Russia launches Baltic war games alongside NATO’s
The Baltic Sea and skies are getting crowded as Russia launches military training of its assault forces in the exclave of Kaliningrad in answer to the double
Saber Strike 2014 has hosted troops from Canada, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Great Britain, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway and the US.
Russian troops in Ukraine? Got any proof?' Putin's best quotes from French media talk
Putin to French media: Russian troops in Ukraine? Got any proof? (FULL INTERVIEW)
4:30 the right to use their own language
7:00 nobody should be brought to power through a coup
7:35 White house claims to have evidence Russia send it's troops ,
7:50 proof? Iraq WMD, wavin around some test tube
8:00 invaded Iraq, there never have been any WMD
Frau Merkel, Sie haben noch keinen Griechen gerettet, sondern..! Dieter Dehm! die Bananenrepublik
Diether Dehm, DIE LINKE: Vor Obama auf den Knien
Politiker sieht Medien unter Geheimdienst-Kontrolle
Der Linke-Politiker Diether Dehm ist für umstrittene Thesen bekannt. Jetzt wirft er deutschen Medien vor, von US-Geheimdiensten gesteuert zu sein. Das ist selbst seiner Fraktion zu viel.
Cop Shoots and Kills Pregnant Wife and Unborn Child Then Walks Free [Video]
Russlands Außenamt: Strafoperation in Ostukraine kann als Kriegsverbrechen eingestuft werden
Israel killing of Palestinian teens an 'apparent war crime' - Human Rights Watch
E. Ukraine warzone: Demolished houses, fires after heavy shelling (VIDEOS)
The Size of the Derivatives Bubble Hanging Over the Global Economy Hits a Record High
The global derivatives bubble is now 20 percent bigger than it was just before the last great financial crisis struck in 2008. It is a financial bubble far
According to the Bank for International Settlements, the total notional value of derivatives contracts around the world has ballooned to an astounding 710 trillion dollars ($710,000,000,000,000). Other estimates put the grand total well over a quadrillion dollars. [Background.] If that sounds like a lot of money, that is because it is. For example, U.S. GDP is projected to be in the neighborhood of around 17 trillion dollars for 2014.
Ukrainian refugees flee besieged cities to neighbouring Russian region
About 3,000 Ukrainian citizens are in camps for refugees in Rostov region
Турчинов гонит неонацистов на убой на Юго-восток, чтобы убрать их руками самообороны
Interesting if true. Use google translate
Daimler plant erste PKW-Fabrik in Russland
Die Daimler AG will ein PKW-Produktionswerk in Russland eröffnen, schreibt die Zeitung "RBC Daily" am Montag.
Ron Paul on Obama’s foreign policy: ‘Disobey us and we will bomb you’
"For Washington, it was ‘illegal’ for Crimea to vote to secede from Ukraine, but it was not illegal for a mob in the street to overthrow an elected government in Kiev,” he wrote.
Former White House hopeful and longtime lawmaker Ron Paul says United State President Barack Obama’s recent major foreign policy speech was a
US a warzone’: Police deploy heavy armor in America
From the streets of Fallujah to Franklin, Indiana, heavily armored military vehicles have been rolled out for one and the same reason: many police officers in the US believe there’s a war going on.
The Jewish Gas Chamber Hoax - Part 1 of 4
How the “Holocaust” was faked
The alleged "Holocaust" of "6 million Jews" at the hands of Adolf Hitler and National Socialist Germany during WWII is the biggest lie ever foisted upon humanity. The very idea that the Germans organized and executed a complex conspiracy involving "homicidal gas chambers" and other barbaric, sadisti…
400 US-Söldner in der Ukraine, Auftrag & Kunde unbekannt
über hundert amerikanische Söldner bereits in der Ukraine getötet
Mitteilung des Pressezentrums Donbass "in den Kämpfen in den Republiken Donetsk und Lugansk wurden über hundert Amerikaner getötet und verletzt.
Unter ihnen:
25 CIA (13 getötet - 12 schwer verletzt) 70 Söldner. >> Private Militär-Firma «ASBS Othago» verlor 8 Personen. PMC "Greystone", "Hallo Trust", "Academi" - 64 Personen getötet".
Bericht: 400 US-Söldner in der Ukraine
Одесса. Признание убийцы.
#SaveDonbassPeople #SaveDonbassSkyFromNazi Дорогие друзья! Окажите помощь развивающемуся проекту. Яндекс Кошелек 410012239741128 Номера Webmoney: R6283626131...
Correction: the killing described in this video took place at Maidan in Kiev on February 18.
3. He is a member of one of the sotni of Maidan self-defense.
4. He was paid 400 hrivnyi--about $33 for this day of killing. That would make $3 for one killed.
Eastern Europe between Russia and West - is it a bridge or more likely a wall?
As Obama the other day threatened imposing more sanctions on Russia and pledged to allot one billion dollars in military aid, the remarks were met with enthusiasm, namely, by the presidents of Poland and Ukraine, the Baltic states, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria and Slovenia. Do their peoples actually view Russia as a threat to be countered by increased NATO military presence?
Geiger Counter Tips
Cesium 137 Detected in my Rain! (Radioactive Rain Detected)
No changes to South Stream gas pipeline – Serbian Prime Minister
South Stream gas project irreversible - Bulgaria’s Energy Minister
“If we look at this situation strategically, not emotionally, it will be clear that the South Stream project can’t be canceled. It’s equally important for Europe and Bulgaria,” Stoynev said.
Putin did nothing wrong by reuniting Crimea with Russia – Polish politician
Vladimir Putin did nothing wrong by reuniting Crimea with Russia, said Janusz Korwin-Mikke, a European Parliament MP and leader of the Polish political party called the Congress of the New Right. During a panel discussion on local TV he asked others not to talk ill of Putin because "he did nothing to deserve such treatment."
Meanwhile, referring to the tragic events which took place in February at the Independence square in Kiev, he said that "the terrorists who killed 20 police officers and 60 protesters were trained in Poland."
Over 100,000 form human chain demanding Basque independence vote (PHOTOS, VIDEO)
At least 100,000 people have formed a 123-kilometer-long human chain in support of a regional referendum on the Basque Country’s independence from Spain.
Ukraine: Poroshenko's Hope For "Western" Help Is Deluded
<read the comments>
Poroshenko at crossroads: Ukraine has to decide who to side with – US or Russia, Europe
Tiananmen Square After 25 Years — Brian Becker
The Tiananmen Square “massacre,” in which thousands of Chinese students were
alleged by Washington and the presstitute media to have been massacred, was entirely a fabrication of the US government and its Ministry of Propaganda.
No such massacre occurred, but the myth lives on.
----< 30min+
Police Officer Shot and Killed During No-Knock Raid
The state's ridiculous and criminal war on drugs claims another life. A Killeen, TX police officer has died after being shot during a no-knock search warrant Friday. According to KXXV, Detective Charles "Chuck" Dinwiddie succumbed to his injuries at Scott & White Hospital in Temple, jus…
Money Laundering, Graft and Corruption: Who is Ukraine's President Petro Poroshenko?
by Gregory Kolyada The outcome of the elections was known in advance – Petro Poroshenko, was declared the winner of the race. The result will further split the country. Many regions refuse to recog...
Slavyansk under fire, without water and power as Kiev troops resume shelling
Death and destruction is reported in eastern Ukraine as Kiev’s artillery has resumed shelling the rebellious city of Slavyansk. Locals tell RT they have been without running water and power for days, and that hope is fading.
Suomi mukana Yhdysvaltojen johtamassa Baltops -merisotaharjoituksessa Itämerellä
Naton meri- ja ilmavoimat osallistuvat 13 maan Baltops-harjoitukseen, joka suoritetaan 42. kerran. Suomi on mukana sotavoimien harjoituksessa, joka kestää kesäkuun 21. päivään saakka Tanskan ja Ruotsin aluevesillä.
Israelis torturing non-Jewish children. 2014 Australian documentary film. Viewer discretion.
Honey and Ginger Kill Superbugs Better than Pharmaceutical Meds
A combination of ginger powder extract and honey are so effective that they inhibit the growth of superbugs like MRSA, E Coli, and even the bacteria that causes Pneumonia.
Uno: Mehr als 10.000 Flüchtlinge aus Ostukraine
Nach russischen Angaben treffen täglich bis zu 8000 ukrainische Flüchtlinge in den Grenzgebieten Russlands ein. Das südrussische Gebiet Rostow hat in dieser Woche den Notstand ausgerufen.
Grüne Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung zur Naziverharmlosung
Der Artikel versucht den krampfhaften Versuch, mit pseudowissenschaflichen Methoden und bewusster Begriffsverwirrung den Faschisten in der Ukraine einen Persilschein auszustellen. Bevor wir nichs mehr verstehen stellen wir diesem Artikel eine einfache und verständliche Definition von "Faschismus" entgegen: Der Faschismus ist die offen diktatorische und terroristische Herrschaft der reaktionärsten, chauvinistischsten und imperialistischen Teile des Finanzkapitals. In der Ukraine sehen wir klar diese Bedingungen erfüllt: Das internationale Finanzkapital (EU-USA) haben zusammen mit kriminellen Oligarchen gewaltsam die Macht in der Ukraine ergriffen, die Gegner dieser Macht werden mit terroristischen Methoden (Gewalt, Folter, Mord und Krieg) unterdrückt, zur Wahl stehen nur profaschistische Parteien während alle anderen Kräfte unterdrückt, mittellos (da keine Medienmacht) und terrorisiert werden.
Славянск. Съемка разрушений в Славянске после артобстрела | 8 июня Сегодня Новости
Славянск. Съемка разрушений в Славянске после артобстрела | 8 июня Сегодня Новости Теги: Славянск 08 06,Антимайдан, Евромайдан, Снайпер, Правый Сектор, МВД У...
Bilder der Zerstörung aus Slaviansk - was Sie hier sehen geschieht mit freundlicher Unterstützung von Frau Merkel, Herrn Steinmeier und Frau Göring Eckardt stellvertretend für CDU, SPD und Grünen!!!
Russlands Aufstieg unter Präsident Putin
Ukrainian people want to join European Union?
Plus some other surprises you will find in this Voice of America - Gallup poll. (from page 21)
Flüchtlinge aus Slowjansk und Lugansk in Rostov Deutsch German
Kinder und Familien sind in Rostov/Russland in Sicherheit. Und die verfickte deutsche Regierung macht immer weiter...
State organized terror against Lugansk. The 'ukrainian' army deploys heavy artillery. Are they going to flatten the whole town?
What other purpose but to *force* Russia into intervention could such attack possibly have?
Bulgaria halts Russia's South Stream gas pipeline project
Bulgaria’s prime minister, Plamen Oresharski, has ordered a halt to work on Russia’s South Stream pipeline, on the recommendation of the EU. The decision was announced after his talks with US senators.
To Understand or Not to Understand Putin
In Germany these days, very many citizens object to the endless Russia-bashing of the NATO-oriented mainstream media. They may point out that the U.S.-backed regime change in Kiev, putting in power an ultra-right transitional government eager to join NATO, posed an urgent threat to preservation of Russia’s only warm water naval base in Crimea. Under the circumstances, and inasmuch as the Crimean population overwhelmingly approved, reinstating Crimea in the Russian federation was a necessary defensive move.
US government lies every day - expert
Is there any way to censor media outlets without a single censor at hand? Doesn’t the very idea of suppressing media freedom in open market economies sound absurd? Well, it does. In this progra
Guilty demeanor: The private 9/11 emails of Noam Chomsky
Chomsky's bizarre 9/11 double-talk is a sight to behold.
Centre of Slavjansk today:
My 9 Hours with the National Guard – 10 Bullet Points
Putin: EU ist nicht souverän und die USA Lügen.
Wladimir Putin - Deutschland und Frankreich müssen sich ihre Souveränität selbst zurückerobern
Aware Electronics Corp
PRM-9000 Digital Pocket Geiger Counter - New Model !!!
The device's unique Radiation Monitoring Engine (RME) is always-on collecting measurements enabling rapid environment assessment.
Best Geiger Counter Rating and Review Countdown
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Welcome to Mineralab's selection of Geiger Counters for the detection of radioactivity
More than 100 people dead in Iraq in single day of violence
This is what "Democracy" ; looks like. Ukraine will soon be a democracy too. Obama is working hard to make sure that the bombs and machine guns and missiles that he sends over to Ukraine spread democracy all over fruit markets and schools and weddings and hospitals and the water supply..
Scientists Studied What Psychedelics Do to the Brain, And It’s Not What You’ve Been Told
Gorbatschow: USA haben Vereinbarung über Verzicht auf Osterweiterung gebrochen
Michail Gorbatschow, Ex-Präsident der Sowjetunion, ist der Ansicht, dass die USA durch die Nato-Erweiterung in Zentral- und Osteuropa gegen frühere Vereinbarungen verstoßen haben.
<UVB meter>
Below is a list of 72 types of Americans that are considered to be “extremists” and “potential terrorists” in official U.S. government documents. To see the original source document for each point, just click on the link. As you can see, this list covers most of the country…
Geheimdienst in Venezuela deckt Umsturzpläne auf
The Normandy Landing and World War II: The Lies Grow More Audacious
If there were any doubts that Western “leaders” live in a fantasy make-believe world constructed out of their own lies, the G-7 meeting and 70th anniversary celebration of the Normandy landing dis...
Стрелков: с приходом Порошенко ситуация для нас ухудшится
По его словам, в Славянске появится больше солдат, танков и инструкторов НАТО, а число жертв будет расти.
Chris Hedges "The American Public Is Utterly Misinformed On What's Happening In Ukraine"
Chris Hedges “The American Public Is Utterly Misinformed On What’s Happening In Ukraine”
G7 teach Russia a Lesson
More than 300,000 disabled people to have benefits cut says Esther McVey
Finanzattacke aus Russland und China auf den Westen
Moskau und Peking greifen die Finanzindustrie des Westens an allen Fronten an: Sie versuchen die Dominanz von Dollar, IWF, Mastercard und S&P zu brechen. Gelingt dies, wird der Osten zweitschlagfähig.
Ukraine's new leader stands up to Moscow over Crimea and Europe
Poroshenko's message to Novorossiia and Russia
Poroshenko's inauguration speech has sent a message to Novorossiia and Russia:
No federalization
No state status for the Russian language
No recognition of the Novorossian political leadership
Full and unconditional surrender of the Novorossian Defense Forces
Crimea will forever belong to the Ukraine.
He could not have been any clearer: that is basically a declaration of war and an ultimatum. This is also a full endorsement of the "Banderastan project".
Clearly, the US has prevailed over the hoplessly spineless EU leaders like Merkel or Hollande and the AngloZionists will have their way.
Marching on Moscow
British Field Marshal Bernard Montgomery had three laws of war: One, never march on Moscow; Two, never get in a land war in Asia; Three, never march on Moscow. So why are the United States, the European Union (EU), and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) all on the road to the…
4 engines,6 chemtrails,then 2 chemtrails - what the???
Moskau verpasst Monsantos GVO eine herbe Niederlage
Media rage in Russia - how long can the Kremlin resist it?
ARD-Umfrage: 89% der Deutschen wollen Russland nicht isolieren
Published on Jun 6, 2014
5 Juni 2014. ARD, Tagesthemen, ARD-DeutschlandTrend, die Umfrage zum Thema "Umgang mit Russland" zeigte, dass 89% der Deutschen weiterhin im Gespräch mit Russland bleiben wollen, 9% wollen dagegen Russland soweit wie möglich isolieren. Quelle: http://www.tagesschau.de/
Russian news
Empire collapsing: Half of Americans earn less than $27,520 a year... and 15 other signs the middle class is dying
After taxes, that breaks down to a good bit less than $2,000 a month. You can't realistically pay a mortgage, make a car payment, afford health insurance and provide food, clothing and everything else your family needs for that much money.
#6 Right now, approximately one out of every six men in the United States that are in their prime working years (25 to 54) do not have a job.
Geschichtsklitterung in den gleichgeschalteten Staatsmedien
Ebenfalls richtig ist, das Sie Ihrer Vorrednerin Katrin Göring-Eckardt bescheinigt haben, die Wahrheit zu wissen. Von Ihnen gibt es viel zu wenige im Bundestag, die nicht nur die Wahrheit aussprechen, sondern auch dazu stehen und sie verteidigen.
Es ist vollkommen unverständlich, dass Gysi, Riexinger und Kipping nun Sie Frau Dagdelen in den Rücken fallen und sich von ihren Äußerungen distanzieren.
DIE LINKE Brohltal steht hinter Ihnen; Kusch(el)kandidaten ohne Rückgrat haben wir genug.
Slavyansk blockade: Shelling non-stop, shops closed, no meds, no chance to evacuate
The Ukrainian National Guard continues to shell Slavyansk, completely surrounded by armored vehicles and military checkpoints, locals report. Residents are hiding in cellars without electricity and water and no chance to evacuate from the besieged city.
Russians miss Jen Psaki and want her back
"Wer die Wahrheit nicht weiß, der ist bloß ein Dummkopf.
Aber wer sie weiß, und sie eine Lüge nennt, der ist ein Verbrecher!"
(Bertolt Brecht, Leben des Galilei, Dänemark 1939)
Who’s Who in Ukraine’s New “Semi-fascist” Government: Meet the People the U.S. and EU are Supporting
Nato ist am Töten in der Ost-Ukraine beteiligt - 300 Tote
Torture, no due process at Libyan jails – UN
Some 14,000 refugees and Libyans are festering in overcrowded prisons in the country, being subjected to torture, no due process and horrible confinement
The Great Global Warming Swindle Full Movie.
Global Warming Swindle Exposed CO2 Does NOT drive Climate !!
Friedensforscher mahnen – NATO-Generalsekretär wiegelt auf
Die Unterstützung des unter Führung von Nazis vorantriebenen blutigen Putsches und der daraus hervorgegangen Junta unter führender Beteiligung von faschistischen Mörderbanden wie Kolomoiskys rechtem Sektor, False-Flag-Terroristen wie Parubiy, Gewerkschafterverbrennern, Neonazis, Ljaschkos Kommunistenjägern und Swoboda-Verehrern der Waffen-SS in der Ukraine durch die USA, die Bundesregierung und die olivgrünen NATO-Versteher um Transatlantikerin KGE ist genauso verbrecherisch wie die Unterstützung der unter Führung von Al Qaeda vorangetriebenen Regime Changes in Libyen und Syrien, wobei es bei letzterem beim Versuch von Regime Changes blieb, der Gott sei dank gerade im Scheitern begriffen ist. Das ist die Wahrheit. Die Empörung der verlogenen schwarz-rot-olivgrünen Heuchler rührt daher, dass ihre für unzählige Tote mitverantwortliche Lügen als das benannt werden, was sie sind: propagandistische Beihilfe zum Massenmord.
Hoch lebe Sevim Dagdelen! In einer Zeit des Universalbetruges ist die Wahrheit zu sagen eine revolutionäre Tat."
Latest news from the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine (SMM), based on information received until 18:00 hrs, 2 June (Kyiv time)
In Luhansk the situation remained volatile. On 2 June, shortly after 15:00 hrs, rockets hit the occupied regional administration building. Based on the SMM’s limited observation these strikes were the result of non-guided rockets shot from an aircraft. The number of casualties is unknown.
Ostukraine: OSZE bestätigt Luftangriff auf Gebietsverwaltung in Lugansk
KryssTal: USA Vetos in the Conference of United Nations
List of UN resolutions vetoed by the USA.
UN resolutions against Israel
The U.N. Voting Record of Susan Rice on Palestinian Rights, 2009–2010
Last Year President Obama Reportedly Told His Aides That He's 'Really Good At Killing People'
According to the new book “Double Down,” in which journalists Mark Halperin and John Heilemann chronicle the 2012 presidential election, President Barack Obama told his aides that he’s “really good at killing people” while discussing drone strikes.
The Post War II New World Order Map: A Proposal to Re-arrange the World after an Allied Victory
Revealed By Irish Historian Thomas Moriarty
Who Is The New Secret Buyer Of U.S. Debt?
Putin: Amerikaner lügen!
‘The disgraced oligarch’: WikiLeaks cables reveal changing US views on Poroshenko
The US was among the first states to congratulate Ukraine's president-elect Petro Poroshenko. Yet real US opinions of the new president are more complicated, as revealed by WikiLeaks cables which refer to the billionaire as a “disgraced oligarch.”
Кроваво-Красный Лиман
Warcrimes in Krasny Liman. The ukrainian army used again airforce and tanks and murdered more than 100 people.
In a hospital wounded were murdered.
"Kriegsverbrechen in der Kleinstadt Roter Liman. Die ukrainische Armee hat wieder Luftwaffe und schwere Panzer eingesetzt. Insgesamt über Hundert Tote, nach ukrainischen Angaben "Separatisten", tatsächlich aber größtenteils Zivilisten. Unter anderem wurden in einem Krankenhaus Verwundete erschossen, die sich dort zur Behandlung befanden. "
cannabis versus tobacco
1) Most marijuana smokers smoke the bud, not the leaf, of
the plant. The bud contains only 33% as much tar as tobacco.
2) Marijuana smokers do not smoke anywhere near as much as
tobacco smokers, due to the psychoactive effects of cannabis.
3) Not one case of lung cancer has ever been successfully
linked to marijuana use.
4) Cannabis, unlike tobacco, does not cause any narrowing of
the small air passageways in the lungs.
In fact, marijuana has been shown to be an expectorant and
actually dilates the air channels it comes in contact with. This
is why many asthma sufferers look to marijuana to provide relief.
Flüchtlinge aus der Ukraine: Ausnahmezustand im Gebiet Rostow
Immer mehr Einwohner der Ostukraine fliehen nach Russland, schreibt die Zeitung "Kommersant" in ihrer Donnerstagsausgabe.
Police kill mentally ill teenager after her family calls for medical help
A California family called 911 for medical help for their mentally ill relative. Instead of a paramedic responding, police arrived and fatally shot the 18-year-old woman after they say she lunged at them with a knife.
Ukraine Fascists: Three genocides in only one month
By Prof. Marcello Ferrada de Noli In only one month, the Ukraine Junta has ordered the consummation of three notorious massacres of civilian, unarmed people. These bloody collective murders could b...
Massenmord an Kindern in Irland: Die grausige Geschichte der "Home Babies" -
Bis in die 1960er leben irische Mütter mit ihren unehelichen Kindern wie Aussätzige in kirchlichen Heimen. Die Kinder müssen für ihre pure Existenz büßen und erreichen kaum das Schulalter. Aktivisten rollen nun die Geschichte eines Baby-Massengrabs neu auf.
Mass grave of up to 800 dead babies exposed in County Galway
Home for unmarried mothers and their babies held dark secrets.
Cave of Holy Fathers or Zoures, Azogires, Paleochora. Hania Natural Sites
Seattle cop who stomped on handcuffed man’s head cleared of wrongdoing
Despite the existence of video evidence clearly showing Seattle, Washington cop Garth Haynes stomping on the head of a handcuffed man during a
Lugansk Airstrike: Footage of Kiev's planes behind deadly bombings
‘Bon appétit,’ Putin tells G7 leaders dishing the dirt on Russia in Brussels
President Putin wished “bon appétit” to G7 leaders who patronized Russia – excluded from the club over Ukraine – and set conditions it has to meet to restore ties with the West. Otherwise, Obama and his allies threatened, more sanctions would follow.
Teilen!! Ukrainische Regierung tötet Zivilisten mit verbotenen Streubomben!
matala, caves, trees
Matala Greece
Femen-Aktivistin attackiert Putin-Wachsfigur
Russlands Staatschef Wladimir Putin liegt mit einem hölzernen Pfahl in der Brust am Boden, US-Präsident Barack Obama, die deutsche Kanzlerin Angela...
CNN's Anderson Cooper adds the Shake Weight to the RidicuList.
Origins of Royalty
The concept of royalty is centuries old. It originated with the feudal systems of medieval Europe.
Under feudalism, there were a few very powerful landowners who acquired large amounts of territory through military force or purchase.
Washington‘s Shale Boom Going Bust
Author: William Engdahl
The budget deal is a big win for the Pentagon
The wars are winding down. It's the age of austerity. But nobody messes with the Pentagon budget.
More jets and warships: US increasing military presence in Black Sea
Following President Obama’s commitment of $1 billion to expand NATO’s role in Eastern Europe, Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel announced on Thursday that the United States will be bolstering its presence in the Black Sea region.
Modern Europe's regimes horrified by prospect of power handover to people, fall of oligarchy -...
On May 12 the European Union made yet another extension of its blacklist of Russian and Ukrainian individuals who are banned from entering the EU member-states' territories and whose bank assets are
George Carlin The Illusion Of Choice, voting, presidents, corporate control and more...
Attack destroyed six Marine AV-8B Harrier jets in Afghanistan
The Taliban attack against Camp Bastion/ Camp Leatherneck in Afghanistan that killed two U.S. Marines and wounded several others was conducted with military lik
‘Proper Zionist response’: Israel issues tenders for 1,500 new settlement homes
Israel's housing ministry has issued 1,500 tenders for new settlement housing units, explaining the move as a response to the Palestinian unity government. The Palestinians say they will appeal the decision at the UN Security Council.
Yes, and did you know that in the wake of 9/11 (inside job), the PATRIOT Act US police state, Israeli security companies have played a predominant role in the training of us police forces,
who now treat ordinary Americans as if they were Palestinians in the occupied terrorities?
Israelification of American Domestic Security
Israel trains US law-enforcement in counter-terrorism
(Israeli trained) Police State in America
Israel’s export of occupation police tactics
Law Enforcement Courses: Israeli Anti-Terrorism Training School
Press TV: Tragedy of US police training by Israeli companies
Law Enforcement Exchange Program (LEEP): Top Law Enforcement Officials Return from Israel
U.S. Jewish NGOs to get 97% of Homeland Security's defense grant in 2012
Has Jewry Infiltrated the Local Police?
Israeli Company Has FAA Permission to Fly Drones in U.S. Airspace!
Former CIA Officer Israel Controls U.S. Government & Media
NYPD Opens Branch in Israel: Another confirmation of the Israelification of United States police
Meanwhile, the Zionists who predominate in state and federal government, are moving to protect themselves from backlash...
California passes resolution defining criticism of Israel as anti-Semitism.
Putin ranskalaismedialle: Ukrainassa venäläisiä sotilaita? Onko mitään todisteita? | Stimme...
''Ukrainan kaakkoisosassa ei ole, eikä ole ollut, venäläisiä sotilastarkastajia tai armeijan osastoja'', sanoi Venäjän presidentti Vladimir Putin ranskalaisen televisiokanavan ja Eurooppa-1 -radion haastattelussa.
Greece to buy Russian gas at discounted price of $396 per 1,000 cubic metres
“The contract satisfies both Greece and Gazprom. It provides for annual gas supplies of about two billion cubic metres from 2016,” Georgios Chelikidis, the General Manager of Prometheus Gas S.A. says
Die Nato-Verteidigungsminister haben die Militäroperation Kiews im Osten der Ukraine unterstützt.
Das teilte der ukrainische Verteidigungsminister Michail Kowal am Dienstag in Brüssel mit.
Obama's Europe Doctrine: Too Much Stupid, Not Enough Serious
“Russia’s Road to the Cold War. Diplomacy, Warfare and the Politics of Communism, 1941-1945,” “Inside the Kremlin’s Cold War.”
Re-shaping the Taliban Leadership? Sustaining "America's War on Terrorism"
Is this a way to send back to Afghanistan five top Taliban leaders who have been "re-conditioned" and "turned" in Guantanamo and are now working for the US? Is this a move against the “unloyal” Pre...
События в Одессе. Убийство мирных граждан - 2 мая 2014 года. Часть 4
Do I feel exceptional? No. Because I don't suffer from Ubermensch complex.
The Kiev junta and its faux-democratic Western sponsors tried to bury the Odessa massacre of May 2 under a mountain of lies from the very moment the massacre was taking place. Yet, however, they would want to deny it, gloss over it, justify it, or conceal it, the criminal act of burning alive and beating and hacking to death dozens of unarmed protesters and civilians (altogether over 100 at least) exposed the fascist character of the oligarchic dictatorship in Kiev and the rotten core of its Western patrons. Politically and symbolically, the massacre is also the death of Ukraine as we have known for the last 23 years. This too is a fact that no can run away from.
Media Disinformation and Coverup of Atrocities Committed by US Sponsored Syria Rebels
First published in September 2013, this article documents the atrocities committed by the US-NATO sponsored terrorists. In the wake of the June 03 election, the record of who is behind these atrocities is of fundamental significance.
Leaked Obama workout tape: Well... that was awkward
HILFERUFE: Die ukrainische Regierung massakriert Zivilisten! | 04.Juni 2014 | kla.TV
NATO troops and bases not welcome in Slovakia and Czech Republic
Solzhenitsyn breaks last taboo of the revolution
Solzhenitsyn argues that some Jewish satire of the revolutionary period "consciously or unconsciously descends on the Russians" as being behind the genocide. But he states that all the nation's ethnic groups must share the blame, and that people shy away from speaking the truth about the Jewish experience.
Merkel: G7 wollen Putin zur Zusammenarbeit mit Poroschenko bewegen
Die Top-Politiker der G7, die sich mit Russlands Präsident Wladimir Putin treffen werden, haben laut Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel sich darauf geeinigt, ihn zu bewegen, mit dem neu gewählte
Saudi Arabia allows Christians to enter the country as foreign workers for temporary work, but does not allow them to practice their faith openly. Because of that Christians generally only worship in secret within private homes.[3] Items and articles belonging to religions other than Islam are prohibited.[3] These include Bibles, crucifixes, statues, carvings, items with religious symbols, and others.[3]
US deploys 3 B-52 Stratofortress strategic bombers to UK
Peaceful Protest in America is Now Categorized As "Terrorism"
The Partnership for Civil Justice (a public interest legal organization which the Washington Post called “the constitutional sheriffs for a new protest generation”) reported this week that the Obam...
US Plans 'First Strike' Nuclear Attack on Russia or China
Download video (75.68 MB) Star Wars tested for Eastern Europe; US space weapons “unofficial declaration of war”; “soft assassinations” planned for last weekend's EU election winners. Seek truth fro...
US plans 'first strike' on Russia (E40)
Star Wars tested for Eastern Europe; US space weapons “unofficial declaration of war”; “soft assassinations” planned for last weekend's EU election winners. Seek truth from facts with Gladio, NATO's Dagger at the Heart of Europe author and former European MP Richard Cottrell; Stop NATO newslist's Ri…
Are You Ready For Nuclear War? -- Paul Craig Roberts - PaulCraigRoberts.org
What Really Happened in Tiananmen Square 25 Years Ago
Twenty-five years ago today, every U.S. media outlet, along with then President Bush and the U.S. Congress were whipping up a full scale frenzied hysteria and attack against the Chinese government ...
Russian troops in Ukraine? Got any proof?' Putin's best quotes from French media talk
Dozens feared killed in Ukrainian military assault on hospital
Bashar Assad wins Syria presidential election with 88.7% of vote
Obama’s Bloodbath in Odessa
The Indoctrinated West
Florida cop frames activist for public masturbation to avoid being filmed
Break-up of Ukraine continues: Odessa declares independence
Residents of the Odessa region of Ukraine are trying to join the Donetsk and Lugansk announcing the creation of the People's Republic of Odessa
Ukrainian troops kill more than 25 people in Krasny Liman hospital
chairman of the Supreme Council of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic said the precise casualty toll from Sloviansk fighting was not available
OSCE Confirms Ukraine Plane Fired Rockets That Hit Lugansk Building | Zero Hedge
Following our post yesterday, showing what appeared to be a Ukrainian Su-25 firing rockets at a busy Lugansk city square and hitting the city administration building, there was much lively debate from both sides of the ideological and political divide whether this was a indeed the Ukraine military f…
Bundesregierung will Fracking-Gesetz verabschieden
Die Bundesregierung hält an ihrem Fracking-Gesetz fest. In den nächsten Wochen soll ein Entwurf fertig gestellt und noch in diesem Jahr beschlossen werden. Im Koalitionsvertrag wurde noch auf das „erhebliche Risikopotenzial“ der Technologie verwiesen.
Until Russia can be subjugated, you will not be able to have one world government, one world order, one World Company Ltd – call it whatever you want," says Mr. Estulin.
Verfassungsschutz öffnet Briefe von Thüringern | TLZ
Der Thüringer Verfassungsschutz öffnet Briefe mit Dampferzeugern, um sie zu überprüfen. Anschließend werden sie wieder verschlossen. Dies ist durch eine Anfrage der Landtagsabgeordneten Katharina König bekannt geworden. Wie viele und welche Briefe geöffnet werden, ist bisher unklar.
Mehr als 7000 ukrainische Flüchtlinge an einem Tag in Südrussland
The shameless splendor and misery of East European political prostitutes
The new Great (Threat) Game in Eurasia
Yet Moscow still (foolishly?) believes international law should be respected - presenting to the UN Security Council classified information on all Western intel/psy-ops moves leading to the coup in Kiev, including "training" provided by Poland and Lithuania, not to mention Turkish intelligence involvement in setting up a second coup in Crimea. Russian diplomats called for an unbiased international investigation. That will never happen; Washington's narrative would be completely debunked. Thus a US veto at the UN.
Ukraine: The Bloody Eastern Escalation
At his informal press conference about the Crimea, Putin mentioned that the Maidan protestors using paramilitary tactics had been trained in Poland and Lithuania, and there is no reason to doubt that he had intelligence to that effect.
Ukraine Now Headed by Fascists and Neo-Nazis
Yet Moscow still (foolishly?) believes international law should be respected — presenting to the UN Security Council classified information on all Western intel/psy-ops moves leading to the coup in Kiev, including “training” provided by Poland and Lithuania, not to mention Turkish intelligence involvement in setting up a second coup in Crimea. Russian diplomats called for an unbiased international investigation. That will never happen; Washington’s narrative would be completely debunked. Thus a U.S. veto at the UN.
Petitions to Sign: Mass Burning of Odessa Citizens by Ukraine Nazis
On May 2, 2014, the scum from the western ukraine nazi right sector, which was openly applauded and aided by the governments of the US, UK, Canada, Germany, Poland, Lithuania and EU, burned alive a large number of citizens of Odessa, including 16-year-olds and middle-aged women!
NATO-trained Ukrainian fifth column
Over 1000 Neo-Nazis Fill Main Vilnius Boulevard on Lithuanian Independence Day
Both the new president and prime minister of Ukraine have now been "outed" as Jews — and this in a country where most people, including the Right Sector fascists, happen to nourish a deep-seated hatred of Jews. This is surely a recipe for disaster. UKRAINE'S NEW JEWISH RULERS These four politici…
Battlefield Ukraine. Andrey Fursov
Pedram Shahyar und Ken Jebsen (KenFM) - Mahnwache für den Frieden Köln - 02.06.14
Radio : Burning Point
Bulgaria is coming under fire from its EU and NATO allies for its friendly ties with Russia. Why would the US et al. suddenly awaken to a centuries-old reality? Is Bulgaria going to be subject to mor
There are No Neo-Nazis in Ukraine. And the Obama Administration does not support Fascists
Uutta tietoa ilmatilaloukkauksesta - tämän takia koneet tulivat Suomen ilmatilaan
Syynä mutkiin venäläiskoneiden matkassa oli ukonilma
U.K. Lawmakers Seek Extreme Crackdown on Climate Realists
Intolerance: Global-warming Fanatics Intimidate Swedish Scientist
Warning: Stocks Will Collapse by 50% in 2014
Bilderberg and the Nazis, Luke Rudkowski Ex BBC Tony Gosling 2013 Watford
The Nazi Roots of Bilderberg Did two Bilderberg chairmen conspire in 1944 to sabotage Operation Market Garden and extend the war by 6 months to enable the Na...
Making Sense of Obama's Billion Dollar Hammer
Moscow slams Ukraine military attacks coinciding with top US defense official visit to Kiev
The deadly bombing of the Lugansk administrative HQ has been blasted by Russian Foreign Ministry as “yet another crime against their own people” by the Kiev authorities. The attack also came as a grave violation of the April 17 Geneva treaty on Ukraine and the OSCE roadmap, proving that Kiev “is openly unwilling to go along the way of looking for interethnic harmony in the country.”
Bad Boy Bubby (1993)
Bubby has spent thirty years trapped in the same small room, tricked by his mother. One day, he manages to escape, and, deranged and naive in equal measures, his adventure into modern life begins.
OpEdNews Article: The Nazis Even Hitler Was Afraid of
What separates the Banderas from every other genocidal perpetrator of war is this: Even though the German SS had units dedicated to genocide, the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN)approached this mission with a zeal and barbarity that Hitler's own units could not muster. They routinely tor…
6/3/14 - "We expect Slavyansk city to be stormed. We are being blocked. The only way through is near Semyonovka, the free corridor. If it's locked, they will begin to storm from all directions. So they [pro-Kiev forces] are advancing to Semyonovka. If they block it, we are encircled."
Why There Is No Russian Military Intervention In The Ukraine
Just imagine what Ukraine's going to look like a year from now. People in Crimea will be living the good life under Putin's protection and the rest of Ukraine will be a broken, bankrupt, divided, failed state ruled by ex-central bankers, Nazis and American spooks.
Ukraine: Major "Western" Think Tank Admits Defeat
Moscow slams Ukraine military attacks coinciding with top US defense official visit to Kiev
indian teacher explains the word FUCK
Who Stole the Weather? Chemtrails and Geoengineering - Zen Gardner
This is a subject for serious thought and consideration, not offhanded dismissal in the stigmatized name of "conspiracy theory" and swept under the rug of that convenient label.
George Soros admits to funding the Ukraine crisis
Soros: “Well, I set up a foundation in Ukraine before Ukraine became independent of Russia. And the foundation has been functioning ever since and played an important part in events now”
4yo among seven Ukrainian kids wounded in clashes – UN
The UN children’s rights body has raised the alarm over seven children injured since Kiev intensified its military operation in the east of Ukraine a month ago, as residential areas have increasingly come under fire.
"Assad's staged elections are an insult, ... a fraud" says US Secretary of State who gave us in 2012 the "Yemen Solution" where the country's feather weight VP ran for president with no other name to compete with him, he (surprise!) won a 99% vote, and now none of us knows his name since the real strong man in Yemen is the US ambassador. Long live the masters of fraud.
Publizistische Beihilfe zum Massaker
Was für ein Skandal: Der neugewählte Präsident Petro Poroschenko lässt Slawjansk und andere Städte im Osten der Ukraine täglich bombardieren, getreu nach der Nato-Maxime
Confirmed: Ukrainian air force fires over 150 missiles at Lugansk
Kiev has admitted showering the eastern Ukrainian city of Lugansk with dozens of missiles from the air, saying that its Air Force helicopters and jets “fired more than 150 missiles” in Monday’s military action.
American Exceptionalism: What Obama Told Us At West Point. "Americans are the New Master Race....
At West Point Obama told us, to the applause of West Point cadets, that “American exceptionalism” is a doctrine that justifies whatever Washington does. If Washington violates domestic and interna...
Ukraine Situation Report: Why Can’t the Kiev Junta Take Slaviansk?
Exposing the Flaws of the U.S. Media's Dangerous Ukraine Propaganda
The press has taken a near-sighted view of the crisis, spinning in ways that only create a partial picture.
ISIL kills 102-year-old Syrian man in Alawite massacre – report
The radical rebels from the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) also murdered the man’s son, his grandson, his great-granddaughter, and her mother, AFP reported, citing the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights. The killing took place as ISIL attacked the village of Zanuba in Hama governorate.
CONFIRMED: 181 people killed, 293 injured in Kiev military op in E. Ukraine - Prosecutor General
Kiev’s military operation in eastern Ukraine has left 181 people killed, including 59 of ruling regime troops, and 293 injured, according to the country’s Prosecutor General.
Miko Peled, son of an Israeli General: "The Israel Army is the best Terrorist Group in the world!
Dont't ask, what the Palestenians have done to the jews? Ask, what the jews have done to Palestine. And still are doing. Together with the Israeli Intelligen...
US-Feindseligkeiten: Erst Russland und nun China
Ukrainian city Luhansk after terrible Air Strike (BLOODY VIDEOS)
ARD/ZDF: Kein Terror, keine Zivilisten in Lugansk
Überblick über die wahren Geschehnisse in Lugansk und das Vertuschen der Fakten durch den staatlichen Mainstream.
Volkswehrangehörige: Kiew setzt ausländische Söldner als Piloten ein
Ausländische Flieger kämpften an der Seite der Regierungstruppen, ihre Qualifikation ist für ukrainische Verhältnisse zu hoch. Diesen Standpunkt äußerte Alexander
181 people killed, 293 injured in Kiev military op in eastern Ukraine
Kiev’s military operation in eastern Ukraine has left 181 people killed, including 59 of ruling regime troops, and 293 injured, according to the country’s Prosecutor General.
Ongoing operation: 8 die in admin HQ blast as fighter jets deployed to Ukraine’s Lugansk
Nikolai Starikov - Europas Plan zur Zerstörung der Ukraine Bei diesem Vortrag aus dem Jahr 2013 berichtet Nikolai Starikov, Russlands führender politischer Schriftsteller, von den Plänen der EU, die Ukraine vollkomme...
Ukraine Crisis : Dr Paul Craig Roberts Interview 2014
MP3 & SHOW NOTES: http://themindrenewed.com/
Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: Fed Laundering Treasury Bonds in Belgium, Real GDP was Negative & More
Did the Federal Reserve Launder $141 Billion Dollars Through Belgium to Hide Massive Increase In Quantitative Easing?
Did the Fed Take Drastic and Covert Action to Hide a Large Country Dumping U.S. Bonds? That’s what former
Lawrow: Westliche Medien verheimlichen reale Situation in Ukraine
Westliche Medien verheimlichen laut Russlands Außenminister Sergej Lawrow die reale Situation in der Ukraine und zeigen stattdessen „völlig andere Bilder“.
Kiev's ‘indiscriminate shelling of residential areas’ must be stopped – Russia
At least five killed in admin HQ blast as fighter jets deployed to Lugansk, Ukraine
“Ukraine’s air force struck Lugansk downtown at 16.00 pm. Military aircraft made a targeted strike, deploying cluster bombs. The administration building is partially destroyed,” the government of the self-proclaimed Lugansk People’s Republic (LNR) said.
Those killed - three women and two men - are all civilians, witnesses told RT. One of them was the LNR’s health minister, Natalia Arkhipova.
US to attack Russia in 2015. Evgeny Fedorov
A coup d´état under the guise of an 'Orange Revolution' is being prepared in Russia. The big picture and the details are given by Evgeny Fedorov, a deputy in...
GRAPHIC: Aftermath of missile attack at Lugansk admin HQ
18+ Луганск 02.06.2014. После авиа удара. (2 часть из 6)
< folder youtube 15>
"False Flag Terrorism" to Sustain America's "Humanitarian" Agenda
In late May 2014, President Obama rolled out his foreign policy initiatives at West Point and said nothing new. Every lie he uttered is just a retread
UKRAINE - RUSSLAND - WESTEN: Abendzusammenfassung:
Mit dieser Besetzung fehlen Kiew die "Ohren" und die Übersicht in der Region.
Ein Luftangriff Kiews auf ein Verwaltungsgebäude kostete sieben Menschenleben.
und neuer:
Russland reagiert zunehmend gereizt:
Russland bekräftigte seinen Willen, dass die Nato Kiew zum Einlenken bringen solle:
Inzwischen kommt heraus, dass Putin beim D-Day Gedächtnis mit dem britischen Premier Cameron sprechen wird:
Obama ziert sich - noch. Unterdessen gehe die europäischen Unbotmäßigkeit gegen Washington weiter: Italien plant den Bau eines gemeinsamen Klein-U-Bootes mit Russland:
NATO in die Kämpfen in der Ukraine beteiligt
SWAT Nationalisten an einem Checkpoint 24. April 2014 Eine anonyme militärische Quelle in der Ukrainischen Nachrichtenagentur RIA Novosti meldete heute die direkte Beteiligung der NATO in Feindseli...
Russia, China and other non-aligned countries by the way, should both in the UN Security Council and in particular in the General Assembly call for the open abolition of NATO as an aggressive military block'
USA verdoppeln Finanzhilfe für ukrainische Verteidigungsbranche auf 18 Mio. Dollar
Noam Chomsky: US, a top terrorist state
In this episode of press TV's documentary program renowned American academic Noam Chomsky says the United States would be recognized as a leading terrorist s...
Parents in Ukraine’s Donetsk rally, demand security for their kids (PHOTOS, VIDEO)
Over a thousand people rallied in the eastern Ukrainian city of Donetsk on Sunday demanding that children be protected from Kiev’s assault, with posters reading "Save Donbass kids from the Ukrainian army!"
Die Ukrainische Luftwaffe bombardiert die Gebietsverwaltung der Region Lugansk
(vergleichbar z. B. mit dem Regierungsgebäude eines Bundeslandes in Deutschland). Zahlreiche Tote! Das Verwaltungsgebäude ist ein ziviles Ziel und unterliegt damit der Genfer Konvention. Ein Angriff darauf ist ein Kriegsverbrechen nach dem Kriegsvölkerrecht.
Kosovo’s “Mafia State” and Camp Bondsteel: Towards a Permanent US Military Presence in Southeast Europe
Washington’s Bizarre Kosovo Strategy could destroy NATO
Ukrainian doctor about the bombings of civilians by fascist Kiev.
Wiggle Room: Russia gives Ukraine extra week before switching to prepayment system
Gazprom will wait another seven days before it switches Kiev to a prepayment system for natural gas. Ukraine has until June 9 to pay its multibillion dollar overdue gas bill, Gazprom head Aleksey Miller said Monday.
Ein Luftzeug warf vor ca. 1 Stunde zwei Bomben auf das Verwaltungsgebäude mitten in Lugansk ab:
Ukraine: Multiple casualties in Kiev jet fighter attack
VideoID: 20140602-026 M/S People assiting wounded woman outside city administration building M/S Wounded woman outside city administration building M/S Wound...
Diese verdammten Faschisten!!
ACHTUNG!!! -nichts für schwache Nerven-
..mehrere Zivilisten wurden Opfer eines Luftangriffes in Lugansk.. Es wurden zwei Bomben auf ein Verwaltungsgebäude abgeworfen.
Obama's ProtoWar against Russia and China
U.S.-led proto-warfare against Russia and China has a number of elements. To begin with, it conforms to two popular doctrines in U.S. foreign policy circles. The first doctrine states that the U.S. must never allow another...
Multiple fatalities feared after Kiev fighter jet attacks admin HQ in Ukraine's Lugansk
Multiple casualties are being reported in the administration building of the city of Lugansk, eastern Ukraine, after a fighter jet attack. The assault was followed by heavy gunfire on the ground, causing panic among civilians.
Ukraine military aircraft carried out today a missile attack against the building in the center of the city of Lugansk, which serves as the seat of the government of the Lungansk People's Republic. At least people are dead, possible more. Numerous people are wounded. There is a fire in the building.
1. Juni, Stadt Charkow... der rechte Sektor zieht durch die Stadt
"die Nazis marschieren wieder... beschützt von der Polizei"
Eine neue schwere ballistische Interkontinentalrakete, die in Russland entwickelt wird, wird praktisch jegliche Raketenabwehrsysteme überwinden können und eine Antwort auf die US-Initiative zu Prompt Global Strike sein.
Translation of the "must read" article of worldcrisis.ru explaining why there is no Russian intervention in the Ukraine
Ukraine SITREP May 31st, 21:13 UTC/Zulu: why can't the junta take Slaviansk?
Parents in Ukraine’s Donetsk rally, demand security for their kids (PHOTOS, VIDEO)
Over a thousand people rallied in the eastern Ukrainian city of Donetsk on Sunday demanding that children be protected from Kiev’s assault, with posters reading "Save Donbass kids from the Ukrainian army!"
Report: Israel to deploy nuclear-armed submarines off Iran coast
Sunday Times quotes IDF official saying the 3 German-made long range submarines will gather intelligence, act as deterrent and potentially land Mossad agents.
Up to 800 killed in Iraq in May, two-thirds of them civilians
Almost 800 people were reported to have been killed in Iraqi violence last month, two-thirds of the victims being civilians. Meanwhile, monitoring groups put the figure at over 1,000 deaths among the civil population alone.
The Real Truth About the War in Ukraine
Denmark: Kissinger and Sutherland rattled by Bilderberg protesters
20140531-023 W/S Henry Kissinger leaving hotel C/U Kissinger in car C/U Police at the hotel entrance M/S Bilderberg steering committee member Peter Sutherlan...
The Truthseeker: US plans 'first strike' on Russia (E40)
Star Wars tested for Eastern Europe; US space weapons "unofficial declaration of war"; "soft assassinations" planned for last weekend's EU election winners. ...
Galaxy possibly teeming with 100 million life-sustaining planets
There are some 10 billion stars in the Milky Way, averaging one planet a star, which means that about 100 million planets could sustain some form of complex life.
The primary obstacle for astronomers in proving their theories is the vast distance between Earth and the next solar system. The closest is the Gliese 581 system, which is 20 light years away
Terror aus Kiev mit freundlicher Unterstützung von der Deutschen Regierung !
DAS! mit Jürgen Todenhöfer
Oh, that’s how it works! Jen Psaki explains where Russia gets its natural gas from. Turns out from the EU. (Actually, it’s quite the contrary).
News From A Personal War [1 Hour Documentary About The Ghettos, Drug War & Gangsters In Brazil]
Elite Squad Documentary 1/14 (English Subtitles)
'I am not fighting against al-Qa’ida… it’s not our problem', says West’s last hope in Syria
The rebel leader touted as the West’s last hope to stem the tide of extreme jihadist groups in Syria has said he will not fight against al-Qa’ida, and openly admits to battling alongside them.
And July 21, 2001: US Official Threatens Possible Military Action Against Taliban by October if Pipeline Is Not Pursued
Notícias de uma Guerra Particular - Rio de Janeiro -1993 à 1998
News for a Personal War - English - Part One
Gunmen in Slavyansk confirm army gunship downed
Secret Memo by Donald Rumsfeld Proves Iraq War Started On False Pretenses
Everyone Knew Iraq Had No WMD … and Was Not Behind Anthrax Attacks or 9/11 Everyone knew that Iraq didn’t have weapons of mass destruction. Indeed, Secretary of State Colin Powell’s chief of staff ...
Bilderberg 2014: In the court of good King Henry
In medieval times the most crooked arch-dukes and barons could gather in an imposing castle of their choice and plot the demise of their kindly neighbors, without anyone knowing what they were up to. But have we come a long way in six hundred years?
Der Rechte Sektor vom Euromaidan (Teil 1)
Oskar Lafontaine: Populist rebel of the left
But his belligerence has not spared the right either. He has openly denounced George Bush and Tony Blair as terrorists, and in political magazine Cicero he said of the Christian Democratic Union, Germany’s main center-right party: “They made former Nazis into chancellors and presidents.”
Oskar Lafontaine: "Laut deutschem Recht sind Bush und Blair die Terroristen!"
"Oskar Lafontaine über den verbrecherischen US-Überfall auf Irak und deutsches Recht, wonach ehem. US-Präsident George W. Bush und ehem. britischer Premierminister Blair Terroristen sind. Ausschnitt der Sendung "Anne Will" mit dem Thema "100 Jahre nach dem Ersten Weltkrieg -- Wie stabil ist Europa heute?""
America Is Being Conditioned By An Overcrowded Prison Population
EU takes away sovereignty of member states: Analyst
Must See: 9/11 and flight 175
The Chocolate King & Other Fairy Tales
This past weekend, while the Ukrainian military was using helicopter gun ships to bomb trucks carrying wounded civilians to hospitals in Donetsk, billionaire oligarch Petro Poroshenko won the sham ...
Steiermark: Millionensubventionen für Multikulti- und Antifa-Projekte | Unzensuriert.at
Der Förderbericht des Landes Steiermark für das Jahr 2013 wurde am Donnerstag von der Landesregierung abgesegnet. Knapp eine Milliarde Euro, das entspricht mehr als 20 Prozent des jährlichen Landesbudgets, hat das Land für 339 Förderprogramme ausgegeben. Dass die Summe an Förderungen leicht rückläuf…
Syrian Terrorists Describe being Trained by U.S. to "Finish off" Survivors
According to PBS The U.S. is training Syrian rebels in combat methods that violate the Geneva conventions
Eupherates of Syria Cut Off by Turkey
Syria's friend (Turkey) depriving Syrians from their share of Euphrates water for two weeks now.
Pirates of the Caribbean: Giant corpo's top 12 tax havens
US corporations are making record profits in tax havens like Bermuda, the Cayman Islands, and the British Virgin Islands (BVI). Some of the profits exceed the GDP of the host country, with Bermuda’s offshore profits 1643% of total economic output.
Transatlantische Untertanen
Ein Land, das seine digitale Souveränität nicht vehement verteidigt, wird von seinen Partnern schnell nicht mehr ernst genommen: Im Fall Snowden wandelt sich die Bundesregierung zur politischen Marionette Amerikas.
Slavyansk kids escape to Russia from Kiev’s shelling
A group of some 200 children have been evacuated to Russia’s Crimea from the Ukrainian city of Slavyansk, which has become the scene of constant battles between local militia and troops loyal to Kiev.
Ukraine: Death Road to Airport
More footage has emerged of the aftermath of fighting on the roads leading to Donetsk airport in Ukraine, including an abandoned ambulance with it's doors still wide open.
Read more at http://www.liveleak.com/view?
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