Assad allows Iraqi jets to hit Daesh militant redoubts in Syria anytime: Report
Syrian officer to ST: Erdogan sacrifice his proxy forces in Syria
Canadian Government Offers Safe Haven to …. Al Qaeda
Vaccination on Trial
Germ Theory vs Soil Theory
Catching a Disease
Viral Infections
What do we know?
Revealed: Ambulances Were Called to Amazon Warehouses 600 Times in Three Years
Continued US Occupation of the Middle East Does Not Suppress Terrorism, It Causes It
The secret to ending the strength of ISIS in Syria is not the continued presence of American troops. It is for America’s ever closer allies in Saudi Arabia and the Gulf to cut off the major artery of money and arms, which we should never forget in origin and for a long time had a strong US component.
Russian Military Says Ceasefire Breaches Recorded in 20 Areas in Idlib De-Escalation Zone
Moscow, Dec 30 (Sputnik) Over the past 24 hours, members of illegal armed groups violated ceasefire regime in 20 areas in Syria’s Idlib de-escalation zone, the Russian Defense Ministry said in a statement on Sunday.
UK Column Live - Interview with Dr Patrick Quanten
Infant Immunity Part I: Pregnancy, with Dr. Suzanne Humphries
Let’s Talk About Whooping Cough
Prior to the establishment of the 1986 Vaccine-Injury Compensation Program (VICP), parents whose children were seriously injured or killed by vaccines could pursue legal action against vaccine manufacturers. There were so many lawsuits being filed that vaccine makers basically held the U.S. federal government hostage and threatened to stop making vaccines altogether if the government didn’t step in and protect them from lawsuits. And that is why now, if vaccines injure or kill your child, you cannot sue the vaccine manufacturer. For more information on the history of DTP, please go here and here.
So… it was known that the DTP (or DPT) vaccine was very dangerous.
<A lot of people worry about their children dying from Pertussis! You must realize that there is only a .00000629% chance of dying from this disease. Instead, people vaccinate and children die from the vaccine.<
Search for Missing $21 Trillion Comes Up Empty as Pentagon Fails First Audit in 71-Year History
It’s difficult to tally the cost in civilian lives and mass destruction of an annual budget rapidly approaching the trillion-dollar mark, and that’s something that likely won’t be analyzed in any audit the Pentagon conducts on itself
Requiem for the Suicided: Gary Webb
Corbett Report Extras
Big Media’s Contra-Cocaine Cover-up
Special Report: Twelve years ago, a campaign of character assassination by the major U.S. newspapers drove an honest journalist to suicide. Now those papers claim to be paragons of truth-telling, says Robert Parry.
Amid the mainstream U.S. media’s current self-righteous frenzy against “fake news,” it’s worth recalling how the big newspapers destroyed Gary Webb, an honest journalist who exposed some hard truths about the Reagan administration’s collaboration with Nicaraguan Contra cocaine traffickers.
David M. Tafuri
<A complete scumbag war mongerer. See lnk below>
Tucker Carlson Dismantles Pro-War Stooge
The Jimmy Dore Show
US Navy hoping for hypersonic missiles ‘by 2025’ as Putin WATCHES Russia's Avangard glider fly
The state-of-the-art Avangard hypersonic glider was successfully tested December 26. It performed in-flight vertical and horizontal maneuvers and hit its intended target, according to the Defense Ministry. The actual speed of the missile, which will enter service in 2019, can reach a whopping 30,000km/h.
Rokote laukaisi narkolepsian noin 200 henkilöllä - lääkeyrityksen anteeksipyyntöä ei ole kuulunut
Pandemrix-rokotteen vuoksi Suomessa sairastui narkolepsiaan noin 200 henkilöä, joista suuri osa oli lapsia ja nuoria.
Vuonna 2009 annettiin Suomessa rokote, jolla myöhemmin todettiin yhteys narkolepsiaan.
Rokote näytti toimineen nimenomaan lapsilla ja nuorilla narkolepsian laukaisevan infektion lailla.
Sairastuneiden perheistä moni kokee, että lupauksia on petetty että he ovat joutuneet taistelemaan hoidosta ja tuesta.
Jo muutamien kuukausien kuluttua rokotteiden pistämisen aloittamisesta Suomessa havaittiin, että narkolepsiatapaukset lapsilla ja nuorilla lisääntyivät rajusti.
Levisi uusi ja kylmäävä pelko: kuinka moni oli sairastunut vakavasti rokotteen vuoksi?
UN Report: Israel Murdered 295 Palestinians, Injured 29,000 in 2018
According to the new OCHA documentation, of the 295 Palestinians killed this year by Israeli forces, 57 have been children. A total of approximately 7,000 injuries were children.
Election Fraud: Democratic Party Operatives Caught Creating ‘Russian Bot’ Farms, Planting Fake News Stories
Yet more proof that everything that the US political and media establishment have been claiming for the last years that Russia did during the 2016 Presidential Election, but failed to produce any evidence of – has actually been carried out by Democratic Party operatives. This includes creating fake ‘Russian bot’ accounts and associating these with a Republican candidate in order to give the false impression to voters and media that the candidate was ‘backed by Putin.’ This fraudulent campaign was then supported by a series of fabricated ‘Russian influence’ stories planted throughout the US media.
Binary thinking is the problem. Certainly not all Christians or Muslims can be good or bad people. Certainly you might agree with 9 out of ten points the speaker is talking about and disagree with one. Fight issues, not people.
Revealed: UK’s secret plan to dump 22 nuclear submarines in Scotland
The UK government secretly planned to dump the radioactive hulks of 22 nuclear submarines in the sea off north west Scotland, documents released by the National Archives reveal.
A survey for the Ministry of Defence (MoD) in 1989 identified six sites for “seabed storage” of defunct naval submarines near the islands of Skye, Mull and Barra for up to 60 years – and probably longer.
German Americans
In the 1990 U.S. Census, 58 million Americans claimed to be solely or partially of German descent. According to the 2005 American Community Survey, 50 million Americans have German ancestry. German Americans represent 17% of the total U.S. population
Xhale City Vape Shop employee has epic meltdown over Trump Shirt
Watch Epic Meltdown By Vape Shop Employee Triggered By Trump-Supporting Customer
Handy addiction
Tucker Carlson Dismantles Pro-War Stooge
The Jimmy Dore Show
Tories just handed £55m NHS contract to tax haven firm who ‘never paid a penny’ in corp tax
The march towards a privatised NHS has recently switched its gait from tiny steps to full-on strides. Few people now would argue that one of the main unspoken ambitions of the Tory government is to have a fully privatised healthcare system as soon as possible, with only marginal involvement from the state.
Autism Decisions and Background Information
Merkel, Macron put forward unacceptable demands to Moscow — Russian Foreign Ministry
Al Gore’s Electricity Bill Reveals He Consumes 3,400% More Power Than the Average U.S. Home
The Mattis Dilemma
The resignation letter of Secretary of Defense James Mattis that was published last Thursday revealed much of the Deep State mindset that has produced the foreign policy catastrophes of the past seventeen years
"Election Meddling" Enters Bizarro World As MSM Ignores Democrat-Linked "Russian Bot" Scheme
Persecution & intimidation: Fate of Russians in US prisons casts shadow on American justice system
As Washington continues detentions of Russians across the world the plight of those, who have already fallen into the clutches of the US authorities, raises suspicion about the true colors of the US justice system.
In mid-December, yet another Russian citizen was detained outside of Russia's borders – this time in Finland – at the request of the United States, marking the latest episode in what the Russian Foreign Ministry decried as a “de-facto hunt” for the Russians on a global scale.
The History of Weather Control: An Interactive Timeline!
Jim Lee
Unesco presented with a complaint against France and Turkey
Fact vs. Fiction: Maria Butina Charges Explained
There are no legal documents that charge Maria with being a spy or of having committed espionage, she faces one count of conspiracy and one count of not registering as an agent of Russia.
Why is the United States suddenly withdrawing from Syria?
36 children died and more than 1,700 were injured in a “clinical trial” of the Infanrix Hexa vaccine in 2009
Infanrix Hexa is used widely in the international market. The vaccine is all risk and literally no benefit. Its use should be stopped immediately, pending future investigation. If their testing continues to reveal ever more inconsistencies, GSK could be in serious legal problems for inappropriate labelling, poor manufacturing processes and perhaps even charged with murder.
IQ Scores Are Falling in "Worrying" Reversal of 20th Century Intelligence Boom
What about the Minsk Agreements? Ukrainian troops occupy the entire “gray zone” in Donbass
The entire “gray zone” that separates the positions of the Ukrainian army and the territories of the LPR and the DPR in Donbass is now under the Kiev’s control, Yury Biryukov, the Ukrainian President’s adviser said on air to the Ukrainian Pryamoy TV channel on December 26.
How Russian Trolls Operate
<In a nutshell : who disagrees with an agenda is a russian troll. Funny video.>
Two Strikes on Bolton...Why Wait For a Third?
Kiev amasses forces in Donbass despite martial law lift
Transgender woman threatens shop employee who called her 'sir'
Vaccines: “Just Get Your Damn Shots”
The Brussels Business - Who Runs the EU ? - HD (sub - serb/cro)
Election Fraud: Democratic Party Operatives Caught Creating ‘Russian Bot’ Farms, Planting Fake News Stories
The Wholly Unnecessary War in Syria – an Assessment of Facts at The Close of 2018
The Mock Democracy
Democracy today really means an elected oligarchy of economic and political elites, in which central areas of society, especially the economy, are fundamentally removed from any democratic control and accountability
And freedom today means above all the freedom of the economically powerful.
Democracy has been reduced to a staged spectacle of periodical elections, where the population can choose from a given «elite spectrum». Real democracy has been replaced by the illusion of democracy; free public debate has been replaced by opinion- and outrage-management. The guiding principle of the responsible citizen has been replaced by the neoliberal ideal of the politically apathetic consumer.
Guilty by innuendo: the Guardian campaign against Julian Assange that breaks all the rules | The Canary
An analysis of articles published by the Guardian over several months reveals what appears to be a campaign to link WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange with Russia and the Kremlin. But the paper has provided little or no evidence to back up the assertions. And amid recent revelations that Guardian journalists have associated with the psychological operations experts at the Integrity Initiative, we should perhaps be more sceptical than ever before.
US Reporter, Ukraine ‘Expert’ Wanders Again Into ‘Accidental’ Anti-Semitism
Irony alert: Firm that warned Americans of Russian bots...was running an army of fake Russian bots
BREAKING: Here’s The After-Action Report From the Alabama Senate Disinformation Campaign
The only ‘Russian bots’ to meddle in US elections belonged to Democrat-linked ‘experts’
Described by the New York Times as a group of “tech specialists who lean Democratic,” New Knowledge has ties to both the US military and intelligence agencies. Its CEO and co-founder Jonathon Morgan previously worked for DARPA, the US military's advanced research agency. His partner, Ryan Fox, is a 15-year veteran of the National Security Agency who also worked as a computer analyst for the Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC). Their unique skill sets have managed to attract the eye of investors, who pumped $11 million into the company in 2018 alone.
So, it turns out there really was meddling in American democracy by “Russian bots.” Except they weren’t run from Moscow or St. Petersburg, but from the offices of Democrat operatives chiefly responsible for creating and amplifying the “Russiagate” hysteria over the past two years in a textbook case of psychological projection.
How to make a simple solar cooker to understand the use of solar energy
Banishing Truth
Chris Hedges and Seymour Hersh on the Whorehouse Called the US Media
Names of BBC journalists in Russia made public after Sunday Times doxxed & shamed Sputnik staff
The BBC itself has expressed its frustration over the doxxing of their employees in Russia.
“The BBC has strict editorial guidelines and has not published the details of journalists from other media organisations as there was no editorial reason or justification to do so. We are disappointed at the groundless publication of our Moscow team’s details,” the broadcaster replied to RT.
Neither the BBC nor the Guardian have condemned the Sunday Times piece publishing the identities of Sputnik contributors.
Senate Security Expert Suspended From Facebook - RussiaGate Crumbling
>Google adds. 25% of theadds nobody saw. 56% of the adds were after the election. That makes about 1500$ on adds before the election somebody saw>
Swedish media blasted for playing down horrific details of hikers’ IS-inspired murders in Morocco
UK Suffers Slump In Wages Over The Past Decade
A study by the Trades Union Congress has found that an average worker in the UK has lost £11,800 since 2008.
Wag The Dog... British Media Watchdog Accuses Russia Of Bias
Irony is dead when British state media controllers accuse Russian news outlets RT and Sputnik of “imbalance” over their reporting on the Skripal alleged poisoning affair.
Syrian Forces Enter Manbij and Raise Country's Flag - General Staff
GMOs in Many Foods Will Go Undisclosed Under Trump’s Final GMO Rule
Floor 91 WTC 14 Israeli Art Student DEA BB18 detonation Fuse 9/11 helicopter Mossad Gelatin B thing
<Plenty of links>
Kurdish YPG calls on Syrian government to protect Manbij from Turkish attack
Facing an imminent attack by Turkey, the Syrian Kurdish YPG militias have called on Damascus to intervene. Until recently the YPG enjoyed the protection of the US troops, who were deployed in Kurdish northeast.
US offered my family green card if I accused Kremlin of corruption – jailed Russian businessman
As for any deals with the American justice system and what it really is – the American justice system isn’t just deaf and blind, but, apparently, out of its mind.
George Bush admitted that BOMBS were planted in the World Trade Center Buildings!
Donald Trump on 9/11: "You Will Find Out Who Really Knocked Down The World Trade Center"
<It wasn't Iraq. Maybe the Saudis>
Trump saw on 9/11/2001: bombs were used in WTC
<A hollow plane passing through solid steel and out, is similar to a bug hitting a windshield, passing through, and out the back glass of your car.>
<The Fire burned 90 days under the towers molten steel . What caused It To Burn that Hot its called Nano thermite .!!!>
All extremists are haters, binary thinkers and see themselves as exceptional and above all others.
Trump comes clean… from world’s policeman to thug running a global protection racket
However, neither view gets what is going on. Trump is not scaling back US military power; he is rationalizing it like a cost-benefit analysis, as perhaps only a real-estate-wheeler-dealer-turned president would appreciate. Trump is not snubbing US militarism or NATO allies, nor is he letting loose an inner peace spirit. He is as committed to projecting American military as ruthlessly and as recklessly as any other past occupant of the White House. The difference is Trump wants to do it on the cheap
“The United States cannot continue to be the policeman of the world. It’s not fair when the burden is all on us, the United States… We are spread out all over the world. We are in countries most people haven’t even heard about. Frankly, it’s ridiculous.” He added: “We’re no longer the suckers, folks.”
Inadvertently, Trump is showing up US power for what it really is: a global thug running a protection racket.
Islamic State in Ukraine: A Christmas present from the West – George Galloway
Islamist Chechen fighters who honed their combat skills at Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS) training camps are at war against Ukrainian rebels, confirms the Times. Tumbleweed.
An earlier report in the New York Times had revealed that the Islamist Chechens were under the command of the fascist “Right Sector” and were there to “fight Russians” because “we like fighting Russians” and “will never stop fighting Russians.”
<Islamofascists aka fascists>
Rape, Genocide and a Cover-up: How Britain Tortured and Killed 300,000 Kenyans
David Icke Talks About The UN Migration Pact
David Icke
More sanctions please: Russia-EU trade turnover surges by almost 22%
Hilary Pushes For More War In Syria
The Jimmy Dore Show
'We are not the suckers of the world' - Trump
Interview 891 – Christopher Black Destroys the Myth of the Rwandan “Genocide”
Will EU Block China Economic Silk Road?
Chinese President Xi Jinping first proposed what today is the Belt, Road Initiative, today the most ambitious infrastructure project in modern history, at a university in Kazakhstan five years ago in 2013. Despite repeated efforts by Beijing to enlist the European Union as a whole and individual EU member states, the majority to date have remained cool or distant with the exception of Hungary, Greece and several eastern EU countries.
At present the most developed example is the Greek port of Piraeus, operated under an agreement with the Chinese state company, COSCO, as port operator. Modernization and more than €1.5 billion investment from China has dramatically increased the port’s importance. In 2016 Piraeus’s container traffic grew by over 14 percent and COSCO plans to turn Piraeus into the fifth largest European port for container traffic. Before COSCO, it was not even in the EU top 15 in 2007.
Failed Regime Change in Nicaragua. OAS and Amnesty International: Killing, Torturing Sandinistas Is OK
Between April and July this year, Nicaragua suffered an extremely violent attempt at regime change supported by the US government and its allies. Crucial integral components of that coup attempt were bad faith reporting by international human rights organizations and extremely distorted news coverage by Western media.
Russian MoD: Israeli Air Force Used Landing Of Two Civilian Planes As Cover For Airstrikes
Tony Blair blocked coroner’s inquest into death of Dr David Kelly ‘within minutes’ of body being found, explosive new book claims
Gerry Docherty on the Hidden History of WWI
Corbett Report Extras
The truth about World War One is finally emerging
Connecticut parents now required by law to vaccinate children against flu by Dec. 31
Who Was Secretly Behind America’s Invading and Occupying Syria?
The invasion and occupation of Syria by tens of thousands of jihadists who were recruited from around the world to overthrow Syria’s President Bashar al-Assad, was financed mainly by US taxpayers and by the world’s wealthiest family, the Sauds, who own Saudi Arabia and the world’s largest oil company, Aramco. America’s international oil companies and major think tanks and ‘charitable’ foundations were also supportive and providing propaganda for the operation, but the main financing for it came from America’s taxpayers, and from the Saud family and from the Government that they own.
Fars News Interview: US Aims for Long Term Presence in Syria to Check Iran and Ensure Israeli Domination
The journalist also added that the presence of the Turkish forces in Syria is seen as illegal and just like other uninvited foreign fighters in violation of the UN Charters and international law.
VIDEO: 11-Year-Old ‘Drag Queen’ Dances for Dollar Bills in Gay Bar, praised by ABC News
Desmond is Amazing: Performance of Just a Girl by No Doubt by 11 Year Old Drag Kid
<Report this video as child abuse to Youtube>
Glyphosate: The nightmare of all nightmares
If it begins with a 9 this is organic, high quality, the most nutritious,
NY Times Suggests Eradication of All Humans Not a Bad Thing—Because “Climate Change”
The Psychedelic Origins of Christmas: Santa as the Shaman Who Used Magic Mushrooms
Fallout Of Trump's Syria Withdrawal - Why Erdogan Does Not Want To Invade
Do Russiagate Promoters Prefer Impeaching Trump To Avoiding War With Russia?
Japan Suffered Biggest Natural Population Decline On Record In 2018
Detective Publishes Book Exposing High-Level Gov't Pedophile Ring, Shot in the Head Days Later
Mark Minne, author of the controversial book ‘The Lost Boys of Bird Island’ devoted his post-police life to exposing the corruption and horrifying pedophilia he discovered while working as a detective.
"The war is not meant to be won, it is meant to be continuous. Hierarchical society is only possible on the basis of poverty and ignorance. This new version is the past and no different past can ever have existed. In principle the war effort is always planned to keep society on the brink of starvation. The war is waged by the ruling group against its own subjects and its object is not the victory over either Eurasia or East Asia, but to keep the very structure of society intact."
George Orwell
Twitter Account Mocks Macron for Pushing War in Syria Now Facing Revolution at His Doorstep
A French parody account, Benoite, quickly picked up steam, gaining several thousand followers over the course of just a few days. Indeed, people noticed the irony that President Macron, who supported the so-called revolution in Syria, now faced a genuine revolution at his own doorstep
Russian MoD: Israeli Air Force Used Landing Of Two Civilian Planes As Cover For Airstrikes
The Israeli Air Force (IAF) carried out its recent airstrikes in Syria when two civilians planes were landing in Beirut and Damascus, putting passengers at risk, Igor Konashenkov, a spokesman for the Ministry of Defense (MoD) of Russia told reporters on December 26.
BREAKING: President Trump just ended hemp prohibition across America, legalizing industrial hemp farming nationwide
After nearly 50 years of prohibition, industrial hemp will be legal to grow across America beginning January 1, 2019. It’s another huge victory that helps Make America Great Again by unleashing the power of agricultural freedom and natural health.
The US Military Is All Over Africa Despite Not Being at War in Africa
There are currently roughly 7,500 US military personnel, including 1,000 contractors, deployed in Africa. For comparison, that figure was only 6,000 just a year ago.
Reddit Now "Quarantining" Users Who Question 9/11—Direct Users to Gov't Site Instead
IDF Strikes on Syria Created Direct Threat to Two Passenger Planes – Russian MoD
The Russian Defence Ministry has stated that neither of the passenger planes that were threatened due to an Israeli airstrike on Syria was related to Russian air carriers.
Six Israeli F-16 fighter jets directly threatened to two civil planes during a recent airstrike on Syria, Gen. Maj. Igor Konashenkov, the spokesman of the Russian Defence Ministry, said on Wednesday.
Is Uncle Sam Funding the Islamic State? Where Does ISIS Get All Those Tanks, Weapons And Shiny New Toyota Trucks?
Russian senator suggests compiling ‘Browder’s list’ of politicians lying about Russia
The senator described financier William Browder as "the man who became the first to turn lies about Russia into an instrument of state policy, which is hostile to us"
"There is an idea to introduce a certain list of outspoken foreign politicians, state officials and public figures who gained notoriety for spreading the most outrageous lies about our country and our people. The list would, of course, also refute their allegations," said Kosachev, who heads the Foreign Affairs committee at the Federation Council, the upper chamber of the Russian parliament.
Report: Israel Gears up for Large-Scale War in Syria
Police break up Amazon workers’ protest over oppressive conditions
European powers condemn Trump’s withdrawal from Syria
Unlike the invasion of Iraq in 2003 and the Libyan war in 2011, all the major European powers were, from the outset, part of the imperialist offensive against Syria. They supported the goal of overthrowing the regime of Bashar al-Assad and replacing it with a pro-Western puppet regime. In 2012, the German foreign office, together with the German SWP think tank and part of the Syrian opposition, initiated the project “The Day After” and published a “Vision for a post-Assad order.”
Bezos Christmas
Wishing someone ‘Merry Christmas’ worse than murder for Muslims, says Canadian cleric
<I'm a Muslim and I wish you all a Happy Christmas. This cancer that is creating division is called Wahabism. Please don't confuse it with Islam. This fool!sh clerics don't speak for me.>
Daily Dose Of Cannabis May Protect And Heal The Brain From Effects Of Aging
Despite your average Shaggy and Scooby-style stereotypes, researchers believe that cannabis could actually help to sharpen our minds later in life.
Netanyahu Vows To Intensify Attacks In Syria After US Troop Withdrawal
'With almost $22 trillion of debt, the US is in no position to attack Iran'
Israel engages air defenses to intercept anti-aircraft missile from Syria – IDF
Thousands might have been exposed to HIV & hepatitis B, C at New Jersey hospital
Breaking: US Coalition bombs bridge being reconstructed by Syrian Army in Deir Ezzor
Secrets of Bumblebees
Laural and Hardy A Chump at Oxford
Teen rapist who abused 2 kids for months walked free after just THREE WEEKS in jail – report
The nightmare went on for at least nine months – the court could prove it took place from September 2013 to May 2014 – but possibly stretched on for as many as 18.
Russia Used SexToys To "Foment Discord" Says News Article
The Jimmy Dore Show
University apology for ‘blonde girl’ Danish traditional song sparks DEBATE
Integrity Initiative: 'Army of propagandists disguised as anti-propagandists'
bad santa whole movie
Why is paid Integrity Initiative hitman Ben Nimmo still used as ‘independent’ expert by MSM?
911 Pentagon Flight Recorder Fraud Revealed
Christopher Bollyn Explains Who REALLY Did 9 11
Christopher Bollyn Explains Who REALLY Did 9/11
1:16:32 at min 33
Dança do Ventre/ Christmas Belly Dance/ Especial Natal
US Temperatures Being Adjusted Upwards At 3.6 Degrees Per Century
The US has been cooling for the past century. This doesn’t fit the global warming narrative, so NOAA is applying a spectacular hockey stick of adjustments to turn a cooling trend into a warming trend. Since 1997, they are trying to hide the decline in temperatures by adjusting measured temperatures upwards at a very impressive rate of 3.6 degrees per century.
<Global warming can never be demonstrated using Raw (actual) temperature data.
Data must be tampered with (adjusted) using a number of software with names like "temperature homogenisation", "cold bias removal", and other 100% bullshit tampering-software like that.
The end result that is put out to the public and policymakers and The Sheeple in general is entirely fiction. Only trust the RAW temperature data... ... what was actually recorded.<
Unstoppable Solar Cycles - Full Video
US continues to violate UN resolutions on Syria, says Russian FM
The Times names & shames Sputnik journalists in appalling McCarthyist hit-piece
Did the Trump Foundation Do Anything Worse Than The Clinton Foundation?
Ben Swann
Obama launches 2,800 strikes on Iraq, Syria without congressional approval
Nearly 3,000 strikes in Iraq and Syria to date
According to a recent Reuters/Ipsos poll, 60 percent of Americans surveyed said the U.S. should not intervene in Syria's sectarian civil war, while just 9 percent thought President Obama should act. Even if Assad's forces used chemical weapons to attack civilians - an allegation which has not been proved, and didn't hold up in the past - only 25 percent of Americans would support U.S. intervention, while 46 percent would oppose it.
350 diplomatic flights carry weapons for terrorists
Dilyana Gaytandzhieva
Genie Oil: The Syria, Goldman Sachs, Israel, ISIS connection
Israels decision in 1981 to annex the Golan (unlike the West Bank, which remains formally under military occupation) caused a diplomatic crisis with America, The Economist noted. The heights are still regarded internationally as illegally-occupied Syrian territory.
CNN Cheers On War - Red Baits President Trump
The Jimmy Dore Show
The Pentagon's Missing Trillions: What You Need to Know
Corbett Report Extras
Germany: New Law Banning Child Marriage Declared Unconstitutional
The ruling, which effectively opens the door to legalizing Sharia-based child marriages in Germany, is one of a growing number of instances in which German courts are - wittingly or unwittingly - promoting the establishment of a parallel Islamic legal system in the country.
The case involves a Syrian couple — a 14-year-old Syrian girl married to her 21-year-old cousin — who arrived in Germany at the height of the migrant crisis in August 2015.
<The legal age of marriage for girls in Syria is 17 years and 18 for boys. Religious leaders are however able to authorise exceptions.>
'Allies should be reliable': Macron 'regrets' Trump's decision to pull out of Syria
<A reliable partner in the destruction and carnage of innocent lives in a sovereign country, so that its wealth and natural resources can be squandered.>
Exposing the White Helmets : Collated Video Evidence of Terrorist Collusion - Over 50 Video Clips
Clarity Of Signal
One hour video presentation provides extensive evidence of White Helmets collusion with Islamic terrorist groups operating in Syria, including Jabhat al-Nusra, Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (al-Nusra Front), Jayesh al-Islam, Ahrar al-Sham, Nour al-Zinki, Jund al-Aqsa, The Islamic Army of Conquest and ISIS,
Feel good this Xmas. Help @WikiLeaks
sue the Guardian
Big Pharma Co. Has License Suspended As Vaccine Sterilizes 500,000 Girls
“Today, we can confirm to the country that the Catholic Church was right. Hundreds of thousands of our girls and women, aged between 14 and 49, from the fastest growing populations in the country will not have children, because of the state-sponsored sterilization that was sold to the country as tetanus vaccination,” he declared.
UN General Assembly overwhelmingly votes in favor of Syrians’ permanent sovereignty in occupied Golan over their natural resources
Ukrainian Nazis obtain WWII veteran status
Brutally Honest: Facebook Removes Images Of Starving Children from Yemen
A couple of questions describe the problem with censorship: Who controls the censors? What biases do they have?
British PM Theresa May: Pedophiles Should Be Allowed To Adopt Children Too Claims blocking adoption for child abusers is a 'breach of their human rights'
Speaking about the proposed changed, leading legal academic Reece said that blocking sex offenders from working with children was also “unfair.”
‘Mad Dog’ Mattis: White Phosphorus, the Siege of Fallujah and Endless War Crimes
With Mattis departing the helm of the Pentagon, a revisit of the 2004 siege of Fallujah is timely and illustrative. Falujah was primarily a terror operation against 275,000 innocent civilians living in the city. More than 200,000 civilians were displaced from their homes during the November siege, and over 75 percent of the city was destroyed.
How Did Saint Nicholas Become Santa Claus?
The British Royals Have Always Been Scum
Despite generations of imperial murder, torture, rape, and plunder, the British ruling class still gets the brown-nose treatment in historical depictions. Not so in The Favourite, where the royals are shown as the disgusting creatures they were and still are.
Gatwick drone police say 'there may never have been a drone at all'
Sussex Police said they are investigating several possibilities after flights at Gatwick Airport were disrupted for three days
But Sussex Police are keeping an open mind in the investigation and said there might 'not have been any genuine drone activity in the first place'.
Paul Gait, 47, and Elaine Kirk-Gait, 54, were released without charge this morning after being arrested at their Crawley home, near the airport, on Friday.
Ho Ho!… Washington Bears Gifts for Kiev’s Neo-Nazi Warmongering Regime
Oh what a lovely big stocking-filler for the Kiev regime this week from Washington. Just in time for Christmas too, and only weeks after President Petro Poroshenko tried to incite a war with Russia from a naval provocation in the Kerch Strait.
First we had US government envoy Kurt Volker announcing this week that an additional $250 million in military weapons were being packaged in Congress for Ukraine. Then the DC-based international lending institutions, the IMF and World Bank, signed off on multi-billion-dollar loans for Poroshenko’s regime.
Integrity Initiative is the biggest story of 2018 – but not because of anything it did
Perhaps this doesn't fit the anti-Russian or by corollary, the anti-Trump narrative? Perhaps, this is so, but then the media should admit that they are not the intrepid truth-tellers, but just peddlers of agendas. Or do they think that this story would not be interesting enough? Our audience metrics suggest the opposite. Is it a suddenly-found loyalty to their country? Then don't claim to have a free media, admit that the newspapers and the BBC merely serve the Queen, and not their readers. Possibly, they are simply so complacent about the West being in the right, and Russia being the villain, that they don't even see any inconsistency. One standard for our friends, another for our enemies.
<Mind you if Moscow did really swing the Brexit vote with an outlay of just 73p in contrast to their £70 million. WE'RE SCREWED ! ! 1>
Greece Population 2018
The 2011 census found the population was comprised of Greek citizens (91%), Albanian citizens (4.5%), Bulgarian citizens (0.7%), Romanian citizens (0.4%), Pakistani citizens (0.3%) and Georgian citizens (0.25%).
A map of Europe according to the number of people living abroad
Political Correctness — A Rothschild Invention of Language Control
Political Correctness: Based on the Non-Existent “Right” to Not Be Offended
<Avoid extremists and binary thinkers. Usually the same people. Then you have people who usually are critical thinkers but switch to binary thinking if it touches their agenda.>
A much needed “Likbez” about Russian Tu-160 bombers in Venezuela
The US mainland is completely undefended for the very simple reason that (almost!) nobody is threatening it.
Russia has the means to deliver conventional and nuclear strikes anywhere in the USA.
We have never been as close to a full-scale conventional and nuclear war as we are today.
Let me repeat this again: Russia has already done all she can to avoid a war with the USA, and there is nothing else she can do; in contrast, every single US policy towards Russia is bringing us one step closer to an almost inevitable war.
Rachel Maddow Gets Called Out For Beating W-A-R Drum With Russia
MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow Sees a “Russia Connection” Lurking Around Every Corner
Rachel Maddow: Corporate shill for the oligarchs
Female Journalist Takes Down Rachel Maddow HARD!
The Jimmy Dore Show
Rachel Maddow Has Lost Her Mind & People Are Noticing
The Jimmy Dore Show
Hilarious Mash-Up Of Rachel Maddow's Crazy Russia Coverage
The Jimmy Dore Show
Let’s Go Find Unvaccinated Children with Autism
This is going to be very easy. The CDC tells us that 1 in every 68 children in the U.S. has autism and a recent government survey pegged the incidence of autism even higher at 1 in 45 children. We are told repeatedly that autism is genetic and vaccines don’t cause autism. All we need to do is go find groups of unvaccinated children and count those with autism.
He has estimated the rate of autism in the Amish community to be 1 in 15,000.
Questions you aren’t supposed to ask about ISIS: #1 – those Toyota trucks
Part 2 – how does ISIS (allegedly) smuggle one MILLION dollars worth of oil into Turkey every day?
Podesta emails
“I only ask the West one thing: Stop arming our assassins” – Patriarch Ignatius Aphrem II
Interview with the Syrian Orthodox Patriarch, Aphrem II: martyrdom is not a human sacrifice offered to God in order to obtain his favour. This is why it is blasphemous to call suicide bombers “martyrs”.
Trudeau Government announces $241.5 million donation to the Clinton Foundation
UPDATE: The correct figure to the Clinton foundation is $20 million as corrected by the Toronto Sun here.
Facebook suspends 'researcher' who faked Russian interference in Alabama election
Facebook has suspended the account of Jonathon Morgan, the researcher behind a disinformation campaign against an Alabama Republican candidate who ended up losing the race for a Senate seat. Morgan claimed it was “research.”
Morgan, the CEO of New Knowledge, a social media research firm that published a major report on alleged Russian interference in the 2016 elections, has confirmed to The Washington Post that his Facebook account was suspended.
Ready to Go? Greek Island Will Pay You to Live There
France vows support for Syria militants amid US pullout
US Airstrikes Kill 62 People in Coastal Somali Town
Game of deception: How a fraudster who faked his stories for years got to be Germany’s top reporter
Top 10 Foods That Originally Looked Totally Different
Facebook Censoring Images Of Starving Children In Yemen
UK-funded 'Integrity Initiative' Exposed Infiltrating European Media Through Fake News Factories
It's been over a month since hackers began exposing the Scotland-based 'Integrity Initiative' as a UK government-funded propaganda outfit - and gradually new details of the organization's clandestine activities have come to light.
Bernie Sanders Interview’ Ep. 1 Official Clip | Who Is America? | SHOWTIME
who is america
Sacha Baron Cohen Discovered Possible Pedophile Ring While Taping Comedy Series
"At the end of the interview I say, listen, I want to go out and celebrate now. Can you get me a date for tonight? He says, ‘What do you mean, a date?'" Cohen recalls. "I go, you know, like a young man. He says, ‘Well, what kind of age?' I say, lower than Bar Mitzvah but older than eight. And he says, ‘Yeah, I can put you in touch with somebody who can get you some boys like that.'"
Carbon Dioxide Fertilization Greening Earth, Study Finds
From a quarter to half of Earth’s vegetated lands has shown significant greening over the last 35 years largely due to rising levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide, according to a new study published in the journal Nature Climate Change on April 25.
UN General Assembly votes down Russia-initiated draft resolution in support of INF Treaty
Among those who voted against the resolution were the United States, the European Union nations, Japan, Turkey, Israel and Ukraine. The document was supported by China, member nations of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO), Iran, Syria and a number of Latin American countries.
"Meanwhile, explaining their voting, representatives of the United States and the European Union said they don’t think this resolution can help keep the treaty in place." --- so the INF treaty is now as good as dead - and the EU clowns are fine with this???? They have no shame, no soul and no sense
The most bizarre aspect of Rachel @Maddow's deep anger over troop withdrawal from Syria is that she wrote an entire book in 2012 denouncing illegal US Endless War without congressional approval - exactly what Syria is. I interviewed her about it here: (link:…
Interview with Rachel Maddow
The MSNBC host discusses her new book on America's perpetual warfare -- and how it's continued even after Bush
Opinion polling for the 2019 Ukrainian presidential election
Endless War Has Been Normalized And Everyone Is Crazy
Endless war and military expansionism has become so normalized in establishment thought that even a slight scale-down is treated as something abnormal and shocking
In an even marginally sane world, congressional oversight would be required to send the US military to invade countries and commit acts of war, because that act, not withdrawing them, is what’s abnormal. Instead we are seeing the exact opposite.
Linus Pauling: High dose vitamin C is a cure for cancer, AIDS and heart disease!
Why Trump Decided To Remove U.S. Troops From Syria
Why Trump’s peace signal in Syria could see US clash with Russia in Ukraine
Outrage as Denmark passes law making HANDSHAKE mandatory for naturalization
Roundtable Discussion on the Middle East Issues: Activities of the White Helmets Organization in Syria
20 Dec 2018 - Independent researchers from different countries and civil society representatives have studied the activities of the so-called “White Helmets” organization in Syria and are willing to share their findings with the international community.
UN Security Council Roundtable Discussion on White Helmets
The White Helmets make the claim on their website that they are impartial without affiliations to any political or government agency and that they serve all sides in the Syrian conflict. I have investigated and monitored this group for more than 4 years and I can categorically state that their claims of neutrality in the Syrian conflict have no basis in truth.
Because a Citizen Filmed It, Cop Found Guilty for Punting Handcuffed Teen's Head Like a Football
Trump’s “Moderate” Defense Secretary Has Already Brought Us to the Brink of War
Yes, you can grow new brain cells. Here's how.
18, 000 Syrian Children have had their Organs Harvested Over the Last 6 Years
Trump Admits His Mideast Policy Guided by Israeli, not American, Interests
Trump has now publicly admitted that – when it comes to U.S. military involvement and covert intervention in the Middle East – he is putting Israel, not America, first.
Breaking: France to remain in Syria despite US withdrawal
‘Organ traders, terrorists & looters’: Evidence against Syrian White Helmets presented at UN
The ‘White Helmets’ are not a rescue group but an extension of jihadist militants, and should be designated a terrorist organization, Russia’s envoy to the UN argued at the presentation of evidence into the group’s wrongdoing.
Praised in the West as humanitarian rescue volunteers, in reality the ‘White Helmets’ work with Islamist militants in Syria, harvest organs from the victims they pretend to be “rescuing,” stage false chemical weapons and other attacks for cameras, and loot the bodies and homes of Syrians killed and injured in the war, according to Maxim Grigoriev, director of the Russia-based Foundation for the Study of Democracy.
Falsification of chemical attacks was an essential part of the White Helmets' activities,” Grigoriev testified, adding that the group also regularly engaged in “making fake news and organizing staged rescues.”
White Helmets Engaged in Looting, Human Organ Trafficking in Syria - Watchdog
Grigoriev said quoting a witness who lives in an area where the White Helmets operated. "For example, a person receives a minor injury, is rescued, evacuated and then brought back with their stomach cut open and with their internal organs missing."
The U.S. Army lost track of more than $1 billion worth of weapons and equipment, report says
The U.S. Army failed to properly monitor more than $1 billion worth of arms transfers in Iraq and Kuwait, according to a declassified government audit obtained by Amnesty International released Wednesday.
Twitter Locks @WikiLeaks And Multiple WikiLeaks Staff Accounts
Reactions To Trump’s Syria Withdrawal Plan Say More Than The Plan Itself
Beyond that, it's hard to tell what's actually happening. I'll be astonished if there is an actual US withdrawal from Syria without any residual or proxy forces left behind, and it remains extremely possible that US troops won't leave at all, especially if another conveniently timed "chemical weapons attack" gets attributed to Damascus.
These 8 Red Flags Warn Us We're Speeding Toward An Economic Collapse Right Now
A Dearth of Carbon (w/ Dr. Patrick Moore, environmentalist)
Autism is Brain Damage. Vaccines can cause Brain Damage. Vaccines can cause Autism.
spurious Beria quote, to Congressmen and other interested parties.
The bill finally passed with the support of both the American Medical Association and conservative Republican Senator Barry M. Goldwater of Arizona, but the Beria quote continued circulating. Sometimes it is attributed to Josef Stalin himself.5 TEEN-AGERS QUOTE "If we can effectively kill the national pride and patriotism of just one generation, we will have won that country. Therefore we must continue propaganda abroad to undermine the loyalty of citizens in general and of teen-agers in particular." Like the psychopolitics quote, the Beria statement about teen-agers was popular among ultra-rightists in the 1960s but just as phony. There is no record of any speech made by Beria in which either statement appears.6
Don’t Hold Your Breath on US Troop Withdrawal from Syria
It would be nice to think the president has final say on foreign policy, given the U.S. Constitution. But the misleading troop withdrawal announcement, followed by Trump’s boastful tweet, suggests the exact opposite, says Patrick Lawrence.
< Putin Live: "I don't know what US withdrawal from Syria means, Americans have been in Afghanistan for 17 years and every year they say they're withdrawing." Reuters reports: "A deal was done between Trump & Erdogan" We don't know the contents yet -- via reddit user Ian56>
Trump Orders US Withdrawal From Syria In 30 Days
The Jimmy Dore Show
Legendary Climate Change Senate Hearing
Dr. Don Easterbrook's committee testimony regarding the fabrication of carbon based climate change
Rising Homelessness in America: The Reality of Life for Workers in a “Booming” US Economy
The Mad World of Theresa May Has Lured the EU into a Trap
Daesh Has Not Been Wiped From Map in Syria - French Defence Minister
"Daesh is weaker than ever. Daesh has gone into hiding and insurgency in its manner of fighting. Daesh has lost more than 90% of its territory. Daesh has no more logistics as it could have had. But Daesh is not removed from the map, nor its roots, it is necessary to definitively defeat militarily the last pockets of this terrorist organization", French Minister for the Armed Forces Florence Parly said on Twitter.
<Daesh roots are in NATO and it's allies>
'Beyond Belief': Swedish Capital City Turns a Blind Eye to Daesh Returnees
Back to USSR: Record number of Russians regret collapse of Soviet Union
The number of Russians who want to go back to the USSR has reached 66 percent in 2018, setting a 15-year record, a fresh poll revealed