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Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Climate October Links

Climate October 2019

A keyword search:1910C.html
Renewable Energy's Inconvenient Truth
If wind and solar were really providing substantial net energy, they would not need subsidies, not even the subsidy of going first. They would be casting off profits to benefit the rest of the economy. Perhaps renewables aren’t as beneficial as many people think they are. Perhaps researchers have put too much faith in distorted models.
GWPF Interview: New Solar Research Raises Climate Questions, Triggers Attacks
Believing in climate change, but not behaving sustainably: Evidence from a one-year longitudinal study
Australian legislator uncovers that country's Bureau of Meteorology fiddling with temperature records to hype warming
If global warming is real and a threat to the world, why do people keeping temperature records keep "adjusting" or "rectifying" the data to make it look like warming is increasing?
Climate Change Delusion And The Great Electricity Ripoff
Not for Greens: He Who Sups with the Devil Should Have a Long Spoon
Ice Age Hunters become farmers: Schleswig-Holstein on the way to the Neolithic
The Causes of the end of the last Ice Age
Ice Age Maps showing the extent of the ice sheets
Environmentalism Is the New Religion - Ian Plimer
Climate Activism: An Ideology in Search of a Justification ______________________________________________________________________
Scientists have recorded five significant ice ages throughout the Earth's history: the Huronian (2.4-2.1 billion years ago), Cryogenian (850-635 million years ago), Andean-Saharan (460-430 mya), Karoo (360-260 mya) and Quaternary (2.6 mya-present)
Ian Plimer GWPF Interview: The Climate Change Delusion and the Great Electricity Ripoff
Book Review: The Climate Change Delusion and the Great Electricity Ripoff
************************ Ze Best **************************
The Red Hot *Lies* of Climate Obscurantism -- Professor Ian Plimer.
Nobel Laureate Smashes the Global Warming Hoax
 1000frolly PhD
Kommentti: Lentokapteenikin oli ymmällään – tämän vuoksi lentäminen on ilmastolle erityisen haitallista
Yhdysvaltalaisessa kokeessa seurattiin satelliitilla erään koneen tiivistymisvanan elinkaarta. Noin tunnissa se muuttui ulkomuodoltaan tavalliseksi pilveksi, jota ei enää tunnistanut tiivistymisvanaksi. Keinotekoisesti syntynyt cirrus-pilvi varjosti 4 000 neliökilometrin aluetta yli kuuden tunnin ajan. Lentoliikenteen ilmailukäytävien tuntumassa on mitattu tiivistymisvanoja, jotka ovat varjostaneet Etelä-Suomen läänin kokoisia alueita yli 12 tuntia.
Ilmastohuijaus (osa 10) - verovuorossa ilmailu
There is noclimate emergency
A global network of 500 scientists and professionals has prepared this urgent message. Climate science should be less political, while climate policies should be more scientific. Scientists should openly address the uncertainties and exaggera-tions in their predictions of global warming, while politicians should dispassion-ately count the real benefits as well as the imagined costs of adaptation to global warming, and the real costs as well as the imagined benefits of mitigation.
The True Cost of Wind | Ryan M. Yonk
Guide to Carbon Trading Crime
Carbon Offsets, Corporations and School Climate Strike
Episode 353 – The Crisis of Science
What are Labor MPs 'doing in their real lives' on a 'climate emergency'?
The Companies Behind the Burning of the Amazon
British media and Extinction Rebellion launch propaganda blitz against Bolivia’s progressive government
Episode 353 – The Crisis of Science
Nigel Farage Vs Extinction Rebellion Protester
Halloween Climate Scare #10: Al Gore Says the Polar Ice Cap Will Disappear by 2013
The Truth About Extinction Rebellion
< All you really need to know is that ANYTHING  that is promoted by mainstream media is a LIE. >
Environmentally-Caused Disease Crisis? Pesticide Damage to DNA Found 'Programmed' Into Future Generations
The elite machine running the Greta Thunberg climate show
Behind Greta is a major machine, one that is controlled by major international actors and backed by major funds. This PR machine has allowed Greta to make the covers of magazines, become the subject of thousands of news articles while being photographed with world leaders and giving speeches at elite organizations such as the United Nations.

Although Greta might very well be genuinely concerned with the fate of the planet, her message is carefully crafted by those who control her to generate a specific response from the youth. In short, Greta is the face of a major marketing scheme - a tightly coordinated international effort to sell global warming through a specific lens: Fear, panic, and urgency.
Casper Mountain in Wyoming sees 14 inches of early snow cover after latest storm
Extinction Rebellion protests cost police £37m, more than double spent combating violent crime in London each year
Vegetation structural change since1981 significantly enhanced the terrestrialcarbon sink
Detected global agricultural greening from satellite data
Does Greta Thunberg know that Carbon Dioxide Cannot be the Cause of Global Warming?
Does Greta Thunberg know about The Milankovitch Cycles and their effect on Climate Change?
Do Greta Thunberg followers and Extinction Rebellion know about Ice Age History and Climate Change
Do Greta Thunberg sympathisers know about The Astonishing Complexity of Climate Change
Orbital Variations
Changes in orbital eccentricity affect the Earth-sun distance. Currently, a difference of only 3 percent (5 million kilometers) exists between closest approach (perihelion), which occurs on or about January 3, and furthest departure (aphelion)
Milutin Milankovitch is best known for developing one of the most significant theories relating Earth motions and long-term climate change.
This chart shows global man-made CO2 emissions began rising very slightly in the late 1800s, with a significant acceleration beginning in the mid-20th.
The Paleocene-Eocene - the "Golden Age" of Humanity
 The content of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, according to O. Ivashchenko, was then about five times higher than at present.
Australia PM adviser says climate change is 'UN-led ruse to establish new world order'
Tony Abbott's business adviser says global warming a fallacy supported by United Nations to 'create a new authoritarian world order under its control'
"We have to get rid of the Medieval Warm Period!"
Video of Dr David Deming's statement to the U.S. Senate Committee on Environment & Public Works on December 6, 2006. Dr Deming reveals that in 1995 a leading scientist emailed him saying "We have to get rid of the Medieval Warm Period". A few years later, Michael Mann and the IPCC did just that by publishing the now throughly discredited hockey stick graph.
Record-Breaking Cold Ravages South America
Rahmstorf Gets Hit For Alarmism…Leading Swiss Meteorologist: “Climate Ratzinger”…”Religious Exaggeration”
The World Needs a Massive Carbon Tax in Just 10 Years to Limit Climate Change, IMF Says – The Washington Post
Top IPCC's paleoclimatologist agrees that Mann's hockey-stick papers were wrong
Greta Thunberg's dream world would cause 'a human tragedy of disastrous proportions' – economist to RT
NASA Caught Withholding Data from the Public
Journalism Melting Like Never Before
Tony Heller
Multiple NASA Studies Confirm Bedrock Heat Flow Behind Melting Polar Ice, Not Global Warming
Apocalypse When?
The date certain of the climate apocalypse when Manhattan will be underwater, predicted for 40 years, keeps getting pushed back from Al Gore’s early threats, but this just means a “bit more breathing space” for the world to meet its CO2 reduction goals.
Energy bills will have to rise sharply to avoid climate crisis, says IMF
The ‘climate emergency’ no one is talking about
‘Fossil fuels remain the dominant source of energy supply, but now accounts for 80.1 per cent, a record low level. Supply from renewables has increased, with their contribution accounting for 10.2 per cent of final consumption.’ Yet Extinction Rebellion believes we can reach ‘Net Zero’ emissions – that is, get rid of fossil fuels entirely – by 2025, in just six years. If the eco-worriers got their way, we would face incredible hardship, particularly in winter.
There is no climate emergency, say 500 experts in letter to the United Nations
Open letter to UN Secretary-General: Current scientific knowledge does not substantiate Ban Ki-Moon assertions on weather and climate, say 125-plus scientists
The U.K. Met Office recently released data showing that there has been no statistically significant global warming for almost 16 years. During this period, according to the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), carbon dioxide (CO2) concentrations rose by nearly 9% to now constitute 0.039% of the atmosphere.
There is noclimate emergency
No Climate Emergency say 500 Scientists to UN
'No Climate Emergency,' Say 500 Scientists Reports Physicians for Civil Defense
Venus May Not Have Been As Earthlike As Scientists Thought
HOW DARE YOU: 10 reasons not to believe climate change criers | Liz Wheeler LIVE at the Reagan Ranch
“Environmental Scares: Yesterday and Today” - Rupert Darwall
Former IPCC Scientist Refutes New Climate Change Report
Former expert reviewer for IPCC, Dr. Madhav Khandekar, denounces man-made climate change scare narrative, says "warming due to human activity is minimal at best."
< climate prediction in to the future, 2 weeks at best >
Fears Extinction Rebellion protests ‘will end in tragedy’
Corruption Of The Satellite Record
Tony Heller
Coldest winter in Winnipeg since 1898
'No lights, no heat. Nothing. Period': Unprecedented snowstorm forces state of emergency in Manitoba, Canada
Facts About Methane Ignored to Support Climate Narrative
In the case of methane, and unlike CO2, it also breaks down chemically in the atmosphere, with a half-life of only about five years.

· Even more importantly, the IR absorption spectrum of methane is overlapped by that of water vapor, which has a hugely broader IR absorption spectrum. It is also on average about 10,000 to 20,000 times more abundant in the atmosphere than is methane. No matter how little or how much methane is in the atmosphere, all the IR in its absorption spectrum is still going to be absorbed, if not by methane, then by water vapor. More methane adds nothing to the effect on temperature.
Climate Disorder
Tony Heller
The Knockout Punch
Tony Heller
Getting Angry At The People Who Keep You Alive
Tony Heller
Basic Physics For Potholer
Retracted Ocean Warming Paper & the IPCC
A new UN report relies on discredited research – and on academics who conceal vital information.
Chemical composition of aircraft exhaust aerosols investigated
< Low sulfur ( 30 times less ) aviation fuel would only cost 2% more. >
A message to the United Nations - from a little old lady
Mark Steyn rebukes democrats in climate hearing: 'You're effectively enforcing a state ideology'
< "Only a weak idea demands that it must be protected from criticism." Absolutely brilliant. >
Climate Scientist Judith Curry on NOAA's upward 'adjustments' of temp data: They're 'rather huge'
Judith Curry | Marijn Poels Online
How Extinction Rebellion climate change zealots - including a baronet's Cambridge-educated granddaughter - are paid £400 a week to bring mayhem to our streets
Just the Facts on Carbon Tax
Unexpected ice
Sea ice in the Southern Ocean defies predictions
The Simpsons’ predicted Greta Thunberg’s climate change speech in 2007
How Climate Change Pseudoscience Became Publicly Accepted
Astronauts Blast NASA Over Global Warming
50 Years Of Failed NASA Climate Forecasts
Tony Heller
A Very Ugly Rewrite Of Climate History
Tony Heller
Data Tampering Complete : Mission Accomplished!
Tony Heller
The Truth About Extinction Rebellion
Getting Real About Green Energy
Serious Errors In IPCC Ocean Report Revealed
High Levels of Base Station Radiation in Helsinki, Finland
Chemistry Expert: Carbon Dioxide can’t cause Global Warming
"Let’s put this amount of energy in perspective. If we all turned off all our appliances and went and lived in caves, and then devoted every coal, nuclear, gas, hydro, wind and solar power plant to just heating the ocean, it would take a breathtaking 32,000 years to heat the ocean by just this 1˚C!"
The True Cost of Wind | Ryan M. Yonk
Climate Feedback "EXPOSED"
Friends of Science

A keyword search  in my link collection
The Top 10 Arguments Against Climate Hysteria
Australians 'are not silly' and won't buy into climate change 'hysteria'
Extinction Rebellion: Climate Change Protests Aim To Crash Global Economy To Usher In MMT
So now you know the master plan of the elites, create social-economic chaos, crash the global economy, probably blame it on the trade war, then implement MMT and transition the global economy into a new green era. Buckle up; volatility is here.
Climate and the “Little Green Women and Men”
The madness of Extinction Rebellion
This is an upper-middle-class death cult and we should ridicule it out of existence.
Victim of the WWF (World Wildlife Fund)
Breaking the Glamour of Greta Thunberg
The Apocalyptic Death Cult We Should Ridicule Out Of Existence
Extinction Rebellion is a reactionary, regressive and elitist movement whose aim is to impose the most disturbing form of austerity imaginable on people across the world.
Extinction Rebellion says mankind is doomed if we do not cut carbon emissions to Net Zero by 2025
Turku Monthly Climate Averages
Smoking Gun Of Temperature Fraud
Tony Heller
Save The Planet Eat The Babies shirt
Greta Thunberg's parents should be 'held accountable' **********************************************
A Letter to Greta Thunberg
ICLEI - Local Governments for Sustainability
Climate and the Money Trail
Green Finance
Several years before Al Gore and others decided to use a young Swedish school girl to be the poster child for climate action urgency, or in the USA the call of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez for a complete reorganization of the economy around a Green New Deal, the giants of finance began devising schemes for steering hundreds of billions of future funds to investments in often worthless “climate” companies.
Greta Thunberg is being tipped to win the Nobel Peace Prize
Experts Warn We Have Only 12 Years Left Until They Change The Timeline On Global Warming Again
Climate Global Control Trading LLC Creates & Steers Hurricanes with Ionospheric Modification and Clo
Jim Lee
SHOCKING! Electric Weather Modification Companies in 2019
SHOCKING! Electric Weather Modification Companies in 2019
Jim Lee
Die CO2-Lüge - Prof. Dr. Werner Kirstein
Global Warming Fraud Exposed In Pictures
Motörhead – Eat The Rich (Official Video)
Map of U.N. Tracking Weather Modification Projects (1952-1999)
‘We Need to Eat the Babies!’ Climate Activist Confronts AOC at New York Town Hall
‘Save the planet, eat the babies’: AOC trolled over climate change panic by pro-Trump prankster
US military is a bigger polluter than as many as 140 countries – shrinking this war machine is a must
“Climate Protection” Obsession Moves From Depression To Insanity…”Need To Eat Humans, Babies!”
Global Warming and the Ozone Layer: What’s More Dangerous, CO2 or Nuclear War?
Who is Funding the Protest Movement
The unspoken truth is that Big Oil funds the campaign against Big Oil. Sounds contradictory?
The Climate Movement (New Green Deal) is funded by major charities and corporate foundations including the National Endowment for Democracy, Soros Open Society Foundations, the Rockefeller Brothers Trust, Shell Foundation, BP, Goldman Sachs, among others.

Whereas “Big Oil” is held responsible for the devastating impacts of the fossil fuel industry, the architects of Big Oil, namely the Rockefeller family is the major protagonist of the Green New Deal:
Michael Limburg: Zwei Jahre nach der Klimaübereinkunft von Paris! (IKEK-11)
Michael Limburg: Es ist vorbei - Der Klimaalarmismus als Folge 120 Jahre alter Fehler (IKEK-11)
Greta Thunberg and Big-Biz’ Climate Charade
A 16 year old girl is obviously not behind a “global movement” demanding “climate action” from governments.
The massive corporate Western media is. And anything the corporate media is behind certainly cannot be described as “grassroots.”
If Greta Thunberg and her Fridays for Future activists wanted to “save the Earth,” they would be gathering outside the headquarters of the corporations responsible for these offenses – not protesting outside the offices of the politicians they own.
About that overwhelming 97-98% number of scientists that say there is a climate consensus…
The second question asked: “Do you think human activity is a significant contributing factor in changing mean global temperatures?” So what constitutes “significant”? Does “changing” include both cooling and warming… and for both “better” and “worse”? And which contributions…does this include land use changes, such as agriculture and deforestation?
The unseen danger of declaring fake “climate emergencies”
Accelerating Sea Level Fraud In Climate Science
Global Regional Trends Comparison (4 Main Regions, various subregions)
 Relative Sea Level Trend
050-141 Stockholm, Sweden
 Relative Sea Level Trend
8724580 Key West, Florida
 Relative Sea Level Trend
8518750 The Battery, New York
‘Lies are being pedalled’ to our children on climate change
Meet Their New Leader!
< climate zombies >
DEATH METAL version of Greta Thunberg’s UN speech online scores over 1.7 mn views (VIDEO)
Is Canada's Climate Changing? - Dr. Ross McKitrick (Guest)
Al Gore could become world's first carbon billionaire
Al Gore, the former US vice president, could become the world's first carbon billionaire after investing heavily in green energy companies.
CIA, Climate And Conspiracy: More Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix
Take off the revolutionary’s mask, and it’s the CIA.
Take off the terrorist’s mask, and it’s the CIA.
Take off the news man’s mask, and it’s the CIA.
Take off the filmmaker’s mask, and it’s the CIA.
Take off the professor’s mask, and it’s the CIA.
Take off the billionaire’s mask, and it’s the CIA.
Take off the whistleblower’s mask, and it’s the motherfucking CIA.
These monsters are raping our sensemaking faculties.
US fake temperatures
Whither U.S. Climate?
By James Hansen, Reto Ruedy, Jay Glascoe and Makiko Sato — August 1999
Climate Change Indicators: High and Low Temperatures
Figure 1. U.S. Annual Heat Wave Index, 1895–2015
This indicator describes trends in unusually hot and cold temperatures across the United States.
NOAA/NASA Dramatically Altered US Temperatures After The Year 2000
A Warm Period by Any Other Name – The Climatic Optimum
In fact, the world was warmer than today for 97 percent of the last 10,000 years. The Medieval Warm Period (MWP) just 1000 years ago was 2°C warmer than today. ... The Minoan warm period approximately 3500 years ago was 4°C warmer than today.
Climate Scientists Say We Have 18 Months To Save The Planet
Last year the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) reported that emissions of carbon dioxide would have to be cut by 45 percent by 2030 in a bid to keep the rise in global temperatures below 1.5°C.
Unpacking Extinction Rebellion — Part III: The Fourth Industrial Revolution
The goal of the corporate backers of the rebellion is to facilitate the transfer of trillions of dollars of government money into corporate profits. It’s a bailout for a global economy that is falling into recession. After the global financial crisis of 2007–2008, people are unlikely to support another bailout, so this time it is being presented as necessary to save us from supposedly catastrophic climate change. The money required is taken from working people in the form of pension funds, carbon taxes and climate emergency levies. It’s all being invested in the energy industry and infrastructure, thereby accelerating the process of genuinely catastrophic ecological collapse.
 The Disturbing Cult of Greta Thunberg
"We are periliously close to becoming a society entirely governed by emotion over reason"
Climate-Industrial Complex: Financiers Aim to Cash in on Greta Thunberg
The man who launched Greta Thunberg was trained by Al Gore:
    Trained by Al Gore’s Climate Reality Project, Rentzhog set up We Don’t Have Time in late 2017 to “hold leaders and companies accountable for climate change” by leveraging “the power of social media”. Rentzhog and his CEO David Olsson have backgrounds in finance, not environmental activism, Rentzhog as the founder of Laika, an investment relations company, and Olsson with Svenska Bostadsfonden, one of Sweden’s biggest real estate funds, whose board Rentzhog joined in June 2017. We Don’t Have Time’s investors included Gustav Stenbeck, whose family control Kinnevik, one of Sweden’s largest investment corporations.
    "Whatever Greta or her parents know or think, her eco-mob increases the likelihood of legislation and investment that will make colossal profits for people like Global Challenge, We Don’t Have Time and Sustainable Energy Angels," Green concluded. "For Sweden’s energy titans, saving the planet means government contracts to print the green stuff."
"Green energy lobbyists use populist scare tactics and a children’s crusade to bypass elected representatives, but their goal is technocracy not democracy, profit not redistribution. Greta, a child of woke capitalism, is being used to ease the transition to green corporatism,"
Liberals play fast and loose with climate data, fabricating past weather patterns
The deleted data was replaced with fabricated models which simulated past climate data, despite the existence of historical readings.
According to Blacklock’s Reporter, Environment Canada purposefully erased 100 years of historical weather readings and replaced it with “modeled historic data” to produce dramatic weather diagrams and maps for their climate change website.
climate budget € 320 billion 2014-2027
Current Solar Cycle Only 56% Of Normal…Modelers Scramble…Total Solar Irradiance (TSI) Projected To Fall To 1880 Levels!
Recommendations for CMIP6 solar forcing data
Documenting Earth Changes during the next GSM and Pole Shift
Let’s look at why NASA is hiding the pre-1880 data. January 1878 was one of the hottest months on record in Australia. **************************************
120 years of climate scares
IPCC Report | Foundation Retracted
The Manufacturing of Greta Thunberg – A Decade of Social Manipulation for the Corporate Capture of Nature [ACT VI][Crescendo]

Man-Made Global Warming Theory Takes Major Hit
Political climate models are all wrong, two new reports claim …
“During the last hundred years the temperature increased about 0.1 degree celsius because of carbon dioxide,” researchers at the University of Turku noted in their report (.pdf). “The human contribution was about 0.01 degrees celsius.”
You read that right … 0.01 percent.
The Finnish research has been corroborated by research from Kobe University in Japan.
Also, two years ago researchers in Australia concluded the current warming period on the planet was likely attributable to natural temperature trends that predated human industrialization.
Top Pundits: Weaponizing Greta Thunberg is Nothing Short of Political PEDOPHELIA!
Global Climate Intelligence Group founded
Soros Gave Global Climate Strike Partners More than $24M
Global Climate Intelligence Group founded
The Global Climate Intelligence Group, whose objective is to put the science back into climate science, comprises scientists, professionals and researchers from many nations, has already attracted some 500 signatures for what began life scant weeks ago as the European Climate Declaration.
The Finns Party Campaigned Against Climate Action. It Came in 2nd.
Americans as Concerned as Ever About Global Warming
Dr Willie Soon demolishes the extreme weather panic and other hysterical arguments
< father of global warming >
The Circus Continues!
Ocean Stupidification
Tony Heller

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