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Sunday, November 8, 2020

Risk Assessment for Finland

 Risk Assessment for Finland

1% of the population dies annually or about 54.000 in Finland
Less than one percent has died with covid-19 so far.
96% of those who died had chronic comorbidities.
8 people died under the age of 50 and nobody died with covid-19 under the age of 20.
What are the chances for people under 50 and with no comorbidities, to die of covid in Finland?
8 people under 50 (96% had comorbidities ) died, 4% with non known comorbidities.
1% of 8 = 0.08X4= 0.32 people, age 20-49 might die in the "second wave".
What do we know from previous pandemics? A pandemic strikes only once.
After that it's a endemic. Fewer people will die.

Age 20-49 1980 people died in 2019 from all causes
Age 0 to 19 275 died from all causes.
0.32 people with no chronic comorbidities might die of covid-19.
Versus 1980 people ( data 2019 ) but wait, it gets worse.
The lockdowns will lead to bankruptcies and higher unemployment.
Which means, we will see more suicides,domestic abuse and alcohol abuse.
Stress and fear will increase the death rate.
Social isolation ( keep a distance, don't party, don't meet friends or relatives )
Reduced health care services because now they're all concentrating on covid-19,
which so far killed less than 400 from the annual 54.000 deaths.My fear is that in 2021
we will not see 1980 deaths of people age 20-49 but very likely a increase by 50%.
While the risk of dying from covid-20 will be that perhaps 0.32 people might die of covid.
Now the good news about covid-20: Take sufficient vitamin D, C, Zinc and selenium and
you reduce your risk of getting covid-20 by 80%
And by the way, 80% of the covid deaths could have been avoided,
if people were treated with HCQ + Zinc in the early stages.
You might ask "but what about the cases?"
Those are not cases but false positives to 97% from the non-reliable PCR test.
Should you wear masks? Cloth masks have a penetration of 97% and surgical loop masks
of 44%. Would you by a condom with a leakage of 44%?
On top of that the CO2 under the mask goes up to 20.000 pM
Oxygen levels drop from 21% to 16%
Once the mask is damp, it becomes a breading ground of bacteria and viruses.

For any scientific data, visit my blog oritekia.

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