylijäämä ja velka
not complete for all countries yet for 2014
The rankings are based on PPP (purchasing power parity) which calculates the real GDP that is free from the currency exchange distortions inherent in the nominal figures. This is the only relevant way to express the comparative size of economies. – At the same time China has drawn a significant lead over USA as the absolute world leader.
Gefährlicher Doppelschlag – Der türkische Bombenkrieg | Monitor | Das Erste | WDR
The Social Cost of Capitalism — Paul Craig Roberts
They need to understand that the heads of the federal protective agencies themselves are timber, mining, and ranching operatives who work for private companies and not for the public. Americans of all persuasions need to understand that just as senators and representatives are bought and paid for by the military/security complex, Wall Street, and the Israel Lobby, they are owned also by mining, timber and ranching interests.
The public interest is nowhere in the picture.
Wind power generates 140% of Denmark’s electricity demand
Venezuela offers alternative to EU-NATO ‘imperialist violence’ afflicting Africa
Impending U.S. Dollar Collapse Should Be Getting Attention, Not China’s Devaluation, Financial Analyst
“So this move was motivated not by the exchange rate between the yuan and the dollar, but between the yuan and all the other currencies because the dollars is in a bubble right now,” he said. “The dollar is very overvalued … and the dollar is a bubble. This dollar bubble is going to burst.”
Markan paluu olisi mahdollinen – Mitä siitä seuraisi?
Paavo Väyrysen kansalaisaloite kansanäänestyksen järjestämisestä Suomen eurojäsenyydestä euroalueessa sai räjähtävän lähdön, mutta nyt vauhti on hiipunut. Tutkimusryhmä on selvittänyt, mitä Suomen euroero tarkoittaisi.
Post WW2 World Order: US Planned to Wipe USSR Out by Massive Nuclear Strike
Der Leiter der OSZE-Mission in der Ukraine ist der Sohn eines Banderas! | Русская весна
Michael-Michailo Bociurkiw ist in Kanada, in der Familie eines Banderas, eines bedeutenden Funktionärs der ukrainischen Griechisch-katolischen Kirche und der...
Cop Shoots Unarmed Teen Boy 3 Times, Pauses, Then Shoots Him 4 More Times to Kill Him
It's almost as if he realized it was a mistake to shoot this boy, who was unarmed, but then didn't want the boy alive as a witness... so he FINISHED THE JOB?!
Drunken Ukrainian Troops Shoot Donbass Beachgoers... Just for Fun
The Georgia Guidestones
The origin of that strange monument is shrouded in mystery because no one knows the true...
Israelis at forefront of international organ trafficking: Report
Record Number of Patients Receive Organ Transplants in 2014 - The Business...
Ukraine: Dozens of Bodies Found in Mass Graves Lack Organs - Independent.mk
In a First, a Sudanese Migrant Nearly Crosses the English Channel on Foot
The authorities arrested Abdul Rahman Haroun, who evaded 400 security cameras and walked about 30 miles underground, dodging trains traveling at up to 100...
Article 31 of the Refugee Convention provides that refugees should not be penalised for seeking asylum, including prosecution for acts of unlawful entry. This UNHCR paper clarifies the provisions especially the "without delay"'criterion
Anti-Geoengineering Researcher to EPA: Do Your Job!
Max Bliss: Testimony EPA Aircraft Pollution Hearing August 11th, 2015
The Truth From Inside Syria's "Terrorist Underworld"
What follows is a report from a resident of Aleppo whose identity is not revealed for reasons of security. Their reports delve deep into the terrorist underworld and expose many of the NGO and med...
California Now Wants to be First State to Mandate Adult Vaccines – Criminal Penalties for those...
Is California becoming a medical police state? Health Impact News Editor Comments In a brazen act of medical tyranny, California recently became the first...
US Military Uses IMF and World Bank to Launder 85% of Its Black Budget
Though transparency was a cause he championed when campaigning for the presidency, President...
<the real black budget includes money acquired by intelligence groups via narcotics trafficking, predatory lending, and various kinds of other financial fraud.<
Paul Watson Promotes Zionist Disinformation About Muslims and Free Speech
Defense Contractors Increase Lobbying Budgets As US-Led ISIS Strikes Kill Civilians
Last week it was reported that defense contractors across the board are increasing their lobbying budgets to ensure their weapons continue to flow to the U.S....
With hundreds of thousands of new supporters, Labour is on the verge of something big – what a complete disaster!
Why is no one asking about Jeremy Corbyn’s worrying connections? | James Bloodworth
Corbyn may not have an antisemitic bone in his body, but he does share platforms with people who do
Nasty and crass attempt to tar Corbyn with anti-semitism. Whatever anyone thinks of JC, it's pretty clear the establishment is extremely concerned with the groundswell of support around his campaign.
you write for the same publication as an apologist for neo-Nazism
Geologist predicted EPA would intentionally pollute Animas River to secure federal funding
Geologist predicted EPA would intentionally pollute Animas River to secure federal funding
Nr.35 !! Russische Hilfskonvois erreichen Donezk und Lugansk / 14.08.2015
Neue humanitäre Hilfslieferungen aus Russland sind am Freitag in Donezk und Lugansk eingetroffen, teilte der Pressedienst des russischen...
Warren: Citigroup, Morgan Stanley, Merrill Lynch Received $6 Trillion Backdoor Bailout from Fed
By Pam Martens and Russ Martens: March 4, 2015 Senator Elizabeth Warren Questions Panel...
<Jury Nullification: Not one more drug user in jail until these mega-crooks are in the dock. CitiGroup, Morgan Stanley, and Merrill Lynch got $6 TRILLION from the Federal Reserve in two years. We wouldn't know this without Ron Paul: Audit the Fed! Nationalize the Fed!<
Syria: US-Turkey buffer zone meant to SAVE ISIS not fight them!
US-Historiker: Die USA zerstören Europa
Der US-Historiker Eric Zuesse sieht den Hauptgrund für die derzeitige Flüchtingswelle in Europa in der US-Außenpolitik der letzten Jahre. Die USA hätten Libyen, Syrien und schließlich die Ukraine gezielt destabilisiert, um Russland zu...
It’s Time to Kick Germany Out of the Eurozone
Why the anchor dragging down the European economy isn’t Athens -- it’s Berlin.
Trade surpluses take place when a country chooses to spend less than it produces — when it has excess savings, beyond its domestic need for credit. It lends that excess savings abroad, financing another country’s ability to spend more than it produces and, by running a trade deficit, purchase the lender’s excess production.
US-Ökonom: „Es ist Zeit, Deutschland aus der Euro-Zone zu werfen“
Der US-Ökonom Patrick Chovanec sieht in Deutschlands wachsendem Handelsüberschuss die Hauptursache für die Ungleichgewichte der Eurozone. Die Deutschen lebten in der Illusion von Wohlstand, da sie echte Arbeit gegen Schuldscheine eingetauscht haben, die vermutlich nie zurückgezahlt werden. Die beste Lösung sei der geordnete Austritt Deutschlands aus der Eurozone.
How’s Life At The Economist? Not Grate
Visas for Al Qaeda: CIA Handouts That Rocked The World
Al-Qaeda (Arabic for “The Base”) grew out of and became identical with the Arab-Afghan Legion, those terrorists recruited by the United States of America,...
<Mainstream media are prostitutes , senseless and in bed with corrupt , irresponsible leaders , big business and politicians.<
Obama Took “Willful Decision” to Support the Islamic State (ISIS): Former US Intelligence Chief
If one was only to read mainstream news in the West, you would probably be inculcated with the myth that...
U.S. Government and Top Mexican Drug Cartel Exposed as Partners
For over a decade, the U.S. government had a secret agreement with the ruthless Mexican Sinaloa drug cartel that allowed it to operate with impunity, an in-depth...
Phony Karate Master - No Touch KO Debunked
Kampfsport ohne Körperkontakt - unglaublich!
New Jersey Police Just Shot An Unarmed 14-Year-Old
Just last night, we reported on police fatally shooting a 15-year-old child - the youngest victim of police murder since Tamir Rice. But a 14-year-old Trenton, New Jersey teen was also unarmed when he was shot seven times by police officers...
Kiai Master vs MMA
2012-03-26 Tarpley to PressTV: 'Buffer zone along Syrian border, national suicide for Turkey'
Syria Invasion Watch - Sibel Edmonds on Turkey, False Flags and the Timeline to War
It’s not migrants who are the marauders and plunderers
British Government Racism, Europe’s Shame?
This fortress built by Nature for her self Against infection and the hand of war, …. This precious stone set in a silver sea … This blessed plot, this earth,...
Speaking from Vietnam where he was marauding with a large trade delegation, Cameron vowed a fortress Britain. Borders would be protected, the “problem dealt with at source…” that meant: “trying to stabilize the countries from which they come”, he said with no sense of irony.
The main countries “from which they come” are Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan where UK insurgents have engaged in swarming and destroying and Syria where they are now doing the same. The majority are fleeing our enjoined destruction of infrastructures, homes, social society and human life on a scale that surely qualifies as genocide.
Donezker Unterhändler: Dritter Weltkrieg wegen Ukraine möglich / Sputnik Deutschland -...
Denis Puschilin, Chefunterhändler der selbsterklärten Volksrepublik Donezk, hält es für möglich, dass wegen der Ukraine ein Dritter Weltkrieg beginnen könnte, sollten...
Pentagon Sending Local Police Departments Armored Vehicles to Bust Stoners
No, this isn't a joke.
The war on drugs has just reached a new, more ridiculous level.
< It is called a military industrial complex. When they dont have wars to fight they have to do something with the surplus war machine. Ridiculous maybe....surprising? not in the least.<
Insider DNR: OSZE und Rotes Kreuz verlassen morgen früh um 6 Uhr den Donbass!
At Russia's Doorstep: Full-Scale War Looms in Donbass, Escalated Combat with the Support of US...
US and British special forces are actively preparing Kiev’s military for escalated combat. UK Defense...
Lugansk People’s Republic (LPR) Contact Group envoy Vladislav Deinego said Kiev violated every Minsk ceasefire term since agreeing to observe them in February.
Conflict never stopped. Dozens of shellings occur daily – including against residential and public areas. Obama wants war, not peace – using Kiev proxies to do his dirty work.
Strength Is Weakness
The strong dollar is actually bad for America, giving Europe a way to export its troubles to the rest of the...
Indianapolis Police Shoot and Kill Unarmed 15-Year-Old Child
Indianapolis police have gunned down an unarmed, 15-year-old child. The Indiana police department is - not surprisingly - coming to the defense of the officers,
#AndreGreen is the YOUNGEST person to be shot by police since #TamirRice was gunned down last November. Eye-witness accounts say the police version of events are LIES and that Green did nothing other than try to get away from officers who believed the car he was in with friends "fit the description".
Net Migration from Mexico Falls to Zero—and Perhaps Less
US Chief of Staff Warns Army Too Small to Deter Global Threats
Troika Bailout Deal 'Declares War' on Greek People
#GreekCrisis"The purpose of the #bailout has little to do with 'repaying debt' and everything to do with creating a corporate paradise in the Mediterranean... The real purpose of the program is economic restructuring, through privatization and deregulation." #Troika #greekdebt
Four Black Officers Held At Gunpoint by Racist Cops Who Assumed They Were Criminals
New dashcam footage is backing up the claims of four African-American parole officers who were violently detained by local upstate New York police officers. The
The cops even seem to be racist against other cops. Now who is going to defend this?
What the Latest Currency 'War' is All About
Growing Migrant Crisis Direct Result of EU, NATO Policies – Latvian Party
"We should bear responsibility for those decisions that our states make, even if people are against them. Latvia is a member of #NATO and the EU — groups that took part in bombings of those countries that #migrants now flee."
Woman Runs On Foot From Officer Who Then Shoots and Kills Her After Traffic Stop
Late Friday night, neighbors heard gunshots near the scene of what seemed to be a common traffic stop. Now they are demanding answers from police
EPA Chemtrails Witness
Cop Shoots Citizen in the Back of the Head, Execution Style: Lawsuit
WOW it's just like THEY'RE ON A MISSION TO MAKE SURE WE'RE DEAD. Two shots didn't work so they had to kill him? WTF?
First they shot him twice, but neither bullet killed him. When he was on the ground, another officer approached him and shot him in the back of his head, killing him execution style, according to the lawsuit.
BREAKING: Donetsk under Massive Bombardment by UAF; dead and wounded
August 12th, 2015Rusvesna - Translated by J. ArnoldskiUkrainian occupational forces shelling Donetsk. Around 18:00 from the direction of Pesok, UAF are...
Cops Arrest Two Protesters, Charge Them With ‘Hate Crime’ For Resisting Murder Attempt
Two Ferguson area protesters have been charged with what police are pretending is a "hate crime" after they resisted a murder attempt during a “Moral
these #Ferguson protesters literally tried to defend themselves from someone who attempted to KILL them. For their troubles, the police ARRESTED THE VICTIMS and charged them with a HATE CRIME!
ZDF verschweigt, welches Land die Atombombe auf Nagasaki geworfen hat
Das ZDF möchte seinen Zuschauern nicht mitteilen, wer die Atombombe auf Nagasaki geworfen hat. Vor allem weil diese den reinen US-Testzwecken diente.
Staatsfunk: Geschichte und Politik als unerklärliche Naturereignisse
Mit kausalen Zusammenhängen und mit der Benennung von Tätern und Opfern hat es der BRD-Staatsfunk nicht so...
Chemtrails Photo-shopped Into Old Movies Plants False Memories
U.S. Wages Have Fallen EVERY Quarter of the 'Recovery' - Jeff Nielson
Now the descent of the majority of the U.S. population to Third World status becomes crystal clear. From 1970 to the beginning of 2009 (i.e. the current “recovery”), U.S. wages fell roughly 50%. Then came the mythical Recovery, and U.S. wages have continued to fall, quarter after quarter after quarter. The Great Recovery has been worse than the Great Recession which came before it.
Cop Arrested After His Own Body Cam Refuted his Report, Shows Him Pummeling Teen
This cop's report made him out to be the heroic victim of an attack, but unlike this cop, the body cam did not lie.
Man Calls Police After Girlfriend Stabbed, Cops Arrive, Shoot Dog Then Shoot Man Who Called Them
Kevin Davis was a resident of Decatur, Georgia, a well-known predominantly African American community just outside Atlanta, which is policed by a largely
New York Governor Andrew Cuomo Implicated in Torture by State Prison Officials
An investigation published Tuesday in the New York Times revealed that prison guards at the Clinton Correctional Facility in Dannemora, New York systematically...
Conditions in American prisons increasingly resemble those in the torture chambers of Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo Bay, where prisoners have been shackled, strung from ceilings, waterboarded, beaten and sexually humiliated. After fifteen years of the “war on terror,” the barbaric torture methods previously inflicted on the populations of Iraq and Afghanistan are becoming increasingly commonplace at home.
Andrey Areshev – OSCE Activities in Post-Soviet Space - Strategic Culture Foundation - on-line...
In the spring and summer of 2014 combat actions took place in the Donetsk and Luhansk regions. The ladies and gentlemen from the OSCE regularly issued reports with murky content. By and large it all boiled down to the expression of sympathies for the Kiev regime.
Ukraine: Reporterin der Deutschen Welle provoziert Feuergefecht für die Kamera
Sie wollte dort pro-russische Separatisten filmen, die den Waffenstillstand brechen, fand aber nur streunende Haustiere
The US King Dollar Has No Clothes. America's "Toilet Paper Money"
The conventional wisdom is that no other currency in the world can support the global bond market save the US$ Toilet Paper Money. Therefore, we cannot do...
Sex crime allegations against WikiLeaks chief Assange to expire in days
“First, they refused to take his testimony while he remained in Sweden. Then they refused to hear it in the UK, saying it was illegal to come here. Five years later, after being rebuked by their own courts, they say they’ll consider it,” she told the Press Association.
Ireland Refuses to Extradite Man to US Because Prison System is Too Inhumane
Throughout the world, the U.S. prison system is often seen as inhumane and excessively large. The American prison system is so reviled, in fact, that
You know things have gotten pretty bad, when Ireland won't even extradite prisoners to the United States, because our prisons are "cruel and inhumane."
German Media Alarmed With ‘To Berlin!’ Slogan on Modern Russian Bombs
The pictures of a Russian military transport aircraft with #WWII era-slogans such as "To Berlin!" and "For #Stalin" spark hysteria in the German media.
NATO Braces for Possible Military Conflict With Russia - Think Tank
‘Complete disaster:’ US training of Syrian rebels falters as Kurds prove combat superiority – report
According to a report by the Daily Beast, the failure of the US to find enough rebel candidates to create a sufficient and competent New Syrian Force has the military leadership considering other options, at least internally. Congress has already allocated $500 million for building a “moderate Syrian opposition,” but the US has only been able to train 54 individuals in total so far.
That’s a far cry from the 15,000-strong force officials envisioned when starting out. Complications included finding rebels that had enough combat experience and who would not divert their focus to fighting embattled Syrian President Bashar Assad, whom they want to see toppled and have been struggling against for years in an ongoing civil war.
What China’s Devaluation Means to the U.S. Economy
President Franklin D. Roosevelt explained the causes of the Great Depression as follows. President Obama would be wise indeed to heed these words.
Attorney For Ferguson Market: NO ONE From His Store Called 911 To Report Cigar Theft
the Ferguson Market attorney said police did not see the video until after the unarmed teenager, Michael Brown, was shot dead in the street.
Ferguson Police Busted – Attempt To Defame Shooting Victim Blows Up In Their Face (VIDEO)
Whatever words were exchanged between the man in the video and the store owner, they were not considered very serious, as the store owner nor the employees did not report a theft at the store. According to the stores attorney, the owners were bewildered when the police approached them demanding the surveillance tapes.
Police Union Calls for “Darren Wilson Day” to Celebrate Killer Cops. Seriously.
Because #BlueLivesMatterTwiceAsMuch
No, Darren Wilson is not dead, and he's definitely not a hero. He killed an unarmed man in #Ferguson and got away with it, proving #BlueLivesMatterTwiceAsMuch.
War Crimes Alert: Turkish Daily: "Aleppo to Become the 82nd Province of Turkey"
The predatory motives behind NATO’s genocidal covert war on Syria are getting ever more transparent. "The Assad regime, frankly, is the root of all evil here."...
A “buffer zone” will be set up in the north of Syria. This area, which includes Aleppo, will be fully controlled by Turkey.
[Once] U.S. and Turkey sealed the “Incirlik [Airbase] Agreement”, the political and military balances began shifting rapidly. [...]
Fallende Erdöl-Preise stürzen Russlands Wirtschaft in die Krise
Russland erlebt die erste Rezession seit sechs Jahren. Besonders die starke Abhängigkeit von Öl-Exporten wird dem Land zum Verhängnis. Fällt der Ölpreis weiter, droht die Krise vom Energiesektor auf die Banken überzugreifen.
Der Dollar als Waffe: Finanz-Krieg der USA gegen Russland und Europa
18 key facts about Greece that will leave you totally up to date about a huge crisis
Importantly, no debt was written off in 2010, even though many analysts, including some on the executive Board of the IMF, at the time believed that it was necessary and that the banks and other private sector owners of the debt should have taken some losses.
By late 2014, Greece was finally spending less than it was collecting, although the interest payments on debt meant there was still an overall deficit. So for the first time since Greece adopted the euro it had budget position that was solid.
The troika saved banks and creditors – not Greece
Which squares with the fact that the Greek government, as a result of the brutal belt-tightening imposed by the troika, has been running a primary surplus (i.e., its revenues have exceeded expenses) since 2013.
In the process, the overwhelming majority of Greek government debt was shifted from the private sector to the public sector, with other eurozone governments now liable for around 65 per cent of Greece’s debt (and another 20 per cent in the hands of the ECB and IMF).
Greece’s reckless borrowing was financed by equally reckless lenders, but ‘the European Union chose to resolve the debt crisis by punishing the Greeks and by saving the Northern banks’, is Paul De Grauwe’s unequivocal conclusion. Interestingly, the same opinion is shared by Peter Böfinger, economic advisor to the German government, who stated in 2011 that the Greek bailouts ‘are first and foremost not about the problem countries but about our own banks, which hold high amounts of credit there’.
Banks and Greece’s bailouts
Pöhl: I do not believe that. I think it was about something altogether different… It was about protecting German banks, but especially the French banks, from debt write offs. On the day that the rescue package was agreed on, shares of French banks rose by up to 24 percent. Looking at that, you can see what this was really about — namely, rescuing the banks and the rich Greeks.
Greece's Bailout Money Doesn't Really End Up In Greece
“The rescue that took place in the banking sector was really more of a rescue of northern European financial institutions that had overexposed themselves to Greece,” says Vicky Pryce, chief economic adviser at the analyst firm Centre for Economics and Business Research and author of a book on the Greek economy.
How Greece's Bank Bailout Benefited Greeks
<above article contradicts below article>
Where did the Greek bailout money go?
Less than 10% of the money was used by the government for reforming its economy and safeguarding weaker members of society
Greek pension funds, which were major private lenders, also suffered terrible losses.
Greek government debt is still about €320bn, 78% of it owed to the troika. As the Jubilee Debt Campaign says: “The bailouts have been for the European financial sector, while passing the debt from being owed to the private sector to the public sector.”
Head of ISIS-linked jihadist group and ‘right-hand man’ killed in Russia
Ousting Assad militarily would enable ISIS to seize Syria – Lavrov
Where Did the Antiwar Movement Go?
Published on Tuesday, August 11, 2015 by TomDispatchWhere Did the Antiwar Movement Go? (Or What It Means When You Kill People On the Other Side of the Planet and No One Notices)byTom Engelhardt 0 CommentsProtesters...
Man Serves 35 Years In Prison With No Conviction | Cop Block
Jerry Hartfield has been languishing in prison now for 35 years, even though his conviction was overturned and a new trial was ordered in 1980.
<Imagine you're in prison for a murder you didn't commit.... then imagine your conviction being overturned but you were never told of it. Then after 29 years in prison someone finally figures out you shouldn't be in jail.... but who's to blame? According to the state.. the prisoner, who didn't file paperwork to be released. <
US Coalition Using ISIL to Reach Own Goals - Syrian Ambassador to Russia
<"The coalition led by Washington was not created to fight against #ISIL but to fight with the help of ISIL and similar groups."<
Masters of Absurd Propaganda: US Continues to Lie About Ukrainian Crisis / Sputnik International
The US propaganda is not just false, but it is absurd, US publicist Eric Zuesse remarks, adding that it
Mission Creep? Britain to Double Ukrainian Military Training
<Violence still flaring up in Ukraine? Let's send more soldiers to train the Ukrainian military (for the sake of peace, of course.)<
Ukraine vows to use 'entire arsenal' against pro-Russia rebels
Ukraine vowed Tuesday to use all weapons at its disposal to withstand an alleged new pro-Russian rebel advance that added urgency to a goodwill visit by Britain's...
US intervention in Syria a "fatal mistake" - Lavrov
The US and its allies should cooperate with Syrian President Bashar Assad in fighting Islamic State, “a common enemy” of the international community, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said in an
The Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov recalled two recent meetings with his US counterpart John Kerry. He said he warned Kerry there was high risk that any fatal mistake in Syria could aggravate the conflict, to the point that nothing could control it. A much easier way, according to Lavrov, could be the negotiating table, but “the Americans are unfortunately not ready for it.”
United States Announces World Police Force -
The revolutionary development of modern weapons within a world divided by serious ideological differences has produced a crisis in human history. In order to overcome the danger of nuclear war now confronting mankind, the United States...
<We handed out literally thousands of copies of this during the 60s---- I was laughing at how it is STILL very important, because they MUST tell you what they're going to do before they do it----that way, when it happens, and you did nothing to stop it, YOU CONSENTED!<
Police Round Up Journalists, Professor Cornel West and Legal Observers In Ferguson
After days of protests and actions commemorating the one-year anniversary of Michael Brown’s murder by Ferguson Officer Darren Wilson, the police have
Gaza Flotilla Activists to Sue Israel at International Criminal Court (ICC)
Image: MV Mavi Marmara, by OntheWay (CC BY-SA 2.0) GAZA, OCCUPIED PALESTINE — Mint Press News' "Behind the Headline" series hosted by Mnar...
Israeli soldiers of conscience anonymously blew the whistle on how they received order after order to deliberately target civilians without cause, challenging the mainstream media’s “human shields” myth. Israel had leveled entire towns and villages within Gaza. After all the bloodshed and destruction, Israel admitted that no one from Hamas were responsible for the 3 kidnapped Israeli teens after all. Netanyahu purposefully withheld the information from the grieving victims’ parents so that his government could mass murder Palestinians.
Why Syria is Winning: Advancing towards a Strategic Victory that will transform the Middle East?
Syria is winning. Despite ongoing bloodshed and serious economic pressure, Syria is advancing steadily towards a military and strategic victory that will transform the...
Daraa 2011: Syria’s Islamist Insurrection in Disguise
“I have seen from the beginning armed protesters in...
Fact check one: there never were any ‘moderate rebels’. A genuine political reform movement was displaced by a Saudi-backed Islamist insurrection, through March-April 2011
Rand Paul: “Poor People Don’t Have Money Because They Don’t Work Hard Like The Rest Of Us”
Asked if his flat tax plan would further separate the haves from the have-nots, GOP presidential hopeful Sen. Rand Paul (Ky.) said Sunday that income inequality is...
America's Killer Cops, De Facto Martial Law in Ferguson
US federal, state, county or city authorities circumventing constitutional protections with de facto or de jure martial law based on exaggerated state of emergency...
Noam Chomsky - The (in)compatibility of democracy and capitalism
2014 "Noam Chomsky": Why you can not have a Capitalist Democracy!
VIDEO: Noam Chomsky: Capitalism in Most Forms Is Inconsistent With Democracy
The renowned linguist and activist explains the only way that capitalism could be compatible with democracy. - 2015/08/11
For Greeks The Nightmare Is Just Beginning: Here Come The Depositor Haircuts
Ralkina Jones Video Just Released: ‘I Don’t Want To Die In Your Cell’
"I don't want to die in your cell" may be the next cry - like Eric Garner's "I can't breathe" - to encapsulate the pain and desperation felt by victims
BREAKING NEWS! Cleveland just released the video of #RalkinaJones before she was found dead in her jail cell. Among her LAST WORDS to police deputies were: "I don't want to die in your cell"!
What is happening in Cleveland? Who is going to hold these cops accountable?
Revealed: Germany Made 100 Billion Euros from Greek Crisis
"Even if #Greece doesn't pay back a single cent, the German public purse has benefited financially from the crisis."
Teen Shot By Police In Ferguson Identified As Tyrone Harris, ‘Friend of Michael Brown’
The teenager who was shot in Ferguson by police officers during late night protests has been identified as a "friend of Michael Brown." Demonstrations
Police just SHOT a close friend of #MikeBrown. They are arresting activists, media, bloggers and even anyone with a big Twitter following - pulling them straight out of the crowd. Can we call it a #PoliceState yet?
Swan Song for the Donald? GOP Party Bosses Plan to “Take Out” Trump
The people who own this country don’t like euthanizing one of their own. But they’ll do it in heartbeat if they think their world of privilege, patronage and power is at...
Trump provided a window into a corrupt political system that is thoroughly marinated in the money of private donors. He explained in detail how the system is rigged in favor of the rich and powerful, and he admitted that wealthy donors contribute to political candidates so they “do whatever the hell you want them to do.”
Double standards? Sweden interviews 44 in London, but not Assange
Julian Assange is believed to have been ‘victimized’ by Swedish prosecutors following revelations that they interviewed 44 people in the UK, but refused to...
“First, they refused to take his testimony while he remained in Sweden. Then they refused to hear it in the UK, saying it was illegal to come here. Five years later, after being rebuked by their own courts, they say they’ll consider it”
The Routine Use of Fake Images and Video Footage by the Western Media
Image. CNN Report: "Chinese Cops" in Tibet: Footage of a protest movement in India, 2008 It has become routine for the mainstream media including network TV...
Paul Craig Roberts – The U.S. Economy Continues Its Collapse
the US rate of unemployment as of July 2015 is 23%, several times higher than during the recession with which Fed chairman Paul Volcker greeted the Reagan presidency.
An unemployment rate of 23% gives economic recovery a new meaning. It has been eighty-five years since the Great Depression, and the US economy is in economic recovery with an unemployment rate close to that of the Great Depression.
A Cold Summer for Europe
Austerity, The Welfare State Shrinks, Military Budgets Expand
After the Syriza debacle of Greece, there is a very little trust for left-wing rhetoric. In the whole modern history of Europe, there was not such a shameful surrender, or even treason. ‘Alexis Tsipras’ is a Greek translation of ‘Vidkun Quisling’ or of ‘Maréchal Pétain’. The man received the full support of his people, and chickened out. (The first step of Syriza after the fiasco was to enter into military cooperation with Israel.) Now only the far-right Golden Dawn speaks loudly against surrender to the bankers, but this is a party in opposition, and it risks nothing by speaking out.
People threatened by mass immigration often vote for the right, as they mistakenly think some token racism will be translated into action. Alas, in vain. Consider Nicolas Sarkozy, the former French President. He would drop a racist line, to flirt with his electorate, but by bombing Libya he sent more immigrants to France than any left-winger would. Well, perhaps François Hollande, the present President, can compete with him, as his support for Syrian rebels did send a million refugees to Europe.
Melkite patriarch criticizes Western policies, vows to remain in Syria : News Headlines
A chief provider and curator of Catholic information on the web since 1996. Our editorial voice, always...
“If [the West] helps moderates in Syria in a direct way, [it is] helping ISIS in an indirect way,” said Patriarch Gregory III Laham, 81. “If you give money to the weak, moderate groups one day, it will get into the hands of the powerful, militant groups the next. We see this happening every day.”
450,000 Syrian Christians have fled their homes, he said, and 50,000 now live in Sweden, while 40,000 live in Germany.
War crime: NATO deliberately destroyed Libya's water infrastructure
The military targeting of civilian infrastructure, especially of water supplies, is a war crime under the Geneva Conventions, writes Nafeez Ahmed. Yet this is precisely...
Autism Rates Explode In Asia After Introducing Western Vaccines –...
Western pharmaceutical companies have been opening up in Asia in the last few years introducing vaccination programs , and unsurprisingly autism rates have...
US-NATO Military Deployments, Economic Warfare, Goldman Sachs and...
Pillage and Class Polarization: The Rise of “Criminal Capitalism”
About 75% of US employees work 40 hours or longer, the second longest among all OECD countries, exceeded only by Poland and tied with South Korea. In contrast, only 10% of Danish workers, 15% of N...
Innocent Man Facing Years In Prison Now Free, Officers Arrested, Charged With Conspiracy
Two police officers have just been indicted on charges of conspiracy and misconduct. But until a dashboard video was released, the man who they victimized
Wegen eines Facebook-Posts: Teenagerin aus Hessen darf nicht in USA einreisen
Eigentlich will die 19-Jährige nur ihre Großcousine in den USA besuchen, einmal richtig ausspannen und vier Monate in einem anderen Land verbringen. Also fliegt...
Geoengineering And The Collapse Of Earth 2014 - THIS MUST BE SHARED!
Chemtrails, Climate Engineering, Weather Warfare and Global Warming
Meteorologists appear to have been instructed to avoid this important subject, even when they predict clear skies the next day and then those with eyes to see, observe the spraying that artificially creates a thin cloud-like haze.
Brandon Turbeville Interview With Afraa From Syria August 1, 2015 Turkey, Kurds, "ISIL-Free Zone"
Yemen: Hundreds of Saudi tanks roll out of Aden to bolster Hadi loyalists
Hundreds of Abraham M1 Abrams, provided by Saudi Arabia, rolled out of Aden, Tuesday, in a bid to...
By the way... if you overlay a map of Al Qaeda/ISIS in Yemen with Saudi operations, they are virtually indistinguishable... that is to say, AQ/ISIS are US-Saudi auxiliaries.
Turkey Protecting ISIL to Limit Kurdistan Workers' Party - PKK Leader
Turkey is fighting the Kurdistan Workers' Party in order "to limit the #PKK's fight against #ISIL. Turkey is protecting ISIL."
Kiev's Renewed Assault on Donbass to Trigger US-Russian War – Stephen Cohen
Sachartschenko: OSCE spielt das Spiel auf ein Tor
Staatschef der Volksrepublik Donezk (Ostukraine) Alexander Sachartschenko: Ich finde es sehr schade, dass unsere OSZE Beobachter nichts fixieren und wenn sie es fixieren, dann die Daten über uns nicht heraus geben. Warum wird nicht...
Suomi oli nistitilastojen ykkönen vuosikausia – heroiini oli kansanlääke
Suomessa käytettiin heroiinia asukasta kohden enemmän kuin missään muualla vuodesta 1936 aina 1950-luvun alkuun saakka. Heroiinia kului moninkertaisesti enemmän kuin Ruotsissa, Norjassa, Tanskassa ja Islannissa yhteensä.
More Than 1,000 Children Killed, Injured In “Brutal” Yemen Conflict – U.N.
More than 1.3 million people have been forced to flee their homes since March, and nearly 10 million children – 80 percent of the country's under-18 population – need urgent humanitarian aid, UNICEF said in a report released on Wednesday.
ARD/ZDF: Das Märchen von dem seltsamen Mann
Die Geschichte von dem seltsamen Mann, der 2015 etwas für 2030 ankündigt, das 191 andere Länder schon seit 1997 beschlossen haben und von den gar absonderlichen Gauklern, die 7.000 km entfernt - in der Kolonie - den Kaiser ohne Kleider dafür bejubeln.
AT&T, NSA Partnership Typifies ‘21st Century Fascism’ - Former Telecom CEO
"You have, quite frankly, a 21st century version of fascism, with a strong central government that has nearly unlimited dictatorial powers, controls both the economy and public policy."
'Putin will help Iran in case of Israel war'
Scottish Independence | Taking all drugs is a human right say MPs and peers
August 19, 2015Taking all drugs is a human right say MPs and peers The European Convention on Human
Drug use is a ‘human right’ – MPs
Taking recreational drugs and growing your own cannabis is a ‘human right’ according to a group of MPs and peers, who say human rights legislation could be used by defendants to avoid prosecution.
Иностранный дипломат совершает наезд на полицейского. Киев/16.08
Anti-Global Warming Crusader George Soros Invested Millions in Coal
Video Proves Officers Executed Family Dog Who Was Clearly No Threat
“Get a shotgun and take this dog out,” one officer can be heard yelling, as another storms towards the restrained canine.
Nato pitää Välimerellä megaluokan sotaharjoitukset – Suomi mukana kuudella Hornetilla
Sotilasliitto harjoittelee syksyllä 36 000 sotilaan voimin. Suomesta paikalle lähtee 150 sotilasta –
USA:n rynnäkkökoneet Suomen ilmatilaan
Ilmavoimat harjoittelee jälleen Yhdysvaltojen ilmavoimien kanssa Suomen ilmatilassa. Yhteisharjoitus alkaa ensi...
Ruotsalaiset sotamiehet: EU ja Nato osallistuvat sotatoimiin Donbassissa / Sputnik Suomi
Ukrainan sota on jatkunut yli vuoden. Mediassa käydään kiivasta propagandasotaa. Jokaisen silminnäkijän kertomus on tässä tilanteessa yhtä arvokas. Donbassissa...
Vermeintliche "Trollfabrikantin" Ludmilla Sawtschuk vom verlängerten Arm der CIA finanziert
Wiedermal bestätigt sich eine Erfahrungen, die viele kritische Bürger in den vergangenen Jahren gemacht haben: das Studieren der Leserkommentare unter...
greek gods
70,000 And Counting! Petition to Arrest Netanyahu If He Visits UK Likely to Increase to over 100,000
70,000 and counting! Petition to arrest Netanyahu if he visits UK, likely to increase to over 100,000 The issue is: what action will the British government of David...
PKK declares autonomous region in Turkey’s Dersim province
ERBIL, Kurdistan Region — The Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) has announced a democratic autonomous region in Dersim province, and established checkpoints...
Ofcom accuse BBC of airing ‘propaganda films’
Regulators claim BBC World News has breached sponsorship rules 20 times by airing ‘propaganda films’ promoting charities, NGO’s and foreign governments.
Revealed: Russia's Ambitious New ICBM Early Warning System
Cop Runs Over Dog, Kills It In Front of Its Owner, Threatens to Arrest Owner for Trying to Save It
OMG this has me so mad my heart is pounding reading this I can't believe they are just callously killing our precious family members these TYRANT SCUMBAGS!
According to witnesses, Sgt. Culbreath sped up his car and deliberately ran Phoebe down and almost hit the person who was trying to recapture her.
Son, the owner, ran to her dog and gathered her broken, bleeding body into her arms. Culbreath stopped his cruiser and got out. “It’s just a dog!” he said scornfully, as Son screamed at him, wanting to know why he did that.
He threatened to arrest her for touching her dog! He refused to let her leave to get Phoebe to the veterinarian and called for backup. Five more cars arrived and blocked off the street so nobody could get in or out.
The creators of Debtocracy, a documentary with two million views broadcasted from Japan to Latin America,
analyze the shifting of state assets to private hands.
US spends $41mn to train 54 militants
Having trained just 54 “moderate” militants in Syria, the US’ so-called train and equip program is far behind its goal of producing 5,400 militants a year.
Seit heute Nacht ist die Schweiz Atomstrom- frei: Alle AKWs wurden...
Die Schweiz ist seit heute Nacht komplett Atomstrom-frei © HappyTimes - Atomkraftwerk Beznau im Aargau. Haben Sie es gemerkt? Seit heute Nacht ist...
Washington Is Expressing its Concerns over the State of Press Freedom | New Eastern Outlook
19.08.2015 Author: Vladimir Platov Washington Is Expressing its Concerns over the State of Press Freedom Column: Society Region: USA in the World In order to...
Größtes US-Luftwaffenmanöver in Europa seit 1989
In Europa findet derzeit das größte Luftwaffenmanöver der USA und seiner Verbündeten seit Ende des Kalten Krieges statt. Die vierwöchige Übung habe...
Kiev Gathers Huge 65,000-strong Army on Frontline Near Donetsk
Rettungs-Wahnsinn: Bundestag beschließt gigantische Geld-Vernichtung
Der Deutsche Bundestag beschließt heute einen Verlust von 41 Milliarden Euro, der für die europäischen Steuerzahler unausweichlich ist. Ein glatter Schuldenschnitt...
“The War on Drugs is Over, and We Lost,” Meet the Police Chief Who’s Starting a Revolution
A small town police chief is making big waves after making radical changes to the way his department deals with drug users.
Jimmy Carter's Legacy. Human Rights in the Abstract versus "Shameful and Indefensible Foreign...
“Carter was the least violent of American presidents...
While he didn’t initiate any aggressive invasions of foreign nations the way his predecessors and successors did in Vietnam, Grenada, Panama, Iraq, Afghanistan and many other countries, Carter proved remarkably generous at providing financial, military, diplomatic and ideological support for fascist dictatorships that tortured and killed millions of members of their domestic populations in an effort to crush popular movements for social justice. Some of the regimes he backed carried out mass slaughter that amounted to genocide.
<Good summary, but left out Carter's support for Somoza dictatorship and praising him for human rights in Nicaragua in 1978>
9/11 TRUTH "A Plane Did NOT Hit The Pentagon!" Rare Clip Only Aired Once!!
North Tower Exploding by David Chandler
Physics teacher David Chandler's brilliant exploration of the North Tower Exploding WTC 1. New
Commodities Collapsed Just Before The Last Stock Market Crash – So Guess What Is Happening Right Now?
23 Nations Around The World Where Stock Market Crashes Are Already Happening
You can stop waiting for a global financial crisis to happen. The truth is that one is happening right now. All over the world, stock markets are already crashing.
Washington allows Shell drilling for oil in Arctic
Royal Dutch Shell will be allowed to drill into the oil-and gas-bearing zones in Alaska’s Chukchi Sea
Massive SWAT Raid Seizes Organic Okra
A small organic farm in Arlington, Texas, was the target of a massive police action last week that
Police SWAT Raid On Organic Farm After Tomato Plants Mistaken For Marijuana
A SWAT team composed of between 15 to 20 officers raided an organic farm, named the
The Buried Canadian State Connection to ISIS
Gang of 14 Cops Take Down One-Legged Homeless Man ‘Armed’ With Crutches
Police in San Francisco were recently caught swarming a homeless African American man, who only had one leg. The man's only
This is one of the most disturbing things I have ever seen. A one-legged homeless man SWARMED by a BRUTAL GANG of 14 cops, who claimed he was "armed" because he had CRUTCHES!!!
FBI Evidence Proves Innocence of Accused Boston Marathon Bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev
I have been contacted by attorney John Remington Graham, a member in good standing of the Minnesota bar. He informs me that acting in behalf of Maret...
It's time to admit it. Israeli policy is what it is: apartheid
Anti-NATO, Anti-War: Why the UK Establishment Fears Jeremy Corby
Land Destroyer: Bangkok Blast: Who the Liars Say Did It, Says it All
Ukrainian Artillery Resumes Shelling of Donetsk – Media
Shelling of #Donetsk resumed: "Shells landed on Dneprodzerzhinskaya Street and several went off near the local television center, smashing windows and sending residents running for cover in buildings and basements." #UkraineCrisis
This is What an Arrest for a Bicycle Helmet “Violation” Looks Like in a Police State
A video uploaded to Facebook, shows the ridiculous nature of the American police state.
Putin: World War III Is Inevitable - Truth And Action
In a recent speech directed at the United States, Vladimir Putin stated that World War III is inevitable and will be started by the U.S. In no uncertain terms Putin let it be known that America is responsible for destroying the 'global collective security'...
Putin hält den III. Weltkrieg für nahezu unabwendbar, weil ihn die USA sicher beginnen werden, meint er. Russland wolle den Krieg nicht und werde ihn nicht beginnen. Da aber die USA das internationale Friedenssystem zerstört haben (ich denke er meint, dass sie auch ohne Beschluss des UN-Sicherheitsrates Krieg und Gewalt aus eigenem Gutdünken eingesetzt haben und einsetzen), habe Russland und kein anderes Land mehr eine Garantie, nicht von den USA angegriffen zu werden. Russland bereite sich deshalb auf den Krieg vor.
Maik Müller
Chinese texts of the 12th century record these islands being a part of Chinese territory and that they had earlier (206 BC) been used as fishing grounds during the Han dynasty.[23] Further records show the islands as inhabited at various times in history by Chinese and Vietnamese fishermen, and during the second world war by troops from French Indochina and Japan.[24][25][26] However, there were no large settlements on these islands until 1956, when Filipino adventurer Tomás Cloma, Sr., decided to "claim" a part of Spratly islands as his own, naming it the "Free Territory of Freedomland".[27]
Because, we're exceptional, and only want to do good, through death and destruction.
Police Shoot Pregnant Woman In Stomach With AR-15
The dashboard and body camera footage has now been released in the fatal shooting of Jeanetta Riley. Riley, 35, was shot and killed by Sandpoint, Idaho
Manuel Noriega
Manuel Antonio Noriega Moreno[2] (Spanish pronunciation: [maˈnwel noˈɾjega]; born February 11, 1934) is a former Panamanian politician and soldier. He was military dictator of Panama from 1983 to 1989.[3] In the 1989 invasion of Panama by the United States he was removed from power, captured, detained as a prisoner of war, and flown to the United States. Noriega was tried on eight counts of drug trafficking, racketeering, and money laundering in April 1992.
Eurokrise – Griechenlandpaket: Bundestag vor neuerlicher Untreue: Droh- und Druckkulisse aus Politik und Medien
Griechenlands Schuldenlast steigt noch einmal um ein Viertel auf dann mehr als 400 Milliarden Euro - und knapp die Hälfte des neuen Geldes, 38,5 Milliarden, gehen noch in diesem Jahr in den Schuldendienst.
"Poisoning the Sky", Chemtrails and Geoengineering. Public Hearing on "Aircraft Emissions"
August 11, a group of geoengineering activists including San Francisco’s intrepid researcher and citizen journalist Patrick Roddie testified before the Environmental...
Land Destroyer: US Savagery Visited Upon Libya, Syria, Ukraine, Now Visits Bangkok
Russian Missile Warning System Can Detect Mass Launch of Ballistic Missiles
The missile early warning system can detect any launch from any direction, said the Chief of Staff of the Main Centre for Missile Warning of the Russian Aerospace.
Who is the West’s Lead MH17 Investigator? | New Eastern Outlook
17.08.2015 Author: Ulson Gunnar Who is the West’s Lead MH17 Investigator? Column: Politics Region: USA in the World As tensions once again build in...
Russia delivers 6 MiG-31 jets to Syria
Canada's Stephen Harper Wants to Redesign a New Collective Memory of World War II
Stephen Harper has been changing our collective self-image. He has emphasized the martial, rather than the peace-making episodes, in our history, and had a war...
New UN report finds almost no industry profitable if environmental costs were included
According to a new report for the UN: almost no industry is profitable if you include environmental costs. So, maybe it's time for some serious changes?
Who is Obstructing the MH17 Investigation? | New Eastern Outlook
13.08.2015 Author: Vladimir Platov Who is Obstructing the MH17 Investigation? Column: Society Region: Ukraine in the world It’s been a year of investigation into...
MH-17 Shootdown After One Year: What Do We Know?
China's Newest Long-Range Heavy Bomber Should Unnerve US
Julkinen talous
Valtion budjettitalouden tulot ja menot
Julkisyhteisöjen alijäämä/ylijäämä ja velka
not complete for all countries yet for 2014
The rankings are based on PPP (purchasing power parity) which calculates the real GDP that is free from the currency exchange distortions inherent in the nominal figures. This is the only relevant way to express the comparative size of economies. – At the same time China has drawn a significant lead over USA as the absolute world leader.
Gefährlicher Doppelschlag – Der türkische Bombenkrieg | Monitor | Das Erste | WDR
The Social Cost of Capitalism — Paul Craig Roberts
They need to understand that the heads of the federal protective agencies themselves are timber, mining, and ranching operatives who work for private companies and not for the public. Americans of all persuasions need to understand that just as senators and representatives are bought and paid for by the military/security complex, Wall Street, and the Israel Lobby, they are owned also by mining, timber and ranching interests.
The public interest is nowhere in the picture.
Wind power generates 140% of Denmark’s electricity demand
Venezuela offers alternative to EU-NATO ‘imperialist violence’ afflicting Africa
Impending U.S. Dollar Collapse Should Be Getting Attention, Not China’s Devaluation, Financial Analyst
“So this move was motivated not by the exchange rate between the yuan and the dollar, but between the yuan and all the other currencies because the dollars is in a bubble right now,” he said. “The dollar is very overvalued … and the dollar is a bubble. This dollar bubble is going to burst.”
Markan paluu olisi mahdollinen – Mitä siitä seuraisi?
Paavo Väyrysen kansalaisaloite kansanäänestyksen järjestämisestä Suomen eurojäsenyydestä euroalueessa sai räjähtävän lähdön, mutta nyt vauhti on hiipunut. Tutkimusryhmä on selvittänyt, mitä Suomen euroero tarkoittaisi.
Post WW2 World Order: US Planned to Wipe USSR Out by Massive Nuclear Strike
Der Leiter der OSZE-Mission in der Ukraine ist der Sohn eines Banderas! | Русская весна
Michael-Michailo Bociurkiw ist in Kanada, in der Familie eines Banderas, eines bedeutenden Funktionärs der ukrainischen Griechisch-katolischen Kirche und der...
Cop Shoots Unarmed Teen Boy 3 Times, Pauses, Then Shoots Him 4 More Times to Kill Him
It's almost as if he realized it was a mistake to shoot this boy, who was unarmed, but then didn't want the boy alive as a witness... so he FINISHED THE JOB?!
Drunken Ukrainian Troops Shoot Donbass Beachgoers... Just for Fun
The Georgia Guidestones
The origin of that strange monument is shrouded in mystery because no one knows the true...
Israelis at forefront of international organ trafficking: Report
Record Number of Patients Receive Organ Transplants in 2014 - The Business...
Ukraine: Dozens of Bodies Found in Mass Graves Lack Organs - Independent.mk
In a First, a Sudanese Migrant Nearly Crosses the English Channel on Foot
The authorities arrested Abdul Rahman Haroun, who evaded 400 security cameras and walked about 30 miles underground, dodging trains traveling at up to 100...
Article 31 of the Refugee Convention provides that refugees should not be penalised for seeking asylum, including prosecution for acts of unlawful entry. This UNHCR paper clarifies the provisions especially the "without delay"'criterion
Anti-Geoengineering Researcher to EPA: Do Your Job!
Max Bliss: Testimony EPA Aircraft Pollution Hearing August 11th, 2015
The Truth From Inside Syria's "Terrorist Underworld"
What follows is a report from a resident of Aleppo whose identity is not revealed for reasons of security. Their reports delve deep into the terrorist underworld and expose many of the NGO and med...
California Now Wants to be First State to Mandate Adult Vaccines – Criminal Penalties for those...
Is California becoming a medical police state? Health Impact News Editor Comments In a brazen act of medical tyranny, California recently became the first...
US Military Uses IMF and World Bank to Launder 85% of Its Black Budget
Though transparency was a cause he championed when campaigning for the presidency, President...
<the real black budget includes money acquired by intelligence groups via narcotics trafficking, predatory lending, and various kinds of other financial fraud.<
Paul Watson Promotes Zionist Disinformation About Muslims and Free Speech
Defense Contractors Increase Lobbying Budgets As US-Led ISIS Strikes Kill Civilians
Last week it was reported that defense contractors across the board are increasing their lobbying budgets to ensure their weapons continue to flow to the U.S....
With hundreds of thousands of new supporters, Labour is on the verge of something big – what a complete disaster!
Why is no one asking about Jeremy Corbyn’s worrying connections? | James Bloodworth
Corbyn may not have an antisemitic bone in his body, but he does share platforms with people who do
Nasty and crass attempt to tar Corbyn with anti-semitism. Whatever anyone thinks of JC, it's pretty clear the establishment is extremely concerned with the groundswell of support around his campaign.
you write for the same publication as an apologist for neo-Nazism
Geologist predicted EPA would intentionally pollute Animas River to secure federal funding
Geologist predicted EPA would intentionally pollute Animas River to secure federal funding
Nr.35 !! Russische Hilfskonvois erreichen Donezk und Lugansk / 14.08.2015
Neue humanitäre Hilfslieferungen aus Russland sind am Freitag in Donezk und Lugansk eingetroffen, teilte der Pressedienst des russischen...
Warren: Citigroup, Morgan Stanley, Merrill Lynch Received $6 Trillion Backdoor Bailout from Fed
By Pam Martens and Russ Martens: March 4, 2015 Senator Elizabeth Warren Questions Panel...
<Jury Nullification: Not one more drug user in jail until these mega-crooks are in the dock. CitiGroup, Morgan Stanley, and Merrill Lynch got $6 TRILLION from the Federal Reserve in two years. We wouldn't know this without Ron Paul: Audit the Fed! Nationalize the Fed!<
Syria: US-Turkey buffer zone meant to SAVE ISIS not fight them!
US-Historiker: Die USA zerstören Europa
Der US-Historiker Eric Zuesse sieht den Hauptgrund für die derzeitige Flüchtingswelle in Europa in der US-Außenpolitik der letzten Jahre. Die USA hätten Libyen, Syrien und schließlich die Ukraine gezielt destabilisiert, um Russland zu...
It’s Time to Kick Germany Out of the Eurozone
Why the anchor dragging down the European economy isn’t Athens -- it’s Berlin.
Trade surpluses take place when a country chooses to spend less than it produces — when it has excess savings, beyond its domestic need for credit. It lends that excess savings abroad, financing another country’s ability to spend more than it produces and, by running a trade deficit, purchase the lender’s excess production.
US-Ökonom: „Es ist Zeit, Deutschland aus der Euro-Zone zu werfen“
Der US-Ökonom Patrick Chovanec sieht in Deutschlands wachsendem Handelsüberschuss die Hauptursache für die Ungleichgewichte der Eurozone. Die Deutschen lebten in der Illusion von Wohlstand, da sie echte Arbeit gegen Schuldscheine eingetauscht haben, die vermutlich nie zurückgezahlt werden. Die beste Lösung sei der geordnete Austritt Deutschlands aus der Eurozone.
How’s Life At The Economist? Not Grate
Visas for Al Qaeda: CIA Handouts That Rocked The World
Al-Qaeda (Arabic for “The Base”) grew out of and became identical with the Arab-Afghan Legion, those terrorists recruited by the United States of America,...
<Mainstream media are prostitutes , senseless and in bed with corrupt , irresponsible leaders , big business and politicians.<
Obama Took “Willful Decision” to Support the Islamic State (ISIS): Former US Intelligence Chief
If one was only to read mainstream news in the West, you would probably be inculcated with the myth that...
U.S. Government and Top Mexican Drug Cartel Exposed as Partners
For over a decade, the U.S. government had a secret agreement with the ruthless Mexican Sinaloa drug cartel that allowed it to operate with impunity, an in-depth...
Phony Karate Master - No Touch KO Debunked
Kampfsport ohne Körperkontakt - unglaublich!
New Jersey Police Just Shot An Unarmed 14-Year-Old
Just last night, we reported on police fatally shooting a 15-year-old child - the youngest victim of police murder since Tamir Rice. But a 14-year-old Trenton, New Jersey teen was also unarmed when he was shot seven times by police officers...
Kiai Master vs MMA
2012-03-26 Tarpley to PressTV: 'Buffer zone along Syrian border, national suicide for Turkey'
Syria Invasion Watch - Sibel Edmonds on Turkey, False Flags and the Timeline to War
It’s not migrants who are the marauders and plunderers
British Government Racism, Europe’s Shame?
This fortress built by Nature for her self Against infection and the hand of war, …. This precious stone set in a silver sea … This blessed plot, this earth,...
Speaking from Vietnam where he was marauding with a large trade delegation, Cameron vowed a fortress Britain. Borders would be protected, the “problem dealt with at source…” that meant: “trying to stabilize the countries from which they come”, he said with no sense of irony.
The main countries “from which they come” are Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan where UK insurgents have engaged in swarming and destroying and Syria where they are now doing the same. The majority are fleeing our enjoined destruction of infrastructures, homes, social society and human life on a scale that surely qualifies as genocide.
Donezker Unterhändler: Dritter Weltkrieg wegen Ukraine möglich / Sputnik Deutschland -...
Denis Puschilin, Chefunterhändler der selbsterklärten Volksrepublik Donezk, hält es für möglich, dass wegen der Ukraine ein Dritter Weltkrieg beginnen könnte, sollten...
Pentagon Sending Local Police Departments Armored Vehicles to Bust Stoners
No, this isn't a joke.
The war on drugs has just reached a new, more ridiculous level.
< It is called a military industrial complex. When they dont have wars to fight they have to do something with the surplus war machine. Ridiculous maybe....surprising? not in the least.<
Insider DNR: OSZE und Rotes Kreuz verlassen morgen früh um 6 Uhr den Donbass!
At Russia's Doorstep: Full-Scale War Looms in Donbass, Escalated Combat with the Support of US...
US and British special forces are actively preparing Kiev’s military for escalated combat. UK Defense...
Lugansk People’s Republic (LPR) Contact Group envoy Vladislav Deinego said Kiev violated every Minsk ceasefire term since agreeing to observe them in February.
Conflict never stopped. Dozens of shellings occur daily – including against residential and public areas. Obama wants war, not peace – using Kiev proxies to do his dirty work.
Strength Is Weakness
The strong dollar is actually bad for America, giving Europe a way to export its troubles to the rest of the...
Indianapolis Police Shoot and Kill Unarmed 15-Year-Old Child
Indianapolis police have gunned down an unarmed, 15-year-old child. The Indiana police department is - not surprisingly - coming to the defense of the officers,
#AndreGreen is the YOUNGEST person to be shot by police since #TamirRice was gunned down last November. Eye-witness accounts say the police version of events are LIES and that Green did nothing other than try to get away from officers who believed the car he was in with friends "fit the description".
Net Migration from Mexico Falls to Zero—and Perhaps Less
US Chief of Staff Warns Army Too Small to Deter Global Threats
Troika Bailout Deal 'Declares War' on Greek People
#GreekCrisis"The purpose of the #bailout has little to do with 'repaying debt' and everything to do with creating a corporate paradise in the Mediterranean... The real purpose of the program is economic restructuring, through privatization and deregulation." #Troika #greekdebt
Four Black Officers Held At Gunpoint by Racist Cops Who Assumed They Were Criminals
New dashcam footage is backing up the claims of four African-American parole officers who were violently detained by local upstate New York police officers. The
The cops even seem to be racist against other cops. Now who is going to defend this?
What the Latest Currency 'War' is All About
Growing Migrant Crisis Direct Result of EU, NATO Policies – Latvian Party
"We should bear responsibility for those decisions that our states make, even if people are against them. Latvia is a member of #NATO and the EU — groups that took part in bombings of those countries that #migrants now flee."
Woman Runs On Foot From Officer Who Then Shoots and Kills Her After Traffic Stop
Late Friday night, neighbors heard gunshots near the scene of what seemed to be a common traffic stop. Now they are demanding answers from police
EPA Chemtrails Witness
Cop Shoots Citizen in the Back of the Head, Execution Style: Lawsuit
WOW it's just like THEY'RE ON A MISSION TO MAKE SURE WE'RE DEAD. Two shots didn't work so they had to kill him? WTF?
First they shot him twice, but neither bullet killed him. When he was on the ground, another officer approached him and shot him in the back of his head, killing him execution style, according to the lawsuit.
BREAKING: Donetsk under Massive Bombardment by UAF; dead and wounded
August 12th, 2015Rusvesna - Translated by J. ArnoldskiUkrainian occupational forces shelling Donetsk. Around 18:00 from the direction of Pesok, UAF are...
Cops Arrest Two Protesters, Charge Them With ‘Hate Crime’ For Resisting Murder Attempt
Two Ferguson area protesters have been charged with what police are pretending is a "hate crime" after they resisted a murder attempt during a “Moral
these #Ferguson protesters literally tried to defend themselves from someone who attempted to KILL them. For their troubles, the police ARRESTED THE VICTIMS and charged them with a HATE CRIME!
ZDF verschweigt, welches Land die Atombombe auf Nagasaki geworfen hat
Das ZDF möchte seinen Zuschauern nicht mitteilen, wer die Atombombe auf Nagasaki geworfen hat. Vor allem weil diese den reinen US-Testzwecken diente.
Staatsfunk: Geschichte und Politik als unerklärliche Naturereignisse
Mit kausalen Zusammenhängen und mit der Benennung von Tätern und Opfern hat es der BRD-Staatsfunk nicht so...
Chemtrails Photo-shopped Into Old Movies Plants False Memories
U.S. Wages Have Fallen EVERY Quarter of the 'Recovery' - Jeff Nielson
Now the descent of the majority of the U.S. population to Third World status becomes crystal clear. From 1970 to the beginning of 2009 (i.e. the current “recovery”), U.S. wages fell roughly 50%. Then came the mythical Recovery, and U.S. wages have continued to fall, quarter after quarter after quarter. The Great Recovery has been worse than the Great Recession which came before it.
Cop Arrested After His Own Body Cam Refuted his Report, Shows Him Pummeling Teen
This cop's report made him out to be the heroic victim of an attack, but unlike this cop, the body cam did not lie.
Man Calls Police After Girlfriend Stabbed, Cops Arrive, Shoot Dog Then Shoot Man Who Called Them
Kevin Davis was a resident of Decatur, Georgia, a well-known predominantly African American community just outside Atlanta, which is policed by a largely
New York Governor Andrew Cuomo Implicated in Torture by State Prison Officials
An investigation published Tuesday in the New York Times revealed that prison guards at the Clinton Correctional Facility in Dannemora, New York systematically...
Conditions in American prisons increasingly resemble those in the torture chambers of Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo Bay, where prisoners have been shackled, strung from ceilings, waterboarded, beaten and sexually humiliated. After fifteen years of the “war on terror,” the barbaric torture methods previously inflicted on the populations of Iraq and Afghanistan are becoming increasingly commonplace at home.
Andrey Areshev – OSCE Activities in Post-Soviet Space - Strategic Culture Foundation - on-line...
In the spring and summer of 2014 combat actions took place in the Donetsk and Luhansk regions. The ladies and gentlemen from the OSCE regularly issued reports with murky content. By and large it all boiled down to the expression of sympathies for the Kiev regime.
Ukraine: Reporterin der Deutschen Welle provoziert Feuergefecht für die Kamera
Sie wollte dort pro-russische Separatisten filmen, die den Waffenstillstand brechen, fand aber nur streunende Haustiere
The US King Dollar Has No Clothes. America's "Toilet Paper Money"
The conventional wisdom is that no other currency in the world can support the global bond market save the US$ Toilet Paper Money. Therefore, we cannot do...
Sex crime allegations against WikiLeaks chief Assange to expire in days
“First, they refused to take his testimony while he remained in Sweden. Then they refused to hear it in the UK, saying it was illegal to come here. Five years later, after being rebuked by their own courts, they say they’ll consider it,” she told the Press Association.
Ireland Refuses to Extradite Man to US Because Prison System is Too Inhumane
Throughout the world, the U.S. prison system is often seen as inhumane and excessively large. The American prison system is so reviled, in fact, that
You know things have gotten pretty bad, when Ireland won't even extradite prisoners to the United States, because our prisons are "cruel and inhumane."
German Media Alarmed With ‘To Berlin!’ Slogan on Modern Russian Bombs
The pictures of a Russian military transport aircraft with #WWII era-slogans such as "To Berlin!" and "For #Stalin" spark hysteria in the German media.
NATO Braces for Possible Military Conflict With Russia - Think Tank
‘Complete disaster:’ US training of Syrian rebels falters as Kurds prove combat superiority – report
According to a report by the Daily Beast, the failure of the US to find enough rebel candidates to create a sufficient and competent New Syrian Force has the military leadership considering other options, at least internally. Congress has already allocated $500 million for building a “moderate Syrian opposition,” but the US has only been able to train 54 individuals in total so far.
That’s a far cry from the 15,000-strong force officials envisioned when starting out. Complications included finding rebels that had enough combat experience and who would not divert their focus to fighting embattled Syrian President Bashar Assad, whom they want to see toppled and have been struggling against for years in an ongoing civil war.
What China’s Devaluation Means to the U.S. Economy
President Franklin D. Roosevelt explained the causes of the Great Depression as follows. President Obama would be wise indeed to heed these words.
Attorney For Ferguson Market: NO ONE From His Store Called 911 To Report Cigar Theft
the Ferguson Market attorney said police did not see the video until after the unarmed teenager, Michael Brown, was shot dead in the street.
Ferguson Police Busted – Attempt To Defame Shooting Victim Blows Up In Their Face (VIDEO)
Whatever words were exchanged between the man in the video and the store owner, they were not considered very serious, as the store owner nor the employees did not report a theft at the store. According to the stores attorney, the owners were bewildered when the police approached them demanding the surveillance tapes.
Police Union Calls for “Darren Wilson Day” to Celebrate Killer Cops. Seriously.
Because #BlueLivesMatterTwiceAsMuch
No, Darren Wilson is not dead, and he's definitely not a hero. He killed an unarmed man in #Ferguson and got away with it, proving #BlueLivesMatterTwiceAsMuch.
War Crimes Alert: Turkish Daily: "Aleppo to Become the 82nd Province of Turkey"
The predatory motives behind NATO’s genocidal covert war on Syria are getting ever more transparent. "The Assad regime, frankly, is the root of all evil here."...
A “buffer zone” will be set up in the north of Syria. This area, which includes Aleppo, will be fully controlled by Turkey.
[Once] U.S. and Turkey sealed the “Incirlik [Airbase] Agreement”, the political and military balances began shifting rapidly. [...]
Fallende Erdöl-Preise stürzen Russlands Wirtschaft in die Krise
Russland erlebt die erste Rezession seit sechs Jahren. Besonders die starke Abhängigkeit von Öl-Exporten wird dem Land zum Verhängnis. Fällt der Ölpreis weiter, droht die Krise vom Energiesektor auf die Banken überzugreifen.
Der Dollar als Waffe: Finanz-Krieg der USA gegen Russland und Europa
18 key facts about Greece that will leave you totally up to date about a huge crisis
Importantly, no debt was written off in 2010, even though many analysts, including some on the executive Board of the IMF, at the time believed that it was necessary and that the banks and other private sector owners of the debt should have taken some losses.
By late 2014, Greece was finally spending less than it was collecting, although the interest payments on debt meant there was still an overall deficit. So for the first time since Greece adopted the euro it had budget position that was solid.
The troika saved banks and creditors – not Greece
Which squares with the fact that the Greek government, as a result of the brutal belt-tightening imposed by the troika, has been running a primary surplus (i.e., its revenues have exceeded expenses) since 2013.
In the process, the overwhelming majority of Greek government debt was shifted from the private sector to the public sector, with other eurozone governments now liable for around 65 per cent of Greece’s debt (and another 20 per cent in the hands of the ECB and IMF).
Greece’s reckless borrowing was financed by equally reckless lenders, but ‘the European Union chose to resolve the debt crisis by punishing the Greeks and by saving the Northern banks’, is Paul De Grauwe’s unequivocal conclusion. Interestingly, the same opinion is shared by Peter Böfinger, economic advisor to the German government, who stated in 2011 that the Greek bailouts ‘are first and foremost not about the problem countries but about our own banks, which hold high amounts of credit there’.
Banks and Greece’s bailouts
Pöhl: I do not believe that. I think it was about something altogether different… It was about protecting German banks, but especially the French banks, from debt write offs. On the day that the rescue package was agreed on, shares of French banks rose by up to 24 percent. Looking at that, you can see what this was really about — namely, rescuing the banks and the rich Greeks.
Greece's Bailout Money Doesn't Really End Up In Greece
“The rescue that took place in the banking sector was really more of a rescue of northern European financial institutions that had overexposed themselves to Greece,” says Vicky Pryce, chief economic adviser at the analyst firm Centre for Economics and Business Research and author of a book on the Greek economy.
How Greece's Bank Bailout Benefited Greeks
<above article contradicts below article>
Where did the Greek bailout money go?
Less than 10% of the money was used by the government for reforming its economy and safeguarding weaker members of society
Greek pension funds, which were major private lenders, also suffered terrible losses.
Greek government debt is still about €320bn, 78% of it owed to the troika. As the Jubilee Debt Campaign says: “The bailouts have been for the European financial sector, while passing the debt from being owed to the private sector to the public sector.”
Head of ISIS-linked jihadist group and ‘right-hand man’ killed in Russia
Ousting Assad militarily would enable ISIS to seize Syria – Lavrov
Where Did the Antiwar Movement Go?
Published on Tuesday, August 11, 2015 by TomDispatchWhere Did the Antiwar Movement Go? (Or What It Means When You Kill People On the Other Side of the Planet and No One Notices)byTom Engelhardt 0 CommentsProtesters...
Man Serves 35 Years In Prison With No Conviction | Cop Block
Jerry Hartfield has been languishing in prison now for 35 years, even though his conviction was overturned and a new trial was ordered in 1980.
<Imagine you're in prison for a murder you didn't commit.... then imagine your conviction being overturned but you were never told of it. Then after 29 years in prison someone finally figures out you shouldn't be in jail.... but who's to blame? According to the state.. the prisoner, who didn't file paperwork to be released. <
US Coalition Using ISIL to Reach Own Goals - Syrian Ambassador to Russia
<"The coalition led by Washington was not created to fight against #ISIL but to fight with the help of ISIL and similar groups."<
Masters of Absurd Propaganda: US Continues to Lie About Ukrainian Crisis / Sputnik International
The US propaganda is not just false, but it is absurd, US publicist Eric Zuesse remarks, adding that it
Mission Creep? Britain to Double Ukrainian Military Training
<Violence still flaring up in Ukraine? Let's send more soldiers to train the Ukrainian military (for the sake of peace, of course.)<
Ukraine vows to use 'entire arsenal' against pro-Russia rebels
Ukraine vowed Tuesday to use all weapons at its disposal to withstand an alleged new pro-Russian rebel advance that added urgency to a goodwill visit by Britain's...
US intervention in Syria a "fatal mistake" - Lavrov
The US and its allies should cooperate with Syrian President Bashar Assad in fighting Islamic State, “a common enemy” of the international community, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said in an
The Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov recalled two recent meetings with his US counterpart John Kerry. He said he warned Kerry there was high risk that any fatal mistake in Syria could aggravate the conflict, to the point that nothing could control it. A much easier way, according to Lavrov, could be the negotiating table, but “the Americans are unfortunately not ready for it.”
United States Announces World Police Force -
The revolutionary development of modern weapons within a world divided by serious ideological differences has produced a crisis in human history. In order to overcome the danger of nuclear war now confronting mankind, the United States...
<We handed out literally thousands of copies of this during the 60s---- I was laughing at how it is STILL very important, because they MUST tell you what they're going to do before they do it----that way, when it happens, and you did nothing to stop it, YOU CONSENTED!<
Police Round Up Journalists, Professor Cornel West and Legal Observers In Ferguson
After days of protests and actions commemorating the one-year anniversary of Michael Brown’s murder by Ferguson Officer Darren Wilson, the police have
Gaza Flotilla Activists to Sue Israel at International Criminal Court (ICC)
Image: MV Mavi Marmara, by OntheWay (CC BY-SA 2.0) GAZA, OCCUPIED PALESTINE — Mint Press News' "Behind the Headline" series hosted by Mnar...
Israeli soldiers of conscience anonymously blew the whistle on how they received order after order to deliberately target civilians without cause, challenging the mainstream media’s “human shields” myth. Israel had leveled entire towns and villages within Gaza. After all the bloodshed and destruction, Israel admitted that no one from Hamas were responsible for the 3 kidnapped Israeli teens after all. Netanyahu purposefully withheld the information from the grieving victims’ parents so that his government could mass murder Palestinians.
Why Syria is Winning: Advancing towards a Strategic Victory that will transform the Middle East?
Syria is winning. Despite ongoing bloodshed and serious economic pressure, Syria is advancing steadily towards a military and strategic victory that will transform the...
Daraa 2011: Syria’s Islamist Insurrection in Disguise
“I have seen from the beginning armed protesters in...
Fact check one: there never were any ‘moderate rebels’. A genuine political reform movement was displaced by a Saudi-backed Islamist insurrection, through March-April 2011
Rand Paul: “Poor People Don’t Have Money Because They Don’t Work Hard Like The Rest Of Us”
Asked if his flat tax plan would further separate the haves from the have-nots, GOP presidential hopeful Sen. Rand Paul (Ky.) said Sunday that income inequality is...
America's Killer Cops, De Facto Martial Law in Ferguson
US federal, state, county or city authorities circumventing constitutional protections with de facto or de jure martial law based on exaggerated state of emergency...
Noam Chomsky - The (in)compatibility of democracy and capitalism
2014 "Noam Chomsky": Why you can not have a Capitalist Democracy!
VIDEO: Noam Chomsky: Capitalism in Most Forms Is Inconsistent With Democracy
The renowned linguist and activist explains the only way that capitalism could be compatible with democracy. - 2015/08/11
For Greeks The Nightmare Is Just Beginning: Here Come The Depositor Haircuts
Ralkina Jones Video Just Released: ‘I Don’t Want To Die In Your Cell’
"I don't want to die in your cell" may be the next cry - like Eric Garner's "I can't breathe" - to encapsulate the pain and desperation felt by victims
BREAKING NEWS! Cleveland just released the video of #RalkinaJones before she was found dead in her jail cell. Among her LAST WORDS to police deputies were: "I don't want to die in your cell"!
What is happening in Cleveland? Who is going to hold these cops accountable?
Revealed: Germany Made 100 Billion Euros from Greek Crisis
"Even if #Greece doesn't pay back a single cent, the German public purse has benefited financially from the crisis."
Teen Shot By Police In Ferguson Identified As Tyrone Harris, ‘Friend of Michael Brown’
The teenager who was shot in Ferguson by police officers during late night protests has been identified as a "friend of Michael Brown." Demonstrations
Police just SHOT a close friend of #MikeBrown. They are arresting activists, media, bloggers and even anyone with a big Twitter following - pulling them straight out of the crowd. Can we call it a #PoliceState yet?
Swan Song for the Donald? GOP Party Bosses Plan to “Take Out” Trump
The people who own this country don’t like euthanizing one of their own. But they’ll do it in heartbeat if they think their world of privilege, patronage and power is at...
Trump provided a window into a corrupt political system that is thoroughly marinated in the money of private donors. He explained in detail how the system is rigged in favor of the rich and powerful, and he admitted that wealthy donors contribute to political candidates so they “do whatever the hell you want them to do.”
Double standards? Sweden interviews 44 in London, but not Assange
Julian Assange is believed to have been ‘victimized’ by Swedish prosecutors following revelations that they interviewed 44 people in the UK, but refused to...
“First, they refused to take his testimony while he remained in Sweden. Then they refused to hear it in the UK, saying it was illegal to come here. Five years later, after being rebuked by their own courts, they say they’ll consider it”
The Routine Use of Fake Images and Video Footage by the Western Media
Image. CNN Report: "Chinese Cops" in Tibet: Footage of a protest movement in India, 2008 It has become routine for the mainstream media including network TV...
Paul Craig Roberts – The U.S. Economy Continues Its Collapse
the US rate of unemployment as of July 2015 is 23%, several times higher than during the recession with which Fed chairman Paul Volcker greeted the Reagan presidency.
An unemployment rate of 23% gives economic recovery a new meaning. It has been eighty-five years since the Great Depression, and the US economy is in economic recovery with an unemployment rate close to that of the Great Depression.
A Cold Summer for Europe
Austerity, The Welfare State Shrinks, Military Budgets Expand
After the Syriza debacle of Greece, there is a very little trust for left-wing rhetoric. In the whole modern history of Europe, there was not such a shameful surrender, or even treason. ‘Alexis Tsipras’ is a Greek translation of ‘Vidkun Quisling’ or of ‘Maréchal Pétain’. The man received the full support of his people, and chickened out. (The first step of Syriza after the fiasco was to enter into military cooperation with Israel.) Now only the far-right Golden Dawn speaks loudly against surrender to the bankers, but this is a party in opposition, and it risks nothing by speaking out.
People threatened by mass immigration often vote for the right, as they mistakenly think some token racism will be translated into action. Alas, in vain. Consider Nicolas Sarkozy, the former French President. He would drop a racist line, to flirt with his electorate, but by bombing Libya he sent more immigrants to France than any left-winger would. Well, perhaps François Hollande, the present President, can compete with him, as his support for Syrian rebels did send a million refugees to Europe.
Melkite patriarch criticizes Western policies, vows to remain in Syria : News Headlines
A chief provider and curator of Catholic information on the web since 1996. Our editorial voice, always...
“If [the West] helps moderates in Syria in a direct way, [it is] helping ISIS in an indirect way,” said Patriarch Gregory III Laham, 81. “If you give money to the weak, moderate groups one day, it will get into the hands of the powerful, militant groups the next. We see this happening every day.”
450,000 Syrian Christians have fled their homes, he said, and 50,000 now live in Sweden, while 40,000 live in Germany.
War crime: NATO deliberately destroyed Libya's water infrastructure
The military targeting of civilian infrastructure, especially of water supplies, is a war crime under the Geneva Conventions, writes Nafeez Ahmed. Yet this is precisely...
Autism Rates Explode In Asia After Introducing Western Vaccines –...
Western pharmaceutical companies have been opening up in Asia in the last few years introducing vaccination programs , and unsurprisingly autism rates have...
US-NATO Military Deployments, Economic Warfare, Goldman Sachs and...
Pillage and Class Polarization: The Rise of “Criminal Capitalism”
About 75% of US employees work 40 hours or longer, the second longest among all OECD countries, exceeded only by Poland and tied with South Korea. In contrast, only 10% of Danish workers, 15% of N...
Innocent Man Facing Years In Prison Now Free, Officers Arrested, Charged With Conspiracy
Two police officers have just been indicted on charges of conspiracy and misconduct. But until a dashboard video was released, the man who they victimized
Wegen eines Facebook-Posts: Teenagerin aus Hessen darf nicht in USA einreisen
Eigentlich will die 19-Jährige nur ihre Großcousine in den USA besuchen, einmal richtig ausspannen und vier Monate in einem anderen Land verbringen. Also fliegt...
Geoengineering And The Collapse Of Earth 2014 - THIS MUST BE SHARED!
Chemtrails, Climate Engineering, Weather Warfare and Global Warming
Meteorologists appear to have been instructed to avoid this important subject, even when they predict clear skies the next day and then those with eyes to see, observe the spraying that artificially creates a thin cloud-like haze.
Brandon Turbeville Interview With Afraa From Syria August 1, 2015 Turkey, Kurds, "ISIL-Free Zone"
Yemen: Hundreds of Saudi tanks roll out of Aden to bolster Hadi loyalists
Hundreds of Abraham M1 Abrams, provided by Saudi Arabia, rolled out of Aden, Tuesday, in a bid to...
By the way... if you overlay a map of Al Qaeda/ISIS in Yemen with Saudi operations, they are virtually indistinguishable... that is to say, AQ/ISIS are US-Saudi auxiliaries.
Turkey Protecting ISIL to Limit Kurdistan Workers' Party - PKK Leader
Turkey is fighting the Kurdistan Workers' Party in order "to limit the #PKK's fight against #ISIL. Turkey is protecting ISIL."