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Thursday, January 10, 2019

January Links Part One

Watch the vaccine videos...
France’s Yellow Vest Protesters: Unleash Chaos by Withdrawing All Money From Banks
The movement’s adherents said they hoped the banking action will force the French government to heed their demands, especially giving citizens the right to propose and vote on new laws.
Rockefeller Foundation Sued: $1 Billion for Infecting Citizens With Syphilis
Chuang’s decision is a victory for 444 victims and relatives of victims suing over the experiment, which was aimed at testing the then-new drug penicillin and stopping the spread of sexually-transmitted diseases.
The experiment echoed the government’s Tuskegee study on black American men who were deliberately left untreated for syphilis even after penicillin was discovered.
A New Narrative Control Firm Works To Destroy Alternative Media
Has Trump Been Outmaneuvered on Syria Troop Withdrawal?
Trump’s possible backtracking on withdrawal from Syria means he may have been once again outmaneuvered by the Deep State, says Virginia State Senator Dick Black.
An American Senator Writes of ISIS “Hellish Filth We’ve Recruited, Armed and Trained for 8 Years!”
I’ve viewed hundreds of beheadings and crucifixions online …all were proudly posted by the hellish filth that we’ve recruited, armed and trained for the past eight years.  Major war crimes, like beheading 250 Syrian soldiers… During a five-hour drive across liberated Syria this September, I spoke with many people, from desert shepherds, to nuns and Muslim religious.  There were palpable expressions of joy that the Syrian armed forces had liberated them from the terrorists.  That was coupled with broad-based, unequivocal support for President Bashar al Assad and the Syrian Armed Forces.”
Heavy rain, snow and cold grips North India, temperatures up to 10 °C (18 °F) below normal
Mini-ice age underway: Major winter storms hit countries around the world, creating snow apocalypses
 and chaos in the US, Canada, Mexico, Iran, Turkey, India and across Europe

A Majority of Americans Do Not Believe the Official 9/11 Story
“Conspiracy Theorists” Now A Majority
Nancy Pelosi Blows Black Lives Matter Question
The Jimmy Dore Show
The Defeat of the Largest Terrorist Army on Earth
If we add to those, the same number of terrorists terminated in combats with the Syrian Arab Army since the end of 2011 and until the end of 2015, we will find that the ‘Terrorist Army’ that was destroyed lost about 200,000 terrorist, their injured would be double or triple that figure, in general.
If we add to them the number of terrorists packed by the ‘green buses’ and sent to Idlib, which now contains the largest collection of between 70,000 and 100,000 terrorists, we will find out that the number of the personnel of the terrorist’s body and the military conspiracy is almost half a million terrorists, Syrian and foreigner from all nationalities.
'Larry Silverstein, Lewis Eisenberg made billions of dollars from destruction of Twin Towers'
Zionist businessmen Larry Silverstein and Lewis Eisenberg, who are close friends of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, made billions of dollars from the destruction of the Twin Towers on September 11, 2001, says Dr. Kevin Barrett, an American academic who has been studying the events of 9/11 since late 2003.
Damaging Ties: Why Germany is the Integrity Initiative’s 'Most Important Target'
"Imminent Collapse": Oregon's Pot Glut Drives Prices Even Lower
How The US Spent Billions To Change The Outcome Of Elections Around The World: A Review
American exceptionalism claims that the U.S. is a force for good in the world and completely justified in its wars of conquest draped in the cover of spreading “democracy and freedom” around the world
'Hate Speech' Convictions Soar Tenfold As Sweden Cracks Down On Migration Critics
Last spring, Åberg was nominated for the “Swedish Hero” award by one of Sweden’s major newspapers Aftonbladet.
However, the nomination was withdrawn when it was discovered that he had tortured his own animals to death.
Keeping #Skripal in the news, and with Novichok allegedly on handle of the (now long removed) front door, ten months later demolition of his entire mi6 funded home has begun. UK govt says work will take four months, with two weeks just to remove the roof
Detective Publishes Book Exposing High-Level Gov’t Pedophile Ring that Murdered Children — Shot in the Head Days Later
News is Propaganda - Open Your Eyes
Americans should ditch mainstream media and search truth: Author
A “small psychopathic elite” is exploiting the mainstream media to stoke fears and deepen political division in the United States in order to solidify its complete dominance over American politics, says an author and political analyst.
Why Britain Aggresses Russia
Britain is positioning itself as a hired gun for American imperialism in the 21st century. Think about it. Why would Britain build these giant warships to be of such service to US warplanes, instead of British-European counterparts like the EuroTyphoon fighter?
Iconic viking warrior was a woman, DNA test confirms
American Psychological Association considers 'traditional masculinity' to be 'harmful'
<So the reality is now that a bunch of limp wrist straight weaklings, hiding out a closet called the American Psychological Association see the opportunity to re-define male masculinity to a kind of group standard of the lowest common denominator. Which in their case is evidently somewhere between a worm and small girl as the ideal male. >'s_Theory_of_Positive_Disintegration_An_overview_of_basic_concepts/download
Kazimierz Dabrowski's Theory of Positive Disintegration: An overview of basic concepts
Dabrowski's Theory of Positive Disintegration
and Giftedness:
Overexcitability Research Findings
Special Report- The Dangers of Vaccines With Dr. Sherri Tenpenny
Dr. Sherri Tenpenny - The Flu Shot: Hype or Health?
"Vaccine Mandates: Adults Are Next", Dr. Sherri Tenpenny Exposes The Truth
Theory of Positive Personality Disintegration explained
The Truth Perspective: The Myth of Symptoms: Why Most People Are Actually Mentally Ill
<The single biggest fact is you average (most) persons' inability to 'handle the truth', to the point that they shut out real reality - which is harder than ever politely avoid, and so as to please their perceptions of their neighbors/the crowd, the follow through with what they THINK everyone else thinking. (They have HUGE cognitive dissonance from 9/11/2001, because their souls know that the laws of physics did not get suspended that day, and that even with the criminally skimpy MSM coverage, they KNOW that the official story is a poorly told after-the-fact lie - which they yet believe that all their neighbors believe (though in their hears they do not) while the neighbors actually have the same, scared-cat view of 'reality.'>
About 1 in 59 children has been identified with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) according to estimates from CDC’s Autism and Developmental
One in a Hundred is
on the Autism Spectrum
Autism not the only neurodevelopmental disorder on the rise
The researchers compared each disorder’s prevalence in children at age 10. They found that between 2000 and 2011, the prevalence of autism spectrum disorders as a whole increased 121 percent in Western Australia, 175 percent in Denmark and 354 percent in Sweden.
The association between congenital anomalies and autism spectrum disorders in a Finnish national birth cohort
Why are more men filing for divorce than ever before?
8 Best Benefits of Mulberries
What are the health benefits of goji berries?
< not recommended>
 With Golan at Stake, Netanyahu, Bolton Set Trump Straight on US Syria Withdrawal Plan
Understanding the significance of the Golan Heights is in many ways key to understanding why the Syrian conflict was engineered by foreign powers in the first place
Assad: 'most dangerous' Isis chiefs are Scandinavians
Syrian president Bashar al-Assad has blamed Norway and other Scandinavian countries for producing "the most dangerous leaders of Isis in our region", in a video interview with Sweden's Expressen newspaper.
Bolton Threatens Syria: US Troop Withdrawal “On Hold”. Permanent US Military Base on Syria-Iraqi border
War Criminals at Large
Daniele Ganser is a Swiss historian specializing in contemporary history since 1945 and international politics. He is especially known for his groundbreaking research on Gladio, NATO’s secret armies.
Saudi Teen Who Tried To Flee Family Says, "They Will Kill Me"
The head of Thailand’s immigration police said Monday that an 18-year-old Saudi woman was detained by Saudi officials at a Bangkok airport, as she attempted to reach Australia to seek asylum.
Rahaf Mohammed Alqunun, remained barricaded in a tiny airport hotel room Monday while sending out dozens of tweets for help.
Alqunun began tweeting late Saturday after her passport was confiscated at Bangkok airport on a flight from Kuwait.
“I have called on the Liberal Government to act urgently to ensure Rahaf Mohammed al-Qunun has safe travel to Australia. She has denounced Islam and is fleeing a forced marriage."
Chemicals In Conventional Mattresses And Plastics
Almost 9 Out Of 10 Cell Phones Tested Exceeded The Current Limits When Tested Next to Body. No
Former NHS nurse born in UK with no criminal record deported to Ghana
The Myth of the Russian Crime Boss, Semion Mogilevich, He's Israeli by Larry Johnson
One of the cornerstones of the meme that Donald Trump is beholden to the Russians--i.e. a Putin puppet--is his alleged ties to Semion Mogilevich, who is described in Wikipedia and other publications as the Godfather of all Russian mobsters. Only one tiny problem with the Mogilevich description--it is devoid of any actual evidence and ignores the simple facts that he was born in Ukraine and is a citizen of Israel. Not a Russian.
Exposure to People After They Had a Vaccine
However, if the person receiving the vaccine is exposed to someone who is immunocompromised, the immunocompromised individual could get the illness.
Autism, Low IQ politicians & Censored Mawson Vaccine Study
Researchers find IQ scores dropping since the 1970s
 A British team recently found IQ score results falling by 2.5 to 4.3 points every decade since approximately the end of the second world war.
The Demise of the West. Western Elites Are Anti-Democratic
Part II
It is customary to speak of Western countries as democracies. In actual fact, the countries are oligarchies in which voting, which conveys the semblance that government is accountable to the people, seldom changes anything as elected officials are constrained by the power of organized interest groups. President Trump is the latest example. He has been blocked in his goal of reducing tensions with Russia.
The EU bubble is doomed to burst in 2019, financial analyst warns
Trump To Europe: You're Vassals And I Don't Care
However, decades of transatlantic rhetoric has often served to conceal the real relationship between Washington and Europe. The reality is the Europeans are not partners. They are vassals.
The subordinate European governments have also dutifully facilitated American militarism by affording a multilateral pseudo legal cover for Washington’s imperialist wars. For example, European nations sent troops to augment US wars in Afghanistan and Iraq thereby giving criminal genocidal ventures a veneer of legitimacy.
Film Friedensvertrag III.aktuell
‘Gender parity in torture’: Twitter unimpressed as Maddow celebrates CIA’s all-female leadership
Women now control all three directorates of the CIA – a historic milestone for gender equality in the clandestine regime change/assassination sector. Rachel Maddow seems to be celebrating, but why is Twitter full of party poopers?
"The White Helmets" wins Best Documentary Short
<Al Qaeda won an Oscar>
Use Hollywood films to counter China & Russia: Integrity Initiative psyop plan exposed in new leaks
Civil war in Idlib (Video)
What’s happening in Idlib is literally a civil war between different radical jihadi groups, but mainly between Nour Eddin al-Zinki, the group that slaughtered a 12 year old boy Abdullah Issa and fired thousands of hell cannons on the civilians of Aleppo, the group that received funding from the US and military support from Turkey, against Al-Nusra Front or Al-Qaeda which seems it has smashed Al-Zinki in the western peripheries of Aleppo and kicked the smaller terror group to the north, namely to Turkish held town of Afrin.
US attacks in Syria increased after Trump’s withdrawal announcement
Foreign Military Occupation 101: bombing without responsibility. "the US military admitted that it had killed 1,139 civilians in #Iraq and #Syria since the start of its [alleged] campaign against #Daesh", Monitoring group #AirWars puts the figure at 7,000 to 11,000
Medical error—the third leading cause of death in the US
Are Vaccines Given to U.S. Citizens Made in China ?
Most of the other vaccines are used in the United States are made in France, Canada, Belgium, Germany, or the United States
Review Of Critical Vaccine Studies: 400 Important Scientific Papers Summarized
Vaccines, Are They Safe and Effective? The Greatest Medical Controversy of Our Time
What Is The Financial Relationship Between Vaccines And The Media, Medical Journals And Doctors
Asthma statistics
Each day 11 Americans die from asthma. There are more than 4,000 deaths due to asthma each year, many of which are avoidable with proper treatment and care. In addition, asthma is indicated as contributing factor for nearly 7,000 other deaths each year.
The death rate for children under 19 years old has increased by nearly 80% percent since 1980. More females die of asthma than males, and women account for nearly 65% of asthma deaths overall. African Americans are three times more likely to die from asthma.
Asthma Statistics
 In 2016, approximately 8.3% of children in the United States had asthma. Boys were slightly more likely to have asthma than girls at a rate of 9.2% and 7.4%, respectively.7
8 Expert Theories About Rising Asthma Rates
Syria - Turkey Fails In Idleb, Is Unwilling To Take The Northeast
Hillary Clinton ‘Covered Up’ Elite Pedophile Ring At State Department According To NBC News Report
‘Hunt for our people goes on’: Moscow warns there’s no ‘safe place’ after US nabs Russian national
Skripal spin doctors: Documents link UK govt-funded Integrity Initiative to anti-Russia narrative
The Integrity Initiative, a UK-funded group exposed in leaked files as psyop network, played a key role in monitoring and molding media narratives after the poisoning of double agent Sergei Skripal, newly-dumped documents reveal.
Trump to Europe: You’re Vassals and I Don’t Care
 “I don’t care about Europe,” declared US President Donald Trump this week during his White House cabinet’s first meeting of the new year.
The American president probably revealed more about the true nature of US-European relations than he intended.
Let's stop pretending peer review works
Inside the Temple of Covert Propaganda: The Integrity Initiative and the UK’s Scandalous Information War
Little Things Matter: The Impact of Toxins on the Developing Brain
David Icke - Culling The Population
Reporter Quits Over NBC’s Devotion To War
The Jimmy Dore Show
Raising autism rates because of better discovery methods:
"People just didn't noticed autistic children in the past. Autistic children look like normal people and only when doctors developed sophisticated methods, autism was discovered". Either that or this is just propaganda and bollocks.
How do you live on £36.95 a week? Asylum seekers on surviving on their allowance
It’s a question that 39,000 asylum seekers in Britain are currently grappling with. When people arrive in the UK and apply for asylum, they are not allowed to work while they wait for their claim to be decided. Those who have savings must live off them; those who are destitute – an understandably high number, given the circumstances in which many people flee their countries – are entitled to support in the form of housing and an allowance of £36.95 a person a week.
Washington Trained Guatemala’s Mass Murderers—and the Border Patrol Played a Role
How To Say No To Vaccinations and Smart Meters
Top 6 Countries That Grew Filthy Rich From Enslaving Black People
In Frankreich protestieren die Menschen gegen Aufstände der Polizei
In Frankreich fand eine Kundgebung gegen die Unterdrückung durch die Polizei auf dem Platz der Republik statt. Besucher huldigen den Opfern und den Verletzten.
Silence follows Trump attorney’s statement that Julian Assange did nothing “wrong”
Slavoj Zizek on Yellow Vests. How to Watch the News, Episode 01
<Enlightened leadership do not last long enough for bureaucratic socialism to remain pure and efficient for more than one generation, however bureaucratic socialism could last long enough to become an orwellian nightmare.>
‘Operation Iris’ & more: New documents tie Integrity Initiative to spin of Skripal affair
 Hackers who leaked documents from the Integrity Initiative, a shadowy outfit funded by the UK government, claim they show its connections to the March 2018 alleged poisoning attack in Salisbury and proposed actions against Russia.
The Integrity Initiative (II) was set up in 2015 by the equally shadowy “Institute for Statecraft,” according to the documents published online in November by hackers calling themselves a part of the Anonymous collective.
<For those who complain about the taste just add these spices separately into your diet everyday. Also, don’t forget about hemp seeds and chia seeds!>
The Sun is going to sleep last grand solar minimum 400 years ago(3)
 Iraq Vows to Buck US Sanctions on Iran and End US Troop Presence
Many Iraqi leaders called Trump’s recent surprise visit to their country a violation of their nation’s sovereignty. This has ended up leading to a wider backlash and resulted in multiple Iraqi politicians demanding a complete end to the US military presence in the country.
Glass of wine or beer a day reduces risk of an early death, says new study
The military-industrial complex is now run by women
Ben Swann On: Election Meddling in Alabama The Media Ignores
The Hermetic Revival: 7 Ancient Principles For Self-Mastery
World Food Program, Bribed By Saudis, Threatens Yemenis With More Famine
The U.S. is essentially running the Saudi air war against Yemen:
NATO Member-states to be Sued for 1999 Attack on Serbia
“Between 10 and 15 tons of uranium have been dropped on the territory of then Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro). The number of those ill with cancer is alarming. 2.5 percent of Serbia’s population is diagnosed with malignant diseases each year, i.e., 33,000 people. One child is diagnosed every day. Since 1999, the number of cancer patients has grown five times. The population is falling ill on a mass scale, especially in southern Serbia and in Kosovo and Metohija,” Aleksic said.
Testing the hockey-stick hypothesis by statistical analyses of a large dataset of proxy records.
‘War on Terror’ Has Left Millions Dead Across the Middle East
Critical issues are generally overlooked or ignored.
Fascism Came To America Wrapped In A Rainbow Flag And Wearing A Pussyhat
 How War Propaganda in the Film Industry Really Works
There is no doubt the Department of Defense (a.k.a. the Pentagon) has encouraged the militarization of popular culture and is pro-actively seeking further influence in Hollywood.
124 left-wing groups have been infiltrated by UK police; only 3 right-wing groups.
The far-right have flourished due to establishment sympathy.
Mass Psychosis and The Church of Humanitarian Interventionism
LIVE: Researchers share findings into activities of the 'White Helmets' in Syria at UN HQ
America’s Secret Planned Conquest of Russia
‘Hunt’ for Germans: Police union head slams migrants who attacked people before New Year’s Eve
Blacks under apartheid - South Africa
Graph of South Africa's murder rate (murders per 100,000 people) over a 100-year period from 1915 to 2015.
The murder rate increased rapidly in the 1980s reaching its peak in 1993 then decreasing until bottoming out in 2011.
More Proof CIA Has Always Been Full Of Sh*t-- Church Committee Hearings of 1975
The Jimmy Dore Show
How Americas Most Powerful News Media Worked Hand in Glove with the Central Intelligence Agency and Why the Church Committee Covered It Up
The CIA and the Media: 50 Facts the World Needs to Know
British Spy Found Inside Bernie Sanders Campaign
The Jimmy Dore Show
Jordan Peterson: 30 Minutes for the NEXT 30 Years of Your LIFE
 WikiLeaks Reveals “Marble”: Proof CIA Disguises Their Hacks As Russian, Chinese, Arabic…
The latest release is said to potentially allow for ‘thousands’ of cyber attacks to be attributed to the CIA which were originally blamed on foreign governments.
Did a Military Experimental Vaccine in 1918 Kill 50-100 Million People Blamed as “Spanish Flu”?
Vaccines deliver 4,925 mcg of aluminum by 18 months, safe limit is 25 mcg
While parents across the country are led to believe they are doing the best thing for their children by vaccinating them according to a childhood vaccination schedule, the little known fact is that those vaccines can introduce toxic aluminum into the body at nearly 200 times the safe level. Keep reading – to see for yourself the undeniable truth.
Rand Paul: CIA Annex In Benghazi Shipped Arms From Libya To Syria; Clinton Lied About It
Sen. Rand Paul says that Hillary Clinton deserves five years in prison for lying to Congress about the true nature of the CIA operation in Benghazi that was attacked by terrorists in 2012.
Under oath before Congress in 2013, Hillary Clinton answered a question from Sen. Paul, saying she knew nothing about the weapons shipments from Libya to Syria.
However, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange said last months that his next release of Clinton emails may prove that this is not true.
Reporter Quits NBC Citing Network’s Support For Endless War
The European Union: An Authoritarian Body With A Humanitarian Face
Article 4 states in part: "...The Member States shall facilitate the achievement of the Union's tasks and refrain from any measure which could jeopardise the attainment of the Union's objectives." In other words, the interests of the Union are above the interests of individual states and citizens
As history repeatedly demonstrates, where there is no opposition, freedom is lost.
Children and Youth With Disabilities
In 2015–16, the number of students ages 3–21 receiving special education services was 6.7 million, or 13 percent of all public school students. Among students receiving special education services, 34 percent had specific learning disabilities.
Having a disability places you in the world's largest minority group. Currently around 10% of the world's population, or roughly 650 million people, live with a disability. In most of the OECD countries, females have higher rates of disability than males.
Lifetime Support for a Person with Autism Can Cost Millions
The lifetime cost of supporting an individual with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and intellectual disability ranges from $1.4 million to $2.4 million in the U.S. and the United Kingdom, according to a new study published online in JAMA Pediatrics.
Raising an Autistic Child: Coping With the Costs
The organization Autism Speaks estimates that it takes around $60,000 a year to support someone with an ASD, Suskind says, adding that treatment for Owen cost about $90,000 a year.
CDC: Autism Rate Going Up
Escalating increases in the prevalence of autism, which was once a rare brain and immune system disorder that is now common among children, should be taken seriously. In the 1990’s, autism prevalence estimates ranged from one in 2,500 to one in 1,000 children.9 By 2000, the CDC estimated ASD prevalence was one in 150 children and, by 2006, it had increased to one in 110 children.10
1 in 36: ASD Rate Set a New Record High in 2016
The National Health Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) released its latest prevalence rate for autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) in American children this Wednesday. Their “data brief”, which is based on information gathered in the National Health Information Survey (NHIS), reported an ASD rate for 2016 of 2.76%, or 1 in 36 American children (1).
2017 anual birthrate USA 3,853,472
Your Vagina Is More Beautiful Than You Think
Killing For Profit - at the European Parliament ! #LCHF Aseem Malhotra
Renowned Doctor Slams Medical Education & Says We Have “An Epidemic of Misinformed Doctors”
Why do doctors continue to learn nothing about nutrition? It seems they are trained to prescribe medicine and do not question what they are prescribing. They risk losing their jobs by speaking out and educating themselves.
 Fascism = corporatism. Fascist = nationalism, racism, discrimination of others, believes to be exceptional. Serves the interests of the rich class without being aware of it. Damages the interests of working people without being aware of it.
Rise of Artificial Intelligence could hurt women’s careers & widen gender gap – WEF
<There is more reason to worry than that, wait until sex dolls can hold a reasonably intelligent conversation, which I'm sure will happen since the bar is pretty low. The coup de grace is when they can get you a beer and a sandwich, wash your back, give you a massage, and will be quiet when asked.>
Vaxxed: From Cover-up To Catastrophe
 UN Panel Details Organ Theft, Staged Attacks by the White Helmets
As 2018, a year of staggering corporate media fake news drew to a close, so do the last vestiges of credibility of media lauding the White Helmets.
Infanrix Hexa – 65 Toxins Found. All Risk. No Benefit.
The Horrible Truth About Vaccines -- Greg Wyatt
Yemen Received More Migrants in 2018 than Europe
Stephen F. Cohen: Trump-Putin dangerously hamstrung by Russia-gate hysteria
Obama administration officials are rushing to explain photos from 2014 that went viral this weekend showing locked-up immigrant children
Hospital Errors are the Third Leading Cause of Death in U.S., and New Hospital Safety Scores Show Improvements Are Too Slow
Washington, D.C., October 23, 2013 – New research estimates up to 440,000 Americans are dying annually from preventable hospital errors. This puts medical errors as the third leading cause of death in the United States, underscoring the need for patients to protect themselves and their families from harm, and for hospitals to make patient safety a priority.
ICAN is actively pursuing several avenues to improve the health and wellbeing of our population by exposing shortcomings with our vaccine program.
Hackers Threaten to Leak 9/11 Files That Will ‘Top Snowden’s Finest Work’
Call from the Yellow Vests of Commercy to set up popular assemblies
<Government has failed. Government will always fail because it is hot-wired to act in the interests of the state, the rich and the powerful. Make no demands of Government, make them a total irrelevance.
"We will not let ourselves be ruled. We will not let ourselves be divided and bought off.
No to self-proclaimed representatives and spokespersons! Let’s take back the power over our lives!
Long live the yellow vests in their diversity!"
All out on the 12th. No more A to B. No more working with the police. No more endless speeches. Assemble 12pm at BBC, Portland Place. Nearest Tube: Oxford Circus>
Vaxxed: From Cover-Up to Catastrophe is a 2016 American film alleging a cover-up by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) of a purported link between the MMR vaccine and autism.
Directed by Andrew Wakefield (2016).
1 hour 30 min
Vaxxed versus unvaxxed in my family
Vaxxed: From Cover-Up to Catastrophe
<I thought this movie was going to be about bashing vaccines, but it wasn't.
It was a well researched documentary on the fraud that was committed by the CDC regarding safety studies on vaccines for children in America. A lot of information comes to light- Vaccines are not properly tested, the people who oversee the system are the ones making money from the product, the Pharmaceutical companies basically own mainstream media, also that there are some good people in this world who will stand up for children!!!! Bravo to everyone involved, from the producer to the director to all the families. I hope every person in America takes time to see this film. Just like cigarettes were pushed for years for being safe... so too are vaccines. And only a matter of time before the truth is accepted.>
Dissecting the CDC Whistleblower Documents: A Study in Corruption - Dr. Brian Hooker
<By 2032 fifty percent of the boys in the US will have Autism if we keep vaccinating kids under age 9.>
Top CDC Whistle Blower We Were Ordered to Cover Up Vaccine Autism Link
Top CDC Whistle Blower - We Were Ordered to Cover Up Vaccine Autism Link
Alex welcomes Dr. Andrew Wakefield in studio to discuss the massive health risks associated with dangerous inoculations.
Anti-GMO activist found dead in hotel pool, hours before planned delivery of 200,000 petition signatures to the EPA
An activist who opposed genetically engineered mosquitoes has been found dead in the swimming pool of a Washington D.C. hotel, just hours before she was due to submit a petition with over 200,000 signatures to the EPA.
Erin Elizabeth of Health Nut News has documented 85+ doctors who have been found dead over the last few years. Most of them were holistic health practitioners offering alternative or naturopathic medical treatments. The majority of those individuals were also opposed to genetically engineered foods. “Mila was a very well known activist who fought hard against GMO’s and the use of GMO mosquitoes in Florida.
The Corruption of the Red Cross & Clinton Foundation Update 2018 - SGT Report
The Red Cross, Haiti and the 'black hole' of accountability for international aid
Haitians are urging people not to give money to American Red Cross
Trust in organisation badly shaken by reports donations were squandered
State Law Requires Mandatory Flu Vaccines for All Kids Ages 2 to 4: Comply or Don't Go to School
James Neuenschwander M.D
<100 people annually died of chicken pox in US before vaccines. 2 in one million deaths from measles>
The video below is a Board Certified
Emergency Medicine/Family Doctor
admitting the pressures and risks (risks to doctors as well as patients)associated with the compliance of distribution of Vaccines.
RETRACTED: Ileal-lymphoid-nodular hyperplasia, non-specific colitis, and pervasive developmental disorder in children
<He was a doctor who put a half-trillion dollars worth of vaccine sales at risk.
The "Wakefield Witch Hunt" was the result.
Something similar happened to Dr. Daniel Neides, who used to be a Medical Director at Cleveland Clinic in Ohio, and Dr. Bob Sears in California.>
Weapons Went From The CIA To ISIS In Less Than Two Months
Hackers Threaten to Dump Insurance Files Related to 9/11 Attacks
Flu shot less than 20% effective for most common strain this season, scientists find
The effectiveness of this season's flu shot has been extremely low, with the vaccine preventing only 10 to 20 per cent of infections caused by the dominant H3N2 strain affecting Canadians, researchers have found.
Now it’s official: Ukraine marks birthday of Nazi collaborator Stepan Bandera (PHOTOS)
Hacker group threatens to leak 9/11 ‘truth’ unless paid in bitcoin
Top 5 countries opting to ditch US dollar & the reasons behind their move
Yet Another America’s Runaway Bacteria is getting Rampant in Europe
Workers in nine European countries ‘earned less in 2017 than 2010’
A study assessing wage growth among European workers has found that salaries have tumbled by as much as 20 per cent between 2010 and 2017.
Vaccines do not work!!!
Syria - 'Country Of The Year' 2018
The defeat of the imperialist armies and their head-chopping auxiliaries in the alphabet soup of Islamist extremism by the Syrian Arab Army and its allies was the most significant event of the year or any year since the US defeat in Vietnam. It will change the world.
Flu Shot Causes Guillain-Barre Syndrome and More According to Dr. Mark Geier
< no double-blind studies on any vaccines to my knowledge>
US, Israel officially leave UNESCO ‘over bias’
<2004 to 2014 200.000 African American males become  autistic>
probiotics sources
Top 13 Probiotic Foods
Probiotics for Kids with Autism
15 Shocking Autism Statistics Worldwide You Probably Didn’t Know
Worldwide, however, the World Health Organization puts the autism rates by country at 1 in 160. Going back to the CDC study, they have found a 15% increase in autism spectrum disorder diagnosis over the past 2 years.
Going back to 2004, they have found a whopping 181% increase through 2018.
Autism Rates Around the World
 Infant mortality ratesTotal, Deaths/1 000 live births, 2016 or latest available Source: OECD Health Statistics: Health status
U.S. has highest first-day infant mortality out of industrialized world, group reports
About 11,300 newborns die within 24 hours of their birth in the U.S. each year, 50 percent more first-day deaths than all other industrialized countries combined, the report's authors stated.
The King Stands Naked
The gilets jaunes movement has discredited not just Macron, but the entire French elite.
US military switching to new smallpox vaccine
Both ACAM2000 and Dryvax use live vaccinia virus, a close relative of smallpox. The new vaccine is derived from Dryvax, which was used in the global smallpox eradication program. The newer vaccine is grown in lab cultures of African green monkey kidney (Vero) cells, according to a DoD comparison chart.
vaccine injury
Day of Reckoning Approaches: The Math Is Finally Catching Up To Big Government
*******Ze BEST!!*************************************************
MH17 Turnabout: Ukraine’s Guilt Now Proven
The swine flu fraud of 1976, on 60 Minutes
WATCH Turkish Military Equipment Reportedly on Its Way to Syrian Border
54% of American Kids have a Diagnosed Chronic Illness by Beth Lambert
54% of American Kids Have A Diagnosed Chronic Illness
Animal products are the primary driver of inflammation in our western diets.
The Irrefutable Argument Against Vaccine Safety - with Author Del Bigtree
<One in 5000 kids might die of measles but vaccines are worse>
Loose Change 2nd Edition (HD) FULL MOVIE
What really happened on September 11th, 2001? Was the United States Government directly responsible for the attacks in New York City, Washington D.C. and Pennsylvania? Was it an inside job? An event and a day many will never forget, but was it a conspiracy? Were there bombs in the towers? Can Jet fuel really soften steel​? Ask questions and demand answers. The viral phenomenon is back and remastered in HD. A stunning analysis of the 9/11 attacks released late in 2005, Loose Change 2nd Edition went viral the following Spring and went on to be labeled "the first Internet blockbuster" by Vanity Fair.

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