Most I have watched. Some not completely..
Assassin's Bullet - Best CRIME ACTION Movies Full Length English
at min56
Best Action Movies -Latest Action Hollywood Movies Full Length English Sci Fi Movies 2017 -watched
The Magician Korean Movie (English Subtitles)
at 11min
Best sci fi movies full length english 2015 ✪ Science fiction mo
Billy Zane in Dean Koontz' 2000 Supernatural Mystery Drama Thriller Movie
Mr. Frost (1990) Full Movie
at min 60
scifi, interesting, watched
2018 LATEST Action Movies - New ACTION ADVENTURE Full Length Movie
chinese fighting from 500 years ago, at min. 10
XIII The Conspiracy 2008
3 hour thriller, good.
The Shadow Men (1997) - FULL MOVIE
so lala scifi
2018 Newest Action Sci Fi Movies - Hollywood Science Fiction Movies
at min 30
FAMILY FANTASY ADVENTURE Movies - Hollywood Adventure Movie for KIDS
at min29
Deepwater [full movie] (2005)
at 17 min
Invasion Day (full-length movie)
UNCONQUERED FULL MOVIE at 23min Settlers to Amerika and slaves
Whitewash, The Disturbing Truth About Cow's Milk and Your Health by Joseph Keon
Action movies 2015 Full English Hollywood Movies Robots War New Best Action movies 2015
Gangster Girlfriend - Chinese Comedy ACTION Movies - Best Action Martial Arts Movie
Earthsea | PART 1
watched. see part 2 now
The Last Keepers (full-length movie) - OK
The Legend of Wizard - MAGICAL FANTASY Movies - FAMILY ADVENTURE Movie
good one. over 3 hours
Space 1999 Ep 24 The Last Enemy
Super Sci fi Movies - Extinction Day | Disaster - Hollywood science fiction, Action, Adventure Movie
3 hours oko
Imaginaerum (2012) full movie - Drama, Fantasy, Musical
at 4 min
New Sci-fi Movie 2017HD English Full Movie
at 11 min
Riddick Vin Diesel/Latest Adveenture Movie - New Sci fi Action Moviies Fun ny
Best ADVENTURE Movies Of All Times - HOLLYWOOD ACTION Adventure Movies
-pirates, comedy - OK film
Ark (2005) scifi machinima - was OK.
REWIND - Cancelled TV show pilot - Time Travel Sci-fi/Action (Promo)
THE DRIFT - Award Winning UK SCI FI SPACE MOVIE at, to dark.
2018 New Sci Fi Movies - Best Action ADVENTURE Movies [ Hd ] - crap
Super Sci Fi Movies 2018 - New Action Movies Hollywood 2018 English Subtitle_1
<vigilante movie. a lot of killings<
Action SCI FI Movies - DISASTER - Best science fiction, Adventure Movies
Star Trek - Horizon: Full Film at 20min
The best indie time travel movie you've NEVER seen! '41' FULL MOVIE at 35min
The Color Of Magic 2006 - The Movie
The Colour of Magic | 2008 | PART 2
Total Pageviews
Saturday, June 30, 2018
June Link Collection Part Three
I'm one day late:
'Propaganda organization': White Helmets 'engage in anti-Assad activities' – author Sy Hersh to RT
"Too many times we've seen the same child in photographs, year after year, always covered in dust," Hersh said, adding that the White Helmets "do engage in anti-Assad [activities]." He added that such a tactic is "very easy" because Assad is "hated" by so many.
< hated by terrorists>
Mathematics and sex | Clio Cresswell | TEDxSydney
No Sex Marriage – Masturbation, Loneliness, Cheating and Shame | Maureen McGrath | TEDxStanleyPark
Where Did We All Come From? Tracing Human Migration Using Genetic Markers
How America’s Wars Abroad are Funding Inequality at Home
Never before has this country relied so heavily on deficit spending to pay for its conflicts. The consequences are expected to be ruinous for the long-term fiscal health of the U.S., but they go far beyond the economic.
Aaack! New Analysis Shows Superbugs Lurking on Three-Fourths of U.S. Supermarket Meat
A new analysis offers alarming findings as many Americans get ready to fire up their grills for the 4th of July—nearly 80 percent of supermarket meat was found to have antibiotic-resistant bacteria, also known as superbugs.
Russia squeezing West out of Africa without a fight
French Firm Charged With Complicity in Crimes Against Humanity in Syria
Lafarge is accused of financing the terrorist organization in Syria and also of crimes against humanity. The court has also charged the holding company with violating an embargo and endangering the lives of others, Reuters reported, citing judicial sources.
White Helmets observed preparing for new chemical weapons provocation
They’ve even got video equipment on hand to record the incident so that it can be spread as part of their propaganda
Just after the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) gets expanded capacities which included throwing blame at nations for use of chemical weapons, White Helmet personnel were observed by residents in Idlib preparing missiles with an unknown liquid while making use of protective outfits
Ron Shock- Comedy
Tusk Warns 'Immense Pressure' From Trump May Lead to NATO Collapse – Reports
According to The Times, Tusk called on EU leaders to “go beyond” discussions on US steel and aluminum tariffs and consider a potential break-up of NATO.
Aphids vs Diatomaceous Earth (and a hydroponic greenhouse update too)
<took 9 hours to kill them>
Srebrenica A Town Betrayed (60 min. made by Norway) not seen at CNN
<So muslim started attacking nearby vilages robing and killing inocent people and they wore surprised and cried victim when war came to their door.>
Fuel consumption of new aircraft could be reduced by 40% within 20 years using emerging technologies
The Top 6 Technologies for Improving Aircraft Fuel Efficiency
Over the last 20 years, available seats on aircraft have increased by more than 25% and demand is forecasted to continue to grow by around 5% yearly. The global fleet is expected to grow by 20,930 aircraft to reach about 40,000 in total in 2032.
It has been estimated that fuel demands from aviation will increase by between 1.9% and 2.6% each year until 2025.
Additionally, the U.S. Navy, which has used (lower volatility) kerosene-
based JP-5 since approximately 1952 to power carrier-based aircraft, is proposing
transition by 2008 to exclusive use of JP-8/JP-8
100 to meet implementation
requirements for the Joint Strike Fighter ( JSF) aircraft. Indeed, the Department
of Defense (DoD) is planning to completely replace use of unleaded gasoline
with use of JP-8/JP-8
100 by 2010 for vehicle and equipment powering
(Maurice et al., 2000). Consequently, it is expected that by 2010 over 95% of
all U.S. military aircraft, land vehicles, and power equipment, as well as all
domestic and commercial aircraft, will utilize kerosene-based jet fuels.
US Defense Department switching to civilian-grade jet fuel
The military paid $3.73/gal for JP-8, and $3.71/gal on A-grade jet fuel plus additives, according to information provided by the DLAE. The 2-cent/gal spread would have saved the military $37.34 million if all JP-8 bought in 2013 had been jet A plus additives.
A kerosene-based fuel, JP-8 is projected to remain in use at least until 2025. It was first introduced at NATO bases in 1978. Its NATO code is F-34.
Aluminium production & environmental impact
Bauxite is processed into aluminium oxide (alumina) before it can be converted into aluminium through electrolysis. Alumina refineries employ the Bayer process that releases alumina from the bauxite in a caustic soda solution within a digester. Worldwide, 1 tonne of alumina is produced from around 2.9 tonnes of bauxite 2 The resulting bauxite residue (‘red mud’) is of insoluble particles.
Primary aluminium is produced by electrolysis, usually in ‘pots’. Alumina is first dissolved in molten cryolite with calcium fluoride and then electrolytically reduced to aluminium at around 950 degrees C.
Foreign policy goals of US elite don’t change with a president: Writer
It does not matter if a Republican or a Democrat is in the White House, the foreign policy goals of the US elite remain the same, according to Walt Peretto, a writer and researcher based in Washington, DC.
The CIA has Attempted to Assassinate 50 Foreign Leaders Including Chavez
Aluminum Toxicity
Russian UN envoy says surprised at UN overlooking US’ violation of resolution on Iran
Bearing in mind the importance for the JCPOA (Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action) of the United States’ unilateral actions, we were utterly surprised that this situation is tackled in the report only in passing. It is absolutely incomprehensible how a report on the implementation of Resolution 2231 can be drawn without even mentioning the fact that Washington’s re-imposing unilateral sanctions is a flagrant violation of not only its liabilities under the JCPOA but also Resolution 2231,"
—- saying something negative about the US? The UN wouldn’t dare risk the wrath of Washington. Another reason why the UN should move to another country.
A Skeptical Look at the OligoScan
Aluminiumnachweis (Testing for aluminium ions)
WHITE HELMETS: Severed Heads of Syrian Arab Army Soldiers Paraded as Trophies – Endorsed by Channel 4
Atlantic Council finally admits Ukraine’s Nazi problem, and seems upset RT reported it earlier
Army enters al-Karim al-Janoubi and Shaara’e in Daraa countryside, legal status of 450 persons settled
The reporter added that the legal status of 375 persons who dodged the compulsory or reserve military service was settled after they turned themselves in.
Bellingcat & Atlantic Council join to award exploited Syrian child & American Mass Murderer
That her father was a member of a terrorist organization in Aleppo and worked in a Sharia Court has been documented, as has her family’s close proximity to numerous terrorist headquarters in their area of Aleppo alone.
How Fast is an Electron and Electricity
How fast is an electron in a wire and how fast is electricity? An electron moves surprisingly slow, slower than a snail, while electricity moves at near the speed of light. Electrons move at what's called the drift velocity. This video illustrates all this in an entertaining and informative way. Enjoy!
Diatomaceous earth
It has a particle size ranging from less than 3 μm to more than 1 mm, but typically 10 to 200 μm.
Living diatoms number in the trillions: they generate about 20 percent of the oxygen produced on the planet each year;[11] take in over 6.7 billion metric tons of silicon each year from the oceans in which they live;[12] and contribute nearly half of the organic material found in those oceans. The shells of dead diatoms can reach as much as a half mile deep on the ocean floor; and the entire Amazon basin is fertilized annually by 27 million tons of diatom shell dust transported by westerly transatlantic winds from the bed of a large dried up lake[13] once covering much of the African Sahara.
<Not toxic to earth worms>
Using Diatomaceous Earth In the Garden - What Is It & How to Use It
"The Truth will piss you off...and then set you free" (Mark Passio)
Diatomaceous Earth 'Food Grade' Review
DiatomaceousEarth Food Grade 10 Lb
diatomaceous earth against insects.
Diatomaceous earth – also known as D.E., diatomite, or kieselgur/kieselguhr – is a naturally occurring, soft, siliceous sedimentary rock that is easily crumbled into a fine white to off-white powder.
Mycoplasma the Linking Pathogen in Neurosystemic Diseases
google search:
lebensmittel labor
lebensmittel labor kosten
Institut Kurz ist eine freie, unabhängige Laborguppe mit Hauptsitz in Köln. Weitere Standorte sind Parma in Italien, Bangalore in Indien, Rio de Janeiro in Brasilien, Asuncion in Paraguay, Shanghai in China.
Wir untersuchen Lebensmittel, Lebensmittelrohstoffe, Futtermittel, Kosmetika, Bedarfsgegenstände, Pharmaka, biochemische Proben.
<Mitarbeiter auf FB>
Unsere leistungsstarken Laboratorien in den Metropolregionen gewährleisten schnelle und kompetente Beratungs- und Serviceleistungen mit der kompletten Leistungsvielfalt der modernen Umweltanalytik.
Unsere Labore für Lebensmittelanalytik bieten alle Dienstleistungen und Technologien, um Ihre Proben umfassend lebensmittelrechtlich beurteilen zu können.
RGB finder
Brazile spills DNC secret
Strategic Engineered Migration as Weapon of War
Refugee Crisis: Manufactured Migrants Are Tools in U.S. Empire’s ‘Grand Chessboard’
Book review of J. Michael Springmann's "Goodbye Europe? Hello, Chaos?: Merkel’s Migrant Bomb"
45 Jahre gearbeitet - trotzdem droht jedem Zweiten Rente auf Hartz-IV-Niveau
Die Stimmung wird immer feindseliger 07.06.2018 - Bananenrepublik
<2/3 Wahrheit>
Minimum Wage Workers Can't Afford Housing Anywhere In U.S. Says Study
The Jimmy Dore Show
World Cup exposes England not Russia as the country with a racism problem
England fans giving Nazi salutes in Russia’s Volgograd, Lord Alan Sugar posting racist tweets. Just how deep does England’s problem with racism run?
New intel reveals Yemeni missile strike on Riyadh was highly successful
What Are the Real Risks of Not Vaccinating in the U.S.?
Studies comparing vaccinated to unvaccinated populations
Censored Study of Vaccinated vs. Unvaccinated sees Daylight
Vaccinated vs. Unvaccinated: Mawson Homeschooled Study Reveals Who is Sicker
New Jersey Autism Prevalence Rate Rises to 1 in 34
State Prevalence Rate Up 19%; National Rate Up to 1 in 59
In Northern Ireland, 1 in 40 (2.5%) children have a diagnosis of Autism (2017, Prevalence of Autism in School aged children, DHSSPS).
Are al-Qaeda Affiliates Fighting Alongside U.S. Rebels in Syria’s South?
"Don't LIE To My Face!" - Ted Cruz Exposes Facebook's Role In Mueller’s Russia Investigation
Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth
Al-Jaafari: Main reason of conflicts in ME was and still Israeli occupation of Arab territories
Silicum Tonic
| 2*250 ml Valmistettu Suomessa.
Blei in Kieselerde, Zeolith & Co – vom staatlichen Versagen im Verbraucherschutz
Ackerschachtelhalm (Zinnkraut)
Ackerschachtelhalm (Equisetum arvense) - Merkmale, Anbau, Verwendung und Heilwirkung
The NSA’s Hidden Spy Hubs in Eight U.S. Cities
geoengineering and bracking the water cycle
Geoengineering could slow down the global water cycle
Geoengineering and Breaking the Water Cycle
Jim Lee
Contrails and Cirrus Clouds from Aviation
Geoengineering Solar Radiation Management SRM vs ERM: Cirrus Cloud Thinning
1:00:43 Jim Lee
Dr Michael Spira talks about Organic Silica
9 Amazing Benefits of Silicon
The Diseased, Lying, Condition of America's ‘News’Media
Both President Trump and former President Obama are commonly said in America’s ‘news’ media to be or to have been “ceding Syria to Russia” or “ceding Syria to Russia and Iran,” or similar allegations. They imply that ‘we’ own (or have some right to control) Syria.
How the US, Under Obama, Created Europe’s Refugee Crisis
U.S. Polls on GE Food Labeling
Aluminium ausleiten
< Zeoltih und Enterosgel>
Heavy Metal Detoxification
Diatomaceous Earth 150 g
Aluminum Detox
My understand is that the big guns of silica supplementation is diatomaceous earth (DE). Diatomaceous earth contains about 90% silica, 4% alumina, and around 2% iron oxide. As I understand it, it has an ionic affinity to bond with AL and remove it from the body along with many other heavy metals that we don't want in our body
<Diatomaceous earth in finnish - Piimaa>
Orthosilicic Acid Removes Aluminum From The Brains, Prevents Alzheimer's?
Non-invasive therapy to reduce the body burden of aluminium in Alzheimer's disease.
Supplementation of the diet with silicic acid to reduce body burden of aluminum
Silicic acid
Silicic acid is a compound of oxygen and silicon, known as silica in professional circles. Silicon is indispensable for the body. Silicon deficiency often leads to brittle nails and hair, pale and wrinkly skin. Silicon cannot be found naturally in its purest form, but always in combination with oxygen - as silicic acid.
Russia And China Are Stockpiling Gold
The U.S. has been keeping the price of gold artificially low via paper contracts to prevent the further devaluation of the dollar. But this has made it easier for Russia and China to buy up and increase their already massive reserves.
Atlantic Council finally admits Ukraine’s Nazi problem, and seems upset RT reported it earlier
Chemtrails Killing Americans Exposed By Dr. Blaylock
This is the Best Explanation of the Vaccine/Autism Connection I've Ever Heard!
They say there was never a Palestine
Aufkleber STOP Geoengineering
Aufkleber / Sticker
As the world gets more chaotic, one has to go to the core. Basic ethics, basic common sense. Then you have to accept what you find. It will be painful. Truth hurts but lies are just stupor. Most people prefer stupor aka live in the Matrix. Most people ain't needed for a change but will follow the 5% who do the change.
"Iraq's Popular Mobilisation Forces #PMF clarify that last week's attack on the 45th and 46th brigades at Sinjar on the #Syria #Iraq border was from US missiles and led to the martyrdom of 22 PMF fighters. Thank you Yusra Mahdi "
Dr Suzanne Humphries. Aluminum is toxic to all life forms: The case against aluminum in vaccines.
How to Get Aluminum out of your body.
8 Ways to Protect Yourself from Aluminum Poisoning
These commonly used natural compounds protect your body and brain from the ravaging effects of aluminum poisoning.
How Presidents Are Broken in by the Deep State
A child martyred, five injured in fresh terrorist attack in Sweida and Daraa
Gallery Owner Arrested After Dropping Sculpture Of Giant Drug Spoon At Purdue Pharma
Horrifying cop bodycam shows officers shooting dog & hitting 9yo girl (VIDEO)
Obstacle to drug-free society: Russia says Canada’s weed legalization violates intl laws
Moscow has accused Ottawa of trampling on international law, which it says explicitly prohibits any circulation of weed unless it's for medical or scientific purposes. Canada has become the first Western country to legalize pot.
<It was placed there because it competed with plastic, tobacco, paper, oil and pharma industries.>
Currency war can end global US dollar dominance & those who own gold have power
The world is facing a currency war and the only hedge against the crash of the US dollar is real gold, a precious metal analyst has told RT. With geopolitical power shifting from West to East, US dominance may be ending.
The global debt has soared to $230 trillion, as the global economy has got stuck in “Monopoly-Game” system, that is based on debt and financial leverage, the analyst notes. “
Alzheimer's, Aluminium and Elimination: What a Scientist Wants You to Know
1:05:37 at
<Earth crust aluminum-silicate -silicic acid -30mg per liter- silica to remove aluminum?>
<kortekasvit (fi) (Equisetaceae) -This should be good remove aluminum from the body>
<aluminum- silica -oxygent: mountains are made of>
Finland top 1
Evidence builds that dirty air causes Alzheimer’s, dementia
New Israeli Law to Allow Seizure of Christian Properties
The Islamic Christian Commission for the Support of Jerusalem and Holy Sites has warned of a draft law for a project which allows the Israeli occupation government to confiscate land sold by the Orthodox Church to private investors.
Gender-neutral passports rejected as court rules specifying sex is not discrimination
Facebook, Twitter Deactivate Hezbollah Accounts After Kidnapping Video Published
U.S. Has 3.5 Million More Registered Voters Than Live Adults — A Red Flag For Electoral Fraud
Wave Of Anti-Semitic Threats Came From Jewish Teenager In Israel!
The Jimmy Dore Show
Israeli City Stunned That Anti-Semitic Threats Came From Within
20 Toxic Things You Probably Use Every Day
Climate engineering, aluminum, and alzheimer’s
What Chemtrails Are Doing To Your Brain - Neurosurgeon Dr. Russell Blaylock Reveals Shocking Facts.
Photophoretic levitation of engineered aerosols for geoengineering
Assessing the direct occupational and public health impacts of solar radiation management with stratospheric aerosols
Solar geoengineering using solid aerosol in the stratosphere
Syrian Militants Receive US-Made Arms Via Border With Jordan – Iranian Media
Russia’s Defense Ministry: OPCW missions in Syria violate Chemical Weapons Convention
Bayer + Monsanto = A Match Made in Hell
Why I Use the Term ‘AngloZionist’, and Why It’s Important
Rare Holocaust Testimonies from Jews
EU cash injections in Ukraine disappear in tycoons’ pockets, Czech president says
The roll out of 5G wireless service is 'a massive health experiment,' public health expert warns as cell companies install 800,000 towers across the US
Flassbeck - Globale Deflation, die Eurokrise und die Ursachen der Ungleichheit
Nominale Lohnstückkosten
lohnstückkosten europa
Comparison of 2016 labour costs between EU countries: Germany ranks seventh
Hourly labour costs
Unit labour costs
Russian ambassador sends letter to Prince Charles over visit to Salisbury
List of countries by current account balance
Germany trumps Asia with world's largest current account surplus
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the European Commission have for years urged Germany to lift domestic demand and imports in order to reduce global economic imbalances and fuel global growth, including within the euro zone.
Germany: Trade balance from 2007 to 2017 (in billion U.S. dollars)
Prof. Dr. H. Flassbeck - UNI Hamburg
Greece: Export is 25% of Greek GDP. 75% are from domestic production.
The next 20% years the wages must go up 5% annually in Germany. Rest of Europe 2-3% annually
Das Geld, das Hitler ermöglichte
„Während die Halbwahrheit, dass der Hitlerismus mit Hilfe der amerikanischen Streitkräfte 1945 besiegt wurde, in alle Köpfe gehämmert wurde, bleibt die andere Hälfte der Wahrheit, dass derselbe Hitlerismus nur mit Hilfe britisch-amerikanischer Kapitalhilfe überhaupt aufgebaut werden konnte, bis heute ein Tabu akademischer Geschichtsschreibung.“
Internationale Allianz mit Hitler und Nazi-Deutschland – Teil 1: Die USA Connection
Welcome to Hadar: A Village Under Siege by al-Qaeda and Israeli Forces Alike
The village of Hadar, in Southern Syria, is buttressed on one side by Israeli watchtowers and walls – and endures deadly attacks from jihadist Syrian rebels from the other three.
The Paris Climate Fraud
The US Annihilated Raqqa While Allowing Thousands of Terrorists to Escape — Why?
Shocking Video Shows Cop Try to Kill a Dog, Shoot 9yo Girl in the Face Instead
US military advisers came under attack in Syria’s Al-Tanf – coalition
Die Marktwirtschaft des 21. Jahrhunderts
Heiner Flassbeck, UNCTAD, Genf < 1:03:05>
The U.S. Has Conducted 550 Drone Strikes in Libya Since 2011 — More Than in Somalia, Yemen, or Pakistan
Leaving the UN Human Rights Council: Crimes against Humanity. Washington Endorses The State of Israel
Trump prolongs sanctions against North Korea for another year
Mosul & Aleppo: What MSM didn’t tell you happened after liberation of 2 cities (PHOTOS)
Survey: Americans Unable to Separate Facts from Opinion
Bone of contention: EU leaders to hold summit amid high tensions over migrant policy
What You’re Not Being Told About Venezuela Crisis. w/Abby Martin
The Jimmy Dore Show
With Progressives Like These, Who Needs Conservatives?
“The left has moved so far to the right that they have no memory or understanding that many of us on the left come out of a black revolutionary tradition. In their mind, they’re always the ones who should be running shit.”
by Jon Jeter
So we're gonna pretend these refugees aren't a result of our actions in Central America?
YEMEN: U.S Involvement in UAE Controlled Torture and Detention Centres
US State Department 'Concerned' Over Syrian Government Operations in...Syria!
What a strange warning. The United States, which illegally occupies territory of a country nearly 6,000 miles away, is warning Syria, the country it partly occupies, not to conduct military operations against terrorist organizations within its own borders!
America's deadly double tap drone attacks are 'killing 49 people for every known terrorist in Pakistan'
Predator Drone Strikes: 50 Civilians Are Killed For Every 1 Terrorist, and the CIA Only Wants to Up Drone Warfare
Oct. 20, 2012
~199~ 121 Bombs A Day, Poor People Get Angry, Death Of Local News
Redacted Tonight
[71] Drone Papers Leaked & McDonalds Collapse
Oct 23, 2015 Redacted Tonight
Empty space has more energy than everything in the Universe, combined
Trump’s military drops a bomb every 12 minutes, and no one is talking about it - Lee Camp
US-led airstrike ‘kills 8 people’ in Syria’s Deir ez-Zor – state media
Russia gets rid of US Treasury securities and buys gold
England fans give Nazi salutes, sing Hitler song in World Cup city invaded during WWII (VIDEO)
How US policy in Honduras set the stage for today’s mass migration
Iran will not hold negotiations with US as 'rogue' state: Zarif
"“Mr. Pompeo has forgotten that it is the US government that needs to prove the credibility of its words and legitimacy of its signature, and not the party that has complied with its international obligations and sticks to its word,” the top Iranian diplomat pointed out."
<The last time I checked it was the US which is illegally occupying Syrian territory not Iran which was invited by the legitimate Syrian government. So the US, being an illegal occupier in Syria, has no say about Iran's presence in Syria. The US should first prove that it respects International Law, Conventions and the UN Charted by withdrawing from Syria.>
The Invention of the Land of Israel - book launch with Shlomo Sand | Frontline Club Talks
"The Truth About Solomon's Temple" Israel Finkelstein
"When Did the Jewish People Begin?" Israel Finkelstein
No sign of Israel in ancient Canaan
‘Occupied’ East Jerusalem: Prince William infuriates Israel with statement on royal visit
Merkel: We Need Measures Against Iran's 'Aggressive Tendencies' in Middle East
<She is fine with the Saudis bombing Yemen, fine with the US coalition bombing Syria (and Yemen), fine with Turkey occupying Syrian cities, fine also with Israel bombing Gaza but she wants to tackle Iran, one of the very few countries fighting terrorists.
What she is really telling us is that she is just another US puppet and she is saying what the memo from Washington told her to say.
Merkel: We Need Measures Against Iran's 'Aggressive Tendencies' in Middle East>
Browsing Ancient Coinage of Macedonia, Kings, Alexander III
browsing Ancient Coinage of Macedonia, Kings
The Russian Woodpecker, Chernobyl Meltdown, and Ionospheric Heating Over the USA (1983-1986)
The Russian Woodpecker, Chernobyl Meltdown, and Ionospheric Heating Over the USA (1983-1986)
Coal Ash – Aerosol Spraying
To block rays reaching city, aircraft apply solar prophylactic, dim the sun
Scientist ‘terrified’ by prospect of aerial program already in effect over cities
As stripes dim sun over city, scientists debate mass U.S. chemtrail proposal
Soot particles are reported to be generally worse ice nuclei than mineral dust because they activate nucleation at higher ice-supersaturations for deposition nucleation and at lower temperatures for immersion freezing than ratios usually expected for homogeneous nucleation
Jets’ contrails contribute to heat-trapping high-level clouds
UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. -- Condensation trails that airplanes produce mean not only a white-streaked sky on some days, but an increase in the amount of high-level clouds and, by extension, warming temperatures, according to a Penn State researcher.
Contrails form when jet engines emit sooty particles and moisture into cold air high in the troposphere. Water vapor already present in the atmosphere collects and freezes around those particles, which are essentially the nuclei, and form linear ice crystal clouds.
Eturauhasen syöpä (eturauhassyöpä) syntyy, kun eturauhasen solut alkavat muuttua pahanlaatuisiksi. Eturauhassyöpä on Suomessa miesten yleisin syöpä, ja nykyään koko Suomen tavallisin syöpä. Siihen sairastuu vuosittain noin 5 000 miestä.
Eturauhanen on miesten sukupuolirauhanen, joka sijaitsee virtsarakon alapuolella peräsuolen edessä. Se on noin luumun kokoinen ja 20 grammaa painava elin. Se ympäröi osittain virtsaputkea, joka kuljettaa virtsan rakosta elimistön ulkopuolelle. Eturauhanen tuottaa osan siemennesteessä tarvittavasta nesteestä.
The UN Recognised the Existence of Illegal SBU Torture Prisons in Ukraine
Sara Netanyahu Charged With Fraud for Ordering $100k Worth of Meals From Gourmet Chefs
The prime minister's wife and a deputy director of the PM's Office are indicted for violating regulations barring the ordering meals when a cook is on the residence's staff
Airplane Contrails May Be Creating Accidental Geoengineering
Dissipating haze from plane exhaust alters how sunlight reaches the Earth and may be unintentionally affecting our climate
If you go outside on a clear day and look up toward the sun—being careful to block out the bright disk with your thumb—you might see a hazy white region surrounding our star.
This haze is caused by airplanes, and it is gradually whitening blue skies, says Charles Long of
NOAA’s Earth System Research Laboratory in Boulder, Colorado. “We might be actually conducting some unintentional geoengineering here,” Long said at a press conference this week at the American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting in San Francisco.
Geoengineering involves the manipulation of an environmental process in such a way, usually deliberate, that it affects the Earth’s climate. For instance, previous researchers have proposed combating global warming by intentionally seeding the atmosphere with small particles, or aerosols, to scatter some sunlight and reduce the amount of heat trapped by greenhouse gases.
Retraction: Herndon J.M. Evidence of Coal-Fly-Ash Toxic Chemical Geoengineering in the Troposphere:
Consequences for Public Health. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2015, 12, 9375–9390
Evidence of Coal-Fly-Ash Toxic Chemical Geoengineering in the Troposphere: Consequences for Public Health
Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2015 Aug; 12(8): 9375–9390
The research reported here provides strong evidence that coal fly ash is the aerosolized particulate sprayed in the troposphere by tanker-jets for geoengineering, weather-modification and climate-modification purposes. The evidence presented warrants discussion as to (1) what additional investigations should be undertaken to confirm further the identity of coal fly ash as the aerosolized particulates, (2) the consequences of troposphere-emplaced coal fly ash on public health and on Earth’s biota, and (3) the resultant geophysical implications.
Although aluminum is abundant in the Earth’s crust, it is highly immobile. Consequently, our planet’s biota, including humans, have not developed natural defense mechanisms for exposure to chemically mobile aluminum. It is a matter of grave concern that aluminum in a chemically mobile form can be readily extracted from coal fly ash with rainwater or in situ with body fluids.
Human and Environmental Dangers Posed by Ongoing Global Tropospheric Aerosolized Particulates for Weather Modification
Front Public Health. 2016; 4: 139.
Retraction: Human and Environmental Dangers Posed by Ongoing Global Tropospheric Aerosolized Particulates for Weather Modification
Raised eyebrows as Madeleine Albright & Bana Alabed to be honored for ‘defending freedom’
The pro-NATO Atlantic Council think tank is set to honor former US Secretary of State Madeleine Albright and Syrian child activist Bana Alabed at its Freedom Awards this week.
<Actually 1.7 million Iraqis died because of the boycott. Half of them were children. The half million figure was calculated by ignoring the last 2 years of the boycott and children 13 or older.>
CirrusCloudsMatter: The Shady Truth About Contrails
CirrusCloudsMatter: The Shady Truth About Contrails
Chemtrails EXPLAINED! Biofuels and #CirrusCloudsMatter
Extensive List of PATENTS
Application of Islamic law by country
Aluminum, Barium, and Chemtrails From Space!
70 years of rockets and satellites dumping chemicals in space, and nobody knew! See the full history of Upper Atmospheric Experimentation!
Aluminum, Barium, and Chemtrails From Space!
Reflecting on 50 years of geoengineering research
Geoengineering options
discussed in that report included putting reflecting particles over the oceans and modifying cirrus clouds.
Geoengineering goals considered included preventing global warming and inhibiting the formation of hurricanes.
Perhaps some combination of cirrus thinning and stratospheric aerosols could restore both global mean
temperature and precipitation, while marine cloud brightening is used for fine tuning regional responses.
1962: “He Who Controls The Weather, Will Control The World” (LBJ)
“Satellite and balloon measurements show that the presence of cirrus clouds in the upper troposphere near the tropopause strongly reduces the heat loss of the atmosphere by infrared radiation. Thus, a cirrus cloud cover over warm northward-moving tropical air will prevent it from cooling as rapidly as does southward-moving cooler air, which has no cirrus cover.”
The History of Chemtrails - GEOENGINEERING WITH JET FUEL!
1:13:11 Jim Lee
"He who controls the weather,controls the world" weapons-History channel 2/3
JFK talking about controlling the weather in 1961
President Lyndon Johnson talking about Controlling the Weather in 1963
4 Signposts of American Collapse Which Also Occurred in the USSR
"Having witnessed one collapse, and now witnessing another, the one approach I would definitely not recommend is doing nothing and hoping for the best."
China cuts US investments by 92% amid escalating trade war
From the EU to China, world blasts US withdrawal from UN Human Rights Council
'Propaganda organization': White Helmets 'engage in anti-Assad activities' – author Sy Hersh to RT
"Too many times we've seen the same child in photographs, year after year, always covered in dust," Hersh said, adding that the White Helmets "do engage in anti-Assad [activities]." He added that such a tactic is "very easy" because Assad is "hated" by so many.
< hated by terrorists>
Mathematics and sex | Clio Cresswell | TEDxSydney
No Sex Marriage – Masturbation, Loneliness, Cheating and Shame | Maureen McGrath | TEDxStanleyPark
Where Did We All Come From? Tracing Human Migration Using Genetic Markers
How America’s Wars Abroad are Funding Inequality at Home
Never before has this country relied so heavily on deficit spending to pay for its conflicts. The consequences are expected to be ruinous for the long-term fiscal health of the U.S., but they go far beyond the economic.
Aaack! New Analysis Shows Superbugs Lurking on Three-Fourths of U.S. Supermarket Meat
A new analysis offers alarming findings as many Americans get ready to fire up their grills for the 4th of July—nearly 80 percent of supermarket meat was found to have antibiotic-resistant bacteria, also known as superbugs.
Russia squeezing West out of Africa without a fight
French Firm Charged With Complicity in Crimes Against Humanity in Syria
Lafarge is accused of financing the terrorist organization in Syria and also of crimes against humanity. The court has also charged the holding company with violating an embargo and endangering the lives of others, Reuters reported, citing judicial sources.
White Helmets observed preparing for new chemical weapons provocation
They’ve even got video equipment on hand to record the incident so that it can be spread as part of their propaganda
Just after the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) gets expanded capacities which included throwing blame at nations for use of chemical weapons, White Helmet personnel were observed by residents in Idlib preparing missiles with an unknown liquid while making use of protective outfits
Ron Shock- Comedy
Tusk Warns 'Immense Pressure' From Trump May Lead to NATO Collapse – Reports
According to The Times, Tusk called on EU leaders to “go beyond” discussions on US steel and aluminum tariffs and consider a potential break-up of NATO.
Aphids vs Diatomaceous Earth (and a hydroponic greenhouse update too)
<took 9 hours to kill them>
Srebrenica A Town Betrayed (60 min. made by Norway) not seen at CNN
<So muslim started attacking nearby vilages robing and killing inocent people and they wore surprised and cried victim when war came to their door.>
Fuel consumption of new aircraft could be reduced by 40% within 20 years using emerging technologies
The Top 6 Technologies for Improving Aircraft Fuel Efficiency
Over the last 20 years, available seats on aircraft have increased by more than 25% and demand is forecasted to continue to grow by around 5% yearly. The global fleet is expected to grow by 20,930 aircraft to reach about 40,000 in total in 2032.
It has been estimated that fuel demands from aviation will increase by between 1.9% and 2.6% each year until 2025.
Additionally, the U.S. Navy, which has used (lower volatility) kerosene-
based JP-5 since approximately 1952 to power carrier-based aircraft, is proposing
transition by 2008 to exclusive use of JP-8/JP-8
100 to meet implementation
requirements for the Joint Strike Fighter ( JSF) aircraft. Indeed, the Department
of Defense (DoD) is planning to completely replace use of unleaded gasoline
with use of JP-8/JP-8
100 by 2010 for vehicle and equipment powering
(Maurice et al., 2000). Consequently, it is expected that by 2010 over 95% of
all U.S. military aircraft, land vehicles, and power equipment, as well as all
domestic and commercial aircraft, will utilize kerosene-based jet fuels.
US Defense Department switching to civilian-grade jet fuel
The military paid $3.73/gal for JP-8, and $3.71/gal on A-grade jet fuel plus additives, according to information provided by the DLAE. The 2-cent/gal spread would have saved the military $37.34 million if all JP-8 bought in 2013 had been jet A plus additives.
A kerosene-based fuel, JP-8 is projected to remain in use at least until 2025. It was first introduced at NATO bases in 1978. Its NATO code is F-34.
Aluminium production & environmental impact
Bauxite is processed into aluminium oxide (alumina) before it can be converted into aluminium through electrolysis. Alumina refineries employ the Bayer process that releases alumina from the bauxite in a caustic soda solution within a digester. Worldwide, 1 tonne of alumina is produced from around 2.9 tonnes of bauxite 2 The resulting bauxite residue (‘red mud’) is of insoluble particles.
Primary aluminium is produced by electrolysis, usually in ‘pots’. Alumina is first dissolved in molten cryolite with calcium fluoride and then electrolytically reduced to aluminium at around 950 degrees C.
Foreign policy goals of US elite don’t change with a president: Writer
It does not matter if a Republican or a Democrat is in the White House, the foreign policy goals of the US elite remain the same, according to Walt Peretto, a writer and researcher based in Washington, DC.
The CIA has Attempted to Assassinate 50 Foreign Leaders Including Chavez
Aluminum Toxicity
Russian UN envoy says surprised at UN overlooking US’ violation of resolution on Iran
Bearing in mind the importance for the JCPOA (Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action) of the United States’ unilateral actions, we were utterly surprised that this situation is tackled in the report only in passing. It is absolutely incomprehensible how a report on the implementation of Resolution 2231 can be drawn without even mentioning the fact that Washington’s re-imposing unilateral sanctions is a flagrant violation of not only its liabilities under the JCPOA but also Resolution 2231,"
—- saying something negative about the US? The UN wouldn’t dare risk the wrath of Washington. Another reason why the UN should move to another country.
A Skeptical Look at the OligoScan
Aluminiumnachweis (Testing for aluminium ions)
WHITE HELMETS: Severed Heads of Syrian Arab Army Soldiers Paraded as Trophies – Endorsed by Channel 4
Atlantic Council finally admits Ukraine’s Nazi problem, and seems upset RT reported it earlier
Army enters al-Karim al-Janoubi and Shaara’e in Daraa countryside, legal status of 450 persons settled
The reporter added that the legal status of 375 persons who dodged the compulsory or reserve military service was settled after they turned themselves in.
Bellingcat & Atlantic Council join to award exploited Syrian child & American Mass Murderer
That her father was a member of a terrorist organization in Aleppo and worked in a Sharia Court has been documented, as has her family’s close proximity to numerous terrorist headquarters in their area of Aleppo alone.
How Fast is an Electron and Electricity
How fast is an electron in a wire and how fast is electricity? An electron moves surprisingly slow, slower than a snail, while electricity moves at near the speed of light. Electrons move at what's called the drift velocity. This video illustrates all this in an entertaining and informative way. Enjoy!
Diatomaceous earth
It has a particle size ranging from less than 3 μm to more than 1 mm, but typically 10 to 200 μm.
Living diatoms number in the trillions: they generate about 20 percent of the oxygen produced on the planet each year;[11] take in over 6.7 billion metric tons of silicon each year from the oceans in which they live;[12] and contribute nearly half of the organic material found in those oceans. The shells of dead diatoms can reach as much as a half mile deep on the ocean floor; and the entire Amazon basin is fertilized annually by 27 million tons of diatom shell dust transported by westerly transatlantic winds from the bed of a large dried up lake[13] once covering much of the African Sahara.
<Not toxic to earth worms>
Using Diatomaceous Earth In the Garden - What Is It & How to Use It
"The Truth will piss you off...and then set you free" (Mark Passio)
Diatomaceous Earth 'Food Grade' Review
DiatomaceousEarth Food Grade 10 Lb
diatomaceous earth against insects.
Diatomaceous earth – also known as D.E., diatomite, or kieselgur/kieselguhr – is a naturally occurring, soft, siliceous sedimentary rock that is easily crumbled into a fine white to off-white powder.
Mycoplasma the Linking Pathogen in Neurosystemic Diseases
google search:
lebensmittel labor
lebensmittel labor kosten
Institut Kurz ist eine freie, unabhängige Laborguppe mit Hauptsitz in Köln. Weitere Standorte sind Parma in Italien, Bangalore in Indien, Rio de Janeiro in Brasilien, Asuncion in Paraguay, Shanghai in China.
Wir untersuchen Lebensmittel, Lebensmittelrohstoffe, Futtermittel, Kosmetika, Bedarfsgegenstände, Pharmaka, biochemische Proben.
<Mitarbeiter auf FB>
Unsere leistungsstarken Laboratorien in den Metropolregionen gewährleisten schnelle und kompetente Beratungs- und Serviceleistungen mit der kompletten Leistungsvielfalt der modernen Umweltanalytik.
Unsere Labore für Lebensmittelanalytik bieten alle Dienstleistungen und Technologien, um Ihre Proben umfassend lebensmittelrechtlich beurteilen zu können.
RGB finder
Brazile spills DNC secret
Strategic Engineered Migration as Weapon of War
Refugee Crisis: Manufactured Migrants Are Tools in U.S. Empire’s ‘Grand Chessboard’
Book review of J. Michael Springmann's "Goodbye Europe? Hello, Chaos?: Merkel’s Migrant Bomb"
45 Jahre gearbeitet - trotzdem droht jedem Zweiten Rente auf Hartz-IV-Niveau
Die Stimmung wird immer feindseliger 07.06.2018 - Bananenrepublik
<2/3 Wahrheit>
Minimum Wage Workers Can't Afford Housing Anywhere In U.S. Says Study
The Jimmy Dore Show
World Cup exposes England not Russia as the country with a racism problem
England fans giving Nazi salutes in Russia’s Volgograd, Lord Alan Sugar posting racist tweets. Just how deep does England’s problem with racism run?
New intel reveals Yemeni missile strike on Riyadh was highly successful
What Are the Real Risks of Not Vaccinating in the U.S.?
Studies comparing vaccinated to unvaccinated populations
Censored Study of Vaccinated vs. Unvaccinated sees Daylight
Vaccinated vs. Unvaccinated: Mawson Homeschooled Study Reveals Who is Sicker
New Jersey Autism Prevalence Rate Rises to 1 in 34
State Prevalence Rate Up 19%; National Rate Up to 1 in 59
In Northern Ireland, 1 in 40 (2.5%) children have a diagnosis of Autism (2017, Prevalence of Autism in School aged children, DHSSPS).
Are al-Qaeda Affiliates Fighting Alongside U.S. Rebels in Syria’s South?
"Don't LIE To My Face!" - Ted Cruz Exposes Facebook's Role In Mueller’s Russia Investigation
Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth
Al-Jaafari: Main reason of conflicts in ME was and still Israeli occupation of Arab territories
Silicum Tonic
| 2*250 ml Valmistettu Suomessa.
Blei in Kieselerde, Zeolith & Co – vom staatlichen Versagen im Verbraucherschutz
Ackerschachtelhalm (Zinnkraut)
Ackerschachtelhalm (Equisetum arvense) - Merkmale, Anbau, Verwendung und Heilwirkung
The NSA’s Hidden Spy Hubs in Eight U.S. Cities
geoengineering and bracking the water cycle
Geoengineering could slow down the global water cycle
Geoengineering and Breaking the Water Cycle
Jim Lee
Contrails and Cirrus Clouds from Aviation
Geoengineering Solar Radiation Management SRM vs ERM: Cirrus Cloud Thinning
1:00:43 Jim Lee
Dr Michael Spira talks about Organic Silica
9 Amazing Benefits of Silicon
The Diseased, Lying, Condition of America's ‘News’Media
Both President Trump and former President Obama are commonly said in America’s ‘news’ media to be or to have been “ceding Syria to Russia” or “ceding Syria to Russia and Iran,” or similar allegations. They imply that ‘we’ own (or have some right to control) Syria.
How the US, Under Obama, Created Europe’s Refugee Crisis
U.S. Polls on GE Food Labeling
Aluminium ausleiten
< Zeoltih und Enterosgel>
Heavy Metal Detoxification
Diatomaceous Earth 150 g
Aluminum Detox
My understand is that the big guns of silica supplementation is diatomaceous earth (DE). Diatomaceous earth contains about 90% silica, 4% alumina, and around 2% iron oxide. As I understand it, it has an ionic affinity to bond with AL and remove it from the body along with many other heavy metals that we don't want in our body
<Diatomaceous earth in finnish - Piimaa>
Orthosilicic Acid Removes Aluminum From The Brains, Prevents Alzheimer's?
Non-invasive therapy to reduce the body burden of aluminium in Alzheimer's disease.
Supplementation of the diet with silicic acid to reduce body burden of aluminum
Silicic acid
Silicic acid is a compound of oxygen and silicon, known as silica in professional circles. Silicon is indispensable for the body. Silicon deficiency often leads to brittle nails and hair, pale and wrinkly skin. Silicon cannot be found naturally in its purest form, but always in combination with oxygen - as silicic acid.
Russia And China Are Stockpiling Gold
The U.S. has been keeping the price of gold artificially low via paper contracts to prevent the further devaluation of the dollar. But this has made it easier for Russia and China to buy up and increase their already massive reserves.
Atlantic Council finally admits Ukraine’s Nazi problem, and seems upset RT reported it earlier
Chemtrails Killing Americans Exposed By Dr. Blaylock
This is the Best Explanation of the Vaccine/Autism Connection I've Ever Heard!
They say there was never a Palestine
Aufkleber STOP Geoengineering
Aufkleber / Sticker
As the world gets more chaotic, one has to go to the core. Basic ethics, basic common sense. Then you have to accept what you find. It will be painful. Truth hurts but lies are just stupor. Most people prefer stupor aka live in the Matrix. Most people ain't needed for a change but will follow the 5% who do the change.
"Iraq's Popular Mobilisation Forces #PMF clarify that last week's attack on the 45th and 46th brigades at Sinjar on the #Syria #Iraq border was from US missiles and led to the martyrdom of 22 PMF fighters. Thank you Yusra Mahdi "
Dr Suzanne Humphries. Aluminum is toxic to all life forms: The case against aluminum in vaccines.
How to Get Aluminum out of your body.
8 Ways to Protect Yourself from Aluminum Poisoning
These commonly used natural compounds protect your body and brain from the ravaging effects of aluminum poisoning.
How Presidents Are Broken in by the Deep State
A child martyred, five injured in fresh terrorist attack in Sweida and Daraa
Gallery Owner Arrested After Dropping Sculpture Of Giant Drug Spoon At Purdue Pharma
Horrifying cop bodycam shows officers shooting dog & hitting 9yo girl (VIDEO)
Obstacle to drug-free society: Russia says Canada’s weed legalization violates intl laws
Moscow has accused Ottawa of trampling on international law, which it says explicitly prohibits any circulation of weed unless it's for medical or scientific purposes. Canada has become the first Western country to legalize pot.
<It was placed there because it competed with plastic, tobacco, paper, oil and pharma industries.>
Currency war can end global US dollar dominance & those who own gold have power
The world is facing a currency war and the only hedge against the crash of the US dollar is real gold, a precious metal analyst has told RT. With geopolitical power shifting from West to East, US dominance may be ending.
The global debt has soared to $230 trillion, as the global economy has got stuck in “Monopoly-Game” system, that is based on debt and financial leverage, the analyst notes. “
Alzheimer's, Aluminium and Elimination: What a Scientist Wants You to Know
1:05:37 at
<Earth crust aluminum-silicate -silicic acid -30mg per liter- silica to remove aluminum?>
<kortekasvit (fi) (Equisetaceae) -This should be good remove aluminum from the body>
<aluminum- silica -oxygent: mountains are made of>
Finland top 1
Evidence builds that dirty air causes Alzheimer’s, dementia
New Israeli Law to Allow Seizure of Christian Properties
The Islamic Christian Commission for the Support of Jerusalem and Holy Sites has warned of a draft law for a project which allows the Israeli occupation government to confiscate land sold by the Orthodox Church to private investors.
Gender-neutral passports rejected as court rules specifying sex is not discrimination
Facebook, Twitter Deactivate Hezbollah Accounts After Kidnapping Video Published
U.S. Has 3.5 Million More Registered Voters Than Live Adults — A Red Flag For Electoral Fraud
Wave Of Anti-Semitic Threats Came From Jewish Teenager In Israel!
The Jimmy Dore Show
Israeli City Stunned That Anti-Semitic Threats Came From Within
20 Toxic Things You Probably Use Every Day
Climate engineering, aluminum, and alzheimer’s
What Chemtrails Are Doing To Your Brain - Neurosurgeon Dr. Russell Blaylock Reveals Shocking Facts.
Photophoretic levitation of engineered aerosols for geoengineering
Assessing the direct occupational and public health impacts of solar radiation management with stratospheric aerosols
Solar geoengineering using solid aerosol in the stratosphere
Syrian Militants Receive US-Made Arms Via Border With Jordan – Iranian Media
Russia’s Defense Ministry: OPCW missions in Syria violate Chemical Weapons Convention
Bayer + Monsanto = A Match Made in Hell
Why I Use the Term ‘AngloZionist’, and Why It’s Important
Rare Holocaust Testimonies from Jews
EU cash injections in Ukraine disappear in tycoons’ pockets, Czech president says
The roll out of 5G wireless service is 'a massive health experiment,' public health expert warns as cell companies install 800,000 towers across the US
Flassbeck - Globale Deflation, die Eurokrise und die Ursachen der Ungleichheit
Nominale Lohnstückkosten
lohnstückkosten europa
Comparison of 2016 labour costs between EU countries: Germany ranks seventh
Hourly labour costs
Unit labour costs
Russian ambassador sends letter to Prince Charles over visit to Salisbury
List of countries by current account balance
Germany trumps Asia with world's largest current account surplus
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the European Commission have for years urged Germany to lift domestic demand and imports in order to reduce global economic imbalances and fuel global growth, including within the euro zone.
Germany: Trade balance from 2007 to 2017 (in billion U.S. dollars)
Prof. Dr. H. Flassbeck - UNI Hamburg
Greece: Export is 25% of Greek GDP. 75% are from domestic production.
The next 20% years the wages must go up 5% annually in Germany. Rest of Europe 2-3% annually
Das Geld, das Hitler ermöglichte
„Während die Halbwahrheit, dass der Hitlerismus mit Hilfe der amerikanischen Streitkräfte 1945 besiegt wurde, in alle Köpfe gehämmert wurde, bleibt die andere Hälfte der Wahrheit, dass derselbe Hitlerismus nur mit Hilfe britisch-amerikanischer Kapitalhilfe überhaupt aufgebaut werden konnte, bis heute ein Tabu akademischer Geschichtsschreibung.“
Internationale Allianz mit Hitler und Nazi-Deutschland – Teil 1: Die USA Connection
Welcome to Hadar: A Village Under Siege by al-Qaeda and Israeli Forces Alike
The village of Hadar, in Southern Syria, is buttressed on one side by Israeli watchtowers and walls – and endures deadly attacks from jihadist Syrian rebels from the other three.
The Paris Climate Fraud
The US Annihilated Raqqa While Allowing Thousands of Terrorists to Escape — Why?
Shocking Video Shows Cop Try to Kill a Dog, Shoot 9yo Girl in the Face Instead
US military advisers came under attack in Syria’s Al-Tanf – coalition
Die Marktwirtschaft des 21. Jahrhunderts
Heiner Flassbeck, UNCTAD, Genf < 1:03:05>
The U.S. Has Conducted 550 Drone Strikes in Libya Since 2011 — More Than in Somalia, Yemen, or Pakistan
Leaving the UN Human Rights Council: Crimes against Humanity. Washington Endorses The State of Israel
Trump prolongs sanctions against North Korea for another year
Mosul & Aleppo: What MSM didn’t tell you happened after liberation of 2 cities (PHOTOS)
Survey: Americans Unable to Separate Facts from Opinion
Bone of contention: EU leaders to hold summit amid high tensions over migrant policy
What You’re Not Being Told About Venezuela Crisis. w/Abby Martin
The Jimmy Dore Show
With Progressives Like These, Who Needs Conservatives?
“The left has moved so far to the right that they have no memory or understanding that many of us on the left come out of a black revolutionary tradition. In their mind, they’re always the ones who should be running shit.”
by Jon Jeter
So we're gonna pretend these refugees aren't a result of our actions in Central America?
YEMEN: U.S Involvement in UAE Controlled Torture and Detention Centres
US State Department 'Concerned' Over Syrian Government Operations in...Syria!
What a strange warning. The United States, which illegally occupies territory of a country nearly 6,000 miles away, is warning Syria, the country it partly occupies, not to conduct military operations against terrorist organizations within its own borders!
America's deadly double tap drone attacks are 'killing 49 people for every known terrorist in Pakistan'
Predator Drone Strikes: 50 Civilians Are Killed For Every 1 Terrorist, and the CIA Only Wants to Up Drone Warfare
Oct. 20, 2012
~199~ 121 Bombs A Day, Poor People Get Angry, Death Of Local News
Redacted Tonight
[71] Drone Papers Leaked & McDonalds Collapse
Oct 23, 2015 Redacted Tonight
Empty space has more energy than everything in the Universe, combined
Trump’s military drops a bomb every 12 minutes, and no one is talking about it - Lee Camp
US-led airstrike ‘kills 8 people’ in Syria’s Deir ez-Zor – state media
Russia gets rid of US Treasury securities and buys gold
England fans give Nazi salutes, sing Hitler song in World Cup city invaded during WWII (VIDEO)
How US policy in Honduras set the stage for today’s mass migration
Iran will not hold negotiations with US as 'rogue' state: Zarif
"“Mr. Pompeo has forgotten that it is the US government that needs to prove the credibility of its words and legitimacy of its signature, and not the party that has complied with its international obligations and sticks to its word,” the top Iranian diplomat pointed out."
<The last time I checked it was the US which is illegally occupying Syrian territory not Iran which was invited by the legitimate Syrian government. So the US, being an illegal occupier in Syria, has no say about Iran's presence in Syria. The US should first prove that it respects International Law, Conventions and the UN Charted by withdrawing from Syria.>
The Invention of the Land of Israel - book launch with Shlomo Sand | Frontline Club Talks
"The Truth About Solomon's Temple" Israel Finkelstein
"When Did the Jewish People Begin?" Israel Finkelstein
No sign of Israel in ancient Canaan
‘Occupied’ East Jerusalem: Prince William infuriates Israel with statement on royal visit
Merkel: We Need Measures Against Iran's 'Aggressive Tendencies' in Middle East
<She is fine with the Saudis bombing Yemen, fine with the US coalition bombing Syria (and Yemen), fine with Turkey occupying Syrian cities, fine also with Israel bombing Gaza but she wants to tackle Iran, one of the very few countries fighting terrorists.
What she is really telling us is that she is just another US puppet and she is saying what the memo from Washington told her to say.
Merkel: We Need Measures Against Iran's 'Aggressive Tendencies' in Middle East>
Browsing Ancient Coinage of Macedonia, Kings, Alexander III
browsing Ancient Coinage of Macedonia, Kings
The Russian Woodpecker, Chernobyl Meltdown, and Ionospheric Heating Over the USA (1983-1986)
The Russian Woodpecker, Chernobyl Meltdown, and Ionospheric Heating Over the USA (1983-1986)
Coal Ash – Aerosol Spraying
To block rays reaching city, aircraft apply solar prophylactic, dim the sun
Scientist ‘terrified’ by prospect of aerial program already in effect over cities
As stripes dim sun over city, scientists debate mass U.S. chemtrail proposal
Soot particles are reported to be generally worse ice nuclei than mineral dust because they activate nucleation at higher ice-supersaturations for deposition nucleation and at lower temperatures for immersion freezing than ratios usually expected for homogeneous nucleation
Jets’ contrails contribute to heat-trapping high-level clouds
UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. -- Condensation trails that airplanes produce mean not only a white-streaked sky on some days, but an increase in the amount of high-level clouds and, by extension, warming temperatures, according to a Penn State researcher.
Contrails form when jet engines emit sooty particles and moisture into cold air high in the troposphere. Water vapor already present in the atmosphere collects and freezes around those particles, which are essentially the nuclei, and form linear ice crystal clouds.
Eturauhasen syöpä (eturauhassyöpä) syntyy, kun eturauhasen solut alkavat muuttua pahanlaatuisiksi. Eturauhassyöpä on Suomessa miesten yleisin syöpä, ja nykyään koko Suomen tavallisin syöpä. Siihen sairastuu vuosittain noin 5 000 miestä.
Eturauhanen on miesten sukupuolirauhanen, joka sijaitsee virtsarakon alapuolella peräsuolen edessä. Se on noin luumun kokoinen ja 20 grammaa painava elin. Se ympäröi osittain virtsaputkea, joka kuljettaa virtsan rakosta elimistön ulkopuolelle. Eturauhanen tuottaa osan siemennesteessä tarvittavasta nesteestä.
The UN Recognised the Existence of Illegal SBU Torture Prisons in Ukraine
Sara Netanyahu Charged With Fraud for Ordering $100k Worth of Meals From Gourmet Chefs
The prime minister's wife and a deputy director of the PM's Office are indicted for violating regulations barring the ordering meals when a cook is on the residence's staff
Airplane Contrails May Be Creating Accidental Geoengineering
Dissipating haze from plane exhaust alters how sunlight reaches the Earth and may be unintentionally affecting our climate
If you go outside on a clear day and look up toward the sun—being careful to block out the bright disk with your thumb—you might see a hazy white region surrounding our star.
This haze is caused by airplanes, and it is gradually whitening blue skies, says Charles Long of
NOAA’s Earth System Research Laboratory in Boulder, Colorado. “We might be actually conducting some unintentional geoengineering here,” Long said at a press conference this week at the American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting in San Francisco.
Geoengineering involves the manipulation of an environmental process in such a way, usually deliberate, that it affects the Earth’s climate. For instance, previous researchers have proposed combating global warming by intentionally seeding the atmosphere with small particles, or aerosols, to scatter some sunlight and reduce the amount of heat trapped by greenhouse gases.
Retraction: Herndon J.M. Evidence of Coal-Fly-Ash Toxic Chemical Geoengineering in the Troposphere:
Consequences for Public Health. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2015, 12, 9375–9390
Evidence of Coal-Fly-Ash Toxic Chemical Geoengineering in the Troposphere: Consequences for Public Health
Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2015 Aug; 12(8): 9375–9390
The research reported here provides strong evidence that coal fly ash is the aerosolized particulate sprayed in the troposphere by tanker-jets for geoengineering, weather-modification and climate-modification purposes. The evidence presented warrants discussion as to (1) what additional investigations should be undertaken to confirm further the identity of coal fly ash as the aerosolized particulates, (2) the consequences of troposphere-emplaced coal fly ash on public health and on Earth’s biota, and (3) the resultant geophysical implications.
Although aluminum is abundant in the Earth’s crust, it is highly immobile. Consequently, our planet’s biota, including humans, have not developed natural defense mechanisms for exposure to chemically mobile aluminum. It is a matter of grave concern that aluminum in a chemically mobile form can be readily extracted from coal fly ash with rainwater or in situ with body fluids.
Human and Environmental Dangers Posed by Ongoing Global Tropospheric Aerosolized Particulates for Weather Modification
Front Public Health. 2016; 4: 139.
Retraction: Human and Environmental Dangers Posed by Ongoing Global Tropospheric Aerosolized Particulates for Weather Modification
Raised eyebrows as Madeleine Albright & Bana Alabed to be honored for ‘defending freedom’
The pro-NATO Atlantic Council think tank is set to honor former US Secretary of State Madeleine Albright and Syrian child activist Bana Alabed at its Freedom Awards this week.
<Actually 1.7 million Iraqis died because of the boycott. Half of them were children. The half million figure was calculated by ignoring the last 2 years of the boycott and children 13 or older.>
CirrusCloudsMatter: The Shady Truth About Contrails
CirrusCloudsMatter: The Shady Truth About Contrails
Chemtrails EXPLAINED! Biofuels and #CirrusCloudsMatter
Extensive List of PATENTS
Application of Islamic law by country
Aluminum, Barium, and Chemtrails From Space!
70 years of rockets and satellites dumping chemicals in space, and nobody knew! See the full history of Upper Atmospheric Experimentation!
Aluminum, Barium, and Chemtrails From Space!
Reflecting on 50 years of geoengineering research
Geoengineering options
discussed in that report included putting reflecting particles over the oceans and modifying cirrus clouds.
Geoengineering goals considered included preventing global warming and inhibiting the formation of hurricanes.
Perhaps some combination of cirrus thinning and stratospheric aerosols could restore both global mean
temperature and precipitation, while marine cloud brightening is used for fine tuning regional responses.
1962: “He Who Controls The Weather, Will Control The World” (LBJ)
“Satellite and balloon measurements show that the presence of cirrus clouds in the upper troposphere near the tropopause strongly reduces the heat loss of the atmosphere by infrared radiation. Thus, a cirrus cloud cover over warm northward-moving tropical air will prevent it from cooling as rapidly as does southward-moving cooler air, which has no cirrus cover.”
The History of Chemtrails - GEOENGINEERING WITH JET FUEL!
1:13:11 Jim Lee
"He who controls the weather,controls the world" weapons-History channel 2/3
JFK talking about controlling the weather in 1961
President Lyndon Johnson talking about Controlling the Weather in 1963
4 Signposts of American Collapse Which Also Occurred in the USSR
"Having witnessed one collapse, and now witnessing another, the one approach I would definitely not recommend is doing nothing and hoping for the best."
China cuts US investments by 92% amid escalating trade war
From the EU to China, world blasts US withdrawal from UN Human Rights Council
Wednesday, June 20, 2018
June Link Collection Part Two
Aleppo. Earthquake
Forced Labor in U.S. Detention Centers
Awaiting the Putin-Nazi Apocalypse
The Invention of the Land of Israel - book launch with Shlomo Sand | Frontline Club Talks
Shlomo Sand - The invention of the jewish people
"Cesspool Of Political Bias" - Haley Confirms US Withdrawal From UN Human Rights Council
As we noted below, this is first time a member has voluntarily left the Council. The United States now joins Iran, North Korea and Eritrea as the only countries that refuse to participate in the council’s meetings and deliberations.
Syria - Ready To Start The Daraa Campaign
Whoever committed the strike did so in an airspace that is controlled by the U.S. military. The leaders of the PMU in Iraq will use it to rally their forces against any U.S. bases in the country.
‘Al-Qaeda in Syria is losing in spite of us’ – Ron Paul
<It's even worse than Paul says. Obama, Hillary and Petraeus committed massive treason by arming and training terrorists to attack Syria. And the Pentagon has committed treason by bombing those fighting those terrorists.>
<They were trained in terrorist training camps run by the CIA outside the country, and then inserted into Syria. From the Washington Post back in 2015--
U.S. officials said the CIA has trained and equipped nearly 10,000 fighters sent into Syria over the past several years — meaning that the agency is spending roughly $100,000 per year for every anti-Assad rebel who has gone through the program.>
The Real Reason Why Valerian Flopped At The Box Office
Israel destroys Palestinian crops
7 foreign habits considered rude in Russia
Iran FM says Israel’s nukes real threat to Middle East, beyond
‘Operation Earthquake’ – The Invasion, Occupation and Liberation of Aleppo, a Video History by ANNA News
The ‘Academi’ in Yemen: 400 Blackwater persons fighting with Saudi-Led forces
Oleh Tyahnybok
Pony Play festival
<Crazy stuff>
Angela Merkel on the ropes as Trump goes for KNOCKOUT blow
Theresa May and the ‘missing’ child sex abuse files
A paedophile ring is said to have been run by a “powerful elite” including not only MPs, but also ministers and an even larger number of people aware of its existence; people that could have stopped it, yet did nothing.
Unprecedented Israeli Strikes Target Iraqi Shia Militias In Syria
A day after a mysterious airstrike close to the Iraq-Syria border reportedly killed over 30 Syrian government soldiers and Iraqi paramilitary forces backed by Iran, a US official has told CNN the attack was carried out by Israel and not by the US coalition.
US Futures Plunge After Trump Calls For $200BN More In Chinese Tariffs, Beijing Vows To "Hit Back"
IPCC Correctly Denies Solar Radiation Management is Happening
Solar Radiation Management (SRM) GeoEngineering in the Sky Over Milwaukee and Waukesha
'Solar radiation management': Scientists hope to fight climate change with geoengineering
European Parliament Votes to Ban Glyphosate in 28 Countries
How Britain engaged in a covert operation to overthrow Assad
Et Tu, Bernie?
"The Democratic Party is neither democratic nor in any real sense a political party. It is a corporate mirage. The members of its base can, at best, select preapproved candidates and act as props in a choreographed party convention. Voters have zero influence on party politics.
The Democratic Party elites in an open process and without corporate backing would not be in power. They are creations of the corporate state.
The Curious Case of the Left’s Silence on Julian Assange
Julian Assange remains cut off from the world in Ecuador’s London embassy, shut off from friends, relatives and thousands of supporters, leaving him unable to do his crucial work, as John Pilger discusses with Dennis J. Bernstein.
Huge story: Chemical materials from Saudi Arabia were found in a jihadist explosives factory today in Syria’s Damascus. Remember that the next time BBC, CNN & the rest of mainstream media accuse “the Assad regime” of carrying out a chemical weapons attack
US Attack Syrian Army Position, Death Toll Rises to 40
Once again, the US appears to be baiting the Syrian Army and Russia into a shooting war, and it wouldn’t be the first time.
What in the World Are They Spraying? (Full Length HD Version)
Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, September 9, 2017, #109 ( Dane Wigington )
'Cloud Seeding' Helps Bring More Rain From Friday's Storm
NASA Make Artificial Cloud - BBC Top Gear
Scientist Finally Confirms Weather Modification: A Comprehensive Database on Chemtrails and Weather Modification Already Exists
Here are all the new cloud types added to the Cloud Atlas for 2017
Weather Warfare Explained (video)
<A lot of links>
Weather Warfare Explained
corbettreport - 2012 - 48:52
CIA Funding Geoengineering to Weaponize Weather - #NewWorldNextWeek
corbettreport 17:53
Geoengineering: The real climate threat
corbettreport 16:16
The US and NATO Are Establishing Terrorist Bases in Europe
NATO and the United States, which, together, claim to be fighting some sort of amorphous “global war on terrorism,” have enabled a terrorist group to establish bases in two NATO member states.
France and Albania – and one NATO protectorate, Kosovo
U.S. Soldiers Secretly Fighting Saudi Arabia's War in Yemen, Report Says
Report: Obama Administration Handed Child Migrants Over to Human Traffickers
An award winning pier rebuilt with £12m of public money is flogged off to a private owner for peanuts
Hastings pier has just been sold to a private investor for a reported £50k. This has come after £12m of public money was spent on it, and locals are furious.
Hundreds killed and thousands flee as Saudi-led forces bomb Yemeni port to ‘liberate’ it
Police Homicides in the United States
As I said at the beginning of this article, the estimate of 1,500 police homicides per year would mean that eight to ten per cent of all American homicide victims are killed by the police. Of all American homicide victims killed by people they don’t know, approximately one-third of them are victims of the police.
Garry Kasparov Unhinged! - His Human Rights Scam Exposed w/Thor Halvorssen
The Jimmy Dore Show
<10% of all homicides were committed by cops, AND US cops steal from citizens MORE THAN burglars and robbers>
Researcher says tick-borne disease Borrelia has grown exponentially in Finland
About 1,900 cases of Borrelia have been reported in Finland annually over the past few years. That's nearly a five-fold increase in 20 years, according to Feuth, who says that about one out of every six ticks in Finland carry Borrelia.
Doctor explains what you should know about ticks
Where ticks live
Tall grasses.
Germany Was Defeated On The Eastern Front, Not Normandy
Exceptional and (in their view) superior people: Imperialists, Wahhabi, Zionists, Nazi.
Chinese-built Ethio-Djibouti railway drives Africa's development, integration
US-led coalition strikes Syrian army positions in Deir ez-Zor province – state media
Amazon's Whole Foods deal under scrutiny
World running out of sand, making it the black market’s hot commodity
<Looks like when the Middle East runs out of oil there will be no peace there. The next wars will be over the sand in their deserts.>
Former Monsanto Executive Admits Company Faked Scientific Data To Gain Regulatory Approval
The former Monsanto boss said the company used to fake scientific data” submitted to government regulatory agencies to get commercial approvals for its products in India.
EXCLUSIVE: Man Catches Cops on Video Framing Him To Justify Blowing Up His Door and Raiding Home
Demographics of the European Union
Charlie Hebdo DEBUNKED
Jan 16, 2015
Charlie Hebdo Shooting: Signs of a False Flag
Jan 9, 2015
Charlie Hebdo false flag RT news interview
Jan 10, 2015
The Charlie Hebdo Story Simply Doesn’t Wash
January 14, 2015
Former Prisoner of Conscience Condemns Amnesty International
The Real Story Behind Israel’s “Blooming Desert”
Though the official narrative of the state of Israel claims that it has turned the land it occupies from an empty desert into a lush, agricultural wonder, the actual fate of the land following Israel’s establishment in 1948 tells a very different story.
by Whitney Webb
Peter Tatchell – Sex Brought ‘Great Joy’. To 9 Year Olds
Kurdish Women Protest as Syrian Militants Force Them to Wear Hijabs – Report
Iraq confirms ‘refugee’ granted political asylum in France had key role in ISIS massacre
THE Islamic State (ISIS) chief who posed as a refugee to get political asylum in France took part in the 2014 slaughter of some 1,700 soldiers near the northern Iraqi town of Tikrit, a senior Iraqi government official said on Monday.
EU to supply electricity to Israeli settlements
The European Union will within a few years be supplying electricity to Israel’s settlements in the occupied West Bank and Syria’s Golan Heights, all of which are illegal under international law.
Leaked picture of Australian soldiers flying Nazi swastika in Afghanistan sparks scandal (PHOTO)
Life in a Jordan Valley firing zone
The Israeli army sometimes leaves behind unexploded shells, killing or injuring farmers and children.
CONFIRMED: Yemen destroys Saudi-led coalition warship
Conference “Africa-Europe Relationships: A Multi-Stakeholder Perspective”
Europe–Africa Conference
Erdogan’s “Trojan Horse” in Macedonia
Slam dunk: Flat-Earther logic obliterated by Reddit basketball stunt (PHOTO)
Israel Bombs Syria to Stop Refugees Fleeing to Europe, Netanyahu Says
White Helmets: A tool for ‘regime change’ in Syria that’s too important to stop funding?
Meanwhile, Vanessa Beeley, an independent investigative journalist who has recently visited Syria, believes Washington never really intended to cut off the group’s funding. “The funding freeze largely was a fake funding freeze,” Beeley told RT. “The funding freeze, in my opinion, was actually a way to secure further and more diverse funding for the White Helmets.”
Former Central Banker: Oil Pipeline Protesters Will Be Killed. So Be It.
TV Poll: 71% Of Liberals Don't Want Peace With North Korea Because Trump Would Take Credit
<A live TV poll taken on Michelle Wolf’s Netflix show found that 71% of the comedian’s liberal audience would rather peace with North Korea fail than see Donald Trump take credit for it.>
Too blatant to ignore? Human rights groups warn that ‘radical groups’ have free rein in Ukraine
Four human rights groups have issued a joint letter to the Ukrainian government, calling on Kiev to condemn attacks and threats committed by “radical groups” which promote hate and to hold the guilty parties accountable.
Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International, Front Line Defenders, and Freedom House sent a letter to the Ukrainian Interior Ministry and the Prosecutor General’s Office detailing a series of attacks by right-wing groups against minorities and activists that have gone largely ignored by law enforcement.
China Imposes 25% Retaliatory Import Tariffs on 659 US Goods Worth $50 Bln
This is America: Outrage at Trump is phony, US leaders have praised dictators for decades
In 1973, the CIA engineered and financed a bloody coup in Chile which installed Augusto Pinochet for a 17-year reign of terror. Declassified documents show that while the Pinochet regime was torturing and murdering its opponents, the US actively sought to downplay and whitewash Chile’s human rights violations — and even put the head of the Chilean secret police, Manuel Contreras, on the CIA payroll.
In the 1960s, the US actively supported the extermination of up to one million suspected communist sympathizers in Indonesia under the leadership of General Suharto. Washington supplied Suharto with financial support, military equipment and lists of communists. Suharto then ruled as a dictator for 35 years until 1998 — with Washington’s support.
US senators urge Pentagon to fully disclose its role in Saudi-led war in Yemen
“We call on you to immediately disclose the full extent of the US military role in the Saudi-led war against Yemen’s Houthis, including the use of special operations forces; disclose any role that the Pentagon is currently performing, has been asked to perform, or is considering performing regarding an attack on the port of Hodeida,” says the letter sent to Defense Secretary James Mattis on Friday, and signed by Senators Bernie Sanders (I-Vermont), Mike Lee (R-Utah) and Chris Murphy (D-Connecticut)
Israeli banks ‘pillage’ Palestine through settlement program and may be guilty of war crime – HRW
Deep involvement of Israeli banks in the building of illegal settlements in the occupied West Bank may amount to the war crime of pillage, HRW has said. While the settlements are condemned worldwide, Israel keeps building more.
Deadly brain-eating parasite strikes Louisiana water supply
US leads war games near Russian border with 18,000 troops on eve of World Cup
Drills show 'demonstration of the commitment and solidarity' of Nato forces in face of aggression from Moscow, says American army
Kiew führt Truppen an Russland heran – Duma-Abgeordneter
Kiew soll beschlossen haben, eine Angriffsgruppierung im Raum des Asowschen Meers zu stationieren. Dies teilte der Abgeordnete der Staatsduma (russisches Parlamentsunterhaus) der Krim-Region, Ruslan Balbek, mit. Moskau ist laut ihm gegebenenfalls zu entschiedenen Gegenmaßnahmen bereit.
A Conversation on Race — Paul Craig Roberts
The United States with its brainwashed and incompetent population—indeed, the entirety of the Western populations are incompetent—and with its absence of intelligent leadership has no chance against Russia and China, two massive countries arising from their overthrow of police states as the West descends into a gestapo state. The West is over and done with. Nothing remains of the West but the lies used to control the people. All hope is elsewhere.
The Real Results Of The Trump-Kim Summit - Freeze For Freeze (And Some Amusement)
Each time the U.S. and South Korea launch their very large maneuvers, the North Korean conscription army (1.2 million strong) has to go into a high state of defense readiness. Large maneuvers are a classic starting point for military attacks. The U.S.-South Korean maneuvers are (intentionally) held during the planting (April/May) or harvesting (August) season for rice when North Korea needs each and every hand in its few arable areas.
Why North Korea Needs Nukes - And How To End That
'My father was a Hamas leader, I was an Israeli spy' | Channel 4 News
<A traitor and liar. Israel made up the killing of 3 Israeli youth and used as an excuse to destroy 12.000 building in Gaza and kill 2400 people>
New book details Israel's secret history of assassinations
<"Only criminals and psychopaths believe that the end justifies the means.">
The inside story of Israel's campaign of assassination
In Their Own Words: Was Every Israeli Prime Minister A Racist?
Joining Some Dots on the Skripal Case: Part 1 – An Official Story That Doesn’t Hold Water
What is more, as the Moon of Alabama website points out, David Collum, Professor of Organic Chemistry at Cornell University has not only stated that his students could create the substance, but he actually got them to do an experiment to make it. According to the results, 15 out of 16 students did so successfully!
<A deadly nerve agent that doesn't kill?
Placed on a door handle that many touched?
A Detective Sergeant who no one can say where he was poisoned?>
Joining Some Dots on the Skripal Case: Part 2 – Four “Invisible” Clues
joining Some Dots on the Skripal Case: Part 3 – The Agitated Mr Skripal
Joining Some Dots on the Skripal Case: Part 4 – The Dodgy Dossier
Joining Some Dots on the Skripal Case: Part 5 – An Educated Guess
Joining Some Dots on the Skripal Case: Part 5 – An Educated Guess
First let’s say what it was not. It was not a lethal nerve agent, 5-8 times more deadly than VX. If it had been a lethal nerve agent, 5-8 times more deadly than VX, then they would either have died over the next few minutes, or they would have been hospitalised and suffered irreparable damage to their nervous system. Since neither of these things happened, it is safe to say that whatever the substance was, it was not A-234. Indeed, it defies logic, reason and all common sense to maintain that it was.
Observations from Occupied Palestine: Gaza
Abu Taima’s land
<Reality for farmers in Gaza. Photo from February 2010.<
Was Einstein racist? Travel diaries reveal shocking truth about physicist’s views on Asians
He described the Chinese as “industrious, filthy, obtuse” and “a peculiar herd-like nation,” that, according to Einstein, posed threat to other nations. “It would be a pity if these Chinese supplant all other races,” he wrote. “For the likes of us the mere thought is unspeakably dreary.”
Juncker says confident Greece will be 'normal' country by summer
Hillary Clinton vs. James Comey: Email Scandal Supercut
US-Backed SDF Infuriated by Syrian Gov't Flags Hoisted in Raqqa
Hillary Clinton LYING UNDER OATH, clear grounds for PERJURY
Hillary Clinton LYING UNDER OATH, clear grounds for PERJURY
Hillary's 5 FBI lies exposed
Trump Blasts Clinton for Her ‘FBI Immunity Five’
Anthony Weiner's Laptop Names US Attorney = Human Trafficking Pedogate
Guiliani, NYPD and Weiner's Laptop
Illegal Monsanto GMO wheat discovered at ‘isolated site’ in Canada
Israeli MP invokes the supremacy of ‘Jewish race’ in bizarre pro-Netanyahu tirade
The ‘Jewish race’ is the smartest in the world and possesses the highest human capital, so Israelis ought to be skeptical about the current corruption probes into Israel’s PM Benjamin Netanyahu, a Likud party lawmaker has claimed.
The day the BBC decided Putin murdered his mate
Britain now the enemy? Brussels boots out UK military – 'UK no place in defence of Europe' | World | News
Dumbing down? New study suggests young people's IQs are in decline
A new study, conducted by Norwegian scientists, shows that IQ scores of today’s young people are in decline, putting an end to the post-war trend of rising intelligence.
After the Second World War young people’s IQs were steadily rising. It was dubbed the Flynn effect after New Zealand intelligence researcher James Flynn. This phenomenon saw average IQ scores rise about three points per decade.
Farmed Norwegian Salmon World’s Most Toxic Food
Le Pen, Orban, Wilders among Kremlin’s ‘5th column’ hell-bent on destroying Europe, says EU bigwig
The EU Parliament’s Brexit chief has accused Marine Le Pen, Nigel Farage and more Eurosceptic politicians of being Kremlin-funded “fifth columnists” working to destroy Europe from within. He even claimed Brexit was a Russian plot.
UN General Assembly condemns Israel for ‘excessive use of force’ on Gaza border
NATO’s Terrorist Bases in Europe
NATO and the United States, which, together, claim to be fighting some sort of amorphous “global war on terrorism,” have enabled a terrorist group to establish bases in two NATO member states – France and Albania – and one NATO protectorate, Kosovo. After evacuating forces of the anti-Iranian terrorist group Mojahedin-e-Khalq from their former bases in Iraq, the United States and NATO facilitated the group’s establishment of a well-guarded military base in Manez, Albania, near Tirana. In addition to hosting MEK members, NATO has convinced Albania to accept members of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), who surrendered to Western special forces in Syria and Iraq
Norway asks US to send more Marines and wants to keep them longer
Israeli lawmaker proclaims supremacy of ‘Jewish race’
Likud's MK Miki Zohar says Jews are the smartest in the world, so know Netanyahu isn't corrupt
Trump Authorizes $6.6Mln in Aid to White Helmets, UN Mechanism - State Dept.
Sex offenders including paedophiles should be allowed to adopt, Theresa May told
Rules which bar sex offenders from working with children are ‘unfair’ and even convicted paedophiles should have the right to adopt, a leading legal academic has said.
WARNING: Donetsk says Ukraine Plans to Massacre EU Delegation
WHITE HELMETS: The John McCain Connections and is the “Funding Freeze” for Real?
On the 3rd of May Sputnik published a report exposing potential U.S plans to stage another ‘chemical weapon’ provocation in Syria. Preparations allegedly began on April 23rd to ship civilians to “to a territory near Jafra oil field to participate in a staged filming of an attack scene”
Funding for the Syrian Civil Defense and UN International Impartial and Independent Mechanism
<Trump reinstates #WhiteHelmet funding after fake ‘freeze’ <
Pro-War Liberals Resist Trump’s Modest Accomplishments at North Korea Summit
Trump is proving yet again to be an unpredictable figure with eclectic policies that rely as much on sizzle as they do on well-done steak. Yet he can hardly be faulted for promising to draw down the U.S. troop presence and accept the peaceful denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula.
‘Merciless’ Israel must face UK sanctions for Gaza bloodshed – petition
UK government funds £38,425,591.23 to the White Helmets.
The rest of us will have to make do with ‘austerity’.
Reconciliation committee member assassinated in Daraa
<Syrian government offers peaceful solutions for militants who choose to lay down weapons.
West's 'moderate' killers choose option B, to keep killing, and kill the messenger. Despicable.
"A terrorist group assassinated Dr. Mousa Qanbas, a member of the reconciliation committee in Daraa province on Thursday.
SANA’s reporter in Daraa said that terrorists opened fire on Dr. Qanbas while he was entering his clinic in al-Harra town in the northwestern of the province, causing his death.">
Racing to a Dead End - Heiner Flassbeck on Reality Asserts Itself (2/5)
The US Dollar and the Search for a "Reasonable" Capitalist - Heiner Flassbeck on RAI (3/5)
Reaganism and Thatcherism were Intellectually Dishonest - Heiner Flassbeck on RAI (1/5)
Capitalism Will Hit the Wall Again, Hard - Heiner Flassbeck on RAI (5/5)
Italian Troops Deployed Alongside US And French Forces In Eastern Syria: Turkish Media
The Necessity for Higher Wages - Heiner Flassbeck on RAI (4/5)
DESPERATE MATH: Mueller Indictments Still Don’t Add Up to Collusion
As this hopelessly open-ended investigation rolls on, many are quick to point out the litany of indictments in its wake. The problem, however, is nothing has actually been proven on the remit of collusion. It’s still an epic fail – many in media and government have staked their careers on it.
Under Israel pressure, French mayor forced to remove pro-Palestine street sign
The Holy Grail - Teal Swan
Paris suburb forced to remove signs naming street after Palestinian exodus following Jewish outcry
BBC rebukes its Middle East correspondent Jeremy Bowen for anti-Israel comments
The BBC's Middle East Editor Jeremy Bowen faced calls to quit tonight after he was criticised for breaching the broadcaster's rules on accuracy and impartiality in two reports about the Arab-Israeli conflict.
Obama administration officials are rushing to explain photos from 2014 that went viral this weekend showing locked-up immigrant children
The former Obama speechwriter Jon Favreau had shared the images on Twitter, mistakenly believing they were taken during Donald Trump's presidency.
UN votes to blame Israel for excessive force against Palestinians in Gaza
The UN General Assembly has voted to condemn Israeli violence against Palestinian protesters in Gaza. A US attempt to blame Hamas failed to pass.
More than 120 Palestinian protesters in Gaza have been killed by Israeli soldiers since late March, as well as nearly 4,000 injured. Israel blames Hamas, which controls the Gaza Strip, for inciting the protests. No Israelis have been killed.
The uninvited stink: US Defense Secretary Mattis says US will stay after SDF defeats IS in Syria
< So nobody told him Deir Ez-Zohr was liberated by the Syrian Arab Army and its allies?
And of course he is a lying bastard because there is no UN mandate for the US in Syria. The US is an invader and nothing is going to change that. He will soon find out that the US staying in Syria is not going to be a walk in the park.>
120 countries blame Israel for 'excessive' force against Palestinians
One hundred and twenty countries vote in UN General Assembly to blame Israel for Gaza violence, with eight against and 45 abstaining from voting. The resolution put forward by Turkey and Algeria rejects US call to condemn Hamas for attacks on Israel.
<Finally, the Assembly took up L.23, adopting the resolution by a vote of 120 in favour to 8 against (Australia, Israel, Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Nauru, Solomon Islands, Togo, United States), with 45 abstentions.>
North Korea Issue is Not De-Nuclearization But De-Colonization
“The psychopathology of white supremacy invisibilizes the absurdity and illegitimacy of the United States being in a position to negotiate the fate of millions of Koreans.”
Auschwitz - Myths & Facts
Holocaust Fundamentalism -
You WILL Believe
Even the Yard Vashem Holocaust Museum in Israel, after 60 years, can only muster three million names, and many of those names are of Jews who merely died (or disappeared) during WWII, causes unknown. Many names appear more than once. In a similar vein, while the number of Jews murdered at Auschwitz was officially reduced by millions in recent years, the irreducible number of "six million Jews" remains. Isn't it possible that there's some politically-motivated chicanery here?
The “Final Solution”: Estimated Number of Jews Killed
Saudi-led coalition strikes newly built Doctors Without Borders facility in Yemen
A newly built cholera care center, run by Doctors Without Borders (MSF) in the town of Abs, has been hit by Saudi-led coalition planes in yet another airstrike on the medical charity’s facilities in war-ravaged Yemen.
Poland reduces Auschwitz death toll
Ever-Diminishing Official
Numbers Of Auschwitz Dead
Abby Martin peddles Jewish exceptionalism, fears WW2 truth
By Brandon Martinez
The American Exceptionalism Myth and the Selling of U.S. Domination
American exceptionalism
On the one hand, American intervention on the world stage has claimed a moral purpose of acting altruistically in defense of freedom and democracy. On the other hand, America has been accused of behaving as a "nation above nations" imposing its hegemony on the rest of the world, acting in its own interest, with no concern for others. The U.S. is far from unique in claiming to be special. Many nations, ancient and modern, have regarded themselves as having a special role to play, sometimes blessed by God.
Comedian Lee Camp Drops Vegan Truth Bombs on TV
Troubled Waters: Italian govt closes port to migrants as influx continues
Ukrainische Soldaten in russischen Uniformen im Donbass gesichtet – Lugansk
300 prominent global figures accuse Israel of committing ‘war crimes’
Trump, Kim handshake, talk of peace sinks U.S. defense stocks
School of the Americas Watch
The "School of the Americas" in Fort Benning, Georgia, has for decades trained death squads, torturers, and dictators which the USA then unleashes on Latin America. Most of your best-known Latin American puppets and human rights violators have trained there. Better believe your Venezuelan and Nicaraguan "opposition" is chock full of SOA graduates.
Chilling NCMEC Report Shows 88% of Missing Sex Trafficked Kids Come from US Foster Care
Mueller Scrambles To Limit Evidence After Indicted Russians Actually Show Up In Court
Special Counsel Robert Mueller is scrambling to limit pretrial evidence handed over to a Russian company he indicted in February over alleged meddling in the 2016 U.S. election, according to Bloomberg.
<Yes! Yes! The proof is in how divided we are! The more divisiveness, the more we know the Russians are at work! Yeah that's the ticket! I see it all now!>
<Don’t blame Russia. Blame the 1%’s avarice, endless wars, mass durveillance and censorship, the police state, kthe broken criminal justice system, and the eyes, ears, lips and minds of conscientious and smart US citizens raising their voice and denouncing such evils.>
Autism Explained Synergistic Poisoning from Aluminum and Glyphosate, by Dr. Stephanie Seneff
<It's factual that Glyphosate acts by disrupting & neutralizing the shikimate pathway of plants, fungi, bacteria, parasites. It's also factual that these same good bacteria make up the human microbiome, essential for human survival. It doesn't take a specialized degree to understand that our gut bacteria are essential for our survival, the destruction of which by Glyphosate or any other substance will lead to a negative outcome, to say the least.>
<roundup, alminum, mercury, sun deficiency - aromatic amino-acids>
MIT doctor claims autism to afflict 50% of American children by 2025, glyphosate to blame
Shockingly Higher Rates of Autism and Developmental Delays in Asia
GMOs, genetically modified organisms were put in our food, unlabeled in 1996 and are now in 85% of America's food through corn, soy, sugar, cotton seed oil, canola oil, some squash and Hawaiin Papaya. Genetically modified foods are either genetically engineered to BE a pesticide and when the bug eats the crop, it's stomach explodes. BT GMO corn is registered with the EPA as a pesticide. OR GMOs are genetically engineered to WITHSTAND herbicides, so that the crops can be sprayed and all the weeds will die but our food will not. The problem is that the chemicals do not dry off, wash off or cook off as was once believed. We eat them.
There was a 73% increase of the use of Roundup in 2013 alone. This is attributed to two things, 1) the crops have developed resistance and farmers are sparaying more chemicals earlier and more often to reduce the weeds. 2
Mom Refuses Ritalin and Heals Her ADHD Autism Kids With Natural Medicine
Independent Scientists Manifesto on Glyphosate
10 Countries Act Against Glyphosate
Sri Lanka’s president Maithripala Sirisena announced in May 2015 that it will halt the import of glyphosate noting the increasing number of chronic kidney disease (CKDu) patients in Sri Lanka.
In 2013, El Salvador blazed the trail by becoming the first country to ban glyphosate, also citing the rise of the deadly kidney disease (CKDu)
The Dutch Parliament took action in 2014, banning the sale of glyphosate to private parties citing a link to cancer, infertility, birth defects, nervous system damage, and kidney disease. In response to the WHO reclassification, the Denmark Working Environment Authority declared glyphosate to be a carcinogen.
In 2016 Russia’s State Dumas passed a ban on GMO crops and animals with the Agriculture Minister, Alexander Tkache stating:
”The Ministry of Agriculture is strongly against GMOs, Russian products will remain clean.”
Glyphosate Manifesto
More than 400 scientists and 600 non-scientists from 58 countries have signed a manifesto calling for a ban on glyphosate spraying. (See the Independent Scientists Manifesto on Glyphosate.)
EU lawmakers vote to ban glyphosate weed killer by 2022
The European Parliament has called for glyphosate to be banned by 2022 amid fears the weed killer causes cancer. The move puts pressure on the EU Commission which recommended its license should be renewed for 10 years.
Dutch Ban Roundup, France and Brazil to Follow
Germany swings EU vote in favor of weed-killer glyphosate
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - Germany defeated its key EU ally France in a very tight vote on Monday to clear the use of weed-killer glyphosate for the next five years after a heated debate over whether it causes cancer.
Prussian Blue staining in the walls of the Auschwitz Kremas
Mother Nature's time bomb debunks the holocaust lie
How To Protect Yourself From Glyphosate Damage to the Gut and Brain
at 8min
Dr. Thierry Vrain, Former Pro-GMO Scientist, Speaks Up Against Glyphosate
Whitewash, The Disturbing Truth About Cow's Milk and Your Health by Joseph Keon
Cancer: Monsanto knew glyphosate could cause it
The Hooligans: Joining The Kremlin's Football Army
Poisoned Fields - Glyphosate, the underrated risk? (HD 1080p)
Glyphosate is the world’s most widely used weed killer. Some claim it is completely harmless, others say it is a serious health hazard for man and animals. A topical investigation into a controversial substance.
<In Germany 35% of all fields are sprayed with glyphosat
at 18 min effects the beneficial gut bacteria <endorphin disruption> at 40 min more..>
Meet Paul Ehrlich, Pseudoscience Charlatan
corbettreport 41:44
at 18 min sperm decline -
Russia's top diplomat says Normandy Four meeting was useful
At the same time, Ukraine continues insisting on the US variant of the UN mission in Donbass, which ruins Minsk Agreements completely, Lavrov noted. "We explained that ideas put forward by US and Ukrainian representatives to convert this peacekeeping mission into a sort of military-political commandant’s headquarters to take control over the whole territory of proclaimed Donetsk and Lugansk Republics and which will decide on its own, who will be elected and in what way, completely ruins Minsk Agreements," the Russian minister said. "It seems to me that the French and the German understand our logic," he added.
Torture, starvation, executions: Eastern Ghouta civilians talk of life under terrorist rule
Last week I wrote about what civilians from Ghouta told me regarding unverified claims of the Syrian Army attacking them with chemicals, but they also talked about crimes committed by terrorists and the White Helmets’ role.
Although benignly dubbed “rebels” by corporate media, the Salafist terrorist group Jaysh al-Islam are not fighting for freedom or human rights in Syria, nor are the other terrorist groups who formerly ruled in eastern Ghouta.
Netanyahu wants world to pressure Iran to leave Syria
The Leuchter Report
A Report on the Alleged Execution Gas
Chambers at Auschwitz, Birkenau and
Majdanek, Poland by an Execution Equipment
Full text of "The Leuchter Report"
The Leuchter Report
Pentagon Admits ‘No One Will Ever Know’ How Many Civilians US Has Killed Fighting ISIS
While representatives of the U.S. government communicate their supposed disapproval of civilian casualties, report after report continues to show that the U.S.-led anti-ISIS campaigns are responsible for the deaths of thousands of civilians, many more than reported by the U.S. government.
US Special Forces helping FSA plot chemical attack to trigger strikes on Syria forces – Russian MoD
Russia’s Defense Ministry said it has credible intelligence that US Special Forces are helping Syrian rebels orchestrate a “chemical attack provocation” using chlorine to provoke Western airstrikes on Syrian's government forces.
Mike Pompeo says North Korea could get ‘unique’ security guarantees if it gives up nukes
US President Donald Trump holds a summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un in Singapore on Tuesday
"We gotta an offer you can't refuse. You give up all your nukes and then...we pull a Libya on ya."
US-Backed Kurds Agree To "Unconditional Talks" With Syrian Government After Pentagon-Turkey Deal
While it appears the Pentagon is now (predictably) selling out the Kurds to Turkey, Assad has consistently taken a pragmatic approach in dealing with the US-backed SDF, reminding them that no foreign supporters could possibly have Syrian best interests in mind: "either you have a country or you don’t have a country" he said in the RT interview of the foreign invasion of Syrian soil over the past years of war.
Should SDC-SDF and Syrian government negotiations come to full fruition, this could mark lasting peace and the final exit of foreign forces, American troops foremost among them.
Tracking Protection
Tracking generally refers to the collection of a person’s browsing data across multiple sites. The Tracking Protection feature uses a list provided by Disconnect to identify and block trackers.
Private Browsing - Use Firefox without saving history
Private Browsing allows you to browse the Internet without saving any information about which sites and pages you’ve visited.
Private Browsing also includes Tracking Protection, which prevents companies from tracking your browsing history across multiple sites. To learn more about Private Browsing with Tracking Protection in Firefox, see Tracking Protection.
How to Block Third-Party Cookies in Every Web Browser
Police to investigate London Fire Brigade over Grenfell fire: The real criminals remain at large
US-Backed Coalition Bombs Yemen’s New Cholera Treatment Center, After Unleashing World’s Largest Outbreak
Russian Defense Ministry points out IS emerged as result of US military invasion of Iraq
<Russia fires back at Mattis-you invaded Iraq, you created ISIS, you supplied them with weapons, and the only ISIS pockets left are in areas you control>
Israel has shot 29 medics at Gaza border, killing two
State benefits for ISIS fighters?!
ISIS fighters get approved for Canadian benefits
Returning Canadian ISIS fighters receive more Canadian benefits than I do.
Instead I have to work to earn my benefits, they don’t.
<How is it that some people are more offended by people calling out Justin Trudeau's fake eyebrows than they are of him giving benefits including health insurance to returning ISIS fighters and supporting terrorist factions in Syria? >
Israel branded ‘illegal state’ by Spanish party leader for practicing ‘apartheid’
Israel has been branded an “illegal state” by the leader of Spain’s third-largest party, Podemos, for conducting an apartheid-like massacre at the Gaza fence bordering Palestine.
Joining Some Dots on the Skripal Case: Part 1 – An Official Story That Doesn’t Hold Water
Justin Trudeau Fake Eyebrow Falls Off After Lying Instant Karma
Just listening 2 him is hard but look his left eye brow has lost its glue. @JustinTrudeau
Aleksandr Rogozhkin: The Chekist (1992)
In the 1920-th years in the Soviet Union in a smaller town Cheka is mass murdering people after a formal process. Andrei, the head of the Cheka, is driven insane.
Yemen - U.S. Grants Approval For Genocide
The genocide in Yemen is going to start tomorrow. Eight million are already on the brink of starvation. Eighteen out of twenty-six million Yemenis live in the mountainous heartlands (green) which are under control of the Houthi and their allies. They are surrounded by Saudi and U.A.E. forces and their mercenaries. There is little agriculture. The only supply line from the outside world will soon be cut off. The people will starve.
Neither the Emirates nor the Saudis have any interest in letting humanitarian aid flow. They are absolutely ruthless. Earlier today they bombed a Cholera treatment center run by Doctors Without Borders:
Where does your fruit come from and at what cost? | DW Documentary
Iceland Is Growing New Forests for the First Time in 1,000 Years | Short Film Showcase
How This Town Produces No Trash
How Much Plastic is in the Ocean?
Microfibers from our clothes are poisoning the oceans.
How microfibers in clothes are polluting our oceans
Skripals poisoned by novichok dose of up to 100g, watchdog says
Quantity of nerve agent dose thought to have been used suggests it was created as a weapon
'Novichok' Creator Says OPCW Report Proves Skripals Poisoned With Another Agent
"OPCW data saying that a toxic chemical of high purity was used proves that it was not Novichok…. Novichok is a complex nerve-paralyzing substance consisting of a mixture of many different components and additives that decompose in different ways. If a pure substance was found, it could not be Novichok," Rink said.
Ex-Russian spy poisoned with nerve agent, watchdog confirms
Testing by four laboratories affiliated with the global chemical weapons watchdog confirmed Britain’s findings and showed that the toxic chemical was “of high purity”.
The OPCW did not explicitly name Novichok in its published summary, say where the poison may have come from or assign blame for the attack. But it did confirm Britain’s analysis about the substance that had been used.
Skripals were poisoned by high-purity novichok, watchdog confirms | News
<Military grade Novichok is not of high purity. Especially not after being in the open for 2-3 weeks>
Vladimir Lenin
Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov, better known by the alias Lenin (22 April 1870 – 21 January 1924), was .... It is likely that Lenin was unaware of his mother's Jewish ancestry, which was only discovered by his sister Anna after his death
Karl Marx
Marx was ethnically Jewish
ISIS Is a US-Israeli Creation. Top Ten “Indications”
ISIS is a US-Israeli creation, a fact as clear as the sky is blue. It’s a truth as black and white as the colors on their flag. For many alternative news readers, this may be patently obvious, but this article is written for the large majority of people in the world who still have no idea who is really behind the rise of ISIS. No matter which name they go by – ISIS, ISIL, IS or Daesh – the group has been deliberately engineered by the US and Israel to achieve certain geopolitical goals. They are a religious, fundamentalist, Sunni terrorist organization created to terrorize and overthrow certain secular or Shiite Arab nations such as Syria and Iraq, but they are not just “Islamic”. They may be Muslims, and they may be advocating an Islamic State, but they are very much working towards the goals of Zionism.
Joining Some Dots on the Skripal Case: Part 2 – Four “Invisible”
<The claim by the Brits was "laboratory grade Novichock". Military grade Novichock isn't 99% pure. They add chemicals to extend it's life time. Plus the samples were collected after 2-3 weeks? By then it should have degraded to some degree. Whoever collected the samples after 2-3 weeks, those samples were "salted". Meaning, the paces were prepared a day before the inspections.>
Concentration camp deaths
The Holohoax for dummies – 21 Amazing Facts
The "Holohoax" exposed in 30 minutes
BREAKING: The UN has just accused the Tories of creating a ‘human catastrophe’ in the UK
They’re supporting the very man who openly supports Zionism but they’re doing the Nazi salute. Welcome to Britain the land of Rupert Murdoch where paedophile haters protect paedophiles, Nazis support Zionists and Theresa May gets to have her nanny surveillance state due to a zio-orchestrated rise in fascism. Applauds all round.
Netanyahu: Hitler Didn't Want to Exterminate the Jews - Credit: GPO
SIX MILLION JEWS 1915- 1938 (understand the numbers significance)
NY rabbi: ‘Not even 1 million’ Jews killed in Holocaust
Yosef Mizrachi claims high assimilation rates inflated estimates; 'he doesn't know what he's talking about,' historian says
A controversial ultra-Orthodox rabbi based in New York has said that fewer that one million Jews were killed in the Holocaust, claiming most of those counted among the usually cited figure of six million were not Jewish according to rabbinical law.
All remaining ISIS resistance zones in Syria are in US-controlled areas – Russian MoD
John Bolton Wants No Deal With North Korea Or Iran - But Is There Any Other Choice?
U.S. National Security Advisor John Bolton nearly succeeded in sabotaging talks with North Korea. But the summit train is back on its tracks. Trump will meet Kin Jong-un on on June 12 in Singapore. The South Korean President Moon rescued the situation. Secretary of State Pompeo helped.
German Officials Admit "Still No Evidence" From UK That Russia Poisoned Skripals
Russia? Trump and Lavrov on the G7/G8 question
Lavrov added that he considers the G20 format to be the most promising.
Torture, starvation, executions: Eastern Ghouta civilians talk of life under terrorist rule
Last week I wrote about what civilians from Ghouta told me regarding unverified claims of the Syrian Army attacking them with chemicals, but they also talked about crimes committed by terrorists and the White Helmets’ role.
Although benignly dubbed “rebels” by corporate media, the Salafist terrorist group Jaysh al-Islam are not fighting for freedom or human rights in Syria, nor are the other terrorist groups who formerly ruled in eastern Ghouta.
Is This Man the Most Powerful Jew in the World?
Igor Kolomoisky became one of the most prominent figures during this year's Ukraine unrest, unafraid to poke the Russian bear – and especially President Vladimir Putin – with a big stick.
Weapons, Prostitutes and Drugs –These are Things Petro Poroshenko is Associated With
Ukrainian Jews Celebrate Poroshenko Win
Forbes lists Petro Poroshenko as the 130th richest Jew in the world with 1, 6 billion dollars. The would-be President of Ukraine Poroshenko was born Waltzman. Poroshenko is his mother’s name, she was also a Jew
250,000 people could die if Saudi-led coalition attacks Yemeni port city Hodeidah – UN official
Aleppo. Earthquake
Forced Labor in U.S. Detention Centers
Awaiting the Putin-Nazi Apocalypse
The Invention of the Land of Israel - book launch with Shlomo Sand | Frontline Club Talks
Shlomo Sand - The invention of the jewish people
"Cesspool Of Political Bias" - Haley Confirms US Withdrawal From UN Human Rights Council
As we noted below, this is first time a member has voluntarily left the Council. The United States now joins Iran, North Korea and Eritrea as the only countries that refuse to participate in the council’s meetings and deliberations.
Syria - Ready To Start The Daraa Campaign
Whoever committed the strike did so in an airspace that is controlled by the U.S. military. The leaders of the PMU in Iraq will use it to rally their forces against any U.S. bases in the country.
‘Al-Qaeda in Syria is losing in spite of us’ – Ron Paul
<It's even worse than Paul says. Obama, Hillary and Petraeus committed massive treason by arming and training terrorists to attack Syria. And the Pentagon has committed treason by bombing those fighting those terrorists.>
<They were trained in terrorist training camps run by the CIA outside the country, and then inserted into Syria. From the Washington Post back in 2015--
U.S. officials said the CIA has trained and equipped nearly 10,000 fighters sent into Syria over the past several years — meaning that the agency is spending roughly $100,000 per year for every anti-Assad rebel who has gone through the program.>
The Real Reason Why Valerian Flopped At The Box Office
Israel destroys Palestinian crops
7 foreign habits considered rude in Russia
Iran FM says Israel’s nukes real threat to Middle East, beyond
‘Operation Earthquake’ – The Invasion, Occupation and Liberation of Aleppo, a Video History by ANNA News
The ‘Academi’ in Yemen: 400 Blackwater persons fighting with Saudi-Led forces
Oleh Tyahnybok
Pony Play festival
<Crazy stuff>
Angela Merkel on the ropes as Trump goes for KNOCKOUT blow
Theresa May and the ‘missing’ child sex abuse files
A paedophile ring is said to have been run by a “powerful elite” including not only MPs, but also ministers and an even larger number of people aware of its existence; people that could have stopped it, yet did nothing.
Unprecedented Israeli Strikes Target Iraqi Shia Militias In Syria
A day after a mysterious airstrike close to the Iraq-Syria border reportedly killed over 30 Syrian government soldiers and Iraqi paramilitary forces backed by Iran, a US official has told CNN the attack was carried out by Israel and not by the US coalition.
US Futures Plunge After Trump Calls For $200BN More In Chinese Tariffs, Beijing Vows To "Hit Back"
IPCC Correctly Denies Solar Radiation Management is Happening
Solar Radiation Management (SRM) GeoEngineering in the Sky Over Milwaukee and Waukesha
'Solar radiation management': Scientists hope to fight climate change with geoengineering
European Parliament Votes to Ban Glyphosate in 28 Countries
How Britain engaged in a covert operation to overthrow Assad
Et Tu, Bernie?
"The Democratic Party is neither democratic nor in any real sense a political party. It is a corporate mirage. The members of its base can, at best, select preapproved candidates and act as props in a choreographed party convention. Voters have zero influence on party politics.
The Democratic Party elites in an open process and without corporate backing would not be in power. They are creations of the corporate state.
The Curious Case of the Left’s Silence on Julian Assange
Julian Assange remains cut off from the world in Ecuador’s London embassy, shut off from friends, relatives and thousands of supporters, leaving him unable to do his crucial work, as John Pilger discusses with Dennis J. Bernstein.
Huge story: Chemical materials from Saudi Arabia were found in a jihadist explosives factory today in Syria’s Damascus. Remember that the next time BBC, CNN & the rest of mainstream media accuse “the Assad regime” of carrying out a chemical weapons attack
US Attack Syrian Army Position, Death Toll Rises to 40
Once again, the US appears to be baiting the Syrian Army and Russia into a shooting war, and it wouldn’t be the first time.
What in the World Are They Spraying? (Full Length HD Version)
Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, September 9, 2017, #109 ( Dane Wigington )
'Cloud Seeding' Helps Bring More Rain From Friday's Storm
NASA Make Artificial Cloud - BBC Top Gear
Scientist Finally Confirms Weather Modification: A Comprehensive Database on Chemtrails and Weather Modification Already Exists
Here are all the new cloud types added to the Cloud Atlas for 2017
Weather Warfare Explained (video)
<A lot of links>
Weather Warfare Explained
corbettreport - 2012 - 48:52
CIA Funding Geoengineering to Weaponize Weather - #NewWorldNextWeek
corbettreport 17:53
Geoengineering: The real climate threat
corbettreport 16:16
The US and NATO Are Establishing Terrorist Bases in Europe
NATO and the United States, which, together, claim to be fighting some sort of amorphous “global war on terrorism,” have enabled a terrorist group to establish bases in two NATO member states.
France and Albania – and one NATO protectorate, Kosovo
U.S. Soldiers Secretly Fighting Saudi Arabia's War in Yemen, Report Says
Report: Obama Administration Handed Child Migrants Over to Human Traffickers
An award winning pier rebuilt with £12m of public money is flogged off to a private owner for peanuts
Hastings pier has just been sold to a private investor for a reported £50k. This has come after £12m of public money was spent on it, and locals are furious.
Hundreds killed and thousands flee as Saudi-led forces bomb Yemeni port to ‘liberate’ it
Police Homicides in the United States
As I said at the beginning of this article, the estimate of 1,500 police homicides per year would mean that eight to ten per cent of all American homicide victims are killed by the police. Of all American homicide victims killed by people they don’t know, approximately one-third of them are victims of the police.
Garry Kasparov Unhinged! - His Human Rights Scam Exposed w/Thor Halvorssen
The Jimmy Dore Show
<10% of all homicides were committed by cops, AND US cops steal from citizens MORE THAN burglars and robbers>
Researcher says tick-borne disease Borrelia has grown exponentially in Finland
About 1,900 cases of Borrelia have been reported in Finland annually over the past few years. That's nearly a five-fold increase in 20 years, according to Feuth, who says that about one out of every six ticks in Finland carry Borrelia.
Doctor explains what you should know about ticks
Where ticks live
Tall grasses.
Germany Was Defeated On The Eastern Front, Not Normandy
Exceptional and (in their view) superior people: Imperialists, Wahhabi, Zionists, Nazi.
Chinese-built Ethio-Djibouti railway drives Africa's development, integration
US-led coalition strikes Syrian army positions in Deir ez-Zor province – state media
Amazon's Whole Foods deal under scrutiny
World running out of sand, making it the black market’s hot commodity
<Looks like when the Middle East runs out of oil there will be no peace there. The next wars will be over the sand in their deserts.>
Former Monsanto Executive Admits Company Faked Scientific Data To Gain Regulatory Approval
The former Monsanto boss said the company used to fake scientific data” submitted to government regulatory agencies to get commercial approvals for its products in India.
EXCLUSIVE: Man Catches Cops on Video Framing Him To Justify Blowing Up His Door and Raiding Home
Demographics of the European Union
Charlie Hebdo DEBUNKED
Jan 16, 2015
Charlie Hebdo Shooting: Signs of a False Flag
Jan 9, 2015
Charlie Hebdo false flag RT news interview
Jan 10, 2015
The Charlie Hebdo Story Simply Doesn’t Wash
January 14, 2015
Former Prisoner of Conscience Condemns Amnesty International
The Real Story Behind Israel’s “Blooming Desert”
Though the official narrative of the state of Israel claims that it has turned the land it occupies from an empty desert into a lush, agricultural wonder, the actual fate of the land following Israel’s establishment in 1948 tells a very different story.
by Whitney Webb
Peter Tatchell – Sex Brought ‘Great Joy’. To 9 Year Olds
Kurdish Women Protest as Syrian Militants Force Them to Wear Hijabs – Report
Iraq confirms ‘refugee’ granted political asylum in France had key role in ISIS massacre
THE Islamic State (ISIS) chief who posed as a refugee to get political asylum in France took part in the 2014 slaughter of some 1,700 soldiers near the northern Iraqi town of Tikrit, a senior Iraqi government official said on Monday.
EU to supply electricity to Israeli settlements
The European Union will within a few years be supplying electricity to Israel’s settlements in the occupied West Bank and Syria’s Golan Heights, all of which are illegal under international law.
Leaked picture of Australian soldiers flying Nazi swastika in Afghanistan sparks scandal (PHOTO)
Life in a Jordan Valley firing zone
The Israeli army sometimes leaves behind unexploded shells, killing or injuring farmers and children.
CONFIRMED: Yemen destroys Saudi-led coalition warship
Conference “Africa-Europe Relationships: A Multi-Stakeholder Perspective”
Europe–Africa Conference
Erdogan’s “Trojan Horse” in Macedonia
Slam dunk: Flat-Earther logic obliterated by Reddit basketball stunt (PHOTO)
Israel Bombs Syria to Stop Refugees Fleeing to Europe, Netanyahu Says
White Helmets: A tool for ‘regime change’ in Syria that’s too important to stop funding?
Meanwhile, Vanessa Beeley, an independent investigative journalist who has recently visited Syria, believes Washington never really intended to cut off the group’s funding. “The funding freeze largely was a fake funding freeze,” Beeley told RT. “The funding freeze, in my opinion, was actually a way to secure further and more diverse funding for the White Helmets.”
Former Central Banker: Oil Pipeline Protesters Will Be Killed. So Be It.
TV Poll: 71% Of Liberals Don't Want Peace With North Korea Because Trump Would Take Credit
<A live TV poll taken on Michelle Wolf’s Netflix show found that 71% of the comedian’s liberal audience would rather peace with North Korea fail than see Donald Trump take credit for it.>
Too blatant to ignore? Human rights groups warn that ‘radical groups’ have free rein in Ukraine
Four human rights groups have issued a joint letter to the Ukrainian government, calling on Kiev to condemn attacks and threats committed by “radical groups” which promote hate and to hold the guilty parties accountable.
Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International, Front Line Defenders, and Freedom House sent a letter to the Ukrainian Interior Ministry and the Prosecutor General’s Office detailing a series of attacks by right-wing groups against minorities and activists that have gone largely ignored by law enforcement.
China Imposes 25% Retaliatory Import Tariffs on 659 US Goods Worth $50 Bln
This is America: Outrage at Trump is phony, US leaders have praised dictators for decades
In 1973, the CIA engineered and financed a bloody coup in Chile which installed Augusto Pinochet for a 17-year reign of terror. Declassified documents show that while the Pinochet regime was torturing and murdering its opponents, the US actively sought to downplay and whitewash Chile’s human rights violations — and even put the head of the Chilean secret police, Manuel Contreras, on the CIA payroll.
In the 1960s, the US actively supported the extermination of up to one million suspected communist sympathizers in Indonesia under the leadership of General Suharto. Washington supplied Suharto with financial support, military equipment and lists of communists. Suharto then ruled as a dictator for 35 years until 1998 — with Washington’s support.
US senators urge Pentagon to fully disclose its role in Saudi-led war in Yemen
“We call on you to immediately disclose the full extent of the US military role in the Saudi-led war against Yemen’s Houthis, including the use of special operations forces; disclose any role that the Pentagon is currently performing, has been asked to perform, or is considering performing regarding an attack on the port of Hodeida,” says the letter sent to Defense Secretary James Mattis on Friday, and signed by Senators Bernie Sanders (I-Vermont), Mike Lee (R-Utah) and Chris Murphy (D-Connecticut)
Israeli banks ‘pillage’ Palestine through settlement program and may be guilty of war crime – HRW
Deep involvement of Israeli banks in the building of illegal settlements in the occupied West Bank may amount to the war crime of pillage, HRW has said. While the settlements are condemned worldwide, Israel keeps building more.
Deadly brain-eating parasite strikes Louisiana water supply
US leads war games near Russian border with 18,000 troops on eve of World Cup
Drills show 'demonstration of the commitment and solidarity' of Nato forces in face of aggression from Moscow, says American army
Kiew führt Truppen an Russland heran – Duma-Abgeordneter
Kiew soll beschlossen haben, eine Angriffsgruppierung im Raum des Asowschen Meers zu stationieren. Dies teilte der Abgeordnete der Staatsduma (russisches Parlamentsunterhaus) der Krim-Region, Ruslan Balbek, mit. Moskau ist laut ihm gegebenenfalls zu entschiedenen Gegenmaßnahmen bereit.
A Conversation on Race — Paul Craig Roberts
The United States with its brainwashed and incompetent population—indeed, the entirety of the Western populations are incompetent—and with its absence of intelligent leadership has no chance against Russia and China, two massive countries arising from their overthrow of police states as the West descends into a gestapo state. The West is over and done with. Nothing remains of the West but the lies used to control the people. All hope is elsewhere.
The Real Results Of The Trump-Kim Summit - Freeze For Freeze (And Some Amusement)
Each time the U.S. and South Korea launch their very large maneuvers, the North Korean conscription army (1.2 million strong) has to go into a high state of defense readiness. Large maneuvers are a classic starting point for military attacks. The U.S.-South Korean maneuvers are (intentionally) held during the planting (April/May) or harvesting (August) season for rice when North Korea needs each and every hand in its few arable areas.
Why North Korea Needs Nukes - And How To End That
'My father was a Hamas leader, I was an Israeli spy' | Channel 4 News
<A traitor and liar. Israel made up the killing of 3 Israeli youth and used as an excuse to destroy 12.000 building in Gaza and kill 2400 people>
New book details Israel's secret history of assassinations
<"Only criminals and psychopaths believe that the end justifies the means.">
The inside story of Israel's campaign of assassination
In Their Own Words: Was Every Israeli Prime Minister A Racist?
Joining Some Dots on the Skripal Case: Part 1 – An Official Story That Doesn’t Hold Water
What is more, as the Moon of Alabama website points out, David Collum, Professor of Organic Chemistry at Cornell University has not only stated that his students could create the substance, but he actually got them to do an experiment to make it. According to the results, 15 out of 16 students did so successfully!
<A deadly nerve agent that doesn't kill?
Placed on a door handle that many touched?
A Detective Sergeant who no one can say where he was poisoned?>
Joining Some Dots on the Skripal Case: Part 2 – Four “Invisible” Clues
joining Some Dots on the Skripal Case: Part 3 – The Agitated Mr Skripal
Joining Some Dots on the Skripal Case: Part 4 – The Dodgy Dossier
Joining Some Dots on the Skripal Case: Part 5 – An Educated Guess
Joining Some Dots on the Skripal Case: Part 5 – An Educated Guess
First let’s say what it was not. It was not a lethal nerve agent, 5-8 times more deadly than VX. If it had been a lethal nerve agent, 5-8 times more deadly than VX, then they would either have died over the next few minutes, or they would have been hospitalised and suffered irreparable damage to their nervous system. Since neither of these things happened, it is safe to say that whatever the substance was, it was not A-234. Indeed, it defies logic, reason and all common sense to maintain that it was.
Observations from Occupied Palestine: Gaza
Abu Taima’s land
<Reality for farmers in Gaza. Photo from February 2010.<
Was Einstein racist? Travel diaries reveal shocking truth about physicist’s views on Asians
He described the Chinese as “industrious, filthy, obtuse” and “a peculiar herd-like nation,” that, according to Einstein, posed threat to other nations. “It would be a pity if these Chinese supplant all other races,” he wrote. “For the likes of us the mere thought is unspeakably dreary.”
Juncker says confident Greece will be 'normal' country by summer
Hillary Clinton vs. James Comey: Email Scandal Supercut
US-Backed SDF Infuriated by Syrian Gov't Flags Hoisted in Raqqa
Hillary Clinton LYING UNDER OATH, clear grounds for PERJURY
Hillary Clinton LYING UNDER OATH, clear grounds for PERJURY
Hillary's 5 FBI lies exposed
Trump Blasts Clinton for Her ‘FBI Immunity Five’
Anthony Weiner's Laptop Names US Attorney = Human Trafficking Pedogate
Guiliani, NYPD and Weiner's Laptop
Illegal Monsanto GMO wheat discovered at ‘isolated site’ in Canada
Israeli MP invokes the supremacy of ‘Jewish race’ in bizarre pro-Netanyahu tirade
The ‘Jewish race’ is the smartest in the world and possesses the highest human capital, so Israelis ought to be skeptical about the current corruption probes into Israel’s PM Benjamin Netanyahu, a Likud party lawmaker has claimed.
The day the BBC decided Putin murdered his mate
Britain now the enemy? Brussels boots out UK military – 'UK no place in defence of Europe' | World | News
Dumbing down? New study suggests young people's IQs are in decline
A new study, conducted by Norwegian scientists, shows that IQ scores of today’s young people are in decline, putting an end to the post-war trend of rising intelligence.
After the Second World War young people’s IQs were steadily rising. It was dubbed the Flynn effect after New Zealand intelligence researcher James Flynn. This phenomenon saw average IQ scores rise about three points per decade.
Farmed Norwegian Salmon World’s Most Toxic Food
Le Pen, Orban, Wilders among Kremlin’s ‘5th column’ hell-bent on destroying Europe, says EU bigwig
The EU Parliament’s Brexit chief has accused Marine Le Pen, Nigel Farage and more Eurosceptic politicians of being Kremlin-funded “fifth columnists” working to destroy Europe from within. He even claimed Brexit was a Russian plot.
UN General Assembly condemns Israel for ‘excessive use of force’ on Gaza border
NATO’s Terrorist Bases in Europe
NATO and the United States, which, together, claim to be fighting some sort of amorphous “global war on terrorism,” have enabled a terrorist group to establish bases in two NATO member states – France and Albania – and one NATO protectorate, Kosovo. After evacuating forces of the anti-Iranian terrorist group Mojahedin-e-Khalq from their former bases in Iraq, the United States and NATO facilitated the group’s establishment of a well-guarded military base in Manez, Albania, near Tirana. In addition to hosting MEK members, NATO has convinced Albania to accept members of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), who surrendered to Western special forces in Syria and Iraq
Norway asks US to send more Marines and wants to keep them longer
Israeli lawmaker proclaims supremacy of ‘Jewish race’
Likud's MK Miki Zohar says Jews are the smartest in the world, so know Netanyahu isn't corrupt
Trump Authorizes $6.6Mln in Aid to White Helmets, UN Mechanism - State Dept.
Sex offenders including paedophiles should be allowed to adopt, Theresa May told
Rules which bar sex offenders from working with children are ‘unfair’ and even convicted paedophiles should have the right to adopt, a leading legal academic has said.
WARNING: Donetsk says Ukraine Plans to Massacre EU Delegation
WHITE HELMETS: The John McCain Connections and is the “Funding Freeze” for Real?
On the 3rd of May Sputnik published a report exposing potential U.S plans to stage another ‘chemical weapon’ provocation in Syria. Preparations allegedly began on April 23rd to ship civilians to “to a territory near Jafra oil field to participate in a staged filming of an attack scene”
Funding for the Syrian Civil Defense and UN International Impartial and Independent Mechanism
<Trump reinstates #WhiteHelmet funding after fake ‘freeze’ <
Pro-War Liberals Resist Trump’s Modest Accomplishments at North Korea Summit
Trump is proving yet again to be an unpredictable figure with eclectic policies that rely as much on sizzle as they do on well-done steak. Yet he can hardly be faulted for promising to draw down the U.S. troop presence and accept the peaceful denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula.
‘Merciless’ Israel must face UK sanctions for Gaza bloodshed – petition
UK government funds £38,425,591.23 to the White Helmets.
The rest of us will have to make do with ‘austerity’.
Reconciliation committee member assassinated in Daraa
<Syrian government offers peaceful solutions for militants who choose to lay down weapons.
West's 'moderate' killers choose option B, to keep killing, and kill the messenger. Despicable.
"A terrorist group assassinated Dr. Mousa Qanbas, a member of the reconciliation committee in Daraa province on Thursday.
SANA’s reporter in Daraa said that terrorists opened fire on Dr. Qanbas while he was entering his clinic in al-Harra town in the northwestern of the province, causing his death.">
Racing to a Dead End - Heiner Flassbeck on Reality Asserts Itself (2/5)
The US Dollar and the Search for a "Reasonable" Capitalist - Heiner Flassbeck on RAI (3/5)
Reaganism and Thatcherism were Intellectually Dishonest - Heiner Flassbeck on RAI (1/5)
Capitalism Will Hit the Wall Again, Hard - Heiner Flassbeck on RAI (5/5)
Italian Troops Deployed Alongside US And French Forces In Eastern Syria: Turkish Media
The Necessity for Higher Wages - Heiner Flassbeck on RAI (4/5)
DESPERATE MATH: Mueller Indictments Still Don’t Add Up to Collusion
As this hopelessly open-ended investigation rolls on, many are quick to point out the litany of indictments in its wake. The problem, however, is nothing has actually been proven on the remit of collusion. It’s still an epic fail – many in media and government have staked their careers on it.
Under Israel pressure, French mayor forced to remove pro-Palestine street sign
The Holy Grail - Teal Swan
Paris suburb forced to remove signs naming street after Palestinian exodus following Jewish outcry
BBC rebukes its Middle East correspondent Jeremy Bowen for anti-Israel comments
The BBC's Middle East Editor Jeremy Bowen faced calls to quit tonight after he was criticised for breaching the broadcaster's rules on accuracy and impartiality in two reports about the Arab-Israeli conflict.
Obama administration officials are rushing to explain photos from 2014 that went viral this weekend showing locked-up immigrant children
The former Obama speechwriter Jon Favreau had shared the images on Twitter, mistakenly believing they were taken during Donald Trump's presidency.
UN votes to blame Israel for excessive force against Palestinians in Gaza
The UN General Assembly has voted to condemn Israeli violence against Palestinian protesters in Gaza. A US attempt to blame Hamas failed to pass.
More than 120 Palestinian protesters in Gaza have been killed by Israeli soldiers since late March, as well as nearly 4,000 injured. Israel blames Hamas, which controls the Gaza Strip, for inciting the protests. No Israelis have been killed.
The uninvited stink: US Defense Secretary Mattis says US will stay after SDF defeats IS in Syria
< So nobody told him Deir Ez-Zohr was liberated by the Syrian Arab Army and its allies?
And of course he is a lying bastard because there is no UN mandate for the US in Syria. The US is an invader and nothing is going to change that. He will soon find out that the US staying in Syria is not going to be a walk in the park.>
120 countries blame Israel for 'excessive' force against Palestinians
One hundred and twenty countries vote in UN General Assembly to blame Israel for Gaza violence, with eight against and 45 abstaining from voting. The resolution put forward by Turkey and Algeria rejects US call to condemn Hamas for attacks on Israel.
<Finally, the Assembly took up L.23, adopting the resolution by a vote of 120 in favour to 8 against (Australia, Israel, Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Nauru, Solomon Islands, Togo, United States), with 45 abstentions.>
North Korea Issue is Not De-Nuclearization But De-Colonization
“The psychopathology of white supremacy invisibilizes the absurdity and illegitimacy of the United States being in a position to negotiate the fate of millions of Koreans.”
Auschwitz - Myths & Facts
Holocaust Fundamentalism -
You WILL Believe
Even the Yard Vashem Holocaust Museum in Israel, after 60 years, can only muster three million names, and many of those names are of Jews who merely died (or disappeared) during WWII, causes unknown. Many names appear more than once. In a similar vein, while the number of Jews murdered at Auschwitz was officially reduced by millions in recent years, the irreducible number of "six million Jews" remains. Isn't it possible that there's some politically-motivated chicanery here?
The “Final Solution”: Estimated Number of Jews Killed
Saudi-led coalition strikes newly built Doctors Without Borders facility in Yemen
A newly built cholera care center, run by Doctors Without Borders (MSF) in the town of Abs, has been hit by Saudi-led coalition planes in yet another airstrike on the medical charity’s facilities in war-ravaged Yemen.
Poland reduces Auschwitz death toll
Ever-Diminishing Official
Numbers Of Auschwitz Dead
Abby Martin peddles Jewish exceptionalism, fears WW2 truth
By Brandon Martinez
The American Exceptionalism Myth and the Selling of U.S. Domination
American exceptionalism
On the one hand, American intervention on the world stage has claimed a moral purpose of acting altruistically in defense of freedom and democracy. On the other hand, America has been accused of behaving as a "nation above nations" imposing its hegemony on the rest of the world, acting in its own interest, with no concern for others. The U.S. is far from unique in claiming to be special. Many nations, ancient and modern, have regarded themselves as having a special role to play, sometimes blessed by God.
Comedian Lee Camp Drops Vegan Truth Bombs on TV
Troubled Waters: Italian govt closes port to migrants as influx continues
Ukrainische Soldaten in russischen Uniformen im Donbass gesichtet – Lugansk
300 prominent global figures accuse Israel of committing ‘war crimes’
Trump, Kim handshake, talk of peace sinks U.S. defense stocks
School of the Americas Watch
The "School of the Americas" in Fort Benning, Georgia, has for decades trained death squads, torturers, and dictators which the USA then unleashes on Latin America. Most of your best-known Latin American puppets and human rights violators have trained there. Better believe your Venezuelan and Nicaraguan "opposition" is chock full of SOA graduates.
Chilling NCMEC Report Shows 88% of Missing Sex Trafficked Kids Come from US Foster Care
Mueller Scrambles To Limit Evidence After Indicted Russians Actually Show Up In Court
Special Counsel Robert Mueller is scrambling to limit pretrial evidence handed over to a Russian company he indicted in February over alleged meddling in the 2016 U.S. election, according to Bloomberg.
<Yes! Yes! The proof is in how divided we are! The more divisiveness, the more we know the Russians are at work! Yeah that's the ticket! I see it all now!>
<Don’t blame Russia. Blame the 1%’s avarice, endless wars, mass durveillance and censorship, the police state, kthe broken criminal justice system, and the eyes, ears, lips and minds of conscientious and smart US citizens raising their voice and denouncing such evils.>
Autism Explained Synergistic Poisoning from Aluminum and Glyphosate, by Dr. Stephanie Seneff
<It's factual that Glyphosate acts by disrupting & neutralizing the shikimate pathway of plants, fungi, bacteria, parasites. It's also factual that these same good bacteria make up the human microbiome, essential for human survival. It doesn't take a specialized degree to understand that our gut bacteria are essential for our survival, the destruction of which by Glyphosate or any other substance will lead to a negative outcome, to say the least.>
<roundup, alminum, mercury, sun deficiency - aromatic amino-acids>
MIT doctor claims autism to afflict 50% of American children by 2025, glyphosate to blame
Shockingly Higher Rates of Autism and Developmental Delays in Asia
GMOs, genetically modified organisms were put in our food, unlabeled in 1996 and are now in 85% of America's food through corn, soy, sugar, cotton seed oil, canola oil, some squash and Hawaiin Papaya. Genetically modified foods are either genetically engineered to BE a pesticide and when the bug eats the crop, it's stomach explodes. BT GMO corn is registered with the EPA as a pesticide. OR GMOs are genetically engineered to WITHSTAND herbicides, so that the crops can be sprayed and all the weeds will die but our food will not. The problem is that the chemicals do not dry off, wash off or cook off as was once believed. We eat them.
There was a 73% increase of the use of Roundup in 2013 alone. This is attributed to two things, 1) the crops have developed resistance and farmers are sparaying more chemicals earlier and more often to reduce the weeds. 2
Mom Refuses Ritalin and Heals Her ADHD Autism Kids With Natural Medicine
Independent Scientists Manifesto on Glyphosate
10 Countries Act Against Glyphosate
Sri Lanka’s president Maithripala Sirisena announced in May 2015 that it will halt the import of glyphosate noting the increasing number of chronic kidney disease (CKDu) patients in Sri Lanka.
In 2013, El Salvador blazed the trail by becoming the first country to ban glyphosate, also citing the rise of the deadly kidney disease (CKDu)
The Dutch Parliament took action in 2014, banning the sale of glyphosate to private parties citing a link to cancer, infertility, birth defects, nervous system damage, and kidney disease. In response to the WHO reclassification, the Denmark Working Environment Authority declared glyphosate to be a carcinogen.
In 2016 Russia’s State Dumas passed a ban on GMO crops and animals with the Agriculture Minister, Alexander Tkache stating:
”The Ministry of Agriculture is strongly against GMOs, Russian products will remain clean.”
Glyphosate Manifesto
More than 400 scientists and 600 non-scientists from 58 countries have signed a manifesto calling for a ban on glyphosate spraying. (See the Independent Scientists Manifesto on Glyphosate.)
EU lawmakers vote to ban glyphosate weed killer by 2022
The European Parliament has called for glyphosate to be banned by 2022 amid fears the weed killer causes cancer. The move puts pressure on the EU Commission which recommended its license should be renewed for 10 years.
Dutch Ban Roundup, France and Brazil to Follow
Germany swings EU vote in favor of weed-killer glyphosate
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - Germany defeated its key EU ally France in a very tight vote on Monday to clear the use of weed-killer glyphosate for the next five years after a heated debate over whether it causes cancer.
Prussian Blue staining in the walls of the Auschwitz Kremas
Mother Nature's time bomb debunks the holocaust lie
How To Protect Yourself From Glyphosate Damage to the Gut and Brain
at 8min
Dr. Thierry Vrain, Former Pro-GMO Scientist, Speaks Up Against Glyphosate
Whitewash, The Disturbing Truth About Cow's Milk and Your Health by Joseph Keon
Cancer: Monsanto knew glyphosate could cause it
The Hooligans: Joining The Kremlin's Football Army
Poisoned Fields - Glyphosate, the underrated risk? (HD 1080p)
Glyphosate is the world’s most widely used weed killer. Some claim it is completely harmless, others say it is a serious health hazard for man and animals. A topical investigation into a controversial substance.
<In Germany 35% of all fields are sprayed with glyphosat
at 18 min effects the beneficial gut bacteria <endorphin disruption> at 40 min more..>
Meet Paul Ehrlich, Pseudoscience Charlatan
corbettreport 41:44
at 18 min sperm decline -
Russia's top diplomat says Normandy Four meeting was useful
At the same time, Ukraine continues insisting on the US variant of the UN mission in Donbass, which ruins Minsk Agreements completely, Lavrov noted. "We explained that ideas put forward by US and Ukrainian representatives to convert this peacekeeping mission into a sort of military-political commandant’s headquarters to take control over the whole territory of proclaimed Donetsk and Lugansk Republics and which will decide on its own, who will be elected and in what way, completely ruins Minsk Agreements," the Russian minister said. "It seems to me that the French and the German understand our logic," he added.
Torture, starvation, executions: Eastern Ghouta civilians talk of life under terrorist rule
Last week I wrote about what civilians from Ghouta told me regarding unverified claims of the Syrian Army attacking them with chemicals, but they also talked about crimes committed by terrorists and the White Helmets’ role.
Although benignly dubbed “rebels” by corporate media, the Salafist terrorist group Jaysh al-Islam are not fighting for freedom or human rights in Syria, nor are the other terrorist groups who formerly ruled in eastern Ghouta.
Netanyahu wants world to pressure Iran to leave Syria
The Leuchter Report
A Report on the Alleged Execution Gas
Chambers at Auschwitz, Birkenau and
Majdanek, Poland by an Execution Equipment
Full text of "The Leuchter Report"
The Leuchter Report
Pentagon Admits ‘No One Will Ever Know’ How Many Civilians US Has Killed Fighting ISIS
While representatives of the U.S. government communicate their supposed disapproval of civilian casualties, report after report continues to show that the U.S.-led anti-ISIS campaigns are responsible for the deaths of thousands of civilians, many more than reported by the U.S. government.
US Special Forces helping FSA plot chemical attack to trigger strikes on Syria forces – Russian MoD
Russia’s Defense Ministry said it has credible intelligence that US Special Forces are helping Syrian rebels orchestrate a “chemical attack provocation” using chlorine to provoke Western airstrikes on Syrian's government forces.
Mike Pompeo says North Korea could get ‘unique’ security guarantees if it gives up nukes
US President Donald Trump holds a summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un in Singapore on Tuesday
"We gotta an offer you can't refuse. You give up all your nukes and then...we pull a Libya on ya."
US-Backed Kurds Agree To "Unconditional Talks" With Syrian Government After Pentagon-Turkey Deal
While it appears the Pentagon is now (predictably) selling out the Kurds to Turkey, Assad has consistently taken a pragmatic approach in dealing with the US-backed SDF, reminding them that no foreign supporters could possibly have Syrian best interests in mind: "either you have a country or you don’t have a country" he said in the RT interview of the foreign invasion of Syrian soil over the past years of war.
Should SDC-SDF and Syrian government negotiations come to full fruition, this could mark lasting peace and the final exit of foreign forces, American troops foremost among them.
Tracking Protection
Tracking generally refers to the collection of a person’s browsing data across multiple sites. The Tracking Protection feature uses a list provided by Disconnect to identify and block trackers.
Private Browsing - Use Firefox without saving history
Private Browsing allows you to browse the Internet without saving any information about which sites and pages you’ve visited.
Private Browsing also includes Tracking Protection, which prevents companies from tracking your browsing history across multiple sites. To learn more about Private Browsing with Tracking Protection in Firefox, see Tracking Protection.
How to Block Third-Party Cookies in Every Web Browser
Police to investigate London Fire Brigade over Grenfell fire: The real criminals remain at large
US-Backed Coalition Bombs Yemen’s New Cholera Treatment Center, After Unleashing World’s Largest Outbreak
Russian Defense Ministry points out IS emerged as result of US military invasion of Iraq
<Russia fires back at Mattis-you invaded Iraq, you created ISIS, you supplied them with weapons, and the only ISIS pockets left are in areas you control>
Israel has shot 29 medics at Gaza border, killing two
State benefits for ISIS fighters?!
ISIS fighters get approved for Canadian benefits
Returning Canadian ISIS fighters receive more Canadian benefits than I do.
Instead I have to work to earn my benefits, they don’t.
<How is it that some people are more offended by people calling out Justin Trudeau's fake eyebrows than they are of him giving benefits including health insurance to returning ISIS fighters and supporting terrorist factions in Syria? >
Israel branded ‘illegal state’ by Spanish party leader for practicing ‘apartheid’
Israel has been branded an “illegal state” by the leader of Spain’s third-largest party, Podemos, for conducting an apartheid-like massacre at the Gaza fence bordering Palestine.
Joining Some Dots on the Skripal Case: Part 1 – An Official Story That Doesn’t Hold Water
Justin Trudeau Fake Eyebrow Falls Off After Lying Instant Karma
Just listening 2 him is hard but look his left eye brow has lost its glue. @JustinTrudeau
Aleksandr Rogozhkin: The Chekist (1992)
In the 1920-th years in the Soviet Union in a smaller town Cheka is mass murdering people after a formal process. Andrei, the head of the Cheka, is driven insane.
Yemen - U.S. Grants Approval For Genocide
The genocide in Yemen is going to start tomorrow. Eight million are already on the brink of starvation. Eighteen out of twenty-six million Yemenis live in the mountainous heartlands (green) which are under control of the Houthi and their allies. They are surrounded by Saudi and U.A.E. forces and their mercenaries. There is little agriculture. The only supply line from the outside world will soon be cut off. The people will starve.
Neither the Emirates nor the Saudis have any interest in letting humanitarian aid flow. They are absolutely ruthless. Earlier today they bombed a Cholera treatment center run by Doctors Without Borders:
Where does your fruit come from and at what cost? | DW Documentary
Iceland Is Growing New Forests for the First Time in 1,000 Years | Short Film Showcase
How This Town Produces No Trash
How Much Plastic is in the Ocean?
Microfibers from our clothes are poisoning the oceans.
How microfibers in clothes are polluting our oceans
Skripals poisoned by novichok dose of up to 100g, watchdog says
Quantity of nerve agent dose thought to have been used suggests it was created as a weapon
'Novichok' Creator Says OPCW Report Proves Skripals Poisoned With Another Agent
"OPCW data saying that a toxic chemical of high purity was used proves that it was not Novichok…. Novichok is a complex nerve-paralyzing substance consisting of a mixture of many different components and additives that decompose in different ways. If a pure substance was found, it could not be Novichok," Rink said.
Ex-Russian spy poisoned with nerve agent, watchdog confirms
Testing by four laboratories affiliated with the global chemical weapons watchdog confirmed Britain’s findings and showed that the toxic chemical was “of high purity”.
The OPCW did not explicitly name Novichok in its published summary, say where the poison may have come from or assign blame for the attack. But it did confirm Britain’s analysis about the substance that had been used.
Skripals were poisoned by high-purity novichok, watchdog confirms | News
<Military grade Novichok is not of high purity. Especially not after being in the open for 2-3 weeks>
Vladimir Lenin
Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov, better known by the alias Lenin (22 April 1870 – 21 January 1924), was .... It is likely that Lenin was unaware of his mother's Jewish ancestry, which was only discovered by his sister Anna after his death
Karl Marx
Marx was ethnically Jewish
ISIS Is a US-Israeli Creation. Top Ten “Indications”
ISIS is a US-Israeli creation, a fact as clear as the sky is blue. It’s a truth as black and white as the colors on their flag. For many alternative news readers, this may be patently obvious, but this article is written for the large majority of people in the world who still have no idea who is really behind the rise of ISIS. No matter which name they go by – ISIS, ISIL, IS or Daesh – the group has been deliberately engineered by the US and Israel to achieve certain geopolitical goals. They are a religious, fundamentalist, Sunni terrorist organization created to terrorize and overthrow certain secular or Shiite Arab nations such as Syria and Iraq, but they are not just “Islamic”. They may be Muslims, and they may be advocating an Islamic State, but they are very much working towards the goals of Zionism.
Joining Some Dots on the Skripal Case: Part 2 – Four “Invisible”
<The claim by the Brits was "laboratory grade Novichock". Military grade Novichock isn't 99% pure. They add chemicals to extend it's life time. Plus the samples were collected after 2-3 weeks? By then it should have degraded to some degree. Whoever collected the samples after 2-3 weeks, those samples were "salted". Meaning, the paces were prepared a day before the inspections.>
Concentration camp deaths
The Holohoax for dummies – 21 Amazing Facts
The "Holohoax" exposed in 30 minutes
BREAKING: The UN has just accused the Tories of creating a ‘human catastrophe’ in the UK
They’re supporting the very man who openly supports Zionism but they’re doing the Nazi salute. Welcome to Britain the land of Rupert Murdoch where paedophile haters protect paedophiles, Nazis support Zionists and Theresa May gets to have her nanny surveillance state due to a zio-orchestrated rise in fascism. Applauds all round.
Netanyahu: Hitler Didn't Want to Exterminate the Jews - Credit: GPO
SIX MILLION JEWS 1915- 1938 (understand the numbers significance)
NY rabbi: ‘Not even 1 million’ Jews killed in Holocaust
Yosef Mizrachi claims high assimilation rates inflated estimates; 'he doesn't know what he's talking about,' historian says
A controversial ultra-Orthodox rabbi based in New York has said that fewer that one million Jews were killed in the Holocaust, claiming most of those counted among the usually cited figure of six million were not Jewish according to rabbinical law.
All remaining ISIS resistance zones in Syria are in US-controlled areas – Russian MoD
John Bolton Wants No Deal With North Korea Or Iran - But Is There Any Other Choice?
U.S. National Security Advisor John Bolton nearly succeeded in sabotaging talks with North Korea. But the summit train is back on its tracks. Trump will meet Kin Jong-un on on June 12 in Singapore. The South Korean President Moon rescued the situation. Secretary of State Pompeo helped.
German Officials Admit "Still No Evidence" From UK That Russia Poisoned Skripals
Russia? Trump and Lavrov on the G7/G8 question
Lavrov added that he considers the G20 format to be the most promising.
Torture, starvation, executions: Eastern Ghouta civilians talk of life under terrorist rule
Last week I wrote about what civilians from Ghouta told me regarding unverified claims of the Syrian Army attacking them with chemicals, but they also talked about crimes committed by terrorists and the White Helmets’ role.
Although benignly dubbed “rebels” by corporate media, the Salafist terrorist group Jaysh al-Islam are not fighting for freedom or human rights in Syria, nor are the other terrorist groups who formerly ruled in eastern Ghouta.
Is This Man the Most Powerful Jew in the World?
Igor Kolomoisky became one of the most prominent figures during this year's Ukraine unrest, unafraid to poke the Russian bear – and especially President Vladimir Putin – with a big stick.
Weapons, Prostitutes and Drugs –These are Things Petro Poroshenko is Associated With
Ukrainian Jews Celebrate Poroshenko Win
Forbes lists Petro Poroshenko as the 130th richest Jew in the world with 1, 6 billion dollars. The would-be President of Ukraine Poroshenko was born Waltzman. Poroshenko is his mother’s name, she was also a Jew
250,000 people could die if Saudi-led coalition attacks Yemeni port city Hodeidah – UN official
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