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Saturday, February 22, 2020

February Links Part III

Turkey, US protect Al Qaeda in Idlib and worsen Syria's suffering
Кадры уничтожения турецкой бронетехники и объектов в Сирии
Footage of the destruction of Turkish armoured vehicles and objects in Syria.
propaganda in Finnish
Noin 80 % pakolaisista on naisia ja lapsia, jotka ovat konflikteissa aina kaikkein haavoittuvimmassa asemassa.
< and 90% of the "syrian" refugees arriving in Europe aremen, mostly young men >
Homeless wheelchair-bound mum found dead in doorway of House of Fraser
Jopa puoli miljoonaa lasta paennut Syyrian Idlibissä – lapsia on kuollut pakkasessa
Vaikka he onnistuisivat saamaan teltan, lämmittimen ja patjan, heitä uhkaa tukehtuminen lämmityksen vuoksi tai sitten heidän suojansa palaa, sanoo Pelastakaa Lasten Syyrian maajohtaja Sonia Khush.
NPR's Ailsa Chang speaks with Sonia Khush, from the international NGO Save the Children,
 about wives and children of ISIS being repatriated back to their countries of origin.

Two weeks after the Turkish incursion into northeast Syria, Kurds in the region are still running detention camps that are holding the families of ISIS fighters. A humanitarian organization called Save the Children estimates that 9,500 children from more than 40 countries are living inside those camps. The parents of these children had left their home countries to join ISIS. And now there is an effort to remove these children from those camps in northern Syria and repatriate them to their countries of origin.
Joining us now is a woman who is part of that effort. Sonia Khush is the Syria response director with Save the Children. It's one of the many international NGOs working in the region.
"MH17 - Call for Justice"
REVEALED: Chief magistrate in Assange case received financial benefits from secretive partner organisations of UK Foreign Office
Assange’s Persecution Has Exposed Media Depravity The World Over
Assange has only ever been persecuted because he exposed US war crimes. No one has ever gone to jail for those war crimes, but instead of concentrating on that, the press decided to go after Assange.
Power is the ability to control what happens. Absolute power is controlling what people think about what happens. Humans are story-oriented creatures, so if you can control the stories that the humans are telling each other about what’s going on, you can control those humans.
Trudeau was elected because of massive foreign funding from Soros’ secret Tides Foundation
 As Media Amplifies Unrest in Venezuela and Beyond, Millions Are Quietly Revolting in Colombia
Despite protests of historic proportions fueled by anger over corruption and a brutal right-wing crackdown, the unrest in Colombia has garnered remarkably little international media attention compared to Venezuela.
View selected causes of death and population dynamics for Italy. Health Data used is WHO, World Bank and the United Nations for population.
Italy locks down TEN towns after 1st coronavirus death as cases jump to 17
The novel coronavirus, dubbed COVID-19, has infected around 77,000 people and killed over 2,360 worldwide since December. Though the majority have been in Mainland China, some 1,150 cases have been confirmed in other countries, as well as eight fatalities.
‘We don’t need Britain to show disunity’: Franco-German split scuttles EU budget summit
Germany and the “frugal” club demanded that any increases in spending go to new priorities such as climate change and managing migrant flows, but the proposal to dip into carbon emissions tax fund was roundly rejected.
3G and 4G
Doomsday prophecies of ancient methane being released as temperatures rise are WRONG, say scientists
In the case of methane hydrates, most of the greenhouse gas is dissolved and oxidized by microbes in the oceans long before it makes it to the surface. The same goes for deeper deposits of methane in permafrost, which the researchers believe are consumed by bacteria in the soil and turned into carbon dioxide.
Syria’s Idlib region becomes latest international battlefield in war
Kaukokäyttö-WiMAX syntyi vuonna 2013. Missä tänään mennään?
What is WiMax?
WIMAX - Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access
Turkey's Erdogan says will not withdraw from Syria's Idlib
British government hired ‘citizen journalists’ for propaganda purposes in Syria
Press Misreporting Assange Pardon Offer From Trump
 The Jimmy Dore Show
< if the NSA had any evidence, they would release that evidence. No Russian hack >
Three in Four Poles Know Soviet Troops Liberated Auschwitz, New Poll Shows
On 27 January 1945, Soviet troops entered Auschwitz-Birkenau, the centre of the Nazi mass-extermination effort, where more than 1 million people were gassed, worked and starved to death during the World War.
Withdrawal of mercenaries and Turkish troops from Libya is a condition for ceasefire – General Haftar to Russian media
Ankara and Libya’s National Transitional Council have used the temporary truce to deploy fresh troops and mercenaries from Syria, Libyan National Army Commander Khalifa Haftar said.
A freak 1870s climate event caused drought across three continents
<:Remembering the Safe & Stable climate of a low Co2 past. ></:Remembering>
GMO Advocate Says Monsanto's Roundup Safe to Drink, Then Refuses Glass
Russia didn't "hack" the DNC. As forensic analysts said, the download speed wasn't possible with the internet capabilities of the time, and the had to have been downloaded from the computer directly. Thus, it was an insider with access to the systems. We already know that Seth Rich was involved but has been so conveniently killed.
Patrick Moore
Greenpeace hits back at Trump tweet on climate change denial
google search: Before and after
Greenpeace and Google disappear Dr. Patrick Moore
Greenpeace does not consider Moore a co-founder of the organization, and the entity that became Greenpeace existed prior to Moore being affiliated with that group.
Patrick Moore Did Not Found Greenpeace
Patrick Moore frequently portrays himself as a founder or co-founder of Greenpeace, and many news outlets have repeated this characterization. Although Mr. Moore played a significant role in Greenpeace Canada for several years, he did not found Greenpeace
Twitter is testing new ways to fight misinformation — including a community-based points system
A leaked demo features bright red and orange badges for tweets that have been deemed “harmfully misleading."
The "harmfully misleading" tag wouldn't just be for politicians. It'd be for climate change denial and health misinformation, too, at least according to this test.
‘This should go well’: Trolling and worry as Twitter reveals plan to flag ‘lies & misinformation’
Dr. Patrick Moore was right: @Greenpeace IS full of sh*t
Greenpeace disappears a founder, much like 'The Commissar Vanishes' in Soviet Russia
The founders of Greenpeace
In 1970, the Don't Make A Wave Committee was established; its sole objective was to stop the second test. The committee's founders and first members included:
•     Paul Cote, a law student at the University of British Columbia
•     Jim Bohlen, a former deep-sea diver and radar operator in the US Navy
•     Irving Stowe, a Quaker and Yale-educated lawyer
•     Patrick Moore, ecology student at the University of British Columbia
•     Bill Darnell, a social worker

Darnell came up with the dynamic combination of words to bound together the group's concern for the planet and opposition to nuclear arms. The committee was renamed Greenpeace.
Idlib is a ‘magnet for terrorist groups’, says US military spokesman — contradicting MSM narrative on Syria
Russian Air Force strikes repel militant attack on Syrian government army in Idlib – Defense Ministry
The Russian Defense Ministry says its Air Force launched strikes to repel a militant offensive against the Syrian Army in Idlib, which had sought to breach the government forces’ defensive lines with Turkey’s backing.
Filtration Supplies
Political Climate Science
Tony Heller
Assange Will Be ‘Tortured to Death’ in UK Prison if Not Released - Medical Researcher
‘Many indications’ Hanau gunman was motivated by right-wing, racist views – Merkel
05  Glas und Glassysteme
40 Years Ago, A Novel Predicted The Coronavirus Outbreak; Called It Wuhan-400?
Lahti – transforming cities for a sustainable future
Leaked Docs Point to No Buk Missile Systems Around MH17 Crash Area, Dutch Journo Reveals
EU, UK & Australia Funding Orwellian Personal Carbon Rationing Trials
How ICNIRP, AGNIR, PHE and a 30 year old political decision created and then covered up a global public health scandal
This short term exposure paradigm is ridiculous.  It can take decades of smoking to develop lung cancer not just the 6 minutes it might take to smoke a cigarette.
Syria - Turkey's Bluff Is Called - Media Opposition Sources Run By British Intelligence
REVEALED: The British government’s covert propaganda campaign in Syria
Documents obtained by MEE reveal how British contractors recruited Syrian citizen journalists - often without their knowledge - to promote 'moderate opposition'
Coronavirus Was Eerily Predicted in a 1981 Novel
NEW Action Movies 2019 Full Movie English - Hollywood Fantasy Movies 2019 - Best Action Movies HD
Welcome to the 5G page
The 5G Appeal was prepared in 2017 by scientist and doctors who are urgently calling for the EU to halt the roll out of 5G due to serious potential health effects from this new technology. 5G will substantially increase exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic fields (RF-EMF) on top of the 2G, 3G, 4G, Wi-Fi, etc. for telecommunications already in place. RF-EMF has been proven to be harmful for humans and the environment.
During the recent years over 240 scientists from more than 40 countries have expressed their “serious concerns”,
‘Worst case scenario’: Kremlin slams Turkey's threat of military operation against Syrian government in Idlib
“We were satisfied with the agreements that were reached in Sochi over a year ago and the satisfaction was mutual. We were absolutely not satisfied after militants and terrorist groups started launching attacks from Idlib territory against the Syrian armed forces and Russian military sites,” he said. “That is when our satisfaction ended.”
5g avaliability world wide
Microsoft CEO Says 5G NOT Safe! Holy Cow, Look!
< no liability on health damage by EMF radiation >
Extinction Rebellion backer Chris Hohn builds £630m stake in Heathrow
PowerWatch: 1,670 Peer-Reviewed Scientific Papers on Electromagnetic Fields and Biology or Health
This is not a comprehensive list of studies. PowerWatch selected these studies from their internal database of 15,000 (approx.) scientific papers, most of which address EMF.
We Have No Reason to Believe 5G Is Safe
Yet, since the FCC adopted these limits based largely on research from the 1980s, the preponderance of peer-reviewed research, more than 500 studies, have found harmful biologic or health effects from exposure to RFR at intensities too low to cause significant heating.
Citing this large body of research, more than 240 scientists who have published peer-reviewed research on the biologic and health effects of nonionizing electromagnetic fields (EMF) signed the International EMF Scientist Appeal, which calls for stronger exposure limits. The appeal makes the following assertions:
PowerWatch: 1,670 Peer-Reviewed Scientific Papers on Electromagnetic Fields and Biology or Health
These Phones Emit the Most (and Least) Radiation
5G: Explained!
6g - tower on rooftop
7g - tower in every room
8g - phone has a tower on it
9g - tower in butt
5G is the next generation of wireless network technology and it’s now talk of the town.
Smartphone with Most radiations
“They Have Not Relented”: U.S. Maintains Support for Yemen War as Saudi Airstrike Kills 31 Civilians
UK airports must shut to reach 2050 climate target
The United States Is in Syria Illegally as a Proxy for Israel and Saudi Arabia
These countries have committed to a net-zero emissions goal - could it solve the climate crisis?
2G is on 900 and 1800 MHz, 3G on 900 and 2100 MHz, 4G/LTE on 700 (B28), 800 (B20), 1800 (B3) and 2600 (B7) MHz.
3G/4G bands and frequencies for OnePlus 5
Autoihin kiinnitetyt ”pläts-mittarit” paljastivat romahduksen hyönteisten määrässä – ”Jotain katastrofaalista on meneillään”
Protestor Diets
the quality of being open to more than one interpretation; inexactness.
US ‘shamelessly & impudently’ PILLAGES Syrian oilfields but forbids supply of hydrocarbons to Damascus, says Russian defense chief
The Human Microbiome: A New Frontier in Health
Humans: 10% Human and 90% Bacterial
99% of The Microbes in Our Own Bodies Are Still a Total Mystery to Science
More than 99 percent of the microbes inside us are unknown to science
People Use Just 8.2% of Their DNA, Study Finds
"Whether people like it or not, the vast majority of our genome is junk," said Dan Graur, a professor of molecular evolutionary biology at the University of Houston in Texas,
Seeing Through the Lies – US Edition
CADMIUM : The Toxic Problem Of Not-So-Clean Energy
< ignore the global warming BS >
Libyan General Haftar’s forces claim they've bombed Turkish ship ‘loaded with weapons & ammo’ at Tripoli port
No Buk missile systems detected near MH17 crash zone — leaked document
THE HAGUE, February 18. /TASS/. The July 2014 crash of Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 took place in the region where no Buk missile systems were deployed at the time of the tragedy, according to a leaked document of the Dutch Military Intelligence and Security Service.
According to the document, sent to Dutch prosecutors, flight MH17 was flying beyond the range of all identified and operational Ukrainian and Russian locations where 9K37M1 Buk M1 systems were deployed.
1,800m above the ground: Jetpack daredevil pulls off milestone stunt
Court halts Tesla’s ‘environmentally-friendly’ deforestation to build Gigafactory
No Excuse For Data Tampering
Tony Heller
Inside a Single Week Syrian Troops Fought Turkey, Israel, the US and Al-Qaeda
And you thought it was hot now? How a 24-DAY heatwave on Australia's east coast in January 1896 saw temperatures climb to 49 degrees and killed 437 people
10 Totally Eerie Abandoned Mansions
The empty and abandoned buildings in Neath
The number of empty and boarded up homes in Lewisham are an “insult” to struggling families, according to the Liberal Democrat mayoral candidate
A public question from Chris Maines to the council revealed that 939 homes were vacant in the borough and 83 of those homes have remained empty for more than five years.
Could Britain’s empty homes accommodate the homeless?
deauther wifi jammer
Wifi 'Jammer' Device V1.1 | Setup Tutorial
Make WiFi Jammer With ESP8266 - Hack Any WiFi Without Password!
WIFI Jammer
A WiFi Jammer Can Prevent Data Theft
Ein niederländischer Journalist hat Geheimdienstunterlagen über den Absturz von MH17 veröffentlicht
Der militärische Geheimdienst der Niederlande hat kein einziges Buk-Luftverteidigungssystem gefunden, das eine malaysische Boeing zum Absturz bringen könnte, die 2014 in der Nähe von Donezk abgestürzt ist.
Mark Carney - UN Climate Czar : Will Changing Global Currency Stop Climate Change?
All four Labour leadership candidates declare themselves zionists or supporters of zionism
The Middle East and Saudi just dropped to the lowest temp ever
NEO – Armageddon, Determinism and Rage
As we move into February 2020, the tensions, the hate, the anger can be felt around the world.  To most, if not all sentient mammals, the idea of governments and institutions as primary actors is at an end. Banditry, hypocrisy and hedonism rule.
China’s Coronavirus. “We Cannot Rule Out Man Made Origin of these Infections”
“Advanced forms of biological warfare that can ‘target’ specific genotypes may transform biological warfare … to a politically useful tool.”
Interviewer: Is it possible that the new coronavirus only affects people of Chinese nationality? So it’s set on certain features of the human gene?
Nikulin: If it turns out that this is indeed the case, then such a natural mutation cannot be accurate. It’s mathematical proof that it’s an artificially created virus.
Greece – The Clearance Sale of Greek Military Bases to the United States a country which, after been obliged to sell off its own economy, is now selling off not only its military bases, but also what is left of its sovereignty.
Chicago Records Coldest Valentine's Day In Half A Century; The Brunt Of Winter Is Likely Over – Hello Spring?
A look back at the love, or lack thereof, that Mother Nature has shown Chicago over the years on February 14.
This includes this morning being the coldest Valentines temperature in the Windy City in 77 years!
Downing Street adviser resigns over comments talking up EUGENICS, compulsory birth control & drugging children
Which Smartphone Emits The Most And Least Radiation — Samsung, iPhone, Google Pixel, Xiaomi, Nokia, OnePlus or Huawei?
Electromagnetic Frequencies (EMFs) and ElectroHypersensitivity
Health risks linked to electromagnetic field exposure
A study of real-world exposure to non-ionizing radiation from magnetic fields in pregnant women found a significantly higher rate of miscarriage, providing new evidence regarding their potential health risks. The Kaiser Permanente study was published today in the journal Scientific Reports (Nature Publishing Group).
Turkey trying to ‘CONQUER’ Libya, not to bring peace, says top Tripoli govt diplomat visiting Moscow
When we talk about peace, we don’t have [Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip] Erdogan in mind,” Al-Hweij said. “Among all the involved political figures, he’s the farthest from a peaceful settlement.”
Restoring The Safe Climate Of 1927
Tony Heller
France gives asylum to shock artist… now wants him returned to Russia
Syrian Arab Army regains control of greater Aleppo countryside
< snow in Aleppo >
Russia will support Syria's fight against terrorism in Idlib despite Trump's calls to stop it – Kremlin
US openly paves way for INF-banned missiles to be placed in Europe & Asia – Lavrov
Vitamin D Measurement the Key to Change
Münchener Sicherheitskonferenz – Was nicht im Spiegel zu lesen war
Dresden: Linksradikale verbrennen Kränze zum Gedenken der Opfer des anglo-amerikanschen Bombenterrors
Nearly 10K Military Personnel From 110 Nations In Wuhan China Weeks Before Coronavirus Outbreak!
Whooping cough outbreak closes Texas school despite 100-percent vaccination rate: officials
Oceans Erase Last Summer’s Warming
“The link between climate change and Britain’s winter storms”–(Clue–There is not one)
‘Western doctors overprescribe drugs’ – Jordan Peterson's daughter Mikhaila tells RT why he went to Russia for treatment
If you go to medical school, a lot of courses you take are backed by pharmaceutical companies. People, who are meaning well, go to medical school and are perhaps taught by the wrong people and then end up overprescribing.
Syrian army takes control over all villages around Aleppo, eliminating threat of terrorist shelling
 Most teachers quite disturbed about their unions' push for sexualization and indoctrination of school children
Government agents seized $181,500 in cash at airport and won't give it back
Coronavirus Expert in Leaked Analysis: 'This is Just a Severe, Localized Common Cold'
Gaia: The Greek Earth Goddess Had No Tolerance for Cruel Family Members
The evidence on cell phone hazards
Dr. Henry Lai, a 20-year EMF researcher, and colleague Dr. N.P. Singh confirmed double-strand DNA breaks in test animals exposed for just two hours to pulsed, cell phone microwaves.
When you talk on your mobile phone at 800 MHz and 1,990 MHz, whipping anything back-and-forth 800 or 1,990 million times per second is bound to cause breakage in the double-strand DNA of human cells.
The risk of contracting cancer from cell phones is about 4% of more than 2 billion users – 80 million people
You only need 2000 hours on a cell – OR A CORDLESS – phone to qualify for a 2 to 4x increased likelihood of a brain (glioma) or ear (acoustic neuroma) tumor.
Real versus Simulated Mobile Phone Exposures in Experimental Studies
One reason for the increased biological activity of man-made EMFs can be that cells/organisms adapt more easily to any external stressor, and to EMFs, when this stressor is not of significantly varying type, in other words when its parameters are kept constant or vary only slightly
Health Effects of 5G in Real Life Conditions: Newly Published Paper
Intelligent Trees - The Documentary
Turkey Sending Military Equipment to Terrorists in Syria - Source
'Kill Every Buffalo You Can! Every Buffalo Dead Is an Indian Gone'
New doc & THIRD whistleblower hit OPCW for throwing dirt at leakers claiming Douma account was fabricated — report
< When the OPCW accepted "evidence" collected by the white helmets and used that "evidence" to accuse Assad of a gas attack in Syria, they lost their credibility.  We all understand what the OPCW has become. >
Saudi Arabia Suffers Record-Breaking Cold and Desert Snow
Biologists in WSJ: Only Two Sexes, Male and Female, There is No Sex 'Spectrum'
Saudis are leading backers of 'extremism' in UK: report
Saudi Arabia tops the list of countries promoting 'extremism' in Britain, a UK-based think-tank says.
Saudi Arabia largest funder of extremism in UK, report finds
International propagation of Salafism and Wahhabism
Antarctica – where more ice and less ice is proof of climate change
Study Finds Memory Damage in Teens: Cell Phone Radiation Health Effects
Smart phones could damage our memory side of the brain
Cell Phone Radiation May Affect Memory
Clandestine Geoengineering Programs
Israel bombs Damascus, killing 7, including 4 Iranians
Nearly 40% of Russia’s Food Still Comes From Small, Family Gardens
In 2003, the Russian government passed the Private Garden Plot Act entitling citizens to private plots of land (between 2 and 5 acres) for free.

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