GMO-Soy Consumption in the EU
The numbers we need to know:How much non-GMO is produced in the EU and how much of it is getting exported out of the EU
How much soy is consumed in the EU.
How much soy is imported and from where?
I assume that 90% of the soy produced in the countries the EU imports from is GMO and the remaining 10% non-GMO is not exported to 100% to the EU but rather half of it.
Page 04
Over 80% of all soy produced globally originates from the United States, Brazil and Argentina combined.
The total net soy consumption worldwide amounted to 280 million tonnes in the harvest season 2013/2014. The EU-28 countries consumed 31.6 million tonnes of soy in the harvest season 2013/2014. Net consumption of soy in the season 2013/2014 was highest in Germany, Spain and France. Together these countries consume 39% of the total net soy consumption in the EU-28.
The embedded soy consumption in the EU-28 amounts to 30.7 million tonnes of soy products. This is equivalent to 26.6 million tonnes of soybean equivalent (sbe) and required 10 million hectares of farm land. This area is roughly equivalent to the surface area of Iceland. The total soy use per capita amounts to 60.6 kg of soy products. This is equivalent to 53 kg of soybeans (sbe) and required 197 m2 of farm land. This equals the size of a tennis court
Soy production:
Brazil 86.7 million tons
Argentine: 54 million tons
USA:91.4 million tons
The above 3 countries produced 232.1 million tons of soy
Of which 10% was non-GMO = 23.2 million tons
Of which half went to the EU = 11.6 million tons
GM plants are widespread in the world’s leading soybean producing countries. The United States (85%) and Argentina (98%) produce almost exclusively GM soybeans. In these countries, GM soybeans are approved without restrictions and are treated just like conventional soybeans.
Soybean imports into the EU: Each year, the EU imports approximately 40 million tonnes of raw soy products, primarily from Brazil, the United States and Argentina.
Brazil: More than 93 percent of the country’s soybean crop is GM and almost 90 percent of the corn crop
Made my calculations. 4/5th of the soy the EU imported ( that was before the pro GMO import law come out) was GMO soy.
----------------------------------------------------------------------Links in case somebody want's to do a more exact calculation:
EU countries ban GM crops but still import large amounts of GM soy
Global Soybean Production
Soy Beans
Approximately 75% of soybean is used for animal feed.
China is by far the largest importer of soybeans (61% of total imports, or 55 million tons)
EU approves imports of genetically modified Monsanto soybeans
The European Commission has approved the import and processing of Monsanto’s Roundup Ready 2 Xtend soybeans, after debates over glyphosate herbicide’s…
Europe is the second largest soybean customer as it relies on soybeans to meet demand for meat and dairy products. The entire block produces less than 1 million tons of soya a year, while importing around 35 million tons, according to the World Wide Fund for Nature.
Monsanto GM Soy Is Scarier Than You Think
Top 7 Genetically Modified Crops
2. Soy: 93 percent of soy is genetically modified.
Over half of the world's 2007 soybean crop (58.6%) was genetically modified, a higher percentage than for any other crop. Each year, EU Member States import approximately 40 million tonnes of soy material, primarily destined for use as cattle, swine, and chicken feed. Soybeans are also used to produce many food additives.
In 2007, 216 million tonnes of soybeans were produced worldwide. The world’s leading soybean producers are the United States (33%), Brazil (27%), Argentina (21%), and China (7%). India and Paraguay are also noteworthy soybean producers.
GM plants are widespread in the world’s leading soybean producing countries.
The United States (85%) and Argentina (98%) produce almost exclusively GM soybeans. In these countries, GM soybeans are approved without restrictions and are treated just like conventional soybeans.
Soybean imports into the EU: Each year, the EU imports approximately 40 million tonnes of raw soy products, primarily from Brazil, the United States and Argentina.
Latin American GMO powerhouse Brazil expands portfolio of crops with intro of new herbicide resistant soy
More than 93 percent of the country’s soybean crop is GM and almost 90 percent of the corn crop. GM cotton, more recently introduced, makes up 65,1% percent.
EU imports from:
Brazil: 14,608 million tons
Canada: 1,353 million tons
Argentine: 8,358 million tons
USA: 4,852 million tons
Brazil: 93% GMO. Argentina 98% GMO. USA 85% GMO but makes no distinction between GMO and non-GMO soy.
2013/2014 soy production:
Brazil: 86,7 million tons of which 93% was GMO = 75.1689 million tons was GMO and 11.5311 million tons non-GMO
Argentine: 54 million tons of which 98% was GMO = 52.92 millin tons GMO and 1.08 millon tons non-GMO < all mixed>
USA: 91,389 millon tons of which 85% was GMO but no distinction between GMO and non-GMO soy are made in the USA ( nor Argentine).
The EU countries produced in 2013/14 season 1.2 million tons of soy. 1,1136 millon tons were exported by the EU
Canada produced: 5.359 millon tons of which 60% 3.2154 million tons was GMO ( GMO or non-GMO are not monitored in Canada ) and 2.1436 million tons non-GMO
3,471 million tons were exported by Canada.
1,353 million tons imported by EU
The Canadian government does not monitor where
all GM crops are grown in Canada, and has not
established mandatory labelling of GM foods.
<at least 80% of soy is GMO by now but you'll will never know>
Canadian farmers embracing genetically engineered crops
A total of 97.5% of the canola grown in Canada in 2012 was genetically modified, according to the report.
Other estimates peg the percentage of genetically modified corn grown in Ontario at 80%, while the genetically modified soybeans make up between 60% and 80% of what is grown in the province.
< I asume by now 80% of soy is GMO but the customer will never know>
Read all the above 3 times because it's worse than I myself imagined at the beginning when I wrote all this.
The United States (85%) and Argentina (98%) produce almost exclusively GM soybeans. In these countries, GM soybeans are approved without restrictions and are treated just like conventional soybeans.
Nor does Canada.
The EU-28 countries consumed in the harvest season of 2013/2014 31.6 million tons of soy. The EU imported from 4 American countries ( USA-Brazil-Canada-Argentine) 29.171 million tons EU soy production: 1.229 million tons of which the EU exported 1.136 million tons = 0.093 million tons remained in the EU |
The rest you can figure out by yourself :)
Update from August 3 2016:
Another probable carcinogen on its way into Europe’s soybean imports?
The studies that have been done on glyphosate and isoxaflutole individually indicate that there is some overlap between their effects. This suggests that they could combine to cause more serious effects. For example, both are toxic to the liver and cause liver and thyroid tumours, as well as birth defects involving the development of the skeleton. That’s the finding of an analysis of the scientific data by the toxicologist Wolfgang Reuter for the German research organization Testbiotech.
Others who eat poultry, pork, or beef from animals fed with GM corn and soy could consume residues of endocrine disruptors active at very low levels, in the parts per billion. They could also be eating probable or possible carcinogens such as glufosinate, dicamba, 2,4-D, isoxaflutole, and glyphosate – all of which are used on GM herbicide-tolerant crops.
GMO's The amount of corn and soy in the EU
EU approves genetically modified soybean for import
Thu Dec 4, 2008 9:51am EST
In September, the Commission issued a similar 10-year import approval for a GM herbicide-tolerant soybean developed by Bayer CropScience, known as A2704-12, also for use in food and animal feed.
Zucchini (courgette)
The most important producers for zucchinis (cucurbita pepo) are China, India, Ukraine, the USA, and Egypt. In Europe, zucchinis are mainly grown in Italy and Spain. Harvests are often reduced through pathogens such as virus.
7 Most Common Genetically Modified Foods
Protein from canola to dinner table!
Finland is only 15 percent self-sufficient in protein, since most protein in its food and animal feed originates from abroad. This information is based on the results of the protein roadmap published by VTT and the Natural Resources Institute Finland in March.
Consumers similarly find it difficult to lay their hands on plant-based products that are fully Finnish: Most trade in plant protein products is based on soy, which is also frequently used as a water binder in convenience foods.
Jarkko Niemi: How can we foster protein production in Finland?
more than 80 per cent of other vegetative protein in Finland originated from imported goods. This includes soybean meal, rapeseed meal and some other crop-based products. A lot of these imports are meant for livestock feed.
Probably the main reason for imports is that livestock, especially granivores (i.e. pigs and poultry), are commonly fed with soybean-based feeds
The market for soy in Europe
Europe relies on soy, most of it imported from South America, to meet demand for meat and dairy products. The EU produces less than 1 million tonnes of soy a year, and imports around 35 million tonnes. Demand for soy within the EU uses an area of almost 15 million ha, 13 million ha of which is in South America.
Today cattle in Finland are largely fed on imported soy and grain that enhance milk productivity
but exhaust the animal, and therefore to be slaughtered only after two or three calving periods. Over the past decades, the average breeding cycle has become shorter from 10-15 years to 4-5 years.
Only about 5% of whole dairy production keeps the traditional grass feed. Today farmers try to alter the enhance fatty acid composition by providing the animal with rapeseed press cake while keeping soy and crop based feed.
<Those two contradict each other>
Genetically modified soy used in feed
Two Finnish companies, Suomen Rehu and Raisio, have started using genetically modified soy in their Turku feed mills.
Owing to the higher prices of genetically unmodified soy and their reduced availability, Suomen Rehu and Raisio have introduced genetically modified (GM) soy into their feed factories in Turku this spring. Raisio’s feed factory also introduced GM soy this spring into their pig and poultry feed.
Genetically modified soybeans imported into Finland has remained at 15 per cent. The largest feed manufacturers have so far avoided using it.
About 95 per cent of the world’s soy is genetically modified, estimates Erkamaa.
Update from August 4 2016:
Articles On Health Impacts of Glyphosate
Russian embargo hit Finnish dairy Valio to cut up to 320 jobs
Valio Ltd (Finnish: Valio Oy) is one of the biggest companies in Finland and mostly produces dairy products such as cheese, powdered ingredients, butter, yogurt and milk.
Valio is Finland's biggest milk processor, producing 85% of Finland's milk.
Lidl launches GM-free milk across stores in Germany
These will include two GM-free cheeses – Emmentaler and Wisenlander – which will be made available under the Milbona label.
After You Read This You’ll Never Look At Milk The Same Way Again!
Glyphosate Found to Accumulate in Animals and Humans, Leading to Chronic Illness
Glyphosate Proven to Be Making Milk Toxic
Could it be doing the same to us?
There are up to 20 chemicals, hormones and antibiotics in milk and Monsanto’s glyphosate is toxic to dairy cows
A new study published in the Journal of Environmental & Analytical Toxicology reveals that the active ingredient of Monsanto’s best selling herbicide ‘Roundup’ is found in all the dairy cows that were used for the test.
Dr. Monika Kruger and her colleagues investigated the excretion of glyphosate in the urine of 30 cows from 8 different Danish farms.
5 Surprising Genetically Modified Foods
Leaving aside the question of whether they're good or bad for a moment, what exactly are GMOs, and which foods are they in?
Hard cheeses contain an enzyme produced by GM microorganisms that would otherwise have to be collected from the stomachs of calves.
WWF Soy Scorecard shows that too many European companies are hiding their soy use
EU citizens consume 61 kg of soy per year, says NGO
A new research report commissioned by WWF concludes that the average EU citizen consumes 61 kg of soy yearly, 93% (57 kg) of which is embedded as animal feed in the animal products - meat, dairy, eggs and fish - that most consumers eat daily.
Russian import ban hit Finland hard in 2014
Among the EU countries, Finland was hit hardest by Russia's decision in August to stop the import of a range of agricultural products. Finnish farm incomes reduced by 23 percent in 2014, according to Eurostat.
Valio milk production in Finland is GMO free
Feeding Valio cows is based on Finnish grass, either fresh from pastures or in the form of silage. The silage is complemented with grain and turnip rape or oilseed rape which are not genetically modified.
The requirement to declare GMO content is not applied to fermented products manufactured using genetically modified microbes, as those microbes are not present in the final product. And no declaration is required when an animal has received genetically modified feed.
<Sorry, those are lies. GMO's damage the animal that eats GMO's and those who eat products of those anmal>
GMO Labelling: Guidelines
These Products Do Not Require Labelling
No labelling is required for:
meat, eggs, milk, and dairy products obtained from animals fed with genetically modified feed.
More Illnesses Linked to Bt Crops
Update from August 5 2016:
Finland is Raisioagro's largest market area. In feeds for cattle and laying hens, Raisioagro's market share is just under 40%, in fish feeds above 50%
Raisioagro also launched its alternative pig and poultry feeds containing GMO soy
Finland targets 40% increase in sustainable local protein by 2030
Protein production is currently less than 20% self-sufficient in Finland, and the EU as a whole is not faring much better with only 30%
While you may think of soy in the form of soy milk and tofu, 75% of globally produced soy is used for animal feed and 93% of the soy consumed by Europeans is by way of animals that ate it as feed. Today, the EU imports more than 35 million tons of soy each year, accounting for 70% of the protein required for livestock
Farm feeds
Raisioagro has a comprehensive product range for poultry, egg and pork producers. In 2013, also Raisioagro launched GMO soy containing pork and poultry feeds in addition to its non-GMO soy feeds. Customers can now have the option to choose which feed to use. Elsewhere in Europe, GMO soy is used mainly as feed raw material because of its lower price and the limited availability of non-GMO soy. Unlike other countries, milk and fish chains are completely GMO-free in Finland.
<Lies. The entire EU is producing 1.2 millon tons of non-GMO soy but exports 90% of it. They sell GMO soy but "milk and fish chains are completely GMO-free in Finland">
#39 Jul 15, 2013 ... Previously, Finland has tried to steer clear of genetically modified feed. ... also introduced GM soy this spring into their pig and poultry feed. |
Europe’s largest full-range soy protein plant to be built in Finland
Finnprotein extracts protein and oil from soybeans for the animal feed, human food and biodiesel industries in Finland and abroad. The plant will apply advanced multi-stage extraction technology, and process up to 400,000 tons of soybeans annually. At full capacity, it will generate net annual sales of more than EUR200mn.
Soy protein is a strategic resource that is largely imported into Europe as a finished product. Establishing a processing facility in Finland will position Finnprotein not only for the domestic animal feed industry, but also to become a global player in specialty food applications for soy protein, and a trusted supplier of soy protein to Scandinavia’s fish farming (aquaculture) industry. As a result of the depletion of wild fish stocks through overfishing, the aquaculture industry has seen a decade of strong growth in Scandinavian waters – a trend that is set to continue as environmentally sustainable fish forms an increasing part of diets.
The EU's dependency on soya bean import for the animal feed ...
Genetically Modified Organism (GMO) - Myths and Truths
Nos enfants nous accuserons (English Subtitles) // Our children will accuse us
Tous Cobayes ? [VF] - film complet
1:55:29 French only
GMO, Global Alert
French researchers secretly studied, for two years, 200 rats fed with transgenic maize. Tumors, serious disorders... full-fledged slaughter. And a bomb for the GMO industry.
Seralini Exclusive Interview
Professor Gilles-Eric Seralini - Exclusive interview for GMO Seralini
Links about GMO's
Weed-Whacking Herbicide Proves Deadly to Human Cells
Used in gardens, farms, and parks around the world, the weed killer Roundup contains an ingredient that can suffocate human cells in a laboratory, researchers say
Until now, most health studies have focused on the safety of glyphosate, rather than the mixture of ingredients found in Roundup. But in the new study, scientists found that Roundup’s inert ingredients amplified the toxic effect on human cells—even at concentrations much more diluted than those used on farms and lawns.
One specific inert ingredient, polyethoxylated tallowamine, or POEA, was more deadly to human embryonic, placental and umbilical cord cells than the herbicide itself – a finding the researchers call “astonishing.”
Update from August 06 2016:
Finland: Minister of Agriculture demands GMO labelling for meat
In a recent statement, the European consumer protection agency, EFSA, declared in accordance with scientific conclusions that foodstuffs produced from animals nourished with GM feeds nonetheless are free of genetically modified material.
10 August 2007
GM feeds to be introduced in Finnish meat production
Two large meat producers in Finland are introducing genetically modified feeds for their livestock, according to a report by a Finnish newspaper. Smaller companies may also follow this decision by LSO Foods and Atria. Consumers will not recognise the difference because there is no legal requirement to label meat from animals fed on GM feeds.
The CEO of LSO foods, Tero Hemmilä, says: “EU legislation is straightforward. The genetic modifications in a plant are not passed onto animal tissue through digestion, or from there into meat or milk. Consequently, there is no need to mark it down.”
“When feeds are imported from around the world, the different types of bean are bound to get mixed up at some point.”
< Lies! Watch the videos >
Chemicals Pass Through Breast Milk to Cause Testicular Cancer
"Our findings reinforce the view that environmental exposure to [endocrine-disrupting chemicals] may explain some of the temporal and between-country differences in incidence of male reproductive disorders," said lead researcher Niels Skakkebaek.
Glyphosate-based herbicides are toxic and endocrine disruptors in human cell lines.
Glyphosate-based herbicides are the most widely used across the world; they are commercialized in different formulations. Their residues are frequent pollutants in the environment. In addition, these herbicides are spread on most eaten transgenic plants, modified to tolerate high levels of these compounds in their cells. Up to 400 ppm of their residues are accepted in some feed.
Chemical Exposures Are a Major Threat to Human Health and Reproduction, International OB-GYN Report Warns
The Cost of Chemical Exposures Is Significant
The costs associated with these health outcomes are staggering. For example, in Europe, costs associated with exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals alone are estimated at 157 billion Euros (which is approximately $177.1 billion) per year.
In 2008, the cost associated with childhood diseases linked to toxic exposures in the US was estimated at nearly $77 billion.
EPA Used Monsanto’s Research to Give Roundup a Pass
THE ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY concluded in June that there was “no convincing evidence” that glyphosate, the most widely used herbicide in the U.S. and the world, is an endocrine disruptor.
Glyphosate-based herbicides are toxic and endocrine disruptors in human cell lines.
Celine Gasniera, Coralie Dumont b. Nora Benachoura, Emilie Claira.
Glyphosate-based herbicides are toxic and endocrine disruptors in human cell lines. CĂ©line Gasnier", Coralie Dumont”, Nora Benachour”, Emilie Clair"
Analysis of endocrine disruption effect of Roundup® in adrenal gland of male rats
As an ED, glyphosate and its formulation, Roundup® was reported to decrease testosterone hormone levels in adult rats [9]. The prenatal exposure of glyphosate disrupted the masculinization process and caused endocrine dysfunction in reproductive parameters of male offspring
Roundup is endocrine disruptor in human cells at levels allowed in drinking water
Roundup: The “Nontoxic” Chemical that May Be Destroying our Health
While mammals don’t possess the shikimate pathway, all of the microbes that take up residence in our digestive tract do have this pathway, and exposure to glyphosate, the active ingredient in Roundup, will cause them serious stress as a consequence. Studies have shown that glyphosate disrupts the gut bacteria in chickens, 54 cows,29 and pigs,10 causing inflammation in the gut along with an overgrowth of pathogenic forms and concurrent loss of beneficial bacteria. It is now becoming apparent that our gut bacteria, which outnumber our own cells by a factor of ten to one, play many important roles in supplying nutrients and protecting us from toxins.19 There’s also an intricate connection between the gut and the brain, such that an unhealthy digestive system translates into pathologies in the brain
Autism is a condition characterized by cognitive and social deficits, which has been alarmingly on the rise in the last decade. Some children seem to be born with the condition, while others develop normally up to a certain point and then begin regressing into autism.55 Autism is associated with two comorbidities that may yield hints as to its underlying etiology: disrupted gut bacteria and impaired sulfur metabolism.57 A characteristic feature of children with autism is an overgrowth of pathogenic bacteria in the gut, which can lead to neurological defects arising from exposure of the brain to toxins produced by these bacteria.
Two lines of evidence suggest that endocrine disruption may be a factor in autism spectrum disorders (ASDs). First, the observation that males ...
The End of Monsanto
Ironically, Hillary praises GMOs but during their stay at the White house, the Clintons, just like the Obamas, were fed organic food:
The Clinton and Bush II families ate organic foods. Walter Scheib was White House executive chef from 1994 – 2005.
First families continue getting wholesome pesticide/GMO-free foods while promoting frankenfoods hazardous to human health for Monsanto and other biotech giants. (Stephen Lendman, Hillary Clinton Endorses GMOs. White House Meals are Organic, Global Research, May 25, 2015)
Results of Glyphosate Pee Test Are in 'And It's Not Good News'
Of the 48 participants, EU-parliament members from Belgium, France and Germany made up more than 80 percent of the whole investigated participants. The test showed that EU-parliament members from Lithuania, Spain and Croatia had the highest concentrations of glyphosate. The lowest concentrations were in the urines of participants of from Italy, Finland and Ireland.
"Nevertheless all investigated EU-parliament members were glyphosate contaminated. This will show glyphosate is also in the food chain of members of the EU-parliament," the report states.
EU Countries Launch Shock Rebellion against Glyphosate Herbicides
Dutch Ban Roundup, France and Brazil to Follow
Glyphosate Testing Full Report: Findings in American Mothers’ Breast Milk, Urine and Water.
In the first ever testing on glyphosate herbicide in the breast milk of American women, Moms Across America and Sustainable Pulse have found ‘high’ levels in 3 out of the 10 samples tested. The shocking results point to glyphosate levels building up in women’s bodies over a period of time, which has until now been refuted by both global regulatory authorities and the biotech industry.
Health Hazards of Glyphosate
“Glyphosate has been shown to have remarkable adverse effects on the gut biota in poultry by reducing the number of beneficial bacteria and increasing the number of pathogenic bacteria in the gut.
Glyphosate is often found in both private and municipal water supplies.
10 Countries Act Against Glyphosate
If you have come that far....
Seeds of Death: Unveiling The Lies of GMO's - Full Movie
Arpad Pusztai and an Aphid-Killing Transgenic Potato
39:42 < highly recommended>
If you have come that far....
I have done my work. Will not update this page anymore but might post a new page if new things develop.