Was sick the last two days. Sorry for missing some aricles.
Journalist who sent ‘last message from Aleppo’ shows off with suicide
And Bana Alabed, the little girl who was turned into the face of Aleppo
civilian suffering by her activist family with a little help from the
MSM, is in Turkey meeting some of that country’s top officials.
<Her father is one of the jihadi>
UN probe into Aleppo aid convoy attack fails to identify perpetrator
<Wow. "We don't know what happened. We have no evidence and can't prove
anything. But we think it was Russia" Good investigation. Reminds me of
<The trucks look like they have been put on fire, nothing more.>
American journalists who 'danced' on Russian Ambassador’s grave have no
How The Military Excluded The White House From International Syria
Fox News analyst calls the killer of Russian Ambassador a "gentleman"
Fox News contributor tries her best to understand the motives behind…
Should Russia Be Crucified Because It Mainly Exports Natural Resources?
US president Obama has a history of negative (and inacurate) statements on…
BUSTED! The US Sent ISIS $1.5 Billion in Weapons from Europe, Ukraine
The New Eastern Outlook website has an extraordinary article up by the
excellent French investigative reporter Jean Perier, exposing the
massive arms sales that have been going on between Eastern European
countries, including Ukraine, and ISIS.Perier points out that a lot of
these arms are of Soviet...
New York Daily News comes out in support of Al Qaeda assassinations of
diplomats, as long as they are Russian diplomats
The New York Daily News is one step away from calling on all jihadist
radicals to target Russian diplomats, as a justified response to
Russia's war against ISIS.
Wer in Syrien wirklich kämpft: Die schwarze Liste der Schande des Westens
Der Westen beklagt mit großem Pathos den Fall von Aleppo. Was die EU und
Revealed! Putin personally hacked DNC from surveillance aircraft with
bear on board
Shocking revelations earlier this week as US intelligence officials
confirmed with “high confidence” that Russian President Vladimir Putin
was “personally involved”…
Nachdem sie die Fahrer ermordet & die Autobusse zu Evakuierung von
Zivilisten angezündet hatten, machten Syrien-Rebellen in Idlib Selfies
Simple truth behind war in Syria, explained in one simple chart that
Obama White House does not want you see
Aleppo Liberation Exposed Mainstream Media and Their Lies About Syria
Radio Sputnik discussed the situation in East Aleppo with Vanessa
Beeley, an investigative journalist and peace activist, who has just
returned from the city and is currently in the Syrian capital, Damascus.
Daraa 2011: Syria’s Islamist Insurrection in Disguise
Two months later a US intelligence report said: ‘The total casualties
for the Hama incident probably number about 2,000. This includes an
estimated 300 to 400 members of the Muslim Brotherhood’s elite ‘Secret
Apparatus’ (DIA 1982: 7).
Egypt, the Muslim Brotherhood and America’s War on Syria
The West's next proxy war is being stopped before it starts in Egypt.
Syria: Democracy vs. Foreign Invasion. Who is Bashar Al Assad?
Documentary - Meeting ISIL (PressTV goes deep inside the terrorist group)
Neocon panic and agony
One way or another, we are headed for a crisis, the only open question
whether the USA will come out of this crisis liberated or doomed.
First thyroid cancer case in Japan recognized as Fukushima-related &
compensated by govt
Turkish convoys loaded with TOW and MANPAD missiles waiting to equip
Terrorists in Syria
Turkey in "full court press" while terrorist NGO's load up with Raytheon
weapons for al Qaeda and ISIS. Why doesn't Trump know? Why is he silent
on this and Israel's role?
Evacuation of militants from east Aleppo suspended
The ceasefire has been a Jack-in-the-Box affair, up and down every day.
No one expected it to be easy, as the jihadis did not really have a
unified command, and tempers and passions are raw now.
We also had reports that the US coalition was wanting it stalled to get
a few more days of fake news stories out about the Syrian army eating
babies in Aleppo. Western press has been most accommodating, publishing
any atrocity story sent to it.
A CIA Source Has Informed Me that Paul Krugman Voted 100 Times for
Hillary Clinton
My source at the CIA, who will remain anonymous, has told me recently
with “a…
If "facts" can be established simply by what "anonymous intelligence
sources" tell reporters, we remain in grave threat from irresponsible
Craig Murray says source of Hillary Clinton campaign Wikileaks emails a
‘disgusted’ Democrat
A Wikileaks figure is claiming that he received leaked Clinton campaign
emails from a “disgusted” Democratic whistleblower, while the White
House continued to blame…
Former British Ambassador Craig Murray says he flew to Washington D.C.
and physically collected the DNC emails for Wikileaks. He claims to have
"received a package in a wooded area near American University." The
emails did not come from the Russians but from a disgruntled DNC insider.
Why Bashar al-Assad remains popular among the Syrian people
Until the current crisis, Syria was a largely stable and peaceful nation
since 1970 -…
Counter-Propaganda Bill Quietly Creates US Propaganda Factory
The US Congress just used the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA)
to create a “Global Engagement Center,” headed by the Secretary of
State. Sounds…
George Soros leads line-up of Facebook fake news fact check donors
George Soros, who has given more than $25million to Clinton's campaign and…
<'Clinton mega donor George Soros leads line-up of liberal billionaires
funding Facebook's fake news fact checker'>
If You Have Nothing to Hide . . .
For years, the national security establishment has been telling us, “If
you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear.” Ergo, the feds
ought to...
Deutsche NATO-Offiziere in Aleppo verhaftetet – Bundeswehr machte mit IS
gemeinsame Sache
Nach Angaben des Voltaire Netzwerks, sind 14 NATO-Offiziere in einem
IS-Bunker im von den syrischen Regierungstruppen befreiten Aleppo
entdeckt und verhaftet…
The Assads: Washington’s One-Time Favorite Family in Damascus
As early as 1983, an anti-Assad faction in the CIA began to emerge. In a
Secret memo, dated September 14, 1983, it was stated: “The U.S. should
consider sharply escalating the pressures against Assad through covertly
orchestrating simultaneous military threats against Syria from three
border states hostile to Syria : Iraq, Israel, and Turkey. Fast forward
from 1983 to today and the policy is the very same one being used to
force Bashar al Assad from power in Syria.
Hillary’s ‘Russian Hack’ Hoax: The Biggest Lie of This Election Season
Patrick Henningsen | Are American politicians so callous as to tempt
The longer this soap opera drags on, it’s becoming more and more evident
that the Russian government did not ‘hack’ into the DNC, and Moscow is
not feeding John Podesta’s emails to Wikileaks. For those who are deeply
invested in this now official conspiracy theory, however, this might be
a hard pill to swallow.
“It turned out that the hackers had not compromised the state system or
even any county system. They had, however, stolen the username and
password of a single election official in Gila County.”
The 'Aleppo Hospital' Smokescreen: Covering up Al Qaeda Massacres in Syria,…
Climate Scientists Laugh at Global Warming Hysteria
Media Silent As US-Backed Saudi Forces Starve Half Million Yemeni Children
The United Nations warned that 8,000 children could suffer from severe…
<Why is mainstream media focusing only on Aleppo, while ignoring US war
crimes in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Yemen?>
*********very extensive**********************************
Journey To Aleppo Part I: Exposing The Truth Buried Under NATO Propaganda
The Syrian people are suffering under the ‘moderate rebels’ and
‘opposition forces’ backed by the US, NATO member states and their
allies in the Gulf states and Israel. Yet their suffering is largely
ignored in the mainstream media unless it furthers the agenda dictated
by the State Department.
63% of Disqualified Detroit Precincts Had Too Many Hillary Clinton Votes
- HNN - Higgins News Network
Fraud Audit Underway: Scanners in 248 of Detroit’s 392 disqualified
precincts counted more ballots than the actual number of voters.
Overthrowing Other People’s Governments: The Master List of U.S. “Regime
Global Research Editor’s note: To this list published in February 2013,
we must add Ukraine, where Viktor Yanukovych was successfully ousted in
February 2014.
The original source of this article is William Blum
"Silly Rhetoric and Laughable Nonsense": Obama Vows Retaliation Against
Russia for Nonexistent US Election Hacking
The atmosphere in America is surreal and…
The atmosphere in America is surreal and dangerous: imperial madness
combined with escalated war on fundamental freedoms.
With five weeks left in office, Obama seems determined to leave in a
greater blaze of infamy than already, the most lawless, reckless
president in living memory.
He’s a greater war criminal than all his predecessors, heading America’s
police state apparatus hardened on his watch, a serial liar, trying to
provoke Russia into a belligerent confrontation.
BREAKING: Fourteen US-Led Coalition Military Advisers Captured by Syrian
Forces in Aleppo
At least 14 US-led coalition military advisers have been captured by the
Syrian Special Forces in a bunker in the city of Aleppo, according to
media reports. The…
‘I never met a Clinton supporter who was influenced by hacked emails’ –
Scott Adams, Dilbert creator
Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton has been quoted as
saying that FBI Director James Comey and Russian President Vladimir
Putin were the chief…
The "Elite" Coup Of 2016
The CIA is heavily supported by the same mainstream media that pushed
for Clinton during the election. (These are, not by chance, also the
same media that pushed the CIA's earlier "Saddam's Weapon of Mass
Destruction" campaign.)
Wer in Syrien wirklich kämpft: Die schwarze Liste der Schande des Westens
Der Westen beklagt mit großem Pathos den Fall von Aleppo. Was die EU und
die Bundesregierung nicht sagen: In Aleppo wie in Syrien kämpfen vor
allem Söldner-Trupps, die vom Westen und seinen Verbündeten finanziert
werden. Ohne sie hätte es in Syrien keinen Krieg gegeben.
NYT Mocks PizzaGate as Impossible, But Its CEO Covered up Jimmy Savile
The former BBC director who tried to keep decades of child abuse under
wraps is now CEO of the New York Times — an outspoken defender of elites
implicated in PizzaGate
CIA meddled in ‘hundreds’ of elections: Ron Paul talks Russia-blaming,
fake news and more on RT
Syria hands over evidence of mustard gas attack by rebels on civilians
Ukraine kicked to the curb at the EU summit
The EU member states have agreed to a Dutch ultimatum on Ukraine, which
prevents the country from attaining membership or even candidate status,
receiving military or financial assistance from the bloc, and denies
Ukrainian nationals the right to live and work in the 28-nation union.
As it stands, the most Ukraine will get out of its blood-soaked
association deal with the European Union is a visa free regime for
tourists. Here too, however, the final decision has been postponed to
the spring of next year, despite earlier promises that it would happen
by the end of 2016.
Breaking News: John McCain’s 1969 “Tokyo Rose” Propaganda Recording
Released Showing he WAS a Traitor who Turned Against His Own Country
Congress Votes to Give Jihadists Anti-Aircraft Missiles
On Thursday, the Senate passed a bill that puts every American who
travels by plane at risk. It is among the stupidest pieces of
legislation ever written and it…
The CIA Is Accusing Russia Of Doing Exactly What The CIA Does | Zero Hedge
There’s a grim irony to this. The CIA is accusing Russia of interfering
in our free…
New York Times to Vacate 'at Least' Eight Floors as Profits Tumble -
The New York Times is planning to vacate "at least eight floors" in its
Show us proof: Wikileaks challenges Obama to submit evidence of Russian
hacking for verification -- Sott.net
Following Barack Obama's vow to take action against Russia for its
alleged hacking of the DNC and Hillary Clinton's campaign chair John
Podesta's emails, WikiLeaks…
Guess Who's Behind Facebook's New 'Fake News' Detector?
Are you terrified of "fake news"? Don't worry, the elites are doing
something to…
‘Like a Prostitute’: 91% of French Respondents say the Media Lies in a
Twitter Poll
A French journalist created a stir on Twitter after launching an open
poll which asks if people think the media lies. At least 91 percent of
the respondents said ‘yes,’…
Hollande a no-hoper if he stands for re-election: poll
Opinion polls on Thursday showed nearly 90 percent of voters take a
negative view of Hollande's presidency.
Francois Hollande scores lowest poll for a French president
A 17% approval rating, an average of 18% since January 2014, constitutes
unpopularity unprecedented in the history of the Fifth Republic.
Francois Hollande gives the impression of a president disconnected from
his ideas, his party and his people.
French poll: 58% say Assad should stay in power
A French newspaper, Le Figaro, found that at least 58 percent of the
90,000 respondents to a poll on whether Syrian President Bashar Assad
should stay in power, do want him to stay in power.
Nach der Verhaftung von Nato-Offizieren in Aleppo tagt der
Sicherheitsausschuss hinter verschlossenen Türen
[Voltaire Netzwerk] Heute, Freitag, den 16.…
Obama Plans Retaliatory Strike on Russia Before He Leaves Office
The massive "Russian hacking" red herring being inflated by the US
REPORTS: At Least 10 ‘NATO’ Military Officers Captured by Syrian Special
Forces This Morning in East Aleppo Bunker
According to Alcharifi, Captured NATO officers were from a number of
member states including the US, France, Germany and Turkey, as well as
The nationalities are US, French, British, German, Israeli, Turkish,
Saudi, Moroccan, Qatari etc. In light of their nationalities and their
rank, I assure you that the Syrian government have a very important
catch, which should enable them to direct negotiations with the
countries that have tried to destroy them”
Indian Security Forces Are Blinding Hundreds Of Protesters With Shotgun
In the past five months more than 6,000 people, mostly young men, have
been injured by shotgun pellets, including hundreds blinded in one or
both eyes.
It's Been 50 Years Since the Biggest US-Backed Genocide You've Never
Heard Of
As many as 1 million people were killed by Indonesia's Cold War
regime—and we still don't know the full story of our government's
Fifty years ago today, one of the biggest mass murders of the 20th
century began in Indonesia. On the heels of a Cold War-era military
takeover, between 500,000 and 1 million people were slaughtered by the
army and civilian death squads—with support from the US government.
Starting in October 1965 and continuing through much of the next year,
these Indonesian victims were accused of being communists, whether or
not they supported the country's communist party: Many were targeted
simply because they were seen as opponents of the new US-supported,
military-backed Indonesian regime.
The United States of Genocide: Putting the US on Trial for Genocide
Against the Peoples of Korea, Laos, Viet Nam, Cambodia, Iraq, and Elsewhere
The United States of America was built on a foundation of genocide
against the Indigenous peoples of North America. In fact, all successful
settler colonial societies are founded in genocide. The process is one
of dispossession – the erasure of one group identity and the imposition
of another on the people and/or on the land. But genocide is not merely
the foundation of the US nation state, it is also the foundation of the
US empire. The US habit of genocide has not died, but has transformed.
The US has become a serial perpetrator of genocide with the blood of
many millions of innocents spilled in pursuit of imperial hegemony.
How Come No One Involved in the Russian Hacking Conspiracy Talked?
The claims that the Russian government hacked US voting machines are
absurd. Voting machines are not connected to the Internet. To hack a
voting machine you have to be physically in proximity to the machine and
use a hand held device. The machines can be programmed to throw the vote
count to one candidate or the other, and there are other ways to
interfere with elections.
Julian Assange Proof of Life Interview w/ Sean Hannity 12/15/2016
Facebook begins rolling out "fake news" censorship program..."Legitimate
news outlets won't be able to be flagged"
Deutschland und die Uno gegen Syrien
Aleppo Twitter Girl Bana Is the 'Ultimate Propaganda Stunt' - Syrian
A Syrian activist Maytham Al Ashkar contacted the 7-year-old Twitter
star, Bana…
However, it seems lack of Arabic on the part of Bana's mother is just as
unlikely as Bana's flawless English.
"According to the media, Bana's mother studied law. This means that she
has studied the Syrian curriculum for 12 years, which is all in Arabic,
plus 4 years at university, where all the subjects are taught in
Arabic," Maytham told Sputnik. Maytham got hold of the city authorities
and the Syrian Army to facilitate Bana's evacuation from Aleppo.
"Everything was set for their [Bana's family] evacuation, and the
governor of Aleppo was following up with me personally," Maytham told
Aleppo Victory… US and its Crime Partners Suffer ‘Meltdown of Sanity’
Finian CUNNINGHAM: The US and its terrorist-sponsoring partners are seeing…
‘Ministry of Truth’? Facebook to use 3rd party fact-checkers to mark
fake news
1 DAY BEFORE 911 WTC Attacks, An Amazing Thing Happened
US Intel Vets Dispute Russia Hacking Claims
Allegations of Hacking Election Are Baseless
Leak: When someone physically takes data out of an organization and
gives it to some other person or organization, as Edward Snowden and
Chelsea Manning did.
Hack: When someone in a remote location electronically penetrates
operating systems, firewalls or any other cyber-protection system and
then extracts data.
All signs point to leaking, not hacking. If hacking were involved, the
National Security Agency would know it – and know both sender and recipient.
WikiLeaks Says "DISGUSTED" DNC Insider Source Of Leaked Emails NOT The
#FakeNews Onslaught Against Syria Continues: Zionist Hollywood Trots Out
A Celebrity Army To Lie About Aleppo
There is no such a thing in America as an independent press, unless it
is out in country towns. You are all slaves. You know it, and I know it.
There is not one of you who dares to express an honest opinion. If you
expressed it, you would know beforehand that it would never appear in
print. I am paid $150 for keeping honest opinions out of the paper I am
connected with. Others of you are paid similar salaries for doing
similar things. If I should allow honest opinions to be printed in one
issue of my paper, I would be like Othello before twenty-four hours: my
occupation would be gone. The man who would be so foolish as to write
honest opinions would be out on the street hunting for another job. The
business of a New York journalist is to distort the truth, to lie
outright, to pervert, to villify, to fawn at the feet of Mammon, and to
sell his country and his race for his daily bread, or for what is about
the same — his salary. You know this, and I know it; and what foolery to
be toasting an "Independent Press"! We are the tools and vassals of rich
men behind the scenes. We are jumping-jacks. They pull the string and we
dance. Our time, our talents, our lives, our possibilities, are all the
property of other men. We are intellectual prostitutes.
John Swinton (1829–1901) was a Scottish-American journalist, newspaper
publisher, and orator.
What Is The Real Purpose Behind "Fake News" Propaganda?
Here is the first problem with modern political discourse - too many
people want to “win” arguments instead of getting to the greater truth
of the matter. Discussions become brinkmanship. Opponents launch into
immediate attacks instead of simply asking valid questions. They assert
immediately that their position is the only valid position without
verification. When confronted with rational responses and ample
evidence, they dismiss everything instead of pondering what you have
handed them. After this line is crossed, there is no point in continuing
the debate. It will go on forever.
This is one of the great tragedies of the Saul Alinsky method of
political confrontation; it has bred entire generations of people who
now believe that there is no objective truth. They think everything is
relative. Because of this belief, they assume that there is no wrong or
right side, no wrong or right goal. Instead, there are only goals that
are MORE right than the goals of others. Everything boils down to a
“lesser of two evils” mentality, and the ends therefore justify the
means. Using dishonest measures to win the fight becomes acceptable.
UK & US claim Russia ‘preventing’ Aleppo aid as Red Cross & UN speak of
close cooperation
As Moscow is wondering why there is no aid coming to Syria from the US
and the EU, despite statements on civilians’ plight in Aleppo, the UK
and US defense ministers allege that Russia is hampering humanitarian
action. The Red Cross and the UN say the opposite.
Ode to Joy: Syrians Celebrate the Liberation of Aleppo
‘Unlike Western mainstream media, I’ve spent the last three days in East
<Brent Budowsky talks like a Orwellian Nazi>
Former Human Rights Defender Samantha Power To Receive Award From War
Criminal Henry Kissinger
Power, who once criticized U.S. empire building, recently defended the
United States’ intervention in Libya, although she admitted that, ‘The
aftermath has proven very challenging.’
‘Unlike Western mainstream media, I’ve spent the last three days in East
Ukrainian forces violate ceasefire regime 1243 times over past 24 hours
The Ukrainian security officers have fired 1243 times at the frontline
territories of the Donetsk People's Republic over past 24 hours,
reported the Vice-Commander of…
Why is US Fuming About Aleppo Liberation?
After the Syrian Armed Forces ousted militant groups from eastern
Aleppo, freeing the city from rebel control, media outlets including the
New York Times immediately…
Aleppo: UN beschuldigt die syrische Armee, Gräueltaten begangen zu haben
Those “final messages” from Aleppo Syria look more like a coordinated PR
Channel 4's Deleted Video Normalising Child Beheaders, al-Zenki
Channel 4 News promoted known war criminals in Syria, and is now hiding
its own report [VIDEO]
‘It is militants who kill people’: Aleppo residents contradict MSM reports
wikileaks: Discussions about Russia's alleged involvement in the US
presidential race are completely senseless as the CIA has not yet
produced any evidence of any intervention from the outside, German
newspaper Sueddeutsche Zeitung reported.
Why West Continues to Spread Myths About 'Syrian Army's Atrocities in
For months, Western reporters have failed to state the obvious: that
they cannot send their dispatches from 'rebel' areas because the
'rebels' would slit their throats open – or hand them over to other
'rebels' who would," the journalist noted.
Mainstream media's latest psy-op: Alleged "atrocities" against people of
Aleppo by Syrian Arab Army
The recent barrage of reports alleging that the Syrian Arab Army is
committing "atrocities" against the liberated people of Aleppo stems
from unsubstantiated Twitter accounts and melodramatic YouTube videos.
MSM Create #Fakenews Storm As Rebel Aleppo Vanishes
A UN human rights office does not exists. What the BBC means is the
Office of the U.N. High Commissioner of Human Rights (OHCHR). That
commissioner is the Jordanian Prince Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein, a Hashemite
educated in the UK and U.S. and a relative of the Jordanian dictator
king. That is relevant to note as Jordan is heavily involved in the
supporting the "rebels" against the Syrian government.
2. The office has not "said" that "82 civilians were shot" or other such
gruesome stuff. It said that there were "sources" that have "reports"
that such happened. From its press statement today:
<"It's true because I saw it on Twitter." << US media verification and
fact checking process
(But only if what they saw on Twitter supports the US narrative;
otherwise it can be safely ignored.)>
Peace in Aleppo, No More Terrorists, “No Need for a Ceasefire”. Another
Politically Motivated UN Security Council Session on Syria
Churkin called Ban Ki-moon’s participation in the session “ill-advised,”
adding “speaking (at) a formal meeting of the UN Security Council, he
shouldn’t be relying on unchecked information.”
He “should be more careful to not be an instrument to spread fake news.”
Ban called Aleppo’s liberation a “dark day,” his comment one of many
examples of subservience to Washington, supporting its imperial wars,
mindless of the human toll, refusing to credit Syrian and allied forces
for freeing eastern Aleppo residents from brutalized captivity.
‘When camera gone they leave people under rubble’ – Aleppo residents on
Western-backed White Helmets
"Aleppo Atrocities": The Mainstream Media's Latest Psy-Op
The recent barrage of reports alleging that the Syrian Arab Army is
committing "atrocities" against the liberated people of Aleppo stems
from unsubstantiated…
Former NSA Officer William Binney: CIA Lying About Russians Hacking DNC
Whistleblower William Binney, a former National Security Agency
official, is…
Syria: Western countries only sent aid to terrorists - Assad in
exclusive RT interview
Syrian President Bashar al-Assad stated that "all the aid that any
Western country sent was to the…
Aleppo: the untold story
Treating the murderous religious extremists who have occupied East
Aleppo for four years as heroes is distorting the reality of this
terrible war
Judge Makes SHOCK Claim - It Wasn't Russia - It was AMERICANS
Judge Andrew Napolitano is a lion of liberty – a libertarian and former
federal judge, he puts the law and the Constitution first. He’s been
following the Hillary email…
It is more likely than not that members of the American intelligence
community leaked this to Julian Assange than that the Russians did… The
suggestion comes from members of the intelligence community.
Who is Behind "Fake News"? Mainstream Media Use Fake Videos and Images
The mainstream corporate media is desperate. They want to suppress
independent and alternative online media, which they categorize as "fake
news". Readers on…
It’s now beyond question that prolonged violence in Syria is in
Washington’s interest
Rare good news from Syria, of the nearing liberation of Aleppo from
jihadist Syrian rebels, was overshadowed this week by news that ISIS
fighters had recaptured…
America's Shrillest Laptop Bombardier and Famous Warmonger Samantha
Power Wants to Know if Russia Is Even Capable of Shame (Video)
It's absolutely shameful how Russia has helped kick al-Qaeda from
Syria's biggest city -- a crime on par with Rwanda
Interview 891 – Christopher Black Destroys the Myth of the Rwandan
“Genocide” : The Corbett Report
Christopher Black is a Toronto-based international criminal lawyer who
has spent the last 14 years successfully defending former Rwandan
Gendarmerie General Augustin Ndindiliyimana at the International
Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda. In that 14 years, Black has uncovered
copious evidence about what re...
The Eiffel Tower Will Go Dark to Honor Aleppo
The iconic Paris landmark will turn off the lights
NATO's terrorists have lost Aleppo. All the fascist terrorist
supporters are very sad now>
11 December, 2016
A police Brigadier General addresses men, who were evacuated from the
eastern districts of Aleppo, as part of a preparation to begin their
military service at a police centre in Aleppo, Syria December 11, 2016.
REUTERS/Omar Sanadiki
Intelligence Officer Who Personally Met the Democratic Email Leaker
Confirms He Was with the American Intelligence Services | Zero Hedge
<It's called Whistleblowing! That's a LEAK by U.S Intelligence (at NSA),
not a hacker from anywhere outside the country! It's home-grown
PATRIOTISM to expose the corruption of Hillary Clinton.>
Yemen's Prime Minister accuses UK of war crimes
The new Prime Minister of the rebel Houthi government in Yemen has
accused the UK of war crimes. It comes amid reported discoveries of
Britain-made weapons in…
Hiba Tawaji - Al Rabih Al Arabi [Official Music Video] (2014) /
1,500 tons of munition disguised as humanitarian aid delivered to
Ukraine forces in Mariupol
A bulk carrier delivered 1,500 tons of munition to Ukrainian army,
disguised as humanitarian cargo, DPR Operational Command deputy
commander Eduard…
<Fährt unter Flagge Tansanias, ist recht häufig in der Ukraine. Scheint
zwischen Libyen und der Ukraine zu pendeln.>
Assad on Aleppo to RT: ‘West is telling Russia we went too far in
defeating terrorists’ (EXCLUSIVE)
In an interview to RT, the Syrian President warned against taking
statements by western governments at face value, as in Aleppo, they
seemed to care more about saving terrorists than civilians. He also
slammed the lackluster reaction to ISIS’s onslaught on Palmyra.
6,000 Aleppo civilians evacuated in 24 hours, 366 militants lay down
arms – Reconciliation Center
They have all been placed in humanitarian centers where they are
receiving food and medical assistance, the Center added.
In addition, at least 366 fighters have surrendered and entered the
western part of Aleppo, according to the statement.
“In accordance with the decision of the Syrian president, 329 fighters
have received amnesty,” the statement added.
Russian ‘shelling, execution’ videos in Aleppo faked by militants – MoD
“All of the statements by high-ranked Western officials, which cite
so-called ‘reports by the activists,’ as well as 'flicks,' showing
alleged 'Russian bombardments,' ‘executions’ and other stuff are staged
videos, produced by special film crews formed by militants," Konashenkov
said in a statement Tuesday.
The spokesman said that “it remains a question, why some media outlets
were so eager to use them without checking.”
According to Konashenkov, the militants in eastern Aleppo had used
around 100,000 people as human shields, who are now out of harm’s way.
“At the very first opportunity, they left that enclave and moved to the
Syrian government-controlled districts for safety, real aid and food,"
he said.
Obama orders full Senate Torture Report kept secret for 12 years
Those who wished to read the full text of the notorious Senate report
on documenting the CIA torture of detainees after 9/11 will have to wait
for 12 years. The White House ordered it kept under seal after Barack
Obama leaves office.
Seven US senators urged the Obama administration to declassify the
6,770-page Senate Select Committee on Intelligence report on the CIA’s
detention and interrogation program so the public could have a full
account of past torture practices.
'Facebook Suppressed My Piece' on Clinton Email Leaks, 'CIA Lie' - Ex
A blog by former UK ambassador to Uzbekistan Craig Murray comprehensively…
Bernie Booed: Sanders supporters yell as he urges they vote for Clinton
Donald Sutherland reveals some dark secrets
Residents Celebrate The Syrian Army's Victory In Aleppo
Al Capone Quotes
Nach Sanktionsverhängung gegen Moskau: Amerikaner führten Geschäfte von
EU-Unternehmen mit Russland einfach weiter, EU-Wirtschaft leidet
Trump: Democrats Accused Us of Conspiracy Theories, Now Promote Them
President-elect Donald Trump is continuing his dismissal of claims that
Anonymous Leaks to the WashPost About the CIA’s Russia Beliefs Are No
Substitute for Evidence
Attempted Hack of US Voter Database Traced to IP Address Used by US
Every pompous television pundit and untrustworthy intelligence agency
wants you,…
Videos of Alleged 'Russian Strikes, Firing Squads' in Aleppo Staged by
Video clips of alleged 'Russian airstrikes, firing squads, other staged
violence scees' in Aleppo were…
Eastern Aleppo Was Engulfed by Total Terror, No "Opposition or
Watchdogs" in It
There were no "opposition", "humanitarian organizations" or "human
rights watchdogs" in…
<In case you had any doubt,
There were no "opposition", "humanitarian organizations" or "human
rights watchdogs" in Eastern Aleppo, instead there was a total terror at
the side of militants, Russian Defense Ministry spokesman Maj. Gen. Igor
Konashenkov said on Tuesday.>
Mainstream media upset Al Qaeda was defeated in Aleppo. Here is how they
covered Aleppo's liberation
ISIS-Al Qaeda was defeated in Aleppo...the establishment media is not happy…
PressTV-Turkey urges exit corridors for Aleppo militants
As victory is at hand for Syria in Aleppo, Turkey prepares a meeting
with Russia to discuss militants’ safe exit.
Hey Jill Stein, confidence in US democracy is restored. Wisconsin
recount ends, Trump gains 162 more votes
What a waste of $3.5 million.
‘They slaughtered my family & told me to go’: Heart-wrenching stories of
Aleppo orphans (EXCLUSIVE)
As Aleppo has been almost entirely liberated from militants by the
Syrian Army, the…
Over the past few days, some 100,000 civilians, including 40,000
children, have left eastern Aleppo, according to the Russian
Reconciliation Center.
Moscow Doesn't Mince Words: Lavrov Suggests US 'Orchestrated' ISIS
Seizure of Palmyra
Has Sergei Lavrov given up all hope for diplomatic cooperation with the
Bitter Lessons: The True Sponsors of Daesh's Latest Assault on Palmyra
The sudden attack against Palmyra carried out by Daesh (ISIL/ISIS)
forces raises…
"Obviously it would’ve been impossible without the help of their
sponsors from countries like Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and the United
States. Such a large number of militants (over four thousand) simply
couldn’t have slipped from Mosul to Syria undetected by US military
aircraft. Clearly, by halting its operation in the vicinity of Raqqa the
US-led international coalition allowed the militants to prepare to move
their forces from Mosul to Syria. This entire operation was conducted in
accord with the United States and certain powers in the region,"
Zanganeh surmised.
How To INSTANTLY Tell If Russia Hacked the Election
If it were the Russians, NSA would have a trace route to them and
not equivocate on who did it. It’s like using “Trace Route” to map the
path of all the packets on the network. In the program Treasuremap NSA
has hundreds of trace route programs embedded in switches in Europe and
hundreds more around the world. So, this set-up should have detected
where the packets went and when they went there.
In other words, there’s no need to speculate on whether the Russians
were the hackers. The NSA could easily determine who was behind the hacks.
‘Reuters citing ISIS ‘news agency’ elevates its legitimacy’
By citing the Amaq 'news agency,' which is considered the mouthpiece of
ISIS, Reuters is bringing a new recognition to the terrorist
organization, by virtue of the platform it reports from, says legal and
media analyst Lionel.
The Reuters news agency while reporting ISIS attempts to retake Palmyra
in an article seems to avoid using the term 'terrorists,' but instead
labels them as militants.
Beyond Standing Rock: Pipelines Threaten Native Lands Across the Country
‘We are probably going to have to resist one pipeline at a time for many
decades to come, and maybe longer,’ a Cherokee researcher tells MintPress.
'Vile' neo-Nazi group to be banned in UK
A neo-Nazi group set to be banned in the UK has been described by the
Home Secretary as "racist, anti-Semitic and homophobic".
<Why are they banning them in Britain but supporting them in the Ukraine?>
UK Ambassador Craig Murray, “I’ve met the person who leaked them
[Podesta emails]…not Russian and it’s an insider”
FBI Disputes CIA's "Fuzzy And Ambiguous" Claims That Russia Sought To
Influence Presidential Election | Zero Hedge
"The bureau, true to its law enforcement roots, wants facts and tangible
evidence to prove something beyond all reasonable doubt. The CIA is more
comfortable drawing inferences from behavior."
Deep State's Final Solution: The Death of Alternative News -- Sott.net
Comment: For some in-depth background, see the SOTT.net Focus:
Progressive liberal values: Tony Podesta's creepy taste in art, the
creepy people he hangs out…
New ISIS offensive on Palmyra proves terrorists should not be given
chance to regroup – Russian MoD
<How is it that the worlds most powerful army can't surrpound Raqqa or
Mosul completely to prevent Isis from leaving? It is wide open desert...
NOWHERE to hide.
The only reason why Isis was able to leave Raqqa and Mosul in one piece
and with more weapons is because the US wanted them to leave in one
piece and with more weapons.>
The CIA Never Ever Lies
At moments like these, when every good responsible and enlightened
liberal is recognizing the need to destroy…
Syrian Army Regroups Around Palmyra After 'Coordinated Attack From Daesh
& CIA'
The Syrian army is regrouping around Palmyra, after Daesh retook the city…
ISIS “Accidently” Launches Large-Scale Offensive Near Palmyra Amid
US-Russian Talks On Aleppo
US forces blocked Russians radar systems therefore these could not
detect the advancement of terrorists. Palmyra was a joint ISIS and US
Palmyra Surprise: The US Just Moved ISIS from Iraq to Syria
A 12 August 2012 U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency warning that the Obama
Administration’s strategy might drive ISIS from Mosul in Iraq to Der Zor
in Syria, is now being actually carried out as a plan instead of a
warning — a plan to weaken and ultimately oust Syria’s non-sectarian
President Bashar al-Assad and replace him with a Sunni Sharia-law regime
(one led by jihadists).
Iraqi general offers Isis an escape route in battle for Mosul
Plato, Laws
[626a] they must be carried out equally in time of peace. For (as he
would say) “peace,” as the term is commonly employed, is nothing more
than a name, the truth being that every State is, by a law of nature,
engaged perpetually in an informal war with every other State. And if
you look at the matter from this point of view you will find it
practically true that our Cretan lawgiver ordained all our legal usages,
both public and private, with an eye to war, and that he therefore
charged us with the task of guarding our laws safely, [626b] in the
conviction that without victory in war nothing else, whether possession
or institution, is of the least value, but all the goods of the
vanquished fall into the hands of the victors.
Laws (dialogue)
is Plato's last and longest dialogue.
Unlike most of Plato's dialogues, Socrates does not appear in the Laws:
the dialogue takes place on the island of Crete, and Socrates appears
outside of Athens in Plato's writings only twice,
The Truth Perspective: Interview with Russell Gmirkin: What Does Plato
Have To Do With the Bible?
Russell's work radically challenges our understanding of the history of
the Hebrew Bible. He demonstrates that there is simply no evidence that
the Bible existed prior to the time of Alexander the Great (ca. 325 BC).
All the evidence indicates that the collection of books we know of as
the Hebrew Bible was written around the year 270 BC. And not only that:
they relied heavily on Greek literature, particularly Plato's final
work: Laws.
URGENT: MSM Syria Lies NEED TO BE EXPOSED...Before It's Too Late
US Media Peddling Fake News for Over Century, Activist Says
The US government and State Department do not deserve to be entrusted
with the power to pass judgment on what is legitimate news as because
they have disseminated so much false information of their own, global
peace activist Helen Caldicott told Sputnik.
Are They Actually Calling for a “Ministry of Truth” Now?
America is clearly inching one step closer to George Orwell’s 1984…
Where do you think they’ll build the Ministry of Truth?
<They are actually calling for a "Ministry of Truth" to tell you what is
true and what is false, precisely as George Orwell foresaw! >
Ron Paul: Fake News Hysteria ‘An Inside Job’
Ron Paul claims that the 'fake news' hysteria gripped by the mainstream
media is an inside job by the American government to divert the public's
attention away from the truth.
Homs governor says Syrian troops evacuated 80% of Palmyra's residents
before retreat
The Governor of Homs Governorate voiced concern over the plight of the
<If the west were serious about defeating IS (sic) it would have helped
Syria defend Palmyra against the head choppers. Instead it led them move
out of Iraq unchallenged. Now why would that be?>
Soon to be Deputy Secretary of State John Bolton hints that "Russian
election hacking" is actually a false flag operation
2006 Audio Emerges of Hillary Clinton Proposing Rigging Palestine Election
Unearthed tape: 'We should have made sure that we did something to
determine who was going to win'
Trump: I Don't Need Daily Briefings, My Cabinet is On Top of Things
US President-elect Donald Trump, who has stirred some controversy by…
How America backed the ISIS Takeover and Destruction of Palmyra
As explosions from detonated mines continued in the background a Syrian
general confirmed in some detail an ugly truth: Washington and its close
allies Turkey,…
ISIS fully retakes Palmyra in stunning blitz offensive - Map update
In a remarkable coup, ISIS managed to wrestle the legendary city of
Palmyra from the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) on Sunday after assembling a
massive jihadist f
Russia not behind Clinton leaks; conclusive evidence emerges they were
work of a Washington insider
Former British ambassador Craig Murray confirms DNC and Podesta leaks were…
Nobel Lecture by Harold Pinter (46:30)
Nobel Lecture by Harold Pinter (46 minutes)
Harold Pinter's Nobel Lecture was pre-recorded, and shown on video on 7
December 2005, in Börssalen at the Swedish Academy in Stockholm.
Human Rights Day: Sobering Truths About America’s Imperialist Crimes
Against Humanity
“We have brought torture, cluster bombs, depleted uranium, innumerable
acts of random murder, misery, degradation and death to the Iraqi people
and call it ‘bringing freedom and democracy to the Middle East’. –
Harold Pinter
Who is Behind “Fake News”? Mainstream Media Use Fake Videos and Images
Republicans Slam CIA 'Secret' Report: "What Proof Does Anyone Have?
...I've Heard Zero" | Zero Hedge
"What proof does anyone have that they effected the outcome because I've
heard zero...Show me what facts have actually shown that anything
undermined that election."
Daesh Moves 5,000 Fighters to Syrian Raqqa, Deir-ez-Zor From Iraqi Mosul
Intelligence data showed that up to 5,000 Daesh fighters have been moved
to Syria’s Raqqa and…
This Billionaire Governor Taxed the Rich and Increased the Minimum Wage
-- Now, His State's Economy Is One of the Best in the Country | The
Huffington Post
Breaking: ISIS militants capture most of Palmyra city
The so-called "Islamic State of Iraq and Syria" (ISIS) have captured the
ancient city of Palmyra (Tadmor) in the eastern part of Homs province
after main c
PressTV-'Turkey bombings result of Erdogan Syria policy'
Through destabilizing Syria, Erdogan has fed radical Salafist movements and…
114 child sex files linked to MPs have ‘vanished’
A TOTAL of 114 files linked to allegations of paedophile activity in
Westminster may have been destroyed, MPs were told yesterday.
UN Goes off Script in Rare Moment of Clarity: 'The Agenda of Corporate
Media Is Regime Change' in Syria
Independent journalist Eva Bartlett sets a smug reporter straight during
a UN Syria Mission press conference. Please take 3 minutes from your
busy schedule and watch this amazing video.
UN Goes off Script in Rare Moment of Clarity: 'The Agenda of Corporate
Media Is Regime Change' in Syria
A confession from your humble editors at Russia Insider: writing day in
and day out…
Watch Canadian Journalist Completely Dismantle Mainstream Narrative on Syria
Freelance journalist Eva Bartlett is no stranger to the Syrian conflict,
having visited the country repeatedly since the conflict began to get a
sense of the realities on the ground. This week, confronted by a
mainstream journalist regarding the lies presented in media coverage of
Syria, Bartlett succinctly laid out exactly what the problem was.
The Second Phase of the propaganda Fake News War: Economic
Strangulation. What Comes Next? | Black Agenda Report
Peer-Reviewed Survey Finds Majority Of Scientists Skeptical Of Global
Warming Crisis
Maybe a scientific consensus exists concerning global warming after all.
Over 78,000 civilians have escaped Aleppo since start of Syrian forces’
operation – Russia
Since the operation to liberate Aleppo began, more than 78,000 civilians
ALEPPO UPDATE: 4 Al-Qaeda chiefs arrested; one thousand Jihadis surrender
Russian Defence Ministry confirms surrender of over 1,200 Jihadi
fighters on…
ISIS Blames 'Russian Interference' for Failed Attack on Palmyra
News reports and Twitter updates have confirmed that Russia maliciously…
US Hawks Lay Out Plan For War With Iran At Adelson Backed Conference
The event headlined by Ileana Ros-Lehtinen and former Sen. Joe Lieberman
Silent Coup in Progress: American Intelligence Agencies Are Trying to
Stop Trump From Taking Office
The riots didn't work. And the countless Huffington Post op-eds have yet
to inspire…
Shades of the Cold War: How the DNC fabricated a Russian hacker
conspiracy to deflect blame for its email scandal
Pizzagate: Podesta pedo perps and Clinton's international child sex
trafficking ring exposed -- Sott.net
MH 17: Offener Brief an Donald Trump
Zudem müssten endlich kriminalistische Standardermittlungen am
MH-17-Wrack durchgeführt werden. So sollte etwa der Metallabrieb an den
Einschusslöchern mithilfe von Raster-Elektronenmikroskopen untersucht
werden, erklärt Initiator Billy Six gegenüber Telepolis. Die so
analysierten Metallrückstände würden aufklären, von welcher Art Waffe
die Projektile stammen, die das Flugzeug durchlöcherten. Würden Spuren
von Stahl gefunden, wäre wahrscheinlich, dass es sich um
BUK-Gefechtssplitter handele. Würden hingegen Buntmetalle oder Uran an
den Einschusslöchern entdeckt, wiese dies auf die Bordkanonenmunition
eines Kampfflugzeuges hin, so der freie Journalist.
Obama Decides to Arm Syrian Militants Plunging US into Unwinnable War
Alex GORKA: The Russia-supported operation of the Syrian government
forces has almost liberated the second largest city of Aleppo from
militants. The victory…
Rep. Tulsi Gabbard Smokes CNN Shill: 'US Is Funding Terrorists' in Syria
CIA "Concludes" Russia Meddled in US Election, Provides No Evidence
Published on Saturday, December 10, 2016byCommon DreamsCIA "Concludes"…
Kerry Finally Admits Rebels Kept Aleppo Civilians Hostage, Blocked Aid
Confronted directly by a RT reporter he could no longer deny it. Starts at…
Explosive Washington Post Story on 'Russian Hackers' Can't Name a Single
On Friday, the Washington Post published a tantalizing article citing a
'secret CIA…
The Crimes of Mena
This is the article which had been scheduled to appear in the Washington
Post. After having cleared the legal department for all possible
questions of inaccurate statements, the article was scheduled for
publication when just as the presses were set to roll, Washington Post
Managing Editor Bob Kaiser (Like George Bush, a member of the infamous
"Skull & Bones" Fraternity), killed the article without explanatio
Obama Orders Investigation into Election-Related Hacking
A report will be shared with lawmakers before Trump’s inauguration, a
top advisor…
<What a pantsload! Where was all this outrage when Bernie Sanders was
railroaded during the primaries? HYPOCRITES!>
No, America, it wasn't Russia: You did it to Yourself
By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | - - The headlines scream, "Secret
CIA assessment says Russia was trying to …
After Tricking Public Into Thinking He Stopped DAPL Obama Just Gave The
Green Light To Dakota Access Pipeline Company To Build Two More
Pipelines On…
Where have all the flowers (and the Peace Movement) gone?
For seven and a half decades we did not hear a single American President
speak of putting an end to the foreign intervention policy until Donald
Trump did just a few days ago.
Whether or not Trump will keep this promise is something to be seen, but
what is mind boggling, and I dare say sinister, is that not a single
peace activist seems to have made any positive comment.
Do the so-called peace activists of today prefer to see mutilated human
body parts than to hear a politician saying that he does not believe in
climate change?
Today’s so-called peace activists are mostly and unwittingly pawns in
the hands of Soros and other magnates. They move them and keep them
under control, because in controlling them, they control the masses.
This is where all the flowers have gone.
As thousands flee E. Aleppo, RT hears stories of those trapped there for
years (VIDEO)
Russian Reconciliation Center evacuated 50,000 civilians from E. Aleppo
in past 2 days – MoD
The statement added that the Syrian government now controls 93 percent
of Aleppo, and the civilians who exited eastern Aleppo have been placed
in special humanitarian centers where they are provided with hot food
and medical help.
WikiLeaks confirms Erdogan’s son is linked to ISIS and stolen oil trading
Thousands of emails have been released by WikiLeaks that came from
Turkish minister Berat Albayrak, the son-in-law of President Recep
Tayyip Erdogan, which proves links between Albayrak and deals he has
with ISIS terrorists and their traffic in stolen oil from the Iraqi fields.
Putin Trolls the West: 'I've Been Reading Your Instructions to NGOs to
Destabilize Russia'
It's now an irrefutable rumor that Vladimir Putin installed Trump in the
White House…
Game over for the US in Syria
With Aleppo on the brink of liberation from US-supported 'moderate'
jihadi rebels, Barack Obama’s White House is in damage control mode —
but it’s about time…