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Sunday, March 16, 2014

March Part B

IPCC Exposed by Donna Laframboise Part 1
Washington, wo man so gerne über die Pressefreiheit und die Rechte der Journalisten redet, scheine nicht bereit zu sein, diesen Grundsätzen zu folgen, meinte Alexander Lukaschewitsch, Sprecher des russischen Außenamtes, nachdem russische Journalisten zur Pressekonferenz von ‪‎Obama‬ und ‪#Jazenjuk‬ nicht zugelassen worden waren.
Ukraine's Gold Reserves Secretely Flown Out and Confiscated by the New York Federal Reserve?
A Russian Internet news site Iskra ("Spark") based in Zaporozhye, eastern Ukraine,  reported on March 7, that  "Ukraine's gold reserves had been hastily airlifted to the United States from Borispol...
Regime Change: 10 Things You Need to Know about Ukraine
65% of Venezuela's oil revenues invested in social programmes: Maduro
The President of Venezuela, Nicolas Maduro, made important announcements on economy during the
Missing Malaysian jet's transponder was deliberately disabled: PM Najib Razak
Ukrainischer Geheimdienst-Chef: Was wirklich in Kiew geschah - Russ. TV
The State, the Deep State, and the Wall Street Overworld
Just for Laughs-Best Sexy Pranks Compilation
SWAT Team Raids Organic Farm, Confiscates Blueberries
Newfound Jewish roots gave Kerry a ‘deep’ bond with Israel
Secretary of state, who only learned his grandparents were Jews in 2004, says he understands Israelis’ reluctance to sign a deal
The European and American public are being systematically lied to about the Ukraine crisis.
Ukraine What You're Not Being Told
Tell the White House & Congress: No Funding for neo-Nazis in Ukraine!
The ANSWER Coalition has launched a new campaign to flood Congress and the White House with thousands of emails demanding that not one cent of taxpayers’ money be spent for the new Ukrainian government where neo-Nazis and semi-fascists hold...
Das Monster vergreift sich nun an der Ukraine
Vor einigen Tagen hat man der Ukraine die Goldreserven weggenommen, diese wurden in die USA gebracht, im Gegenzug bekommt die Ukraine von den USA ca. 1 Mrd Euro und von der Weltbank noch einmal ca....
Don't listen to what they say - look at what they do
One would imagine that Mr Iatseniuk would do something very similar, right?
Well, not quite.  Check out where he put his neo-Facists:
Vice Prime Minister Alexandr Sych (Freedom Party)
Minister of Defense Igor Teniukh  (Freedom Party)
Minister of Internal Affairs Arsen Avakov (officially member of the Fatherland Party but in reality an agent for the Right Sector)
Head of the National Security and Defense Council Andrei Paribii (Social-National Party of Ukraine)
Deputy Head of the National Security and Defense Council Dmitri Iarosh (Right Sector)

Amazing no?  The neo-Fascists are occupying all the positions of power, what is often referred to as "power structures".  Instead of putting them where they could do the least amount of harm, Iatseniuk put them right where they are the most dangerous.
Russia Annexing Crimea is the Cost of US/EU intervention in Ukraine
One wonders how deep a hole the United States and the EU are going to dig for themselves in Ukraine. It was, of course, U.S. and EU leaders — and their media acolytes — who caused the problem we face today by intervening on behalf of self-styled “democrats” in Kiev who without foreign intervention could not have overthrown the Ukrainian president.
Banner! Americans have already invaded the Ukraine without notice.
Стяг! Американцы уже вторглись в Украину без предупреждения.
Ein zionistisch-faschistischer Putsch, organisiert von den USA, mit freundlicher Unterstützung Deutschlands (sowohl Vaterlandspartei als auch Udar sind CDU-KAS- McCains -International Republican Institute (IRI) -Projekte); der Majdan hat über 5. Milliarden Dollar den USA gekostet. Merkel vertritt nicht die Interessen des deutschen Volkes und handelt weder christlich noch demokratisch. Steinmeier hat sich mit dem Papier vom 21. Februar blamiert, vor allem, weil er nicht hinter seiner Unterschrift auf diesem Papier steht. Wie alle anderen Akteure auch. Die Grünen, die inzwischen die Interessen von Soros und Oligarchen vertreten, sind die widerlichsten Verräter der Demokratie. Die Masken sind gefallen.
Former US congressman Ron Paul has defended Russian President Vladimir Putin over the upcoming referendum in Ukraine’s autonomous region of Crimea.
Larissa schreibt:
Die Truppen von NATO zusammen mit den ukrainischen Faschisten okkupierten scheinbar bereits die Ukraine.
In Donezk haben die Einwohner in einem Supermarkt Soldaten von der NATO gesehen 14.03.2014 18:39
After Ukraine, Turkey might be the Next Target of "Regime Change"
The plot and the leading actors are almost the same. Just change the backdrop. Throw in the diplomatic and intelligence machinations into the mix and you have a recipe for regime change.  A corrupt...
“The West’s plan for making the entire Ukraine a NATO country has failed, since Crimea detached itself from Ukraine at once. To influence the situation, the West is now discussing Georgia’s NATO membership. The West is clearly trying to garner maximum political effect.”
The Germans refuse to play Ball
By four o’clock in the afternoon, 9420 readers had answered the survey, and what they had to say filled the presstitutes from the Tagesspiegel with sheer horror.
 Because only a puny four percent, and we know who those are, favoured a military intervention by NATO forces.
 Whereas a staggering seventy eight percent believed that Western  hacks like Kerry or Merkel were mere hypocrites and that Russia defended indeed legitimate interests.
The Ukraine Crisis - What You're Not Being Told
Ukraine Crisis - What You're Not Being Told
Die Kiewer Scharfschützen haben aus dem Büro des so genannten ‪#‎Maidan‬-Kommandanten geschossen, teilte der russische UN-Botschafter Vitali Tschurkin in einer Sitzung des Weltsicherheitsrates mit
Crimea referendum opponents manipulate detached norms of intl law – Churkin
 “Acts of violence perpetrated in Kiev need a careful international investigation,” he said, warning that the “image presented by Kiev and western propaganda is completely reversed by the information the same provocateurs were firing at both the representatives of the security forces and protesters.”

“And, according to the latest published information, shooting came from the headquarters of the so-called ‘Maidan Commandant’, who now heads by the Security Council of Ukraine,” Russia's envoy said.
Malaysia Airlines Plane MH370 Latest Conspiracy Theory: Who were Freescale Semiconductor Experts on Board?
The Hitler Speech They Don't Want You To Hear
US power grid could be knocked out by a handful of substation attacks, says report
The entire US power grid could be shut down for more than a month if just nine of the over 55,000 electric substations placed throughout the nation were sabotaged by terrorists or other criminals, according to a new report.
‘They are fascists!’ German Left leader blasts Merkel’s support of illegitimate Ukraine govt
The recognition of Kosovo independence set a precedent that gives Crimeans, as well as Basques and Catalans, a right for self-determination,...
Mercenaries took part in Maidan violence – Ex-Ukraine security chief
There is no doubt there were mercenaries at Maidan, the former head of Ukraine’s security service, Aleksandr Yakimenko, says.
Four days after flight MH370 goes missing, a patent is approved. 4 of the 5 Patent holders are Chinese employees of Freescale Semiconductor of Austin TX. The fifth is the company itself. Each patent is divided into 20% increments to the 5 holders -

Peidong Wang, Suzhou, China, (20%)
Zhijun Chen, Suzhou, China, (20%)
Zhihong Cheng, Suzhou, China, (20%)
Li Ying, Suzhou, China, (20%)
Freescale Semiconductor (20%)

If a patent holder dies, the remaining holders equally share the dividends of the deceased so long as it's not disputed in a will. If 4 of the 5 Patent holders die, then the remaining Patent holder gets 100% of the wealth of the patent. That remaining Patent holder is Freescale Semiconductor. Who owns Freescale Semiconductor? Answer - Jacob Rothschild!
The Ukrainian Pendulum
The oligarchs who financed the Maidan operation divided the spoils: the most generous supporter, Ukrainian Jewish multi-billionaire Igor “Benya” Kolomoysky, received the great Russian-speaking city of Dnepropetrovsk in fief. His brethren oligarchs took other Russian-speaking industrial cities, inclu...
Krim-Krise: Deutschland und Polen verschärfen den Ton
Bei ihrem Besuch in Polen macht die Kanzlerin deutlich, dass sie den Bündnisfall nicht ausschließt. Das EU-Assoziationsabkommen soll schon nächste Woche kommen.

<"Steinmeier und ich uns schon vorher darauf, ihn zu unterbrechen. 'Sie müssen das Töten auf dem Maidan stoppen"

Hat Janukowitsch denn auf die Demonstranten schießen lassen und hat Janukowitsch die Faschisten engagiert, die Polizisten umgebracht haben?

"Merkel scheute sich nicht einmal, auf Artikel 5 des Nato-Vertrages hinzuweisen – den Bündnisfall, der die Partner bei einer Aggression von außen zu militärischem Beistand verpflichtet."

Was bedeutet das? Will man nun die Rechten in Kiew, die gerade eine gewählte Regierung weggerutscht haben, mit militärischen Mitteln unterstützen?

Was ich nicht verstehe: Wenn dieser Janukowitsch so schlimm war, weswegen hat die EU nicht einfach bis zu den nächsten Wahlen gewartet, anstatt dort in Kiew die Polizistenmörder zu unterstützen?

Man hätte doch ganz einfach die Wahlen abwarten können, wieso hat man das nicht gemacht?

"das so lange umstrittene EU-Assoziierungsabkommen mit der Ukraine schon in der kommenden Woche zu unterzeichnen."

Was heißt das denn nun? Wenn ein Land ein Abkommen mit der EU nicht unterzeichnet, dann hat die EU das Recht, die Regierung dieses Landes zu stürzen oder einen gewaltsamen Umsturz zu unterstützen?

Gibt es ein neues Völkerrecht und habe ich das nur nicht mitbekommen?>
Climate Engineering Weather Warfare, and the Collapse of Civilization - PLEASE SHARE!!
Jordan MPs want Israel envoy expelled
Jordan's MPs demand the expulsion of Israeli ambassador over the killing of a Jordanian judge.
Denver Cops Forced to Wear Cameras, Unable to Delete Footage
Adan Salazar | Who will watch the watchers? Apparently the watchers..
The plane that is missing
Experte: Luftverkehr über Ukraine nach Raketen-Diebstahl nicht mehr sicher
Die tragbaren Flugabwehr-Raketensysteme Igla, die während der Unruhen in der Ukraine aus Waffenlagern verschwunden sind, könnten in die Hände der Nationalisten gelangt sein, so der russische Militärexperte Igor Korotschenko. Wenn dem so ist, ist der Luftverkehr über dem Krisenland gefährdet.
Geheimdienst schlägt Alarm: Terrorgefahr für ukrainische AKWs
Bei den ukrainischen Behörden gehen vor dem Hintergrund eines Anstiegs des Extremismus vermehrt Anschlagsdrohungen ein: Ziel sind unter anderem die Atomkraftwerke des Landes, heißt es auf der Website des ukrainischen Inlandsgeheimdienstes SBU.
The new Great (Threat) Game in Eurasia
By Pepe Escobar
Ron Paul: U.S. Already Spent $5 Billion to Undermine Ukrainian Government
Drone deaths triple in Afghanistan: UN
The UN says the number of civilian casualties from US drone strikes in Afghanistan tripled last year.
EU fear of GM food from US hampers historic trade deal
An ‘enormous gulf’ has been exposed between the EU and the US through Europe’s reluctance to buy hormone meat or GM food from the US. Industry and labor groups voiced concern to EU and US negotiators that the globe’s...
Wall Street banks handed out $26.7 billion in bonuses in 2013, more than the combined earnings of over 1 million minimum wage workers.
NATO Geheimarmeen - Prof. Daniele Ganser
Kohl: Europäer dürfen sich nicht in Sicherheit wiegen
Fakt ist: Der NATO ist nicht zu trauen. Sie hält sich nie an ihre Vereinbarungen.
In etwa das Versprechen 1990 an Gorbatschow, nach dem Zusammenbruch der UdSSR, auf einen Ausbau der NATO Richtung Moskau zu verzichten.
 Washington hat dieses Versprechen mit der NATO-Osterweiterung achtfach gebrochen.
 Die Klitschko-E-Mails
zeigen wie Klitschko für Geld sein Land an die NATO verriet
Belarus to offer Russia to deploy extra warplanes as NATO active near borders
Belarus will request Russia to deploy up to 15 extra warplanes on its territory, as NATO is building up military presence in proximity to the...
Kiev snipers were shooting from building controlled by Maidan forces – Ukraine’s ex-security chief
Former chief of Ukraine’s Security Service has confirmed allegations that snipers who killed dozens of people during the violent unrest in Kiev...
Learning and Memory: How it Works and When it Fails
 Da sind sie wieder - Die Krähen, die einander nicht die Augen aushacken oder anders gesagt, gleich und gleich gesellt sich gern -
„Merkel gab ukrainischen Neofaschisten ihren Segen“
Vor dem Hintergrund der Ukraine-Krise bringt sich die Linke gegen die Bundesregierung in Stellung. Im Zentrum der Kritik: rechte Parteien, die der Regierung in Kiew angehören. Das besorgt auch den Zentralrat der Juden.
Episode 2 − Illusions: Do you see what I see?
The Science of Everyday Thinking
Episode 2 − Illusions: The fiction of memory
Snowden leak: NSA plans to infect ‘millions’ of computers
Yet more previously secret surveillance operations waged by the United States National Security Agency were made public Wednesday morning thanks to leaked documents supplied by former NSA contractor Edward...
Baltimore Cop Kills Girlfriend’s Puppy, Texts Her Photos
B    e    r    n    d          S    e    n    f
Licht  und  Schatten  der  LaRouche-­Bewegung
(Juli  2011)
Lyndon  LaRouche  und  Helga  Zepp-­La
<B    e    r    n    d          S    e    n    f
Licht  und  Schatten  der  LaRouche-­Bewegung
(Juli  2011)
Lyndon  LaRouche  und  Helga  Zepp-­La.pdf>
Die Wahrheit hinter der Ukraine-Krise: Westliche Geostrategie kann zum Dritten Weltkrieg führen
Merkel warnt Moskau vor "Annexion" -
Bei einem Auftritt in der CDU-Fraktion hat sich die deutsche Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel (CDU) am Dienstag über das Vorgehen Russlands in der Ukraine...
Damit agiert die Merkel weit außerhalb des deutschen Grundgesetz, nach dem sie sich an das internationale Recht zu halten hat, nach dem ihr untersagt ist, sich in die inneren Angelegenheiten der Ukraine einzumischen, deren Präsident nach wie vor Viktor Janukowitsch ist, und keineswegs jene Kräfte, die in Kiew einen verfassungswidrigen Umsturz mit Waffengewalt betrieben haben und nach den Grundsätzen des Völkerrechts keineswegs die Regierung der Ukraine darstellen.
Battlefield Eurasia: US wages multifaceted wars against Syria, China

The most important objective is to encircle China and control the waterways that sustain the Chinese economy and energy flows, which would in turn control China.
 Provoking China seeks to scare the Southeast Asian nations and tempt them into a NATO-like military organization in the future to counter their neighbor.
 On a global scale, the US wants to disrupt, control, and/or manage energy flows to/from Russia, Iran, and China.
Non-state actors - Ukrainian insurgents, Syrian-based Jihadis, island activists, to name a few, are used as tools:
The investigation initiated last March by Ukraine’s Victor Yanukovich reviewed 278 bank accounts in 26 countries and, allegedly, found out that Ms Tymoshenko or her relatives were either beneficiaries or signatories to at least some of them. Some cite there’s leaked evidence of millions of pounds cached in Britain in particular.
Hitler wasn't a socialist. Stop saying he was – Telegraph Blogs
The comparison between Hitlerism and Marxism doesn't bear scrutiny. My colleague Dan Hannan argues that Hitler was a socialist. It's a popular idea amo
Witnesses at Crimea base: 'No fighting or shooting like reported on TV'
Recent reports from Western media say Russian troops have allegedly seized control of the naval base near the Crimean city of Bakhchisaray on...
HowTo:Become an Assassin
US to violate own laws by financially aiding Ukraine’s coup-installed govt – Moscow
Washington’s decision to provide financial aid to the coup-appointed government of Ukraine goes against the US laws, Russia’s Foreign Ministry...
“In accordance with the amendments introduced to the 1961 law (Foreign Assistance Act) a few years ago the provision of foreign assistance is prohibited to ‘the government of any country whose duly elected head of government is deposed by military coup or decree’”, the Russian Foreign Ministry said in a statement. “Thus, by all criteria the provision of funds to the illegitimate [Kiev] regime, which seized power by force, is unlawful and goes beyond the boundaries of the US legal system.”
Saudi chameleon: What next, jihad in Crimea?
The House of Saud may be up to something in Crimea. Let’s pivot back to the desert to see how that could possibly be accomplished.
The GCC is falling apart, and the House of Saud is up to something.
After the "good Taliban" (Afghanistan), the "good jihadi" (Syria), the "good neo-nazi" (Ukraine), get ready for the Western-approved "good jihadi-helping-neo-nazis" (Crimea).

 Ukraine: Die Kernlüge von der "legitimen Regierung" in Kiew
Der Propaganda-Krieg des Westens gegen Russland steht erst noch bevor.
Russlands Präsident Putin hat dem Westen gezeigt, dass er nicht in deren NATO-zentrischer Phantasie-Welt lebt und nicht unter deren autistischer Vorstellung leidet, der kapital-militärisch-industrielle Komplex befehlige die ganze Welt. Die NATO entschiede was „Gut und Böse“ ist.
OpEdNews Article: Article: Grand Puppetmaster Brzezinski: Directing War Strategies from the Shadows
The military escalation occurs in an atmosphere of heightened tension between the two nuclear-armed powers and will certainly add to their mutual distrust. Hagel's deployment is consistent with a plan for antagonizing Moscow that was proposed just days earlier in the Washington Post by the Obama adm...
'US sanctions on Russia act of war'
Paul says Washington's efforts to impose sanctions on Russia over the Ukraine crisis are an "act of war."
The Price to Release the Two Kidnapped Bishops in Syria - SyriaNews
The price the Syrians have to pay to secure the release of the kidnapped bishops
Snowden's first live: 'Constitution being violated on massive scale' (FULL VIDEO)
Speaking remotely from Russia on Monday, former National Security Agency contractor Edward
Crimea creates own military by swearing in self-defense units

Volunteers from self-defense units are taking an oath of allegiance to the people of Crimea as the autonomous republic puts together its own military in order to respond to possible provocations from the coup-imposed government in Kiev.

Washington’s Arrogance, Hubris, and Evil Have Set the Stage for War
Washingtons Arroganz, Überheblichkeit und Bösartigkeit haben die Bühne für den Krieg bereitet
Putin defends Crimean referendum legitimacy to EU leaders as Ukraine's southeast rallies
Crimea’s upcoming referendum will reflect the legitimate interests of its people, Russian President Vladimir Putin told two EU leaders over the...
<...seems like you need to burn public buildings and kill policemen to get legitimacy under wstern eyes. In my view, Crimea should be back in Russia and the euro-terrorists in Kiev should be hung in a public park.>
Russia may ban American START inspections – sources
Sources in Russia’s Defense Ministry say officials are considering discontinuing US inspections of national strategic nuclear missile forces, citing “lack of trust” as reason for the move. Inspections have been permitted by...
Kiev, Dynamo Kiev, Kiev # Evromaydan SWAT Berkut burns
Kiev today, Kiev # Evromaydan
eagle in the Ukraine, Russia evromaydan 24 Dzhigurda evromaydan, European area, pogroms evromaydan eagle, golden eagle maidan,
14:22 07.06.2013
March 10, 2014
1,5 hour ago a column of buses left from Kharkiv to Donetsk and Lugansk - 28 large buses and 20 smaller "Gazell"-type with armed mercenaries of the Right Sector and foreign mercenaries - hired private mercenaries by the U.S. and Britain. +/- 400 people . All dressed in the form of the Ukrainian police. Probably there are some snipers among them.
Purpose - create a massacre and blame it on Russsia, and give a chance to rise for the U.S. and NATO and let them bring their special forces "to restore order" & "protect the public".
As well as to capture airfields in Donetsk and Lugansk region for landing of heavy transport aircraft. This special operation as a counter measure against Russia over the Crimea and revenge.

OpEdNews Article: Article: Ukraine Folly
If too many people get sucked in by the current, distorted media coverage of events unfolding now in Ukraine, then there’s a good chance life will get very ugly for a lot of innocent people, since one of the logical end points is the...
Russia Moves Anti-Ship Missiles to Crimea
Facts about Libya under Gaddafi that you probably did not know about !
Here are some Facts you probably do not know about Libya under Muammar Gaddafi: • There was no electricity bills in Libya; electricity is free … for all...
Europa droht Russland mit ernsten Folgen
Angesichts der anhaltenden Spannungen in der Ukraine drohen europäische Politiker mit ernsten Folgen für Russland im Energiemarkt. EU-Energiekommissar Günther Oettinger kündigte an, dass sich die...
Finanz-Manipulationen – Willkommen im "Banditenclub"
Die angesehene Bank of England ist offenbar in den größten Skandal der Finanzwelt verwickelt: die Manipulationen am Devisenmarkt.
If the Nuremberg laws were applied, then every post-war American president would have been hanged.
 By violation of the Nuremberg laws I mean the same kind of crimes for which people were hanged in Nuremberg. And Nuremberg means Nuremberg and Tokyo.
 So first of all you've got to think back as to what people were hanged for at Nuremberg and Tokyo.
German ex-Chancellor Schroeder calls EU policy towards Ukraine wrong
Speaking at an event of the Vremya edition in Hamburg, Schroeder said that the EU made a mistake at the beginning when it offered Ukraine an...
Ukraine signs $10 billion shale gas deal with Chevron
KIEV (Reuters) - Ukraine signed a $10 billion shale gas production-sharing agreement with U.S. Chevron <CVX.N> on Tuesday, another step in a drive for more energy independence from Russia.The deal
Danish TV take the piss right out of Obama
Florida Makes Off-Grid Living Illegal – Mandates All Homes Must Be Connected To An Electricity Grid
It’s no secret that an opposition to sustainable living exists. Earlier this year, Texas state brought several SWAT teams to a sustainable community and...
Israel Step In To Control The US Federal Reserve - Sabbah Report
Obama regime has nominated former head of the Israel Central Bank for the seat of Vice Chairman of the US Federal Reserve. Continue reading →
Who's Who in Ukraine's New "Semi-fascist" Government: Meet the People the U.S. and EU are Supporting
The U.S. and European Union countries played a key role in the overthrow of the elected government in the Ukraine headed by Victor Yanukovych and...
The new, self-appointed government in Kiev is a coalition between right-wing and outright fascist forces, and the line between the two is often difficult to discern. Moreover, it is the fascist forces, particularly the Svoboda party and the Right Sector, who are in the ascendancy, as evidenced by the fact that they have been given key government positions in charge of the military and other core elements of the state apparatus.
Escalating Crisis in Ukraine: Obama Comes Out Against Self-Determination for Crimea
The White House Fool has repeatedly declared erroneously that it is “against international law” for Crimea to exercise self-determination. Self-determination, as used by Washington, is a propaganda...
In a conversation with German Chancellor Angela Merkel and British Prime Minister David Cameron, Russian President Vladimir Putin "made a point that the steps being taken by the legitimate Crimean authorities are based on international law and aim to protect the legitimate interests of the population of the Crimea," the Kremlin press service reports.
NGO means Non-Government Organisation
The Truthseeker: NGO documents plan Ukraine war (E35)
NGOs caught forging documents for war, insider warns all NGOs infiltrated; 'Independent military observers' for EU-based group OSCE again turned away in Crimea, OSCE branded one more 'vulgar instrument' for foreign interests; and CNN buys the latest State Department hoax.

Seek truth from facts with Illinois University Professor of International Law and former Amnesty board member Francis Boyle; Infowars Editor Paul Joseph Watson; Eric Draitser of Boiling Frogs Post; Ron Paul Institute Executive Director Daniel McAdams; Ukraine protest organizers; Sliman Bouchuiguir, whose NGO fabricated the claims against Libya; and Asst. Secretary of State Vic Nuland.

The city Donetsk, capital of Donetsky Region, east- south of Ukraine, today 9th March.
Dozens of thousands of residents of Donetsky region came to the largest square in Europe in order to demonstrate their will.
They confirmed that their governor is Pavel Gubarev. Fascists junta from Kiev made oligarch Sergei Taratuta governor of region.
Sergei Taratuta, assisted by a corrupt judge, banned the local people from going into the streets today, but the people ignored the ban. This is real revolution in the Ukraine.
From Afghanistan to Syria: Women’s Rights, War Propaganda and the CIA
Western heads of state, UN officials, military spokespersons will invariably praise the humanitarian dimension of the October 2001 US-NATO led invasion of Afghanistan, which allegedly was to fight ...
The EyeOpener- Chatham House Rules: Inside the Royal Institute of International Affairs
Ukraine’s second-richest man, worth an estimated $3.2 billion
Victor Pinchuk
Die ukrainischen Faschisten fälschen Fotos um ihren Gegener in Donezk zu verleumden#Ukraine...

Die Faschisten in der Ukraine fälschen Fotos um den "Volksgoverneur " von Donesk zu diffamieren. Nachdem sie ihn bereits aus Doneszk nach Kiew verschleppt haben, haben sie mit gefälschten Fotos und...
Rothschilds' Royal Institute of International Affairs
Chatham House Rule: Inside the Royal Institute of International Affairs
'Blackwater' in Ukraine? Videos spark talk of U.S. mercs in Donetsk
EXCLUSIVE: Videos published on YouTube earlier this week show burly, heavily armed soldiers with no insignia in Donetsk, which has been gripped by pro-Moscow protests.
Hired Guns Arrive In Kiev! Reports of Over 300 U.S. Mercenaries Now Inside Ukraine!*/
A witness recording of the Ukrainian troops leaving Lvov on March 8, 2014
website and partners of new ukraine minister
 Der neue Premierminister von der Ukraine betreibt eine Stiftung namens "OpenUkraine - Arseniy Yatsenyuk Foundation". Deren Webseite ist Die Partnerliste davon ist so großartig, dass ich das erst für üble Nachrede oder Satire hielt. Die war so großartig, dass wenn mir jemand Geld gegeben hätte, um eine möglichst rufschädigende Sponsorenliste für die Stiftung des neuen Premierministers der Ukraine zu machen, so toll hätte ich das nicht hingekriegt. Leider ist die Webseite seit gestern plötzlich futsch.
U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)
Energy Information Administration - EIA - Official Energy Statistics from the U.S. Government
US Presidential candidate Dennis Kucinich says US instigated Ukraine Crisis - Intellihub News
Former congressman says that "US taxpayers' money was used to knock off an elected government in Ukraine"
If You Want To Be Immune To Tasers Just Wear Carbon Fiber Clothing
It's no Iron Man suit, but if you've got a knack for civil disobedience and often find yourself on the business end of a Taser, the folks at Hackaday...
“Democratization” and Anti-Semitism in Ukraine: When Neo-Nazi Symbols become “The New Normal”
"The presence of former Israeli soldiers in the Maidan protests along with neo-Nazi militias and the attitude of the ADL and Israeli officials in this matter raise questions about what the Zionist lobby and Israel might possibly gain from the coup which put in power, among others, Igor Kolomoysky, a Ukrainian-Israeli who was appointed governor of Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine’s vital business and political center.

The newly-appointed Dnepropetrovsk governor is Igor Kolomoysky, Ukraine’s third-wealthiest man, with an estimated fortune of $2.4 billion. He co-owns the informal commercial group Privat, which includes Ukraine’s largest bank Privatbank, which Kolomoysky heads, as well as assets in the oil, ferroalloys and food industries, agriculture and transport.

A former ally of Yulia Tymoshenko, Kolomoysky reportedly had a falling out with her and refused to finance her election campaign in 2010, which the ex-prime minister subsequently lost to Yanukovich. Kolomoysky was reported to be a principal sponsor of the UDAR party, which is one of the three fueling the street campaign to oust Yanukovich. Kolomoysky has a dual Ukrainian-Israeli citizenship and controls his business empire from Switzerland. (Rule by oligarchs: Kiev appoints billionaires to govern east, RT, March 3, 2014)

Kolomoysky also owns the Jewish-interest news channel Jewish News One and heads the European Council of Jewish Communities which describes itself as the “the pan-European umbrella body for Jewish communities and organizations across the continent, representing Jewish community life across West, Central and Eastern Europe covering around 40 countries.”

There is hardly any mention of the presence of neo-Nazi personalities in the new government on Jewish News One.

It is also interesting to note that in a country struggling with an important national debt, Mr. Kolomoysky’s PrivatBank was the Ukrainian champion of offshoring in 2012. Economic Pravda reported in July 2012:

“Ukraine which is struggling from poverty of the majority of its population is able to make banking transfers to Cyprus and British Virgin Islands of billions of US dollars in two month period. The question is who does those transfers and what are the destinations?…

The first place is taken by the biggest Ukrainian bank- PrivatBank. The result of the entity which is owned by Ihor Kolomoiskiy and Hennadiy Boholoubov is almost fantastic.

For the first two month of 2012 the PrivatBank has transferred to the offshores 3 billion 863 million US dollars.” (Treasure Islands, Economic Pravda, July 13,2012)"
"Democratization" and Anti-Semitism in Ukraine: When Neo-Nazi Symbols become "The New Normal"

In the Ukraine parliament, extremist symbols are on display. The flags of France, the UK, Canada, hang alongside those of the Neo-Nazi Svoboda...

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