Blut muss fliessen undercover nazis dokumentarfilm 2012
Blood must flow. Undercover documentary of the Neo-Nazi music scene 2012
E. Ukraine’s regions gear up for independence referendums
Ukraine’s self-proclaimed people’s republics of Donetsk and Lugansk are making last preparations for May 11 referendums on the status of the regions,
Thomas Kuban - Blut muss fließen - Undercover unter Nazis
"Blut muss fließen - Undercover in der rechten Musikszene" (ZDF Aspekte, 18.02.2012)
Situation in der Ukraine als Warnung für andere GUS-Länder
Bei dem aktuellen Geschehen in der Ukraine handelt es sich um nichts anderes als um eine unmittelbare Aggression der USA gegen Russland und eine anschauliche Warnung für seine Nachbarländer
Krim-Krise: Altkanzler Schmidt verteidigt Putins Ukraine-Kurs - SPIEGEL ONLINE
Helmut Schmidt findet das russische Vorgehen auf der Krim "durchaus verständlich", Sanktionen hält er für
Die europäisch-russischen Energiebeziehungen
Krise in der Ukraine: Merkel und Hollande drohen Russland mit Wirtschaftssanktionen
Die Bundeskanzlerin und der französische Präsident haben sich in Stralsund auf einen Automatismus verständigt: Können am 25. Mai keine...
War of symbols: Ukraine adopts new design to use during Victory Day ceremonies
München: 800 Euro Geldstrafe für Götz von Berlichingen-Zitat
In einem Beitrag für Politically Incorrect-News forderte Stürzenberger später, dass Muslime, die ihrem Glauben nicht abschwörten, zur Ausreise gezwungen werden müssten. Der bayerische Verband enthob ihn daraufhin seines Amtes im Landesvorstand und als Pressesprecher, da er gegen den Parteigrundsatz der Glaubensfreiheit verstoßen habe.[6]
Michael Stürzenberger
China tests 3,000-kph ‘super-Maglev’ train concept
Chinese researchers at the Applied Superconductivity Laboratory of Southwest Jiaotong University claim their fast transportation concept
Syria News 10/5/2014, Behind the deal of Homs, French & U.S officers were operating inside
Cop Sexually Assaults Woman, Then Arrests Her for Questioning it, In Front of Judge
The system that claims to protect freedom and administer justice has long turned into a breeding ground for criminals and sociopaths. Where the corruption was once the…
US blames Russia as Kiev unleashes armored vehicles against civilians
Washington has voiced support for the bloody crackdown on anti-coup activists in the southern Ukrainian city of Mariupol, blaming Russia for inciting the violence there. In the meantime OSCE condemned the use of force by Kiev.
Spectacular video: Russia's top aces perform stunts in Crimea's skies
Crimea celebrated the 69th anniversary of Victory over Nazi Germany in the Great Patriotic War (WWII) with some awe inspiring stunts from Russian aviation aces. Earlier Moscow celebrated May 9th on the Red Square with 11,000 troops, 149 vehicles and 69 warplanes.
Fukushima’s Cesium-137 levels ‘50% higher’ than previously estimated
Cesium-137 is a radioactive isotope produced by nuclear fission. However, it is problematic due to its ability to spread easily as it is highly soluble. It is also very harmful to humans and can cause cancer, while it has a half-life of around 30 years.
GUTE NEWS aus Mariupol - Hilfe für die Menschen kam aus Donetsk
Männer aus dem Batallion “Osten” fuhren zu Unterstützung der Menschen nach Mariupol. Schaut, mit welcher Freude sie empfangen werden!
Später verschwindet die “Armee” aus der Stadt … (mit ihrem kaputten Fahrzeug)
auch da die entsprechende Reaktion der Menschen
Shooting resumes in Ukraine's Mariupol, APC on fire - witnesses
<I doubt Putin will commit to military action. He will wait until even those non-fascist Ukrainians who are presently not pro-Russian will be so sick of Kiev junta that they will all demand assistance with one voice. Putin is nobody's fool. >
‘Pilot program’ revealed: Washington sends missiles to Syrian rebels
Proposal for Democracy
This map shows how Russia’s military relies on Ukraine
Kherson governor calls Hitler 'liberator' addressing veterans on Victory Day
Governor of Kherson region Yuri Odarchenko was booed by thousands including WWII veterans when he told the previously cheering crowd that the Soviet Union tried to enslave Ukraine, while Hitler on the other hand tried to bring freedom to their land.
Medical jet due to pick up badly wounded RT stringer denied landing in Ukraine
A German medical jet which was to be hired by RT TV channel in order to pick up RT’s stringer critically wounded during a military operation in Mariupol was denied landing in the eastern Ukrainian city, gripped by unrest.
Cameron meint, dass die Schotten das Recht auf Unabhängigkeit haben
Der britische Premier David Cameron vertritt den Standpunkt, dass die Schotten berechtigt sind, für den Austritt aus Großbritannien zu stimmen. Seinen Worten zufolge „darf man die Me
<Was meint er eigentlich zu den Menschen in der Ukraine und ihrem Recht auf Unabhängigkeit?
Und was meinen die anderen aus der westlichen Welt zu seinem neuen Glauben??
Wenn's nicht so traurig , was heute alles passiert ist -Dank dieser geisteskranken Weltlenker-.... wäre es fast lustig!!>
Cold War 2.0 and the Threat of Nuclear Warfare
Ukraine builds dam cutting off Crimea water supply
Child wearing St. George's ribbon shot in Slavyansk
An unidentified person has fired a weapon at a child wearing St. George’s ribbon in central Slavyansk, the local self-defense headquarters told Interfax.
Die Gewinner der Ukraine-Krise - Nachdenkseiten
World War 3: The Death of America - Russia, Crimea and Ukraine
State Department blames Russia for Ukrainian crisis
Victoria Nuland (Jew) is the wife Robert Kagan (Jew) co-founder and director of the Project for the New American Century (PNAC).
PNAC is the ideological bible of all neocon.
бандеры открыли огонь по мирным жителям Мариуполь 9 мая 20141 (Low)
Heute in Mariupol. So sehen die Separatisten aus, gegen die Kiew und die EU und Nato angeblich vorgehen müssen.
Odessa Tragedy Survivor: "Many People Strangled by Neo-Nazis After Escaping the Fire"
Bandera kaput! Hitler kaput! Ukraine - Kiev
Not exactly a warm welcome for 'our boys' : Turchynov and Yats are booed in Kiev by people chanting 'Hitler Kaput!!' This in the heart of the Maidan 'revolution'!!
Very different from the reception Putin got in Crimea. Just saying ...
Tanks, armed assault in Mariupol city center, casualties reported (VIDEO)
Ukrainian MP Oleg Lyashko claims that forces loyal to the Kiev coup-installed government have orders “not to take anyone alive.” He wrote in his Facebook account that “the perimeter around the Interior Ministry department building in Mariupol is completely blocked by the armed forces. Terrorists are barricaded inside and are now returning fire. An order has been issued not to take anyone alive.”
Vasemmistoliitto sai poliisilta uudet lippukepit – entiset katkottiin vappuna astaloina -
Helsingin poliisilaitos on lahjoittanut Helsingin vasemmistoliitolle uudet lippukepit. Erikoinen lahjatilaisuus järjestettiin, koska poliisi erehtyi vappuna luulemaan lippukeppejä anarkistien lyömä
Tanks, armed assault in Mariupol city center, casualties reported (VIDEO)
Ukraine: Kiev forces open fire on civilians in Mariupol city centre
<one of the producers of the video got shot>
Mariupol vor einer Stunde
Smile! You’re on Camera! Surveillance Video Catches Long Island Cops Beating Man
"The most dangerous thing is that local police have handed them the lists of the pro-federation movement activists," he said. "In addition, we have the information the whole city is blocked by checkpoints and traffic inside is practically paralyzed."
4000 Nazis des Rechten Sektors bzw. "Maidan Selbstverteidigung" reisen zum Tag der Befreiung vom Faschismus nach Odessa - dies ist eine unglaubliche Provokation aller Antifaschisten und es drohen neue schwere Pogrome und neue Morde in der Stadt.
Ausgewählte Ausschnitte mit Volker Pispers über antirussische Propaganda der USA in Deutschland.
Ukraine deploys 15,000 troops to Russian border, NATO beefs up forces in E. Europe – Moscow
The most recent flights took part on May, 6 when an American-Norwegian group held its inspection along borders with Kharkov and Lugansk regions, and on May, 7, when the same group flew across the city of Bryansk.
“There was not noticed any undeclared military activities in these regions,” Antonov said. But despite this fact was recorded “in the presence of Russian representatives in the official protocols”, on public “opposite propaganda cliché statements accusing Russia of violating its commitments were broadcast.”
Steckt Pussy Riot / Amnestie International / Human Right watch in Arsch!
Wo sind sie denn wenn es mal nicht um Putin/Iran/China geht?! Wo sind sie denn wenn es um Guantanamo geht oder um die Tragödie in Odessa??? Was soll diese Ve...
Cop Shoots Dead an Unarmed, Tased and Subdued Teen, “We don’t have time for this” Bang!
ARD und ZDF: Gefangene der eigenen Propaganda
US-Außenamt gibt zu: Kiew hat Rechten Sektor noch nicht entwaffnet
Die Behörden der Ukraine haben die Formationen der radikalen Gruppierung Rechter Sektor bislang nicht entwaffnet. Das gab US-Vizeaußenministerin Victoria Nuland am Donnerstag auf einer Pressekonferenz in Washington zu.
Die egoistischen Staaten von Amerika
7. Mai 2014, 11:25 Uhr
die Europäer müssen endlich mit dem Selbstbetrug und der Hinternkriecherei aufhören und den Amerikanern dies auch offen sagen.
Ukraine deploys 15,000 troops to Russian border, NATO beefs up forces in E. Europe – Moscow
The CIA, Drugs and the Press
Four thousand ultra-right militants brought to Odessa - Russian official
Some 4,000 combatants supporting the Kiev authorities have been brought into Odessa, Georgy Fyodorov, deputy head of the Russian Civic Chamber's Committee for Coordination of Aid to Residents of Ukra
The Folly of Playing High-Stakes Poker with Vladimir Putin:
More to Lose than Gain over Ukraine
Ewald Stadler - Kriegsvorbereitungen gegen Russland laufen auf Hochtouren
Diese Website treibt Dinge, die ich nicht alle unterschreiben möchte - aber ich glaube auch nicht, dass sie diese Bilder einfach falsch zuordnet, um Panik zu erzeugen.
Ich habe in den letzten Tagen immer wieder von Anwohnern großer Flughäfen mit Militärverkehr das Abheben großer Transportmaschinen Richtung Osten gehört, aus Österreich und anderen Ländern auch derartige Meldungen, zusammen mit öffentlichen Infos der Lügenmedien.
Russische strategische Raketentruppen starten Topol-Rakete bei Training unter Putins Leitung
Gefechtsbesatzungen der strategischen Raketentruppen haben vom Kosmodrom Plessezk (Nordrussland) eine ballistische Interkontinentalrakete vom Typ Topol bei einem geplanten Training zur Führung der russischen Streitkräfte gestartet, das am Donnerstag unter Leitung von Präsident Wladimir Putin stattfa…
How the corporate media whitewashes Ukraine
Cities in eastern and southern Ukraine have become battlefields as the junta in Kiev has unleashed military and paramilitary thugs on the people of those regions.
Iraq: Sixty Nine Days In Fallujah General Hospital Emergency Department
“Mission Accomplished.” (George W. Bush, 1st May 2003.) In Iraq there is an ongoing massacre. Below are the figures of the dead and wounded brought daily, to just one hospital in the country’s lar...
02.05.2014 Хронология Одесского кошмара
‘Prisoner of conscience’: Saudi blogger gets 10 years, 1000 lashes for ‘insulting Islam’
Moscow: Kiev's reaction obstructs OSCE efforts to resolve Ukraine crisis
SIGN Petition: U.S. Hands Off Russia and the Ukraine
Thank you for telling President Obama, Secretary of State Kerry, Secretary-General Ban, Senator McCain, members of Congress and the media you want U.S. HANDS OFF RUSSIA AND THE UKRAINE!! Please con...
CIA Front, USAID, "Spreading Democracy", Gearing Up in Ukraine – Suharto II?
USAID has a history of working with the CIA as a front operation to help them spread that special kind of “democracy” (read as IMF inspired brutal repression) in nations where we have installed bru...
Juden aus Odessa bereiten Flucht vor Kiewer Faschisten-Regierung vor
Under the false talk about the pursuit of peace Kiev fascist junta sends more troops against the rebellious eastern Ukraine.
Morning of May 8, about 8:00 pm, residents of the city Kolomiya, in Ivano-Frankivsk region, western Ukraine, saw the train of military equipment at the railway station.
Together with the technique, in wagons carry soldiers, there are ambulances, field kitchens, fuel trucks, etc.
It is big army unit with full logistics support.
Putin oversees planned military drills on countering nuclear strike
President Vladimir Putin has overseen military drills on countering nuclear strike. The planned drills come ahead of the May 9 celebrations dedicated to victory in World War II.
CSU will Julia Timoschenko für Friedensnobelpreis vorschlagen
Die CSU will Julia Timoschenko für den Friedensnobelpreis vorschlagen. Das verkündete die Partei auf der
Timoschenko bedankt sich bei "Odessa-Bewohnern" für "Befreiungsaktion" des Gebäudes
Presse-Erklärung der ehem. Gefängnis-Insassin Julia Timoschenko anlässlich der Geschehenissen in Odessa am 2 Mai 2014.
<Here she expresses her gratitude to those who committed the massacre in the trade union building in Odessa: >
1500 Year Old Bible Claims Jesus Christ Was Not Crucified – Vatican In Awe. In another 1500 years they will dig up an old "Superman" comic book and claim that it's evidence of a historical 20th Century "Superman."
Ukrainian Lawmaker Says 116 People Killed by Right Sector in Odessa Massacre | The Pontiac Tribune
73 years ago in October, more than 30,000 Jews were killed in the “Odessa Massacre” of 1941. The massacre was carried out by Romanian fascist troops in collaboration with their Nazi allies. Odessa is now the scene of yet another war crime carried out by fascists against civilians.
US Refuses To Take Back 13 Dead CIA Spies Killed In Ukraine
Russia’s Putin outlaws denial of Nazi crimes
High Cumulative Risk of Lung Cancer Death among Smokers and Nonsmokers in Central and Eastern Europe
We use cookies to enhance your experience on our website. By continuing to use our website, you are agreeing to our use of cookies. You can change your
General overview of the
effects of nuclear testing
The Effects of a Global Thermonuclear War
There is much public misconception concerning the physical effects of nuclear war--some of it motivated by politics. Certainly the predictions described here are uncertain: for example, casualty figures in the U.S. are accurate perhaps to within 30% for the first few days, but the number of survivor…
The global health effects of nuclear war
The global health effects of nuclear war, an article by Brian Martin, published in Current Affairs Bulletin, 1982
Chemtrails Trojanische Wolken Doku (wird immer wieder bei YT gelöscht)
It sure is an upside down world ...
War is peace, democratic seceding is annexation, annexation is gods will for a chosen few, genocide is a victim groups right, fascism is freedom, crime is US law, 2+2=693, defence is aggression, green is purple, Diplomacy is 'Fuck the Allies', Popular leader is Evil Dictator .... and the Western Ministry of Truth circa 1984 list goes on and on.
Odessa Tragedy Planned by Authorities’ Representatives – Kiev Official
KIEV, May 7 (RIA Novosti) – Last Friday’s massacre in Ukraine’s Odessa that left more than 40 people dead was a well-coordinated and planned operation with the participation of representatives of the authorities in Kiev, Ukraine’s acting Prosecutor General Oleh Makhnitsky said Wednesday.
“This action was not prepared at some internal level, it was a well-planned and coordinated action in which some authorities’ representatives have taken part,” Makhnitsky said.
Makhnitsky promised to reveal the names of those who took part in the tragedy that occurred in Odessa.
On Friday, 46 pro-federalization activists died and over 200 others were injured in a fire after being trapped in the trade union building in Odessa that was set ablaze during a clash between anti-coup activists and pro-regime supporters in the city.
The skirmishes were the bloodiest episode of violence in Ukraine since the start of the Ukrainian crisis in February. On Wednesday, the first refugees from Odessa arrived at Yevpatoria in Russia’s Crimea. Crimean officials said the two families had been witnesses of the tragedy.
Genocide in Novorossiya and swan song of Ukrainian statehood
As a result, during the clashes and the fire at the House of Trade Unions, at least 116 people were killed and over 200 were injured and crippled, more than 20 are in critical condition. Eight people died after leaping from the upper floors of the building. There are latest reports that the thugs used a toxic gas to neutralize people inside the building
The Odessa massacre:
Anti-Kiev protesters regain control of city council in Mariupol
Neo-Nazi sentiment is rising in Europe. That process is especially active in Greece, Latvia, Austria and Hungary.
And, since recently, in Ukraine. "That is a complete distortion of history, the denial of the very nature of Ukraine as the descendant of Kiev Rus as the state connected to Russia by a common thousand-year-old history." believes Sergey Panteleyev, director of the Institute of the Russian Abroad.
<Haha , great joke occident ! In france we cannot critize israel a minute without being called nazi , meanwhile nazis are supported across europe.>
67 Killed, 57 Wounded As Militants Fail Iraq Town Takeover
In Anbar: Militants tried to take control of Amiriyat al-Falluja. Six policeman, four civilians and 15 militants were killed. The takeover failed. This town is south of Falluja and is home to sever...
Merkel kritisiert Pläne für Putin-Parade auf der Krim
Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel hat Bedauern über Pläne Russlands geäußert, am 9. Mai auf der Krim eine Militärparade anlässlich des Sieges über Hitler-Deutschland durchzuführen. Das berichtete die Deutsche Welle am Dienstag.
<Die Parade zum 70. Jahrestag der Befreiung der Schwarzmeer-Halbinsel von den faschistischen deutschen Besatzern auf der Krim passt ausgerechnet der deutschen Kanzlerein nicht....
...während der IWF die Junta in Kiew finanziert.. die Faschos wieder im Osten der Ukraine unterwegs sind.. kritisiert ausgerechnet die deutsche Kanzlerin.. Russland, wegen dem Abhalten der Parade zum Jahrestag der Befreiung von den deutschen Faschisten.
boah... ist dieser ganze Mist wirklich noch steigerunsfähig??? >
Lawmaker calls for CIS human rights court to try Ukrainian violators
Putin: Far-right radicals to blame for latest violence in Ukraine
Ukraine-Krise: Volkswehr in Slawjansk befürchtet Angriff mit Mehrfachraketenwerfern
Die ukrainische Armee hat im Raum von Slawjansk im Osten des Landes Mehrfachraketenwerfer des Typs "Grad" stationiert, teilte ein Angehöriger der Volkswehr am Dienstag RIA Novosti in Slawjansk mit. „Nach uns vorliegenden Angaben sind die Anlagen zwischen Slawjansk und Kramatorsk aufgestellt“, sagte…
ARD schweigt: Raketenwerfer gegen ukrainische Kinder
Der Mainstream verbreitet, Kerry will ein Referendum in Südosten der Ukraine nicht anerkennen. Ja wer fragt den denn? Was gehen den denn die Ukrainer an? Fällt eigentlich diese primitive Arroganz und Wichtigtuerei nicht mehr auf? Hält Russland eine Wahl unter Bürgerkriegsbedingungen in der Ukraine auch nur für problematisch, regt sich die NATO auf und will diese Wahl-Farce. Wenn Syrien unter Bürgerkriegsbedingeungen eine Wahl durchführen will, ist das Diktatur. Ja, was denn nun? Seht Ihr der Balken im eigenen Auge? Das Pseudo-Parlament in Kiew hat auch ein ganz-ukrainisches Referendum gestern abgelehnt. Die verbliebenen Reste der kommunistischen Fraktion wurden von diesen Demokraten aus dem Parlamentssaal gezwungen.
Timoschenko bedankt sich bei "Odessa-Bewohnern" für "Befreiungsaktion" des Gebäudes
Presse-Erklärung der ehem. Gefängnis-Insassin Julia Timoschenko anlässlich der Geschehenissen in Odessa am 2 Mai 2014. Quelle:
Debatte über Armeeeinsatz im Osten: Rada entfernt Kommunisten aus dem Saal
Das ukrainische Parlament (Rada) hat in einer geschlossenen Sitzung am Dienstag die ganze Fraktion der Kommunistischen Partei von der Debatte über den Militäreinsatz im Osten ausgeschlossen. Dies bestätigten mehrere Abgeordnete von der Regierungskoalition.
<In der neuen Ukrainischen 'Demokratie' kannst du entweder für Neo-Nazis wählen oder Faschisten>
Green light for police brutality: OWS protester may go to jail after being beaten by cop.
Occupy Wall Street protester Cecily McMillian may serve 7 years in prison for assaulting a police officer while the policeman she claims ASSAULTED her goes f...
Odessa tragedy survivor: ‘Many people strangled after escaping the fire’
Radicals set the building with innocent people inside on fire in Odessa, then strangled the survivors and finished them with bats, while police did nothing to prevent the bloodshed. That’s the scary picture a survivor of the massacre told RT.
First of all, nobody expected such cruelty, and secondly, it was too late to escape,” Tatyana Ivananko told RT’s correspondent Alexey Yaroshevsky about the Odessa tragedy on May 2, after which at least 46 people died in flames, when radicals set ablaze the local House of Trade Unions with anti-government protesters trapped inside.
NATO eyes 'defensive' permanent troop deployment near Russia's borders
NATO may station permanently additional troops in Eastern Europe, the alliance’s top military commander said, adding that it would be a defensive measure. He cited “a new paradigm” demonstrated by Russia in Crimea and Ukraine.
The Pentagon has announced the deployment of US paratrooper units to Poland and the three former Baltic republics of the Soviet Union - Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania -
bringing US troops to Russia's very border. Another American warship has been dispatched to the Black Sea and more US forces are slated to deploy to Ukraine itself this summer under an exercise known as Operation Rapid Trident
TEIL 2 Ukraine, Lebendig verbrennen 2014 Ali Iscitürk Movie
Ukraine, Lebendig verbrennen 2014, nein nicht das Jahr 1530
Clashes in Slavyansk as Kiev's troops maintain chokehold
Schaut Euch die Bilder an!
- Zivilisten dürfen nicht 'raus, fliehende Familie mit Kleinkind angeschossen
- Truppen in schwarzen Uniformen sickern in die Stadt ein: 'Rechter Sektor' vor der nächsten Blut-Aktion?
- schwere Waffen, Mehrfach-Raketenwerfer in Stellung
- Versorgung bricht zusammen
USA treiben das Morden weiter voran!
Montag sollte Referendum sein!
Obama:"I Am Really Good At Killing People"
Survivor reveals what really happened in Odessa and how many died (ENG captions)
Odessa survivor shares terrifying experience (ENG subs)
'Obama, why did you ruin my paradise?'
These are the words voiced by 35-year-old electrician Haji Gul, whose entire family was wiped out from an American #drone strike. In a interview to radio VR and a local Yemeni jounalist, he revealed the atrocities in which his young daughter and wife died, due to the US' erratic actions. The whole life, once 'beautiful' is truned upside down:
Odessa tragedy ‘fascism in action’ - Lavrov
What took place in Odessa on May 2 is "typical fascism" and "we will pursue the truth", Russian FM Sergey Lavrov said at a Victory Day ceremony at the Ministry on Wednesday.
America: The Country that Wrote the Playbook on the Destabilization of a Neighbor
Clinton, Bush and Obama: US War Crimes over Three Administrations
On Tuesday, the Constitution Project, a Washington, DC think tank, released a 600-page report by its
“Task Force on Detainee Treatment” documenting decades of war crimes committed by US imperialism...
Jeff Rense & Larry Nichols - The Truth About Hillary & 2016 Pt 1
Larry Nichols admits to killing people to protect the Clintons
This segment from the Rick Santilli show is from Sept. 24, 2013. In it ex Clinton associate Larry Nichols claims that he murdered people to protect the Clint...
The Pete Santilli Show LIVE!!!! Episode #517
Clinton Insider Admits To Murder For Hire Claiming He Did It For The Money
This corroborates other reports we've heard about the Clintons and note that's plural. Hilary 'Dyke' Clinton was as deeply involved in drugs smuggling and rape as Bill
Larry Nichols, former 10 year accomplice to the Clinton’s , can now add hit-man to his list of dirty deeds. Nichols dropped a bombshell on The Pete Santilli Show when he very calmly admitted that he had murdered people, on command, for Bill and Hillary Clinton. Mr. Nichols has been a voice crying out in the wilderness since he brought to light the sexual brutality of Bill Clinton during his reign as Governor in Arkansas.
Hillary Clinton on Gaddafi: We came, we saw, he died
"Decentralization referendum was a minimal demand of S-E Ukraine, and the Rada refused them even that. A referendum, moreover, that it would have been sure to win had it been conducted at the national level (which was the plan anyway).
What makes this even richer is that the Communist Party was excluded from the vote for allegedly making "separatist statements." Most of the Party of Regions proceeded to leave as well in protest." - AK
Ukrainian Parliament votes against decentralization referendum
Yesterday in the evening, a column of a new Cossack army arrived in the town of Antratsit (75,000 people) some 100 km south of Slavyansk to render military assistance to the antifascist people's army.
The Cossacks were traditionally a combination of a people's army, spetsnaz, shock troops, and self-governing communities.
In the Great Patriotic War, Antratsit, when it had only some 7,000 inhabitants, had 6 (!) heroes of the Soviet Union, and one third of the population received military awards and honors for their fight against fascism.
Earlier that day, the junta's interior minister declared that, beside the militia battalions from Crimea, a Checen spetsnaz, is also now in eastern Ukraine.
On its part, the junta's army is crawling with private contractors," fascist paramilitaries, and NATO "advisers."
One of the rising Czech voices: "The US and the EU are upset and alarmed that democracy is under attack when the police leads naked activists (Pussy Riot) away from a public place. When innocent civilians are burned, tortured and killed, women are raped, and children are abused, that's according to the US and the EU a necessary step towards freedom, democracy, and defense against other imperial power."
CIA, FBI agents 'advising Ukraine government': report
Dozens of specialists from the US Central Intelligence Agency and Federal Bureau of Investigation are advising
FBI agent on sensitive job in Pakistan arrested on terrorism charges
An agent with the Federal Bureau of Investigation has been detained in Pakistan after allegedly attempting to bring a 9 millimeter pistol magazine and 15 bullets on board a plane in Karachi.
Бойня в Одессе результат провокации7
English sub
Бойня в Одессе результат провокации
Vineyard Saker
The Vineyard of the Saker
dir ist schon klar das die in der Regierung sitzen sich mit Odessa strafbar gemacht haben... sie haben es finanziert unterstützt via Konrad Adenauerstiftung usw. mit deutschen Steuergeldern Nazis an die Macht gebracht die dieses Massaker zu verantworten haben in der Ukraine... Solche Regierungsbeamten gehören in den Knast nicht zu uns auf die Mahnwache für den Frieden!!!
Anti-surveillance movement calls ‘Reset the Net’ day of action
The coalition has been organized by “Fight for the Future.” Among its members are Reddit, Imgur, DuckDuckGo, CREDO Mobile, and the Free Software Foundation, who are enforced by the civil liberties groups and others, as Boing Boing and Greenpeace.
By bombing Yugoslavia in 1999 Washington practically wiped the floor with international law, thinks Vladimir Kozin, an expert at the Russian Institute for Strategic Studies
Die Deutsche Wochenschau 1940-05-10 das tausendjährige Reich
Tagesschau 1944-2014 70Jahre Ostfeldzug
70 Jahre antirussische Propaganda und Hetze in der ARD
Die Propagandaschau "gratuliert" mit diesem Video
<saved as Tageschau Propaganda>
Civil War? 'Ukraine govt using military against own citizens'
< some good some nonsense>
The Scheme for Souls: Yatsenyuk’s Visit to the Vatican
Ukraine PM: We are at War with Russia, a new kind of War
(Sky News) Ukraine's interim Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk has been visiting Odessa where he told Sky News he considers his country to be at war. Ukraine'...
East, not West: Russia's top 5 trade partners in Asia
US ‘anti-Russian’ missile shield may threaten nuke reduction, officials warn
Moscow believes that the US has intensified its effort to create a Europe-based anti-missile shield and is increasingly certain that it is targeting Russia. If the situation deteriorates, US-Russia nuclear reduction agreements may be at risk.
War propaganda and damn lies. Insults too "Putin regime".
Russia's FM Lavrov: Russia does not organize color revolutions, let alone brown-hued ones
"We are not walking away from contacts with our Ukrainian counterparts, and one result of such contacts was the Geneva Statement of April 17," the minister added.
Read more:
More of his quotes from today's meetings with Council of Europe ministers:
Photo: Sergei Lavrov (left), Austrian foreign minister Sebastian Kurz (right)
Head of European Council excludes EU military intervention to resolve Ukrainian crisis
Herman Van Rompuy believes that Ukraine has become a "victim of a campaign to destabilize undertaken by external elements"
Mike Whitney - Obama’s New Ukraine - A Russophobic, Failed State Ruled by Fascists
(Note: “Banderite” refers to Stepan Bandera, who was a Ukrainian nationalist leader who collaborated with the Nazis. Bandera headed the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN) According to the World Socialist Web Site: “The Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA) carried out numerous massacres of the Po…
Yulia Tymoshenko thanks the people who set the trade union building ablaze
Timoshenko: "I want to say big thanks to all who came and fight in Odessa for our Ukraine. Also I want to tell that all military action that will be released...
‘They need only blood’: Slavyansk woman killed by sniper fire on her balcony (GRAPHIC)
A 30-year-old civilian woman died after being shot in the head by sniper fire while standing on her balcony in Slavyansk. RT’s Paula Slier visited shocked relatives of the victim, who say a Ukrainian army sniper is responsible, though they don't know why.
Obama administration offers $27 million in additional help for Syrian rebels
The Syrian Opposition Council’s offices in the US will become formal diplomatic missions after receiving approval from the Obama administration on Monday. This comes ahead of high-level talks between the US and opposition leaders in Washington.
Hillary Clinton is a War Criminal | Voices on the Square
Submitted by Big Al on Wed, 10/03/2012 - 02:37This woman is sick. This is the same woman who laughed when saying "we came, we saw, he died", after the illegal bombing and regime change in Libya. Madeleine Albright, Condolezza Rice, Hillary Clinton, war criminal psychopaths. All Secretaries of State…
The Crime of Peaceful Protest
Chris Hedges: Being an activist in peaceful mass protest is the only real ''crime'' Cecily McMillan has committed.
Kiev and Right Sector Kristallnacht Odessa…Extreme Graphics
- Western powers, have gotten away with using terrorist proxy troops in Syria and other places, and developed a "no fear" policy for their continued use.
Tagesschau 1944-2014 70Jahre Ostfeldzug
National Russian card payment system established
Russian President Vladimir Putin signed into law the establishment of a national Russian card payment system on Monday. The NSPK (National Card Payment) system will ensure the smooth operation of electronic payments across Russia.
New York Times Covers Up Fascist Atrocity in Odessa
The criminal character of the US-European Union intervention in Ukraine was tragically exposed for all to see Friday when supporters of the US-installed regime in Kiev, led by neo-Nazi Right Sector...
'Spring Storm': NATO’s record 6,000-strong drills kick off in Estonia
How Neo-Nazi Thugs Supported by Kiev Regime Killed Odessa Inhabitants. Photographic Evidence
A Great tragedy happened to the port city of Odessa at Friday, May 2nd, 2014. Supporters of federalism were chased to the Trade Unions House by Right Sector mob. The building caught fire soon after...
Südost-Ukraine: Krisentagebuch
Part 1
'We have no water, running out of food:' Saudi princesses kept hostages by king in their own palace
The Saudi princesses who have been locked up by their father - the king of Saudi Arabia - for about 13 years for speaking out against the country's oppression of women, told RT they are on survival mode in their own palace.
Report: civilians in Ukraine ready for civil war
Citizens of the Ukrainian city of Luhansk, 30 kilometres from the Russian border, are learning how to use Kalashnikovs in case the looming threat of civil wa...
$10,000 a head: Radicals put a bounty on UK journalist in Ukraine
UKRAINE: USA Will Lose World War 3
Nach dem Blutbad in der südukrainischen Hafenstadt Odessa hat Russland von der Organisation für Sicherheit und Zusammenarbeit in Europa (OSZE) und vom Europarat ein Ende der „Informationsblockade“ und eine objektive Stellungnahme gefordert.
Hermann Winkler, sächsischer Europa-Abgeordneter und Chef der Gruppe der ostdeutschen Unionsabgeordneten, hat ganz offensichtlich genug.
Er bringt die Sache schonungslos auf den Punkt: "Wir müssen aufhören, ein Diener der Amerikaner zu sein.“
South-East Ukraine: Crisis Diary (Unique Documentary Shot by Ordinary People)
CIA, FBI agents 'advising Ukraine government': report
Dozens of specialists from the US Central Intelligence Agency and Federal Bureau of Investigation are advising the Ukrainian government, a German newspaper reported Sunday.
Russian Foreign Ministry publishes online a study called 'white book of violations of human rights and the rule of law in Ukraine'.
It considers media reports, interviews with people on the scene, statements from Kiev authorities, numerous eyewitness accounts, including those posted on the internet.
If Germany can have a Federal State, wait a second, and if the US can also have a Federal State, why can't Ukraine have a Federal State.
Why are those countries with a federal state, the US, Germany..., trying to impose a sectarian and fascist regime on Ukraine?
Who is afraid of a referendum in eastern Ukraine?
UKRAINE: Gute Analyse von "Rossijska Gazeta"
RT hatte veröffentlicht, dass das Handelsvolumen mit Russland seitens USA bei 27 mia. US$ liegt - aber mit der EU bei 410!
UKRAINE - BÜRGERKRIEG: Jetzt dreht der Westen auf!
McCain & seine Republikaner fordern direkte Militärhilfe, es geht darum, auf ukrainischem Boden Russland herauszufordern!
Der Bürgerkrieg verfestigt sich unterdessen wunschgemäß in der Ukraine:
Russland rudert selbstverständlich völlig vergeblich - und im Westen wird das von den Bevölkerungen nicht wahrgenommen, weil die Medien diese Bemühungen grundsätzlich falsch darstellen Oder gleich ganz verschweigen.
Republikaner im US-Senat fordern hundert Millionen Dollar Militärhilfe für Ukraine
Die Republikaner im US-Senat haben vorgeschlagen, der Ukraine 100 Millionen Dollar Militärhilfe bereitzustellen, teilte der US-Senator John McCain am Sonntag im ukrainischen TV-Sender Inter mit.
Germany: Hundreds rally in Berlin against 'Ukrainian fascists'
Wie Menschen in Odessas Gewerkschaftshaus ermordet wurden - Details zum Mordszenario.
In Berlin wollen am 10. Mai dieselben Faschisten "demonstrieren" MIT UNTERSÜTZUNG VON MITARBEITERN DES BUNDESTAGES!!!
White Book on violations of human rights and the rule of law in Ukraine is a report prepared by the Russian Foreign Ministry,
which lists numerous facts of human rights violations in Ukraine in the period from late November 2013 to late March 2014
Ukraine’s largest bank suspends work in Donetsk and Lugansk
Buses and armed guards: Odessa Jews ready for mass evacuation
Odessa Slaughter: How A Vicious Neo-Nazi Mob Burnt anti-government Activists Alive
Dozens of people died in flames in Odessa, when radicals set ablaze the local House of Trade Unions with anti-government protesters blocked inside. The city is now in mourning for those who died, s...
The Day U.S.-Supported Fascists began Murdering Civilians A Day that will Live in Infamy
Yesterday - May 2, 2014 - the date that fascist forces supported by the U.S. government attacked and murdered helpless civilians in the Ukraine - is a day which will live in infamy. Those of us wh...
Can Ukraine be pulled back from the brink?
Kiev’s military offensive into the east and south of Ukraine has all but ensured the failure of the Geneva agreement, setting the stage for a Russian response as NATO deploys troops to the region.
Criminal Kiev authorities continue to kill civilians, US turns blind eye on murder
During the special operation in Kramatorsk, which the Kiev authorities conduct against the civilian population of Ukraine who support federalization as many as ten people have been killed
Der Medien-GAU von Odessa
Ukraine-Konflikt Stell dir vor, 40 Menschen werden abgefackelt und die freie Presse sieht weg. Wie das geht, haben die deutschen Medien am Wochenende vorgeführt. Der Bericht zum Info-GAU.
Time to grab guns and kill damn Russians – Tymoshenko in leaked tape
<Julia Tymoshenko: Time to grab guns and kill damn Russians – Tymoshenko in leaked tape. Ukrainians must take up arms against Russians so that not even scorched earth will be left where Russia stands; an example of former Ukrainian PM Yulia Tymoshenko’s vitriol in phone call leaked online. "I hope I will be able to get all my connections involved.">
Putin erklärt in Gespräch mit Merkel Notwendigkeit von Dialog zwischen Kiew und Südosten
Russlands Präsident Wladimir Putin hat in einem Telefongespräch mit Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel die Möglichkeit der Anbahnung eines direkten Dialogs zwischen den heutigen Behörden in Kiew und Vertretern der Südost-Ukraine hervorgehoben, wie der Kreml-Pressedienst mitteilte.
“The International Monetary Fund warned that if Ukraine lost territory in the east it would have to redesign a $17 billion bailout of the country, probably requiring additional financing.” (Ukraine attacks rebel city, helicopter shot down, Reuters)
Tell me, dear reader, when was the last time you heard of the IMF threatening to withhold funds if a political leader didn’t wage war on his own people?"
Russophobic, fascist-ruled failed state
Obama’s plan for the “New Ukraine” is a fascist-ruled failed state that follows Washington’s directives.
These killings of civilians are part of a carefully planned military agenda involving both the National Guard as well organized armed Neo-Nazi mobs, casually described by the media as pro-Ukrainian activists. These are the foot soldiers of the Western military alliance. The Odessa killings bear the fingerprints of a US-NATO led intelligence operation, with both National Guard and Right Sector militants trained in paramilitary combat skills including the killings of innocent civilians.
Newly appointed Odessa police chief vows to revise release of anti-Kiev activists
Provocation gone wrong: Murky forces instigating Odessa violence?
The evidence leads one to conclude that the football fans could have been manipulated while unknown forces instigated the violence.
<I remember when I first saw those red armbands in pictures supposedly showing 'pro-Russians'(a lot of those that had them didn't even have St George's ribbons as well) I thought it looked a bit strange as nowhere else in anti-Kiev protest marches anywhere did anyone ever wear a red armband. It seems like it was being used so the provocateurs could distinguish each other from legitimate protesters.>
F$%k the EU! (The EU is F*#ked) - The Geneva Business Insider
in Russian
No Russians among Slavyansk self-defense forces – NYT reporters
Ingolstadt (DK) Putin ist an allem Schuld? Von wegen, sagt Willy Wimmer (CDU). Die USA wollen ihre Macht ausdehnen und könnten Europa einen Krieg bescheren, sagt der ehemalige Parlamentarische Staatssekretär beim Bundesminister für Verteidigung (1988 bis 1992). Der 71-Jährige ist außerdem ehemaliger Vizepräsident der Organisation für Sicherheit und Zusammenarbeit in Europa (OSZE).
Ex-Staatssekretär Willy Wimmer (CDU) über die Krim-Krise und die Rolle der USA - Lesen Sie mehr auf:
Ukraine: Festgehaltene keine Mitglieder der OSZE-Mission - OSZE-Sprecher Neukirch
Blutbad in Ukraine: Moskau fordert von OSZE und Europarat objektive Stellungnahme
Nach dem Blutbad in der südukrainischen Hafenstadt Odessa hat Russland von der Organisation für Sicherheit und Zusammenarbeit in Europa (OSZE) und vom Europarat ein Ende der „Informationsblockade“ und eine objektive Stellungnahme gefordert.
Odessa, 2nd of MAY
The other day, on the 3rd of May, people who have tried to stop ultra’s or managed to escape the massacre, have been arrested for terrorism. 2 days of silence and mourning have been established in Ukraine, but only for dead ultra’s, not for those killed by ultra’s. Most cynic version of Ukrainian government is that 38 people have set on fire themselves. On the 3rd of
May, people gathered to bring flowers and to protest against arrested people. Kiev government announced it was legal to create chaos in Odessa and the rioters were not guilty, because people killed themselves inside of the building. Later on, Iryna Farion, nationalist politician published “Bravo, Odessa. Ultra’s and fans are the best rioters. Let the demons burn in hell. Bravo”.
Rettungsarzt beim Großbrand in Odessa als "Jude" behindert und mißhandelt
Odessa slaughter: How vicious mob burnt anti-govt activists alive (GRAPHIC IMAGES)
The US-NATO sponsored Kiev coalition government is responsible for the killings perpetrated by Neo-Nazi Right Sector mobs and security forces in Odessa in which at least 43 people were killed.
People in Ukraine's Odessa died instantly, poisoned by unknown substance - report
During the fire at Odessa's Trade Unions House people died instantly, having been poisoned by an unidentified substance, the UNIAN news agency reported on Saturday.
Was wird geschehen? 2014 2015...
Ukraine Crisis Today: Democracy caught on camera (this will never be shown on mainstream media)
Published on May 4, 2014
[Exclusive footage] Rebirth of Fascism. U.S. warmongers along with EU/NATO politicians have installed (through violent, artificial revolution) a pro-fascist government in Ukraine and are now trying to start a civil war within the country.
Odessa police release 67 anti-govt activists after crowd surrounds police HQ
Ukraine Crisis Today: Democracy caught on camera (this will never be shown on mainstream media)
Western Military “Monitors” Turn Up in Eastern Ukraine: Captured “OSCE Observers” are NATO Officers
58 foreigners arrested in Venezuela
Fifty-eight foreigners are arrested in Venezuela on suspicion of inciting anti-government protests.
Krisenherd Ukraine [Archiv] - Seite 70 - HPF
Die Ukraine hat sich für Russland entschieden. Die Konsequenzen können wir heute beobachten.
Mit besten Grüßen von OPTOR!
Was wird geschehen? 2014 2015...
Сотник Микола докладывает ситуацию об Одессе 2 мая 2014 года
Radicals shooting at people in Odessa’s burning building caught on tape
"Europa krümmt sich wie der Wurm, ehe ihn der Stiefel zertritt." Karl Kraus
"Washington beabsichtigt Russlands Untergang"
von Paul Craig Roberts
CIA, FBI agents active in Ukraine: Report
The CIA and FBI are helping the interim govt. in Kiev to end the crisis in eastern Ukraine, a report says.
Ukrainian Ultras attacking Presidential Candidate Oleg Tsarev, Kiev April 14, 2014
2014 Odessa Massacre / Odessa Khatyn
Over 10 people have died and around 40 have been injured after members of Right Sector opened fire on civilians in eastern Ukraine, the People’s Mayor of Slavyansk has said.
Civilians had reportedly formed a human chain to protect their village from members of the right-wing group.
“In the village of Andreevka [suburb of Slavyansk] during the night people blocked entry to Right Sector members, forming a human chain along the road. Members of Right Sector opened fire, killing over 10 people,” anti-government leader Vyacheslav Ponomarev told Russia’s Interfax news agency in a telephone conversation. Ponomarev was appointed the 'People’s Mayor' of Slavyansk after pro-federalization activists took control of the city on April 12.
According to the People’s Mayor, members of Right Sector would not allow anyone to move the wounded and opened fire on people who tried to approach them.
Americas Third World War
How 6 million People Were killed in CIA secret wars against third world countries
FBI und CIA beraten ukrainische Machthaber
Dutzende von Mitarbeitern des FBI und der CIA beraten die neuen Machthaber in der Ukraine, berichtet die Bildzeitung.
Avoiding facts? MSM uncertain who is behind deadly Odessa blaze
UKRAINE: IRIB-Interview heute
Szenario I
Die USA wollen in der Ukraine blutiges Chaos anrichten, um Russland zum Eingreifen zu zwingen. Wenn das erreicht ist, soll Russland weltweit geächtet, mit Sanktionen und Embargos überzogen werden - und auf diese Weise an die Wand gedrückt.
Schon immer liebäugeln die USA damit, Russland zerbrechen zu lassen wie früher die Sowjetunion. Das ist das höchste Ziel der USA für Europa. Und selbstverständlich ist es dafür notwendig, dass die innereuropäischen Geschäfte mit Russland möglichst kräftig gestört und am liebsten ganz unterbunden werden.
Mike Whitney - Obama’s New Ukraine - A Russophobic, Failed State Ruled by Fascists
(Note: “Banderite” refers to Stepan Bandera, who was a Ukrainian nationalist leader who collaborated with the Nazis. Bandera headed the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN) According to the World Socialist Web Site: “The Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA) carried out numerous massacres of the Po…
Svoboda is a Neo-Nazi Party, Ukraine’s fourth biggest party holding 36 seats out of 450 in parliament.
They’re also part of the Alliance of European National Movements along with the BNP and Jobbik. Svoboda is supported directly by the Obama Administration. This is the Svoboda and “Right Sector”- the Neo-Nazi group which led the “protest movement” in Ukraine. These Neo-Nazis are armed gunmen.
EPA sued for failure to regulate ocean dumping of PCBs
Navy Ship Sinking Pollutes Sea with Toxic PCBs
EPA sued for failure to regulate ocean dumping of PCBs
Finnlands Außenminister: Lage in Ukraine unberechenbar – Sanktionen gegen Moskau bringen nichts
Die Situation in der Ukraine ist nach Ansicht von Finnlands Außenminister Erkki Tuomioja unberechenbar geworden. „Neue Sanktionen gegen Russland werden die Krise nicht beizulegen helfen“, erklärte Tuomioja am Samstag nach Angaben des finnischen Radio- und TV-Senders Yle.
UKRAINE: Kritische Stimmen im westlichen Lager mehren sich
Finnland sieht keinen Sinn in weiteren Sanktionen gegen Russland und fordert den innerukrainischen Dialog.
Bulgarien fordert von der Ukraine das gleiche wie Russland: Entwaffnung radikaler Kräfte.
Ohio school plans to drug test every student — using $40 kits sold by its president’s brother
A Massachusetts-based medical company hopes to expand its market into drug-testing private school students with the help of its CEO’s brother.
'Hold dialog instead of blaming Russia'
Instead of blaming Russia, West should convince Ukraine to hold talks with protesters, an analyst says.
Ewald Stadler - Panzer Transporte durch Österreich / Krieg mit Russland?
Putin: Kiev, Western allies responsible for Ukraine bloodshed
Kiev's government and its western allies bear full responsibility for the recent bloodshed in Ukraine, Russia's presidential spokesman has said, adding it is...
People in Ukraine's Odessa died instantly, poisoned by unknown substance - report
During the fire at Odessa's Trade Unions House people died instantly, having been poisoned by an unidentified substance, the UNIAN news agency reported on Saturday.
CDC forced to release documents showing they knew vaccine preservative causes autism
By Dave MihalovicThe RefusersFebruary 25th, 2014 PhD Scientist and Biochemist Reveals Hidden CDC Documents Showing Thimerosal In Vaccines Increase Neurologic Disorders The CDC has been shunning the correlations between thimerosal and neurological disorders for a very long time. Although the FDA gav…
George Soros’ Giant Globalist Footprint in Ukraine’s Turmoil
NATO-Truppen in ukrainischer Uniform?
Offenbar ist die NATO in der Ukraine deutlich aktiver, als es offiziell zugegeben wird. In einem ...
Rightwing sector in Ukraine
Ukrainische Militärleute sprechen Italienisch bei Kramatorsk
Interesting that even after the so-called "international observers" that were detained in eastern Ukraine just before Kiev launched yet another heavily armed assault on the region turned out to be NATO officers
END WAR: Madeleine Albright Says Deaths Of 500,000 Iraqi Children Is Worth It; UN Sanction Genocide
Dozens dead in Odessa as Ukraine conflict intensifies - See more at:
US is 'running show' in Ukraine - Lavrov
"It's quite telling they chose the moment of the Vice-President of the US' visit to announce the resumption of this operation because the launching of this operation happened immediately after John Brennon's [head of the CIA] visit to Kiev," Lavrov said.
Shocking Odessa video: Trapped people jump out of burning building
Ukraine Crisis - What You're Not Being Told
Ukraine Crisis - What You're Not Being Told
PROOF: Hacked U.S. State Dept. E-mail Shows U.S. Ordering Terrorist Attacks in Ukraine to "frame-up" Russia and provide excuse for War!
Lugansk declares state of emergency, mobilization amid Kiev’s punitive op
Self-defense forces have declared a state of emergency and full mobilization in the eastern region of Lugansk, amid Kiev’s punitive military operation in the region.
The people’s governor of the Lugansk region, Valery Bolotov, has issued a statement declaring the state of emergency in the region, the representative of the so-called united army of the south-east told RIA Novosti.
Appearing with Germany’s Merkel, Obama backs Ukraine crackdown - World Socialist Web Site
Using arguments steeped in hypocrisy and lies, the US president escalated threats against Russia and justified the violent suppression of protests in eastern Ukraine.
American Drug War: The Last White Hope: Pre Release Cut
This American refused to become an FBI informant. Then the government made his family's life hell.
Plus, secret recordings reveal FBI threats.
Senate report set to reveal Djibouti as CIA ‘black site’ | Al Jazeera America
Horn of Africa nation has denied hosting secret prison facilities for US, but classified document may undermine claim
Russia forgives debts to many, no one forgives Russia's debts
Reborn Russia clears Soviet debt
Russia has laid to rest the financial ghosts of the Cold War, paying back its entire Soviet-era debt to western countries.
The Kremlin claimed Russia has now become a fully-fledged member of the developed world after paying back $22bn (£12bn) of debt owed to the Paris Club - a group of 17 creditors including the US and the UK.
The Paris Club debts of, originally, about $60bn date from the fall of communism, when Russia took on all the foreign debt owed by former members of the USSR.
Almost half of it was lent by Germany. Russia had at times threatened to default on the debt, arguing that it should not be held to ransom because of the commercial shortcomings of the previous, discredited regime.
Lest we forget - between 1991 and 2001 Russia paid for the debts of the USSR, which included the debts of Ukraine & other CIS states.
Britain says it plans to resume delivering aid to foreign-backed militants operating against the government in Syria.
West reluctant to point finger at nationalist radicals in Ukraine crisis
Aggressor für weiteres Vorgehen verzweifelt gesucht!
Cashkurs – Ihre unabhängige Finanzinformationsplattform zu den Themen Börse, Wirtschaft, Finanzmarkt von und mit Dirk Müller
The Ukrainian government is killing its own civilians. Humanitarian intervention? No fly zone? Arm the rebels? Oh I forgot, we only help terrorists now.
Paul Joseph Watson
Ukraine: Odessa declares three day mourning for 41 people burned alive by Right Sector fighters
Three-day mourning is declared in Odessa over Friday's tragic events, which took 41 lives, according to the information of the city council. According to the updated information, hospitals received 1
NATO Jagdpanzer auf dem Weg zur Ostfront - Nie wieder Krieg!
In Österreich wurden Züge mit Hunderten Panzern mit verdeckten Hoheitsabzeichen gesichtet: Kriegsvorbereitungen der NATO gegen Rußland. Will Obama den Krieg?...
Geoengineering Affects You and Your Loved Ones
This "international order" is nothing more than a euphemism for empire, and it is a dangerous, destructive empire.
Pepe Escobar
Kerry verweigert Erörterung von Ukraine in Telefonat mit Lawrow
Russland macht Kiew für die Tragödie in Odessa verantwortlich
US policies on Russia ‘to herald WWIII’
An analyst says the US’s hawkish policies against Russia will trigger “World War III.”
Tony Cartalucci said the NATO agenda “is and always was about the expansion of Europe and the containment of Russia.”
ZDF warmongering liars and defenders of Ukrainian Neo-Nazi
ARD is spreading lies about the Ukraine and sides with murderers.
UKRAINE: Massaker in Odessa!
Das Gewerkschaftshaus brennt, 'zig Tote liegen im Blut in den Fluren, meldet RT.
USA/EU zeigen sich "besorgt". Aber um wen? Um ihre Nazi-Killertruppen?
Hinter der Fichte: ARD: Massaker von Odessa irgendwie ausgebrochen
Konzern- bzw. Staatsmedien und Politiker von schwarz bis grün, von NATO bis UNO führen die Völker hinter die Fichte. Dort holen wir die Menschen wieder ab. Gebt diese Informationen hier weiter. Es gibt kein Copyright für die Wahrheit.
Der Faschismus ist nach 70 Jahren zurück in Odessa. Pro-EU-Faschisten haben viele Menschen getötet. Im Gewerkschaftshaus sind 38 Menschen lebendig verbrannt, 15 Menschen erstickt, 8 Menschen in den Tod gesprungen, etwa 20 Menschen wurden erschlagen. Gemerkt? Bei uns heissen Menschen "Menschen" und Faschisten "Faschisten".
Ze BEST so far!!
Washington Intends Russia’s Demise — Paul Craig Roberts
Unless the Wolfowitz doctrine is abandoned, nuclear war is the likely outcome.
Sectoral sanctions coming due to Ukraine crisis, Obama, Merkel warn Russia
Odessa Massacre Pushes Ukraine to the Edge. Towards a Larger Destructive Conflict?
Immensely unpopular and wholly illegitimate, the regime in Kiev stands little chance in any upcoming election. It is also faced with the self-imposed economic ruination of Ukraine, after willfully accepting IMF conditions which include crippling austerity measures that will only further diminish the regime’s support and stability.
Sophisticated US Weapons for Al Qaeda Mercenaries in Syria
Syria has been gripped by deadly violence since 2011. Over 150,000 people have reportedly been killed and millions displaced due to the violence fueled by Western-backed militants.
According to reports, the Western powers and their regional allies — especially Qatar, Saudi Arabia and Turkey — are supporting the militants operating inside Syria.
The IMF’s “Rescue Package”. Coercing Ukraine into a Civil War
“Go to war with your pro-Russian Ukrainian brothers, otherwise you won’t get the money!”
10 killed, around 30 injured in Kramatorsk overnight fighting – self-defense leader
Cigarette smoking causes about one of every five deaths in the United States each year.1,6 Cigarette smoking is estimated to cause the following:1
More than 480,000 deaths annually (including deaths from secondhand smoke)
Deutschland ist immer noch eine US-Kolonie - die Deutschen werden aus den USA regiert (2014)
OstUkraine: Slawjansk - Armee der Kiewer Junta stürmt die Stadt, 3 Hubschrauber abgeschossen
"Fascists are bringing new "EURO" values to Ukraine ... today in Odessa. The West pretends that hardly anything worth noting happened, and the Kiev junta and its media say that they "smoked them out well." Antifascists burned alive in a building set on fire by the Ukrainian fascists today. Today Barack Obama also said: "We support the operation of the Ukrainian government ..." Obama and Merkel also talked about the need to impose more sanctions ... on Russia."
- Vladimir Suchan
EU Foreign Affairs Commissar Catherine Ashton's Press Secretary Maja Kosyanchich said that the EU supports the Kiev regime's military operation and that the "government" (the fascist junta) should have a monopoly on violence, thus de facto using the old Max Weber's reductionist, right-wing definition of the state.
The Ukrainian flag flying over the ruins of a burned building full of dead citizens is the perfect metaphor for how the fascists will govern.
The Kievan fascists have now killed over 50 protesters. How many people have been killed by the pro-Russian protesters? None
‘Nobody is letting us walk out of here alive’ – trapped Odessa activist to RT
At least 31 anti-government activists died in a fire at the Trade Unions House. Some of the victims burned to death, while others suffocated from smoke or jumped out of the building's windows, the Ukrainian Interior Ministry reported. Another 40 people were injured, including 10 police officers.
3 dead in Ukraine’s Odessa as pro- and anti-Maidan rallies clash
Ukraine helicopters strike on massive gatherings of Sloviansk civilians
Moskau empört über Strafaktion ukrainischer Armee in Slawjansk
Das russische Außenministerium hat am Freitag seine Empörung über die am selben Tag eingeleitete Strafexpedition der ukrainischen Armee in Slawjansk geäußert.
Putins Sprecher kritisiert EU-Haltung zu Strafaktion Kiews gegen Ostukrainer
Die Äußerungen der europäischen Behörden, laut denen in der Ukraine das staatliche Monopol auf Gewalt zu wahren sei, ist einer Stabilisierung der Situation keineswegs förderlich, wie der Sprecher des russischen Präsidenten, Dmitri Peskow, am Freitag in einem Interview für den Fernsehsender NTV.
<UKRAINE - EU: Absurdes Theater
Die EU entschuldigt die blutige Unterdrückung der Südost-Ukraine mit dem "staatlichen Gewaltmonopol", das geschützt werden müsse.
Hoch interessante Behauptung:
1. Wessen staatliches Gewaltmonopol meint denn die EU: das der USA mit ihrer CIA etc.?
2. Wenn es jedoch das staatliche Gewaltmonopol der Ukraine sein sollte, das die EU so gern gewahrt wissen möchte, dann müsste sich diese EU eigentlich auf die Seite der Volkswehren stellen - denn die haben sich gebildet, weil in der Ukraine eben NICHT das staatliche Gewaltmonopol gilt, sondern eine Mischform: staatliche Bewaffnete unterdrücken Seit' an Seit' mit Nazi-Killerbanden die Bevölkerung, die nicht in der Lage ist, sich angemessen zu schützen.
Und zum staatlichen Gewaltmonopol gehört ein Staat, der in Ordnung ist. Ich habe da eine kleine Frage: Wie weit ist das denn in Ordnung, wenn mächtige Staaten(Gruppen) zum zweiten Mal in zehn Jahren einen Staatsstreich verüben und bringen eine illegale Interimstruppe ans Ruder?>
Insider Reveals Arms Deals Behind Recent Major Events
CIA Pilot Confirms Obama's Gun Running Program to Al Qaeda
Celente: Collapse By June 30, 2014! | Economy
By Susan Duclos WLW Radio had Trends Journal publisher, Gerald Celente, on the show for April 30, 2014, and when asked about his forecast of economic collapse, he maintained his belief that it would happen by the end of the second quarter for 2014....
Human chains of E. Ukrainian residents block Kiev troops, APCs near Slavyansk (VIDEO)
„Kiew zerstört letzte Hoffnung auf Frieden“
Die ukrainische Armee greift die Separatisten-Hochburgen in Slawjansk und Kramatorsk an. Die Separatisten schlagen zurück – und schießen bei Gefechten zwei Militärhubschrauber ab. Die wichtigsten Ereignisse im Liveblog.
Spies R Us: The "Kidnapping" of Fake OSCE "Humanitarian Monitors" in Ukraine.
The western presstitute media are relentlessly reporting about the kidnapped monitors of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE); kidnapped by pro-Russian protesters, allegedly helped by Russian special forces. The truth is that the captured monitors are in fact NATO military intelligence officers, sent to the Ukraine under the guise of the OSCE.
Ukraine: IWF droht Kiew mit Kürzung der Kredite
Im Klartext heißt dies, die Regierung in Kiew, die von größeren Teilen im Osten der Ukraine nicht anerkannt wird, soll dafür sorgen, dass sie die Kontrolle über diese Gebiete nicht verliert. Denn würde sich die wirtschaftlich produktive Region dem Einfluss Kiews entziehen, werde das Kreditprogramm "angepasst", "neu kalibriert".
Wall Street and the Global Laundering of Drug Money
For More Than 30 Years, the Big Banks Have Been Key Players In the Drug Trade Official statistics show that huge sums of drug money are laundered every year: The United Nations Office on Drugs and ...
IMF Warns Ukraine: Fight For The East Or No Money | Zero Hedge
IMF approved the $17bn tranched loan to Ukraine last night... Gazprom gets paid; Ukraine gets its cash; and the door's wide open for the US and EU to pour more 'controlling influence' into the divided nation... Except there's one thing... IF UKRAINE GOVERNMENT LOSES EFFECTIVE CONTROL OVER EAST OF CO…
Iraq's April death toll exceeds 1,000 – officials
Independent filmmaker Sukant Chandan told RT that death squads are behind the increase violence in Iraq and they are funded by the Gulf States, which are backed by Western governments.
“Who is giving oxygen to the death squads? It is really the regimes based in London, Washington and Paris through the proxies in the Gulf monarchies. It is only yesterday that [Prime Minister Nouri] Maliki said that Qatar and Saudi Arabia are at war with Iraq through the death squads. So the Maliki government is in a terrible situation, particularly the people of Iraq are in an awful, traumatic situation,” Chandan said.
Merkel in Washington
Merkel besucht Obama - sollte sie den NSA-Abhörskandal offensiv ansprechen?
Battleground Ukraine: A Comprehensive Summary (From A Russian Perspective) | Zero Hedge
This is an impressive, comprehensive analysis of the February 2014 Ukraine coup from the perspective of a senior Russian academic. It details the interests
Deutsche Wirtschaft appelliert an Merkel: Keine weiteren Sanktionen gegen Russland - Zeitung
Deutsche Großunternehmen rufen Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel auf, die von den USA initiierte Verhärtung von Sanktionen gegen Russland nicht zu unterstützen, schreibt die „Wall Street Journal“ am Freitag.
Chemtrails in Southern Finland?
Subject: Chemtrails in Finland
Kerry bashes RT as "propaganda"
Propaganda Terms in the Media and What They Mean - Noam Chomsky
Ben Swann, Why RT Has The State Department So Concerned
The New American Century (2009)
The Sioux campaign to buy back the Black Hills that belong to them
The Black Hills were stolen from the Sioux in 1877. Now, Indians are in a desperate quest to buy back their sacred sites
Oliver Stone: The Untold History Of The United States (2012)
Joseph Stalin
Born: December 18, 1878, Gori, Georgia
Died: March 5, 1953, Kuntsevo Dacha
Full name: Iosif Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili
How many people did Stalin kill?
Stalin killed millions. A Stanford historian answers the question, was it genocide?
How Many People Did Joseph Stalin Kill?
"Stop this hysteria! Putin didn't bring the army into Crimea. It was done by A.V.Suvorov back in 1778 and the army hasn't left it ever since!"
The US Economy Is A House Of Cards
The US economy is a house of cards. Every aspect of it is fraudulent, and the illusion of recovery is created with fraudulent statistics. American capitalism itself is an illusion. All financial ma...
Schröder und Putin
Gespräch mit Bazon Brock: Altkanzler Gerhard Schröder feiert mit dem russischen Präsidenten Wladimir Putin seinen 70. Geburtstag. Kann man, darf man, sollte man so etwas tun? Wir fragen Bazon Brock.
Russia to cancel Cuba’s $29 billion of Soviet debt
Russia is going to write off 90 percent of Cuba's $32 billion Soviet-era debt as part of a deal to end a 20-year dispute, according to diplomatic sources cited by Reuters.
Dänen verklagen Präsident Rasmussen wegen Kriegstreiberei
"Beteiligung am Irak-Krieg war Verfassungsbruch!"
I CREATED AIDS to DELIBERATELY DEPOPULATE HUMANITY - Dr Robert Gallo Courtesy: Dr Leonard Horovitz [in the interests of extending Human Educational knowledge...
Current or Planned Research Facilities: Listed in order of final design output power (ERP)
(Transmitter power x Antenna gain = Effective Radiated Power)
1. HISCAT (International Radio Observatory, Sweden) (350 MW)
2. HAARP Gakona Alaska (110 MW)
3. EISCAT (Tromsö, Norway) (48 MW)
4. VOA (Voice of America - Delano, CA) (27 MW)
5. SURA (Radiophysical Research Institute, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia) (20 MW)
6. Arecibo (National Astronomy and Ionosphere Center, Puerto Rico) (20 MW)
7. HIPAS High Power Auroral Stimulation Observatory (UCLA Plasma Physics Lab - Fairbanks Alaska) (17 MW)
Sura Ionospheric Heating Facility
Sura is capable of radiating about 190 MW, effective radiated power (ERP) on short waves.
GMO Agriculture and Chemical Pesticides are Killing the Bees
The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has failed to protect bees from neonicotinoid pesticides, according to a lawsuit against the agency, filed by beekeepers and environmental groups. Said ...
Cop Shoots Dead an Unarmed, Tased and Subdued Teen, “We don’t have time for this” Bang!
NATO’s second-in-command says Russia is now an enemy, not a partner
Partners - Open Ukraine: Arseniy Yatsenyuk foundation
Dutch police arrest Greenpeace activists for trying to block Russian tanker
Canada's Government Defines Humanitarian Aid to Palestine as "Terrorism".
In a letter to the International Relief Fund for the Afflicted and Needy (IRFAN), Canada's RCMP confirmed that the Harper government "has added the group to a list of "terrorist entities" as of Apr...
Miami Jury: CIA Involved in JFK Assassination
Not a single major newspaper nor any national news broadcast has ever reported that on Feb. 6, 1985, a jury in Miami concluded that the CIA was involved in the assassination of President John F. Ke...
It's not Russia that's pushed Ukraine to the brink of war
The attempt to lever Kiev into the western camp by ousting an elected leader made conflict certain. It could be a threat to us all
Oklahoma To Charge Homeowners Who Install Solar Panels
NSA spies on more US citizens than Russians – Snowden
The NSA gathers more data on American citizens than it does about foreigners, Edward Snowden has said. During an acceptance speech for a “truth-telling” prize, the whistleblower attacked NSA head, James Clapper, for lying about US surveillance.
Heroin production hits record levels in Afghanistan - study
America’s war on drugs is failing in Afghanistan, with opium production at record levels, despite spending $7.5 billion to tackle the problem. Over 200 thousand hectares is used to grow opium, an increase of 36 percent, according to a US report.
Der Spiegel agitiert gegen die “Kriegsangst” der Deutschen
Putin spricht Klartext: USA stehen hinter bewaffneter Machtergreifung in Kiew
Und was Oberst Schneider angeht, so haben die Vertreter der Bürgerwehr bei ihm Notizen gefunden, wo die ganzen Blockposten der Bürgerwehr rund um Slawjansk und Umgebung geographisch eingetragen sind, sowie andere Angaben wie Truppenstärke der Bürgerwehr, Waffen etc. Also klarer Fall der Spionage, entweder für Kiewer Putschisten-Regierung oder direkt für NATO-USA-Freunde ausgeführt. Putin deutet das auch an, ohne es zu nennen, er spricht diesbezüglich in diesem Video nur von "Fehlern", die von OSZE und/oder Kiewer Putschisten gemacht wurden, als man dahin militärische "Beobachter" geschickt hat, ohne zuvor darüber Bürgerwehr von Slawjansk zu informieren.
Die Sonnensteuer – An Ignoranz nicht zu überbieten
Eigenverbrauchsabgabe: Eine Steuer auf erneuerbar erzeugten Strom, der selbst erzeugt UND selbst verbraucht wird… Eine Steuer, die so absurd ist, wie das Besteuern von selbst angebautem und selbst verzehrtem Gemüse.
Kretschmann muss Gabriels Plänen für eine "Sonnensteuer" die Stirn bieten
China: Rise, Fall and Re-Emergence as a Global Power
First published on GR in March 2012 The study of world power has been blighted by Eurocentric historians who have distorted and ignored the dominant role China played in the world economy between 1...
"Demonstration in Kiew gegen die Übergangsregierung"
Gestern am 30.04. kamen Euromajdaner und auch Studenten zum Gebäude des Ministerkabinetts. Die Menschen protestierten gegen die Lügen und den Machtmißbrauch der Übergangsregierung und forderten deren Rücktritt. “Verschwindet!” hört man immer wieder.
Es kam zu Auseinandersetzungen zwischen ihnen und der sogenannten Nationalguarde (in schwarzen Schutzwesten), die ausschließlich aus Mitglieder des “Rechten Sektors” besteht.
So “regiert” die faschistische Junta, sie ist langsam aber sicher nicht nur im Osten und Südosten des Landes verhasst.
PS. In den ukrainischen und russischen Medien munkelt man, dass eine Spezialoperation in Vorbereitung ist, um die gefangengenommene Militärs in Slawjansk zu befreien und dass Spezialeinheiten einiger EU Länder (im Originalartikel ist es Polen) schon bereit sind!!! Aber vielleicht ist es nur ein Gerücht, wir werden sehen
ZDF - Die Anstalt - vom 29.04.2014
Empfehlung zur Thematik Geld und Macht:
Geld Regiert Die Welt - Die Macht Der Finanzkonzerne (Doku - ARD)
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