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Saturday, March 28, 2020

March Collection Part Four

The Propaganda of Terror and Fear: A Lesson from Recent History
The ongoing and unfolding reactions to the Corona Virus look set to have wide-ranging and long-lasting effect on politics, society and economics. The drive to close down all activities is extraordinary as are the measures being promoted to isolate people from each other.
Toilet Paper Crisis Solved As Government Prints Trillions Of Fresh, Soft Dollar Bills
Estimating Hospital Deaths Due to Medical ErrorsPreventability Is in the Eye of the Reviewer
July 25, 2001
 "medical mistakes kill 180 000 people a year in US hospitals"3 and "medical errors may be the 5th leading cause of death."
Medicine report quoted rates estimating that medical errors kill between 44 000 and 98 000 people a year in US hospitals
Medical errors kill hundreds of thousands each year in the US
A recent report by the Journal of Patient Safety indicates that between 200,000 and 440,000 people are killed each year in the United States from preventable medical errors. These patients aren’t dying from the condition that forced them to go to the hospital in the first place. They’re dying from unintended mishaps.
‘A mass sterilization exercise’: Kenyan doctors find anti-fertility agent in UN tetanus vaccine
"If Getting Us Into $6 Trillion More Debt Doesn’t Matter, Then Why Not $350 Trillion?"
13 Reasons To Fear The Coming COVID World Order
UK Column News - 27th March 2020
< Plandemic hysteria is killing more people than the flu.  >
Bill Gates Wants a Billion Dead! Vaccines and global depopulation! - TEDX Talks
Yes Bill Gates wants YOU dead! Get paid to share videos online with Staged at! Contact Ryan Conley for more info skype: ryan.conley206
International Association of National Public Health Institutes
<< At its inception, IANPHI received seed funds from the Rockefeller Foundation and a one-year planning grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF). BMGF subsequently awarded multi-year funds for IANPHI's development and to support projects to build NPHIs in low- and middle-income countries. Resources have since been contributed by the U.S. CDC[2] A recent role for IANPHI has been to work with the Child Health and Mortality Prevention Surveillance project. ... The National public health institutes (NPHI) model, exemplified by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), China CDC, Public Health Agency of Canada and others, is an effective and cost-efficient way to systematically develop and sustain national public health systems. NPHIs, including China CDC, INSP in Mexico, FIOCRUZ in Brazil and others in over 90 countries around the world, have been major contributors to reductions in morbidity and mortality from infectious and noncommunicable conditions. ...
The next outbreak? We’re not ready | Bill Gates
Covid-19: The Panic Is Worse Than the Pathogen
Compared to cancer, heart disease, substance abuse, or car accidents – Covid-19 is relatively harmless. But it has been put in the spotlight by deliberately dishonest, selective reporting that focuses on generating hysteria by presenting out-of-context information to an ignorant and easily panicked public.
If there is no global concern or massive mobilization over cancer and heart disease – conditions that claim far more lives than any virus – why the sudden hysteria and “concern” .
you will find that those dying are already chronically ill, advanced in age, and/or already at risk whether it was Covid-19 or the common cold.
When deaths are reported without context they easily create panic.
When the number of Covid-19 deaths are put into perspective in relation to past outbreaks – or even side-by-side with the annual common flu virus- we see just how unwarranted the current wave of hysteria is and how overreactions from governments are aimed more at saving face and assuaging public panic than preserving public health.
Corona oder wie ganze Völker zu unkritischen Lemmingen mutieren
Medicago develops a plant-based vaccine for Coronavirus
The Canada-headquartered biopharmaceutical company is using a virus-like particle (VLP) grown in Nicotiana Benthamiana, a close relative of the tobacco plant, to develop a potential vaccine against the coronavirus disease that has now reached a global pandemic level.
Potential false-positive rate among the 'asymptomatic infected individuals' in close contacts of COVID-19 patients
When the infection rate of the close contacts and the sensitivity and specificity of reported results were taken as the point estimates, the positive predictive value of the active screening was only 19.67%, in contrast, the false-positive rate of positive results was 80.33%.
< retracted means Big Pharma don't like the truth >
Heiko Schöning: #Corona - Kriminelle Zusammenhänge verstehen. #Coronavirus
< According to papmed the test for the new corona gives to 80% false posites >
Oxford Epidemiologist: Here’s Why That Doomsday Model Is Likely Way Off
Professor Gupta lead a team of researchers at Oxford University in a modeling study which suggests that the virus has been invisibly spreading for at least a month earlier than suspected, concluding that as many as half of the people in the United Kingdom have already been infected by COVID-19.
If this is the case, fewer than one in a thousand who’ve been infected with COVID-19 become sick enough to need hospitalization, leaving the vast majority with mild cases or free of symptoms.
Epidemiologist Behind Highly-Cited Coronavirus Model Drastically Downgrades Projection
If her model is accurate, fewer than one in a thousand who’ve been infected with COVID-19 become sick enough to need hospitalization, leaving the vast majority with mild cases or free of symptoms.
domino efect
Oxford Model: Coronavirus May Have Already Infected Half of U.K. Population
 As of Monday, 87 people in the United Kingdom had died from the coronavirus; out of a total of 90,436 tests, 8,077 were positive.
What Do YOU Know about 5G?
Two Hundred and Thirty Years of Rights and Liberties Shredded: Why I Oppose The Lockdown
My opposition to the potential Lockdown is twofold but principally it is  based on the fact that over two hundred and thirty years of rights and  liberties should not be shredded on the basis of any threat, real or imagined. Americans either have rights or we don’t. There is no asterisk  in the Constitution that states the Bill of Rights is null and void in  the event of a terrorist attack or a virus outbreak. If we do not maintain our rights in a time of crisis, then, simply put, we do not truly have rights at all.
“The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it's profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.” Frank Zappa
The Model State Emergency Health Powers Act1As of December 21, 2001
Im Panikmodus in die Diktatur
Die Mächtigen nutzen das Chaos durch die angebliche Pandemie zur Installation eines neuen Herrschaftsregimes.
Der epidemiologische Notstand ist beschlossen, ab jetzt diktiert das Gesundheitsministerium. Viele Grundrechte sind für ein Jahr passé, eine in Panik erstarrte Bevölkerung nimmt es hin. Möglich macht das eine gigantische mediale Angstmaschine um das umgehende Corona-Virus, begleitet von unseriös interpretierten Zahlen und willkürlich produzierten Horrorbildern. Und ein Blick in Jahre alte Regierungsdokumente legt nahe: Jetzige Szenarien wurden längst durchgespielt.
Why Do I Have Numbness in My Legs?
COVID-9-11 – A ‘controlled demolition’?
Study: COVID-19 Impacts Men, Women More Than All Other Genders Combined
Federal Reserve to lend additional $1 trillion a day to large banks
WASHINGTON (AP) — The Federal Reserve moved with unprecedented force and speed Friday to pump huge amounts of cash into the financial system to ease disruptions that have escalated since the viral outbreak.
The New York Federal Reserve Bank said it will offer $1 trillion of overnight loans a day through the end of this month to large banks. That is in addition to $1 trillion in 14-day loans it is offering every week. Banks, so far, have not borrowed nearly as much as the New York Fed is offering, and the loans are quickly repaid. None of the funding is from taxpayer dollars. Wall Street analysts say the huge number is intended to calm markets by demonstrating that the Fed’s ability to lend short-term is nearly unlimited.
Coronavirus: Police can now enter homes to look for people gathering
Is the 2019 Coronavirus Really a Pandemic?
The world is suffering from a massive delusion based on the belief that a test for RNA is a test for a deadly new virus, a virus that has emerged from wild bats or other animals in China, supported by the western assumption that Chinese people will eat anything that moves. If the virus exists, then it should be possible to purify viral particles. From these particles RNA can be extracted and should match the RNA used in this test. Until this is done it is possible that the RNA comes from another source, which could be the cells of the patient, bacteria, fungi etc. There might be an association with elevated levels of this RNA and illness, but that is not proof that the RNA is from a virus.
Fauci Ignores WHO Boss Crimes Against Humanity
I bet people would be shocked to know that the current head of the World Health Organization was involved in multiple unprosecuted potential crimes against humanity
Major Report Says Drug-Resistant Superbugs Are Already Killing More People Than Feared
Drug-resistant germs sicken about 3 million people every year in the United States and kill about 35,000, representing a much larger public health threat than previously understood, according to a long-awaited report released Wednesday by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
 Pandemic simulation exercise spotlights massive preparedness gap
Event 201, hosted by the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, envisions a fast-spreading coronavirus with a devastating impact
< The timing of this is too great a coincidence. Three months before China outbreak? >
Event 201
The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in partnership with the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation hosted Event 201, a high-level pandemic exercise on October 18, 2019, in New York, NY. The exercise illustrated areas where public/private partnerships will be necessary during the response to a severe pandemic in order to diminish large-scale economic and societal consequences.

When You're Older & Single. Mike Siegel
Milan Italy was overwhelmed with viral lung infections as recently as 2018 without feeding a global hysteria
Running Isn't For Old People. Greg Warren - Full Special
How lethal is Covid-19 REALLY? Why massive fatality rates from Italy are MISLEADING
By Peter Andrews, Irish science journalist and writer, based in London. He has a background in the life sciences, and graduated from the University of Glasgow with a degree in genetics
How lethal is coronavirus?
Italy’s mortality rate for COVID-19 is 10%. But that’s misleading. Why?
Because most of those infected with Coronavirus are likely to be undiagnosed. Most of those that have died suffered from underlying health conditions.
The way Italy records its COVID-19 deaths is, shall we say, generous. Anyone who tests positive for the infection and then dies is recorded as a 'COVID-19 death' - even if that person had stage 4 cancer!
So...should politicians really be using these figures to make policy?
Running Isn't For Old People. Greg Warren - Full Special
Digital Dollars and Technocracy on Steroids - #NewWorldNextWeek
Corona: Prof. Dr. Stefan Hockertz - Nicht das Virus macht uns krank, sondern die Angst davor!
Coronavirus and the Gates Foundation
Arguably, no one has been more active in promoting and funding research on vaccines aimed at dealing with coronavirus than Bill Gates and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. From sponsoring a simulation of a coronavirus global pandemic, just weeks before the Wuhan outbreak was announced, to funding numerous corporate efforts to come up with a novel vaccine for the apparently novel virus, the Gates presence is there. What does it actually entail ?
Add to this the fact that the Gates Foundation and related entities such as CEPI constitute the largest funders of the public-private entity known as WHO, and that its current director, Tedros Adhanom, the first WHO director in history not a medical doctor, worked for years on HIV with the Gates Foundation when Tedros was a government minister in Ethiopia, and we see that there is practically no area of the current coronavirus pandemic where the footprints of the omnipresent Gates are not to be found. If that is to the good of mankind or grounds to be worried, time will tell.
Ernst Wolff: #Corona und der herbeigeführte Crash. #Coronavirus
Strictly by the numbers, the coronavirus does not register as a dire global crisis
Is COVID-19 a global crisis? Certainly for people who can’t add.
I learned some powerful lessons from SARS in 2003. Maybe the most important one was how important it was to focus on what has happened rather than on what might happen. In other words: “Just the facts, ma’am."
The Cult of The Dow & The Folly Of GDP Calamity-Howling, Part 1
WTC 7 Not Destroyed by Fire, Concludes Final University of Alaska Fairbanks Report
"The destruction of the 47-story WTC 7 late in the afternoon of September 11, 2001, was not a result of fires, according to the report issued by Professor Hulsey and his team. “The only way it could have fallen in the observed manner is by the near-simultaneous failure of every column,” Hulsey announced."
Coronavirus vs. Flu: The actual stats
Also, coronavirus is likely far more prevalent than implied by official case counts based on positive tests, since many people are not getting tested for coronavirus.
Preparing for an Influenza Pandemic, A CDC Perspective
•Dec 13, 2018
 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
PG&E Pleads Guilty to Involuntary Manslaughter for Sparking California’s Deadliest Fire
The announcement comes a little less than a year after an investigation confirmed that power lines owned by the utility sparked the Camp Fire, which burned 153,336 acres, killed 85 people and scorched the town of Paradise.
U.S. Economy Grinds To Halt As Nation Realizes Money Just A Symbolic, Mutually Shared Illusion
Immunologe kritisiert Anti-Corona-Maßnahmen als „unverhältnismäßig
An der fachlichen Qualifikation von Professor Stefan Hockertz besteht kein Zweifel. Unter anderem ist er Professor für Molekulare Immuntoxikologie am Universitätsklinikum Hamburg Eppendorf, zudem war er Direktor des Institutes für Experimentelle und Klinische Toxikologie am Universitätsklinikum Hamburg Eppendorf. Diesen Fachmann interviewte kürzlich der Radiosender “rs2” zur Coronakrise. Dabei kritisierte Hockertz, dessen Aussagen auch für Österreich Gültigkeit haben, die Maßnahmen der bundesdeutschen Regierung.
Jede Woche stirbt in Berlin ein Mensch an multiresistenten Keimen. Das sind im Jahr rund 35.000 in Deutschland
„Völlig unverhältnismäßig“
Corona sei nicht die Pest und auch nicht Ebola — sogar die Masern seien gefährlicher, sagt der Immunologe Prof. Dr. Stefan Hockertz.
Prof. Dr. Hockerts relativiert diese Zahlen jedoch, indem er sie in den richtigen Zusammenhang stellt: Mit Gefahren wie dieser lebt die Menschheit schon seit tausenden von Jahren, sagt er. In 99 Prozent der Fälle reiche das menschliche Immunsystem aus, um mit Viren fertig zu werden.
Das Coronavirus macht uns nicht krank - Prof. Dr. Stefan Hockertz 24.03.2020 - Bananenrepublik
New report calls for urgent action to avert antimicrobial resistance crisis
Currently, at least 700,000 people die each year due to drug-resistant diseases, including 230,000 people who die from multidrug-resistant tuberculosis.
Recognizing that human, animal, food and environmental health are closely interconnected, the report calls for a coordinated, multisectoral “One Health” approach.
Corona-Notpaket der Bundesregierung: Milliarden für die Reichen, Almosen für die Armen
Allein die Zahlen sprechen eine unmissverständliche Sprache. 600 Milliarden Euro sind zur Unterstützung von Großunternehmen vorgesehen, 50 Milliarden Euro für kleine Firmen und Selbständige. Dabei beschäftigen kleine und mittlere Unternehmen mit weniger als 500 Mitarbeitern 58 Prozent aller sozialversicherungspflichtigen Beschäftigten in Deutschland, das sind insgesamt knapp 18 Millionen.
New York hospitals treating coronavirus patients with vitamin C
 'Seriously sick coronavirus patients in New York state’s largest hospital system are being given massive doses of vitamin C — based on promising reports that it’s helped people in hard-hit China...Dr. Andrew G. Weber, a pulmonologist and critical-care specialist affiliated with two Northwell Health facilities on Long Island, said his intensive-care patients with the coronavirus immediately receive 1,500 milligrams of intravenous vitamin C.'
NOT CORONAVIRUS: Over 50,000 Children Die Every Year in Yemen
The global threat of antibiotic resistance
Antibiotics have started to fail. Resistant bacteria already cause more than 750,000 deaths every year. This number is predicted to rise dramatically if radical actions are not taken. Antibiotic resistance has become one of the greatest threats to global health.
Lockdown lunacy
Former Health Ministry chief Prof. Yoram Lass says governments can't halt viruses and the lockdown will kill more people from depression than the virus.
12 Experts Questioning the Coronavirus Panic
In Hubei, in the province of Hubei, where there has been the most cases and deaths by far, the actual number of cases reported is 1 per 1000 people and the actual rate of deaths reported is 1 per 20,000. So maybe that would help to put things into perspective.
causes of death
Number of people dying from pneumonia by age
Pneumonia risk factors for people aged 70 and older
Outdoor air pollution – small particulate matter air pollution – is the risk factor that lead to most deaths. In 2017 it lead to more than 300,000 deaths from pneumonia of older people.

 7,773,198,218Current World Population as of March 25 2020
Who are the vulnerable groups?
PREVENTING THE FLU > take it with a pint of salt. Flu vaccines do more harm than good >
80% of Australia’s COV-19 Cases Are “Imported”, Mostly From the U.S.: Prime Minister Morrison
"The country which has actually been responsible for a large amount of these (coronavirus cases) has actually been the United States," the prime minister said,
List of infectious diseases causing flu-like syndrome
Influenza-like illness is a nonspecific respiratory illness characterized by fever, fatigue, cough, and other symptoms that stop within a few days. Most cases of ILI are caused not by influenza but by other viruses (e.g., rhinoviruses, coronaviruses, human respiratory syncytial virus, adenoviruses, and human parainfluenza viruses). Less common causes of ILI include bacteria such as Legionella, Chlamydia pneumoniae, Mycoplasma pneumoniae, and Streptococcus pneumoniae. Influenza, RSV, and certain bacterial infections are particularly important causes of ILI because these infections can lead to serious complications requiring hospitalization
WHO Expert: Lock-Downs Won't Stop This Virus
Ryan wants governments to do things such as identifying people with the virus and quarantining them, forcibly if necessary.  Forced quarantine with a gun to your head.
The best way to prevent this virus’ spread, according to information from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, is to wash your hands regularly and well and maintain social distancing for now.
Coronavirus in Deutschland: Lagebericht des Robert Koch-Instituts, 23.3.2020
Corona SARS MERS Schweine und Katzen-Virus
Die Stimme der Vernunft
„Ausgangssperren sind jetzt das falsche Mittel“, erklärt die renommierte Virologin Karin Mölling im Interview.
Ich bin der Ansicht, dass man eigentlich hier selektiv nur eine Sache anschaut und die mit einer gewissen Panik füllt. Sie kriegen jetzt jeden Tag am Morgen mitgeteilt, wie viele SARS-Corona 2-Tote man hat.
Jede Woche stirbt in Berlin ein Mensch an multiresistenten Keimen. Das sind im Jahr rund 35.000 in Deutschland. Das wird überhaupt nicht erwähnt. Ich bin der Ansicht, dass wir solche Situationen schon mehrfach hatten und dass jetzt in Bezug auf die Maßnahmen der Bogen überspannt wird.
Karin Mölling is a German virologist whose research focused on retroviruses, particularly human immunodeficiency virus. She was a full professor and director of the Institute of Medical Virology at the University of Zurich from 1993 to 2008.
Krieg gegen die Bürger: Coronavirus ein Riesenfake? Eva Herman im Gespräch mit Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg
****Sehr Gut*************************
Das weltweite Corona-Chaos - ES REICHT!
Das wirkliche Problem sind die Infektionen in den Köpfen!
How to Practice Proper Social Distancing - #PropagandaWatch
Toilet Tissue from The Carol Burnett Show (full sketch)
Corona als Tarnung - Wie der Virus der Weltwirtschaft hilft, ihre eigentliche Pleite zu tarnen!
Italy’s Covid-19 death toll FALLS for second consecutive day
Status of COVID-19
As of 19 March 2020, COVID-19 is no longer considered to be a high consequence infectious diseases (HCID) in the UK.
The 4 nations public health HCID group made an interim recommendation in January 2020 to classify COVID-19 as an HCID. This was based on consideration of the UK HCID criteria about the virus and the disease with information available during the early stages of the outbreak. Now that more is known about COVID-19, the public health bodies in the UK have reviewed the most up to date information about COVID-19 against the UK HCID criteria. They have determined that several features have now changed; in particular, more information is available about mortality rates (low overall), and there is now greater clinical awareness and a specific and sensitive laboratory test, the availability of which continues to increase.
The Advisory Committee on Dangerous Pathogens (ACDP) is also of the opinion that COVID-19 should no longer be classified as an HCID
Could This Explain Why the Coronavirus Death Rate in Italy Is So High?
"The way in which we code deaths in our country is very generous in the sense that all the people who die in hospitals with the coronavirus are deemed to be dying of the coronavirus," Prof. Riccardi told The Telegraph.
"On re-evaluation by the National Institute of Health, only 12 percent of death certificates have shown a direct causality from coronavirus, while 88 percent of patients who have died have at least one pre-morbidity - many had two or three," the professor explains.
< March  24 2020 6,077. 12% = 729. In Winter 2017/18 Influenza and pneumonia killed 13,823 in Italy >
David Cameron's chief adviser just said austerity caused 130,000 avoidable deaths
Malaria drug touted as coronavirus treatment by Trump and Elon Musk can be deadly, China finds
Dr. med.Wolfgang Wodarg, geb.1947, ist Internist und Lungenarzt, Facharzt für Hygiene und Umweltmedizin
sowie für öffentliches Gesundheitswesen und Sozialmedizin
In German
In English
In Finnish
Deja Vu: The Swine Flu Vaccination Fraud of 1976
CBS ” 60 MINUTES” documentary on the swine flu epidemic of 1976 in the U.S. It went on air only once and was never shown again. Watch this video documentary and listen to testimony of people who caught Gullian-Barre paralysis because of the swine flu vaccine. They sued the US government for damages.

500 cases of Gullian-Barre paralysis, including 25 deaths—not due to the swine flu itself, but as a direct result of the vaccine. At the time President Gerald Ford, on advice from the CDC, called for vaccination of the ENTIRE population of the United States.'
Why The WHO Faked A Pandemic
The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), a human rights watchdog, is publicly investigating the WHO's motives in declaring a pandemic. Indeed, the chairman of its influential health committee, epidemiologist Wolfgang Wodarg, has declared that the "false pandemic" is "one of the greatest medicine scandals of the century."

Even within the agency, the director of the WHO Collaborating Center for Epidemiology in Munster, Germany, Dr. Ulrich Kiel, has essentially labeled the pandemic a hoax
The Old Curiosity Shop (1995)  at:1:20
Medical Martial Law 2020
We'll have a landslide of deaths occurring if people with presumptive Corona accept Chloroquine treatment, and it'll go into the history books as having been caused by Coronavirus. I, for one, have a responsibility to warn the community of imminent danger where I see it coming. This is a freight train, and we will be facing a catastrophe of unprecedented proportions.
 Coronavirus: Bergamo is the most vaccinated city in Italy against meningitis and flu, and now the dead are countless.

9,618,335 Abortions this year
< 160,000 people die on earth every day, on average, and the median age is 31. >>

The experts state that their data is 99.9% reliable, and suggest that this data should be part of government considerations, around the world, as we are confronted by this latest global-media hysteria, about a flu virus.
Italy Death Rate 1950-2020
    The current death rate for Italy in 2020 is 10.658 deaths per 1000 people, a 0.87% increase from 2019.
    The death rate for Italy in 2019 was 10.566 deaths per 1000 people, a 0.88% increase from 2018.
    The death rate for Italy in 2018 was 10.474 deaths per 1000 people, a 0.68% increase from 2017.
    The death rate for Italy in 2017 was 10.403 deaths per 1000 people, a 0.68% increase from 2016.
TRUTH: Seasonal FLU TWICE as Deadly as Coronavirus?
Ben Swann
Prof. Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi - Corona-Nachtrag 1: Belastbarkeit des Gesundheitssystems
Prof. Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi - Corona-Krise Nachtrag 2 - Schreckensszenario Italien
Prof. Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi - Corona-Nachtrag 1: Belastbarkeit des Gesundheitssystems
Beware of viruses
*******************************## 9:25
Corona: Prof. Dr. med. Sucharit Bhakdi - Enschätzung eines unabhängigen, anerkannten Experten.
Corona virus COVID-19- hype and hysteria? Demystification of the nightmare!
 Prof. Dr. med. Sucharit Bhakdi
< 2200 Germans over 65 die every day. Worst case scenario, 30 Germans over 65 who have multiple diseases might die and also have the corona virus. From 1000 Germans with the corona virus, only one of them will be sick>
Suomen arviot: Korona vie tulevina viikkoina tuhansia suomalaisia sairaalaan
Finland scoffs at WHO's coronavirus testing protocol, suggests organization doesn't understand how pandemics work
This year in the world:
60,000,000 people will die, mostly from "old age",
     2,500,000 from pneumonia,
        500,000 from "flu" (mainly old people with pre-existing conditions); and
          10,000 deaths attirbuted to "corona (0.01%, mostly old people with pre-existing conditions).
These data are ALARMING !
We must all Panic.
The numbers are not at all scary.
The level of propaganda and reactions to the propaganda
are very scary.
***ZE BEST VIDEO********************
TRUTH: Seasonal FLU TWICE as Deadly as Coronavirus?
The burden of lung disease
The burden of lung disease
World Lung Day 2019: Healthy Lungs for All
There were 56,832 deaths due to pneumonia and influenza in 2013, which combined were the eighth leading cause of death in the U.S.
Daily death rate in Germany is about 2,700 per day. Higher in Winter and lower in Summer
Investigating the impact of influenza on excess mortality in all ages in Italy during recent seasons (2013/14–2016/17 seasons)
24,981 attributable to influenza epidemics in the 2016/17 period
The Old Curiosity Shop (1995) at 43min
Commentary: Pollution in Italy, China and Iran Worsens the Coronavirus Impact!topic/climate-gate/pnaSGczZCcI
Corona vs. the flu. With picture

A Swiss Doctor on Covid-19
According to the latest data of the Italian National Health Institute ISS, the average age of the positively-tested deceased in Italy is currently about 81 years. 10% of the deceased are over 90 years old. 90% of the deceased are over 70 years old.
Furthermore, according to a first Chinese study, the internationally used virus test kits may give a false positive result in some cases. In these cases, the persons may not have contracted the new coronavirus, but presumably one of the many existing human coronaviruses that are part of the annual (and currently ongoing) common cold and flu epidemics. (
Army Blocks Streets in Milan Amid Coronavirus Pandemic - Video
Viruses and Evolution – Viruses First? A Personal Perspective
Retroviruses contributed to about half of our genomic sequences and to the evolution of the mammalian placenta.
Flat Feet More Common Than You Might Think
“About 30 percent of people have a flat foot,” says West Penn Hospital Orthopedist Dr. Victor Prisk. “For every person who has a flat foot, one in 10 probably has some symptoms from it.”
Supermacht des Lebens
Ihre Entwicklung begann vor mehr als 3,5 Milliarden Jahren in der Morgenstunde des Lebens, als es noch nicht einmal Zellen gab. Viren sind, wie Karin Mölling, die große Dame der Virenforschung, zeigt, keineswegs nur Feinde: Sie leisten zu unserer Entwicklung und Gesundheit wesentliche Beiträge. Selbst unser Erbgut besteht zur Hälfte aus - Viren. Es gibt mehr Viren als Sterne am Himmel und es gibt sie überall. Nicht wenige sind unvorstellbar alt. Die kleinsten Viren sind hundertfach kleiner als Bakterien, die größten, sogenannte Gigaviren, die Forscher kürzlich nach 30000 Jahren im ewigen Frost
Humans can be infected by six known strains of coronaviruses. In mammals and birds, coronaviruses infect the upper respiratory and gastrointestinal tract. In humans, coronaviruses cause cold, fever, throat congestion, pneumonia, and bronchitis.
Severe acute respiratory syndrome-related coronavirus is a species of coronavirus that infects humans, bats and certain other mammals. It is an enveloped positive-sense single-stranded RNA virus that enters its host cell by binding to the ACE2 receptor. Wikipedia
Virologin Prof. Moelling hält Corona-Maßnahmen für übertrieben
Phagentherapie: Wie Viren gegen Bakterien helfen (Impulsvortrag 2019)
«Ohne Viren gäbe es schlicht kein Leben.» - Virologin Prof. Dr. Karin Mölling zu Gast bei KKL Impuls
Exposing the covid-19 hoax
Investigating the impact of influenza on excess mortality in all ages in Italy during recent seasons (2013/14–2016/17 seasons)
    In the winter seasons from 2013/14 to 2016/17, an estimated average of 5,290,000 ILI cases occurred in Italy, corresponding to an incidence of 9%.
    More than 68,000 deaths attributable to flu epidemics were estimated in the study period.
    Italy showed a higher influenza attributable excess mortality compared to other European countries. especially in the elderly.
In the coronavirus pandemic, we're making decisions without reliable data
About Corona Virus Covid-19 from Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg
Infos zu Corona-Virus Covid-19 von Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg
US Threatens Families Of Int'l Criminal Court Staff If They Try Americans For War Crimes
US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has threatened the family members of International Criminal Court staff, vowing that Washington will take punitive action against them if the court tries American soldiers for war crimes.
VRM: Ebola Report
The low-budget vaccine, MenAfriVac®, (less than US$0.50 per dose) was “kept outside the cold chain for up to four days at up to 40°C”.
Neighboring Liberia & Sierra Leone, both primary epicenters, were recently subject to the “largest ever Yellow Fever Immunization Program” conducted in that region – an estimated 12 million locals impacted (infected) by the compound shot.
Zn Inhibits Coronavirus and Arterivirus RNA Polymerase Activity In Vitro and Zinc Ionophores Block the Replication of These Viruses in Cell Culture
Increasing the intracellular Zn(2+) concentration with zinc-ionophores like pyrithione (PT) can efficiently impair the replication of a variety of RNA viruses, including poliovirus and influenza virus. For some viruses this effect has been attributed to interference with viral polyprotein processing. In this study we demonstrate that the combination of Zn(2+) and PT at low concentrations (2 µM Zn(2+) and 2 µM PT) inhibits the replication of SARS-coronavirus (SARS-CoV) and equine arteritis virus (EAV) in cell culture. The RNA synthesis of these two distantly related nidoviruses is catalyzed by an RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp), which is the core enzyme of their multiprotein replication and transcription complex (RTC). Using an activity assay for RTCs isolated from cells infected with SARS-CoV or EAV--thus eliminating the need for PT to transport Zn(2+) across the plasma membrane--we show that Zn(2+) efficiently inhibits the RNA-synthesizing activity of the RTCs of both viruses. Enzymatic studies using recombinant RdRps (SARS-CoV nsp12 and EAV nsp9) purified from E. coli subsequently revealed that Zn(2+) directly inhibited the in vitro activity of both nidovirus polymerases. More specifically, Zn(2+) was found to block the initiation step of EAV RNA synthesis, whereas in the case of the SARS-CoV RdRp elongation was inhibited and template binding reduced. By chelating Zn(2+) with MgEDTA, the inhibitory effect of the divalent cation could be reversed, which provides a novel experimental tool for in vitro studies of the molecular details of nidovirus replication and transcription.
Manufacturer Jacks Up Price Of COVID-19 Drug
The Jimmy Dore Show
An Open Data Clinical Trial for COVID-19 Prevention
A recent controlled clinical study conducted by Didier Raoult​ M.D/Ph.D, et. al in France has shown that 100% patients that received a combination of HCQ and Azithromycin tested negative and were virologically cured within 6 days of treatment.
Note: Hydroxychloroquine (brand name Plaquenil) is an inexpensive, globally available drug (tablet) that was approved for widespread medical use since 1955. It is commonly used today to treat malaria, systemic lupus erythematosus and rheumatoid arthritis.
Exposing the covid-19 hoax

Friday, March 27, 2020

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Causes of Death

Causes of Death

Coronary Heart DiseaseRank 018,727,670
StrokeRank 02 6,221,072
Influenza and pneymonia *Rank 033,117,204
Lung DiseaseRank 04 3,162,054
Lung CancersRank 051,683,893
AlcoholRank 51 128,513
Parkinsons DiseaseRank 52127,231
Influenza spreads around the world in yearly outbreaks  and about 290,000 to 650,000 deaths ( average 470.000 )
2.56 million people died from pneumonia in 2017. Almost a third of all victims were children younger than 5 years, it is the leading cause of death for children under 5.
Pneumonia is an infection of the tiny air sacs of the lungs, called alveoli. In a person with pneumonia the alveoli are filled with pus and fluid, which makes breathing painful
and reduces the oxygen intake. Pneumonia is caused by a number of different infectious agents, including viruses, bacteria and fungi.
Clinical presentatiom of differential diagnosis
1 comon cold 200 subtypes of viruses
2 rhinoviruses 30-50% of colds
3 coronaviruses 10-15% ( 47.000 - 70.500 deaths ) New corona virus has killed so far???? 20.000 or 30.000???
4 influenza viruses 5-15%
5 respiratory syncytial viruses ´RSV 10%
5 parainfluenza viruses PIV 5%
6 enteroviruses 5%
7 human metapneumovirus hMPV
8 Cause of 20-30 of common colds unknown
Virus experts;
Prof. Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi  He headed the Institute for Medical Microbiology and Hygiene at Johannes Gutenburg University Mainz for 22 years and is one of the most internationally respected infectiologists and most cited medical researchers in Germany.

Dr. med.Wolfgang Wodarg, geb.1947, ist Internist und Lungenarzt, Facharzt für Hygiene und Umweltmedizin
sowie für öffentliches Gesundheitswesen und Sozialmedizin

Virologin Prof. Dr. Karin Mölling
Karin Mölling is a German virologist whose research focused on retroviruses, particularly human immunodeficiency virus. She was a full professor and director of the Institute of Medical Virology at the University of Zurich from 1993 to 2008.

Status of COVID-19
As of 19 March 2020, COVID-19 is no longer considered to be a high consequence infectious diseases (HCID) in the UK.

The 4 nations public health HCID group made an interim recommendation in January 2020 to classify COVID-19 as an HCID. This was based on consideration of the UK HCID criteria about the virus and the disease with information available during the early stages of the outbreak. Now that more is known about COVID-19, the public health bodies in the UK have reviewed the most up to date information about COVID-19 against the UK HCID criteria. They have determined that several features have now changed; in particular, more information is available about mortality rates (low overall), and there is now greater clinical awareness and a specific and sensitive laboratory test, the availability of which continues to increase.

The Advisory Committee on Dangerous Pathogens (ACDP) is also of the opinion that COVID-19 should no longer be classified as an HCID
See also:
Episode 373 – Medical Martial Law 2020
Medical Martial Law 2020
How to Practice Proper Social Distancing - #PropagandaWatch

Monday, March 23, 2020

Corona Ongelma


Coronan ongelma ratkaistu: Wolfgang Wodarg
Eristä paniikkien päättäjät
Emme tarkkaile tauteja, mutta niitä etsivien virologien toimintaa.
Koronahype ei perustu mihinkään erityiseen lääketieteelliseen vaaraan. hän
mutta vahingoittaa huomattavasti vapauttamme ja henkilökohtaisia ​​oikeuksiamme
houkuttelemattomien ja perusteettomien karanteenitoimenpiteiden ja kielto-asetusten avulla.
Median kuvat ovat pelottavia ja liikennettä Kiinan kaupungeissa säännellään
kliininen lämpömittari. Venetsian karnevaali peruutettiin yhden jälkeen
vanhemmalla kuolevalla sairaalapotilaalla testi oli positiivinen. Koska kourallinen ihmisiä
Ylä-Italia osoitti myös positiivista, Itävalta teki tilapäisesti
Brenner kulkee tiukasti. Epäillyn koronavirustapauksen vuoksi yli 1000 ihmistä saa
Älä jätä hotellia Teneriffalla. Risteilyaluksella Diamond Princess voisi
3700 matkustajaa ei poistu noususta. Helmikuun alussa 126 ihmistä Wuhanista kohti
Lentokone toi Saksaan ja pysyi siellä täydellisessä terveydessä yli kaksi viikkoa
Karanteeniin. Koronavirukset havaittiin kahdessa terveestä ihmisestä.
Samanlaisia ​​kauhu-skenaarioita on toistettu kahden viime vuosikymmenen aikana. Mutta se
WHO: n sikainfluenssapandemia oli oikeastaan ​​yksi lievimmistä flunssa-aalloista
muuttolinnut eivät ole ainoita, jotka odottavat historiassa ja ”lintuinfluenssaa” tähän päivään.
Emme tällä hetkellä mittaa koronavirussairauksien ilmaantuvuutta, vaan pikemminkin aktiivisuutta
asiantuntijoita, jotka etsivät heitä. Kaikki instituutiot, jotka nyt antavat meille jälleen varovaisuutta
hälytys, olemme epäonnistuneet meitä useita kertoja ja epäonnistuneet. He ovat aivan liian usein
institutionaalisesti turmeltuneita liiketoiminnan ja / tai politiikan toissijaisten etujen takia.
Ne, jotka eivät juokse lempeiden paniikkiraporttien jälkeen, mutta mieluummin yhden riskiä
Jos haluat arvioida tartunnan leviämistä vastuullisesti, sinun on oltava entistä vahvempi
käytä epidemiologista metodologiaa. Tähän sisältyy "normaalin" lähtötason omaaminen
ennen kuin voit puhua mistä tahansa erityisestä.
Toistaiseksi tuskin kukaan on kiinnittänyt huomiota koronaviruksiin. Esimerkiksi he tulevat
Robert Koch -instituutin (RKI) raportit ovat vain vähäiset, koska Kiinassa oli SARS vuonna 2002
ja koska Arabiassa jotkut siirrot dromedaareista ihmisille ovat olleet vuodesta 2012
havaittiin (MERS). Säännöllisesti toistuvasta läsnäolosta
Corona-virukset koirilla, kissoilla ja sioilla tai jopa ihmisillä Saksassa
siellä ei ole mitään. Lasten sairaalat tietävät useimmiten erittäin hyvin, että tämä ei ole merkityksetöntä
Osa usein vaikeasta viruksen keuhkokuumeesta myös säännöllisesti kanssamme
Koronavirus aiheutuu.
Kun otetaan huomioon tunnettu tosiasia, että jokainen "flunssa-aalto" on aina 7-15%
akuutit hengityselinsairaudet (ARE) johtuvat koronaviruksista, niitä on nyt
jatkuvasti lisättävät tapausnumerot ovat edelleen täysin normaaleilla alueilla.
Talvella tartunta-aaltoja kuolee noin joka tuhannes
Sairastunut. Tunnistusmenetelmien valikoivan soveltamisen kautta - esimerkiksi vain vuonna 2003
Klinikat ja lääketieteelliset poliklinikat - tämä määrä voi tietenkin olla helppoa
ovat huiman, koska niillä, jotka tarvitsevat apua, on yleensä hieno
pahempaa kuin ne, jotka parantavat itseään kotona.
Vuodenvaihteesta lähtien julkinen, tiede ja
Terveysviranomaiset muuttuivat yhtäkkiä kokonaan. Jotkut lääkärit Wuhanissa (väkiluku 12 miljoonaa)
onnistui aloittamaan vähemmän kuin 50 tapauksella ja yksittäisillä kuolemilla hänen klinikallaan
johon he ovat tunnistaneet koronavirukset patogeeninä
Excite. Värilliset kartat, jotka nyt näytetään meille paperille tai näytöille
ovat vaikuttavia, mutta useimmiten niillä on vähemmän tekemistä sairauden kanssa kuin
tehokkaat virologit ja sensaationististen esittelijöiden joukot.
Missä tällaisia ​​testejä tehtiin - se lähetettiin kaikkialle Eurooppaan 13. helmikuuta 2020
Lähes 9000 testiä viikossa on saatavana 38 laboratoriossa - toistaiseksi olet ollut aina
Löydä se ja jokaisesta tapauksesta tulee itsestään täyttyvä mediatapahtuma.
Yksinkertaisesti löytämällä koronavirusinfektio ympäristöstään
monet alueelliset klusterit voidaan jo selittää.
Wuhanin kauhuraportit olivat jotain, jota virologit ympäri maailmaa odottivat
ovat. Jääkaappeissa olevat viruskannat skannataan ja heti
kuumeisesti verrattuna ilmoitettuihin tulijoihin Wuhanista. Laboratorio Charitéssa
voitti kilpailun WHO: lla ja sai hänen sisäiset testinsä suorittaa maailmanlaajuisesti
Markkinoi useita kertoja tavalliseen hintaan.
On kuitenkin parempi olla tarkistamatta koronaviruksia 200 eurolla. itse
lievän “flunssa” tartunnan tapauksessa on olemassa useita vuosia kestäviä tutkimuksia
Skotlannissa tehdyt tutkimukset (vuosina 2005–2013) osoittivat koronavirusten riskin 7–15%
olla todistettu. Todiste koronaviruksista olisi tutkittujen arkeen
ja heidän laajemmalla ympäristöllään on tällä hetkellä vakavia seurauksia siitä, kuinka kaikki tiedotusvälineet saadaan aikaan ilman pitkää aikaa
Haku voi nähdä.
Itse havainnolla ei kuitenkaan ole kliinistä merkitystä. Se on vain yksi monista
Akuutien hengityselinsairauksien nimet (ARE), joita on 20% jokaisesta talvellamme
Väliaikaisesti 40% kaikista ihmisistä on poissa toiminnasta.
Hyvän tutkimuksen mukaan yleisimmät taudinaiheuttajat, jotka aiheuttivat akuutteja hengityselinsairauksia, olivat poissa
Skotlanti: 1. Rhinovirukset, 2. A-influenssavirukset, 3. B-influenssavirukset, 4. RS-virukset ja 5.
Corona-virukset. Tämä tilaus muuttui jonkin verran vuodesta toiseen. Jopa virusten kanssa
Kilpailu limakalvosoluistamme on selvästi muuttuva koorumi kuten mekin
se suolistomme mikro-organismien kanssa ja Bundestag-puolueiden kanssa
Joten jos nyt on lisääntynyt määrä "todistettuja" koronavirusinfektioita
Kiinan tai Italian tulisi antaa: Voiko kukaan sanoa kuinka usein edellisessä
Talvella tehtiin sellaisia ​​tutkimuksia, kenen kanssa, mistä syystä
ja millä tuloksilla? Jos sanot, että jotain lisää, sinun täytyy tehdä
viittaavat todennäköisesti jo aiemmin havaittuun asiaan.
Se voi olla järkyttynyt, jos katsotte sitä koettomana epidemiana
nykyinen kuohunta, joka tarkastelee paniikkia ja sen aiheuttamia kärsimyksiä. Joten se on turvallista
monet vastuulliset mennä, jotka tänään niin todennäköisesti "sika flunssa"
riskisivät työllään, jos vastustavat valtavirran asemaa.
Meillä on virusepideemia joka talvi tuhansien kuolemien kanssa ja
Miljoonat tartunnan saaneet ihmiset myös Saksassa. Ja koronaviruksilla on aina oma osansa siihen.
Joten jos liittohallitus haluaa tehdä jotain hyvää, se voi tehdä niin
Katso epidemiologit Glasgowssa ja katso tulevaisuuden (!!!) valoisat mielet RKI: llä
Katsotaan kuinka Saksan väestön viroma muuttuu talvella vuodessa
muuntaa vuodeksi
Politiikan on myös varmistettava, että EU: n luotettava tieteellinen työ
Robert Koch -instituutti, Paul Ehrlich -instituutti ja muut toimistot.
Tieteellinen työskentely ei tarkoita, että politiikka tai talous olisi suussa suolaista
puhua. Tiede on luotettava, jos se käyttää läpinäkyviä menetelmiä
ammattimaisesti ja johdonmukaisesti kyseenalaistaa tiedon jatkuvasti. myös
Jos tämä on joskus monimutkaista, se voi johtaa meihin kalliisiin terveysvirheisiin
säästä kiinnostukselliset influenssavartijat haluavat saada meidät uskomaan.
Ja henkilölle: Kuka vain positiivisen koronavirus-PCR-testin takia
Karanteenitoimenpiteet, jotka on keskeytetty ja joille on aiheutunut taloudellista vahinkoa, voi olla 56 §: n nojalla
tartuntasuojalain mukainen korvausvaatimus. Mutta myös sinua vastaan
järjetöntä vapausrangaistusta olisi puolustettava.
Tietoja kirjoittajasta:
Tohtori Wolfgang Wodarg, syntynyt vuonna 1947, on internisti ja pulmonologi, hygienia- ja ympäristölääketieteen asiantuntija
samoin kuin kansanterveyden ja sosiaalisen lääketieteen aloilla. Kliinisen työskentelyn jälkeen internistinä hän oli
13 vuotta virallisena lääkärinä Schleswig-Holsteinissa, luennoitsijana yliopistoissa ja
Ammattikorkeakoulut ja ympäristönsuojelun teknisen komitean puheenjohtaja
Lääketieteellinen yhdistys Schleswig-Holstein; Vuonna 1991 hän sai stipendin Johns Hopkins Universitystä
/ Baltimore / Yhdysvallat (epidemiologia)
Saksan liittopäivän jäsenenä vuosina 1994-2009 hän oli Enquête-aloitteen perustaja ja tiedottaja.
Nykyaikaisen lääketieteen etiikkaa ja lakia käsittelevä valiokunta, parlamentin parlamentaarisen edustajakokouksen jäsen
Euroopan neuvosto, siellä terveyden alakomitean puheenjohtaja ja varapuheenjohtaja. kulttuurivaliokunta,
Koulutus ja tiede. Vuonna 2009 hän käynnisti WHO: n roolia tutkivan komitean Strasbourgissa
H1N1 (sikainfluenssa) ja oli siellä sen jälkeen kun lähti parlamentista tieteelliseksi
Asiantuntija osallistui edelleen. Hän on ollut freelance-yliopistonlehtori, lääkäri ja terveystieteilijä vuodesta 2011
Transparency International Saksan hallituksen kunniajäsen ja työryhmän johtaja (terveys)

Corona Problem Solved


Corona problem solved: Wolfgang Wodarg
Isolate panic makers
We do not watch for diseases, but for virologists who are looking for them.
The corona hype is not based on any particular medical danger. he
but severely undermines our freedom and personal rights
through unattractive and unjustified quarantine measures and prohibitions.
Media images are scary and traffic in Chinese cities is regulated
clinical thermometer. The Venice Carnival was canceled after one
in an elderly dying hospital patient, the test was positive. Because a handful of people
Upper Italy also showed positive, Austria did temporarily
Brenner runs tight. More than 1,000 people are being killed because of a suspected coronavirus case
Don't leave your hotel in Tenerife. Cruise ship Diamond Princess could
3700 passengers will not leave the ascent. At the beginning of February, 126 people per Wuhan
The plane brought to Germany and stayed there in perfect health for over two weeks
Quarantine. Coronaviruses were detected in two healthy people.
Similar horror scenarios have been repeated over the last two decades. But it
The WHO swine flu pandemic was actually one of the mildest waves of flu
migratory birds are not the only ones waiting in history and 'bird flu' to this day.
We are not currently measuring the incidence, but rather the activity, of coronavirus disease
experts who are looking for them. All the institutions that now give us again caution
alarm, we have failed us several times and failed. They are all too often
institutionally corrupt because of the secondary interests of business and / or politics.
Those who do not run after gentle panic reports, but prefer one risk
You need to be stronger to assess the spread of the infection responsibly
use epidemiological methodology. This includes having a "normal" entry level
before you can talk about anything special.
So far, hardly anyone has paid attention to coronaviruses. They come, for example
Reports from the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) are limited due to SARS in China in 2002
and because in Arabia some of the transfers from dromedaries to humans have been since 2012
found (MERS). Regularly present
Corona viruses in dogs, cats and pigs or even humans in Germany
there is nothing there. Children's hospitals usually know very well that this is not insignificant
Some of the often severe viral pneumonia also occur regularly with us
Coronavirus is caused.
Given the well-known fact that every "flu wave" is always 7-15%
acute respiratory diseases (AREs) are due to coronaviruses, they now exist
the continuously added case numbers are still in the normal range.
In winter, about one thousand deaths are caused by infection waves
Ill. Through selective application of identification methods - for example, only in 2003
Clinics and Medical Outpatient Clinics - This number can of course be easy
are so great because those who need help are usually great
worse than those who heal themselves at home.
Since the turn of the year, public, science and
Suddenly the health authorities changed completely. Some doctors in Wuhan (population 12 million)
managed to start with fewer than 50 cases and single deaths in his clinic
to which they have identified coronaviruses as pathogens
Excite. Colored maps that are now shown to us on paper or screens
are effective, but in most cases they have less to do with the disease than
powerful virologists and sensationalist rapists.
Where such tests were made - it was sent all over Europe on 13 February 2020
Almost 9,000 tests a week are available in 38 laboratories - so far you've always been
Find it and each case will become a self-fulfilling media event.
Simply by finding coronavirus infection in their surroundings
many regional clusters can already be explained.
Wuhan's horror reports were something that virologists around the world expected
are. Virus strains in refrigerators are scanned immediately
feverishly compared to reported comers from Wuhan. Laboratory in Charite
won the competition at the WHO and had his internal tests run worldwide
Market several times at regular price.
However, it is better not to check the coronaviruses for $ 200. self
In the case of mild "flu" infection, there are several years of research
Studies in Scotland (2005-2013) showed a risk of coronaviruses of 7-15%
to be proven. The evidence of coronaviruses would be studied everyday
and their wider environment now has serious consequences for how to get all the media out in the long run
Search can see