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Monday, May 5, 2014

Ukraine May 5 FB Collection

Ukraine April 5

schreckliche Neuigkeiten aus Odessa
(ich habe das mal "schnell" übersetzt... für mehr reicht es heute nicht mehr! sorry)
Odessa! Liebe!
Sie haben mehr als 100 Personen als vermisst, man findet sie nicht in Krankenhäusern und Leichenhallen. Es ist schwer für mich zu schreiben, aber sie sind nicht mehr am Leben.
126 Leichen befinden sich im Keller des Hauses von Gewerkschaften. Sie wurden getötet, sie sind "nicht" verbrannt. Es war die Gestapo. Aus diesem Grund ist das Gebäude gesperrt.
Jetzt ist die Stadt belagert von etwa zweitausend Pravosekov, um die Entfernung der toten Körper zu gewährleisten. Sieholen sie heraus, verbrennen und/oder begraben sie.
Ich weiß nicht, weiß nicht, was in einer solchen Situation zu tun.
Und mehr... Heute, Montag, wird eine Massen-Beerdigung der identifizierten Opfer stattfinden. Es sind gewalttätige Provokationen bei dieser Beerdigung geplant.
Sehr vorsichtig sein. Männer! Trotz Elend und Hoffnungslosigkeit, bewaffnet Euch möglicherweise, wer kann... In Odessa ist Krieg. Echter Krieg! O Herr, merke Dir alle von diesen Unmenschen und gebe ewige Ruhe den unschuldigen Opfer...

Was Schmiergel hier macht ist ganz einfach: Wut schüren. Durch einen Lügenbrei sollen die Bürger motiviert werden, sich militärisches Eingreifen der Nato und mehr und härtere Sanktionen gegen Russland zu wünschen.
Gegenmittel: Einfach diese wenigen Tatsachen merken:
- Das Kiewer Regime wurde mit CIA-Hilfe und gezielt seit längerem unterstützten radikalen Nazikillern an die Macht geputscht.
- Vor allem Menschen, die Russen sind, pro-russisch, die russisch sprechen oder einfach nur einen föderalen Staat mit weitgehender Autonomie für die Oblasten (Verwaltungsbezirke) sind, können sich unter diesem korrupten und halbkriminellen Regime nicht sicher fühlen.
- Wenn die verunsicherte Bevölkerung dann Volkswehren bildet und die Verwaltung übernimmt, heißt es: Das sind verkleidete Russen. Gelogen, das sind Einheimische, hat auch die New York Times heute für eine der umstrittensten Städte, Slawjansk, zugegeben.
- Russland wird beschuldigt, Truppen und große Geheimdienst-Kontingente in den Süden und Osten der Ukraine geschickt zu haben. Typisch Nato: Man wirft den anderen vor, was man selbst tut; Psychologen nennen diesen Defekt: "Projektion". Nicht die Russen sind dort aktiv, sondern die CIA und die ganze Nato entsendet Personal.
Putin/Russland kämpft auf höchster Ebene gegen die verbrecherische Bürgerkriegspolitik des Westens!
Der Gang der Dinge ist: Washington und die von Deutschland angeführte EU versuchen mit allen kriminellen Mitteln, in der Ukraine einen Bürgerkrieg anzuzetteln.
Damit soll Russland dazu gebracht werden, militärisch einzugreifen. Wenn das erreicht ist, kann Washington die Großmaschine in Gang setzen:
1. Weltweite Ächtung durch die bewährte globale Politik des Armumdrehens bei allen abhängigen Regierungen. Nie vergessen: die USA haben in 155 Staaten der Welt Soldaten stationiert.
2. Sanktionen sollen
2.1 Russland daran hindern, seine Energierohstoffe erfolgreich weltweit zu verkaufen
2.2 seine wichtigsten Wirtschaftszweige maximal schädigen
2.3 soziale UND politische Unruhe in Russland fördern
2.4 Russland zwingen, den Raketenschild der Nato in Europa zu akzeptieren, der das Gleichgewicht des Schreckens zerstört und damit die Kriegsgefahr in Europa maximal vergrößert. Das wiederum zwingt Europa tiefer in Gehorsam gegenüber Washington. Der Raketenschild ist damit nicht nur ein feindliches Instrument gegen Russland, er ist ebenso schlecht für Europa.
2.5 Putin stürzen. Nie vergessen: Mit dem Hochverräter und korrupten Magnaten Chodorkowski hat der Westen bereits den Wunschkandidaten in der Hand, der Putin dann ersetzen soll.
3. Regime Change in Russland
Teil des Gesamtplans ist der Umsturz in Russland. Damit hätte der Westen GLEICHZEITIG
Iran und
unter Druck gesetzt.
Durch derartige Zusammenballungen entstehen allerdings auch Gegenkräfte.
Synopsis of the Odessa massacre: Andrey Parabui, the head of the Ukraine Security Council, arrived in Odessa apparently the day before the massacre. There is a video with him, giving several armor vests to a Right Sector check point at a crossing before Odessa on the day of his arrival.

After massive 1 May antifascist demonstration, the Right Sector and the Ukrainian National Socialist Organization and not just "soccer fans") converged on the city. There are numerous videos showing the Odessa junta police and the fascist paramilitaries consulting with each other and the authorities in Kiev their joint actions.

On several videos, the police and the fascist mob can be seen as working closely together--militants shooting from behind the police, the police letting them pass, etc. In the morning hours, the fascist "pro-unity" marches congregated in several central streets of Odessa, thus drawing there antifascist protesters.

It is evident that this early phase was well planned as a diversionary tactic for the main target was the Kulikovo field with the Labor Union building which was the center of nearly all antifascist manifestations in Odessa. It is also there where antifascist patriots set up their makeshift tent city. The junta felt that this needed to be cleared and that, at the same time, the protesters must be taught a harsh lesson which would break the spirit of this "hero city," a title Odessa gained with several other select cities in the Great Patriotic War.

The diversion worked, and many of the young antifascist activists remained in downtown. In well synchronized and organized columns, the fascist paramilitaries then quickly regrouped and moved against their principal target--the antifascist tent city on the Kulikovo field accompanied by units of the Odessa police. Because of the successful diversion, most of the people on the Kulikovo field were middle-age and older people with many women among them. As soon as they arrived there, the militants not only started burning and destroying the tents, but they also started killing the people. They did in such a way that, for most people, the only exit left was into the Labor Union building. That was a trap.

Once they got the people inside, the fascists started throwing Molotov cocktails and shooting. However, as can be seen on the photos and videos, the fire was mainly at the main entrance and in few several rooms elsewhere. Only a smaller number of victims showed signs of being completely burned. Many of the victims died of suffocation or strangling or their upper bodies or faces were burned. Many of the victims were shot into the heads. Many were beaten to death.

This means that most of the victims were hunted and killed one by one inside the building. This killing spree given the size of the building apparently lasted over several hours and as going on even when the much delayed and very feeble response of the fire department was detected.

All this time, the Odessa police stood by and some of the police with ties to the Right Sector reportedly assisted the fascists by shooting into the people who were climbing on the windows. After several hours, the police then acted and detained ... guess who ... some 60-80 antifascist survivors who then, without food or water, were kept for many hours in the police department, and charged with multiple crimes, including murder.

The one main thing, which the police was interested most, was trying to find at least one "Russian" in the group. Alas, this did not succeed. All the victims and now detainees were Odessites (unlike may of the fascist militants). An angry crowd later that day forced their release .... which profoundly upset the Right Sector murderers. An Odessite grandmother was memorably recorded "beating" with lilacs (who used to symbolize Victory Day--lilacs blossom in May) Odessa policemen who were blocking on Saturday the Labor Union building with the corpses (most likely well over 100) still there.

Only when it was dark, the Right Sector crawled back and came back to the scene of their crime singing and shouting "glory" to themselves. Evidently, the corpses were removed soon after--during the night for today, as various videos show, people started to roam the devastated building still shocked, distraught, and upset. As expected and true to its character, the junta first blamed the victims. They allegedly caused the fire themselves and burned themselves by throwing Molotov cocktails on the peaceful pro-junta protesters.

A later modified line, repeated by Western media, was that what happened was a "tragedy," but one without a perpetrator. The one problem identified was some sort of further unspecified failing on the part of the local police. The head of the police was replaced .... with an even more over Right Sector hand.

Following a cue from Catherine Ashton, Yatsenyuk, the junta's PM, then issued a call (to an unspecified addressee) for an "independent investigation." The same assembly of fascist murderous thugs was planning to hit in a similar way Kharkov. The massive outrage and mobilization appears to have stopped this or at least delayed for now.

Some of the evidence is here:
From Vladimir Suchan:
"The antifascist survivors who were detained from the Labor Union building in Odessa (unlike the Right Sector murderers) and who were released today thanks to the massive protest, reveal that the killings started before the Labor Union building was attacked and set on fire. The killings with guns, bats, and axes started when the fascist crowd attacked the tent city in front of the building. The corpses were then moved into the building. The actuall toll is way over a hundred. Now, the Right Sector received the names and addresses of the people which the junta police was made to release today and they started to go after them."
May 2, 2014 - The date that fascist forces supported by the U.S. government attacked and murdered helpless civilians in the Ukraine is a day which will live in infamy. Those of us who grew up in the west after WWII believed that supporting anything resembling fascism was unthinkable. The moral degeneration of the U.S. state and its NATO allies since that time is almost beyond belief.
EXPOSED! NATO instructors present in Southern Ukraine. This photo was shot on 5/3/14, in the city of Nikolayev, near the stairs of Nikolayev Regional State Administration building. Nikolayev is a region of southern Ukraine, situated NE of Odessa. photo shows the foreign officers with armband emblems of the United States, Canada and Italy, maybe some of them are instructors from other NATO countries.
Von Anna-Maria Binetto
Liebe Freunde!!!
hab momentan keine Zeit die ganze Berichte zu übersetzen, aber das wichtigste: "Es war nicht 46 Menschen in Odessa ermordet, da waren auch viele Toten im Keller, insgesamt 217 Toten (und weisst man nicht ob mehr ist), die waren nicht verbrennt, sondern von der Pistole ermordert und mit dem Beil ermordert, um das Geschoß nicht zu verbrauchen".
Von mir moechte ich sagen - ich wunderte auch daran, weil das Gebäude ist gross und ich ahnte, dass im Gebäude und im Keller war noch viel mehr Toten, aber mass media sagen das nicht. Bald kommt ein Interview mit der Frau, die dort erlebt hat, sobald ich information bekomme, werd ich mitteilen,
da sind die linken:
"Liebe Freunde, bitte mitteilen,
Nach dem Genozid in Odessa der Süd -Ost ist wütend, Krim ist wütend, Freunde und Verwandte in Russland sind wütend…
Ich uebersetze das wichtigste in der Artikel:
Es war kein Feuer im Gebäude, es war die Inszenierung vom Feuer, damit drinnen die Mitglieder vom Rechte Sektor ohne Zeuge töten und brennen den Leute konnten. Auf einem Bild man kann sehen, wie der Mitglied vom Rechte Sektor am Dach ist und ein Paar Molotov Cocktails hat, also er war im Voraus gut vorbereitet. Am 1.Stock die Tote Menschen sind ganz verbrennt. Auf dem 2. und 3. Stock die Tote Menschen sind verbrennt, aber Geländer aus Holz, Stuhle, Tische aus Holz, die in der Nahe sind, sind gar nicht verbrennt. Manche tote Menschen sind von der Pistole ermordet. Warum viele tote Menschen sind nur oben verbrennt – nur Kopf und Schulter? Weil die Mitglieder vom Rechter Sektor haben den Leute mit dem Benzin begossen und dann brennt. Woher ist das weisse Pulver am Boden? Weil die Mitglieder vom Rechte Sektor haben Feuer gelöscht, nach dem der Mensch schon tot war. Sie haben den Toten (Feuer) gelöscht, damit die Mitglieder vom Rechte Sektor selbst vom Feuer und Rauch nicht sterben. Auf einem Bild eine Frau ohne Kleidung niedriger der Taille und ihre Beine sind voneinander ausgezogen, sie war wahrsheinlich vergewaltigt und dann ihr Kopf war mit dem Benzin gegossen und dann verbrennt. Auf vielen Bilder die Menschen sind in den Kopf von der Pistole ermordet. Auf einem Bild eine schwanger Frau, sie war gar nicht verbrennt, sie war mit einem Kabel erstickt”
Diesen Leute, die fuer das Referendum aufgerufen haben, die Junta nennt “Terroristen”, “Separatisten”, ich zittere mich, weil ich, meine Mutter und so viele meine Freunde haben auch fuer das Referendum offentlich gerufen! Und bin ich “Terroristin”?!! bin ich “Separatistin”?!! Es ist total Katastrophe in die Ukraine gekommen, mit USA Hilfe… Was kann man dazu sagen, wenn Timoschenko offentlich ruft den Veteranen anzugreifen!!!!!"
It is quite interesting: Western media and politicians alike fume over Russian military personnel being behind the troubles in Ukraine. But so far, all the foreign agents we can prove are there work for either NATO, the CIA or the FBI ... Now perhaps the Russians are just more professional and better able to keep a low profile ... or something's very wrong w/ the Western narrative!
MFA: Instead of the proverbial "hand of Moscow" the Western press has found American traces in the Ukraine, "dozens of experts from the CIA and the FBI advise the new Government in Kiev," according to a source in the German security services. [see my earlier post] "On behalf of the US Government, these specialists help in suppressing the rebellion against Kiev in the East of the country and in building an effective security structure", the organization said in a note published in the newspaper" Bild am Sontag ".
It is noteworthy that only two days ago, the President of the United States Barack Obama at a joint press conference with German Chancellor Angela Merkel denied a United States intervention in the situation in Ukraine.

Ukraine - aktuelle Meldungen/News - Linksammlung
Nach dem Blutbad in der südukrainischen Hafenstadt Odessa hat Russland von der Organisation für Sicherheit und Zusammenarbeit in Europa (OSZE) und vom Europarat ein Ende der „Informationsblockade“ und eine objektive Stellungnahme gefordert.
Putin fordert bei Telefonat mit Merkel Dialog in der Ukraine
OSZE-Vorsitzende Didier Burkhalter an diesem Mittwoch (7. Mai) zu Gesprächen über die schwere Ukraine-Krise nach Moskau reisen.
Die Volkswehr, die die ostukrainische Stadt Slawjansk verteidigt, ist nach Angaben der US-Zeitung New York Times mit veralteten ukrainischen Waffen ausgerüstet; unter den Kämpfern gibt es keine russischen Bürger.
Ministerpräsident Jazenjuk hat sich heute in Odessa mit den Vertretern der sozio- politischen, kulturellen und wirtschaftlichen Bereich getroffen.
Jazenjuk nannte die Ereignisse in Odessa eine Provokation gegen die Ukraine und Odessa und gab der Polizei die Schuld an dem Vorfall.
“Wenn die Strafverfolgungssystem in Odessa arbeiten würde, dann würden alle Terroristen unschädlich gemacht,” sagte Jazenjuk.
Der Fall von Unruhen in Odessa wird eine Sonderermittlungsgruppe unter dem Generalstaatsanwalt der Ukraine untersuchen, versprach Jazenjuk. (naaa klar!!)
Darüber hinaus versucht er die Schuld an der Tragödie in Odessa auf Russland zu schieben und hat die Generalstaatsanwaltschaft aufgefordert in dem Vorfall nach “russischen Spur” zu suchen.
welche Versprechungen Jazenjuk bei diesen Treffen machte.. kann man hier lesen
Währenddessen haben mehr als 1000 Pro-Russen das staatliche Verwaltungsgebäude in Odessa blockiert um die Freilassung der 160 Menschen (Pro-Russen) zu erwirken, die am 02.05. -während des Brandes des Gewerkschaftshauses- gefangen genommen wurden.
Alles, was diese Pseudoregierung und Konsorten machen, ist hochgradig gemeingefährlich!
Alleine das Monster Timoschenko beweist das immer wieder, wie sie es jetzt in Odessa tat. Dort sagte sie, dass es ganz gut wäre in Odessa am 9. Mai eine Provokation gegen die "Kriegsveteranen zu veranstalten", also gegen sehr alte Leute!
(einfach als Beweis hier das Video (auf Ukrainisch), sie sagt es ziemlich am.Ende)
West actually imposes information blockade on Ukraine tragic event
It is quite illustrative that even in the Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe no one is aware that the blood is being shed in Ukraine, ministry said
East-Ukraine’s self-defense forces regain control of several important towns
Ukrainian military have had to pull back to the area of Kramatorsk airdrome
"Kriegsnobelpreisträger Obama steuert Kriegskurs"
Von Günter Ackermann
Reuters, a media extension of the Empire, reports on the Odessa massacre as follows:

First sentence: "Ukraine's Interior Minister said on Monday he had drafted a new special forces unit into the southern port city of Odessa after the "outrageous" failure of police to tackle pro-Russian separatists in a weekend of violence that killed dozens."

So the massacre is moved way into the background and the main problem was not that the fascists working with the police "based on civilian activists" (read: the Right Sector), as the article a bit later says) killed some 100 people, but that there was some "outrageous failure to tackle pro-Russian separatists" (the victims of the massacre!). The massacre is then reduced to "violence" and it was then this abstract "violence that killed dozens." How much one can torture language in order to whitewash fascism and serve the Empire?

The article then continues after spending some times on accusing Moscow of the "rebellion": "Kiev's anger on Monday focused on the Odessa police decision to release 67 largely pro-Russian militants after supporters besieged and stormed a police station on Sunday." So the fascist junta's anger was focused on letting go under the pressure of outraged Odessites the many detained victims of the massacre most of whom were older and old people, including many women! Yes, having to release the dozens of the survivors of the massacre, how awful does it look in the eyes of the fascists and their PR-sensitive Western handlers!

In the very next paragraph, Reuters dutifully calls the detained survivors and victims of the fascist organized violence "militants" and these people who were actually civilians and unarmed are now turned even into armed militants, according to Reuters that, evidently, never bothered to look at the faces or the interviews with the released people: "The militants had been arrested on Friday after hours of clashes, with the use of petrol bombs and small arms, on the streets of the Black Sea city. Pro-Russian supporters withdrew to a building that later burnt down with the loss of over 40 people ..." See the building either burned down (which is actually not quite true) by itself or somehow the victims did it to themselves--that what the Reuters language implies. There are no fascist paramilitaries in sight in this Reuters account. And the number of the casualties is lowered as much as possible "over 40 people" ... without identification that the dead and severely wounded were only on the side of the "pro-Russian," that is, antifascist side.

Then Reuters caps its manipulation of the story with this: "The exact circumstances of the blaze remain unclear but the deaths have become a cause célèbre for anti-Kiev activists across the south and east." Remain unclear to whom? On top of it, Reuters then nonchalantly calls the massacre "a cause célèbre"! Really? A a cause célèbre? Would Reuters also call other fascist crimes from World War II or Holocaust "a cause célèbre"? Or 9/11?

Reuters then adds as if affirming the junta's supposed prudence and caution, the released ones were only part of the political prisoners seized by the junta. For the junta made sure to move most of the prisoners out of Odessa: "Avakov said other detainees had been transferred away from Odessa in the night to more central areas of Ukraine to prevent any premature release." Any "premature release" of most of the survivors and victims of the fascist mayhem is in the eyes of the fascist junta "premature."

So much for telling as it is when it comes to our richly funded corporate media who are hardly more than PR sluts for fascism in Ukraine.

Synopsis of the Odessa massacre: Andrey Parabui, the head of the Ukraine Security Council, arrived in Odessa apparently the day before the massacre. There is a video with him, giving several armor vests to a Right Sector check point at a crossing before Odessa on the day of his arrival.

After massive 1 May antifascist demonstration, the Right Sector and the Ukrainian National Socialist Organization and not just "soccer fans") converged on the city. There are numerous videos showing the Odessa junta police and the fascist paramilitaries consulting with each other and the authorities in Kiev their joint actions.

On several videos, the police and the fascist mob can be seen as working closely together--militants shooting from behind the police, the police letting them pass, etc. In the morning hours, the fascist "pro-unity" marches congregated in several central streets of Odessa, thus drawing there antifascist protesters.

It is evident that this early phase was well planned as a diversionary tactic for the main target was the Kulikovo field with the Labor Union building which was the center of nearly all antifascist manifestations in Odessa. It is also there where antifascist patriots set up their makeshift tent city. The junta felt that this needed to be cleared and that, at the same time, the protesters must be taught a harsh lesson which would break the spirit of this "hero city," a title Odessa gained with several other select cities in the Great Patriotic War.

The diversion worked, and many of the young antifascist activists remained in downtown. In well synchronized and organized columns, the fascist paramilitaries then quickly regrouped and moved against their principal target--the antifascist tent city on the Kulikovo field accompanied by units of the Odessa police. Because of the successful diversion, most of the people on the Kulikovo field were middle-age and older people with many women among them. As soon as they arrived there, the militants not only started burning and destroying the tents, but they also started killing the people. They did in such a way that, for most people, the only exit left was into the Labor Union building. That was a trap.

Once they got the people inside, the fascists started throwing Molotov cocktails and shooting. However, as can be seen on the photos and videos, the fire was mainly at the main entrance and in few several rooms elsewhere. Only a smaller number of victims showed signs of being completely burned. Many of the victims died of suffocation or strangling or their upper bodies or faces were burned. Many of the victims were shot into the heads. Many were beaten to death.

This means that most of the victims were hunted and killed one by one inside the building. This killing spree given the size of the building apparently lasted over several hours and as going on even when the much delayed and very feeble response of the fire department was detected.

All this time, the Odessa police stood by and some of the police with ties to the Right Sector reportedly assisted the fascists by shooting into the people who were climbing on the windows. After several hours, the police then acted and detained ... guess who ... some 60-80 antifascist survivors who then, without food or water, were kept for many hours in the police department, and charged with multiple crimes, including murder.

The one main thing, which the police was interested most, was trying to find at least one "Russian" in the group. Alas, this did not succeed. All the victims and now detainees were Odessites (unlike may of the fascist militants). An angry crowd later that day forced their release .... which profoundly upset the Right Sector murderers. An Odessite grandmother was memorably recorded "beating" with lilacs (who used to symbolize Victory Day--lilacs blossom in May) Odessa policemen who were blocking on Saturday the Labor Union building with the corpses (most likely well over 100) still there.

Only when it was dark, the Right Sector crawled back and came back to the scene of their crime singing and shouting "glory" to themselves. Evidently, the corpses were removed soon after--during the night for today, as various videos show, people started to roam the devastated building still shocked, distraught, and upset. As expected and true to its character, the junta first blamed the victims. They allegedly caused the fire themselves and burned themselves by throwing Molotov cocktails on the peaceful pro-junta protesters.

A later modified line, repeated by Western media, was that what happened was a "tragedy," but one without a perpetrator. The one problem identified was some sort of further unspecified failing on the part of the local police. The head of the police was replaced .... with an even more over Right Sector hand.

Following a cue from Catherine Ashton, Yatsenyuk, the junta's PM, then issued a call (to an unspecified addressee) for an "independent investigation." The same assembly of fascist murderous thugs was planning to hit in a similar way Kharkov. The massive outrage and mobilization appears to have stopped this or at least delayed for now.

Some of the evidence is here:


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