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Sunday, July 10, 2016

July Link Collection Part One

Western leaders support terror groups in Syria, get extremism at home – Assad
NATO ‘speaks of defense, prepares offensive’, says Gorbachev
NASA admits chemtrails - 10 July 2013
>sue H>
NATO Summit Closes By Condemning Russia
by Eric Zuesse The issues that were discussed at this year’s NATO Summit were mainly preparations for a possible war against Russia. The two-day Summit in Warsaw Poland ended on Saturday July 9th, …
Griechenland: „Raus aus der NATO! Jetzt!“ - Tausende protestieren in Athen gegen die NATO
Tausende Demonstranten sind gestern durchs Zentrum von Athen marschiert. Sie alle demonstrierten gegen die NATO und ihre „imperialistischen Aktionen und…
Die NATO auf Suizid-Kurs: Zurück zum atomaren Wettrüsten
In den Staaten des Westens setzt man weiter auf Konfrontation. Nach der umfangreichen medialen Genese des Feindbildes Russland, werden nun Nägel…
NATO Paranoia Versus Eurasia Integration
As the NATO summit in Warsaw gained traction, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov could not contain a wry observation; "We aren't the ones getting closer to NATO's…
This has resulted in NATO “projecting stability” in Afghanistan – miserably losing a war to a bunch of tribesmen with Kalashnikovs — and Libya — turning a stable nation-state into a wasteland ravaged by militias.
HEPA UV Ionisator Luftreiniger CA-506
UV Plasma Ionisator Luftreiniger CA-401
HEPA UV Ionisator Luftreiniger CA-506
At the core of the Electrolux air purifier is the true HEPA 13 filter. It has a claimed cleaning effect of 99.97% and should stop particles the size of 0.3 micron and above.
What gets caught in this filter are those nasty fine particles that can go into your lungs and stay there or even go into the blood stream.
List of TRAITORS To Britain- The Greatest Crime In A Thousand Years!!
EU Chief Junker Says He Talks to Aliens; Will Merkel Sack Him Over Brexit?
HS-gallup: Enemmistö suomalaisista vastustaa yhä Nato-jäsenyyttä
Kiev renames Moscow Avenue after Russian hate figure
<Agence France Presse ,propaganda ommiting the fact tat Bandera murdered over 100.000 civilians with the wrong ethnicity>
Ukraine: The Nazis even Hitler feared – and their US-backed Euromaidan followers
Meet The Pilot Who Shot Down Malaysian Boeing MH-17 - Vladislav Voloshin: "The Plane Was In the Wrong Place at the Wrong Time"
Luftbefeuchter mit Ionisator CA-603
Islamists take their revenge on Aleppo's civilians, 10s of women, children massacred
After suffering a massive defeat along the Castillo road that is the lifeline of the…
Hillary May End Up In Jail After All – All Thanks To Trey Gowdy
Moscow avenue in Kyiv renamed after controversial Stepan Bandera
Poroshenko Knelt Before Monument to Victims of Volyn Massacre in Warsaw (PHOTOS)
 Honors for Ukrainian nationalists anger their victims – in Poland
Poles have joined critics in Moscow and eastern Ukraine in opposing a new Ukrainian law that would grant World War II-era nationalists an honored status. The nationalists killed tens of thousands of Poles during the war.
Kiev renames major street to honor Russian Nazi collaborator
Stepan Bandera’s nationalist group urged Ukranians to ‘destroy’ Jews and Poles in the 1940s
2nd episode: The Elderberry bush
MH17 Inquiry: The Elderberry Bush
Episode 2 of the investigative series by the MH17 Inquiry Youtube channel Was the dashcam video titled MH17 Russian BUK launcher in Makiivka Ukraine video July 17 2014, uploaded to the Euromaidan P…
One Shooter; No Snipers—Grossly Inaccurate Police and Media Information About Dallas Killings
A lone gunman: a military vet who served in Afghanistan
NATO ‘speaks of defense, prepares offensive’, says Gorbachev
 Despite NATO assurances that it seeks deterrence and dialogue with Russia, the alliance seems to be preparing to escalate conflict, says Mikhail Gorbachev, the man praised for ending the Cold War after the alliance convened at a summit in Warsaw.
“The rhetoric in Warsaw screams of an intention to practically declare war on Russia. They only talk about defense, but in fact they are preparing an offensive,” the former Soviet leader told Interfax.
Putin Denounces Western Support for Terrorists and Neo-Nazis | New Eastern Outlook
09.07.2016 Author: Steven MacMillan Putin Denounces Western Support for Terrorists and Neo-Nazis Column: Politics Region: Russia in the World From…
The Guinness World Record for Cynicism:
Yesterday you named an Avenue in honor of Bandera, and today you went to Poland to honor the memory of his victims during the Volyn massacre.
What you allow your government to do to others, they will do to you one day, just because they can and get away with it, because like you, no one cares.
Democracy Is Dead
Are insecticides giving honeybees dementia? Studies show aluminum alters cognitive behavior in pollinators
Intercepting ICBMs: Impossible is impossible
Iran Demands Russia Shoot Down Israeli Jets Attacking Damascus
2 Russian pilots killed as ISIS shoots down chopper near Palmyra – MoD
Russia’s Interfax news agency reported, citing a source in the Russian military, that the helicopter had been downed with the aid of an American TOW antitank missile system.
Anti-NATO crowds march through Warsaw amid alliance summit (VIDEO)
NATO and the EU Agree to End Their Rivalry
<Looks like war preparations to me>
Legal Experts Raise Alarm over Shocking Use of 'Killer Robot' in Dallas
As news emerges that police officers in Dallas, Texas used an armed robot to kill the suspected shooter in Thursday night's ambush, experts are warning that it…
BOMBSHELL! CIA Head Confirms Man Is Playing God With The Weather! Chemtrails And Geoengineering Proven Once-And-For-All For The Entire World To Hear
Director Brennan Speaks at the Council on Foreign Relations
#geoengineering # stratospheric aerosol injection #technology’s potential to alter weather patterns
Video: Putin Warns Journalists of Nuclear War: "I Don't Know How to Get Through to You People"
Vladimir Putin has finally taken the kid gloves off. The Russian president was…
UN sounds alarm over ‘structural and institutional racism’ in US
British Bomb-detectors Exported to Iraq are Fake, Riyadh Intervenes in Iraq: Iraqi Commander
Two days ago the Iraqi capital was hit by blasts. Alwaght has talked to PMF commander to discover…
British SAS Special Forces "Dressed Up as ISIS Rebels" Fighting Assad in Syria
On August 2, Britain’s Sunday Express newspaper headlined “SAS dress as ISIS fighters in undercover…
Man wrongly ID’d as Dallas shooting 'person of interest' says cops lied to him during interrogation
Mark Hughes, a protester in Dallas who was wrongly identified by police as a…
A monster of delusion: For two hours Blair dissembled and denied in the face of Chilcot's devastating verdict.
Then, with sickening egomania, he declared he couldn't say sorry for Iraq... because he'd do it again
Merkel Urged to Tone Down NATO's Warmongering
MEMORANDUM FOR: Angela Merkel, Chancellor of GermanyFROM: Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS)SUBJECT: NATO Summit in…
Krim-Russen protestieren gegen Zugehörigkeit der Krim zur Ukraine
Die Teilnehmer einer Kundgebung anlässlich des 55. Jahrestages der Übergabe der Krim-Halbinsel an die damalige Ukrainische Sowjetische Unionsrepublik…
Fälschung ukrainischer Forschung über Golodomor der 30er Jahre aufgedeckt
Die Einwohner des ukrainischen Dorfes Andrijaschewka haben durch Zufall erfahren, dass…
Version des Golodomors entstand in den USA - ukrainischer Historiker
Putin Issues Desperate Warning of WWIII
Alex Jones Freaks Out: WAKE UP! LISTEN to Putin! - Media is LYING About WAR with Russia! (Video)
He breaks down how the media is completely ignoring Putin's increasingly urgent pleas to step back from the brink of war.
Is Planet Earth About To Die: Special Report
Ποιοι είναι οι μεγαλοοφειλέτες του Δημοσίου - Στη δημοσιότητα η λίστα
Μεγάλες εισηγμένες εταιρίες όλων των κλάδων, πολλές ΔΕΚΟ αλλά και επιχειρήσεις που έχουν βάλει
Ληξιπρόθεσμες οφειλές φυσικών προσώπων
Σε εφαρμογή της ΠΟΛ 1185/2011, όπως τροποποιήθηκε και ισχύει, δημοσιοποιείται κατάσταση φυσικών προσώπων με βασική οφειλή προς το Δημόσιο άνω των 150.000 € και διευκρινίζουμε τα εξής:
Die Griechen können ab sofort im Internet nachlesen, wer dem griechischen Staat mehr als 150.000 Euro schuldet und damit auch mitverantwortlich für die miserable Finanzlage des Landes ist. Auf der Liste stehen nach Angaben des Finanzministeriums 13.730 Namen.
BOMBSHELL Report Finds Fast and Furious Link to Paris Terrorist Attack
One of the weapons that was used was purchased at a Phoenix, Arizona gun store - a store that was used in the Fast and Furious gun-running operation.
Wikileaks will publish ‘enough evidence’ to indict Hillary Clinton, warns Assange
Wikileaks co-founder Julian Assange warns more information will be published about Hillary Clinton, enough to indict her if the US government is courageous enough to…
U.N. Official 'Accidentally' Crushes Own Throat Right Before Testifying Against Hillary Clinton...
John Ashe, a former President of the United Nations General Assembly, was found dead Wednesday just… Σημαίες ΕΔΥΕΘ
<burning NATO and US flag>
Putin: America Is Not A Democracy
Russian President Vladimir Putin has declared that America is not really a democracy, arguing that a shadowy elite run the country behind the scenes.
2 snipers shoot 10 officers, killing 3, in shooting during demonstrations in Dallas - reports
10 officers have been shot by two snipers, leaving three officers dead and two in…
Alton Sterling was shot and killed by Baton Rouge police officers. Here’s what we know.
He was seemingly immobile in his last few minutes of his life. But police shot him anyway.
<Murica, the self-appointed vanguard of freedom of human rights, where black teenagers are 21 times more likely to be shot by police than their white counterparts.>
Video: Woman livestreams her dying boyfriend on Facebook seconds after he is shot by a cop - and...
Hundreds of people have descended on the Governor of Minnesota's house to protest the police shooting of a black man after his girlfriend live-streamed his…
Jimmy Carter: The U.S. Is Completely Subverted By Oligarchs
Lavrov Urged Kerry to Not Allow the Resumption of Hostilities in Donbass
China vs. America in the South China Sea: Why the US Will Not Sign the UN Convention on the Law...
Critics of American foreign policy love to point out instances where our policy reeks…
Damning new evidence reveals how the UK media lied us all the way to war in Iraq | The Canary
It wasn't just Blair manipulating public opinion in favour of Iraq war
20 veterans committed suicide every day in 2014 – study
The new analysis consists of 55 million veterans records nationwide dating back to 1979 up until 2014. The investigation into the mental health history of veterans revealed that in 2014, there were 7,403 suicides among veterans. That accounted for 18 percent of all adult suicides that year in the US, a total of 41,425.
Interactive Photos of Syria Before & After the War
Nach Clintons E-Mail-Affäre: Rumänischer Hacker stirbt im Gefängnis – Selbstmord?
Der rumänische Hacker Marcel Lehel Lazar, alias Guccifer, der nach eigenem Geständnis den privaten E-Mail-Account von Hillary Clinton geknackt hatte, ist in…
'Nothing in his body language said kill me I want to be dead'
Gulf of Fracking: 76bn gallons of toxic waste water reportedly dumped into Ocean
"The Dodgy Dossier" Tony Blair's Lies To The British People
12-year-old girls will no longer be able to get married in Virginia
Between 2004 and 2013, around 4,500 children under the age of 18 got married in the state of Virginia. Of these girls, more than 200 of them were aged 15 or under.
Fuel economy in aircraft
How fuel efficient was the Concorde compared to similar sized jets?
Airbus A319 =   5690 lbs / hour
Boeing 737   =   5300 lbs / hour
Concorde     = 62,765 lbs / hour
From the moment new aircraft are thought of, engineers are working out how to make them more efficient. In fact, aviation is one of the most technologically-advanced and innovative sectors in the world.
Each new generation of aircraft has double-digit fuel efficiency improvements, even up to 25% more fuel efficient than the one it replaces. This has led to today’s modern aircraft producing well over 70% less CO2 per seat than the first jets in the 1950s. But there is more work to do.
Energy efficiency in transportation
Concorde fuel efficiency comparison (assuming jets are filled to capacity)
passenger miles/US gallon:     14 (Concorde)     91 (Boeing 747)
Reshaping Flight for Fuel Efficiency: Five Technologies on the Runway
For U.S. airlines, domestic flights now average 0.54 aircraft-mile per gallon of jet fuel (0.23 kilometer per liter), an increase of more than 40 percent since 2000. There's also been progress for the heavier jets on international flights: a 17 percent improvement to 0.27 mpg (0.12 km/l.)
Surprisingly, Airplanes More Energy Efficient Than Cars
Back in 1970, fuel consumption per-passenger-mile was twice that of an average car trip, but since then the airline industry has actually made progress and the auto industry has just recently started to catch up. The airline industry has cut BTUs per passenger mile 74% compared to 17% for automakers.
How much fuel does an international plane use for a trip?
Ukrainischer Ex-Premier: Janukowitsch sollte Sterben wie Gaddafi
Mykola Asarow, Ministerpräsident der Ukraine vom 11. März 2010 bis zum 28. Januar 2014, gab in einer…
Tony Blair's Guilt Was Established Long Before Chilcot
No matter the contents of the long-awaited Chilcot report, the destruction of Iraq and suffering of its people will follow Tony Blair and the others responsible for this crime to the grave.
Nusra convoy obliterated by the Russian air force in Aleppo
Moments ago, the Russian air force targeted a Nusra convoy between the towns of Kafr Hamra and Babis in north Aleppo countryside. Apparently, the airstrike
Woman Films Scene After Police Shoot Boyfriend For Grabbing Requested ID | Cop Block
The video was posted on Wednesday night live to Facebook from Lavish…
Greece questions its NATO membership
Russia and China’s Naval Forces: Next Generation Destroyers
ARD-Magazin Fakt und das Schattenfechten gegen den Kreml
Eine Prüfung der von Fakt präsentierten "Beweise" für "Putins unerklärten Krieg gegen den Westen"
No Swimsuit Day: Madrid allows nude bathing in public pools to 'educate & transmit Western values'
UK police commit 2,300 data breaches in 4.5yrs - report
Only 3% of police data breaches end in criminal convictions
Saudi Arabia Uncovered ITV YouTube 720p
Saudi Arabia Uncovered: TV-Doku zeigt die Brutalität einer Welt, in der Frauen auf der Straße geköpft werden –
Documentary shows brutality of world where women are beheaded in street
Russia warnings to Turkey & EU on suspected terrorists ignored – Kremlin
Hillary Clinton’s Email Operation Violated At Least Six U.S. Criminal Laws
by Eric Zuesse, via This is not an exclusive list, nor does it relate to charges that might possibly be made against Ms. Clinton on grounds other than the…
Here's What Happens if Finland Joins NATO
Last week, during a meeting with Finnish counterpart Sauli Niinisto, Russian President Vladimir Putin warned Finnish authorities about the possible consequences of that country joining the NATO alliance. Commenting on the…
Fallujah a harrowing ghost town after ISIS evicted in devastating battle for Iraqi city
0.01% Of British Population March In London Against Brexit
VideoThis might not be the greatest uprising ever of the British against their evil overlords. According to reports "thousands" are marching in London to protest…
‘Crocodile tears’: Russian senator blasts ‘biased & selective’ European resolutions on Crimea
The latest resolutions on Crimea, Abkhazia and South Ossetia passed by the OSCE demonstrate that the organization only defends the interests of NATO member states, the head of the Russian Upper House Committee for International Affairs has said.
Ovatko Sanoma ja Yle turvallisuusriski?
                Professori, eversti Pekka Visuri julkaisi tänään Suomen Geopoliittisen Seuran sivulla artikkelin Venäjän joukoista lähialueilla. Se on luettavissa…
Außer Spesen nix gewesen: ARD „fakt ab“ im Propagandakrieg
Iceland Signs Deal to Allow US to Reopen Cold War Era Base
Iceland and the United States have signed a memorandum of understanding today that sets the stage for a return of US troops to the Arctic island for the first time…
Salafi movement
The Salafi movement or Salafist movement or Salafism is an ultra-conservative[1] reform[2] movement within Sunni Islam that emerged in the second half of the 19th-century and advocated a return to the traditions of the "devout ancestors" (the salaf). The doctrine can be summed up as taking "a fundamentalist approach to Islam,
Jaysh al-Islam
formerly known as Liwa al-Islam or the Brigade of Islam, is a coalition of Islamist and Salafist units involved in the Syrian Civil War
Liwa al-Islam was established by Zahran Alloush, the son of Saudi-based religious scholar Abdullah Mohammed Alloush, after Syrian authorities released him from prison in mid-2011 where he had been serving time for his Salafist activism.[42] The group claimed responsibility for carrying out the July 2012 Damascus bombing that killed Defense Minister Dawoud Rajiha, Deputy Defense Minister Asef Shawkat, and Assistant Vice President Hassan Turkmani. Liwa al-Islam was a driving force behind actions in the Damascus region. It cooperated and conducted joint operations with the Al-Nusra Front.[
< involed in the NATO mercenaries war>
Ages of consent in Asia
Global Warming ‘Fabricated’ by NASA and NOAA
The evidence of their tinkering can clearly be seen at Real Science, where blogger Steven Goddard has posted a series of graphs which show “climate change” before and after the adjustments.
When the raw data is used, there is little if any evidence of global warming and some evidence of global cooling. However, once the data has been adjusted – ie fabricated by computer models –  20th century ‘global warming’ suddenly looks much more dramatic.
On the Road to United Eurasia
Torture, summary killings: Amnesty slams Syrian armed groups for ‘chilling’ abuses
Jihadists operating in northern Syria are committing torture and summary killings of civilians in areas under their control, a new report by Amnesty International has…
From Pol Pot to ISIS: "Anything that flies on everything that moves"
ISIS has a similar past and present. By most scholarly measure, Bush and Blair’s invasion of Iraq in 2003 led to the deaths of some 700,000 people - in a country that had no history of jihadism. The Kurds had done territorial and political deals; Sunni and Shia had class and sectarian differences, but they were at peace; intermarriage was common. Three years before the invasion, I drove the length of Iraq without fear. On the way I met people proud, above all, to be Iraqis, the heirs of a civilization that seemed, for them, a presence.
Hillary Clinton Received Secret Memo Stating Obama Admin ‘Support’ for ISIS
When Will Russia Be Rid of Its Achilles Heel Fifth Columnists?
No More Maidans: NATO Training Ukrainian Troops to Crush Future Protests
Rapid Trident-2016, a series of military drills involving Ukrainian and NATO troops…
Police State Roundup: Cops assault, rape, and shoot civilians - lie about it - and get away with it
"China Is Headed For A 1929-Style Depression"
Mass Shooting Myth — U.S. Homicide Rate Hits 51-year Low As Gun Ownership Increased 141%
15 Reasons You Should Be Drinking Lemon Water Every Morning
6 Household Spices that Destroy Cancer Cells, Prevent Heart Attacks & Rebuilds Our Gut
Turmeric, Cayenne, Garlic, Coriander, Cinnamon, Black Pepper
WikiLeaks rolls out archive of over 1,200 ‘Clinton Iraq War’ emails
Ambiguous Cylinder Illusion
Ambiguous Cylinder Illusion // How it Works
1st episode: "BUK" in Zugres
About the MH17 Inquiry
Das neue BND-Gesetz: Alles, was der BND macht, wird einfach legalisiert. Und sogar noch ausgeweitet.
Der Bundesnachrichtendienst kann seine Internet-Überwachung demnächst massiv ausbauen. Das geht aus dem neuen BND-Gesetz hervor, auf das sich…
Piketty: 'Germany is the country that has never repaid its debts. It has no standing to lecture other nations.'
[image] The German newspaper Die Zeit has published a heated interview with French economist
Do as I Tell You: US Senate Gives Direct Orders to Ukrainian PM Yatsenyuk
Unknown hackers leaked a letter addressed to Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk from US
Are we the fascists now?
by John Pilger The recent 70th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz was a reminder of the great crime of fascism, whose Nazi iconography is embedded in…
Fabrication in BBC Panorama 'Saving Syria’s Children'
13yo invented sex attack story about ‘dark-skinned’ man in Austrian pool - police
 The story of a 13-year-old girl being sexually assaulted by a “dark-skinned” man in an Austrian swimming pool was apparently invented by the girl herself, police said. The hoax prompted the authorities to issue a temporary pool ban for refugees.
The schoolgirl was since interviewed by several times by police and finally on Wednesday she admitted that the whole incident had been invented, local media cited police.
Death toll in Baghdad ISIS bombings surpasses 130 (VIDEO)
MP calls for Tony Blair to be 'stripped of all honours'
MPs are calling for former prime minister Tony Blair to be stripped of his seat on the Privy Council and all his other honours amid accusations he 'misled the British public' over the Iraq War in 2003.
Trevor Moore - Time For Guillotines
Hyperloop in Moscow: City plans to launch super-speed 1,200 kmph tube project by end of 2016
AG Lynch meeting with Clinton a conflict of interest?
Emergency Services Are REALLY Being Bought Up By Corporations
Russia the 'Gatekeeper' in Creating a Diplomatic Solution for Syria
Russia remains "the decisive force" capable of resolving the Syrian war through…
Mask of Zion
Mass Shootings and Massacres in America: The Political, Cultural and Socio-psychological Features of US Society
Over the past fifty plus years, over 125 mass shootings/massacres have occurred within the United States but not one perpetrator has been identified as a trained member of an international Islamist terrorist organization.
Brittilehti: Suomen terveydenhuoltojärjestelmä on Euroopan huonoin - Ajavatko hallitukset terveydenhuollon alas tahallaan?
The Zionist entity is the original cause of the war on Syria
Six years passed since the war started in Syria, but to be honest … Let’s talk of all these victories and setbacks suffered by the parties to the conflict , the axis of…
William C. Rogers III
Legion of Merit awarded to the one who killed 290 passengers of Iran Air flight 655
U.S. Navy Capt. Will C. Rogers III was awarded Legion of Merit for his Persian Gulf operations which included the 1988 shooting down of an Iranian civilian airliner…
Putin in Helsinki: 'NATO Would Gladly Fight Russia Until the Last Finn'
Following a meeting with his Finnish counterpart, Russian President Vladimir Putin…
To clarify, Putin said this:
"Finnish armed forces would become part of NATO's military infrastructure, which overnight would be at the borders of the Russian Federation"
"Do you think we will keep it as it is: our troops at 1,500 kilometres away? NATO perhaps would gladly fight with Russia until the last Finnish soldier. Do you guys need it? We don't. We don't want it. But it is your call."
Turkey, Jun 28: Another "terrorist" attack in another airport managed by Israel's ICTS.
Israel Linked To Istanbul Airport Terror Attack
A security firm from Israel linked to numerous false flag terror attacks handled the security at the Istanbul airport where 42 people were killed on Tuesday.
<The same Israeli security was in charge of US airports on 9/11, London buses on 7/7, Schipol (underwear bomber), Istanbul Airport?>
Wall Street Answers When You Call 911 - #NewWorldNextWeek
How Did Some Experts and Emergency Responders Know the Twin Towers Were Going to Collapse on 9/11?
Joint Base Andrews Locked Down After "Exercise" Mistaken for Real Event
'They Were So Beautiful': Remembering Those Murdered In Orlando
Victims’ Names
Indian Point: Fukushima’s Mini-Me
Rather Aggressive pro-EU Protester, March for Europe Today, London
Pro-EU Protester 'Why do you like the EU?
Skydivers fall to their deaths in Olympic rings performance in Brazil
Over 1,100 Arab citizens of Israel killed since 2000 – official
A Conspiracy Theory that became a “Conspiracy Fact”: The CIA, Afghanistan’s Poppy Fields and...
The heroin epidemic resembles the days when “Crack cocaine” became the major drug that destroyed…
DC Leaks | Philip Mark Breedlove
DCleaks is a new level project aimed to analyze and publish a large amount of emails from top-ranking…
NATO General Plotted Against Obama to Escalate Russia Tensions
Dead Brexit Walking
All political hell is breaking loose in the UK. The Prime Minister is no more - a post-modern version of Monty Python's Dead Parrot Sketch.
1,456 Palestinian children shot dead by Israel since 2000
Coinciding with International Children's Day on 1 June, figures released by the…
Indian Point again shows how US nuclear infrastructure is crumbling
Obama admin: Up to 116 civilians 'accidentally' killed in US drone strikes
Is a new partnership in the works between the US & Russia in Syria?
<The "moderate rebels" are Al Qaeda affiliated terrorists groups and US-NATO mercenaries.>
Monsanto threatened by European Union decision to ban glyphosate
As the European Union dominates the news headlines across the world, the Brexit is not the only controversy brewing in Europe. Never known for its democratic values, European nations have nevertheless refused to back an extension of the use of glyphosate, the main ingredient in Monsanto's Roundup - a decision that could strike a major blow to the multinational corporation.
New U.S. "Offer" To Cooperate With Russia in Syria Is Deceptive Nonsense
Putin: Russia to respond if Finland joins NATO
Russia will respond accordingly if neighboring Finland joins NATO, Russian President Vladimir Putin has said. However, he added that Moscow will try to begin a dialogue with NATO despite its expansion towards Russia’s borders.
“We welcome the Finnish President’s proposal [to ban flights over the Baltics with transponders off].
FAKT!-Interview mit M. Bartalmai (uncut) - Was der sog. "Kremlpropagandist" tatsächlich gesagt hat
Das FAKT!-Interview mit Mark Bartalmai…
"Propaganda im Sinne Russlands" - FAKT (MDR)
<Hier ist der FAKT-Beitrag, in dem das Interwiew verwendet wurde:>
Putin: NATO Jets Fly Over Baltics Without Turning on Identification Devices
Russian President Vladimir Putin said that NATO jets fly over the Baltic region…
Meeting of Russian Federation ambassadors and permanent envoys
Vladimir Putin addressed the eighth meeting of Russian Federation ambassadors and permanent envoys at the Russian Foreign Ministry.
Jeremy Corbyn criticised for comparing Israel and 'Islamic states'
Jeremy Corbyn has been criticised for appearing to compare the Israeli state and terrorist groups including Isis in a speech on antisemitism in the Labour Party. The embattled Labour leader was speaking after the launch of a report by the former director of Liberary, Shami Chakrabarti.
EXCLUSIVE: Syrian Army Gets Access to 10,000 Secret Daesh Docs
The Democratic Forces of Syria (SDF) found more than ten thousand Daesh documents around the Syrian city of Manbij that will help in further operations against terrorists.
Blank canvas: Solar activity dwindling to lows not seen in 200 years
Austrian town bans women in ‘burqinis’ from swimming in public pool
However, the focus on refugees` complicity in the crimes might have offered a distortive prospective on the issue. According to the data, only 25 out of 343 sex-related offences at that time were linked to asylum seekers with 175 to Austrian nationals.
Top US and Saudi Officials responsible for Chemical Weapons in Syria
The Orlando Shootings: Police SWAT Team Involved in the Killings
France’s new terrorist database goes live in effort to prevent future attacks
Obama admin says up to 116 civilians 'accidentally' killed in US drone strikes
Jennifer Gibson, a lawyer from the human rights organization Reprieve, estimates that more than 4,000 people have been killed by drones including hundreds of children, and said the Obama administration’s estimation of casualties “is unlikely to be worth the paper it’s printed on.”
Breedlove’s war: Emails show ex-NATO general plotting US conflict with Russia
CARTA: The Origin of Us - Fossils of Modern Humans Interbreeding within and outside of Africa
Shejire DNA presents - Journey Of Man; A Genetic Odyssey!
The Collapse of Western Democracy
Disabled woman beaten bloody by TSA agents after becoming confused and afraid at security checkpoint
A disabled woman was beaten bloody by federal agents during an airport security…
Klare Mehrheit: Deutsche lehnen Nato-Politik gegen Russland ab
Die Deutschen lehnen laut einer Umfrage die gegen Russland gerichtete Politik der Nato ab. Sie teilen die Einschätzung von Bundesaußenminister…
Czech president wants referendum on EU & NATO membership
The president of the Czech Republic, Milos Zeman, has called for a referendum on his country’s membership in the EU and NATO. Although Zeman wants to remain in both organizations, he wants the public to have a chance to “express themselves.”
SYRIA: President Bahsar Al Assad Talks to Australian SBS TV
<It was a great interview. Unfortunately SBS had to muck it up with a 5 minute propaganda piece to indoctrinate the viewers.>
President Assad's interview with SBS NEWS AUSTRALIA
SOTT Exclusive: Russian humanitarian aid to Syria warms the hearts of many
How the EU pushed France to reforms of labour law
by Corporate Europe Observatory The current struggle in France over labour law reforms is not just between the Government and trade unions – a European battle…
Jamaican cannabis kiosks at airports could give tourists legal highs
The new rules allow people to carry up to two ounces of marijuana without fear of prosecution, while the cultivation of up to five plants is also permitted.
Austrian court cancels presidential election result, orders re-run
Wanted in Russia: EU court blocked suspected Istanbul attack mastermind from extradition in 2010
A Chechen national suspected of being the mastermind behind the deadly Istanbul airport terrorist attack, earlier received refugee status in Austria, which helped him to repeatedly avoid extradition to Russia on terror charges.
In 2010, Chataev was arrested in Ukraine with his mobile phone files containing a demolition technique instruction and photos of people killed in a blast. Russia requested his extradition on terrorism-related charges but the European Court for Human Rights ordered Ukraine not to hand him over to Russia with Amnesty International also urging Ukrainian authorities to halt extradition as Chataev “could face an unfair trial and would be at risk of torture and other ill-treatment.”
Jihadists that US kept off terror list attack UN humanitarian convoy in Syria - MoD
Militants from an Al-Qaeda-linked group, Jaysh al-Islam, have shelled a UN humanitarian convoy near Damascus, the Russian Defense Ministry said. Despite the group’s repeated ceasefire violations, the UN rejected Russia’s bid to add it to the terror list.
Jaysh al-Islam had previously admitted to using chemical weapons against Kurdish militias in Aleppo earlier this year. It is also known to have used human shields and published ISIS-style execution videos.
Discover almost 4,000 gods, goddesses and spirits from around the world
Arabian Paganism
Brutal Jewish God of War
Apple obtains patent to remotely shut down iPhone cameras
Legal advice suggests the coup against Corbyn is dead in the water | The Canary
Plotting MPs are on the road to nowhere.
The truth behind the Labour coup, when it really began and who manufactured it (EXCLUSIVE) | The...
With the Labour leader under mounting pressure, who is behind the 'Labour coup'?
Annual Causes of Death in the United States
Hospital Errors are the Third Leading Cause of Death in U.S., and New Hospital…
New research estimates up to 440,000 Americans are dying annually from preventable hospital errors. This puts medical errors as the third leading cause of death in the United States, underscoring the need for patients to protect themselves and their families from harm, and for hospitals to make patient safety a priority.
Men work 42 minutes more per day than women, US study finds

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