George Bush Pedophile Sex Ring and Blackmail of Congress
George HW Bush a known Evil Pedophile George HW Bush is a known evil pedophile, who ran a
Congressional Blackmail Child Sex Ring during the 1980s...
Black Open Carry Protesters Are Marching Against Police Brutality, and the Media Is Silent
They call themselves the Huey P. Newton Gun Club, named after the co-founder of the Black
Panther Party For Self Defense. Like the defunct organization
US, UK meddling in OSCE’s mandate in Ukraine – Russia's envoy to UN
The US and UK are attempting to change the OSCE’s existing mandate in Ukraine, according to
Russian Ambassador to the UN Vitality Churkin. His comments came...
Ban suggests Israeli attack on UNIFIL post was deliberate
Opposition leader Nemtsov’s murder caught on CCTV camera (VIDEO)
David Icke - The Robot's Rebellion -- dutch subtitles - NL ondertiteld
The Truth About War - Who Are The Real Terrorists?
USA Has A History Of Attacking Themselves To Go To War
This film exposes how every major war in US history was based on a complete fraud with video of
insiders themselves admitting it. Battleship Maine, Sinking o...
Wikipedia berichtete über die Ermordung Nemzow bereits zwei Stunden VOR dem Mord!
Википедия сообщила об убийстве Немцова за 2 часа до самого убийства
Об убийстве НемцоваСегодня с утра лениво просматривал материалы, посвященные убийству прошлой
ночью «оппозиционного политика» Бориса...
Exposed: The Hidden Truth Behind America’s Black Sites
Infowars investigates the Chicago PD's secret, CIA-style black site used to unlawfully detain,
torture and harass citizens.
Podemos: Merkel ist Militante der Wall Street
Galindo Gaznate Der führende Kopf der spanischen Linkspartei Podemos, Pablo Iglesias,
beschuldigte Merkel, militante Marionette der Wall Street zu sein. Finanzmächte hätten im Westen
Parlamente ent...
Land Destroyer: US State Department Admits Russia had Nothing to Gain from Killing Boris Nemtsov
75% of Air and Rain Samples Contain Monsanto’s RoundUp
A new study proves just how invasive Monsanto’s best selling chemicals are, revealing how
herbicide toxins are appearing in 75% of rain and air samples. Take a deep breath. Thanks to the
massive us...
US to Send Arms to Ukraine Using Private Contractors - Hacker Group
In der Ukraine wird der Artikel über die Ermordung von Nemzow schon drei Tage vor seinem Tod
erstellt. Es wird immer verrückter!
Offensichtlich hatten die Schreiber des Beitrages keine Ahnung, dass Google sich das Datum der
letzten Aktualisierung speichert.. dazu gehört dann nicht mehr das Veröffentlichen/Publizieren
des Artikels.. aber dafür das Datum an dem er erstellt wurde!
US Backing for 'Moderate' Syrian Rebels: Long Reported, Continually Forgotten
That the US is arming and training Syrian rebels has...
Western Media Lies: It’s Really Ukraine that’s Sending Young Men to Die on the Front Lines
The Western media’s latest tall tale is that Russia is supposedly tricking its greenest
conscripts into...
The Vineyard of the Saker: Breaking news: FALSE FLAG IN MOSCOW!
Trust not in princes, nor in the children of men, in whom there is no safety. His breath shall
go forth, and he shall return to his earth; in that day all his thoughts...
Wesley Clark: "Our friends and allies funded ISIS to destroy Hezbollah" http://nonalignedmedia...
Island setzt korrupte Regierung ab und verhaftet alle Rockefeller und Rothschild Bankster
Letzte Woche wurden 9 Bankster in London und Reykjavik, wegen ihrer Verantwortung für den
finanziellen Untergang Islands im Jahre 2008, verhaftet....
Washington supplying Kiev with satellite intelligence of conflict in east – report
The US is supplying Kiev with spy satellite imagery of enemy positions in eastern Ukraine, but
does so by deliberately reducing the quality, apparently so as not to...
Former Mossad Chief Pushes for Bibi's Ouster Over Iran Policy
Mord in Berlin: Attentäter erschießt Merkel-Kritiker Müller
Er wurde von vier Schüssen in den Rücken getroffen, ganz in der Nähe des Kanzleramt: Frank
Müller war ein gnadenloser Kritiker des Systems von Angela...
[Artikel / Verschwörungen] ▶ Der Mord über den die Systempresse schweigt: Frank Müller wurde
wie Boris #Nemzov gestern in Berlin erschossen
(PDF) How the CIA created Google
U.S. military decimated under Obama, only ‘marginally able’ to defend nation
The U.S. military is shedding so many troops and weapons it is only “marginally able” to defend
PressTV-US military soldiers are 'mercenaries'
Many US troops who participate in armed conflicts around the world do so as “mercenaries”
against “innocent” nations.
“If you’re a decent human being anywhere in the world, you’re not going to want to destroy other
people in order to please some rich politicians who are doing so for oil,” he added.
"Many US troops who participate in armed conflicts around the world do so as “mercenaries”
against “innocent” nations, a US veteran and journalist in Denmark says.
Nemtsov murder: Russian investigators probing provocation, Charlie Hebdo links
Paul Craig Roberts - The CIA May Have Just Assassinated Boris Nemtsov In Moscow To Blame Putin
Kredite aus Steuergeldern: Saatgut-Konzerne kaufen Land in der Ukraine
Die Bundesregierung hat in der Antwort auf eine Anfrage der Links-Partei zugegeben, dass
nationale und internationale Konzerne in der Ukraine...
Malcolm X’s Internationalism and the Struggle for Liberation in Haiti Today
“…when you select heroes about which black children ought to be taught, let them be black heroes
One of the most important anti-imperialist struggles in the Americas today is the occupation of
Haiti by western imperialism by way of the United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti
Night shelling of Donetsk on February 26, 2015
The inhabitants of Donetsk were listening to loud artillery cannonade all night long, RIA
Novosti reports. According to witnesses the sounds of salvos and explosions were heard in most
districts of th
Putin's Approval Rating Rises to 86 % - Independent Poll / Sputnik International
Russian President Vladimir Putin's approval rating has jumped to 86 percent, a 17-percent
increase since February 2014, the Levada Center, an independent...
Charlie Hebdo ist gemanagter Staatsterrorismus
IS Militants Smash Ancient Iraqi Artifacts To Dust In New Video
A new video released by the Islamic State extremist group appears to show militants turning
Iraq's cultural heritage into rubble as they destroy scores of...
“Mass Sterilization”: Kenyan Doctors Find Anti-fertility Agent in UN Tetanus Vaccine
According to LifeSiteNews, a Catholic publication, the Kenya Catholic Doctors Association is
Verhaftungswelle in Spanien gegen Donbass-Brigaden
Mindestens acht linken Spaniern, die gegen den "Faschismus" an der Seite der prorussischen
Milizen kämpften, wird vermutlich Terrorismus vorgeworfen
New Study: Vaccinated Children Have 2 to 5 Times More Diseases and Disorders Than Unvaccinated
Chasing down homeless men and beating their brains out...."Just doing my job".
Chicago’s Abu Ghraib
In April 2004, the world was shocked and horrified by the release of photographs of sadistic
torture carried out by US military personnel at the Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq. Detainees at the
prison, ...
On Thursday, the Intercept corroborated the Guardian’s account, interviewing another torture
victim at the facility who was handcuffed across a bench and hit in the face and groin until he
agreed to provide false testimony to police.
Putin announces 10% salary cuts in his administration
The Russian president has ordered salary cuts of 10 percent for all members of his
administration, Vladimir Putin’s press secretary, Dmitry Peskov, who is also deputy head of the
administration, has told reporters.
Florida Cops Arrest African American Employee For ‘Trespassing’ At His Job
There never seems to be an end to the stories of racism, police brutality, and injustice in the
state of Florida. Recently, a Quickstop employee in Miami...
<He has been detained by police 258 times over the course of four years and arrested 62 times
for trespassing. In almost every single one of these cases, this happened while he was at work,
and his employer had nothing to do with the police targeting.<
Over one million Iraqi women widowed due to ongoing conflicts
The ongoing conflict in Iraq has left a devastating impact on the country’s civilian
Who is Responsible For World War 2 and 72 Million Dead?
Libya and Syria: Two Wars Against ISIL, Two Different Western Reactions
Libya, Again?
Libya, Again?
co<Well, the West destroyed Libya, turned it into a failed state and now the propaganda machine,
the Der Spiegel and the rest of them, uses the crisis in Libya to promote, what else, more
western intervention in Libya. We know that the two western interventions did not make the
situation better in Iraq so we can safely conclude that a second intervention in Libya will only
make things worse. But maybe that the objective of the West.
Let's ask Der Spiegel to provide us with a single example of a western intervention that made
things better anywhere and at any time.<
ISIS Online: A Pretext for Cyber COINTELPRO?
In its ever expanding war against Syria, now under the broader pretext of “fighting ISIS,” the
US Government has employed a variety of tactics. From arming terrorists whom it dishonestly
labels “mo...
The war, once believed to be relegated solely to Syria and Iraq, has now been broadened to a
regional, and indeed, a global war with no geographical boundaries or time limits. And now, the
Obama administration has announced that its war will also be waged in cyberspace.
Zufall? Innerhalb von 24h sterben drei Journalisten – Sie planten Dokumentarfilm über 9/11
‘There Are No Independent States in EU, They Are All Vassals of the US’
Police Killing of Unarmed Native American Continues To Receive Little Media Attention
The tragic case of Corey Kanosh, 35, has received very little media attention, in spite of the
growing outrage over police shootings of unarmed, innocent
Me, Myself and Medien #5 - Schicksalstage in der deutschen Presse - auf wen hört Jauch noch?
Arrested Spaniards Fought for Free Donbas - Anti-Fascist Committee / Sputnik International
Arresting eight Spaniards, who supported independent Donbas, and ignoring those, who fought
alongside Kiev's army, is “a manifestation of double standards”, the...
‘Assad cannot be Syria’s future’ – UK & French foreign ministers
Monsanto’s Trojan Horse will eat in EU Fields | New Eastern Outlook
24.02.2015 Author: F. William Engdahl Monsanto’s Trojan Horse will eat in EU Fields Column:
Economics Region: Europe Monsanto just succeeded in getting a...
US guilt in Ukraine crisis 'considerable, obvious' – Duma speaker
The US bears a considerable share of the blame for driving the situation in Ukraine towards the
poor state it is in now, the speaker of the Russian State Duma says....
Hundreds of Farmers Block Roads in Protest of Monsanto’s GMO Crops: Poland's Largest Farmer
"The corporate takeover of agriculture has impoverished farmers, starved communities, and
force-fed us hazardous genetically engineered crops, only to line the pockets of a handful of
multinational corporations like Monsanto at the expense of farmers who are struggling for land
and livelihood around the world!”
Native American Council Offers Amnesty to 240 Million Undocumented Whites
The Native American National Council will offer amnesty to the estimated 240 million illegal
white immigrants living in the United States. At a meeting on Friday...
Total US debt soars to nearly $60 trn, foreshadows new recession
<Population 320 million inclusive illegals. Of whom about half are working, minus the 20% to
poor to tax further.... just 300.000 Dollar per working person.<
Guardian Retracts Anti-Russian Story Based on 'Research' of Own Reporter - Russia Insider
EDINBURGH, February 19, (Sputnik) - The Guardian was forced to correct an article claiming
Russian military units fired on the Ukrainian Army from inside the...
What does one TRILLION dollars look like?
Scientist 'killed Amazon indians to test race theory
Thousands of South American indians were infected with measles, killing hundreds, in order to
for US scientists to study the effects on primitive societies of natural selection, according to
a book out next month.
The astonishing story of genetic research on humans, which took 10 years to uncover, is likely
to shake the world of anthropology to its core, according to Professor Terry Turner of Cornell
University, who has read the proofs.
Russia Could Make South China Sea a Chinese Lake - Russia Insider
This article originally appeared in The National InterestWhat Robert Kaplan so smartly dubbed
“Asia’s Cauldron”— the South China Sea— might be set to boil...
GMO-Free Brands
the Non-GMO Project verified product code spreadsheet
List of over 400 companies that provide non-GMO products compiled by the Non-GMO Project
GMO Food List to Avoid (Monsanto Companies) & The Dangers of GMO Food
Monsanto companies
OSCE: No Armed Men Observed Crossing the Russian-Ukrainian Border since mid-2014 - Russia
VIENNA, February 26 (TASS) - Monitors of the Organization for Security and Cooperation Union
working at the "Donetsk" and "Luhansk" checkpoints have not...
Monitors of the Organization for Security and Cooperation Union working at the "Donetsk" and
"Luhansk" checkpoints have not observed a single case of transferring weapons across the
Russian-Ukrainian border since the summer of 2014, Paul Picard, the chief OSCE observer at the
Russian-Ukrainian border, said on Thursday.
Video Shows Police Brutally Beat Terminally Ill Man in Front of His Two Young Children
Morgantown, WV -- A kind-hearted woman with a cellphone captured the horrific scene of a man
choking on his own blood, in front of his children, while pinned...
Donetsk to Hold Back on Withdrawal Sites – DPR Leader
March of Destruction: ISIL Smashes Priceless 3,000-Year-Old Statues in Iraq
USA-UKRAINE: Westen kündigt eigenen Krieg an
Gemäß der derzeit gültigen Propaganda-Linie Washingtons, die in allen Satellitenstaaten brav
wiederholt wird, werden weiterhin Ursache und Wirkung vertauscht sowie alle Verhältnisse auf den
Kopf gedreht.
Wenn also der US-Geheimdienstchef vor einem Krieg in der Ukraine im Frühjahr warnt, dann spricht
er den Stand westlicher Planungen aus, vor denen ich hier schon mehrfach gewarnt habe.
CIA Troublemaking in Caucasus
It is clear that Russia's arrest and expulsion of two CIA agents who were trying to recruit
members of the...
The US's century-long destruction of Native American land, in one animated map
It shows the collapse in native land holdings from 1784 to 1895.
Here’s What It Looks Like To Be Stomped On By A Jackboot Thug Cop (Video)
Officer attempted to destroy phone after attacking man for filming police brutality.
<This is the very reason why filming police is protected under the First Amendment.<
Four Years Ago: Regime Change at the IMF: The Frame-Up of Dominique Strauss-Kahn
The arrest of Strauss-Kahn has all the appearances of a frame-up ordered by powerful members of
Global Warming - Al Gore sued by 30.000 Scientists
Aug 3, 2008
Is fascist America ready for total war against Russia and China?
Ukraine Prepares for an Attack Against Russia
But not until now is Ukraine actually preparing for such an invasion from Russia — or else
preparing for its allies to launch an invasion of Russia.
Poroshenko's chocolates commemorate "Defender of the Fatherland Day" with St. George ribbons in
Russia, prohibited in Ukraine by Poroshenko
$26 trillion in global derivatives about to implode if Greece bankruptcy unfolds
"So 26 trillion dollars is an amount of money that is almost unimaginable," he wrote. "And of
course those are just the derivatives that are directly tied to the euro. Overall, the total
global derivatives bubble is more than 700 trillion dollars in size."
<Never forget that the whole reason for austerity was based on FINANCIAL FRAUD. The Greek
government, through ultra-corrupt Prime Minister & Finance Minister took on hundreds of billions
of the BANK'S debts. The debts NEVER belonged to the Greek people! These 2 gentlemen were "ex"
Goldman Sachs executives who reportedly got $500 MM for their treachery. When Iceland refused to
fall for the same scam they found out that 94% (!) of their debts were BOGUS.<
Tutorial: How to write a propaganda piece on Russia featuring ‘The Economist’
Watschen für US-Botschaft in Moskau: Wem traust Du?
Weltfremd, aber arrogant wie die US-Administration nun einmal ist, wollte der Sprecher der US-
Botschaft in Moskau, Will B. Stevens, Russia Today der Propaganda bezichtigen und ausgerechnet
den "Economist" ("Putin: Ein Netz aus Lügen") als seriös hinstellen.
Die real existierende Arroganz ging daneben.
1.400 Teilnehmer der vom Amerikaner selbst initiieretn Abstimmung trauen RT. Ganze 69 stimmten
für den Economist. Köstlich die Kommentare für Mr. Stevens.
Police beating people protesting currency collapse in Kiev
Police beating people protesting currency collapse in Kiev
Ex-NATO analyst: Ukraine war result of U.S. preventing Russia/EU friendship
Lieutenant Commander Martin Packard, former NATO intelligence analyst is In the NOW talking
about how Ukraine war could have been avoided if proper decisions were taken back in 1980s.
What's escalated now is the result of America's attempts to prevent Russia from getting closer
with European powers. Now, says Packard, NATO wants to deepen the crisis - military forces need
to be in action and for that they have to have an enemy.
Irak ampui alas kaksi brittiläistä aseiden kuljetuskonetta - länsi aseitaa ISIS-terroristeja
Lännen asetoimitukset ISIS-terroristeille on fakta. Irakin armeija ampui alas kaksi
Marijuana is now legal in Washington, DC. Here's what you need to know.
Marijuana is now legal in Washington, DC.
DC voters in November approved a ballot initiative that allows adults 21 and older to possess up
to two ounces of marijuana, grow up to six plants, and gift up to one ounce of pot to other
adults 21 and older. The measure, which took effect Thursday, doesn't legalize sales, so anyone
who tries to make a profit off marijuana could still get locked up. Smoking in public remains
Media Silence on Libya
Despite the all-encompassing belief in democracy and a free press, Americans have very little
democracy left and perhaps the worst media in the world. Even people who make efforts to be
informed do...
5 Reasons Why Arab Spring States are Dumping Obama and Reaching for Russia
In 2011 the leaders of NATO appeared to pull off the perfect crime. That year they used the Arab
Spring democracy movement as a cover to destroy Libya, kill its president, Muammar Gaddafi, and
turn that nation over to jihadists supported by the Persian gulf monarchs.
Ukraine... It's a Heist!!!
Video shows ISIL destroy Iraq artifacts
Umerziehung für Andersdenkende - EU Gesetzesvorschlag
Why the rise of fascism is again the issue
Feds Threaten D.C. Officials with Prison If they Go Through with Pot Legalization on Thursday
As of Thursday the 26th, at midnight. pot is legal in D.C.. But two Congressmen are threatening
city officials with prison time if they actually go through with the...
US Backing for 'Moderate' Syrian Rebels: Long Reported, Continually Forgotten
That the US is arming and training Syrian rebels has been well-documented forover two years, yet
Western media have historically suffered from a strange collective...
The Modern History of the Greek Debt Crisis
Yatsenyuk: Putin doesn't only want to take over Ukraine, he wants to conquer the world!
Kypros sallii Venäjän laivaston käyttää satamiaan – Venäjä leikkasi miljardilainan korkoja
Venäjän presidentti Vladimir Putin ja Kyproksen presidentti Nikos Anastasiadis allekirjoittivat
keskiviikkona Moskovassa sopimuksen, joka sallii Venäjän...
Militärische Zusammenarbeit vereinbart: Russische Marine in Zyperns Häfen
Militärische Zusammenarbeit vereinbart
Fort Russ: Kharkov experts gather in Russia to discuss a creation of Kharkov Republic days...
Home > Ukraine > Kharkov experts gather in Russia to discuss a creation of Kharkov Republic days
before the terrorist attack Analysis Economy Kharkov...
Iraqi libraries ransacked by Islamic State in Mosul - The Times of India
When Islamic State group militants invaded the Central Library of Mosul earlier this month, they
were on a mission to destroy a familiar enemy: other people's ideas.
Washington Has Destroyed Trust Between Nuclear Powers, Thus Raising The Specter Of War - Paul...
. CIA. US. Strategic Culture Foundation
" Washington and its neoconservative monsters have destroyed trust with demonization and blame
of Russia for violence in Ukraine for which Washington is responsible.
Washington has forced Europe to impose economic sanctions on Russia that are based entirely on
lies and false accusations. The Russians know this. They recognize the blatant hostility, the
blatant lies, the never-ending crude propaganda, the hypocritical double-standards, the push
toward war."
Russia Signs Military Deal With EU Member State
Russian navy ships will now have access to stop off at ports in #Cyprus.
‘V for Varoufakis!’ German heavy metal video about Greek bailout takes off
As Greece’s finance minister clashes with the EU and his German counterpart over Athens' debt to
the Troika of European lenders, a German show has uploaded a...
Ash Carter warns Russia on nukes
Ash Carter has quietly thrown down the gauntlet in a lingering dispute with Russia: If President
Vladimir Putin continues to violate the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty, the U.S. could
respond in kind. “The range of options we should...
CIA Contractor: We Fabricated ISIS
Former CIA contractor Steven Kelley has said on record that ISIS/ISIL are a fabricated terrorist
group made and funded by the CIA in the United States. According to
Arseniy Yatsenyuk.
ja puhuu kuin natsi ja tekee natsin tekoja...."Tuhoamme idän epäihmiset..."
Heftige Proteste in Kiew gegen das Regime - Maidan 2.0 im Anmarsch, Anti-EU.. feine Sache
Mindestlohn nun niedriger ist als in den ärmsten Ländern Afrikas, wie Ghana oder Sambia!|By Freeman
Luhansk, Donetsk Moving Away From Failing Ukrainian Hryvnia
Ukraine troops to begin withdrawing from front on Thursday – Defense Ministry
Kiev troops are starting the long-promised withdrawal of heavy weapons from eastern Ukraine, a
step required by the fragile ceasefire agreement signed earlier...
CIA Evidence from Whistleblower Trial Could Tilt Iran Nuclear Talks
A month after former CIA officer Jeffrey Sterling was convicted on nine felony counts with
circumstantial metadata, the zealous prosecution is now having...
A month after former CIA officer Jeffrey Sterling was convicted on nine felony counts with
circumstantial metadata, the zealous prosecution is now having potentially major consequences —
casting doubt on the credibility of claims by the U.S. government that Iran has developed a
nuclear weapons program.
With negotiations between Iran and the United States at a pivotal stage, fallout from the
trial’s revelations about the CIA’s Operation Merlin is likely to cause the International Atomic
Energy Agency to re-examine U.S. assertions that Iran is pursuing nuclear weapons.
LINKE-Politikerin über „Realitätscheck“: „Staatsoffizielle antirussische Propaganda“ /
Das vom Auswärtigen Amt vor einigen Tagen herausgegebene Papier mit dem Titel „Realitätscheck:
Russische Behauptungen – unsere Antworten“ stellt nach Ansicht...
Papier Auswärtiges Amt „Realitätscheck: Russ Behauptungen“
stellt nach Ansicht von Sevim Dağdelen einen Schritt zum
Beginn einer „staatsoffiziellen antirussischen Propaganda“ dar.
Kiew blockiert Lieferungen von Nahrungsmittel an den Donbass: in den Läden verschwinden...
Sozialgenozid oder Handelskrieg?
What is Neo-Liberalism? A Revolutionary Analysis of the Final Stage of Imperialism
Neoliberalism is “the ideology of corporate domination and the plunder of finance capital.” To
preserve itself domestically, the modern system has created both the...
Gazprom to consider separating Donbas gas supplies from Ukraine
Gazprom is ready to separate gas supplies to Ukraine and Donbas, said company spokesman Sergey
Kupriyanov, as an energy standoff between Moscow and Kiev...
Ken Clarke: Sending troops to Ukraine will not 'solve anything' - Telegraph
Former Tory Cabinet minister undermines David Cameron's pledge to send UK troops to Ukraine to
help train government forces fighting Russian separatists.
China now has more submarines than America - US admiral
The Chinese Navy now has more diesel and nuclear attack submarines than America does, a US Navy
admiral told lawmakers. Some of them are “fairly...
A Wanted Man at Home, Saakashvili Lobbies Washington for Arms for Ukraine
Former Georgian President Mikhail Saakashvili is on a mission. He’s come to Washington to
persuade national legislators and government officials that they...
Russian journalists detained in Kiev as Ukraine steps up censorship
Four Russian journalists were detained in Ukraine and ordered to return back to Moscow. Three of
them were stopped when filming a Right Sector rally. The...
Bad for Business: After NSA Hack China Stops Buying Major US Tech Brands
The decline in foreign products in China does seem to coincide with the leaks made by NSA
whistleblower Edward Snowden in 2013 about massive US spying programs.
Congress is trying to pass a bill to DENY labeling of GMOs by making it ONLY up to the FDA...and
taking state's rights to label GMOs away.
And it's coming from some heavy lobbying by biotech, factory farming and big food companies.
This video is of Congressman Mike Pompeo of Kansas as he was describing what the bill does.
Russia could protect interests in Arctic via military means – defense minister
Russia may consider protecting its national interests in the Arctic with military means if
necessary, the country’s defense minister said, pointing to the increasing...
Gerald Celente on HSBC: "We don't have Capitalism anymore, we have Bankism!"
Please Support The Show – http://richieallens...
Kerry warns Congress about Netanyahu’s Iran speech, says Bibi pushed US to attack Iraq
US Secretary of State John Kerry has reminded American officials that Israeli Prime Minister
Benjamin Netanyahu, who is against a nuclear deal with Iran, was also in the US in 2002 to push
for the invasion of Iraq.
Britain couldn't defeat its own separatists, so why is Kiev asking for London's help?
Ukraine asking the United Kingdom for advice on fighting separatists is akin to questioning the
Marlboro Man about how to prevent cancer. It’s not only futile - it...
"It took the UK 30 years to realize its Ulster policy would never succeed. The best thing the 75
British military advisers about to be deployed to Ukraine can do is explain that to their
counterparts. It would save thousands of lives."Some very sensible comments . Via Johnny
Russia's Yars ICBM Systems to Take Part in Victory Day Parade
The RS-24 Yars is a solid fuel-based thermonuclear intercontinental ballistic missile equipped
with a multiple independently targetable reentry vehicle.
Cop pepper-sprays grandma attempting to deliver cupcakes to school
A grandmother has filed charges after reportedly being pepper-sprayed and dragged from her car
by a police officer for attempting to deliver cupcakes to her...
Netanyahu Goes Nuclear…Now Wait for the Fallout
The contents of a secret report by Israel’s Mossad spy agency on Iran’s nuclear programme leaked
to the media this week are shocking and predictable in equal measure. Shocking because the
report re...
Iran capable of sinking giant US carriers: IRGC Navy commander
Congress threatens DC over pot law
Congressional Republicans are making a last-ditch effort to stop the District of Columbia from
decriminalizing private recreational use of marijuana from going into effect Thursday,
threatening the mayor and her staff with fines and jail time.
Top Ukrainian Nazi Visits U.S. Congress, Pentagon, Canadian Parliament, Seeks Weapons for
The Deputy Speaker of Ukraine’s parliament, Andriy Parubiy, who had been the co-founder of the
Nazi-inspired Social Nationalist Party of Ukraine, met in...
The Deputy Speaker of Ukraine’s parliament, Andriy Parubiy, who had been the co-founder of the
Nazi-inspired Social Nationalist Party of Ukraine, met in Washington on Wednesday, February
25th, with members of the U.S. House and Senate who support his request that the U.S. Government
donate weapons to his virtually bankrupt Government. Parubiy also visited with the Pentagon.
“Andriy Parubiy together with Svoboda party leader Oleh Tyahnybok is a follower of Ukrainian
Nazi Stepan Bandera, who collaborated in the mass murderer of Jews and Poles during World War
Over half of Republicans want to ignore Bill of Rights, make Christianity national religion
America's Founding Fathers may have explicitly banned the formation of a national religion, but
don’t tell that to Republican Christians. A poll found that over half of...
Saudis to Allow Israeli Jets Airspace for Strikes on Iran – Report
Using Saudi airspace means that Israeli Defense Forces could strike Tehran at a shorter
distance, without having to fly around the Persian Gulf.
Turkey's Invasion of Syria Shows Turkish Connection to ISIS; NATO Agenda
Turkey has now officially proven that Israel and the United States are not the only nations that
The fact that ISIS forces would allow the Turkish forces to enter its “territory” without so
much as even the threat of violence is questionable to say the least.
Yury Rubtsov - Dresden and Poznan: Two Different Ways to Wage War - Strategic Culture
Yury Rubtsov - Dresden and Poznan: Two Different...
What’s Behind Ukraine’s Secret Weapons Deal with the United Arab Emirates (UAE)?
U.S. President Barack Obama apparently is going ahead with his plan for NATO missiles to be
OSCE neglects its mandate in Ukraine – Moscow
The OSCE monitoring mission in Ukraine is not fulfilling its mandate to monitor the
implementation of the ceasefire, Moscow charges. The monitors complain that they can’t verify
withdrawal of weapons without additional data.
What are the US afraid of?
Ukraine lehnt Abzug der schweren Waffen ab, London droht Putin
Die ukrainische Armee hält sich nicht an das Abkommen von Minsk und weigert sich, ihre schweren
Waffen abzuziehen. Die Rebellen wollen mit dem Abzug am...
Weil KIEW seine schweren Waffen nicht abziehen will, wird MOSKAU mit neuen Sanktionen gedroht.
Das wäre so, als beabsichtigt der Verbrecher ganz offen weitere Verbrechen zu begehen, dafür
erhöht man die Strafe gegen die Opfer der Verbrechen!
Psychisch gestörte westliche Polit-Banditen spielen mit uns Russisch Roulette!
‘Britain is leading the war against human rights’ – Amnesty International
Ramped up surveillance in Britain against a backdrop of dwindling legal protection has
contributed to the most rattling assault on human rights in Europe since the...
Message of wounded Ukrainian soldier to Poroshenko: Look at what you brought me to
Poland’s Complicity in CIA Torture Programme Confirmed as European Court Rejects Warsaw’s
. CIA. European Court of Human Rights. Poland. US. Strategic Culture Foundation
US and British army parade 300 yards from Russia border - Telegraph
American armoured vehicles and British soldiers parade through Estonian border city of Narva, as
tensions between Russia and the West continue to escalate
Just like us: Robots need emotions to avoid threatening humanity – scientist
Artificial intelligence (AI) needs to develop human emotion if humanity is to avoid the
potential existential threat posed by machines capable of consciousness, a...
Putin: Kiev’s Decision to Cut Gas Supply to Donetsk ‘Bears Hallmarks of Genocide’
"As if hunger was not enough – the OSCE has already stated that the region experiences a
humanitarian catastrophe – they cut off gas supplies."
New Video Footage Proves Cops Lied To Cover Up Why They Shot Unarmed Man In the Back of the Head
New video footage has emerged showing that the man who police shot in the back of the head at a
traffic stop actually had his headlights on all along. Police
Gerald Celente - Trends In The News - "Obama’s Extremism" - (2/20/15)
The Sun Will Rise On Jewish Power
Financial Warfare, Geopolitics and Macro-Economic Agendas. What Happens Behind the Scenes
So much is happening behind the scenes it’s mindboggling. This past week we of course ended
with “deal or no deal” over Greece. The “deal” the markets were hoping for really was no deal
at all, the markets were only hoping for more time and ONLY more time. You see, Greece is
broke. They only have enough money for about another week, they don’t even have enough to make
their early March debt payment. The only possible “deal” from here on is to postpone reality.
Greece cannot be allowed to make any deal other than one that puts THE deal out into the future.
They cannot accept more “aid” because the markets will see through this. They also cannot be
allowed to exit because this would then be the thread which unravels the Eurozone. The only
deal acceptable to the markets will be one where THE deal is not “dealt with”.
Police Admit Fault for Beating & Kidnapping Man with Down Syndrome, Refuse to Apologize
It takes a rare breed to unlawfully beat down a person with the mentality of a 7-year-old and
then refuse to apologize.
A Secret "Black Site" Revealed In Chicago: "When You Go In, You Just Disappear" | Zero Hedge
Located in a nondescript warehouse on Chicago’s west side is where, according to the Guardian,
one can find the domestic equivalent of a CIA "black site" - an...
80% of buildings destroyed during fighting in Debaltsevo — city mayor
Kindergartens, schools and other institutions do not work, the Donetsk news agency quoted
Afendikov as saying
80% der Gebäude wurden durch die Kämpfe in Debaltsevo — zerstört : Bürgermeister der Stadt
USA in Provokationslaune? US-Militärparade 300 Meter vor russischer Grenze
Nur wenige Meter von Russlands Staatsgrenze und 150 Kilometer von der Metropole St. Petersburg
entfernt hielt das NATO-Mitglied Estland begleitet von...
US armor paraded 300m from Russian border
NATO member Estonia has held a military parade in border town of Narva, just 300 meters from the
Russian border. Tallinn is a long-time critic of Moscow, which it accuses of having an
aggressive policy towards the Baltic nation.
25 Facts About the Pharmaceutical Industry, Vaccines and “Anti-Vaxers”
During the recent measles outbreak, the mainstream media blamed the epidemic solely on non
vaccinated children, even though people who were vaccinated...
Exclusive: Israel Is Tending to Wounded Syrian Rebels
Israel is quietly cultivating ties with moderate Syrian rebel groups operating along the
country's U.N.-monitored cease-fire line with Syria, providing medical care and other
Inside the billion-dollar industry that turned local cops into SEAL Team Six
Do police really need grenade launchers?
Novorossische Sicherheitskräfte: Streitkräfte der Ukraine ziehen ihre Militärtechnik nicht
Laut Mitteilungen von Soldaten novorossischer Sicherheitskräfte: Die Okkupanten ziehen ihre
Militärtechnik nicht ab, sie stellen ihre Kampfkraft wieder her,...
Today, I am publishing photographs passed to me by the intelligence inside the Egyptian tribes.
These are snipets from Google earth and the bottom photo contains latitude and longitude. The
Tribes of Egypt and Libya (working together) have provided the exact place of the main ISIS camp
in Libya. I would not normally publish this information but I have found that passing it to the
intelligence people in this country is not only a complete waste of time but it is the same as
passing intel to the enemy. I do not say this lightly, I say this from direct experience.
I have had this intel for some days now but waited for a heads up to publish. You can verify the
bombing that has been done by Egypt and the Libyan army against ISIS in Libya and see that they
are bombing this exact area.
Irakische Armee schießt zwei britische Flugzeuge ab. An Bord: Waffen für ISIS
Provinz al-Anbar: Zahlreiche Flugzeuge der US-geführten Koalition werfen über von Terroristen
kontrollierten Gebieten Waffen und Nachschub für ISIS ab
Devastating Impacts of "Secretly Negotiated" TTIP Trade-Deal between EU and US, Obama Blocks...
TTIP is a secretly negotiated trade deal between the U.S. and the EU, and all indications are
that it will replace each nation’s drug-safety, product-safety,...
If this deal wins approval in Europe and America without any democratic process, what would that
indicate about the meaning of ‘democracy’?
Monsanto Glyphosate Roundup Herbicide Triggers Autism in Children. MIT Scientist
A senior scientist at MIT has declared that we are facing an epidemic of autism that may result
in one...
Wheat is now sprayed with Roundup right before harvest, making any consumption of non- organic
wheat bread a sure source for the chemical.
Alaska Just Became the Third State to Legalize Marijuana
Alaska has just become the third state in the U.S. to make smoking, growing and owning
recreational amounts of marijuana completely legal. Alaska follows
The unholy alliance of Wahhabism and Zionism
Share on Facebook Tweet on Twitter Share on Google...
US-NATO Military Convoy of Tanks and Armored Vehicles at Russia's Doorstep, Rolling Along the...
By Joost Niemöller On the video below you can see a long column of military vehicles, including
tanks and armored cars. This column, according to the caption,...
60 Prozent der Deutschen zweifeln an Demokratie in der BRD
Einer alarmierenden Studie der Freien Universität Berlin zufolge glaubt eine Mehrheit von über
60 Prozent der Bürger, dass in Deutschland keine echte
Top Secret? Jordan Furious After Pentagon Reveals Anti-ISIL Training Site
The Pentagon has altered records to try and cover up its disclosure that one of its training
camps to battle Islamic State militants is located in Jordan – information...
the newest block of the saker
ISIL plotting Lebanon invasion: Report
The ISIL terrorists are planning military operations to invade Lebanon in a near future and
declare an “emirate” there.
US arming Kiev would ‘explode’ situation in E. Ukraine – Russian Foreign Ministry
If the US were to supply Ukraine with ammunition and weapons, it would “explode the whole
situation” in eastern Ukraine and Russia would be forced to respond...
Toxic Monsanto Herbicides Found in 75% of Mississippi Air and Rain Samples
Amerikanische Truppen 23.02.2015 Gestern Nacht in Narva Estonia
U.S. military vehicles paraded 300 yards from the Russian border
The dramatic act was a reminder of the stakes for both sides amid new East-West tensions.
Russischer TV Bericht - Kiew plante Abschuss von Flug MH17 lange im Voraus
Gabriele Krone Schmalz Die Menschen in Russland sind frei und wir haben Demokratie
Krone-Schmalz, Gabriele
Russland verstehen
Der Kampf um die Ukraine und die Arroganz des Westens
Танки и бронетехника, военный конвой под флагами США в Эстонии
Tanks and armored vehicles, military convoy under the flags of the United States in Estonia
So Ukraine's president, Poroshenko, is going to purchase military equipment from the United Arab
Emirates, itself the largest purchaser of US weapons? Does this not sound like a backdoor US
transfer to Ukraine?
“There is no way a war between the United States and Russia could start and not go nuclear."
Bar Prime Minister of Israel Netanyahu from Entry to the United States
Whereas, the current Prime Minister of Israel, Bibi Netanyahu, has been the chief architect of a
Israeli Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu, has been the chief architect of a policy of ethnic
cleansing in the occupied Palestinian Territories.
Forget all our other troubles – the Russians are coming!
The gap between the rich and the poor continues to grow. Train and bus fares continue to rise.
Twice as many people are living in poverty than 30 years ago. And our National Health Service is
being privatized before our very eyes.
How to denazify the Nazis?
Ukraine SITREP Feb 24th 2015
The withdrawal of heavy weapons and M2A:
Ready for Nuclear War over Ukraine? > - Strategic Culture Foundation
. Ukraine. US. Strategic Culture Foundation
Check this out... apparently if a cop doesn't agree with the message of your protest he can pull
an assault rifle on you and literally tell you that he's about to "escalate" the situation. If
that were anyone else, they would be locked up in jail right now. But since he's got a shiny
badge and uniform, he's still free to harass people and troll protests.
Kiew boykottiert Abkommen von Minsk und Bundesregierung zeigt dafür Verständnis
Kiew zufolge wird die ukrainische Armee ihre schweren Waffen, trotz des Minsker-Abkommens, nicht
abziehen. Gleichzeitig signalisiert die Bundesregierung...
#Kiew boykottiert Abkommen von #Minsk und Bundesregierung zeigt dafür Verständnis!??
Kiew zufolge wird die ukrainische Armee ihre schweren Waffen, trotz des Minsker-Abkommens, nicht
abziehen. Gleichzeitig signalisiert die Bundesregierung Verständnis für diese Haltung mit
Verweis auf die laut OSZE brüchige Waffenruhe.
Auf Nachfrage von RT Deutsch verneinte jedoch die OSZE-Pressestelle in Wien Verletzungen der
Waffenruhe durch die Volksmilizen, sprich des Widerstands. Währenddessen erklärte die britische
Regierung, nach einem Besuch von US-Außenminister John Kerry, Russland müsse sich auf weitere
"Strafmaßnahmen" einstellen. Sprich wenn Frieden in der Ukraine herrsche, werde man weiter
versuchen Russland zu zusetzen. Dabei sieht man gleich wer für den Frieden und wer gegen ihn
Camp Nama: New Details of the US-Run Torture Prison in Iraq
Guantanamo Bay Torture Documentary
Here are the seven countries the United States has bombed since 9/11
US-Congressma Grayson: Obama’s draft Authorization for the Use of Military Force against ISIS
US-Congressma Grayson: Obama’s draft Authorization for the Use of Military Force against ISIS
U.S., Jordan stepping up training of Syrian opposition
Cop Brutally Attacks 78-Year-Old Grandma For Delivering Cupcakes To Her Grandchildren
A grandma who stands less than 5 feet tall apparently caused this officer to fear for his safety
as she delivered cupcakes. So he savagely assaulted her.
Text Messages Show Officers Who Shot 137 Rounds Into Car Knew Suspects Were Unarmed
One officer fired 46 of those shots, some as he stood on the hood of the car, knowing full well
that his victims were unarmed, according to prosecutors.
Not only did 13 cops shoot 137 rounds into a vehicle, killing 2 unarmed people, but new info
shows that they knew the people were unarmed, killed them, and then tried to cover it up! One
cop shot over 40 rounds into the windshield while standing on the hood of the car! He knew the
entire time that the people were unarmed.
Fidel Castro and the Cuban Role in Defeating Apartheid
Until the fall of the Portuguese dictatorship in 1974, apartheid in South Africa was secure.
There was no substantial resistance anywhere in southern Africa. Pretoria’s neighbors comprised
a buffer...
Putin's annual Q&A session 2014 (FULL VIDEO)
Russian President Vladimir Putin is holding his annual televised question and answer session in
which he is
Why the Western Media Will Never Show Putin's Three Hour Press Conference - Russia Insider
Could President Obama speak in front of hundreds of journalists for over three hours, unscripted
and without a teleprompter? Highly doubtful.How about Hillary?...
Cameron commits ‘non-lethal aid’ to Ukraine
Prime Minister David Cameron has said Britain will not supply Ukraine with lethal weaponry in
the fight against pro-Russian separatists in the East of the country, saying UK troops will
support the Ukrainians with training and logistics.
The Prime Minister, however, also advocated deeper sanctions against Russia, adding that the
Baltic States and Poland were likely to agree.
Cameron’s actions go against those of French and German leaders Hollande and Merkel who are
pushing for a peaceful and diplomatic solution to the conflict. The leaders orchestrated the
Minsk peace talks, where a ceasefire was agreed, though there have been reports of continued
clashes since the deal was reached.
This Greek game-theory guru is the most interesting man in the world
Yanis Varoufakis, Greece's new finance minister, is who you should be paying attention to right
CrossTalk: Forever War
Media changes stance on E.Ukraine, sees it functioning like a state
European Banks vs. Greek Labour
Michael Hudson says Finance Minister of Greece, Yanis Varoufakis is proposing austerity on the
banking class to balance the budget not the working class
Ydinfysiikan tohtorin väite: ”Yhdestä kaivoksesta koko maailman energia – puhdasta,
Ydinfysiikan tohtori, Piraattipuoluetta edustava Petrus Pennanen kirjoittaa laajalle levinneessä
Smoking marijuana is 114 times safer than drinking alcohol – study
As the debate over marijuana legalization continues in the United States, a new study suggests
that smoking the controversial plant is about 114 times safer than...
Kiev Announces Russian Invasion of Ukraine a Hoax!
What about the 37 Russian Invasions Last Year?
November 6 th In an interview with Gromadske.TV, Markian Lubkivsky, the adviser to the head of
the SBU (the Ukrainian version of the CIA) stated there are NO RUSSIAN TROOPS ON UKRANIAN SOIL!
This unexpected announcement came as he fumbled with reporters' questions on the subject.
According to his statement, he said the SBU counted about 5000 Russian nationals, but not
Russian soldiers in Donetsk and Lugansk Peoples Republics.
He further clarified that there were no organized Russian units in Donbass. The SBU thinks there
are representatives of the Russian FSB (Russian CIA) and mentors who provide training and
organization that grew the Novorussia army quickly in its fight with Ukraine.
He went on further to state that the SBU estimates the armies of Donetsk and Lugansk Peoples
Republics are about 20-25 thousand strong.
Lusenko Says No Russian Invasion- but its still possible!
Uploaded on Jan 29, 2015
<saved on disc<
In 1967, the CIA Created the Label "Conspiracy Theorists" ... to Attack Anyone Who Challenges...
CIA vs. Greek Democracy, the Magna Carta, the Constitution, the Father of Free Market Capitalism
and the U.S. Judicial System
»Channel-Stuffing«: Wo die nicht verkauften Kraftfahrzeuge weltweit vor sich hin rotten
»Channel-Stuffing«: Wo die nicht verkauften Kraftfahrzeuge weltweit vor sich hin rotten
The A to Z on Atrazine: Sex hormones and America's most popular pesticide
Despite being banned in Europe due to health risks, atrazine, a hormone-disrupting herbicide, is
one of...
Dramatic Footage: Cop Brutally Slaps Old Man at Train Station
MIKAEL THALEN | Man assaulted by officer for sleeping on bench.
Watch As Florida Police Tase Elderly Man With His Hands Up
In police state USA, this is how elderly men are treated by cops; shot in the back with a taser
while holding his hands up.
ISIL is Secret American Army in Middle East – US Historian / Sputnik International
US historian Webster Tarpley says that the United States created the Islamic State and uses
jihadists as
Local Sources: Foreign Planes Providing ISIL with Arms Backup | Islamic...
Iraqi Army Downs Two British Planes Carrying Weapons for ISIL Terrorists
Iraq's army has shot down two British planes as they were carrying weapons for the ISIL
terrorists in Al-Anbar province, a senior lawmaker disclosed on Monday. "The...
"A senior Iraqi provincial official lashed out at the western countries and their regional
allies for supporting Takfiri terrorists in Iraq, revealing that US and Israeli-made weapons
have been discovered from the areas purged of ISIL terrorists. "We have discovered weapons made
in the US, European countries and Israel from the areas liberated from ISIL’s control in Al-
Baqdadi region,” ... Head of Al-Anbar Provincial Council Khalaf Tarmouz said ... He noted that
the weapons made by the European countries and Israel were discovered from the terrorists in the
Eastern parts of the city of Ramadi. Al-Zameli had also disclosed in January that the anti-ISIL
coalition’s planes have dropped weapons and foodstuff for the ISIL in Salahuddin, Al-Anbar and
Diyala provinces. Al-Zameli underlined that the coalition is the main cause of ISIL’s survival
in Iraq." - the Iraqi parliament has asked London for an explanation.
Odessa massacre coordinator killed in Kharkov terrorist attack
February 23, 2015IPolk (Internet Militia)Translated by Kristina Rus"No Condolences""Internet
militia" reports: Kharkov explosion during Maidan...
The Top Ten Reasons Why Students Cannot Cite or Rely On Wikipedia
by Mark E. Moran Wikipedia provides Internet users with millions of articles on a broad range of
topics, and commonly ranks first in search engines. But its reliability and credibility fall
well sh...
Russia offers Iran latest anti-ballistic missile system Antey-2500, Tehran considering deal
Russia's state-owned high-tech corporation Rostec has offered Iran the chance to buy its latest
Antey-2500 anti- aircraft and ballistic missile system, instead of the...
Guest Column--Washington Works To Overthrow Argentine Government -
The Stacks Are Loaded Against Reform In Latin America Paul Craig Roberts The Strategic Culture
Foundation has published Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya’s report on
The Strategic Culture Foundation has published Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya’s report on the effort
underway by Washington and Argentine intelligence agents to overthrow the reformist president of
Antibiotics cause dangerous bacteria communities to appear, study says
Antibiotics can cause the appearance of new harmful bacteria, new research suggests. The
findings come as concerns grow that the overuse of antibiotics is creating resistance to
bacteria, and the appearance of so-called “superbugs.”
ISIS kidnaps at least 90 Assyrian Christians in northeast Syria - report
Islamic State has kidnapped at least 90 Assyrian Christians in northeast Syria, Reuters
reported, citing a monitoring group.
Prominent French Journalist Calls For France-Germany-Russia Alliance | Zero Hedge
"NATO is doing its utmost to present Russia as an enemy of the West and thereby justify its
existence," Zemmour wrote in Le Figaro Magazine. "Fortunately, France...
European Union Committee
The EU and Russia:
before and
the crisis in Ukraine
117 pages
Why Was EU Surprised Putin Would React to Brussels Ukraine Encroachment? - Russia Insider
This article originally appeared in Daily Mail
The Lies We Believed (And Still Believe) About Iraq
Over Half Americans Against Arming Ukraine – Poll
Fireball & sonic boom witnessed from Florida to South Carolina
Residents of the Sunshine State say they spotted a massive fireball soar through the Florida sky
over the weekend, and similar reports have since surfaced from as...
Iran not after nuclear arms: Mossad
A leaked Mossad report shows that Israel has been aware of the peaceful nature of Iran’s nuclear
Israel ‘needs US jets to attack Iran’
US stealth fighters will help Israel enhance its abilities to strike countries like Iran, says
an analyst.
The IMF and the World Bank
Two of Several Instruments of National Destruction
Michel Chossudovsky: When an IMF mission goes into a country and requires the destruction of
social and economic institutions as a condition for lending money - this is very similar to the
physical destruction caused by NATO bombing. The IMF will order the closing down of hospitals,
schools and factories. That's of course more cost effective than bombing those hospitals,
schools and factories, as they did in Yugoslavia, but the ultimate result is very similar: the
destruction of the country.
Defending Ukraine From Russian Imperialism?
In Bertrand Russell’s A History of Western Philosophy, the philosopher delivered his
summarization of the writings of Catholic theologian Thomas Aquinas thusly, “Before he begins to
philosophize, h...
Barb Weir interviews moderate Syrian rebels
Syria? Please, it’s been a long time since I’ve seen a Syrian Syrian rebel. And there weren’t
that many to start with.
US Opposes Sale of Russian Anti-Ballistic Missile System to Iran
War by other means - IMF _ World Bank are weapons of war , by John Pilger_031
IMF & World Bank are weapons of war , by John Pilger
How Turkish Troops Entered Syria with ISIS and Kurdish Assistance
Turkish troops entered Syria, as part of a well-planned operation, to relocate the remains of
Suleiman Shah. The “seamless” operation relied on alliances and...
The BBC Exposed
'Russian aggression' and how the BBC beats the drums of nuclear war
Oliver Tickell,says: The Lies are in what the media don't tell you.You would never know from the
BBC that the real threat to world peace is NATO and its deliberate
Ron Paul: US, EU Behind Ukraine Coup
He recalls the leaked phone conversation featuring Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland
chatting with the US Ambassador to Ukraine about who would and would not enter the new Ukrainian
Rare Amateur 9 11 Footage with audio NOT SHOW ON TV
‘Terrified, disorganized & high on drugs’: Brit fighting for Kurds describes ISIS militants
A former British soldier who left the country to join Kurdish fighters battling the Islamic
State has spoken about his experiences, claiming the majority of IS...
Interventionism Kills: Post-Coup Ukraine One Year Later
Russia's Economic Self-Reliance: Yes to Hemp, No to GMO
When not long ago Mr. Obama said that Western sanctions had left Russia's economy «in tatters»
he probably was not aware of one congenital creed so very...
Ukraine: Watch as Poroshenko LAUGHS during Maidan prayers
Petro Poroshenko appeared to laugh during prayers as thousands of people gathered in Kiev on
Sunday for a 'March of Dignity' to commemorate those who were ki...
It's Spreading: New York Times Calls For Cheney And Bush Officials To Be Indicted For Torture
In a hard-hitting editorial, the New York Times is calling for the investigation and indictment
of Dick Cheney and other Bush Admin. officials.
European Commission May Axe Hungary-Russia Nuclear Plant Deal
The Battle Behind the Fog of Propaganda: US Suffers Crushing Defeat in Debaltsevo >...
. Novorossiya. Ukraine. US. Strategic Culture Foundation
"Last week, Washington suffered its greatest military defeat in more than a decade when
Ukraine’s US-backed army was soundly routed in the major railway hub of Debaltsevo. Roughly,
8,000 Ukrainian regulars along with untold numbers of tanks and armored units were surrounded in
what-came-to-be-known-as “the cauldron.”
The army of the Donetsk Peoples Republic led by DPR commander Alexander Zakharchenko, encircled
the invading army and gradually tightened the cordon, eventually killing or capturing most of
the troops within the pocket.
The Ukrainian Armed Forces suffered major casualties ranging between 3,000 to 3,500 while a vast
amount of lethal military hardware was left behind.
According to Zakharchenko, “The amount of equipment Ukrainian units have lost here is beyond
Russia offers Iran latest anti-aircraft missile system
Snowden-Doku mit Oscar ausgezeichnet
Die Dokumentation über Edward Snowden der US-Regisseurin Laura Poitras ist mit einem Oscar
Snowden Film 'Citizenfour' Wins Oscar for Best Documentary
The fugitive leaker's globetrotting escapades are now officially part of Hollywood lore.
The Destabilization Doctrine: ISIS, Proxies and Patsies
The Zionist globalists have put that carefully crafted ISIS image to work...
Ukraine: War and Peace
"NATO’s goal [in Ukrainian crisis] is to recreate the Cold War, to create the Great Wall. In
other words, they want to split the EU from Russia from an economic standpoint, because it
always comes back to economics or resources no matter how you look at it," – American political
For 23 Years Israel Claims Iran “6 Months Away From Nuclear Bomb”
In 2013 GlobalPublicSquare interviewed Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif about Iran's nuclear
Iran: If Israel Attack We Will Destroy Tel Aviv In Six Minutes
In response to Israel's threats against Iran's nuclear facilities, Mujtabi Du Al-Nour, Iranian
Senior Revolutionary Guard, said that Iran could destroy Tel Aviv in six to
Islam in Australia is a minority religious affiliation. According to the 2011 census, 476,291
people, or 2.2% of the total Australian population, were Muslims
Bank for International Settlements by Joan Veon
World Bank Whistleblower Karen Hudes Reveals How The Global Elite Rule The World
When Central Banks Rule the World by joan veon
<Back in 2008-09 all that quantitative easing was in the billions. Today only 7 years later
it's now in the TRILLIONS.<
Heute Show Banke für garnix 11.04.2014
The European Union Explained*
The Collapse of The American Dream Explained in Animation
<interest being paid to priate banks instead of being paid to the people>
Money As Debt - Full Length Documentary
Der IWF als Vorbild der EU
Ukrainischer Botschafter im ARD: Neonazi-Brigaden sind ein Teil unserer Armee
<Big BS stories>
Evelin Piètza auf dem Endgame in Halle (Saale)
The Rich Hide an Estimated 21 Trillion in Offshore Accounts
Hundreds of Palestinians flee floods in Gaza as Israel opens dams
Hitlers Helfer: Kult um ukrain. Kriegsverbrecher u. Juden-Mörder Bandera u Waffen-SS-Division l
ISIL is Secret American Army in Middle East – US Historian / Sputnik International
US historian Webster Tarpley says that the United States created the Islamic State and uses
jihadists as its secret army to destabilize the Middle East.
Fresh leak at Fukushima nuclear plant sees 70-fold radiation spike
Kiew protestiert gegen Donbass-Besuch von Bundestagsabgeordneten / 21.02.2015
Kiew protestiert gegen den jüngsten Besuch von zwei Bundestagsabgeordneten im Konfliktgebiet
Donbass im Osten der Ukraine. Wie die „Ukrainskaja Prawda“ am...
Russland verweigert KAS-Leiter Schneider die Einreise
Tiere in Fabeln und Parabeln haben ihren Sinn und Zweck. Gilt gleich gar für jene perfide
Politik, die meint, sie könne sich alles erlauben!
USA gegründet vor 239 Jahren, davon 222 im Krieg (93%) -
Seit der Staatsgründung der USA vor 239 Jahren verging kein Jahrzehnt ohne eine kriegerische...
The Vineyard of the Saker: The Maidan - one year later
Blast rips through 500-strong rally in Kharkov, E. Ukraine
At least two people have been killed in an explosion in the center of Kharkov, Ukraine, during a
peace march, local media report. Around 500 people had...
UN Report Reveals How Israel is Coordinating with ISIS Militants Inside Syria
21WIRE + Your News Wire | Either way, Israel has blood on its hands in the Syrian conflict.
Griechenland muss wegen Nato-Mitgliedschaft im Euro bleiben
Der Kompromiss zwischen Griechenland und der Euro-Zone wurde auch unter militärischen
Gesichtspunkten geschlossen. Unmittelbar vor der Einigung hatten...
Poroshenko's cowardness betrayed the Ukrainian Army in Debaltseve --
In reality President Poroshenko sacrificed Ukrainian soldiers because he did not want to incur
the wrath of the war party in Kiev by ordering their retreat. Control of...
How EU projects blow billions of euros amidst austerity talks
Austerity may be hitting some countries hard, but looking at certain EU funded projects, one
would never know. From Brandenburg Airport to Donkeypedia, these...
Exposure of secret tax deals shows all multinationals must disclose tax country-by-country
Trade-related tax evasion may cost developing countries US$150 billion a year, according to
Christian Aid. Tax evasion and tax avoidance are estimated to cost the EU economy 1 trillion per
year, according to Tax Justice Network.
CIA’s Nuke Sting May Prompt New UN Review for Iran Nuclear Program
Suomessakin myytävistä riisituotteista on löytynyt erittäin myrkyllistä arseenia
The Logic of the Imperial Security State » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names
The Logic of the Imperial Security State
New evidence implicates pro-US opposition in Maidan killings during Kiev coup
Korsun massacre anniversary - what really pushed Crimea away from Ukraine
One Year Anniversary of the Maidan Protests in Ukraine
Press Statement
John Kerry
Secretary of State
Washington, DC
February 21, 2015
And finally, we join you in declaring, Slava Ukrayini. Glory to Ukraine.
Glory to Ukraine
It is sometimes accompanied by other slogans, such as:
Москалів на ножі![5][6] - Muscovites on knives!
Комуняку на гіляку![6] (also used by Ukrainian politicians, such as Oleh Lyashko[7]) - Hang
the Communist!
Москаляку на гіляку![8] - Hang the Muscovite!
Effects of odor on emotion, with implications
Yes, You Really Can Smell Emotions
Two Bills Introduced in Congress to Legalize and Legitimize Marijuana on a Federal Level
Not one but two bills have been proposed in Congress that could drastically reduce the size of
the police state. Contact your Congressperson inside this link.
NSA and GCHQ: Big Brother Would Have Never Believed | New Eastern Outlook
22.02.2015 Author: Vladimir Platov NSA and GCHQ: Big Brother Would Have Never Believed Column:
Society Region: USA in the World Recent days have been...
Maidan Madness: How the Virus Infected All of Ukraine (And Might Kill It)
NSA and GCHQ: Big Brother Would Have Never Believed | New Eastern Outlook
22.02.2015 Author: Vladimir Platov NSA and GCHQ: Big Brother Would Have Never Believed Column:
Society Region: USA in the World Recent days have been...
Betty's Book Report on Social Credit by Richard Eastman
Imperialism: A Study
American Social Credit - early video
Major C.H. Douglas on "The Causes of War" - part 2
Major C.H. Douglas on "Causes of War" - part 1
U.S., Turkey Sign Deal to Openly Arm ISIS-Linked Syrian Rebels
The U.S. and Turkey have signed an agreement to openly train and arm Syrian rebels, the majority
of whom have ties to ISIS. The deal was signed Thursday by...
Right of foreigners to vote
Geoengineering to Fight Global Warming, Pushed By Politicians and Scientists …But It May Do...
Proposals to use geoengineering to fight global warming are in the news. Indeed, humans have...
Obama Condemns Egypt Bombing ISIS in Retaliation for Slaughter of Christians...
CNSNews.comThe United States does not support...
The breakup of the federal government in the US is inevitable, as more and more Americans
disregard laws they disagree with, says Republican Congressman.
Italy Takes in Influx of Migrants as Violence Engulfs Libya
NATO-Russia jet scrambling hysteria: Who is the real threat?
The British media frenzy following Defense Secretary Michael Fallon’s accusation that Russia is
preparing an attack against the Baltic States warrants some...
CIA Funding Geoengineering to Weaponize Weather - #NewWorldNextWeek
America Has Been At War 93% of the Time – 222 Out of 239 Years – Since 1776
The U.S. Has Only Been At Peace For 21 Years Total Since Its Birth
An alternative independent non-commercial source for news, information and insight.
Please provide whatever you can- $1, $5, $10, $20, $50, $100- To Use your debit/credit card
Every little helps pay for hosting, bandwidth cost and other expenses. You may prefer to mail a
donation to. Tom. Po Box 365. Imperial Beach, California. 91933 USA. 619-407-7054
China Pivots Everywhere
Islamic State executes 150 civilians in western Iraq, official says
BBC Caught Lying About Ukraine Cease Fire
Kiev artillery nearly whacks BBC propagandist
The Canary in the Coal Mine: Why the Stratosphere is Still Relevant
Dr. Darin Toohey
Washington, DC
April 24, 2012
Is the UN Funding Terrorists? - Caleb Maupin asks Syrian Ambassador
Syria's Response to Internationlal Inquiry 9th Report
Bashar Al-Jaafari, Syria's Perm. Rep to the UN accusing the commission of bias.
US Support of Violent Neo-Nazis in Ukraine: Video Compilation
Shocking and insightful videos detailing the neo-Nazi, anti-Semitic, ultra-nationalist movement
Ukrainian neo-Nazis ‘taboo subject in the West’
The active role far-right groups have played on the pro-government side in Ukraine since the
violent coup of the last year has been ignored in the West merely because those groups are
anti-Russian, journalist and broadcaster Neil Clark, told RT.
Geoengineer questioned on aluminum toxicity
" Geoengineering pitch man, David Keith, only talks about the possibility of spraying us with
sulphates. But his own paper says they are ineffective, that spraying us with a million tons of
highly toxic nanoparticulate aluminum and barium would be much better. He once yet evaded it's
documented toxicity and overwhelming evidence that it's having a devastating effect on human
health - Chronic Lower Respiratory Disease has now surpassed stroke as the third leading cause
of the death in the United States and Alzheimers is now the sixth leading cause fo death."
The Not So Erratic Philosophy of Greece’s Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis
Huge Fire Engulfs One Of Worlds Largest Skyscrapers In Dubai
A huge dramatic fire has broken out at the Torch building in Dubai - one of the largest
skyscrapers in the world - and is quickly spreading throughout the entire
The Vineyard of the Saker: A few loose ends about Debaltsevo
Blogs of the Saker Community:French Saker: http://lesakerfrancophone.netRussian Saker: Saker: Saker: American Saker: Saker: Bro…
US “Easing Into” War with Syria Using ISIS Boogeyman | New Eastern Outlook
21.02.2015 Author: Tony Cartalucci US “Easing Into” War with Syria Using ISIS Boogeyman Column:
Politics Region: Middle East Country: Syria The US is a few...
As predicted, ISIS was a mere pretext for the US to slowly "ease into" direct military
intervention in Syria, against the Syrian military.
Now they are talking about giving their Al Qaeda foot soldiers radios to call in airstrikes,
allegedly against "ISIS." Since these foot soldiers ARE ISIS, who else do you think they will
actually call in airstrikes on? The Syrian Arab Army, of course.
If they go ahead with this, we'll only be a few "accidental" airstrikes on Syrian forces away
from Washington's long-dreamed of war against Damascus.
Expose the TPP: The Trans-Pacific Partnership
Israeli forces clash with Open Shuhada Street demonstrators in al-Khalil
Coup Plot in Venezuela Thwarted: Plotters Paid in US Dollars Planned on Assassinating the...
A coup plot against the Venezuelan government has been foiled, with both civilians and members
of the military detained, President Nicolas Maduro revealed...
No Charges for Cops Who Broke Into Innocent Man’s Home While He Slept and Shot Him 16 Times
Seconds after kicking in the door to his bedroom, 2 officers, looking for someone else, unloaded
20 shots, hitting this innocent man 16 times.
BOMBSHELL CONFESSION: Planting Drugs to Arrest Innocent People is "Part of the Game" Cop Says
"I have a method for getting people off the street that should not be there. Mouthy drivers,
street lawyers, assholes and just anyone else trying to make my job difficult"
Nato Prepares For War With Russia In Europe
Stars and Stripes reports that NATO’s Allied Land Command is using techniques used against the
Taliban in Afghanistan to prepare its ground forces for a war with Russia in Europe. Citing
“Russian a...
"It is one of the formulas which Nazi propaganda employed most successfully… They accuse the
party that is defending itself, of aggression."
America's Closest Allies Are Supporting and Funding the Islamic State
America’s top military official – the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Martin E.
Dempsey – and Senator Lindsey Graham admitted last September in a...
“ISIL got started through funding from our friends and allies” says Wesley Clark, a retired US
Gerald Celente - Europe Moving Away From U.S. After Ukraine Fiasco - King World News
With the world still watching for news out of Ukraine, today the top trends forecaster in the
world spoke with King World News about the ramifications of the West's...
Treating Addictions and Cancer Anxiety
Suspended for decades after controversial results,...
US Sponsored Coup d’Etat: The Destabilization of Haiti
Haiti's president ruling by decree after parliament dissolved
Barack Obama has Installed a Dictatorship In Haiti
Since January 12, 2015, Michel Martelly has ruled Haiti by decree with US-UN guns backing up his
dictatorship. The UN Security council, led by Samantha Powers, the United States Ambassador to
the U...
Michel Joseph Martelly (born 12 February 1961) is a Haitian politician, former musician and
businessman. Since May 2011, he is the President of Haiti, having
No Evidence of Russian Military Hardware Presence in Ukraine – Hollande / Sputnik International
There is no evidence of Russian military hardware presence in Ukraine, French President Francois
Hollande said at a joint news conference with German...
UK Media Demonizing Russia as ‘Guilty’ of Daring to Resist US Empire - Russia Insider
This article originally appeared at RTThe demonization of Vladimir Putin and Russia by the
British political establishment and media has never been as intense as in...
"Vladimir Putin and Russia’s crime is to dare to resist this US Empire, taking a stand against
the hypocrisy, double standards, and complete lack of respect for other countries, cultures, and
values it represents. The concerted attempt to expand NATO and an ever more militant EU all the
way up to Russia’s border has nothing to do with democracy and everything to do with the
projection of imperial power masquerading as democracy."
The Global Stakes of the Ukraine Crisis. The Failure of Western Civilization
War party bigotry and hate may be enough to drive neo-Nazis leading Kiev in the Ukraine civil
war. But the reverse blame of Putin and Russia by corporate media...
State Department's Nuland Threw a Fit over Merkel-Hollande in Minsk - Russia Insider
This article originally appeared at Deep ResourceThere are increasingly signs that Merkel and
Hollande operated behind the backs of the Americans, when they...
Kiev Ambassador to Germany: Neo-Nazis are part of our forces. Without them Russia would defeated
Kiev Ambassador to Germany: Neo-Nazis are part...
President Poroshenko Betrayed Ukrainian Army in Debaltseve / Sputnik International
In reality President Poroshenko sacrificed Ukrainian soldiers because he did not want to incur
the wrath of the war party in Kiev by ordering their retreat.
<Merkel and Hollande wanted to save the soldiers of the fascist Kiev army from a debacle at
Debaltseve. Raise your hand if you think they would have lifted their little finger if it were
the Eastern Ukrainian soldiers that were surrounded and about to be annihilated.
Germany to Decide Where the EU Goes next on Russia, Greece
Germany holds the key to where Europe goes next. A fragile deal may have been reached on
Ukraine, but there’s still no deal with Greece. In both cases, there’s much more than meets the
eye. Let’s s...
Greek officials swear they never received a draft of a possible agreement leaked by Eurogroup
bureaucrats to the Financial Times
‘Russian Bomber Over UK’ Story ‘Not True At All’ - UK Defense Ministry
‘We couldn’t cope’: UK would lose war against Russia – senior RAF officers
Britain could not withstand a military attack from Russia, according to the former head of the
Royal Air Force (RAF) Sir Michael Graydon.
ECB prepares for Greece’s exit from euro - media
The European Central Bank is preparing a contingency plan for Greece leaving the single currency
zone. According to Germany’s Spiegel magazine it looks at ways to keep the rest of the eurozone
Perustuslakivaliokunta: Sote-esitystä muutettava merkittävästi, rikkoo perustuslakia
Pääministeri Alexander Stubb (kok.) on kutsunut eduskuntapuolueiden edustajat neuvonpitoon
illalla. Neuvotteluissa sovitaan, miten uudistusta jatketaan....
Cop Beats High School Kid So Bad Even the Cop’s Own Department Told the Family to File a
After exchanging words with a plainclothes deputy, a high school boy was subsequently given the
beating of his lifetime.
MIT Researcher: Glyphosate Herbicide will Cause Half of All Children to Have Autism by 2025
For over three decades, Stephanie Seneff, PhD, has researched biology and technology, over the
The Real Reason Wheat is Toxic (it’s not the gluten)
The real reason you need to stop eating toxic wheat even if you don't currently have a wheat or
gluten sensitivity.
Common wheat harvest protocol in the United States is to drench the wheat fields with Roundup
several days before the combine harvesters work through the fields as the practice allows for an
earlier, easier and bigger harvest
The Top Ten Myths in the War Against Libya » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names
The Top Ten Myths in the War Against Libya
3,000 ISIS infiltrators may enter Turkey, plan to attack diplomatic targets – report
Up to 3,000 trained jihadists are seeking to cross into Turkey from Syria and Iraq, with
intentions of striking diplomatic targets belonging to anti-ISIS coalition...
'US, Turkey seeking to oust Assad'
US Sends "Tankbuster" Jets To Europe Over Russia Fears After Germany Says "A Large Scale War...
Karl-Georg Wellmann, a lawmaker in Angela Merkel’s Christian Democratic Union has warned that,
despite its efforts to avoid arms being provided to Ukraine,...
No Signs of Russian Military Activity Detected on Border With Ukraine
CIA Looking Into Weather Modification As A Form of Warfare
This week, a top American climate researcher – Professor Alan Robock from Rutgers – says that
the CIA is looking into weather modification as a form of warfare. The Independent reports: A
senior Am..
‘High poverty, deep disunity’: German wage inequality hits historic high
Guardian Corrects Anti-Russian Story Based on 'Research' of Own Reporter / Sputnik International
The Guardian was forced to correct an article by Eliot Higgins, a self-styled "citizen
journalist", who claimed Russian military units fired on the Ukrainian Army from...
Dokumentation: Die Griechenland-Lüge
Newly Appointed White House Head of Comm Jen Psaki's Greatest Hits (VIDEO)
ISIS threatens to send 500,000 migrants to Europe as a 'psychological weapon' in chilling echo
of Gaddafi's prophecy that the Mediterranean 'will become a sea of chaos'
But the Arab Spring uprising that year sparked a civil war in Libya and opposition forces -
backed by NATO - deposed Gaddafi in violent coup just five months after his ominous prediction.
Four years later, Islamic State kidnapped 21 Egyptian Coptic Christians in Sirte - Gaddafi's
Egypt is calling the West’s bluff over its phony war on ISIS
Western states are trumpeting ISIS as the latest threat to civilisation, claiming total
commitment to their defeat, and using the group’s conquests in Syria and Iraq as...
Debaltseve Trap is Failure of Ukrainian Military – Western Media
Demolishing Libya: How "Humanitarian Interventions" Come Back to Haunt Us
If ever there was a brutalised poster boy for the failure of humanitarian intervention, then
CIA Funds Execution of Egyptian Christians
ISIS wouldn't have grown without CIA backing.
Exposing the connection between ISIS, Saudi Arabia and the CIA.
BBC 'reporter' near-miss with Ukrainian shell while accusing Rebels of doing the shelling
Son of US VP Joe Biden appointed to board of major Ukrainian gas company
Hunter Biden, son of US VP Joe Biden, is joining the board of directors of Burisma Holdings,
Joe Biden: "I Am A Zionist. You Don't Have To A Jew To Be A Zionist"
The Rothschild Zionism Secret Regime in America - A...
Former French Foreign Minister: The War against Syria was Planned Two years before "The Arab
In an interview with the French TV station LCP, former French minister for Foreign Affairs
Roland Dumas said: ‘’ I’m going to tell you something. I was in England two...
Obama's "Fake War" against the Islamic State (ISIS). The Islamic State is Protected by the US...
Since August 2014, the US Air Force with the support of a coalition of 19 countries has
relentlessly waged...
If You Can't Make It Fake It: UK Claims Russian Missiles in Ukraine
Russians Know Western Sanctions Have Nothing to Do with Ukraine - Russia Insider
The Saker is our regular contributor. This article also appeared at The Vineyard of the SakerI
parse the Russian media (corporate and social) on a daily basis and I...
Ruotsissa kokeillaan kuuden tunnin työpäivää – haluaisitko vastaavan Suomeen?
Ruotsalaisessa sairaalassa kokeillaan työpäivän lyhentämistä ilman palkkojen leikkauksia.
Tarkoituksena on vähentää työntekijöiden sairauslomia.
Russia Begins Deployment of New Nebo-M Anti-Missile Radar Facilities
Russia's adequate response to US military expansion in Eastern Europe
Friendly Reminder from Russia: We Are Ready for War - Are You? -...
The Role of British Imperialism in the Atlantic Slave Trade
A six part historical fiction television series recently concluded its premiere over the
Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) network. It is airing over Black Entertainment
Television (BET). Thi...
Excuse Me; Is This the Bus to Wonderland?
Welcome to Wonderland My God it's half past eight Who cares if you came late We don't care where
you've been You're gonna fit right in A little fun detour A little crazy, sure Don't get all
The Hilarity of George Soros in Munich | New Eastern Outlook
19.02.2015 Author: F. William Engdahl The Hilarity of George Soros in Munich Column: Politics
Region: USA in the World Sometimes I come across a comment...
F. William Engdahl attempts to unravel Soros' claim that Ukraine is a "Ukraine is what the
European Union ought to be — a participatory democracy."
What exactly is democratic about Nazi death squads unleashed on anyone who rejects a regime that
came to power via violent street mobs armed and backed by foreign interests?
SHOCKING! Satanic Ritual Abuse & Child Snatching EXPOSED with Sabine McNeill
WOW! Revealing The SHOCKING Truth About The Satanic Ritual Case that has gone viral on the...
Fort Russ: The Beautiful Truth about Minsk II & The Debaltsevo Debacle
Home > Untagged The Beautiful Truth about Minsk II & The Debaltsevo Debacle The Beautiful Truth
about Minsk II & The Debaltsevo Debacle By: Joaquin Flores...
Kiev Ambassador to Germany: Neo Nazis are part of our forces.
Without them Russia would defeated
usKiev Ambassador to Germany: Neo Nazis are part...
Around 3,000 Ukrainian Soldiers Killed in Debaltseve Battle - DPR Official
"Kiev wasn’t interested in the lives of so many military personnel"
ZDF caught lying | "Russian invasion" to Ukraine backed up by 2008 photo
Maidan violence anni marked by Ukrainian soldiers retreating from war trap
Obama to Give Jihadists the Ability to Order Airstrikes
The Obama administration is preparing to equip the so-called “moderate” Syrian rebels with the
ability to order U.S. air strikes despite the group’s admitted allegiance to the Islamic State.
Despite the Obama administration’s claims, countless intelligence and military officials have
stated that the “moderate” rebels are essentially non-existent, with well over 90 percent being
with terrorist groups or aligned in ideology.
Debaltsevo graced by a Novorossia flag and a new Greek mayor, 2015LifenewsTranslated by Kristina RusThe new
mayor of Debaltsevo is Greek in sixth generationA former...
Hungary PM criticizes EU partners trying to isolate Moscow
Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban has criticized EU’s attempts to isolate Moscow, in
particular blaming former Polish PM and President of the European...
The strategic implications of the battle for Debaltsevo (UPDATED)
ISIS have fetish for kinky underwear, Viagra, and ‘abnormal sex’ – report
George Bush Pedophile Sex Ring and Blackmail of Congress
George HW Bush a known Evil Pedophile George HW Bush is a known evil pedophile, who ran a
Congressional Blackmail Child Sex Ring during the 1980s...
Black Open Carry Protesters Are Marching Against Police Brutality, and the Media Is Silent
They call themselves the Huey P. Newton Gun Club, named after the co-founder of the Black
Panther Party For Self Defense. Like the defunct organization
US, UK meddling in OSCE’s mandate in Ukraine – Russia's envoy to UN
The US and UK are attempting to change the OSCE’s existing mandate in Ukraine, according to
Russian Ambassador to the UN Vitality Churkin. His comments came...
Ban suggests Israeli attack on UNIFIL post was deliberate
Opposition leader Nemtsov’s murder caught on CCTV camera (VIDEO)
David Icke - The Robot's Rebellion -- dutch subtitles - NL ondertiteld
The Truth About War - Who Are The Real Terrorists?
USA Has A History Of Attacking Themselves To Go To War
This film exposes how every major war in US history was based on a complete fraud with video of
insiders themselves admitting it. Battleship Maine, Sinking o...
Wikipedia berichtete über die Ermordung Nemzow bereits zwei Stunden VOR dem Mord!
Википедия сообщила об убийстве Немцова за 2 часа до самого убийства
Об убийстве НемцоваСегодня с утра лениво просматривал материалы, посвященные убийству прошлой
ночью «оппозиционного политика» Бориса...
Exposed: The Hidden Truth Behind America’s Black Sites
Infowars investigates the Chicago PD's secret, CIA-style black site used to unlawfully detain,
torture and harass citizens.
Podemos: Merkel ist Militante der Wall Street
Galindo Gaznate Der führende Kopf der spanischen Linkspartei Podemos, Pablo Iglesias,
beschuldigte Merkel, militante Marionette der Wall Street zu sein. Finanzmächte hätten im Westen
Parlamente ent...
Land Destroyer: US State Department Admits Russia had Nothing to Gain from Killing Boris Nemtsov
75% of Air and Rain Samples Contain Monsanto’s RoundUp
A new study proves just how invasive Monsanto’s best selling chemicals are, revealing how
herbicide toxins are appearing in 75% of rain and air samples. Take a deep breath. Thanks to the
massive us...
US to Send Arms to Ukraine Using Private Contractors - Hacker Group
In der Ukraine wird der Artikel über die Ermordung von Nemzow schon drei Tage vor seinem Tod
erstellt. Es wird immer verrückter!
Offensichtlich hatten die Schreiber des Beitrages keine Ahnung, dass Google sich das Datum der
letzten Aktualisierung speichert.. dazu gehört dann nicht mehr das Veröffentlichen/Publizieren
des Artikels.. aber dafür das Datum an dem er erstellt wurde!
US Backing for 'Moderate' Syrian Rebels: Long Reported, Continually Forgotten
That the US is arming and training Syrian rebels has...
Western Media Lies: It’s Really Ukraine that’s Sending Young Men to Die on the Front Lines
The Western media’s latest tall tale is that Russia is supposedly tricking its greenest
conscripts into...
The Vineyard of the Saker: Breaking news: FALSE FLAG IN MOSCOW!
Trust not in princes, nor in the children of men, in whom there is no safety. His breath shall
go forth, and he shall return to his earth; in that day all his thoughts...
Wesley Clark: "Our friends and allies funded ISIS to destroy Hezbollah" http://nonalignedmedia...
Island setzt korrupte Regierung ab und verhaftet alle Rockefeller und Rothschild Bankster
Letzte Woche wurden 9 Bankster in London und Reykjavik, wegen ihrer Verantwortung für den
finanziellen Untergang Islands im Jahre 2008, verhaftet....
Washington supplying Kiev with satellite intelligence of conflict in east – report
The US is supplying Kiev with spy satellite imagery of enemy positions in eastern Ukraine, but
does so by deliberately reducing the quality, apparently so as not to...
Former Mossad Chief Pushes for Bibi's Ouster Over Iran Policy
Mord in Berlin: Attentäter erschießt Merkel-Kritiker Müller
Er wurde von vier Schüssen in den Rücken getroffen, ganz in der Nähe des Kanzleramt: Frank
Müller war ein gnadenloser Kritiker des Systems von Angela...
[Artikel / Verschwörungen] ▶ Der Mord über den die Systempresse schweigt: Frank Müller wurde
wie Boris #Nemzov gestern in Berlin erschossen
(PDF) How the CIA created Google
U.S. military decimated under Obama, only ‘marginally able’ to defend nation
The U.S. military is shedding so many troops and weapons it is only “marginally able” to defend
PressTV-US military soldiers are 'mercenaries'
Many US troops who participate in armed conflicts around the world do so as “mercenaries”
against “innocent” nations.
“If you’re a decent human being anywhere in the world, you’re not going to want to destroy other
people in order to please some rich politicians who are doing so for oil,” he added.
"Many US troops who participate in armed conflicts around the world do so as “mercenaries”
against “innocent” nations, a US veteran and journalist in Denmark says.
Nemtsov murder: Russian investigators probing provocation, Charlie Hebdo links
Paul Craig Roberts - The CIA May Have Just Assassinated Boris Nemtsov In Moscow To Blame Putin
Kredite aus Steuergeldern: Saatgut-Konzerne kaufen Land in der Ukraine
Die Bundesregierung hat in der Antwort auf eine Anfrage der Links-Partei zugegeben, dass
nationale und internationale Konzerne in der Ukraine...
Malcolm X’s Internationalism and the Struggle for Liberation in Haiti Today
“…when you select heroes about which black children ought to be taught, let them be black heroes
One of the most important anti-imperialist struggles in the Americas today is the occupation of
Haiti by western imperialism by way of the United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti
Night shelling of Donetsk on February 26, 2015
The inhabitants of Donetsk were listening to loud artillery cannonade all night long, RIA
Novosti reports. According to witnesses the sounds of salvos and explosions were heard in most
districts of th
Putin's Approval Rating Rises to 86 % - Independent Poll / Sputnik International
Russian President Vladimir Putin's approval rating has jumped to 86 percent, a 17-percent
increase since February 2014, the Levada Center, an independent...
Charlie Hebdo ist gemanagter Staatsterrorismus
IS Militants Smash Ancient Iraqi Artifacts To Dust In New Video
A new video released by the Islamic State extremist group appears to show militants turning
Iraq's cultural heritage into rubble as they destroy scores of...
“Mass Sterilization”: Kenyan Doctors Find Anti-fertility Agent in UN Tetanus Vaccine
According to LifeSiteNews, a Catholic publication, the Kenya Catholic Doctors Association is
Verhaftungswelle in Spanien gegen Donbass-Brigaden
Mindestens acht linken Spaniern, die gegen den "Faschismus" an der Seite der prorussischen
Milizen kämpften, wird vermutlich Terrorismus vorgeworfen
New Study: Vaccinated Children Have 2 to 5 Times More Diseases and Disorders Than Unvaccinated
Chasing down homeless men and beating their brains out...."Just doing my job".
Chicago’s Abu Ghraib
In April 2004, the world was shocked and horrified by the release of photographs of sadistic
torture carried out by US military personnel at the Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq. Detainees at the
prison, ...
On Thursday, the Intercept corroborated the Guardian’s account, interviewing another torture
victim at the facility who was handcuffed across a bench and hit in the face and groin until he
agreed to provide false testimony to police.
Putin announces 10% salary cuts in his administration
The Russian president has ordered salary cuts of 10 percent for all members of his
administration, Vladimir Putin’s press secretary, Dmitry Peskov, who is also deputy head of the
administration, has told reporters.
Florida Cops Arrest African American Employee For ‘Trespassing’ At His Job
There never seems to be an end to the stories of racism, police brutality, and injustice in the
state of Florida. Recently, a Quickstop employee in Miami...
<He has been detained by police 258 times over the course of four years and arrested 62 times
for trespassing. In almost every single one of these cases, this happened while he was at work,
and his employer had nothing to do with the police targeting.<
Over one million Iraqi women widowed due to ongoing conflicts
The ongoing conflict in Iraq has left a devastating impact on the country’s civilian
Who is Responsible For World War 2 and 72 Million Dead?
Libya and Syria: Two Wars Against ISIL, Two Different Western Reactions
Libya, Again?
Libya, Again?
co<Well, the West destroyed Libya, turned it into a failed state and now the propaganda machine,
the Der Spiegel and the rest of them, uses the crisis in Libya to promote, what else, more
western intervention in Libya. We know that the two western interventions did not make the
situation better in Iraq so we can safely conclude that a second intervention in Libya will only
make things worse. But maybe that the objective of the West.
Let's ask Der Spiegel to provide us with a single example of a western intervention that made
things better anywhere and at any time.<
ISIS Online: A Pretext for Cyber COINTELPRO?
In its ever expanding war against Syria, now under the broader pretext of “fighting ISIS,” the
US Government has employed a variety of tactics. From arming terrorists whom it dishonestly
labels “mo...
The war, once believed to be relegated solely to Syria and Iraq, has now been broadened to a
regional, and indeed, a global war with no geographical boundaries or time limits. And now, the
Obama administration has announced that its war will also be waged in cyberspace.
Zufall? Innerhalb von 24h sterben drei Journalisten – Sie planten Dokumentarfilm über 9/11
‘There Are No Independent States in EU, They Are All Vassals of the US’
Police Killing of Unarmed Native American Continues To Receive Little Media Attention
The tragic case of Corey Kanosh, 35, has received very little media attention, in spite of the
growing outrage over police shootings of unarmed, innocent
Me, Myself and Medien #5 - Schicksalstage in der deutschen Presse - auf wen hört Jauch noch?
Arrested Spaniards Fought for Free Donbas - Anti-Fascist Committee / Sputnik International
Arresting eight Spaniards, who supported independent Donbas, and ignoring those, who fought
alongside Kiev's army, is “a manifestation of double standards”, the...
‘Assad cannot be Syria’s future’ – UK & French foreign ministers
Monsanto’s Trojan Horse will eat in EU Fields | New Eastern Outlook
24.02.2015 Author: F. William Engdahl Monsanto’s Trojan Horse will eat in EU Fields Column:
Economics Region: Europe Monsanto just succeeded in getting a...
US guilt in Ukraine crisis 'considerable, obvious' – Duma speaker
The US bears a considerable share of the blame for driving the situation in Ukraine towards the
poor state it is in now, the speaker of the Russian State Duma says....
Hundreds of Farmers Block Roads in Protest of Monsanto’s GMO Crops: Poland's Largest Farmer
"The corporate takeover of agriculture has impoverished farmers, starved communities, and
force-fed us hazardous genetically engineered crops, only to line the pockets of a handful of
multinational corporations like Monsanto at the expense of farmers who are struggling for land
and livelihood around the world!”
Native American Council Offers Amnesty to 240 Million Undocumented Whites
The Native American National Council will offer amnesty to the estimated 240 million illegal
white immigrants living in the United States. At a meeting on Friday...
Total US debt soars to nearly $60 trn, foreshadows new recession
<Population 320 million inclusive illegals. Of whom about half are working, minus the 20% to
poor to tax further.... just 300.000 Dollar per working person.<
Guardian Retracts Anti-Russian Story Based on 'Research' of Own Reporter - Russia Insider
EDINBURGH, February 19, (Sputnik) - The Guardian was forced to correct an article claiming
Russian military units fired on the Ukrainian Army from inside the...
What does one TRILLION dollars look like?
Scientist 'killed Amazon indians to test race theory
Thousands of South American indians were infected with measles, killing hundreds, in order to
for US scientists to study the effects on primitive societies of natural selection, according to
a book out next month.
The astonishing story of genetic research on humans, which took 10 years to uncover, is likely
to shake the world of anthropology to its core, according to Professor Terry Turner of Cornell
University, who has read the proofs.
Russia Could Make South China Sea a Chinese Lake - Russia Insider
This article originally appeared in The National InterestWhat Robert Kaplan so smartly dubbed
“Asia’s Cauldron”— the South China Sea— might be set to boil...
GMO-Free Brands
the Non-GMO Project verified product code spreadsheet
List of over 400 companies that provide non-GMO products compiled by the Non-GMO Project
GMO Food List to Avoid (Monsanto Companies) & The Dangers of GMO Food
Monsanto companies
OSCE: No Armed Men Observed Crossing the Russian-Ukrainian Border since mid-2014 - Russia
VIENNA, February 26 (TASS) - Monitors of the Organization for Security and Cooperation Union
working at the "Donetsk" and "Luhansk" checkpoints have not...
Monitors of the Organization for Security and Cooperation Union working at the "Donetsk" and
"Luhansk" checkpoints have not observed a single case of transferring weapons across the
Russian-Ukrainian border since the summer of 2014, Paul Picard, the chief OSCE observer at the
Russian-Ukrainian border, said on Thursday.
Video Shows Police Brutally Beat Terminally Ill Man in Front of His Two Young Children
Morgantown, WV -- A kind-hearted woman with a cellphone captured the horrific scene of a man
choking on his own blood, in front of his children, while pinned...
Donetsk to Hold Back on Withdrawal Sites – DPR Leader
March of Destruction: ISIL Smashes Priceless 3,000-Year-Old Statues in Iraq
USA-UKRAINE: Westen kündigt eigenen Krieg an
Gemäß der derzeit gültigen Propaganda-Linie Washingtons, die in allen Satellitenstaaten brav
wiederholt wird, werden weiterhin Ursache und Wirkung vertauscht sowie alle Verhältnisse auf den
Kopf gedreht.
Wenn also der US-Geheimdienstchef vor einem Krieg in der Ukraine im Frühjahr warnt, dann spricht
er den Stand westlicher Planungen aus, vor denen ich hier schon mehrfach gewarnt habe.
CIA Troublemaking in Caucasus
It is clear that Russia's arrest and expulsion of two CIA agents who were trying to recruit
members of the...
The US's century-long destruction of Native American land, in one animated map
It shows the collapse in native land holdings from 1784 to 1895.
Here’s What It Looks Like To Be Stomped On By A Jackboot Thug Cop (Video)
Officer attempted to destroy phone after attacking man for filming police brutality.
<This is the very reason why filming police is protected under the First Amendment.<
Four Years Ago: Regime Change at the IMF: The Frame-Up of Dominique Strauss-Kahn
The arrest of Strauss-Kahn has all the appearances of a frame-up ordered by powerful members of
Global Warming - Al Gore sued by 30.000 Scientists
Aug 3, 2008
Is fascist America ready for total war against Russia and China?
Ukraine Prepares for an Attack Against Russia
But not until now is Ukraine actually preparing for such an invasion from Russia — or else
preparing for its allies to launch an invasion of Russia.
Poroshenko's chocolates commemorate "Defender of the Fatherland Day" with St. George ribbons in
Russia, prohibited in Ukraine by Poroshenko
$26 trillion in global derivatives about to implode if Greece bankruptcy unfolds
"So 26 trillion dollars is an amount of money that is almost unimaginable," he wrote. "And of
course those are just the derivatives that are directly tied to the euro. Overall, the total
global derivatives bubble is more than 700 trillion dollars in size."
<Never forget that the whole reason for austerity was based on FINANCIAL FRAUD. The Greek
government, through ultra-corrupt Prime Minister & Finance Minister took on hundreds of billions
of the BANK'S debts. The debts NEVER belonged to the Greek people! These 2 gentlemen were "ex"
Goldman Sachs executives who reportedly got $500 MM for their treachery. When Iceland refused to
fall for the same scam they found out that 94% (!) of their debts were BOGUS.<
Tutorial: How to write a propaganda piece on Russia featuring ‘The Economist’
Watschen für US-Botschaft in Moskau: Wem traust Du?
Weltfremd, aber arrogant wie die US-Administration nun einmal ist, wollte der Sprecher der US-
Botschaft in Moskau, Will B. Stevens, Russia Today der Propaganda bezichtigen und ausgerechnet
den "Economist" ("Putin: Ein Netz aus Lügen") als seriös hinstellen.
Die real existierende Arroganz ging daneben.
1.400 Teilnehmer der vom Amerikaner selbst initiieretn Abstimmung trauen RT. Ganze 69 stimmten
für den Economist. Köstlich die Kommentare für Mr. Stevens.
Police beating people protesting currency collapse in Kiev
Police beating people protesting currency collapse in Kiev
Ex-NATO analyst: Ukraine war result of U.S. preventing Russia/EU friendship
Lieutenant Commander Martin Packard, former NATO intelligence analyst is In the NOW talking
about how Ukraine war could have been avoided if proper decisions were taken back in 1980s.
What's escalated now is the result of America's attempts to prevent Russia from getting closer
with European powers. Now, says Packard, NATO wants to deepen the crisis - military forces need
to be in action and for that they have to have an enemy.
Irak ampui alas kaksi brittiläistä aseiden kuljetuskonetta - länsi aseitaa ISIS-terroristeja
Lännen asetoimitukset ISIS-terroristeille on fakta. Irakin armeija ampui alas kaksi
Marijuana is now legal in Washington, DC. Here's what you need to know.
Marijuana is now legal in Washington, DC.
DC voters in November approved a ballot initiative that allows adults 21 and older to possess up
to two ounces of marijuana, grow up to six plants, and gift up to one ounce of pot to other
adults 21 and older. The measure, which took effect Thursday, doesn't legalize sales, so anyone
who tries to make a profit off marijuana could still get locked up. Smoking in public remains
Media Silence on Libya
Despite the all-encompassing belief in democracy and a free press, Americans have very little
democracy left and perhaps the worst media in the world. Even people who make efforts to be
informed do...
5 Reasons Why Arab Spring States are Dumping Obama and Reaching for Russia
In 2011 the leaders of NATO appeared to pull off the perfect crime. That year they used the Arab
Spring democracy movement as a cover to destroy Libya, kill its president, Muammar Gaddafi, and
turn that nation over to jihadists supported by the Persian gulf monarchs.
Ukraine... It's a Heist!!!
Video shows ISIL destroy Iraq artifacts
Umerziehung für Andersdenkende - EU Gesetzesvorschlag
Why the rise of fascism is again the issue
Feds Threaten D.C. Officials with Prison If they Go Through with Pot Legalization on Thursday
As of Thursday the 26th, at midnight. pot is legal in D.C.. But two Congressmen are threatening
city officials with prison time if they actually go through with the...
US Backing for 'Moderate' Syrian Rebels: Long Reported, Continually Forgotten
That the US is arming and training Syrian rebels has been well-documented forover two years, yet
Western media have historically suffered from a strange collective...
The Modern History of the Greek Debt Crisis
Yatsenyuk: Putin doesn't only want to take over Ukraine, he wants to conquer the world!
Kypros sallii Venäjän laivaston käyttää satamiaan – Venäjä leikkasi miljardilainan korkoja
Venäjän presidentti Vladimir Putin ja Kyproksen presidentti Nikos Anastasiadis allekirjoittivat
keskiviikkona Moskovassa sopimuksen, joka sallii Venäjän...
Militärische Zusammenarbeit vereinbart: Russische Marine in Zyperns Häfen
Militärische Zusammenarbeit vereinbart
Fort Russ: Kharkov experts gather in Russia to discuss a creation of Kharkov Republic days...
Home > Ukraine > Kharkov experts gather in Russia to discuss a creation of Kharkov Republic days
before the terrorist attack Analysis Economy Kharkov...
Iraqi libraries ransacked by Islamic State in Mosul - The Times of India
When Islamic State group militants invaded the Central Library of Mosul earlier this month, they
were on a mission to destroy a familiar enemy: other people's ideas.
Washington Has Destroyed Trust Between Nuclear Powers, Thus Raising The Specter Of War - Paul...
. CIA. US. Strategic Culture Foundation
" Washington and its neoconservative monsters have destroyed trust with demonization and blame
of Russia for violence in Ukraine for which Washington is responsible.
Washington has forced Europe to impose economic sanctions on Russia that are based entirely on
lies and false accusations. The Russians know this. They recognize the blatant hostility, the
blatant lies, the never-ending crude propaganda, the hypocritical double-standards, the push
toward war."
Russia Signs Military Deal With EU Member State
Russian navy ships will now have access to stop off at ports in #Cyprus.
‘V for Varoufakis!’ German heavy metal video about Greek bailout takes off
As Greece’s finance minister clashes with the EU and his German counterpart over Athens' debt to
the Troika of European lenders, a German show has uploaded a...
Ash Carter warns Russia on nukes
Ash Carter has quietly thrown down the gauntlet in a lingering dispute with Russia: If President
Vladimir Putin continues to violate the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty, the U.S. could
respond in kind. “The range of options we should...
CIA Contractor: We Fabricated ISIS
Former CIA contractor Steven Kelley has said on record that ISIS/ISIL are a fabricated terrorist
group made and funded by the CIA in the United States. According to
Arseniy Yatsenyuk.
ja puhuu kuin natsi ja tekee natsin tekoja...."Tuhoamme idän epäihmiset..."
Heftige Proteste in Kiew gegen das Regime - Maidan 2.0 im Anmarsch, Anti-EU.. feine Sache
Mindestlohn nun niedriger ist als in den ärmsten Ländern Afrikas, wie Ghana oder Sambia!|By Freeman
Luhansk, Donetsk Moving Away From Failing Ukrainian Hryvnia
Ukraine troops to begin withdrawing from front on Thursday – Defense Ministry
Kiev troops are starting the long-promised withdrawal of heavy weapons from eastern Ukraine, a
step required by the fragile ceasefire agreement signed earlier...
CIA Evidence from Whistleblower Trial Could Tilt Iran Nuclear Talks
A month after former CIA officer Jeffrey Sterling was convicted on nine felony counts with
circumstantial metadata, the zealous prosecution is now having...
A month after former CIA officer Jeffrey Sterling was convicted on nine felony counts with
circumstantial metadata, the zealous prosecution is now having potentially major consequences —
casting doubt on the credibility of claims by the U.S. government that Iran has developed a
nuclear weapons program.
With negotiations between Iran and the United States at a pivotal stage, fallout from the
trial’s revelations about the CIA’s Operation Merlin is likely to cause the International Atomic
Energy Agency to re-examine U.S. assertions that Iran is pursuing nuclear weapons.
LINKE-Politikerin über „Realitätscheck“: „Staatsoffizielle antirussische Propaganda“ /
Das vom Auswärtigen Amt vor einigen Tagen herausgegebene Papier mit dem Titel „Realitätscheck:
Russische Behauptungen – unsere Antworten“ stellt nach Ansicht...
Papier Auswärtiges Amt „Realitätscheck: Russ Behauptungen“
stellt nach Ansicht von Sevim Dağdelen einen Schritt zum
Beginn einer „staatsoffiziellen antirussischen Propaganda“ dar.
Kiew blockiert Lieferungen von Nahrungsmittel an den Donbass: in den Läden verschwinden...
Sozialgenozid oder Handelskrieg?
What is Neo-Liberalism? A Revolutionary Analysis of the Final Stage of Imperialism
Neoliberalism is “the ideology of corporate domination and the plunder of finance capital.” To
preserve itself domestically, the modern system has created both the...
Gazprom to consider separating Donbas gas supplies from Ukraine
Gazprom is ready to separate gas supplies to Ukraine and Donbas, said company spokesman Sergey
Kupriyanov, as an energy standoff between Moscow and Kiev...
Ken Clarke: Sending troops to Ukraine will not 'solve anything' - Telegraph
Former Tory Cabinet minister undermines David Cameron's pledge to send UK troops to Ukraine to
help train government forces fighting Russian separatists.
China now has more submarines than America - US admiral
The Chinese Navy now has more diesel and nuclear attack submarines than America does, a US Navy
admiral told lawmakers. Some of them are “fairly...
A Wanted Man at Home, Saakashvili Lobbies Washington for Arms for Ukraine
Former Georgian President Mikhail Saakashvili is on a mission. He’s come to Washington to
persuade national legislators and government officials that they...
Russian journalists detained in Kiev as Ukraine steps up censorship
Four Russian journalists were detained in Ukraine and ordered to return back to Moscow. Three of
them were stopped when filming a Right Sector rally. The...
Bad for Business: After NSA Hack China Stops Buying Major US Tech Brands
The decline in foreign products in China does seem to coincide with the leaks made by NSA
whistleblower Edward Snowden in 2013 about massive US spying programs.
Congress is trying to pass a bill to DENY labeling of GMOs by making it ONLY up to the FDA...and
taking state's rights to label GMOs away.
And it's coming from some heavy lobbying by biotech, factory farming and big food companies.
This video is of Congressman Mike Pompeo of Kansas as he was describing what the bill does.
Russia could protect interests in Arctic via military means – defense minister
Russia may consider protecting its national interests in the Arctic with military means if
necessary, the country’s defense minister said, pointing to the increasing...
Gerald Celente on HSBC: "We don't have Capitalism anymore, we have Bankism!"
Please Support The Show – http://richieallens...
Kerry warns Congress about Netanyahu’s Iran speech, says Bibi pushed US to attack Iraq
US Secretary of State John Kerry has reminded American officials that Israeli Prime Minister
Benjamin Netanyahu, who is against a nuclear deal with Iran, was also in the US in 2002 to push
for the invasion of Iraq.
Britain couldn't defeat its own separatists, so why is Kiev asking for London's help?
Ukraine asking the United Kingdom for advice on fighting separatists is akin to questioning the
Marlboro Man about how to prevent cancer. It’s not only futile - it...
"It took the UK 30 years to realize its Ulster policy would never succeed. The best thing the 75
British military advisers about to be deployed to Ukraine can do is explain that to their
counterparts. It would save thousands of lives."Some very sensible comments . Via Johnny
Russia's Yars ICBM Systems to Take Part in Victory Day Parade
The RS-24 Yars is a solid fuel-based thermonuclear intercontinental ballistic missile equipped
with a multiple independently targetable reentry vehicle.
Cop pepper-sprays grandma attempting to deliver cupcakes to school
A grandmother has filed charges after reportedly being pepper-sprayed and dragged from her car
by a police officer for attempting to deliver cupcakes to her...
Netanyahu Goes Nuclear…Now Wait for the Fallout
The contents of a secret report by Israel’s Mossad spy agency on Iran’s nuclear programme leaked
to the media this week are shocking and predictable in equal measure. Shocking because the
report re...
Iran capable of sinking giant US carriers: IRGC Navy commander
Congress threatens DC over pot law
Congressional Republicans are making a last-ditch effort to stop the District of Columbia from
decriminalizing private recreational use of marijuana from going into effect Thursday,
threatening the mayor and her staff with fines and jail time.
Top Ukrainian Nazi Visits U.S. Congress, Pentagon, Canadian Parliament, Seeks Weapons for
The Deputy Speaker of Ukraine’s parliament, Andriy Parubiy, who had been the co-founder of the
Nazi-inspired Social Nationalist Party of Ukraine, met in...
The Deputy Speaker of Ukraine’s parliament, Andriy Parubiy, who had been the co-founder of the
Nazi-inspired Social Nationalist Party of Ukraine, met in Washington on Wednesday, February
25th, with members of the U.S. House and Senate who support his request that the U.S. Government
donate weapons to his virtually bankrupt Government. Parubiy also visited with the Pentagon.
“Andriy Parubiy together with Svoboda party leader Oleh Tyahnybok is a follower of Ukrainian
Nazi Stepan Bandera, who collaborated in the mass murderer of Jews and Poles during World War
Over half of Republicans want to ignore Bill of Rights, make Christianity national religion
America's Founding Fathers may have explicitly banned the formation of a national religion, but
don’t tell that to Republican Christians. A poll found that over half of...
Saudis to Allow Israeli Jets Airspace for Strikes on Iran – Report
Using Saudi airspace means that Israeli Defense Forces could strike Tehran at a shorter
distance, without having to fly around the Persian Gulf.
Turkey's Invasion of Syria Shows Turkish Connection to ISIS; NATO Agenda
Turkey has now officially proven that Israel and the United States are not the only nations that
The fact that ISIS forces would allow the Turkish forces to enter its “territory” without so
much as even the threat of violence is questionable to say the least.
Yury Rubtsov - Dresden and Poznan: Two Different Ways to Wage War - Strategic Culture
Yury Rubtsov - Dresden and Poznan: Two Different...
What’s Behind Ukraine’s Secret Weapons Deal with the United Arab Emirates (UAE)?
U.S. President Barack Obama apparently is going ahead with his plan for NATO missiles to be
OSCE neglects its mandate in Ukraine – Moscow
The OSCE monitoring mission in Ukraine is not fulfilling its mandate to monitor the
implementation of the ceasefire, Moscow charges. The monitors complain that they can’t verify
withdrawal of weapons without additional data.
What are the US afraid of?
Ukraine lehnt Abzug der schweren Waffen ab, London droht Putin
Die ukrainische Armee hält sich nicht an das Abkommen von Minsk und weigert sich, ihre schweren
Waffen abzuziehen. Die Rebellen wollen mit dem Abzug am...
Weil KIEW seine schweren Waffen nicht abziehen will, wird MOSKAU mit neuen Sanktionen gedroht.
Das wäre so, als beabsichtigt der Verbrecher ganz offen weitere Verbrechen zu begehen, dafür
erhöht man die Strafe gegen die Opfer der Verbrechen!
Psychisch gestörte westliche Polit-Banditen spielen mit uns Russisch Roulette!
‘Britain is leading the war against human rights’ – Amnesty International
Ramped up surveillance in Britain against a backdrop of dwindling legal protection has
contributed to the most rattling assault on human rights in Europe since the...
Message of wounded Ukrainian soldier to Poroshenko: Look at what you brought me to
Poland’s Complicity in CIA Torture Programme Confirmed as European Court Rejects Warsaw’s
. CIA. European Court of Human Rights. Poland. US. Strategic Culture Foundation
US and British army parade 300 yards from Russia border - Telegraph
American armoured vehicles and British soldiers parade through Estonian border city of Narva, as
tensions between Russia and the West continue to escalate
Just like us: Robots need emotions to avoid threatening humanity – scientist
Artificial intelligence (AI) needs to develop human emotion if humanity is to avoid the
potential existential threat posed by machines capable of consciousness, a...
Putin: Kiev’s Decision to Cut Gas Supply to Donetsk ‘Bears Hallmarks of Genocide’
"As if hunger was not enough – the OSCE has already stated that the region experiences a
humanitarian catastrophe – they cut off gas supplies."
New Video Footage Proves Cops Lied To Cover Up Why They Shot Unarmed Man In the Back of the Head
New video footage has emerged showing that the man who police shot in the back of the head at a
traffic stop actually had his headlights on all along. Police
Gerald Celente - Trends In The News - "Obama’s Extremism" - (2/20/15)
The Sun Will Rise On Jewish Power
Financial Warfare, Geopolitics and Macro-Economic Agendas. What Happens Behind the Scenes
So much is happening behind the scenes it’s mindboggling. This past week we of course ended
with “deal or no deal” over Greece. The “deal” the markets were hoping for really was no deal
at all, the markets were only hoping for more time and ONLY more time. You see, Greece is
broke. They only have enough money for about another week, they don’t even have enough to make
their early March debt payment. The only possible “deal” from here on is to postpone reality.
Greece cannot be allowed to make any deal other than one that puts THE deal out into the future.
They cannot accept more “aid” because the markets will see through this. They also cannot be
allowed to exit because this would then be the thread which unravels the Eurozone. The only
deal acceptable to the markets will be one where THE deal is not “dealt with”.
Police Admit Fault for Beating & Kidnapping Man with Down Syndrome, Refuse to Apologize
It takes a rare breed to unlawfully beat down a person with the mentality of a 7-year-old and
then refuse to apologize.
A Secret "Black Site" Revealed In Chicago: "When You Go In, You Just Disappear" | Zero Hedge
Located in a nondescript warehouse on Chicago’s west side is where, according to the Guardian,
one can find the domestic equivalent of a CIA "black site" - an...
80% of buildings destroyed during fighting in Debaltsevo — city mayor
Kindergartens, schools and other institutions do not work, the Donetsk news agency quoted
Afendikov as saying
80% der Gebäude wurden durch die Kämpfe in Debaltsevo — zerstört : Bürgermeister der Stadt
USA in Provokationslaune? US-Militärparade 300 Meter vor russischer Grenze
Nur wenige Meter von Russlands Staatsgrenze und 150 Kilometer von der Metropole St. Petersburg
entfernt hielt das NATO-Mitglied Estland begleitet von...
US armor paraded 300m from Russian border
NATO member Estonia has held a military parade in border town of Narva, just 300 meters from the
Russian border. Tallinn is a long-time critic of Moscow, which it accuses of having an
aggressive policy towards the Baltic nation.
25 Facts About the Pharmaceutical Industry, Vaccines and “Anti-Vaxers”
During the recent measles outbreak, the mainstream media blamed the epidemic solely on non
vaccinated children, even though people who were vaccinated...
Exclusive: Israel Is Tending to Wounded Syrian Rebels
Israel is quietly cultivating ties with moderate Syrian rebel groups operating along the
country's U.N.-monitored cease-fire line with Syria, providing medical care and other
Inside the billion-dollar industry that turned local cops into SEAL Team Six
Do police really need grenade launchers?
Novorossische Sicherheitskräfte: Streitkräfte der Ukraine ziehen ihre Militärtechnik nicht
Laut Mitteilungen von Soldaten novorossischer Sicherheitskräfte: Die Okkupanten ziehen ihre
Militärtechnik nicht ab, sie stellen ihre Kampfkraft wieder her,...
Today, I am publishing photographs passed to me by the intelligence inside the Egyptian tribes.
These are snipets from Google earth and the bottom photo contains latitude and longitude. The
Tribes of Egypt and Libya (working together) have provided the exact place of the main ISIS camp
in Libya. I would not normally publish this information but I have found that passing it to the
intelligence people in this country is not only a complete waste of time but it is the same as
passing intel to the enemy. I do not say this lightly, I say this from direct experience.
I have had this intel for some days now but waited for a heads up to publish. You can verify the
bombing that has been done by Egypt and the Libyan army against ISIS in Libya and see that they
are bombing this exact area.
Irakische Armee schießt zwei britische Flugzeuge ab. An Bord: Waffen für ISIS
Provinz al-Anbar: Zahlreiche Flugzeuge der US-geführten Koalition werfen über von Terroristen
kontrollierten Gebieten Waffen und Nachschub für ISIS ab
Devastating Impacts of "Secretly Negotiated" TTIP Trade-Deal between EU and US, Obama Blocks...
TTIP is a secretly negotiated trade deal between the U.S. and the EU, and all indications are
that it will replace each nation’s drug-safety, product-safety,...
If this deal wins approval in Europe and America without any democratic process, what would that
indicate about the meaning of ‘democracy’?
Monsanto Glyphosate Roundup Herbicide Triggers Autism in Children. MIT Scientist
A senior scientist at MIT has declared that we are facing an epidemic of autism that may result
in one...
Wheat is now sprayed with Roundup right before harvest, making any consumption of non- organic
wheat bread a sure source for the chemical.
Alaska Just Became the Third State to Legalize Marijuana
Alaska has just become the third state in the U.S. to make smoking, growing and owning
recreational amounts of marijuana completely legal. Alaska follows
The unholy alliance of Wahhabism and Zionism
Share on Facebook Tweet on Twitter Share on Google...
US-NATO Military Convoy of Tanks and Armored Vehicles at Russia's Doorstep, Rolling Along the...
By Joost Niemöller On the video below you can see a long column of military vehicles, including
tanks and armored cars. This column, according to the caption,...
60 Prozent der Deutschen zweifeln an Demokratie in der BRD
Einer alarmierenden Studie der Freien Universität Berlin zufolge glaubt eine Mehrheit von über
60 Prozent der Bürger, dass in Deutschland keine echte
Top Secret? Jordan Furious After Pentagon Reveals Anti-ISIL Training Site
The Pentagon has altered records to try and cover up its disclosure that one of its training
camps to battle Islamic State militants is located in Jordan – information...
the newest block of the saker
ISIL plotting Lebanon invasion: Report
The ISIL terrorists are planning military operations to invade Lebanon in a near future and
declare an “emirate” there.
US arming Kiev would ‘explode’ situation in E. Ukraine – Russian Foreign Ministry
If the US were to supply Ukraine with ammunition and weapons, it would “explode the whole
situation” in eastern Ukraine and Russia would be forced to respond...
Toxic Monsanto Herbicides Found in 75% of Mississippi Air and Rain Samples
Amerikanische Truppen 23.02.2015 Gestern Nacht in Narva Estonia
U.S. military vehicles paraded 300 yards from the Russian border
The dramatic act was a reminder of the stakes for both sides amid new East-West tensions.
Russischer TV Bericht - Kiew plante Abschuss von Flug MH17 lange im Voraus
Gabriele Krone Schmalz Die Menschen in Russland sind frei und wir haben Demokratie
Krone-Schmalz, Gabriele
Russland verstehen
Der Kampf um die Ukraine und die Arroganz des Westens
Танки и бронетехника, военный конвой под флагами США в Эстонии
Tanks and armored vehicles, military convoy under the flags of the United States in Estonia
So Ukraine's president, Poroshenko, is going to purchase military equipment from the United Arab
Emirates, itself the largest purchaser of US weapons? Does this not sound like a backdoor US
transfer to Ukraine?
“There is no way a war between the United States and Russia could start and not go nuclear."
Bar Prime Minister of Israel Netanyahu from Entry to the United States
Whereas, the current Prime Minister of Israel, Bibi Netanyahu, has been the chief architect of a
Israeli Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu, has been the chief architect of a policy of ethnic
cleansing in the occupied Palestinian Territories.
Forget all our other troubles – the Russians are coming!
The gap between the rich and the poor continues to grow. Train and bus fares continue to rise.
Twice as many people are living in poverty than 30 years ago. And our National Health Service is
being privatized before our very eyes.
How to denazify the Nazis?
Ukraine SITREP Feb 24th 2015
The withdrawal of heavy weapons and M2A:
Ready for Nuclear War over Ukraine? > - Strategic Culture Foundation
. Ukraine. US. Strategic Culture Foundation
Check this out... apparently if a cop doesn't agree with the message of your protest he can pull
an assault rifle on you and literally tell you that he's about to "escalate" the situation. If
that were anyone else, they would be locked up in jail right now. But since he's got a shiny
badge and uniform, he's still free to harass people and troll protests.
Kiew boykottiert Abkommen von Minsk und Bundesregierung zeigt dafür Verständnis
Kiew zufolge wird die ukrainische Armee ihre schweren Waffen, trotz des Minsker-Abkommens, nicht
abziehen. Gleichzeitig signalisiert die Bundesregierung...
#Kiew boykottiert Abkommen von #Minsk und Bundesregierung zeigt dafür Verständnis!??
Kiew zufolge wird die ukrainische Armee ihre schweren Waffen, trotz des Minsker-Abkommens, nicht
abziehen. Gleichzeitig signalisiert die Bundesregierung Verständnis für diese Haltung mit
Verweis auf die laut OSZE brüchige Waffenruhe.
Auf Nachfrage von RT Deutsch verneinte jedoch die OSZE-Pressestelle in Wien Verletzungen der
Waffenruhe durch die Volksmilizen, sprich des Widerstands. Währenddessen erklärte die britische
Regierung, nach einem Besuch von US-Außenminister John Kerry, Russland müsse sich auf weitere
"Strafmaßnahmen" einstellen. Sprich wenn Frieden in der Ukraine herrsche, werde man weiter
versuchen Russland zu zusetzen. Dabei sieht man gleich wer für den Frieden und wer gegen ihn
Camp Nama: New Details of the US-Run Torture Prison in Iraq
Guantanamo Bay Torture Documentary
Here are the seven countries the United States has bombed since 9/11
US-Congressma Grayson: Obama’s draft Authorization for the Use of Military Force against ISIS
US-Congressma Grayson: Obama’s draft Authorization for the Use of Military Force against ISIS
U.S., Jordan stepping up training of Syrian opposition
Cop Brutally Attacks 78-Year-Old Grandma For Delivering Cupcakes To Her Grandchildren
A grandma who stands less than 5 feet tall apparently caused this officer to fear for his safety
as she delivered cupcakes. So he savagely assaulted her.
Text Messages Show Officers Who Shot 137 Rounds Into Car Knew Suspects Were Unarmed
One officer fired 46 of those shots, some as he stood on the hood of the car, knowing full well
that his victims were unarmed, according to prosecutors.
Not only did 13 cops shoot 137 rounds into a vehicle, killing 2 unarmed people, but new info
shows that they knew the people were unarmed, killed them, and then tried to cover it up! One
cop shot over 40 rounds into the windshield while standing on the hood of the car! He knew the
entire time that the people were unarmed.
Fidel Castro and the Cuban Role in Defeating Apartheid
Until the fall of the Portuguese dictatorship in 1974, apartheid in South Africa was secure.
There was no substantial resistance anywhere in southern Africa. Pretoria’s neighbors comprised
a buffer...
Putin's annual Q&A session 2014 (FULL VIDEO)
Russian President Vladimir Putin is holding his annual televised question and answer session in
which he is
Why the Western Media Will Never Show Putin's Three Hour Press Conference - Russia Insider
Could President Obama speak in front of hundreds of journalists for over three hours, unscripted
and without a teleprompter? Highly doubtful.How about Hillary?...
Cameron commits ‘non-lethal aid’ to Ukraine
Prime Minister David Cameron has said Britain will not supply Ukraine with lethal weaponry in
the fight against pro-Russian separatists in the East of the country, saying UK troops will
support the Ukrainians with training and logistics.
The Prime Minister, however, also advocated deeper sanctions against Russia, adding that the
Baltic States and Poland were likely to agree.
Cameron’s actions go against those of French and German leaders Hollande and Merkel who are
pushing for a peaceful and diplomatic solution to the conflict. The leaders orchestrated the
Minsk peace talks, where a ceasefire was agreed, though there have been reports of continued
clashes since the deal was reached.
This Greek game-theory guru is the most interesting man in the world
Yanis Varoufakis, Greece's new finance minister, is who you should be paying attention to right
CrossTalk: Forever War
Media changes stance on E.Ukraine, sees it functioning like a state
European Banks vs. Greek Labour
Michael Hudson says Finance Minister of Greece, Yanis Varoufakis is proposing austerity on the
banking class to balance the budget not the working class
Ydinfysiikan tohtorin väite: ”Yhdestä kaivoksesta koko maailman energia – puhdasta,
Ydinfysiikan tohtori, Piraattipuoluetta edustava Petrus Pennanen kirjoittaa laajalle levinneessä
Smoking marijuana is 114 times safer than drinking alcohol – study
As the debate over marijuana legalization continues in the United States, a new study suggests
that smoking the controversial plant is about 114 times safer than...
Kiev Announces Russian Invasion of Ukraine a Hoax!
What about the 37 Russian Invasions Last Year?
November 6 th In an interview with Gromadske.TV, Markian Lubkivsky, the adviser to the head of
the SBU (the Ukrainian version of the CIA) stated there are NO RUSSIAN TROOPS ON UKRANIAN SOIL!
This unexpected announcement came as he fumbled with reporters' questions on the subject.
According to his statement, he said the SBU counted about 5000 Russian nationals, but not
Russian soldiers in Donetsk and Lugansk Peoples Republics.
He further clarified that there were no organized Russian units in Donbass. The SBU thinks there
are representatives of the Russian FSB (Russian CIA) and mentors who provide training and
organization that grew the Novorussia army quickly in its fight with Ukraine.
He went on further to state that the SBU estimates the armies of Donetsk and Lugansk Peoples
Republics are about 20-25 thousand strong.
Lusenko Says No Russian Invasion- but its still possible!
Uploaded on Jan 29, 2015
<saved on disc<
In 1967, the CIA Created the Label "Conspiracy Theorists" ... to Attack Anyone Who Challenges...
CIA vs. Greek Democracy, the Magna Carta, the Constitution, the Father of Free Market Capitalism
and the U.S. Judicial System
»Channel-Stuffing«: Wo die nicht verkauften Kraftfahrzeuge weltweit vor sich hin rotten
»Channel-Stuffing«: Wo die nicht verkauften Kraftfahrzeuge weltweit vor sich hin rotten
The A to Z on Atrazine: Sex hormones and America's most popular pesticide
Despite being banned in Europe due to health risks, atrazine, a hormone-disrupting herbicide, is
one of...
Dramatic Footage: Cop Brutally Slaps Old Man at Train Station
MIKAEL THALEN | Man assaulted by officer for sleeping on bench.
Watch As Florida Police Tase Elderly Man With His Hands Up
In police state USA, this is how elderly men are treated by cops; shot in the back with a taser
while holding his hands up.
ISIL is Secret American Army in Middle East – US Historian / Sputnik International
US historian Webster Tarpley says that the United States created the Islamic State and uses
jihadists as
Local Sources: Foreign Planes Providing ISIL with Arms Backup | Islamic...
Iraqi Army Downs Two British Planes Carrying Weapons for ISIL Terrorists
Iraq's army has shot down two British planes as they were carrying weapons for the ISIL
terrorists in Al-Anbar province, a senior lawmaker disclosed on Monday. "The...
"A senior Iraqi provincial official lashed out at the western countries and their regional
allies for supporting Takfiri terrorists in Iraq, revealing that US and Israeli-made weapons
have been discovered from the areas purged of ISIL terrorists. "We have discovered weapons made
in the US, European countries and Israel from the areas liberated from ISIL’s control in Al-
Baqdadi region,” ... Head of Al-Anbar Provincial Council Khalaf Tarmouz said ... He noted that
the weapons made by the European countries and Israel were discovered from the terrorists in the
Eastern parts of the city of Ramadi. Al-Zameli had also disclosed in January that the anti-ISIL
coalition’s planes have dropped weapons and foodstuff for the ISIL in Salahuddin, Al-Anbar and
Diyala provinces. Al-Zameli underlined that the coalition is the main cause of ISIL’s survival
in Iraq." - the Iraqi parliament has asked London for an explanation.
Odessa massacre coordinator killed in Kharkov terrorist attack
February 23, 2015IPolk (Internet Militia)Translated by Kristina Rus"No Condolences""Internet
militia" reports: Kharkov explosion during Maidan...
The Top Ten Reasons Why Students Cannot Cite or Rely On Wikipedia
by Mark E. Moran Wikipedia provides Internet users with millions of articles on a broad range of
topics, and commonly ranks first in search engines. But its reliability and credibility fall
well sh...
Russia offers Iran latest anti-ballistic missile system Antey-2500, Tehran considering deal
Russia's state-owned high-tech corporation Rostec has offered Iran the chance to buy its latest
Antey-2500 anti- aircraft and ballistic missile system, instead of the...
Guest Column--Washington Works To Overthrow Argentine Government -
The Stacks Are Loaded Against Reform In Latin America Paul Craig Roberts The Strategic Culture
Foundation has published Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya’s report on
The Strategic Culture Foundation has published Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya’s report on the effort
underway by Washington and Argentine intelligence agents to overthrow the reformist president of
Antibiotics cause dangerous bacteria communities to appear, study says
Antibiotics can cause the appearance of new harmful bacteria, new research suggests. The
findings come as concerns grow that the overuse of antibiotics is creating resistance to
bacteria, and the appearance of so-called “superbugs.”
ISIS kidnaps at least 90 Assyrian Christians in northeast Syria - report
Islamic State has kidnapped at least 90 Assyrian Christians in northeast Syria, Reuters
reported, citing a monitoring group.
Prominent French Journalist Calls For France-Germany-Russia Alliance | Zero Hedge
"NATO is doing its utmost to present Russia as an enemy of the West and thereby justify its
existence," Zemmour wrote in Le Figaro Magazine. "Fortunately, France...
European Union Committee
The EU and Russia:
before and
the crisis in Ukraine
117 pages
Why Was EU Surprised Putin Would React to Brussels Ukraine Encroachment? - Russia Insider
This article originally appeared in Daily Mail
The Lies We Believed (And Still Believe) About Iraq
Over Half Americans Against Arming Ukraine – Poll
Fireball & sonic boom witnessed from Florida to South Carolina
Residents of the Sunshine State say they spotted a massive fireball soar through the Florida sky
over the weekend, and similar reports have since surfaced from as...
Iran not after nuclear arms: Mossad
A leaked Mossad report shows that Israel has been aware of the peaceful nature of Iran’s nuclear
Israel ‘needs US jets to attack Iran’
US stealth fighters will help Israel enhance its abilities to strike countries like Iran, says
an analyst.
The IMF and the World Bank
Two of Several Instruments of National Destruction
Michel Chossudovsky: When an IMF mission goes into a country and requires the destruction of
social and economic institutions as a condition for lending money - this is very similar to the
physical destruction caused by NATO bombing. The IMF will order the closing down of hospitals,
schools and factories. That's of course more cost effective than bombing those hospitals,
schools and factories, as they did in Yugoslavia, but the ultimate result is very similar: the
destruction of the country.
Defending Ukraine From Russian Imperialism?
In Bertrand Russell’s A History of Western Philosophy, the philosopher delivered his
summarization of the writings of Catholic theologian Thomas Aquinas thusly, “Before he begins to
philosophize, h...
Barb Weir interviews moderate Syrian rebels
Syria? Please, it’s been a long time since I’ve seen a Syrian Syrian rebel. And there weren’t
that many to start with.
US Opposes Sale of Russian Anti-Ballistic Missile System to Iran
War by other means - IMF _ World Bank are weapons of war , by John Pilger_031
IMF & World Bank are weapons of war , by John Pilger
How Turkish Troops Entered Syria with ISIS and Kurdish Assistance
Turkish troops entered Syria, as part of a well-planned operation, to relocate the remains of
Suleiman Shah. The “seamless” operation relied on alliances and...
The BBC Exposed
'Russian aggression' and how the BBC beats the drums of nuclear war
Oliver Tickell,says: The Lies are in what the media don't tell you.You would never know from the
BBC that the real threat to world peace is NATO and its deliberate
Ron Paul: US, EU Behind Ukraine Coup
He recalls the leaked phone conversation featuring Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland
chatting with the US Ambassador to Ukraine about who would and would not enter the new Ukrainian
Rare Amateur 9 11 Footage with audio NOT SHOW ON TV
‘Terrified, disorganized & high on drugs’: Brit fighting for Kurds describes ISIS militants
A former British soldier who left the country to join Kurdish fighters battling the Islamic
State has spoken about his experiences, claiming the majority of IS...
Interventionism Kills: Post-Coup Ukraine One Year Later
Russia's Economic Self-Reliance: Yes to Hemp, No to GMO
When not long ago Mr. Obama said that Western sanctions had left Russia's economy «in tatters»
he probably was not aware of one congenital creed so very...
Ukraine: Watch as Poroshenko LAUGHS during Maidan prayers
Petro Poroshenko appeared to laugh during prayers as thousands of people gathered in Kiev on
Sunday for a 'March of Dignity' to commemorate those who were ki...
It's Spreading: New York Times Calls For Cheney And Bush Officials To Be Indicted For Torture
In a hard-hitting editorial, the New York Times is calling for the investigation and indictment
of Dick Cheney and other Bush Admin. officials.
European Commission May Axe Hungary-Russia Nuclear Plant Deal
The Battle Behind the Fog of Propaganda: US Suffers Crushing Defeat in Debaltsevo >...
. Novorossiya. Ukraine. US. Strategic Culture Foundation
"Last week, Washington suffered its greatest military defeat in more than a decade when
Ukraine’s US-backed army was soundly routed in the major railway hub of Debaltsevo. Roughly,
8,000 Ukrainian regulars along with untold numbers of tanks and armored units were surrounded in
what-came-to-be-known-as “the cauldron.”
The army of the Donetsk Peoples Republic led by DPR commander Alexander Zakharchenko, encircled
the invading army and gradually tightened the cordon, eventually killing or capturing most of
the troops within the pocket.
The Ukrainian Armed Forces suffered major casualties ranging between 3,000 to 3,500 while a vast
amount of lethal military hardware was left behind.
According to Zakharchenko, “The amount of equipment Ukrainian units have lost here is beyond
Russia offers Iran latest anti-aircraft missile system
Snowden-Doku mit Oscar ausgezeichnet
Die Dokumentation über Edward Snowden der US-Regisseurin Laura Poitras ist mit einem Oscar
Snowden Film 'Citizenfour' Wins Oscar for Best Documentary
The fugitive leaker's globetrotting escapades are now officially part of Hollywood lore.
The Destabilization Doctrine: ISIS, Proxies and Patsies
The Zionist globalists have put that carefully crafted ISIS image to work...
Ukraine: War and Peace
"NATO’s goal [in Ukrainian crisis] is to recreate the Cold War, to create the Great Wall. In
other words, they want to split the EU from Russia from an economic standpoint, because it
always comes back to economics or resources no matter how you look at it," – American political
For 23 Years Israel Claims Iran “6 Months Away From Nuclear Bomb”
In 2013 GlobalPublicSquare interviewed Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif about Iran's nuclear
Iran: If Israel Attack We Will Destroy Tel Aviv In Six Minutes
In response to Israel's threats against Iran's nuclear facilities, Mujtabi Du Al-Nour, Iranian
Senior Revolutionary Guard, said that Iran could destroy Tel Aviv in six to
Islam in Australia is a minority religious affiliation. According to the 2011 census, 476,291
people, or 2.2% of the total Australian population, were Muslims
Bank for International Settlements by Joan Veon
World Bank Whistleblower Karen Hudes Reveals How The Global Elite Rule The World
When Central Banks Rule the World by joan veon
<Back in 2008-09 all that quantitative easing was in the billions. Today only 7 years later
it's now in the TRILLIONS.<
Heute Show Banke für garnix 11.04.2014
The European Union Explained*
The Collapse of The American Dream Explained in Animation
<interest being paid to priate banks instead of being paid to the people>
Money As Debt - Full Length Documentary
Der IWF als Vorbild der EU
Ukrainischer Botschafter im ARD: Neonazi-Brigaden sind ein Teil unserer Armee
<Big BS stories>
Evelin Piètza auf dem Endgame in Halle (Saale)
The Rich Hide an Estimated 21 Trillion in Offshore Accounts
Hundreds of Palestinians flee floods in Gaza as Israel opens dams
Hitlers Helfer: Kult um ukrain. Kriegsverbrecher u. Juden-Mörder Bandera u Waffen-SS-Division l
ISIL is Secret American Army in Middle East – US Historian / Sputnik International
US historian Webster Tarpley says that the United States created the Islamic State and uses
jihadists as its secret army to destabilize the Middle East.
Fresh leak at Fukushima nuclear plant sees 70-fold radiation spike
Kiew protestiert gegen Donbass-Besuch von Bundestagsabgeordneten / 21.02.2015
Kiew protestiert gegen den jüngsten Besuch von zwei Bundestagsabgeordneten im Konfliktgebiet
Donbass im Osten der Ukraine. Wie die „Ukrainskaja Prawda“ am...
Russland verweigert KAS-Leiter Schneider die Einreise
Tiere in Fabeln und Parabeln haben ihren Sinn und Zweck. Gilt gleich gar für jene perfide
Politik, die meint, sie könne sich alles erlauben!
USA gegründet vor 239 Jahren, davon 222 im Krieg (93%) -
Seit der Staatsgründung der USA vor 239 Jahren verging kein Jahrzehnt ohne eine kriegerische...
The Vineyard of the Saker: The Maidan - one year later
Blast rips through 500-strong rally in Kharkov, E. Ukraine
At least two people have been killed in an explosion in the center of Kharkov, Ukraine, during a
peace march, local media report. Around 500 people had...
UN Report Reveals How Israel is Coordinating with ISIS Militants Inside Syria
21WIRE + Your News Wire | Either way, Israel has blood on its hands in the Syrian conflict.
Griechenland muss wegen Nato-Mitgliedschaft im Euro bleiben
Der Kompromiss zwischen Griechenland und der Euro-Zone wurde auch unter militärischen
Gesichtspunkten geschlossen. Unmittelbar vor der Einigung hatten...
Poroshenko's cowardness betrayed the Ukrainian Army in Debaltseve --
In reality President Poroshenko sacrificed Ukrainian soldiers because he did not want to incur
the wrath of the war party in Kiev by ordering their retreat. Control of...
How EU projects blow billions of euros amidst austerity talks
Austerity may be hitting some countries hard, but looking at certain EU funded projects, one
would never know. From Brandenburg Airport to Donkeypedia, these...
Exposure of secret tax deals shows all multinationals must disclose tax country-by-country
Trade-related tax evasion may cost developing countries US$150 billion a year, according to
Christian Aid. Tax evasion and tax avoidance are estimated to cost the EU economy 1 trillion per
year, according to Tax Justice Network.
CIA’s Nuke Sting May Prompt New UN Review for Iran Nuclear Program
Suomessakin myytävistä riisituotteista on löytynyt erittäin myrkyllistä arseenia
The Logic of the Imperial Security State » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names
The Logic of the Imperial Security State
New evidence implicates pro-US opposition in Maidan killings during Kiev coup
Korsun massacre anniversary - what really pushed Crimea away from Ukraine
One Year Anniversary of the Maidan Protests in Ukraine
Press Statement
John Kerry
Secretary of State
Washington, DC
February 21, 2015
And finally, we join you in declaring, Slava Ukrayini. Glory to Ukraine.
Glory to Ukraine
It is sometimes accompanied by other slogans, such as:
Москалів на ножі![5][6] - Muscovites on knives!
Комуняку на гіляку![6] (also used by Ukrainian politicians, such as Oleh Lyashko[7]) - Hang
the Communist!
Москаляку на гіляку![8] - Hang the Muscovite!
Effects of odor on emotion, with implications
Yes, You Really Can Smell Emotions
Two Bills Introduced in Congress to Legalize and Legitimize Marijuana on a Federal Level
Not one but two bills have been proposed in Congress that could drastically reduce the size of
the police state. Contact your Congressperson inside this link.
NSA and GCHQ: Big Brother Would Have Never Believed | New Eastern Outlook
22.02.2015 Author: Vladimir Platov NSA and GCHQ: Big Brother Would Have Never Believed Column:
Society Region: USA in the World Recent days have been...
Maidan Madness: How the Virus Infected All of Ukraine (And Might Kill It)
NSA and GCHQ: Big Brother Would Have Never Believed | New Eastern Outlook
22.02.2015 Author: Vladimir Platov NSA and GCHQ: Big Brother Would Have Never Believed Column:
Society Region: USA in the World Recent days have been...
Betty's Book Report on Social Credit by Richard Eastman
Imperialism: A Study
American Social Credit - early video
Major C.H. Douglas on "The Causes of War" - part 2
Major C.H. Douglas on "Causes of War" - part 1
U.S., Turkey Sign Deal to Openly Arm ISIS-Linked Syrian Rebels
The U.S. and Turkey have signed an agreement to openly train and arm Syrian rebels, the majority
of whom have ties to ISIS. The deal was signed Thursday by...
Right of foreigners to vote
Geoengineering to Fight Global Warming, Pushed By Politicians and Scientists …But It May Do...
Proposals to use geoengineering to fight global warming are in the news. Indeed, humans have...
Obama Condemns Egypt Bombing ISIS in Retaliation for Slaughter of Christians...
CNSNews.comThe United States does not support...
The breakup of the federal government in the US is inevitable, as more and more Americans
disregard laws they disagree with, says Republican Congressman.
Italy Takes in Influx of Migrants as Violence Engulfs Libya
NATO-Russia jet scrambling hysteria: Who is the real threat?
The British media frenzy following Defense Secretary Michael Fallon’s accusation that Russia is
preparing an attack against the Baltic States warrants some...
CIA Funding Geoengineering to Weaponize Weather - #NewWorldNextWeek
America Has Been At War 93% of the Time – 222 Out of 239 Years – Since 1776
The U.S. Has Only Been At Peace For 21 Years Total Since Its Birth
An alternative independent non-commercial source for news, information and insight.
Please provide whatever you can- $1, $5, $10, $20, $50, $100- To Use your debit/credit card
Every little helps pay for hosting, bandwidth cost and other expenses. You may prefer to mail a
donation to. Tom. Po Box 365. Imperial Beach, California. 91933 USA. 619-407-7054
China Pivots Everywhere
Islamic State executes 150 civilians in western Iraq, official says
BBC Caught Lying About Ukraine Cease Fire
Kiev artillery nearly whacks BBC propagandist
The Canary in the Coal Mine: Why the Stratosphere is Still Relevant
Dr. Darin Toohey
Washington, DC
April 24, 2012
Is the UN Funding Terrorists? - Caleb Maupin asks Syrian Ambassador
Syria's Response to Internationlal Inquiry 9th Report
Bashar Al-Jaafari, Syria's Perm. Rep to the UN accusing the commission of bias.
US Support of Violent Neo-Nazis in Ukraine: Video Compilation
Shocking and insightful videos detailing the neo-Nazi, anti-Semitic, ultra-nationalist movement
Ukrainian neo-Nazis ‘taboo subject in the West’
The active role far-right groups have played on the pro-government side in Ukraine since the
violent coup of the last year has been ignored in the West merely because those groups are
anti-Russian, journalist and broadcaster Neil Clark, told RT.
Geoengineer questioned on aluminum toxicity
" Geoengineering pitch man, David Keith, only talks about the possibility of spraying us with
sulphates. But his own paper says they are ineffective, that spraying us with a million tons of
highly toxic nanoparticulate aluminum and barium would be much better. He once yet evaded it's
documented toxicity and overwhelming evidence that it's having a devastating effect on human
health - Chronic Lower Respiratory Disease has now surpassed stroke as the third leading cause
of the death in the United States and Alzheimers is now the sixth leading cause fo death."
The Not So Erratic Philosophy of Greece’s Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis
Huge Fire Engulfs One Of Worlds Largest Skyscrapers In Dubai
A huge dramatic fire has broken out at the Torch building in Dubai - one of the largest
skyscrapers in the world - and is quickly spreading throughout the entire
The Vineyard of the Saker: A few loose ends about Debaltsevo
Blogs of the Saker Community:French Saker: http://lesakerfrancophone.netRussian Saker: Saker: Saker: American Saker: Saker: Bro…
US “Easing Into” War with Syria Using ISIS Boogeyman | New Eastern Outlook
21.02.2015 Author: Tony Cartalucci US “Easing Into” War with Syria Using ISIS Boogeyman Column:
Politics Region: Middle East Country: Syria The US is a few...
As predicted, ISIS was a mere pretext for the US to slowly "ease into" direct military
intervention in Syria, against the Syrian military.
Now they are talking about giving their Al Qaeda foot soldiers radios to call in airstrikes,
allegedly against "ISIS." Since these foot soldiers ARE ISIS, who else do you think they will
actually call in airstrikes on? The Syrian Arab Army, of course.
If they go ahead with this, we'll only be a few "accidental" airstrikes on Syrian forces away
from Washington's long-dreamed of war against Damascus.
Expose the TPP: The Trans-Pacific Partnership
Israeli forces clash with Open Shuhada Street demonstrators in al-Khalil
Coup Plot in Venezuela Thwarted: Plotters Paid in US Dollars Planned on Assassinating the...
A coup plot against the Venezuelan government has been foiled, with both civilians and members
of the military detained, President Nicolas Maduro revealed...
No Charges for Cops Who Broke Into Innocent Man’s Home While He Slept and Shot Him 16 Times
Seconds after kicking in the door to his bedroom, 2 officers, looking for someone else, unloaded
20 shots, hitting this innocent man 16 times.
BOMBSHELL CONFESSION: Planting Drugs to Arrest Innocent People is "Part of the Game" Cop Says
"I have a method for getting people off the street that should not be there. Mouthy drivers,
street lawyers, assholes and just anyone else trying to make my job difficult"
Nato Prepares For War With Russia In Europe
Stars and Stripes reports that NATO’s Allied Land Command is using techniques used against the
Taliban in Afghanistan to prepare its ground forces for a war with Russia in Europe. Citing
“Russian a...
"It is one of the formulas which Nazi propaganda employed most successfully… They accuse the
party that is defending itself, of aggression."
America's Closest Allies Are Supporting and Funding the Islamic State
America’s top military official – the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Martin E.
Dempsey – and Senator Lindsey Graham admitted last September in a...
“ISIL got started through funding from our friends and allies” says Wesley Clark, a retired US
Gerald Celente - Europe Moving Away From U.S. After Ukraine Fiasco - King World News
With the world still watching for news out of Ukraine, today the top trends forecaster in the
world spoke with King World News about the ramifications of the West's...
Treating Addictions and Cancer Anxiety
Suspended for decades after controversial results,...
US Sponsored Coup d’Etat: The Destabilization of Haiti
Haiti's president ruling by decree after parliament dissolved
Barack Obama has Installed a Dictatorship In Haiti
Since January 12, 2015, Michel Martelly has ruled Haiti by decree with US-UN guns backing up his
dictatorship. The UN Security council, led by Samantha Powers, the United States Ambassador to
the U...
Michel Joseph Martelly (born 12 February 1961) is a Haitian politician, former musician and
businessman. Since May 2011, he is the President of Haiti, having
No Evidence of Russian Military Hardware Presence in Ukraine – Hollande / Sputnik International
There is no evidence of Russian military hardware presence in Ukraine, French President Francois
Hollande said at a joint news conference with German...
UK Media Demonizing Russia as ‘Guilty’ of Daring to Resist US Empire - Russia Insider
This article originally appeared at RTThe demonization of Vladimir Putin and Russia by the
British political establishment and media has never been as intense as in...
"Vladimir Putin and Russia’s crime is to dare to resist this US Empire, taking a stand against
the hypocrisy, double standards, and complete lack of respect for other countries, cultures, and
values it represents. The concerted attempt to expand NATO and an ever more militant EU all the
way up to Russia’s border has nothing to do with democracy and everything to do with the
projection of imperial power masquerading as democracy."
The Global Stakes of the Ukraine Crisis. The Failure of Western Civilization
War party bigotry and hate may be enough to drive neo-Nazis leading Kiev in the Ukraine civil
war. But the reverse blame of Putin and Russia by corporate media...
State Department's Nuland Threw a Fit over Merkel-Hollande in Minsk - Russia Insider
This article originally appeared at Deep ResourceThere are increasingly signs that Merkel and
Hollande operated behind the backs of the Americans, when they...
Kiev Ambassador to Germany: Neo-Nazis are part of our forces. Without them Russia would defeated
Kiev Ambassador to Germany: Neo-Nazis are part...
President Poroshenko Betrayed Ukrainian Army in Debaltseve / Sputnik International
In reality President Poroshenko sacrificed Ukrainian soldiers because he did not want to incur
the wrath of the war party in Kiev by ordering their retreat.
<Merkel and Hollande wanted to save the soldiers of the fascist Kiev army from a debacle at
Debaltseve. Raise your hand if you think they would have lifted their little finger if it were
the Eastern Ukrainian soldiers that were surrounded and about to be annihilated.
Germany to Decide Where the EU Goes next on Russia, Greece
Germany holds the key to where Europe goes next. A fragile deal may have been reached on
Ukraine, but there’s still no deal with Greece. In both cases, there’s much more than meets the
eye. Let’s s...
Greek officials swear they never received a draft of a possible agreement leaked by Eurogroup
bureaucrats to the Financial Times
‘Russian Bomber Over UK’ Story ‘Not True At All’ - UK Defense Ministry
‘We couldn’t cope’: UK would lose war against Russia – senior RAF officers
Britain could not withstand a military attack from Russia, according to the former head of the
Royal Air Force (RAF) Sir Michael Graydon.
ECB prepares for Greece’s exit from euro - media
The European Central Bank is preparing a contingency plan for Greece leaving the single currency
zone. According to Germany’s Spiegel magazine it looks at ways to keep the rest of the eurozone
Perustuslakivaliokunta: Sote-esitystä muutettava merkittävästi, rikkoo perustuslakia
Pääministeri Alexander Stubb (kok.) on kutsunut eduskuntapuolueiden edustajat neuvonpitoon
illalla. Neuvotteluissa sovitaan, miten uudistusta jatketaan....
Cop Beats High School Kid So Bad Even the Cop’s Own Department Told the Family to File a
After exchanging words with a plainclothes deputy, a high school boy was subsequently given the
beating of his lifetime.
MIT Researcher: Glyphosate Herbicide will Cause Half of All Children to Have Autism by 2025
For over three decades, Stephanie Seneff, PhD, has researched biology and technology, over the
The Real Reason Wheat is Toxic (it’s not the gluten)
The real reason you need to stop eating toxic wheat even if you don't currently have a wheat or
gluten sensitivity.
Common wheat harvest protocol in the United States is to drench the wheat fields with Roundup
several days before the combine harvesters work through the fields as the practice allows for an
earlier, easier and bigger harvest
The Top Ten Myths in the War Against Libya » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names
The Top Ten Myths in the War Against Libya
3,000 ISIS infiltrators may enter Turkey, plan to attack diplomatic targets – report
Up to 3,000 trained jihadists are seeking to cross into Turkey from Syria and Iraq, with
intentions of striking diplomatic targets belonging to anti-ISIS coalition...
'US, Turkey seeking to oust Assad'
US Sends "Tankbuster" Jets To Europe Over Russia Fears After Germany Says "A Large Scale War...
Karl-Georg Wellmann, a lawmaker in Angela Merkel’s Christian Democratic Union has warned that,
despite its efforts to avoid arms being provided to Ukraine,...
No Signs of Russian Military Activity Detected on Border With Ukraine
CIA Looking Into Weather Modification As A Form of Warfare
This week, a top American climate researcher – Professor Alan Robock from Rutgers – says that
the CIA is looking into weather modification as a form of warfare. The Independent reports: A
senior Am..
‘High poverty, deep disunity’: German wage inequality hits historic high
Guardian Corrects Anti-Russian Story Based on 'Research' of Own Reporter / Sputnik International
The Guardian was forced to correct an article by Eliot Higgins, a self-styled "citizen
journalist", who claimed Russian military units fired on the Ukrainian Army from...
Dokumentation: Die Griechenland-Lüge
Newly Appointed White House Head of Comm Jen Psaki's Greatest Hits (VIDEO)
ISIS threatens to send 500,000 migrants to Europe as a 'psychological weapon' in chilling echo
of Gaddafi's prophecy that the Mediterranean 'will become a sea of chaos'
But the Arab Spring uprising that year sparked a civil war in Libya and opposition forces -
backed by NATO - deposed Gaddafi in violent coup just five months after his ominous prediction.
Four years later, Islamic State kidnapped 21 Egyptian Coptic Christians in Sirte - Gaddafi's
Egypt is calling the West’s bluff over its phony war on ISIS
Western states are trumpeting ISIS as the latest threat to civilisation, claiming total
commitment to their defeat, and using the group’s conquests in Syria and Iraq as...
Debaltseve Trap is Failure of Ukrainian Military – Western Media
Demolishing Libya: How "Humanitarian Interventions" Come Back to Haunt Us
If ever there was a brutalised poster boy for the failure of humanitarian intervention, then
CIA Funds Execution of Egyptian Christians
ISIS wouldn't have grown without CIA backing.
Exposing the connection between ISIS, Saudi Arabia and the CIA.
BBC 'reporter' near-miss with Ukrainian shell while accusing Rebels of doing the shelling
Son of US VP Joe Biden appointed to board of major Ukrainian gas company
Hunter Biden, son of US VP Joe Biden, is joining the board of directors of Burisma Holdings,
Joe Biden: "I Am A Zionist. You Don't Have To A Jew To Be A Zionist"
The Rothschild Zionism Secret Regime in America - A...
Former French Foreign Minister: The War against Syria was Planned Two years before "The Arab
In an interview with the French TV station LCP, former French minister for Foreign Affairs
Roland Dumas said: ‘’ I’m going to tell you something. I was in England two...
Obama's "Fake War" against the Islamic State (ISIS). The Islamic State is Protected by the US...
Since August 2014, the US Air Force with the support of a coalition of 19 countries has
relentlessly waged...
If You Can't Make It Fake It: UK Claims Russian Missiles in Ukraine
Russians Know Western Sanctions Have Nothing to Do with Ukraine - Russia Insider
The Saker is our regular contributor. This article also appeared at The Vineyard of the SakerI
parse the Russian media (corporate and social) on a daily basis and I...
Ruotsissa kokeillaan kuuden tunnin työpäivää – haluaisitko vastaavan Suomeen?
Ruotsalaisessa sairaalassa kokeillaan työpäivän lyhentämistä ilman palkkojen leikkauksia.
Tarkoituksena on vähentää työntekijöiden sairauslomia.
Russia Begins Deployment of New Nebo-M Anti-Missile Radar Facilities
Russia's adequate response to US military expansion in Eastern Europe
Friendly Reminder from Russia: We Are Ready for War - Are You? -...
The Role of British Imperialism in the Atlantic Slave Trade
A six part historical fiction television series recently concluded its premiere over the
Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) network. It is airing over Black Entertainment
Television (BET). Thi...
Excuse Me; Is This the Bus to Wonderland?
Welcome to Wonderland My God it's half past eight Who cares if you came late We don't care where
you've been You're gonna fit right in A little fun detour A little crazy, sure Don't get all
The Hilarity of George Soros in Munich | New Eastern Outlook
19.02.2015 Author: F. William Engdahl The Hilarity of George Soros in Munich Column: Politics
Region: USA in the World Sometimes I come across a comment...
F. William Engdahl attempts to unravel Soros' claim that Ukraine is a "Ukraine is what the
European Union ought to be — a participatory democracy."
What exactly is democratic about Nazi death squads unleashed on anyone who rejects a regime that
came to power via violent street mobs armed and backed by foreign interests?
SHOCKING! Satanic Ritual Abuse & Child Snatching EXPOSED with Sabine McNeill
WOW! Revealing The SHOCKING Truth About The Satanic Ritual Case that has gone viral on the...
Fort Russ: The Beautiful Truth about Minsk II & The Debaltsevo Debacle
Home > Untagged The Beautiful Truth about Minsk II & The Debaltsevo Debacle The Beautiful Truth
about Minsk II & The Debaltsevo Debacle By: Joaquin Flores...
Kiev Ambassador to Germany: Neo Nazis are part of our forces.
Without them Russia would defeated
usKiev Ambassador to Germany: Neo Nazis are part...
Around 3,000 Ukrainian Soldiers Killed in Debaltseve Battle - DPR Official
"Kiev wasn’t interested in the lives of so many military personnel"
ZDF caught lying | "Russian invasion" to Ukraine backed up by 2008 photo
Maidan violence anni marked by Ukrainian soldiers retreating from war trap
Obama to Give Jihadists the Ability to Order Airstrikes
The Obama administration is preparing to equip the so-called “moderate” Syrian rebels with the
ability to order U.S. air strikes despite the group’s admitted allegiance to the Islamic State.
Despite the Obama administration’s claims, countless intelligence and military officials have
stated that the “moderate” rebels are essentially non-existent, with well over 90 percent being
with terrorist groups or aligned in ideology.
Debaltsevo graced by a Novorossia flag and a new Greek mayor, 2015LifenewsTranslated by Kristina RusThe new
mayor of Debaltsevo is Greek in sixth generationA former...
Hungary PM criticizes EU partners trying to isolate Moscow
Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban has criticized EU’s attempts to isolate Moscow, in
particular blaming former Polish PM and President of the European...
The strategic implications of the battle for Debaltsevo (UPDATED)
ISIS have fetish for kinky underwear, Viagra, and ‘abnormal sex’ – report
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