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Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Carbon 2B


Carbon 2B

Keyword search in folder links2 but from 2019
Top Russian Scientist Claims -The Next ‘Little Ice Age’ Is Already Here
The quasi-centennial epoch of the new Little Ice Age has started at the end 2015 after the maximum phase of solar cycle 24. The start of a solar grand minimum is anticipated in solar cycle 27 in 2043 and the beginning of phase of deep cooling in the new Little Ice Age in 2060.
"Surge in global temperatures since 1977 can be attributed to a 1976 climate shift in the Pacific Ocean"
The Logarithmic Effect of Carbon Dioxide
Let’s see what the IPCC model warming looks like when it is plotted as a cumulative bar graph:
Dr. Tim Ball On Climate: Lies Wrapped In Deception Smothered With Delusion
After 1998 the evidence did not fit the AGW theory anymore so by 2004 they changed it from the global warming theory to the climate change theory. They also changed the slur from skeptics to deniers, with its holocaust connotations. They ignored the fact that these scientists do nothing but educate people to the amount and extent of natural climate change.
Global Warming Propaganda Explained - Lord Christopher Monckton 2014 NIPCC Convention
A Swelling Volume Of Scientific Papers Now Forecasting Global Cooling In The Coming Decades
Suomen vuodenaikojen lämpenemisestä
Major Oil Companies Letter to UN
Six major oil companies have written an open letter to governments and the United Nations saying that they can take faster climate action, if governments provide even stronger carbon pricing and eventually link it all up into a global system that puts a proper price on the environmental and economic costs of greenhouse gas emissions.
Exxon, BP and Shell back carbon tax proposal to curb emissions
Oil giants ExxonMobil, Shell, BP and Total are among a group of large corporations supporting a plan to tax carbon dioxide emissions in order to address climate change.
The companies have revealed their support for the Climate Leadership Council, a group of senior Republican figures that in February proposed a $40 fee on each ton of CO2 emitted as part of a “free-market, limited government” response to climate change.
Climate Science and the Myths of Renewable Energy - FOS Steve Goreham  
Actually there is a negative feedback through clouds creation cutting the warming by half. 0.5 Celsius
The madness of EU obsession with biofuels and renewables - Stuart Agnew MEP
 By 2020, the EU aims to have 10% of the transport fuel of every EU country come from renewable sources such as biofuels. Fuel suppliers are also required to reduce the greenhouse gas intensity of the EU fuel mix by 6% by 2020 in comparison to 2010.
The Ethanol Effect
<40% of US corn goes for ethanol>
The Hidden Costs of Turning Food Into Fuel | National Geographic
Increasing Biofuel Use Will Continue to Increase Food Prices, Drive People Into Poverty: United Nations
Interpol warns of criminal focus on $176 billion carbon market
Carbon trading schemes are at acute risk from criminal gangs and fraud, a new report from Interpol warns.
The police agency says uncertain regulations and a lack of oversight and transparency threaten the environmental and financial integrity of the world’s carbon markets, worth an estimated $176 billion.
And it says that there is a risk that if financial instruments related to carbon trading become too complex, the world’s carbon markets could spark a financial crisis on par with 2008.
The Hack That Warmed the World
Europe’s carbon-trading market was supposed to be capitalism’s solution to global warming. Instead, it became a playground for gangsters, international crime syndicates, and even two-bit crooks -- who stole hundreds of millions of dollars in pollution credits.
The World Bank values emissions trading at $30 billion. When the looser market for voluntary emissions reductions—that is, those not bound by legal compliance—is included, carbon trading is worth even more. In 2012, it was a $176 billion industry.

With all that money on the line, it’s no wonder that the likes of Beddoes and Randhawa constitute a burgeoning class of criminals—many of them wildly successful. In the EU, whose cap-and-trade system is the world’s largest, French analyst Marius-Cristian Frunza, author of the book Fraud and Carbon Markets, estimates that some $20 billion was lost to carbon fraud between the system’s launch in 2005 and 2011.
Macron calls for price on carbon to combat climate change
French President Emmanuel Macron told a sustainable finance conference on Thursday that Europe needs to set a minimum price for emitting carbon.
EU plans to massively increase spending on climate change
The European Commission has put forward its future budgetary plans, which include spending a quarter of its entire finances on tackling climate change.
The European Commission has put forward its future budgetary plans, which include spending a quarter of its entire finances on tackling climate change.
Under the new proposals, covering the period between 2021 and 2027, a total of €320 billion will be spent on climate adaptation and mitigation, an increase of €114 billion.
The Stunning Statistical Fraud Behind The Global Warming Scare
Far from legitimately "adjusting" anything, it appears they are cooking the data to show a politically correct trend toward global warming. Not by coincidence, that has been part and parcel of the government's underlying policies for the better part of two decades.
By the way, a similar result occurred after the brutally cold 2013-2014 winter in New York. It was simply adjusted away. Do this year after year, and with the goal of radically altering the temperature record to fit the global warming narrative, and you have what amounts to climate fraud.
New report on global warming debunks government temp data
It was found that each new version of GAST has nearly always exhibited a steeper warming linear trend over its entire history. And, it was nearly always accomplished by systematically removing the previously existing cyclical temperature pattern. This was true for all three entities providing GAST data measurement, NOAA, NASA and Hadley CRU.
Deep-water circulation changes lead North Atlantic climate during deglaciation
Global Wildfire Area Has Declined, Contrary To Popular Myth
The ‘Fingerprint’ Of Global Warming Doesn’t Exist In The Real World, Study Finds
Study: Global warming is a hoax - Confirms what we already knew
On the Validity of NOAA, NASA and Hadley CRU Global Average Surface Temperature Data
Study Finds Temperature Adjustments Account For ‘Nearly All Of The Warming’ In Climate Data
HUGE: Former Intercept Writer Steps Forward - Is 'The Intercept' An Intelligence Operation? - Fort Russ
"At First We Didn't Believe It": Fast-Melting Greenland Glacier Starts Growing Again In Massive U-Turn
Thirty Years Of Failed Climate Predictions
Tony Heller
95% IPCC crap predictions
Global Warming: Ten Facts and Ten Myths on Climate Change
10 Climate Myths Busted (in 60 seconds!)
The dark side of the solar power boom: Power Shock, Part 2 | 7.30
and the irrelevance of science

Richard Lindzen
Does a Global Temperature Exist? Christopher EssexDepartment of Applied Mathematics University of Western Ontario Ross Mc Kitrick Department of Economics University of Guelph
Conclusion There is no global temperature
World In Midst of Carbon Drought (w/ Prof. William Happer, Princeton University)
Believing in Six Impossible Things Before Breakfast, and Climate Models
A talk by D
We're finally told what the carbon tax will cost us. Are you sitting down?
Is The Global Temperature Record Credible?
Tony Heller
Fake Data – The Basis Of Climate Science
Dark day for internet freedom’: EU lawmakers criticized over copyright reform
<more propaganda>
AOC: Climate Change “Not An Elitist Issue”
<cheap propaganda>
Climate Scientist Murry Salby Demolishes the Global Warming Alarm
The Logarithmic Effect of Carbon Dioxide
What are the maximum light and CO2 levels that can be applied to a plant before destroying it?
Former IPCC Scientist Refutes New Climate Change Report
“You know earth`s climate was cooling from 1935-1977 when CO2 was rising very rapidly. And nobody talks about it! The earth`s climate warmed from 1977 – 1998 , along with CO2 increase but in the last 20 years, according to most climate scientists, there has not been any statistically significant warming of the earth`s climate.” Dr. Madhav Khandeka
Symptoms Of Global Warming And Global Cooling Are Identical
Tony Heller
The simplest explanation is usually the correct explanation
Between 1860 and 1880, the world warmed for 21 years, at a similar rate to the 24 year period of warming which occurred between 1975 and 1998. There was simply not enough anthropogenic CO2 in the atmosphere to have driven the 1860s warming, so it must have been driven by natural variation.
Must Watch: Climatologist Breaks the Silence on Global Warming Groupthink
Accelerating Rate Of Sea Level Fraud
Tony Heller
Paris Climate Challenge 2015 - The Sea Level Fraud
CO2:The GreatestScientific ScandalOf Our Time
by Zbigniew Jaworowski, M.D., Ph.D., D.Sc.
Ken Gregory
The temperature rise from 1869 to 1900 is all a natural recovery from the Little Ice Age (1400 to 1700) as humans could not have had any effect on climate during this period. The temperature rise from 1900 to 1950 is almost all natural, as the CO2 rise was insignificant. This shows that your assumption that the earth was in temperature equilibrium in 1869 – 1882 is false, and that a significant portion of the temperature rise was natural.
Using a more realistic discount rate of 5%, the SCC for 1.5 C and 1.08 C is US$-0.28/tonne CO2 and US$-10.61/tonne CO2, respectively. The negative signs means that the benefits of emissions exceeds the costs of emissions.
The M&M Project: Replication Analysis of the Mann et al. Hockey Stick
Climate Change: Incorrect information on pre-industrial CO2
Statement of Prof. Zbigniew Jaworowski
Chairman, Scientific Council of Central Laboratory for Radiological Protection
Warsaw, Poland
This is why the records of CO2 concentration in the gas inclusions from deep polar ice show the values lower than in the contemporary atmosphere, even for the epochs when the global surface temperature was higher than now.
This ice was deposited in 1890 AD, and the CO2 concentration was 328 ppmv, not about 290 ppmv, as needed by man-made warming hypothesis. The CO2 atmospheric concentration of about 328 ppmv was measured at Mauna Loa, Hawaii as later as in 1973[8], i.e. 83 years after the ice was deposited at Siple.
Deconstruction Of The Anthropogenic Global Warming (AGW) Hypothesis
Now they have the dilemma that the temperature has not increased for 19 + years but CO2, according to Mauna Loa, continues its steady rise. How long before we see a reported decline in the Mauna Loa record to bring the data in line with the political message?
Fortunately, thanks to the work of people like Jaworowski and Beck, it is too late for them to mitigate the damage from the slow motion crash that is inevitably evolving? The hockey sticks of the entire team were broken in the crash.
Falling Ocean Heat Falsifies Global Warming Hypothesis
These figures reveal a robust failure on the part of the GISS model to project warming.   The heat deficit shows that from 2003-2008 there was no positive radiative imbalance caused by anthropogenic forcing, despite increasing levels of CO2.  Indeed, the radiative imbalance was negative, meaning the earth was losing slightly more energy than it absorbed
IPCC Method Of Proving The 'Human Caused Warming' (AGW) Hypothesis Forced Deliberate Creation of Misinformation
Simple Proof AGW is False
The current geological period, the Quaternary, which began about 2.6 million years ago and extends into the present, is marked by warm and cold episodes, cold phases called glacials (Quaternary ice age) lasting about 100,000 years, and which are then interrupted by the warmer interglacials which lasted about 10,000–
The average surface temperature on Earth is approximately 14°C
The Imaginary Global Warming Consensus
Tony Heller
Year 2000 Predictions By ‘The Guardian’ Turn Out To Be Complete Failures…Southern Europe Has Become Wetter!
The Positive Impact of Human CO2Emissions on the Survival of Life on Earth
It is calculated that if the decline in CO2 levels were to continue at the same rate
as it has over the past 140 million years, life on Earth would begin to die as soon
as two million years from now and would slowly perish almost entirely as carbon
continued to be lost to the deep ocean sediments
Ice Age Precursors 1 - Ice Age Climate Normal Climate
Greenland Glaciers Start to Recover as Solar Activity Declines (805)
The Great Flood Myth
Tony Heller
Global Warming Alarmism Goes To '11': Stephen Hawking Claims Trump Could Turn Earth Into Venus
To give you an idea of how asinine that idea is, the current level of CO2 in the atmosphere is over 400 ppm. 250 million years ago, when dinosaurs roamed the earth and life on this planet was likely just as abundant and diverse as it is now, that level was 5 times higher. 250 million years before that, it was at 7,000 ppm, and the average temperature at that time wasn’t over a hundred degrees hotter. It wasn’t even close to what we see on Venus.
Ray Peat, PhD on Carbon Dioxide, Longevity, and Regeneration
Solar forcing for CMIP6 (v3.2)
Just 96 months to save world, says Prince Charles
The price of capitalism and consumerism is just too high, he tells industrialists
Thursday 9 July 2009 00:00
doomed by 1980
Temperature of Planet Earth
UNFCCC Statement on the Latest IPCC Climate Change Report
The IPCC’s special report clearly states that the world has already warmed by 1ºC due to human activity. As a result, climate change is already affecting people, ecosystems and livelihoods across the globe
#DataGate! First ever audit of global temperature data finds freezing tropical islands, boiling towns, boats on land
U.N. Predicts Disaster if Global Warming Not Checked
    UNITED NATIONS (AP) _ A senior U.N. environmental official says entire nations could be wiped off the face of the Earth by rising sea levels if the global warming trend is not reversed by the year 2000.
Coastal flooding and crop failures would create an exodus of ″eco- refugees,′ ′ threatening political chaos, said Noel Brown, director of the New York office of the U.N. Environment Program, or UNEP.
He said governments have a 10-year window of opportunity to solve the greenhouse effect before it goes beyond human control.
World has three years left to stop dangerous climate change, warn experts
Former UN climate chief Christiana Figueres among signatories of letter warning that the next three years will be crucial to stopping the worst effects of global warming
Wed 28 Jun 2017 18.00 BST
Why Scientists Disagree About Global Warming: Joseph Bast
Global Warming; 31,487 Scientists say NO to Alarm
Qualifications of Signers
31,487 American scientists have signed this petition,
including 9,029 with PhDs
Global Warming; 31,487 Scientists say NO to Alarm
Updated: The Shrinking
CO2 Climate Sensitivity
Climate Change in 12 Minutes - The Skeptic's Case
<Climate Change = just a sneaky way to tax the people even more>
No global warming at all for 18 years 9 months – a new record – The Pause lengthens again – just in time for UN Summit in Paris
The Skeptic's Case
Dr David Evans: Global Warming is Manmade? (2 of 2)
Dr David Evans: Global Warming is Manmade? (1 of 2)
We are climate skeptics
David used to work in the climate industry. Joanne used to explain the carbon dioxide story on radio. But after looking at the evidence we became skeptics. Joanne started blogging on the issue in 2008, and her blog is now the third biggest skeptic website in the world.
The Missing Hotspot
Dr David Evans (
Prof Don Easterbrook Crashes the Global Warming Party
What they don’t say about “the hottest ever year” — 20 year warming trend is one third of what models predicted
Don’t mention the trend
The warming in the last two decades is 0.06C/decade not 0.22C.
Climategate: How They failed to hide the gulf between predicted and observed warming
El Niño has not yet paused the Pause
Medieval Warm Period Project
Remember the Nineties – Whatever Happened to Global Warming?
‘Cooling Is Warming’: Climate Hoaxters Panic As US Freezes, Media Provides Cover
Global Warming threatening Europe with colder weather HD
‘Cooling Is Warming’: Climate Hoaxters Panic As US Freezes, Media Provides Cover
Annual climate variability in the Holocene: interpreting the
message of ancient trees
Dr. Richard Muller - National Academy of Science - Mann's Hockey Stick Invalidated
Climategate 'hide the decline' explained by Berkeley professor Richard A. Muller
"They didn't do anything immoral...they (just) deceived the public and other scientists." hahaha Cognitive dissonance much?
Mann's Hockey Stick "Whitewash" - Steve McIntyre
If tree rings of past 7 000 years in Finnish Lapland and forest edge areas are suggesting that the climate there was 2.5 ℃ warmer during Holocene Maximum than in early 2000's then clearly the Hockey Stick-theory is in deep trouble. Because this greenhouse gas -theory is claiming that Fenno-Scandinavia and North Canada would be places where warming is most fastest. Well that hasn't happened. There has been no global warming in Lapland during 1998-2017.

I reject the hockey stick not as a scientist but as a history buff. I KNOW for a plain fact that it was warmer in the medieval warm period than it is now. after all they grew wine in south scotland and the vikings has a settlement in greenland now under permafrost. I also KNOW for a fact that there was a litle ice age from about 1350-1800, and the warming started when the ice age reached it deepest cold in 1700, almost a full century before industrialization. i can read historical records from people who were there, so to me tree rings are at best secondary if not irrelevant. i will never forgive Mann for airbrushing out the plain historical record. he is damned liar for doing so********************************************************************
Independent Satellite Records Agree: Little to No Global Warming over Past 18 Years
There IS a problem with global warming... it stopped in 1998
Tule keskustelemaanmiten voisimme edistää ilmastovastuun oppimista kouluissa ja oppilaitoksissa
Ilmastovastuu on opittava taito
The Global Warming Hoax: How Soon We Forget
In 1974, in an article in Time Magazine entitled “Another Ice Age?,” the same alarmists suggested that the (then-)coming ice age was being caused in part by the same vehicular emissions that they’re now blaming for global warming.
IPCC Projections Disproved by Girma Orssengo, MASc. PhD
The Climate Industrial Complex 
Tony Heller
Willis Eschenbach ICCC4
Apocalypse Cancelled, Sorry, No Ticket Refunds
The highest possible projected temperature rise from fossil fuel burning over the rest of the 21st century is on the order of three-quarters of a degree C.
The mid-range projected temperature rise is on the order of half a degree C. If one were to bet based on these results, that would be the best bet.
The lowest possible projected temperature rise is on the order of one or two tenths of a degree C.
Determination of the CO2 doubling global mean temperature from observations
From about 1960 to 1990 with a trough in the mid-1970s, the MDO was in its cool phase, and it has been in its warm phase since 1990 that is expected to continue until about 2020. In the early-2020s, the cool phase of the MDO is expected to start with its trough in mid-2030s. The empirical evidence for this drop in global mean surface temperature would be the recovery of arctic sea ice and cooling of the Northern Hemisphere for the period from about 2020 to 2050.
When we start to see a steady increase in arctic sea ice in the 2020s that continues until the 2050s, what would happen to the “Theory of Man Made Global Warming”?
Scientists say that doubling pre-industrial carbon dioxide levels will likely cause global average surface temperature to rise between 1.5° and 4.5° Celsius (2.7° to 8.1° Fahrenheit) compared to pre-industrial temperatures
<medium 3 Celsius>
Al Gore and David Suzuki lie about co2. It is 600% less effect then claimed.
Record Snowfall Across Himalayas Blamed On … Global Warming
Climate Scientist Beat Down!! -- (better sound quality version
Evaluating The Integrity Of Official Climate Records 
<When I was a freshman in college in 1963, my chemistry professor told me if I wanted to know what was going on in the world to always take the opposite point of view of whatever the mainstream media was saying and I would then have the correct opinion 90% of the time as opposed to being wrong 90% of the time. Whenever I'm fooled now it's because I ignored this rule.>
The experts explain the global warming myth: John Coleman
<CO2 follows warming>
Illumination One – How A Greenhouse Works
Who Invented The Scientific Method?
A major problem with the Resplandy et al. ocean heat uptake paper
Professor Valentina Zharkova: The Solar Magnet Field and the Terrestrial Climate
Youth Strike Movement For Climate Change is an Immensely Deceptive Globalist Propaganda Campaign
While mass absenteeism presented a bit of a problem for schools, who should record a child's absence for any reason other than illness as 'unauthorised,' the National Association of Head Teachers (NAHT) union were also supportive. Despite some 'official concerns,' clearly there was tacit acceptance of the strike from government education departments around the world.
However, Rentzhog skill in public relations, and status as one of multi-millionaire venture capitalist Al Gore's 'climate network leaders,' possibly helped to get Greta's message out.
the unelected UN and EU bureaucrats stood shoulder to shoulder with the virtue signalling political class to announce how much more money tax payers must give them. Because, regardless of the questionable scientific justifications, the Paris Agreement is all about hoovering up peoples' earnings. Continuing the long standing neoliberal tradition of transferring wealth from the people to privately owned corporations
MSNBC Freaks Out Over EPA Chief Rejecting Climate Hysteria
>climate hoax madness<
The Green New Dealers want 100 trillion dollars!
Here it is in its clearest form: “The resolution describes the 10-year plan to transform every sector of our economy to remove GHH and pollution. It says it does this through huge investment in renewables at WW2 scale (which was 40-60% GDP investments).”
500 Peer-Reviewed Papers Skeptical of "Man-Made" Global Warming
Caitlin Johnstone Rages: "Mock The Russiagaters. Mock Them Ruthlessly"
The Great Global Warming Swindle - Full Documentary HD
U.N. Geoengineering Governance Blocked by U.S. and Saudi Arabia
Jim Lee
U.S. Blocks U.N. Resolution on Geoengineering
The measure called for a report on carbon capture and solar radiation management
Climate Fraud - NOAA's Global Temperature Dataset
Hellbent: 78 Days of Bombing Yugoslavia
Woman identifies as Elf, pushing Identity Politics further
Orwell's Nightmare: Temperature Adjustments and Climate Change
Who controls the temperature datasets controls the past, and who controls the past controls the future. Welcome to the Orwellian world of temperature adjustments and climate alarmism. Sit up straight and buckle up tight, because this is consensus science as brought to you by Big Brother.
Goodbye to the Internet: Interference by Governments Is Already Here
Climate Change "Problem" Solved - its Natural; Prof Weiss
On the Validity of NOAA, NASA and Hadley CRU Global Average Surface Temperature Data
The Validity of EPA’s CO2 Endangerment Finding
Abridged Research Report

The conclusive findings of this research are that the three GAST data sets are not a valid representation of reality. In fact, the magnitude of theirhistorical data adjustments,that removed their cyclical temperature patterns,are totally inconsistentwith published and credible U.S. and other temperature data. Thus,it is impossible to conclude fromthe threepublished GAST datasetsthat recent years have been the warmest ever –despite currentclaims of record setting warming
Bombshell study: Temperature Adjustments Account For ‘Nearly All Of The Warming’ In Government Climate Data
Orwellian Class Fraud At Scientific American
I could write an entire book of references to the 1970’s global cooling scare, but here are a few highlights. In 1972, “42 top American and European investigators” from the National Science Foundation wrote a letter to President Nixon warning of  a new ice age within a century.
The Politically Incorrect Guide to Climate Change (The Politically Incorrect Guides) (Englisch)
Global Warming or The “New Ice Age”? Fear of the “Big Freeze”
Top Scientists, Government Agencies Have – For Over 100 Years – Been Terrified of a New Ice Age..
The Religion of Global Warming II
Is their any solid evidence the earth is warming due to man’s use of fossil fuels transferring excessive amounts of CO2 in our atmosphere? The answer is NO!  Even a 1995 U.N. chart showed earth temperature during the past several decades were not as warm as the medieval warm period of 1000 A.D. to 1400 A.D. During that period, grapes were grown in England (today it is too cool), the Vikings had farms in Greenland, and the Andes had no glaciers.
Playing God and Geoengineering Governance
Fear of global warming doom is pushing us closer to legalized global geoengineering. The real fight is over the laws of playing God with our planet.
Busted Hockey Sticks: 35 Non-Global Warming Papers Have Been Published In 2019
120 Years Of Climate Scares – 70s Ice age scare
Prof Murry Salby Lecture; "Atmospheric Carbon" 18th July 2016
<over 95% of CO2 natural emission>
Organized Crime in Charge of EU Carbon Trade, Europol Says
Carbon Trade Swindle Behind Gore Hoax
Paris climate deal to ignite a $90 trillion energy revolution
The old fossil order is on borrowed time as China and even India join the drive for dramatic cuts in CO2 emissions
U.S. Climate Action Partnership
Are top polluters funding Paris climate summit?
 The conference "will be financed by French champions of pollution," Oxfam France complained.
It pointed the finger at what it called "greenwashing" by companies involved in coal-fired energy or the financing of it.
David de Rothschild Discusses Cost of Fixing Climate Change with Presentation
At the Climate Conversation by the Weather Channel, David de Rotschild Discusses Cost of Fixing Climate Change with Presentation.
How Goldman Sachs invented cap and trade
Lord Monckton: Global Warming big scientific fad
<Atmosphere heats surface by 18-20 C >
Lord Christopher Monckton - Global Warming is a Hoax
Solutions: Open Science
Prof Murry Salby Lecture; "Atmospheric Carbon" 18th July 2016
<over 95% of CO2 natural emission>
Organized Crime in Charge of EU Carbon Trade, Europol Says
Carbon Trade Swindle Behind Gore Hoax
Paris climate deal to ignite a $90 trillion energy revolution
The old fossil order is on borrowed time as China and even India join the drive for dramatic cuts in CO2 emissions
U.S. Climate Action Partnership
Are top polluters funding Paris climate summit?
 The conference "will be financed by French champions of pollution," Oxfam France complained.
It pointed the finger at what it called "greenwashing" by companies involved in coal-fired energy or the financing of it.
David de Rothschild Discusses Cost of Fixing Climate Change with Presentation
At the Climate Conversation by the Weather Channel, David de Rotschild Discusses Cost of Fixing Climate Change with Presentation.
How Goldman Sachs invented cap and trade
Lord Monckton: Global Warming big scientific fad
<Atmosphere heats surface by 18-20 C >
Lord Christopher Monckton - Global Warming is a Hoax
Solutions: Open Science
100% Of US Warming Is Due To NOAA Data Tampering
On the Validity of NOAA, NASA and Hadley CRU Global Average Surface Temperature Data
Bombshell study: Temperature Adjustments Account For ‘Nearly All Of The Warming’ In Government Climate Data
Basically, “cyclical pattern in the earlier reported data has very nearly been ‘adjusted’ out” of temperature readings taken from weather stations, buoys, ships and other sources.
In fact, almost all the surface temperature warming adjustments cool past temperatures and warm more current records, increasing the warming trend, according to the study’s authors.
World's top climate scientists confess: Global warming is just QUARTER what we thought - and computers got the effects of greenhouse gases wrong
Leaked report reveals the world has warmed at quarter the rate claimed by IPCC in 2007
Scientists accept their computers may have exaggerated
A Brief History of Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Record-Breaking
Why is it that the evidence always seems to indicate that the IPCC’s best case scenario is the worst that can happen in the real world?
Piers Corbyn on the Myth of Man-Made Global Warming | Space News
By Piers Corbyn
Where's Weather Going? What causes Extremes?
Fraud In The National Climate Assessment (Part 2)
Tony Heller
The scam of the century: how fraudsters made 600,000 EUR a day trading EU carbon credits
The EU was fleeced of 6 billion euros, of which the biggest part—1.6 billion euros—was stolen in France, according to data from Europol.
Trial of carbon tax 'fraud of the century' opens in Paris
Between 2008 and 2009, 1.6 billion euros were swindled in a huge carbon quota market scam dubbed the "fraud of the century". On Monday, 36 people suspected of running the scheme’s largest operation went on trial in Paris.
Dr. Valentina Zharkova warning of Global Cooling, Food Scarcity in Grand Solar Minimum (2018)
same corbettreport search with vaccines
Youth Strike Movement For Climate Change is an Immensely Deceptive Globalist Propaganda Campaign
Catastrophic Flooding In Midwest Could Last "For Months", Threatens US Food Production
Global Warming Hysteria and Food World Order (Video)
Interview 544 – Michel Chossudovsky on Weather Warfare
Geoengineering: The real climate change threat
10 Climate Myths Debunked (in 60 seconds!)
Climate Myths Debunked
The Technocratic Agenda: Sustainable Development and Climate Eugenics
And Now For The 100 Trillion Dollar Bankster Climate Swindle…
Who Wants To Be A Carbon Trillionaire?
The Climate Hoax Tipping Point
UN Warning: Just 3 YEARS Left to Save the Earth!
The Global Warming Pause Explained
Doomsday is delayed: Democratic party's climate fearmongering fact-checked and proven wrong
The IPCC Exposed
Global warming a ‘fear campaign’ by scientists ‘hooked on government grants,’ Greenpeace founder says
On Contact: Extinction Rebellion
<climate change BS>

Geologic Global Climate Changes
Scientific studies have shown that atmospheric Carbon Dioxide in past eras reached concentrations that were 20 times higher than the current concentration. Recent investigations have shown that the current change of climate is part of a larger cycle known as climatic lowstand phase which precedes a sequential warming period known as transgression phase. The purpose of this evaluation is to demonstrate that the Earth is actually cooling, in the context of the total geological timescale, and that the current change is equivalent to a serial climate phase known as lowstand.
Nevertheless, most drastic increases in CO2 concentration occur decades or centuries after the oceans have warmed up. For example, the present increase of atmospheric Carbon Dioxide was caused by an extraordinary increase in solar activity in 1998 which warmed up the El Niño South Atlantic Oceanic Oscillation.
Infrared absorption of atmospheric carbon dioxideF. K. Reinhart, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne CH-1015 Lausanne, Switzerland
Doubling the present CO2 concentration only results in ∆T < 0.24 K.  At the present rate of CO2 concentration increase of 1.2% per year, it will take almost two hundred years to reach ten times the present concentration yielding ∆T < 0.80 K
Mother Nature Demands Child Sacrifice - #PropagandaWatch

Ocasio-Cortez Mocks Critics Of Her Massive Carbon Footprint
Notably, none of her comebacks include an explanation for why she hasn't attempted to practice what she preaches.

The Logarithmic Effect of Carbon Dioxide
The effectiveness of CO2 as a greenhouse gas becomes ever more marginal with greater concentration
Methane has a large effect but for a relatively brief period, having an estimated lifetime of 9.1 years in the atmosphere,

Carbon Dioxide: Benefiting the Biosphere
Improved Water Use of Four Desert Species Under Elevated CO2
Central England air temperature since 1659
Central England air temperature since 1659
Global temperatures
85 Papers Find Extremely Low CO2 Climate Sensitivity
Infrared absorption of atmospheric carbon dioxide
Swiss Physicist: CO2 Contributed Only 0.12°C To Global Temps Since 1850
A summarizing conclusion from the calculations may be that if we doubled today’s concentration (400 ppm) to 800 ppm, the consequent temperature response would be less than 1/4th of a degree Celsius.  Even with a ten-fold increase in today’s CO2 concentration (400 ppm) to 4,000 ppm, the resulting temperature change would amount to just 0.8°C.
CO2 Contributed Only 0.12°C
 To Global Temps Since 1850

Extreme weather not proof of global warming, NASA on global cooling
GAT is only one of many important phenomena to measure in the climate system, and CO2 is only one of many factors that influence both GAT and all the other phenomena.
CO2’s role in controlling GAT is at most perhaps 2 percent, yet climate alarmists think of it as the “control knob.”
Most people readily confuse weather (short-term, local-scale temperature, humidity, precipitation, wind, cloudiness, and more) with climate (long-term, large-scale of each) and think weather phenomena are driven by climate phenomena; they aren’t.
The CO2 Derangement Syndrome – a historical overview
Amidst Global Warming Hysteria, NASA Scientists Expect Global Cooling
“We see a cooling trend,” said Martin Mlynczak of NASA’s Langley Research Center. “High above Earth’s surface, near the edge of space, our atmosphere is losing heat energy. If current trends continue, it could soon set a Space Age record for cold.”
From 1940 to almost 1980, the average global temperature went down. Political concerns and the alleged scientific consensus focused on global cooling. Alarmists said it could be the end of agriculture and civilization.
“Taking carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere,” as advocated by the IPCC in its October 8 news conference, is also foolish. Historic records show that, at about 410 parts per million (ppm), the level of CO2 supposedly in the atmosphere now, we are near the lowest in the last 280 million years. As plants evolved over that time, the average level was 1200 ppm. That is why commercial greenhouses boost CO2 to that level to increase plant growth and yields by a factor of four.

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