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Saturday, December 31, 2016

Link Collection December Part Three

Putin outsmarts Obama, turns Obama’s expulsion of Russian diplomats to his advantage
By refusing to be provoked by the expulsion of Russian diplomats from the US, Vladimir Putin turns the tables on Barack Obama and provides political space to Donald Trump.
Drudge Report Suffers "Biggest DDOS Attack Since Inception" As Obama Unveils Russian Sanctions
Here Are Some Of The Ridiculous New State Laws That Will Take Effect January 1st - Happy New Year!
Brazilian Officer Confesses to Stabbing, Killing and Burning Greek Ambassador
What The Russian Hacking Report DOESN’T Say
It doesn’t address the fact that top former NSA and CIA officials
(and Wikileaks) says that these were not hacks at all …
but rather leaks by American insiders

Russia Warns Of "Proportional Response" To Obama's "Paranoia"
But the truth of the procation orchestrated by the White House, sooner or later will still come out. Yes, it's already happening. How else to December 8 reported the US media, the State of Georgia State Secretary Brian Kemp he said that the authorities in the region followed where came hacker attack on its electronic system of vote counting shortly after the election. Footprints led to the computer at the US Department of Homeland Security. This information quickly tried to cover up the stream of new anti-Russian charges that do not contain a single proof.
BREAKING: Joint FBI-Homeland Security report fails to prove Russians behind Clinton leaks
Joint report by FBI and Department of Homeland Security into Russian hacking…
We Do Not Live in “Post Truth” World, We Live in a World of Lies and We Always Have
We do not live in a “post-truth” world, neither in the Middle East nor in the West –…
Fake News: Guardian Caught Deceptively Editing Quotes from Julian Assange Interview - Breitbart
The Guardian published fake news earlier this week, selectively editing quotes…
Russian Embassy in UK responds to sanctions with 'lame duck tweet'
The tweet came in response to an order from Washington to expel 35 Russian diplomats
LOVE IT! All you Democrats are falling to earth! No matter how Hillary pouts, Russian hackers are not the source of the POdest emails. Nope. Julian Assange has already come clean that DNC INSIDERS LEAKED the emails. There was no outside hackers. It's simply wrong. Just like the old garbage about Iraq's WMDs.
Russische Militärs finden in Aleppo Waffen aus den USA, Deutschland und Bulgarien
Bei Entminungsarbeiten im östlichen Teil Aleppos haben russische Militärexperten Waffen gefunden, die in den USA, Deutschland und Bulgarien hergestellt wurden.…
Russia sanctions ‘childish, petulant & pointless revenge for Clinton loss’ – UK’s ex-Syria envoy
Imposing new anti-Russian measures is a sore loser reaction by the outgoing…
Obama Administration Expels Russian Officials, Sends Warning to Trump
<The leaks had nothing to do with why Hillary didn't win. It had to do with the DNC colluding with Hillary to stop Bernie from the nomination.
The DNC split the Democratic Party in two when they didn't let Hillary choose Bernie as her running mate. If she would have done that she would have won hands down. She had no chance to win when they themselves divided the Democratic Party.>
No Expulsion for American Diplomats; Putin Invites Their Kids to a Kremlin Holiday Party
December 30, 2016 - Fort Russ News Tass - Translated by Kristina Kharlova Putin chose not to expel American diplomats from Russia...
Putin Stunner: "We Will Not Expel Anyone; We Refuse To Sink To Obama's Level" | Zero Hedge
“We reserve the right to retaliate, but we will not sink to the level of this irresponsible ‘kitchen’ diplomacy. We will take further moves on restoring Russian-American relations based on the policies that the administration of President-elect Donald Trump adopts,”
BREAKING: Vladimir Putin will not retaliate against US sanctions
Putin will not response to Obama's dismissal of Russian diplomats. He will wait…
Trump's strategy is to set Russia against China
This Is The Russian "Retreat" In Maryland Which The US Government Just Confiscated | Zero Hedge
Amid the sweeping sanctions unveiled by Obama in response to Russian "hacking" of the elections, President Obama ordered the shut down, or rather confiscation, of a Russian-owned compound on Maryland's Eastern Shore. Obama gave Russia 72 hours to leave the 45-acre property, which the Soviet governme...
California Democrats legalize child prostitution
Beginning on Jan. 1, prostitution by minors will be legal in California. Yes, you read that right. SB 1322 bars law enforcement from arresting sex workers who are under the age of 18 for soliciting or engaging in prostitution, or loitering with the intent to…
EXCLUSIVE: Sputnik Reports From Terrorist Chemical Factory in Aleppo (VIDEO)
Recent search operations in eastern Aleppo have confirmed that chemical…
WikiLeaks: Obama kicking out diplomats breaches intl law, Moscow should wait till Trump in office
WikiLeaks has criticized the new package of US sanctions against Russia, saying it violates international law. The whistleblowing group, however, suggests that Moscow hold its fire till January 20, when President-elect Donald Trump takes office.
US issues more sanctions on Russia over alleged election hacking
Obama’s Sanctions against Moscow “Intended to Box In Donald Trump”. Evidence that Hacking of DNC Accusations are Fake
The Lawsuit against the Democratic National Committee and Debbie Wasserman Schultz was delivered by Shawn Lucas acting on behalf of the Plaintiffs on July 1, 2016.
One month later, Shawn Lucas was found dead in his home.
Obama Quietly Signs Propaganda Act to Counter ‘Fake News’ – EU to Follow Suit
The political elite want to crack down on what they view is fake news — which essentially amounts to pretty much anything that they disagree with or what doesn’t fit with their own world view and the outcomes desired. Gatekeepers in the form of fact-checkers will be deciding what’s false and what’s true, with little or no vetting. Long, hard, fought-for civil liberties and rights, along with free expression will be handed to organisations, approved by government who are convinced we shouldn’t have those rights in the first place.
Who is Supporting ISIS-Daesh in Syria? Erdogan or Obama? “Cross-Cutting Coalitions”, NATO Military Alliance in Crisis
From the very outset, the Islamic State has been supported (unofficially of course) by the broader US-NATO coalition which includes several NATO member countries (including the US, France, Britain as well as Turkey) and their Middle East allies including Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Israel.
Dirty Wars and Self-indulgence
Secrets of the Dirty Wars: What Jeremy Scahill Doesn’t Tell You
A mass grave, mutilated bodies, landmines and other moderate atrocities
A mass grave has been discovered in Eastern Aleppo. Mutilated bodies and…
this exactly what's wrong with this generation
Building Air Defense for ISIS: A Qatar – Ukraine Link
Nov 22, 2015
Izvestia: US-made weapons uncovered in liberated Aleppo
The Syrian army discovered huge stockpiles of weapons and ammunition, manufactured mainly in the United States, in the liberated regions of eastern Aleppo, a high-ranking source in the Syrian security forces told Izvestia daily. So, now speculations about potential arms supplies to the region disguised as supposed humanitarian aid are being validated, the newspaper writes.
The Amazing World Of Earthworms In The UK - Springwatch - BBC Two
WEED - What You DONT KNOW - Documentary HD - Marihuana, An Investigation
<Pot as medicine>
No black men, no Muslim women: UK job market discrimination remains rife, report shows
Muslim and black men are more likely to end up unemployed despite doing better…
Regierung gesteht ein: Keine Belege für angebliche Einflussnahme Russlands auf Bundestagswahl
Obama proposes cuts to Social Security
Obama plans to propose cuts to Social Security as part of "grand bargain," to cut deficit by $4 trillion over 10 years
<It is not his money nor even the government's money to cut. It is ours! It is not in the federal budget. THIS IS WAR ON THE ELDERLY AND PEOPLE WITH DISABLILITES, WAR ON WIDOWS AND ORPHANS! IT IS ROBBERY!!>
Watch US Journalist Demolish Mainstream Narrative on Syrian 'Moderate Rebels'
Last week, US television anchor Ben Swann slammed the mainstream media for…
Israel pauses further sanctions on New Zealand 'until further notice'
The UN Security Council, which voted on Saturday to condemn Israel's settlements on on occupied Palestinian land.
A Bigger Problem Than ISIS?
The Mosul Dam is failing. A breach would cause a colossal wave that could kill as many as a million and a half people.
Assad Says The "Boy In The Ambulance" Is Fake - This Proves It
White Helmets: an Islamist propagandist group and funded arm of U.S. government
Funded with millions of dollars from George Soros, the UK and US State Department.
Obama’s Christmas Gift to America: “Countering Disinformation and Propaganda Act”
Russia sees US decision to supply MANPADS to militants in Syria as 'hostile move'
Obama signs US defence spending bill, arming Al Qaeda-ISIS in Syria. Maria Zakharova calls it a “hostile act”
<Obama is trying to leave a chaotic, messed up world before he goes off to retire on the golf course.>
Syrian Opposition Claims Thousands of Iranian Troops Holed Up in Aleppo
Monzer Akbik, a spokesman for a recently created Syrian opposition faction, Syria’s Tomorrow, stated that the "whole world knows" there are tens of thousands of…
It may well be true that there are 10 of 1000 of Iranian soldiers in Aleppo but what we know for sure is that they wont be:
1-raping Syrian women and boys
2-using Syrian civilians as shields
3-beheading Syrians
4-eating their heart or liver
5-forcing women to wear the niqab
6-preventing kids from going to school
7-bombing the other side of Aleppo
Ukraine in Full-Blown Collapse: Deep-seated Economic, Social Crisis and Environmental Crisis
With all the action in Syria, the Ukraine is no longer a subject for discussion in the…
US defense bill 'directly threatens' security of Russian military in Syria – Russian FM spokesperson
The latest National Defense Authorization Act signed into law by President Barack…
New York Times admits Ukraine’s Yanukovich was right not to sign EU deal
"Three years after the event, the establishment media is finally issuing mea culpas for its self-interested support of 'Euromaidan,' the Western-backed ‘regime change’ crusade which destroyed Ukraine.
Russian sappers sweep Aleppo for mines, discovering shells made in US, Germany
Russian bomb disposal teams are continuing to sweep schools and mosques of…
Syrian Social Media All-Stars Spread Pro-War Propaganda In News & Social Media
Both the mainstream media and social media users have eagerly shared stories of strife and genocide from Aleppo, but who is really behind the pro-war messaging?
Did you know that many of CNN , Al Jazeera English's and AJ + experts on Aleppo, Syria support terrorist groups like Al-Qaeda?>
<US/Western media's role hasn't been to question authority for quite a while. Rather, it's a stenographer of that authority.>
„Verdammt, Landeklappen“ – letzte Worte von Tu-154-Pilot kurz vor Crash
Remember when the US Army invaded China? Don't remember marching on Beijing? I do., page 1
Remember when the US Army invaded China? Don't remember marching on Beijing? I do., page 1
Podesta's Artist - stuff so bad journalists don't show it in articles
It reeks of demonic pedophilia and all the kids are shown calmly accepting it.
The "artist" has an obsession with "rear ends" and scrotums.
There is a horned goat with a deformed boy doing head stands on its back.
There are babies made to look like demons.
"Just Can't Kill The Beast"
"We are all just prisoners here, of our own device"
The Real Syria Story No One Wants You to Know About
<2000 died in Hama acording to the CIA>
Obama Establishes Propaganda Agency Under Guise of Fighting ‘Fake News’
US President Barack Obama spent a portion of his Christmas weekend creating a…
Cops are now manufacturing and selling people crack
How can a drug war be won when the police are manufacturing crack?
Turkey's Erdogan: 'Confirmed evidence' US-led coalition supports ISIS & other terrorists in Syria
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has said "it's very clear" that the US-led coalition is supporting terrorist groups in Syria, Islamic State (IS, also known as ISIS/ISIL) among them.
‘US not serious about fighting ISIS, it raised terrorists & wants them to stay’ – Iran Def Min to RT
“The Western coalition is of a formal nature, they have no real intention to fight neither in Syria nor in Iraq. We don’t see any readiness on their part to play a truly useful and meaningful role in fighting IS, because it’s them who have raised terrorists and they are interested in keeping them there,” Dehghan said.
Terrorismus: Wagenknecht gibt Regierung Mitschuld am Erstarken des Terrors
Abkehr vom Krieg gegen den Terror, Distanz zu Washington, Nähe zum Kreml: Die Linken-Fraktionsvorsitzende fordert eine Umkehr der deutschen Außen- und…
Syrian Army Advances in Rural Damascus after Terrorists Refuse to Surrender
The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) continued their military operations near the key town of Wadi Barada on Sunday night, targeting the farms and checkpoints…
CAIR Los Angeles Director tries to walk back his tweet of joy for Russian jet crash. Twitter users destroy him in tirade of disgust
'Russia Will Focus On Affordable Asymmetric Measures' if NATO Wants Arms Race
In his year-end press conference, Russian President Vladimir Putin specifically underscored Moscow's drive to avoid the possibility of a new nuclear arms race.
US Army document on urban warfare advances strategy for “contemporary Stalingrads” - World Socialist Web Site
Why the West Falsifies the History of World War II
Michael Jabara CARLEY: Historians interpret and reinterpret history. It is a normal process… except when politicians do the reinterpreting. Their interests are not…
There Are No Terrorists? Counterterrorism = Supporting Terrorism? Western Governments Are Supporting Terrorist Organizations Which They are Allegedly Combating
There is no mention of the fact that East Aleppo has been occupied by Al Qaeda affilated entities (which are on the EU and US State Department “terror lists”) and that these terrorists –which are now portrayed as “freedom fighters’– have committed countless atrocities against civilians. And these atrocities are now casually being blamed on the Syrian, Russian and Iranian forces which liberated Aleppo.
For four years East Aleppo has been occupied by Al Qaeda,  which had established a regime of  terror and destruction. The media has portrayed the terrorists as “the moderate” opposition.
Russian diplomat says entire world disgusted by Obama administration's foreign policy
According to the Russian diplomat, from the "moral point of view" the Obama team can be blamed for committing a "crime" as it demonstrated that "the stronger has unlimited rights to do evil"
Frexit: Le Pen vows to take France out of NATO - "It exists only to serve Washington's objectives" --
CIA chief admits the Agency’s role in the Syrian War.
British Generals Arrive In Syria To Train Retreating Terrorists
UK Defence minister Michael Fallon says military instructors are already in Syria to…
Fake 'Aleppo Genocide' Pics Spread Online amid Renewed Calls for 'Humanitarian' War on Syria
‘The atmosphere of misinformation only strengthens the Syrian regime’s insistence…
Mass graves of tortured civilians found in Aleppo – Russian MoD
Mass graves with dozens of bodies of civilians subjected to brutal torture have…
'The completion of a uniquely large-scale humanitarian operation by the Russian Center for Reconciliation in Aleppo will destroy many of the myths that have been fed to the world by Western politicians'
Mass Burials of Dozens of Tortured Syrians Found in Aleppo
Mass graves of torture victims have been uncovered in liberated Aleppo, Russian…
Kill Russians, kill Iranians, scare Assad! - Ex CIA deputy Mike…
The U.S. Interfered In Foreign Presidential Elections 81 Times
The U.S. Interfered In Foreign Presidential Elections 81 Times From 1946-2000
Top White House Economist Admits 94% Of All New Jobs Under Obama Were Part-Time | Zero Hedge
“We find that 94% of net job growth in the past decade was in the alternative work category,” said Harvard economist Alan Krueger. In other words, nearly all of the…
Syrian Troops Discover Bodies of Kids Tortured to Death by Terrorists in Aleppo
Following the liberation of Aleppo, Syrian soldiers have made a gruesome…
Treacherous scum: U.S.-backed 'rebels' massacre 100+ hostages before leaving Aleppo (Update)
Crashed Tu-154 Plane Flown by Experienced First Class Pilot - Russian MoD
A Russian Defense Ministry's Tu-154 aircraft, which crashed near Russia's Black Sea resort city of Sochi earlier on Sunday, was flown by an experienced first class…
False News By Omission Misinforms - Pointing Such Out May Soon Be Censored
Obama is a “f**kin liar” and U.S. is “inflicting human suffering in Syria” – Jimmy Dore exposes media lies
Democrats losing on all fronts, looking for scapegoats – Putin on US elections
US-General: US-Armee wird sich nicht aus Europa zurückziehen
Der Oberbefehlshaber der US-Landstreitkräfte in Europa, General Frederick Hodges, geht davon aus, dass die USA auch weiterhin einen harten Kurs gegen Russland fahren.
Es ist eine ungewöhnliche Logik, dass man zum Angriff auf andere Staaten aufruft und dies als Abschreckung bezeichnet.
Berlin plans ‘center of defense against fake news’ ahead of elections – report
Robert Anton Wilson - Techniques of Consciousness Change (Lecture)
Star Relax - 3d Fractal Trip
IFS Fractal in the Space
Iraqi Army Discovers US-Made Missiles in ISIS's Military Base in Mosul
Iraqi army and popular forces have discovered a number of US-made missiles from a military position of the ISIS (ISIL, IS, Daesh) in the Southern part of Mosul,…
71% of Americans Don't Buy 'Russian Hacking' Agitprop Story
Despite a months-long propaganda campaign by the mainstream media to…
WikiLeaks Offers $20K Reward for Information in Murder of DNC Staffer Seth Rich
<Wikileaks will never disclose the identity of a source. That is why they offered a $20,000 reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of whoever murdered Seth Rich: A DNC staff member and Sanders suppoerter, with authorized access to the e-mails given to Wikileaks, which the DNC blames on the Russians. Wikileaks has "no comment" other than the Russians had nothing to do with it - and a $20,000 reward on the head of whoever killed the man who did give them those files.>
US claims ‘no reports’ of Aleppo aid deliveries as Russia calls for intl relief efforts
The US State Department claims to be unaware of any aid deliveries going to Aleppo – instead laments “the devastation that’s being wrought on the people there.” The remark comes amid Russia’s ongoing humanitarian operation in the city.
Liberation of Aleppo represents US's most serious setback in 15 years: professor
Liberation of Aleppo represents US's most serious setback in 15 years: professor Dec 21, 2016 Print by Tim Anderson*     In late 2016, at the cost of many young…
<It never was a civil war... It was another US/NATO-led regime change attempt, one that has fortunately failed. This is one good article and well worth a read.>

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