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Wednesday, July 11, 2018

July Links Part One

You can also visit my Oritekia website. No cookies there or spying on you.
Correcting The Record: What Is Really Happening in Nicaragua
Media, Hardliners Play Up North Korean Nuclear “Deception” Claim
Monsanto’s Dirty Dozen. Twelve Products that Monsanto has Brought to Market
Bio statt Pestizide – Indiens Landwirtschaft im Wandel
Lange Zeit galt der massive Einsatz von Pestiziden in der indischen Landwirtschaft als Heilsversprechen. Mittlerweile hat ein Umdenken stattgefunden. Heute hat Indien die grösste Anzahl Bio-Bauern weltweit. Und in den Städten boomen die Bio-Läden.
Lee Camp (Redacted)
A new report by the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) has found no traces of a chemical attack in the Syrian city of Douma. That's right - we were brought to the brink of WW3 on lies. Can't wait for the mainstream media apology!
Hillary Clinton Approved Delivering Libya’s Sarin Gas to Syrian Rebels: Seymour Hersh
120.00 € inkl. 19% MwSt, Versand
Toxische Elemente und Mineralstoffe im Haar, Urin und Blut.!topic/oritekia/ZJeKw-tASVU
Glyphosate related links
Klöckner will Glyphosat nur noch als Notfallmittel erlauben
Bundeslandwirtschaftsministerin Julia Klöckner hat heute ihre Glyphosat-Minderungsstrategie vorgestellt. In der Landwirtschaft soll der Wirkstoff nur noch gegen Problemunkräuter, zur Erosionsvermeidung und bei Gefahr eines Ernteverlustes eingesetzt werden dürfen. Privatleute dürfen Glyphosat nicht mehr verwenden.
Hast Du Glyphosat im Körper? Mach den Test!
Urinale, kein Gift auf meinem Teller
Bei 79 Prozent der Probanden war die Belastung fünf- bis zweiundvierzigfach höher als der Rückstandshöchstwert für Pestizide in Trinkwasser – dieser beträgt 0,1 Nanogramm pro Milliliter. Es liegt also flächendeckend eine erhebliche Belastung vor. Das Alarmierende: Die Urinproben von Kindern und Jugendlichen ergaben die höchsten Messwerte.
Etwas mehr als die Hälfte der Teilnehmenden ernährt sich von Lebensmitteln aus ökologischem Landbau. Bei ihnen war die Belastung zwar insgesamt niedriger, doch auch sie haben durchschnittlich das Neunfache des Trinkwasserhöchstwerts im Urin – wie kann das sein? Offenbar ist es nicht möglich, in Deutschland zu leben, ohne beständig Pestizide aufzunehmen.
Glyphosat ist ein sogenanntes Breitbandherbizid gegen ein- und zweikeimblättrige Pflanzen – ein Gift, das prinzipiell zum Tod aller Pflanzen führt, die mit ihm in Kontakt kommen. Nur gentechnisch veränderte Pflanzen sowie auf natürlichem Weg resistent gewordene Gewächse widerstehen der Chemikalie. Glyphosat ist das weltweit am meisten verkaufte Ackergift. Der größte Produzent ist Monsanto mit seinen »Roundup«-Produkten.
Analyse zum Nachweis von Glyphosat in Lebensmitteln, Wasser und sonstigen Pflanzenmaterialien
Dein Bestellwert: 35.00EUR
Test your exposure to glyphosate,
the most widely used weed killing chemical on farms, lawns, schoolyards and golf courses. Join others in this exciting crowd-sourced research project to learn about ourselves, our food system, and our environment.
Glyphosate Test
Test Your Hair for Glyphosate and other Pesticides
5 Things You Need to Know about Glyphosate Testing
******ZE BEST?***********
In addition, toxicity of the surfactant commonly mixed with glyphosate, polyoxyethyleneamine (POEA), is greater than the toxicity of glyphosate alone (1). In addition, in 2014 Enlist Duo™, a herbicide product which contains a 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) salt and glyphosate, was approved for use in Canada and the U.S. for use on genetically modified soybeans and genetically modified maize, both of which were modified to be resistant to both 2,4-D and glyphosate. 2,4-D has many toxic effects of its own and can be measured in the GPL-TOX test.
The Great Plains Laboratory, Inc. offers a urine test for glyphosate and we are also now testing water samples.
Mean spirits: Bristol distillery apologizes over tasteless timing of Novichok-brand vodka launch
Monsanto accused of ‘fraud & bullying’ during court hearing on ‘probably carcinogenic’ weed killer
<Asbestos and Tobacco laid out the blueprint for this. Deny, avoid, buy off, lie, cheat and pay scientists and politicians until the inevitable happens. By then, the payout money is gone and the sufferers have died. Profit for shareholders comes first.>
Jim Quinn: A Nation Built On Lies, Part 2
What is ‘reputable’ news? YouTube plans to decide for you
<Thank you YT for your kind offer to get me to view programming of your choice and approval. I have already sampled some of your offerings. Thanks, but no, thanks.<
Trump Visits NATO Members Ahead of Putin Summit
Dawn Sturgess
The terrible death of Dawn Sturgess casts a new shadow over the Salisbury Affair. Dawn appears to have been a popular and well grounded woman with close friend and family ties, whose life had taken a downward turn before being cruelly ended.
The Wifi Alliance, Coming Soon to Your Neighborhood: 5G Wireless
 The Entire Western World Lives In Cognitive Dissonance
Dr. Paul Craig Roberts uses three of the current top news stories to illustrate the disconnect that is everywhere in the Western mind.
SYRIA: The Terrorists and their Backers, Including U.K, U.S Media are “Loathsome, Uncultured and Malignant”
He told the Syriatimes e-newspaper that Syrians will be able to say to the outside world that Syrian soil will always be Syrian and not American, British, Turkish, Saudi or Qatari.
Skripal 2.0: It’s High Time for the British Government to Explain Itself –
Here’s 10 Easy Questions to Help Them Out
Syria - Mainstream Media Lie About Watchdog Report On The 'Chemical Attack' In Douma
Reuters has since changed the headline and text of that item from "chlorine" to "chlorinated chemicals" but attached no note of that change. Moreover it does not explain that "chlorinated chemicals" will be found about anywhere.
It is doubtful that these 'mistakes' were made out of sloppiness. The writers likely intend to create the false impression that Syria was responsible for a 'chemical attack' that did not happen. They would otherwise have to expose the lies they published and told about the incident:
Brazil: Lula Kept in Jail by Regional Court
The Rules for Rulers
<Nonsense about taxes after min 10. Scandinavia hs the highest taxes>
Who Rules? (Types of Government)
<More BS and Amerikan propaganda>
Types of government
<BS. Big money rules>
The absolute necessity of fathers: Warren Farrell/JB Peterson
The Truth Perspective: And Then They Came for the Psychologists: Why SJWs Can't Stand Science
One hour 28min audio
Panama monkeys may have just stumbled into the Stone Age - footage shows tool use
Perhaps it takes a single hyper-intelligent individual to make the leap and begin using stone tools, with others then copying the idea. "Good innovations are pretty rare, but if they are adaptive they can take off," says Barrett.
Debunking the Skripal 2.0 nonsense: The assassins take the tourist route
The State Of New Jersey Just Signed Its Own Death Warrant
'Law like Third Reich': Protest against extra surveillance powers for German police (PHOTOS, VIDEOS)
How to Get Rid of Midges: TOP-10 Best Repellents and Killers
Midges, what are they? They are annoying little bugs that will drive you up the wall and leave very painful bites. They attack and surround a person and it is almost impossible to get rid of them.
Iran reaffirms commitment to nuclear deal, parties agree to act without US – Lavrov
Joining Some Dots on the Skripal Case: Part 5 – An Educated Guess
There are a number of substances that fit these descriptions reasonably well. For instance, there is Carfentanil, which is an analogue of Fentanyl, only much stronger. Here is a description of some of its symptoms:
Let me clarify that I am not saying that it was either of these substances that was used to poison the Skripals. However, it is abundantly clear that the behaviour they exhibited, as described by various witnesses, far more closely matches the descriptions of the effects of substances like Carfentanil and BZ than it does A-234.
BBC Misrepresent OPCW Report to Uphold UK FCO Narrative on Douma
Kurds Occupying Assyrian Villages in Syria
Why Avoiding The News Makes You Smarter
The primary function of the press is to check on government and to expose any abuse of power. If nobody would report on it they would be able to get away with anything. But now media functions like any other corporation – selling their information channels to the highest bidder. They are owned by a handful of people and mainly exist to keep the same power structures in place. Good journalism is rare and with the recent crackdown on journalists who report on governmental misconduct it will soon be an extinct species.
The Weird DARPA/Facebook “Coincidence” You Never Heard About
Novichok poisoning: British couple fighting for life after being exposed to nerve agent
A DISTURBING new theory has emerged about how a British couple fighting for their lives became exposed to the deadly Russian nerve agent Novichok.
THE British couple fighting for their lives after being exposed to Novichok, the deadly nerve agent that nearly killed Sergei Skripal and his daughter, may have been exposed to the substance by picking up a syringe, it has been reported.
<More BS from the "press">
Daraa, SANA-More than 453 families are currently residing in the temporary makeshift center of Jbab town in the northern countryside of Daraa.
OPCW Found No Trace of Nerve Agents in Syria's Douma - Preliminary Report
The Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) has announced in a report that it found that chlorine had been used in an attack in the Syrian city of Douma. However, there was no evidence that nerve agents had been used in the attack.
The Amesbury Mystery
We are continually presented with experts by the mainstream media who will validate whatever miraculous property of “novichok” is needed to fit in with the government’s latest wild anti-Russian story. Tonight Newsnight wheeled out a chemical weapons expert to tell us that “novichok” is “extremely persistent” and therefore that used to attack the Skripals could still be lurking potent on a bush in a park.
If it is however true that two separate attacks have been carried out with “novichok” a few miles either side of Porton Down, where “novichok” is synthesised and stored for “testing purposes”, what does Occam’s razor suggest is the source of the nerve agent? A question not one MSM journalist seems to have asked themselves tonight.
In fact, rain affecting the “novichok” on the door handle was given as the reason that the Skripals were not killed. But now the properties of the agent have to fit a new narrative, so they transmute again.
Twitter suspends 70mn 'fake' accounts in 2 months amid pressure from Congress & media
Kiinnostaako kodin suojaus säteilyltä?
Electrosmog influence on human body
A long lasting exposure to technical electromagnetic radiation changes cell mechanisms, which leads to imbalance, and finally to illnesses.
HF and LF Shielding Fabric Silver Elastic
Electromagnetic Field Shielding Paints
Make You Own EMF Shields With These Unique Paints
Shielding and measuring of electromagnetic fields
Injured woman begs people not to call ambulance because she can’t afford it
Trump Lambasts Germany Over Russian Oil Purchases, Low Defense Expenditures
British Government Peddles Warmed Over Novichok Muck
IRGC ready to act on Rouhani's warning on US oil bans: Chief commander
Iran's Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) says it stands ready to put in action President Hassan Rouhani's latest position that if Tehran were not able to export its crude oil through the Strait of Hormuz, no other country would be able to do so.
The Irish Slave Trade – The Forgotten “White” Slaves
In the wake of the 2015 Paris Agreement adopting “well below 2°C” as the international goal to limit global warming, geoengineering is increasingly seriously being promoted as a technological means to counteract climate change or its effects.
Russia calls for sports organizations to hold off from carrying out competitions in US
As far as I recall no American athletes were denied visa for sporting events organized in Russia. Clearly she has a point. Not very honourable of the US authorities, nor in line with the athletic spirit.
 US-Saudis Launch Terror Attack on Wedding Killing and Wounding 22 in Yemen
It’s common for the U.S.-Saudi coalition to target civilians gathering en mass at funerals, celebrations, refugee camps, and crowded weekend markets
The Babies Are Growing Up... And They're Gettting Cranky
When the baby is old enough, they send it to school, where it spends twelve years being taught lies about how the world works so that one day it will be able to watch CNN and say “Yes, this makes perfect sense” instead of “This is ridiculous” or “Why does this whole entire thing seem completely fake?” or “I want to punch Chris Cuomo in the throat.”
The baby is taught history, which is the study of the ancient, leftover propaganda from whichever civilization happened to win the wars in a given place at a given time.
The baby is taught geography, so that later on when its country begins bombing another country, the baby’s country won’t be embarrassed if its citizens cannot find that country on a globe.
Moped Crime Is Soaring In London
Amesbury poisoning is a terrorist attack, secondary contamination impossible – expert to RT
"The Novichok chemical is an organophosphorus compound, and I can't imagine how organophosphorus compounds of such structure could stay in an environment for months and still be effective," he said.
Countries most at risk from trade war between United States and China
Pictet’s model is based on IMF estimates and shows that if a 10-percent tariff on US trade were fully passed onto the consumer, global inflation would rise by about 0.7 percentage points.
Costa Rica Is Leading The Way In Banning Single-Use Plastic
Der Kampf um Mobilfunk 5G startet in Niederösterreich
Fukushima's Harsh Warning - Chris Busby
Dr Chris Busby Melanoma & Ionizing Radiation
Chris Busby on how mobile phones cause cancer
Directed Energy Weapons 101: Sonic, Microwave, Laser, and Non-Lethal Warfare
People Cookers, Blinding Lasers, Infrasound Heart Attacks, and MUCH MORE!
Unless those who spread the "Saddam has WMD" lie and used as an excuse to destroy Iraq go to prison for life for their war crimes, the British government has zero credibility.
Dr Chris Busby on the Skripal Russia Poisoning affair
UK police say couple in Wiltshire contaminated with same substance as Skripals
IF all of the foregoing is a truthful account of what happened, then one thing is now the settled will of the majority of thinking people in the United Kingdom – even in Salisbury – whatever else was on the doorknob it was not a "deadly military grade nerve agent... of a type developed by Russia."
Because, if it had been, they would have both been dead in the short walk from the doorknob to the car or certainly before they had driven to the end of their street. They would have been found dead either on the garden path or slumped behind the wheel of their car, not five hours later on a park bench – very unwell but now thankfully apparently well again – and in Yulia's case looking the very picture of health.'
UK police say couple in Amesbury contaminated with 'Novichok', like Skripals
Novichok poisoning: British couple fighting for life after being exposed to nerve agent
The Daily Mail is reporting that Mr Rowley is a registered heroin addict and it is believed the couple may have stumbled across a discarded syringe or vessel used in the attack on the former Russian diplomat and his daughter, Yulia.
Charlie Rowley
Rowley is a registered heroin​ addict and went to Boots in Amesbury while Sturgess was being rushed to hospital by paramedics​.[5]​
Doctors have suggested the syptoms exhibited by Rowley are similar to those exhibited by Nick Bailey​, Sergei Skripal​ and Yulia Skripal.
The Amesbury Mystery. The “Novichok” Nerve Gas Used against the Skripals is “Extremely Persistent”
Scientists are an interesting bunch. More than willing to ascribe whatever properties fit the government’s ever more implausible stories, in exchange for an MSM appearance fee, 5 minutes of fame and the fond hope of a research grant.
According to the Daily Telegraph today, the unfortunate Charlie Rowley is a registered heroin addict, and if true Occam’s Razor would indicate that is a rather more likely reason for his present state than an inexplicably persistent weaponised nerve agent.
Israel Lawyer Appointed Chair of UN Human Rights Committee
EU extends economic sanctions against Russia by another 6 months
Russian pilot accuses US special services of abduction and torture
Israel: We will not allow Gaza to be rebuilt
Israeli President Reuven Rivlin has pledged that the Gaza Strip will not be rebuilt so long as Hamas governs the besieged enclave, reported yesterday.
“Israel was and has remained the only actor in the region that conveys basic staples for the welfare of the residents of Gaza,” the Times of Israel reported Rivlin saying at a ceremony in honour of Israeli soldiers killed during Israel’s 2014 assault on the Gaza Strip.
World Cup Is Doing Great Things for Russia... Time for 'Novichok' to Strike Again
Novichok strikes again, just when you need it to
Amesbury substance: Paramedics wore hazmat suits
Video obtained by Sky News shows the moment one victim was lifted into an ambulance by paramedics wearing protective suits.
Police initially believed the pair became unwell after using heroin or crack cocaine from a contaminated batch of drugs.
NATO is a completely useless organization
Craig Murray
"despite the fact that Russian actions in Crimea and Georgia have been illegal in international law "< Now he is talking shi>
40+ Amazing Diatomaceous Earth Uses For Health, Home And Garden
The Ultimate Weapon of Mass Destruction: “Owning the Weather” for Military Use
Environmental modification techniques (ENMOD) for military use constitute, in the present context of global warfare, the ultimate weapon of mass destruction.
Rarely acknowledged in the debate on global climate change, the world’s weather can now be modified as part of a new generation of sophisticated electromagnetic weapons. Both the US and Russia have developed capabilities to manipulate the climate for military use.
“Mysterious Poisonings”: Wheel Out the Skripal Story Again
I most certainly hope that the couple in Salisbury hospital recover from whatever is afflicting them. The media is, by making this the lead story on all broadcast news after last night’s football, inviting us to make the connection to the Skripals. In which case I assume the couple were perfectly well for five hours after contact, able to be very active and even to eat and drink heavily, before being mysteriously instantly disabled at the same time despite different ages, sexes, weights, and metabolisms and random uncontrolled dosages.
Replicating that would be quite a feat.
Urine: 10 mL of first morning urine before food and drink is preferred.
Test Results: I Got My Body Analyzed for Glyphosate Residue - Natural Health
The European Drinking Water Directive has set a maximum contaminant level (MCL) for pesticides in groundwater at 0.1 ppb (ug/L). That’s about as close to zero tolerance as you can get.  In contrast, the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) MCL for glyphosate alone in U.S. drinking water is 700 ppb. That’s 7,000 times higher than the European standards, and it doesn’t even account for the dozens of other pesticides and herbicides that are also present in our water at any given time.
Israel is arming neo-Nazis in Ukraine
Al-Jaafari: Syria rejects Canadian draft resolution submitted to UN General Assembly
Commander: No Mistake in US Downing of Iranian Passenger Plane
The Battle in the South of Syria Is Coming to an End: Israel Bowed To Russia’s Will
After only two weeks since the beginning of the military operation, jihadists and militants in most of eastern rural Daraa in south Syria have either surrendered or were overwhelmed, the over 70 villages they occupied were liberated by the Syrian Army
Washington Moves Against Rafael Correa
Notice that RT has accepted Washington’s characterization of Assange’s journalism as “controversial online political activity.” The group-think that characterizes the Western media is now reflected as well in the English language Russian news organization.
Ecuador judge orders arrest of ex-president Rafael Correa
Eva Bartlett Retweeted Open Government CAN
Cool. Would love to see Canada be transparent about how much money the govt has given to terrorists, sorry, the White Helmets in Syria.
<Canadian Gov toots own horn about "aid transparency" (while not talking about weapons/aid to Sauds bombing Yemen, Israelis massacring Palestinians, terrorists in Syria, neo-nazis in Ukraine). >
UK police say couple in Wiltshire contaminated with same substance as Skripals
<They're still determined to act out this boring and badly-written script.
3322 Likes> <Ok I get it...It's ok to bomb and kill 1000s of innocent Syrians and wen 2 Brits are exposed to some non life threatening gas Britain makes an issue of it.. How ironic>
EU and Western Sahara: The Hassle and the Controversy!
Russia? Brexit distraction? Twitter erupts amid ‘unknown substance’ case near Salisbury
It’s not a conspiracy theory – your phone really is watching you, research finds
Empowering the OPCW to ‘assign blame’ in Syria only serves western regime-change agenda
<Guilty until proven innocent. Guilty when convenient. It's sickening the lengths they will go to and the actions they take to prop up corruption and support war and war profits, at the expense of millions of people. Corruption by fiat.>
Tiny Homes Banned in U.S. at Increasing Rate as Govt Criminalizes Sustainable Living
Eliminating Aluminum From Our Homes
Ten Technologies to Own the Weather Today!
Iran Accuses Israel of Cloud Theft: Weather Warfare and the CIA Cuban Rain Embargo
Jim Lee
Iran thinks Israel has been stealing its clouds to cause a drought
Paul & Niki Michaelides
Amazon's Fusion With The State Shows Neoliberalism's Drift To Neo-Fascism
Secret U.S. Wars Endanger Africa
China is making friends in Africa by investing in infrastructure to further development and trade. It is building ports, railways and telecommunication lines. These projects aim at win-win situations where China as well as the host country profit from them.
To counter China the U.S. is using its 'regime change' tools and secret military operations instead of economic cooperation.
UK Police Allege Two Hitmen 'With Close Ties to Russia' Involved in Skripal Case
 Is the US-Kurdish Alliance Over? New Agreement Between Kurds and Assad Could Spell End for U.S. Role in Syria
The agreement came as a result of recent negotiations between Kurdish and Syrian government officials in both Damascus and Qamishli.
'Curiouser and Curiouser': Salisbury, the Skripals & the epic failure of the British Fairy Tale
EU CRISIS: Varoufakis calls migrant deal 'complete failure' and accuses Merkel of 'LYING'
Yanis Varoufakis: EU-Migrationsabkommen erstunken und erlogen – Merkel belügt die Deutschen
SpaceX Blows Hole in Ionosphere, NOAA Censors Video!
Jim Lee
How is aluminum found in nature?
Is aluminum found in nature or man-made?
Found in nature, if you look on a table of elements it's on it. Answer: Aluminium is found in nature as an ore such as bauxite (primarily Al(OH)3), not as pure metallic aluminum (Al). The ore must be processed to release the pure aluminum. Other metals, such as gold, are found in their pure form in nature.
Aluminum Toxicity
Aluminum is a trivalent cation found in its ionic form in most kinds of animal and plant tissues and in natural waters everywhere. [1] It is the third most prevalent element and the most abundant metal in the earth's crust, representing approximately 8% of total mineral components. [2] Due to its reactivity, aluminum in nature is found only in combination with other elements.
Avocado - a positive superfood trend? | DW Documentary
<one kilo avocado needs up to 1000 liter water. 8 times more than potatoes>
luomukvinoa 5 kg  43,50€
What Is Millet? 6 Reasons to Add it to Your Diet
The Peril on your Plate: Genetic engineering and chemical agriculture, what’s in your food?
Google reportedly allows outside app developers to read people's Gmails
 Welcome to Hadar: A Village Under Siege by al-Qaeda and Israeli Forces Alike
The village of Hadar, in Southern Syria, is buttressed on one side by Israeli watchtowers and walls – and endures deadly attacks from jihadist Syrian rebels from the other three.
"From the earliest days of food regulation, the use of alum (aluminum sulphate) in foods has been condemned. It is universally acknowledged as a poison in all countries. If the Bureau of Chemistry had been permitted to enforce the law ... no food product in the country would have any trace of ... any aluminum or saccarin. No soft drink would contain caffeine or hebromin; no bleached flour would be in interstate commerce. Our food and drugs would be wholly without adulteration ... and the health of our people would be vastly improved and their life greatly extended."
Why I’m Concerned About the Dangers of Aluminum
Aluminium in drinking-water
Background document for development of WHO guidelines for drinking-water quality
DIN EN ISO 17294-2:2017-01
EN ISO 17294-2:2016
Dieser Teil von ISO 17294 legt ein Verfahren zur Bestimmung der Elemente Aluminium, Antimon, Arsen, Barium, Beryllium, Bismut, Bor, Cadmium, Cäsium, Calcium, Cer, Chrom, Cobalt, Kupfer, Dysprosium, Erbium, Eisen, Gadolinium, Gallium, Germanium, Gold, Hafnium, Holmium, Indium, Iridium, Lanthan, Blei, Lithium, Lutetium, Magnesium, Mangan, Molybdän, Neodym, Nickel, Palladium, Phosphor, Platin, Kalium, Praseodym, Rubidium, Rhenium, Rhodium, Ruthenium, Samarium, Scandium, Selen, Silber, Natrium, Strontium, Terbium, Tellur, Thorium, Thallium, Thulium, Zinn, Wolfram, Uran und seinen Isotopen, Vanadium, Yttrium, Ytterbiumm, Zink und Zirconium in Wasser (zum Beispiel Trinkwasser, Oberflächenwasser, Grundwasser, Abwasser und Eluate) fest.
Kadyrov foundation delivers tons of aid to war-hit regions of Syria
A Chechen charity organization has delivered hundreds of tons of food and other aid to the Syrian people and is now sponsoring the restoration of historical mosques in the country, the government’s press service reports.
“We live in interesting times when protesters act out the tantrum of a super-rich man who did not get his way despite all his money.” – Dady Chery
The Fake Left
The fake left is a decoy: a hunter’s trap to break the leg of any possible revolution. One of the fake left’s godfathers is the multibillionaireGeorge Soros,
Lavrov compares West’s accusations against Russia to logic of Lewis Carroll’s Queen
"I love Lewis Carroll, but I don’t think that the logic of the Queen, who said ‘sentence first, verdict later’… is going to prevail," Lavrov said
 American Jews Ditch Israeli Birthright Trip to Join Anti-Occupation Hebron Tour
Activists working on IfNotNow’s Not Just a Free Trip campaign have been gathering in airports in the U.S. to engage with Jewish youth before they leave on their Birthright trips. Activists are encouraging participants to question their tour guides about Israel’s occupation of Palestine.
by Emma Fiala
Enforcing Dollar Hegemony: Only Thing New About Trump’s Economic Wars Are Tweets
Audi probt in Ingolstadt den Einsatz von Flugtaxis
Audi und Airbus wollen in der Region Ingolstadt werden in Kürze Flugtaxis testen.
Under Republican majority, U.S. Senate votes to LEGALIZE hemp farming across the nation
All this activity begs the question, though: Why has it taken 80+ years to correct the massive propaganda hoax that led to the criminalization of marijuana in the first place? And how did the deep state maintain the propaganda so effectively across so many decades?
US official to Israeli diplomat: “This is our fuckin’ house”
If you want to boycott the US government for the crimes committed by US officials, will you be labeled anti-American? Probably not. If you keep chanting that Trump is right in passing a bill forbidding Muslims to come to America, will the Zionist media call you an anti-Muslim? Of course not.
Criticizing Muslims in the political parlance is permissible and even desirable by the powers that be. Criticizing Japan for the attack on Pearl Harbor—even though it was provoked—is not anti-Japanese. But criticizing Israel for its incessant crimes against the Palestinians has slowly become a crime. In fact, this issue is already being boiled up in Washington:
Street torrents & falling rocks: Moscow endures tropical storm (VIDEOS)
MI6 Involvement in Torture - BBC Shuts Down Reporter - Jo Coburn Horrified
vanessa beeley
The forgotten coup - how America and Britain crushed the government of their 'ally', Australia

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