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Wednesday, November 22, 2017


Opinion by:

DeNeice Kenehan
November 21 at 3:02pm ·
Months ago I observed that #Russiagate #Redscare #NeoMcCarthyism has accomplished at least nine things:
1. It distracted the public narrative from Democrat cheating and other misconduct revealed in the DNC and Podesta emails published by WikiLeaks;
2. It distracted from discussion regarding Clinton, Podesta ties to Russian oligarchs (eg Uranium One, Sberbank, Skolkovo, Pinchuk);
3. It impugned the reputation of the new POTUS and Republican Party in the oppositional political campaign to discredit and delegitimize the newly-elected government;
4. It ignited a NeoMcCarthyism #RedScare to justify expanding defense and surveillance spending;
5. It provided the Obama administration with a rationale to transfer election supervision from states to Homeland Security;
6. It established the legal rationale to acquire a court order to wiretap the Republican candidate during and after the election, by alleging a foreign intell issue.
7. It operates as The Big Distraction and effectivly blacks out news coverage, conversations and investigation of crucial issues. While we were sidetracked by the Russian spy drama, the following bills were introduced: HR 861 Terminate the Environmental Protection Agency; HR 610 Vouchers for Public Education; HR 899 Terminate the Department of Education; HJR 69 Repeal Rule Protecting Wildlife; HR 370 Repeal Affordable Care Act; HR 354 Defund Planned Parenthood; HR 785 National Right to Work (this one ends unions); HR 83 Mobilizing Against Sanctuary Cities Bill; HR 147 Criminalizing Abortion (“Prenatal Nondiscrimination Act”) and HR 808 Sanctions against Iran. See “10 Trump Administration Atrocities Going Under-Reported Amid Russia Hysteria” @
8. The Russia-hating Neocons are goading Trump to prove he is a true US patriot who would nuke Russia.
and another from Caity Johnstone
9. "Russophobia was rehabilitated from the Cold War closet by the American political establishment to distract from the glaring internal collapse of American politics. Unable to accept the reality that the governing structure of the US has lost legitimacy in the eyes of the people, that the people rebelled by electing an outsider in the form of business mogul-turned-politician Donald Trump, that the collapse of American traditional politics is due to the atrophy of its bankrupt capitalist economy over several decades – the ruling class have fabricated their own excuse for demise by blaming it all on Russia.
The American ruling class cannot accept, or come to terms, with the fact of systemic failure in their own political system. The election of Trump is a symptom of this failure and the widespread disillusionment among voters towards the two-party train wreck of Republicans and Democrats. That is why the specter of Russian interference in the US political system had to be conjured up, by necessity, as a way of «explaining» the abject failure and the ensuing popular revolt." - @…/russophobia-symptom-us-i…
DeNeice Kenehan
10. RussiaGate has castrated the fifth estate of the #freepress. Media conglomerates serve the government and elites as propagandists and #CENSORS. Yesterday’s muckraking watchdog which exposed corruption, greed and destruction has been bribed or blackmailed to become billionaires’ lapdogs.. or blacklisted and defamed as “fake news.” See “The Lost Journalistic Standards of Russia-gate” @…/the-lost-journalistic-standar…/
** HERE‘S THE $64,000 QUESTION: **
Will RussiaGate scandalize the Democratic Party, the unelected alphabet-soup #ShadowGovernment and elite private #DeepState? (The Republicans are raw in-your-face brutes.)

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