How to trick your math teacher
Why Common Core math problems look so weird
The Ten Dumbest Common Core Problems
'Hundreds' of masked men rampage through Stockholm station beating up refugee children
Hundreds of masked men marched through Stockholm's main train station on Friday evening, reportedly beating up refugees and anyone who didn't appear to…
Bigoted fascist vigilantes beat up refugee children.
They should beat up NATO officials instead - there wouldn't be refugees if the West didn't bomb Syria and arm extremist rebels.
Terrifying Reality of Life in Daesh-Controlled Raqqa
New Wave of Racism? Dozens of Masked Men Attack Migrants in Sweden (VIDEO)
About 100 masked men were reportedly carrying out attacks in the Swedish capital of Stockholm on anyone who didn't look like an ethnic Swede
How Lebanon is coping with more than a million Syrian refugees
What Lebanon really needs is for every-one else to do their bit; for Europe to do its bit. The British are in a panic about importing so-called jihadis, but a reputation for hard work and family values has defined the people of the Levant for centuries. We’ve taken 1.5 million and we survive — just. Take 20,000. Trust me. You won’t even notice them.
Refugees of the Syrian Civil War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Registered Syrian Refugees
UNHCR Syria Regional Refugee Response
Serbia and Kosovo 276.000, Germany 184.000, Sweden 103.000, Hungary 71.000, Austria 31.000
Moskau an Ankara: Zu viele Hollywood-Filme gesehen
Das russische Verteidigungsministerium hat Vorwürfe der Türkei zurückgewiesen, eine russische Maschine habe den türkischen Luftraum verletzt. Die mit einem gewissen Witz vorgetragene Erklärung der Russen klingt plausibel.
Igor Konashenkov, Sprecher der russischen Verteidigungsministeriums, kontert dieses Statement nicht ohne Witz: „Ich bin überzeugt, dass sogar türkische Spezialisten für die Luftraum-Verteidigung wissen, dass Radar-Stationen nur die Flughöhe, den Kurs und die Geschwindigkeit einer Maschine aufzeichnen können. Kein einziges dieser Radare ist in der Lage, den Typ oder die Nationalität eines Flugzeugs festzustellen, ob dieses Flugzeug ein russisches oder eines der von den USA geführten Koalition gegen ISIL ist.“ Er sagte, dies sei „nur möglich, wenn ein anderes Flugzeug Sichtkontakt hat, und dies sei nicht der Fall“. Und weiter: „Nur ahnungslose Propagandisten, die zu viele Hollywood Action-Filme gesehen haben, können ernsthaft davon sprechen, dass ein Radar dazu verwendet wurde, jemanden ,in Russisch und Englisch‘ zu warnen.“
BLM Seizing 116 Miles Of Ranchers’ Land … And Moving Texas-Oklahoma Border - Truth And Action
The Bureau of Land Management is in the process of stealing another ranchers land. Tommy Henderson has been fighting the BLM for over 30 years and states…
The U.S. Intervention in Libya Was Such a Smashing Success That a Sequel Is Coming
Just as there was no al Qaeda or ISIS to attack in Iraq until the U.S. bombed its government, there was no ISIS in Libya until NATO bombed it. Now the U.S. is about to seize on the effects of its own bombing campaign in Libya to justify an entirely new bombing campaign in that same country.
Joining the war party: With no permission from Syrian government, Netherlands to conduct airstrikes 'against Daesh' in East Syria
<Netherlands is part of a US-led coalition of 65 countries has been carrying out airstrikes against Daesh terrorists in Iraq since August 2014 and in Syria since September 2014, but WITHOUT the PERMISSION from the Syrian government or the UN Security Council.>
You have now landed in Geneva, Syria
The alleged Syrian peace process now enters its Geneva charade stage. This could last months; get ready for lavish doses of posturing and bluster capable of stunning even Donald Trump.
Russian Defense Ministry Denies Violation of Turkish Airspace by Su-34
The Hazards of Backyard Chickens
Obama Signs $8.7 Billion Food Stamp Cut Into Law { More Cuts Will Follow To Other Social Programs
Turkey summons Russian envoy, claims Su-34 fighter jet violated air space
What Doesn't Kill You? Taliban Became Even Stronger Since US Invaded Afghanistan
U.S. starves Syria, media covers it up by blaming Assad --
In preparation for talks on Syria this month, the U.S. corporate media is pretending to be concerned about
Washington Accuses Putin. Russian Airstrikes are Targeting "Our Guys" in Syria: CIA Operatives,...
Western special forces including British SAS, CIA, MI6 & Mossad have integrated rebel ranks. They are involved in command operations pertaining to the conduct…
Zika Outbreak Epicenter in Same Area Where GM Mosquitoes Were Released in 2015
The World Health Organization announced it will convene an Emergency Committee under
GMO mosquitoes could be cause of Zika outbreak, critics say
The latest contagious virus freaking out the globe, particularly women worried about birth defects, may have been caused by the presence of genetically-modified…
The Big Mac index
Keiser Report: Tumbling, Fumbling Ruble (special Moscow series, E869)
Turkey summons Russian envoy, claims Su-34 fighter jet violated air space
<Turkish military planes violate Greek airspace every day. Since years. So where is the problem even "if" Russian military planes would violate Turkish airspace in their hunt for terrorists? Who could possible disagree with Russia hunting terrorists?>
Pentagon delays release of images of tortured Afghan, Iraqi prisoners despite court order
How the CIA Helped Fuel the Rise of ISIS
The New York Times tosses previously reported facts down the memory hole, whitewashing the US's role in Syria leading ultimately to the rise of ISIS.
Where is the West's compassion & condemnation following terror attacks in Middle East?
Facebook users were not instructed to do so, but may nonetheless wish to change their profile pictures in solidarity with the families and friends of victims of recent…
MI6 and CIA were told before invasion that Iraq had no active WMD
BBC's Panorama reveals fresh evidence that agencies dismissed intelligence from Iraqi foreign minister and spy chief
A special BBC Panorama programme aired on Monday night details how British and US intelligence agencies were informed by top sources months before the invasion that Iraq had no active WMD programme, and that the information was not passed to subsequent inquiries.
It describes how Naji Sabri, Saddam's foreign minister, told the CIA's station chief in Paris at the time, Bill Murray, through an intermediary that Iraq had "virtually nothing" in terms of WMD.
The Empire Files: 'This Ship is Sinking' Says Former Bush Official
Carnage Continues in Yemen With US Weapons
Cluster bombs were banned by international agreement, but Saudi Arabia has invested millions in the CBU-105 from U.S. manufacturer Textron Systems.
Wahhabism to ISIS: how Saudi Arabia exported the main source of global terrorism
Although IS is certainly an Islamic movement, it is neither typical nor mired in the distant past, because its roots are in Wahhabism, a form of Islam practised in…
Turkey Wants Additional $2Bln From EU for Migrant Crisis Management
Ankara wants additional 2 billion euros ($2.16 billion at current exchange rates) from the European Union to tackle the migrant crisis, which will almost double the…
Disintegration Of Iraq Could Be A Matter Of Days Now - nsnbc international
Petr Lvov (NEO) : As the international community was absorbed by the rapidly…
Stockholm pogrom: Crowd of masked men hunt and beat up non-Swedes
FBI release footage of Robert 'Lavoy' Finicum shooting (GRAPHIC)
FBI releases video of LaVoy Finicum’s shooting death
<Release the ground audio's uncut. I'm putting my money on hearing gunshots right before his hands go to his gut>
Saudi Arabia considers Yemeni civilians as military targets: MSF | Islamic Invitation Turkey
A senior official with Doctors Without Borders says Saudi Arabia is targeting civilians in Yemen with “utter disregard” for international law with “the silent
Syria’s Base Wars | New Eastern Outlook
30.01.2016 Author: Ulson Gunnar Syria’s Base Wars Column: Politics Region: Middle East Country: Syria Since 2011, Syria has fought desperately to hold itself together as a single, unified nation. Threatened from the beginning by the “Libya…
Lavrov Says ISIS Fighters Training on Georgian Territory
There are reports that Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) is using Georgia’s Pankisi Gorge as a training base, Russian FM Sergey Lavrov said,...
Die Bundesregierung hält Fragen nach Ursachen der Flüchtlingskrise für "nicht zielführend"
Gestern fanden die 2. Plauener Gespräche statt, bei denen Bürger der sächsischen Stadt untereinander und mit Verantwortlichen aus den Behörden über die…
GMO mosquitos could help fight Zika
Zika Virus - What They Are Not Telling You - Trinfinity8
The recent outbreak of Zika virus in Brazil is now being linked to genetically modified mosquitoes developed by the British biotech company Oxitec, which is…
Wenn der Rechtsstaat versagt: Rekonstruktion der Nacht von Köln
Military Leak Reveals Sweden Readying for War With 'Qualified Opponent'
<Despite an official policy of #neutrality, leaked #documents show that #Sweden may be preparing for #war with #Russia.>
US to Intervene in Libya to Fix the Mess Caused by Previous Intervention
The immediate aftermath of the NATO bombing of Libya was a time of high gloating.
<The first time #Libya was blessed with #Obama's and Hillary #Clinton's bombs it worked so well that the country now needs another round of bomb treatment - but don't worry. This time it's gonna work>
Western State Terrorists Slander Putin
<We live in the Age of Denial.
Denial of International Law.
Denial of the relevance of the UN mandate.
Denial of one's own war crimes.
Denial of terrorists being terrorists.
Denial of countries going default.
Denial of sovereignty.
Denial of responsibility.
Denial of people's ability to think for themselves ...
But this Age may come to an end sooner rather than later. >
You Won't Believe What This US Ambassador Said About al-Qaeda's Syrian Allies
Putin's Popularity Infuriates Western Politicians
Home > Russia > Putin's Popularity Infuriates Western Politicians Analysis Putin Russia Putin's Popularity Infuriates Western Politicians Translated by Ollie Richardson for Fort Russ 29th January, 2016 Ridas Amidst the falling ratings of…
Corrupt US Government Accuses Putin Of Corruption : Information Clearing House - ICH
Dr. Paul Craig Roberts was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy and associate editor…
Denmark, Decency and Decay
The decision to bomb Libya was a milestone in the Nordic countries in that it was the first time ever that all parties, left to right – with one exception – voted for the bombing of Libya. The exception was the far-right, xenophobic Swedish Democrats. The Nordic public opinion against war and for peace – and there are some – no longer has more than a handful of individuals that represent them.
The underlying racism embedded in the idea of gathering citizens of a country in camps because you think it is necessary to destroy their country and culture – a kind of warfare Bantustans – speak of the Zeitgeist of a Denmark inside a Western world that is in moral free fall. Decaying.
Zika Outbreak Epicenter in Same Area Where GM Mosquitoes Were Released in 2015
Michigan town shuts down police department
Finland to decline asylum to & deport 20,000 migrants
In an interview with AFP, Nerg said that 65 percent of the 32,000 migrants who arrived in the country last year “will get a negative decision.”
Obama's vow to fight Daesh in Libya example of 'news theater'
Litvinenko 'probably' murdered by Putin
The UK has accused Russia of an unacceptable breach of international law after an inquiry in the UK found President Vladimir Putin probably approved the assassination of a former Russian spy.
WHAT'S TRUE: A Saudi prince owns a minority share of Twenty-First Century Fox, the parent corporation of Fox News, via an investment firm.
U.S Prepared Hitler for War With the USSR (Part 1)
Home > Russia > U.S Prepared Hitler for War With the USSR (Part 1) History Hitler Moscow Russia U.S Prepared Hitler for War With the USSR (Part 1) Translated by Ollie Richardson for Fort Russ 20th January, 2016 Tvzvezda In the 1930s, Russia…
European Governments Step Up Offensive against Refugees
At a meeting in Amsterdam this week, European interior and justice ministers sought to outdo each other with suggestions as to how the influx of desperate…
4 US cities among word’s most violent in 2015
St. Louis, with 188 homicides per 317,000 residents is the highest among them, made it to the 15th place on the list.
Baltimore, Detroit and New Orleans, all of which have systematic violence problems, made the grade.
Edited Version of FBI Video of Joint FBI and OSP Operation 01/26/2016
This is a shortened and edited version of FBI footage showing the joint FBI and Oregon State Police traffic stop and OSP officer-involved shooting of Robert ...
Sähkönsiirron hinnoittelu ja hintavalvonta
Kun sähköenergian hinta on alhaalla, sähkön siirtomaksun suuruus helposti korostuu. Mutta mistä kaikesta sähkönsiirrossa oikein maksetaan ja miten sen hinnoittelua valvotaan?
The U.S. Intervention in Libya Was Such a Smashing Success That a Sequel Is Coming : ...
high gloating Anne-Marie Slaughter Nicholas Kristof New York Times a front-page article sociopathically boasted mob rape and murder of Qaddafi60 Minutes
Vom Geächteten zum Hochgeschätzten – nur ein Flugticket
Der ehemalige Leiter des Moskauer Anti-Doping-Laboratoriums ist in die USA ausgereist.
Israel, US and Turkey Profit from Stolen ISIS Stolen Oil
Israel is complicit with Washington’s war on Syria, directly aiding ISIS and likeminded terrorist groups, profiting hugely from Daesh smuggled oil. More on this below. On Tuesday from Athens, after...
My Notebook: Muammar Al-Gadhafi In My Opinion Part III ( In English ).
Libya Uprising Archive
< Writen by terrorists>
‘Total confusion’: US govt unsure of ‘attacking’ ISIS in Libya; defiant over role in 2011 invasion
Despite declaring Flint water safe, MI officials trucked their own supply into state building – doc
Russia Would Have to Be Stupid to Ever Trust NATO
An emerging myth–one being put forward by both present and former U.S. government officials, the DC think tank community, and the media–is that NATO expansion had nothing to do with the making of the Ukrainian crisis and civil war.…
Seizing valuables from asylum seekers – Denmark has lost the plot, and its heart - nsnbc...
Denmark is to seize cash and valuables from asylum seekers arriving in the…
George Soros und China im Währungskrieg - und Goldman Sachs
Führende staatliche chinesische Zeitungen haben vorgestern auf chinesisch und auf englisch mit außergewöhnlich scharfen Worten darauf hingewiesen, dass der…
Turkey Kills Members of Trapped Kurdish Minority in Besieged Cizre
Ankara continues to bombard the Kurdish town of Cizre in southeastern Turkey and has shown no indication that it intends to resolve the crisis, according to Mehmet…
Alleged killer of Russian jet pilot appears at funeral in Istanbul
Die geistigen Brandstifter der AfD: "Wir haben ein Monster erschaffen"
Er polarisiert und provoziert. Für nationalkonservative Sprüche und Ansichten ist der NRW-Landesvorsitzende Marcus Pretzell längst schon bekannt. Mit seiner jüngsten Äußerung, im Notfall müssten Grenzpolizisten auf Flüchtlinge schießen, hat sich Pretzell allerdings noch einen deutlichen Schritt weiter Richtung rechtsaußen positioniert.
US handed illegal visas to future Al Qaeda terrorists - Ex-visa officer
Augenzeuginnen berichten über die Silvesternacht am Kölner Hauptbahnhof
<90% Araber am Bahnhof>
Met sends elite ‘super-recognizers’ to aid Cologne sex attack investigation
Five officers with the ability to remember the faces of almost everyone they have ever seen will help to scan 400 hours of footage from mobile phones and security cameras.
Prosecutors in Cologne said on Wednesday there are 924 criminal complaints from New Year’s Eve, when a large group of men of North African or Middle Eastern origin attacked women. Local police said they were outnumbered and unable to make arrests.
Some 551 women reported being sexually assaulted during the New Year’s Eve festivities, most of whom were groped by men who surrounded them in the crowd. There were also two reported rapes.
The Metropolitan Police super-recognizers have already made an impact in the investigation, identifying 35 suspects, nine of whom have been arrested.
<Less than one in thousand CCTV cameras in Britain helped to solve a crime. 89% of sex crimes are not committed by a stranger. Cologne was permitted to happen and the media blew it out of proposition.>
Eyewitness: Oregon Militia Spokesman Killed By Police While Surrendering
Saudi Arabia tests water on oil production cut
'Cancer cells simply melt away': Miracle drug amazes Australian researchers after lengthy trials
Maulkorb für Abgeordnete
USA drohen mit disziplinarischen Maßnahmen, wenn TTIP-Texte durchsickern
Rheinische Post: Nur 37 Personen wollten TTIP-Unterlagen einsehen / Kein Bundesminister kam in...
Düsseldorf (ots) - Nach Auskunft der Bundesregierung hat bisher kein einziges Mitglied…
US Think Tank Admits What Moscow Has Said All Along: Al-Nusra's Dangerous
US and European media were shocked by a new report by a top US think tank which 'revealed' that the al-Nusra Front terrorist group, al-Qaeda's franchise in…
EU migration crisis: Stop illegal wars, don’t blame the victims
Europe is on a dangerous, slippery slope of increasing xenophobia and racism engendered by the influx of refugees. Denmark’s new confiscation law is a sign of…
<" ... the misplaced hysteria over refugees is a distraction from the real issue. Which is that European states are complicit in illegal wars of aggression and covert regime-change interventions." Both the wars and the influx of refugees are directed by a small elite who feel perfectly comfortable consorting with fascists and creating chaos and mayhem. And we are stupid allowing ourselves to be drawn into their evil schemes.>
CIA Insider Tells 911 truth. Time to re-examine your World-view, America!
Satanic Ritual Abuse has Deep Roots. Hampstead children not lying! UK COVER UPS
Rescued Children Describe Sickening Satanic Cult Abuse
<Shoes made out of babies skin. I think the entire story is BS>
Govt Conveniently Deleted Entire Database of Evidence Documenting Pedophile Rings
Zielscheiben des Westens - junge Welt -
Die US-geführten Interventionen der vergangenen Jahre haben sich immer gegen Länder mit antikolonialer Revolution gerichtet. Das Hauptaugenmerk gilt aber Russland und China
Niedriger Ölpreis: Russland und Arabien können weiter profitabel produzieren
Die Bremer Landesbank hat eine Analyse zum Ölpreis veröffentlicht: Länder wie Russland können auch bei einem Preis von 20 Dollar profitabel produzieren.
Blackwater Mercenaries Killed as Saudi-Led Invasion of Yemen Spirals Into Disaster
A war that you never read about (with good reason) is the Saudi-led invasion of Yemen.
Pepper spray
Visas for Al-Qaeda: CIA Handouts That Rocked the World
The New York Times has exposed a long-standing CIA partnership with Saudi Arabia, whose latest endeavor is a program to arm Syrian rebels authorized by…
RIGHTS - Turkish journalists face life in prison over weapons truck story
An indictment against Turkish journalists Can Dündar and Erdem Gül for highlighting weapons transfers by the country’s intelligence agency has been…
Freedom of Assembly
Open-air public rallies require (generally) prior announcement to the local authorities, but no permits. Local authorities can prohibit rallies only on grounds of public safety concerns or involvement of outlawed organizations.
Freedom of Assembly
Freedom of assembly, however, is not absolute. Most constitutional or legal provisions regarding this right specify that only peaceful assemblies are protected. Permits are sometimes required for assemblies in public places, and noise and traffic issues also limit the exercise of this right. Police are often authorized by law to disperse any crowd which threatens public safety. However, bureaucracies can abuse this power to prevent or disrupt assemblies that express unpopular political views or unorthodox religious ideas.
Canada Discriminated for Years Against Indigenous Children
Marking the end of an almost decade-long legal process, the federal government of Canada has been found guilty of long-term discrimination against aboriginal…
1 killed as Ammon Bundy, 4 others arrested in Oregon amid shots fired – FBI
The FBI said one person who was “a subject of a federal probable cause arrest is deceased.” He said they are not releasing any information on the person “pending identification by the medical examiner’s office.”
One person suffered non-life threatening injuries and was taken to a local hospital for treatment. He was arrested and is in custody.
Bundy and his band of protesters have been occupying the refuge for weeks now. The group is protesting federal ownership of wide swathes of land in the West and wants to see control of it returned to local and state jurisdiction.
‘Unknown known’: Colbert provokes near-admission from Donald Rumsfeld on Iraq War
<"if it were a fact it wouldn't be called intelligence" , damn Donald Rumsfeld that is some Yogi Berra level shit. >
Third Consecutive Zionist Jew to Head U.S.’s Economic Warfare Division
Rumble in the Ruble, Fire in the Markets
A case can be made that for Moscow it would be a tremendous waste of hard-earned foreign exchange – to try to counter a rig against their currency they simply cannot beat, as the entire fiat financial power of the US is against…
Published on Mar 4, 2014
MIT 6.868J The Society of Mind, Fall 2011
View the complete course:
Instructor: Marvin Minsky
Bielefeld: 68-köpfige Bürgerwehr von Polizei-Großaufgebot eingekesselt
Thank you Putin, Russia's Air Force Destroys Largest ISIS Camp in East Hama
Russian Air Force Destroys Largest ISIS Camp in East Hama Al Masdar News The Russian Air Force has been relentlessly targeting the Islamic State of Iraq and…,_March_1933
German federal election, March 1933
NSDAP 43.91%
The Empire Files: Examining the Syria War Chessboard
Al Qaeda Affiliate Jaish al-Islam Slated to Participate in Syrian "Peace Talks"
On Monday, Arab League/UN envoy to Syria Steffan de Mistura announced the date without indicating…
UK Column News 26th January 2016 Mother Agnes Mariam on Syria Pt 1of4
UK Column News 26th January 2016 Mother Agnes Mariam on Syria Pt 4of4
Israeli defense minister says ISIS funded with ‘Turkish money’
Israel’s defense minister has alleged that the Islamic State terror group has long been funded with “Turkish money.”
"As you know, Daesh (Islamic State, previously ISIS/ISIL) enjoyed Turkish money for oil for a very, very long period of time. I hope that it will be ended," Moshe Yaalon told reporters in Athens on Tuesday after meeting his Greek counterpart, Panos Kammenos, Reuters reports.
Who Controls the Treasury Department
Craig Murray » Blog Archive » Israel Grants Oil Rights in Syria to Murdoch and Rothschild
Israel has granted oil exploration rights inside Syria, in the occupied Golan Heights, to Genie Energy. Major
Fox News’ Rupert Murdoch Owns Oil Company That Gets To Drill In Syria If America Goes To War
Drilling for oil in Israeli-occupied Syrian land is part of what the war in Syria is all about - Murdoch, Dick Cheney, and Jacob Rothschild are the benefactors of the chaos in the region.
US Unleashing Deadly Virus in Donbass, Ukraine?
Chemical, biological and radiological warfare is a longstanding US practice, used in direct and proxy
20 Dead, 200 Hospitalized After Reports US Lab "Leaks" Deadly Virus In Ukraine | Zero Hedge
Amid the so-called "ceasefire" in Ukraine, yet ongoing shelling in many regions, the Donbass news agency…
Interview with former Al Qaeda leader, Sheikh Nabeel Naim exposes ISIS& western alliance
In this interview, Nabeel Naim share his kn
Turkey: A Criminal State, a NATO State
It is now openly discussed even in mainstream media the fact that Turkey has been intimately involved in fomenting and supporting the war on Syria, with its ultimate goal of the overthrow of the Sy...
Die Märkte des Todes- Handel mit Henkern – Milliarden Rüstungsdeal mit Saudi Arabien und Katar!
Congress is Writing the President a Blank Check for War
While the Washington snowstorm dominated news coverage this week, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell was operating behind the scenes to rush...
David Cameron has just been banned from redefining child poverty
The Government has suffered a major defeat in the House of Lords over its plans to change the way that child poverty is measured. Peers voted 290 to…
22 dead, over 100 wounded in ISIS-claimed double bombing in Homs, Syria
At least 22 people have been killed and over a hundred wounded in two terrorist blasts in a residential area of the Syrian city of Homs, state TV reported. Islamic…
Germany Backtracks on Condemnation of Saudi Executions, Agrees to Sell Arms
Despite its threat earlier this month to restrict arms exports to Saudi Arabia, the German government has nevertheless given permission for the construction of…
The Paris Meeting of Conspirators in Support of Syria's "Moderate Terrorists": Talks Filled With ...
IRA terrorist behind 1993 Belfast bombing was ‘MI5 informant’ – leaked documents
The real Benghazi scandal that is ignored: How Hillary Clinton, the Obama admin. and NATO...
Republicans are trying to create a scandal where there isn't one -- while they ignore the biggest scandal of all VIDEO
Israel Razes EU-Built West Bank Humanitarian Buildings, Announces Land Grab
Amid heightened tensions between Israel and Western allies, Jerusalem on Thursday confirmed a major annexation of 154 hectares (380 acres) of territory…
Owen jones Destroys Israel on Question time - End the Siege - Free Gaza
Was deutsche Medien verschweigen: Die CIA und der Countdown in Athen
Chomsky on Refugee Crisis: Europe Refuses to Address ‘Western Crimes’
The refugee crisis in Europe has led to a resurgence of the far right. Speaking to Truthout, Noam Chomsky explains the underlying causes of the crisis and the…
Citing Terrorism Concerns, John Kerry Supports Saudi Bloodbath in Yemen
US Secretary of State John Kerry has expressed his support for Saudi Arabia’s military campaign in Yemen, a conflict that has killed over 2,400 civilians. As justification, the secretary reiterated false claims that Riyadh is battling #alQaeda.
Earth ‘covered in plastic’: 5bn tons of waste has contaminated marine life, entered food chain
Death toll rises across East Asia after freak cold snap
Temperatures in Hong Kong dropped to 3°C (37° F) Sunday – the lowest in almost 60 years. One hundred and thirty people were trapped by the inclement weather, and a snow day was called in schools across the city on Monday.
These European countries are seizing cash and valuables from refugees
Critics are up in arms against regulations that allow officials to confiscate assets from asylum-seekers to help finance their stay.
Syrian soldiers thank Putin for liberation of Salma (Video)
With the recent liberation of Salma and Rabia, it is expected the rest of Latakia will come back under government control in a matter of a short time. This
Yemen: Around 400 Blackwater Mercenaries Fighting for Saudi-Led Coalition
Islamic State concentrates on seizing Syrian Deir ez-Zor — Russian General Staff
Oil to Recover by July, Saudis Digging Their Own Graves to Please US
The World Economic Forum in Davos is submerged by a tsunami of denials, and even non-denial denials, stating there won’t be a follow-up to the Crash of…
Reflections on the Paris ISIS Meeting: Talks Filled With Sinful Crime. | New Eastern Outlook
24.01.2016 Author: Christopher Black Reflections on the Paris ISIS Meeting: Talks Filled With Sinful Crime. Column: Politics Region: USA in the World On January…
Syrien-Gespräche: Steinmeier plädiert für Teilnahme salafistischer Gruppen
"Wo sollen denn nach mehr als fünf Jahren Bürgerkrieg, extremer Gewalt und um sich…
Goldman Drives Oil Prices Down
The author is an influential Russian journalist and economist and an anchor of Odnako (However) commentary program on national 1TV network. His views reflect the thinking of conservative Russian protectionist oriented elites.
Flint Residents Told That Their Children Could Be Taken Away If They Don’t Pay For City’s Poison...
Not only is the Michigan government poisoning residents, but now they are threatening to take their children for not paying for it.
This is the original image! Please don’t spread false things! A reverse image search easily found this picture!
Saudi-led airstrike kills family of 8, incl. Yemeni judge who presided over Pres. Hadi treason case
A Houthi-appointed national security court judge and seven members of his family were killed in a Saudi-led coalition airstrike in the Yemini capital Sanaa, according to local residents.
The Sunday bombing partially destroyed the home of Yahya Rubaid, a judge who had prosecuted cases against militant groups including Al-Qaeda. He had also presided over treason cases against President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi and other ousted opponents of the Houthis.
Seven members of Rubaid's family – everyone except one of his sons – were also killed in the bombing, residents told Reuters.
Full Disclosure: How Russian Forces Battle Daesh in Syria (VIDEO)
The Russian Defense Ministry publishes videos depicting the exploits of Russian military personnel in Syria.
Detroit collapsing into third world status as water supply becomes too toxic to drink......
Detroit collapsing into third world status as water supply becomes too toxic to drink... America's infrastructure imploding
The Iraqi immigrant doctor who saved Flint
FLINT, Michigan — Dr. Mona Hanna-Attisha an Iraqi immigrant, is being credited for blowing the whistle on the Flint water crisis.
Germany Starts Confiscating Refugees’ Valuables; Denmark Finalizes Bill To Do Same
Germany's southern states are confiscating refugees' valuables in order to pay for their stay, according to local authorities. It comes as Denmark moves ahead with a plan to do the same, part of a controversial bill aimed at curbing asylum seekers' rights.
Mohammed Al-Qeeq: A Casualty Of Israel’s War On Journalists
As of Wednesday, al-Qeeq had survived 57 days of hunger striking against his administrative detention in Israel. Fighting his indefinite imprisonment without charge or trial, the Palestinian journalist is facing medical abuse.
Hundreds of terrorist rats flee to Turkey after losing battles with Syrian Army
Israel announces another land grab, levels EU-built West Bank housing meant for Bedouins
What’s Really Going on with Oil?
Winston Churchill: Britain’s “Greatest Briton” Left a Legacy of Global Conflict and Crimes Against Humanity
America and Turkey begin Ground Invasion of Syria. How Will Russia Respond?
Amidst a almost total western media blackout, Turkey and the US have initiated a military invasion in Syrian territory. On Wednesday evening, the Turkish army reportedly entered Syrian territory near Jarablus. US troops took control of Rmeilan airfield in Syria’s northern province of Hasakah. It’s unclear what are the real objectives for western military operations on Syrian soil According to the latest news, a major Turkish intervention is expected.
F.A.S. exklusiv: Steinmeier: Auch Islamisten sollen an Syrien-Gesprächen teilnehmen
Der Bundesaußenminister dringt darauf, dass auch islamistische…
< The Nazi Steinmeier promotes terrorists in Syria>
kurdish journalist Refik Tekin shot during live broadcast by Turkish police
#BREAKING Heartbreaking video shows Turkish police shot Kurdish journalist(Refik Tekin),during…
Putin: Die USA leben vom bloßen Gelddrucken - Die Dollar-Weltherrschaft
U.S. Relies Heavily on Saudi Money to Support Syrian Rebels
A joint arming and training program between the C.I.A. and Saudi Arabia reflects the enduring alliance between the nations even as their relationship and the…
جيش الاسلام في دومــا على الطريقة الداعشية يضه أسرى ورهائن في أقفاص كذروع بشرية
<"Army of Islam" takes civilians hostage and parades them in cages, as "human shields"....>
Islam Army Sheikh Zahran Alloush || Jabhat al-Nusra are our Brothers
Zahran Alloush about Democracy & Islamic State
Dmitry MININ – Implementation of EU-Ukraine Association Agreement (II) - Strategic Culture...
Dmitry MININ – Implementation of EU-Ukraine Association Agreement (II) - Strategic Culture…
Why Turkey Wants to Shut Syrian Kurds Out of Intra-Syrian Peace Talks
While accusing the PYD of being a terrorist group, Turkey supports a number of terrorist organizations, including Daesh, and it is Turkey’s fault that Syria is currently engulfed in chaos. As Kurdish troops continue to push Daesh militants out of key areas in Syria, Turkey became nervous as Ankara began to lose its influence in these regions, Kobane said.
“By cooperating with terrorist organizations, Turkey has turned Syria into ruins, brought chaos into all spheres of life. Without the use of its terrorist accomplices, Turkey won’t be able to carry out its plan in Syria [the overthrowing of the Syrian government] and it would collapse like a house of cards,” Kobane told Sputnik.
U.S. Relies Heavily on Saudi Money to Support Syrian Rebels
A joint arming and training program between the C.I.A. and Saudi Arabia reflects the enduring alliance between the nations even as their relationship and the…
Noam Chomsky Rips Off Turkey’s Kurdish Policy, US Strategy in Syria
To protect the Kurds and Yazidis from genocide carried by Daesh (Islamic State) terrorists in Syria, one needs to support Kurdish forces fighting against the jihadist…
Classified Evidence: US Soldiers Raped Boys In Front Of Their Mothers | We Are Change
Now, over a decade later the evidence of these events are beginning to surface, but the Department of Defense is still doing their best to keep it u
Russia, US agree to have 2 rebel delegations at Syria peace talks - reports
Jaysh al-Islam
„Maidan II“ - Massendemonstrationen in Moldawien und wieso der Westen diesmal keine Euphorie zeigt
Pravda: NATO Plans Derailed by Fortification of Kalingrad
The US generals are concerned over an unprecedented fortification of Kaliningrad, according to the Italian newspaper Il Giornale. Now the military group in this…
Iran: Lifting Sanctions and Coming Betrayal | New Eastern Outlook
24.01.2016 Author: Tony Cartalucci Iran: Lifting Sanctions and Coming Betrayal Column: Politics Region: Middle East Country: Iran US policymakers have long…
Meet the mom who helped expose Flint's toxic water nightmare
LeeAnne Walters' tap water tested at 27 times the EPA limit for lead. The city offered her a garden hose.
The FBI Just Gave 215,000 Sickos Child Porn, So They Could Make 25 Arrests
The FBI just became child predators and shared tens of thousands of horrid images across the web, to nab a handful of people.
In the Shale Patch: 42 Bankruptcies, and Counting
The Pretexts for War
Another fine mess: NATO’s 'Laurel & Hardy act' in Libya not getting laughs
Washington and its NATO allies are stepping up more military involvement in this devastated North African country, now experiencing an uptick in terrorist activity,…
Marlon Brando Interview 1973 (5/6)
With more than 500 treaties already broken, the government can do whatever it wants, it seems...
More than 500 treaties have been made between the government and Indian tribes and all were broken, nulllified or amended. Nothing's changed. The mere fact that the Keystone XL oil pipeline has even been considered is a violation of law and shouldn’t have seen blueprints, let alone having this North American monster voted on by the Senate and House of Representatives.
Marlon Brando Interview 1973 (4/6)
Marlon Brando: Treatment of Native Americans/Indians by White People
<from 2:55 on>
Jund Al-Aqsa launches massive offensive on Alawi village in northern Hama
The village of Ma’an is an Alawi village that was captured by the Islamist rebels in the Spring of 2014 – the population was massacred by the Free Syrian Army (FSA) in what is highly regarded as a sectarian crime.
After Video Shows Raging Cop Run Over and Kick a Compliant Biker, He’s Promoted to Captain
Not only was the trooper not punished for running down a biker and attacking him, he now heads up the entire department.
Respect women & gays, don't beat kids: German TV issues guide w/ tips for refugees
A Psychopath Describes His Behaviour
<pretty sick psychopath>
No permission sought, none given, new US airbase in Syria anyway
Rmeilan, site of the newest US airbase, is at upper right, between "M4" and the red-circled "1" in this map.NEWSFRONT, January 21, 2016Translated from…
According to the latest data, the Ukrainian side is holding captive 1,101 people, including 361 servicemen, 569 political opponents, and 171 civilians who have nothing to do with the conflict.
Fishhead - Brilliant Documentation about Psychopaths and Society
U.S. Vice President Biden says prepared for military solution in Syria
USA-TURKEY/BIDEN (URGENT):U.S. Vice President Biden says prepared for military solution in Syria
Andrei AKULOV - US to Illegally Build Military Base in Syria in Preparation for Ground War -...
Andrei AKULOV - US to Illegally Build Military Base in Syria in Preparation for Ground War - Strategic…
Closed Door Policy: Japan Rejected Almost 100% of Asylum Requests in 2015
The Japanese government in 2015 declined some 99,5 percent of asylum requests, thus granting asylum only to 27 people out of almost 7,600, the data from the…
Turkish Military Chant: "We will kill all Kurds as we killed Armenian"
Click CC for English Subtitle In this clip taken by soldiers from Turkish Military in occupied Kurdish…
BBC banned Johnny Rotten in 1978 for telling the truth about Jimmy Savile
John Lydon speaking on Piers Morgan's Life Stories 25 September 2015
<They all knew... and there were a lot more of them... and it was all covered up by the BBC, the government, the police and the secret services MI5-6.>
"Unser Rechtsstaat befindet sich in Erosion"
Jörg Becker über die deutsche Kriegsberichterstattung und den bellizistischen Kurs von Rot-Grün. Teil 2
Tausende Iraker kehren Finnland freiwillig den Rücken
Weil ihnen Finnland zu kalt und zu feindselig war, haben viele Flüchtlinge aus dem Irak ihre Anträge auf Asyl wieder zurückgezogen.
EU leaders consider two-year suspension of Schengen rules
Leaders will consider emergency measures to reintroduce internal borders at meeting on Monday, as France warns the entire European project is in 'very grave…
USA's Role as State Sponsor of Terrorism
US Role as State Sponsor of Terrorism Implied in US Congressional Research Service Report on Syria Conflict By Stephen Gowans | what’s left | January 10, 2016 By Stephen Gowans The implication of a...
Refugees claim ISIS militants living among them in Germany
Christian refugees from Syria claim they saw a former Islamic State member living in Frankfurt, and that this is not an isolated case. Police investigated but refused…
USA Throws Kurds To The Wolves, Launches Program To Roll Back Kurdish, Not ISIS, Advances In Syria
U.S. Throws Kurds To The Wolves, Launches Program To Roll Back Kurdish, Not ISIS, Advances In Syria It has been said by RPI advisor John Laughland that “it…
The dirty war on Syria: barrel bombs, partisan sources and war propaganda – Prof. Tim Anderson
Much the same problem can be seen in the campaigns over 2014-2015 against ‘barrel bombs’, where it has been said that a particular type of Syrian Air Force bomb (which includes fuel and shrapnel) has been responsible for massive civilian casualties. Robert Parry (2015) makes the point that any sort of improvised bomb ‘dropped from helicopters’ would be far less devastating and indiscriminate than most missile attacks, not to speak of the depleted uranium, napalm, white phosphorous and cluster munitions used by Washington. However the point here is not to do with the technology, it is simply a new way to generate horror and backing for the war, by claiming that the Syrian Army only ever kills civilians. The supposedly ‘indiscriminate’ nature of this ‘new’ weapon is merely suggested by repetition of the slogan.
Perhaps the most common and profound error of the western media, reporting on the Syrian crisis, has been the extraordinary reliance on a single person, a man based in Britain who calls himself the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR). Many of the stories about Syrian body counts, ‘regime’ atrocities and huge collateral damage come from this man. Yet Rami Abdul Rahman has always flown the flag of the Muslim Brotherhood led ‘Free Syrian Army’ on his website (SOHR 2015).
Oliver Stone - The Untold History of The US - Bush & Obama Age of Terror [Top Documentary Films]
Turkish Labs turn Afghan Opium into Heroin for Shipping to Europe. Russian Anti-drug Agency
The Dirty War on Syria: Washington Supports the Islamic State (ISIS)
US Troops Take Over Syria Airbase
US Troops Take Over Syria Airbase | Kurdish YPG gives US sole control over base
Litvinenko's father: 'The British duped me - Putin did NOT kill my son' --
The father of late Russian security officer Aleksandr Litvinenko says he pursued a smear campaign against the Russian government out of grief, but changed his…
Erst bei LIES! Projekt, dann bei ISIS Projekt. - (Das geheimme Großisrael Projekt).
PressTV-‘Israeli doctors torturing Palestinians’
UK doctors call for the removal of Israel from the World Medical Association over claims of torturing Palestinian patients.
Litvinenko's father: 'The British duped me - Putin did NOT kill my son' --
The father of late Russian security officer Aleksandr Litvinenko says he pursued a smear campaign against
'Britain wanted Alexander Litvinenko dead'
In a bizarre outburst the younger brother of murdered agent Litvinenko says Russia is not to blame but the UK could be
Ukrainian Nazis are Terrorizing the Ethnically Russian Region Next to Crimea (Video - Russian TV...
Residents in Southeastern Ukraine are getting ready to take armed action against militants ravaging their homeland.Unrest in Kherson region began 3 months ago…
The five worst atrocities carried out by the British Empire will make you wonder why we're...
A new YouGov poll has found the British public are generally proud of the British Empire and its colonial past. YouGov found 44 per cent were proud of Britain's…
Nobel Peace Prize-Winner Obama Dropped 23,144 Bombs On Muslim-Majority Countries In 2015
Washington’s counter-terrorism strategy to kill extremists seems only to be producing more radicalized individuals. Credit: CFR According to a new study by…
Erdoğan says Turkey will not allow Russia to settle north of Syria
Erdoğan says Turkey will not allow Russia to settle north of Syria
Ron Paul: Iran Hasn’t Invaded Another Country for More Than 200 Years
Columns > A Tale Of Two Countries: What You Aren’t Being Told
Here are two factual cases involving two separate countries. The cases both begin similarly but have…
Litvinenko Wasn't Poisoned by Putin. He Was Likely Smuggling the Polonium That Killed Him
This article originally appeared at ANC ReportAs we all know Alexander Litvinenko, was poisoned by polonium, a rare radioactive substance, and it was all blamed on…
Sales Skyrocket: UK missile exports to Saudis hit 11,000% amid Yemen campaign
Saudi airstrike in Yemen kills at least 20 civilians incl rescuers, MSF paramedic
The Story You Aren’t Being Told About Iran Capturing Two American Vessels
The most important takeaway from this incident is to remember the high-tech military of the United States has an exposed vulnerability. It’s a vulnerability that was exploited by Iran.
War Propaganda and the Dirty War on Syria
Who is hunting Angela Merkel?
by Andrey Fomin
The premeditated operation of New Year’s rapes, in Cologne and elsewhere, continues with a denunciation of the responsibility of the Federal Chancellor, Angela Merkel. A study of computer traffic certify that the Twitter accounts organizing this protest are based on the West Coast of the United States.
Shooting of Kurds waving white flag caught on camera (GRAPHIC VIDEO)
An incident in which several civilians with a white flag came under fire has been caught on camera. The victims are reported to be Kurds in the town of Cizre,…
<One version suggests that Kurdish militants were among the ranks of the civilians and opened fire at the Turks, provoking a response. The footage doesn't appear to show any armed people in the crowd.>
Britain had more motivation to kill Aleksandr Litvinenko than Russia, brother claims
The brother of Aleksandr Litvinenko says the UK government had more motivation to kill him than Russia did, despite a British public inquiry which concluded that President Putin “probably” approved the assassination.
Maksim Litvinenko, Aleksandr's younger brother who lives in Rimini, Italy, responded to the Thursday report by saying it was “ridiculous” to blame the Kremlin for the murder of his brother, stating that he believes British security services had more of a motive to carry out the assassination.
"My father and I are sure that the Russian authorities are not involved. It's all a set-up to put pressure on the Russian government,” Litvinenko told the Mirror, adding that such reasoning is the only explanation as to why the inquiry was launched 10 years after his brother's death.
#MH17 "“The final report of the Dutch Safety Board from October, 2015, supports the view”, Giemulla testified to the ECHR in September, “that the government of the Ukraine bears the responsibility for the disaster because it has not closed the airspace above eastern Ukraine at the altitude of the flight plan in spite of knowledge of the circumstances.” In support, he has submitted the DSB report’s analysis of Ukrainian airspace management, military operations in the eastern region airspace, and Ukrainian government officials’ failure to protect civil aviation in the Dniepropetrovsk air traffic control area through which MH17’s flight path, L980, crossed."