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Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Carbon Links Part Two


Carbon 2

A keyword search in links 2 Folder
Carbon Dioxide Fertilization Greening Earth, Study Finds
From a quarter to half of Earth’s vegetated lands has shown significant greening over the last 35 years largely due to rising levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide, according to a new study published in the journal Nature Climate Change on April 25.
A Dearth of Carbon (w/ Dr. Patrick Moore, environmentalist)

David Keith's Sun Dimming Experiment SCoPEx Coming Spring 2019 - ALL THE FACTS
The Brutal Truth by a NASA Scientist "JOHN L CASEY" ENJOY:)
Professor Valentina Zharkova: The Solar Magnet Field and the Terrestrial Climate
Winter is Coming – Super Grand Solar Minimum
Shell Oil Executive Boasts That His Company Influenced the Paris Agreement
The agreement is the centerpiece of the conference in Poland, where delegates are trying to draft a rulebook for how to implement it. IETA is a business lobby comprised of corporations including fossil fuel producers that pushes for “market-based climate solutions,” including at United Nations climate talks.
Article 6, the provision that Shell is taking credit for, outlines carbon markets as one of the chief ways that oil companies and other major polluters can rein in their emissions, allowing them to purchase credits for emissions reductions elsewhere instead of just reducing them directly. Such systems have been racked with controversy and do basically nothing to reduce the local impacts of extraction.
25 NASA Scientists Question the Sanity of the Global Warmists
First geoengineering experiment to dim the sun on track for 2019
Harvard scientists will attempt to replicate the climate-cooling effect of volcanic eruptions with a world-first solar geoengineering experiment set for early 2019.
The Stratospheric Controlled Perturbation Experiment (SCoPEx) will inject calcium carbonate particles high above the earth in an attempt to reflect some of the sun's rays back into space.

Dr Don Easterbrook Exposes Climate Change Hoax
Sorry Global Warming Alarmists, The Earth Is Cooling
Climate change itself is already in the process of definitively rebutting climate alarmists who think human use of fossil fuels is causing ultimately catastrophic global warming.  That is because natural climate cycles have already turned from warming to cooling, global temperatures have already been declining for more than 10 years, and global temperatures will continue to decline for another two decades or more.
Check out the 20th century temperature record, and you will find that its up and down pattern does not follow the industrial revolution’s upward march of atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2), which is the supposed central culprit for man caused global warming (and has been much, much higher in the past).  It follows instead the up and down pattern of naturally caused climate cycles.
Millionaires for Carbon Control! - #NewWorldNextWeek
Prosperity or Suicide: A tale of two climate policies
Of course, the warmists will tell you that global warming in fact predicts the bitterly cold winters and record snowfalls across the Northern hemisphere in recent years. But then, they also said that global warming predicted less snowfall.
Pay Up or the Earth Gets It! - #PropagandaWatch
The Corbett Report
Carbon Trading - Economics 101
Organized Crime in Charge of EU Carbon Trade, Europol Says
Cap and Trade: A Gigantic Scam
In fact, some old-school environmentalists see the whole carbon trading scheme as not a way to curb climate change, but merely a way to make the rich even richer at the expense of the rest of us. As Larry Lohmann, the founding member of the Durban Group for Climate Justice, says, “Dishonesty is rife throughout the carbon offset market.”
In January, investigators from Belgium said that in some E.U. countries, 90 percent of the market volume in carbon trading was based on criminal activities.
Meat, Dairy Industry Surpass Big Oil As World’s Biggest Polluters
If carbon markets boom, who will benefit? Meet the trillion dollar club
Almost all of the companies are involved in carbon trading. If carbon were to become the world’s biggest commodity, these companies would probably accumulate dominant positions in carbon. Some are involved in oil trading and carbon trading. Others are involved in large-scale forest destruction and carbon trading.The logic is simple. Oil trading is profitable. Clearing forest is profitable. Carbon trading is profitable. Win, win, win. For the traders, that is. For the climate, of course, it’s a disaster, because carbon trading does not reduce emissions.
Oil industry sees new path to profit in rising carbon emissions
Oil Majors See Profit In Carbon Capture And Storage
Piers Corbyn Astrophysicist: Uptick in Global Climate Events and What to Expect into 2023 (PART 1)
Former NASA Scientist: Global Warming is Nonsense
"The overwhelming majority (97%) of carbon dioxide in the earth's atmosphere comes from nature, not from man. Volcanoes, swamps, rice paddies, fallen leaves, and even insects and bacteria produce carbon dioxide, as well as methane. According to the journal Science (Nov. 5, 1982), termites alone emit ten times more carbon dioxide than all the factories and automobiles in the world."
MUST SEE Mini Ice Age is Near! GSM- Media Highlight John Casey
Lost Documentary: The Coming Ice Age
Piers Corbyn: The Reality of Long Range Weather and Climate Forecasting | EU2014
Welcome to WeatherAction
- world leaders in Long Range Weather & Climate Forecasting
Mini Ice Age is here?
Astrophysicist – Mini Ice Age is now accelerating – Important video
December 2, 2018 by Robert   
For the next 20 years it’s going to get colder and colder on average, says Corbyn.
The jet stream will be wilder. There will be more wild temperature changes, more hail events, more earthquakes, more extreme volcano events, more snow in winters, lousy summers, late springs, short autumns, and more and more crop failures.

Is a mini-ice age coming in 2030, and does the sun have two dynamos?
The Earth has been in a warming trend for the past 350 years, since the depth of the Little Ice Age during the Maunder Minimum, in the second half of the 1600’s. This warming trend appears to be driven by solar activity—carbon dioxide didn’t start increasing until 1800 or so, and didn’t really get going until after WWII with post-war industrialization.
So the Shepard paper’s prediction that the Sun is going inactive, and will lead to a cooler Earth such as last seen in the Maunder Minimum of the 1600s (when ice fairs on the Thames River in London were common), is plausible and likely.
The Solar Maxima is Over. We now enter a Solar Minima.
Learn about Climate Change, The potential of a coming
Mini Ice Age, and much more.
Dr. Valentina Zharkova warning of Global Cooling, Food Scarcity in Grand Solar Minimum (2018)
Celebrated physicist Freeman Dyson agrees with Mike Adams: Rising carbon dioxide is a huge benefit to life on Earth

Carbon Black Dust - The Chemtrail Secret for Weather Warfare, Geoengineering, and Ozone Destruction
JUST THE FACTS ABOUT CLOUD CONTROL: How CBD, soot, and metals are used to blanket our skies, control weather globally, and why scientists, the military, and commercial aviation are doing it!
#CirrusCloudsMatter: The Shady Truth About Contrails
CBD - The Chemtrail Secret for Weather Warfare, Geoengineering, and Ozone Destruction
im Lee (45 min)  at 18 min

#CirrusCloudsMatter: The Shady Truth About Contrails
The term Artificial Cloud is the most accurate term as it cannot be argued with and is the lowest level descriptor.
what makes a cirrus cloud?
Answer: Soot, sulfur, metal nano-particles, water vapor, and static electricity to make things stick. Carbon Black Dust (CBD) and Carbon Black Aerosol (CBA), also know as soot, is coated in sulfur and shoots out of the rear of a jet engine. Water sticks to these sulfur-coated soot particles and clouds form. Soot is a cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) and sulfur increases the likelihood of cloud formation.
The more sulfur and soot there is in the jet exhaust plume the more likely you are to see contrails turn into cirrus clouds that spread out and blanket the sky. The other thing you need is saturation, which is provided by large bodies of water in the sky called Ice Supersaturated Regions (ISSR). Jets fly through these frozen water bubbles in the sky, sulfur-coated soot and water from the engine attach and the rest is chemistry, unknown chemistry:
Sulfur Dioxide. The greatest volcanic impact upon the earth's short term weather patterns is caused by sulfur dioxide gas. In the cold lower atmosphere, it is converted to sulfuric acid by the sun's rays reacting with stratospheric water vapor to form sulfuric acid aerosol layers.
A Cheap and Easy Plan to Stop Global Warming
The idea of using sulfate aerosols to offset climate warming is not new. Crude versions of the concept have been around at least since a Russian climate scientist named Mikhail Budkyo proposed the idea in the mid-1970s, and more refined descriptions of how it might work have been discussed for decades. These days the idea of using sulfur particles to counteract warming—often known as solar radiation management, or SRM—is the subject of hundreds of papers in academic journals by scientists who use computer models to try to predict its consequences.
David Keith on The Colbert Show proposing spraying sulfuric acid on us - 2014
EU climate action
    At least 20% of the EU's budget for 2014 to 2020 - as much as €180 billion - should be spent on protecting the climate. This is on top of funding from individual EU countries.
    The EU finances low-carbon energy demonstration projects from the sale of emission certificates. This includes technologies to trap carbon dioxide from power stations and other industrial installations and store it in the ground, so-called carbon capture and storage (CCS).
EU Emissions Trading System (EU ETS)
    European CommissionEnergy, Climate change, Environment
NASA satellite data shows a decline in water vapor
An analysis of NASA satellite data shows that water vapor, the most important greenhouse gas, has declined in the upper atmosphere causing a cooling effect that is 16 times greater than the warming effect from man-made greenhouse gas emissions during the period 1990 to 2001.
If the globe is warming how come relative humidity is decreasing?
Declining Humidity Is Defying Global Warming Models
Relative humidity has substantially declined in recent decades, defying global warming computer models predicting higher amounts of atmospheric water vapor that will exacerbate global warming. The decline in relative humidity indicates global warming will be much more moderate than claimed by global warming activists.
Carbon dioxide’s impact on global temperatures is not in dispute. As a matter of physics, doubling atmospheric water vapor from pre-Industrial Age levels will directly cause approximately 1 degree Celsius of warming. From the dawn of the Industrial Revolution until today, atmospheric carbon dioxide has risen by merely 40 percent. Accordingly, carbon dioxide has directly caused approximately 0.4 degrees Celsius of warming. If global carbon dioxide emissions continue at their current pace, we can expect carbon dioxide emissions will directly cause perhaps another 0.6 degrees Celsius this century.

Over 31K scientists sign a petition against the global warming agenda
Over 31,000 scientists have united against the political agenda of global warming. The scientific consensus, which includes over 9,000 scientists with Ph.D.s, supports the necessity of carbon dioxide and sheds light on the agenda of global warming, which includes industrial energy rationing, central economic planning, and global taxation schemes. These scientists are now speaking out against the hoax of global warming and how global agreements to limit greenhouse gases are actually destructive to all plant and animal life on the planet.

Climate models to be scrapped? Scientists “retract” previous belief about carbon dioxide levels during last warming period
Atmosphere of Earth
Major constituents of dry air, by volume in ppmv
Nitrogen     N2     780,840
Oxygen     O2     209,460
Argon     Ar     9,340
Carbon dioxide     CO2     400
Neon     Ne     18.18
Helium     He     5.24
Methane     CH4     1.79
How much CO2 does a human exhale?
An average human exhales around 2.3 pounds of CO2 in a day. That rate increases by up to a factor of eight during heavy physical exertion and falls somewhat during periods of relaxation, such as during sleep
Re: How much co2 does a human exhale?
 There are 1440 minutes in a day, so that is 0.74 to 0.88 kilograms per person per day
 The average daily oxygen consumption is likely much higher, since most people don't spend the entire 24 hours in a day sitting around resting.
Release of carbon dioxide by individual humans
 0.9 kilograms of carbon dioxide for each day per human.
 For a year, our human produces about 365 x 0.7 kilograms a year, or 255 kilograms. So we’d need 10 of these threes to cancel the carbon dioxide we exhale. This site unfortunately does not quote a source.

Prof Murry Salby Lecture; "Atmospheric Carbon" 18th July 2016

Heat Waves Artificially Created By Carbon Black Dust, Not CO2, & Documents Prove It
This Is Carbon Black Dust Anyone believing in the mainstream Global Warming/Climate Change Hysteria, at this point, with how obvious what is taking…

CO2 figures, cycle, solubility, GHG effect,
oceanic scale, and biosequestration
Top 10 Climate Change Lies Exposed
climategate on finnish television 3/3
climategate on finnish television 2/3
climategate on finnish television 1/3
Infrared absorption of atmospheric carbon dioxide
F. K. Reinhart, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne
CH-1015 Lausanne, Switzerland
CO2 Contributed Only 0.12°C
 To Global Temps Since 1850
A summarizing conclusion from the calculations may be that if we doubled today’s concentration (400 ppm) to 800 ppm, the consequent temperature response would be less than 1/4th of a degree Celsius.  Even with a ten-fold increase in today’s CO2 concentration (400 ppm) to 4,000 ppm, the resulting temperature change would amount to just 0.8°C.
CO2 Contributed Only 0.12°C
 To Global Temps Since 1850

Climate Change HOAX exposed by Geologist straight to the UK Govt
<if we half the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere we would have no terestial plants>

The effectiveness of CO2 as a greenhouse gas becomes ever more marginal with greater concentration
The logarithmic diminution of the effect of CO2 is probably the reason why there was no runaway greenhouse warming from CO2 in earlier eons when CO2 levels were known to be at levels of several thousands ppmv.
Man’s Contribution to Global Warming
Out of the entire atmospheric makeup, only one to two percent is made up of greenhouse gases with the majority being nitrogen (about 78 percent) and oxygen (about 21 percent). Of that two percent, “planet-killing” carbon dioxide comprises only 3.62 percent while water vapor encompasses 95 percent. And of the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, humans cause only 3.4 percent of annual CO2 emissions. What does this all boil down to? As shown by the accompanying graph, not very much.
The oceans – the largest CO2-reservoir
Evil Oceans Produce 16 Times As Much CO2 As Humans
One lava field eruption just emitted more climate change aerosols than all 28 European countries COMBINED
When it comes to carbon dioxide, the human contribution pales in comparison to that of natural phenomena. Biological activity in the ocean is responsible for creating around 90 billion tons of carbon dioxide annually, which is far more than the six billion tons produced by humans.

IPCC silently slashes its global warming predictions in the AR5 final draft
 If that rate continued till 2100, global warming this century could be as little as 1.3 Cº.
Official projections of global warming have plummeted since Dr. James Hansen of the Goddard Institute for Space Studies told the U.S. Congress in June 1988 the world would warm by 1 Cº every 20 years till 2050 (Fig. 1), implying 6 Cº to 2100.
Climate and Human Civilization over the last 18,000 years
Given that man-made Carbon Dioxide is a very recent phenomenon, the radical climatic changes before 200 years ago cannot be attributed to man’s influence. They must be natural. The recent warming of 0.85°C from 1880 to 2012 is pretty small compared to other temperature changes in the Holocene. It is clear from history that natural forces can cause significant climate changes. It is also clear that droughts are usually associated with colder periods, not warmer periods. Some climate changes are probably due to variations in the Earth’s orbit, but some might be due to variations in TSI (total solar irradiance) or other solar influences. How much is due to nature and how much is due to man is unknown.
Much of the last 18,000 years is characterized by more rapid sea-level rise than we see today. The current rise of sea level is very slow relative to the past and we are arguably more adaptable due to modern technology.
Precession of the Equinoxes
Climate and Human Civilization over the last 18,000 years
Another cycle is when the inclination of the Earth’s axis changes from 21.39 degrees to 24.36 degrees and back again. This cycle is 41,000 years. As the angle increases the seasons become more intense. The Earth also wobbles on its axis in a periodic way. This is a 21,700 year cycle.
You might just be able to see that the middle graph (Carbon Dioxide concentration) slight lags the temperature by about 800 years on average. This suggests that the changes in temperature might cause the Carbon Dioxide changes rather than the other way around.
According to the University of Colorado Sea Level Research Group, the current rate of sea level rise is about 6.8 12.6 inches per 100 years or 3.2 mm per year.
In general, the best times for man in the last 18,000 years are the warmer periods. The times of the disruption of civilization are the cooler and more arid times. This is quite consistent and since we have not seen unusual warming in the present warm period, relative to other warming events in the last 18,000 years, it seem doubtful that this warming period will be a problem for man to adapt to. Much of the last 18,000 years is characterized with much more rapid sea-level rise than we see today and this has caused a lot of disruption as it will in the future. But, the current rise in sea level is very slow relative to sea level rise during most of man’s civilized period. Our current warming and the current rate of sea level rise are very unspectacular.

Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide and Interglacial Warmth
Seeing is Believing
Isolated for 42 days in chambers of ambient and elevated CO2 concentrations, we periodically document the growth of cowpea plants (Vigna unguiculata) via time-lapse photography.
Plant Photosynthesis (Net CO2 Exchange Rate)
Responses to Atmospheric CO2 Enrichment
Climategate 'hide the decline' explained by Berkeley professor Richard A. Muller
Geologic Global Climate Changes
Scientific studies have shown that atmospheric Carbon Dioxide in past eras reached concentrations that were 20 times higher than the current concentration. Recent investigations have shown that the current change of climate is part of a larger cycle known as climatic lowstand phase which precedes a sequential warming period known as transgression phase. The purpose of this evaluation is to demonstrate that the Earth is actually cooling, in the context of the total geological timescale, and that the current change is equivalent to a serial climate phase known as lowstand.
Rising CO2 a Boon for Biosphere – Earth in ‘CO2 Famine’ – Cutting CO2 ‘a profoundly evil act’ – Climate Depot Fact Sheet on CO2
Plant responses to low [CO2] of the

That’s because all plants depend on CO2 for their very survival. It’s the “oxygen” for plants, and right now trees, grasses and food crops are starving for CO2 because it sits at nearly the lowest level it has ever been in the history of the Earth (barely above 400 ppm

ChemTrails: The CIA & Weather Modification
Interview 1189 – Spiro Skouras and James Corbett on CIA Geoengineering
Assessing the direct occupational and public health impacts of solar radiation management with stratospheric aerosols
and public health impacts of exposures to aerosols likely to be used for SRM, including environmental sulfates, black carbon, metallic aluminum, and aluminum oxide aerosols. We speculate on possible health impacts of exposure to one promising SRM material, barium titanate, using knowledge of similar nanomaterials.
Aluminium nanoparticle jet fuel additive research
Isopropoxide in the Presence
of Oleic Acid to Yield Air-Stable and Size-Selective Aluminum
Core-Shell Nanoparticle
Current technologies produce
nano-aluminum (Al) – the most attractive high-energetic candidate for the use in fuel additives,
jet propellants, and explosives because of its density and high
Umweltbundesamt "darf" Aluminium, Barium und Strontium in der Luft nicht messen

Air Traffic
Contributing to Climate Change and Ozone Destruction

Air traffic and, therefore, contrails, are not evenly distributed around the globe. They are concentrated over parts of the United States and Europe, where local warming reaches up to 0.7 watts per square meter, or 35 times the global average. The ghostly white trails following airplanes and rockets through the sky, called contrails, are probably adding to global warming, according to scientists at NASA’s Langley Research Center, Hampton, Va. The contrails often turn into cirrus clouds, a thin, wispy type of cloud made of ice crystals. The most common form of high-level clouds are thin and often wispy cirrus clouds. Typically found at heights greater than 20,000 feet (6,000 meters), cirrus clouds are composed of ice crystals that originate from the freezing of super cooled water droplets. Cirrus generally occur in fair weather and point in the direction of air movement at their elevation. While some clouds tend to help cool the globe and negate the affects of global warming, thin cirrus clouds are heat trappers, holding in more heat than they reflect back into space.
\mixed with lies\
Cirrus clouds form around mineral dust and metallic particles, study finds
“Other particle types – including bacteria and soot from human-produced combustion or natural sources – don’t seem to contribute much to the nuclei of cirrus crystals.
Dust in the clouds
Cirrus clouds form around mineral dust and metallic particles, study finds.
They found that the majority of cloud particles freeze, or nucleate, around two types of seeds: mineral dust and metallic aerosols.
After each flight, Cziczo and his colleagues analyzed the collected particles in the lab using high-resolution electron microscopy.
More than 60 percent of cloud particles consisted of mineral dust blown into the atmosphere, as well as metallic aerosols
Contrary to what many lab experiments have found, the team observed very little evidence of biological particles, such as bacteria or fungi, or black carbon emitted from automobiles and smokestacks.
Atmospheric Aerosols: What Are They, and Why Are They So Important?
The sulfate aerosols absorb no sunlight but they reflect it, thereby reducing the amount of sunlight reaching the Earth's surface. Sulfate aerosols are believed to survive in the atmosphere for about 3-5 days.
Environmental cost-benefit analysis of ultra low sulfur jet fuels
To attain levels of 15 ppm from the current average levels of 400-800 ppm would increase the cost of jet fuel by 1.6-6.6 ¢/gal, i.e. an increase in the cost of a gallon of just over 1% at 2011 prices.
Commercial aviation fuel (Jet A/A-1) contains sulfur at concentrations of 400-800 ppm, although there is significant variation. By contrast, US road transportation fuel is subject to an ultra-low sulfur fuel standard of 15 ppm, which is about 97% less than jet fuel.
Ultra-low sulfur jet fuel on the radar
The costs and benefits of introducing ultra-low sulfur fuel for aviation have been weighed up in a new study, and there are unexpected pros and cons. Modelling showed that desulfurising jet fuel would improve air quality, preventing between 1000 and 4000 deaths globally each year. It would cost the global aviation industry $1-4 billion (£0.63-2.5 billion) per year - ¢2-7 per gallon of jet fuel - which equates to an increase in the cost of jet fuel of around 2%.
TOXIC SKIES: Secret Jet Fuel Additives and Contrails Pollute Global Atmosphere 3

NASA Proposes Spraying Stratospheric Aerosols Into Earth’s Atmosphere
“There might be some good reasons to think about aluminum. Aluminum has four  times the volumetric rate for small particles as does sulphur. That means you have roughly 16 times less the coagulation rate, and that’s the thing that really drives removal.” – David Keith, Canadian Environmental Scientists, Professor of Applied Physics at Gordon McKay, Professor of Public policy, Harvard University, President of Carbon Engineering. (
Aluminum poisoning of humanity and Earth’s
biota by clandestine geoengineering activity:
implications for India
there is reason to
believe that coal fly ash is the principal ingredient used
for geoengineering.
Atmospheric Geoengineering with Aluminum
Apr 29, 2010 ... Geoengineer David Keith describes aluminum properties that are preferable to that of sulfur for use as an aerosol.
Geoengineering Definition of Terms
Geoengineering is the artificial modification of Earths climate systems through two primary ideologies, Solar Radiation Management (SRM) and Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR)\
Chemtrailing is the publics term for the CLASSIFIED ONGOING artificial modification of Earths climate systems using reflective nano-materials (aerosols) to reflect sunlight. The aerosols are dispersed via jet aircraft trails that expand into reflective artificial clouds.
Russia urges UN climate report to include geoengineering
As climate scientists prepare to gather for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in Stockholm to present the most authoritative state of climate science to date, it has emerged the Russian government is asking for "planet hacking" to be included in the report. The IPCC has not included geoengineering in its major assessments before.
The documents seen by the Guardian show Russia is asking for a conclusion of the report to say that a "possible solution of this [climate change] problem can be found in using of [sic] geoengineering methods to stabilise current climate." Russia also highlighted that its scientists are developing geoengineering technologies.
Geoengineering aims to cool the Earth by methods including spraying sulphate aerosols into the stratosphere to reflect sunlight, or fertilising the oceans with iron to create carbon-capturing algal blooms

CO2 Nears 400 ppm – Relax! It’s Not Global Warming ‘End Times’ — But Only A ‘Big Yawn’ — Climate Depot Special Report
Renowned Climatologist: ‘You can go outside and spit and have the same effect as doubling carbon dioxide’
'Scientists note that geologically speaking, the Earth is currently in a 'CO2 famine' and that the geologic record reveals that ice ages have occurred when CO2 was at 2000 ppm to as high as 8000 ppm. In addition, peer-reviewed studies have documented that there have been temperatures similar to the present day on Earth when carbon dioxide was up to twenty times higher than today’s levels

Carbon dioxide emissions cause tropical rainforests to grow faster
Researchers from Nasa's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in California have found that tropical forests account for
Deserts 'greening' from rising carbon dioxide: Green foliage boosted across the world's arid regions
Increased levels of carbon dioxide have helped boost green foliage across the world's arid regions over the
If carbon dioxide is so bad for the planet, why do greenhouse growers buy CO2 generators to double plant growth?

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