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Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Malaysian MH-17

Malaysian MH-17

You certainly remember that plane?

Met a former soldier in a bar who told me he was trained to handle a Buk.
And he said: " When a plane is hit by a Buk missile, it is loosing altitude at once".
I thought: " What a lucky meeting, I just happen to have taken captures of MH-17 shortly after that incident:

After the plane was hit, see the picture when the plane was turning around, it flew at least another 2 minutes without loosing any altitude before it went off radar. So.... it was not hit by a Buk missile and the "Russian Buk" on the Ukrainian government website, Buk 312 was a Ukrainian one. It didn't function by the way. That's why it was transported on a truck to a different district. Remember: " Saddam has WMD"? 13 years and 3 million Iraqi corpses later, still no WMD found in Iraq.
Have a good time.

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