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Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Link Collection May Part B

Ukraine SITREP May 20th: deliberate chaos
So if plan 'A' was to seize all of the Ukraine, put a pro-US neo-Nazi and hysterically russophobic regime in power,
and take over Crimea for the US/NATO, plan 'B' is simpler: provoke Russia into a military intervention in the eastern Ukraine.
Victoria Nuland: Ukrainians Deserve For Respect From Their Government
Anhören!! November 2013!
Victoria Nuland - US-Ukraine Foundation
<Reine Heuchelei ! Es reicht ihr wenn 1500 bezahlte Gewalttäter eine legitime Regierung zum Rücktritt erpressen.
Das nennt sie die Macht des Volkes, aber gleichermaßen weist sie die Macht der 25.000.000 (?) Ukrainer die sich diesem Konstrukt nicht unterwerfen wollen zurück. Dafür wurde eigens das neue Wort Pro-Russische Separatisten erfunden.
Es scheint ohnehin wichtiger zu sein, dass private Märkte sich in der Ukraine eröffnen und selbstverständlich die Unterordnung unter den IMF. Ein Schelm, wer Böses dabei denkt.>
Von der Front - 20.05.2014

Mitteilung vom Igor Strelkov über die militärischen Aktivitäten am 20.Mai 2014 Das Gefecht auf dem Fernsehturm zwischen Slawjansk und Kramatorsk (Berg Karatschun): 20.05.2014 um 4 Uhr begann der Artilleriebeschuss unserer Positionen von der Ukren. Die Volkswehr machte mit NONA…
Methane Emissions: The Impact of Shale Gas Fracking on Climate Change
An Executive of a major shale gas development company has conceded what scientists have been saying for years: global shale gas development has the potential to wreak serious climate change havoc. ...
Just imagine... If Russia had toppled the Canadian government
Just imagine if the democratically-elected government of Canada had been toppled in a Russian-financed coup, in which far-right extremists and neo-Nazis played a prominent role.
Seven Decades of Nazi Collaboration: America’s Dirty Little Ukraine Secret
An interview with Russ Bellant, author of Old Nazis, the New Right, and the Republican Party.
Falsche Freunde
Die CIA operiert seit den 1950er Jahren kontinuierlich in der Ukraine - meist an der Seite rechtsextremer Nationalisten. Der BND hatte zumindest zeitweise ein ähnliches Projekt

Ukrainian MPs call for immediate troop withdrawal from country’s east
Ewald Stadler enthüllt das Heuchlergesicht der EU
EU-Parlamentarier aus Österreich Ewald Stadler kritisiert die Heuchlerei des EU-Parlaments in Bezug auf die Türkei
Ewald Stadler - Panzer Transporte durch Österreich / Krieg mit Russland?
Ewald Stadler: "[...]Es gibt in Amerika maßgebliche Kreise, die wollen einen Krieg in Russland...
Stadler: "Westen möchte Russland dreiteilen"
Großer Auftritt für den österreichischen EU-Abgeordneten Ewald Stadler im russischen Fernsehen: In einem Dokumentarfilm zur Ukraine-Krise, in dem a...
US Special Operations Forces Deployed in Over 100 Countries
“Dude, I don’t need to play these stupid games. I know what you’re trying to do.” With that, Major Matthew Robert Bockholt hung up on me. More than a month before, I had called US Special Operations Command (SOCOM) with a series of basic questions: In how many countries were US Special Operations Forces deployed […]
'Executed' Kim Jong-Un girlfriend reappears on North Korea television - Telegraph
Singer was reported to have been killed by firing squad last year for making a sex tape but has turned up on state TV
Back from the dead: ‘Executed’ N. Korean singer makes live appearance on State TV
A North Korean singer, believed to be a former girlfriend of leader Kim Jong-un, has made a surprise comeback on state television. Earlier blood-
Obesity v tobacco: Experts say fatty foods should be labeled like cigarettes
Moscow Outlaws Monsanto. "Russia puts GMO Genie back in the Bottle"
Russia has some of the most precious uncontaminated top soil on the planet and if it is rigorously controlled to stay GMO-free and free from chemicals its productivity would increase as Europe decl...
Did the Federal Reserve Launder $141 Billion Dollars Through Belgium to Hide Massive Increase In...
Did the Fed Take Drastic and Covert Action to Hide a Large Country Dumping U.S. Bonds? That’s what former Assistant Treasury Secretary and Wall Street Journal editor Paul Craig Roberts alleges: Is ...
"Die Schweiz hat Sanktionen gegen Russen und Ukrainer ausgesprochen, die sich den USA und den ukr. Faschisten widersetzen. U. a. gegen Oleg Tsarev, der von den Rechten mit dem Tode bedroht und misshandelt worden war."
Verflüssigtes Erdgas (LNG) aus den USA wird in Europa 50 bis 100 Prozent teurer sein als Pipelinegas, das jetzt unter anderem aus Russland geliefert wird.
China summons US envoy over cyber-spying charges, vows retaliation
Beijing reacted to Washington’s recent round of industrial espionage accusations by publishing its latest data on US cyber-attacks against China.
China has dismissed all US accusations of industrial cyber-espionage against five of its military officials and published proof that Washington is actually stealing data from China.
temperature the last 5 days
UV Index
Nato-Hilfe bereits an Grenze zu Ukraine
Der Sekretär des Rates für Nationale Sicherheit und Verteidigung der Ukraine, Andrej Parubij, hat mitgeteilt, dass sich ein Teil der Hilfe, die die Nato-Länder für die Ukraine bereitstellen, schon an der ukrainischen Grenze befindet, meldet die ukrainische Agentur UNN unter Hinweis auf Radio Liberty…
Hollywood producer Nathan Folks says Boston Bombing's a false flag

Nathan (Nathaniel) Folks is a film producer and talent manager who has been in the entertainment industry since 1997 when he worked at Paramount Pictures marketing the blockbuster motion picture, T...
Aluminium - Die geheime Gefahr, starker Brustkrebsverdacht, Alzheimer setzt früher ein.

Aluminium ist problematischer als bisher bekannt oder überhaupt sinnvoll Analysiert wurde. Die Dokumentation teilt sich Material mit "Die Akte Aluminium": ht...
temperature, humidity, pressure,
Net Radiation
UV Radiation
Weather Huts
Turkish PM’s aide granted sick leave for ‘trauma’ after kicking mine tragedy mourner
A top aide to the Turkish PM, Ysuf Yerkel, has been given a week’s sick leave for “leg trauma” he sustained after kicking a mourner following Turkey’s
Kiev intensifies military op in Eastern Ukraine
It is now (basically) official: the fascist junta and its war against the people who disagree with fascism is run as a joint venture with NATO and is called "a hybrid warfare" defined as he use of “subversive groups, criminal elements, and information warfare."
Ein Augenzeugenbericht einer Überlebenden der Tragödie vom 02.05.2014 in Odessa
<Die Bullen standen vor dem Haus.. Das war Mord, ganz klar.. das war geplant so
NATO has deployed experts to Ukrainian nuclear power plant
North Carolina law would make discussing fracking chemicals illegal
Asia Times Online :: China pivot fuels Eurasian century
Asia Times Online. The Asia News Hub providing the latest news and analysis regarding economics, events and trends in business, economy and politics throughout Asia.
OSCE calls on Kiev to free Russian journalists, ‘stop intimidating media’
<The OSCE should also address the unacceptable conditions for non-western candidates in the presidential elections. Candidates getting arrested, regularly beaten up, forced to withdraw from the race and having their whole parties banned from parliament, this is in no way a fair and democratic process. The EU (and the US) needs this election to be a "success" (as it's certainly not a coincidence it's on the same day as the elections to EU parliament), it must be proof that the west brings "freedom and democracy. Just like they did in Libya.>
The Vineyard of the Saker: The Ukraine in Turmoil by Israel Shamir

Trust not in princes, nor in the children of men, in whom there is no safety. His breath shall go forth, and he shall return to his earth; in that day all his thoughts shall perish.
How do Psychopaths Construct their Mask of Sanity?
The first very influential book about psychopathy was Hervey Cleckley's groundbreaking The Mask of Sanity.
 Here Cleckley went over every major symptom of this dangerous personality disorder. What i...
The Holocaust Card is greatly diminishing. So the Moses Card is all they have left to sell. Is that enough to keep the Golden Goose U.S. Taxpayer in line funding the ambitions of Zionism? Or will this card eventually fall under the weight of its own fallacy as Americans come to realize that they have been duped.
Kiev army shells Kramatorsk, city ‘left without water’ – self-defense coordinator
The Ukrainian army shelled the eastern city of Kramatorsk on Sunday as fierce clashes erupted between Kiev's military and self-defense forces who
Frankreichs Bankrott wird die Deutschen teuer zu stehen kommen
Moscow demands OSCE take measures to free journalists detained by Kiev
The Truthseeker: NATO false flags in Ukraine (E39)
US intel source claims Ukraine part of NATO secret campaign Gladio; psychopathy tests for our leaders; and a mainstream host storms out the studio after a vi...
Ukrainian ultranationalist leader calls for guerilla war against pro-federalists

Television debates with three nationalist presidential candidates ended up in calls to pursue a guerilla war against pro-federalist Ukrainian citizens and conduct targeted assassinations of their leaders.
CIA-Agenten in Ost-Ukraine getötet? US-Geheimdienst dementiert
Bei den andauernden Gefechten in der Ost-Ukraine sind nach Angaben der Volksmilizen mindestens 70 Ausländer getötet worden. Unter den Toten sind 13 Mitarbeiter des US-Geheimdienstes CIA und
‘Better than ever’: UK’s richest own one third of country’s wealth
Briton’s wealthiest people own a third of the country’s GDP, with a combined fortune of 874 billion dollars, which is an increase of 15.4 percent on last year’s total, according to an annual survey.
"There is no historical evidence outside of the Bible, no mention of Moses outside the Bible, and no independent confirmation that Moses ever existed." —Dr. Michael D. Coogan, lecturer on the Old Testament at Harvard Divinity School
Ukraine: Yes, I wasn't kidding, Right Sector really did try to get into Europe's largest nuclear reactor in eastern Ukraine. Police stopped them, and just the week before NATO was in Ukraine "advising" the unelected regime in Kiev about "nuclear safety."

I postulate that NATO may be fabricating a pretext to more directly intervene to "prevent another Chernobyl. Let's see how the press/politicians in the West spin this story...
atmospheric aerosol and cirrus cloud research
atmospheric aerosol and cirrus cloud research
<dlr job.pdf>
Arms Flow to Syria May Be Behind Benghazi Cover-Up

The deeper, unaddressed issue is also about the relationship of the U.S. government, Ambassador Christopher Stevens and the U.S. diplomatic mission in Libya with Al Qaeda
The Struggle for Ukraine – Protests Made in Germany, America and the EU
'Kiev junta' threatens MPs with beating them to have their votes - political analyst
Festnahme und Folter von Igor Khakimzyanov
UNO-Bericht: Menschenrechte für Putschisten - die Fakten
That it was a CIA financed and organized coup in Ukraine which brought Neo-Nazi and fascist to power is a taboo in the Western propaganda media.
Story of US government longstanding alliance with fascists remains unspoken

The fact that the US government is supporting the Right Sector and Svoboda party in Ukraine is shocking to many Americans as these Ukrainian radical groups are praising Nazism. Americans have always
650 Ukrainian soldiers killed, wounded in course of special operation - Slavyansk 'people's mayor'
"People's mayor" of Slavyansk Vyacheslav Ponomarev has said that law enforcement forces controlled by Kiev suffer severe losses during the special operation in the South-East of Ukraine: according to
US coup failed in Ukraine: Kiev junta's days are numbered
Ukrainische Nationalgarde feuert in Richtung Journalisten

Journalisten der Video Agentur Ruptly sind in der Nähe der Stadt Kramatorsk unter Feuer geraten.
UK to run out of oil, gas and coal in five years – report

New research from the Global Sustainability Institute has found that Britain, France and many other European countries have low reserves of fossil fuels,
Shale gas and politics: Are Western energy giants’ interests behind Ukraine violence?
Thomas Friedman, US-Journalist und dreifacher Pulitzer-Preisträger, schrieb in seinem Beitrag für die „New York Times“:

„Ich will keinen Krieg gegen Putin beginnen, doch es ist die höchste Zeit, seine Schwäche und unsere Stärke zu zeigen. Das bedarf einer langfristigen Strategie, angreifen soll man zwei Säulen seines Regimes, nämlich Erdöl und Erdgas“.
EU-Diktatur bringt Wasser-Petition trotz einer Million Unterschriften zu Fall

Basisdemokratie funktioniert in der EU nicht. Das Begehren gegen die Wasserprivatisierung „Right 2 Water“ erreichte zwar die geforderte Million an Unterstützern. Doch diese kamen nur aus fünf EU-St...
General government gross debt - annual data
Portugal leaves bailout program with 214bn euro debt, 4% lower GDP
Portugal exited its international bailout program on Saturday, regaining its economic sovereignty, which it lost after the European debt crisis. However, the
Kidnapped Girls Become Tools of U.S. Imperial Policy in Africa
Right Sector attempts to seize largest NPP in Ukraine
Policemen of the city of Energodar have detained 20 activists of the Right Sector, who tried to seize the Zaporozhye NPP. According to the leader of the Zaporozhye branch of the organization, the mil
State Watchdog threatens to block Twitter under new blogger bill
The new law defines ‘popular bloggers’ as those having 3,000 or more visitors per day and demands that such people were registered under their real names and follow some basic rules similar to those mentioned in the Law on Mass Media
“As an active user of social networks, I hold that the Russian laws must be observed by everyone – the networks and the users alike. But certain civil servants, responsible for the development of the industry must sometimes turn their brains on and give no interviews that announce the shutdown of social networks,” Medvedev wrote.
Schweizer Armee bricht die Neutralität
Seit Montag markiert die Nato in der Übung «Jawtex» Stärke gegenüber Russland. Die Schweiz übt mit. Was die Schweizer Soldaten dort machen, ist unklar.
Der neue Faschismus - Die Ursprünge der EU-Diktatur
Is Boko Haram An "Intelligence Asset"? Terror Attack in Nigeria Opens Door to Africom
The establishment media has yet to report on a deadly attack in Gamborou Ngala in the Borno State. According to a report posted today by Vanguard, a Nigerian newspaper, the jihadist terror group Bo...
Gazprom: EU-Staaten müssen künftig in Rubel zahlen
Die Regierung in Moskau hat angekündigt, russisches Öl und Gas künftig nur gegen Rubel an ausländische Kunden zu verkaufen. Staatliche Firmen wurden angewiesen, die Buchhaltung entsprechend umzustellen. So wolle man „den Würgegriff des Westens auf die russische Wirtschaft mildern“, sagte ein Spreche…
Russia surges ahead in radio-electronic warfare | Russia & India Report
The crew of the Donald Cook American destroyer was demoralised by the encounter with the Russian bomber SU-24, which used radio-electronic weaponry. With several advanced systems, this is an area that Russia enjoys a distinct tactical edge
Ukrainian news: two phone call leaks which say it all (plus a long Saker rant)
Kolomoiski is the guy who sent the neo-Nazis to Odessa and the Israeli diplomat and the Jewish community in the Ukraine are horrified by Kolomoiski's actions and want to distance themselves from what they call "Nazi crimes"
Obama death-squads use genetically altered bioligical weapon in Syria
Obama regime death-squads use genetically altered biological weapon to kill SAA soldiers
Support for Syria militant to boost
Britain says "Friends of Syria' agree to increase support for militants in Syria.
The so-called Friends of Syria group is made up of Egypt, France, Germany, Italy, Jordan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, the United Arab Emirates, the UK and the US.
Bloodbath in Odessa guided by interim rulers of Ukraine (UPDATED May 15)
Ukrainian APCs open fire at RT's video agency crew near Kramatorsk
RT's Ruptly video journalists came under fire as their car was targeted near the city of Kramatorsk, in eastern Ukraine. The shooting came from two APCs, the...
Pressekonferenz: Werthmann/Ramb/Grosz - Frankreich-Pleite steht bevor!
Geopolitics of Organic Food: Russia, China and France Ban GMOs
Russia postpones planting of GMOs by 3 years
Total ban on GM food production mulled in Russia
FCC moves forward with new net neutrality rules amid protests
US Army To Drastically Scale Back - Police Force In America Drastically Increases - Truth And Action
Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel has reported on a plan to scale back the US Army to its smallest numbers since World
The Incredible Shrinking U.S. Military
Privatisierungswahn tötet 282 Bergleute
Independent report on massacre in Odessa (House of Trade Unions, May 2, 2014, 18+)
Algeria rejects US demand for military base
Top 4 oil producing countries in Africa are
4 Libya- 1.7 million barrels
3 Angola- 1.9 million barrels
2 Algeria- 2.1 million barrels
1 Nigeria 2.2 million barrels
Libya & Nigeria are highlighted on map.,150818.0.html
Estonian Foreign Ministry confirms authenticity of leaked call on Kiev snipers
The Estonian Foreign Ministry has confirmed the recording of his conversation with EU foreign policy chief is authentic.

'Against democratic principles': EU slams Ukraine's radical Right Sector
Die Ukraine-Reise US-amerikanischer "Akademiker"
Laut Informationen der „Bild am Sonntag“ nehmen Söldner einer privaten Militärformation aus den USA an der Strafoperation bei der ostukrainischen Stadt Slawjansk teil. Die ehemaligen Militärs, die gegen Sold Aufgaben in „neuralgischen Punkten“ erfüllen, sind Mitarbeiter einer umstrittenen US-amerika…
Bloodbath in Odessa Guided by Interim Rulers of Ukraine
Kiev protégé allegedly behind Mariupol and Odessa massacres – leaked tapes
Syria: Chemical Weapon Attack on Syrian Soldiers, Deraa Syria Tel el Jabya near Golan Heights
Disturbing clips from Islamist terrorists in Deraa Syria near Golan heights shows the use of chemical weapons against Syrian soldiers. one clip shows gas she...
Obama death-squads use genetically altered bioligical weapon in Syria
Obama regime death-squads use genetically altered biological weapon to kill SAA soldiers
Evidence: Al-Nusra uses chemical weapons against Syrian Army soldiers
Al-Nusra uses chemical weapons against Syrian Arab Army soldiers (SAA) In this video, we see #Al-Nusra rebels walking through a #Syrian_Army position. The de...
Putin Has Been Good For Russia
Anti-Russian propaganda
The Unknown Putin. Part 2
The Unknown Putin. Part 1
By Pravda in English
The Rise of Putin and The Fall of The Russian-Jewish Oligarchs (1/2)
Putin - Der Unbekannte - Die Unzensierte Dokumentation
By Pravda but with German voice translation.
Ukraine: EU Parliament Warns Of Association With Svoboda Party
 European Parliament resolution of 13 December 2012 on the situation in Ukraine
8.  Is concerned about the rising nationalistic sentiment in Ukraine, expressed in support for the Svoboda Party, which, as a result, is one of the two new parties to enter the Verkhovna Rada; recalls that racist, anti-Semitic and xenophobic views go against the EU's fundamental values and principles and therefore appeals to pro-democratic parties in the Verkhovna Rada not to associate with, endorse or form coalitions with this party;
“Democratization” and Anti-Semitism in Ukraine: When Neo-Nazi Symbols become “The New Normal”
Marconi Union - Weightless (Radox) HighQuality Audio (most relaxing tune)
Ten pictures that show Ukraine's protests are filled with toxic Neo-Nazi groups
Donetsk self-defense forces give Kiev troops 24 hours to withdraw
President Obama Receives “Ambassador for Humanity” Award (Not Satire)

“It is forbidden to kill; therefore all murderers are punished unless they kill in large numbers and to the sound of trumpets.” (Voltaire, 1694-1778.) It is impossible not to gain the impression th...
Toleranz, auch Duldsamkeit,[1] ist allgemein ein Geltenlassen und Gewährenlassen fremder Überzeugungen, Handlungsweisen und Sitten.[2] Umgangssprachlich ist damit heute häufig auch die Anerkennung einer Gleichberechtigung gemeint, die jedoch über den eigentlichen Begriff („Duldung“) hinausgeht.[3]

Das zugrundeliegende Verb tolerieren wurde im 16. Jahrhundert aus dem lateinischen tolerare („erdulden“, „ertragen“) entlehnt.[4] Das Adjektiv tolerant in der Bedeutung „duldsam, nachsichtig, großzügig, weitherzig“ ist seit dem 18. Jahrhundert, der Zeit der Aufklärung, belegt,[5] ebenso die Gegenbildung intolerant, als „unduldsam, keine andere Meinung oder Weltanschauung gelten lassend als die eigene“.[5]

Der Gegenbegriff zu Toleranz ist die Intoleranz, in der Bedeutung „Unduldsamkeit“ im 18. Jahrhundert aus dem französischen intolérance entlehnt.[5] Als Steigerung der Toleranz gilt die Akzeptanz, die verstehende Haltung gegenüber einer anderen Person oder ihrem Verhalten.
Pesticides blamed for spike of illnesses in Washington state
Washington state health officials are pointing the finger at pesticides as they try to explain the recent surge in illnesses in the central part of the state.
Unspoken alliance between US govt & fascists
The Christian Science Monitor, hardly a bible of conspiracy theorists, points out: "For all the urgent headlines and advocacy, however, what is still missing are basic facts. ... This is all very strange. It reminds some researchers of the anomalies surrounding official pronouncements about the victims of the Sandy Hook school shooting of December 2012 and the Boston Marathon bombing of April 2013."
Is Boko Haram a psy-op?
<b>Kevin Barrett</b> takes a look at the kidnapping of Nigerian schoolgirls, comparing it with the Boston bombings.
<I've seen the Shahada flag before many times, but not with that that big "seal of Muhammad" that looks like a full moon. That's the Al CIAda. I believe many flags throughout the centuries had the Shahada, but I don't remember any with the "Seal of Muhammad" on it until Al CIAda in Iraq popped up.>
Department of Justice Investigation Confirms Albuquerque Police 'Executing' Citizens - Live Free, Live Natural
Following release of report, rights groups calling for removal of mayor and police chief Lauren McCauley |
Albuquerque Police Execute Homeless Man for Camping
The Albuquerque Police Department in the state of New Mexico is coming under fire following the release of video
Protesters Take Over Albuquerque City Council And Attempt To Arrest Police Chief - NEWSWATCH
(Michael Krieger) There is something very, very wrong with the Albuquerque, New Mexico police department, and the citizens have just about had enough. Before I get into the heart of this story, I need to provide you with a little background. The Albuquerque Police Department (APD) is well known for…
UKRAINE: Fremde Truppen - und ein unrundes Tischchen
Die Anwesenheit von Söldnertruppen der US-Firma Academi will Russland klären.
Gestern gab es dazu einen interessanten Überblick, mit Namen und zahlen. Der ukrainische Bankster, Gouverneur und Inhaber eines israelischen Passes, Kolomoiski, arbeitet demnach mit Nazikillern zusammen.
Russland hat nicht vor, eigene Truppen in die Ukraine zu bringen. Entsprechende Parlamentsvollmacht hat Putin jedoch vor Wochen schon eingeholt.
Jetzt tagt mit deutscher Mitwirkung in Kiew ein "runder Tisch", de diesen Namen nicht nur nicht verdient, die Runde ist Zeitverschwendung und wird in hohle West-Propaganda münden.
US-Söldner in der Ostukraine? - Lawrow: Moskau will klären
Moskau schließt laut Außenminister Sergej Lawrow nicht aus, dass die Informationen über eine mögliche Präsenz westlicher Söldner, vor allem aus den USA, in der Ukraine der Wahrheit entsprechen.
reverse discrimination

: the practice of making it more difficult for a certain type of person (such as a white man) to get a job, to go to a school, etc., because other people who were treated unfairly in the past are now being given an advantage
Aamer Rahman (Fear of a Brown Planet) - Reverse Racism
< just a brown racist>
Moskau fordert Ermittlung - Hubschraubern mit UN-Symbolik in Ukraine
Moskau fordert dazu auf, die Ursache des Einsatzes von Hubschraubern mit UN-Symbolik bei Kramatorsk festzustellen, meldet der stellvertretende Außenminister Russlands, Gennadi Gatilow.
The Post-Constitutional Era
The U.S. Supreme Court decision to refuse to hear our case concerning Section 1021(b)(2) of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), which permits the military to seize U.S. citizens and hold them indefinitely in military detention centers without due process, means that this provision will continue to be law. It means the nation has entered a post-constitutional era. It means that extraordinary rendition of U.S. citizens on U.S. soil by our government is legal. It means that the courts, like the legislative and executive branches of government, exclusively serve corporate power—one of the core definitions of fascism.
Gegenmeinung: Die postkonstitutionelle Ära - Die Verfassung der USA ist außer Kraft gesetzt
USA, Kapitalismus, Finanzdiktatur, Gesellschaft, Globalisierung,
Niederländer driften ab: „EU wird eine Diktatur“
Brüssel ist keine echte Demokratie, sondern ähnelt viel mehr einer Diktatur, sagt ein niederländischer ThinkTank. Die EU will nur, dass die Bürger ihre Politik abnicken. Sagen die EU-Bürger aber nein, dann erklärt sich Brüssel das damit, dass die europäische Integration zu kompliziert für die Bürger…
USA - EU: US-Kritik goes mainstream
Die USA haben seit 1945 versucht, 50 Regierungen zu stürzen, oftmals erfolgreich, haben schwere Eingriffe in Wahlen in 30 Ländern auf dem Konto, und in 30 Ländern die Zivilbevölkerung bombardiert.
John Pilger fragt:
Warum dulden wir die Drohung mit einem III. Weltkrieg in unserem Namen? Warum lassen wir Lügen zu, die dieses Risiko rechtfertigen?
Das sind die richtigen Fragen.
Lesen lohnt!
Berichten zufolge wurde Mikola Volkov tot in seiner Wohnung aufgefunden
According to reports, Mikola Volkov was found dead in his mother's apartment. Mikola Volkov was previously identified as one of the players of the Odessa massacre.

"Unknown broke into the apartment of his mother, where he spent the night and slit his throat. Police opened a murder case on the article on domestic violence."
US mercenaries from the Academi, a private security company previously known as Blackwater,
are directing the attacks by the fascist Right Sector militia and loads of hooligans against pro-federalization activists, according to German media.
The Odessa Massacre was a Carefully Staged Covert Intelligence Operation

What happened on May 2nd of this year in Odessa, Ukraine, was a complex event that has been glossed over by most news sources. The US corporate coverage has been criminal in its demonization of ant...

No evidence of Berkut police behind mass killing in Kiev’ – probe head
There is no forensic evidence linking the victims of mass killings in Kiev on February 20 with officers from the Berkut police unit, the head of the parliamentary commission investigating the murders told journalists.

The killings may have been committed by “members of public organizations, who went out of control,” Gennady Moskal reported, but the so-called ‘sniper case’ may end up with no airtight result, much like the assassination of US President John F. Kennedy.
Türkei muss wegen Zypern-Besetzung Millionen-Entschädigung zahlen

90 Millionen Euro für Besetzung nach Militäraktion 1974 - Ankara lehnt postwendend ab - Biden will vermitteln
Alarmist Headlines on ‘Antarctic Ice Sheet Collapse’ Obscure Truth
The Odessa Massacre - What REALLY Happened
Western cover-up of the Odessa massacre
We know that a massacre happened in the Ukrainian city of Odessa last week in which more than 40 pro-Russian civilian protesters were killed when a public
Ukraine communist leader: Kiev labeled 7 mn people 'terrorists,' slaughtered civilians
The leader of Ukraine’s Communist Party says the Kiev regime killed peaceful civilians in the country's southeast, and is spreading lies about the real situation. The Ukrainian parliament is now seeking to expel communists and ban their activity.
22,5 Millionen Dollar Strafe für gefälschte Holocaust-Biografie
Fascist violence and the value of human life

What exactly is the value of a human life? This is a question that philosophers and sociologists have speculated on and pondered for centuries.
Western cover-up of the Odessa massacre
We know that a massacre happened in the Ukrainian city of Odessa last week in which more than 40 pro-Russian civilian protesters were killed when a public
White House: No ethical issues with Veep’s son joining Ukraine gas giant
UN-marked strike helicopter ‘used by Kiev against militia’ sparks scandal
‘Peed in public, behave like occupiers’: Latvian mayor complains about NATO sailors
 “NATO sailors in Ventspils were behaving like pigs, ignored Latvian laws and municipal rules,” Aivars Lembergs told LETA news agency. “Drunk, they urinated in public, right on shop windows, vomited, drank in public, which is not allowed. They picked flowers from flowerbeds and gave them to prostitutes.”
Lembergs, who has led the Latvian port city since 1988, previously objected to the presence of NATO troops in Ventspils, comparing it to inviting Soviet troops into the independent Latvia in 1940.
The Vineyard of the Saker: Kharkov follows the example of Donetsk and declares itself an...
Dear The Saker, some time ago you were skeptycall about russians in oriental Ukraine, well, as you can see slowly they are following the steps of Crimea. But now, I have doubts about Western reaction, maybe the humilliation can be too big to swallow. Let us hope that Putin has the will to defend rus…
Fremdschämen ueber das Wurst-Theater
Tom Neuwirth is Conchita Wurst
Sins of Natalia Poklonskaya: She is good-looking and she opposes fascism. That's for the EU a good enough reason to impose EU sanctions against her personally. F---EU!
Police Officer Shot and Killed During No-Knock Raid
May 12, 2014 A Killeen, TX police officer has died after being shot during a no-knock search warrant Friday. According to KXXV, Detective Charles "Chuck" Dinwiddie succumbed to his injuries at Scott & White Hospital in Temple, jus…
Cops Taser Man for Not Being the Guy They Were Looking For and Joke About Planting Drugs on Him...
The Farce Is Complete: Joe Biden's Son Joins Board Of Largest Ukraine Gas Producer
Caught on camera: Two dead in Ukraine as National Guard shoots at civilians
'US wants new Cold War, Russia should ignore it'
Washington desperately needs a new Cold War with Russia to ensure a healthy Military-Security Complex and to maintain global hegemony, former Reagan administration official Paul Craig Roberts told RT in an interview.
'No more mollycoddling!' Moscow calls out Ukraine's gas debt denial
Boko Haram Worked for Hillary Clinton
Alex covers the questions surrounding the kidnapping of christians girls by islamic terrorists Boko Haram.
* The referendum in Crimea * ( March 16. 2014 )
Crimean ‘referendum at gunpoint’ is a myth – intl observers
135 international observers have arrived from 23 countries, including Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Latvia and Poland, Crimean authorities said. Among those monitoring the referendum are members of the EU and national European parliaments, international law experts and human rights activists.
The Strange Logic of the US, EU: East Ukraine's Referendums Aren't Democratic But the...
Fraud. Farce. Fake. Undemocratic. No legality. Alternate realities. Zero credibility. Absurd. These are just some of the words used to describe the May 11, 2014 referendums in Eastern Ukraine by the US government and the member states of the European Union.  The Russian Federation is being blamed for orchestrating the voting in Eastern Ukraine by the US, European Union, and North Atlantic Treaty Organization in alarmist and Russophobic language too.

The irony should not be lost here. The very same words used by the US government and the European Union to describe the voting in Eastern Ukraine actually describe the unelected regime led by Arseniy Yatsenyuk that was installed by a US-backed violent coup in February 2014 very accurately. The blatant double-standards involved on the part of the US and its allies in their condemnations of the referendums in the oblasts of Donetsk and Luhansk are clear. When an actual democratic process has peacefully occurred in Ukraine and people actually vote, the US and the European Union ironically and comically declare that it has “no democratic legitimacy.”
Moscow to ban US from using Russian rocket engines for military launches
The Truthseeker: 'Bag a F*g' - A silent US anti-gay campaign (E34)
Jon Stewar Mocks Obama over Putin's annexation over Crimea - 3/25/2014
<warmongering BS Jon Stewart>
Putin Visits Annexed Crimea on Victory Day
<Lies and propaganda>
Putin & Sarah Palin Phone Call on "Tonight Show"
The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon
<cheap propaganda>
Obama & Putin Phone Conversation on "Tonight Show"
The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon
<cheap propaganda>
Obama & Putin Phone Conversation on "Tonight Show"
Conchita Wurst to Vladimir Putin: We are unstoppable | Нас не остановить
< the guardian lying about Putin bringing out anti-gay laws>
Duma calls on world parliaments to prevent humanitarian disaster in Ukraine
Wir sind auf dem richtigen Weg: Nachrichtenportale der Mainstream-Medien mit drastischen...
Die Nachrichtenportale der Mainstream-Medien verzeichnen jedenfalls für den April 2014 teils drastische Einbußen hinsichtlich der Besucherzahlen
Евровидение 2014 Россию жестко освистали Eurovision Boo Russia
Neo-Nazis in Ukraine Foster “Real Democracy”: Mass Murder Caught on Camera
Since the junta hastily signed the political portion of the Association Agreement with the EU, it would make even more sense for the Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics to sign Association Agreements with the Russia-led Customs Union.
If I was the devil I would pretend to be god and or good. I would be on humanitarian missions bombing the people for their own good. The "devil" is knowledge and "good" is based on believing authorities and obeying them.
Crisis in Ukraine: Russia Extends its Control over the Black Sea and Strategic Waterways
The union of Crimea with Russia redefines the geopolitical chessboard. It constitutes a major setback for US-NATO, whose longstanding objective has been to integrate Ukraine into NATO, while extend...
Nobel Peace Laureates to Human Rights Watch: Close Your Revolving Door to U.S. Government
The Second World War was a heroic defeat of European fascism by Russia's Red Army. The same cannot be said for the imperialist Western powers. Far from it in fact, they had sown the origins of the war with their covert sponsorship of European fascism and Nazi Germany in particular to cynically further their hegemonic ambitions.
EU policy to blame for Ukraine crisis - Ex-Chancellor Schroeder
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News Blackout: The U.S. Media Ignores Putin’s Peace Plan
“Let me repeat again, that in Russia’s view, the blame for the crisis in Ukraine lies with those who organized the coup d’etat in Kiev on February 22-23… But whatever the case, we must look for a w...
Tonight: Former U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright joins Jon for an extended interview. Her new book is "Prague Winter."
USA refuses to take back 13 dead cia spies killed in
Why Is Jon Stewart Helping Blackwater Whitewash War Crimes?
Jon Stewart Net Worth
Jon Stewart's Annual Salary
$25 Million
Former CIA director: ‘We kill people based on metadata’
Does it rain in your country? Then you have plenty of food but let me give you a fair warning. One day you will die. So stop buying in to fear politics. Do what is right. Be a human with a heart. End of story. Live.
France refuses to block Mistral warship deal with Russia
END WAR: Madeleine Albright Says Deaths Of 500,000 Iraqi Children Is Worth It; UN Sanction Genocide
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Steel giant calls for end to ‘bloody cleansing’ in Mariupol and Donbass
Ukraine’s largest steelmaker, Metinvest, has issued a call for employees in the Donetsk region to become “volunteer warriors” and protect local citizens against Kiev anti-terrorist operations.
If Kiev does not pay its gas bills by June 2, exports to Ukraine will be halted the next day, Gazprom CEO Aleksey Miller said. Russian PM Dmitry Medvedev meanwhile urged demanding advanced payment from Kiev as early as Tuesday.

Miller told Medvedev on Monday that Gazprom will issue a preliminary June bill to Ukraine’s Naftogaz on May 13. According to Miller, Kiev already owes the company more than $3.5 billion, which compares to Gazprom’s annual gas supply to Poland.
Response to Tariq Ali's article on Syria, as printed in Green Left Weekly
Gazprom to cut supplies to Ukraine from June if no prepayment
Svoboda party votes 2010
Welcome to Nulandistan: A Multimedia Look at What the US and EU Have Unleashed on Ukraine
The Yatsenyuk regime's anti-terrorism operations in the southern and eastern oblasts/provinces of Ukraine are really a use of martial force against Ukrainian civilians opposed to the coup-installed...
400 US mercenaries 'deployed on ground' in Ukraine military op
400 US-Söldner in der Ukraine, Auftrag & Kunde unbekannt
2 мая в Одессе (материалы для следствия)
Videobeweis - Odessa
...zeigt die Lügen der Medien in der Ukraine und in den westlichen Ländern - ein Kind steht am Fenster vom Gewerkschaftsgebäude in Odessa.

Dieser Beitrag zeigt die Lügen der Medien.. von wegen, man hätte nur gegen Terroristen gekämpft. Ein Video zeigt deutlich wer auch im Gebäude waren.. Frauen und Kinder! (Ausschnitt Foto)

Der Beitrag ist traurig, ich mag ihn nicht vollständig übersetzen.
(Link google-Deutsch unten im Text)

Video (aus dem das foto ist) - Ukraine, Kiev junta forces shoot civilian in Krasnoarmeysk, 11.05.2014
Neo-Nazi party allowed to participate in EU elections – group’s lawyer
The Greek Supreme Court has cleared the Golden Dawn neo-Nazi party to take part in the upcoming parliamentary elections, according to a party lawyer.
Nigeria: Boko Haram kidnappings used to justify US military build-up in Africa - World Socialist...

The kidnapping presents Washington with a golden opportunity to secure a foothold in the oil-rich country.
AEE TV News - Daniel Patrick Welch on Russia
America is an oligarchy, not a democracy or republic, university study finds
Die USA werden vom Geld regiert, durch zahlenmäßig kleine Gruppen: Fachwort: Oligarchie.
400 Companies that DO NOT Use GMOs in Their Products
SCHWEIZ: Vollgeld-Initiative will Zinsen und "fiat money" abschaffen!
Bitte unterstützen!
Massaker in Mariupol - junge Welt -
Ukraine: Panzer attackieren Demonstranten am Tag des Sieges über den Faschismus. Bis zu 30 Tote. 2000
Massaker in Mariupol: Bis zu 100 Menschen am Jahrestag des Sieges über den Faschismus erschossen...
Am Morgen des 9. Mai rief der neu ernannte Leiter der Polizeiabteilung in Mariupol, Valery Androschuk die lokalen Polizeikräfte zum Appell. Er wurde durch den Leiter des Sonderbataillons Denpr (ein neu gebildetes Todesschwadron der Neo-Nazi ) begleitet.
Дом профсоюзов. "Я свой, я провокатор был!"
"Videobeweis für Morde (nicht alles waren Brandopfer!!!) im Haus der Gewerkschaften. Auf dem Video hört man Folgendes:

Оператор: Да, здесь, сейчас серьезный замес идет! Меня не пускают!
Затем слышны голоса кричит женщина и затихает, потом
мужчина кричит.
Далее голоса:
- Мужики быстрее! Давай жги! Иди сюда прижарь его! Давай! Давай! Жги!
- Да я за вас! Пацаны, вы человек или нет!? Я за вас, я провокатор был!
- Он хто?
- Та жги!

Kameramann: Tja, hier findet gerade eine ernste Abreibung statt. Ich darf nicht rein.
Dann hört man eine weibliche Stimmen, die verstummt. Dann beginnt ein Mann zu schreien.
Weiter Stimmen:
- Männer los! Los, zünde an! Komm her, brate ihn durch! Los! Los! Las brennen!
- Aber ich bin für euch! Jungs, bist du ein Mensch oder nicht? Ich bin für euch, ich war ein Provokateur.
- Wer ist das?
- Los, zünde ihn an!!! "
Interview J.Berger Deutschlandradio zum Thema/Buch "Wem gehört Deutschland"
Eskalationskurs der ukrainischen Regierung stoppen!
Village near Slavyansk attacked with artillery fire, casualties
The village of Andreevka near the Ukrainian city of Slavyansk has come under artillery fire, self-defense forces say. Casualties have been reported in the attack.   
US Refuses To Take Back 13 Dead CIA Spies Killed In Ukraine
Referendum results in Donetsk region show landslide support for self-rule
According to preliminary results – based on phone call reports from local commissions – in Donetsk region 89.7% of votes were cast in favour of political independence from Kiev. In Lugansk region preliminary results have not yet been announced, but the leader of the local “people’s front” said only around 5% voted against the “Act of state self-rule of the Lugansk People's Republic.”
The United States is providing antitank missiles to foreign-backed militants in Syria as the government of President Bashar al-Assad is set to beat the three-year-old deadly insurgency, a report says.
The participation rate in the Donetsk People's Republic--75%, of which 89% voted for independence.

The participation rate in the Lugansk People's Republic was 81%, out of which 90% voted independence.

Moreover, for the first time since 1917, we see a constitutional act of the people and their power being exercised again from below.

When the US government and its liberals argue that the referendum was illegitimate, they seem to have forgotten entirely the way in which the US was created and its declaration of independence. Moreover back then, the revolt was against a relatively liberal Empire. This time people in Donetsk and Lugansk have revolted against a fascist dictatorship (fully backed by the US and the EU).
Algeria rejects US demand for base
Algeria has reportedly rejected a US demand to establish a military base there.
Angriffskrieg: Von der Leyen nimmt Kurs auf Russland

    Artikel 26 Abs. 1 des Grundgesetzes
    Handlungen, die geeignet sind und in der Absicht vorgenommen werden, das friedliche Zusammenleben der Völker zu stören, insbesondere die Führung eines Angriffskrieges vorzubereiten, sind verfassungswidrig. Sie sind unter Strafe zu stellen.

    § 80 Strafgesetzbuch Vorbereitung eines Angriffskrieges
    Wer einen Angriffskrieg (Artikel 26 Abs. 1 des Grundgesetzes), an dem die Bundesrepublik Deutschland beteiligt sein soll, vorbereitet und dadurch die Gefahr eines Krieges für die Bundesrepublik Deutschland herbeiführt, wird mit lebenslanger Freiheitsstrafe oder mit Freiheitsstrafe nicht unter zehn Jahren bestraft.
Zionists fume over holocaust assignment

Governments tell falsehoods with impunity when the people fail to think critically about what they are being told, Brandon Martinez writes.
Ukraine: Polling stations close in Slavyansk with a turnout of 70%
VideoID: 20140511-039 M/S Electoral commission standing around ballot box M/S Woman collecting papers M/S Woman taking paper from the curtains M/S Member of ...
Referendum Sunday: Kiev Orders Military To Attack Civilians, 400 US Mercenaries Deployed | The...
Ukrainians display their passports as they take part in referendum vote in Donetsk and Lugansk regions.
E. Ukraine decides: Long queues to vote in referendum for autonomy from Kiev
Graphic video: Ukraine's National Guard opens fire on unarmed civilians in Krasnoarmeysk
Goblin News 11: Braune Putsch, Ukraine.
Goblin News 11
The Obama administration speaking on behalf of the US does not recognize the referendum in eastern Ukraine. But the same administration fully recognized and recognizes as "legitimate" and "legal" the fascist coup in Ukraine and the resulting fascist junta in Kiev. So what does this mean? That more and more people in the world don't recognize the Obama administration as being rational, ethical, moral, or right.
Whither Ukraine? CNN map says in… Pakistan
Referendum in Donezk: Gute Panzer, schlechte Urnen.
9 facts that prove the U S is behind Ukraine crisis
400 US commandos help Kiev in its military offensive in east Ukraine - reports
About 400 elite commandos of a notorious US private security firm, Academi, are involved in a punitive operation mounted by Ukraine’s new government against federalization supporters in eastern
Kherson governor calls Hitler 'liberator' addressing veterans on Victory Day
Kiev’s troops roll through E.Ukraine in ‘bid to disrupt voting’ – self-defense forces
<1. Angela Merkel openly and aggressively supported the illegal regime change in Kiev.
2. German firms have lot to gain from the IMF agenda of mass looting of the resources of Eastern Ukraine
3. Merkel did not address the causes of the unrest in Eastern Ukraine: the illegal seizure of political power by pro Bandera junta in Kiev. Instead she starting threatening Russia with massive economic damage. Well, these are connected with Hitler's agenda of seizing the resources of Eastern Ukraine. Donetsk coalminers played key role in the defeat of Nazi Germany in Ukraine and in Eastern Ukraine in particular.>
How convenient it is for the Globalists that the newest Muslim 'Bogeyman of the Month' - the "Boko Haram extremist group" should suddenly emerge from out of nowhere to kidnap a bunch of Christian girls - just as a major International Economic Conference is about to kick off in Nigeria.
Ukraine's National Guard obstructs referendum in four districts of Lugansk region - organizers

Voters in four districts of Lugansk region are unable to take part in the referendum on the status of the region as military vehicles are blocking approaches to polling stations.
Burning Ukraine’s Protesters Alive. Neo-Nazi “Shock Troops” Supported by US
“Humanitarian Intervention” in Nigeria: Is the Boko Haram Insurgency Another CIA Covert Operation? Wikileaks
Ukraine: Thousands elbow their way to the polls in Mariupol
Miami police kill 2 unarmed suspects by shooting disabled car 377 times - Police State USA
Two suspects were killed in perhaps the largest case of contagious fire on record, involving 23 officers firing 377 shots at the vehicle. Adrian Montesano
Lugansk and Donetsk regions vote for self-determination
Russia will not import GMO products - PM Medvedev
“If the Americans like to eat GMO products, let them eat it then. We don’t need to do that; we have enough space and opportunities to produce organic food,” he said.
ISRAEL: The tribulations of being an Ethiopian Jew
"The word discrimination doesn’t describe what we experience. There is another word for it: racism. It is a shame that we still have to use this word today,” he told IRIN.
Netanyahu: Israel must be home of Jewish people alone
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is pushing ahead with plans to change basic laws in order to define Israel as the home of the Jewish people alone. ...
“The Russians Are Coming … Again … And They’re Still Ten Feet Tall!

In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. Information Clearing House has no affiliation whatsoever with the originator of this a…
Sumerian origin of Noah's flood story
For more on the ancient Near Eastern history visit my website The story of a great flood that destroyed the earth was not uniq...
Hebrew Bible: Plagiarized Mythology and Defaced Monotheism

"Many are the stories that were told in the Hebrew Bible, but the greatest story that is yet to be told is the story of the Hebrew Bible itself"
<A lot of the stories in the Old Testament are in fact plagiarized material, particularly from the rich mythical heritage of the Sumerians – the inventors of writing. The story of Noah and the flood story, the creation of man out of clay, Cain and Abel, the gardens of Eden, the tree of knowledge, creation of Eve from Adams rib, and numerous other myths, like the throwing of Moses after he was born in the river, are all but stories found recorded on Sumerian clay tablets dating 5000 years back in time.”

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