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Saturday, February 8, 2020

February Links Part One

“Code Red” Blizzards Bury parts of Eastern Europe, with entire Cities “Under Siege”
It's Time To Ask Again What Really Happened To Ukraine's Missing Gold
Breaking Down The Last Decade Of "Terrible" Climate-Change In 7 Narrative-Busting Charts
Syria & Russia Publish Evidence Of US Weapons Recovered In Idlib 'Terrorist Enclave'
Sepsis Treated With High Dose Vitamin C
Understanding the Concept of Original Antigenic Sin as Applies to Vaccination
The Danger and Ineffectiveness of Flu Vaccines, with the concept of original antigenic sin information
FOR THOSE THAT STILL BELIEVE IN FLU SHOTS. In view of this information, NO ONE with any common sense would ever again take a flu vaccine. Not if they have both eyes open, and in actually using their head.
Tamiflu Deception - Learn The Real Truth
The World Just Missed a Five Year Paris Agreement Deadline to Raise Climate Ambition
Abstract. In this paper we will prove that GCM-models used in IPCC report AR5 fail to calculate the influences of the low cloud cover changes on the global temperature. That is why those models give a very small natural temperature change leaving a very large change for the contribution of the green house gases in the observed temperature. This is the reason why IPCC has to use a very large sensitivity to compensate a too small natural component. Further they have to leave out the strong negative feedback due to the clouds in order to magnify the sensitivity. In addition, this paper proves that the changes in the low cloud cover fraction practically control the global temperature.
Did Osama bin Laden Confess to the 9/11 Attacks, and Did He Die, in 2001?
Context of 'September 16, 2001: Bin Laden, in Statement Read on Al Jazeera, Denies Involvement in 9/11 Attacks'
Bin Laden says he wasn't behind attacks
September 17, 2001
 In a statement issued to the Arabic satellite channel Al Jazeera, based in Qatar, bin Laden said, "The U.S. government has consistently blamed me for being behind every occasion its enemies attack it.
"I would like to assure the world that I did not plan the recent attacks, which seems to have been planned by people for personal reasons," bin Laden's statement said.
"I have been living in the Islamic emirate of Afghanistan and following its leaders' rules. The current leader does not allow me to exercise such operations," bin Laden said.
'There is no global warming': Senator Malcolm Roberts
Sky news Australia
Why Data Tampering Matters
Tony Heller
'Slow death': Israeli dams flood Gaza crops ahead of harvest
Palestinian farmers accuse Israel of deliberately waging a war on Gaza's agricultural sector
Do clouds control climate?
This result demonstrates that more than half of the rapid warming observed in the 1980s and 1990s can be explained by a decrease in cloud cover. Since 1999 net cloud forcing has remained approximately constant (-0.2 W/m2), while CO2 forcing has increased by a further 0.58 W/m2.
Oceans, Clouds and Climate
Water vapor is  the strongest greenhouse gas providing up to 90% of the Earth’s greenhouse effect. If all CO2 was removed from the atmosphere the temperature would be about 3 degrees colder. Removing all water from the planet then the temperature would plunge by ~ 30 degrees. The Oceans must have  stabilised Earth’s temperatures for up to 4 billion years when liquid water first appeared. During that time the Sun’s output has grown by 30% but temperatures have not changed dramatically.  IPCC models all assume a large positive feedback from  water vapour AND a positive feedback from clouds. This results in far larger temperature rises of between 2-5 degrees than the modest 1 degree rise expected just by  a doubling of CO2. Low level clouds have a net cooling effect on the Earth’s surface because they reflect solar energy as anyone on a beach in the UK in August can testify. They trap somewhat infrared radiation at night but the net effect is cooling
Posts concerning effects of Oceans, Clouds and Water Feedback
30 years of IPCC assessment reports – How well have they done?
The real test of climate models is whether they can predict future warming and all the evidence of the last 5 assessment reports shows that most of them fail to do that.
It is normal practice in science that theoretical predictions which fail experimental tests are rejected or at the very least modified.
Water – direct evidence of negative feedback
This result implies that the net climate feedback (sensitivity) to water is negative  or at most zero. The data is incompatible with large positive values of +2.0 watts/m2/degreeC. as used in the majority of GCM models.
Sahara Temperature Trends
‘Free speech only for Americans!’ US senators threaten Twitter with sanctions unless it censors Iranian leadership
Operation Barbarossa II: Setting The Stage For War
Sanders And Warren Campaigns Paid Reparations For An Estimated 2,102 Tons Of Coal Worth Of Carbon In 2019
Sanders, a prominent environmentalist and supporter of the Green New Deal (GND),
Masturbation boosts your immune system and raises your white blood cell count, helping you fight off infection and illness.
Patriot Mythology
 Corbett Report Extras
Chinese scientists say pangolins might be missing link in coronavirus transmission
US troops in standoff with Russian-controlled forces
2020 State Of The Climate Address
Tony Heller
Democrats impeach Trump for withholding arms to Neo-Nazis in Ukraine
NOAA Gets Geoengineering Funding From Congress
Jim Lee
Video: Black Professor Unleashes Flood of White Tears After On-Air Clash Ensues When Guest Says the British Empire ‘Wasn’t All Bad’
When an obviously incensed Morgan asked Andrews if he was, “comparing the British empire to Nazi Germany” the professor clarified his point.
“You’re right, there is no comparison,” Andrews responded. “The British Empire did far more harm to the world for a far more sustained period of time.”
RAY McGOVERN: German TV Exposes the Lies That Entrapped Julian Assange
Israeli F-16s struck Damascus on Thursday & endangered civilian flight with 172 passengers on board – Russian Defense Ministry
Scientists Warn: You Can Contract The Coronavirus More Than Once
In 1990, Tom Karl and the IPCC showed that Earth was much warmer 900 years ago, during the Medieval Warm Period (MWP.)
In 1990, Tom Karl and the IPCC showed that Earth was much warmer 900 years ago, during the Medieval Warm Period (MWP.)
Immersive Subtitles Extended Demo
Top 10 Fantasy Movies of All Time
DNC Caught Flipping Votes From Bernie To Buttigieg
 The Jimmy Dore Show
Israel bombs Damascus as Syrian Arab Army advances in Idlib
Geoengineering no longer a conspiracy theory
No Clear Warming Trend in Recent Decades / UAH 0.56 for January /Avalanches in Eastern Turkey
Longest-Ever S. Hemisphere Tree-Ring Reconstruction Finds The 1700s-1800s Were Warmer Than Today
Brief Details How The ‘Green New Deal’ Would Be An Environmental Disaster
Nature Has Been Removing Excess CO2 4X Faster than IPCC Models
. I concluded that we might never reach a doubling of atmospheric CO2 (2XCO2).
Temperatures are Falling across the Globe according to NOAA Data but NASA conceals this Fact
 Philosophical Investigations
Stop using Russia as chief ‘bogeyman’, let’s normalize relations – Putin spokesman to US politicians
Russia was second-biggest energy exporter to US in Autumn 2019, volumes hit 8-year high
Al Gore's 'climate change hypocrisy' is 'nuts'
 Sky News Australia
Scientists Are Creating New, Incurable Diseases in Labs
Sask. farmers to lose 12 per cent of net income to carbon tax: APAS
White farmers killings in Africa | VPRO Documentary
Turkey expects Russia to stop Damascus military operations in Idlib – FM Cavusoglu
Russian, Turkish military specialists among hundreds killed & injured in terrorist attacks from within Syria’s Idlib – Moscow
This situation was recently discussed during an interview with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov. He explained that Turkey needed to separate the armed opposition it is working with from the Hayat Tahrir al-Sham terrorists, saying that it has failed to do so.
Remdesivir and chloroquine effectively inhibit the recently emerged novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) in vitro
Our findings reveal that remdesivir and chloroquine are highly effective in the control of 2019-nCoV infection in vitro. Since these compounds have been used in human patients with a safety track record and shown to be effective against various ailments, we suggest that they should be assessed in human patients suffering from the novel coronavirus disease.
Pre-determined science’ Morano reacts to NYT’s ‘leaked’ federal climate doom report: ‘Political report masquerading as science’
Climate Depot takes on Gore, NYT and the climate hustlers
Scientists Criticize 'Hottest Year on Record' Claim as Hype
Global temperatures COOLER now than when Gore won Nobel Prize in 2007
Charts and figures from "An Inconvenient Truth"
Is There an Inconvenient Truth Hiding Within Al Gore’s Inconvenient Truth?
I remember watching Al Gore’s presentation in “An Inconvenient Truth” and being quite taken by a graph that he presented. It showed such an obvious correlation between C02 and Global temperature over the last 1/2 million years or so that you would have to be an idiot not to acknowledge that the two are related. And since he gave such a compelling case for how CO2 could cause the greenhouse effect and that would in turn raise global temperatures… That correlation in the minds of an entire society quickly evolved into a causation. It made sense to me, because the data and the explanation was SO compelling.
ate of publication and mention of the grant of the patent: 20.11.2019 Bulletin 2019/47
    Erica Bickerton
    Sarah KEEP
    Paul Britton
Current Assignee
    Pirbright Institute
    Pirbright Inst
Brain Study Reveals Secrets of Staying Madly in Love
The Superbowl Of Data Tampering
Tony Heller
Pompeo drops Kiev bombshell, says ‘Crimea is lost & will remain Russian’ – Ukrainian media
App blamed for botched Iowa caucus created by Hillary Clinton campaign alum
Earth's albedo 1700 to 2020
“The first” ROBUST Scientific Evidence for Cloud-Albedo Control of Earth’s Climate [not CO2]
Climate is indeed driven by changes in cloud albedo!
The climate theory claims that recent warming was caused by trapping of IR radiant heat by increasing atmos. "greenhouse gases". However satellite observations show no sign of heat trapping, since outgoing LW radiation increases in phase with rising lower-troposphere Global Temp.
Bad News Alarmists — Official Data Reveals Arctic Sea Ice is once again GROWING
Are vapor trails from aircraft influencing the climate, and if so, should we worry?
Ongoing debate

In a study published in 2004, for example, Minnis and colleagues reported that contrails are capable of increasing average surface temperatures sufficiently to account for a warming trend in the U.S. between 1975 and 1994. But some climatologists believe Minnis and his colleagues may have overestimated the contrail warming effect.
< James Hansen of NASA's is complete corrupt. A fraud, not a scientist >
Dimming of the Sun
Their findings, published today in Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, show that by 2050, contrail-induced warming could be three times higher than it was in 2006. In fact, this type of warming will likely outpace warming from rising carbon dioxide emissions, thanks to concurrent improvements in fuel efficiency.
She added that the expected rise in contrail cirrus warming is also, partly, due to modern planes flying slightly higher than their predecessors, which is likely to lead to more contrail cloud formation over the tropics.
How planes are making the skies brighter: Contrails thicken clouds so they reflect more radiation
    A study found aircraft trails may be making clouds reflect more radiation
    Cirrus clouds in the atmosphere were found to get thicker once disturbed
    Researchers say the effect may be caused by soot emitted from aircraft
Around 100,000 commercial flights criss-cross the skies overhead every day, leaving white condensation trails streaking across the sky.
While scientists have studied the impact these increasingly markers have on the atmosphere for decades, new research indicates they may actually be making cloudy skies brighter.
Researchers found that whispy cirrus clouds which hang high in the atmosphere reflect more sunlight after being disturbed by passing aircraft, as the 'contrails' thicken them.
2. Low cloud cover controls practically the global temperature
Uusi tutkimus - J. Kauppinen ja P. Malmi
In this paper we will prove that GCM-models used in IPCC report AR5 fail to calculate the influences of the low cloud cover changes on the global temperature. That is why those models give a very small natural temperature change leaving a very large change for the contribution of the green house gases in the observed temperature. This is the reason why IPCC has to use a very large sensitivity to compensate a too small natural component. Further they have to leave out the strong negative feedback due to the clouds in order to magnify the sensitivity. In addition, this paper proves that the changes in the low cloud cover fraction practically control the global temperature.
1979 to 2019 temperatures
Finnish Scientists: Effect of human activity on climate change insignificant
“The major part of the extra CO2 is emitted from oceans, according to Henry‘s law. The low clouds practically control the global average temperature. During the last hundred years the temperature is increased about 0.1℃ because of CO2. The human contribution was about 0.01℃.”
New Scientific Paper “Proves” Clouds Control the Climate, not Man
A new research paper concludes that human activity can account for no more than a 0.01C rise in global temperatures, and goes so far as to “prove” low-level clouds “practically control the global temperature”.
The Crown and The Dragon: The Paladin Cycle - Adventure Movie
at 32 min
God is not Pro-Life
The Biblical God is NOT pro-life, he advocates child murder, infanticide, child abuse and abortion
The Bible's guide to torture
The Bible's filled with torture: 9 ways the Good Book condones the worst behavior

Of course Christian wingnuts are willing to excuse drones and CIA. They're simply taking their cues from the Bible
Why nuclear power will never supply the world's energy needs
Scaling consumption up to 15 TW, the viable uranium supply will last for less than 5 years
Why renewables can’t save the planet | Michael Shellenberger | TEDxDanubia
The Green New Deal
Tony Heller
4. She was 90 years old when Isaac was born

Abraham and Sarah were quite old when Sarah was pregnant. There was no natural way possible that they could conceive a child. Abraham exclaims, “Shall a child be born to a man who is a hundred years old? Shall Sarah, who is ninety years old, bear a child?” (Genesis 17:17) She did — and named him Isaac, which means “laughter.”
Life Of The Party
Tony Heller
Hide The Decline: A Climategate Backgrounder
< Henceforth, I shall call it Mann-made climate change. >
< hide the decline meant hiding the data by Griffa who showed a decline in temperatures in the< second half of the 20th century >
CHILL IN THE AIR Earth about to enter 30-YEAR ‘Mini Ice Age’ with -50C temperatures in coldest regions, scientists warn
According to Nasa, the Sun will reach its lowest activity in over 200 years in 2020.
This could cause average temperatures to drop as much as 1C in a cold spell lasting 12 months, according to Northumbria University expert Valentina Zharkova.
That might not sound like much, but a whole degree is very significant for global average temperatures.
However, Professor Zharkova warned icy spells and wet summers could persist until solar activity picks up again in 2053.
She listed recent unusual chills in Canada and Iceland as evidence of the Grand Solar Minimum (GSM) already taking hold.
Just Don't Call It Global Warming! - #PropagandaWatch
Glyphosate in chickpea, lentil and wheat bran
Glyphosate test on local food shows Canada in bad light.
Gluten Free Food maybe suspect
High amount of Glyphosate found in 200 Canadian Foods tested

THE TRUTH ABOUT VACCINES Dr Shiv Chopra (Total Health 2013)
Digileak Canada Sept 01_30_2017
1A Special Interview withDr. Shiv ChopraBy Dr. Mercola
Sitting All Day: Worse For You Than You Might Think
What Happens When Your Government Chooses to Side-Step Scientific Truth?
Dr Shiv Chopra talks about vaccines
Dr. Mercola and Dr. Chopra Talk about Vaccines and More (Part 7 of 9)
26, 1977, in Merka, Somalia, according to the CDC. The World Health Organization (WHO) declared smallpox eradicated in 1980. "It was eradicated solely through vaccination. ... Prevention of smallpox is based on a worldwide vaccination strategy.
Interview 1446 – James Corbett on The Post-Carbon Energy Eugenics Hoax
The Great Swine Flu or the Great Flu Swindle?
Seeds of Death: Unveiling The Lies of GMO's Full Documentary HD
GMO-Free Windsor-Essex presents Five Pillars of Food Safety with Shiv Chopra
Reflections on Dr. Shiv ChopraAuthor of “Corrupt to the Core - Memoirs of a Health Canada Whistleblower”by Ken Billings
IDFA 2009 | Trailer | The Idiot Cycle
Frankensteer Passionate Eye
Shiv Chopra
It's from the same class of drugs. When it is used in poultry, beef, turkeys, pigs, or whatever, then it causes cross-resistance in the intestines of those animals. Then those bacteria, like Salmonella, Campylobacter, or E. coli, get transferred to people and cause disease and death of immense order."
It is our divine right as people of God and our constitutional right as people of Canada to eat and feed our families the food that the earth produces naturally. Therefore, we demand all contaminants in our food supply be banned by an act of Parliament. The five items in question include: Hormones, antibiotics, genetically modified organisms (GMOs), rendered animal proteins, and pesticides.
Shiv Chopra MSc, PhD
Specialties : Preventive Medicine
Dr. Shiv Chopra is a world renowned scientist. Originally from India he lives in Canada, since 1960. His academic qualifications include graduation in veterinary medicine, and M.Sc. and Ph.D. in microbiology. He is the recipient of numerous academic awards, including a Fellowship of the World Health Organization. His career is checkered with various eminent posts in India, England and Canada. He is also the recipient of numerous national and international awards for his work on human rights, science for the public good, and community service.
Over the years, Dr. Chopra’s name has become synonymous with global food security. Employed as a senior scientific advisor at the Canadian ministry of health (1969-2004), he refused to approve various harmful drugs for food-producing animals. He endured disciplinary actions, spoke out publicly, testified at Senate committees, and won many federal court cases against the Government of Canada. His contributions on food and public health safety are featured in many internationally acclaimed documentaries. His book, CORRUPT TO THE CORE: Memoirs of a Health Canada Whistleblower (2010) is a best seller. Published by KOS Publishing, Toronto, it provides a bristling account of how corporate corruption endangers public safety. It also contains his famously illumined “Five Pillars of Food Safety”, which is a blueprint for the future establishment of global food security.

Shiv Chopra
Shivdarshan. L. Chopra or commonly Shiv Chopra, was a Canadian microbiologist and human rights activist. Chopra stood for food safety and testified before the Senate of Canada in defending the public from hormones, antibiotics, genetically modified organisms, rendered animal proteins, and pesticides. Wikipedia
Dr. Mercola and Dr. Chopra Talk about Vaccines and More
Flu Vaccine Deception: Dr. Mercola's Interview with Dr. Chopra (Part 3)
Flu Vaccine Deception: Dr. Mercola's Interview with Dr. Chopra (Part 2)
Flu Vaccine Deception: Dr. Mercola's Interview with Dr. Chopra (Part 1 of 8)
AIDS, Spanish Flu, the PLAGUE? Just how deadly is the coronavirus compared to history’s WORST pandemics?
Child abuse – Police and council officers caught destroying evidence and falsifying records
The Non-Conversation About Climate
Tony Heller
The Non-Conversation About Climate
Greta Thunberg Incorporated: The Exposé
They Just Won't Stop!
Gen David Petraeus We Can't Leave Afghanistan Now, They Have Trillions of Dollars of Minerals
The Stunning Statistical Fraud Behind The Global Warming Scare | Investor's Business Daily
What do we mean by fraudulent? How about this: NOAA has made repeated "adjustments" to its data, for the presumed scientific reason of making the data sets more accurate.
Nothing wrong with that. Except, all their changes point to one thing — lowering previously measured temperatures to show cooler weather in the past, and raising more recent temperatures to show warming in the recent present.
Global Warming, meet Creationism
Any system that allows a questioning of beliefs is an enlightened system. The truth can only be determined by fearlessly having vibrant critical and analytical discussion, by embracing rather than fearing uncertainty and by not suppressing evidence contrary to one’s beliefs. This does not happen with the populist climate movement. Human-induced global warming is an unproven scientific hypothesis that has become an article of faith.
Council of Europe’s parliamentary assembly calls for Assange’s release, condemns threatened extradition
The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) adopted a resolution last Tuesday which demands the “prompt release” of imprisoned WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange and warns that his threatened extradition from Britain to the US, for lawful publishing activities, “sets a dangerous precedent” for all journalists.
Worldwide, these annual epidemics are estimated to result in about 3 to 5 million cases of severe illness, and about 290 000 to 650 000 respiratory deaths. In industrialized countries most deaths associated with influenza occur among people age 65 or older
Pilot comparative study on the health of vaccinated and unvaccinated 6- to 12- year old U.S. children
Al Gore and Bill Nye FAIL at doing a simple CO2 experiment
<  “doesn’t a greenhouse work mainly by preventing convection rather than by trapping infrared radiation?” >
< this particular experiment only shows that a CO2 saturated atmosphere is more effective at absorbing infrared radiation and converting it to heat energy than the regular atmosphere, it does not demonstrate that AGW is a threat or even if it is occurring. >
< With CO2 Experiments, they are increasing the pressure inside the container.
What would happen if you conducted this experiment with any gas as a controlled area.
Not just increasing the CO2 level. As the volume of the gas increases inside the container, the pressure and temperature must increase as well.
Basis physics 101. Pressure, volume, Area,Temperature.
You would really need three experiments to do this correctly IMHO.
One CO2 one a gas other than CO2 but increased in the area in the same quantities as CO2 and the control…… >
< BS propaganda >
Coronavirus Death Toll Rises to 361 With 17,205 Cases of Infection - Authorities
Aussie Academic: 'Ethically Misguided & Downright Dangerous' NOT To Censor Climate-Deniers
Santa Cruz Just Decriminalized Magic Mushrooms In Unanimous Vote
Researchers at the new Johns Hopkins facility will be studying psychedelic substances and their effect on the human brain. More specifically, they will be seeking possible treatments for mental health issues like addiction, depression, PTSD, Alzheimer’s disease, eating disorders and a variety of other conditions.
Celebrate 243 Years of “Profitable Genocide”
African Slaves, Native Americans, Mexicans, Filipinos, Etc.
Tamiflu Fraud Bilked $1.5 Billion from Government, Alleges Whistleblower
Rockefeller Foundation Sued: $1 Billion for Infecting Citizens With Syphilis
The Carbon Sense Coalition
I love CO2
The Vostok Ice Core and the 14,000 Year CO2 Time Lag
Full glacial conditions came into being without falling CO2 providing any of the climate forcing. This falsifies the traditional narrative that dCO2 amplified weak orbital forcing effects. It is quite clear from the data that CO2 follows temperature with highly variable time lags depending upon whether the climate is warming or cooling.
vostok ice core
Who will control Mediterranean gas: Turkey’s and France’s conflict at sea
More Evidence Emerges Suggesting The Recent Coronavirus Was Man-Made
 The Last American Vagabond
Shoot and abandon: 155 amputees and 27 paralyzed in two years: How Israel punishes those who dare protest the siege of the Gaza Strip
                      MANN V. BALL YAWNED OUT OF COURT
Damning Ruling Posted in the Mann-v-Ball ‘Trial of the Century’
The Supreme Court of British Columbia has released the damning official final Judgment in the Mann-v-Ball ‘science trial of the century.’
Honourable Mr Justice Giaschi ruled that Mann’s multi-million-dollar, eight-year libel suit is “dismissed with prejudice” due to Mann’s “inexcusable delay.” (see: Para. 13).
***********MANN lost the case*************************************
LAWTON: Judge dismisses Michael Mann’s lawsuit against Tim Ball
The judge awarded Ball legal costs for the dismissal motion, and also the case itself.
A mere eight-and-a-half years after Penn State climatologist Michael Mann filed a lawsuit against Canadian professor Tim Ball, the case has been tossed out for its “inexcusable” delays.
While Mann submitted four binders worth of documentation to combat the motion to dismiss, the judge found there was “no evidence from the plaintiff (Mann) explaining the delay.”
Giaschi said the “inordinate delay” was not excusable, and that it prejudiced justice.
New research highlights how plants are slowing global warming
Climate change hoax collapses as Michael Mann’s bogus “hockey stick” graph defamation lawsuit dismissed by the Supreme Court of British Columbia
Between:Michael Mann Plaintiff And:Timothy ("Tim") Ball Defendants
[1]THE COURT:I will render my reasons on the application to dismiss. Ireserve the right to amend these reasons for clarity and grammar, but the result will not change
THE COURT:  All right. I agree. The costs will follow the event, so the defendant will have his costs of the application and also the costs of the action, since the action is dismissed
Breaking News: Dr Tim Ball Defeats Michael Mann’s Climate Lawsuit!
Climate change hoax collapses as Michael Mann’s bogus “hockey stick” graph defamation lawsuit dismissed by the Supreme Court of British Columbia
Michael Mann refuses to turn over the data behind the graph, insisting on secrecy instead of transparency

Real science, not the phony “consensus” version, requires open access to data, so that skeptics (who play a key role in science) can see if results are reproducible.
Mark Steyn vs Michael Mann, Climate Change: The Facts, Keynote 4, ICCC10
Hockey Stick
Perhaps the most extreme example of corruption in the field of climate science is the Hockey Stick of Dr. Michael Mann at the University of Pennsylvania.  See also 2 videos on this subject:  Link
Global Warming? No, Natural, Predictable Climate Change
Scafetta’s findings contradict IPCC claims that all warming observed from 1970 to 2000 has been man-made (“anthropogenically-induced”)
Finally, three major available global surface temperature record sources report a steady-to-cooling trend since 2001. These measurements contradict the strong warming predicted by all IPCC models during the same period that are attributed primarily to a continuing increase in CO2 emissions.
 The Liberal Establishment is Already Warning Third Parties Not to Ruin the 2020 Election
Prominent liberal personalities, including Noam Chomsky, issued an open letter imploring third parties to “remove themselves as a factor” in the 2020 presidential election to “benefit all humanity and a good part of the biosphere.”
Bill Gates EXPOSED I Want Population Control Through Vaccines. some_.mp4
How Iran decided to bomb US bases and how Trump avoided an all-out war
Mean sea levels and IPCC projections
Bill Gray: H20 is Climate Control Knob, not CO2
CO2 warming ultimately results in less water vapor (not more) in the upper troposphere. The GCMs therefore predict unrealistic warming of global temperature. I hypothesize that the Earth’s energy balance is regulated by precipitation (primarily via deep cumulonimbus (Cb) convection) and that this precipitation counteracts warming due to CO2.
Projected Climate Changes from Rising CO2 Not Observed
– N° 1 600 million years of global temperature change
– N° 2 Earth‘s temperature record for the last 400,000 years
– N° 3 Holocene period and average northern hemispheric temperatures
– N° 4 140 years of global mean temperature
– N° 5 120 m of sea level rise over the past 20‘000 years
********GREAT - INFO***************************
The Ever Changing Climate
Bats, Gene Editing and Bioweapons: Recent DARPA Experiments Raise Concerns Amid Coronavirus Outbreak
The Intellectual and Moral Decline in Academic Research — The James G. Martin Center for Academic Renewal
Yet, more importantly, training in “science” is now tantamount to grant-writing and learning how to obtain funding. Organized skepticism, critical thinking, and methodological rigor, if present at all, are afterthoughts
An Inconsistent Truth
Japan Set To Release 1.2 Million Tons Of Radioactive Fukushima Water Into Ocean, Causing "Immeasurable Damage"
Social Media Networks Vow To Censor "Misinformation" About Coronavirus
Coronavirus Epidemic: WHO Declares a “Fake” Global Public Health Emergency
In contrast, in the US,  the Centers of Disease Control  estimate that so far for the 2019-20 season, at least 15 million flu virus illnesses, 140,000 hospitalizations and 8,200 deaths in the U.S, which has population of 330 million, about a quarter that of China.

And there was virtually no coverage or concern regarding the Seasonal Flu, which in 2017 resulted globally in 650,000 deaths.
Bird Flu Is Back - China Faces Yet Another Viral Plague
Coronavirus Contains "HIV Insertions", Stoking Fears Over Artificially Created Bioweapon
Where’s Greta when you need her? NASA witnesses dramatic polar ice COLLAPSE on Mars
PLASMA COSMOLOGY [Full Infomentary]
Energy from Space | The Shift Has Begun
********************VERY Good**************************
CLIMATE FORCING | Our Future is Cold
one hours at 40 min
Temperature of Ocean Water
The deep ocean is made up of horizontal layers of equal density. Much of this deep ocean water is between 0-3 degrees Celsius (32-37.5 degrees Fahrenheit)! It's really, really cold down there! There is a neat program that is measuring the temperature and salinity of ocean surface waters around the world
90 % of the total volume of ocean is found below the thermocline in the deep ocean. The deep ocean is not well mixed. The deep ocean is made up of horizontal layers of equal density. Much of this deep ocean water is between 0-3 degrees Celsius (32-37.5 degrees Fahrenheit)! It's really, really cold down there!
Under Assault from the Government... and other Top News | S0 News Feb.1.2020
Nigel Farage on Brexit Day: The Real Winner Here is Democracy
Scientists Are Creating New, Incurable Diseases in Labs
Israel is systematically poisoning one million Palestinian children
More Evidence This Is A Man-Made Coronavirus, Israel Bombs Gaza & The Lie Of The Century Implodes
 The Last American Vagabond
PEDIACEL syringe
A history of febrile convulsions, a family history of convulsions or Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) do not constitute a contraindication for the use of PEDIACEL. Vaccinees with a history of febrile convulsions should be closely followed up as such adverse events may occur within 2 to 3 days post vaccination.
Here It Is: SIDS Listed as a Side Effect on a DTaP Vaccine Insert
“70% of children who have died of SIDS received the pertussis vaccine within 3 weeks before death.” Within this 3 week time period after receiving the vaccine, children’s breathing patterns became stress-induced, wreaking havoc on their respiratory systems
Study: Elderberries Block Flu Virus From Attaching To and Entering Human Cells
CIA and Cocaine - How the CIA sparked the Crack-Epidemic
Keriser Report: The Germ Guy (E1496)
 Destructive farming is the issue — not whether you eat meat or vegetables
Land degradation, biomass loss and climate change are intertwined, whether in the Amazon or a savannah
Why 'top-down' approaches won't stop coronavirus (Full show)
Revolving Door
The SARS Outbreak Infected 8,000, Will the New Coronavirus Be Worse?
By the time the global SARS outbreak was contained, the virus spread to over 8,000 people worldwide and killed almost 800.
It’s been 17 years since a respiratory virus called severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) appeared in China.
VRM: Gardasil, Hepatitis B vaccine Recombivax & Merck scandal – Dangers of Amorphous Aluminum Hydroxyphosphate Sulfate adjuvant
Tightened constraints on the time-lag between Antarctic temperature and CO2 during the last deglaciation
we show that the increase in CO2 likely lagged the increase in regional Antarctic temperature by less than 400 yr and that even a short lead of CO2 over temperature cannot be excluded
New research in Antarctica shows CO2 follows temperature "by a few hundred years at most"
 we show that the increase in CO2 likely lagged the increase in regional Antarctic temperature by less than 400 yr and that even a short lead of CO2 over temperature cannot be excluded. This result, consistent for both CO2 records, implies a faster coupling between temperature and CO2 than previous estimates, which had permitted up to millennial-scale lags.
'The CDC is actually a vaccine company' – Robert F. Kennedy Jr
< Yep. Drug companies determine which drugs are safe. Cell phone companies determine how much radiation is safe. Chemical companies decide how much pollution is safe. Whatever gives them the most profit without completely obviously killing people is safe. It's a fine line and they dance on it. >
Does CO2 lead or lag global temperature?
< potholer using Al Gore to "debunk" a respected scientist >
< min 7:03 Hansen is a fraud > < see also 9:22 >

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