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Friday, April 2, 2021

April Part I

UChicago research: People with higher vitamin D levels less likely to test positive for COVID-19

While vitamin D supplements are relatively safe to take, excessive consumption of vitamin D supplements is associated with hypercalcemia, a condition in which calcium builds up in the blood stream and causes nausea, vomiting, weakness, and frequent urination. Currently, the adult recommended dietary allowance for vitamin D is 600 to 800 international units (IUs) per day; the National Academy of Medicine has said that taking up to 4,000 IUs per day is safe for the vast majority of people. The risk of hypercalcemia increases at levels over 10,000 IUs per day.
Forcing little kids to wear masks is cruel, nonsensical, and crazy

Anyone who knows anything about children knows wearing a mask is difficult for them.
NATO Increasing Troops in Iraq From 500 to 4,000
PRESS RELEASE: Doctors and Scientists Accuse Medical Regulator of Downplaying COVID-19 Vaccine Dangers

The European Medicines Agency is misleading citizens into medical experimentation, experts warn
Gefährlichkeit des Virus
Stiftung Corona-AusschussBericht (kurz)SARS-CoV2 und die Lockdown-Folgen
Corona Ausschuss

Seit Mitte Juli 2020 untersucht der Corona-Ausschuss in mehrstündigen Live-Sitzungen, warum die Bundes- und Landesregierungen im Rahmen des Coronavirus-Geschehens beispiellose Beschränkungen verhängt haben und welche Folgen diese für die Menschen hatten und haben.
Corona-Ausschuss: "Der Test ist tatsächlich das Verbrechen" – Teil 2
Sue Grey explaining her Open Letter to the New Zealand Prime Minister about Pfizer Vaccine breaches
Kotona tehtäviä koronatestejä odotetaan Suomeen keväällä – Berliinissä asuvalle Tanja Huutoselle ne ovat jo arkipäivää, kun kaupunkia hiljalleen avataan
The Richie Allen Show Wednesday March 24th 2021

Dr. Thomas Binder is a respected Swiss cardiologist. Last year he courageously spoke out about how the unsuitable PCR tests were being used to drive up covid case numbers. The establishment came after Thomas. He was sectioned and spent a week in a psychiatric facility. On today's show Thomas discusses Covid vaccine injuries, The Great Reset plan for civilisation, cashless society and why the time to fight back is now.
USA: Oberster Gerichtshof von Wisconsin hebt landesweite Maskenpflicht auf
The Vaccine (Dis)Information War
School children under 15 have just a 3.5MILLION-to-one chance of dying from coronavirus

School children under the age of 15 have a 'tiny' one-in-3.5million chance of dying from coronavirus and are more likely to be hit by lightning, according to statistics.
In comparison, between 30 and 60 people are hit by lightning every year in the UK, according to figures from the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents.
No government can address the threat of pandemics alone – we must come together
No government can address the threat of pandemics alone – we must come together
Exclusive: World leaders call for pandemic treaty

Boris Johnson, Emmanuel Macron and Angela Merkel propose global accord akin to that forged after Second World War
Nord Stream AG Says Warships, Submarines and Helicopters Tried to Disrupt Pipeline's Construction
US Military Smuggles Tonnes of Syrian Wheat to Neighbouring Iraq - Report
UK Column News - 31st March 2021
The many scandals of the PCR test: Part 2

Dr Thomas Binder MD, one of the 22 authors of the external peer review (mentioned in Part 1 of my report) of the Corman-Drosten research paper tweeted: ‘It is madness to test with a hypersensitive unspecific RT-PCR test only, without consideration of CT & clinical findings. And it is the coronation of insanity to test even asymptomatic people in this way.’
UK finds 25 new vaccine-linked clot events
Interview with TVDSB Director of Education Mark Fisher

"I agree with Premier Fords comments from yesterday that schools are the safest place for students to be right now. We did extensive preparations over the summer and we have only had 1 case of transmission in our schools, which is amazing since we have 160 sites and almost 70,000 students."
Mother's arm erupts in agonising red rash after getting AstraZeneca's Covid vaccine

Your Immune System Evolves to Fight Coronavirus Variants

Antibodies can change to counter new forms of the shape-shifting virus, research hints
The REAL source of Gravity might SURPRISE you...
Why Are 'Experts' Disagreeing With Each Other Over Covid Vaccine?
Why Are 'Experts' Disagreeing With Each Other Over Covid Vaccine?

Even the establishment experts seem to be in total disagreement with each other - and often with themselves - over the experimental Covid "vaccine." Does it prevent the illness? Lessen the illness? Provide lasting immunity? Temporary immunity? Is it safe for all? So many questions, but so few reliable answers. Today on the Liberty Report:
Second Nuremberg tribunal Has been Prepared
Dr Stefan Lanka Measles Virus On Trial
120,000 Care Home Staff Refuse JAB / Hugo Talks #lockdown
TERRIFYING! – 8th update on Adverse Reactions to Covid Vaccines released by UK Government

Well we can confirm that in the space of seven weeks the number of reported adverse reactions to the Pfizer vaccine has increased by 119.6%, now standing at a total of 108,649 adverse reactions as of the 14th March. The Oxford jab has fared much worse though with an astounding increase of 1301.77% in the number of reported adverse reactions between the 24th January and the 14th March, now standing at a total of 294,820. This now means the current rate of people suffering a serious adverse reaction after having one of the experimental Covid vaccines stands at 1 in every 166 people.
Hancock Panics When MP’s Ask: “How Many Die After Vaccination?”

T cells induced by COVID-19 infection respond to new virus variants -U.S. study

“‘Our data, as well as the results from other groups, shows that the T cell response to COVID-19 in individuals infected with the initial viral variants appears to fully recognize the major new variants identified in the UK, South Africa and Brazil,” said Andrew Redd of the NIAID and Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine who led the study.”
“The researchers analyzed blood from 30 people who had recovered from COVID-19 before the emergence of the new more contagious variants.”
“They found the T-cell responses remained largely intact and could recognize virtually all mutations in the variants studied.”
Politics of lockdown, masks and covid19 (with Denis Rancourt, Phd)
How Big Banks Are Planning to Force Americans into the ‘Great Reset’ Trap
Did Lockdown Work? An Economist’s Cross-Country Comparison

Comparing weekly mortality in 24 European countries, the findings in this paper suggest that more severe lockdown policies have not been associated with lower mortality. In other words, the lockdowns have not worked as intended. Further tests also show that early interventions offered no additional benefits or effectiveness and even indicate that the lockdowns of the spring of 2020 were associated with significantly more deaths in the particular age group between 60 and 79 years.
The main problem at hand is therefore that the evidence presented here suggests that lockdowns have not significantly affected the development of mortality in Europe. They have nevertheless wreaked economic havoc in most societies and may lead to a substantial number of additional deaths for other reasons. A British government report from April for example assessed that a limited lockdown could cause 185,000 excess deaths over the next years,
Black Dragon - Jakie Chan Best Comedy Action Movie
‘Independent’ report claiming Uyghur genocide brought to you by sham university, neocon ideologues lobbying to ‘punish’ China
Stefan Lanka Interview - Why HIV has never been isolated - Part 2 of 2
Alle 70-vuotiaiden rokotusvuoro häämöttää Turussa – aikataulu riippuu rokotemääristä
When a doctor and his family got COVID, they experienced a remarkable recovery. This is their story.

Die Kliniklüge

Die seit einem Jahr beschworene Überlastung der Kliniken wurde bislang nicht einmal im Ansatz Realität.
Den bisher nur im Ärzteblatt veröffentlichten Daten zufolge sank die Zahl der 2020 abgerechneten Behandlungsfälle gegenüber 2019 sogar massiv um fast 13 Prozent von 19,2 auf 16,8 Millionen. Das heißt: 2020 behandelten die Krankenhäuser in der Bundesrepublik 2,4 Millionen Patienten weniger als 2019.
Viele Kranke, die von Kliniken als „COVID-19-Patienten“ ausgewiesen werden, haben offenbar gar keine COVID-19-Symptome.
Die Maske: „Devil in Disguise“ – heimlicher Pandemie-Treiber?
Mehr Schaden als Nutzen – Pathologe: „Ich würde die generelle Maskenpflicht auf jeden Fall sofort streichen“

nämlich, indem die Lunge gereinigt wird und der Abfall sozusagen, also die eingeatmeten Stoffe, auch Schadstoffe, über die Luftwege wieder nach außen transportiert wird. Das ist ein sehr diffiziles System und es war mir eigentlich von vornherein klar, dass gerade dieses System durch das Maskentragen verändert wird.
Da lag natürlich der Gedanke nahe: Wenn wir dieses System stören, dann wird auch eine Infektion damit begünstigt. Das heißt, unter der Maske oder hinter der Maske wird ein Milieu erzeugt, welches das Angehen einer Virusinfektion fördert und möglicherweise auch das längere Überleben der Viren ermöglicht und dann einen Befall der Lungen von den Luftwegen nach unten fördern kann.
Which US States Have Lifted COVID-19 Restrictions?

24 Mar 2021 — According to figures provided by THL, the AstraZeneca vaccine has so far been used to vaccinate over 180,000 people in Finland
‘This Week’ With Mary + Polly: ‘They’re Going After the Kids’ + More

In “This Week” with Mary Holland, Children’s Health Defense president, and Polly Tommey, co-producer of “Vaxxed,” Mary and Polly discuss the latest COVID vaccine-related headline news.
Vaccine Passports - what it's really about
Sensationsurteil in Österreich: PCR-Test nicht als Infektionsnachweis geeignet

„Die vor allem bei symptomlosen Personen höchst fehleranfälligen AntiGen-Tests sind demnach gänzlich ungeeignet, aber auch die PCR-Tests bedürfen einer Bestätigung durch eine ärztliche Untersuchung. All das ist in Österreich nicht gewährleistet, was das Gericht massiv kritisiert hat.“
90 Prozent der Deutschen tragen die Herpes simplex Viren vom Typ-1 in sich

Das Bundesforschungsministerium unterstützt Würzburger Wissenschaftler bei der Entwicklung eines Wirkstoffes gegen Herpesviren. Um Patienten von dem Virus zu heilen, wollen sie einen akuten Ausbruch in allen infizierten Zellen in Gang setzen.
Ivermectin for the vulnerable 2% of the population and vitamin C for the rest of the population and ditch the crappy RT-PCR tests. Problem solved.
Study of the Efficacy and Safety of Topical Ivermectin + Iota-Carrageenan in the Prophylaxis against COVID-19 in Health Personnel

Study of the Efficacy and Safety of Topical Ivermectin + Iota-Carrageenan in the Prophylaxis against COVID-19 in Health PersonnelCarvalloHéctor1, HirschRoberto2*, Alkis Psaltis3,ContrerasVeronica
<120 out of 130 doctors who used PPE, tested positive for covid<
AAE Hospital - Ezeilza, Argentina
👉🏼730 Hospital workers - Doctors, Nurses, Admin Staff
* 130 of the 730 protected by PPE (Personal protection equipment) only
* 600 of 730 given Ivermectin (Ivercar) as a prophylaxis against Covid
👉🏼Results :
* 120 of the 130 (92.3%) of the PPE test positive for Covid
* 0 of the 600 given Ivermectin test positive for Covid
Top 10 High Fantasy Movies
Hamburg to introduce curfew amid rising Covid-19 cases

From Good Friday (April 2nd), Hamburg residents are being ordered to stay at home between 9pm and 5am unless they have a valid reason to be outside,
Blood clotting continues | German cities suspend use of AstraZeneca for those under 60
Turkey and Al Qaeda alliance in Idlib - Uighurs and other foreign mercenaries
A tiny proportion of foreign children in North East Syria camps repatriated in 2019

Of the 13,350 foreign women and children present in the three camps before the operation, Save the Children estimates that around 85% of all children are under the age of 12, while 4,400 of them, or around 45%, are under the age of five.
Turkey accused of settling Uyghurs in Syrian Kurdish cities

An estimated 50,000 Uyghur Muslims are believed to reside in Turkey, where they share a common linguistic, cultural and religious heritage with Turks.
Man, 74, gets ‘rare’ severe rash all over body and says his ‘skin peeled off’ after Johnson & Johnson vaccine

A man was hospitalised after his “skin peeled off” from a severe body rash triggered by the Johnson & Johnson vaccine. WARNING: Graphic
US, EU global market restrictions against Russia and China contradict WTO rules — Lavrov

Commenting on China’s foreign policy activity in the Middle East, Russia's top diplomat noted that Beijing has a right to defend its interests in the region
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis says he will ban coronavirus 'vaccine passports' in the state
‘Entirely possible this will be used for massive-scale depopulation’ – America's Frontline Doctors

Exclusive: Former Pfizer VP to AFLDS: ‘Entirely possible this will be used for massive-scale depopulation’
“Personally, I wouldn’t want to deal with the authorities on their own terms: that you’re suspected as a source of infection until proven otherwise. You shouldn’t need to be proving you’re not a health risk to others. Those without symptoms are never a health threat to others. And in any case, once those who are concerned about the virus are vaccinated, there is just no argument for anyone else needing to be vaccinated.”
My understanding of a “leaky vaccine” is that it only lessens symptoms in the vaccinated, but does not stop transmission; it therefore allows the spread of what then becomes a more deadly virus.
EXCLUSIVE: Covid-cops caught on bodycam picking on innocent grandmother

<Arrested for having astma<
Finland’s COVID-19 vaccination certificate will conform to the EU model

19 Mar 2021
Covid Vaccine Nonsense US-based human rights lawyer breaks down the contradictory claims of
“effectiveness”, the incomplete studies and legal minefield of forced use of experimental vaccines
Verwaltungsgericht Wien zerpflückt Corona Maßnahmen, PCR -Test und hebt Demoverbot auf
Covid Spiking In Over A Dozen States—Most With High Vaccination Rates
Universal Declaration of Human Rights
the universal declaration of human rights
Covid-19 Test under a Microscope

... tested positive by a PCR test which "doesn't tell you if you're sick" according to it's inventor Dr Kary Mullis. The PCR test amplifies dna. The more they ramp up the magnification cycles, the more false positives they get.
Pathologist: FDA ‘Misled the Public’ on Pfizer Vaccine Efficacy

In an amended reply to the FDA’s rejection of his concerns about Pfizer’s clinical trials, Dr. Sin Hang Lee says the FDA is glossing over potential risks of an mRNA vaccine while concealing its true efficacy.
'Terrorist' virus | Parisian hospitals packed

< more lies <
German officials warn third wave of COVID could be worst one yet

<The scamdemic and governments killing their own people< 🐑 BAAHHH!
UPDATE! AstraZeneca vaccine BLOOD CLOT FEARS not dispersing!
Germany has reported 31 new cases of blood clots, as Canada cancels its rollout for under-55s after “substantial uncertainty".
New reports suggest the risk of the rare condition linked to the AZ vaccine could be as much as TEN TIMES HIGHER than previous estimates.
Vaccine passports are a con trick, whatever they are called

The UK Government has publicly stated that the vaccine will not stop you getting Covid; the manufacturers have stated that the vaccine cannot stop you getting Covid whilst the NHS has publicly stated that the vaccine cannot prevent you getting Covid. The government has publicly stated that the vaccine will not stop you spreading Covid; the manufacturers have stated that the vaccine cannot stop you spreading Covid and the NHS has also publicly stated that the vaccine cannot stop you spreading Covid.
Against this backdrop the Status Certification Scheme is an unwarranted exercise that lacks any clinical or medical relevance.
Greenland Was 1.5C Warmer During the Medieval Warm Period

Tony Heller
Entire City in Shock as Another Italian Professor is DEAD Following the AstraZeneca COVID Injection
Former Supreme Court Judge Lord Sumption Expects People Will be Forced to Wear Masks, Stay Home for Ten Years
Sketch Notes On a Pandemic - Lord Sumption (Highlights)
Sketch Notes On a Pandemic - Lord Sumption (Highlights)
As French big pharma firm gets away with a FINE for 2,000 deaths, who can blame vaccine refuseniks for their distrust?
Canada suspends use of AstraZeneca vaccine for people under the age of 55 after concerns it may be linked to rare blood clots
Kary Mullis (Corporate Greed & AIDS) Santa Monica (July 12, 1997) (PART 1)
Kary Mullis, inventor of the PCR Test, Santa Monica 12 July 1997 (Part 2)
PCR Tests with Dr. Tom Cowan & Kary Mullis

Kary Mullis Tells the Truth About HIV/AIDS
Los Angeles School District and NYC Teachers Sue Over COVID Mandates, Cite Nuremberg
Vaccine Passports: Your Ticket To Tyranny

So we can’t bomb North Korea because they have nukes and we can’t talk to them either because they have nukes.
Yer gonna need a bigger sandbox Joe, yours is full of cat scat.
Face masks, lies, damn lies, and public health officials: "A growing body of evidence"
Collider | Full Action Movie
No Smoke Without Fire Part 3: Vaccine Adverse Reactions
The Harsh Reality of Vaccine Adverse Effects
UK Column News - 29th March 2021
US, UK, EU and Canada Seek to Destabilise China With Political Manipulation, Official Says
Syria by admissions.
Israel: Over 12,000 people test positive for COVID-19 after receiving Pfizer vaccine
LEVY: Fully vaccinated traveller fined $3,750 for refusing hotel stay
Vähintään 800 poliisia tarvitaan valvomaan liikkumisrajoituksia – Poliisijohtaja: "Lähdemme siitä, että uskomme ihmisten sanaan"

<Fascism and police state<
Nykyhetki tilastoina ja 20.3. mielenilmaukset
Iran-China agreement to break US sanctions: Yemeni official
Ever Given Ship Blocking Suez Canal Successfully Freed
Vapauden puolesta mielenosoitus Turussa 27.3.2021 | Onko sananvapaus uhattuna Suomessa?
Keväällä 2020 käyttöön otetut ohjeistukset kuolinsyyn kirjaamiseen paisuttavat koronakuolemien määrää dramaattisesti
Seuraava tapahtuma tulossa 18.4.2021. Seuraa tiedotusta!
EXCLUSIVE: Dr Mike Yeadon talks to The Daily Expose…
Number of youth in hospital after suicide attempt tripled over 4-month period under COVID-19
The Truth About The Suez Canal Crisis: The Supply Chain Breakdowns & Inventory Shortages
Which countries haven't embraced mandatory face masks?

There’s a startling lack of evidence to suggest face masks stop the spread of respiratory illnesses in the community, with the latest study from Denmark – the most comprehensive random control trial of its kind – concluding: “The recommendation to wear a surgical mask when outside the home among others did not reduce, at conventional levels of statistical significance, the incidence of SARS-CoV-2 infection in mask wearers.”
influenza past years
Is COVID Mania Wearing Off?
Farr's laws is a law formulated by Dr. William Farr when he made the observation that epidemic events
rise and fall in a roughly symmetrical pattern. The time-evolution behavior could be captured by a single mathematical formula that could be approximated by a bell-shaped curve
Eccentric British Comedy - parts 1&2  at 22min
D**K MOVE Mega cargo ship drew giant penis in Red Sea before lodging itself in Suez Canal
Iris - Full Action Movie
Jimmy Dore: Joe Biden INCOHERENT at 1st Press Conference, Media Owned by Military-Industrial Complex
How did Evergreen's ship get stuck in the Suez Canal and create the world's heaviest traffic jam?

The 1,312-foot, 200,000 metric ton Ever Given – nearly a quarter-mile long – created a shipper's nightmare and captured the public's imagination when it blocked the canal on Tuesday and caused a traffic jam of more than 200 ships as of Friday.

Motivational Pics for People in a hurry
Last upload


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