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Wednesday, July 31, 2019

5G Genocide Part IV

5G Genocide Part IV

Links plugged from 1907C
11 Ways To Reduce Computer Radiation Exposure
Environmental Consultants & Electromagnetic Radiation Specialists
Impact of radiofrequency radiation on DNA damage and antioxidants in peripheral blood lymphocytes of humans residing in the vicinity of mobile phone base stations.
The analyses of data from the exposed group (n = 40), residing within a perimeter of 80 m of mobile base stations, showed significantly (p < 0.0001) higher frequency of micronuclei when compared to the control group, residing 300 m away from the mobile base station/s.
A cross-sectional case control study on genetic damage in individuals residing in the vicinity of a mobile phone base station.
The linear regression analysis further revealed daily mobile phone usage, location of residence and power density as significant predictors of genetic damage. The genetic damage evident in the participants of this study needs to be addressed against future disease-risk, which in addition to neurodegenerative disorders, may lead to cancer.
Electromagnetic and Radiofrequency Fields Effect on Human Health
Genotoxic effects from RF exposure, including studies of non-thermal levels of exposure, consistently and specifically show chromosomal instability, altered gene expression, gene mutations, DNA fragmentation and DNA structural breaks.4-11 A statistically significant dose response effect was demonstrated by Maschevich et al. , who reported a linear increase in aneuploidy as a function of the Specific Absorption Rate(SAR) of RF exposure.11 Genotoxic effects are documented to occur in neurons, blood lymphocytes, sperm, red blood cells, epithelial cells, hematopoietic tissue, lung cells and bone marrow. Adverse developmental effects due to non-thermal RF exposure have been shown with decreased litter size in mice from RF exposure well below safety standards.12 The World Health Organization has classified RF emissions as a group 2 B carcinogen.13 Cellular telephone use in rural areas was also shown to be associated with an increased risk for malignant brain tumors. 14
 Letter to Parents on Fertility and Other Risks to Children from Wireless Technologies
Congressional Hearings on Health Effects of Cell Phones
Schools Worldwide Removing the Wi-Fi and Reducing Exposure
Cyprus – Policy Recommendations On Cell Phones, Wireless Radiation & Health
Advice of The Cyprus National Committee on Environment and Children's Health
Cyprus – Policy Recommendations On Cell Phones, Wireless Radiation & Health
Cyprus has removed Wi-Fi from elementary schools, reduced RF in pediatric wards of Archbishop Makarios Hospital and launched multiple pubic awareness campaigns and support a strong educational initiative to educate children and families about cell phones and wireless radiation. They have developed comprehensive brochures for public health and video public service announcements regarding the issue.
How to connect your phone to the internet without wifi
Electrosmog meters put to the test
Stetzerizer filter
HF-Analyser HFW59D
Frequency range: 2.4 - 10.0 GHz
5G wireless towers raise health, property value concerns
Dr. Sharon Goldberg Testifies at Michigan's 5G Small Cell Tower Legislation Hearing October 4, 2018
5G In 5 Minutes
5G in Five Minutes
US Senator Blumenthal Raises Concerns on 5G Wireless Technology Health Risks at Senate Hearing
5G In 5 Minutes
Fields greater than 0.2 or 0.4 µT
<2 to 4 milli Gauss ></2>
Transmission Power Lines near homes and shops Lalor Plaza - EMF radiation
2) Safe Proximity to Power Lines & EMFs in your Home - Power Lines ©2015
Ericsson and Swisscom bring 5G indoors
Ericsson and Swisscom have deployed 5G Radio Dots in the Swiss service provider’s live 5G commercial network and simultaneously made the first 5G data call in Europe between two offices over the 5G Radio Dot System during a Joint Mobile Day event in Bern, Switzerland.
Prof. Olle Johansson on WiFi - "Irreversible sterility within five generations"
Olle Johansson about 5G roll out
The 5G appeal
Scientists and doctors call for a moratorium on the roll-out of 5G.
5G will substantially increase exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic fields RF-EMF, that has been proven to be harmful for humans and the environment.

Dr Erica Mallery-Blythe presentation - Impacts of exposure to electromagnetic radiation & 5G
Dr Erica Mallery-Blythe presentation - Impacts of exposure to electromagnetic radiation & 5G
Mobile Phone Masts
Mobile-phone radiation damages lab DNA
EU Reflex study shows DNA damage caused by radiation from wireless devices and mobile phones
The European REFLEX study (2004) was conducted on behalf of the EU by 12 institutions for a total budget of 3 million euros. The results show that even at a SAR value of 1,3W / kg (representative of many mobile phones) significant biological damage is done in human cells and especially to the DNA.
Meanwhile, this effect on DNA has already been replicated and confirmed in 49 studies. See also Strong Concerns from Scientists. Special edition of Elsevier Pathophysiology.

See also: Almost all of 42 DNA studies in which no effect is found are paid by wireless industry or US Army: Microwave News (2006).
EMF Sensitivity (ES) Guidelines
Radio Waves, Hypersensitivity, Cell Phone Radiation Protection, Emf Radiation Protection
The Use of EMF Filters for Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity
Brian Stein - Full Electromagnetic Sensitivity Lecture Part 1
Microwave frequency electromagnetic fields (EMFs) producewidespread neuropsychiatric effects including depression
Wi-Fi is an important threat to human health
Wi-Fi is an important threat to human health
Repeated Wi-Fi studies show that Wi-Fi causes oxidative stress, sperm/testicular damage, neuropsychiatric effects including EEG changes, apoptosis, cellular DNA damage, endocrine changes, and calcium overload. Each of these effects are also caused by exposures to other microwave frequency EMFs, with each such effect being documented in from 10 to 16 reviews. Therefore, each of these seven EMF effects are established effects of Wi-Fi and of other microwave frequency EMFs.
Olle Johansson "Health effects of electromagnetic fields
The Sentinels: Electrosensitivity in Italy
The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that 3% of the world’s population suffers from Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity (EHS), a disease characterized by hypersensitivity to high and low electromagnetic radiation.
Stop Smart Meters Australia
Estimations of the prevalence of EHS within the community vary.  A 2008 research article, based on a statistical Austrian cross-sample in regard to age, gender and Federal State, showed a prevalence rate of 3.5% (Schröttner and Leitgeb).  UK-based EM Radiation Research Trust state that it is currently estimated that between 2.5% and 8% of the population could have this condition (EM Radiation Research Trust 2015).  Research conducted by Hallberg, an independent researcher, and Oberfeld, a medical doctor from the Austrian Department of Public Health,  had previously indicated that up to 50% of the population will  be electrically sensitive in the near future (Hallberg & Oberfeld 2006).
Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity
In 2006 Bioelectromagnetics, aimed at a randomly selected group of 20,000 people found a prevalence of 4% for symptoms attributed to electromagnetic exposure.
Can we build AI without losing control over it? | Sam Harris
Elon Musk Wants To Give you A Bluetooth Brain!
A newly discovered neural pathway processes acute light to affect sleep
"Light at the wrong time of day is now recognized as a carcinogen," Schmidt said. "We want people to feel alert while they are exposed to light without getting the health risks that are associated with shifted circadian rhythms, such as diabetes, depression and even cancer."
5G Mass Action Campaign Website
Government Agencies and University funded 5G research is being paid for by the telecommunications Industry who stand to profit from the 5G roll out. Government can no longer be trusted to put our health before profit. If this technology is supposedly safe, why do the American military use millimeter wave technology weapons that disperse crowds, causing burns to the skin?

Radiofrequency radiation injures trees around mobile phone
base stations
There are already serious health problems being caused as a result of the ludicrously high ICNIRP guidelines which are a million times higher than the levels applicable in Salzburg.
The Hazards of Non-Ionizing Radiation of Telecommunication Mast in an Urban Area of Lagos, Nigeria
Ramazzini Institute Study March 22, 2018Animal Study on Base Station/Cell Tower Radiofrequency Radiation
So what do we do about cell towers?Transmitting wireless antennas such as those on cell towers, should not be be near homes, schools, parks orhospitals.  The priority should be to restore more wired communications to reduce the need for wirelessconnections. Wired communication is higher quality, less vulnerable to cyber attacks and safer for human healthbecause wired technology does not have radiofrequency exposure
The Truth About 5G That No One Is Telling You - Debbie Persampire
Scientists warn of   potential serious health effects of   5
5G Health Risks; The War Between Technology and Human Beings
Over 180 scientists and doctors in almost 40 countries are warning the world about 5G health risks. These scientists’ response to “Resolution 1815 of the Council of Europe” spells it out quite succinctly:
The Mineral Power for Your Body’s Electrical Supply | Stephanie Seneff | TEDxNewYorkSalon

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