41:15 CDU unterstützt Nazis in der Ukraine Krim I Beweise
Autopsy determines Texas cop fatally shot student in back
A Texas college student killed after reportedly making a sarcastic remark to a police officer likely died from a close range gunshot wound to the back, according to an autopsy report that sheds new light on a tragedy that...
Israel unterstützt rechten Putsch in der Ukraine - World Socialist Web Site
Die israelische Regierung unterstützt die neue Regierung in der Ukraine, in der offene Antisemiten sitzen.
Krim-Krise: Von der Leyen fordert mehr Militär an Nato-Grenzen -
Margareth Gorges kommentiert:
" Das zusammenziehen von Truppen an den Grenzen eines anderen Landes gilt auch nach UN-Charta als "Vorbereitung eines Angriffskrieges !
Ursula von der Leyen nochmal zur Lektüre :
►►Artikel 26 Abs. 1 des Grundgesetzes
Handlungen, die geeignet sind und in der Absicht vorgenommen werden, das friedliche Zusammenleben der Völker zu stören, insbesondere die Führung eines Angriffskrieges vorzubereiten, sind verfassungswidrig. Sie sind unter Strafe zu stellen.
►►§ 80 Strafgesetzbuch Vorbereitung eines Angriffskrieges
Wer einen Angriffskrieg (Artikel 26 Abs. 1 des Grundgesetzes), an dem die Bundesrepublik Deutschland beteiligt sein soll, vorbereitet und dadurch die Gefahr eines Krieges für die Bundesrepublik Deutschland herbeiführt, wird mit lebenslanger Freiheitsstrafe oder mit Freiheitsstrafe nicht unter zehn Jahren bestraft."
The reunification of Crimea and Sevastopol can be seen as irreversible despite the US hysterics and Europe’s displeasure, but provocations by the Kiev government, under control of Maidan radicals, are still likely, and they pose a major threat to stability around Crimea
Israeli Settlers Kick a 90 Year Old Out of her OWN home [SHOCKING VIDEO]
"Die USA verfügen über rund 1.000 Militärstützpunkte in der ganzen Welt
Russland ist Herr über kümmerliche 24 russische Militärstützpunkte in neun ehemaligen Sowjetrepubliken und einem weiteren in Syrien.
EXCLUSIVE: In an interview with the VR, Dr. Barrett says the US is overthrowing democracies all over the world including in Egypt, Thailand, Venezuela and now in Ukraine. All of these places have/had constitutional democratically elected governments and fairer elections than the US with its programmed Diebold voting machines:
Ewald Stadler spricht über Erfahrungen als Wahlbeobachter auf der Krim
Die freie Welt“ hat jüngst folgende Umfrage gestellt: Unterstützen Sie Angela Merkel in ihrer Sanktionspolitik gegen Russland? Ergebnis: Nein (91%), Ja (7%), Weiß nicht (2%). Das ist doch ein ziemlich deutliches Votum und zeigt zumindest, dass die deutsche Bevölkerung – bei penetrant gegenteiliger Dauerbeschallung seitens der Medien - absolut gegen Sanktionen ist und ein gutes Verhältnis mit Russland wünscht
Shock and Awe
Achieving Rapid Dominance
GULF WAR DOCUMENTS: Meeting between Saddam Hussein and Ambassador to Iraq April Glaspie
July 25, 1990. Eight days before the August 2, 1990 Iraqi Invasion of Kuwait
Only 11% of Ukrainian soldiers opted to quit Crimea
Only about a ninth of Ukrainian military personnel currently doing service in Crimea have made a decision to leave the peninsular, Russia’s Defense Ministry announced on Saturday.
Peace Love and Misunderstanding 2011 full movie
‘AIPAC bent on initiating war on Iran’
Putin mocks US sanctions, vows not to strike back
Putin Has Nuclear Economic Bomb-Jim Sinclair
After Ukraine, Turkey might be the Next Target of "Regime Change"
The plot and the leading actors are almost the same. Just change the backdrop. Throw in the diplomatic and intelligence machinations into the mix and you have a recipe for regime change. A corrupt...
I have never but never heard them say anything about the new unlawful and neo-nazi govt in Ukraine.N.E.V.E.R.
Their silence speaks volume.
Silent citizens, screaming bodies: What Femen, the CIA and the Boston bombings may have in common
Communities grow weary of militarized police
As numerous law enforcement agencies across the United States begin enrolling large armored vehicles into the force, pockets of resistance are forming among some communities concerned with the trend.
Can Washington Overthrow Three Governments at the Same Time?
Each time, the movement begins with a demonstration during which peaceful opponents are killed, and where both sides accuse each other of violence. In fact U.S. or NATO special forces placed on rooftops shoot at both the crowd and the police. This was the case in Daraa (Syria) in 2011, Kiev (Ukraine) and Caracas (Venezuela) this week. Alas for bad luck: autopsies in Venezuela show that two victims, one opponent and one pro-government, were killed by the same weapon.
Obama to Putin: Do as I Say Not as I Do
The Truth About Venezuela: A Revolt of the Well-off, Not a 'Terror Campaign'
Members of the Bolivarian National Guard guard the streets of Altamira, in the Chacao municipality of Caracas. Photograph: Miguel Gutierrez / EPA
'Colonialism, apartheid and ethnic cleansing': UN rapporteur on Palestine blasts Israel
The UN Special Rapporteur on occupied Palestine accused Israeli authorities of conducting colonialist policies that constitute forms of apartheid and...
Anonymous and FEMEN Activists Unite Forces to Support Ukrainian
It is without question that we need to join forces with the people of Ukraine and help them in their fight.
„Wirtschaftssanktionen kommen uns teuer zu stehen“
Die EU hat die Sanktionen gegen Russland verschärft – zunächst nur ein wenig. Doch wirtschaftliche Strafmaßnahmen sind bereits in Vorbereitung. Eckhard Cordes, Vorsitzender des Ost-Ausschusses, warnt eindringlich davor.
Chemtrails, Geoengineering and The Climate Industrial Complex
Germany: Military intervention in Ukraine is not an option - Merkel
W/S Bundestag SOT, Angela Merkel, German chancellor (In German): "Military intervention is no
Referendum im Veneto: „Ja“ zu Selbstbestimmung mit 89 Prozent
2,1 Millionen Menschen beteiligten sich an Volksbefragung ohne juristische Verbindlichkeit.
Facts only: Kosovo vs Crimea - 'Good Independence' vs 'Bad Referendum'
The West has so far refused to legitimize Crimea’s decision to secede from Ukraine. Yet Kosovo, which was a part of Serbia, also broke away from its...
World Bank celebrates 500 new climate laws that pave the way for a GLOBAL climate agreement.... phew thank goodness those bankers love nature....?
An Open Letter to the Legislatures of New Jersey and Rhode Island: Are you seriously proposing...
SANDY HOOK; GAME OVER! – NO Deaths NO Victims in Official Record [VIDEO]
Kiev authorities giving school camps to neo-Nazis for military training
The leader of the Ukrainian neo-Nazi organization The Right Sector Dmitry Yarosh has been given the property and funds of 23 children’s holiday...
Self-Government: The Grand Illusion of U.S. Politics
It's interesting to listen to politicians' assessment of the U.S. government. Many believe it's a functional system of "self-government" that gives back as much as citizens are willing to put into it. Of course, as Sheldon Richman explains, U.S. citizens do...
When They Come For Your Guns, You Will Turn Them Over
"From my cold, dead hands" is the common cry from gun advocates in response to those in government who would seek to stifle their 2nd Amendment rights. Today, Jim Krager explains why that's exactly what would happen if the scenario played out... and why it's more likely you will simply hand your gun...
Russia ships, bombers worry Washington
Some US officials are worried over Russia’s plans for sending navy ships and bombers to Latin America.
Exposed: the Nazi roots of the European Union
Before the 1960s indigenous Australians came under the Flora and Fauna Act. This mean't that they were not considered human and it was therefore not a crime to kill them. It was not until January 1967 that Aboriginal Australians were deemed human by the Australian government...
Yall Dont Hear Me Tho
Die Nazi-Versteher : Mathias Broeckers
Nach dem Ende der Sowjetunion entstand im ukrainischen Staatsgebiet die “Autonome Republik Krim”, die Hoheitsrechte in Finanzen, Verwaltung und Recht erhielt und in ihrer Verfassung von 1998 Ukrainisch, Russisch und...
'US thinks rules are for inferior nations, it's in their DNA' - ex Australian PM
Manufactured Crisis. The Untold Story of the Iran Nuclear Scare
Ukraine, "Colored Revolutions", Swastikas and the Threat of World War III
As the US, EU and Britain huff and puff in barrel loads of clichés: “red lines” are “crossed”, “sovereignty and territorial integrity” has been “violated”,...
US Secretary of State, John Kerry representing a country which makes Genghis Khan look like a wimp when it comes to illegal invasions, still retains the prize for jaw dropper of the decade: “You just don’t, in the 21st century, behave in 19th century fashion by invading another country on completely trumped up pretext”, he pontificated on CBS’ “Face the Nation.”
As much of the main stream media and the usual politicians thundered of voting under pressure or even at gunpoint, one hundred and thirty five international observers from twenty three countries said, consistently, they saw no pressure of any sort, and they had “not registered any violations of voting rules.”(1)
78 days of fear: 15 years since NATO invasion of Yugoslavia (Promo)
Marking 15 years since the NATO invasion of Yugoslavia, RT will air "Zashto?" ("Why?"), an exclusive documentary film produced by the channel's journalists. Serbian Jelena Milincic and American Anissa Naouai talk to witnesses of the tragic events of 1999. The bombings of present-day Serbia were part...
Russia may revoke fleet hosting deal with Ukraine, demand $11 bn back – Medvedev
Russia may revoke a deal with Ukraine, which gave Kiev a considerable discount on gas in exchange for hosting the Russian Black Sea fleet. The...
Visa, Mastercard block US-sanctioned Russian bank
"The management of Rossiya understands the difficulties of clients in the current situation and will do all it can to solve them," the bank said in a statement The bank added that its own services relating to Visa and...
The EyeOpener- Terror in the Caucasus: US Sponsored, EU Hosted & Turkey Channeled
<Terrorists given Turkish passports>
Washington’s “Civil Society”: CIA Financing of Chechen and Caucasus Regional Terrorists
The Kavkaz Center, located in Helsinki, Finland, runs a pro-Caucasus Emirate website provides an important public relations service for Emirate leader Doku Umarov’s terrorist cells in southern Russia…
Washington’s “Civil Society”: CIA Financing of Chechen and Caucasus Regional Terrorists
The Ties That Bind Washington to Chechen Terrorists
Video: Corbett Report - Volgograd Bombings: NATO, Bandar Bush Main Suspects
Sibel Edmonds on the Boston Bombing: The US roots of “Chechen” terrorism
Das belgische Wunder und US-Staatsanleihen -
Über einen sehr merkwürdigen Vorgang über die Halter von US-Staatsanleihen berichtet Gestern veröffentlichte das US-Treasury-Department, das die Käufe von US-Staatsanleihen durch ausländische Investoren erfasst, … Weiterlesen →
The same countries that dropped 23,000 bombs and missiles on Yugoslavia in 1999 demanding that Kosovo be separated from Serbia and Yugoslavia–and also invaded Afghanistan in 2001 and bombed Libya in 2011 — are crying about Russia’s flagrant “violation” of Ukraine’s sovereignty by virtue of encouraging and supporting the Crimean referendum.
Ukraine : Economic Warfare and the IMF
The media’s game of mirrors has been projecting deceitful images of the Ukrainian crisis, such as those of corporations and US and European banks who see their investments in Ukraine go up in smoke...
Over 300,000 US citizens representing a total of 29 states have signed petitions for their states to withdraw from the United States of America. They want to be granted the right to peacefully secede or allowed the holding of a referendum on such secession. Those who have signed the petition feel that President Obama's economic reforms have proved ineffective:
Price tag for Russian gas to Ukraine could rise to $500
The price of Russian gas to Ukraine could rise to $500 per 1,000 cubic meters, as future developments in relations between Moscow and Kiev remain vague.
New report reveals how ‘American neocons’ stage attacks against alternative media
Brainwash level - ‘neocons’: Staged Liz Wahl Psy-Op exposure explodes on Twitter
Public Revulsion Erupts in America over Zionist Supremacism - Vid shows suicide bomber of al-Kindi Hospital + Captured SAA-soldiers from...
"That's how it happened Syria Aleppo Kindi hospital soldiers taken POW and been executed against Geneva Convention"
Hezbollah Suspect Obtained Fake Belize IDs in 72 Hours
terrorist suspect, Rafic Mohammad Labboun Allaboun,
Allaboun was arrested in Yucatan, Mexico on September 8 along with two other men reportedly linked to Hezbollah, and extradited back to the United States.
Allaboun’s arrest may prompt a new round of speculation about Hezbollah in Latin America, but US authorities continue to maintain that the organization’s activities in Latin America are limited to fundraising.
The State Department’s 2011 Country Reports on Terrorism, released in July 2012, stated that there are no known Hezbollah cells in Latin America.
Belizeans are required to obtain a visa before entering the United States, but do not need one to enter Mexico -- where Allaboun was arrested -
John McAfee the Belize spymaster uncovers 'ricin, terrorist plots'
Tycoon: I gave bigwigs laptops stuffed with surveillance malware
Hezbollah terrorist with Belizean passports
Control your smartphone, know your apps
“Russia has tried to build its relations with the West based on trust. In response it got only lies, lies and more lies.
Finally, we got fed up with that. And we began to act the way that the Americans got used to acting over the past 15 years, only with fewer losses and in accordance with the will of the people”
VR’s Dmitry Babich is speculating on Russia’s image abroad and particularly what could explain such a strange thing as the appreciation of the ruble by 31 kopeks against the euro right after the West announced imposing sanctions on Russia:
'US thinks rules are for inferior nations, it's in their DNA' - ex-Australian PM
Kosovo's secession demonstrated that international law is only as applicable as the force
Israel budgets $3 bn for strike on Iran - report
Israel’s 2014 military budget includes at least 10 billion shekels devoted to preparations for war with Iran, Haaretz newspaper reports. Top Jerusalem officials recently said that Israel may strike Tehran’s nuclear sites even without US help.
John McAfee on Alex Jones Show - Thursday March 13, 2014
<big BS>
Putins Beliebtheit auf Höchststand seit fünf Jahren
Die Beliebtheit von Russlands Präsident Wladimir Putin bei den russischen Bürgern ist deutlich gestiegen und hat den Höchstwert seit fünf Jahren erreicht: 75,7 Prozent der Russen sind mit seiner Arbeit zufrieden, ergibt...
Moscow retaliates with similar sanctions against US officials
Russia’s Foreign Ministry has published a reciprocal sanction list of US citizens. The list consists of 10 names, including Senator John McCain and Obama's leading adviser on international economics, Caroline Atkinson.
Putins genialer Schachzug
Kollektive - unautorisierte - Übersetzung des heutigen (15. März 2014) Artikels auf FaktXeber Russland hat einen GENIALEN ökonomischen „Schachzug" gemacht, sie alle um den Finger gewickelt und in n...
"Tatsächlich in der ganzen Aufregung und in dem Moment, als die Preise den Tiefpunkt erreichten, kaufte der Staat einfach etwa 30% der von Ausländern gehaltenen Aktien, sparte beim Kauf rund 20 Milliarden Dollar, und Rußland konnte so die erzeugten günstigsten Bedingungen für eine teilweise Verstaatlichung der strategischen Industrie nutzen." "
Original-Artikel: ---> http://hesikamiscellaneous.
Artikel mit Nachtrag und Übersetzung:
Der Fuchs im Hühnerstall - Putins genialer Schachzug
EXCLUSIVE: Russia has China, India to trade with if West imposes sanctions- expert
The promising areas for cooperation are pharmaceutical, IT, fertilizers, minerals, space, nuclear industry. Presently the trade flow makes up to 15 billion dollars and they have capital target to bring it to 20 billion dollars by 2015, says Sameer Jafri, Indian political analyst:
New report reveals how ‘American neocons’ stage attacks against alternative media
The recent on-air resignation by former RT news anchor Liz Wahl was just the latest stunt orchestrated by a neo-conservative think tank, according to...
Connecting the dots: How Nuland, McCain, Foreign Policy Initiative, BuzzFeed, DailyBeast, Washington Freebeacon and others are exposed by a close-knit media coup; in one really factual report.
Washington sanctioning Democracy and hailing Nazism
RELATED POSTSDemocracy murdered by protest – Ukraine falls to intrigue and violenceUkraine: Truth – the First CasualtyUkraine: U.S. Pulls Back, Agrees To Russian DemandsCosts President Obama is about to pay in UkraineWashington’s Hysteria Towards Russia Hides US Regime ChangeUkrainian national...
Euromaidan massacre: what really happened in Kiev on Feb. 20, 2014 (Part 1)
The circumstances of the tragic events in Kiev on Feb.20, 2014 are being exposed in more and more
Here are the facts that led to Crimeans decision to leave Ukraine and to join Russia.
All media bruhaha about sanctions against Russia are intentionally misleading as sanctions should be imposed against the forces behind the putsch in Kyiv.
EXCLUSIVE: "What's happened in Ukraine made it imperative for Putin to make a move. If he hadn't made a move, in this case where a hostile government has been emplaced in Ukraine, with the definite aid of the West, and with NATO coming forward further into Ukraine. If Putin didn't resist this, Russia was dead. I think he had no alternative"
Dr. Edward Herman, he is a Professor Emeritus at the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania, comments on the situation over Ukraine in an interview with the VR saying that it is a result of the US policy known as "subversive incitement"
More quotes:
Full video of the speech:
“They act as they please: here & there, they use force against sovereign states, building coalitions based on the principle ‘If you are not with us, you are against us.’ To make this aggression look legitimate, they force the necessary resolutions from international organizations, and if for some reason this does not work, they simply ignore the UN Security Council & the UN overall.” - Putin
The Unknown Putin. Part 1
<the same as the German language video>
Putin Has Been Good For Russia
The Rise of Putin and The Fall of The Russian-Jewish Oligarchs (1/2)
<same as the German doc>
Corporate Interests Behind Ukraine Putsch | Consortiumnews
Corporate Interests Behind Ukraine Putsch March 16, 2014Behind the U.S.-backed coup that ousted the democratically elected president of Ukraine are the economic interests of giant corporations – from Cargill to Chevron – which see the country as a...
US envoy at UN calls Russia a thief
The US envoy at the UN calls Russia a thief and urges more sanctions against the country over Crimea.
WW2 hero refuses medical care, so cops kill him in his nursing home
95-year-old veteran John Wrana fought for America in World War 2, but he didn't get a chance to die for his country. Instead, his country killed him with a beanbag shotgun blast to the stomach after a thorough tazering.
Up to 60% of Catalonians want independence – poll
Nearly 59.6 percent of the population of Catalonia desire independence from the rest of Spain and want their region to become a "new state of Europe," according to released poll results.
US boycotts UN human rights conference with drone resolution looming
Pakistani leaders hope to convince the United Nations Human Rights Council to pass a resolution that would force US drone strikes to adhere to...
Challenging Mass Media: It's Time for the Truth
"Global Research is the leading research source on the fundamental issues of war and peace, imperialism and resistance, on the financial crises and the alternatives... Prof Chossudovsky has provide...
Crisis in Ukraine: Russia Extends its Control over the Black Sea and Strategic Waterways
The decision of Crimea to join the Russian Federation has strategic and geopolitical implications. The union of Crimea with Russia redefines both...
Israel Backs Far-Right Coup in Ukraine
"The government of Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu is backing the fascist-led putsch that ousted Ukraine’s elected pro-Russian president, Viktor Yanukovych. Far from opposing anti-Semitism and defending Ukrainian Jews from the neo-Nazi parties that have joined the new coalition government, Israel is doing its best to deny that any such threat exists.
Top 10 powerful quotes from Putin’s historic address
In perhaps the most pivotal address of the post-Soviet era, Russian President Vladimir Putin told the West to cut the bull on two decades of double standards and put the Cold War to rest. Here are the top 10 moments from his barn-burning address.
Ukraine journalists urge to ban right-wing Svoboda party
Ukraine's nationalist Svoboda Party ("Freedom") has come under a barrage of criticism from the country's community and politicians who have been outraged by the thrashing that the party’s membe
Russia has started issuing Russian passports in Crimea,
the country's Federal Migration Service Chief Konstantin Romodanovsky said. "Work has begun," he stated adding that "the international treaty was signed yesterday. Its temporary application started yesterday. And, of course, all Crimean residents who applied to the Federal Migration Service will get passports, because starting yesterday they are Russian citizens."
Nach Wieder-Eingliederung: Putin lässt Renten auf Krim verdoppeln
Nach der Wiedervereinigung mit der Krim hat Russlands Präsident Wladimir Putin das Arbeitsministerium beauftragt, die Renten auf der Schwarzmeer-Halbinsel bis auf den russischen Durchschnitt zu erhöhen.
Nach Krim-Referendum: Gazastreifen will auch in Bestand von Russland
Im Gazastreifen ist vor dem Hintergrund des Beitritts der Krim zu Russland eine Initiativgruppe gebildet worden, die sich an die Regierung wenden...
China, India back President Putin in Crimean reunification with Russia
China wasn’t able to veto the resolution on Crimea alongside Russia as it has its own domestic issues like Tibet, Xinjiang, Hong Kong and Taiwan. But it has now deepened its relations with Moscow and gained a potential ally for the future when Beijing will have to make hard political decisions.
Zwei Schritte vorwärts, einer zurück
von Paul Craig Roberts
Stratfor Founder Admits Ukraine Is U.S. Regime Change Puppet
<nobody invaded>
Ukraine crisis: unidentified gunmen seen inside Crimea army base
A Ukrainian was reportedly killed in a stand-off between Ukrainian soldiers and armed men in
Ukrainian TV channel head brutally forced to resign
The CEO of Ukraine’s National Television Company (NTU) has been violently assaulted in his own office by a group of far-right radicals from Svoboda (Freedom) party claiming to act on behalf of the country’s freedom of speech and information committee. They claim the TV channel chief was involved in pro-Russian propaganda.
"Es begann mit einer Lüge" - Doku über NATO-Einsatz in Jugoslawien, ARD 2001
According to the source, the self-defence forces arrived to Kubanskaya street in the city to check a report claiming that a group of armed people had been detected in a partially-inhabited building. While the self-defence unit was conducting operations to check the information, fire was opened, killing one and injuring two members the team.
NATO expansion — Yugoslavia to Ukraine
US map makers to mark Crimea as part of Russia
The chief geographer of the National Geographic Society, Juan Valdes, said that once the Russian Parliament ratifies the treaty on accepting Crimea into the Russian Federation, the Crimean Republic will officially become Russian territory, according to the Bloomberg news agency. "We map the world as it is, not as people would like it to be," Mr. Valdes made a point.
Kiew - 15 Polizisten tot, 200 Polizisten im Krankenhaus (und Merkel trifft sich mit Klitschko)
Putin wandte sich direkt an das Deutsche Volk (nicht Regierung) wegen der Krim
Russlands Präsident Wladimir Putin wandte sich am 18 März 2014 in seiner Rede direkt an das Deutsche Volk, in der er ausdrücklich das Deutsche Volk...
American pests develop resistance to ‘deadly’ toxins in GM maize – research
Genetically modified corn, which produces anti-pest toxin, is no longer as efficient at killing the bugs. The resistance arose quickly, due to some...
Israeli Defense Minister Suggests Military Action against Iran because the US is “Weak”
We (Israelis) have to look out for ourselves” Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon was quoted as saying at an event at Tel Aviv University. According...
Verschwörung der Medien - Terroristische Aktionen friedlicher Demonstranten
Ukraine - Die Rückkehr des Faschismus in Europa
Ukraine:(Doku) Gewalt, Faschismus, Staatstreich:Was unsere Medien verschweigen (Deutsch Untertitel)
What happened in Srebrenica in July 1995?
»SREBRENICA« Lügen & Manipulationen der US-NATO u.SDA
The Srebrenica Massacre was a Gigantic Political Fraud
»SREBRENICA« Lügen & Manipulationen der US NATO u.SDA
Seht Euch auch folgenden Film auf YouTube zum Thema an:
"Es begann mit einer Lüge" - Doku über NATO-Einsatz in Jugoslawien, ARD 2001.
Wie die NATO im Krieg um Kosovo Tatsachen verfälschte und Fakten erfand. Monitor-Autoren enthüllen Fälschungen ...
2 killed in shooting near Crimea military research center, 'sniper detained'
As RT producer Lida Vasilevskaya arrived at the scene, the perimeter of the Ukrainian military topography and navigation center was already...
Ditching dollar deathblow to imperialism
Dropping dollar from global transactions will deliver a deathblow to US imperialism, says an analyst.
A Distorted Lens Justifying An Illegitimate Ukrainian Government
Support it or oppose it, a coup d’état took place in Kiev after an EU-brokered agreement was signed by the...
Locate files and folders by name instantly.
Putin: Westen hat in der Situation mit der Ukraine die Grenze überschritten
„Alles hat seine Grenzen, im Fall der Ukraine haben unsere westlichen Partner die Grenze überschritten und sich grob, verantwortungslos und...
Hinter der Fichte: Ukraine: Grün-braun ist die Haselnuss
Sie führen das Volk hinter die Fichte: Konservative Politiker von schwarz bis grün, von NATO bis UNO. Dort müssen wir es wieder "abholen". Gebt diese Informationen hier weiter. Es gibt kein Copyright für die Wahrheit.
FULL VIDEO: Putin speaks Ukraine, Yanukovich, Maidan, Crimea
Zensur-Break: Erklärung von Putin zum Referendum auf der Krim
Natürlich kann man die Position Putins in der Krim-Frage kritisieren. Nur sollte man auch beide Standpunkte genau kennen. Um die Zensur der Leitmedien zu durchbrechen, wird hier die Rede von Putin vollständig und lückenlos wierdergegeben, damit sich jeder sein eigenes Bild machen kann. Auch der ZDF TV Historiker Guido Knopp hatte in der Sendung " Hart aber fair" ähnlich argumentiert und festgestellt, dass die Krim seit dem 18. Jh. eigentlich schon immer russisch gewesen war.
'US thinks it's superior, rules only apply to inferior nations' - ex Australian PM
Russia recognizes Crimea as independent state
The Anti-Empire Report #126
The United States strives for world domination, hegemony wherever possible, their main occupation for over a century, it’s what they do for a living. The United States, NATO and the European Union form The Holy Triumvirate. The Holy Triumvirate has subsidiaries, chiefly The International Monetary Fund, World Bank, World Trade Organization, International Criminal Court … all help to keep in line those governments lacking the Holy Triumvirate Seal Of Approval: the IMF, WB, and WTO impose market fundamentalism, while foreign leaders who act too independent are threatened with being handed over to the ICC for heavy punishment, as the United States imposes sanctions on governments and their leaders as only the King of Sanctions can, lacking any sense of hypocrisy or irony.
Putin: As Crimea as Kosovo, West re-writing its own rule book (FULL SPEECH)
Ron Paul on Crimea: None of America’s business
Ron Paul: Crimea secedes. So what?
Why does the U.S. care which flag will be hoisted on a small piece of land thousands of miles away?
What the Western Media Won't Tell You: Crimean Tatars and Ukrainians Also Voted to Join Russia
Media reports acknowledge that 83.1 percent of eligible Crimean voters cast their ballot in the March 18th referendum. The final tally of the vote was...
Robert Reich: “Paid-what-you’re-worth” is a toxic myth
The former secretary of labor explains how this line of thinking keeps minimum wages (and the American people) down
The real difference is the GM worker a half-century ago had a strong union behind him that summoned the collective bargaining power of all autoworkers to get a substantial share of company revenues for its members. And because more than a third of workers across America belonged to a labor union, the bargains those unions struck with employers raised the wages and benefits of non-unionized workers as well. Non-union firms knew they’d be unionized if they didn’t come close to matching the union contracts.
Russia's richest man Usmanov ditches Apple and Facebook for China
Usmanov, 60, a founder of Russia’s iron ore Metalloinvest holding company, has an estimated fortune of $18.6 billion as of March 2014 and is increasing his bet on China, while selling American assets.
Chinese media reports several of the passengers’ mobile phones were connecting when called by relatives, but the calls were not picked up.
“This morning, around 11:40 [am], I called my older brother’s number twice, and I got the ringing tone,” said Bian Liangwei, sister of one of the passengers. At 2:00 pm, Bian called again and heard it ringing again.
“If I could get through, the police could locate the position, and there’s a chance he could still be alive.”
She has passed on the number to Malaysia Airlines and the Chinese police.
A phone company in Singapore that was investigating this number said the number was out of credit. But that’s only one phone. Numerous relations have provided cell phone numbers of loved ones that they said ring when dialed.
reported 19 families signed a joint statement saying their family members’ cell phones connected, but the calls hung up. Relatives have asked Malaysia Airlines to reveal any information they might be hiding, seeking an explanation for the eerie phone connections. The relatives have complained that the Malaysia Airlines is not responding as actively as it should.
Western partners, headed by the US, are guided by the “rule of the gun”.
On the other hand, not a single shot was fired in Crimea (factually correct)
Nationalists, neo-nazis, Russophobes and anti-Semites are behind the coup in Kiev (factually correct).
Signed draft legislation on bringing Crimea into Russia, also signed by Crimea's prime minister and parliamentary speaker.
Take THAT, neo-cons in bed with neo-nazis.
Western mercenaries behind killing demonstrators in Ukraine
- And Western Authorities are pretending they don't know who did it. Could that be because it was them?
Catalonia getting ready to divorce Spain
RT’s main YouTube channel down for several hours
RT’s main YouTube channel was suspended for about eight hours, returning online about 2 p.m. Moscow time (10:00 GMT). YouTube ascribed the temporary blackout to a “technical mistake.”
Armed goons took pleasure in forcibly seizing list of gun part owners.
The Real Irish American Story Not Taught in Schools
“Wear green on St. Patrick’s Day or get pinched.” That pretty much sums up the Irish-American “curriculum” that I learned when I was in school. Yes, I recall a nod to the so-called Potato Famine, but it was mentioned only in...
The EU’s Stunning Hypocrisy on Crimea
The European Union’s characterization of the Crimean vote to join Russia as “undemocratic” is laced with stunning hypocrisy given that the EU ignored its own citizens when they rejected the European Constitution on numerous occasions.
The United States and the EU’s denunciation of the Crimean vote is also beyond a joke when one considers the fact that the initial Euromaidan uprising, which led to the violent overthrow of Ukraine’s democratically elected government, was bankrolled by the United States itself via the State Department in concert with groups such as the US Agency for International Development (USAID) and the National Endowment for Democracy.
Watch as 1000 years of European borders change
The Bitter Taste of IMF "Economic Medicine": What the US-backed Regime is Planning for Ukrainian...
Americans say Putin stronger leader than Obama
That's according to opinion poll conducted by the British company YouGov, together with the Economist magazine. Stephen Lendman, Chicago-based radio host and author, believes that a US president would kill for Putin's approval rating of 71%. He talks about American political system and asserts that it doesn’t matter who is the US president because he “is really a tool, a front man for the power system in America.”
Cops Who Killed Suicidal Man Granted Immunity
Court rules that cops were in fear of their safety when they saw a folded knife.
‘Conspiracy theorists’ vs. govt. dupes
The Police Can Take Your Cash Without Charging You with a Crime | VICE United States
As Tan Nguyen found out when he drove with $50,000 in gambling winnings through Humboldt County, Nevada, the cops can seize your money even if...
Militant reveals information on Syria war
A Tunisian militant reveals shocking details about foreign-backed war against Syrian government.
US, UK 'Enemies of the Internet' for first time
The United Kingdom and the US have been branded ‘Enemies of the Internet’ for the first time by Reporters Without Borders on their annual list of countries which disrupt freedom of information through surveillance and...
How Right-Wing Nationalism Rose to Influence in Ukraine (2/2)
Historian Per Anders Rudling traces the rise of Ukrainian right-wing party Svoboda from the nationalist myth-making of the post-Soviet diaspora and former President Yushchenko to the political polarization of the nation under now-ousted President Yanukovich
Svoboda and the History of Ukrainian Nationalism Pt. 1
Double Standards and Hypocrisy: Where are the Sanctions against the West?
US-Backed Islamic Terrorism: Dividing the Arab World, Weakening Russia and China
How The CIA Helped Create Osama Bin Laden
And for all you warmongering, hate loving, macho boys with big mouths and bad attitudes who want to invade other countries in the name of Freedumb and Duhmockrazy
Two Steps Forward, One Step Back -- Paul Craig Roberts -
Two Steps Forward, One Step Back Paul Craig Roberts Washington’s plan to seize Ukraine and to evict Russia from its Black Sea naval base has come...
Girl Calls 911 to Get Medical Assistance for Boyfriend, Cops Show Up, Break His Face and Taser Him
Eric Smith's girlfriend called 911 after her boyfriend passed out on the floor of their East Rochester, NY apartment, and became unresponsive. Getting...
EXCLUSIVE: "The democratically elected government in Ukraine was overthrown and constitutional order collapsed.
People of the Crimea saw their chance to get out of the Ukraine when they could and they have taken it"
Putin's speech exposes the NWO
Putin's speech on 10 February 2007 at 43rd Munich Security Conference.exposes the NWO
Venice holding referendum on cutting ties with Italy
US and EU playing chicken with Russia as serious sanctions will hurt West as well - expert
Superfund’s toxic waste cleanup deemed an ‘inefficient,’ unaccountable ‘shell game’
Tracking noxious material that is removed from Superfund areas – or uncontrolled hazardous waste sites the US government has dedicated...
Russia can turn US into 'radioactive ash'
A Russian journalist says his country is the only state that could turn the US into "radioactive ash."
Americans Aren't Buying What Obama Is Selling on Syria
People don't buy the administration's pitch that action against Syria would only be a short surgical strike. Six in 10 (61 percent) believe an attack on Syria would lead to long-term involvement there. The Bush administration told Americans that it would only take a few weeks to defeat Iraq. Our invasion of Iraq led to 10 years of combat and casualties, and caused our struggle in Afghanistan to be even longer. Enough is enough!
Poll: Americans, Europeans oppose Western military intervention in Syria
The poll found 62 percent of Americans and 72 percent of Europeans believed their countries should avoid military intervention in Syria's civil war, which has killed more than 100,000 people.
Only 30 percent of Americans and 22 percent of Europeans felt their countries should intervene in Syria.
Mainstream fail - viewers leaving TV for the Internet
Pro-War and Pro-Empire: Media’s Reporting on Ukraine as Terrible as It Was on Iraq
After Giving Mea Culpas for Horrible Iraq Coverage, Media Does the Exact Same Thing On Ukraine We noted last year that – despite all of the mea...
Crimea’s referendum corrected Soviet-era mistake - Gorbachev
The people of Crimea fixed a Soviet-era mistake with the Sunday’s referendum and the will of the people should not be punished by sanctions, said former Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev.
The Eurasian Chessboard: Brzezinski Mapped Out "The Battle for Ukraine" in 1997
It's all about maintaining the US position as the world's sole superpower Why would the United States run the risk of siding with anti-Semitic, neo-Nazis...
Former ‘economic hitman’: U.S. ‘death economy’ brought world to brink of destruction
A former “economic hitman” explained that the United States model for global domination cannot be repeated – and should not be attempted.
The United States model for global domination cannot be repeated – and should not be attempted. “We’ve created a death economy, one that’s based on killing people, militarization, and ravaging the earth,” Perkins said. “We need to move into a life economy that’s based on cleaning up pollution, feeding starving people, developing new technologies, transportation, communications, (and) energy.”
Kiew will Verteidigungsetat verzehnfachen – Auf Kosten von Sozialprogrammen
Das Ministerkabinett der Ukraine will umgerechnet mehr als 708 Millionen Dollar für Verteidigungszwecke...
Obama Declares Self-Determination to Be a Threat to US National Security | Dissident Voice
Obama that support for Crimean self-determination constitutes ?an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security and foreign policy of the United States, and I hereby declare a national...
Putin signs order to recognize Crimea as a sovereign independent state
President Vladimir Putin has signed an order that Russia recognizes Crimea as a sovereign and independent state. The Autonomous Republic of Crimea...
The Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity : If Spying on Senate is So Bad, Why is it OK...
The reaction of Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) to last week’s revelations that the CIA secretly searched Senate Intelligence Committee computers...
Crimean military thwart sabotage of gas plant feeding peninsula
Crimean military and self-defense forces have prevented an attempt to sabotage and cripple the gas distribution center that feeds a number of socially critical facilities in the peninsula, including schools and medical...
Wirtschaftsprofessor will Giralgeldsystem gerichtlich bekämpfen
Die Geldschöpfung der Banken stell für WU-Professor Hörmann einen Missbrauch der internationalen Rechnungslegungsvorschriften dar und führt zu
Embarking on geoengineering, then stopping, would speed up global warming
The Ukraine Crisis - What You're Not Being Told
The European and American public are being systematically lied to about the Ukraine crisis.
Karzai to US: Get out of Afghanistan
Karzai has told Washington and its allies to immediately get out of Afghanistan.
More Ukrainian cities call for secession vote
Mainstream US Media Is Lost in Ukraine | Consortiumnews
Mainstream US Media Is Lost in Ukraine March 16, 2014Exclusive: The U.S. mainstream news media is reaching a new professional low point as it covers the Ukraine crisis by brazenly touting Official Washington’s propaganda themes, blatantly...
Der Schritt ist klein von der Herrschaft des Kapitals als bürgerliche Demokratie hin zur offen faschistischen Diktatur. Dass die EU (also die BRD) ihn in der Ukraine geht, ist ein Zeichen, was uns hier erwartet, wenn wir weiter den Kopf in den Sand der Mainstreammedien stecken und schafsdumm die Metzger auch noch selber wählen gehen.
Exclusive: World’s most pristine waters are polluted by US Navy human waste
The American military has poured hundreds of tonnes of human sewage and waste water into a protected coral lagoon on the British-owned base of...
Montreal Police Arrest 288 During Police Brutality Protest
Police gave protesters at the annual demonstration against police brutality just minutes before the riot squad encircled the crowd and detained 288 people on Saturday.
Julia schreibt:
Das ist nicht mehr lustig!
Ukraine wird langsam zu einer TATSÄCHLICHEN Diktatur!
Heute will Rada u.a. über einige Vorschläge vom skandalträchtigen Abgeordneten Lyaschko beraten, die gedruckte Version wurde den Abgeordneten sogar ausgeteilt, was bis jetzt nicht immer der Fall war: (Punkt 3 und 4 beachten!!!!!)
1. Ergebnisse des Krimer Referendums werden unter keinen Umständen anerkannt, Krim wird nicht an Rußland übergeben.
2. Alle Verträge und Übereinstimmungen mit Rußland werden nichtig, einschließlich Verträge bezüglich Schwarzmeerflotte-
3. Es soll Todesstrafe eingeführt werden für die Zeiten des Krieges mit Rußland für alle Verräter, Diserteure, Diversanten, Marodeure, Mörder und Spionen.
(Da Rußland den Krieg nicht erklären wird, Ukraine sich aber schon größtenteils in Stellungen gebracht hat, ist davon auszugehen, dass Ukrainische Regierung die Krimer Ereignisse als Aggression seitens Rußland umdeutet.)
4. Alle Personen, die an jeglichen "separatistischen" Kundgebungen/ Demonstrationen teilnehmen werden des Staatsverrats angeklagt und verlieren ihre Staatsangehörigkeit.
5. Einigen Abgeordneten der Werhownaja Rada - Oleg Zaryov, Wadim Kolesnitschenko und Boris Deitsch - wird Abgeordneten-Mandat entzogen, sie werden unter Anklage gestellt.
(Das sind diejenigen, die massiv das Vorgehen der Militärjunta kritisieren und ihre Legitimität nicht anerkennen. Sie wären auch die aussichtsreichsten Kandidatenbei der nächsten Präsidentenwahl, zumindest die ersten beiden.)
The Tiger Awakens: China Warns of “Retaliatory Action” and “Unforeseeable Consequences” Over...
Reblogged on
The Kick Them All Out Project - Bombshell - Barack Obama Conclusively Outed As CIA Creation -...
Welcome to the Kick Them All Out Project and Fire Congress Campaign. This project provides a way for us all to hold Congress accountable by making them pay the price of losing their jobs for what they've done to destroy our nation! We can use the power of our votes to effect sweeping change NOW!
White House Confirms: Obama Withholding Torture Documents, Cites Executive Privilege To Protect...
The Obama White House admitted, for the first time, that it is withholding thousands of documents on the Cheney torture program, and that...
Anti-Russian Propaganda Rages
It's intense. It rages daily. It's unprecedented. It exceeds the worst of Cold War vitriol. Malicious misinformation persists. Truth is systematically buried. It's turned on its...
"We must shoot'em in the head" - a Ukrainian Nazi sponsor to the counter-coup protesters in the East
Ukrainian ultranationalist leader promised to stage a jihadist parade in the Red Square in 1994
Tensions rise as Ukraine’s military hardware pulls up to eastern border with Russia
Ukrainian heavy military equipment, including armored personnel carriers and infantry fighting vehicles are heading towards the Russian border, while the...
Defensive blockade: Activists stop Kiev’s military trucks heading to Russian border
Activists in eastern Ukraine in the Donetsk and Lugansk regions are blocking columns of heavy military equipment heading from Kiev to the border with...
Putin: Crimeans expressed their will in full accordance with intl law, UN Charter
Krim-Konflikt: China schlägt sich auf die Seite Russlands
China steht im Ukraine-Konflikt an der Seite Russlands. Die Sicht beider Veto-Mächte über die Lage in der Ukraine sei deckungsgleich, so das russische Außenministerium.
EXCLUSIVE: "This criminal President Barack Obama, who is acting as a dictator ignoring the constitution on many-many fronts,
is taking us right directly into a totally unnecessary thermonuclear confrontation with Russia, and potentially on a global scale – a war which, as anyone with brains knows, could wipe out the civilization"
Instead, Mike Billington, activist in LaRouche movement, argues that Obama has to be impeached and US must then work with Russia to promote great development and new cultural and scientific renaissance. On the topic of Ukraine, he says that there will be no political solution to the crisis there without removing Obama from power, because he is openly backing a neo-Nazi regime in Kiev.
Democracy, a Referendum, Russia and the West
In a stunning display of arrogance, sheer hypocrisy and total disrespect for a democratic vote, the European Union and its puppet-master across the sea shun the free and fair referendum in Crimea, in which a turnout of 85%...
"The Ukrainian Constitution was not followed, therefore this "new Government" is illegal or as legal as a drunk proclaiming himself King of Planet Zog after a skinful on a Friday night. Why should Russia negotiate with a group of Fascists who staged a Putsch and whose first acts were to issue anti-Russian edicts and who seized power in a pre-planned anti-Russian wave of hysteria? Leaked messages between the USA and chief wannabe bedmate in Europe, France, allegedly point towards a NATO plan to encroach further east from several years ago (despite repeated assurances over the years that NATO would not move eastwards. But who believes a serial liar?)"
EXCLUSIVE: "In 1954 Nikita Khrushchev made a decision to transfer Crimea from Russia to Ukraine. There was no referendum, there was no popular vote and the residents of Crimea had no voice in that decision. So when Ukraine became independent in 1991 after the Soviet Union collapsed the Russian population in Crimea ended up living in a country that they never chose to be residents of"
Victor Olevich, a political analyst from US state of Pennsylvania, comments on the results of Crimea referendum and points out that if the West recognizes Kosovo, it has to recognize the will of Crimeans:
How about the EU ignoring referendums on the Lisbon Treaty when the vote didn't go their way. How "democratic" was that? Rampant hypocrisy.
<The French, Dutch and Irish voted no>
EU says Crimea vote "undemocratic," but the foreign-funded violent overthrow of a democratically elected government is just fine.
Ukraine's Gold Reserves Secretely Flown Out and Confiscated by the New York Federal Reserve?
A Russian Internet news site Iskra ("Spark") based in Zaporozhye, eastern Ukraine, reported on March 7, that "Ukraine's gold reserves had been hastily airlifted to the United States from Borispol...
Die NATO jammert, weil sie keine Chance hatte, durch die neonazistische "Nationalgarde" einzugreifen. Der Westen jammert, weil er keine Chance hatte, den Krim-Bürgern Krims Märchen zu erzählen und ihnen NATO, EU, Nazis und ihre Oligarchen schmackhaft zu machen. Ausgerechnet die notorischen Völkerrechtsverletzer und Jugoslawien-Bomber berufen sich jetzt auf das Völkerrecht. Wie schrieb doch der SPIEGEL als es gegen Putin ging: Putin habe zwar "juristisch Recht", aber "Eine andere Frage ist, inwieweit diese Sicht in revolutionären Zeiten politisch maßgeblich ist…"
Hinter der Fichte: Krim: Jetzt wächst zusammen...
Paul Craig Roberts: US is Completely Busted, Non-Delivery of Gold-Crash the System, War in Ukraine
Obama Declares a National Emergency: Crimea Self-Determination Constitutes a “Threat To US National Security”
Obama and the lawyers who drafted his executive order did not notice that the way the order is drafted it applies to Obama, to the unelected coup government in Kiev, and to the Washington and EU regimes. The order says that any person “responsible for or complicit in, or to have engaged in, directly or indirectly . . . actions or policies that undermine democratic processes or institutions in Ukraine” is subject to having his assets frozen.
Washington and the EU are the only two governments whose personnel have undermined democratic processes and institutions in Ukraine by overthrowing the elected government and imposing an unelected one.
Crimean ‘referendum at gunpoint’ is a myth – intl observers
135 international observers have arrived from 23 countries, including Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Latvia and Poland, Crimean authorities said. Among those monitoring the referendum are members of the EU and national European parliaments, international law experts and human rights activists.
“The European parliament’s resolution demands that Crimeans comply with the Ukrainian constitution and says that the referendum is against that constitution. But that’s the same as to demand Kosovars to comply with the constitution of the former Yugoslavia, which naturally never happened. Double standards are everywhere in global politics. We know it from history. We see it now”.
Bankers behind Ukraine crisis: analyst
A political commentator says international bankers and oligarchs are behind the crisis in Ukraine.
USA seeks to join Russian Federation
We're a failed state ruled by criminal oligarchs. Putin for President!
Schweiz Magazin - Das Schweizer Nachrichten online Magazin - Venedig will Unabhängigkeit von...
Venedig will Unabhängigkeit von Italien, EU und NATO
95.7% of Crimeans in referendum voted to join Russia - preliminary results
Over 95 percent of voters in the Crimean referendum have answered ‘yes’ to the autonomous republic joining Russia and less than 4 percent of the vote participants want the region to remain part of Ukraine, according to preliminary results.
With over 75 percent of the votes already counted, preliminary result show that 95.7 percent of voters said 'yes' to the reunion of the republic with Russia as a constituent unit of the Russian Federation. Only 3.2 percent of the ballots were cast for staying with Ukraine as an Autonomous Republic with broader rights. The remaining 1.1 percent of the ballots were declared invalid.
'Blackwater' members in Ukraine's Donetsk
Es gibt keinen Schnellkurz für Scharfschützen/Snipder!"
+++ Breaking News +++: US-Söldner der US-Firma Academi (ehemals Blackwater) sind in der Ost-Ukraine eingefallen. Öffnet der Welt die Augen und teilt das! Jeder von uns sollte sich auch nochmal ernsthaft die Frage stellen: "Wer schürt hier einen Krieg mit Russland und wem nutzt der Konflikt in der Ukraine? Anonymous hat durch einen #Leak von Botschaftsdepeschen am Wochenende bewiesen, dass der Kriegstreiber in diesem Konflikt definitiv nicht Russland ist. Aus den Depeschen geht unter anderem hervor, dass die US-Regierung dem Land Slowenien einen 3,5 Milliarden Dollar Kredit bewilligt hat - unter der Bedingung dass Slowenien 2500 Soldaten bereitstellt, die nach Aufforderung der USA Teile der Ukraine besetzen sollen. Die USA führt in der Ukraine eine "False Flag"-Operation (Falsche Flagge) durch. Der Begriff bezeichnet eine verdeckte Operation, meist des Militärs oder eines Geheimdienstes.
Referendum update:
Exit Poll Crimea. 93% in favor or reunification with Russia. Voter turn-out 73.4%
Venice: 64% of the region's residents voted to secede from Italy
Can't wait for the Scottish referendum.
The United States is losing face in the Ukrainian dispute: the American representative to the UN Samantha Power screaming at the Russian Ambassador Vitaly Churkin after Russia has blocked a baseless US draft resolution "on situation in Ukraine" at the Security Council meeting on March 15.
The submitted draft lacked any reference to the real causes of the Ukrainian crisis - the forcible seizure of power in Kiev, violation of the EU-sponsored agreement on the political settlement in Ukraine (Feb 21), widening political repressions in this country and escalation of the inter-ethnic hatred by the Ukrainian ultra-nationalist groups, as well as the latest constitutional reforms undermining basic rights and freedoms of the Russian-speaking citizens of Ukraine.
Non-compliance, revolt, and the end the state will lose. The End
The Story of Donald Trump's lawsuit against Bill Maher Over An Orangutan Joke (Full)
The Story of Donald Trump's lawsuit against Bill Maher Over An Orangutan Joke (Full) Please visit
New Rule: Income Inequality In America (Real Time with Bill Maher - 2/28/14)
<maximum wage>
This May Be Bill Maher's Most Intense Rant Against Religions – All Of Them - Yet
Crimea's been linguistically & ethnically Russian for over 300 years. Even the minority of linguistically & ethnically Ukrainians who live there mainly speak Russian. In fact, the stupid moronic irony of bipartisan Obama-Kerry-Nuland-McCain imperialism is that these imperialists overseeing a rotting and weakening American capitalistic and imperialistic system are opting for the "legality" of a stupid Stalinist administrative mistake made by the post-Stalin Stalinist, Nikita Khrushchev, in 1954, which really constitutes the entire so-called "legal" basis of their United States imperialistic bombast over the referendum in Crimea. Khrushchev ceded in an administrative mistake Crimea to Ukraine in 1954. On that basis, the bipartisan United States imperialist Washington-D.C. gang are, on a great power imperialist basis, pushing the entire world toward a nuclear World War III. This only confirms my view that it is the government of the United States of America no matter whether under Democratic or Republican administrations which is the most seriously deranged, seriously demented, seriously dangerous gang of vapid, shallow, superficial, deadly crazed fools on the planet earth.
Who Is Osama Bin Laden?
It is now known that the twenty year old Islamic insurgency in the Caucasus (according to many experts an Al-Qaeda operation) and the arming of Georgia had been an integral part of a long-term Western plan to wrestle the northern Caucasus region away from Russian control and place it under what some experts refer to as an Islamic Caliphate. Ankara, Baku and Tbilisi, as well as a steady stream of Islamic militants trained in Pakistan and Afghanistan were the active participants in this agenda throughout much of the 1990s, and its funding and organization was carried out by a consortium of special interests in Washington and London and most probably Tel Aviv and Riyadh.
"The cell phones are ringing, and the only organization in the world that can say where they are is the NSA. WHY THE SILENCE?" Good question on the Malaysia Airlines Flight from journalist Jim Stone. Read more below on his theory based on U.S. AWACS capability. Heck, you don't invest trillions of dollars in an intelligence infrastructure for it to fail four times in one day or one time with 239 lives at stake: Another interesting line of reasoning is presented by this freelance journalist, Jim Stone.
FACT: The plane survived and landed somewhere. AND THE NSA KNOWS EXACTLY WHERE BECAUSE THE CELL PHONES RANG AND IT WAS NOT DEAD RINGING BECAUSE ONE PICKED UP. Ditto for the cell carriers, all of them which are no doubt owned by Kikedom and will keep their mouths shut. WE KNOW WHO DID THIS, "FAILURE" TO LOCATE THOSE PHONES PROVES WHO DID THIS WITH A SINGLE FACT.
The engines on flight 377 remained connected to satellites as part of a Boeing maintenance routine, and Boeing has confirmed the aircraft remained flying for five full hours after it “vanished” from radar. Obviously the Malaysian military really did track this plane as they originally stated. Someone forced them to back down, only to have Boeing blow it wide open once and for all. And THIS is probably why the Malaysian military forgot all about how they tracked it to the strait of Malacca. Too late, the genie is OUT OF THE BOTTLE.
The Malaysian military tracked this plane for a full hour with military radar after it "vanished from civilian radar because "the transponders were switched off" (B.S.) radar is radar, it does not need a "transponder" to track a plane and they can eat dog poo. And Awacs would have shut down any transponder for a plane kidnapping anyway, it took no terrorist to do it.
French government bans GM maize MON 810
France’s agricultural ministry on Saturday banned the sale, use and cultivation of Monsanto’s genetically modified maize MON 810, after France highest court twice previously struck down similar measures.
‘Serene’ referendum: Italian region votes on restoration of Venetian Republic
Leaders of the independence movement say they are not going to wait for Rome’s approval, and if the population votes in favor they will begin the...
Hackerangriff legt Internetauftritt der Nato lahm
>OU_Report_2013_ENG.pdf newer version and important parts are missing<
"I don't mind NSA spying, I have nothing to hide!"
The failure of German leadership: Merkel Whores For Washington
What is happening in Libya now? Chaos.
Kiev's putsch authorities can't stop Crimea from exercising right to self-determination - expert
There was a similar vote in other countries throughout the years when Montenegro voted by a razor-thin margin to secede from Serbia, when South Sudan recently voted to secede from Sudan, when Kosovo…
Ukraine Protests Carefully Orchestrated: The Role of CANVAS, US-Financed "Color Revolution...
The recent protests in Ukraine have the stench of a foreign-orchestrated attempt to destabilize the government of Viktor Yanukovych after he walked away from signing an EU Association Agreement tha...
Das ist der Euro-Maidan
Ukrainische Faschisten für solche zu halten, gilt auf der Leipziger Buchmesse als »Unsitte«
A Quick Summary - for those who have just read the home-page and thought this is interesting...this changes an awful lot...
this changes Society...this changes my Day to Day life...this could possibly...MAKE THINGS BETTER!?...Well your RIGHT!
Ukraine’s Crisis: Economic Sanctions Could Trigger a Global Depression | NEWS JUNKIE POST
The referendum in Crimea on March 16, 2014 will probably attach the peninsula to the Russian federation. While it is unlikely that NATO will...
875,000 left in bureaucratic black hole that is US terror watchlist system
The US had 875,000 people in its terrorist watchlist system as of December 2012. Those secretly blacklisted have no real path to challenge their status,...
"IN 1997 Tony Blair, the British prime minister, made the first formal apology for Britain’s role in the Irish famine.
Between 1845 and 1855 Ireland lost a third of its population—1 million people died from starvation and disease and 2 million emigrated. Mr Blair regretted a time when those who governed in London had failed their people. Two new books explore Britain’s role in the famine and rekindle the debate about whether its misdeeds can be considered genocide."
‘Pushed to leave’: Packing moods among Ukraine’s Jewish minority amidst far-right rise
With the beating of the head of Hatzalah’s local branch in Kiev and an earlier attack on a synagogue, many from the Jewish minority tell RT they feel...
“Ukraine, a new and important space on the Eurasian chessboard, is a geopolitical pivot because its very existence as an independent country helps to transform Russia. Without Ukraine, Russia ceases to be a Eurasian empire.”
Immer mehr ukrainische Städte bitten Russland um Hilfe
Russland wirft Kanzlerin Merkel, EU und den VSA Bruch des Völkerrechts vor
Das Völkerrecht besagt jedoch: "Kein Staat darf gegenüber einem anderen aktiv eine Politik des Regimewechsels verfolgen oder die Destabilisierung des anderen Staates betreiben"
Climate Industrial Complex Part 2
Climate Industrial Complex Part 1
Harold Saive·
Rabbi in Crimea urges Jews to leave Ukraine, fears neo-Nazi attacks
In Ukraine capital unknown men have beaten up the leader of a local Jewish movement. Just
The Neoliberal Neo-Nazi Coup in Ukraine. The World is at a Dangerous Crossroads
We are not dealing with a transitional government in which Neo-Nazi elements integrate the fringe of the coalition, formally led by the...
Russia vetoes US-sponsored UN resolution declaring Crimea vote invalid
Russia has vetoed a UN Security Council’s resolution declaring the upcoming referendum on the future status of autonomous republic of Crimea invalid...
Right Sector Alexander Muzichko and Dmitry Yarosh - "benevolent" leaders of "European Ukraine"
Just look at those democratic, humane leaders! - Chechen terrorist leads the riots in Ukraine
As you know from my feed, I'm trying to show you the full picture of what's going on in Ukraine. And there's happend some scary shit. Oleksandr Musychko/Sashko Byliy was in charge of General Dudaev
Anonymous exposes US invasion plans in Ukraine
By tomorrow, the 15th of March 2014, the US, through its agents in Ukraine, will begin a series of false flag attacks on targets in Ukraine designed to make it look as if they were carried out by the Special Forces of the Russian Federation. So one of the recent leaks by Anonymous says
Attempt to jam Russian satellites carried out from Western Ukraine
An attempted radio-electronic attack on Russian television satellites from the territory of Western Ukraine has been recorded by the Ministry of Communications. It comes days after Ukraine blocked Russian TV channels,...
The note will self-destruct after being read
Dark City - 1998
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