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Thursday, October 30, 2014

October Link Collection Part III

The Worldwide Network of US Military Bases
The Global Deployment of US Military Personnel
the US is thought to own a total of 737 bases in foreign lands
Ukraine's Opposition Bloc scores 9% of votes despite winning southeast, slams elections as rigged
With 98.02 percent of ballots having been counted, Prime Minister Arseny Yatsenyuk’s People’s Front party

is ahead of its rivals, with 22.16 percent. President Petro Poroshenko's party is only slightly behind,

with 21.82 percent.
Risk: $1.2 Quadrillion
Derivatives Market Dwarfs World GDP
Jun 9th 2010
Thomas Sankara

Burkina Faso: A Thousand Sankaras Come of Age
In 1987, Blaise Compaoré overthrew Sankara and took over the presidency. 27 years later, Sankara's ghost

may be coming back to return the favour.
FBI agents cut internet access, pose as repairmen to perform warrantless search
Mike Montagne challenging banks on their claim that there is a debt to the banking system
<Although we do have debts, they aren't what they tell us they are and there is no debt to the banking

"Cluster Of Central Banks" Have Secretly Invested $29 Trillion In The Market
So there it is... conspiracy fact - Central Banks around the world are buying stocks in increasing size.

To summarize, the global equity market is now one massive Ponzi scheme in which the dumb money are

central banks themselves, the same banks who inject the liquidity to begin with.
Banks need to be replaced with non-profit common monetary infrastructure, A.A.. In this group we are

taught how that will come about in as much as a day.
40,000 Kenyans accuse Britain of abuse and torture in second Mau Mau law suit
Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Civil Forfeiture (HBO)
Das Herstellen von Untertanen
Netanyahu ‘chickenshit’ & ‘coward’: US officials go tough on Israeli PM
US-Israeli relations have sunk to new lows after Obama administration officials were cited calling

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu a “chickenshit” and “coward” engaging in political posturing,

instead of efforts at Middle-Eastern de-escalation
“The thing about Bibi is, he’s a chickenshit,” said one official, referring to Netanyahu by his nickname.

“The good thing about Netanyahu is that he’s scared to launch wars. The bad thing about him is that he

won’t do anything to reach an accommodation with the Palestinians or with the Sunni Arab states,” he

Der globale Konzern-Faschismus: TTIP
Freihandelsabkommen TTIP stoppen!
Freihandelsabkommen TTIP EU Propaganda fliegt auf
Investointisuoja loukkaa demokratiaa

Euroopan unioni ja Yhdysvallat neuvottelevat parhaillaan vapaakauppasopimusta (TTIP, Transatlantic Trade

and Investment Partnership), jonka keskeinen osa on ulkomaisille sijoittajille annettava

investointisuoja. Yritykset voivat vaatia korvauksia, jos kohdemaa muuttaa lainsäädäntöään niiden

kannalta epäedulliseen suuntaan. Kiistat ratkaistaan välimiesmenettelyssä, joka ohittaa kansallisen

oikeusjärjestyksen ja uhkaa demokraattisen oikeusvaltion periaatteita.
TTIP, TiSA, CETA: Worum es wirklich geht!
Zitat; Was kann ein solches Abkommen für uns bedeuten?
Argentinien mit 25 Millionen Einwohnern wird von einem einzigen Hedgefonds-Manager, Paul Elliott Singer,

bedroht. Dabei geht es für Herrn Singer um die Verdreißigfachung seines Einsatzes und für Argentinien um

insgesamt 120 Milliarden Dollar – um die Existenz des Staates. Also: EIN  INVESTOR  kann einen Staat in

den Ruin treiben   -  damit haben alle unsere Vorstellungen von Souveränität, Freiheit, Recht /

Gerechtigkeit und Unabhängigkeit ihre Grundlagen verloren.
Hier ein paar Beispiele, um zu beleuchten, was auf UNS zukommt:

• Wer eine Volkshochschule subventioniert, muss ausländische Bildungsanbieter ebenso bezuschussen.

• Sparkassen, Volks- und Raiffeisenbanken müssen Finanzkonzernen zum Kauf angeboten werden; eine

Ausrichtung an der Gemeinnützigkeit ist Vertragsbruch.

• Wo Feuerwehr, Rettungswesen, Gesundheitsversorgung, Wasser- und Stadtwerke, Justizvollzug,

Schwimmbäder, Theater, Müllentsorgung oder Recyclingsysteme als kommunale Dienstleistung betrieben

werden, kann eine Privatisierung eingeklagt werden.

• Privatunternehmen dürfen nicht mehr rekommunalisiert werden (wie es die Berliner 2011 in einem

Referendum für ihre Wasserbetriebe gefordert haben); wenn die Privatunternehmen sich nicht bewähren,

dürfen nur andere private Wettbewerber eingeladen werden.

• Fracking kann erzwungen werden, selbst dann, wenn es Mineralquellen oder die Brunnen von Brauereien

durch ins Erdreich gepresste Chemikalien irreversibel verunreinigt.

• Die Privatisierung des Justizvollzugs kann erzwungen werden. Seit deren Einführung in den USA ist die

Zahl der Gefangenen in US-Gefängnissen um das 14-fache gestiegen - inzwischen asolut und relativ der

höchste Anteil pro 100.000 EW. weltweit, selbst gegenüber Russland und China.

• Verbesserungen in Umweltgesetzgebung oder der Kennzeichnung von genmanipulierten oder mit Chlor

behandelten Nahrungsmitteln oder beispielsweise in Tierschutz sind als „Handelshemmnisse“ anfechtbar.

• Wenn steuerliche Regelungen oder kommunale Gebühren einen Investor hart treffen, kann er dagegen klagen


Many new-agers believe that "focusing on the negative" only attracts more negative. Problems must be

brought to light and given attention in order to be solved. Suffering, violence and injustice towards

humans, animals and the planet will not be eradicated until we are willing to face reality of it.
checks for dead links
Chemtrails – Geoengineering: The Greatest “Crime of All Time”
Xenu's Link Sleuth
Checks for dublicate files
Excellent, free broken link checker

the Morlocks
Serbia to Claim Reparations as the First Victim of WWIII
Today, one often hears that the world is on the brink of World War III. Some believe it has already

started and that it began on 11 September 2001, when an act of provocation carried out in New York gave

the United States the opportunity to invade Afghanistan under the pretext of «combating international

terrorism». Some point to an even earlier starting point for World War III – NATO aggression against

Yugoslavia in March 1999.

And what happened in Yugoslavia at the end of the 20th century is now being repeated in Ukraine. The

escalation of an undeclared Third World War continues.

The time has now come to begin preparations for a ‘new Potsdam’, bearing in mind that one of the main

issues under discussion at the Potsdam Conference in 1945 was reparations for the destruction and damage

inflicted on the Soviet Union and other countries subjected to Nazi aggression.

Note: The Potsdam Conference was the first and last meeting of the three leaders of the anti-Hitler

coalition, at which Stalin (USSR), Churchill (Great Britain) and the Truman (the US) discussed the fate

of the post-war world. It took place in Potsdam between 17 July and 2 August 1945.

At the Potsdam Conference, the Soviet delegation provided figures for the losses sustained by the Soviet

Union as a result of the war. According to official figures, the direct economic damage inflicted on the

Soviet Union amounted to $128 billion, with an overall loss of $357 billion, based on the value of the

dollar in 1939. For comparison: the aid received by the Soviet Union through the lend-lease programme

amounted to around $11 billion for the whole war.

Preparations for a new tally should be carried out through the compilation of an international ‘white

paper’. It would become an international legal basis for reparations that would be imposed on the US and

its NATO allies.

Work is already underway to calculate the losses of the Third World War. For example, the government of

Syria announced that by the end of 2013, the amount of economic damage as a result of military operations

by armed opposition groups (backed by Washington) reached $144 billion, almost triple the Syrian GDP. It

is more than likely that by the end of 2014, this figure will be even higher.

After the NATO bombing of Yugoslavia in 1999, a three-volume ‘white paper’ was prepared, but today, the

task of compiling an international ‘white paper’ on the basis of a common methodology with the cross-use

of experts and information from all the countries involved is becoming more pressing. Usually,

reparations are understood to mean compensation for damages inflicted on a country as a result of

military operations. In this day and age, however, damage is not only inflicted as a result of military

operations. Damage caused by economic sanctions and blockades, subversive operations, information wars

and other forms of aggression should also be borne in mind.

The initial chapter of the international ‘white paper’ should be Serbia’s tally as the first victim of

World War III.

* * *

Buildings in Belgrade destroyed by NATO airstrikes have still not been rebuilt.

The bulk of Serbia’s tally is damage as a result of US and NATO military aggression, which lasted from 24

March to 10 June 1999. Let us recap the basic numbers. 35,000 air combat missions were carried out

against Yugoslavia, involving 1,000 aircraft and helicopters; more than 10,000 cruise missiles were

launched, dropping over 79,000 tons of explosives (including 156 containers with 37,440 cluster bombs,

which are prohibited by international law). Barbaric bombing campaigns were also carried out using

ammunition containing slightly enriched uranium.

Direct material damage. During the NATO bombing campaign led by US General Wesley Clark, around 2,000

Yugoslav civilians were killed and more than 6,000 wounded, and around 50 factories and plants, 18

electric power stations, 34 bridges, 50 hospitals and polyclinics, and 480 schools, colleges and

universities were destroyed. Nearly 600,000 people lost their jobs. According to various estimates, the

total amount of direct material damage ranges from $30 billion to $100 billion.
Governance and Technology Policy
 [Increase] [Normal] [Decrease]
New video shows US police shot black man 45 times like 'firing squad'
HAARP IRI Operations Capabilities and Limitations
Top 10 reasons to STOP Chemtrails
Goodbye sunshine
And a massive 10% shift in only 30 years? Ohmura himself had a hard time accepting it.
Records show that over the past 50 years the average amount of sunlight reaching the ground has gone down

by almost 3% a decade.
BU Archaeologists Discover Oldest Man-Made Fire
BOSTON — For many years it was believed that humans didn’t use fire until about 800,000 years ago. But

two Boston University archaeologists have found evidence in South Africa of a man-made fire dating back

1.2 million years, the earliest such discovery.
That's my America
Most hate intelligent. independent thinkers and those that think outside the box because they make them

look stupid.
Wage slavery is more profitable than slavery. Give a man the minimum wage so he can barely survive and he

is your slave forever. Let him struggle for mere survival and you can mold him like candle wax BUT you

need to invent an enemy, both, internal and external which you both control and he will spend all his

energies fighting the ghosts you created and control. War on terror ( more terror ) war on drugs ( CIA

brings the drugs in by the plane load ) and more prisoners then any communist regime ( remember we are

the good guys ) ever had.
because god is only in the mind of men and most men only do what suits their purposes. slavery suited

their purposes.
Iran = bad country because we say so and everything we say about Iran is true. Saudi Arabia = our friends

and they can behead anybody they want for whatever reason they want but lets not talk about it. They are

our friends. Israel = Our best friends and masters. Fighting terrorist stone throwers with a modern army

destroying one Palestinian house after another and building a Jewish only settlement after another. If

you criticize Israel for acting like the Nazi, you are anti-Semitic ( Jews are Khazars and Palestinians

are Semitic ) and like the Nazis.
Law enforcement is a “product” we are forced to buy, never thought of it that way?
Shocking video shows ISIS fighters chatting with Turkish border guards

The amateur footage, filmed on Zarova Hill near Kobane, raises serious questions about the apparently

relaxed relationship between the terror group and Turkish border officials.
Turkey wants anti-Assad army in control of Kobani – Turkish PM
Syrian army repels al-Qaeda-linked militants in Idlib
Syrian Army Leaders 'Slaughtered' as Isis and Nusra Front Militants Storm Idlib
Army Veteran: Why Do We Keep Thanking the Troops for their ‘Valor’?:
US Air Force Admits to Using HAARP For Weather Modification in Defense Hearing
Weather Warfare: Beware the US Military’s Experiments with Climatic Warfare
‘Climatic warfare’ has been excluded from the agenda on climate change.
“HAARP is a weapon of mass destruction, capable of destabilising agricultural and ecological systems


“‘Climatic warfare’ potentially threatens the future of humanity, but has casually been excluded from the

reports for which the IPCC received the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize.”

Weather-modification, according to the US Air Force document AF 2025 Final Report, ‘offers the war

fighter a wide range of possible options to defeat or coerce an adversary’, capabilities, it says, extend

to the triggering of floods, hurricanes, droughts and earthquakes: ‘Weather modification will become a

part of domestic and international security and could be done unilaterally… It could have offensive and

defensive applications and even be used for deterrence purposes. The ability to generate precipitation,

fog and storms on earth or to modify space weather… and the production of artificial weather all are a

part of an integrated set of [military] technologies.’
The individuals who are demanding answers about HAARP are scattered ..... for that came from the Defense

Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA, now ..
HAARP Boils the Upper Atmosphere
Research center or weather weapon? US military is shutting down HAARP
"We're moving on to other ways ( of managing the

ionosphere, which the HAARP was really designed to do,” David Walker has recently told the House’s

Appropriations Subcommittee as leaked on YouTube
Air force Testifies DARPA Ran Experiments at HAARP Facility
Are Vulture Funds a US Tool Against Argentina in an Energy War With Russia?
Argentine President Kirchner tells U.N. General Assembly that the roots of terrorism run deep, calling on

member states -- and particularly the...
ISIS: America’s Terrorist Mercenaries
Generally historical revision takes place long after events unfold and the victors attempt to bury

humiliating or inconvenient truths. Today, in...
It was only in 2007 that US foreign policy openly sought to pursue war against Iran, Syria, and Lebanon’s

Hezbollah, while undercutting pro-Iranian factions in Iraq which at the time the US was still occupying.

Failing to accomplish this directly, the US planned a not-so-covert proxy war that would include funding,

politically backing, and even arming groups ranging from the Muslim Brotherhood to militants aligned with

Al Qaeda itself.
Breakthrough fiberoptic cable 2,500X faster than fastest internet

Imagine downloading your favorite flick in 31 thousandths of a second. Such insane internet speeds are

now a reality, with researchers rolling out a 255 terabits per second fiberoptic network which could

transport the entire Internet on a single cabl
Canada: Decoding Harper’s Terror Game. Beneath the Masks and Diversions
Stephen Harper is the most deeply reviled Prime Minister in Canada’s history. On the world stage, he is

the servant of Big Oil boiling oil out of tar-sands to destroy major river systems and pollu...
 ARD/ZDF: Atai mit Bandera-Losung
Atai muss wieder ran. Die „Wahlen“ in der Ukraine sind gelaufen, die Wahlbeteiligung war katastrophal.

Die Blockparteien der Oligarchen, Biden- und Nuland-Prostituierten, Putschisten wurden mit

Milliardensummen promotet, wahre Opposition gewaltsam unterdrückt. Die Westmedien versuchen trotzdem den

Eindruck zu erwecken, der „failed state“ Ukraine befinde sich auf einem guten Weg, die Wahlen seien

normal gewesen.
Land Destroyer: US Covers Up Support for Hong Kong "Occupy Central"
Scientific Data Points to Government-Made Anthrax

FBI documents released to the public in 2011 contain strong evidence that the anthrax spores used in the

letter attacks of 2001 had been prepared previously for U.S. biodefense purposes. We have recently

compiled and analyzed the documents, which contain some 10,000 pages of scientific data, in the “Journal

of Bioterrorism & Biodefense.”*
Russia sends new humanitarian convoy to south-eastern Ukraine
The convoy of 100 trucks carries 1,000 tons of humanitarian cargo, including food, medicines, bottled

water and building materials needed to restore the infrastructure in the conflict-hit region
Turkey says FSA must be equipped and trained to rule in Kobani

"We will help any forces, any coalition, through air bases [within Turkey] or through other means if we

have a common understanding to have a new pluralistic, democratic Syria,"
Malice behind Putin misquotations? Russia to respond with full disclosure

It’s open season for Western media to bend the rules in their depiction of Russia. And with a little help

from Western officials, they can quote President Putin speaking pretty aggressively – even when he

actually said nothing of the kind.
INTERNATIONAL - Russia to recognize Ukraine rebel votes: Lavrov
Russia plans to recognise elections being organised next weekend by rebels in east Ukraine in defiance of

the government in Kiev, Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said in an interview
Despite zero threat, Chicago Police to start swabbing transit passengers’ bags for explosives
Alexandra Naples shared the content below about actions done on behalf of security theater that could

negatively impact millions of rail riders in and around Chicagoland.
24 Cops and Armored Military Vehicle Sent To Loot A 75 Year Old’s Retirement Fund
Escorted to bank and forced to withdraw $80,000 and hand it over to police.
Venäjä-asiantuntija: "Spetsnaz-sotilaat nauravat Ruotsin puolustukselle"
Venäläiset erikoisjoukot pitävät Ruotsin nykyistä puolustustasoa lähinnä vitsinä, kertoo kirjailija...
Denmark: $3,269.62
Video: Cop Threatens To “Beat The Sh*t” Out Of Teen For Looking At Him
Mexico’s missing students: New mass grave uncovered
A new mass grave was uncovered in the same Mexican state as the one found after the September 26

disappearance of 43 students at a protest. The police were led to the site by four arrested gang members.
The Ex-Nazis Collecting Social Security
They reportedly received millions of dollars in government benefits even after being expelled from the

United States.
‘Russian distress call’ prompting Swedish sub hunt never existed – sigint source
There was no Russian distress call. That’s the opinion of a Swedish signal intelligence (SIGINT) source

after a massive $2.8mn military and media sub-hunt consumed the country for a week.

Reports of a Russian distress signal and a grainy-picture were enough to deploy the navy while the media

widely concluded the vessel had to be a Russian submarine spooking Stockholm.
 But the Dagens Nyheter daily cited a Swedish Intel source who confessed there was no distress call.

Citing freedom of information requests and its own sources, the paper said Sweden’s signal intelligence

agency knows nothing about the alleged distress calls, and registered no spikes in communication with

Kaliningrad at the time.
Two journalists shot by Israeli rubber bullets while covering protest in West Bank (VIDEO)
An AP photographer and his Swiss colleague were hurt after Israeli border police fired a crowd control

grenade at a group of journalists covering Palestinian protests in the West Bank.
The reality of the situation is that the institution itself – the institution of a police force,

monopolized by a government — is inherently lawless. Good does not exist within these walls.
Cops Beat & Kidnap 12-yo Girl in Front of her Home, Claiming She was a Prostitute
When her mother and father came outside after hearing her cries for help she was desperately holding a

tree with one arm while plainclothes officers were beating her in the head, neck and throat. Dymond

Milburn, now 20-years-old, was an honor student attending advanced classes at Austin Middle Schoo…
35 Countries Where the U.S. Has Supported Fascists, Drug Lords and Terrorists
Here's a handy A to Z guide to U.S.-backed international crime.
IRS seizes hundreds of perfectly legal bank accounts, refuses to give money back
The Internal Revenue Service has been seizing bank accounts belonging to small businesses and individuals

who regularly made deposits of less than $10,000, but broke no laws. And the government is refusing to

return all the money taken.
ISIS: America's Terrorist Mercenaries
What is TTIP? And six reasons why the answer should scare you
Have you heard about TTIP? If your answer is no, don’t get too worried; you’re not meant to have.
MH17: Niederländische Ermittler unter Druck - jetzt kommen die Nebelkerzen
Faszinierend: Kaum hat "Russia Today" eine hervorragende Doku über den Abschuss vorgelegt, die überall

mit Rieseninteresse verfolgt wird, muss dringend Propaganda nachgelegt werden. Wer übernimmt das?? Klar

doch, die Kampfpostille. Und da ist dann kaum noch die Rede von der peinlichen BND-Entgleisung zum Thema

- weil dadurch ja erst die ungläubigen Reaktionen hervorgerufen wurden. Jetzt muss schon etwas mehr

Substanz her: Und siehe da - welch' Wunder!: Die Ermittler verfolgen jetzt noch zwei Spuren! [ 355 more

words. ]
good pics
Siberia: "This war is not between Russians and Ukrainians but between fascists and normal people".
Kövér defends Russia, calls Ukraine crisis “circus”
Hungarian Ambiance: The Speaker of the House László Kövér summed up what most Hungarians think...
Compelling Evidence of Ebola Fraud in the United States. Plasma Transfusion
"95% of the Libyans want to go back to pre-2011 situation" - interview with Mohammed Al-Fatah
Mohammed Al-Fatah (55) was born and raised in the Libyan capital of Tripoli. He belongs to both the

Warfalla and the Gaddafa tribe. At the time of overthrow of the Jamahiriya he worked in Europe, w...
Science Busts One of the Most Common Myths About Smoking Pot
A recent study proves what most real-life pot smokers already know.

“It’s hard to know what causes what. Do kids do badly at school because they are smoking weed, or do they

smoke weed because they’re doing badly?”
Russian news: Here's What Russians Really Think. An Interview With Popular Author and Politician...

We mentioned Starikov last week in an article about Russia's favorite political talk show. An historian,

he is an extremely popular author and blogger from St. Petersburg. Several of his books are current

best-sellers. He is on TV all the time, one of the most visible of a new breed of up-and-com…
"Americans would understand our position better if we put a couple hundred missiles in Mexico or Canada."
You see, I work for McDonald’s in Denmark, where an agreement between our union and the company

guarantees that workers older than 18 are paid at least $21 an hour.,10_IL.11,24_IM615.htm
McDonald's Salaries in New York City, NY
About 8 Dollars
Cost of Living Comparison Between New York, NY and Copenhagen
You would need around 32,734.55kr (5,586.01$) in Copenhagen to maintain the same standard of life that

you can have with 6,800.00$ in New York, NY (assuming you rent in both cities). This calculation uses our

Consumer Prices Including Rent Index.
Population below poverty line
Big Mac Index
USA: 4.20$
Denmark: 5.37$
Norway - $9.63
The minimum wage and the Danish Big Mac
 Even after high Danish taxes, that average worker will take home some $28,000 a year, roughly double

what a full-time American McDonald’s worker will. To add insult to injury, the Dane gets at least five

weeks of paid vacation while the American is lucky to get off (unpaid, of course) when her daughter is

home sick with the flu. -
Ukraine elex: Local TV shows turnout 99.9%, Crimea also votes...wait, what?
Paul Craig Roberts: Vladimir Putin is the leader of the moral world --
Dear Friends, Vladimir Putin's remarks at the 11th meeting of the Valdai International Discussion Club

are worth more than a link in my latest column. These are the remarks of a humanitarian political leader,

the like of which the world has not...
RIA Novosti Reporters Barred From Ukraine’s Polling Station at Madrid Embassy
Ungarns Parlamentspräsident erwägt EU-Austritt -

Ungarns Parlamentspräsident László Kövér sagte am Donnerstag, dass sich die EU ähnlich wie die

Sowjetunion entwickle und man sich allmählich Gedanken über

Petro-Dollar Hegemony Threatened as Russia Opens Europe&#039;s Largest Natural Gas Exchange

This article originally appeared at On Oct. 24, Russia launched a new and independent

natural gas exchange that will reside in St. Petersburg, and will make the facility the largest market

for natural gas trading in all of Europe.
A Turkish Ambulance Discovered in Morek by the Syrian Army

Upon the capture of the strategic city of Morek in the Hama Governorate, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA)

discovered an ambulance that possessed a Turkish licens
Swedish Navy forced to admit there was no submarine there after all

STOCKHOLM, Oct 24 (Reuters) - The Swedish military said on Friday that it had called of its search for a

suspected foreign submarine in waters off Stockholm ...
Drought in Brazil Threatens Coffee Crops
 Water crisis squeezes Sao Paulo state
Record-breaking heat in Brazil leaves some of Sao Paulo state's 44 million residents scrambling for clean

water sources.
Keiser Report: Sinking British Ship (E671)
Cluster Alarm: Ukraine used banned weapons, evidence indicates
The UN Security Council held a special meeting over the use of cluster bombs by the Ukrainian military in

populated areas. A top UN official expressed deep concerns over the issue.
‘Just like the Russian bear doesn’t ask permission, nor does the West’
Police Shoot and Kill Man Just 5 Minutes After He Makes a Cheerful Post on Facebook

Family of Tommy McClain are speaking out against Eureka Police Department's version of events which left

McClain dead and his cousin tasered and hauled off to jail in California last Wednesday. Nichole Mottern

explained to the OutPost that McClain was living with her, her husband (who is McClain's c…
Israeli APARTHEID at its fullest
Ein 9 Min.-Video von RT mit deutschem Unterton, wie alles in der Ukraine begann +++ "DEMOKRATIE GEGEN

BARES oder US-DEMOKRATIE-SHOW AUF WELTTOURNÉE" +++ Kiewer Bürger und Taxifahrer erzählen wie die

Maidan-"Demonstranten" von den USA finanziert wurden, um die Ukraine zu destabilistieren und ins Chaos zu

stürzen +++ Gewaltbereite Rechtsradikale an die Macht hieven - für die USA ein erlaubtes Mittel +++ Jetzt

wissen alle, wohin das Ganze die Ukraine gebracht hat - direkt an den Abgrund!
Treating Putin Like a Lunatic | Consortiumnews
Treating Putin Like a Lunatic October 25, 2014 Exclusive: Official Washington treats whatever comes out

of Russian President Putin’s mouth as the ravings of a lunatic, even when what he says is obviously true

or otherwise makes sense, as the New York Times has demonstrated again, writes Robert Parry…
‘Canada criminalizes criticism of Israel’
Canada is modifying its criminal code in order to ban criticism of Israel's atrocities against

Soros (Net Worth: $24 Bil) Demands $20 Billion From IMF For &quot;Russia War Effort&quot;
Someone who saw Soros at a public event recently told us that he looked completely ga-ga.     Brilliant

at investing, even before he was senile, Soros was lousy at public policy and politics, making himself

unwelcome at home and in most coutries of the world, but especially in Russia, with his meddl…
Chinese hackers: Documents reveal Mossad has close ties with ISIS – Moslem Press
Posted date: September 01, 2014 In: world Chinese hackers: Documents reveal Mossad has close ties with

ISIS A series of documents revealed by a group of Chinese hackers indicate to a close ties between Mossad

and the so-called Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS). Chinese news agencies say about a…
MH-17 The Untold Story
Germans Clear Russia in MH-17 Case
By Robert Parry
 The German intelligence agency, the Bundesnachrichtendienst or BND, asserted that while it believes

rebels were responsible for shooting down the plane, they supposedly did so with an anti-aircraft battery

captured from a Ukrainian military base, according to Der Spiegel.

The BND also concluded that photos supplied by the Ukrainian government about the MH-17 tragedy “have

been manipulated,” Der Spiegel reported. And, the BND disputed Russian government claims that a Ukrainian

fighter jet had been flying close to MH-17 just before it crashed, the magazine said.
<I can debunk this shit>
Economic Criticism of Russia is Laughable: Expert in Global Financial Markets
Hong  Kong’s  Umbrellas  are  ‘Made in USA’
Washington Is Defaming Putin
Man Shoots at Intruders, Turns Out it was a No-Knock Raid. Now He Faces the Death Penalty
Killeen, Texas, Marvin Louis Guy was the target of a no knock raid. The officers were looking for drugs,

yet none were found...
Putin Exposes Criminal Global Order
Indiana town moves to seize over 350 homes to make room for private developer - Police State USA

CHARLESTOWN, IN -- A town is working to "demolish a working-class neighborhood" by seizing 354 homes and

giving the land to a private commercial developer.
Sukhoi Su-25
Jesus in Wonderland
Sukhoi Su-25
Sukhoi Su-25 (Frogfoot) - History, Specs and Pictures - Military Aircraft
Last updated: 9/30/2013
Service Ceiling: 32,808 ft (10,000 m; 6.2 miles)
Sukhoi Su-25 Frogfoot
Ground attack aircraft
service ceiling 10km
Technical specification of Ukrainian sold SU 25 on English" Practical ceiling, m 7000-

10000". (talk) 05:17, 22 July 2014 (UTC)

The specs on "UKROBORONSERVICE" also says this: Max. combat height: 5,000 m. Rocknrollsuicide (talk)

06:27, 22 July 2014 (UTC)
It's the height from which it could fulfil the main mission - attack ground targets
Practical ceiling, m           10000
A subsidiary of a state company "Ukrspecexport"
Boeing 777 Disaster: Washington’s Lies and Kiev’s Silence on MH17
The Su-25 specifications allow it to fly at the altitude of 10000 meters for a short period of time. The

plane is armed with air-to-air missile R-60 with a range of 12 kilometers, the operational range to make

a sure hit is 5 kilometers.
Kiev jet flying near MH17 flight before crash: Russia
"An altitude gain was recorded for a Ukrainian armed forces plane," the senior Russian officer said at

the press conference. "Its distance from the Malaysian Boeing was three to five kilometers (two to three

miles)," he said, noting that the SU-25 is capable of reaching an altitude of 10,000 meters "for a brief

LIVE: Vladimir Putin Attends 11th Annual Valdai Discussion Club
The idea of "national sovereignty" has lost its significance for many nations and is interpreted as they

see fit, Russian President Vladimir Putin said Friday.

"The very concept of 'national sovereignty' is regarded by many countries as something relative. The

proposed formula is virtually that the more loyal a regime is to the One Center of Global Power the

stronger its legitimacy is," Putin said at the 11th annual Valdai Discussion Club meeting in Sochi,


"In a world dominated by one country and a group of its satellites, the process of 'global decision-

making' often boils down to pushing through their own recipes under the guise of a universal proposal.

This group has in fact become so ambitious that its solutions are now passed off as decisions made by the

entire global community," the Russian president said.
Nearly 50 U.S. Nuclear Power Plants Are Leaking Radioactive Tritium
NYPD caught dumping hazmat gear from Ebola site into street garbage can
Tough Talk: Putin's key quotes from Valdai speech
Bolivia's Economy Under Evo in 10 Graphs

Evo Morales has proved that socialism doesn’t damage economies
Bolivia’s re-elected president has dumbfounded critics in Washington, the World Bank and the IMF. There

are lessons for Britain’s left here
Pro-Novorossiya hackers hacked into the digital bill boards in Kiev last night and shared a bit of truth

in the heart of Ukraine's Zombiland
Do Women Earn Less than Men?
Pay Gap Is Because of Gender, Not Jobs
5 Feminist Myths That Will Not Die
Putin lashes out at US, West for destabilizing world
US sponsoring Islamic extremism
 Genie out of the bottle

Perhaps Putin's harshest criticism was reserved for the West's creation of color revolutions and

"controlled chaos," which he a likened to "letting the genie out of the bottle," with particular

reference to Ukraine.
Keiser Report: Meeting of Megaminds (E665, ft.Russell Brand & Alec Baldwin)
Putin: Russia’s plans to solve Ukraine’s debt problem rejected

President Putin said Moscow offered numerous solutions to Ukrainian gas debts which have been rejected by

Kiev and the IMF as complicated and difficult procedures. He expects a solution to be found soon

otherwise it could lead to a crisis.
By Vladimir PUTIN (Russia)
We are publishing full text of today’s address of the Russian President Vladimir Putin to the members of

Vaidai International Discussion Club. This year the main topic of the event was The World Order: New

Rules or No Rules?
The Terrifying Future of The United States
Jun 5, 2013
Putin redet Klartext: Im Westen wackeln die Wände

Das Timing ist immer perfekt: Diesmal wählte Russlands Star-Präsident das Jahrestreffen des von ihm

gegründeten Debattierclubs "Valdai" in Sotschi, um dem Westen eine volle Breitseite seiner Weltsicht vor

den Bug zu pfeffern. Hier nur die wesentlichen Punkte: Es ist schlimm, wenn so eine Lektion des großen

Strategen und Taktikers damit anfängt, dass er vor "unbedachten Schritten" warnt. Und es ist typisch

Putin, … [ 368 more words. ]
«Порошенко, Ляшко и Ярош военные преступники!», — «КиберБеркут» взломал киевские рекламные билборды
Патриотическая хакерская группа «КиберБеркут» взломала киевские рекламные билборды и выпустила обращение.

Патриотическая хакерская группа «КиберБеркут» взломала киевские рекламные билборды и
Kurds deny Erdogan report of deal with Syrian rebels to aid besieged Kobani : The Fiscal Times
ISTANBUL/BEIRUT (Reuters) – A senior Syrian Kurdish official on Friday denied a report from Turkey’s

president that Syrian Kurds had agreed to let 1,300 Free Syrian Army fighters enter the border town of

Kobani to help defend it against besieging Islamic State insurgents.
US Key Man in Syria Worked Closely with ISIL and Jabhat al-Nusra
This is him with Robert Ford (US) & then with Abud Jandal (IS)
Churkin: Thousands of deaths and a million homeless could have been avoided in Ukraine
The result of the postponed Ukraine EU association agreement has been “thousands of lives lost and almost

a million left homeless,” Russia’s ambassador to the UN, Vitaly Churkin said. He also said that warnings

from Russia almost a year ago were ignored.
US diplomat tells Hungary to back EU, criticizes PM Orban over Russia stance
A US diplomat visiting Hungary has criticized its PM’s policies towards Russia and stated that he

believes Budapest should back the EU in its policy of imposing sanctions on Russia.
"World order: new rules or a game with no rules?"
"The very concept of 'national sovereignty' is regarded by many countries as something relative. The

proposed formula is virtually that the more loyal a regime is to the One Center of Global Power the

stronger its legitimacy is," Putin said at the 11th annual Valdai Discussion Club meeting in Sochi,

90 percent of Americans are poorer today than in 1987
Man Brutalized & Stopped Over 20 Times in 5 Weeks by Cops Mistaking Him for Murderer
Weird "Emergency Alert" Interrupts TV Viewers Across America
Americans watching television across the country were puzzled earlier today when an alert from the White

House interrupted their viewing, told them to stand ...
These 17 Journalists Were Killed by Israel In Gaza
16 Journalists Killed in Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territory since 1992/Motive Confirmed
Journalists under attack, hypocritical Western media remains silent
The suspicious death of US-born journalist Serena Shim, and the deafening silence on the story in the US,

is merely the latest example of the blatant double standard employed by the Western media.
John McCain Caught With His Pants Down
Dirk Müller: Der Banken-Stresstest und die unbezahlte Gasrechnung 24.10.2014 - Bananenrepublik
Hunt for Red Herring: Sweden aborts mysterious vessel decades-large hunt mission
Chechen President Says IS Boss Works for CIA
Calls for al-Baghdadi to "declare he is a CIA agent" and "disband his gang"
Russia's Financial Support to Ukraine Cannot Last Forever: Kremlin
During the last decades Russia has always been helping Kiev financially, spending hundreds of billions of

dollars to support Ukraine, but this cannot last forever, Kremlin chief of staff Sergei Ivanov said

 "Why should Russia pay for Ukraine's insolvency? Can anyone explain that to me? During the last 20 years

we have already sponsored the Ukrainian economy for hundreds of billions of dollars," Ivanov told

The Russian official stressed that Moscow would like to see Ukraine "a self-sufficient state". "As of

today, four leading Russian banks have credit commitment for $25 billion in Ukraine. But for how long can

it last?"
Is the CIA Running a Defamation Campaign Against Putin?
EXCLUSIVE: Was Ebola Accidentally Released from a Bioweapons Lab In West Africa?
Man charged with breaking a trooper's fist with his face - Police State USA
BRADFORD COUNTY, PA -- A motorist was repeatedly beaten after a very-slow pursuit with police, then

maliciously prosecuted on 24 separate crimes.
Putin Says Reports Show World Leaders Could Be Blackmailed With Surveillance Data
Some of the world leaders could be blackmailed, Russian President Vladimir Putin said Friday at the

Valdai Discussion Club meeting in Sochi.
‘824,000 displaced by Ukraine crisis’

The UN refugee agency says the crisis in Ukraine has forced more than 824,000 people from their homes.
The demand from the EU will add about a fifth to the UK’s annual contribution of £8.6 billion (US$13.8

UK demands emergency talks after £1.7bn EU bill
The bill comes after the EU modified how it works out how much each state should pay based on national

income. The surcharge now includes estimations from illegal trade in the so-called black economy, such as

prostitution and drugs.
The forgotten coup - how America and Britain crushed the government of their 'ally', Australia
In an article for the Guardian, John Pilger marks the death of former Australian prime minister Gough

Whitlam with the one story missing from the 'tributes' to a man whose extraordinary political demise is

one of America's dirtiest secrets.
Azerbaijan and the Geopolitical Chessboard
Stratfor, like other organs of US intelligence, views Azerbaijan as a convenient pawn to use in advancing

Washington’s agenda against both Iran and Russia. With regard to Iran, which shares a border with

Azerbaijan and is home to a large ethnic Azeri minority, Azerbaijan is supposed to act as a hostile

nation, playing host to Western intelligence and military; Baku has played up its role as a transit

center for US forces in Afghanistan as well as its position as intermediary with Iran in the ongoing

talks regarding Iran’s nuclear program.
First appeared:
China launches new World Bank rival

Beijing has launched the $100 billion Asia Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB). Australia, Indonesia

and South Korea were absent following hidden pressure from Washington concerned about the new challenge

to the World Bank and Asian Development Bank.
the anglo american establishment Carroll Quigley
Putin lashes out at US, West for destabilizing world

“Terrorists have been selling oil at really low prices and those countries who have been buying it and

then selling it on, are financing terrorism, which will eventually come back to bite them,” the Russian

President said.

“The USA, which has implemented sanctions against Russia, is cutting down the branches, upon which they

are sitting,”
"We have been trying to discuss with the Ukraine issue with the EU for a long time, but we were told this

was none of other business. They then put two countries against each other, which has led to countless

destruction of infrastructure. When I asked why did they do this, they just shrug their shoulders and

don’t have an answer," Putin added.
Super rich are in a conspiracy to rule the world - G. Edward Griffin - 2007
tragedy and hope  Carroll Quigley
The Naked Capitalist
a review and commentary on Carroll Quigley's book Tragedy and Hope

G. Edward Griffin ‒ The Capitalist Conspiracy
Russia accuses Sweden of escalating tension in Baltic Sea
The Russian Defense Ministry believes the “new phase” of the large-scale military operation in the

Baltic, which the Swedish military announced on Thursday, will only lead to undermining stability and

escalate tension in the region.
ISIS chlorine attack on security forces confirmed – Iraq officials
US Army withheld promise from Germany that Ebola virus wouldn’t be weaponized
US Army Withheld Promise from Germany That Ebola Virus Wouldn’t Be Weaponized
America’s Saudi Ally “Cuts Off More Heads” than the Islamic State (ISIL)
Newsweek details how the Saudis behead more people than ISIS (not to mention Saudis are big supporters of

ISIS, and, according to leaked 2009 US documents, are the world’s overall biggest supporters of Sunni

terror groups such as the formerly US-backed Taliban.)

The Saudi theocracy doesn’t just behead people or crucify people.  They slice your head off in public

then crucify you.

Soros Admits Responsibility for Coup and Mass Murder in Ukraine
Color revolution collaboration began soon after engineered fall of Soviet Union
US might send special forces to Syria: Analyst
500.000 Kinder in Deutschland müssen Hunger leiden
Der Verband der Kinder- und Jugendärzte schlägt Alarm: Rund 500.000 Kinder leiden immer wieder Hunger -

und das in Deutschland. Die gesundheitlichen Folgen seien verheerend. Eiweißmangel führe zur Unt
‘Nothing was broken here - until police came’: Busker on NYPD subway arrest
Soros warns Europe the Russian Bear is about to bite.
George Soros Calls for War with Russia
Extolls fascist Maidan and cites it as example for rest of Europe.
The Church - a Criminal History
KSA warns against driving ban breach
Saudi Arabia warns women against violating the country’s driving ban on female citizens.
Word of God"
The most educated countries in the world
Journalist Reveals Iraqis Used German Mustard Gas on Iranians Under US Watch in 1988
Die Soros-Maschine

Regime-Change Kauf dir ein paar NGOs und politische Parteien und verändere die Welt. Kam die Soros-

Maschine auch beim Umsturz in der Ukraine zum Einsatz?
Turkey's Pivotal Role in Syria's Insurgency: PressTV Report from Inside Turkey
This investigative report by PressTV's "In Focus" reporter Serena Shim tries to uncover the pivotal role

that the Turkish government is playing in the armed terrorist uprising against the Syrian government and

its people. From opening its borders so Sunni hardline religious extremists from all over the world can

illegally cross into Syria, to supplying them with weapons, funding, food, and shelter, Turkey's

<That Turkey has been up to its eyeballs in supporting ISIS has been apparent for a while now, but what I

discovered today is that Shim was onto this fact way before the rest of the world was. The following is a

report she produced in late 2012. In it, she cuts straight to the chase, documenting Turkey’s ties to

ISIS (including film footage of rebel military camps inside Turkey), while also focusing on the apparent

involvement of the US and Israel in transferring weapons to the rebels as well>
 ARD/Focus: We all live in a Russian Submarine…
Halluzinations-Alarm. Schweden, Polen, Ukraine, Deutschland: Der Westen lebt von imaginären U-Booten,

Belegen und Gesprächen.
In Brüssel wird über die Lockerung der Sanktionen gegen Russland gesprochen, mit denen sich die Europäer

auf Geheiß der USA selbst verstümmeln. Die „Wahlen“ in der Ukraine stehen vor der Tür. Oligarchen,

Seilschaften, Radikale, Faschisten teilen das Land unter sich auf. Die Ermittlungen zu den Massakern von

Kiew und Odessa sind verschleppt und die Aufklärung gefälscht worden. Da es keine Beweise für die

„Aggression durch  Russland“ gibt, wird gelogen was das Zeug hält.
Damascus downed 2 ISIL fighter jets over Aleppo
A Swedish Defense Farce
What Submarine in Sweden?
3) It serves other purposes than bringing you information: either to increase further the negative image

of Russia, push Sweden into full NATO membership –
DEA performs violent raid on tobacco shop, cracks woman in neck with rifle stock

ALPINE, TX -- DEA agents raided a tobacco shop and a neighbor, assaulted a woman, then got a retroactive

warrant to cover part of the illegal search.


ALPINE, TX — Federal agents violently raided a tobacco shop, unnecessarily broke down a door, and

tampered with surveillance cameras. In the process, they also performed a warrantless raid on a

neighbor’s home, only to later cover their tracks by acquiring a warrant retroactively. The carnival of

injustice was completed when witnesses were ordered to recant their stories under penalty of law.

When the owner's sister observed the raid from the sidewalk, agents barked at her to leave the property.

She declined, asking "What are you going to do, shoot me?" That's when the power-tripping thug performed

a leg-sweep and took her to the ground, and smashed her in the neck with the butt of his rifle.

FOLLOW-UP: The crushing impact of the DEA raid left shop-owner Illana Lipsen personally devastated,

branded with a criminal record, and left in economic ruin. She has suffered $100,000 in legal bills and

seized property. [Click for more...]
'I didn't think of Iraqis as humans,' says U.S. soldier who raped 14-year-old girl before killing her and
her family

Steven Green, a former 101st Airborne soldier, is challenging the constitutionality of his conviction,

claimed that his crimes were fuelled in part by experiences in Iraq's violent 'Triangle of Death'.
ARD- und Focus-Tiefflieger halluzinieren Russland im NATO-Luftraum
Saudi king’s nephew admits to Riyadh support for ISIL

A Saudi prince has admitted to the kingdom’s support for the ISIL Takfiri terrorists.
France prosecutes pro-Palestine activist

France has prosecuted a pro-Palestinian activist for defying the ban on anti-Israel rallies.
MH-17: The Untold Story
>Data wa changed shortly before on wikipedia and some aviation place about operational gight of SU - 25

military planes maximum hight. Malaysia believes it was ht down by military air craft >
ISIS: America's Terrorist Mercenaries
October 21, 2014 New Eastern Outlook If the US and its regional allies have given

billions to so-called "moderate" rebels in Syria, w...
If Man Obeyed God
What If You're Wrong?
Why Atheists Laugh at Religion
with wings
Are religious Americans really this stupid?
Is America a Christian Nation?
Betty Bowers YouTube Trailer
Land Destroyer: US Helping ISIS? One Accidental Airdrop vs Billions in Covert Aid
What can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.~ Christopher Hitchens
"Syria Danny" and His Many Staged Interviews
Fake News!! CNN & BBC Busted!! ISIS Is A Fake Threat!! 2014
The EU-Russia-Ukraine Sanctions Crisis: Germany's Merkel says "EU taxpayers will have to...
On October 21st, the German Economic News headlined (as translated), "Merkel: EU Taxpayers Should Finance

Debt of Ukraine," and reported that, "Angela Merkel visited [Slovakia's Finance Minister] ...
Lasst die Leute doch einfach kiffen!
 Hamburg –

Als Vorsitzender des Bundes Deutscher Kriminalbeamter (BDK) vertritt André Schulz (44) bundesweit 15000

Kripoleute. Er macht sich im KURIER-Interview dafür stark, dass Drogenkonsum in Deutschland künftig

straffrei sein soll.
ODESSA 5/02: The Untold Truth of Kulikovo Field [Part 1 ]
Capitalism's ultimate goal: Bringing back the Dark Ages of feudalism
02 Aug 2013
Conservatives vs. Liberals: The Political Impact of the Mainstream Media in America
This indicates that even the TV networks and major newspapers have little political influence; only CNN,

Fox, Local TV, NPR, and Local radio, do. Any political news that isn’t presented on one of those five is

inconsequential, reaching too small an audience — unless another news-medium (such as The New York Times)

picks the news-report up and it becomes spread so as to reach one or more of these five news-media.
Warum ich nicht an einen (erfolgreichen) Angriff der Junta glaube
ALLES WIRD GUT (aber leider nicht für alle. Es werden wieder tausende sterben. WOFÜR?).
ISIL terrorist leader is CIA agent: Chechen president
Chechen President Ramzan Kadyrov says the ISIL terrorist group's leader, Ibrahim Samarrai who is known by

the alias Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, works for the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and is financially

supported by western secret services.
The Invasion of Gaza: “Operation Cast Lead”, Part of a Broader Israeli Military-Intelligence Agenda
4 January 2009
Streubomben bei Ukr Nazis
How to Start a War and Lose An Empire : Information Clearing House - ICH
In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is distributed without profit to those

Vote all you want, the secret government doesn't change. --
The voter who put Barack Obama in office expected some big changes. From the NSA's warrantless

wiretapping to Guantanamo Bay to the Patriot Act, candidate Obama was a defender of civil liberties and

privacy, promising a dramatically different...
Kolomoyskiy assistant’s Facebook account hacked - the Boeing downed by junta!
Exposed! Hackers Catch 'Screenshot Proof' of Kiev Being Behind MH17 Event!
The hacker group “KiberBerkut” hacked personal correspondence of the

Ukrainian officials regarding downed July 17 Malaysi...
Swedish Forces Admit Failure, Issuing False Information on Alleged Foreign Submarine Location
The Swedish Armed Forces admitted Monday evening that they have failed to maintain transparency and

issued false information about the whereabouts of the alleged foreign submarine in the Stockholm

"Anti-Petrodollar" CEO of French Energy Giant Total Dies in Freak Plane...
Three months ago, the CEO of Total, Christophe de Margerie, dared utter the phrase heard around the

petrodollar world, "There is no reason to pay...
New York Times FAIL: 'McCain No Connections To ISIS?!?'

GR Associate Editor's note The author mentions a picture in which we see John McCain with Free Syrian

Army Commander Salim Idriss and a man...

US facing sanctions after defying WTO trade rules
On Monday, the WTO decided against the US and said the nation’s country-of-origin labeling law is in

violation of international fair trade rules.
< The consumer has no rights to know where the product is from. This shit will come to the EU soon and we
will be served GMO food >
“Pardon Us For Our Country’s Existence in the Middle of Your Military Bases” – Russian Foreign Minister

Lavrov’s Speech at the UN
'You're moving closer to Russia and blame Russians for being close to NATO'
ISIS earned $2mn per day on illegal oil trade prior US-led strikes – report
The Islamic State was making up to $2 million per day, or $800 million a year, by selling oil at roughly

half the official price on the black market before the US-led airstrikes, a new study by a US-based

consultant group revealed.
Libya War Continues Three Years After Gaddafi Assassination
On Oct. 20, 2011, the leader of the North African state of Libya was brutally assassinated in the city of

Sirte. Col. Muammar Gaddafi had been leading a struggle to defend his country from a war of...
York Times FAIL: 'McCain No Connections To ISIS?!?'
<plenty of info. Check later>
War crimes! Shocking video showing new attrocities committed by Kiev regime during ceasefire!s
Ebola: Genetically Modified Organism developed in US Biowarfare Laboratories in Africa.
As I read this notice from, a service of the US National Institutes of Health, the US

Government and Pharmaceutical corporations have been conducting ebola tests on humans. http...
Experts have brought to the public’s attention that ebola is a genetically modified organism developed in

US biowarfare laboratories in Africa.

In the two articles below reproduced from Tom Feeley’s Information Clearing House (a good site worthy of

your support), Dr. Francis Boyle of the University of Illinois and Dr. Cyril Broderick of the University

of Liberia and the University of Delaware provide their fact-based assessments. Dr. Boyle drafted the

Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989, the US implementing legislation for the 1972 Biological

Weapons Convention.
VIDEO: Muslims DEMAND “Pork-Free” Products from WELFARE FOOD BANK!!
Verschwörung der Medien aufgedeckt: Ukraine/Kiew: Terroristische Aktionen friedlicher Demonstranten
Malaysian Government Blames Ukrainian Government For the Shootdown of M17
According to a stunning article in the New Straits Times, the official Malaysian government investigation

into the shoot-down of the M17 is now saying that they think the plane was shot down from the air. They

believe it was hit first by an air-to-air missile from a Sukhoi S-25 Ukrainian jet that was following the

plane. As the plane spiraled out of control, a 30mm cannon finished off the plane by riddling the cockpit

with gunfire. Investigators on the ground concurred, saying the cockpit looked like a bloodbath. In

addition, the damage to the cockpit area of the jet looks exactly the same as the impact from a 30mm

cannon. SU-25 jets come equipped with a 30mm cannon.
Talk:Crash of Malaysia Airlines flight MH17/BUK Tracking
Who Has the BUK Launchers in Ukraine?
Kiev's Holdings
BUK 312 and comrades

Part of the material the Ukrainian SBU released to suggest that "rebels" shot down MH17 with a BUK, was

photo material showing a BUK TELAR numbered 312 on a trailer, alleging it has been photographed on its

way back to Russia. This was quickly shown to be extremely questionable as evidence surfaced showing

number 312 in Ukrainian hands. The SBU then removed the photos from their website while other material

like a suggestive photo showing a "plume" remained there.
TELAR 321 as posted by @MOR2537 to illustrate what he alleges to have witnessed

This was outlined (and a screenshot saved) in more detail over at Human Rights Investigations. A video

embedded there shows BUK 312 in Ukrainian hands back in March. The other two TELAR's seen in the video

are numbers 323 and 321. BUK 321 has been seen in Ukrainian hands just two weeks before MH17 crashed,

transported close to "liberated" Slavyansk.
transported+north+west+from+Slavyansk+eastern+Ukraine+Friday+July+2014+Photo+Dmitry +Lovetsky/10004193/story.html
Ukrainian government forces maneuver antiaircraft missile launchers Buk as they are transported...
Ukrainian government forces maneuver antiaircraft missile launchers Buk as they are transported north-

Is this the Kiev BUK missile system that shot down MH-17? The one the US satellite imagery saw and Robert
Parry reported about.,_1993
Russian constitutional referendum, 1993
A constitutional referendum was held in Russia on 12 December 1993.[1] The new constitution was approved

by 58.4% of voters, and came into force on 25 December
A video has emerged showing US parachuted weapons in the hands of ISIL terrorists near Kobani.
Unauthorized Biography of D!ck Cheney ::: full HQ
Cynthia McKinney US lawmakers forced to sign support of Israel
Cynthia McKinney Grills Donald Rumsfeld
Bin Ladens Cave according to Rumsfeld
Die Grundsätze wurden von der XX. Internationalen Rotkreuzkonferenz 1965 in Wien proklamiert. Der...
  The Real Secret of Iraq's Germ Weapons:  Information Clearing House - ICH
Eric S. Margolis is an award-winning, internationally syndicated columnist. His articles have appeared in

the New York Times, the International Herald Tribune the Los Angeles Times, Times of London, the Gulf

Times, the Khaleej Times, Nation – Pakistan, Hurriyet, – Turkey, Sun Times Malaysia and othe…
Russian scientists working on fast-acting Ebola vaccine
Russian scientists are developing a technology to make monoclonal antibodies specific to the Ebola virus.

If successful, the resulting medicine could be available as soon as December. Testing points to a

positive effect within 24 hours of administering.
War in Ukraine / Donetsk city under "Tochka U" Attack

War in Ukraine / Donetsk city under "Tochka U" Attack Briefly about the war in the Donbass. Do not know

how in the West, Russians believe the concept of "Naz...
Excellent US Mini-Documentary Details Kiev's Collusion in Odessa Massacre (10 minutes)
9/11 - Mike Ruppert - The Truth And Lies Of 911 -(Full length)
Dick's War | Unfilter 42
< minute 9:00 fake US satelite pictures >
George Bush Fails
Senate investigation finds no Iraq/al Qaeda link EITHER.
Bush says Iraq had no WMDs
George: Saddam Hussein Has Weapons of Mass Destruction
Bush laughs at no WMD in Iraq
CIA Covert Operations and U.S. Interventions Since World War II Full documentary
The Mena Connection, Murder,Drugs and Coverup Clinton & Bush Sr
Colin Powell Lied to the UN: Following Orders Is No Excuse
Lie After Lie After Lie: What Colin Powell Knew Ten Years Ago Today and What He Said

A Libyan writer and journalist, Abdul Hakim Matouq, told alMayadeen news channel yesterday that the

Libyans overthrew Gaddafi but now they have the Qatari and Saudi dictators (in charge), instead! With the

sovereignty of Libya being violated by so many foreign parties.. He believes over 250 000 Libyans have

been killed since the start of the NATO/ GCC/ Israel backed "revolution", 800 000 are refugees and 50

0000 in prisons!!
Ukrainian government forces used cluster...
Kiev forces using cluster-bombs in populated areas in E. Ukraine – HRW
The forces of the Kiev government used cluster munitions in populated areas in the city of Donetsk,

eastern Ukraine, says Human Rights Watch. It adds that the use of this forbidden weaponry violates the

laws of war.
New report further exposes ‪#‎Turkey‬ links to ‪#‎ISIL‬ militants

Ole Solvang, Human Right Watch - spricht im ORF (Österreichischer Rundfunk)
(Audio im Link)
"In den meisten Fällen, die wir untersucht haben, deuten alle Hinweise auf die Verantwortung der

ukrainischen Regierung hin. Wenn wir einen Fall dokumentieren, dann analysieren wir, welche Waffen

verwendet wurden, woher etwa der Raketenwerfer abgefeuert wurde; dadurch können wir mit einer gewissen

Sicherheit die Richtung bestimmen; und in den meisten Fällen kommen die Angriffe auf die Stadt Donezk von

Ukraine: Widespread Use of Cluster Munitions
(Berlin) – Ukrainian government forces used cluster munitions in populated areas in Donetsk city in early

October 2014, Human Rights Watch said today. The use of cluster munitions in populated areas violates the

laws of war due to the indiscriminate nature of the weapon and may amount to war crimes.
Ukraine Used Cluster Bombs, Report Charges
The Ukrainian Army appears to have fired cluster munitions, a weapon banned in much of the world, into

the heart of Donetsk, according to physical evidence and interviews with witnesses and victims.
West Denies Fact That MH17 Flight Was Shot Down by Kiev for 'Political Reasons': Politician
The West and the German intelligence, in particular, denies the fact that Malaysia Airline Flight MH17

was shot down by Ukrainian military for “political reasons”, Russian Defense Ministry Public Council

member Igor Korotchenko said.
A Buk system can see on radar the difference between a military plane and a passenger plane because of

the transponder of the passenger plane. So the claim should be made the separatists shot down the

passenger plane on purpose but they had zero to gain from that but seeing it as a false flag attack who

had to gain? NATO and the Ukrainian junta. Nor can a ground to air missile shoot round holes on both

sides of the cockpit.
Perhaps, Gaddafi’s greatest crime, in the eyes of NATO, was his desire to put the interests of local

labour above foreign capital and his quest for a strong and truly United States of Africa. In fact, in

August 2011, President Obama confiscated $30 billion from Libya’s Central Bank, which Gaddafi had

earmarked for the establishment of the African IMF and African Central Bank.
'No mass killings or graves': Amnesty Int'l says only 'isolated' atrocities in E. Ukraine
Amnesty International became the first major international human rights groups to address the claims of

mass killings in the Ukrainian conflict. However, it says it only found evidence of isolated incidents of

war crimes by both Kiev and the militia.
 Quantum Theory Proves Consciousness Moves To Another Universe At Death? Read More:
Breakthrough device heralds future of cancer detection
Early cancer detection can save millions of lives but current diagnostic methods remain costly and

invasive. However, a new startup is developing a device which could detect dozens of cancers with a

single blood test. 41am/western_media_caught_web_lies_kiev_loses_control_its_neo
Russian news: Western Media Caught in Web of Lies as Kiev Loses Control of Its Neo-Nazis -...

This article originally appeared at Consortium News
NYPD Cost Taxpayers Nearly a Half Billion in the Last 5 Years From Civil Rights Violations

Unemployment rates of native- and foreign-born population

Unemployment rates of foreign- and native-born populations
Immigrants struggle in German job market
VIDEO: Huge blast rocks Donetsk chemical plant, E. Ukraine

A huge explosion was seen in Donetsk on Monday. Early reports indicate that the explosion was caused by

either a ballistic missile or by a shell hitting a ch...
How the CIA Infiltrated Germany's Mainstream Media
Leading US-funded think-tanks and German secret service are accessories. Attempted suppression by legal

threats. Blackout in German media.Exclusively for RI, Dutch journalist Eric van de Beek inte...
IMF-World Bank Policies and the Rwandan Genocide
This article was first published in January, 1995. in the wake of the Rwandan Genocide. It was

subsequently included as a Chapter in The Globalization of Poverty, first edition, 1997. In the con...

This Holy Book Is Full Of Appalling Violence
‘Even animals don’t do it’: Kobani siege survivors on ISIS brutality
“There was a man with Down Syndrome,” he says. “He couldn’t understand the situation, to flee, or to run

away from the frontline. When ISIS arrived they beheaded him and took photos, shared them on social media

and said ‘we killed an atheist, a Kaffir’.”
“For smoking, they chop your fingers off,” she says. “Drinking is punished by jail. And if a woman is

seen in the company of a man who is not her relative, she is stoned to death.”
CIA-Tochter BND auf politischen Abwegen?
– Nato schiebt MH17-Abschuss in Russlands Schuhe
Dieses Verfahren kennen wir aus Diktaturen. Noch dürfen die online-Leser kommentieren, Sprache und

Aussagen sind eindeutig, gerade auch beim “Spiegel”: WO SIND DIE BEWEISE, BELEGE, INFORMATIONEN?
Israeli society ‘sick with violence’ – country’s president
Israel is suffering from an epidemic of violence that must be treated, the country’s President Reuven

Rivlin said. After the latest bloody conflict in Gaza, Jews and Arabs seem to have lost the capacity for

dialogue, as relations have reached a new low. syria/5348383
Senator John McCain, Foreign Relations “Adviser” to Al Qaeda Death Squads in Syria
In September 2012,  McCain met once more with the Al Qaeda linked Libyan fighters in Benghazi, Libya. One

of the rebels’ leading figures was Abdel Hakim Belhaj a member of the defunct Libyan Islamic Fighting

Group LIFG), a terrorist organization on both the UN Security Council and the US State Department lists.
Al Nusrah Front, Free Syrian Army launch joint operation

The Liwa al Ummah, or Brigade of the Muslim Nation, was formed by Abd al Mahdi al Harati, a deputy of

Abdul Hakim Belhaj, the former emir of the al Qaeda-linked Libyan Islamic Fighting Group. Al Harati, who

headed a rebel group during the Libyan revolution, led Liwa al Ummah for six months in 2012 before

merging with the Free Syrian Army. Liwa al Ummah is estimated to have around 6,000 fighters, against-the-syrian-people/5327507
SYRIA: US-NATO Backed Al Qaeda Terrorists Armed with WMDs. Chemical Weapons against the Syrian People
Image: Libyan Mahdi al-Harati of the US State Department, United Nations, and the UK Home Office (page 5,

.pdf)-listed terrorist organization, the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG), addressing fellow

terrorists in Syria. Harati is now commanding a Libyan brigade operating inside of Syria attempting to

destroy the Syrian government and subjugate the Syrian population. Traditionally, this is known as

“foreign invasion.”
U.S. Military and CIA Interventions Since World War II
Chomsky: “Obama Is Running The Biggest Terrorist Operation That Exists”
Baghdadi 'Mossad trained'
Posted on » Tuesday, July 15, 2014
WASHINGTON: The former employee at US National Security Agency (NSA), Edward Snowden, has revealed that

the British and American intelligence and the Mossad worked together to create the Islamic State of Iraq

and Syria (ISIS).

Snowden said intelligence services of three countries created a terrorist organisation that is able to

attract all extremists of the world to one place, using a strategy called "the hornet's nest".

NSA documents refer to recent implementation of the hornet's nest to protect the Zionist entity by

creating religious and Islamic slogans.

According to documents released by Snowden, "The only solution for the protection of the Jewish state "is

to create an enemy near its borders".

Leaks revealed that ISIS leader and cleric Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi took intensive military training for a

whole year in the hands of Mossad, besides courses in theology and the art of speech..

NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden doccuments showing Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the leader of ISIS, now the

Islamic State, is an intelligence asset serena-shim-threatened-by-mit-just-day-ago.html
Press TV journalist killed in road accident in Turkey was Serena Shim, threatened by MIT just day ago
Press TV's Serena Shim killed in Turkey. Rest in Peace. hundreds-Kurds-Islamist-supporters-Germany-nine-killed-protests-Turkey.html
Now ISIS clashes spread across Europe

Police in the northern German city say 14 people were injured overnight in the violence involving

hundreds of demonstrators before riot police were able to quell the disturbance.
Turkey accuses PressTV correspondent of spying
Oct 18, 2014
<deadly "accident" the next day>
Biden: Our Allies in the ME Funded and Nurtured ISIS
Anyone but US! Biden blames allies for ISIS rise
Oct 3, 2014
Germany’s intel agency says MH17 downed by Ukraine militia – report
Germany's BND foreign intelligence agency says a local militia shot down Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 in

eastern Ukraine in July, Der Spiegel reports. The BND is said to possess “ample evidence," though none of

it has been made public.
UK finally sanctions Qatari terror funder – 10 months after US
A Way To Stop Ebola Discovered
Ebola could infect 1.4 million by December if it's not stopped
Estimating the Future Number of Cases in the Ebola Epidemic — Liberia and Sierra Leone, 2014–2015
A welfare state is a concept of government in which the state plays a key role in the protection and

promotion of the economic and social well-being of its citizens
 It is based on the principles of

equality of opportunity, equitable distribution of wealth, and public responsibility for those unable to

avail themselves of the minimal provisions for a good life. The general term may cover a variety of forms

of economic and social organization.[1] The sociologist T.H. Marshall identified the welfare state as a

distinctive combination of democracy, welfare, and capitalism.
Drohender Kollaps: Die Ukraine will mehr Geld vom Westen
Die zugesagten 30 Milliarden Dollar sind Kiew nicht genug. Angesichts des wirtschaftlichen Zusamm...
US Training Mercenaries for Syria Bombing Missions
Ebo-Lie: Man Living In Ghana Confirms Ebola Is A Hoax - See more at: hoax/#sthash.WpX0yb0U.dpuf
Lavrov: West’s ‘colonial-style’ sanctions on Russia have little to do with Ukraine
Making Russia change its stance by way of sanctions is outdated thinking in an age when diversity of

opinion is supposed to be appreciated, Foreign Minister Lavrov believes. He says Russia is already “doing

more than anybody else” to help Ukraine.
Islamic State ISIS ran by Mossad Agent Simon Elliot (Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi)
Simon Elliot, aka Al-Baghdadi, son of Jewish parents, Mossad agent.
According to Edward Snowden, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the boss of ISIL (aka ISIS), is a Jewish actor named

Simon Elliot. state-is-a-cia-mossad-mi6-intelligence-asset/5391731
Who is Abu Musab Al-Zarqawi? From Al-Zarqawi to Al-Bagdahdi: “The Islamic State” is a CIA-Mossad-MI6

“Intelligence Asset”
Al Zarqawi had been recruited by the CIA to fight in the Afghan war. This was confirmed by Secretary of

State Colin Powell in his historic presentation to the UN Security Council on 5 February 2003.
Isis: a portrait of the menace that is sweeping my homeland
Isis, a Salafi jihadist force, evolved out of a group founded by Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, a Jordanian

militant who moved to Iraq after the US invasion of Afghanistan in 2002. He later launched al-Qaida in

Iraq, responsible for the bombing of the Askari mosque in Samarra that triggered Iraq's 2006-07 civil

war. Renamed the Islamic State in Iraq after its leader was killed in a US raid in 2006, it was weakened

in 2007 after US forces aligned with Sunni Iraqi tribes to fight the group
Episode 258 – Know Your Terrorists: Ayman Al-Zawahiri
Know Your Terrorists: Ayman Al-Zawahiri
 So who and what is Al-Qaeda? A sub division of USA-NATO. Ayman Al-Zawahiri was working for USA-NATO.
The 45 percent of Danes who said they were thriving in purpose well-being, indicating satisfaction with
their day-to-day lives, was the highest in Europe.
In Panama, Costa Rica, and Denmark, certain commonalities stand out. Each has a stable government and a

highly educated population (school life expectancy of 12 to 15 years and literacy rates from 94 percent

to 99 percent). All three countries also have positive or low negative migration rates, which may be

related to their having stable or growing economies, political stability, relative safety, and access to

basic services. Cultural attributes such as a high level of positivity may affect perceptions of well-

being,” the results read.