U.S. Trained ISIS at Secret Jordan Base
‘US, Israel, KSA behind ISIL violence’
An analyst says the US, Israel and Saudi Arabia are behind the Takfiri violence gripping the Mideast.
‘Blair should be lecturing on Iraq from the dock at the International Criminal Court’
It has been heartening to witness the backlash against former British Prime Minister Tony Blair over his attempt to deny any responsibility for the chaos and carnage that has engulfed northern and eastern Iraq in recent days.
OP-EDGE: Being lectured to about democracy and human rights by a US president or British prime minister is like being told to sit up straight by the Hunchback of Notre Dame.
Russische Föderation teilt mit: Im Bereich des Grenzübergangs Donschansk ist es zu schweren Gefechten gekommen. Die Ukraine hat dabei die Grenze verletzt und das Territorium der Russischen Föderation beschoßen!
Wenn diese Info stimmt, so kann sich das Kräfteverhältnis im Donbass schlagartig ändern!+++TVZvezda: Dem antifaschistischen Widerstand ist es in Amvrosevka gelungen eine Kaserne mit 221 Panzern und 471 Schützenpanzerwagen (288 BTR / 183 BMPs) zu erobern !
>stimmt zum grossen Teil nicht>
9/11/01: Eyewitness Accounts of Huge Explosions
Bombings Force Sloviansk Residents to Flee: Russian Roulette (Dispatch 49)
Suomen ilmavalvonnalla ollut erittäin kiireinen viikko
Suomen ilmavalvonta on ollut tällä ja viime viikolla erityisen vilkasta maamme lähialueilla käynnis...
Gefechte in Ost-Ukraine: Donezk stellt Bergarbeiter-„Division“ auf
In der ostukrainischen Kohlebergbauregion Donezk, die seit Monaten Schauplatz heftiger Gefechte zwischen der Regierungsarmee und den Volksmilizen ist, wollen die Bergarbeiter eine eigene „Division“ aufstellen. Nach Angaben der nicht anerkannten „Volksrepublik Donezk“ haben sich bereits 500 Kumpel ei…
All you need to know about ISIS and what is happening in Iraq
As ISIS, a group thought to consist of only a few thousand people led by a shadowy figurehead, defeats forces many times its size to capture a large part of Iraq, RT looks into what is ISIS, and how has it achieved its terrifying triumphs.
Putins Berater: Die USA wollen den Vierten Weltkrieg
Putins Berater: Poroschenko ist lediglich eine Marionette der USA
Killing without consequence, read the full article on the ISM website: "The Israeli border policemen who shot and killed my husband declared that Ziad was a “terrorist” shot dead from a distance. But my husband was no terrorist. He loved life. He loved people and animals and he loved us, his family, with a passion. We had to conduct our own investigation to find out how my husband died."
IRAQ REPORT | Global Research
The objective is to engineer a civil war in Iraq, in which both sides are controlled indirectly by US-NATO.
The scenario is to arm and equip them, on both sides, finance them with advanced weapons systems and then “let them fight”.
Putin unterzeichnet Gesetz über Verbot von Leiharbeit
Der russische Präsident Wladimir Putin unterzeichnet am Donnerstag ein Gesetz über das Verbot der Leiharbeit.
Mit Unlust gibt Brüssel Russland Recht
Europa will keine Energie-Streite mit Russland haben. Brüssel möchte zwar die Gasabhängigkeit von Moskau verringern, doch es erkennt allmählich, dass eine Konfrontation mit Russla
US fired depleted uranium rounds in civilian areas during 2003 Iraq campaign - report
Das Wunder von Wörgl Freigeld 1930 - 1932 Österreich Der Geist des Geldes Bananenrepublik
You toube, Youtube Kanal: die Bananenrepublik, BR, BRD, Bundesrepublik, Deutschland, Demokratie, Sozialstaat, Zensur, Medien, Deutsch, Sozial, Soziale Marktw...
Die Finanznot treibt deutsche Kommunen offenbar zu neuen Geldquellen. Weil Banken mit Krediten knausern, haben klamme Städte wie Dortmund, Essen oder Wuppertal bereits zu Beginn des Jahres Anleihen an den Kapitalmarkt gebracht. Nach Informationen von will heute die Stadt Offenbach nachziehen:
<Kommunen und Staaten ist seit den Bretton Woods Verträgen von 1944 verboten Symbole zur Verrechnung von Arbeit und Gütern selbst herauszugeben.>
Tightening the U.S. Grip on Western Europe
Washington’s Iron Curtain in Ukraine
US-Sponsored Terrorism in Iraq and “Constructive Chaos” in the Middle East
US wants to oust Maliki, while he refuses to resign in exchange for airstrikes
Ice at the North Pole in 1958 and 1959 – not so thick
" Die US-Propaganda hat die deutschen [und leider auch die schweizer] Leitmedien fest im Griff. Woran das liegt, ist geklärt, nachdem aufgedeckt wurde, dass viele der leitenden Journalisten US-amerikanischen Thinktanks und CIA-gesteuerten Vereinigungen nahestehen oder sogar angehören.
Dahlia Wasfi : "No Justice No Peace"
Dahlia Wasfi is an Iraqi-American physician and peace activist. Born in 1971 in New York to a Jewish-American
Now the U.S. foreign policy choices are being laid bare for the world to see. Now we see a terrorist organization with over 1.5 billion in assets! They picked up over 500 million in gold in Mosul just last week. During their operations in Syria, they have made hundreds of millions selling oil from the East Syrian Oil Fields, selling off priceless antiquities, selling machine tools, factory equipment, cars, and even good old fashion bank robbing. This doesn't even take into consideration their sponsors from the Emerites, and Saudi Arabia.
Gazprom: EU-Staaten müssen künftig in Rubel zahlen
Die Regierung in Moskau hat angekündigt, russisches Öl und Gas künftig nur gegen Rubel an ausländische Kunden zu verkaufen. Staatliche Firmen wurden angewiesen, die Buchhaltung entsprechend umzustellen. So wolle man „den Würgegriff des Westens auf die russische Wirtschaft mildern“, sagte ein Spreche…
Israel's Push for the Final Solution and Deafening Silence
Israeli military and police continue the disproportionate crackdown in the occupied West Bank district of Hebron and the bombardment of residential areas in
Israeli military and police continue the disproportionate crackdown in the occupied West Bank district of Hebron and the bombardment of residential areas in
Syria's Bloody CIA Revolution - A Distraction? --
While the mainstream media is going to great lengths to convince the world that events in Syria are the result of yet another 'people's revolution', the facts point clearly to yet another US government-sponsored bloody 'regime change'. Given that...
Ost-Ukraine: Gefechte mit Panzern und Kampfjets nördlich von Donezk
American Imperialism and Non-Conventional Warfare in Iraq: Premeditated Covert Operations and...
While recent developments in Iraq are being portrayed as spontaneous “spillover” from the imperialist war on Syria –
still commonly referred to as an uprising, or “revolution” – they are in fact no...
Guns and Butter - June 18, 2014 at 1:00pm | KPFA 94.1 FM Berkeley: Listener Sponsored Free...
, for "ISIS: �An Instrument of the Western Military Alliance" with Michel Chossudovsky.
ISIS Militants Have US Passports! 'Mother of All False Flags' Under Way!
There is something particularly concerning about the "masked, sociopathic murderers" who fight for the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIS), writes fo...
The ISIS Fiasco: It’s Really an Attack on Iran
Saudi black op team behind Damascus chem weapons attack – diplomatic sources
The August chemical weapons attack in the Syrian capital’s suburbs was done by a Saudi Arabian black operations team, Russian diplomatic sources have told a Russian news agency.
Russische Truppen kehren an ukrainische Grenze zurück
Wegen der anhaltenden Gewalt in der Ostukraine hat das das russische Verteidigungsministerium sein Rückzugspläne revidiert, schreibt die Zeitung „RBC Daily“ am Donnerstag.
Secret trade agreement covering 68 percent of world services published by WikiLeaks
Fifty countries around the globe have already signed on to the Trade in Service Agreement, or TISA, including the United States, Australia and the European Union. Despite vast international ties, however, details about the deal have been negotiated behind closed-doors and largely ignored by the press.
Chef der Kreml-Administration: Bürgerkrieg in Ukraine artet in Genozid aus
Als „Bürgerkrieg“ und „Genozid am eigenen Volke“ hat der Chef der Kreml-Administration Sergej Iwanow die andauernden Gefechte zwischen der Regierungsarmee und den Milizen in der Ukraine bezeichnet.
Back to Iraq: F-18 Super Hornets patrol desert to track ISIS forces
<The truth is probably more like tracking Iraqi and Iranian forces and reporting intel to ISIS.>
Iraq exodus? Oil majors withdraw staff as terror threat rises
<America and Saudi along with the rest of the coalition of evildoers are behind the ISIS invasion of Iraq. They are unhappy that Maliki is not sufficiently obedient to their evil agenda against Syria. The motive is to foister regime change on Iraq again and then use Iraq to take Syria and Iran. >
Putin Responds In Force After Obama Orders Atomic Bombs To Europe
The Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham: Towards the Creation of a US Sponsored Islamist Caliphate -
An instrument of the Western Military Alliance By Prof Michel Chossudovsky
Let me end my talk by abusing slightly my status as an official representative of the Federal Reserve System. I would like to say to Milton and Anna: Regarding the Great Depression. You're right, we did it. We're very sorry. But thanks to you, we won't do it again.
"Remarks by Governor Ben S. Bernanke at the Conference to Honor Milton Friedman, University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois," (2002-11-08)
Commenting to Milton Friedman's public statement that the Great Depression was caused by the Federal Reserve Bank
"The Great Depression resulting from the Stock Market crash was not accidental. It was a carefully contrived occurrence... the international bankers sought to bring about a condition of despair so they might emerge as rulers of us all."
— Congressman Louis McFadden, before his assassination
China’s tycoon to feed 1,000 poor Americans in charity dinner
China’s recycling tycoon Chen Guangbiao placed ads in the US media inviting one thousand poor Americans for a dinner worth $1 million in New York on June 25. The philanthropist also said that he will give out US$300 to each guest after the meal.
Offiziell: Deutschland wird von Amerika regiert
Haben Sie schon mal angefangen zu hinterfragen oder vertrauen Sie blind?
Germany is NSA’s primary host of surveillance architecture in Europe – report
The US National Security Agency has turned Germany into its most important base for surveillance operations in Europe, developing an
George Soros: Imperial Wizard/Double Agent
Putin's aide proposes anti-dollar alliance to force US to end Ukraine's civil war
Sergey Glazyev, the economic aide of Vladimir Putin, published an article outlining a plan for "undermining the economic strength of the US" in order to force Washington to stop the civil war in Ukra
‘Shoot first, justify later’: US trial revisits 2007 Blackwater shootings
The Blackwater guards accused of killing 14 Iraqi civilians in 2007 opened fire without provocation, a federal prosecutor has said. It’s alleged the guards harbored deep-rooted hostility towards Iraqis and boasted of their indiscriminate shooting.
The 2007 shooting, which happened at Nisur Square in Baghdad, scandalized the Iraqi public and raised tensions with the US four years into the Iraq war. The guards were accompanying a State Department convoy through the streets of Baghdad when they opened fire at a traffic roundabout. The Blackwater troops reportedly faced no provocation, yet they opened fire on a mother and her son in a white Kia vehicle and then continued to fire indiscriminately.
ISIS "Made in USA". Iraq "Geopolitical Arsonists" Seek to Burn Region
When a fire is raging, firefighters are called – not the arsonist who started it, especially if they return to the scene of the crime dragging a barrel of gasoline behind them. Yet, this is precise...
BREAKING: Egypt Charges Obama and Hillary with Conspiring with Terrorist Muslim Brotherhood
Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton have both been charged in Egyptian court with conspiring and collaborating with crimes committed by the Muslim Brotherhood.
West doesn't want to have Poland's hands dirty with what's going on in Ukraine's east – expert
Not to mention the polio vaccine was contaminated with SV40 cancer virus.
California's deadly whooping cough epidemic blamed on anti-vaccine campaign
A new outbreak of pertussis - better known as whooping cough - in California has reached epidemic levels. And, as with the recent resurgence in the number of measles cases, an anti-vaccine campaign is being blamed.
Immunized People Getting Whooping Cough
Most of the people who got whooping cough in San Diego County so far this year were up to date with their immunizations, according to county data.
Immunized people getting whooping cough
Of the 621 people who contracted the illness, 85 percent had all their preventative shots
According to legal dictionaries, a citizen is a member of the political body who swears allegiance in exchange for a duty of protection from the government. However it has been ruled time and time again in the supreme courts that the police and the government have NO DUTY to protect. And if there is no duty to protect, then there is no agreement.
Busted! U.S. Trained ISIS At Secret Jordan Base!
Members of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, or ISIS, were trained in 2012 by U.S. instructors working at a secret base in Jordan, according to infor...
Russia now enemy, so we’ll help Ukraine build up military - NATO chief
Iraq: ISIS Terrorists Target Native Assyrian Christians in Nineveh
Divide and Conquer: The Anglo-American Imperial Project
10 July 2008
The Almighty Mess in Iraq, Courtesy of Bush and Cheney
Resurgence of Al Qaeda in Iraq, Fuelled by Saudi Arabia
“Our” Sunni Terrorists Are Fighting “Their” Hezbollah Terrorists
Not only did the U.S., Israel and Saudi Arabia largely create, sponsor and fund Al Qaeda, but also two other groups fighting on the side of the Syrian rebels: Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood.
This is a proxy war.
As we’ve documented in detail, the U.S., Israel, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and their allies back the Sunni jihadists against Shia Muslims. Indeed, the U.S. is involved in a religious war – between the two factions of Islam (and is actually backing the most violent elements) – as part of a geopolitical strategy to exert control over the natural gas market.
sunni shia map
Saudi youth fighting against Assad regime in Syria
Sunni and Shia divided in Iraq, the land of Cain and Abel
How the US invasion of Iraq unleashed a chain reaction of sectarian violence.
7 myths about the radical Sunni advance in Iraq
The Shi'a-Sunni Sectarian Divide Narrative
< BS info spread by Keneth Roth from HRW>
Aktuell: Erster EU-Kommissar offenbart, dass die EU zusammenbricht - [EUntergang]
Augenzeugen: Nationalgarde erschießt Zivilisten in Ostukraine
Die ukrainische Nationalgarde erschießt Zivilisten in der blockierten Stadt Schtschastje in der Ostukraine. Das teilte der Regierungschef der selbsternannten Volksrepublik Lugansk, Wassili Nikitin, am Dienstag in einem Interview für den lettischen Rundfunksender Baltkom unter Berufung auf Augenzeuge…
Is ISIL really ‘Sunni’? Not at all’
If these terrorists are Sunni Muslims, why are they systematically violating the tenets of Sunni Islam?
In fact, ISIL appears to be far outside of Sunni Islam. The kind of “Islam” espoused by the ISIL Takfiris is an extreme version of the Salafi-Wahhabi school of thought. These people reject the five major Islamic madhhabs (schools of thought) including the four Sunni ones. If you reject all four Sunni madhhabs, how can you call yourself Sunni?
Latest Excuse to Colonize Iraq Marches On - Zen Gardner
'ISIL soldiers of fortune fighting US war in Iraq'
Iraq crisis will end only if the US and its allies stop supporting ISIL, an analyst says.
“ISIL is a proxy for Washington and its Western and Arab allies to wage covert war in the region for strategic objectives,” Cunningham noted, adding, “That proxy force has been directed primarily at destabilizing Syria with the objective of regime change against the Damascus government of President Bashar al Assad.”
Blowback! U.S. trained ISIS at secret Jordan base
These pro-Israel people like pledges: they tried to force me to sign a pledge of loyalty to Israel. When I refused, it was trench warfare, hand to hand combat every day I was in the Congress, and the U.S. people never knew that I was fighting to remain independent for them. To make real peace and to find real justice. Here, they have the whole of the U.S. government making pledges to them!!! Unbelievable.
Flu Vaccines: Toxic Levels of Mercury, No Evidence of Safety or Effectiveness
Mercury tests conducted on vaccines at the Natural News Forensic Food Lab have revealed a shockingly high level of toxic mercury in an influenza vaccine (flu shot) made by GlaxoSmithKline (lot #9H2...
'Haven’t we have already done enough damage?' Ron Paul warns against Iraq invasion
Former congressman Ron Paul is refusing to curb his condemnation of the current White House’s foreign policy, blasting United States President Barack Obama further in a new op-ed concerning possible US intervention in Iraq.
DOHA, Qatar: Qatari: U.S. intervention in Iraq would be seen as war on Sunni Arabs - World Wires...
A former Qatari ambassador to the United States offered up a warning to the Obama administration Monday that any military intervention on behalf of the government of Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al Maliki would be seen as an act of “war” on the entire community of Sunni Arabs.
Europe Bans American Apples - Too Toxic to Eat
It’s sad when one of the biggest ‘super powers’ can’t even export a quintessentially American food to another country because it is too toxic to eat. But apples treated with diphenylamine (DPA), a
USA lassen gegen EU bomben!
UKRAINE - GASPIPELINES: Gestern bedroht - heute gesprengt!
Heute ist eine Gaspipeline explodiert, die russisches Gas nach Europa transportiert.
Problem: Gestern hatte der Chef der Nazi-Bande "Rechter Sektor", Janosch, gedroht, Russlands Exportwege abzuschneiden -
nachdem der russische Gasexporteur Gazprom gestern schließlich wegen hoher Milliardenschulden der Ukraine die Belieferung des Landes auf Vorkasse umstellen musste.
Logisch gefolgert ist also alles Gas, das jetzt noch durch die Pipelines geht für Europa bestimmt.
Noch ein Problem: Es ist bekannt, dass Janoschs Truppen in Polen trainiert wurden, im Rahmen einer geheimen Nato-Übung.
Das heißt also: Nato-Söldner haben soeben eine Pipeline mit Gas für Europa gesprengt. Jetzt ist Sommer. Wenn diese Übung im Winter verstärkt wird, dürfte der Weihnachtsmann kalte Füße bekommen.
Sehr unangenehmer weiterer Aspekt: Die USA organisieren Bombenanschläge gegen europäische Interessen.
Das alles kann gar nicht gutgehen.
HP is developing a new type of computer called The Machine that's six times more powerful than an existing server, and consumes 80 times less energy.
Help Obama Kickstart World War III!
Freak anomaly: Low-seismic Alaska area shaken by mysterious series of quakes
US missile defense system proves to be useless after $40 bln spent
Svoboda: The rise of Ukraine's ultra-nationalists
26 December 2012
Ukraine: Neo-Fascist Leader Dmitry Yarosh Vows to Destroy Russia's Gas Pipelines to Stop 'World War III'
March 17, 2014 12:40
‘West labels ISIL as Sunnis to divide Iraq’
An analyst says ISIL Takfiris are labeled Sunnis by the West in order to break Iraq apart.
Muammar Gaddafi - Über die Ukraine, Russland und die EU (2009)
Oettinger: Hilfen für Athen im Vergleich zu Kiews Bedarf "Peanuts"
Aber immer noch kostengünstiger als Zerbrechen der Ukraine
"Nothing to do with us" says Tony Blair.
"Nothing to do with us" says America.
Let's not forget Clinton's shock troops in the Bosnian War: Arab Mujahideen brought in to 'mentor' Chechen Muslims. Many of the latter went on to join al Qaeda. In ISIS's most recent incarnation, three of the top commanders are/were Chechen. One was killed by Syrian Arab Army & one in a recent strike by Iraqi AF. Good effing riddance. Two down - One to go: Muslim Shishani.
In addition, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi was in captivity in Camp Bucca for horrific crimes against civilians. The US saw fit to release him in 2009 yet two years later they posted a $10million reward for his capture. He now commands ISIS.
In December 2013, while most people were celebrating "peace on earth, good will toward men," the U.S. State Department admitted that President Eisenhower authorized the murder of Congo's first democratically-elected Prime Minister, Patrice Lumumba. CIA Chief, Allan Dulles, allocated $100,000 to accomplish the act. Lumumba's murder has been called the most important assassination of an African in the 20th Century. How do U.S. citizens make up for this to the Congolese people and to Lumumba's family?
Gas transit pipeline explodes in E. Ukraine
"Cluster Of Central Banks" Have Secretly Invested $29 Trillion In The Market
Another conspiracy "theory" becomes conspiracy "fact" as The FT reports "a cluster of central banking investors has become major players on world equity markets." The report, to be published this w...
Brzeziński: EU kann mit Sieg in der Ukraine Weltmacht werden
Der ehemalige US-Sicherheitsberater Zbigniew Brzeziński rät der EU, sich massiv in der Ukraine zu engagieren. Dann habe sie eine Chance, den Status einer Weltmacht zu erlangen.
Diese Motivation könnte hinter der Politik der EU stehen, die der Auslöser für die aktuelle Krise gewesen ist.
In 2013 China invested more in clean energy than all of Europe combined
It was but a few years ago that China was known all around as one of the big three world polluters, spewing tons and tons of carbon into the air, primarily through its coal-powered electricity plants.
Fünf weitere Gentech-Pflanzen dürfen importiert werden
während unter anderem die Niederlande, Tschechien, Großbritannien, Spanien und Schweden stets für die Zulassung votierten.
Bei den Pflanzen, die die Kommission nun zum Import durchwinken kann, handelt es sich um vier Soja- und eine Maislinie.
Media Lies and The Propaganda War about Ukraine
Recently, Germany's Der Spiegel featured a lengthy editorial damning Russia regarding Ukraine; it was titled "How Russia Is Winning the Propaganda War," and it made many allegations, none with docu...
The British journalist tells the truth on Ukranian TV: who really fights on Donbas.
Russian journalist dies in hospital after E.Ukraine shelling – doctor
Gruesome ISIS atrocities: Video shows Iraqi soldiers insulted, then executed (GRAPHIC)
‘Is ISIL really ‘Sunni’? Not at all’
Kevin Barrett says Sunni Muslims are being slandered every time media calls ISIL “Sunni.”
If you want a war, then use a tried and trusted technique: How the US is arming both sides of the Iraqi conflict
.. the Syrian rebels themselves say they are already armed and trained by US in the use of sophisticated weapons and fighting techniques, including, one rebel said, "how to finish off soldiers still alive after an ambush."
Washington’s Iraq “Victory”, by Paul Craig Roberts
Dr. Paul Craig Roberts. D.R.The citizens of the United States still do not know why their government destroyed Iraq. “National Security” will prevent them from ever knowing. “National Security” is ...
Washington is devoid of humanitarian concerns. Hegemony is Washington’s only concern. As in Afghanistan, Libya, Somalia, Pakistan,Yemen, Ukraine, Syria, and Iraq, Washington brings only death, and death is ongoing in Iraq.
CIA Agent Exposes How Al-Qaeda Dosen't Exist
Und ihr denkt, es geht um einen Diktator
Die Reaktionen auf den Syrien-Konflikt offenbaren die geopolitische Ahnungslosigkeit mancher deutscher Kommentatoren: Zehn Minuten Nachhilfe aus gegebenem Anlass können nicht schaden.
On big politics, Western media spews propaganda - war correspondent John Pilger
Lying Liars And The Lies They Tell
A recent map and article generated by Michael Bloomberg's Everytown astroturf organization began circulating around the Internet last week, claiming that 74 school massacres have taken place since Adam Lanza went on his rampage in 2012
The Rumor Mill News Reading Room WOLFOWITZ DOCTRINE – US PLANS FOR RUSSIA Posted By: The_Fox [Send E-Mail]Date: Saturday, 26-Apr-2014 18:38:46 Taken in part from Wolfowitz Doctrine/ WikipediaWolfowitz Doctrine is an unofficial name given to the...
Total US debt soars to nearly $60 trn, foreshadows new recession
America - its government, businesses, and people - are nearly $60 trillion in debt, according to the latest economic data from thethe St. Louis Federal Reserve.
Ukraine: Internment Camps for the Anti-Nazi Resistance -
Remembering the German Occupation
Ukrainians have a sad date to commemorate in September 2014 - the concentration camps in Terezin and Talerhof were built to isolate the pro-Russian segment of population residing in Austria-Hungari...
NATO Drones In Ukraine, What Then?
According to Finish President Sauli Niinistö, NATO membership is not popular in Finland. No matter that, it is the only non-member state to take place in the Saber Strike - 2014 exercise to take place in the period of June 9-20 in the Baltic States and Poland.
Washington‘s Shale Boom Going Bust
Die CO2-Theorie ist nur geniale Propaganda
Auf die Idee des menschengemachten Klimawandels baut die Politik eine preistreibende Energiepolitik auf. Dabei sind die Treibhaus-Thesen längst widerlegt.
SNAKE OIL: Chapter 6 - Energy Reality
Billion Dollar Video Game Company Runs on Voluntaryist Model
Imagine working for a successful, billion dollar company with no bosses, no hierarchy, and where all raises, bonuses, hiring, and firing is determined by a peer vote. Such a company exists, and it's called Valve Corporation.
The junta's death squads have used all the means at their disposal to try to terrorize the people of Novorossia: they began with baseball bats, then knives, then guns, they assault-rifles, then machine guns, then heavy machine guns, then mortars, then heavy mortars, then regular artillery, then multiple rocket launchers, then attack helicopters, then attack aircraft, then cluster munitions, now even white phosphorus. And what did they achieve in military terms:
1) they are more or less holding an airport and one hill near Slaviansk/Kramatorsk
2) they have taken Krasnyi Liman (and committed a massacre in its hospital)
3) they apparently have 1000 or so men surrounded in the Lugansk airport
Seine Grundthese: der Ukraine-Konflikt ist in Wirklichkeit ein lauwarmer Krieg zwischen den USA und Russland, die Provokationen der ukrainischen Regierung sind nur ein Zeichen von eigener Schwäche und solange Russland nicht interveniert läuft alles auf einen krachende Niederlage des ukrainischen Regimes und des Westens hinaus.
Western media’s obfuscation and lies about the situation in Iraq | Wilayah News
In the lasts few days, Saudi-funded, Salafi-Wahabi and Deobandi militants in Iraq have seized Mosul and Tikrit, two of the country’s most important cities, a
15,000 US Troops to Remain In Iraq, Renamed “Diplomats”
Paul Joseph Watson | Role will be to occupy military bases and protect oilfields.
Ukrainian FM chants 'Putin - f**ker' at vandalized Russian embassy
Imperial Conquest: America’s "Long War" against Humanity
The world is at the crossroads of the most serious crisis in modern history. The US has embarked on a military adventure, “a long war”, which threatens the future of humanity.
NATO Allegations of Russian Tanks in Ukraine based on Fake Evidence
NATO is finally getting closer to their pretext for placing Ukraine under the West’s thumb. The Alliance’s Secretary General declared on Sunday that three tanks were shipped from Russia into Easter...
Syrian Army Saves Damascus from Nusra Chemical Attack
Syrian army frustrated a plot, prepared by al-Nusra Front in cooperation with the Turkish Intelligence, to launch a chemical attack using Sarin gas against Damascus while the Syrian president Bashar al-Assad will be delivering the oath speech. The Syrian army launched a rocketry attack against one o…
Assisted by the Turkish intelligence, Nusra Front was able to obtain 16 Sarin gas pipes from Bulgaria and conducted exercises on the use of homemade rockets, according to security sources.
Ukraine Neo-Nazis Trained by NATO to Commit Atrocities: NATO's 'Gladio' Army in Ukraine
The openly Nazi core of Kiev's new army; WikiLeaked cables set Ukraine 'nationalists' in NATO 'dirty wars' abroad; and the 'psychopaths' who run CIA special operations. Seek truth from facts with t...
No more fillings as dentists reveal new tooth decay treatment
Scientists in London develop pain-free filling that allows teeth to repair themselves without drilling or injections
"When the fox hears the Rabbit scream he comes a-runnin', but not to help"
- Mimi Al Laham
Jodtabletten - Mütter gegen Atomkraft
Eine Jodtablette ist keine Strahlenschutztablette. Eine hohe Jodgabe bewirkt allein die Blockade der Schilddrüse vor weiterer Jodaufnahme. Sie schützt vor der Aufnahme von radioaktivem Jod und vor der Entstehung von Schilddrüsenkrebs. Andere Krebsarten und Krankheiten, die durch radioaktive Strahlun…
Graphic - Mass Execution of Iraqi Soldiers & Civilians by US Sponsored ISIS Terrorists
GR Editor's Note The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant is a terrorist organization supported covertly by the Western military alliance. Those who trained and financed the ISIS rebels have blood ...
Ashton-Sprecherin: EU akzeptiert Krim-Angliederung nicht - Sanktionen in Vorbereitung
Der Experte Jürgen Todenhöfer wirft dem Westen Unkenntnis der Lage im Irak vor.
Der Aufstand werde in Wirklichkeit überwiegend von einer anderen Gruppe getragen, die von den USA jahrelang totgeschwiegen wurde
‘US deep state behind ISIL in Iraq’
"(T)hey’re obviously being trained, armed and funded by the usual suspects, and by that phrase I mean the neo-conservatives in the US and their friends and allies in Israel and Saudi Arabia.
Hinter der Fichte: ARD/ZDF: Die Komplizen stellen sich dumm
Kiew, Brüssel und Washington versuchen verzweifelt, einen russischen Militärangriff gegen die Ukraine zu provozieren. Sie schrecken auch vor Mord im großen Stil nicht zurück. Angesichts der Langmut der Russen und verzweifelten wirtschaftlichen Lage und der Milliarden Schulden bei Russland scheint das der einzige Ausweg der Desperados zu sein. Teil 2
Neues Panzir-System kann ballistische Ziele vernichten
Das Fla-Raketen-Kanonensystem Panzir-SM, das in Russland entwickelt wird, wird auf ballistische Ziele schießen können, wie Alexander Denissow, Generaldirektor der Holding „Wysokototschnyje komplexy“ (Präzisionskomplexe), in einem Interview für RIA Novosti mitteilte.
Syria pounds ISIL positions in coordination with Iraq
Syria's army has been pounding major bases of the so-called Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) in coordination with the Iraqi government in the past 24 hours.
"Nochetwas, warum sie Wasser nicht als Menschenrecht und nun während der WM und dem Sommerloch klammheimlich das Satanswerk Fracking durchpeitschen wollen !
Fracking macht Wasser ungenießbar ! Das ist zwar nicht direkt deren Ziel, aber sie würden es leichtfertig hinnehmen !
Die UNO-Vollversammlung hat ohne Gegenstimmen sowie mit Zustimmung Deutschlands am 29.07.2010 die Resolution 64/292 angenommen. Darin erkennt sie „das Recht auf einwandfreies und sauberes Trinkwasser und Sanitärversorgung als ein Menschenrecht“ an und fordert die Staaten und internationalen Organisationen auf, weltweit die „Bereitstellung von einwandfreiem, sauberem, zugänglichem und erschwinglichem Trinkwasser und zur Sanitärversorgung für alle zu verstärken.“
"So the US now considers bombing anti- Assad rebels/ terrorist, months after it considered bombing Syria for fighting the same terrorist !!!!"
Ukraine’s stance in gas talks with Russia is ‘blackmail’ – Gazprom CEO
Volker Pispers: Wir sind die Guten - Prix Pantheon 14.06.2014 - die Bananenrepublik
Gazprom stops supplying unpaid-for gas to Ukraine as deadline passes
There will be no more delays for Ukraine to start paying for gas it gets from Russia, gas giant Gazprom announced. After failing for months to cover its gas bill, Kiev now has to pay for any gas it wants in advance.
“This decision was taken due to systematic failure of Naftogaz Ukraine to pay. The debt of the company for Russian gas stands at $4.458 billion, including $1.451 billion for November and December 2013, and $3.007 billion for April-May 2014,” Gazprom said in a statement.
Kiew: Tausende auf dem Maidan fordern von Poroschenko Auflösung des Parlaments
Knapp vier Monate nach dem Umsturz in der Ukraine haben sich am Sonntag wieder Tausende Menschen auf dem Kiewer Hauptplatz Maidan Nesaleschnosti zu einer „Volksversammlung“ eingefunden, berichtete der ukrainische Fernsehsender „5 Kanal“.
NATO Allegations of Russian Tanks in Ukraine based on Fake Evidence
Ukraine Neo-Nazis Trained by NATO to Commit Atrocities: NATO’s ‘Gladio’ Army in Ukraine
The bombing of Slavyansk civilians in early June
“You kill women. You are killing children. You target civilians from the air with guided rockets.
"The “supreme commander” of ISIS/ISIL is Prince Abdul Rachman al-Faisal, the royal Saudi family, Saudi Arabia’s Interior Ministry and its intelligence service. ISIS Unveiled discloses a standard Saudi – U.S. – NATO – run intelligence operation and mercenary army."
"ISIS Unveiled – A Two-Headed Monster. We have unveiled ISIS, and ISIS Unveiled turned out to be a two-headed monster. Its body consists of volunteers, mercenaries and Saudi, Turkish and U.S. intelligence operatives and special forces. Its two heads are the royal family of Saudi Arabia and the CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia, U.S.A."
Cost analysis of stratospheric albedo modification delivery systems - IOPscience
We perform engineering cost analyses of systems capable of delivering 1–5 million metric tonnes (Mt) of albedo modification material to altitudes of 18–30 km. The goal is to compare a range of delivery systems evaluated on a consistent cost basis. Cost estimates are developed with statistical cost e…
'Black & Blue': Film to Exposes Rise of Militarized Police in US | Interview with Dylan Avery
The most efficent wind turbine
The Exodus never happened, say Egyptologists
Egyptologist, Donald Redford, is refuting the Israelite story of Exodus and citing robust historical data that contradicted the story as we know it. This was...
Wir zahlen 8 Milliarden Euro pro Jahr an ARD & ZDF für sowas
<ARD fakery>
ARD & ZDF betreiben Propaganda, keine objektive Berichterstattung über die Ukraine
Slavery enters human history with civilization. Hunter-gatherers and primitive farmers have no use for a slave.
No free Athenian works in a domestic capacity, for it is considered shameful to be another man's servant. This inhibition applies equally to a subsidiary position in any form of business.
Athenian society in the time of Pericles
Prostitution in Classical Athens
Can the population of Sparta and Athens be calculated?
The Populace of Athens - Slaves
West gives Kiev carte blanche for any actions - lawmaker
By blocking Russian draft UN Security Council resolution condemning the attack on the Russian embassy in Kiev the Western countries have given Kiev carte blanche for any actions, head of the State Du
Gruesome Footage Of ISIS Atrocities Reveals Al Qaeda Jihadists "Will Stop At Nothing" | Zero Hedge
Judging by the gruesome propaganda video being released by ISIS, it is no wonder the Iraqi soldiers and police stripped off uniforms and ran... As The Daily Mail reports, blood-thirsty jihadists are carrying out summary executions on civilians, Iraqi soldiers and police officers - including 17 in on…
Iraqi Sunni Cleric: ISIS are Dogs from Hell
First Footage of Shiites Gathering for War Against ISIS
Hundreds of thousands of Shiites have gathered in south Iraq to heed a call of Iraq's highest Islamic authority who mandated a war against ISIS. Like us: www...
Australien beschlagnahmt Bankkonten
Die australische Regierung beschlagnahmt das Geld von "inaktiven" Bankkonten und kassiert damit 360 Millionen Dollar. Auch viele kleine Konten betroffen. Betroffene Sparer empört. - Vorbild auch fü...
Inventing terrorists’: New study reveals FBI set up terrorism-related prosecutions
Nearly 95 per cent of terrorist arrests have been the result of FBI foiling its own entrapment plots as a part of the so-called post-9/11 War on Terror, a new study revealed
Todesopfer der ukrainischen Armee vom 02.05. - 14.06. = 2670 Soldaten !!!!
- die ukrainische Regierung schweigt über die Verluste! (viele von ihnen wollten nicht im Südosten kämpfen, sondern wurden von der Regierung zwangsrekrutiert!!)
Obama RELEASED warlord head of ISIS extremist army five years ago
Islamic State of Iraq and al-Shams leader Abu Bakr al Baghdadi was among the prisoners released in 2009 from the U.S.'s now-closed Camp Bucca near Umm Qasr in Iraq.
Self-defense forces in Gorlovka, E.Ukraine, claim shooting down Kiev bomber jet
Self-defense forces in the town of Gorlovka, eastern Ukraine, say they have downed another plane - a Sukhoi-24 bomber jet. The pilot is alive and currently being taken for questioning, witnesses told RIA Novosti reports.
There were a total of two jets taking part in the overnight bombarding of a local police statio
Gabriele Krone-Schmalz - Das darf nicht sein - NDR / ZAPP 16.04.2014
Volksverdummung: USA rüsten im Irak beide Seiten auf
Ost-Ukraine: Militärflugzeug womöglich von Kiewer Armee selbst abgeschossen
Hinter dem Abschuss des ukrainischen Militärflugzeugs mit 49 Insassen steckt womöglich die Kiewer Armee selbst, vermutet die Volkswehr von Lugansk. Auf einem Video sei zu sehen, dass die Rakete, die den Jet traf, von einem Gebiet abgefeuert worden sei, das von den Kiew-treuen Kräften kontrolliert we…
Interview mit Kyrill Rudenko aus Donetsk
Kyrill Rudenko ist Pressesprecher der Volksrepublik Donetsk. Hier spricht er in einem Interview mit der Journalistin von "Faces Of Ukraine" über die Situation in und um Donetsk.
ISIS brüstet sich selber damit, 1700 gefangen genommene irakische Soldaten schiitischen Glaubens kaltblütig ermordet zu haben.
Währenddessen gehen die Waffenlieferungen und die verdeckte Ausbildungshilfe der USA und Saudi-Arabiens für ISIS-Terroristen weiter.
LNR leaders report Kiev plan leaks: Eastern Ukraine population substitute
The counterintelligence department of the LNR Army have received secret data from a reliable source in the government office of Arseniy Yatsenyuk. It is reported that Ukrainian Cabinet of Ministers in close collaboration with US experts have prepared a secret plan, which will be implemented around November 2014. According to this plan, 250 000 residents of Western Ukraine, mostly from the rural areas, will be relocated to the South East regions (the main targets will be Lugansk, Donetsk and Nikolaev regions).
Thus, residents of the western part of the country will take over possession of the houses and land belonging to locals who either were murdered by junta or chased out of their land for standing up against the illegitimate and criminal government of Ukraine. According to the Resistance fighters, a 25 000 UAH incentive (about $3000) will be given to every West Ukrainian family who decide to relocate.
Шустер LIVE 13-06-2014
Сьогодні, 13 червня, о 21.30 дивіться "Шустер LIVE" . Тема програми:"За крок до миру: де край війни?" ГОСТІ ПРОГРАМИ: ВАЛЕНТИН НАЛИВАЙЧЕНКО Голова СБУ ЛЕОНІД...
<over 2 hours in Russian>
Die eine Frau ist übrigens Olga Bogomoletz, die "Ärztin" vom Maidan, die verletzten Polizisten Hilfe verweigerte. Wie gesagt, das Nazi-Panoptikum bestimmt heute die TV-Landschaft in der Ukraine...
Ukraine 12.06.14 - Konzentrationslager für Donbass
Ukrainian FM chants 'Putin - f**ker' at vandalized Russian embassy in Kiev
Foreign Minister Andrey Deshchitsa chanted “Putin’s a f**ker” with a cheering crowd that earlier vandalized the Russian embassy.
Odessa Massaker 02.05.2014 - Auftraggeber - Deutsch German Subtitle
US Holds Massive Nuclear Weapons Exercise “To Deter And Detect Strategic Attacks”
Ouch: Less Than 25% of West Point Cadets Stood Up For Obama After He Was Introduced… (First time...
H/T Weasel Zippers Update to this story. President Obama was welcomed by the Black Knight of the Hudson for his speech at West Point on Wednesday, but less than 25 percent of the cadets gave him a standing ovation upon his introduction, the Daily Mail reported. “Receiving tepid applause and a short…
Ukraine: These Tanks ... And The State Department Lies Again
The Ukrainian coup government claims that Russian tanks crossed the border and are in use by federalists in east Ukraine. First claims talked about three Russian T-72 tanks but later claims changed the type of the tank to T-64s. The tanks can be seen driving here (vid) and here (vid).
The U.S. State Department is now endorsing that claim:
Statement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine on the protest rally near the Russian Embassy in Kyiv
On June 14, 2014, a protest rally took place near the Embassy of the Russian Federation in Ukraine against aggressive Kremlin policy and Russian support of terrorists and separatists leading to death of Ukrainian citizens and the military.
The killing of dozens of Ukrainian military men in the transport aircraft near Luhansk by the modern Russian weaponry has become the very last tragedy within a several month conflict.
Strong feelings of the protesters were immediately used for the provocation attempts that do not comply with established norms of diplomatic relations and protection of diplomatic missions.
The Ukrainian authorities provided an immediate response to attempted provocations.
According to Ukraine’s law enforcement authorities some provocateurs were detained. The Government of Ukraine takes all necessary measures to secure a peaceful character of the protest movement and to resume the security of the diplomatic mission.
At the same time, overall stabilization of the situation is dependent on the preparedness of the Russian side to stop the support of terrorists and facilitate the peaceful settlement of a conflict in certain areas in the east of Ukraine.
<Statement by the world top terrorists - USA>
Ukraine’s Prime Minister Yatsenyuk: We will commemorate the heroes by cleaning our land from the evil
We bow our heads to the heroes who lost their lives for the sake of their country, to prevent the war from coming into the house of each of us”, - said the Prime-Minister of Ukraine Arseniy Yatsenyuk while expressing condolences to the families and friends of those military men killed last night near Luhansk.
“They lost their lives because they defended men and women, children and the elderly who found themselves in a situation facing a threat to be killed by invaders and sponsored by them subhumans. First, we will commemorate the heroes by wiping out those who killed them and then by cleaning our land from the evil”, - he said.
Arseniy Yatsenyuk reassured that the Government of Ukraine will take care of the families and loved ones of those killed.
Western UNSC members block Russia’s draft resolution on Kiev embassy attack
Western countries in the United Nations Security Council have blocked Moscow's draft resolution condemning the attack on the Russian embassy in Kiev, a source in the UN says.
Ukrainian armed forces violate Russian border: Moscow sends note of protest
The Russian Foreign Ministry has sent a note of protest to Ukraine over the violation by Ukrainian soldiers of the joint border with Russia in the Kuibyshevsky district of its Rostov region, the mini
Black people six times more likely to face drug arrest
Race bias in drug arrests or convictions is worse than in US, new research claims
Black people are six times more likely to be arrested than white people for drug offences and 11 times more likely to be imprisoned, according to new research claiming to show the racial bias of the criminal justice system.
Although there is no evidence that black people use or deal drugs more than white people, the study reveals that the ethnic group was much more likely to be targeted.
In the US, research shows black people are three times more likely than white people to be arrested and 10 times more likely to be jailed for drugs offences.
National Youth Gang Survey Analysis
Latino top, followed by black and later white
Die letzten Masken fallen - Angriffe auf die russische Botschaft sind für die USA und ihre Lakaien legitiim!
USA, Frankreich und Großbritannien blockieren Resolution im UN-Sicherheitsrat wegen des Angriffs auf die Russische Botschaft !!!
The Ginger Jihadist of Mosul: Omar al-Shishani the Chechen 'General'
IBTimes UK profiles Chechen commander leading Isis insurgency in Northern Iraq and Syria.
Ukrainian army shells Slavyansk hospitals, one nurse killed
How The US Is Arming Both Sides Of The Iraqi Conflict | Zero Hedge
To summarize: the US was arming and training the same Al Qaeda/ISIS groups of Jihadists, that it concurrently gave Iraq weapons to fight. And since the Iraq army has so far proven utterly incapable of any resistance, it is now up to US drones to "fight" the same "rebels" that the US itself was colla…
The Doctor the Depleted Uranium and the Dying Children 1_6
PDX 9/11 Truth - Leuren Moret Depleted Uranium and 9/11
GEORGE CARLIN- no choice
Die Sabotage der South Stream-Pipeline, von Manlio Dinucci
Die Bauarbeiten der South Stream-Pipeline, die die Europäische Union mit russischem Gas in 2015 beliefern würde, wurden auf Druck der Vereinigten Staaten von Bulgarien unterbrochen. Diese Entscheidung, die zuallererst für die Union schädlich ist (Russland ist bereit, sein Gas nach China zu verkaufen…
Wer der EU bzw. NATO beitritt, kann seine Souveränität gleich mit abgeben.
Bulgarien bekam direkte Order aus Washington und Brüssel, und musste die Zusammenarbeit am South-Stream Pipelineprojekt bis auf Weiteres unterbrechen.
Putin warnt Finnland vor einem N.A.T.O.-Beitritt:
“Wollt ihr mit die Verantwortung zur Auslösung eines Dritten Weltkriegs tragen?” Es wird gezündelt wo es nur geht!
Kiews Truppen im Vormarsch
Erbitterte Kämpfe in Ostukraine. »Untersuchungslager« angekündigt
Medwedew: Möglicher Nato-Beitritt von Schweden und Finnland für Russland nicht positiv
Die Perspektiven des Beitritts von Schweden und Finnland zur Nato sind laut dem russischen Premierminister Dmitri Medwedew ihre innere Angelegenheit. Aber für Russland sei das kein positiver Fakt.
The CIA Controls Al Qaeda
Use of army against population in Ukraine must not be justified
Reports about the Ukrainian side's use of weapons prohibited by the international law must be studied thoroughly
Sandy Hook Redux: Obama officials confirm that it was a drill and no children died
Sandy Hook Redux: Obama officials confirm that it was a drill and no children died By Jim Fetzer (with Sofia Smallstorm and Paul Preston) "I have a lot of sources in regards to as to what’s going on with the president and the administration...
The Getaway
Questions surround a secret Pakistani airlift.
the airlift of evil
NEW YORK, Nov. 29, 2001 — The United States took the unprecedented step this week of demanding that foreign airlines provide information on passengers boarding planes for America. Yet in the past week, a half dozen or more Pakistani air force cargo planes landed in the Taliban-held city of Kunduz and evacuated to Pakistan hundreds of non-Afghan soldiers who fought alongside the Taliban and even al-Qaida against the United States. What’s wrong with this picture?
Iraq crisis: Sunni caliphate has been bankrolled by Saudi Arabia
From Aleppo in northern Syria almost to the Iraqi-Iranian border, the jihadists of Isis and sundry other groupuscules paid by the Saudi Wahhabis – and by Kuwaiti oligarchs – now rule thousands of square miles.
Proof We Run Al-Qaeda: Special Report
Occupied Iraq: New Year, Same Zionism
"We have achieved in Iraq more than we expected and planned. Iraq has vanished as a military force and as a unified country. Our strategic option is to keep it divided. Our strategic goal is to not allow Iraq to take its regional and Arabic role back. Iraq must stay divided and isolated from its regional environment. Nobody can ignore what we have achieved in this field. Iraq can never be the same Iraq before 2003 (7)."
Former Shin Bet head Avi Dichter admitted to the destruction
of Iraq at the hands of Tel Aviv.
Land Destroyer: America's Covert Re-Invasion of Iraq
Teilen!! Ukrainische Regierung tötet Zivilisten mit verbotenen Streubomben!
Al-Nusra leader meets CIA officials
The leader of al-Nusra militant group has met with two CIA officers as well as Saudi deputy minister of defense Prince Salman bin Sultan in Jordan capital city of Amman.
The ISIL was created on the al-Qaeda model to pursue the interests of Western governments in the Middle East.
“So perhaps the Zionist-led West is perfectly happy to sit back and watch Iraq get torn apart by the ISIL,...
'US blocking gas settlement in Ukraine to prolong conflict'
Washington is making Ukraine stall on a gas settlement agreement with Russia to try and draw out the conflict, journalist and broadcaster Neil Clark told RT. Moscow offered Ukraine a 25 percent discount on gas, but Kiev insists this is not enough.
49 Ukrainian troops killed as transport plane downed in Lugansk
Much of the village of Semyonovka, located in the Slavyansk suburbs, was set ablaze. Local residents told RT that the ground didn't stop burning for some time.
The use of incendiary bombs – designed to start fires using materials such as napalm, white phosphorus or other dangerous chemicals – is strictly prohibited by the UN.
Moscow demanded an immediate investigation into the reported use of incendiary bombs in Ukraine, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said on Thursday.
Electronic war games blamed for jets vanishing off radars in Europe
Electronic military exercises were to blame for the mysterious disappearance of dozens of planes from air-traffic control screens in the heart of Europe, Slovak authorities have said.
<Something tells me this is connected to the incident with Malaysian Flight MH370>
‘Bombardment never stops’: E. Ukrainian refugees share horrors of Kiev military op
Kiev does not care about civilians in eastern Ukraine, and people have to flee their homes amid daily bombings, Ukrainian refugees told RT at a temporary camp in Russia’s Rostov. It comes amid Kiev’s “lies” about humanitarian corridors, they said.
The Syrian War What You're Not Being Told
The Syrian War What You're Not Being Told
Al-Nusrah Mercenaries Accommodated in Turkish State Guesthouses
Al-Nusrah militants coming from various countries are being accommodated in Turkish State guesthouses, said a Turkish MP, presenting the copy of a memorand
How the US is Arming Both Sides of the Iraqi Conflict
Free Syrian Army commanded by Military Governor of Tripoli
In late November 2011, the Libyan press reported the attempt by the Zintan militia to detain Abdel Hakim Belhaj, companion of Osama Bin Laden [2] and historic leader of Al Qaeda in Libya, who became military governor of Tripoli by the grace of NATO [3]. The scene took place at Tripoli airport, as he was leaving for Turkey. Finally, Turkish newspapers mentioned Mr. Belhaj’s presence at the Turkish-Syrian.
Such reports have been met with disbelief on the part of all those who regard Al Qaeda and NATO are irreconcilable enemies between whom no cooperation is possible. Instead, they reinforce the thesis which I have defended since the attacks of September 11, 2001, that Al Qaeda fighters are mercenaries of the service of the CIA [4].
the Free Syrian Army is overseen by at least 600 "volunteers" from Al Qaeda in Libya [10]. The entire operation is run by Abdel Hakim Belhaj in person with the help of the Erdogan government.
Ex-Guantanamo detainee 'planned Benghazi attack'
CBS report revives claim of an Obama cover-up of the assault that killed the US ambassador to Libya and three others
A former Guantánamo Bay inmate masterminded the fatal attack on the US consulate in Benghazi, it was claimed on Monday, as critics of the President Barack Obama revived accusations that the White House was hiding the truth about the incident.
An investigation by CBS News claimed that Sufyan Ben Qumu, a Guantánamo detainee who was released in 2007 by the Bush administration, was one of the lead planners of the Benghazi assault in September 2012.
Former Gitmo detainees also "all of a sudden" appeared in Libya, Syria etc fighting on the same side like Washington. I've long held a suspicion that in fact it serves as a training centre, not prison.
Prison Guards Tortured a Mentally Ill Man Until His Skin “Shriveled from his Body”
& He Died
CONFIRMED! McCain Posed with Known Terrorists in Syria
Al Qaeda Commander of NATO’s Bloody Reign of Terror in Tripoli is the Monster Abdel Hakim Belhadj, aka Abdel Hakim al-Hasadi, Friend of Osama Bin Laden, former US POW, and Infamous Killer of US Soldiers in Afghanistan
Iraq crisis: the jihadist behind the takeover of Mosul - and how America let him go - Telegraph
The fall of the Iraqi city of Mosul to the al-Qaeda offshoot ISIS has shown the power of its leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi - a former US detainee
Facebook frees the nipple: Ban on breastfeeding photos lifted
Fukushima: A Nuclear War without a War: The Unspoken Crisis of Worldwide Nuclear Radiation
What Types of Radiation Are There?
Smoking Weed with the President of Uruguay: Full Length
Wahlbetrug in der Ukraine - unterstützt von Steinmeier, Merkel & Co.
Jen Psaki suggests that phosphorus bombs under Slavyansk belongs to Russia
During a briefing, State Department spokesman Jen Psak for the first time heard from the journalists that the day before the incendiary phosphorous bombs were used under Slavyansk. Her reaction
NATO’s Terror Hordes in Iraq a Pretext for Syria Invasion | New Eastern Outlook
13.06.2014 Author: Tony CartalucciNATO’s Terror Hordes in Iraq a Pretext for Syria Invasion Column: Society Region: Middle East Country: IraqAll roads lead to Baghdad and the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) is following them all, north from Syria and Turkey to south. Reading Western headlines…
'White Phosphorus' Reports: Ukraine Military 'Dropped Incendiary Bombs' on Slavyansk
Residents of Slavyansk and its suburbs were awoken overnight on Thursday by what they say were incendiary bombs that were dropped on their city by Kiev’s military. Witnesses and local media reports...
Russia Ready to Review Ukraine’s Gas Debt, Scrap Prepayment Scheme – Energy Minister
BRUSSELS, June 11 (RIA Novosti) – Russia will not introduce advance gas payments for Ukraine and review its gas debt downwards if Kiev pays off $2 billion of its gas debt by June 16 and clears arrears in full by June 26, Energy Minister Alexander Novak said Wednesday.
“It was suggested to review the payoff schedule for debts accumulated in April and May in accordance with our gas price proposal taking into account the [proposed] discount [of $100 per 1,000 cubic meters],” Novak told reporters after gas talks in Brussels.
Saudi Arabia arming, financing lunatic militants
“If there is one autocracy in the Middle East that is crying out for regime change, it is Saudi Arabia.”
Tribesmen retake Mosul area from ISIL
Iraqi tribesmen recapture a neighborhood in Mosul from ISIL militants.
Fukushima VICE
Ukraine President Former Agent for US State Department
By Michael Collins Two diplomatic messages from the WikiLeaks Public Library on U.S. Diplomacy indicate that newly elected President of Ukraine, Petro Poroshenko was an agent for United States Stat...
This Video Is Shocking The Entire World. Everyone Needs To See This!
In 2011, an earthquake caused a tsunami that killed nearly 16,000 people in Japan and caused an estimated 210 billion dollars in damage, making it one of the costliest natural disasters in history. When a Fukushima power plant was hit by the tsunami, it began releasing the largest amount of radioactive materials since the Chernobyl disaster of 1986. Now, three years later, there are serious concerns about the levels of radiation contamination leaking not only into Japan, but also into the Pacific Ocean and beyond.
America's Covert Re-Invasion of Iraq
Heavily armed, well funded, and organized as a professional, standing army, the forces of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) swept southward into Iraq from Turkey and northeastern Syria, ta...
Tehran has also positioned troops along its
border with Iraq and promised to bomb rebel
forces if they close within 100 kilometers, or 62
miles, from Iran’s border, according to an
Iranian army general.
‘Underground oceans’ potentially have 3 times more water than surface - study
Zionist Propaganda: Time to Set the Record Straight
Justifying Israel's apartheid policy and genocide on Palestinians is possible only, because Hollywood's propaganda industry has deprived the entire Arab peo
Cops Beat this Innocent Man on Video and Lied About it. He then Spent 9 months Rotting in Jail
"These guys have so much power, they can go around and do whatever they like and it's nothing to them that they can ruin people's lives." June 11, 2014 Thirty-year-old Jonah Kaahu is not a criminal. But on Aug 22, 2012 he was most assuredly treated like the worst of villains. Kaahu was at work…
ISIS Threatens to Invade Jordan, 'Slaughter' King Abdullah
The recent victories in Iraq and Syria by the terrorists of ISIS -- said to be an offshoot of al-Qaeda -- have emboldened the group and its followers throughout the Middle East. Now the terrorists are planning to move their jihad not only to Jordan, but
Palestinian teen killed by live ammo – autopsy
While official autopsy report results have not been released to the public, sources have said that findings support allegations that he had been killed by live ammo.
Nato stört Flugverkehr über Österreich
Gefährden Militärexperimente der NATO zur Erprobung elektronischer Kriegsführung die Flugsicherheit in Mitteleuropa? Recherchen der „Presse" scheinen diesen Verdacht zu bestätigen, der nach mehreren Zwischenfällen in den vergangenen Tagen aufgekommen ist.
Slavyansk under fire, without water and power as Kiev troops resume shelling
Death and destruction is reported in eastern Ukraine as Kiev’s artillery has resumed shelling the rebellious city of Slavyansk. Locals tell RT they have been without running water and power for days, and that hope is fading.
Unprecedented’: 13 aircraft mysteriously disappear from radars in heart of Europe
"The Biggest Game InTown" about the Government CAFR wealth shell game
Ukraine: Poroschenko ist nach Information von WikiLeaks ein ehemaliger US-Agent |...
Zwei "Diplomatenberichte" von der Plattform WikiLeaks Public Library on US Diplomacy zeigen, dass der neu gewählte Präsident der Ukraine, Petro Poroschenko, e
9000 Dead In Iraq's Deadliest Year 2013: While Obama's Iraq President Maliki Pumps Oil To Muslim...
Ashti Hawrami, the Kurdish Regional Government’s natural resources minister, said at a news conference last month that the 40-kilometer pipeline would have a capacity of 300,000 barrels a day. Mehm...
Still War, No Peace: Daily violence in Iraq makes 2013 deadliest year
For the people of Iraq, this year has become the deadliest since 2008, marred by a deepening sectarian divide and more innocent lives being lost as a result....
Obama Plans to Annex One-Third Of Iraq Using U.S. CIA al-Qaeda: To Launch Further Attacks...
Obama Continues War In Iraq Against Sunnis: 1,840 Dead In January ~ 1,700 Dead In February 2014. Dangerous Times Ahead As Obama NWO Plans To Annex One-Third Of Iraq Using CIA's Shiite Al-Qaeda &...
Gazprom-Chef Miller: 16. Juni allerletzte Zahlungsfrist für Ukraine
Der russische Konzern Gazprom wird die Zahlungsfrist für die Ukraine nicht mehr verschieben. „Die allerletzte Frist wäre demnach der 16. Juni, 10.00 Uhr Moskauer Zeit“, sagte Gazprom-Vorstandschef Alexej Miller am Donnerstag vor der Presse in Moskau.
The Iraqi leadership know that ISIS is funded by Saudi Arabia & Qatar
Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki has accused Saudi Arabia and Qatar of openly funding the insurgents his troops are battling in western Anbar province, in his strongest such statement since fighting started there early this year.
Islamists unleash all-out assault on Iraqi cities with US weapons
In Iraq, radical Islamist militants linked to al-Qaeda are reportedly planning to take Baghdad, after successfully advancing in the north. It's thought the g...
Ukraine: Slawjansk mit Phosphorbomben angegriffen
Die sogenannten Regierungskräfte setzten auf Befehl von Präsident Poroschenko Phosphorbomben gegen Slawjansk ein, eine verbotene Waffe die fürchterlichen Schaden anrichtet.
MIDEAST - Iran to combat terrorism in Iraq: Rouhani
Iran will combat terrorism by Sunni extremists in neighbouring Iraq, President Hassan Rouhani warned
And here, you see Abdul Jabbar alAkidi (FSA) with Robert Frod!!
In this video, you see "Abu Jandal" of ISIS swearing aliegence to Abu Bakr alBagdadi (leader of ISIS), filmed by an FSA supporter (with a distinct Aleppo accent)!!
Who are Iraq's ISIS fighters?
They are former ALLIES of the USUKF backed "moderate FSA"!!
August_2013. Colonel Abdul Jabbar alAkidi (FSA) makes a speech thanking ALL the factions that took part in the "liberation" of Mennegh Military airport saying he wants to KISS all the hands that pressed on the trigger and killed the "criminal" govt soldiers!! He was followed by "Abu Jandal" an ISIS commander who praised the "heroes" of the Islamic State of Iraq & Syria for penetrating the airport defence with God blessing (and two suicide bombers)!!
Das ist vom Westen wohl gewollt, wenn nicht im Geheim unterstützt und initiiert, obwohl es anders aussieht. Jetzt haben sie wieder eine Ausrede Irak aufzuteilen, und sich an die Bodenschätze im Irak und Syrien ranzumachen… Was sie im Golfkrieg nicht erreicht haben, würden sie durch den "Kampf gegen Terror" erreichen. Schaut Euch die Karte an! Ist es ein Zufall, dass die ölreichsten Gebiete in beiden Ländern unter der Herrschaft der ISIS liegen?????? Mit anderen Worten: ISIS = Trojanisches Pferd
Dschihadisten rücken auf Bagdad vor -
Die Terrorgruppe Islamischer Staat im Irak und in Syrien (ISIS) bewegt sich unaufhaltsam auf die irakische Hauptstadt Bagdad zu. ISIS-Kämpfer haben bereits große Teile der Provinzen Ninive, al-Anbar und Salaheddin in ihrer Kontrolle. Am Mittwoch rückten die Kämpfer weiter auf Tikrit zwei Stunden von…
Eine Kapitulationserklärung und das Ende des kapitalistischen Wirtschaftssystems
Iraq - City of Mosul falls to Extremists Flowing in From Syria
On June 10th the Iraq's second largest city, Mosul was taken by an Islamic militant group called ISIS, whose fighters are pouring into the country from Syria. Today they followed up that attack with a push south towards Baghdad, occupying the strategic oil refining town of Baiji and seizing the city of Tikrit. The Iraqi army put up little resistance.
"What is currently taking place in Iraq is not a new phenomenon but part and parcel of a decades-old Zionist-imperialist strategy to fragment the Arab and Islamic worlds on ethno-sectarian lines. This US-Israeli project, which failed to come to fruition in Syria, is now being implemented through the merciless rampage in Mosul and several other Iraqi cities by the Saudi-Qatari-funded, Zionist proxy force of ISIS. Just as the armed forces and various communities of the pluralistic Syrian Arab Republic came together with their partners in the Resistance Axis to overcome the same Takfiri enemy, the Iraqi people, in a united front with their army and allies, must resist to halt ISIS's Takfiri terrorist expansion and prevent their nation from being subverted any further, for it will not only be a blow to these backwards fanatics who are wreaking havoc across the region, but also the US-Zionist-GCC alliance itself, as it is the designer of this conspiracy and the prime beneficiary of this carnage."
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Iran backs Iraq in fighting Takfiris
Iran has expressed support for the Iraqi government and nation in the fight against Takfiri militants.
<This Takfiri onslaught is the AngloZionist empire's last arrow in its quiver. Not only they will eventually be cleared out of the MENA but the head of the octopus, the Saudi ruling king and princes and the British sponsored Wahhabi sect will be smashed and cut off once and for all. They know it and why they are on the offensive now>
empires map
Russia sends 24 warships, fighter jets, bombers to Baltic drills as NATO stages war games
“De-Dollarization” and the China-Russia Bank Deal: The Beginning of the End of the Dollar?
Russia Is Doing It – Russia Is Actually Abandoning The Dollar
NATO Transparency - Court of Audit
NATO is funded with taxpayers’ money. However, it does not yet provide comprehensive information about its annual revenues, expenditures, and achievements to the taxpayer. NATO is also not yet transparent and public accountable for its financial management. It is not clear what NATO entities achieve…
Al Qaeda Takes Over Second Largest City in Iraq … But Al Qaeda was not even in Iraq until the...
The U.S. “war on terror” has increased terrorism. Here are the number of terror attacks in Iraq between 1979 and 2011 courtesy of the National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to...
Iraqi insurgents seize new city
Islamist militants in Iraq seize Saddam Hussein's hometown of Tikrit, north of Baghdad, after overrunning
Mosul Seized: Jihadis Loot $429m from City's Central Bank to Make Isis World's Richest Terror Force
Al-Qaeda-linked Isis militants now richer than Tonga after taking control of central bank and stealing $429m.
Iraq crisis: al-Qaeda forces seize Mosul and Tikrit - live - Telegraph
Mass beheadings reported in northern Iraq as al-Qaeda forces take Mosul and Tikrit, Saddam Hussein's home town - follow latest developments
EU sanctions on Russia could push gas prices up 50% - World Bank
Russia and the EU would both suffer if sanctions escalate, energy markets the most, according to a World Bank report. The loss of the European market would cut Russian government revenue by 10 percent of GDP, and European gas prices would jump 50 percent.
“Should tensions further escalate, more intrusive sanctions, possibly interrupting trade and banking flows, cannot be ruled out,” the World Bank report said. “Given the close economic interdependence between the EU and Russia, the escalation of sanctions would likely impose large economic costs, damaging recoveries in both.”
Irak: eine halbe Million Flüchtlinge verlässt panikartig Mosul
Rund 500.000 Einwohner von Mosul verlassen panikartig die zweitgrößte Stadt des Iraks wegen ihres Übergangs unter die Kontrolle der Freischäler der Gruppierung „Islamischer
by Micha F. Lindemans
"King". The sun god of the Canaanites (Ammonites?) in old Palestine and sometimes associated with the Sumerian Baal, although Moloch (or Molekh) was entirely malevolent. In the 8th-6th century BCE, firstborn children were sacrificed to him by the Israelites in the Valleye of Hinnom, south-east of Jerusalem (see also Gehenna). These sacrifices to the sun god were made to renew the strength of the sun fire. This ritual was probably borrowed from surrounding nations, and was also popular in ancient Carthage.
Moloch was represented as a huge bronze statue with the head of a bull. The statue was hollow, and inside there burned a fire which colored the Moloch a glowing red. Children were placed on the hands of the statue. Through an ingenious system the hands were raised to the mouth (as if Moloch were eating) and the children fell into the fire where they were consumed by the flames. The people gathered before the Moloch were dancing on the sounds of flutes and tambourines to drown out the screams of the victims.
According to some sources, the Moloch in the Old Testament is not a god, but a specific form of sacrifice.
Documentary | Abu Ghraib Prison - Iraq | prison documentary
St. Louis Archbishop Didn't Know Sex With Children Was a Crime - NBC News
The St. Louis Archbishop embroiled in a sexual abuse scandal testified last month that he didn’t know in the 1980s whether it was illegal for priests to have...
E. Ukraine warzone: Demolished houses, fires after heavy shelling (VIDEOS)
Despite President Poroshenko intention to bring about a ceasefire, Kiev’s relentless military operation in the country's east is intensifying. Slavyansk has become one of the main targets of artillery attacks, amateur videos filmed in the area show.
1977 Senate Hearing on MKULTRA: Table of Contents/Main Index
Project MKULTRA, The CIA's Program of Research in Behavioral Modification. Joint Hearing Before the Select Committee on Intelligence and the Subcommittee on Health and Scientific Research of the Committee on Human Resources, United States Senate, Ninety-Fifth Congress, First Session. August 3, 1977.
Revealed: How Obama administration arms police to the teeth with battlefield weapons
American Trucks in Korea and Vietnam —
For the Other Side
Without an enemy image, you cannot have an oligarchic society.
If you're up against an underground nationalist organization, you create your own parallel, underground nationalist organization. You send this organization out on missions, have them commit tremendous atrocities to be blamed on the real nationalist group.
Everything You Need to Know About the "War on Terror"
Low Intensity Operations: Subversion Insurgency & Peacekeeping by Frank Kitson. The technique of the creation of the counter-gang or the pseudo gang; for example like "al Qaeda" is the pseudo-gang or counter-gang for any normal Arab nationalist, or anybody with any ideas for positive reform in the Arab world. Once you've got a good counter-gang created, you can use it to demonized anybody.
Without an enemy image, you cannot have an oligarchic society, a fascist NWO.
Low Intensity Operations: Subversion Insurgency & Peacekeeping
GOP ----PLEASE recognize the truth of this 1984 quote TODAY!!
"In accordance to the principles of doublethink, it does not matter if the war is not real, or when it is, that victory is not possible. The war is not meant to be won. It is meant to be continuous. The essential act of modern warfare is the destruction of the produce of human labour. A hierarchical society is only possible on the basis of poverty and ignorance. In principle, the war effort is always planned to keep society on the brink of starvation. The war is waged by the ruling group against its own subjects, and its object is not victory over Eurasia or Eastasia, but to keep the very structure of society intact."
~~~ George Orwell
Chinese military linked to seven years of hacking US aerospace industry
A shadowy hacking group believed to be affiliated with the Chinese military has spent years infiltrating the American aerospace industry and US trading partners in the space industry, a US cybersecurity company said Monday.
Penises (willies, cocks) are awesome.....10 Reasons Why
Worlds Strongest Vagina
Russian companies ‘de-dollarize’ and switch to yuan, other Asian currencies
Russia will start settling more contracts in Asian currencies, especially the yuan, in order to lessen its dependence on the dollar market, and because of Western-led sanctions that could freeze funds at any moment.
State of emergency: ISIS militants overrun Iraq city of 1.8mn, free 2,500 prisoners
Heavily-armed, Al-Qaeda-affiliated militants have seized the Iraqi city of Mosul, driving back government forces. Officials say the Iraqi Army’s soldiers are demoralized and are no match for the attacking militant forces.
Is the US ready to trigger war in Asia?
The anti-Chinese and anti-Russian propaganda howl is reaching a deafening crescendo, especially in Asia.
LOL: Nobel Committee Asks Obama To Return Peace Prize
Jagland, flanked by the other four members of the Committee, said they’d never before asked for the return of a Peace Prize, “even from a damnable war-criminal like Kissinger,” but that the 10% drawdown in US troops in Afghanistan the President announced last week capped a period of “non-Peace-Prize-winner-type behavior” in 2011. “Guantanamo’s still open. There’s bombing Libya. There’s blowing bin Laden away rather than putting him on trial. Now a few US troops go home, but the US will be occupying Afghanistan until 2014 and beyond. Don’t even get me started on Yemen!”
Nobel Committee Asks Obama “Nicely” To Return Peace Prize
Thorbjorn Jagland, chairman of the Nobel Peace Prize Committee, said today that President Obama “really ought to consider” returning his Nobel Peace Prize Medal immediately because of the many crimes
Internet restrictions must not touch upon freedom of speech - Putin
“We have had a lot of arguments over the bans, like those connected with pedophilia, propaganda of terrorism and illegal drugs, propaganda of suicide. But we are all grown up people. Do we really need to argue about this? Better to let us spare our children,” he told the participants of the Russian internet business forum.
If Putin can hold out long enough, the dollar will collapse and so will the U.S. economy, but it’s probably going to happen anyway, and so the longer that Putin remains “weak” against the U.S. assault, the sooner will come that likely U.S. collapse. This will thus be a war of nerves between Obama and Putin: Obama, to hold off the U.S. collapse; and Putin, to prevent a Russian collapse. -
Lie detector exposes sabotage of Proton-M booster - report
It was discovered that three sensors had been practically ‘hammered’ into the wrong position, which led to a loss of $1.3 billion worth of rocket and satellites.
Afghanistan Style In The '20s Through '70s: Photographs Show A Lost, Fashionable Time
Afghanistan in the 60's and 70's - part two.
OpEdNews Article: Article: Ukraine President Once Agent for U.S. State Department
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